#Entertainment Program For Humans (Second Variety)
yuzurujenn · 2 months
[2024.07.19-2024.07.21] Yuzuru Hanyu: Interview two years after turning professional (Hochi)
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Figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29), who marked two years since announcing his decision to turn pro on the 19th, agreed to an interview. He spoke at length about his two years as a professional, his present and the future, his fateful encounter with a program, and the "ideal" he is pursuing. We will be publishing Hanyu's words, who continues to evolve as an athlete and artist, for three consecutive days. The second and final instalment are a stand-alone interview. (Interviewer: Takagi Megumi)
Part 1:
Hanyu-san appeared dashingly at the studio in Sendai. As soon as he arrived, he started the interview by saying "Thank you." His quick thinking and agility were as good as ever. His black jersey looked good on him as always.
"Honestly, my first year as a professional was a bit of a trial-and-error state; I was constantly thinking about whether I should do this, whether I should do that, what I should do. But this (second year) has been a year in which I have clearly understood what I want to express, and what I want to do as a professional."
Though he was thoughtful at times and carefully choosing his words, he was smiling throughout the interview. Looking back on the past two years, his expression showed how contented he has become as a professional.
It all started with a one-man show “Prologue”. “GIFT,” the first solo Tokyo Dome performance by a skater in history, lasted two and a half hours in which he skated alone. In "RE_PRAY", the second instalment of the ice story following "GIFT", he took on his first national tour.
"In the second year, with 'RE_PRAY', the ice story was completely formed. I think the big thing about the second year was that I was able to properly establish what pieces existed in the story and what kind of story I wanted to tell."
He wrote the story himself, served as executive producer, and performed "Ice Story" by himself. With "RE_PRAY," he created a new form of entertainment that combines gaming and skating.
"It's the same when I choreograph various programs, but I think that the essence of what I want to express is always the idea of 'living' and the constant presence of something like a 'prayer' towards 'living'."
He has changed the concept of a professional skater. He can perform quadruple jumps and perform programs in a variety of genres. His evolution as an athlete and an artist continues in his third season.
"I have finally established the foundation for what I want to do, so as an extension of that, I am wondering how I can improve my skills in terms of expression. In order to convey myself, I believe that I cannot improve my level unless I have a strong technical foundation, as I have always said since my competitive days. I feel that my third year will be a time when I will be working on improving both my technique and my physical strength."
He will be turning 30 in December. He says that his present life is different from the future he envisioned as a teenager. He was supposed to have turned professional after the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics and retire from skating in his 20s.
"The way my stamina and technique have developed is completely different from what I had imagined, but it gives me a real sense of how much more I can achieve, and a sense of great potential for the future. I now feel that humans can achieve much more than I had thought."
He won consecutive Olympic gold medals in Pyeongchang and after his third Olympic Games in Beijing, he turned professional. He had an incredibly intense 20s. What will his 30s be like? "Nothing in particular has changed," he continued, tilting his head.
"While still cherishing who I am, I think that showing my skills and facing skating are a big part of what makes me happy. I want to always have within myself a reason for my existence, a meaning to the past 30 years for everyone. It's not just because my fans watch me, or because skating is all I have, but I want to create more clearly within myself the core of my life in my 30s."
Skating with soul. "Pursuing the ideal," he wrote on his coloured paper. The story of professional skater Yuzuru Hanyu has just begun.
-What have the past two years been like since you turned professional?
"As an athlete, I have really thought about many things in a stoic way up until now. Of course, this is true in terms of technique, but I think I have always been thinking about victory in particular. To be honest, in my first year as a professional, I was feeling my way around; I spent the whole year constantly thinking about whether I should do this, whether I should do that, what I should do. I think this (second year) has been the year in which I have clearly understood what I want to express, and what I want to do as a professional."
-What have you come to understand clearly?
"In the first year, I had 'Prologue,' and I was feeling my way around whether I could skate solo. I was also working on 'GIFT' at the same time. At the time, I wanted to write my own story, and I wanted the audience to experience how the programs they had seen up until then would change as they watched them. This was something I had vaguely thought about since my competitive days. I was able to make this a reality in my first year. In my second year, I had 'RE_PRAY,' and I felt like I had completely formed the ice story. It wasn't just about trying to figure out how to skate by myself or changing perspectives by putting what I wanted to express into a story. I think the big thing about my second year was that I was able to properly establish that this story has these pieces, and that this is the story I would like to convey."
-What kind of year will your third year be?
"I have finally established a foundation for what I want to do, so as an extension of that, I am wondering how I can improve my skills in terms of expression. As for conveying myself, I have always said since my competitive days that I can't improve my level without having strong technique as a foundation. I feel that my third year will be a time when I will be working on improving both my technique and my physical strength."
-Memories from the past two years?
"There are a lot, of course. I can't really say just one, but I've had so many different, precious experiences. Most recently, the completion of "RE_PRAY". I had that feeling that it was received well. I'm currently in the middle of the production process (laughs). It's my motivation to keep working hard, it's my driving force."
-Are you currently working on any new projects?
"I've been creating new programs and other things. I've started digging deeper into what I want to express. Because I've been working alone for so long, the emotions that come out of me tend to be biased. My ideas haven't fundamentally changed that much, so my repertoire hasn't expanded that much. But I do feel that my experiences with 'RE_PRAY' and other such things are the driving force behind the birth of new emotions and new expressions."
-Will Ice Story continue to create themes by asking itself these questions?  
"Whether it was when I was creating 'RE_PRAY,' or when I was choreographing programs like 'Goliath,' 'Aqua,' and others, I think that at the core of what I want to express is the idea of 'living,' and the constant presence of something like a 'prayer' towards 'living.' So, what I want to convey on top of that and what I want to dig deeper into may affect the way I present myself depending on the program at hand."
-You'll be turning 30 in December. How does it compare to how you imagined your 30 would be?
"When I was 18 or 16, to be honest, I imagined I probably wouldn't be skating anymore by 30 (laughs). I would turn professional at 24 immediately after the Pyeongchang Olympics, and I thought I'd be active for about five years and then be done with skating. But the way I've developed my stamina and technique is completely different from what I imagined, and I feel a real sense of realization that I can still do so much, and a great sense of possibility for the future. Right now, I feel that humans can still do much more than I thought."
-What kind of person do you want to be in your 30s?
"Nothing has changed in particular. However, the more I polish my way of expression and the more time I spend constantly practicing and facing myself, the stronger my sense of self is becoming, and I feel like my foundation is becoming more and more established. In this way, I will continue to cherish myself in my 30s. But I think that showing my skills and facing skating is a big part of what makes me happy. I want to always have a reason for my existence, a reason for living for the past 30 years. Not just because my fans watch me, or because skating is all I have, but I want to create a clearer core for myself in my 30s."
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Part 2:
It has been two years since figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29) announced his professional debut on the 19th. In the second part, he spoke to Sports Hochi in an exclusive interview about his "fateful encounter" with a certain program. (Interviewer: Megumi Takagi)
-Does time pass differently now compared to when you were an athlete?
"When I was a competing athlete, I could just keep thinking about things like building my physique or practicing skating. But when I'm creating something or choreographing a program or doing things like that, I don't have time to just practice. So, I thought, 'I won’t be able to practice during this period, so I'll just try to maintain it’, or ‘I'll try to keep it to a certain level, and since I'm currently in the production period, it can't be helped if I cut down on sleep.' I want to provide something good, and when I think about all sorts of things, I can't sleep. To begin with, I'm the kind of person who tends to live an unhealthy lifestyle (laughs). I know I should sleep more for my skating, or eat more of this or that, but it just keeps falling apart."
-How much sleep do you get?
"It depends on the day. If I feel like I can't take it anymore, sometimes I'll sleep for eight or nine hours straight, and sometimes I fall asleep without realising it. On the other hand, there are also days when I'm awake all day. It's normal to stay up all night even though there's no need to. But it's at times like those that stories are born. It's hard to put into words. It's not that different from writing lyrics or composing music. I guess that's just how it is. I've accepted it and thought that this is just my style."  
-During the rehearsals for "Notte Stellata" in March, you said you were "nervous about the new program."
"Of course, I felt nervous about performing it in front of everyone for the first time, wondering if I’ll make a mistake or if everything will be okay, but if anything, I thought it's great, and the people around also thought it's great. But when that circle expands from me to people who are close to me, and then to my fans and to the general public, honestly I'm really scared about what people will think. People have completely different values, and there's no doubt that the impression people get when they hear a program or a song is different for each person. So I do feel a bit scared that it may go in the wrong direction."
-How have you felt about that over the past two years?
"I've created a lot of programs, including 'RE_PRAY', and it makes me happy to see that people have different preferences for the programs they like. Some people say they like my self-choreographed programs, and others say they prefer programs that are properly choreographed by a choreographer. Some people say they prefer programs that are more like traditional figure skating, and conversely, some people prefer programs that are more over-the-top, like 'MEGALOVANIA', so it really varies. That's also one of my strengths. I'm really happy that everyone has different interpretations of the programs and likes them."
-What programs would you like to try in the future?
"I actually want to make a 15-minute program, but I'm worried it might be difficult."
-Is that a physical thing?
"Of course, it's physically demanding. For example, even if I don't jump that much, I don't want it to become boring. I want to create something with so-called contemporary movements, but I don't think I can keep up."
-There’s a concept.
"I have a vague idea, but I'm not sure if I can go that far yet. I don’t know. I haven't found a song that I want to skate to yet. I just don’t think I’ve found a song that I want to skate to for 15 or 20 minutes."
-"Danny Boy" (※1) has a more empathetic and gentler feel than ever before. Is this due to the fact that your range of expression has expanded over the past two years, or is it a change from within?
"I do feel like I've become able to express emotions that were already there in new ways. That's true when I skate to 'Notte' (Notte stellata) or 'Spring' (Come, Spring). I've been able to express things like compassion or prayer through the melody, the way I use my hands, the way I use my upper body, and so on. Up until now, I've been doing classical, pop, and instrumental pieces, and 'Come, Spring' was originally a pop song. This time, I used a jazz melody, which was something I hadn't done before, and I think the biggest difference is that I feel like I've finally become able to do it. Of course, I think part of it is that I'm getting older and becoming more mature, but I feel like I’m catching up a bit in the way I use my body to express that, and in my thought processes."
-"Danny Boy" was recommended to you by Hoshino Gen.
"That's right. I met Gen-san (※2) on the show and he said, ‘This is a good song’. At that moment, I had a feeling that this was it. I decided almost immediately that I was going to skate to this song."
-Did it come easily?
