#Erik's Lament
auralatrocityabyss · 1 year
Erik's Lament
The Blessing Way
Symphonic black metal based on the Phantom of the Opera. It takes a narrative approach to song structure and utilizes numerous vocalists and vocal styles, giving it an almost manic sound, suitable for the source material.
The stylistic approaches vary from song to song, keeping each track unique and setting excellent atmospheres for the portions of the story being told.
It can be purchased from Bandcamp.
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nautilusgays · 1 month
Ned Land holding a 'YOU CAN'T FIX HIM' intervention for Christine Daaé and Pierre Aronnax.
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text: "You cannot fix that dark-haired organ playing man"
Conseil and Raoul are too nice to do it so Ned has to step in. Poor man is basically talking to two brick walls, but he can out stubborn anyone.
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dr9com9ge-ix · 18 days
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When I die… Will I become a beautiful butterfly?
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anunknownmartyr · 2 months
The discontinuation of the phantastichomos blog to me is what The Library of Alexandria is to some
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bigautomaton · 3 months
I wanna paint a piece for that drowning lady again. I wanna know more about her. I don’t believe we got her full statement it feels like there’s more there. Whether or not the rest matters or changes anything uhhh whatever blah blah I want to hear the whole thing.
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zozo-01 · 3 months
sobbing at the fact that i won't get the post-nikkah forehead kiss from david/angel and asher/babe because-
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dnangelic · 8 months
was actually thinking about the nature of daisuke's curse again and the school morning after riku accidentally discovers that dark == daisuke and gets told by riku that they 'can't be together' because they'll be separated is like....
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this paneling is gorgeous (sugisaki's art is always i always say this) but to emphasize dark's, or rather, the fallen angel's black wings as daisuke's essentially lamenting the fact that 'not everyone's wishes can come true' and that he 'still likes riku.' smth smth the hikari and their loveless lives VS the niwa and their insane erik phantomopera circumstances of tragic loves and loves that can't Be, yet still always loving and loving and loving Despite Everything
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grasshopperslament · 1 year
Hello, I would like to take now to announce that if you are not going to credit the original curator(s), please do not take information from my blog and regurgitate it into tiktoks. It is a disservice to the freedom of information and you will be promptly blocked.
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gerec · 7 months
Resurrection of Magneto - Issue 2
For all Cherik lovers:
If you haven't been following / don't follow the comics - Magneto has been dead since 2022 after his battle with Uranos in AXE: Judgement Day and has stayed dead because he asked not to be resurrected (yes resurrections were/are a thing in the Krakoan era for mutants). The new mini RoM is about Storm going on a journey to... purgatory somewhere?... to bring Magneto back to the land of the living because she heard his 'call'/dreamt he was in pain and regretted his choice. When she finds him though, he is very determinedly NOT interested in coming back, wanting to atone for his sins and because he's just so TIRED y'all. But then:
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Then Storm is like 'Bestie let me catch you up it's been a NO GOOD VERY BAD DAY for mutants':
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As you can see, Mags is PISSED because he specifically told Storm with his dying breath he was worried about Charles being left alone and what he might do if pushed to his limits and that he needed (her) support...
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It's a little hilarious that Mags is more upset with Storm for botching things ('YOU HAD ONE JOB, ORORO') than with Charles' (questionable? depends who you ask) decision-making and starts flinging metal name plates of his victims at her (i.e. people he's killed or were killed because of him and yes he's been tormenting himself, surrounded by walls and walls and walls of their names).
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Then we get THIS panel of Erik remembering how he cradled his 'friend' in his arms and lamenting how Charles was the only one who saw that ERIK/MAX/MAGNUS/MAGNETO mattered too, and that HE (and not just his victims) also suffered from his actions....'WHAT DID I DO, CHARLES?'
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But then Storm says 'but look at all the lives you've saved, that's important too. You need to come back and help us SAVE mutant kind and HE says:
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Lost Drafts
A Night Forgotten
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A woodpecker on steroids had taken up residence inside her skull, and he was hard at work drilling a new home. All his banging around, in fact, was making her quite woozy. Her head spun and her stomach rolled.
“Fuck,” she sighed, as she groggily pushed the too-warm blankets off her chest and sat up. She'd drunk entirely too much last night at her best friend’s wedding reception, hadn't she?
While her best friends had been closing one chapter of their lives as separate individuals to open up a new one of togetherness, she'd lamented that page turning by drinking several shots of top-shelf liquor...which accounted for the giant, uncomfortable hang-over—a sensation she was intimately acquainted with the morning after every one of her friend's weddings that she'd attended over the years.
The last time she'd overindulged like this, she'd ended up in bed with an asshole, her ex-boyfriend, and it had taken two additional years of having him for a boyfriend after that for her to realise what a tremendous mistake it was attempting to make a real relationship out of a drunken one-off.
No good beginnings ever came from desperation, loneliness, and faulty judgement calls. That was, in fact, the recipe for a rather bad ending.
