#Everest Group of Companies
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It takes years of expertise to become a real estate developer, but the payoff could be financially and professionally rewarding. You might be a real estate agent or broker who is interested in pursuing a career as a real estate developer you are reading. Real estate experience is crucial if you want to work as a real estate developer, but there are no set qualifications to do so, and there is no one way to build a lucrative real estate investing career. Therefore, don't let the fact that you lack professional real estate experience deter you - Everest Group of Companies.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
In light of OceangateGate, by show of hands, who still wants Elon Musk to send them to Mars?
I mean, this whole thing (like I kept saying in tags) is both grimly fascinating and utterly predictable. Because there's this whole culture that you could and should do absolutely anything anywhere on earth, if you're able to pay for it, and at the same time that the companies offering these experiences can do absolutely everything to cut corners and make profits while placing people in incredibly dangerous situations. Whether it's the mountain adventure companies who take tens of thousands of dollars to shunt total novices up Mount Everest, or this, it's just like... MAYBE YOU SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO MAKE EVERYTHING INTO A HYPER-CAPITALIST COMMODITY JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE RICH AND/OR WANT TO TAKE MORE MONEY FROM RICH PEOPLE! MAYBE!
Within 48 hours of this story breaking, we have learned that:
The sub is not tested or certified by literally any regulatory agency, because "innovation can't wait for rules"
The sub is built of fucking camping store gear and a video game joystick, they did not pay for appropriately certified parts for the depths they wanted to go, and the company fired the guy who pointed it out, rather than dealing with any of the issues he raised
The CEO (one of those now missing on the sub) gave an interview talking about how "at some point, safety is just waste"
In 2018, a literal group of esteemed submersible experts wrote to this guy about how his plans were bad and he should feel bad; he ignored it
The sub does not have basic safety equipment, a readily available backup vehicle, an acoustic beacon, etc, and has gone missing several times before; it is only luck that they found it those times
You can't get out of the fucking thing by yourself even if it is on the surface
It used Elon Musk's Starlink satellites for communication and cited SpaceX as a private adventure tourism model (as noted, you know, the rockets that keep literally blowing up)
You have to sign an enormous waiver (after paying $250,000 a head) acknowledging this entire thing is completely unregulated and you may very well die
Which it looks like these poor schmucks either have or are soon going to, either by imploding instantly at great depth (the merciful option) or slowly suffocating in a freezing coffin in the dark (the absolute hell option)
Like?!?! How was this not COMPLETELY predictable?
You know, the most famous case of Man vs. Nature technological hubris in history
I mean. This is the ultimate outcome and perfect encapsulation of the "no rules no regulations ever, everything including the most dangerous things are crassly commodified for money, everyone is an expert and/or experience is irrelevant, safety rules only exist to hamper innovation and disrupt The Free Market, costs should be cut on everything for more profits, and this should all continue regardless of the consequences or the impact on the other people then required to endanger themselves to rescue them" late-stage capitalist hellscape we are living in. And maybe I shouldn't have laughed, but uh, I laughed:
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Kepler hcs. I’m doing this for you guys (I’m a liar. I have too many thoughts about him.)
-the biggest one for me is that he’s black/African American and I can honestly do a whole post about this hc specifically because it’s just too good. Maybe I will if I come up with a good starting point
-hates velvet. Awful texture
-had thought about owning a beehive at one point in his life
-gets way too impulsive when he’s bored. Just fucking look at the trivia list on his wiki page. Man probably climbed Mount Everest at least twice. Has made a stupid amount of impulse purchases on his company card.
-had a good relationship with both of his parents and this is important to how I see Kepler’s past and how he grew up and into who he became during canon
-he never told his old band mates why he left so to them, he just evaporated one day never to be seen again until they saw a news article about him fucking dying on a space mission. That led to the question of “who the fuck was our bari sax player and how did he get to space”
-enjoyed bugs as a kid. His mother called him bug as a nickname. Does not like ants, however. (I’m projecting. Leave me alone.)
-was on his high school wrestling team, one of the top players in his weight class
-world history was his favorite subject, I’ve got no reason for this. Gut instinct
-likes Chuck Berry’s music.
-wanted in multiple countries under multiple aliases, including (but not limited to) Canada, Guatemala, Chile, the Republic of Kongo, Morocco, Jamaica, Mongolia, New Zealand, Pakistan, and Seychelles. There are stories accounting for all of these.
-would probably get a kick out of the book House of Leaves. One of a few select books he would reread on occasion.
-he likes ikea only to walk around in. Never buys anything.
-was raised in a Christian majority community but never really believed in God. As a teen, he was pretty conflicted over it until he shoved all that down and forgot about it for the most part. The last time he thought of God was when, well. Yknow.
-owns a vintage record player that he repaired by hand with some help from Maxwell and Jacobi.
-while he owns just about every suit in existence, he primarily wears only one pair of formal shoes. Something something metaphor for how he views himself as a person something something
-the only personal effects in his Goddard office is a photo of him, Maxwell, and Jacobi on the bookshelf and a copy of Little Women, well worn (secondhand from his mother)
-very good cook. He took multiple cooking courses in his free time on his travels and picked up on a lot of local tips and tricks.
-favorite book ever is The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. It was the only extra item he brought with him onto the Urania. He uses a copy of the group photo as a bookmark.
I’ll post a Maxwell hc version tomorrow because I’m sleepy
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quinnydoll · 1 year
last night in Lancer
So, I set up a combat that was initially supposed to be a fairly forgettable combat with unnamed enemies, but I ended up creating a squad name, their entire backstory, and four unique callsigns with their own stories. I talked about this before, saying I'd gotten carried away, but I am now here to report that I've made these new characters extremely likeable to my players, and they're absolutely going to survive the current combat.
First off, I need to do some background explanation about my campaign.
The Havoc Coalition is a death cult type terrorist organization bent on taking out humanity as a whole. While they've had plenty of recruits who share their viewpoint, a number of their operatives in specific system chapters of the organization were sniped by the Coalition posing as an independent mercenary company. If these new recruits don't adapt to the viewpoint of the organization once they're in, they're put into a "cannon fodder" type group titled a Spare Squad, where they're loaded into shoddily constructed frames built out of literally the Coalition's spare parts and expected to die as rank-and-file troops while the "important" operatives are doing their things.
