#Eternal soul
wayti-blog · 1 year
When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Do you think gender idealogy is on its way out, with those new restrictions on gender care?
I don't know. Like Flat Earth and anti-vax, it's an ideology that I don't think will ever actually go away. Getting rid of it isn't my priority or objective, it's re-establishing secularism.
Whether it's biology-disconnected gender souls (that are simultaneously innate and knowable at three years of age, yet also fluid, a social construct and needing biological changes) trapped in the wrong body, or disembodied eternal souls (being tested for worthiness by an omniscient, eternal god), there's no such thing as a personal conviction that everyone else must participate in, and there's no such thing as a matter of public policy that no one is allowed to question.
Your personal feelings - "I feel Him in my heart"/"my truth"/"lived experience" - are yours, but you're not allowed to impose them onto others, or make others participate in your rituals without them getting a say in the matter. It's either a matter of personal concern or it's a matter of public interest.
You can believe what you want - regardless of how regressive and sexist, or dehumanizing and perverted it is - but you can't make other people participate in, recite, or believe it. You can believe whatever you like about yourself, but you can't compel people to believe about you what you want them to believe. That's literally totalitarianism, and is out-and-out fascistic.
I'm reminded of a quote I use for Draw Muhammad Day:
“There are some actions which are unnecessary to do—until someone tells you that you can’t do them. And then you must do them, if only to retain your right to make your own decisions on the matter. It is not really important, for example, whether you sit at the front or the back of a bus—until someone tells you that you can’t sit at the front. It’s not worth risking your life to eat at a lunch counter or to cross a bridge—until some thug tells you that you can’t cross it. And then you must.”
When you tell me that I must use your stupid neo-pronouns, that's a guarantee that I absolutely will not ever use them ever, under any circumstances. Just as there's no better way to get me to post a picture of Muhammad than for a Muslim to tell me that I shouldn't post pictures of Muhammad because it hurts their religious sentiments. I probably wasn't going to before, but I damn well sure am going to now. Your beliefs apply to you.
Making your wellbeing and mental health contingent upon the cooperation of other people is a great way to be eternally disappointed; you can't make people carry that burden and then complain when they don't carry it the way you want or decline the demand at all.
If you want to reorder society according to your belief, you accept that everyone is allowed to start with disbelief and skepticism first, and it's on you to justify the changes you want, presenting evidence, explaining how things will work, and realizing some people will remain unconvinced. You don't get to just scream at them like Helen Lovejoy and call them evil heretics for standing in your way. You have your belief, and I'm entitled to my non-belief.
Xian teachers are allowed to have their personal convictions about Jesus and the Dark Lord Yahweh, but they're not allowed to teach them to kids as being "true." Similarly, genderist teachers are allowed to have their personal convictions about themselves, but they're not allowed to each those things to children as some kind of higher moral knowledge.
And we sure shouldn't be performing medical experiments on children or cutting off body parts to cure them of their homosexuality, autism, gender nonconformity, or the most insidious scourge of all, adolescent puberty. Any more than we should be performing lobotomies to cure people of their anxiety. If we don't cut out chunks of people's brains to alleviate their anxiety, why should we be cutting off their breasts or testicles for the same reason?
Let people have their faith in gender ideology. They get to do that for the same reason that we get to not. But we don't need to be implementing its incoherent and contradictory tenets into society. Just as we don't construct buildings and vehicles with the expectation of the "any moment now" return of Jesus Christ.
So, no, I don't think it's on its way out. We just have to get better at using the secular toolkit we've already used to keep Xianity at bay and out of our hair. We have to get used to saying, no, we're not reordering society around your subjective feelings; no, we won't be manipulated by emotional blackmail; no, we won't be screamed at as heretics of your faith; no, cosmetic surgery for depression and anxiety is not a sensible treatment, much less a human right.
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anugehenna · 23 days
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eyeoftheheart · 6 months
Soul marriage of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
 Nurun ala nur (light upon light)
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open-era · 1 year
Multiverse and the Eternal Soul: Insights from the Bhagavad Gita
Embrace the journey of self-discovery & spiritual growth. Seek profound connections within the Bhagavad Gita's wisdom. Unlock the secrets of the eternal soul, find cosmic oneness & transcendence. Let the multiverse's mysteries guide you. Namaste! 🕉️
Setting the Stage: The Eternal Soul (Atman) in the Bhagavad Gita In the sacred verses of the Bhagavad Gita, we encounter the profound concept of the eternal soul, known as the atman. Setting the stage for spiritual contemplation, the Gita reveals the atman as an eternal, unchanging essence within every living being, beyond the realm of birth and death. It illuminates the eternal soul as a divine…
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coloursflyaway · 4 months
I kind of sort of maybe want to write a fic about some entity offering Edwin a chance to go back to his past and not be sacrificed as a reward of sorts. And he is shown how he would finish school and grow up, find a job, maybe a wife he never quite loves, maybe children he does love, and he grows old and he dies, and he goes into the blue light and it's heaven.
