#Enochian Literature
blueheartbookclub · 9 months
"Enigmatic Wisdom Unveiled: A Journey into The Book of Enoch"
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Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing odyssey through the celestial realms of ancient wisdom with "The Book of Enoch," skillfully translated by R. H. Charles. This timeless masterpiece, attributed to the biblical figure Enoch, transcends the boundaries of conventional literature, offering readers a profound glimpse into a mystical world where divine secrets unfold.
Charles's translation breathes life into the intricate narrative, guiding readers through Enoch's visionary experiences, angelic encounters, and cosmic revelations. As the pages turn, a rich tapestry of apocalyptic visions, divine judgment, and celestial mysteries unravels, capturing the essence of an ancient wisdom tradition.
The Book of Enoch, though not part of the canonical Bible, proves to be an invaluable source for understanding the spiritual landscape of its time. The text seamlessly weaves together elements of cosmology, morality, and the supernatural, creating a tapestry of thought that has captivated readers for centuries.
Charles's meticulous translation preserves the authenticity of Enoch's revelations, allowing modern readers to delve into the profound teachings that have inspired scholars, mystics, and seekers throughout history. The text grapples with themes of cosmic order, fallen angels, and the ultimate fate of humanity, offering a unique perspective on the age-old questions that continue to intrigue and perplex.
The Book of Enoch serves as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, inviting readers to contemplate the mysteries of existence and the intricate interplay between the seen and the unseen. Charles's translation, with its poetic cadence and scholarly precision, makes this ancient text accessible to contemporary readers, ensuring that the wisdom contained within continues to resonate across the ages.
In a world often dominated by the mundane, "The Book of Enoch" stands as a beacon of transcendent insight, beckoning readers to explore the boundaries of human understanding and connect with the profound truths that transcend time and tradition. This translation, with its evocative language and scholarly merit, is a key to unlocking the doors of ancient knowledge and wisdom, inviting all who dare to embark on a transformative journey through the sacred corridors of Enoch's revelations.
"The Book of Enoch," skillfully translated by R. H. Charles is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 210
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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blueheartbooks · 9 months
"Enigmatic Wisdom Unveiled: A Journey into The Book of Enoch"
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Prepare to embark on a mesmerizing odyssey through the celestial realms of ancient wisdom with "The Book of Enoch," skillfully translated by R. H. Charles. This timeless masterpiece, attributed to the biblical figure Enoch, transcends the boundaries of conventional literature, offering readers a profound glimpse into a mystical world where divine secrets unfold.
Charles's translation breathes life into the intricate narrative, guiding readers through Enoch's visionary experiences, angelic encounters, and cosmic revelations. As the pages turn, a rich tapestry of apocalyptic visions, divine judgment, and celestial mysteries unravels, capturing the essence of an ancient wisdom tradition.
The Book of Enoch, though not part of the canonical Bible, proves to be an invaluable source for understanding the spiritual landscape of its time. The text seamlessly weaves together elements of cosmology, morality, and the supernatural, creating a tapestry of thought that has captivated readers for centuries.
Charles's meticulous translation preserves the authenticity of Enoch's revelations, allowing modern readers to delve into the profound teachings that have inspired scholars, mystics, and seekers throughout history. The text grapples with themes of cosmic order, fallen angels, and the ultimate fate of humanity, offering a unique perspective on the age-old questions that continue to intrigue and perplex.
The Book of Enoch serves as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, inviting readers to contemplate the mysteries of existence and the intricate interplay between the seen and the unseen. Charles's translation, with its poetic cadence and scholarly precision, makes this ancient text accessible to contemporary readers, ensuring that the wisdom contained within continues to resonate across the ages.
In a world often dominated by the mundane, "The Book of Enoch" stands as a beacon of transcendent insight, beckoning readers to explore the boundaries of human understanding and connect with the profound truths that transcend time and tradition. This translation, with its evocative language and scholarly merit, is a key to unlocking the doors of ancient knowledge and wisdom, inviting all who dare to embark on a transformative journey through the sacred corridors of Enoch's revelations.
"The Book of Enoch," skillfully translated by R. H. Charles is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 210
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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laidback-thrills · 11 months
Hello all!
I've been meaning to talk more in depth about this!!! I put a "read more" bc this is a little long and I don't wanna clog up the tag.
My DSAF Cult AU is very canon divergent.
Dave Miller is a fledgeling demon who was once a young nephilim. He remembers very little about his past, but something horrible has made him what he is now.
He has a full, actual Enochian name, but people tend to throw up and shit and die when they hear it, so he chose to go by "Dave" because "It's common! I'm a normal, common guy!", but also because he trusted and loved someone like a father.
His demonic sigil and general telltale symbol is the extremely long sacrificial dagger driven into his skull. No matter what form he takes, he will have it. It can be taken out for a short period of time before Dave begins to have trouble staying corporeal.
Now literally borne with a total inability to feel remorse for his actions, he is a sick and twisted monster that does not know how to control his own extremely horrifying powers. He requires a conduit to channel them, lest he explode.
He was all alone in the world. A freak, even when "disguised" as a human. (He's purple for fuck's sake, he smells like rot and he's scaring people!). Connection eluded him, although it was all he ever wanted, even as a horrifyingly malicious entity. It's very much a similar situation to regular DSAF - he was "abandoned", and now forever seeks
Until some idiot.
Jack Kennedy was a desperate man with a missing family and no future. He was addicted to every kind of substance, heavily in debt, and crushingly isolated.
After uncovering some interesting literature from his shitty Fazbender's Pepperonerie job, he decided that he was desperate enough to follow the instructions in the grimoire. Nothing to lose anymore, and a big goal to achieve. A skeptic as he was, he did not expect the ritual to work, but when it did, it completely changed his world.
Jack did not immediately make a contract with Dave, out of pure shock and wariness, but the fucker stuck around anyway. He was offered a deal and spent a while debating it.
Eventually, it went through.
Jack was granted a demonic boon. Power, money, pleasures of the world, and a chance to put them back together. In return, he traded his body and soul for Dave's services.
The process was painful.
An agonizing death, and a transformation. Dave's sigil burned into his back, and all at once, he was rotten and orange.
Then, the demon ate his soul.
Dave benefits greatly from the exchange too (baby's first contract). He gets a lot of power from it. It keeps him anchored. Gives him something to do. Someone interesting to play with. Company at last, and it's someone that can't run away from him!
Jack is Dave's saint. They are intrinsically bound. Jack is the first person to ever form a contract with Dave— Blackjack is caged inside of Dave, alive and warm, providing him with abilities and power he didn't have before. The Black Dog is loyal to its original master, however, and attempts to return to him. As a result, the soul more or less keeps them tethered. They physically cannot stray too far from eachother.
Post-contract, now armed with the knowledge that more souls = more power, and wanting to actually put a use to their power, they get to work!
With supernatural persuasion and a great gambling streak, Jack gets his start in Nevada. There, they build their empire off of the backs of desperate gamblers who put their soul on the line. Hungry, lonely men, hookers, the desperate and the naïve...all are errant souls that Father Jack will lead right on home.
Dave requires fresh blood for any spell, but demands child sacrifices to perform large spells, but that is quite alright. With the influx of followers, children are not too hard to come by. The death of a toddler, and an unholy miracle is performed— Jack's precious little flock has a home, a commune tucked into the desert.
(It isn't DSAF without a little toddler stranglin'!)
Jack and Dave- they get them good. Victims, converts- they're promised security, "God is dead, but we've got the power to help you!" Father Jack's a friendly and convincing fella, it seems, and after all...his Gospel is very legitimate- why have just faith when you can see your new God? When that doesn't work, there's always fear. Don't believe his word? Why, they'll show you horrors of which you've never seen! Father Kennedy's fun loving, but he's a soulless bastard, and he's not shy about putting the fear of all things unholy into his flock.
Of course, once the sinners are deep enough, it's too late to escape. Father Kennedy has some dirt on them. This lovely community is built on violence, after all, and Father knows exactly what they did to get here, and exactly what they've said at confessional. That, and...who does not fear the erratic demon?
At the commune, the "church" is hidden away in the labyrinthine basement of an invaded Freddy's location. (The management seems...more than willing...) The Pepperonerie is a front, concealing profits and deaths from the government. The Priest and the Demon wash their money, wash their hands, and serve unsuspecting guests pizza with a healthy dollop of propaganda.
When they aren't terrorizing their followers, however, Dave and Jack spend their time together. It is with mixed enjoyment. They find new purpose in each other. Commit horrible atrocities and live it up in V E G A S, baby! They're...gasp...starting to crush on each other? They're also sexily trying to kill each other just a little bit.
"I hate this purple motherfucker...but I want to kiss him on his hot mouth..."
Important note shoehorned in—
Jack does not worship Dave traditionally, the way the other followers do. He does not fear him at all. He recognizes Dave for what he is- a lonely, desperate fool. As far as they go, the demon is on his leash, not the other way around. He only prays when he needs something, in the very beginning. As their relationship advances however, and they commit atrocities that would make mankind pale, Jack becomes a very religious man. Not because he is afraid or respects him as any kind of authority (he does not respect him period), but because he is Really Gay. The way he prays is devout and hungry. Only in prayer can Jack manage to say what he means.
