#Erron Black Headcanons
suvidrache · 8 months
strange coincidences
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 622 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: a first date with erron
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Erron never thought that he would find someone. He thought he would always be alone. He wouldn't expect to find someone. He worked as a mercenary, and he never wanted to fall for someone that he might one day have to kill. He didn't want the person that he loved to be punished for his actions. If the people who hated him knew that he had a partner, they would use that to their advantage. To hurt him through you or to hurt you for information on him. He liked keeping people at a distance. He didn't have any friends, and that was just fine with him. He wouldn't want to have to one day turn on them or for things to be the other way around. He liked being alone. Yet, when he met you. There was something different. He was surprised that he actually cared for someone. He had no one else to care about, and he learned to accept that and live with it. It didn't bother him. He only became a mercenary because it paid well and he was good at it.
He took his time to observe you from afar. Never really speaking to you or asking anyone about you. He wasn't going to give anyone a chance to have an advance on personal information about him. He was very careful with his actions and his words. If anyone dared to say something about his behavior. Suddenly, they would be missing and never to be seen again. It's such a strange coincidence. You never knew Erron felt something for you. You didn't even know who Erron was. You hadn't heard about him. You walked through the empty streets. Taking your daily walk, taking the same path that you always took. Sometimes, you would change it up, but if anyone watched you long enough, they would be able to pick up on the pattern that you did. It was easy to see the patterns. Erron followed after you. Looking around, he saw absolutely no one.
He walked up to you and tapped on your shoulder. You turned around, a slight look of surprise on your face.
"Hi, I'm Erron."
"Uh, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. Can I help you?" 
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help but notice you, and I thought that I should ask you out. Would you like to go on a date?"
You blinked and hesitated before replying. You didn't know this man, and he looked as if he were from the south. His cowboy hat, his boots, and the outfit that he wore.
"Uh, sure?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to. When are you available?"
"I'm fine with Friday at five. At (place name)."
"Alright, I'll see ya then." He said and gave a small, friendly smile.
You smiled back and headed back to what you were doing before your interruption. You didn't know him, but you did enjoy the little interaction that you had. He was cute. 
When the day came, he arrived at the restaurant ahead of time and waited for you to arrive. It wasn't long before you showed up and joined him inside. You sat down across from him and apologized for being late. He didn't mind, and the both of you began to get to know one another better. When the date came to an end, Erron offered to walk you home. You accepted it, and he stood on your doorstep. You asked about another date, and he accepted. He leaned in and kissed your cheek before turning and leaving. You felt your face heat up, and a smile spread across your face as you closed your door, locked it, and headed for bed.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @imagineherbrightskies, @phantomheiko, @sunmoongoddess, @queendeeshorrorimagines / Join my tag list here!
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essenceeater · 7 months
Erron black trying to court s/o headcanons? 🫡
Erron Black Courting HC's
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I LITERALLY LOVE YOU FINALLY SOMEONE REQUESTS ERRON! I love him so much, cowboys are just AUGHHHH 😫😫😫 This is probably the fastest request I've written!
Character: Erron Black.
Triggers: Mentions of guns, lmk if I missed anything.
Requested: Yes
🔓 Requests are open at the moment🔓
Link to rules
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🐎 Erron Black would maintain his mysterious aura but gradually reveal his softer side to his S/O. He might leave little gifts or hidden notes around to pique his S/O's curiosity. He leaves small, enigmatic notes with cryptic messages, encouraging the reader to solve them, leading to secret meetups.
🐎 Occasionally, he sends them rare desert flowers or unique trinkets as tokens of his affection.
🐎 Erron challenges you occasionally to a shooting competition in a secluded area, setting up targets in creative and challenging ways.
🐎 He'd provide shooting lessons, standing closely behind the reader to guide their aim, creating a romantic tension. He just wants to impress you with his sharp shooting skills
"Let me show you how it's done," Erron stands behind, guiding his S/O's arm, both focusing their vision on the target in front of them. "Now, squeeze the trigger gently."
🐎 An adventure might involve a surprise horseback ride to a hidden oasis, complete with a picnic he prepared. I know this is Erron we are talking about but he's gonna try his damn best to make you happy.
🐎In perilous situations, Erron would shield the reader, using his skills to ensure their safety. He'd be damned if something happened to you. He'd go to great lengths to ensure his S/O's safety, showing his commitment and care.
"I can't stand to see anyone threaten you. I'll always keep you safe, no matter what."
🐎 Erron's morally ambiguous nature might lead to inner conflicts, as he tries to balance his loyalty to Outworld with his feelings for his lover. He doesn't want to scare you away or think he'd hurt you, but he's not going to give up his outlaw life, just keep you away from the dangers.
🐎 During quiet nights by a campfire, he definitely would tell you stories, some goofy, some intense. He might gradually open up to you about his past and the reasons for his outlaw lifestyle, creating a bond of trust and intimacy.
🐎 Expect lots of playful banter and teasing from Erron as he tries to charm you. His wit and humor would be part of his courtship strategy. HOWEVER THEY ARE ALL SUPER CHEESY AND FUNNY. I love him but I feel like he'd be saying some of the most goofy shit possible with someone he genuinely likes.
🐎He would tease the reader with witty one-liners, creating a playful yet flirtatious dynamic.
🐎 Banter between them would be a recurring theme, adding humor to their interactions.
"You might want to be careful, sweetheart. I've been known to steal hearts." Erron said as he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer to him as the two of you watched the stars.
"Oh really?" S/O chuckles as they rest their head against his shoulder. Rolling their eyes at his cheesy attempt to charm.
🐎This man is an outlaw, he's unpredictable.
🐎 What does this lead to?
🐎He might surprise the reader with unexpected acts of kindness or show up when they least expect it, keeping them on their toes. All of a sudden he's appearing at their doorstep with a homemade dinner and flowers in hand.
🐎 Unexpected visits during storms, when the reader least expects it, would be Erron's way of expressing his affection.
"I brought dinner. Hope you like it."
"You can cook?"
"A little something I picked up over the years. Just for you."
🐎 Erron Black would likely be a fan of slow burn, gradually building a connection and chemistry with his S/O, making the eventual romance more rewarding from his courting.
"I reckon I want to savor every moment with you, darlin'. No rush."
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Essenceeater © 2023 ┃ do not copy, modify, steal, repost ANY of my content.
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satansamwriting · 9 months
Mk characters reacting to their GN s/o wearing their hats
Characters : Erron Black, Kung Lao, Raiden
I wrote this because whenever I play MK, I would always wonder what it would be like to wear the hats of those boys.