"It's hard to find songs that inspire me and songs that, when I first listen to them, I can imagine myself standing there and skating to them. I've been searching really hard for songs, but it's not easy to find one. But that song just came to me. I had a feeling that this was it. The melody was not something I could choreograph by myself, and I felt that this song needed to be skated over and over again to mature, so I immediately thought of David (Wilson, ※3) and asked him for help. It was a quick development with the song, and I felt like it was a fateful encounter."
[※1] Performed by Keith Jarrett. Debuted at "Yuzuru Hanyu Notte Stellata 2024" in March this year. [※2] He appeared as a guest on Hoshino Gen's show "Ogen-san's Sabusuku-do" (NHK, broadcast last August). He played the role of "Ogen-san's younger brother" and talked about music. [※3] Canadian choreographer. Choreographed "Romeo and Juliet" for the free skating at Sochi Olympics, "Notte Stellata," and "Spring, Come", among others.
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Part 3:
The final episode of an exclusive interview with figure skater Yuzuru Hanyu (29), who announced his professional debut two years ago on the 19th. He talked about "full effort," "mind, technique, and body," and his "ideal" as an athlete. (Interviewer: Megumi Takagi)
-During a press conference for "RE_PRAY," you said, "I can still improve the composition."
"Originally, in practice, I was practicing 'Messenger of Ruin' with the final axel as a 3A3T (a triple 1/2-triple toe loop combination jump). Sometimes I would also practice the first toe loop in the second half as a 4T3T (a quadruple toe loop-triple toe loop combination jump). I probably wouldn't be able to do it in a real performance, but I was practicing it as a way to build up my stamina and improve my skills. I had some time to spare, so I thought I'd like to do it if possible. I tried it on the final day of the Miyagi performance, and there were some flaws. I guess I was hoping that if I practiced more, I'd be able to do it."
-Will there be a composition as difficult as that (※1) this season as well?
"I would like to do it. However, I think the composition will be completely different depending on what I want to express. Is the challenge a quadruple jump, or something more physically difficult? Also, I think the way it is presented will be completely different depending on whether I am challenging myself expressively. If possible, I would like to improve the composition. However, when it comes to a tour, I wonder if I am really 100% confident that I can deliver something good to everyone. I think it is necessary to always consider the balance and make sure I am not overestimating myself."
-It was the same in the ice shows and exhibitions when you were competing, and of course it's still the same now. Why are you able to give it your all every time?
"On the contrary, I feel more uncomfortable if I don’t give it my all. Performing in front of people is in itself something that may or may not please them, but in that moment, it may also be a catalyst for a change in someone’s life, even if just a little. If it were my own performance, I don't think I could show a half-hearted performance."
-Is that always the case?
"Always. I think I've been like that since I was little. I think my physical ability is pretty high, but if I didn't give it my all, I wouldn't reach that level. Therefore, I had to remove that limiter and try to catch up with my sister (Hanyu started skating because of his sister, who is four years older than him) or try to reach her level, since I couldn’t get that far unless I gave it my all. For example, when I was a novice and I couldn't jump the triple or double axel properly. Other kids could jump them, but I was flexible, didn't have much muscle strength, and wasn't blessed with a body that was so good in terms of explosive power, but when I thought about wanting to be better than everyone else, or wanting to catch up with everyone else, that's why I kept giving it my all. I removed my limiter more than other people. Because I didn't want to lose. I wanted to be praised (laughs). So, removing the limiter is normal for me probably from a young age. I have an older sister, so there’s always someone at home to aspire to. So, I guess I had to remove the limiter in everything. And now I have a sense of responsibility. Because I am Yuzuru Hanyu, the question of how far I can go in my pursuit is gradually coming into play and giving it meaning. If I were to talk about my childhood, I think that's probably what it was like."
[※1] In "RE_PRAY"'s "Messenger of Ruin," he completed a highly difficult routine just like in a competition, including a single quadruple Salchow and toe loop, five consecutive quadruple toe loops, and two triple axels.
-How do you increase your concentration before a performance?
"In my case, theoretically, I think that if I can get excited or create a situation that I find enjoyable, I will naturally be able to concentrate. So, although I don't sing it out loud, I think that getting into music is what turns on my concentration switch. It's like my blood gets pumping, or like the switch in my brain changes. I guess it's the song, the music."
-You are still a complete athlete. Athletes often use the phrase "Shin-Gi-Tai” *," but where does ‘mind, technique, and body’ fit into your perspective, Hanyu-san?
"In the end, I think there's no point if you can't find a balance. If you excel in one area… For example, if your heart becomes very strong at one point, but your technique is not strong enough to match the size of your heart, then the heart itself will probably be destroyed and you will be swallowed up. So you definitely need the technique to express your heart. Even if you spread that heart and technique widely, if you don't have the physical strength, if your body itself isn't functioning well, then you will be swallowed up by your technique and your heart. In the end, I think if you really want to level up, you have to make everything bigger."
*心技体 (Shin-gi-tai) – Shin = mind/heart, Gi= skills/technique, Tai = physique/body
-What is an athlete?
"Now, I have the opportunity to work in various professional fields and have more opportunities to come into contact with people whom I really respect, I think that the people I consider to be the very best are all athletes. For example, there is the NHK programme ‘The Professionals’, and people like that are really athletes. Personally, I think the way they use their time, or the way they use their heart and soul, to achieve a certain goal or ideal is what makes them athletes. I don't know whether to call that an athlete or a professional, but that's how I've always been since my competitive days. I think that's what I would like to call myself, an athlete."
-You've often used the word "ideal" since the latter half of your competitive days. It sounds like a declaration of determination not to compromise on that.
"The reason I started talking about my 'ideal' towards the end of my competitive days was because, well… To be honest, I wanted to perform a certain way, but after all, it didn’t always lead to positive evaluation. That's when I decided to shift towards pursuing my ideal."
-Perhaps around Autumn Classic?
"The most significant was Autumn, I guess…Autumn 2019…? At that time, I had no choice but to reconsider and realise that the most important thing was to do what I wanted to do and perform the kind of performance I was aiming for, rather than worrying about scores. I felt that this was equal to making the fans happy. From then on, I am still on that same path. After I become a professional skater, I have to pursue it even more. Because I am skating for the fans. The ideal is getting higher and higher, and I am chasing that ideal."
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Post-interview notes:
Last year, one year after turning professional, Hanyu-san sent a message to his fans to Sports Hochi. "I will continue to strive for my ideal and continue to constantly renew that ideal," he wrote. I think that this past year has been exactly like that.
The path he should take must have become clearer now. His expression was bright and full of contentment. We asked him to write down his aspiration for his third year on a coloured paper. He wrote, "Pursuing the 'ideal’”. "I'm skating for my fans, so the ‘ideal’ will get higher and higher," he said. Beautiful skating that blends in with the music. A range of expression that can only be achieved with advanced technique. I hope that Hanyu-san will continue to cherish the "ideal" skating that he has carefully cultivated. (Takagi Megumi)
Source: 1. https://hochi.news/articles/20240718-OHT1T51180.html?page=1 2. https://hochi.news/articles/20240718-OHT1T51181.html?page=1 3. https://hochi.news/articles/20240719-OHT1T51148.html?page=1 4. https://hochi.news/articles/20240719-OHT1T51151.html?page=1 5. https://hochi.news/articles/20240720-OHT1T51200.html?page=1 6. https://hochi.news/articles/20240720-OHT1T51199.html?page=1
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yours-the-author · 1 year
Spoilers for My Friendly Neighborhood? And Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Maybe? IDK I'm just putting my thoughts down.
I watched Super Horror Bro's let's play of MFN and I really liked it! Gordon is great, Ricky is great, everyone is great... but a lot of people seem to be over looking the whole "living puppets" thing? (or maybe I just haven't been looking hard enough.) And that got me thinking... what if the world logic of MFN is like that of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Like, the two have some similarities already (tough, down on his luck guy with a gun deals with the shenanigans of TV mascots while dark things happen around him), but let's put it like this:
In the world of Roger Rabbit, cartoon characters (toons) are alive. This isn't really explained in the movie, as far as I remember, but it's just a fact. The toons are real, they have jobs, they have a place to live, but they're also sort of considered "second class citizens" in a way; they don't really get a lot of variety in what jobs they can thrive in (they work in entertainment, usually), and they don't always get treated very well (Eddie Valiant, the protagonist, often responds to cartoon shenanigans by saying "toons" in a clearly derogatory way; and cartoon tools like singing swords and sentient shoes [which I think are safe to assume they're alive and sentient? less so than other toons, but you get it] are kept in boxes, seemingly for long periods of time). Toons also have their "Toon Town", their own separate place to live that, for much of the movie, is in danger due to the owner of Toon Town (a human) dying and potentially letting Toon Town get destroyed for the sake of a highway, and thus destroying the only known place where toons can safely live.
So, to summarize: 1. Toons are alive, an accepted fact by society. 2. Toons are citizens, and are expected to work to earn their keep. 3. Toons are citizens, and there is slight prejudice against them ("slight" may be putting it lightly).
Now, let's look at MFN:
Gordon J. O'Brien is a human, who is tasked with shutting off the antenna of the studio that used to produce and televise the children's show My Friendly Neighborhood. We see in a cutscene prior to gameplay that most television shows are hosted/acted by human players, except for MFN, which is primarily led by puppet actors. Nothing wrong there; it's a children's show, and as a lot of children shows go, puppets and other cartoonish set pieces are used to entertain. Most adult shows are filled with live people, and at the hour that the TV is shown, adult programming is more likely to be on than children's programming.
But consider what happens when Gordon enters the studio lot, namely when he first meets Ricky the sock puppet. Gordon is surprised by Ricky's appearance, but he doesn't really address it. In fact, he treats Ricky like he might be the owner/face of the establishment. We could argue that Gordon is just rolling with it: it's his last job of the day, he's on probation for a bad attitude and could get fired for failing to do his job or keeping up that bad attitude, so he's just playing along with whoever the crazy human behind the sock puppet is. All well and good, except when things start getting darker.
Gordon sees a puppet (Norman) bashing its head against the wall, seemingly of its own free will, and he offers little more than a "what the...?" Even when the puppets begin attacking him, he just carries on. Maybe he's just super dedicated to finishing his job and leaving so he can go home. But there comes a point, I'd like to think, when dealing with potentially deadly possessed puppets where a normal person thinks, "is this minimum wage job really worth my life?" and usually, the answer is probably "no, consequences be damned, I'm leaving while I'm alive."
So that begs the question: what sort of person carries on with his job when it's possible there are murder puppets after his life? Most people have said that Gordon is just "so done" with everything in his life that he doesn't particularly care, which makes sense; he seems to be a war veteran with little to enjoy in his life. But there's "being done", and there's "a strange but relatively normal day". So: what if puppets being sentient is just... a thing? A rule that the world doesn't necessarily question? Puppets trying to hug people to death is definitely unusual, but that's the only strange thing.
