#Evan Lukas
kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Me: *Haven't made a proper illustration for almost 2 weeks straight*
Also me: *Proceeds to make 4 illustrations in one day*
Anyways been listening (very slowly) through TMA again, and thought "Hey why not make some posters for some episodes I like". So here have 4 of my fave episodes of the first half of season 1
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clairebearsparkles · 9 months
stealing this thought from a friend Is Evan Lukas a previous hotel manager in the hotel au? Also your ideas and art are SO cool!!!
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First off, tell your friend to get out of my walls. Second, yes! That’s the idea at least, Evan was the owner before his death and Naomi couldn’t take on the hotel sooooo it went over to Peter Lukas. He took it on since there was a lot of fear potential that was not being used while Evan was in charge.
Also I am so glad people are just as feral about this au as I am, I love me intense reverse aus
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The Wedding
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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darktetrasdualies · 6 months
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some designs for some characters ^_^
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maeo-png · 15 days
i need gwen to smoke weed with evan lukas while they shit talk their uncles
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kairos-polaris · 3 months
I hope Naomi Herne and her fiance, Evan Lukas, are happily married in tmagp universe, no Lonely affiliated family to hurt them
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myfckingnameisnuwanda · 7 months
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Jon is so akward all the time. This girl had to pratically beg this man to stay by her side while she was feeling vulnerable. C'mon, Jon, your autistic ass can do better than that.
<- 012: First Aid - 014: Peacemeal ->
<-<- 001: Angler Fish
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saintbleeding · 2 years
i got this funny impression the first time i listened to tma
i mean i got several, which resulted in acute confusion between 91-111 when i realised that gerry, michael shelley, and mike crew were three distinct people (i’d somehow conflated son-of-the-bookshop-lady and lightning-guy, then the two michaels)
but the one that really stuck out to me upon completion the first time was i’d picked up the idea that peter was evan’s dad, and it was such a confident belief that i was actually quite shocked when i realised that it wasn’t actually canonically the case. and my brain kind of didn’t give it up, and i realised that it could actually be possible? like, would it be a bit unusual for someone to give a statement and not mention a child and their other parent? yeah, potentially. would it be weird for peter lukas to be so disaffected by the fact that he fathered a son who died young that, if it didn’t relate to his compelled narrative, he wouldn’t mention it? less weird.
i wouldn’t put it past peter to add little bits of isolation to his life wherever possible--and it sounds pretty on brand of him to tepidly develop a relationship with someone, have a kid, and then pop into the kid’s life just enough that his absence is felt. but what if it kind of backfired? what if the kid really ended up missing his father, and wondering what he was doing with all those months at sea? what if that was, for example, the thing that got the kid into marine biology, then science, then when he went away to uni the kid realised he really liked having friends? what if he knew enough about his family, his father’s family, that he knew he wanted to be an antidote to whatever his relatives were doing to the world, and he therefore tried every day never to let anyone he met feel isolated? what if he and naomi got chatting not just because they were mutually intrigued, but because evan refused to leave anyone forsaken?
i’m not suggesting peter would do something to ensure the death of his own kid. i am suggesting i’d believe that he wouldn’t do a great deal to stop such a thing happening. i am suggesting he’d probably consider an absence like that rather an impressive offering to his god. I am suggesting he may not mention his own son without a--literally--compelling reason to do so.
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thatpodcastkid · 4 months
Magnus Archives Relisten, MAG 13 Alone
If a ghost tells you to turn left in a forest, and no one's around to hear it, do you still get hit by a car? My apologies to Ms.Herne for the tasteless and offensive humor. MAG 13 analysis, spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Naomi Herne regarding the funeral of her fiancé Evan Lukas. Statement given January 13, 2016.
Statement Notes: RIP Evan Lukas. RIP king. You would have loved Bo Burnham's Inside.
It's so exciting to have our first live statement. The beginning of the episode stands out because it establishes that the digital recorders not only fail frequently, but at specific times. It is likely that by this point Jon understands the tape recorders must be used for the "real" statements.
Naomi's behavior at the beginning of the episode is also a bit strange. For one, she states that a paranormal investigator laughed at her for suggesting the Magnus Institute. I've always found it odd that investigators like Melanie mock the institute or find it illegitimate because they are an academic institution. They do extensive research, have significant funding, and even though they don't actively interfere in paranormal occurrences, they appear to be conducting and publishing legitimate studies. Why are they disregarded so often?
Naomi also appears actively antagonistic towards Jon. She needs his help, yet still ices him out. This is exemplative of her unconcious commitment to remain alone. Even when she asks him to stay while she gives the statement, she doesn't form any connection with him.
The religious aspects of this episode are so profound. Herne had found solace in religion her whole life. The only person she aside from Lukas and her mother that she could form a connection with was her priest. Yet, in her moment of desperation and fear, when she seeks shelter in the church, the door is locked. Her priest had advised Naomi to bond with others, and while she does get close with Evan, she doesn't actually make more friends and instead depends on religion to give her a sense of connection. But religion alone couldn't help her when everything fell apart.
The idea of being locked out from your religion is also particularly powerful. Being metaphorically and literally locked out of her religion amplified Naomi's loneliness and drove her further into misery.
Lukas' death, while not necessarily supernatural, has this particularly stinging bit of symbolism. A man from a strongly connected yet chronically isolated dies of a genetic broken heart.