Mostly because of Kung Lao since I absolutely adore seeing him fight with his hat. It's so funny and cool and I really wanna try it.
Hopefully you'll enjoy those silly little Headcanons. I had a blast writing them. Oh and if you want, tell me in the comment which hat would you be tempted to try/steal the most out of the three? I'm curious :)
Also I discovered while writing those that I had a thing for throwing hats in the air. Don't know why, I just think it looks cool xD.
As usual disclaimer: English ain't my native language so there might be mistakes in this. I'm trying my best to correct them as I see them.
TW : mention of death, blood and decapitation in Erron story
Please enjoy 😊
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Erron Black
Something that was established during the early days of your relationship was that Erron loves his hat.
No one is allowed to touch, wear or even go near his hat.
Will rarely take it off.
Would shoot anyone who dares take the hat.
Would take immense care of it.
You wondered what it would feel like to wear it but feared the wraith of your partner.
However, the hat is free real estate if you find it on the ground during battle and the cowboy is too far away from it and distracted.
Then you wouldn’t hesitate to put it on.
You would feel pretty badass with it.
Now entering shitty cowboy jokes mode
You'd try your best and fail miserably to do a cowboy accent. 
Erron would never admit it but it would become his favourite thing, seeing you with his hat. 
Screams of agony and rage echoed around the arena. An uprising caused by some rebels not happy with Kotal Kahn being in power was taking place. The Kahn, having safely left the vicinity, entrusted his most brave and fearsome soldiers to fend off the remaining troublemakers. Aka, (Y/n) and Erron, accompanied by a small group of Outworld soldiers, stayed behind to clean the arena. The fight had proven to be somewhat more difficult then they had previously anticipated. Somewhere during the battle, someone managed to knock Erron's hat off. He wasn't bothered by it at the time as he was more focused on winning the kombat and staying alive. However, once his enemy was defeated, he quickly noticed the missing item.
Erron, slightly annoyed by this, scanned the arena but couldn’t find his hat. Not until his eyes landed on his partner.
They were further away from him, fighting against their own opponent. The dust flying around made it hard to see clearly but he knew from the shape of it that, resting on their head, was his hat.
To say that Erron found the sight of them punching a man while wearing the item incredibly hot, was an understatement.
As the rebellion died down, Erron allowed himself to be distracted by their fight. He watched from the sideline as (Y/n) grabbed the hat and threw it above them.
The action drew the attention of the man they were fighting against upwards, his eyes unconsciously following the hat trajectory. Taking the opportunity, they sliced the distracted man's head off. Blood splattered on their face but that didn't seem to bother them.
As the man lay dead, they caught the falling hat and in a smooth gesture placed it back on their head. In the distance, noises of spurs approaching made them turn to the side, tilting the hat toward Erron.
"Howdy partner"
Seeing the giant grin on (Y/n)'s face made the gunslinger's heart skip a beat. Splashes of blood covered their face but his hat had remained spotless. Even when fighting, they took great care not to let the hat get dirty. Behind them, the last rebel died, earning various cries of triumph from the soldiers of the Kahn all around. Erron kept staring at his partner, still not processing how gorgeous they were with his hat on. As they were about to remove the hat to return it to its original owner, a hand stopped them.
"Keep it"
Erron would never admit it out loud that he enjoyed seeing (Y/n) with the headwear. Besides, he had plenty of spared ones. One less wouldn't hurt.
“Much obliged darlin’ ”
Groaning with their attempt at sounding like a cowboy, Erron walked away. He could still hear (Y/n) laughing as they followed behind.
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Kung Lao
You won’t see him without it
Unless it’s to shower or sleep
Takes great care of his hat since well it’s his weapon.
Would feel hesitant to let you touch it after he’s sharpened the edge.
You absolutely love to see him fight with it cuz you find him both attractive and badass while he does
You do express the desire to try it but never get around to trying it
Blame Raiden for always taking your boy out for training or missions
You happened to stumble upon the hat one day at the temple with Kung Lao nowhere to be seen.
You wouldn’t skip a beat before taking hold of the weapon and putting it on.
Liu Kang would find you later and the two of you would start training.
Kung Lao leaned on one of the temple support beams, arms crossed over his chest. From afar, he watched as his partner blocked one of Liu Kang’s flaming fits with his hat.
Earlier that day, Kung Lao had been meditating peacefully with his trusted hat placed beside him, when one of the elderly monks came to him for help. Thinking it would only take a few minutes, Kung Lao had left his hat in its spot and followed the other monk.
The errant took longer than he had anticipated but was done fairly quickly nonetheless. However, once he came back to his meditation place, the hat was gone. Puzzled, he had searched the surrounding area to no avail. Sure, the shaolin monk could have summoned his weapon back to him no problem, but a small voice inside him told him to keep looking around.
He had been near the training ground when he heard the telltale sound of his hat hitting the ground. Because yes this man can recognize the sound of his weapon hitting things.
The sight that welcomed him inside the area almost made him laugh. He wasn’t surprised to see (Y/n) wearing his hat, since he knew fully well about their desire to try the weapon.
Quietly observing the friendly match, Kung Lao was rather impressed. (Y/n) seemed fairly comfortable with his weapon, even imitating some of his own moves flawlessly. A soft smile appeared on Kung Lao's face at the thought of them studying him carefully whenever they would come to watch him train.
Raiden stopped by after a while. Arms crossed behind his back, the Thunder God joined Kung Lao in observing the match.
The Shaolin monk felt a sense of proudness inside him. His partner was wielding his weapon and keeping up with the chosen one. The sight was truly beautiful.
Unaware of the two spectators in the back, (Y/n) had their full attention on Liu Kang, dodging his attacks one after the other.
Wanting to try something crazy, they threw the hat up in the air before sliding underneath Liu Kang's parted legs. Upon straightening up behind the chosen one, their foot connected with the falling hat. Liu Kang barely managed to avoid the weapon as it flew past him and lodge itself in the temple’s wall.
The man turned to face (Y/n), surprised yet amused by the event. There, on Liu Kang’s shoulder, was a small cut left by the hat as it went by him. Which only meant one thing.
“First person to leave a mark on the other is the winner, so this means I won” They exclaimed with a giant smile on their face.
At that moment, Kung Lao made his presence known by clapping. Summoning his hat back to him, he walked toward his partner, Raiden not far behind. Fondness in his eyes, he picked them up and kissed their forehead as a reward.