That leads to another supporting question: who owns the studio where MFN used to be broadcast? The buildings, for the most part, are all well maintained with working electricity and general power. It's a little under kept, but the maintenance is there. And yet, there are no people around. At all. All of the offices are empty, all of the sewer areas are empty, it's just puppets all the way down. But why? The show isn't being made any more, so why are all these buildings empty? Shouldn't they be filled with new businesses, new people, new lives? Or at the very least, if no one owns them/uses them, then shouldn't they be knocked down and the land used for some other company? A newspaper mentions a company that bought up a lot of land and buildings for their own consumerist purposes, often kicking tenants out of their homes to do so, so clearly it's not unheard of to knock down/take over buildings that have no obvious purpose.
But the puppets still live there. The puppets do their own thing, wallowing in their accidental trauma, but otherwise not going out and attacking people. They stick to their buildings, and don't bother anyone. So is the MFN studio the "Toon Town" for these puppets? Do they technically "own" the lot? I recall a different note mentioning that the tools and materials of MFN were the "property" of a different company after MFN was taken off air, but the puppets are still in the building, wandering around. Why, unless they have some right to the land?
It could also offer an explanation of why Gordon is tasked with turning off the antenna instead of any other company: the puppets refuse to turn off the antenna and stop broadcasting their show over the network, so they have to send someone in to do it themselves. Not just anyone, though: a down on his luck old war vet with a bad attitude who doesn't seem to have any real importance to the city. If he does get killed, fine, send someone else to do it. If he succeeds, great! In fact, everyone seems so happy to see him successfully disable the antenna that he gets promoted to manager in the "bad ending", despite being on probation. Why is he rewarded so much for doing his job, unless it was really important that the show was shut off? Maybe it's a weird political statement? Or a symbol of human dominance over the "puppet class"? Whatever the case, it's definitely weird that Gordon is so well rewarded for shutting down the show.
Alternatively, in the "normal" and "true" endings, Gordon decides to help get the show back on the air, legally. In the normal ending, he specifically makes a note of how he has to keep his head down, not telling anyone what he's doing and eventually not coming back to the studio because he thinks he's done his part and can move on. In the true ending, he's found out and fired, despite disconnecting the antenna as his job required him. Why would he be fired for doing his job? Unless the wire disconnect was meant to have some bigger meaning? Are the puppets considered "second class", or "other"? Is their show getting back on air and gaining a following some sort of problem for the company Gordon works for? Some people like the show, and some people hate it, but it does gain a following.
A recurring theme in this game is "darkness/meanness vs light/goodness", with modern "adult" television being dark and mean and more "appropriate" in the post war world, and the old "children" television being a bright reminder to be good and friendly, which doesn't correlate with the world that the post war city has become. Maybe the puppets are a living reminder of the "good" in the world that adults are shielding themselves from? I don't know, I'm kind of rambling at this point.
Speaking of the war- isn't it weird how they just refer to it as "the war"? Based on the context and the dates, it's fairly agreed by the community that the war represents the Vietnam War, a controversial event that televised the dark realities of war to everyone with a television, which was mostly everyone. If it's supposed to be the Vietnam War, why not just call it that? Unless it's not the Vietnam War, not technically, in this universe? Since the puppets are living beings (even if they aren't exposed to television and the horrors of war until after the show stops), maybe there are other historical differences in this universe, too? Different lands, boundaries, people, etc?
And when the puppets- no longer supervised due to a world going dark from the atrocities of war- watch television to find what they're missing that other TV shows have, they get traumatized by what they see, and inadvertently incorporate it into what they know. They're impressionable, like children- or a sheltered class of people. They all get a little intense- insane ramblings and hugging people to death- but some of them go so far as to physically change themselves (remove their eyes, give themselves human teeth, turn into monsters) as a screwed attempt to gain the love and attention that the "darkness" offers. Unless someone takes some time to talk to the puppets, to let them know that there can still be good and light in the world, then the puppets will all remain on that lot, by themselves, without an outlet, and will possibly be destroyed when the now pointless studio lot is without purpose. That's what Gordon's for: someone who has also been troubled by the darkness of the world, but can take the time and empathy to be a little bit friendly.
Sorry for the long post; it's possible there's more stuff I forgot to talk about, or some information I got wrong, but feel free to add your thoughts to this! I need to go to bed, I have work in the morning.
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technophili · 2 months
Netflix Embraces generative AI for Story Quality, Not Cost-Cutting
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During a fairly recent earnings interview, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sarandos gave his optimistic view of what generative AI could become in the entertainment industry. He believes that AI tools will enable creators to improve the way they tell their stories, which could in turn revolutionize the way content is created on the streaming platform. "I think that AI is going to generate a great set of creator tools, a great way for creators to tell better stories, " said Mr. Sarandos during the company's second-quarter earnings conference call. Quote found on variety.He also reiterated that the main purpose of implementing this technology was to improve story quality, not to reduce production costsMr. Sarandos also drew a link between the advent of AI and the shift from hand-drawn animation to computer-generated animation. "Animation didn't get cheaper, it got better in the move from hand-drawn to CG animation," he explained. "And more people work in animation today than ever in history." as cited by variety Ahead, the Netflix executive confessed confidence in the human element of creativity, saying AI would not replace human talent, but rather augment it. "I don't believe that an AI program is going to write a better screenplay than a great writer, or is going to replace a great performance," said Mr. Sarandos. He added: "AI is not going to take your job. The person who uses AI well might take your job" Taking into account AI's experimentation in the film industry at present, Mr. Sarandos cautioned against making hasty predictions about its effect in the long term. "We've got to see how that develops before we can make any meaningful predictions of what it means for anybody," he noted.Netflix hasn't waited to already use AI and machine learning in its content recommendation algorithms. Co-CEO Greg Peters emphasized the potential of generative AI to further improve these algorithms, saying "We think that generative AI has tremendous potential to improve our recommendations and discovery systems even further."While the streaming embarrassment only continues to seek out AI's abilities in content creation, Sarandos emphasized the fundamental elements that make for successful storytelling absolutely do not change. "Shows and movies, they win with the audience when they connect, " he said, noting how important the quality of the writing, the chemistry between the creators and the plot twists are.Although the extent of AI's impact remains to be seen. On how to create Netflix content, Sarandos' comments hint at a future where technology and human creativity work together to create even more compelling and innovative storytelling experiences for viewers around the world. Read the full article
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
1308 Study
Library of Circlaria
Blog Posts
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Map of Remikra, 1308
Article Written: 3 September 1451
Much may be known about the Early Republic of Retun and its tense politics in 1308, with the ultra-nationalist Walter Scott Mason campaigning against the darkfire community to unseat the incumbent Prime Minister John Waltmann in the upcoming election. But what is seldom discussed is the influence of the Leyeasah Maritime Council leading to the 1308 Study.
April 1308
There are a few Circlarian entities who believe in a controversial and unproven concept known as dimensionalism. As opposed to dymensions, which are created by humans, dimensions are alternate versions of reality believed to already exist. They were not created nor is it possible in any practical term to tap into them. But many groups throughout Circlaria and Ancondria have claimed to be able to observe these alternate universes. One of these entities, the Leyeasah Maritime Council, gave a comprehensive presentation on the matter in Reverence Hall of the Basin District on the evening of 15 April 1308. Talks like these given by a variety of guests occurred regularly on Friday evenings in the venue at the time. And these guests would discuss interesting and unusual subjects to entertain and enlighten the audience that came; and the talk on 15 April was no different.
However, Peter Quora, 27 years old at the time, was in attendance. And the talk brought to light the notion that those who consumed certain substances that bring on hallucinations were able to tap into the alternate universes, and that numerous indigenous groups of the past did so. This interested Peter Quora, for it touched on almost every aspect of his scholarly background. He was undecided on whether or not dimensions existed, but he formed a theory that such an indulgence with darkfire, which at times produced the same effect on the mind as hallucinogens, could enhance the creation of dymensional planes.
Quora was a graduate of Cabotton University, having begun in 1301 with the intent to graduate from the officer training corps program and become a federal marshal. However, his interests quickly shifted to dymensionalism (the practice of creating dymensional planes), as he joined the Third Level Society, and also to darkfire. Quora had, furthermore, become a supporter of Finzi, as he condemned the persecution of the darkfire community under the Federal Estates of Retun, and took deep interest in the engineering marvels of Ceri Mains, who combined darkfire and dymensionalism to construct Third Level Society's granulation systems. And with the public interested in the matter at the moment, Quora wrote to John Hartmann, a Councillor serving on behalf of Ereautea, to propose a measure to do a research study on using Leyeasan theories.
Councillor Hartmann agreed with Quora and proposed the measure immediately, but it was met with stiff resistance and voted down. However, Quora and Hartmann re-proposed it two more times before it was finally considered. During the debates, Quora and Hartmann ran a popular campaign and picked up petition signatures. Overwhelming support also came from votes in the Public Assembly. On 23 May, the measure passed Retunian Council and was signed the same day by Prime Minister Waltmann. The research study began on 11 June.
The Study
The object of the study was to determine whether or not a Mount Carris event, alone, would generate a dymensional plane without human algorithm input (A Mount Carris event is a darkfire discharge from Mount Carris.). The controlled event occurred on the evening of 11 June 1308, and produced a dymensional plane without human algorithm input, which lasted for 7.12 seconds. Equipment during this study recorded the randomly-generated algorithms during the event and are being studied to this day.
Conservative Backlash
Plans were in place for the study to continue for subsequent events. However, Walter Scott Mason condemned the study, stating a false claim that this was an example of Waltmann and Finzi convening to overthrow Retunian society and establish a darkfire regime. He dispatched the Knights of the Common Good, who were armed with weapons and were poised to attack the study site. Prime Minister Waltmann responded by dispatching federal marshals to protect the area. However, on 6 September 1308, Waltmann's response was struck down by the majority of Justices in the Supreme Court as being considered the fostering of criminal activity (in accordance with the existing darkfire prohibition), with Waltmann appointee Jefferson Davis surprisingly being the deciding vote. Henceforth, with participants under threat from the KCG, the study was discontinued.
Records from the study, however, were preserved by Quora and Finzi, and would be used as the basis of darkfire infrastructure after the 1309 Revolution. Peter Quora would go on to launch another project in 1319 to create a realistic dymensional representation of the Circlarian Realm. Although it was cut short by a pandemic and turn of events, the 1319 Project provided the basis for the establishment of Library of Circlaria.
Notes from the 1308 Study continue to serve as a model for darkfire infrastructure, a blueprint for dymensional plane construction, and a snapshot of Remikran politics during the early first decade of the 1300s.