Guard Dog Squad was the first of these Spare Squads in the Hera System(the system this campaign takes place) only on the combat they were deployed in, they managed to not only survive, but accomplish a lot of the objective of the operation at the time. Of course, Havoc saw this and went "well, of course we still don't trust them, but I guess they're pretty useful. Let's load them up into some real mechs and see what they can do."
So, now currently Guard Dog Squad is perceived as the most effective squad in all of the Coalition, as long as they're supervised and compensated. Of course the Coalition doesn't trust them unattended, but if they get results, they're the most valuable combat resource they have.
That brings me to the current mission in my campaign. The Hera Provisional Squad(the Lancers hired to take Havoc out) have been assigned to gather intel about the Coalition on a shell colony serving as a communication hub for Havoc. They've blocked the long-range communication in the immediate area, but there's still a failsafe in place on the station in the form of an optical communications box that sends a periodic back and forth ping with a nearby vessel out of normal short range comms range.
Once the squad was done collecting information, the PA system on the station fired up with the voice of one of the named members of Guard Dog Squad saying "you guys are SO lucky our supervisor's on his sleep shift right now" followed by the station going into lockdown. Proceeding to the hangar, the squad was greeted by the chaff of Guard Dog Squad. These are the fresh ensigns and inexperienced meant to accompany Guard Dog Squad in combat to try to make sure they don't heel turn at the first opportunity.
About 3 rounds into the combat, via breaching pods, MORE chaff from Guard Dog Squad came in through breaching pods placed on either side of the hangar, followed by the 4 named members: Zen, Cypher, IRIS, and Dice. The Hera Provisional Squad was advised by Zen that not only were the recording systems for audio and comms down by courtesy of Cypher, the only reason they're continuing to fight the Lancers is because the camera system is still up, as that wasn't one that Cypher could cut off so easily, it wasn't a matter of running them on a different signal.
In response, Cypher kindly pinged the cameras, and a singular member of my players' squad took out all of them in a single turn, pushing their Everest to its limits. This gave Guard Dog Squad the opportunity they needed, and the named members immediately became allied.
Dice, piloting a Demolisher frame, immediately crushed the grunt next to her, and when another grunt on the other side of the map started attempting to flee, IRIS, a breacher fired her dual shotguns into the ensign's frame. No more grunts. Fun, right?
Of course the unnamed members of the squad are preeeeetty pissed at the new characters, being still loyal to the Coalition, but they won't be making it out of the facility, so it's not a big deal.
Also, I can already hear some people who know a lot about Lancer lore kicking me in replies and reblogs about the naming scheme of Guard Dog Squad, as dogs are technically extinct, and no one knows what a dog is in current year Lancer. I in fact do have an explanation which I just thought was a cool world-building exercise.
In my campaign, while no one knows what a "dog" is, there are terms that have been grandfathered into modern language simply due to their usage for things in other language, and ancient text. For example, the term "nidhogg" and its occasional use in modern English in the real world.
"Guard Dog" is a similar term in that it's lost its association with an actual dog, but is associated with a "protector" of sorts, Guard Dog Squad earned their name from their time reliably protecting the Coalition's communications hub. I hope that clears things up. It was initially just clumsy writing on my part, but I thought my reasoning made sense in the end.
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bloomingera · 7 months
i was at a party and new friend told me about WATERFALL BEING NEAR BY and i randomly asked where else they been here and they be like well tomorrow we are going to hiking, and i was be like lol can i join???
me!!! i am just started used to stairs and walking on streets! but i ride the rush!
and friend be like yeah sure!!!
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for the context: my previous win was to go up on stair and staying for the rest only on half of it (not on every step for 10 minutes as before!!!). and today i was hiking on MOUNTAINS!!!
i asked the friend specifically if we will go up, and they said no, only down (we went back by car) so it was great for me, because up is too hard for me still! but even going down was a challenge!!!
and i did it!! it became much easier then i found perfect stick, i think i will need to buy some special inventory and not be so hoping on nature giving! i was so cool, the group went all forward and we had to stop for me only once!!! i was behind but!!! i was near by! it's so cool, i usually all behind and stoping people at usual walks on streets!!!
i am feeling like i was on top of the everest today!
a little bit more context: i usually spent my days in flat rarely going into streets, and i didn't like nature, even hated it. I was born in 1997 in small village, so it was just same forest and lakes around for 17 years, with no interesting places or things to do or even buy (we didn't even had a book store). internet came late, only in my 11 years, and still, things like local amazon or fandom toys came much much later, then i leaved this place. so nature became for me association of something boring and negative. then i moved into town, i became full-city-lover guy. i didn't understand why people like to just walk on streets with no goal, or having beautiful view from window. i thought like "view from window? why to care? why do you even look there." or "your first impression about new country is parks? dude, can we switch, you go to that village in the middle of the forest and i go to your place and i will find much more fun things than trees. c'mon man, anything is more fun than trees which were surrounded me for 17 years"
but turned out, if you have great company of friends, and you decide then to go for nature and then to leave it, and it's beautiful and absolutely doesn't looks like something you was trapped in for years - it's very fun and inspirational!!!
oh, it's not a win it's whole VICTORY!