" You were amazing!"
Lets just say that from then on, Kung Lao would let (Y/n) train with his hat just so he could enjoy watching them kick ass with it.
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It's more of a fashion accessory than a necessity
Like Erron and Kung Lao, he would rarely remove it tho
Heck, you don’t even think you’ve seen Raiden’s hair once in the long time you’ve known him.
But if you had to guess, they would be white like his brother.
Or he was simply bald.
The idea of stealing the God's hat did pop up in your head more than once
But the thought of pissing off a God for stealing his shit didn’t sound good in your mind.
So you left it to that.
Raiden would sometimes catch you glancing up at his hat and wondered about the meaning of this.
You'd pretty much given up about the hat.
Until the day the hat literally landed in your hand.
It was a particularly windy day at the temple. As (Y/n) roamed around the place without anything better to do, they sighted something strange flying in the wind. Curious about the object, (Y/n) followed it until it was low enough for them to grab it.
Upon closer inspection, the object revealed itself to be a hat. A hat that they knew very well. But the God of Thunder was nowhere to be seen.
“Don’t worry little hat, I’ll bring you back to your owner”
Putting the hat on their head, (Y/n) went on a quest to find Lord Raiden and return the lost item. At least, that’s what they had in mind at first. However, they found themselves quickly distracted from the task as they wandered around the temple.
Somewhere during their search, a monk approached them asking for help to move stuff from one place to another. Being the kindred heart that they were, (Y/n) agreed to help the monk. After a while, they were finally done with the task and went back to their search, the monk thanking them as they left.
This went on and off during the day, with monks asking for help or errants and (Y/n) agreeing. To a point where they had completely forgotten about the hat sitting on their head.
Evening rolled around eventually. Exhausted from their day, (Y/n) found themselves sitting in an isolated part of the temple while nursing a cup of green tea. The wind had settled into a nice breeze which gently brushed against them.
“Good evening (Y/n)”
Looking to the side, their eyes fell on a rare sight. Approaching them was Lord Raiden.There was an air of calmness around the God as he came to an alt next to them. Hands behind his back, he titled his head slightly, making a few strands of hair come loose from the quickly made ponytail. (Y/n) stared, feeling their heartbeat quicken. They could see Raiden's hair and as they had guessed, his hair was indeed white but shorter than they had thought it would be.
Noticing their lack of response, (Y/n) cleared their throat as a way to hide their embarrassment from staring a bit too long. Carefully placing the cup to the side, they stood.
“Thunderbolt, I was looking for you earlier! But it appeared that I got sidetracked and forgot about it.”
Seeing their partner had reminded them of their initial quest.
“ I appeared to have found your hat and wished to return it to you.”
(Y/n) gently took off the item and handed it to Raiden. They had grown somewhat accustomed to the weight of the hat over the hours. So much so that, now with the item gone, they felt weirdly naked.
“It would seem you have taken a liking to it. It suits you well.”
Taking the offered hat in his hand, Raiden thanked his partner for keeping the object safe until it was returned to him. However, the God seemed to hesitate for a moment, his fingers fidgeting with the helm of the hat.
"Perhaps you should keep an eye on it for a little longer."
Raiden lifted the hat and gently placed it back upon (Y/n) head. Satisfied, the God of Thunder walked away. Raiden would later deny it to his brother that the mere sight of them wearing his hat made his heart beat faster.
Standing there, the tea long forgotten, (Y/n) watched as Raiden turned the corner. Did he just flirted with them? Touching the hat as if to make sure this wasn't all a dream, they laughed. Who were they to refuse a gift from a God.
Later that night, they would force Raiden to lay down, his head on their laps, so they could marvel and play with his hair.
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xo-katana · 10 months
May I please request headcanons for Hanzo, Erron, Fujin, and Liu Kang reacting to their girlfriend standing up to someone who’s bullying her and kicking major ass?
°•. ✿ .•°| MK Men React To S/O Who Stands Up For Themselves
Sorry it took so long, I’ve been so busy working lol
Includes: Hanzo Hasashi, Erron, Fujin, and Liu Kang
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Hanzo Hasashi
•Due to his stoic and fierce nature, he has mixed feelings about his S/O defending themselves
•He might admire his lovers strength and bravery
•He also may think that it’s his role to protect his lover and is unsure
•Will learn to trust your ability to defend and kick ass if needed
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•He might be a bit intimidated at first but it does start to turn him on eventually (LOL)
•He doesn’t understand why his S/O would want to defend themselves when he’s present
•Recognizes and values his lovers abilities and independence.
• “That’s my girl.”
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•Any aftermath injuries are already cleaned and covered
•He admires his S/O as he watches it go down
•Knows you’re defending yourself for a good reason and will tell you how proud he is
•“You did the right thing my love."
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Liu Kang
•He watches it with a smile on his face, a sense of pride on his face.
•After he watches his S/O kick ass, he has to kick them. (just incase)
•Because of his human nature, his hands are definitely roaming around his lovers body after everything calms down
•“You’re going to have to teach me that move you did earlier.”
•“I’m going to have to tell Kung Lao about this later.”
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dontbesoweirdkira · 17 days
Could you write a possessive flavored yandere Erron black?
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“Sweetheart…where are you hidin’? I know you’re here. Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
A/N: yes sirrrrr. I’m sorry I realized I got a little bit distracted while writing and didn’t follow the request exactlyyyy…oopsies. I’ve never written Erron so I do hope he’s in character enough. Thank you so much for requesting. I hope you enjoy. Just request again if you want a specific scenario.
Warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, talks of murder, threats, obsession
Requests: open 24/7
Being tracked down by a bounty hunter-cowboy was definitely not on this year's bingo card.
You had no clue you were putting yourself in the middle of something far greater than anything you could imagine. That a little celebratory trip down to the local pub would turn into you hiding for your life.
“Sweetheart…where are you hidin’? I know you’re here. Come out, come out, wherever you are.” A deep husky, southern voice taunted
You remained stiff, curled into a tight ball, silently praying for a way out of this nightmare.
How could you be so damn stupid. How did you not notice something off about the man? Why didn’t the alarm bells go off for you the second he walked in? And why were you just now putting the pieces together ?
From the way he had dressed to the way the atmosphere changed from the second he walked in…you were so oblivious.
Tipsy and blissful you had thought his outfit was the coolest thing since sliced bread. Unknowingly, you thought he was a part of one of the larp groups in the area. gleefully, you struck up a conversation with the fella.
“You know, you are one, if not the coolest motherfucker I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I wish I had a cowboy hat like that.”