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ies10 · 4 months
Discover Garden City University Bangalore: A leading educational institution
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Located in the vibrant city of Bangalore, Garden City University (GCU) is a beacon of excellence in higher education. Founded to impart quality education and promote all-round development, GCU has grown into a renowned institution known for its diverse educational offerings, state-of-the-art facilities, and a nurturing environment that supports both academic and personal growth. 
A Brief History:
Garden City University was founded in 2013 by Dr. Joseph V.G., a visionary educationist and philanthropist. The university emerged from the Garden City Group of Educational Institutions, which has been a major player in education since 1992. With a solid foundation built on years of experience and dedication, GCU has quickly established itself as a leading university in Bangalore.
Academic Excellence:
GCU offers a wide range of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs in various disciplines. The academic structure of the university is designed to meet the evolving needs of industry and society, ensuring that students receive a relevant and future-proof education. 
Some of the outstanding faculties at GCU:
School of Business Administration: Offering programs such as MBA and BBA, this faculty focuses on developing future leaders with strong management skills and ethical values.
School of Science: Includes programs such as Biotechnology, and Microbiology, designed to promote scientific and research skills.
School of Media: With courses in journalism, mass communication, and visual communication, this faculty prepares students for the dynamic world of media and entertainment.
School of Hotel Management: Known for its comprehensive programs in Hotel Management and Culinary Arts, it provides students with practical skills and insights into the industry.
School of Humanities and Social Sciences: This school offers diverse programs in Psychology, English, and Economics, with emphasis on critical thinking and social impact.
Innovative Teaching Methods:
Garden City University focuses on a student-centered approach to learning. The university employs innovative teaching methods that go beyond traditional classroom learning.
Experience-Based Learning: Students take part in practical projects, internships, and company visits, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Research Opportunities: GCU promotes a research-oriented mindset and offers students the opportunity to participate in various research projects and present their findings.
Global Presence: Through international collaboration and exchange programs, students gain a global perspective and insights to prepare them for the globalized job market.
Skills Development: The curriculum integrates soft skills training, leadership development, and entrepreneurship to ensure that students become well-rounded individuals ready to face real-world challenges.
Modern Infrastructure:
Garden City University campus is designed to provide an enriching learning environment. Key facilities include:
Modern Classrooms: GCU classrooms equipped with the latest technology enhance the learning experience.
Well-Equipped Library: The university has a large library with a vast collection of books, magazines, and digital resources.
Laboratories: Students can carry out experiments and gain hands-on experience in modern laboratories for science, technology, and media studies.
Hostel Facilities: Comfortable and secure hostels provide a second home for out-of-town students.
Sports and Recreation: GCU promotes physical fitness through a variety of athletic facilities and recreational activities and encourages students to maintain a healthy balance between academics and personal interests.
Focus on Holistic Development:
Garden City University believes in the holistic development of its students. The university offers a wealth of extracurricular activities and student clubs that cater to a wide range of interests. From cultural and technical festivals to sports tournaments and literary events, GCU ensures that students have ample opportunities to explore their passions and talents.
The university also places a strong emphasis on community service and social responsibility. Various outreach programs and initiatives are organized to enable students to contribute positively to society and develop a sense of empathy and civic duty.
Industry Contacts and Employment Opportunities:
One of the outstanding features of Garden City University is its strong links with industry. The university has developed strong relationships with leading companies and organizations across various sectors. This network facilitates regular guest lectures, workshops, and industry interaction, keeping students informed of the latest trends and requirements of the job market.
The Career Office at GCU works tirelessly to provide promising career opportunities to students. The cell offers comprehensive support including resume writing, interview preparation, and career advising. As a result, GCU graduates are prepared to enter the professional world with confidence and competence.
Alumni Network:
The success of an institution is reflected in the achievements of its graduates and Garden City University is no exception. GCU has a strong and active alumni network that spans the globe. The alumni association plays a vital role in mentoring current students, providing industry insights, and fostering a sense of community among alumni.
Garden City University, Bangalore is a testament to the transformative power of education. With a focus on academic excellence, innovative teaching methods, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and holistic development, GCU provides a nurturing environment where students can grow and reach their full potential. Whether you are an aspiring student seeking a well-rounded education or an industry partner seeking qualified graduates, Garden City University is known to be synonymous with quality and excellence in higher education.
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eartharoundsun · 4 months
A Paradoxical Explanation for the insane Reality TV Popularity and its Expansion in Digital Century - Reveal how Love Island producers ultilizing social media to blur all boundaries between the Screen and Audiences
The love-hate feelings for reality TV are so complicated right? Dear beloved audiences, I truly understand our frustration that no matter how much we hate the “fake” of reality TV, all of us still cannot help but binge watching every Netflix reality TV show! By dissecting the series Love Island, the secret drug behind “reality TV addiction” and the way social media spreads this disease will be brought to light… Get ready to be surprised by the way we – as smart audiences – are not as “logical” as we think!
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Love Island - the sweet-bitter relationship between Social Media and Reality TV
By giving audiences full rights to decide the series' outcome like voting for the most hated/loved couples, who should go on a date, winning couple, etc. Love Island – the British dating reality TV series – has brought dating shows to another level by not only showing “authentic progress” of how “ordinary” searching for love but also maximizing reality TV's most appealing element – the audiences’ ability to actively participate in shaping the content production (Hoiry 2019) and therefore, achieving incredibly global popularity. Sharing about success, the show producers don’t hesitate to mention that viewers' engagement via social media is Love Island’s key marketing strategy. Launching a variety of social media activities like creating memes and sharing on the show’s official Twitter and Instagram accounts, posting previews and upcoming hints, etc., audiences are now engaging with the show every second through multiple media channels and naturally turn Love Island into a part of their lives
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Love Island's social media strategy, particularly the main app, also acts as a vehicle to expand the boundaries of advertisements by employing digital tools to maximize revenue opportunities and drive commercial interest (Hoiry 2019). The partnership with Missguide is a typical example as the fashion brand sponsors clothes for contestants to wear during the show and via the re-direct link on the reality TV series app to Missguide's official website, audiences have chances to immediately purchase items that players wear (Hoiry 2019). This innovative marketing strategy has been considered a “marketing masterpiece” (Tuite 2018), “the shopping future” (Faramazi 2018), and the top reality TV partnership ever (Cole 2018). As a result, Love Island became a “hot promotion place” for brands, and profits from partnerships with Samsung, Kellogg’s, etc. truly helped the reality show to expand internationally
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However, social media could be “a fatal stab” to reality TV’s long-term issue: realism and authenticity. In the new way of TV consumption where television viewers merge with social media users, individuals are now creating their own “online community” to discuss and share opinions, consequently making the TV reality’s “grit” more visible. Multiple Love Island’s edited and fake scenes like #Kissgate, #Frankie and Samira’s Relationship, etc. have been exposed thanks to the Twitter network
After all, reality TV is not really “realistic” and everyone understands that as common sense! But why we still couldn’t help but crazy dive into reality TV series? Oh well, don’t be sad when I say that humans are irrational audiences who are desperately seeking for “control power” and an “unreal guilty entertainment pleasure”
The secret behind Reality TV's “addictive drug” and its crazy expansion in the temporary TV broadcasting industry
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Being described as the “mix of social participation and responsibility” (Kjus 2009) and “urge ordinary viewers to participate in the content production and chances to shape the outcome” (Hoiry 2019), reality TV audiences are no longer in the passive position anymore but instead having active influence to determine the program content flow. This growing interactivity to co-create outcomes and set directions that give viewers a strong sense of power makes reality TV stand out from the “old passive program” to become a new dominant of TV broadcast programming. In the digital century when social media pushes this “control ability” to its limit by allowing viewers to engage with the show every second and directly shape the content production flow, reality TV is predicted to growing further. This redefining of conventional relationships and passive/active dichotomies is perhaps best demonstrated by a more recent example of Reality TV: Love Island. In particular, producers' and viewers' pervasive and purposeful use of social media has pushed audience involvement in new and sometimes unexpected directions (Hoiry 2019)
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Moreover, it’s not an exaggeration to consider that reality TV is actually just our “guilty pleasure” for entertainment since instead of seeking absolute authenticity, this broadcasting form urges viewers to investigate the flexible nature of performance, realism, and identity (Hill 2014). Allen and Mendick (2013, p.466) also mention that audiences like attempting to discern between the genuine and the false in reality TV shows, and this “ambiguity creates opportunities for enjoyment”. This may explain the significant appeal of series such as The Hills, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and many more that are branded as Reality TV, despite common acknowledgment that sequences are written and crucial events are meticulously orchestrated (Woodward 2018)
Conclusion – A bit of a personal viewpoint
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From my standpoint, we – “logical” TV viewers - are no more than puppets being played around by TV producers. No matter how hard we try to hide our natural darkest interest in drama, control power, etc. these production people just understand us so well that they continually produce more reality TV series that hit this hidden desire with the help of social media: more dramas, more engagement through media channels, more outcome control, etc. In the digital century where every gap between the screen and audiences has been erased, reality TV is predicted to expand wider, and individuals with the “power illusion” will continue to be fooled!
Allen, K & Mendick, H 2013, “Keeping it Real? Social Class, Young People and ‘Authenticity' in Reality TV”, Sociology, 47, 460–476. doi: 10.1177/0038038512448563
Cole, S 2018, “Why the Love Island & Missguided partnership was a multichannel triumph”, Econsultancy, https://econsultancy.com/why-the-love-island-missguided-partnership-was-a-multichannel-triumph/ 
Faramarzi, S 2018, “Love at first swipe: would you shop the Love Island look live?”, The Guardian, https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/jun/06/love-at-first-swipe-would-you-shop-the-love-island-look-live 
Hill, A 2014, “Reality TV”, Oxon: Routledge, http://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?author=A.+Hill+&publication_year=2014&title=Reality+TV
Hoiry, X. L 2019, “Love Island, Social Media, and Sousveillance: New Pathways of Challenging Realism in Reality TV”, Frontier, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsoc.2019.00059/full
Katharina, B 2023, “Reality Check for Reality TV: Fewer Viewers Among Top Programs”, Statista, https://www.statista.com/chart/30931/reality-tv-viewership/
Kjus, Y 2009, “Idolizing and monetizing the public: the production of celebrities and fans, representatives and citizens in reality TV”, Int. J. Commun. 3, 277–300
Tuite, H 2018, “Love Island–a marketing masterpiece”, Tuna Fish Media, https://tunafishmedia.co.uk/love-island-a-marketing-masterpiece/ 
Woodward, E 2018, “8 Times ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians' Was Accused of Being Fake”, Buzzfeed, https://www.buzzfeed.com/elliewoodward/keeping-up-with-the-kardashians-fake-allegations 
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ecsundance · 9 months
Sundance Festival Preview!