Bah, enough with the depressing thoughts! The real questions were: where was she this time and what had happened the night before, and why THE FUCK did she feel as if the whole world was gently swaying up and down?
Bleary-eyed and woolly-headed, she blinked multiple times to make the room come into focus. Black and white walls, charcoal grey carpeting, large nautical-styled windows to the left that looked out over the ocean.
Nope, not her bedroom.
What the hell.
Clothes were strewn haphazardly over the few pieces of furniture in the vicinity, as if they'd been tossed aside in a hurry without care. Yes, that was definitely her horrid-looking bridesmaid's dress lying in a pool of puffy crinoline and ivory and gold satin on the floor. One of her Dior pumps was visible near the open door, clearly the first of her outfit to be shucked, but where the other might be, she had no clue.
What did she get herself into, and with whom!?
It hurt too much to think, she realised as her head began throbbing in time to her heartbeat. Maybe she shouldn't do that for a bit, and just allow herself to take in the situation and the surroundings without judgment.
First things first, she needed to find out if she was currently sharing this extravagantly large bed with someone, and if so, who that might be. Gripping her pounding head, she slowly turned to look over her shoulder, hoping not to encounter anything shocking.
She supposed she should have qualified what determined the definition of 'shocking' before she'd looked. If 'shocking' was finding a naked man she recognised instantly by his distinctive tapered locs, face down and sprawled out in a deep snooze lying next to her, then she'd hit the mother lode. She was decidedly shocked.
And distressed, alarmed, amazed, and reeling in disbelief, too.
What in the absolute FUCK was Erik Stevens doing in bed with her?! And why were there scratches all up and down his back and shoulders and arms?! And what was with the very clear love bite that decorated the visible side of his throat? And why did his ass have small, fingertip-shaped bruises on them? And why was he clutching her lace panties to his nose as he slept?!
She looked down at her own state of nudity...and at her own set of bruises on her thick hips...and at her bare-lipped pussy, which hadn't been shaved when she'd left for the wedding yesterday afternoon...and at the deeply embedded teeth imprint around her left mocha nipple...and at the giant, loose diamond (was that thing real?!) winking at her from the cavern of her bellybutton where she'd apparently had it pierced.
Oh, no.
With trembling fingers, she reached and felt between her legs for the distinctive moisture that would signal...
Oh, shit.
She was wet and sore—very much so on both counts. There was no doubt about it: she'd definitely fucked her boss the night before.
But how...and why?
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stargazerley · 6 months
Any Worth While Man
X-Men '97 dropped it's first two episodes this week and, as a Romy (Remy/Rogue) shipper, I have thoughts. Obvious spoilers ahead so this is your warning.
Ok, there are a few scenes of note I want to talk about. First being Gambit's intro. It was great I love his design and voice and his sass remains intact. We see him making beignets, reminding us the man can cook, and that he says "Rogue always saves Gambit." Cocky sure but sweet.
Next is a scene in a club. Gambit and Rogue are watching from above and she laments the curse of her touch while he assures her "any worth while man would suffer your touch for a dance" before offering his hand. She takes it and it's just a sweet moment. (This is important for later.)
Our following scenes are...I don't like them. Anyway this scene doesn't have Gambit but instead Magneto. She appears to have history with him and the type is implied by Magneto (Erik) attempting to remove a glove. She shies away from this and for now he lets it go.
Rogue shows up later and removes her glove showing Erik can touch her but she still seems hesitant. Later we see her leave his office and Gambit has seen her and drops the Queen of Hearts he had in his hand. Later still he rebuffs Erik, clearly jealous/envious.
So the important thing here is that Rogue seems to be more open with Remy and Remy takes her comfort in mind. He didn't trie to take her hand but offered it. He didn't go where he wasn't invited. Erik appeared to invade her space, making her uncomfortable at first.
I think this is evidence for their relationship being more physical than anything else. Erik can give her what she's always wanted, the ability to touch without risk, but she doesn't have her heart open to him. Erik noticeably shelters his touch from hers (if the theory about him using his powers is true) while Gambit would suffer her touch.
All this to say, I think this is the perfect setup for a storyline about different types of love and expression of love. The scenes with Remy feel genuine and intimate while those with Erik just do not. This isn't to say Erik is using or manipulating her, I don't doubt he cares for her. I just don't think she cares for him the way she does Remy.
I don't know if any of that makes any sense but I needed to get it out.
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anonfromtheflight · 10 months
Just finished watching season 1 with my sister (non-stop with a short break for dinner with my mom and one! bathroom break) and omg she liked it! Simon and Wilhelm are now her little sad Nordic gays lmao
She thinks Omar is gorgeous and has a bone structure to die for but is completely mesmerized by Edvin's nose and his sad eyes. And she's a sucker for sad eyes lol She almost never cries with TV but teared up right along with Wille in the end.
She thought Wille was cool and then a loser and Simon was cool, then a nerd and then a loser for falling for Wille's loser behaviour. They're cute losers though.