Amused, the man had decided to take a seat next to you and indulge in the conversation.
“Well a mighty thank you, princess. You know you are one, if not the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on. Names’ Erron, what brings someone like you to a place like this?”
“Haha I’m y/n and thank you! I’m here to celebrate a bonus I finally got from my boss. I’ve been hounding her about it for months and I’m so happy to finally get it,. Times been rough, y’know?”
“Oh don’t I know it, baby doll.”
From there you guys chatted it up, flirted back and forth, and shared a few drinks. Not even realizing the staleness of the rest of the Pub.
Everyone, except for you, seemed to know exactly who Erron was. They recognized that man wasn’t just here to socialize, he was there to collect.
You had found the perfect hiding space, just under the performance stage, behind the small curtains.
Luckily, no one noticed you crawling over to it, seemingly not even the cowboy. Everyone was far too busy with their own business to care about you in the heat of the moment.
It kept you safe enough from all the commotion that went down, just moments earlier, protecting you from all the stray bullets that unfortunately caught a few others.
The cowboy had a hefty bounty to collect if he successfully killed the man he was after…which also happened to be a frequent patron of the pub.
The man that everyone turned their heads to look at when he arrived, the man that turned Erron Black from a fun-loving conversationalist to a bloodthirsty monster.
You could hear the heavy thudding of his thick metal boots, treading the wooden floor as he tried to find you.
“I’m so sorry about all that, doll. Erron had some business to take care of…I hope you understand.” He had tried to make his voice sweet to make you feel safe enough to come out. Like he hadn’t just murdered the entire bar.
The sound of chairs and tables being thrown, and cabinets being searched sent a sharp fear down your throat and into your stomach.
You couldn’t see it but you could hear just how erratic he was becoming searching for you.
“I know you’re a little frightened but don’t worry I’m not gunna hurt ya darlin’…I think we have something special going on. Wouldn’t ya’ agree?”
Erron wasn’t leaving that place without you. You’ve charmed the dangerous cowboy enough to win him over so like hell he would leave you here! He’s not done with you just yet. Besides you’ve seen too much, either way he’d still have to find you to kill you.
“You looked mighty fine tonight…why don’t ya say’, we go back to my place. Not like there’s any other men here to take you home…”
You could hear his boots pick up pace on the hard wood as he walked over to the bar before they stopped. Clinking of a glass could be heard before the pouring of a drink.
“Come on pretty please.” The irritation in his voice began to rise, his patience with you wavering
Erron usually isn’t this patient, and for a moment he’d thought about just setting the place ablaze and just letting you die like that. But Erron knew if he did, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself for a while. Something about you just couldn’t escape his mind. He needed to see that precious little face again.
A deep sigh filled the air before it became completely silent. It lasted quite some time, far longer than just a beat. Nearly ten minutes had passed and curiosity started to get the better of you.
What the hell was he doing? He couldn’t of left. Not that silently at least. You hadn’t heard a single sound, not even the sound of him drinking…was he just sitting there?
You wanted to get a good look, maybe he was distracted enough to sneak past?
Carefully, you leaned forward enough to grab a little bit of the curtain that lined the front of the platform, gently pushing it aside…only enough to see him. He sat haphazardly on the bar stool, with one leg planted on the ground to keep his balance and the other placed on the leg rest. His head face downwards and his hat hung low, shadowing his face and in his hands he still held the glass he earlier had drank from.
As if he could feel the gentle wind of the curtain being moved, Erron suddenly shattered the glass he was holding, causing it to catch you off guard and send you falling forward onto the cold, hardwood floor.
The cowboy released a chilling chuckle, one just as violent and twisted as he was.
You had fell right into his trap, there wasn’t any time to escape or run and hide again before he was removing that curtain and pulling you out from under the stage
“Darlin’, my job is catching people. You really thought that I wouldn’t find you? Truthfully, I knew exactly where you were the whole time. I just wanted to see if you’d come out for me if I’d ask~.”
“P-please…let me go. I-I didn’t do anything to you please—“ you squirmed tremendously as you tried your best to free your limbs from his grasp.
He shook his head and tsk’ed
“I would’ve let you go if you’d been good for me…you made me wait so long for you. Love is patient, I however, am not.”
“I’m so sorry-I was sca—“
“Shh it’s okay. I’ll teach ya how to reaaal be obedient.”
“Are you going to kill me..please—I don’t wanna die. I’m sorry please—.“
He let out another chilling laugh, this time a bit more dry.
“Oh i'm not going to kill you…I like you enough not to.—“ taking out and unwind I the rope from his hip, he continued
“You’re comin’ with me, Y/N. You’re gunna my new lil’ pet.”
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b4b3tte · 7 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Erron black decides to test the waters by flirting with you in front of Kano, but with him having some slight possessive nature,, he cannot let that happen any further without going down with a challenge
Pairing — Erron!Black x GN!Reader! X Kano!Reader
Contains of — Flirting, Pet names, jealousy, slight possessiveness, semi-argumentative behavior
My note — i am officially going on a MK writing spree, hopefully you enjoy this!! If you like it and would like to see more dont be afraid to send in a part 2 request or an idea of what you want to happen next, reader can be female or male, I’m trying to make my works as inclusive as possible!! Enjoy, Besitos 💋
Part two
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Kano couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Erron Black, a rival he had crossed paths with many times in the past, shamelessly flirting with you.
Erron constantly looking at you up and down flashing his charming smile trying his hardest to make you feel enchanted by him,
As Kano watched from Afar His jaw clenched, and a dangerous glint flashed in his eye.
You and Kano have had some tension between you two before, recently you guys almost shared a kiss 2 weeks ago on a mission on a military base but obviously went to shit as it was ruined when Sonya and Johnny made a surprise ambush with Cassie& the others BUT THAT IS BESIDES THE POINT ( lmk if u want a singular fic on that)
As Erron Black continued his charming advances, Kano decided he'd had enough. He swaggered over, his usual bravado on full display. "Well, well, what's goin' on here?" he sneered, casting a knowing glance at you.
Erron raised an eyebrow, not one to back down from a challenge. "Just havin' a friendly chat with your lovely friend here, Kano," he replied, his eyes locked with yours.
Of course Kano's response was a mixture of his characteristic sarcasm and intimidation. "Friendly, eh? Y'know, darling, this one here might be a good shot with his guns, but I'm the real danger."