The "turn left" line is frightening because I can't pinpoint where it came from. There seems to be a few possibilities:
A) It actually was the dead Evan Lukas. His ghost was using the car crash to jar her out of the Lonely and save her. This insinuates that he wasn't killed by an illness, but by his family or at least some aspect of the Lonely which absorbed him.
B) Evan Lukas had been killed/absorbed by the Lonely, but he wasn't the one warning Naomi. The Lonely had taken and brainwashed him, compelling him to force Naomi towards the car in an attempt to kill her.
C) Evan Lukas' ghost was stuck in the Lonely, and in an uncontrolled spiritual state, thought killing Naomi could reunite them and free him from loneliness.
C) It wasn't Evan Lukas or his spirit, but a manipulation of his voice by the Lonely/the Lukas family to kill Naomi for invading their space and taking one of them away.
Entity Alignment: Pretty much in the title. Great introduction to the Lonely, really gets to both the heart of the fear and the methods it uses.
Some people have mentioned the elements of the Buried in this episode because of the open coffins, and while I do think it's present, these coffins are more so an extension of the Lonely. In the cemetery, Naomi is not afraid of being buried alive or of dying, but of dying alone. Hence the gravestone she carries out with her reading "Forgotten."
I also noticed Jon's Eye abilities beginning to develop in this episode. While he certainly isn't compelling Naomi to speak, he is certainly leading her. Naomi is mad at him, she doesn't want to speak, but his mention of the stone and attempt to diffuse the situation with a joke urge her to give the statement.
Character Notes: This introduction to the Lukases is very frightening. Very classic "isolated rich family" horror, but taken to another level because the isolation is the fear, not just a storytelling device.
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alightcaseofohno · 7 months
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My new theory is that Klaus is Evan Lukas and here's why
Klaus can be an acronym for Lukas
He mentions in the video that he can "disappear" again which could have been very literal if I'm right about the Lukas thing
He's either Evan or someone we haven't heard of because we know Klaus is a young man and Evan is the only Lukas we know to be a young man (unless TMAGP is doing some age jump shit which if they are then i have no idea man)
The Institute is for currently unknown reasons a no no topic amongst the facility it seems like, the Lukas's iconically are funders of the institute, if he is a Lukas then that may be where the connection between him and Lena happens in the first place
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 11 months
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He has Martin danger senses
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localgrem1in · 11 months
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Magtober Day 15 - Statement Givers
I'm later than usually, but not too late. Huzzah!! Naomi Herne is one of my favourite statement givers, both because her statement was SOOO good and really stuck in my mind and because she's gotten well deserved presence in some of my favourite fanfiction. Props to such a lovely side character <3
My goal for Magtober is to do a sketch every day according to the prompt. I've been suffering from that headspace where every peice needs to be a finished piece, so I'm tryin to break that.
Prompt list by @emerald-emerlad for tmatober 2023!
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bestiege · 3 months
Reasons as to why I think the Lukases are not the brightest crayons in the box:
They are devoted to the Lonely, yet they are a family.
They invest in dumb shit (Peter).
They cast aside some members (Peter’s siblings), yet when one of the black sheeps, social butterfly Evan, wants to marry someone who seems to be the embodiment of the Lonely, better than he is at least, they reject her, and kill him off?? Let’s dissect this one because it has multiple layers:
Why him and not Naomi? Not only did they kill their own family member, making their family smaller, but wouldn’t it have been worse (thus, better for the Lonely) for the extrovert to be the one left behind? Even Naomi says she is getting used to being lonely again (ugh, she would have been such a great addition!)
But before all that, if they felt like he was threatening the family's legacy or whatever, why not just exile him like with Peter's siblings? Nope, murder it is.
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fogandblackcoffee · 1 year
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I was reading the transcript of 013, and honestly, this is such a disturbing section. The Lukas’ tailor definitely didn’t have Evan’s measurements since he’d been away from the family for a long time, which means they would have had to measure Evan’s dead body... and I doubt this is an uncommon request from the Lukas family, since they have a lot of funerals.
And, as disturbing as it is, these lines serve as a clever way to emphasize how different the Lukas’ are to Evan even through something as basic as clothing. They are the kinds of people to dress in ‘perfectly tailored’ suits; they are cold, grim and rich, prim and unapproachable, while Evan was warm and approachable and wouldn’t even dress like his family unless he was too dead to protest.
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lostonehero · 7 months
I should name this au pinned au since this is what I'm referring to
Evan Lukas lives he faked his death and took Naomi's last name
Jared gave him a new heart
Martin was asked to help out, which meant he went to Jared for help because Oliver begged him to help his new friend and helpping Gerry work
Jared was all for it when Martin explained
Martin threw up a spider in the process and Jared took that as payment
Her name is Flex, and she is now the size of a cat and likes scritches on her head
Nobody asks where the heart came from, nor do they ask why or how he got the heart nor why it worked
Evan runs a bar called Oasis Jared gets all the potential rapists and abusers who stomp into his bar looking for victims or escaped partners
Jared lives in the apartment upstairs and yes still does work his gym
Martin and Jared only communicate exchanging pictured of their spiders dressed in cute costumes
Extra tibit
Breekon and Hope takes Martin's cat sized spider well when she escapes and follows them
Martin knows that one of the two grabs her for delivery buddy purposely.
Martin made her a matching uniform to the two
Her name is Charlotte
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