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moonwatchuniverse · 10 months
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December 2023 PHILLIPS NY auction Rolex Space Dweller Although the Rolex "Space Dweller" never made it into space , it's a wonderful wrist watch with an interesting history. Here's the story how it might have originated:
In May 1963, as NASA started recruitment for the Group III astronauts, Mercury astronaut Leroy Cooper made the last solo spaceflight mission of the Mercury program. Onboard “Faith 7” Cooper orbited the Earth 22 times before a pinpoint splash-down near recovery ship USS Kearsarge in the North Pacific Ocean. During this 34 hours long mission, NASA astronaut LtCol John Glenn was stationed aboard the Pacific radio telemetry tracking ship “Coastal Sentry” off the coast of Kyushu - Japan. Between May 10 and 16, John Glenn, the first US astronaut to orbit the Earth, acted as CapCom (Capsule Communicator) with the Project Mercury communication center at Cape Canaveral in Florida. After the mission, John Glenn and his family spent a 13 days vacation visiting Japanese industrial, historic and cultural sites. Glenn’s goodwill tour brought him to Tokyo, discussing space achievements with science writers, and Nihon university where he received an honorary degree. The Japanese youth met him with great enthusiasm as Glenn’s candidness and openness boosted the US image in Japan. This goodwill tour did not go unnoticed to Rolex, as the Swiss company wanted to release a watch in tribute to the spacefarers as Rolex had commemorated legendary explorations to the summit of Mount Everest and the Arctic. In response to the Japanese fascination with astronauts and spaceflight related science fiction, Rolex launched a small production run of the “Space Dweller”, for which the Swiss patent was registered on February 16, 1966 followed by a US patent office registration on November 19, 1968. Basically, the “Space Dweller” was launched in 1967 as a modified version of their Explorer 1016 model. However, it looks like this model remained a Japan-only special edition as it was not released into Rolex’s complete world market. In 2008, Sotheby’s auctioned a set of 4 separate “Space Dweller” dials which more than probably ended up in 1016 cases as case production dates range between 1963 and 1968. (Screenshot: PHILLIPS NY auction lot 23)
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trialbymagicks · 2 months
Revisiting Hidden Expedition: Everest (2007) [PC, Steam]
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In honor of the 70 years since Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary became the first known people to reach Mt. Everest's summit, let's embark on another Hidden Expedition with the second game in the series. Hidden Expedition: Everest, here we come! 🏔️
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The Hidden Expedition Club sends you, their best thrill-seeking explorer fresh from the depths of the Titanic wreckage, to race to the top of Mount Everest. Armed with a keen eye and the advice of “expert Everest climber” Ed Viesturs, you have all the information you need to beat the competition – two spry old ladies and their bereaved ferret, a couple of bookworms, and a group of Big Fish Games fans – never mind the fact that you presumably have no prior training for such a feat. But first, you must track an eccentric mountain climber across three continents to discover what he knows about a secret passageway through Mount Everest before you challenge the mountain yourself.
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For the second game in the series, Big Fish Games partnered with National Geographic Ventures and Ed Viesturs to create Hidden Expedition: Everest, which took the casual game market by storm upon its release on June 1, 2007. In fact, it was so successful that it was the first game in the series to get the iOS treatment, subsequently proving to the company that the mobile market was also a profitable one.
While Titanic’s set dressing tapped into the world’s curiosity and fascination regarding the famous sunken wreck, Everest’s mission was to inspire in its players a sense of adventure and love for the world we live in. Boasting more than 30 scenes from around the world and exclusive footage from Ed Viesturs’ travels, this game certainly makes an effort to shove as much as it can into a small package. Unfortunately, some scenes may not be as sensitively or accurately depicted as they could have been. Some of this can be blamed on the lack of theme in the randomized hidden object lists, but certain aspects do fall victim to the tendency to generalize entire cultures.
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Everest At A Glance
The start menu is a fantastic display of this game’s improved quality. Epic music immediately puts you in the mood for a high stakes international expedition, which the soundtrack continues to deliver on throughout the game, and the scenery already lets you know that you’re going to be treated to some beautiful sites.
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The most interesting new feature, a black book, sits in the bottom left corner and there is now a high score section for cataloguing your completion time. Upon pressing play at the start of a new game, the National Geographic documentary footage rolls and we are treated to an early example of how cutscenes would eventually become a selling point of the genre.
Unfortunately, it becomes evident right away that the clarity of the Steam port’s hidden object scenes is lacking compared to its predecessor. The images appear fuzzier and objects blend in almost seamlessly with the scenery. This appears to have been an intentional part of the gameplay designed to raise the difficulty level and encourage players to use some of the new features – such as a more effective pause option and the hourglass – to help them on their quest. Objects can take a lot longer to find as a result, though thankfully some scenes cause less eye strain than others and the game isn’t unplayable by any means.
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Once again, Steam reviews on the store page reported concerns about the game not opening to full screen or being too clunky on a higher end PC. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I did not have either problem – even running it on a Windows 10 system!
Fair warning: Just like with Hidden Expedition: Titanic, you are required to grant the program permission to make changes to your computer upon first startup. This appears to be what allows the game to automatically change its resolution and open to full screen in order to accommodate for its original smaller size… which I suspect may be a contributing factor to the fuzzy image quality, but I’m no expert. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you may want to pass on picking it up because the game will not run if you don’t give it permission. You can, of course, choose to play the game in windowed mode later on if that is a more comfortable fit for you.
But fear not, the screen resolution is immediately restored to your previous setting once the game is closed! During my multiple replays, there was only one instance where I had to manually reset the resolution for my screen after closing the game. Admittedly, the main difference between Titanic and Everest is that the former is way less clunky about the resolution difference and doesn’t hinder me from using the Windows Start button to return to my default resolution desktop without quitting.
Regardless, I am happy to finally be able to experience the game in full after so many years of burning curiosity!
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How To Play
Although Hidden Expedition: Everest kicks the difficulty level up a notch, the gameplay remains just as intuitive as its predecessor and the rules are also simple to grasp:
Complete all scenes (plus bonus round) in each level to move on to the next level.
Each level is timed, allotting a certain number of minutes to complete.
Find all hidden objects in each scene before the timer runs out.
Clicking on the wrong object too quickly or too often negatively impacts your position in the race.
A short amount of time can be gained by finding the hidden hourglass in each scene.
Finding all 5 gems in each scene grants you an extra hint for the level.
There are 4 zones you must navigate throughout this game, but don’t let the small number fool you! Somewhat like a nesting doll, each zone consists of multiple levels inside which are two or three locations you must visit and complete the hidden object scenes within before you can move on to the next stretch of this grand adventure.
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If you thought the time limit for each Titanic dive was stressful, Everest raises the bar even higher. This time, instead of racing against your dwindling oxygen supply, you’re racing against three competing AI teams who move at randomized speeds to keep you on your toes. Your goal is to gain and maintain the lead by completing each level before the AI teams do.
For every item you find, your marker – a white arrow located along the bottom of the item list in every hidden object scene – is moved forward in the race. Unfortunately, if you misclick too many times on the screen, you will be penalized and the AI teams’ markers will be moved forward, which can potentially cost you your lead. But because fortune favors those with good eyesight, if you find the hourglass hidden in the scene, time will stop and the AI teams will be frozen in place just long enough for you to catch up and scoot ahead. (We don’t need to address the fact that this implies some type of time-bending magic in the Hidden Expedition universe, but do keep that tidbit of knowledge in your back pocket for later.)
At the end of each level, the game will show you the current times and ranking for each team. It should be fairly easy to finish in first place, but just in case you somehow didn’t, this screen is your chance to return to the level and replay it for another shot at the lead! This is something you probably will want to do if you happen to be a completionist.