Actually, Dave ends up more worshipping *Jack* more than Jack worships him. It's turned on its head. Dave is sooo down bad and in love, he'll do anything. Anything at all for his priest, his clementine. His obsession is very much comparable to canon. He haunts Jack and everything that he does. Jack is never alone, never truly, because a dark looming purple shadow will always follow him. He steals his things and vies for his attention at all times of the day, because he is so wrapped around Jack's orange finger it's stupid...
"Jump." "How high?!"
Peace, quiet and privacy is an extinct concept to Jack, unfortunately.
TLDR; They're horrible to eachother but are in love and their hands are drenched in the blood of children (as usual) but now it has a gay worshipping undertone.
This is not everything, of course. Next time I talk, i'll delve more into the serious and rather toxic side of their relationship but this is just some stuff i've managed to crank out! Sorry if it's all over the place! I have one billion thoughts. Feel free to ask any questions, too, I'll do my best to answer. There will be more soon.
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hadit93 · 1 year
Do you enjoy scrying? Why/why not? Any notable experience?
I do enjoy it because it is how I primarily interact with the spirit world.
I started off with the Golden Dawn 'Scrying in the spirit vision' and it is still my favourite technique to this day. It is simple, you take a symbol (which can also be a an angelic sigil etc.) and you leave your body. Create (that is visualise) a doorway with the sigil burning bright upon it in white light or a relevant colour. Enter the doorway and record the results.
When I do not want to leave my body in such a manner, for example in evocation works where I am working with spirits I do not trust I tend to use a crystal ball. I have also used a black mirror, however, I prefer the crystal. I have used it in Goetic workings, Enochian workings, Shem workings, and just in general scrying workings.
However, I tend to find I start off with the scrying device and then as time goes on I close my eyes and allow the images to flow in that manner. In my opinion the device functions in a manner that attracts the attention of the conscious mind and allows the unconscious (which is the portion through which our myths, streams of images etc. enter) to flow through. This is not to say that spirits are unconscious mechanisms, rather that the unconscious mind is the mechanism by which we commune with the 'other world'.
These days I don't even use the crystal ball. I simply make myself receptive and allow the blank space of my inner vision to be the scrying device. I skip the fixation part altogether- however there are some cases were this would be less favourable.
To be honest whilst I get visual results I tend to be more tuned into auditory phenomena. I will hear voices- not outside myself (although that has happened!) but usually like telepathy. As though a spirit is speaking within the back of my head. It utilises the unconscious to do this and so it will speak your language with your words and your references. This is why I believe Crowley instructed his son to read the bible and Shakespeare which hold a treasure trove of references but also are arguably some of the greatest works of literature ever to be penned. The spirits need something to work with.
Again, this being said I have worked with spirits who have pretty much given me bible passages verbatim that I have never read in my life.
So in my opinion the magician themself is the scoring device. The tools we use may help facilitate that tuning into consciousness needed, but it is about bing receptive and allowing the conscious mind to take a step back temporarily.
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archangelsammy · 2 years
archangelsammy's supernatural fic recs! <3
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keep in mind that there's gonna be a lot of random stuff here. I read pretty much anything and everything. do keep in mind the tags before you read! if you don't like a fic/ship that's here, then don't read it. I don't want to see any hate here please.
short fics <5,000w
It's A River (But Not In Egypt) by Lise (Sam/Lucifer)
He's still a liar. Maybe always has been. Season 7, Sam & Hallucifer. References to torture, more gen than shippy.
flutter by real-placebo-effect (Sam/Michael)
Suddenly, Sam sees where Gabriel gets it from. It's almost endearing. Cute and sweet, set in early season 7. Canon divergence.
[record scratch, freeze frame] yep. that's me, plummeting into hell. you might be wondering how i got myself into this situation. well, it all started when i was born by kbaycolt (Sam/Lucifer)
The fall to Hell takes seven days. Post-episode Swan Song, angst. Short, and open ending.
just say by real-placebo-effect (Sam/Lucifer)
He won't say it so he doesn't say anything. Sam unravels anyway. Short, sweet, and shippy.
I should have been a pair of ragged claws by sparklylulz (Sam/Lucifer)
He wonders if he’ll go to Hell for sympathizing with the devil. Great Sam characterization.
speaking by maplewix (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam teaches Lucifer how to talk with his hands. Lucifer teaches Sam about angels. Sam is deaf, and Lucifer is mute. Unfinished but worth it.
and so the tower fell by thequietwings (Sam/Lucifer)
Lucifer taught Sam how to speak Enochian in the Cage. Really is angst masquerading as cute scenes. Podfic available!
Find Me At The End of Time by River_of_Dreams (Sam & Lucifer)
Sam Winchester wakes up in the Cage, knowing he's just condemned himself to an eternity of torture. But Lucifer has defied expectations since the beginnings of Time. He will do it again at its end. Post-episode Swan Songs, can be read as pre-slash.
at the end of the day by sharpbluejay (Sam/Lucifer, Chuck & Lucifer)
You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to the Devil, except when you do.
Or it turns out that watching the Devil confront God (with a capital G) reminds Sam a little too much of himself yelling at John. This is a strange thing to notice as the world is ending. Says slash, but can be read as gen. Post-episode 11x22 We Happy Few.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity by barryallenistheflash (Sam & Jack)
Jack begins to sense there's something not quite right.
Oh, no.
There's something
omg brilliant. alternate s14.
Twenty Steps by piglet (rethira) (Sam/Lucifer)
So, you accidentally married the Devil. As it says on the tin! crack, hilarious.
choosing, not ceasing by mythpoetry (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam lets the devil ride him out of hell. It's not the worst idea he's ever had. Beautiful scene towards the end. s5 Lucifer characterisation.
Holy by maplewix (Sam/Lucifer)
“No, that’s not possible, the world’s changed since—since the beginning, Pangea and—”
"Not the holy places," Lucifer said quietly.
can be read as gen, religious symbolism & crying.
Demons Aren't Mice (but Neither are they Men) by ohjustdisarmalready (Sam & Castiel & Crowley)
Crowley and Sam make a book club in the dungeon. Castiel is a part-time member. So much symbolism. References to literature, but you don't need to have read them.
long-ish fics 5,000w-10,000w
Falling Down by ophan (message me your email if you'd like a copy of ophans works) (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam says, 'Are you going to do it? Are you going to try and burn the world again?'
When Lucifer replies his voice is just as Sam remembers it. Low and musing, but also hoarse now, and filled with something fractured and brittle. It's shocking, in every way. A s9 canon-divergent fic with s5 Lucifer characterization.
Night Moves by Safiyabat (Sam/Lucifer)
Lucifer visits Sam in his dreams as the Apocalypse rages around them. While he should be trying to convince Sam to say "Yes," Sam soon finds that the Adversary isn't exactly adversarial. Done with the prompt 'classic rock,' loved the way music features in this.
someone to eat the fruit by anon (Sam/Lucifer)
The Cage is not what Sam expects. Interesting take on the cage - seems dark but is actually light-hearted.
Regrettable Situations in Storage Room 3 by occasionally_always (Sam/Castiel)
It’s not easy to get to the Farmers Market in the middle of a pandemic, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Sam would do anything to get some fresh air and sunlight, Cas really, really wants his organic honey, and most importantly, Dean’s not home to stop them. Humor & domestic. Can be read as gen too.
The Courtship of Sam Winchester by twicefivemiles (Sam/Lucifer)
While away from Dean and working a job he hates to forget a past he hates more, the last thing Sam needs is an unwanted suitor in his room every night. So sweet and good. Set around 5x03.
thou shalt not covet by sonatine (Sam/Lucifer, unrequited Sam/Castiel)
The irony is that Lucifer’s vessel — Nick — is exactly the kind of guy Sam would try to pick up. Tall but not scrawny; the kind of brawny Midwest farm stock that Dean, who prefers natty dressers with elegant faces (Cas) or someone who looks like they crawled out of Donner’s Pass (Benny), would curl his lip at. Sam would like to deny that he has a type, but his history of ex-lovers tells a story of sharp eyes, sharper smiles, and an intellect like a battering ram that he can throw himself against. This is thee fic of all time. Actually got me to ship Sam/Lucifer.
long fics 10,000w-50,000w
Love in Twelve Acts by sparxwrites (Sam/Lucifer)
It's hard not to love someone when you know their life story. Lucifer, like all angels, can travel in time; what he sees in the past changes him. Really interesting fic, well worth the read.
The Fourth Wall Series by entanglednow (Dean/Cas, Sam/Lucifer)
The guys explore the joys of fanfiction. Brilliantly done, some beautiful moments in this series.
the crucifix was constructed wrong by tigriswolf (Sam & Dean, no ships)
Sam time travels from the end of Swan Song to midway through No Rest for the Wicked. Ain’t nobody’s plans left intact.
He opens his eyes. Uncurls, glances at the candles, the symbols. “Ruby,” he murmurs. Smiles slowly.
Resumes the ritual.
fell down, threw up by goodnightfern (Cas/Dean, Sam/Lucifer)
The spell works on all of the angels and Lucifer's punishment continues. As for Sam? He's gotta be hallucinating again. (AU after 8.23)
Monsters Out of Time by KillerofHope (Sam/Lucifer)
God vanishes with his sister, Sam finds himself waiting at the bunker for Dean. But Lucifer arrives first, feeling just as lost as Sam.
A relationship snaps into place that both don't want to feel guilty about. s11 divergence, very light-hearted for the ship that it is.
How to Fall by alas_horatio (Sam/Lucifer)
When a spell goes wrong Sam ends up stranded in the north Canadian wilderness with nothing to do but bunker down and wait for rescue, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the broken angel he's accidentally brought along for the ride. So well done, one of the best Sam/Lucifer fics out there.