Erron chuckled, his voice smooth as whiskey. "Well, now, Kano, I've heard about your dangerous streak, but I reckon we're all just tryin' to have a good time, aren’t we hun “ he says the last 3 words looking at you
You felt like a pawn in a bizarre showdown between these two strong personalities. Kano's actions were driven by his jealousy and possessive nature, but there was an underlying concern for your feelings.
Kano leaned in closer to you, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "You see, sweetheart, he might be good with a gun, but I've got a silver tongue to match."
Erron Black, undeterred, leaned in from the other side. "Now, sugar, you don't have to choose just yet. We can all have a little fun."
As the bickering went on and on it was extremely obvious Kano isn’t down for a good time and doesn’t like sharing what is his, as it continued, you couldn't help but find the absurdity of the situation amusing.
Kano's antics, while often misguided, were a testament to the depth of his affection for you and the way he tried to assert his presence, even in the face of competition from someone as charismatic as Erron Black.
Kano's grin widened as he locked eyes with Erron. "A competition, then? Winner gets a kiss from the lovely Y/n."
Erron smirked, accepting the challenge. "You're on, Kano. May the best man win."
In the end, Erron Black may have started the flirtatious banter, but Kano's presence was a bold reminder that you were a coveted individual, and he was willing to go to great lengths to make sure you knew it. The flirting contest, despite its chaotic and comical moments, was a testament to the unconventional dynamics at play.
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My next post is Kano X Reader Semi-Flirty Introduction Dialogue!! Let me know if I should post immediately or wait until Saturday?! Otherwise thanks for reading!! Have a wonderful day and remember you are enough!! Besitos 💋💋
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atlasofthestaars · 8 months
hii if you’re taking requests, could you please write some nsfw hcs for soft dom/sub erron black? (mkx version) tysm <3
im sorry anon this took forever i hope the wait was worth </3
also sorry if this feels ooc?? I feel like everytime I think of Erron Black its a void. also sorry it's not too much?? first time doing hcs haha
(yes I know the gif is mk11 erron black)
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If he’s being a soft dom, it means he has it real down bad for you. He’s not willing to be all soft and vulnerable with just anyone now.
Likes to take you in positions where he can see your pretty face (missionary, etc.) It gives him a rush of satisfaction to know how much you’re enjoying what he’s doing. You’re simply eye candy to him.
Expect to be praised here and there on how well you’re taking him, how well you’re sucking him off, etc. etc.
Definitely uses the nickname “darling” for you, especially when he’s close.
Likes to pepper you in kisses, a little bit of worship for you. Will murmur in your ear on how hot you are, and how you’re all his. 
Not a position he’d usually be in, but if he trusts you and adores you enough, he isn’t opposed to it.
Corny as it is, he probably has used the line “save a horse, ride a cowboy” on you.
Will bury his face into your neck. It’s not as if he’s embarrassed to have you see how much you’re pleasuring him, it’s just that you feel so good.
He’ll be less talk during this, more growls and groans than words, and his voice will especially drop to his lower register.
He enjoys when you pull on his hair, like reins on a horse, will have him groaning over it.
In this position he’ll say he’s all yours
Want him whining? Just overstimulate him a little, he might just be a little too prideful to tell you he's overstimulated, but you can tell.
my apologies there wasn't a lot </3
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moronkombat · 8 months
hello !! do you think you could write some hcs for erron black, sfw and nsfw? tysm <33
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Erron prefers a partner who knows how to handle themselves and someone who isn't too attached to places. He's on the move frequently and he wants his partner to keep up with him.
Now, just because he wants someone who can handle themselves, does not mean he's not protective. He is.
He isn't overly protective or suffocating but he makes it a point to prioritize your safety. He never admits his protective tendencies and when you point them out he is quick to shrug them off with a comment how in order for you to be useful, you need to be alive
If you were ever to get hurt or injured, he'd be furious but his type of rage his a silent one. He doesn't say a word as the slaughters the ones that caused you harm nor does he say anything as he carries you to safety. He doesn't say anything when he lays down and he will leave for awhile, his hand hitting some post in frustration but it's not for you. No, he's frustrated with himself for letting you be hurt
He's not exceptionally affectionate or romantic. What he will do, however, is drape his poncho over you if he notices you're too exposed to the sun or if it's getting cold. There's even been those rare moments when you're alone and sharing fun stories where he'll place his hat atop your head and give you something very close to a smile
If you thought he quiet usually that doesn't change in the bedroom. He's a silent hunter. He doesn't like to use his words when having sex, he prefers speaking through his actions and your responses to them are often loud
He is the dominant one in the bedroom but that does not mean he always prefers you lying under him. No, not at all. Missionary to him is horribly boring.
Save a horse. Ride a cowboy? Yeah Erron Black is no exception. An arm resting under his head while another has a hand on your hip. his eyes would watch you move so sensually up and down. It's a good view, he thinks, and one he will not tire of
One of his favored positions is up against the wall. Your back is pressed here, strong arms hoisting you up. Your legs bounce and twitch each time his hips collide with your own. Eyes are lost in pleasure but you don't miss that smirk into your neck. He doesn't let you miss that
He is also partial to having a partner's face buried into the pillow while he holds your hips up while he fucks you. The bend and curve of back is simply delicious. He's always liked this position. It's how he's fucked all the whores but he'd never call you that. Though he might think about it in those treacherous and libidinous hazes
Dirty talk is something he relishes in. He so desperately wants to whisper to you how horrible you are. How filthy you are to let yourself moan in such a lewd way. Have you no shame? Of course not. Not when you're clinging to his cock so wretchedly tight
Can i write hcs for Erron Black? YES. I love him. I've loved him since he came sauntering onto screen in MKX
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inactivewattpadauthor · 2 months
[Old]Erron Black x SF Reader
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----------------------------- "Come on, Y/n, you look great!" Cassie snickered at you, secretly snapping a picture of you wearing...whatever the hell the females in the Black Dragon wear. Jacqui was still working on your outfit, trying not to laugh or make a comment.
"Cassie. I look like a whore." You blinked at her, unhappy about the whole situation.
You were dressed up like this because of a damn mission. And part of this was the plan. The Special Forces picked up suspicious activity happening in the Black Dragon, and your friend, Cassie, had the idea to have YOU get a disguise and go in. Since, you're anonymous to them.
At first it was suppose to be a joke, all of a sudden the general thought it was a good idea. Bad thing is, you didn't get a say in the plan. So now you're on your own. Good luck.
You exited the truck at the entrance of  the Black Dragon's camp. You were aware you weren't going to come back out alive, and free, but you see your two friends still laughing at your outfit.