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Collecting all 5 gems in a scene grants you one extra hint, which is difficult to do because the gems are blurry and hard to pinpoint in some scenes due to the game’s odd resolution. Take note that each level grants you 3 hints and you have the opportunity to earn 2 or 3 extra hints if you find all of the gems in the level. While your stash of 3 to 6 hints do carry over between scenes in the level you find them in, they do not carry over between levels or zones. So, strategize your use of them wisely before you lose them!
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After all hidden object scenes in a level have been cleared, you will be presented with a minigame. This will either be an extra hidden object scene or a puzzle where you must piece together some type of map or artifact that is vaguely connected to the plot. Complete the challenge before time runs out and the mission will reward you with the next clue to the whereabouts of the mysterious expert adventurer that you’ve been tailing, propelling you forward in your brazen attempt to discover his secrets.
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On the plus side, due to the added length of the game, you can now return to the start menu or quit the game in the middle of a level without fear of the level resetting on you like the dives in the Titanic game would. You can even return to the map during your exploration of a hidden object scene and jump around to the other available scenes without losing your progress. The number on the red location markers will remind you of how many items you have left to find in each scene.
As usual, you will be asked to complete one final (rather intuitive) puzzle upon reaching the summit to claim your victory! Despite its intimidating appearance, this one is very forgiving and does not appear to be timed, so don’t sweat the small stuff here.
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How very “aliens built the secret tunnel” of you, Big Fish Games.
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First Time Features
In keeping with the Hidden Expedition series’ educational format, “world-famous mountaineer and Mount Everest climber” Ed Viesturs keeps butting in to narrate fun facts or “helpful advice” about his knowledge and every time he does I feel like I’m back in a lecture hall politely waiting for the teacher to stop talking so I can leave. His line delivery is so stiff it’s clear that he’s reading from a script, but given that this is the first time voiceovers were introduced to the Hidden Expedition series I can’t help but find it charming.
This is also the first Hidden Expedition to include a journal feature for storing educational trivia gathered throughout the adventure.
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Here, it takes the form of Ed Viesturs’ photo album where you can view photographs and videos from his travels (which he dutifully narrates over, making him seem even more like a world history professor flexing on his students with his vacation photos) alongside his personal biography. Click on his face and he’ll even recite one of a handful of prerecorded lines from his motivational speeches! New photos and voiceovers unlock as you clear zones in first place, and he’ll certainly make sure to inform you that new content is available as you proceed. You can return to the start menu to check out his travel logs anytime.
Similarly, this game introduces the next new feature – a collection of secret items (like a pumpkin) that you can find in hidden object scenes!
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This seems to be the predecessor of the admittedly more straightforward “morphing items” feature in later games. The “secret” in the name is the key word here because the game will not tell you about their existence until you happen to click on one either by accident or out of curiosity to see if that object will match a description on your item list.
This feels a little backwards, considering the game makes a point of punishing players for misclicking and doesn’t exactly encourage exploration. But since Ed Viesturs keeps reminding us that climbing Everest is a challenge, I suppose it only makes sense that this game should be filled with unforeseen challenges too!
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The Story So Far...
When we last saw our intrepid adventurer, Eris was hanging out in the remains of a deep-sea death trap, aka: the wreckage of the RMS Titanic. But diving – yes, diving – 12,600 feet below sea level was the equivalent of a nice vacation for this adrenaline junkie because they are fresh off the dive and raring to ascend more than 29,000 feet above sea level to the summit of Mt. Everest!
For some undisclosed reason – most likely related to the suspicious disappearance of a mysterious mountain climber in Kathmandu who was rambling about a secret tunnel through the mountain – the Hidden Expedition Team has chosen Eris (who quickly teams up with professional mountaineer Ed Viesturs) to represent them in a race against the public to reach the summit.
But of course not all is what it seems and who – or what exactly – should they discover along the way? Well…
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Catch the full story as soon as I finish wrapping my head around the conspiracy board I've accidentally created.
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For more information on the series, check out the Hidden Expedition Wikipedia page, the Big Fish Games Hidden Expedition Website, and the Hidden Expedition TV Tropes page.
If you’re curious to read more about the National Geographic partnership with Big Fish Games, you can check out this Information Week article.
In a shocking twist that surprised absolutely no one, National Geographic christened Ed Viesturs with the title of Adventurer of the Year in 2005 upon the completion of his 18-year mission to reach the summits of all fourteen of the world’s 8000-meter peaks without supplemental oxygen. After all these years, you can still keep up with what he’s doing at his website, many passages from which are used verbatim in the game.
Note: This article was originally posted on WordPress on May 29, 2023.
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turblnce · 1 year
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⛈⠀⠀𓄳  .        TURBULENCE   ﹙ 난기류 ﹚   are  a  six  piece  ensemble  that  debuted  under  true heaven  media  in  2018. dubbed “the formers”, turbulence has one of the worst reputations within the company.
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⛈        KANG EUNBYEOL was born and raised in daegu, south korea. originally debuting as a member of WONDER GIRLS in 2007, eunbyeol would leave the group in 2016 for personal reasons. she would sign with TRUE HEAVEN later that year and debut with TURBULENCE after training for two years under the company. fans often refer to her as the “resident milf”.
⛈ : BIRTHDAY. APRIL 15, 1990
⛈ : HEIGHT. 164cm // 5’5”
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⛈        LEE SUNJI was born in 1994 in detroit, michigan. sunji was originally under sm and started her training at 13 in 2007 before debuting with F(X) two years later. she would promote with them up until 2016, before leaving the group and sm a year later because “her career wasn’t going anywhere”. she is one of the four members that were part of the original GO TURBO project.
⛈ : BIRTHDAY. MAY 23, 1994
⛈ : HEIGHT. 159cm // 5’3”
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⛈        ISHIMARU KEI was born and raised in kyoto, japan. popularly known as soundcloud producer TITAN, kei was scouted by TRUE HEAVEN in 2016, making him one of the four GO TURBO survivors.
⛈ : HEIGHT. 176cm // 5’9”
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⛈        PARK HAEKI was born in daejeon, south korea. haeki temporarily promoted as an independent soloist in 2017 with the stage name KIRA. this then lead him to be scouted by TRUE HEAVEN and he would debut with TURBULENCE the year after.