Pyrphoros by lumpy-space-princess (Sam/Lucifer)
And thus did he who was called Forethought descend from the mountain with a fistful of fire, a boon of civilization to all Mankind.
Three tales, of three gifts, told in three parts. Just amazing.
Smoke and Mirrors by itallstartedwithdefenestration (Sam/Lucifer)
Sam spends most of his dreams with Lucifer trying to prove that they're nothing alike. Until he realizes that they are, and that maybe, just maybe, he's sick of denying it.
Tangible by glassedplanets (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
Wherein Sam's got the Devil whispering in his ear and he's well and truly fucked. Picks up after 7x15 and diverges from canon.
super long fics 50,000w-150,000w
A Young Writer Marked for Death by lysanatt (Sam/Lucifer, Michael/Adam)
Being an aspiring writer in Paris isn't easy, and with Adam wasting away from consumption, Sam's life sure is difficult. It could be worse, though: Adam could be dead or they could both be back in Kansas where they would end up in jail. Monsieur Lucifer could have asked them to leave Le Cabaret Perdu when he discovered the less than flattering poem that Adam wrote about him. Instead Sam makes a surprising deal with Lucifer that is going to change Adam's life — and his own. Sort-of Moulin Rouge AU with a happy ending.
The Light Beyond The Glass by ophan (Sam/Lucifer) (message me for the link)
There's a new Leviathan-eating monster on the loose, and Sam and Dean need to stop it before it starts eating humans. Trouble is, it can only be killed by an archangel. Luckily, Sam's found a summoning spell to take care of that. A s7 canon divergence fic with s5 Lucifer characterization.
Some Kind of Home by SansPellegrino (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
In which Sam gets kicked out of his own house and ends up being taken in by the Miltons; a somewhat dysfunctional family of seven held together by the two eldest brothers in the absence of their parents. Sam's plan is to stay with them until Dean comes home from serving in Afghanistan, and then he'll return to Stanford. But, as usual, other things just get in the way.
Stairway to Heaven by clowns_or_midgets, jadeys-world, snarkymuch (Sam/Lucifer)
AU. To save his brother, Sam makes a deal with the devil. The creature he expects and the man he actually encounters are two different beings, and soon he will have to choose between what he knows is right and what his heart desires.
Due Cause by alas_horatio (Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Cas)
Sam gets his first job at the law firm of his dreams, which just happens to be the workplace of his law-school idol, who in real life is a good deal more cynical and a great deal more creepy than he might have imagined. Also: Cas runs a snack cart. Also: Dean helps.
Who Do You Think You're Fooling? by all_the_kings_ham (Sam/Lucifer)
Just because you can find help on the side of the road doesn't mean that Sam has to accept that help with out reservations.
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by all_the_kings_ham (Sam/Lucifer)
It was such a simple plan.
How did it go so wrong so fast?
bad moon rising by gone_girl (no ships)
There are many American cults of worship, and none of them will ever have a place for the Winchester brothers. Arab Winchesters! Really good.
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That's all folks! Leave a kudos/bookmark on the fics if you like them! This list is all thanks to @quietwingsinthesky and @godsprettiestprincess over on the archangel discord so thanks guys for the motivation <3
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chirlanim · 2 months
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charlotte's birthname is chirlan. ( to ) REJOICE in her father's native angelical tongue. however, speaking enochian amongst sinners can be hazardous to their health.
sinners cannot conceive, & her mother is no exception. charlie was conceived along the riverbeds of eden, the result of lucifer & lilith's illicit paramour, conceived before their damnation. after her banishment, lilith would not discover she was pregnant until thousands of years later, only that she was suffering pains no physician could soothe.
charlie is half angel, half primordial human. halfway deceased, very much alive. she is hellborn, but shares no other qualities with others that bare that distinction. the angelic species she takes after in her father are the cherubim, with animalistic features & a tendency for self sacrifice. she is more specifically AN ABOMINATION who's existence defies both heavenly & hellish order.
charlie was born small & sickly. worse still, she seems to bring misfortune with her wherever she goes. her birth heralded the decline of the royal family's influence over hell. even now, she is physically weaker than the majority of those she might encounter.
she spent her entire childhood with her parents, with very little by the way of public appearance. she found solace in mortal fairy tales, history, faith to form her morality & sense of purpose.
upon discovering her existence, she became a point of contention between the angelic council & her father, lucifer. they insisted charlie's existence undermined the very foundation of heaven & beseeched him to sacrifice his daughter for the good of both peoples. he refused.
in exchange for charlie's life, lucifer agreed to the yearly exterminations. learning this, charlie fled from him & adopted the name charlie magne in order to conceal her identity. the princess had vanished.
she lived among sinners & eventually moved into an abandoned hotel near the edge of the pride ring (it's previous owners having died in a past extermination) & established the happy hotel. it previously having been a popular hang out to acquire drugs, angel dust became her first resident.
she managed to keep her identity from the public until her interview with katie killjoy, who had invited her on the false pretense of advertising her hotel, instead revealed to her massive audience what the princess had been up to since her departure from the safety of her ivory tower.
keekee is her personal familiar, charlie acquired her as a child. she acts as a personal ward & companion.
much of charlie's magic is prestidigitation, drawn from human literature, angelical heritage & demonic custom. her powers are unreliable & predictable when used for anything non-minor.
she is clever, determined, & extremely manipulative. she won't lie, but she will use any argument she can think of in order to get her desired result.
she is a shapeshifter, while generally she looks like her apperance in the pilot her form changes slightly based on setting & her emotions.
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santmat · 2 years
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Podcast on the Case For the Books of Enoch
1) Enoch and the Dead Sea Scrolls: The book of First Enoch was part of the Dead Sea Scrolls Bible -- the Essene Library of Qumran in Israel. First Enoch was included amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls, in fact was one of the most widely read holy books at Qumran (400 BC -- 70 AD). This observation is based upon the large number of Aramaic Enoch fragments that have been found there. Many Jews were studying Enoch before and during the time of Jesus.
2) Jude Quoted Enoch in the New Testament: The author of the Book of Jude quoted First Enoch in his New Testament epistle (letter), a great canonical endorsement for the Book of Enoch by the Original Jesus Movement. The Bibles that bare the most resemblance to the Scriptures of Jude and the Original Aramaic-speaking Christians is the Ethiopian Bible, as well as the Dead Sea Scrolls-Essene-Qumran Bible. Jude not only quotes from Enoch, but also from the Assumption of Moses. Both Enoch and Assumption of Moses were recognized as Scripture by the Essenes; see more on the Ethiopian Bible below. In addition to Jude, Biblical scholars also have noticed many parallel verses and shared ideas between the New Testament and Book of Enoch, illustrating how influential the Book of Enoch was on Jesus, the authors of the Gospels and other New Testament books. The Book of First Enoch is an important key foundational text of early Christianity.
3) The early Church father Tertullian Referred to Enoch as "Scripture": The Early Church father Tertullian quotes passages from the Book of Enoch, referring to these passages as "Scripture". The Epistle of Jude (verse 14) is also appealed to by Tertullian as a testimonial to the authority of Enoch. (see, De cultu feminarum. 1.3)
Tertullian's canon of the Old Testament included the deuterocanonical books, since he quotes most of them. He also cites the Book of Enoch as inspired, and thinks those who wanted to remove it were wrong. (Tertullian.org)
Barnabus, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria were also fans of Enoch: The Book of Enoch was extant centuries before the birth of Christ and yet is considered by many to be more Christian in its theology than Jewish. It was considered Scripture by many early Christians. The earliest literature of the "Church fathers" is filled with references to this mysterious book. Second and Third Century "Church fathers" like Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origin and Clement of Alexandria all make use of the Book of Enoch. Tertullian (160-230 C.E) even called the Book of Enoch "Holy Scripture". The Ethiopic Church included the Book of Enoch as part of their official canon of the Bible. (Wikipedia Entry About the Books of Enoch)
4) The Epistle or Letter of Barnabas: Like some other major leaders, Barnabas quoted from Enoch, even using the term "Scripture" to describe Enochian passages. See, the Epistle of Barnabas, translated in the book Early Christian Writings -- The Apostolic Fathers, published by Penguin Classics.
5) Enoch is in the Bible: The ETHIOPIAN BIBLE INCLUDES THE BOOKS OF FIRST AND SECOND ENOCH: The Ethiopian Bible contains the books of Enoch (and several other surprising books once banned and thought to be forever lost), thus preserving this earlier understanding dating back to the time of the Dead Sea Scrolls and New Testament that viewed Enoch to be an inspired sacred text.