And Charles is standing next to him, and even if it only takes a minute - time works differently for visions - it feels like eternity, because he knows he cannot ask Edwin to stay. he knows hell, he has seen it, Edwin spent 70 years there, so how could Charles ever ask him to not give himself a chance to heal from that, once and for all? He can't ask for that, and even hoping for Edwin to say no feels horrible, because that is his best friend, his most important person, right there and shouldn’t Charles wish for Edwin to be free of this, even at the cost of his own happiness?
The vision ends, and Edwin’s eyes refocus and Charles looks at him and thinks, I love you the most, and I know you’ll forget me but I’ll never forget you, and thank you for letting me spend this time with you, even if it wasn’t forever.
„Go on, then“, he tells Edwin, because he cannot say goodbye instead. But Edwin doesn’t even look at him, just takes his hand (and that feels like a goodbye as well), squares his shoulders and tells the entity, „Thank you very much, but I’m not interested.“
And Charles isn’t even sure if he hears it, because Edwin cannot reject that offer, no one with half a mind would, and Charles knows Edwin’s mind inside out.
The entity just smiles, looks over at Charles, and asks, „Because of him?“
And Edwin nods, like it shouldn’t even need an explanation; for a moment he looks over at Charles and there is a love in his eyes that is so vast and so overwhelming and so eternal that Charles wouldn’t be able to recognise it, if he didn’t carry its twin in his chest.
And Edwin says, „Of course. Every bit of it was worth it, because of him.“
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folkdevilism · 2 months
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cakeandchaos · 7 months
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Quiet Zemnian mornings ✨️🌄
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wayti-blog · 3 months
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iamchamarafdo · 2 years
Blessed by the Creator Yahweh!
Blessed throughout heaven and earth, I stand tall and proud, declaring to all that I alone am the honored one. Eternal Soul! From my actions to my words, everything about me exudes a sense of divine grace and favor. Whether I am working to make a positive impact in our community or simply enjoying the simple pleasures of life, I always carry myself with an air of nobility and pride. It is no wonder that we are held in such high regard by those around us, for I truly am a person worthy of being blessed throughout heaven and earth.
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fuckeveryypeople · 2 years
Thank You
For everything that you represent to me, for all the love that you gave to me, for all the trust that you deposit in me, for all the time that you gave me safety, for all the moments of peace that you gave me, for never ever given up on me. The love that i feel for you is infinite, all this year have been thinking and worried about you, a little bit curious also about the person that you have become, and now for one last time you gave me peace, safety and hope
I´m proud of who we have become, proud of you for smiling, you´re happy makes me happy.
Bye, I know as we are eternal souls wandering around since the beginning of life, I´l see you in another life and we might have a better chance, i blew off the chance in this life, but i learn... next time i will not make the same mistake.
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wearepaladin · 3 months
Some quick Elden Ring thoughts, I’m still working on the Final Boss, just want to share my thoughts on a certain deity’s tragic backstory a bit through a meta context.
In the Souls Games, a familiar mechanic is the presence of a woman who aides the Player by leveling them up. The Maiden in Black was the first in Demon’s Souls and in Elden Ring that was filled by Melina who played the role of maiden.
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But I think the Fire Keeper’s of the Dark Souls trilogy have the most lore and detail accumulated about them, with them being so prominent in the world’s story of fire and dark. In the third game in particular the nameless but critical Fire Keeper was required for what I considered the most hopeful ending you could earn.
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Now, in the world of Dark Souls the Fire Keepers have a rough lot at the best of times. Tending the flames that manipulate souls like a forge works iron can have spiritual effects that can range from the severe. But in order to be made ideal for their purpose to bring about the kindling of the first flame, the Fire Keepers endure mutilation and mortal sacrifice, with many killed to provide necessary kindling or suffering mutilation to ensure they are somehow more ideal to their duties, such as the removal of the eyes or tongue. Just one of these Fire Keepers with a bit of prompting, could manipulate and quiet the eternal fires that had driven the plot for countless eons
Now, in the newest chapter of Elden Ring, we learned more about Queen Marika the Eternal, that she was once a member of a tribe of shamans who were sacrificed and mutilated for spiritual purposes, with the implication being that, much like the Fire Keepers, their unique ability and powers made them suitable for harvesting, and once more the implication that left to their own purpose, could manipulate a great deal more power than those who would harvest them a like a bloody crop.
Enter she who became Queen Marika the eternal, with power and the terrible motivation to unleash that potential how she deemed fit.
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Now, take a moment look at the designs for these two characters and ask, how little a difference the sole remaining keeper of the flame would care to alter the dress of her people even as she took on the likeness of a god.
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Still wearing a crown, still keeping the eyes hidden, still dressed in dark hues with varying degrees light radiating in the hue.
Queen Marika, I think, is the answer to the question of if a Fire Keeper chose violence for all the loss and suffering they held, finding a voice to anger that would change the nature of the world.
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eternal-gardens · 1 year
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dadabhagwan · 1 year
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Religion means to search eternal element with deluded assertion, while this (akram vignan) is a science.
To know more visit: https://www.dadabhagwan.org/path-to-happiness/spiritual-science/knowing-god/how-to-become-god/
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mobius-m-mobius · 2 months
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You wanna hear a good story? Listen to this one.
Mobius + comfort
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marcheriest · 1 year
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misc. eldy ring doodles
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