⛈ : HEIGHT. 183cm // 6’0”
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⛈        SON AERIM was born in ottawa, canada in 1996. up until 2014, aerim was a member of HELLOVENUS. signing under TRUE HEAVEN in 2016, aerim the the third GO TURBO project survivor. aerim would disappear from the public eye after her departure from hellovenus up until the debut of TURBULENCE.
⛈ : BIRTHDAY. MARCH 4, 1996
⛈ : HEIGHT. 160cm // 5’3”
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⛈        JUNG DOMI was born in 1998 in ulsan, south korea. signing under TRUE HEAVEN in 2014 at the age of 16, domi us the fourth and final GO TURBO survivor. she is the only member who did not promote prior to her debut with group.
⛈ : STAGE NAME. 157cm // 5’2”
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canmom · 2 years
Animation Night 126: Back to France
Hey everyone! Sorry we never managed to get a chance to watch the remainder of Alexander Senki. That’s still planned, hopefully sometime this weekend! Peter Chung’s later works were fascinating and varied and I look forward to writing about them at some point.
For now, though, we’re going to take a different direction! It’s been a long time since Animation Night last visited France, and in that time the French are still very busy creating some wonderful animations. So let’s cast our beady little eyes across the Channel (or Atlantic Ocean, or uh entirety of Asia, I think that covers most of the places ppl are watching from) and see what’s up!
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The place of animation in various cultures is... an interesting thing imo. Whether animation is seen as for children or everyone, what sort of animated film story is prized, what sort of techniques are used - it all varies enormously across the world.
France is of course home to the renowned Gobelins animation school, and has since the late 90s pursued a trend towards making more ‘serious’, art- or drama-oriented animated films - something they’re not really alone in, in Europe. Why? I can only speculate (and such things are kind arbitrary). It might be attributed to the influence of Kirikou, or the effect of cross-pollination at the Annecy film festival, or the role of government arts funding.
In any case, the last decade or two, French animators have been really popping off. There is of course Fortiche Productions of Arcane renown, there’s Studio La Cachette, a group of Gobelins grads who went on to make Primal and Love Death and Robots, there’s Balak of Lastman and then Bobbypills productions like the delightful Peepoodo and the Super Fuck Friends. There are the autobio comics writers turned animators, like Joann Sfar (AN 114) and Marjane Satrapi (whose Persepolis we watched on AN 11, but I still owe a better writeup). And rolling back a bit we find the precise traditional animation of Sylvain Chomet (also AN 11). Along the way there’s odd little one offs springing up here and there, like J’ai Perdu mon Corps (AN 32).
So what’s new?
Let’s start with the mountain climbing movie! The Summit of the Gods (Le Sommet des Dieux) adapts a manga series by that, while not especially well known in Japan, found a big audience internationally and even helped to popularise manga in France.
So what’s it about? In 1924, George Mallory and Andrew Irvine tried to climb Everest, and vanished. This story follows a much later attempt to climb Everest: the young reporter Makoto Fukamachi who follows an enigmatic mountain climber Habu Joji who, he believes, found Mallory’s camera. Thus the film is about the character of Habu, and the reason for climbing mountains in the first place.
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Everest is nowadays a place you go to exploit the Sherpas and quite possibly die, leaving a colorful corpse to act as a landmark. But it’s also figured in the world’s imagination pretty much as long as someone worked out how bloody tall the thing is. Mountain climbing fiction, with its tale of risking horrifying death for a goal that’s kind of inexplicable (stand on a tall thing), formed the impetus behind Made in Abyss, one of my favourite recent manga. There is something fascinating in watching someone pursuing a spectacular yet self-destructive goal - c.f. the nature photographer in Jordan Peele’s recent film Nope...
So, in an article on recent French animation, Matteo Watzky (drink!) talks a little bit about this film...
Even in France, Imbert isn’t a very famous or well-established director yet. However, the studio behind the movie, studio Folivari, is rising to be one of the country’s most important animation production companies. Indeed, it was created by Didier Brunner, one of the most renowned animation producers of the last decade: he was behind the French movies Kirikou, The Triplets of Belleville, and Ernest and Célestine, but also the more European production Brendan and the Secret of Kells. In 2014, just as he was going to retire, he was convinced by his two children Damien and Pauline, to supervise creating a new studio, Folivari.
However, the one common element is in the realism: the movie is entirely 2D, and except for one or two scenes where rotoscoped 3D seems to have been used, it maintains a very high level of quality. This is exceptional, as realistic 2D characters acting on such character designs would be a feat anywhere, especially in the current French landscape. This is even more impressive considering that the movie is about mountaineering, i.e., something involving complex physical activity. The animators were assisted by professional alpinists who could provide advice and reference footage to ensure that everything was consistent and believable.
But the real highlight isn’t even this. In terms of animation proper, it is the effects: some of the snowfalls and avalanches are breathtaking in the way they convey textures. More generally, it is the art direction. The movie as a whole is built around it, with impressive sceneries and carefully-planned shot compositions. While today, many animated movies are design or art direction-driven (see, for example, Wolfwalkers or, to remain in France, Calamity), the way The Summit of the Gods is directed is slightly different and is perhaps the best proof and example of anime’s influence over Patrick Imbert and his team: the storyboarding and art direction work hand in hand, at an equal level. This entails that shot compositions and editing, properly cinematographic techniques that anime has always focused on, are polished.
It sounds great - I wish I could have seen in at the cinema, honestly. But I can bring it to you now in bitcrushed re-encoded 720p over Twitch! ...why do I do this to you?
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In between our two main features, I’ll be returning to a thread discussed back when we watched Mutafukaz (Animation Night 105): Studio Ankama. They’re known primarily for their Flash-based work, something which influenced Masaaki Yuasa and Eunyoung Choi during their time at the short-lived Ankama Japan to adopt the technology for use at Science Saru. And chief among those flash animated series are Wakfu and Dofus, a tie in to a pair of MMOs also titled Dofus and Wakfu, both of which take place in a 2D isometric world. And both of which seem to be still around, as far as I can tell!
The style of this is probably the thing that makes it stand out: it’s colourful and of course heavily anime-influenced in its approach to shape and line, but with the uncanny smoothness of computer inbetweening. It’s been a long time since I watched any of it, so I’m kind of curious to take another look. With 65 episodes and counting, we will definitely only be taking a sample of it.
Ankama have recently produced their first traditionally animated film, titled Princesse Dragon, but while it seems to have been released in France, I don’t seem to be able to get my hands on a copy right now.
