#Enigma's asks
mysticscorpia · 1 year
Hello! For the fanfic emoji asks: 💖🎃🦅
Thanks for the ask!! ☺️
1. 💖
What made you start writing?
Wow! Well, this one is a little long winded, but I'll try to keep it short!
Imagine, a small little enigma, in their English class, and a teacher announces a project : to write the first chapter of a story about a 'freak' (we were doing a topic about - surprise - Freak Shows in the Victorian times) and their life.
To be quite honest, I don't understand why I liked it so much, but I just kept writing and writing. I would get home, and instead of curling up on the sofa, I'd go straight to the desk and write on my dad's computer till late.
When we handed it in, my teacher read my work and said I had a talent, and that because I wrote so much, why don't I keep on writing? (I seriously look back on her saying I had talent and have to blink). I've read my old writing and well... Let's just say I'd politely shove it away with a barge pole. 😂
At the end of the year, the teacher mentioned that they knew someone who did creative writing courses, and it'd be a great opportunity for me! Take a few years and I'd attended several, and well, I was much encouraged by this author (who ran the writing course!) named Beth Webb, that it made me realise I even wanted to do it as a career. When I went through the hell that is education, I leant on it like a crutch. And still do, even now!
I just think it's ironic I started writing about a "freak" from a freak show, and now... Well all I do is write about a certain character who was in that exact situation. Meant to be? It certainly seems so! 😂 (and to be honest, I've never realised that co-incidence until now!).
(I have my other teacher to thank that got me into reading, otherwise this would have never have happened!)
2. 🎃
Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
I think this is interesting, because I've ironically avoided the traditional holidays all bar Halloween (which ironically is my like,, least favourite holiday - okay, I love the music, but the UK doesn't make it big like America) 😂. So, the fact I've not done any other holiday would automatically make it a: only write Halloween fics? 😂 I don't know, maybe it's because in fiction, I can love Halloween as much as I like.
Autumn is such a vibe, fictionally of course. Me no like le coLd. 🥶🥶
I think making a fic for Christmas is absolutely dauting. I am in no way a fluff writer by heart. (in my mind, I can truly imagine joy). It doesn't always come out in the page though. And well, what person tends to go into it wanting an angsty Christmas fic? 😂
Also, there are some phenomenonal Christmas phic writers out there 😅 :').
Maybe I'll try to do a cute valentine's one? Since there's less pressure to make it all gooey.
3. 🦅
Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
Damn. You outed me. 😭
Nahhhh, just kidding. I'm a bit of both?
I think I'm actually like you, Sloane! I have a general idea in the ol' noggin *taps my hollow-sounding head* but on the times of a harder and more lengthy product, that requires confirmation of facts, little pieces of information, ideas, aspects of background for characters, it definitely helps having a scribble somewhere on the computer!
I love the feeling of Erik and Christine conversing and I am merely the humble translator of their tumbling angst. It gives me the feeling of Frankenstien and the 'monster' all at once and I live for it. I am both the monster and creator hahah 😂.
I think also feeling something that lives and is capable of changing, just by the knowledge of what (someone) is telling you to write gives a feeling of potent adaptability
Why tie it down when a little agility and movement can go a long way? ☺️
Anyway!! Thanks for listening to me ramble 😄
*tips hat and clucks the tounge*
A good day to you, m'lady.
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amanitacurses · 1 month
How dare you draw such an interesting design for NESLink, and not have more?
Seriously, I'm curious to see more their outfit and how you see their personality. Your art is just so pleasing and so clean and gorgeous! ♥︎
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I know this wasn't technically a request, but I'm quite proud of the various designs I've made for NESLink, so I felt like showing them off 😊
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spookybeandoodle · 4 months
Because I’m trash, one of my own head canons I have is that Alexis was one of the “friends” Treasure had and was at the club that night and when Porter says “You’re friends suck” it was a double meaning. Also imagine Alexis listening and being in the corner of the bar like-
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And Porter just being like
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Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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scrimblyscrorblo · 1 month
request : can i see either nikolai or sigma in your art style ? idk i feel like both would look gorgeous <3
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No ‘cuz he is gorgeous?? The gender envy I get from this fucker (and several other characters in this damn show)(Poe)(Bram stoker)
So annoyed they took away his stars in the name actually we were ROBBED and his heels omg he came to absolutely ✨serve✨
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
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I know ur a junji ito fan and I saw this on twitter and immediately thought of you mwah
I just outloud screamed "THIS PUMPKIN. IT WAS MADE FOR ME!!!!!!" so I thank you very much uwu
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ideavian · 20 days
Ask game 15, what does your iterators think of their creators?
