cyradius · 8 months
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Oh dear, Haven't posted in a bit... Here's a rough concept drawing of a pirate fish-man character. His name's Esparanza, he's the navigator for Rudy Redheart's crew. he's got a vast knowledge of both the seas and various seaside locale towns, and rumor has it he comes from the famous sunken city of Fishlantis, originally a floating ship city of a different name, now claimed by the fish people.
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eucridemore · 1 year
“De madrugada” (p., clo. a la esperanza de una vida que fuera la mía; 16/5/23, 12:45 a. m.)
   ―La esperanza es una cosa inútil…   ―¿La esperanza es una cosa inútil? ―preguntó ella.    ―¿No habría de serlo acaso? Si uno considera lo tortuoso de la existencia, ¿no cabe preguntarse si estas ilusiones son realmente vanas?    ―Podrían serlo, en efecto; mas uno no puede ir por allí creyéndolo, moriría si se determinara a no esperar más nada. Las cosas que uno soporta a costa de la esperanza le permiten vivir, su supervivencia depende directamente de estas ilusiones cuya significancia justifica su vida entera.    ―Yo podría creer que lo que espero es significante de esta manera, mas nada significaría si en efecto no es así, y uno podría esperar su realización toda la vida. Esa clase de vindicación muchos la esperan aún: gente miserable que pervive en su expectativa a costa de los grandes acontecimientos que a todo el mundo determinan realmente.   ―Yo no sé porqué consideras tu vida desde una perspectiva tan pesimista. No es así la existencia; podría ser una causa perdida, eso es cierto, mas nada nos asegura que así deba ser. Yo puedo entender que no estés pasando por el mejor momento, pero eso no justifica tu anegación y esa imposible salvedad que con tanto ahínco exaltas el suicidio.    Ella me miró mientras aún permanecíamos recostados sobre el catre, a las faldas de la cama de Joaquín; la aurora comenzaba a relumbrar y su luz bañaba las paredes de la habitación con el tinte cerúleo de un tierno despertar. Eran las seis y media de la mañana y el sereno nos cobijaba, de nuestras bocas brotaba vapor y nuestras pieles se erizaban. Entonces me besó y sus labios por alguna razón parecieron estar muy húmedos, como si al punto hubiese frotado sobre ellos un trozo de hielo.    ―He estado de ti enamorada desde siempre, ¿lo sabes?    ―…    ―Desde hace meses deseaba compartir contigo esta noche; pues aunque a ti no te lo parezca, he estado esperanzada por esto desde el primer instante en que te conocí. Siempre has sido tú mi más grande deseo.    Luego yo también la besé.
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heidiandellie · 3 months
Las Madres del Monte -- Julio Pantoja
Mucho del tiempo, nosotros consumimos muchos productos, pero nosotros no entendemos donde estos productos están orginar. Es muy fácil ignorar el mundo que nos rodea y seguir consumiendo ciegamente productos que pueden estar causando daño a las personas. Hoy, voy a hablar sobre un ejemplo primario de esto es la soja en Argentina, y regiones diferentes de Argentina por ejemplo, Chaco, Jujuy, Salta, y Misiones. Durante mi investigacion sobre los impactos de los practicas agricultura en cambio climático, descubrí que los problemas tienden a parecer insignificantes hasta que tienes un problema que el artista Julio Pantoja presenta. En mi ultima entrada del blog hablé sobre los impactos que tuvo la soja en Argentina en su conjunto, pero yo no entiendo que grave la situación es. En una colección se llama Las Madres del Monte, por Julio Pantoja. La última vez que hablé sobre el tema de la soja, era evidente que había un gran impacto en la deforestación, y cómo ha causado un gran problema, ya que es un producto con mucha demanda. En la colección refleja, podemos reflejar sobre las consecuencias grave que los granos de soyas que causan. Un gran parte de la colección es sobre el desplazamiento. Mientras que los bosques han sido destruidos y superados, la soja ha tenido una demanda tan alta que ha ocupado el espacio de los hogares de las personas. Dentro de la colección, Pantoja ha creado un telón de fondo blanco. Sin embargo, este telón de fondo no cubre todo el paisaje, sino que resalta una pequeña cantidad de espacio en el centro de la pantalla donde la familia está sentada. Creo que fue una adición intencional a la pintura para transmitir la gravedad de la situación. Con la pantalla blanca destacando solo las familias y no todo el paisaje, nosotros como público podemos entender las condiciones de vida de estas familias y cómo la deforestación que ha causado la producción de soja. Un ejemplo de la situación aritista de Pantojas se puede exhibir a través de la imagen de Gladis Escbar y sus hijos. 