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And finally, let’s return to the court of Sylvain Chomet, with his film The Illusionist (2010) about a French magician who travels to Scotland (not to be confused with the 2006 live-action film...).
Chomet is a spectacular traditional animator. Currently 58 years old, he graduated art school in 1982, and went to London where he worked for some years in animation, primarily for adverts. In 1991 he began work on his short film The Old Lady and the Pigeons, a project which ended up taking a full five years, but made such an enormous splash that Chomet got to direct some feature-length films. The first of these, The Triplets of Belleville, (Animation Night 11) introduced the world to Chomet’s particular style of caricature and understated humour, along with technical animation to rival Disney.
In all of Chomet’s films there’s a certain sense of nostalgia, for the old media world he grew up in, and anxieties over the new capitalistic world suffocating it. Such anxieties are more explicit than ever in The Illusionist, which centres on essentially an animated version of the mime and film director Jacques Tati; it’s based on a script that Tati wrote, but never got to create.
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The story focuses on an illusionist who, facing a world which is no longer interested in stage magic in comparison to other forms of entertainment, travels first to London, then finally to Scotland - impressing a girl named Alice who becomes convinced that he has real magic after all.
Chomet’s original plan was to animate the film in Edinburgh, at his newly formed studio Django Films, but soon complained about the shortage of well-trained British animators... and then found himself sacked from directing the film The Tale of Despereaux, an early-CG oddity about a food-loving rat in a medieval setting. When the film came out two years later, Chomet raised a stink, saying that Universal used his designs without credit. In the end, though, Despereaux tanked, and meanwhile Chomet’s studio - unable to find funding for what would have been a ‘Scottish Simpsons’ for the BBC - were left to focus all their efforts on The Illusionist, helped by animators in London, Dundee, Paris and South Korea.
But that’s only the beginning of the weird controversies around the film! A lot revolves around who inspired the character Alice. Tati had two daughters; there was Helga Marie-Jeanne Schiel, abandoned at birth, and the younger Sophie Tatischeff, who gave Chomet the rights to the script. In Chomet’s eyes, the film is about Tatischeff, and Schiel is not mentioned in the credits; however, in her account, the script was an attempt to reconcile with her and Chomet’s version papers over her abandonment again. This seems to have ballooned into an argument over whether the film does a disservice to Tati (even constituting a “sentimental watering-down of his art” as one colleague of Tati wrote).
Unfortunately, I don’t know the first thing about Jacques Tati, so beyond pointing to the controversy I can’t say much more than that. In any case, it promises to be beautiful, particularly in its meticulous depiction of Edinburgh.
Beyond that, I also have another little short film from Gobelins. Although it was made in 2001, this one only seems to have been released eight days ago, and it’s extremely stylish and charming, calling to mind 60s animation but decisively its own thing. We also have their crop of Annecy idents, and I believe I haven’t shown all of their 2021 films either!
So that leaves us with The Ilusionist, Wakfu and Summit of the Gods - all very different slices of what’s going on in French animation! Please come to twitch.tv/canmom and we’ll start the programme in about 20 minutes~
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msilwrites · 1 year
Sequel to: ASCENT - Defying Desire (ODD WOMEN Series) a 3AM update.
A/N: As what the title says. This is a sequel to the ASCENT series.
If you want to read the previous series, they are at;  ASCENT - ONE  ASCENT - TWO
Edit:  You can now read Chapter 2 at;  Defying Desire - TWO
Defying Desire ONE
Sage's friends, Lisa and Emma, sat beside her in the cozy corner of the lounge bar. It had been weeks since Sage had ventured outside, preferring the comfort of her own home and the solace of her thoughts. But tonight was different—a special occasion to celebrate her return and reconnect with her closest companions.
As the jazz band played a soulful tune in the background, Sage raised her glass of artisanal cocktail, savoring its intricate flavors. The delicate glass clinked against Lisa's and Emma's glasses, a toast to their enduring friendship and shared adventures.
With mischievous grins on their faces, Lisa and Emma couldn't resist teasing Sage about her recent travels. They playfully inquired about the souvenirs she had brought back from Tibet and Shanghai, knowing her penchant for meaningful trinkets and unique mementos.
Amidst laughter and banter, the conversation drifted to Sage's remarkable Everest expedition. Lisa and Emma marveled at her bravery and determination, their admiration evident in their eyes. They celebrated her accomplishments, raising their glasses in a toast to her indomitable spirit.
In this refined ambiance, surrounded by cherished friends, Sage felt a sense of belonging and acceptance. The lounge bar became her sanctuary, a place where she embraced her introverted nature while enjoying the company of others. It stood in stark contrast to the vibrant yet superficial nightlife that her ex, Henry, had immersed himself in.
Here, the drinks were crafted with care, the canapés were works of art, and the music resonated with soul. Sage reveled in the atmosphere—a testament to her growth and the choices she made for herself. She had found her own version of joy, one that didn't require sacrificing her authenticity.
As Sage and her friends immersed themselves in laughter and conversation, a sudden interruption disrupted the harmonious atmosphere. A waiter approached their table, carrying a tray with a carefully crafted cocktail. He set the drink in front of Sage, accompanied by a nod and a subtle gesture towards a distant figure.
Sage's gaze followed the waiter's direction, her eyes widening as she spotted Henry sitting at a nearby table, surrounded by his companions. His eyes fixed on Sage. He raised his glass in a playful salute as a greeting, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The room seemed to fade away, and the joy that had filled Sage's heart moments ago dissipated like smoke in the air.
Sage's heart skipped a beat, her thoughts swirling with a mix of emotions. She couldn't help but notice the presence of a few stunning women in Henry's group, exuding confidence and beauty. Among them, one woman in particular captured his attention, oozing an aura of sultriness and allure that stood in stark contrast to Sage's elegance.
Witnessing Henry's focus shift towards the captivating woman stirred a sense of longing and hurt within Sage. It reminded her of what they had shared and the connection they once had. Despite her efforts to move on, the sight of him with another woman ignited a pang of jealousy deep within her.
Intuitively, Sage began to suspect that Henry's actions were deliberately aimed at evoking these feelings. The thought seemed inconceivable, yet the evidence before her eyes suggested otherwise. The mischievous glint in his eyes and the calculated choice of venue left little room for doubt.