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He’s fine
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bitcell · 9 months
the ordem paranormal universe masterpost
ordem paranormal is a ttrpg universe created by cellbit. it started in 2020. as of today, ordem paranormal has 4 seasons, 2 spin offs, and the first one-shot to be aired on september 23rd.
ordem paranormal takes place in a universe with two dimensions: the normal and the paranormal.
the normal dimension is where we live as human beings, while the paranormal dimension is a completely different place, where everything that seems like the impossible can become real, like spirits, demons, among other kinds of anomalies connected to the after-life. those two places are separated by a layer called the membrane, the membrane stops the normal and the paranormal from coming in contact. however, the membrane can be weakened by fear of the supernatural, making horrendous and dangerous monsters enter our reality. this phenomenon usually happens in specific locations, prone to the perception of fear, like abandoned hospitals, old houses and deactivated sanatoriums.
all across the world, different groups have formed, looking for ways to weaken the membrane, trying to destroy it and blend the two dimensions, with the objective of seeking their own wishes, or even, fulfilling a bigger purpose. the members of this groups are called occultists. to stop chaos from being stored, a secret global organization was created: ordo realitas. common people who live double lives to stop the acts done by occultists, which aim to increase the contact between normal people and the paranormal, increasing their fear, and consequently, weakening the membrane and allowing the paranormal to cross over.
official campaigns
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-> the first campaign aired on february 29th, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: iniciação (initiation) it has 5 episodes that are around 4 hours each and all the episodes have been translated to english.
"this story begins in the early hours of february 29th, 2020, when the neighborhood of “nostradamus school” hears a terrifying scream coming from inside the building, the same place which hours before had been consumed by the flames of a fire. this leads ordo realitas to summon their rookie members to investigate the scene, where the presence of paranormal activity is suspected."
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-> the second campaign aired on april 11th, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: o segredo na floresta (the secret in the forest) it has 16 episodes that are around 4 hours each and all the episodes have been translated to english.
"on april 11th, around ten o'clock in the morning, a team from ordo realitas has a meeting scheduled with the man known as senhor veríssimo. everyone goes to veríssimo's room and there he introduces them to team kelvin, a team of veteran agents who were sent to investigate a strange murder case involving a spiral symbol that ended up mysteriously disappearing without any prior notice."
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-> the third campaign aired on october 31st, 2020, and it's called ordem paranormal: desconjuração (deconjuration) it has 20 episodes that are around 4 hours each and the episodes are currently being translated into english.
"the santo berço (holy cradle) was destroyed. the restructured ordo realitas now operates from an underground base. from there, the man known as senhor veríssimo commands a legion of agents who, with the help of more intense methods, seek to save the world from the growing threat of the occult. with a new formation, the team receives a mission of searching and rescuing one of the order's most important agents who disappeared while investigating a strange occult branch, known only as the order of deconjuration."
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-> the fourth campaign aired on september 4th, 2021 and it's called ordem paranormal: calamidade (calamity) it has 13 episodes that are around 5 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"with no sign of any interference with the balance, a new lead makes ordo realitas start to act again. an old case, reporting on an entity described as "o diabo" (the devil), brings together a new team of agents. together, they must further investigate the case as they continue their search for the power of the calamity relics."
the official campaign has been on a hiatus since calamity.
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-> the first spin-off aired on june 25th, 2022 and it's called ordem paranormal: o segredo na ilha (the secret in the island) it has 8 episodes that are around 5 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"on an isolated island, there is a huge mansion, built by a painter who mysteriously disappeared more than 20 years ago. an art appraiser is hired to spend a few days inside this mansion, looking for valuable paintings inside. to do this, he decides to take his family on the trip. after all, what could go wrong?"
(for the qsmp enjoyers, this is where montelyson/romero richas comes from)
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-> the second spin-off aired on october 29th, 2022 and it's called ordem paranormal: sinais do outro lado (signs from the other side), it has 7 episodes that are around 4 hours each. it has not been translated yet.
"the paranormal doesn't come to our reality easily,, but things weren't always like that. the year is 1997, several cases of disappearances happen in the south of brazil. a group decides to investigate the disappearance of their mentor, a paranormal hunter who has extensive research into aliens, mysterious and dangerous creatures. however, something or someone, more powerful and unknown, may be behind all this."
you can watch the spin-offs without watching the official campaign, because although they happen in the same universe and some characters may show up on these stories, they are not connected to what happens on the main story, although the spin-offs may contain information about some things from the official campaigns.
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-> the first one-shot is going to be aired on september 23rd, 2023, and it's called ordem paranormal: quarentena (quarantine) and it will have 1 episode. this will be the first ordem paranormal session in english/spanish and it won't be connected to the main campaign, just in the same universe.