"Good luck with the investigation, Y/n!" Jacqui cried in laughter, in the truck. "God, I have to send this to the boys!" Cassie said beside her. The truck sped off, leaving you to your mission. Thanks. You rolled your eyes.
You continued your path towards the center of the camp, already disgusted by the amount of trash there is. You had to watch out for broken beer bottles. It would be a shame if you already got injured within the first 20 seconds of your mission.
But then again, you were supposed to be a hacker, you worked indoors, not out.
You managed to make it to the center of camp. You observed the amount of black markets displayed everywhere in the large crowd of people. Now if you could just remain anonymous.
You spotted an isolated path that may keep you hidden. You may have a disguise, but what if it brought the wrong type of attention. You secretly went to it and started doing your spying.
You looked around to see any suspicious activity before you heard some loud conversation about Special Forces. Bingo! Maybe this'll answer all the questions.
There was nothing too useful in the conversation, just some bitching about Sonya and her ex. But then something came inA "Something for the special scums, Kano is plannin' to-"
Unfortunately, you couldn't hear the rest of the sentence. In fact, you got dragged way back from where you were. You weren't a good fighter either, but you were about to put up a fight.
A covered hand was quickly pressed against your mouth, preventing you to make any sound, as for the other arm, wrapped around your stomach to reduce your struggles.
"Now, now, princess, I'm doin' you a favor to not attract any attention. These aren't the type of guys that'll exactly...'help' you." Some man with a country accent spoke.
He had a point. You were on enemy territory. You stopped struggling, wanting to know who this strange, kinda charismatic, man is. He did let you go, believing you were calm.
You examined your attacker. Tall, country accent,  literally a cow boy, THE INFAMOUS ERRON BLACK?! Your e/c eyes widen, as your heart stopped.
"What's wrong? You look like you seen a ghost." Erron tilted his head to the side. "Y-You're Erron Black!" You stuttered. "Yes I am. And I suppose you're not from around here. State where you're from."
You silently gasped as you saw him rest his hand near his gun. You didn't know what to do in this position. Either way, you were probably going to die.
"I'm dead anyways, what's the point in telling you?" You grew a small pair and said. "Heh, Special Forces got a loyal one." How the hell-
"They weren't too slick dropping you off on our camp. Besides, don't you think you went a little overboard with the disguise?" You got tensed with his question, as he was observing your very explicit outfit. "I'll have you know this wasn't my idea! I would never dress like this in any occasion!"
"Well then," Erron adjusted his hat. "I see no point in taking your life. Besides, I'm already starting to like you. Come with me." You froze once more. Erron Black wants me to come with him?? Am I lucky or unlucky?
Erron noticed you weren't budging. "Do you want to go out there and get yourself hurt?" He asked. You focused back on him before doing what he said.
"So what's your name?" He smirked at you. "Uh, Y/n L/n." You answered, unsure if that was a good idea.
"Okay, Ms. Y/n, what do you do in the Special Forces?" Why is he asking me these questions? "I'm one of their hackers."
You stopped your tracks,  now wondering what was going on. "Where are you taking me?" You wrapped your arms around yourself, getting scared. "I'm escorting you out of here. It would be a shame if you end up in those filthy brothels, or maybe part of you is being sold." He said, keeping the same charming tone.
This...disturbed you. "Thanks." You said shyly. "No problem, my lady."
At the exit of camp, Erron turned towards you. "I gotta say, the next time I come across you, I'll probably keep you with me." He winked. You blushed, rolling your eyes at him. "Thanks for not shooting me." You sarcastically said.
"You're welcome." He walked back towards the broken fence. "Also, when your friends return, tell them to keep one eye open while sleeping." Erron said before tilted his head in a goodbye before walking off.
You blinked at his request before sitting down, thinking about how you made no progress while in here. I tried to tell them it wouldn't work out. *Sigh* I actually hope I see Erron next time, he's pretty cute.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
Kabal, erron black, sub zero and scorpion that have a s/o that will just trauma dump some fucked up shit and then laugh hysterically cause they(s/o) think it fucking Hilarious
tooth nonny, i hope you realise that i still think about you every day
MK Lads x PTSD!S/O Who Thinks Their Trauma Is Hilarious
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In a moment of completely awkward social panic, he begins to laugh with you. He doesn't know why he's laughing, but right now you're laughing and he's scared.
His laughter is quite forced, and there's fear in his eyes that stays even after you calm down. Kabal desperately wants to say something, to offer a shoulder to cry on, but fuck, he has no idea what to do next.
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Erron Black
He lets you start laughing at your own trauma for a few seconds before he loudly exclaims "Sugar. What the fuck?". His face is pulled into a disgusted frown and he sounds angry, but really he's just concerned.
If anything, he's disappointed that you've been allowed to trivialise what's happened to you for so long, it certainly wasn't no laughing matter.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero)
He'll choke on his tea slightly when you laugh hysterically after telling the saddest story he's heard in a while. He'll consider signing you up for therapy, he's certain that finding your trauma funny isn't a healthy way to deal with it.
But if therapy is something you really don't want, he'll encourage you to open up about it more, with some comfort food or maybe some wine to help ease your feelings out.
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Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
When you start laughing after trauma dumping, he'll sit you down aggressively and make you look into his eyes so you can see just how deadly serious he is.
You better believe you two are gonna unpack what happened, no matter how much you don't want to. Hanzo is convinced that you've learnt to suppress your trauma by laughing at it, and have never taken the time to fully process what happened to you. You deserve to grieve, you deserve closure, and he'll make sure you get it.
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I’d like to imagine what it’s like for the MK cast to watch the FNAF movie coming out soon.