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Hello! My name is Alexis Lariviere and I am a third year student at Eckerd College majoring in film, with a double minor in literature and humanities.  As someone who has had the opportunity to work in the film industry in various capacities, Sundance has always been a dream to attend.  For those who may not be familiar, Sundance is an annual film festival celebrating the newest voices in independent cinema entertainment.  I am honored to have the opportunity to attend the Sundance 2024 film festival this year!
Through careful consideration, I have narrowed down a list of my top ten including feature films, short films, and indie episodic/new frontier projects.  Below is a list of my top ten: 
A Real Pain [U.S. Dramatic Competition]
A New Kind of Wilderness [World Cinema Documentary Competition]
Directed by Silji Evensmo Jacobsen this film follows a family used to life in isolation as they navigate an unexpected situation forcing them to adapt to modern society. 
My Old Ass [Premier]
Being (The Digital Griot) [New Frontier]
Will and Harper [Premier]
Tendaberry [NEXT]
Little Death [NEXT]
Short Film Program 2 [Short Program]
This short film series appears to be curated with a unifying theme of trust… Each one is described with a hint of mystery and drama: I am most excited for The Masterpiece. 
SLAMDANCE Narrative Short Program [Short Program]
Episodic Pilot Showcase [Episodic]
This showcase features three pilots that each reveal a truth about humanity and uncover new truths about society through the protagonists.  
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Despite the clear differences between the plot and content each of these films will be exploring, there is a common thread through the theme of relationships.  Most of the features I have included at the top of my list are described as heartfelt and emotional, they each explore a different aspect of connection, whether that be with family, friends, substances, or love interests.  A Real Pain is Jessie Eisenburg’s second feature film and follows him along with his cousin through Poland.  I love Jessie Eisenburg’s dry comedy on screen and I am intrigued to see how this personality plays out while he manages the director chair in addition to leading character.  Similar to my intrigue by name, both My Old Ass, directed by Megan Park, and Will and Harper directed by Josh Greenbaum immediately interested me because of the actors and production team.  I love Will Ferrell, so I can’t wait to see him play this part (especially because it seems different from his usual roles), and I also love Megan Park’s feature The Fallout, so I can’t wait to see another film from her.
The five shorts I am most excited to view will be taking place at Slamdance rather than Sundance.  I have chosen the Slamdance Narrative shorts block instead of another one at Sundance because I was more interested by each of the films descriptions but I also think short films at Slamdance may be a bit more experimental and out there than those at Sundance.  Here is a hyperlink to the Slamdance narrative short film program:
In addition to the five shorts titled Burnt Milk, Deserter, European Man… American Beach, Lan’s Garden, My Son Went Quiet, and We are All Dogs, I can’t wait for the episodic pilot showcase and Being (The Digital Griot) at Sundance.  I am also looking forward to experiencing some variety in terms of genre and content including two films in the NEXT category: Tendaberry and Little Death.  I think that I will relate to Tendaberry because it follows a 23 year old young woman as she navigates NYC alone, I can’t wait to see how her experience differs from mine. Little Death is definitely one of my top choices because it is Jack Bergert’s debut feature and appears to be a film that will comment on the Hollywood business and the illusion of free will.         
Only a few more days, I can’t wait! Until next time… Happy viewing
-Alexis Lariviere
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theiibms · 9 months
Event Management Trends to Watch: What BBA Students Need to Know
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In the ever-evolving landscape of business and entertainment, the art of event management plays a pivotal role in shaping experiences and fostering connections. As we navigate a world where gatherings are more diverse and dynamic than ever, it becomes crucial for Business Administration (BBA) students to stay abreast of the latest trends in event management. 
Bachelors in event management is generally designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of business principles combined with specialized knowledge in event planning and management.
Course Structure:
First Year (Semester - 1):
Principles of Management - I
Principles of Micro Economics
Basic Accounts - I
Business Communication
Computer Fundamentals
First Year (Semester - 2):
Organizational Behaviour
Principles of Macro Economics
Basic Accounts - II
Management Information System
International Business
Second Year (Semester - 3):
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Legal Aspects of Business
Cost and Management Accounting
Conflict Management & Negotiation Skills
Second Year (Semester - 4):
Entrepreneurship Development
Leader Skills and Managerial Effectiveness
Project Management
Small Business Management
Digital Marketing & E – Commerce
Third Year (Semester - 5):
Introduction of Event Management
Event Marketing Management
Human Resource in Event Management
Public Relation
Event Laws & Licenses
Third Year (Semester - 6):
Event Logistics
Production & Sponsorship
Event Concept & Designing
Special Events
Event Risk Management
Course Objective:
Earning a BBA in Event Management can launch successful careers in a variety of industries.
Educational institutions offer this degree worldwide. On-site and online programs offer flexibility and convenience for working professionals.
Search for your program below and contact directly the admission office of the school of your choice by filling in the lead form.
Following are the importance of event management in business:
Events provide a platform for businesses to showcase their products or services, increasing brand visibility.
Events offer valuable networking opportunities with potential clients, partners, and industry influencers.
Events enable direct interaction with customers, fostering a deeper connection.
Events serve as an ideal platform for launching new products or services, generating excitement and anticipation.
Events provide a chance to gather direct feedback from the audience, aiding in market research.
Some new trends in event management industry:
Hybrid Events:
Combining in-person and virtual elements. It offers flexibility for attendees to participate either in person or remotely.
Sustainability and Green Events:
Use of sustainable materials, waste reduction, and carbon footprint considerations.
Contactless Technology:
Increased use of mobile apps for networking, information exchange, and interactive participation.
Live Streaming and Social Media Integration:
Integration of social media platforms to enhance event reach and interaction.
Health and Safety Measures:
Increased focus on health and safety protocols, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Experiential Marketing:
Brands using interactive experiences to connect with their audience on a deeper level.
How you can grow more in this field pursuing BBA?
Seek internships or entry-level positions in event management to gain hands-on experience.
Consider pursuing advanced certifications or specialized courses in specific areas of event management like an MBA degree, diploma or any certifications courses. Continuous learning enhances expertise
Stay updated of the latest trends, technologies, and innovations in event management.
Actively pursue leadership roles within event planning teams or organizations. Leadership experience demonstrates the ability to manage projects, teams, and resources effectively, contributing to professional growth.
Cultivate and showcase creativity in event design and planning. Creative thinking sets professionals apart in the industry. Develop a signature style or approach that reflects your creativity and innovation.
BBA in Event Management is a gateway to a dynamic and thriving industry. Beyond the acquisition of business acumen, specialized knowledge, and practical skills, this educational pursuit positions individuals at the forefront of an ever-evolving landscape where creativity, adaptability, and strategic thinking are paramount. BBA graduates in Event Management hold the keys to shaping the future of gatherings, making a lasting impact, and leaving an indelible mark on the world of events.
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antianimaltesting · 11 months
The Context
According to the Humane Society International, an estimated 115 million animals globally are used in experiments every year. It is estimated because only a small number of countries publish their data and statistics from these animal testing experiments and conductive research. In the United States alone, close to 90 percent of animal subjects are not accounted for since they are not included in the official statistics. The Humane Society International also views this problem as a variety of ethical issues, but scientifically restrictive and resource intensive. This is because these small creatures can only take so many inhalants, chemicals, or injections, yet we rely on them to determine responses for human behavior? It's absurd.
For decades we have relied on animal testing to determine human responses. We associate these tests with historical data and a easy go to method rather than researching and looking for ethical alternatives. We don't focus on the evidence and results of these testings, because if we did we would've stopped long ago, but instead we focus on the opinion and claims throughout history about how "beneficial" animal testing is.
Other organizations like the national anti-vivisection society of advancing science without harming animals has donated 1.7 million to fund animal friendly research alternatives, as well as giving funding to 215 sanctuaries, rescues, and shelters since 2001. Other ways NAVS has been working towards the welfare of animals is by creating a campaign specifically for ending dog use in both research and testing. In the United States, NAVS exemplifies how the USDA statistics include 60,000 dogs being used for testing, experimenting, teaching or research. Furthermore, NAVS touches base on the history of classroom dissections, and is currently working to replace these animal dissection lessons, create new educational standards, and provide online resources such as web based programs which still allow the students to learn the anatomy, just like they do with human anatomy.
The testing of animals has been around since ancient times regarding dissection, and experiments to understand the anatomy of these creatures. As time has gone on animals have been used to understand early medical knowledge, and responses to diseases. But as time has gone on, technology has also improved and alternative testing solutions have gone underway. Therefore, the need for animal testing isn't crucial to the well being of others, but rather inhumane and does not benefit current or future history, it is simply outdated. Instead animal testing needs to stay in history, and instead create ethical solutions for our human issues.
Two local organizations that address the issue of animal testing locally include:
Animal Rights Collective Portland (ARCPDX) - This organization focuses on spreading awareness and taking action against the exploitation of animals through slaughter, clothing, experimentation, and entertainment. Awareness this organization spreads includes the environmental impact animal agriculture creates, such as pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate change and much more. To take action, they create outreach and online campaigns, and volunteer at sanctuaries to help the welfare of these rescued animals.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund - in connections with Governor Tina Kotek, two bills were signed into law to help the well being of animals within Oregon. The fist law is the retail pet sale ban (H.B. 2915), which started in September, 2023. This bans the retail of commercial breeding sourced cats and dogs being sold from new stores, and hopes to phase out the existing stores' sales within the projected 5 years. The second signed act is the prohibition of testing cosmetics on animals in Oregon (H.B. 3213). This became effective September 24, 2023. This works towards ending the suffering of animals, and the inhumane experimentation of creatures that don't provide consistent and accurate results.
Links to actions that have been successful or underway:
About animal testing. Humane Society International. (2023, July 6). https://www.hsi.org/news-resources/about/
Ending animal experiments: National anti-vivisection society. National Anti-Vivisection Society |. (2022, February 22). https://navs.org/our-work/ending-the-use-of-animals-in-research-and-testing/?gclid=CjwKCAjwnOipBhBQEiwACyGLuupsORt80-mCgN9aKKHS7NXY07VEXW0OrFgTsHFDwWYw0s3eyL0PghoC0M4QAvD_BwE
Animal Rights Collective Portland. (n.d.). https://www.arcpdx.org/home
Retail Pet Sale bans. Animal Legal Defense Fund. (2022, June 6). https://aldf.org/article/protecting-animals-through-local-legislation/retail-pet-sale-bans/
An act relating to testing cosmetics on animals (Oregon). Animal Legal Defense Fund. (2023, August 1). https://aldf.org/project/an-act-relating-to-testing-cosmetics-on-animals-oregon/
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spoilertv · 11 months
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cdevroe · 1 year
How I'm using ChatGPT as an accelerator
Over the last few weeks I’ve begun using the recent crop of AI-powered services in my daily work and I’ve found them to be an enormous boost to my productivity and fun to play with. I do not know if these human-like chat services will end up causing great harm to the earth’s population or not — but as of today, I think they can be both useful and entertaining.