"at the offices of a multinational company called “panacea industries”, five people, looking for ways to make quick money, decide to carry out the scientific test of a new medicine. but perhaps the true intentions of this organization are not so clear when you look at it from the other side."
this is an update from EquipeT about the translations:
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2pacula · 9 months
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this is the most comprehensive translator note in the world
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I am so torn between wanting "Jace was in the wrong place at the wrong time/caught Porter's eye for whatever reason and gave in because he's terrified of the fate that befell Lucy" and "they be fucking and/or Jace was just supporting his bestie's goals this entire time".
But I'm mostly scared of there being nothing
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 5 months
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I just wanted to make a peacock character. They're vaguely inspired by dream sweet in sea major by miracle musical
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mysticscorpia · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
I was meant to reply to this 😭😭😭😭😭 I'M SO SORRY I'M LATE 💔
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000marie198 · 4 months
Nine getting jealous that some of the other tailses are growing taller than him (poor boy didn't realize that welding a bunch of robot spider legs to his spine might stunt his growth)
Remember how in the show he always kept using them to gain height on others so he'd be taller and more intimidating? Yeah...
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pharawee · 6 months
Hi Jane! Thank you for answering my question :D Unfortunately, I now have MORE questions and as the one cursed with the knowledge of this omegaverse, you're the only one I can ask *nervous laughter* sorry
Do they explain the levels of Charlie's absorption powers and how they work in the novel? We know that he absorbs powers through touch and is able to siphon more the closer his is to someone. And you said in the tags that he somehow changed Babe's DNA (that's crazy btw???). Can he change the DNA of everyone he absorbs powers from or just those he is intimate with?
Oh that's okay. I aim to spread this cursed knowledge to everyone who will listen. But also the worldbuilding in the novel is actually really fascinating and I'm having a lot of fun with it (for someone who knew nothing about omegaverse before).
The novel goes into a lot of detail with Charlie's powers and some of it is spoilery for stuff that is yet to happen in the series. But basically Charlie inherited his powers from his mother who was also an alpha (no word on his father). She must have had somewhat different powers though because they only noticed when Charlie stole her powers. Those powers later vanished when she died.
Charlie needs to be close to someone to absorb their power. Babe mistakingly believes that it's through sex but Charlie probably does it through touch alone because by the time he meets Babe he already has a lot of powers (and he's a virgin so things don't add up otherwise lmao). I'm not sure I remember them all but he can change his scent, detect lies, put people to sleep, cause hallucinations, slow his own heartbeat... and then he also absorbs Babe's super senses.
There's no talk about genes or dna at all but something within Babe must change after Charlie absorbs his powers so he becomes worthless for Tony's breeding program. That or Tony is just really stupid. 🤡
It's later said that powers are directly linked to who people are (both as an individual and as their secondary gender) so taking away their powers somehow changes them fundamentally. It usually can't be done and will kill them. Even with Charlie it's more like stealing (e.g. if Charlie dies the powers return to their original owner; and if the original owner dies Charlie no longer possesses their power either).
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officialspec · 2 months
brisbane otta idea; she could totally be a construction worker :O why? easy. got a visual in my mind of otta with a jackhammer going to TOWN on some concrete
LOL her being a bricky is so trueee. i still have to figure out how she wouldve ended up working for the canaries restaurant but im open to suggestions
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ideavian · 28 days
Good day! So, based off the "did any of EE’s citizens have ornamental purposed organisms" question that another lovely person asked, is any part of The Rarity ornamental? It seems to be that the markings on The Rarity's tail and ears seems to be the same material as Eternal Enigma's antenna wings, so did Enigma design The Rarity to look more like him perhaps? Or does the material have more of a functional purpose?
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Rarity’s features are both ornamental and functional! A bit more functional than they are on EE anyway. EE’s antenna wings are solar panels, but they’re more symbolic of the idea that Ancients are blessed by the sun (as well as the void) than a practical power source when he’s connected to his superstructure. EE designed Rarity to look like him partly out of vanity but mostly as the next link in the aesthetic genealogy passed down from his creator. As the next in line for inheriting the legacy of the Ancients, Rarity is expected to look the part. The solar panels are a lot more important for Rarity though, given that there’s basically no other source of energy in EE’s surroundings.
Also, you might notice that they have the same eyes as well :3 another detail passed down from EE’s creator
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askmafiabobvelseb · 3 months
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Bobba has packed everyone who wished to be in the box :D
@jaxsonthefirefly @lunaglitchercc @lilyflame0036 @gooberdrawz @postingwasteland @ethanpig101 @kawaiisugarsweets @mimiocto @rapidbrychange and @trasho-pando2011
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