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Risk Classes
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Amnestics (General)
Class A | General Retrograde
Class B | Regressive Retrograde
Class C | Targeted Retrograde
Class D | Progressive Retrograde
Class E | Ennui
Class F | Fugue
Class G | Gaslighting
Class H | Anterograde
Class I | Transient
Mnestics (General)
Class W | Reliable
Class X | Restorative
Class Y | Drill
Class Z | Lifetime
Gnostics (General)
Agnostics (General)
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K-Class Scenarios
AK-Class "Madness" Scenario
CK-Class "Restructuring" Scenario / RK
EK-Class "End of Human Consciousness" Scenario / MK
GH-Class "Dead Greenhouse" Scenario
HK-Class "Deific Subjugation" Scenario
IK-Class "End of Global Civilization" Scenario
LK-Class "Species Transmutation" Scenario
NK-Class "Grey Goo" Scenario
SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario
XK-Class "End of the World" Scenario
XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario
ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario"
"Broken Masquerade" Scenario
ΩK-Class "End of Death" Scenario
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MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" | Overseer Council
MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" | O5, Internal Security
MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" | Ethics Comittee
MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" | The Administrator
MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" (Disbanded)
MTF Alpha-9 "Last Hope"
MTF Omega-12 "Achilles' Heels"
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" | Rural, Suburban
MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" | Urban
MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" | Dense Urban
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | Underground
MTF Theta-90 "Angle Grinders" | Unstable Geometry
MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" | Unstable Reality
MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express"
MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement"
MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil"
MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts"
MTF Upsilon-4 "Sugar Pill"
Anomaly Specialists
MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" | Bio/Chem/Radio Hazards
MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" | Oceanic
MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" | Gigantic
MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" | Flora
MTF Kappa-10 "Skynet" | Cyberspace
MTF Lamba-4 "Birdwatchers" | Airborne, Avian
MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" | Vermin
MTF Mu-4 "Debuggers" | Electronics
MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" | Intangible
MTF Rho-9 "Technical Support" | Cybersecurity
MTF Phi-2 "Clever Girls" | Prehistoric
MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" | Reanimated
MTF Chi-9 "Page Turners" | Literature
MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" | Information Control
MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" | Emergency Battalion
MTF Omega-0 "Ará Orún" | Noöspheric Constructs
MTF Epsilon-7 "Forget Me Nots" | Mnestics
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bardic-tales · 7 months
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Day 2: Part 2: Describe your protagonists
This one took me a few days to figure out. Unlike Kayla, I had a rough idea of who I wanted Alexander to be in this WIP and how he will play out in the resulting books, specifically with events surrounding the prophecy.
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Alexander Michael Augustus Maloney Knight-Commander | Saint Michael
Age: Timeless
Date of Birth: 3rd Day of Creation
Place of Birth: Kingdom of God
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Species: Celestial Being
Race / Subspecies: Archangel
Weight: 207 pounds
Height: 6’3”
Measurements: 46-36-16
Complexion: Fair
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Long Brown Hair
Handedness: Right-hand dominant, but he is able to use both hands.
Ethnic Group: Celestial with cultural elements reflecting his earthly presence in Ireland.
Marital Status: Single
Spouse(s)/Partner(s): Kayla Winters
Children: TBD
Biological Father: The Creator (God)
Siblings: Abaddon, Asmodeus, Azrael, Barachiel, Beelzebub, Belial, Ezekiel, Gabriel, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Raphael, Sealthiel, Uriel (Peter), Zachariel, the Seraphim, and the Cherubim
Citizenship: Irish
Social Status: Respected and esteemed within the military and the broader community. He is known for his leadership and integrity, but he maintains a low-profile social life to conceal his true identity
Job/Career: Military leader and commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Divvik
Position/Role: Knight-Commander of the Sovereign Military Order of Divvik
Rank: As Knight-Commander, he holds the highest rank within the Military Order of Divvik, overseeing its operations, strategies, and members.
Physical Description
Alexander Maloney has long, chestnut-brown hair that cascades in gentle waves. The locks rest against the midpoint of his back. He has piercing blue eyes with thick eyelashes. He stands 6’3” and weighs 207 pounds. His features are very chiseled. Alexander does not have any facial hair.
Wings Alexander Maloney's wings unfurl with a commanding grace, stretching to a formidable span of fifteen feet, their snowy white plumage reflect his purity and ethereal beauty. He has to manifest the wings. They will burst from his back when he does.
His true form has six wings.
Clothing: Alexander wears a navy-blue wool sweater. He wears a pair of white slacks. He wears a thick, black leather belt. On his right arm, he wears a golden watch as well as a golden belt buckle. He also wears a charcoal gray pea coat that stops at the middle of his thighs.
Aegis - Short Sword Aegis is the angelic 2.5 foot short sword of Alexander. It silver-white blade embodies purity and divine purpose. The blade has Enochian lettering etched down the blade, itself. It’s pommel and cross guard is compose of a gold metal. The gripped is wrapped in a cream-white leather that squeaks when he grips it. Alexander can ignite the sword with blue flames when he runs his hands over the blade. Aegis is a beacon of hope against darkness.
Lawful Good | Leo | INFJ | Type 1: The Reformer Fatal Flaw: Sacrifice
Alexander's personality is characterized by unwavering resolve and dedication to his mission, blending determination with a sense of duty. He has an aura of wisdom and authority, tempered by humility and compassion for those under his guidance. Possessing a keen intellect and strategic acumen, he navigates the complexities of celestial and mortal realms with grace and foresight. He strives to uphold the principles of justice and righteousness. As a military leader, he maintains a stoic demeanor, rarely revealing his emotions, yet his actions speak volumes of his commitment to his and the Creator’s cause. Despite the weight of his responsibilities pressing down upon his shoulders and the yoke of a prophecy, Alexander remains steadfast in his commitment to protecting humanity. He embodies the virtues of selflessness, integrity, and unwavering faith in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Likes: Astronomy, Classical literature, Meditation in solitude, Stargazing
Dislikes: Deception, Discord, Laziness, Unjust acts
Hobbies: Calligraphy, Swordsmanship training, Tending to a garden of flora
Unique Quirks: Maintains a meticulously organized collection of antique weaponry from different historical periods, Practices a daily ritual of sunrise meditation regardless of his location or duties, Adheres strictly to a regimented diet and exercise routine, even in the midst of chaotic situations
Personal History
Alexander Maloney, originally known as Michael, emerged on the third day of Creation, crafted by the hand of the Creator alongside his celestial brethren. He wielded Aegis, his celestial blade, in the battle against Lucifer and the rebel forces, securing victory and banishing the fallen angels to the depths of Hell.
Descending from Heaven after the Heavenly War, Alexander, now assuming mortal guise, received a divine mandate to safeguard humanity from Lucifer's influence and watch for the seals to break that would herald the Apocalypse. Under the name Alexander Maloney, he founded Knights Templar and eventually the Sovereign Military Order of Divvik, training prophets and knights to detect and combat demonic forces alongside his trusted second-in-command, Peter.
Amidst his duties, Alexander became ensnared in a prophecy foretelling a union with Kayla, a young prophet whom he saved from being taken by Lucifer’s demons and destined to play a vital role. Despite the prophecy's ominous implications, Alexander prioritized duty over personal desires, navigating the complexities of his feelings while remaining steadfast in his commitment to protect Kayla and fulfill his divine mission.
Throughout his journey, Alexander grappled with conflicting emotions, torn between his duty to the Order and his burgeoning feelings for Kayla. Despite his inner turmoil, he remained resolute in his vow to protect her, keeping the prophecy hidden to shield her from its ominous implications.
As Kayla grew into her role within the Order, Alexander's resolve was tested, his unwavering dedication to humanity and the greater good shaping his path of sacrifice and selflessness.
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drogba-prospect · 10 months
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Côtier: Beaux-Arts Architecture Culture Antagonist Movement
Symbolic: Côté d’Ivoire de Jardin de Diamant Title of Côté d'Ivoire National Football Team, Ptolemaic Kingdom Vodun, Antillanité Literature, Uncut Gems Film Literature, Françafrique, et Artisan Farming for Beaux-Arts et Belle Époque Monégasque Architecture
Imaginary: Latte Noir (Grey-Decentralized Crime Markets), Coup de Pied, (VIP Nuage) Arpeggio RnBass, Côté d'Ivoire Nuage Inhale, Côté d'Ivoire Salade Rollé Grill, Côté d'Ivoire Purple Gastronomie, Côté d'Ivoire Savate, Côté d'Ivoire Caramel Mocha Cosmétiques, Socioéconomique Status Dévelopment Centres, J.J. Thomas as a Linguistics Deity, Layered Herringbone Chains Planetary intelligence et Enochian Magic Spiritueux, Vodka-Mollusk Beach Bum Spiritueux Culture* (Côté d'Ivoire Créolité), Gaussien Distribution Sports Betting, Milk Bath, Body Balm, Watch Brands Streetwear with Dress Watch
Real: Socioéconomique Status Dévelopment Centres, Culture Engineering: Solvent Levelling Effect Chemical Reaction Engineering et Slavoj Zizek Chess Lacanian Culture Triad, Tech Driven Agriculture Engineering, Real Estate, Michaëlis Classification et Le Livre des Esperitz Angels, Martiniquais Literature-Mikhail Thal Chess Psychology, Côté d’Ivoire Mechanic Training, Commodites Options Exchange, Diamonds/Graffiti Underwriting-Auction System, Business Magazines et Économique et Finance Écoles
Didier Drogba Saïmon Bouabré Tidjane Thiam
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hraeth-ethile · 1 year
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Enochian aliens are the preeminent group of extraterrestrial beings observed mostly in conspiracy theories, but feature greatly in media, literature, and science-fiction. Known also as Boeotians and Dippers, they are most commonly referred to as Greys, or The Greys, and are often described as being very tall, without fur, tails, mouths, or ears, with bright white or light grey skin, and three long fingers. Their heads are teardrop-shaped, with large, totally-black almond-shaped eyes.