I’d like to start off this post by describing what I think AI is. Not because I think there is any confusion on the matter but because I want a definition I can point people to. A service that uses a bunch of learned prompts and responses to use various APIs to present you information in a human readable or audio format are not what I would consider AI. Think Siri. Siri, while it may very well have portions of it that are using AI-data sets, I do not consider AI. Siri feels much more to me like a gargantuan list of IF THEN statements.
IF you ask Siri for anything relating at all to the weather THEN it will pretend to be a human and answer in a human way. “Hey Sir, will it rain today?” “Yes, there is a 70% chance it will rain today.” is a good answer but far from being an intelligent one. If you ask “Hey Siri, what time will the rain start and stop today?” it will almost certainly fall on its face. In fact, Siri falls on its face more often than not.
IF you ask Google's assistant a similar question it does a far better job of trying to deliver you the answer you want. For instance, you can “OK Google” a fairly complex mathematics query and, in my experience, it does a good job. Where Siri is like a very young child trying to respond to adult questions, Google is somewhere in the teenager area. But a teenager that does not know how to use Google, read the first few links, and summarize an answer.
I’ve heard that Alexa is even better than Google but I have almost no experience using Alexa personally.
Siri, Google, and Alexa are not even close to what I would consider AI.
ChatGPT, which is the AI-powered chat service I’ve been using the most, is most definitely intelligent. And it is improving rapidly. My guess is that in a few years ChatGPT 3.5 and 4 will feel like Siri does today. Which is a little mind blowing to be honest.
I have a few ways in which I’m describing ChatGPT in conversation with those that do not understand large language models, data corpuses, neural nets, or RLHF. To be clear, I do not understand those things either. But I can at least navigate their broad concepts. I think. Maybe I should ask ChatGPT about that? Anyway, here are the analogies I’m currently using.
Imagine doing a Google search (or, Duck.com because you’re a sane person) and you read the first 1,000 links in totality. And then you distill what you’ve learned into a single paragraph. In 5 seconds.
Imagine you could ask someone with 25-years of experience in a given field (programming, music, etc.) a question or to do a task for you and they were able to complete it in a few seconds.
If computers are a bicycle for the mind, AI is an e-bike for the work you do on that computer. (I’m not settled on this metaphor. It’s a WIP.)
I’m using ChatGPT, DALL•E and their ilk for a variety of my daily tasks. It takes a little while to retrain my muscle memory to start at ChatGPT and go from there, rather than starting from scratch, but I’m slowly getting there.
I’d like to describe just one use case from this past week where I used ChatGPT alongside my manual process and the obvious benefits it would have on my work. This isn’t a use case you haven’t heard of as many, many others are doing the same. But I will say it impressed me nonetheless. I used ChatGPT to write some JavaScript and it did remarkably well.
At work we offer our customers something we call company stores. A company store is very much like an e-commerce store - only we have most or all of their inventory in our warehouse and we can deliver it to their locations the next day. Anyway, on many of these stores there is a large rotating banner area on the homepage. We wanted to hide this rotating banner on all other pages. Since the software we use wouldn’t allow us to do this on the server side, we are left with the choice of doing it client side. This means that I was going to write a simple bit of JavaScript to 1) determine whether or not the current page was the homepage, and 2) if it was not the homepage, hide the rotating banner.
This isn’t a difficult piece of code. Anyone with any amount of JavaScript experience could write this code in a few minutes. But that is just it. You can't copy and paste this specific code from a random result from a search engine. You need experience and then you need to write this code. I started this project from scratch and it took me about 15 minutes or so to write code that worked for our purposes. I would call the code OK not great.
I then asked ChatGPT to write the code for me. My prompt was “In Javascript hide a section element that has a data attribute of data-name if the URL is anything other than XXX” (where XXX is the URL of the homepage). The code it returned was better than my code. The way I would describe it is, if I had 2 hours to refine the code that I wrote in 15 minutes, I would have written the same code that ChatGPT wrote the first time in a matter of seconds. I did have to make one very small tweak to the code to run it on production - but it was a tweak there was no way ChatGPT would know to make.
It felt like writing code without using your hands. More often than not, the code I’m about to write is fully realized in my brain and I just need to type out the characters onto my computer. I may make a few mistakes along the way, or need to search for a specific syntax that I had forgotten about, but the rest of the code is menial work to type out. But if I start out with the idea of the code using a detailed prompt to ChatGPT I don’t need to use my hands to write the code. I save a huge amount of time.
This experience and many others (which lead to hours being saved not just minutes) leads me to believe that for many things that I do day-to-day; write, interpolate data, program, etc. I should be using ChatGPT as an accelerator.
My initial optimism for crypto, which has all but completely faded away (the entire industry feels like a squandered opportunity at this point), has me reticent to excitement about AI. And I do not know how to predict the next several years of “improvements” to this technology. But as of today, it certainly feels both useful and fun and I plan on continuing to use it to get work done faster.
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phantom-le6 · 2 years
Ramble of the month January 2023: A New Year’s Medley of Rambles
We’re now into a fresh calendar year, and it’s going to be my second year of doing these monthly ramble articles in between my film and TV reviewing.  This year, I’m kicking off with a few subjects in one go, in large part because a few things have come up recently that I didn’t want to pick between.  The subjects in question are;
-The strangeness of wishing a happy new year and why most resolutions are never adhered to.
-England’s World Cup woes and why people shouldn’t have a go at me for noting any poor performance on our part.
-The challenge of Henry Cavill’s latest entertainment franchise, and why nothing I write will ever be for streaming.
Now, without further ado, let’s dive in on the first topic…
New Year’s customs:
 As I’ve noted in some comments already made on Facebook, I’m not really one to get certain New Year’s customs.  The main two are wishing people a happy new year and resolutions.  Now the first is because anyone who understands basic human nature, autistics like me included, know that a happy new year simply isn’t feasible.  Human beings aren’t meant to sustain a single emotional state 24 hours a day for 365 days straight, never mind the 366 days of a leap year.  Hell, I’d be surprised if anyone could sustain only a single emotion for longer than a few days, maybe a week or two at a stretch.
 When I consider this concept, I think about the Star Trek: Voyager TV series I’m currently reviewing.  In a season 2 episode called ‘Investigations’, the character of Neelix begins a morning variety show of sorts, and Harry Kim is quick to point out that the program is heavy on lighter topics.  He equates it to being a steady diet of desert, which is fine for a while, but sooner or later you’ll want some “meat and potatoes” (or whatever you prefer in the way of proper main courses).  That being said, real-world news can often be overly miserable and at times needs to look at substantive news of a more positive stripe, along with the occasional “feel-good puff piece”.
 This is all a reflection of the reality that humans cannot sustain a single emotional state long-term.  It’s unhealthy, as is also demonstrated in Disney & Pixar’s film Inside Out. The events of that film demonstrate quite clearly that trying to maintain a single emotion just causes more problems, and allowing each emotion to perform its function is ultimately better for us.  Now some may read all this and think I’m being too literal.  The phrase “happy new year” is probably meant to be in reference to an average emotional state, a net result where happiness is felt the majority of the time.  However, there will be a lot of autistic people that won’t quite get that, and even if “mostly happy new year” rolled off the tongue (which it doesn’t really), what are the odds the majority in society will adjust its defaults for any perceived minority?  Slim to none.
 As such, I prefer to go more old-school and wish people a prosperous new year, since prospering is something that we can all do over the course of a year, regardless of emotional states.  What we can’t always do, and the second point of bafflement for me around New Year’s customs, is making and adhering to New Year’s Resolutions.  I’ve seen this custom mocked in shows like Friends or Phineas and Ferb, and recently I’ve seen it mocked on social media.  By and large, the mockery is around the fact that people often set very common goals which are then not followed through on.
 Now as some people I know on social media have noted, real resolutions, real goals, real change only occurs when you have the resolve and determination to achieve something, and quite frankly, I don’t think New Year’s provides that. This is why most people don’t keep to their resolutions.  They haven’t made the resolution because they actually want to change, or want to do the things necessary to achieve change.  They’ve made the resolution because blind custom, ancient tradition, peer pressure or some combination of these things demand it.  As such, my advice to people at this time of year is if you’re not serious about doing something, don’t do it.  A date on a calendar is a date on a calendar, not a reason to get fit, find a better job or whatever your goal is.  Feeling better and avoiding major health issues is cause to get fit. Earning more or getting away from stressful tasks are just cause to find new jobs.  Use your common sense and set reasonable goals that you’ve got common sense reasons to achieve.  If you’re just hoping on the New Year’s band-wagon, be prepared to be off it and back to your old ways before January is done.
England – it’s still not coming home for the lads:
Prior to New Year’s, and prior to Christmas before that, the world of football has experienced its first World Cup to occur in late autumn/early winter in order to allow a Middle East country to play host to such competitions.  Given the intolerance and ingrained insanity of holding the tournament in nations that foolishly use religious doctrine as a poor excuse for state law, this was probably a questionable decision.  However, the next one will be in the US, and let’s face it, they’re no better with how Christianity is eroding America’s separation of church and state, making that nation as much a hostage of faith as Qatar and its neighbours.  Either way, the focus of this part of my ramble isn’t going to be how religion assumes a greater role than is its due in some societies.
 Being from England and a bloke, there’s always an underlying societal pressure that I have an interest in football.  For a long time, I didn’t have an interest in it, but over the years that’s changed.  It’s still not high on my list of interests, and by-and-large the most I can stand to watch is the highlights on Match of the Day.  However, during European and World Cups, I’ve found a greater interest through the option of doing a sweepstake.  This combined with the wider national interest that happens when England plays tends to get me sat down watching a few matches.
 Now between watching the matches and checking out Match of the Day during the domestic season, I’m pretty well-versed in football for someone who isn’t inclined to watch it with the religious zeal some apply to it.  One of my staple jokes on this subject is that football is the true national religion of England, and that many people pray to the father, the son and the holy goal posts.  As such, I find this makes me a tad more objective about our national team performances.
 During the recent World Cup, I sat down to watch about three England matches overall, and combined with matches I’ve watched from past competitions and my other past experience that I’ve mentioned, I think I could form a fairly valid opinion on how the Lions did.  To be clear, the matches I saw were our final Group Stage bout with Wales, then our matches against Senegal and France.  Now the last one did involve a lot of bad refereeing that made things harder for us, but ultimately that’s the nature of the sport.  You don’t always get fair referees who make the right call all the time.  Like the players, the referees are human and thus prone to error, and a good team should be able to accept this, rise above it and try to win regardless.  Play well enough and all the bad decisions against you won’t affect the outcome much at all.