What else? Ohh she hated August on sight BUT the most hilarious part is that she knew this was a queer story between Wille and Simon but she thought Erik was also gay and closeted lol She has been lamenting her apparently broken gaydar now "it was the turtleneck, okay!" LMAO And she is never going to forgive him for going and get killed and leave poor Wille alone.
She wants August, Vincent and Nils to go die in a fire and basically hates everyone at Forest Ridge LMAO
OHH she can't believe Sara kept who uploaded the video from Simon there at the end and is absolutely sure she's going to tell him as soon as S2 starts 😬 She said no spoilers so I'm not saying anything but it's hard!!
All in all she really liked it, it's nothing like she thought it would be, it's blown away by wilmon's acting and their chemistry and by the quality of the story, since it's not the typical kind of queer representation we often see on TV.
It's almost 3am and we're going to start with season 2 now!
And I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any minute 🤣
Edited to add she also said Stella was one of her people, she's a lesbian, but I haven't told her her gaydar isn't completely broken yet, she's gonna be so smug haha
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Do you think you could do kissing headcannons for Book!Erik and Musical!Erik, please Mr/Ms Kumquat?
So polite! ❤️
Kissing the Phantom
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Book Erik
The moment you press your lips upon his forehead, he is in shambles
He will kidnap you, no matter how kind you are to him, for he has no understanding of a consensual relationship
Needless to say, he isn't at all familiar with affection or love
Especially if you kiss the skin of his face, without his mask, he will be overwhelmingly in love
He will fall to his knees and sob in your lap
Erik believes himself to be unloveable, and has acted accordingly throughout his life
To be spared at least some compassion from you would break him
From then on, he would completely besotted with your affections, and would seek your approval by baring his face more, hoping to catch your eye, as well as your affection
After feeling how painful, but how soft and lovely it felt to be kissed by you, I see that this could either go two ways
Either he repents for his obsessive behavior and lets you freely choose whether you leave or stay with him
Or he firmly clamps down on your freedom and refuses to let you leave
He has experienced love for the first time, and he will never let it go again
Musical Erik
Comparatively, he is much more composed in spite of being deprived of the same affection as Leroux's Erik
I honestly do not see this Erik being too keen on spontaneous affection, as he would much rather prefer to puppeteer how you will interact with him
The more you follow the Phantom's lead, the more confident he becomes in seducing you and manipulating you into being his
However, just one deviation from his plan and you can truly see the true extent of his obsessive nature
Say your curiosity gets the best of you and you pry off his mask...
He will be enraged, and just as quickly, he will fall into shame and lament on his pitiful fate
But the moment you turn his face towards you and kiss him on the lips, unflinching at his accursed face, he falls into shock
Your compassion is alluring and kind...
Before he can drown in his own emotions, Erik pulls away, uncharacteristically caught off guard
Similarly to his book counterpart, you might be lucky enough to be free
But be careful, for he might decide that now he can never let you go
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xmcu-fietro · 2 years
I know we dadneto fans frequently lament the missed opportunities for Peter and Erik to be a family, but I really feel for the fans of Mystique and Kurt who wanted them to be acknowledged as mother and son, and fans of Charles and his son David who never got to see David actually appear in the movies (although he did get a tv show at least?). We were really robbed of Erik, Raven, and Charles as parents
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dr9com9ge-ix · 5 months
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Erik EGO:: Solemn Lament and it’s Corrosion!
Tis actually the first EGO I made for him- first design under cut for comparison (old art alert!)
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dross-the-fish · 7 months
Do you think erik have sa anyone? would he to christine? people make him out to be rapist do you think it as well?
This may come as a surprise but despite the stalking, the serial killing and the violent outbursts I don't think he has. He has plenty of opportunity but doesn't once indicate a desire to take it. I tend to feel like this is a hard line he won't cross because he does want to think of himself as a gentleman and he does care deeply about Christine in his own obsessive distorted way. Erik is a very complex character, his morality is kind of weird and he doesn't seem to think of killing as a big deal, he brushes off his murders very casually or even straight up goes "wasn't me" even when it's obvious to everyone it was. He's aware his kidnapping is wrong but isn't too bothered about that either but he does feel intense guilt over harm coming to Christine, even as he continues to do harm to Christine. He's not regretful of his actions so much as he laments the results of those actions, is the best way I can describe it. He doesn't inherently seem to believe his actions are wrong, he's just upset Christine is hurt by them. His acts of physical violence towards Christine are usually reactionary, it's impulsive and knee-jerk, not intentionally done out of a desire to hurt her. I can't see him feeling justified in forcing himself on her physically or finding any enjoyment in the act. Especially given how important it is to him that he be "loved for himself." He wants to be loved, he has no idea how to make that happen and he's going about it in all the wrong ways, but that's what he wants more than any kind of physical gratification. He's histrionic and unstable. He's a serial killer, an extortionist and a kidnapper. Despite all of that I'm very confident in my assessment that one thing he is not is a rapist.
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