Their name is derived from an encounter with 1604 English fox philosopher and natural scientist Morris Hyde. Morris, while walking home with bread and wine after visiting a friend late at night, observed strange but very small red lights in the sky that were moving slowly and erratically. In his writings, he tells the story of how one of the lights broke away from the others and followed him home, where he said he was visited in his bedchamber by an angel from heaven. This angel, according to Morris, did nothing but touch his chest and leave back into the sky through a tunnel of painfully-bright red illumination.
In 1860, in the Boeotian town of Petra, a plea was made to the royal government in Athens to assist with a possible murderer or dangerous animal after four women and two children go missing within a two week period. On August 7th, a representative of the king, the lion Ioanna Rallis, comes to Petra to investigate, only to disappear herself on August 9th. On August 11th, she's found naked, confused, but unharmed, by sheepherders atop Koufospíthari - a large nearby hill. She tells the townspeople that "ancient Boeotians" stole her from her bedroom and took her to a strange and terrifying city deep within Koufospíthari, but because she could not communicate with them, she was ousted by these people. When she returns to Athens the next day to bring her report to the king and his court, she can no longer remember what she had to say. The disappearances in Petra coincide with her departure, and while no one has been reported missing in Petra since that early August, the four missing women and two missing children were never found.
In 1950, war veteran Jonathan James Arbuckle, a calico cat from Los Angeles, observes a red light in the sky that seems to fall in a steady pattern towards the coastline during his drive up from Santa Barbara to see his sister's family in Big Sur. He watches it disappear into the mountainside. Compelled by a strong desire to investigate, he takes a long detour into the mountains to see if it might have been some kind of falling aircraft or discharged weapons system.
As soon as he parks along a steep, old, forgotten dirt road, he steps outside to look around for any debris or signs of fire, only to watch in horror as he's taken up into the sky. In his written account of the event, Jon Arbuckle says that he was taken by an alien race from somewhere in the Big Dipper constellation of stars and returned to Earth with no memory of how he was taken, where he was taken to, or how long he was gone - just that the first thing he remembers after being taken was sitting in the driver's seat of his car after parking in his sister's seaside Big Sur home, where she came to greet him as if he'd just arrived at her house. His sister Adrienne and her husband Chance said that they observed nothing out-of-the-ordinary at all about his arrival, only that he appeared to be "… in a confused and shaken state," and was stricken with an intense hunger that took three portions of a large dinner to finally sate.
The Enochians have been named by each of these individuals, either at the time or many years later, as the beings responsible for their visitations. Since the Arbuckle Abduction in 1950, Enochians, fuelled by the Morris Hyde Visitation, the Boeotia Disappearances, and several other historic eye-witness accounts (such as during the Battle of Orleans in 1356, the Nod prairie incident of 1975, and the Abduction of Arturo Salvacion in 1977), have become an immensely popular subject in media fiction and as a key subject in conspiracy theories.
The theories vary greatly, and have become intricately woven into the fabric of modern society, with the town of Roswell, New Mexico even putting the image of an Enochian on their city seal after the infamous Roswell Crash was blamed on an Enochian vessel. The descriptions of the vessel's occupants match the common appearance of the Enochian.
UFO sightings are often attributed to Enochians, with most UFOs suspected to be designed either by Enochians themselves or as a joint effort between them and the United States government.
A fringe theory that nonetheless remains popular in certain circles, especially those in fox, rabbit, and feline cultures, hold that the Enochians are evil and extremely dangerous, with very religious foxes, rabbits, and felines even comparing them to cultural monsters or part of Lucifer's fallen angels. The event these fringe theorists often cite is the Järvenpää Event, which happened in 2008, where a hybridae man and his entire family were allegedly murdered and meticulously dismembered by Enochians. The Finnish town of Järvenpää, however, says that no such event ever took place, with the mayor of Järvenpää, in 2010, even holding a public press release on the internet rumour, which he believed was bringing distress to the residents of his town. In the release, he says that "… the last noteworthy thing to happen to this town was an orgy, and even that was cited as being 'boring' by the people involved."
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kuuderekun · 6 years
Sauron and Azazel
We all know that Melkor The Morgoth is basically Satan in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Cosmology.  But have you ever wondered if the other great Dark Lord of Middle Earth can also be equated with a specific Fallen Angel from Judeo-Christian tradition?  Well I happen to have a theory on that. Now up front I want to remind people that I’m aware Tolkien hated Allegory, like George Lucas he drew on many mythological concepts and motifs, but nothing was meant to be a one to one allegory, even Morgoth’s connection to Satan comes with qualifications. Also the development of Sauron as a figure in Tolkien’s Mythology was uniquely complicated.  I personally suspect that before Tolkien actually began writing a sequel to The Hobbit, Sauron’s roles in the tale of Beren and Luthien, the Fall of Numenor and the Necromancer mentioned in The Hobbit were three completely separate characters.  For example in the case of Beren and Luthien the role eventually taken by Sauron was originally just a Werecat.  But it’s none of those proto-Saurons I’m comparing to Azazel here, this is specifically about Sauron as The Lord of The Rings. Also there are conflicting traditions about Azazel, sometimes that name is just used as another name for Satan, which could very well be the original intent behind it’s role in Leviticus 16.  This is mainly about the figure of Azazel as he appears in The Book of Enoch.  The Richard Laurence Translation was published in 1883 and the R.H. Charles translation was published in 1917, so both are books Tolkien could have read at some point. When I first read the Book of Enoch, I couldn’t help but notice how much Azazel’s role stood out narratively.  In the initial list of the leaders of the Grigori/Watchers that fell (chapter 7 verse 9 in the Laurence version and chapter 6 verse 7 in the Charles version) Azazel’s name isn’t included, in either the Ethiopic of Aramaic texts.  Yet when Azazel is first mentioned in chapter 8 verse 1 he is suddenly being treated as one of the single most important of them.  Then in chapter 10 verses 4-12 he’s given a uniquely different fate, being buried under rocks in Dudael rather then being chained in the Abyss/Tartarus.  I eventually learned some of that uniqueness is a product of how the name is used in Leviticus 16, but it still stands out.  If you think you can explain this by just saying Azazel and Samyaza/Shemjaza are different names for the same Angel, the Aramaic text of chapter 8 lists Shemjaza separately as the one who taught Sorcery.  And Chapter 9 lists them separately in both versions. In The Enemy section of the Valaquenta in the published Silmarillion, the only Maia who joined Morgoth singled out for mention are the Balrogs as a group and Sauron as an individual.  One Youtube video I watched on the Balrogs theorized their special status among Morgoth’s followers might be that they were the very first Maia to follow him.  Sauron meanwhile came much later, never openly betraying the Valar till after Angband was firmly established.  So even the difference between Sauron and the Balrogs echos the difference between Azazel and the Grigori.  But the crux of why I feel this comparison works is what’s said in Chapter 8 Verse 1 of the Book of Enoch.
"And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals 〈of the earth〉 and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures."
That certainly sounds like he’d be a Maia of Aule (as both Sauron and Saruman were) if placed in Tolkien’s Cosmology.  In fact it’s tempting to see even the Rings of Power themselves in that verse. I also can’t help but wonder if Dudael where Azazel met his final doom being traditionally placed East of Jerusalem is echoed in Mordor being East of Gondor. Another possible mythological influence on Sauron were various pagan gods associated with Blacksmithing and/or Volcanoes.  If you were to compare the Valar to the Olympians then Aule would be Hephaestus/Vulcan, yet Sauron ultimately resembles Hephaestus more since Hephaestus was cast down from Olympus. Typhon is a figure in Greek mythology some scholars suspect was originally the same as or an aspect of Hephaestus, one of his origin stories is the same, being borne by Hera in response to the birth of Athena.  Also in some versions Typhon is buried beneath Mt Etna a Volcano on Sicily, which is also said to be the location of Hephaestus workshop. Is it possible to connect Hephaestus/Typhon to Azazel independent of comparing them to a modern literary figure?  I think so, like for example winding up buried, and of course Azazel’s status as a craftsman already mentioned above.  That the Greeks identified Typhon with Set gives precedence for seeing him as a Desert Storm god.  I feel the Book of Enoch definitely developed post Hellenization, it’s mentioning Tartaros is evidence of that.  There was a blacksmith god in the Canaanite pantheon, Kothar-wa-Khasis, but he wasn’t cast out like Hephaestus was.  So I think the figure of Azazel in the book of Enoch was possibly modeled a bit after Hephaestus and/or Typhon. So maybe Tolkien likewise consciously or unconsciously made the same connection between?
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alchemisoul · 3 years
Watkins Books | Experimenting with the Ars Notoria by Stephen Skinner
Scholar and magician Dr. Stephen Skinner presents his two latest books on the classic mediaeval magical text known as the Ars Notoria. "The Ars Notoria is a mediaeval grimoire, or magician's manual, which was widely distributed and very popular in the 13th-16th century, but virtually unknown today. It is however still very relevant in the 21st century because it contains detailed techniques to enable the practitioner to absorb whole subjects very rapidly, and to understand very complex subjects on first reading, as well as remembering whatever has been read.
Of all the grimoires attributed to the Solomonic tradition of magic, one of the oldest and most enigmatic is the Ars Notoria. Like the many magic manuscripts this work was pseudepigraphically attributed to several famous individuals ranging from Solomon (who reputedly received the book directly from God via the hand of the angel Pamphilius), through its supposed translation by the magician Apollonius of Tyana who called it Flores aurei, or the Golden flowers, to Euclid of Thebes.