Knows the lore and has a million theories: JOHNNY CAGE, Kabal, Cassie Cage, Mileena, Kung Lao, Sareena, Takeda, Smoke, Reptile/Syzoth, Cyrax
Knows the lore well but won't admit it: KENSHI, Jacqui Briggs (because of Takeda), Shang Tsung, Kitana, Kuai Liang, Kano, Sektor
Just excited to see Matthew Lillard: SINDEL, Sonya Blade, Nitara, Sheeva, also Johnny Cage, also Kabal, also Kung Lao
Was dragged by someone else to see it: Liu Kang, Jax Briggs, Bi-han, Erron Black, Rain, Shao Kahn, Tanya, Ashrah, Frost, Baraka, also Sonya Blade, also Sindel
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suvidrache · 8 months
beach games
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 534 | Read it on AO3 | masterlist
Summary: volleyball on the beach with erron
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Erron Black had never been one to play games. The most that he ever did was travel places to carry out his job, but that wasn't really a game. He got paid to do it; he did it for the money and because he was good at it. He never mentioned his job to you, preferring to keep it a secret. He didn't want you to know the terrible things that he did. Instead, he left it as he had never done any games growing up, and now. Maybe when he was a little kid, he played games, but not during his teenage or adult years. When you mentioned a vacation, he was hesitant. He didn't want someone who hated him to see you both together. He wanted to keep you as safe as possible. He also didn't want someone who hated him to kill him while you were out together. He was worried about your safety more than he was his. He pushed his thoughts away and asked where the vacation would be. You told him, and he was fine with it. After all, that specific beach that you had picked was far from people. It was unlikely that anyone would bother or see you both. He knew it was safe but would secretly pack his guns just in case. You planned the details for the trip. Erron was never really good at things like that. He preferred just to wing it and not take too much time with things. You planned it and let Erron know the dates you picked. He was fine with it. He often had time off of work. He never needed to call his boss and tell him or anything. It was almost as if he worked for himself or didn't have a job, yet somehow he always got paid. You didn't think much of it and just continued on.
With both bags packed, you both headed out to the hotel location. You weren't exactly sure where it was. You only knew the address. Erron had no issue helping you out and leading you the rest of the way. He was always really good at finding hard-to-find things. When you arrived, you checked in and headed up to your room. It was nearly night when you arrived. You still wanted to head out to the beach, and Erron had no objections. You both dressed and headed out. Since it was nighttime, Erron had no need to keep his cowboy hat on and instead left it in the locked hotel room. You led the way to the beach, and Erron followed behind you. Every so often, he would look around, and eventually, he stopped and kept his attention on you and the surroundings. There was no one else at the beach except for you and Erron.
You headed over to the volleyball court, and you set your towel down.
"Come play." You said with a smile at Erron.
"Alright, how do we play?" He said, giving a small smile back.
You told him the steps, and he understood. He may not have been very good at hitting the ball with his arms, but he was great at spiking it.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @queendeeshorrorimagines, @sunmoongoddess, @phantomheiko, @imagineherbrightskies / Join my tag list here!
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domnamewoman · 8 months
hiiii he didnt make it to mk1 but if u could write some hc for sub erron black i would DIEEEE i luv ur writing sm !!
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Warnings: Dom!GN!Reader x Sub!Erron Black, Smut, 18+
Requests Are Open
Erron is a simple man. All he wants is to make money from bounties, increase his firearms collection, and have his back blown out by his partner while he is hog-tied, gagged, and suspended from the ceiling. He doesn’t really think it’s too much to ask.
Erron is a FreakTM. There isn’t a toy out there that he wouldn’t consider using. Gags, nipple clamps, vibrators, ropes, sounding rods, paddles, riding crops, you name it. This man can take anything the wild wild west can throw at him.
Erron loves to be manhandled. Grab him by his collar or grab a fist full of his hair and he's moaning, “Harder. Hurt me. I dare you.” Of course, you have to take him up on the challenge. He just looks too good with his eyes rolling back from the pain for you not to.
Erron has a foot fetish. He’ll kneel in front of you and give you a foot massage. It won’t be long before he somehow has your toes in his mouth, sucking them like his life depends on it. He’ll nearly cum on the spot if you grind the heel of your foot into his crotch, smushing his balls.
Erron loves it when you milk his prostate. He loves it even more if you gag him and restrain him spread eagle on the bed, leaving him completely defenseless. He wants you to drain him dry of every drop of cum he has stored in his body.
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shiresome · 1 year
Mileena + other doodles!
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starsurface · 1 month
Pt 1
^ I learnt how to do the link thingy!! :D
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Warning: Illusion to blood but nothing specific/gory
CG Skarlet w/ Regressor Erron (Fic) Pt 2
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"Don't touch that," Skarlet said as she entered the room.
"I wasn't touching it!" Erron kinda shouted, quickly shutting Skarlet's book. ". . . Why can't I touch it?"
"It's . . . an icky magic book," Skarlet explained. "My magic. And the pictures might not be very nice."
"Oh! . . . I like your magic," Erron said, but he moved from the book to the living room table. "Craft!"
"You like my magic?" Skarlet smiled, setting the items on the table.
"Yeah, it's pretty," Erron said, snatching a paper. Then, he shoved it towards Skarlet. "You draw too!"
"Oh, no thank you, Sweetheart," Skarlet shook her head. "I'll watch you color. We can put on some cartoons if you'd like."
"But . . . want Mama to draw wif me," Erron frowned, giving his best puppy eyes.
Skarlet looked at him.
". . . Your no fun," Erron huffed. "Horsey's fun! Giveme him!"
"Ah!" Skarlet held Horsey just out of reach. "What's the magic word?"
Erron glared at him.
He didn't do no 'magic words'.
"Giveme!" Erron crossed his arms. "Now! Horsey doesn't like you anyways!"
Skarlet looked amused, "He doesn't like me?"
"Not anymore!" Erron whined, trying to grab his friend again. "It's cause your mean, he told me himself- Give it!"
"Well you should tell Horsey that he's being very mean right now," Skarlet finally handed it to him, which Erron quickly snatched. "If anything, I think he should go into a timeout."
"I- He don't need that!" Erron quickly shook his head. "He can stay here, I'll watch him!!"
Skarlet rolled her eyes, sitting back down on the couch and grabbing her book. They both knew that if Horsey got a timeout, Erron would probably serve it with him.
Plus she wasn't too upset anyways. It wasn't like Horsey hated her, which she would have scolded Erron for.
But Erron stayed silent for a few minutes. As if he was thinking. He didn't mean to make Skarlet angry, even if he hadn't.
". . . mama?" He gently nudged her. "Horsey and I were just playin' earlier, when we said he doesn't like you no more. He does."
"Is he now?" Skarlet closed her book. "Because what he said was really mean."
"Well . . . he's sorry," Erron took his hat off. "Really sorry. He didn't meant to be that mean. Your his favorite Mama."
"Is only he sorry?" Skarlet softly asked. "Or is someone else sorry?"
Erron looked at the ground, "I'm sorry. . . For translating his mean words."
Even Skarlet knew this was the best she was going to get. Erron had never been the best with apologies, unless she was actually angry.
"It's alright, sweetheart," Skarlet ruffled Erron's hair, who whined and put his hat quickly back on. "I knew he was just playing, and I accept both you apology."