Her friends exchanged concerned glances, sensing the sudden shift in Sage's demeanor. They knew the pain she had endured and how this unexpected gesture from Henry could unravel her hard-earned peace. Emma gently reached out, placing a comforting hand on Sage's arm, silently conveying her support.
As her friends observed the unfolding scene, they couldn't help but voice their confusion. "Why here, of all places?" Lisa remarked, her voice tinged with bewilderment.
The question hung in the air, permeating the atmosphere with an unspoken understanding. Sage's perceptive friends shared in her perplexity, sensing that there was more to Henry's actions than met the eye.
Despite her friends' attempts to change the topic and engage her in lighthearted conversations, Sage struggled to divert her attention from Henry's presence. Her stolen glances toward his table revealed a scene of flirtation and laughter, a stark contrast to the emotions swirling within her.
Every glimpse of Henry's interaction with the captivating woman sent a pang of longing through Sage's heart. The desire to escape, to find solace in the privacy of a bathroom stall and release the tears welling up inside her, battled with her determination to maintain composure and appear unaffected.
Sage's friends made valiant attempts to distract her with funny stories and witty banter, unleashing their arsenal of jokes and humorous anecdotes in an effort to coax a smile back onto her face. For brief moments, she would succumb to their efforts, finding respite in laughter and camaraderie.
However, no matter how hard she tried to ignore the sight of Henry's flirtatious exchanges and infectious laughter, they inevitably seeped back into her consciousness. It was as if a magnetic force drew her gaze back to him, unraveling the facade of strength she had carefully constructed.
The conflicting emotions within Sage waged a silent battle. On one hand, she yearned to distance herself from the pain, to protect her vulnerable heart. But on the other hand, she wanted to hold her head high, to project an image of strength and resilience in the face of Henry's actions.
The struggle intensified as the evening wore on, each passing minute heightening Sage's awareness of the lingering presence of the man who had once held her heart. While her friends continued their efforts to shield her from the emotional onslaught, Sage couldn't help but feel the weight of her longing and the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
As the announcement echoed through the lounge bar, a ripple of excitement swept through the crowd. The open mic session was about to begin, offering a chance for anyone to take the stage and showcase their talent. Lisa, always the instigator of adventure, seized the moment to encourage Sage.
With a mischievous wink, Lisa whispered, "Come on, Sage, show them what you've got. It's time to steal the spotlight." Emma, sensing the significance of this opportunity, squeezed Sage's hand gently, silently conveying her support.
Sage hesitated for a moment, her eyes involuntarily drifting towards Henry, who seemed to have already forgotten about her presence. In that moment, a surge of determination welled up within her. Deep in her heart, she yearned to respond to his manipulative move, to reclaim her power in a way that only she could.
Summoning her strength, Sage made her way to the stage with quiet confidence. Approaching the band, she requested Adele's "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)." As the lone guitar strummed its first chords, a delicate tapestry of melody filled the room, and Sage's voice, slightly lower than Adele's, resonated with emotion and authenticity.
“This was all you, none of it me” Bathed in the soft glow of the spotlight, Sage's voice blended seamlessly with the music, capturing the attention of everyone present. Each word she sang carried a quiet strength, enunciated with a hint of vulnerability, a testament to the pain she had endured. The audience’s attention was drawn to the stage
As Sage continued to sing with unwavering conviction, her voice enveloped the room, captivating the audience, including Henry and his companions. Henry's surprise and recognition were evident as his attention shifted from his companions to the stage. One of his friends nudged him, pointing towards Sage and exclaiming, "Hey... isn't that Sage! I didn't know she could sing so well."
The lone guitar gracefully transitioned into a full band accompaniment, amplifying the power and depth of Sage's performance. The music swelled, intertwining with Sage's voice, creating a tapestry of sound that resonated with the hearts of those listening.
"Send my love to your new lover, treat her better," Sage's voice soared, punctuating each word with urgency and determination. Her lyrics became a defiant declaration, a response and counterattack to Henry's manipulative actions.
In the midst of the chorus, Henry's attention was undeniably captured. His eyes widened in surprise and disbelief at the song’s message, realizing the consequences of his past actions. His friends, too, turned their gaze towards the stage, listening intently to the familiar voice that had taken them by surprise.
One of Henry's friends discreetly tapped his shoulder in a gesture of support, their eyes meeting in acknowledgment of Sage's impactful performance and the underlying message it carried. A whisper escaped his lips, "I told you not to do this..." — a quiet admission of the consequences of his manipulation.
The crowd swayed and swelled with the music, moved by the power and honesty behind Sage's voice. Some found solace in the lyrics, feeling a personal connection to the story being told. Perhaps there were women and men who had experienced similar heartbreak and found comfort in the solidarity in the song. Others reflected on their own past actions and were inspired to treat their partners with greater respect and care.
"I was too strong, you were trembling," Sage's voice carried a resolute tone, resonating with a sense of liberation. Each word channeled her frustration and disappointment, directly challenging Henry's manipulative ways.
The song became a battle cry, fearlessly exposing the imbalance of power in their past relationship. "You couldn't handle the hot heat rising, baby, I'm still rising," she sang, her voice imbued with a newfound self-assurance. It was a declaration that she had outgrown the limitations he had imposed upon her and emerged stronger than ever.
As the chorus echoed through the venue once more, the energy in the room intensified. The crowd, fully invested in the song, clapped, cheered, and swayed to the rhythm. Women and men alike resonated with the songs' message, finding inspiration in her defiance.
With each word, her voice grew stronger, filled with defiance and resolve. The band members harmonized with her, creating a powerful chorus of voices.
"I'm giving you up, I've forgiven it all, you set me free," Sage's voice soared with liberation. Each word carried a weight of finality, a declaration that she would no longer participate in the games of manipulation. It was a clear message to Henry.
“We've gotta let go of all of our ghosts We both know we ain't kids no more”
In that moment, Sage stood on the stage, basking in waves of applause and support. As the applause and cheers subsided, Sage took a deep breath, her heart overflowing with a sense of liberation and closure. With grace and poise, she took her final bow, acknowledging the audience's appreciation and their shared journey of healing.
Expressing gratitude, Sage thanked the band for their exceptional collaboration, and they reciprocated, appreciating her talent and the opportunity to create something magical together. It was a shared moment of camaraderie and artistic triumph.
Sage's gaze then drifted toward Henry and his companions. Their eyes briefly met, conveying a silent message of strength and defiance. With that, Sage tore her gaze away, refusing to let his presence dampen her spirit any longer.