The Ars Notoria stands alone in its own category of angel grimoires, for while most other Solomonic grimoires are concerned with the evocation of spirits or demons, the Ars Notoria instead was concerned only with memory and the ability to understand and absorb whole subjects rapidly. It offered to grant almost instant proficiency in any of the seven Liberal Arts, making it a veritable student's grimoire, a key to obtaining knowledge rapidly.
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puff-poff · 3 years
The Culture of the Demon World
One part of The Promised Neverland that I always wanted to learn more about was the demons and their culture. Demons are a whole new race with their own language, religions, traditions, food, and history, and I want to learn more about their society. So, I decided to do a bit of research on a few specific aspects of the demon world. After writing everything down and connecting the pieces while trying to remain true to canon, I finally have something clear enough to share with you all.
Without further ado, I present to you my analysis of demon culture.
Part One: Clothing Just like in real life, the clothing demons wear depends on their social status and wealth. The middle and lower-class demons wear loose, flowing clothes with wide collars and sleeves. They most likely do this just in case they aren’t able to eat human meat and maintain their form; baggy clothes won’t tear if the demons start to degenerate. This is why the wealthy demons wear tighter clothing. Tight-fitting outfits show that you can afford plenty of human meat and that you aren’t worried about degenerating.
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Many demons, both poor and rich, wear long, layered clothing, but it’s hard to tell if this is a societal standard or a byproduct of cold weather. Almost all of the demons we see are wearing long-sleeved tops and ankle-length bottoms, as well as a jacket, shawl, cape, or scarf. However, the feet and hands are almost always uncovered.
A major part of demon clothing is, of course, their masks. This extra page explains the styles and functionality of the Goldy Pond demon’s masks:
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Like the rest of their clothing, wealth plays a part in demon’s masks as well. Detailed masks with large horns, like Luce’s, are worn by rich demons who want to flaunt their wealth, while lower-class demons wear simple, paneled masks with short horns. Demons who want a more functional mask might choose one without horns so they don’t get in their way. The aristocrat demons also have a unifying feature between their territory’s masks to differentiate themselves from the leaders of other territories. Whether or not your mask shows your mouth appears to be a personal preference since Legravalima, Mujika, Sonju, Awla, and Mawla all have uncovered mouths despite the character’s drastic differences.
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Another detail I would like to point out is the material of the masks. Most demon masks are likely made of a material similar to clay, but there are a few demons with special masks that appear to be made out of something else. Nous and Nouma, for example, have athletic masks coated with shiny material that’s probably similar to polyester. However, it was Legravalima and Sonju’s masks that interested me the most. Legravalima’s mask is smooth, glossy, and seemingly made out of metal. A metallic mask is likely a sign of royal status and immense wealth. This explains why Sonju had a metallic mask as a child, and why he doesn’t have one now. When he was a prince, Sonju wore a shiny mask with a design similar to Legravalima’s. After running away with Mujika, he grew out of his mask and now wears a clay one of the same design.
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This might just be the art style of the series changing over time, but I also find it interesting that Sonju’s mask suddenly becomes glossy in chapter 156 during the battle at the royal capital. It’s his first time stepping foot in the palace since he ran away, and it’s as if his mask is suggesting that returning to the palace has given Sonju his royal status back.
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Part Two: Architecture In many ways, the architecture in the demon world reminds me of places like the Sant Francesc Church in Spain and Royal Ontario Museum in Canada. As time goes on, old buildings are expanded and improved with modern additions to accommodate the changing world. This can be seen in the paradise hideout, where a newer building was constructed next to the original settlement.
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The old, traditional demon buildings are made of clay and other types of stones. They don’t appear to have many windows, and the few windows they do have are holes without window panes. Many of the older buildings were carved out of mountains or trees, or at least rest atop a mountain with steps carved into the side. This traditional style of demon architecture is similar to old Pueblo architecture and adobe homes.
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The newer demon architecture likely came into style sometime before Goldy Pond was built, seeing as Goldy Pond has buildings similar to those in modern demon villages. It resembles the European Tudor style with its grid window panes, timber frames, and sloped roofs. The walls were probably made using the wattle and daub technique and painted white or cream. Some of the buildings have stone foundations, but unlike the old style of architecture, the stones are laid like bricks. Buildings made using the new style of architecture also have shutters, awnings, and Juliet balconies.
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This picture of the royal capital’s streets perfectly shows the mixing of the old and new architectural styles:
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Here, you can see the original clay buildings with the balconies, awnings, and wooden frames of the new style added on. The buildings in the foreground have open windows while the ones further back have grid panes. One of the structures on the right is built in the style of the older demon homes, but it uses modern stone bricks and balconies. This blend of architecture helps show the development of the demon society through the years.
Part Three: Food Human meat is the most important food in demon culture since it’s what keeps the majority of demons from degenerating. I won’t be talking a lot about the farms and human meat in this post since it’s already been explored by the manga and people smarter than me. If you want to read more about demons and human meat, I recommend this post by the-silliest-idiot and this translation of the fanbook, particularly the Q&A sections.
As explained in the manga, the appearance of demons changes depending on the type of meat they eat. The aristocrat demons eat human meat, Parvus eats monkey meat, and the demon horse Sonju rides eats horse meat. As explained in the fanbook, humanoid demons will lose their human appearance if they don’t eat human meat, but monkey demons like Parvus can retain their appearance for a while. To keep themselves from degenerating or changing forms, humanoid demons don’t eat a lot of meat other than the human meat from the farms. When the demons do eat other meats, they eat bugs, fish, and birds, probably because those animals are difficult to change into.
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While it’s unclear if demons eat the plants in the forest, we know that there are plenty of edible berries, nuts, fungi, and other plants that the human escapees eat during their travels. Demons also have a variety of fruits, vegetables, and nuts that they grow and harvest. In just these two panels, we can see that the demons have their own versions of pears, hazelnuts, pineapples, kiwi, and mangos (the mangos seem to be popular in the royal capital).
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All demons, regardless of wealth or social status, appear to have equal access to all food except human meat. Lower-class demons get low-quality meat, but the same berries and nuts being sold at street markets are present in the Tifari offering.
Part Four: Language Unfortunately, I’m not smart enough to decode the old demon language. In the words of the fanbook, “Sugita created demon god's name, but every other text from the demon language that appeared afterward was Posuka's creation.” The language was made up by Posuka, and I’m not sure if there’s enough dialogue to translate a full alphabet. The old demon language looks like a combination of Japanese and Enochian, but that’s all I can gather from it. It’s also unclear if the language has a written form. 
However, the old demon language isn’t used anymore. The language died out for two major reasons; a general lack of knowledge and to separate language from the old faith. The aristocratic demons know the language well enough, but we don’t see many commoner demons speaking it. The modern demon society writes in English, as shown by the signs at Goldy Pond, and it’s likely that they also speak English despite the story being written in Japanese. There's also a chance that the demons speak Old English since the promise was forged during medieval times. If this is true, then the aristocrats and heads of the farms could have a more modern accent because they often talk to people from the human world.
Part Five: The Arts Sadly, we don't know much about art in the demon world. The promise was made around the 11th century, so art in the demon world is likely reflective of that time. I can only assume they have their own literature, art movements, and music, but it's mostly speculation. One thing I noticed is that the demon world has a lot of embroideries, whether it be on the edges of a cape or banners inside the palace. This fits with my theory of medieval Europe-inspired art and languages. During medieval times, top layer garments such as coats and cloaks were commonly embroidered along the hemline and cuffs. This kind of embroidered clothing is worn by many demons throughout the series.
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Banners, tapestries, and flags were also commonly created by artists during medieval times. Lines of flags are seen throughout the demon world, and a few buildings in the capital have banners hanging outside. The palace has a few banners of its own, though they're fancier than the ones in the capital streets.
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Damask fabric is another example of demon artistry being influenced by medieval Europe. Damask is a reversible fabric created by weaving. The royal demons seem to have jumped on the damask train before the promise was sealed because it can be found in many places throughout the palace. Most notably, Legravalima's dress is partially made of damask, though the silhouette is very different from that of a medieval damask evening gown. Damask was commonly used to make curtains as well, like the ones draped around the Tifari offering.
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We don’t know much about literature in the demon world. The books we see were written in the human world and sent to the farms, but surely the demons have their own books and stories. Seeing as the rest of the arts in the demon world were inspired by medieval Europe, I can only assume that their books, fables, and plays are as well. Much of medieval literature was based on religion and chivalry. There were also many fables and myths derived from old stories and religious texts. Demon children probably read many stories about the Evil Blooded, the runaway prince, and heroic knights who protect the demons from harm. There likely are many stories written in the old demon language as well. Similar to Latin and Old English in the Middle Ages, the old demon language was probably the main written language until the 11th century, when the demons began using English as a primary language.
I imagine that Anglo Saxon, Byzantine, and Norman (ha get it) art heavily inspired art in the demon world. The palace is likely covered in tapestries and murals depicting historic events. Metal and tilework were probably once a major part of demon artistry, but the practices died out over time. Instead, many demon artists practice painting and embroidery. Pieces of art in the demon world would be very vibrant and colorful, especially the works displayed in the palace.
When it comes to music in the demon world, there isn’t much to go off of. We know that the farms have access to instruments and sheet music because of Leslie and Nat. Barbara also sings a Japanese children’s song in chapter 113. Unfortunately, we don’t get much information about music in the demon world outside of the farms. I assume that demons primarily play string instruments and piano because of their long fingers. They also have more fingers than humans, meaning they can make a variety of chords that humans can’t. More fingers also allow demons to add more strings to their instruments. Even though it’s possible that demons have their own special instruments, we know that they also have human instruments like cellos, trumpets, and pianos.