Gladis Escobar es de tres isletas Chaco, Argentina. La Sra. Escobar es parte de una pequeña pero poderosa organización que se dedica a denunciar la deforestación y los incendios provocados ante los medios de comunicación y las ONG. 
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Además un otro ejemplo de una obra por Pantoja es la imagén de Justina Sánchez, una tejedora de chaguar. Ella pertence a la comunidad wichi de Pizarro, Salta. 
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Con la mezcla de los tipos diferentes de las personas, por ejemplo, Pantoja incluye los grupos largos como las familias y tambien incluye las personas que están solas, Pantoja puede reflejar sobre cuántos personas esta causa puede afectar. 
También, Pantoja incluye imagenés sobre los incendios forestales y la importante cantidad de tierras forestales que han sido sustituidas por la producción de soja. 
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Estas imágenes son muy devastadoras, sin embargo, resultan necesarias para causar una sensación de urgencia. La mayoría de las obras de Pantojas son de dos mil siete, así que en el año dos mil veinticuatro, solo puedo imaginar cuánto se han expandido estas prácticas nocivas. A través de esta entrada de blog, te imploro que seas más consciente de los orígenes de los artículos que consumes.
Con esparanza,
Señor Morales
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
Some beautiful flower gardening pics for you! #garden #gardening #flowers #plants #trees #roseofsharon #butterflyplant #mandevilla #esparanza #whiteangelflower
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
//'if i want to write evelyn and daniel it'd be best to just have a multi that features them' vs 'oh but FUCK y'all godlivesintheforest is a sick-ass url for them..............'
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arguablysomaya · 9 months
it is my deep-seated belief that since cass was introduced to girlhood really late, she should get to indulge in it for the rest of her life. her dad's a rich asshole, he can afford it.
she should get barbie dolls with a huge house playset, she should get American girl dolls (which she would love), she should go shopping at claire's (which she would hate), she should get to wear justice (which she would also hate but find incredibly funny), she should get to watch powerpuff girls and totally spies and mako mermaids and read the selection and esparanza rising and little women and all those fairy books and and and
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avatarrecom · 7 months
Character moodboards
Moodboards of all the characters!
Who's your favorite? Mine is Leona's, Walker and Z-dog!
I've hidden some hints in the moodboards, as well as hints about everyone's job within the squad (military wise) some are easier than others and I'm curious if ya'll find the hints!
I didn't put a hint about Esperanza's nickname being Leona, but I'm really curious if ya'll figured it out yet!
Important note: some pictures have faces of people in them, they are not how I visualize them, see my character visualization for that!
Please let me know!
(You can ignore this, but please leave some likes or comments because I'm getting really insecure about whether or not ya'll like my chapters + extra content, and it motivates me to write more!)
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Esparanza "Leona" Socorro "The Hotheaded Daughter"
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Miles "Spider" Socorro "The Hippie Son"
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Paz Socorro "The Weeping Angel"
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Miles Quaritch "The Cold-blooded Leader"
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Lyle Wainfleet "The Skillful Sniper"
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Mansk "The Stern Weapons Expert"
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Prager "The Talented Tactician"
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Ja "The Big Hearted Medic"
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Lopez "The Psychotic Interrogator"
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Brown "The Dazzling Hacker"
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Fike "The Accurate Hitman"
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Walker "The Fierce Explosive Expert"
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Z-dog "The Seductive Honey Pot"
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Warren "The Headstrong Driver"
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Zhang "The Observing Infiltrator"
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ritualmisery · 2 years
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Metallica performing live at Evenmentenhal in Zwaagwesteinde, Netherlands.
June 9, 1984.
© Marko Van Haren
Van Haren recalling the concert:
“Our friends at the Metal magazine Loudness, who were involved in organising this event, invited us to report this show for our magazine. On the way to the venue, we realised we were driving behind a white Bedford van containing the members of Metallica. We decided to follow them. Arriving at the scene, the awaiting fans were already gathered on the street, armed with crates of beer. Cliff, Kirk and James decided to hang around and drink beer with them. Everybody was invited, so it didn't take long before we were also supplied with the holy water.
What a party, drinking with the guys from Metallica, and the concert hadn't even begun. Meanwhile, we were summoned backstage for a press briefing. And we were confronted with all kinds of instructions, rules and regulations. Who came up with this crap? I don't know. Maybe the demanding tour manager? Knowing that there is always something going on before every performance, it came as no surprise.
But one way or another, I'm always determined to make it happen. By a twist of fate, the promoter, Henk Elzinga, didn't know that Twisted Sister was bigger than Metallica at that time. Twisted Sister should have been the main act, but Elzinga had switched it around. Because of him, Metallica had their first show as the headliner.