Erron seemed content with that. Or, before he frowned, "You still don't wanna color?"
". . . Hand me the red," Skarlet sighed, moving to sit beside him.
Erron's gasp and quick rushing made everything better.
His mean giggles over her stick figures weren't going to be very fun, but maybe she could get Horsey on her side.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I like this ship, it's actually kinda cute.
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b4b3tte · 7 months
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꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Erron black decides to test the waters by flirting with you in front of Kano, but with him having some slight possessive nature,, he cannot let that happen any further without going down with a challenge
Description on this part — Basically Another flirty remarks made towards you, but you,Erron,Kano are set on a mission but Kano is dead set on making sure Erron isn’t making moves on you. ( Also getting closer to Erron!)
Pairing — Erron!Black x GN!Reader X Kano!Mk11
My note — RAHH I’m so surprised people actually liked this!! I am so glad!! 2 people asked for a request so sorry if I couldn’t reply and edit this on the inbox but here it is, hopefully it meets up towards your expectations!! And to make it clear you can be female,Male,Nonbinary to read this I wanna make my works inclusive as possible, I’ve gotten a lot of nsfw requests so if you want to read my guidelines for it please let me know
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Another night at the black dragon fighting club, Kano, never one to back down, leaned in closer to you, his voice dripping with mischief. "Y'know, luv, I'd hate to see that charming smile of yours go to waste. Why don't you give the dangerous life a break and join me for a night on the town?"
Erron Black, on the other hand, wasn't about to let Kano have the last word. He leaned in with an even smoother tone, trying to maintain his suave demeanor. "Or, darling, you can take a walk on the wild side with me. I promise you won't regret it."
Your eyes darted between the two men, both vying for your attention. It was clear that they were willing to pull out all the stops to win you over.
With a roll of your eyes and a corner smirk that matched Kano's characteristic sarcasm, you decided to play along. "Well, gentlemen, it seems I'm in quite the predicament. I'm afraid I can't choose just yet."
Kano let out a triumphant laugh, while Erron raised an eyebrow, intrigued by your response. It seemed that your playful banter only fueled their determination to win your favor.
Kano, refusing to back down, chimed in with a sly grin. "Smart choice, luv. Keeps us on our toes, it does."
Erron nodded in agreement. "Ain't that the truth. We'll just have to keep impressing you."
You replied with a smart “ have fun trying to fulfill that “ You proceeded to walk away leaving them only hearing the sound of your shoes/Heels clicking the floor
As the banter continued, it took on a playful and even absurd tone. Kano and Erron found themselves exchanging increasingly outrageous and amusing suggestions to win your attention, all while keeping their charismatic personas intact.
You couldn't help but be entertained by the entire spectacle. It was clear that this competition was far from over, and you were content to sit back and enjoy the attention. Despite the chaos and rivalry surrounding you, you found yourself in a rather unique and amusing position, with Kano and Erron Black both trying to capture your interest.
One day you, Erron, Kano, Sektor, and many robot replicas and trained men, you were all sent to capture Johnny, Sonya, or at least Cassie to gain something beneficial, you and Erron went alone first along the military base and caught a moment alone between you two
As the mission continued, you guys found yourselves stationed in a quiet corner of the underground facility, momentarily away from the action. The air was heavy with tension, but the two of you took a moment to breathe from the previous shooting of protection and exchanged a few quiet words.
Erron Black, his charming facade momentarily down, turned to you. "You know, darlin', we’ve never gotten a chance to talk like this in the middle of a mission."
You nodded, feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. "That's true. it feels like we're constantly on the move, sometimes I wish I weren’t so involved in everything "
Erron's voice softened as he looked at you as he has never had a personal conversation before with someone he works with . "I know it's a dangerous world, but there's something about you, something that keeps me coming back for more."
You met his gaze, there was a moment were you both looked in each others eyes then lips, the connection between you deepening in that quiet moment. "It's not easy to navigate this whole process, but having someone like you during the process..makes it a little less…daunting."
Erron just slightly moved closer to you, you add your pinky finger on top of his hand making eye contact with him, Just as he was about to say more, Kano's voice erupted through the radio, dripping with jealousy and irritation. "Oi, lovebirds, we've got a situation here! Stop playin' around and get back to work, This ain't the time for touchy-feely nonsense."
Erron, unfazed, shot back, "Seems like someone's feathers are ruffled. Can't handle a little human connection, Kano?"
Kano's response was a low, menacing growl. "I'm watchin' you, Erron. Don't get too comfortable."
Erron Black let out a quiet chuckle, and the two of you returned to the mission at hand. Kano's tone didn't go unnoticed, and it was clear he wasn't pleased with the intimacy he had just witnessed.
As you moved forward, Kano's attitude became increasingly disruptive even at the slight normal conversations almost every one has . He couldn't hide the jealousy that coursed through him, and his comments through the radio were laced with irritation and impatience.
Another smart remark flashed the both of you, when you and Erron accidentally bumped into each other from you walking to fast and not looking where you were walking at, and your guys hand glided on top of each other sorta like this ( click on the link on the word “ This “ )
Kano's voice crackled again. "You two best be focused on the mission instead of holdin' hands. We're here to capture Johnny, not exchange sweet nothings."
Erron Black shot back, his own irritation evident. "You're just jealous, Kano. Afraid you're losin' your grip on your precious Y/n."
Kanos extreme annoyance just exploded “ you shouldn’t even be picking at what should be mine “
Erron leaned in, his voice a low murmur, "Seems our mate Kano is struggling with the concept of sharing."
You chuckled, the irony not lost on you. "I never thought I'd be the center of a love triangle in the middle of a mission."
Erron's grin widened. "Well, darlin', life is full of surprises. But you can bet Kano won't make this easy."
Kano rolled his eyes again as usual “ god damnit black, quit your gobsmackin with y/n We're not on a damn date. Focus on the mission!"
Erron shot back, his voice filled with mischief, "Jealousy doesn't suit you, Kano. Maybe you should try being a bit more charming like me."
The tension between the two men was palpable, and it seemed that the love triangle had reached a boiling point. You couldn't help but feel the weight of their rivalry and the complexities of your relationships.
The love triangle between Kano, Erron Black, and you continued to play out, each interruption and intimate moment adding to the complexities of your relationships. The question remained: who would ultimately capture your heart in the end?
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Thanks for reading!! I really appreciate it!! Have any other requests? Put it in my inbox and I’ll start writing it!! Have an amazing day or night Besitos!!💋💋
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