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Conclusion: There’s a lot more I wish I could talk about (mainly the elements of culture), but I’m stopping for now so this doesn’t get any longer. Feel free to correct me or add on anything I missed. If you made it this far, thank you for reading this incredibly long analysis of demon culture and I hope you have a great day.
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autisticandroids · 3 years
Hi, hope your day is going well!
I’m planning a pre-Dean Castiel fic about his previous forays into rebelliousness (of varying degrees), as well as the rebellions of other angels, both failed and successful.
For Cas it’ll have a running theme of poetry and literature helping him understand concepts from a human point of view (though he still doesn’t experience actual feelings until later) There will be a running theme of him considering literary concepts and comparing them to other things he’s read (with a bonus of having trouble recalling things because they’ve been partly or totally buried by the lobotomies) There’ll be a lot of discussion of word connotation and such. For example, I’ll have a discussion about how the Enochian word for the concept of “desire” has a negative connotation, because that’s a human thing that Angels should not feel. (I feel myself beginning to ramble. I will cut that short for now)
Now for the question, what are your thoughts on pre-Dean Castiel, and angels over the course of history? If you’ve already made a post about it already and can find it easily then I’d love a link if it’s no trouble, I wasn’t able to find any when I searched your profile
so unfortunately my answer to this is going to be deeply boring and unhelpful: i'm not that interested in pre-dean cas, because my main investment in pre-dean cas is that he is a perfectly normal angel who happened to be in the right place (both literally and psychologically) at the right time to fall in love with the michael sword, rebel, and fuck up everything for everyone. so my main interest in portraying cas is for him to be pretty average for his like, rank. to have his own little quirks and habits, sure, but they all do, all angels are pretty unique, and all of them, especially the low-ranking ones, rebel occasionally and are corrected and wiped.
my only strong opinion re: pre-dean cas is that there are essentially two options for his past, because it was retconned: either, one, he served under anna with uriel and several others (possibly balthazar) for milennia, only being promoted to captain of that flight when anna fell, or two, he served under ishim with mirabel, benjamin et al. for milennia, and only left that flight when anna fell and her flight needed a new comander. i far prefer option one because i think anna is really interesting as a mentor figure for cas. which means you're going to have to retcon lily sunder a bit. (maybe cas was on loan to ishim from anna's flight for a few centuries because one of ishim's angels was injured?)
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reikikabbalah · 3 years
Kabbalah Ultimate Guide: Key to Your Inner Power (2021)
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Kabbalah (also called Kabalah, Cabala, Qabala) is a Jewish tradition that deals with the essence of God. It is frequently translated as "mysticism" or "occult knowledge." Kabbalists believe that God works in mysterious ways, whether it's through a sacred text, an experience, or the way things work. Kabbalists, on the other hand, believe that actual knowledge and understanding of that inner, unfathomable process is possible, and that this knowledge can lead to the deepest connection with God.
The Zohar, a compilation of written, mystical interpretations on the Torah, is regarded as Kabbalah's foundation. The Zohar, written in ancient Aramaic and medieval Hebrew, is meant to lead Kabbalists on their spiritual path, assisting them in achieving greater degrees of communion with God.Kabbalistic philosophy is frequently regarded as Jewish mysticism. Its adherents prefer to see the Creator and Creation as a unified whole rather than separate entities, and they yearn for closeness to God. Because of the tremendous mystical sense of connection that Kabbalists believe exists between God and humans, this longing is extremely strong. Every person's soul has a hidden part of God that is waiting to be unveiled. Even mystics who hesitate to express such a strong merger of God and man find divinity pervading all of Creation, blurring the lines between God and the universe. Moses Cordovero, a Kabbalist, writes: “The essence of divin­ity can be discovered in everything, and nothing exists save It....It exists in each existent.”
History of Kabalah:
Throughout history, historians of Judaism have identified numerous schools of Jewish esotericism, each with its own set of interests and ideas. The Kabbalah as it was known in the 12th and subsequent centuries. To avoid the pitfalls inherent in mystical experiences, Kabbalah has traditionally been primarily an oral tradition in which entrance into its teachings and rituals is conducted by a personal tutor. Insofar as it claims secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was transmitted by God to Moses and Adam, esoteric Kabbalah is also "tradition." Though the Torah remained the central foundation of Judaism, Kabbalah provided a means of directly addressing God. It therefore provided Judaism a theological dimension, while some saw its mystical approaches to God as dangerously pantheistic and heretical.The origins of Kabbala can be traced back to Merkava mysticism. The euphoric and mystical contemplation of the heavenly throne, or "chariot" (merkava), seen in a vision by Ezekiel, the prophet, began to grow in Palestine in the first century CE (Ezekiel 1). SeferYetzira ("Book of Creation"), the first known Jewish treatise on magic and cosmology, was written between the third and sixth centuries. It presented creation as a process involving God the Creator's 10 divine numbers (sefirot; see sefira) and the Hebrew alphabet's 22 letters. They were claimed to make up the "32 paths of secret wisdom" when taken together.
The 12th-century Sefer ha-bahir (“Book of Brightness”), a significant tract of early Kabbala, had a deep and enduring influence on the development of Jewish esoteric mysticism and on Judaism in general. The Bahir not only understood the sefirot as playing a role in the creation and maintenance of the universe, but he also incorporated concepts like soul transmigration (gilgul) into Judaism and strengthened the foundations of Kabbala by giving it with a rich mystical symbolism.The Sefer ha-temuna (“Book of the Image”), published in Spain in the following century, established the concept of cosmic cycles, each of which provides a divine attribute-based interpretation of the Torah. As a result, Judaism was portrayed as a religion with changing truths, with a different Torah for each cycle, or eon. Spain also produced the legendary Sefer ha-zohar ("Book of Splendour"), a book with a sanctity rivaling that of the Torah itself in some places. It included mystical theories on evil, salvation, and the soul, as well as the mystery of creation and the roles of the sefirot. After their exile from Spain in 1492, Jews were more interested than ever in messianic expectations and eschatology, and Kabbala gained widespread acceptance.
Lurianic Kabbala also had a considerable impact on the ideas of modern asidism, a social and theological movement that emerged in the 18th century and continues to thrive in small but substantial Jewish communities today.By the mid-16th century, Safed, Galilee, had established itself as the undisputed center of Kabbala, and it was here that one of the greatest of all Kabbalists, Isaac ben Solomon Luria, spent the last years of his life. Luria's influence was only equaled by that of the Sefer ha-zohar, according to Gershom Gerhard Scholem, a modern Jewish Kabbala scholar.The “withdrawal” (tzimtzum) of divine light, so creating primordial space; the sinking of illuminating particles into matter (qellipot: “shells”); and a “cosmic restoration” (tiqqun) that the Jew achieves via an intensive mystical life and unrelenting combat against evil. Shabbetaianism, a 17th-century Jewish messianic movement, was justified using Lurianic Kabbalism as justification.
The name "Kabbalah" technically refers to literature that first appeared in medieval Spain and southern France in the 13th century. However, outside of academics, the name "Kabbalah" is used to refer to all types of Jewish esotericism.Kabbalah was a popular and widely practiced esoteric knowledge tradition until the start of the modern period, however there were restrictions on the age and relative piety of initiates. It included ancient Talmudic investigations of biblical subjects, stories of ecstatic descents to God's throne, massive creation myths, tremendous messianic zeal, and forms of pietistic ritual and practice that gave rise to groups that still affect Judaism today.Following the haskalah, or Jewish Enlightenment, many Jews saw the Kabbalah as at best an embarrassing relic of a more credulous era, and it fell into contempt among Europe's increasingly secular Jews. The Kabbalah, on the other hand, has recently witnessed a huge renaissance, with widespread secular and religious interest in it and certain schools reaching out to non-Jews in unprecedented ways.
Difference between Kabbalah vs Hermetic Qabalah?
Now lets see what is Hermetic Qabalah it is a type of Kabalah Hermetic Qabalah is a Western esoteric tradition incorporating mysticism and the occult (from Hebrew (qabalah)'reception, accounting'). The essence of divinity is a key preoccupation of Hermetic Qabalah, whose idea differs significantly from that of monotheistic religions; in particular, there is no rigid division between god and humanity as observed in monotheisms. The Neoplatonic belief that the manifest cosmos, of which material creation is a part, arose as a sequence of emanations from the godhead is held by Hermetic Qabalah.It is the ideology and framework that underpins magical organizations like the Golden Dawn, The lemic orders, and mystical-religious societies like the Builders of the Adytum and the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, as well as the Neopagan, Wiccan, and New Age movements. The Hermetic Qabalah is the foundation for left-hand path orders like the Typhonian Order to study Qliphothic Qabalah. In the European Renaissance, Hermetic Qabalah evolved alongside and merged with Christian Cabalistic participation, evolving into Esoteric Christian, non-Christian, or anti-Christian schools in the contemporary age. It is influenced by a variety of sources, including Jewish Kabbalah, Western astrology, Alchemy, Pagan religions, particularly Egyptian and Greco-Roman (from which the term "Hermetic" is derived), neoplatonism, gnosticism, John Dee and Edward Kelley's Enochian system of angelic magic, hermeticism, tantra, and tarot symbolism. Although Hermetic Qabalah differs from Jewish Kabbalah in that it is a more openly syncretic system, but it shares many concepts with Jewish Kabbalah.The Neo-Platonic, Sufi, Hermetic, and Christian Mystical Sources have enhanced the main system, which is known as the Hermetic Qabalah. Qablah is more than just a collection of facts. It's a technique for teaching the mind to think practically and in relational terms. Aspirants can use this technique to awaken their awareness and solve the ultimate questions about nature, God, the Universe, and man's soul.In the European Renaissance, Hermetic Qabalah evolved alongside and merged with Christian Cabalistic participation, becoming variously Esoteric Christian, non-Christian, or anti-Christian across its various schools in the modern day. It is influenced by a wide range of sources, including Jewish Kabbalah, Western astrology, Alchemy, Pagan religions, particularly Egyptian and Greco-Roman (from which the term "Hermetic" is derived), neoplatonism, gnosticism, John Dee and Edward Kelley's Enochian system of angelic magic, hermeticism, tantra, and tarot symbolism.