Prior to the gig, Donald Wever had an interview with Cliff Burton sitting on a bench outside somewhere in the area. They discussed the recording process of the forthcoming Ride The Lightning album and the band's interest in finding a new vocalist/frontman. At that time, there was a rumour going around that Guy Esparanza (ex-Riot) was approached by the band to fill that position, but Cliff immediately debunked this one.
During the song Metal Militia, Dee Snider of Twisted Sister joined the band on stage to shout with them the well-known phrase: Metal Up Your Ass. Meanwhile, I ran towards the stage with my camera to capture this moment, but it jammed. Typical, something which had kept happening during the whole event. The atmosphere in this place was so incredible, it can't be described, but the band gave four encores…. this speaks for itself. If people ask me what was one of the most impressive and best gigs you ever watched, then it was definitely this one for sure. Every time I hear the name of the village Zwaagwesteinde, I still get goosebumps. A memory set for eternity.”
Van Haren also attended Metallica’s December 7th show in Amsterdam a few months later and spoke about it. If you’d like to read more of his remembrance of the band then click here :)
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huntsvillehq · 4 months
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new business open!
saffron aubert invites everyone to the grand opening of her new establishment: Sammie's Place. it will feature all ages entertainment from 11am to 5pm, and adult entertainment from 6pm to 12am. the back room will contain cots for those who choose to stay for the adult entertainment.
(all positions full) Owner/Staff Manager - Saffron Aubert Talent Manager - Joey Albright Stage Manager - Ciara Winters Lightning Technician: Grayson Waters Bouncer - Jae-Sung Bouncer/Door - Esparanza Calloway Bartender - Mallory Clarke Bartender - Lynx Bartender - Winifred Barrett Bartender - Rhys Bennett Server - Savannah Lacey Server - Grace Summers Server - Nadine Briggs Server - Romina Lanzo Server - Elora Sakamoto
Current Talent -
Addison Gallagher - music act Ames Shehadi - aerial silk act Cassius Romero - stripper Clementine Hanlon - dancer/stripper Etienne LeDeux - card tricks Georgia Hicks - burlesque (incl. Nadine Briggs and Abby Cromwell) Kiara Clark - dancer Lynx - fire eating Maverick Cafferty - music/trick act Max Hampton - dancer/stripper Monty Larkin - magician (asst. Nadine Briggs) Natalie Gray - music act Peyton Wilson - stripper Santiago Ayala - music act Stella Hendrix - art performance Val Moreno - music act
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duncebento · 8 months
urg a few months ago i was getting sucked to kest we forget by esparanza and now look at me
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tvmusiclife · 1 year
Bonnie Raitt just pulled an Esparanza Spalding in 2023 lmaooo
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zhabe · 2 days
curious your thoughts on the org af3irm, considering you post esparanza’s essays? I was in the process of joining af3irm but quit after I learned about their transmisogyny + denial of transness/womanhood towards former trans members who criticized them (among other things). after this I have become pretty critical of af3irm’s stances because I’m seeing flaws in their arguments. I’m still learning though. wondering what you think of them
I didn’t follow them for long because I started learning about proletarian/marxist feminism shortly before they had a major split. I think they had some good ideological positions and published some strong pieces, but ultimately I can’t stand behind an organization who harbors sexual predators in higher ranks while marketing themselves as an organization opposed to sexual exploitation. I view this as a manifestation of principled organizers struggling within their liberal feminist organization.
Ultimately, I was unaware of any transmisogyny because I didn’t really know about them before their split. Feel free to send me any resources you might have regarding that, if you’d like. Here’s what Esperanza (and an org I work with called RMC) originally posted about the split: 1 2 3
If you’re interested in joining a revolutionary feminist organization, I’d consider checking out Esperanza’s new org: Half the Sky, or any communist organization that has a strong proletarian feminist ideological line and opposes transmisogyny/male chauvinism etc, like RMC (Revolutionary Maoist Coalition).
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kuvartic · 10 days
no hay una realidad que me guste
no hay un lugar en que haya una versión de mí que encuentre esparanza y alivio
el suplicio y el estrés de no pertenecer a ningún lado
es agobiante
me asfixio en mí
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duranduratulsa · 2 years
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Some beautiful flower gardening pics for you! #garden #gardening #flowers #plants #trees #roseofsharon #butterflyplant #mandevilla #esparanza #whiteangelflower
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gas-stxtion · 1 year
//evelyn mckinnon, daniel esparanza, and jack townsend should hang out and form the Disabled Protagonists Of Workplace Horror-Comedy Series Club.
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just-jammin · 3 months
hey bro
esparanza can't catch a whale
o( * ̄ ▽ ̄*)b
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