 Based on our performance under Southgate versus past England managers, it’s fair to say the side has improved; we’re getting further in the major competitions than we used to, and our conduct in this latest World Cup was exemplary.  It probably helps that the current team doesn’t seem to contain any major egotists with tendency towards thuggish behaviour on the pitch, as was the case during the eras of Beckham and Rooney.  The team has a decent work ethic, and when they deign to play well, the performances we get are entertaining to watch, even as a more casual fan of the sport.  However, we’ve still not ironed out every kink, not fixed every flaw, and this brings me to why I feel England didn’t achieve as much as we could have done.
 The one thing I noticed about England’s performances is the same thing I’ve noticed in my domestic side Leicester City, and that’s a tendency towards being complacent.  On multiple occasions regardless of the score, England had a tendency to play a slow game, often walking the ball out from their end of the pitch rather than trying to play with any pace.  There was also a rather high level of back-passing, very often inviting the opposition sides to apply pressure.  Combined with some questionable passes at times, these things gave our opponents a lot of chances, which the French ultimately capitalised on to our downfall.
 Now given this evident complacency, you can perhaps understand why I’m not pinning all blame for our downfall on the referee.  The ultimate aim in football is to score as many goals over your opponent as possible, while conceding as few goals as possible.  If you play without pace and give your opponents chances to apply pressure, that goal becomes far harder to achieve.  If you play with pace and apply the pressure yourself, the objective becomes easier, even with decisions going against you. This is a lesson I have frequently known Leicester City to make, and instead of learning from our error, the national team seems determined to repeat it.
 Worse by far than this, however, is how some on social media will treat you for saying what I’ve said.  This is a perfectly valid and common-sense analysis of how England plays, and yet at times when I’ve voiced it, I’ve had my knowledge of the sport questioned or otherwise been insulted.  In many ways, I’m not surprised; if football is a religion, it’s one with hundreds of denominations (teams) and heaven forbid anyone should criticise their own denomination, no matter how well-reasoned or constructive.  Now leaving aside how stressed and angry I get being insulted for taking a more objective viewpoint on England’s performance, the knee-jerk reaction to mock anyone pointing out England’s flaws is another part of why England keeps not winning World Cups.  Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away, nor does shutting down anyone who raises it, and if some people are too stupid or too caught up in blind worship of football to see this problem, then frankly their views and responses are the ones that should be shut down, not mine.
The upcoming Warhammer 40k film-verse:
 Another recent development that’s occurred in the build-up to Christmas 2022 and the subsequent New Year is that actor Henry Cavill has quickly followed up his exit from DC Comics’ live-action movie-verse with a decision to bring the Warhammer 40,000 hobby game to live-action film. Now to anyone who thinks Cavill’s exit was all down James Gunn taking over from the Snyders as production chief on all things DC, I respectfully disagree.  Cavill’s announcement of this project comes too close to the other news to sound like any kind of back-up plan or something.  Given how much Cavill loves his Warhammer, my guess is bringing that universe to life is his top choice and he probably came back to the role of Superman as either a back-up or something to do in-between 40k productions.
 Now before we get further into this subject, let me just clarify two things. First, I’m not calling Cavill’s 40k franchise a cinematic universe as he has, and I’ll explain why later on. Second, there are two Warhammer hobby games created by Games Workshop; the game known only as Warhammer is medieval fantasy, while Warhammer 40,000 (or 40k for short) is gothic sci-fi fantasy. Now despite how Cavill’s social media announcement was worded, it’s Warhammer 40k he’s proposing to bring to live-action film.  Having been a 40k fan since I was in secondary school, this is a franchise I’m fairly familiar with, and to be honest, I don’t relish the challenge he’s going to face adapting this material.
 Warhammer 40k is a hobby game with a lot of lore to inform it, and it’s not lore that’s readily translatable to new audiences in a non-literary format.  The whole world of the game is set in a far-flung dystopian future, the 41st millennium AD (in real life, we’re currently in the 3rd millennium AD).  It’s a world where humans have managed to create technological wonders, explore space, and then regress to the point where advanced technology has become regarded as prized relics, treated with superstition and religious reverence. It’s a world where the bulk of humanity lives in a galaxy-spanning empire known as the Imperium of Man, founded by a being known only as the Emperor around the 30th-31st millennia.  In 40k’s present day (as I know it), a vast bureaucracy headed by the High Lords of Terra (Earth) run the Imperium while the Emperor is praised as a god.
 The Imperium, in turn, is defended by a multitude of forces, some of which work against each other as often as they combat internal and external threats. The super-soldier knights that are the Space Marines, the common soldiery and battle tanks of the Imperial Guard, the tech marvels of the Adeptus Mechanicus and their allies the Titan Legions, the Battle Sisters of the Imperial church and the myriad arms of the Inquisition.  Against them are arrayed various alien races, as well as traitor Space Marines and soldiers in service to the so-called Chaos Gods, who also send Daemons against the Imperium from their home within the Warp.
 The last of these concepts entails a huge level of exposition alone; whoever writes a 40k film-verse will have to establish the Warp of 40k as different to Star Trek’s concept of warp drive without any allusion to the latter.  They will have to explain how the Warp is a dimension where none of physical laws apply, where travel is as much through time as through space, and how mutated humans are needed to navigate it and communicate through it, despite the Imperium having anti-mutant doctrine in place. You’ve then got to explain the whole idea of Warp-borne psychic abilities, the Chaos gods, etc.  All this and we’ve still not dived in on the individual armies, the history of the Imperium and so on.  To existing fans, this won’t matter so much, but any film adaptation of an existing franchise has to effectively educate newer fans, while also honouring the lore existing fans hold as canon.
 Given this, the biggest challenge Cavill and others will face will be working in enough exposition for new fans without bogging any given film down in terms of pacing, and appeasing existing fans into the bargain.  My personal advice to him would be to enlist some of 40k’s existing literary talents that have some TV/film writing experience, as well as possibly poaching writing and directorial talents with a history of working on the MCU; Marvel Studios has wrestled with similar issues in their film work, and while it’s not been as good during phase 4 of the MCU, it’s still a higher standard than DC has achieved.
 Now earlier I said I would explain why I’m not referring to this upcoming 40k film world as a cinematic universe.  The reason is to be a cinematic universe, at least some of the productions have to be released in cinemas.  However, Cavill’s announcement indicated the productions will be done via Amazon, indicating this is being done as streaming fodder.  Now as someone who has long grown up with regular TV and films coming out in cinemas, I’ve very much been anti-streaming from the outset of the concept. A large part of this is because my interest in films and TV shows is not tied to a set film studio or TV channel. It’s tied to the films and shows themselves.  I like some Disney productions, but not enough to subscribe to Disney+ because most other stuff I won’t be bothered about.  I like a few BBC productions like Match of the Day or Death in Paradise, but would I subscribe to the BBC as a streaming service?  No.
 TV gives a range of channels whereas streaming is about loyalty to a single channel, a single production company.  If you don’t have the money to afford all streaming options, you have to pick your company and waste money for only a handful of shows.  Under a classic TV set-up, you pick the range of channels you want and get more for your money.  In turn, I want the experience of seeing a film for the first time in a cinema to judge it before I commit to paying for it in my house, and I want it in a format I can take round to a friend’s house.  That means Blu-rays and DVDs, not a streaming service just tied to my own TV.
 For these reasons, I have decided that in the event anything I write in terms of novels becomes of interest to a film or TV producer, one of my main rules will be that it’s never adapted for streaming content, or at least not that alone. I won’t support a media format that I feel fails to consider my own preferences and effectively excludes fans from being able to access it.  Amazon will, I’m sure, keep the 40k films and shows Cavill will produce confined to their streaming platform and never put it out where anti-streaming 40k fans like me will see it.  As such, if I produce any novels they and other streaming platforms would be interested in adapting, my response to them will be put where I’d want to see it, or go fuck yourself.  I’m a big believer in the idea that everything people might want to do, to watch, to read or listen to should always be available in multiple avenues to ensure maximum access.  Making anything exclusive to streaming limits access, and as such I will never, ever support that medium unless it is only one of several avenues of distribution.
 This effectively concludes my New Year’s medley ramble.  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it, and that if you have any comments on the content, you’ll keep them polite and constructive; any trolling will be reported.  Until the next ramble, ta-ta for now.
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twnenglish · 2 years
Is AI Writing The Future? Exploring The Pros And Cons Of AI Content Writing
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more common in practically every sector, from entertainment to healthcare. But given the expanding number of AI content authors, its writing potential is particularly interesting. But what will writing by AI look like in the future? We can learn more about whether AI is really the future of writing by examining the benefits and drawbacks of content creation using AI. On the one hand, organizations may be able to produce more material in fewer time thanks to the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AI writing. On the other hand, it can be challenging to create truly compelling content using AI writing because it might lack the creativity and nuance of information authored by humans. In the end, it's obvious that AI writing has the ability to completely change the writing industry—but only when properly applied.
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Is AI Writing The Future? Exploring the Pros and Cons of AI Content Writing
What is AI content writing?
A computer software that replicates human intelligence is essentially what artificial intelligence is. Algorithms that can create written material are referred to as AI content writers. These algorithms "learn" what is written using data, then they may "create" stuff that is comparable. One of the newest developments in the field of content marketing is the creation of AI content. The goal of this style of writing is to produce legible, intelligible text that readers will deem "better" than writing done by hand.
The Pros of Artificial Intelligence Writing
The use of AI in the content authoring process has a variety of benefits, including reduced costs and improved productivity. Additionally, AI enables organizations to scale their content production without adding staff, which can be very helpful for businesses engaged in business-to-business (B2B) transactions. Let's examine these benefits in more detail.
Cost-effectiveness of AI Writing Tools 
Numerous approaches exist where AI technologies can be more affordable. First off, you don't have to develop fresh material because you can utilise them to optimise old content. Second, they are particularly helpful for B2B businesses because they don't require any additional staff members to operate.
Increased Efficiency in Content Generation 
Since it might take a lot of time to personally create high-quality content, many firms choose to outsource content development. However, outsourcing is expensive and can jeopardize the quality of the content. Businesses may become more efficient and offer content at a reduced price by employing AI to develop content. This is especially helpful for organizations that produce a lot of material, like eCommerce companies.
The Major Cons of AI Writing
Even while AI has a lot of potential uses, it has several drawbacks. In actuality, AI has a variety of flaws, including a lack of originality and the potential for erroneous content production. Let's examine each of these problems in more detail.
Lack of Creativity 
Because AI tools are programmed to adhere to predetermined rules and algorithms, they lack creativity. AI tools may have trouble with novel or uncommon topics because they rely on data to "learn" what has already been written. Additionally, because AI technologies are created to use a specific style and tone, they won't produce high-quality material for many industries.