Mystic Kabbalah & Esoteric knowledge:
Jewish mysticism is an umbrella term that encompasses a variety of theories about the Godhead, as well as practices and beliefs that go beyond the requirements of traditional Judaism. The term Kabbalah refers to a type of Jewish mysticism that emerged in Provence and Catalonia in the 12th century CE. It was concerned with the inner structure and processes occurring within the divine realms, the metaphysical dynamics of which the Kabbalists attempted to influence.
This phenomenon was distinct from the older Ashkenazic mystical traditions, which were primarily concerned with rigorous piety and interpretive techniques applied to official Jewish texts in order to reveal their hidden layers of meaning. It was also distinct from magical traditions, which were primarily concerned with subduing supernatural forces and harnessing them to effect physical change. What these various strands of hidden Jewish traditions have in common is a belief in the supernatural power of language.
The Hebrew language has a divine origin, according to Jewish tradition. God creates the world in Genesis by pronouncing his will; thus, language has the ultimate creative potential. From antiquity to the present, this viewpoint has served as the foundation for the majority of Jewish mystical and magical traditions. One of the earliest Jewish mystical texts of Hellenistic provenance, Seferyetsirah, which scholars date between the 2nd and 7th centuries CE, describes the process of creation as taking place through the 22 Hebrew letters and ten cardinal numbers.Early on, SeferYetsirah received magically oriented interpretations that explained how to imagine and possibly repeat the divine process of creation by manipulating the Hebrew alphabet, resulting in the creation of a golem.  Giving a golem a name was thought to animate and control its body, while erasing the name was thought to annihilate the creature.
Any name and its designated object are directly linked in Jewish mystical tradition, so the name reflects the nature of its object. Every entity has a linguistic equivalent – a name, and God is no exception. The highest form of knowledge in some medieval Ashkenazic mystical works, as well as in some types of later Kabbalah, concerns the divine realms, with the names of angels and the divine being the most important.
Abulafia's prophetic Kabbalah required extensive physical and mental preparations, as well as years of study by each potential practitioner. Although it required a thorough understanding of the accompanying procedures, the use of names in Jewish magic was far more democratic. Anyone could follow a procedure detailed in multiple manuals or cookbooks, and success was solely dependent on strict adherence to the formulae. As a result, divine, angelic, and even demonic names were used for a variety of purposes. Manuscript sources abound with spells and adjurations demonstrating the widespread popularity of all types of magic among Jews, whether therapeutic (aimed at healing), learned (aiding in knowledge and memory), or even aggressive (used to subdue a person to someone else's will).
While the majority of mystical and Kabbalistic teaching was aimed at understanding and influencing the supernatural realm, magic was thought to provide immediate effects in the physical realm. Interestingly, many medieval and early modern manuscripts contain both Kabbalistic and magical texts, confirming the widely held belief that language was capable of affecting changes on various levels of creation and beyond. Each miscellaneous Kabbalistic manuscript captures a complex web of connections between speculative (elite) Kabbalah and practical (popular) Jewish magic.
The Jewish mystical tradition is rich and diverse, and Jewish mysticism has manifested itself in a variety of ways. Moshe Idel, a scholar, categorizes Jewish mysticism into two broad categories: moderate and intense. Moderate mysticism is philosophical in nature. It is an attempt to comprehend God and God's world, with the ultimate goal of influencing and changing the divine realm. This type of mysticism incorporates many aspects of traditional Judaism, such as Torah study and commandment observance, and imbues these activities with mystical significance. Intensive mysticism, on the other hand, is primarily experiential. In order to communicate with God, intensive mystics engage in nontraditional religious practices such as chanting and meditation.
The first forms of Jewish mysticism appeared in the first millennium's early centuries. The most common early form was Merkavah mysticism. Merkavah mystics sought to comprehend and experience the vision of the divine throne described in the first chapter of Ezekiel's biblical book. Another type of early mysticism was concerned with delving into the mysterious methods by which God created the world. The most important work of creation mysticism, SeferYetzirah, describes the creation of the world through the arrangement of letters and numbers.
Traditional mystical concepts continue to pervade mainstream Jewish thought (for example, the concepts of tikkun ha-olam, or world repair, and tzimtzum, God's self-limitation), and texts of mystical origin have infiltrated Jewish liturgy (including LechaDodi, the Friday night hymn welcoming the Sabbath, and other liturgical poetry). Furthermore, academic study of Jewish mysticism has flourished in recent decades, owing largely to the work of a single scholar, GershomScholem. Scholem discovered and interpreted numerous mystical manuscripts, shedding light on the origins and evolution of Jewish mysticism.
Can Kabbalah used for healing!
Sharon Brock's Kabbalah, a branch of Jewish mysticism, has regained popularity after a brief surge in the 1970s. But are its tenets relevant to health-care providers? Dr. Tsvi Bar-David, an interfaith chaplain in San Francisco, believes the answer is unequivocally yes. On May 12, he explained to UCSF students how health care providers can use Kabbalah facets to heal. The UCSF Jewish Students Association sponsored the lecture.Kabbalah, which means "to receive" in Hebrew, is a nearly 2,000-year-old belief system about the nature of divinity, the creation of the world, and the role of humans. Kabbalah, as described in the 13th-century book The Zohar, or "Book of Splendor," includes meditative, devotional, mystical, and magical traditions, which is why it is considered an esoteric offshoot of Judaism. Bar-David took a practical approach to Kabbalah in his lecture, explaining how the Ten Sefirots of Light and Darkness can be used for healing. The Sefirots are three-dimensional conceptual spheres that are specifically arranged in a treelike formation in a theoretical space between heaven and earth.
The other spheres are arranged in this contraction-versus-expansion pattern, implying that happiness is attained by striking a central balance between the two sides. The concept of wisdom - or layer of wisdom - is balanced between Binah, which means orderly intelligence and analysis, and Chochmah, which means boundless knowledge and insight. Waiting is a concept or layer that balances Hod, which means restraint and reflection, with Netzach, which means persistence and steadfastness. On a clinical level, the spheres can be used as diagnostic categories, according to Bar-David.Health care providers can assess where their patients fall on this map and recommend behaviors to mitigate the problem. For example, if a woman shows smothering love to her husband and becomes co-dependent, she is displaying too much Chesed and needs to restore balance by setting boundaries, or Gevurah. "Balance is the key to happiness," says Bar-David. "A significant part of healing occurs when patients have the words to describe their behavior and how they are feeling." This map establishes a common language of communication "According to Kabbalists, this map represents the path that the world took when it was created, beginning with the top layer, EinSof, which is the infinite divine and beyond human comprehension; moving down to the first sphere, Keter, which means the will or desire to be a parent; and continuing to the Yesod, or male sexual energy; and the Schechinah, or female sexual energy. Another basic tenet of Kabbalah is that man was created in the image of God. As a result, when people heal themselves, they are also healing God, every other person on the planet, and the earth itself, according to Bar-David. "When I am able to heal my own wounds,'I'm also helping the world and repairing God,' said Bar-David, adding that "from a Kabbalistic standpoint, the journey of health is a very different journey."
Can practicing Kabbalah bring you closer to God!
Every human action on earth, according to the Kabbalah, has an impact on the divine realm, either advancing or impeding the union of the Shechina and the Holy One, blessed be He. God is not a static being, but a dynamic becoming. God is incomplete and unrealized without human participation. It is up to us to actualize the divine potential in the world.
God needs us. Be aware that God fashioned everything and is within everything. Flashes of intuition will come and go and you will discover a secret here. If you are deserving, you will understand the mystery of God on your own.In the flow of the holy spirit, one feels the divine life force coursing the pathways of existance, through all desires, all universe, all nations, all creatures. By cleaving in love and full awareness to the source of life, the soul shines from the supernal light, and all feelings, thoughts and actions are refined. The essence of faith is an awareness of the vastness of Infinity.
According to Kaballah Not transcending the body, but bringing body and spirit together is the highest spiritual achievement. To do so, however, you must let go of the beliefs that erect barriers around the Infinite and recognize the body as a source of holiness in and of itself. Kaballah is basically a holy process of connecting with got and finding out ones inner self and connection with magical power that one has on himself. It is a spiritual connection that can heal you physical and mental health by connecting with god. That finds the god who is  inside everyone of us. And it creates the believes on oneself and the connectivity between god and us. And makes you believe that god is within us and we can interact with him whenever we want we just need to focus and find it out in our inner self.
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