Risk of Inaccuracies in Content Context 
Accuracy problems with automated content are particularly problematic for B2B material. Despite their ability to provide correct data, AI programs may have trouble comprehending its context. Inaccurate content can result from misunderstandings and harm a company's reputation.
Read This Full ARTICLE, Click Here
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pinersync · 2 years
Coach tabby top handle
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Coach tabby top handle series#
Coach tabby top handle series#
In India, the series premiered on Nick HD+ on May 18, 2020. The series premiered on May 15, 2016, in the Middle East and North Africa on Nickelodeon, dubbed in Gulf Arabic. In Canada, YTV aired a sneak peek of the series on September 5, 2016, which was followed by an official premiere on September 6, 2016. Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland's Nickelodeon channels premiered the series on May 30. It began airing in Southeast Asia on May 20. It premiered in Latin America, Brazil, Poland, Germany, France and Africa the following day. Internationally, the series premiered in Israel and Italy on May 15. The first trailer for the series premiered on March 13, 2016. The series debuted on Nickelodeon on May 2, 2016, with new episodes premiering every weekday that month. On May 30, 2018, Savino was suspended from The Animation Guild, IATSE Local 839, for one year. Alongside the announcement of the series being greenlit for a fourth season, it was revealed that story editor Michael Rubiner had now been named executive producer and showrunner. Six days later on October 23, Savino spoke for the first time since his firing saying he said he was "deeply sorry" for his actions. On October 17, 2017, Cartoon Brew reported that Chris Savino was suspended from the studio due to allegations of sexual harassment, the report noting that rumors of Savino's behavior have existed for "at least a decade." On October 19, a Nickelodeon spokesperson confirmed that Savino had been fired from the studio, and that the series will continue production without him. Newspaper comic strips are also influences on the show's background art.Įpisodes are produced at Nickelodeon Animation Studio in Burbank, California, USA and animated by Canadian studio Jam Filled Entertainment. Savino has cited Peanuts and Polly and Her Pals as influences on the show's characterizations and animation. On October 19, 2016, the series had been picked up for a third season of 26 episodes. On May 25, 2016, Nickelodeon announced that the series had been picked up for a second season of 14 episodes later increased to 26. The episode order was later increased to 26. In June 2014, Nickelodeon announced that The Loud House had been picked up for a season of 13 episodes. He pitched the idea to Nickelodeon in 2013 as a 2 + 1⁄ 2-minute short for their annual Animated Shorts Program. The idea of the Loud family being rabbits became used as Lincoln's dream in the Season 3 episode " White Hare". Early in development, the Loud family was going to be composed of rabbits, but this was terminated when an executive, Jenna Boyd, asked Savino to make them human. Savino based the series on his own experiences growing up in a large family. The Loud House was created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon. Main article: List of The Loud House episodes Season As of March 2022, a live-action series is in development for Paramount+. Ī spin-off series titled The Casagrandes premiered on October 14, 2019. On March 24, 2022, the series was renewed for a seventh season.Ī feature film based on the series was released on Netflix in August 2021, and a live-action television film premiered in November 2021. The sixth season of The Loud House premiered on March 11, 2022. In May 2017, the characters of Lincoln Loud and Clyde McBride were featured on the front cover of Variety as an example of diverse characters in children's television. Their introduction into the series was reported in the news as being historic and caused a ratings surge. The series has received considerable media attention and nominations at both the 28th and the 29th GLAAD Media Awards for its inclusion of Howard and Harold McBride, two supporting characters who are an interracial gay married couple. The program has gained high ratings since its debut, becoming the top-rated children's animated series on American television within its first month on the air. The series premiered on May 2, 2016, and six seasons have been broadcast. The series is based on Savino's own childhood growing up in a large family, and its animation is largely influenced by newspaper comic strips. It entered production the following year. The series was pitched to the network in 2013 as a two-minute short film entered in the annual Animated Shorts Program. It is set in a fictional town in southeastern Michigan called Royal Woods, based on Savino's hometown of Royal Oak. The series revolves around the chaotic everyday life of a boy named Lincoln Loud, who is the middle child and only son in a large family of 11 children. The Loud House is an American animated television series created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon.
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thegoodmusic · 7 years
Servotron - I Sing! The Body Cybernetic (Entertainment Program For Humans (Second Variety), 1998)
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dani-of-the-cosmos · 4 years
*how the signs are acting during quarantine*
~with a touch of unsolicited advice: my venus in cancer’s specialty~
<3 pick your sun, moon, rising, mars, mercury, venus, or dominant sign <3
overall, restless. the day seems to drag on and on, and they cope with it by playing video games and snapchatting someone every 20 seconds. self-hatred lingers in the back of their mind, because of all the time they have to analyze themselves. at random times (usually at night), they may be hit with big waves of profound emotions, where they just need to cry it out and acknowledge how lost they feel. may wonder what their purpose is, or where they fit in in the big scheme of the world. gets philosophical, but not in that condescendingly vague, optimistic way--they truly want answers, because the nothingness is just getting to be too much.
is actually doing pretty okay. is reading a lot about how they can improve themselves, and probably have a few google docs open with plans on how to upgrade their life. they’ve probably started a garden of some sort, or bought some plants to take care of. the day may seem to pass by quickly for them. they fill their time with watching movies and discovering new recipes to cook. has started getting more sleep, which makes their alluring eyes even more beautiful. the downside is that they may feel a bit groggy, or their head feels heavy, because even the most security-loving, routine-oriented zodiac sign needs some variety. 
getting really excited about all these new methods for self-improvement: exercise, mental health, new projects, clearing their skin, etc. is consistent with these newfound activities for a few days, then gets annoyed when they don’t have 45 inch hips, a 22 inch waist and graceful, 11-shaped abs after less than a week of the chloe ting hourglass program. talks on the phone as they sit on the toilet. watches youtube videos about how to achieve the glow-up that they crave, but can never commit to a single video’s advice. wants something exciting to happen in their life, so they lean into their big emotions and taboo curiosities to compensate for the lack of stimulation. on their phone a LOT.   
has gotten even more beautiful since the quarantine started. loves the simplicity they’re getting accustomed to, but also constantly worries if they’re “making the most” of all this free time. probably will scold themselves after all this is over for not being more disciplined during self-isolation. goes on walks outside a lot, and finds that connecting with nature significantly boosts their mood. observes the quiet beauty around them as a way to cope with the universal chaos of our world. since cancer tends to be a very empathetic sign, they may feel like a sponge for fatigue and suffering whenever they read the news. being aware of the world is great and necessary, but take care of yourself, cancer. know when to take a break from the news.
is really excited about reinventing themselves--they want it all! new clothes, improved mindset, cleaner room, a kinder social circle, new hair--the works. they want to bust out of quarantine looking even more striking than before, with a wardrobe reflecting their new style. probably has either already done something drastic to their hair (like dying it, or the dreaded 2 am impulsive bangs cut), or is at least seriously considering it. really wants to get out of their house and camp out on the beach or something--they miss seeing their friends face-to-face, and try to make up for it by calling them to hear their voices. is irritated that they happened to be born at a time where the pivotal years of their life are being wasted by such an awful series of world events.
has upgraded their bedroom to look as aesthetically pleasing and soothing as possible. their social life has most likely downsized to 2-3 super close and genuine friends that they call, text, and/or facetime with daily. since virgo is a mutable sign, they’ve probably done a great job adjusting to their surroundings and are helping their family with domestic tasks. however, they may feel anxious, and unsatisfied with their current mindset and resources, so they feel the urge to expand their horizons and feed their genius mind as much as possible! it may be hard to find motivation, virgo, but the world needs a physical manifestation of your potential right now. if you have an idea you want to pursue but are too scared to, take the plunge. this sounds cheesy and cliche but, this is your sign to start!
reminisces a lot about the past. thinks about how they would have handled past situations differently, and mentally shames themselves for it. is probably doing a lot of self-reflection, which is good for their sweet hearts and furthers the progress of their mental health, but also depresses them, as libra energy tends to be highly critical of itself. sleeping in too late and talking aloud to themselves at ungodly hours of the night. finds their mind going on the philosophical route more often than usual. might be posting passive-aggressive mood quotes on instagram
is actually exercising pretty consistently like they said they would. their body has been getting curvalicious and toned, and to that i say WOOHOO GO SCORPIO! however, they’ve probably completely messed up their entire sleep schedule, and may be practically nocturnal some days. probably feels really emotional at the moment, and is overwhelmed with the amount of pain in the world that they wish they could singlehandedly stop. may be pretty loner-ish at the moment, and is probably not very active on their social media, because they’re realizing who their truest friends are. scorpio does well with transformation (they’re ruled by pluto, the planet of regeneration) so rest assured, they will emerge from quarantine new and improved! 
is eating too much junk food. sagittarius, if you’re reading this right now, PUT DOWN THE CHIPS BUDDY BOY. is probably finding ways to hang out with their friends in person, like yelling across the sidewalk to them while wearing a mask. has been super active on social media regarding current social justice issues. feels enormous compassion for the oppressed and has been signing petitions at the speed of light. probably getting in fights with their family and being a little feistier than usual. i can’t blame them though...sagittarius is a sign that needs entertainment, so they’re gonna be a little punchy in this stagnant yet catastrophic time. 
has established a daily routine that keeps them feeling grounded and stable. they may realize how little they’ve actually prioritized their own joy in the past, and they’re using quarantine as a way to get to know themselves again. purchases luxury pajamas and is most likely drinking a hot beverage in a mug right now. probably on a health kick. is getting even closer with their closest friends, and basically forgets about acquaintances. cuddling their pets a lot (or fantasizing about adopting a pet if they don’t have one). misses putting on mascara and stepping into that cute skirt, because that sPeCiAL pErSoN isn’t there to see it lol
thinking about ways they can make money. getting bursts of hyper inspiration to flip their life around and start working super hard for their dream life. is masking hopelessness, and finds themselves pondering the fragility of human life. may experience thoughts of nihilism that they don’t act on, and is increasingly worried about the state of their environment. is stuck between feeling motivated and believing in their ability to positively transform, and getting depressed and detached from their earthly obligations. 
probably painting their nails a lot. is finding ways to put a little spice of excitement in their life--like making a nice breakfast (at 4 pm, which is like an hour after they wake up lately), giving their pet a concert of them, naked, singing ski mask the slump god songs into a hairbrush they’re pretending is a microphone. stares at themselves in the mirror for too long, letting their insecurities get the best of them. has probably gotten in touch with their grandparents (or any other relatives they usually don’t keep in close touch with) over the phone. may be dealing with worsened anxiety and feelings of depression at this time, and sleeps a lot to try to escape it. their room might be pretty messy at the moment as well, which they’re overly hard on themselves for. pisces: you are such a uniquely sweet and tender soul. take it one day at a time and never underestimate the power of reaching out to someone <3
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