Rejoining her friends Emma and Lisa, who were beaming with pride, Sage received showers of praise for her fantastic performance. With a shared understanding, they decided to leave the bar, seeking a new setting where they could continue their evening free from the lingering shadows of the past.
A/N: Hello, everyone! I wanted to share a few thoughts about the inspiration behind this series. It all started with my frustration over a book I recently read, where the female lead fell for manipulative tactics, specifically when the male lead used jealousy as a tool. Unfortunately, this is something that happens in real life too, and it can be incredibly painful.
So, I embarked on a journey to create a story where the female lead fights back, refusing to succumb to manipulation. In this series, Sage, our protagonist, takes a stand and asserts her self-worth. Through her character, I wanted to explore the strength and resilience that can be found within oneself, even in the face of heartbreak.
I hope you enjoyed this story and found it empowering. I believe it's important to challenge narratives that perpetuate unhealthy dynamics and encourage individuals to prioritize their own well-being. This series has given me the opportunity to express that sentiment.
Stay tuned for more installments, as I continue to delve deeper into Sage's journey and explore the lessons that Henry, the male lead, needs to learn.
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Which of the Everesttale group do you think you would get along with the most?
Thank you for the ask!!
*While i like to think and hope i would be the bestest of buds with Everest, or even Raptus, due to how much i love the former’s original counterpart-
*But i think Paladin or Kelvin are closer matches, in this case!
*Paladin, being a Papyrus all his life, has definitely been underestimated and talked down to before, and i can relate to that!
*Plus, this Paps is autistic in my au, so that’s just another thing we have in common
*And seeing as both of us are naturally chatty and constantly tired, i feel we’d click great
*And i feel like Kelvin’s company would also be quite pleasant, as i like not needing to force conversation while hanging with a friend
*Knowing someone that’s (quite literally-) warm, welcoming, and pleasant to sit in silence with a pal is someone i can definitely get along with :)
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The strategies and techniques real estate agents employ to increase their existing income or bring in more are listed below. Everest Development Group is confident you’ll find at least one of them beneficial, whether it’s learning how to become a broker or how to flip houses.
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glorioushimalaya · 1 year
How much does it cost to trek to Everest Base Camp?
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It is a most asked question amongst the thrill seekers who wanted to visit Everest Base camp once in a lifetime. Whether you hike to Everest Base Camp on your own or with a guide will affect how much it will cost. In addition, numerous other considerations, such as the route you take, your meals and lodging, come into play. An average classic Everest Base Camp trek, which most hikers complete and begins in Lukla, can cost roughly *USD 1,200. Luxury expeditions to Everest Base Camp might run you between $3,300 and $4,500 per person. The price of the Everest base camp trek also depends on the days you choose. There are 12 Days Everest Base Camp Trek and 14 Days Everest base camp trek itinerary.
How much does it cost to trek to Everest Base Camp? Here are the expected cost breakdowns for the Everest Base Camp trip, including guide, porter fees, travel expenses, permits, and the cost of trekking supplies and transportation.
The cost of lodging
During the trek, you will mostly stay in basic teahouses known as teahouses. However, if you’ve signed up for a luxury journey, you’ll stay in the well facilitated lodges at some places. Major trekking hubs like Lukla, Phakding, and Namche Bazaar provide a wider range of lodging options.
The cost of a twin-sharing room in a basic teahouse ranges from USD 5 to USD 10 per day. It means, for a 12-day hike, your total accommodation costs will around USD 200. Luxury lodging can cost more between $200-250 per night.
Permit expenses
Trekkers are required to obtain two permits for Everest base camp trek that are Sagarmatha National Park Permit and Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Entrance Permit.
Cost of trekking equipment
The costs of the trekking gears are depending on the quality you choose. You can easily get all the qualities trekking equipment in Thamel. In the Himalayas, weather and terrain conditions might be difficult, so it makes sense to take quality equipment.
Backpacks, trekking poles, polarized sunglasses, route maps, torches, extra batteries, and rain jackets are all included in the list of trekking necessities. Additionally, the tools can be rented. Your total trekking equipment should cost you between USD 300 to USD 500.
Lukla flights or ground transports expenses.
Normally, a starting point of this trek is Lukla, and is often reached by flight from Kathmandu or Ramechhap. The approximate cost of the round trip flight is USD 390 per person.
Alternatively, from Kathmandu, you can take a local bus or jeep drive to Jiri or Salleri.  After reaching Salleri or Jiri, you need to trek about 2-4 days to get. It is a legendary foothill trail that was followed by Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgey Sherpa in their Everest Expedition in 1953. The cost of hiring a jeep is from $150-200 and $12-15 for local bus ticket.
Cost of independent trip versus a guided tour
Local trekking companies in Kathmandu operate guided group tours to Everest Base Camp. If you trek with an organized group all of your logistics, including accommodations, foods, transportations, guide, permits and porters are arranged by the agency.
A fully guided trek ought to cost between USD 1,300 and USD 1,500. You can trek with both guide and porter, or only with porter who serves as both a guide and a porter for independent treks.
The cost of the independent trek can be varying, depending on how much you eat food and the lodging you choose. Normally, it would cost between $ 1000-1200 including all your meals, Lukla flights, porter, accommodations and foods during the trek.
Note: Trek to Everest Base Camp with an organized group through local agency or with local guide and porter is much safer than the independent hike.
Porter wages
If you need porters for the Everest base camp trek, you can hire them from Lukla. A porter from Lukla typically charges USD 20-25 per day and can communicate in English. A porter is advised if you are a novice trekker. Hiring a porter can make your trekking in Nepal more comfort and pleasurable.
Food and drink expenses
The costs of food are variable depending on what you choose in your meal. Food and water prices may increase as you go higher. There are plenty additional choices for meal, including soups, momos, fried rice noodles, and spring rolls. Pasta, pizza, or chicken sizzlers are also available at a high cost. You should expect to pay between USD 5-7 for a basic breakfast and USD 6–12 for lunch or dinner. Bottled water might cost anywhere between USD 1.5 to USD 4. You can refill your bottled with boiled or filtered water as an alternatives of buying bottled water.  
Travel insurance costs
Having a full coverage of travel insurance is beneficial for Everest base camp trek in case of any losses or emergencies.  Altitude sickness, mishaps, and canceled flights are additional scenarios that could be difficult. Due to this reason, travel insurance is required to reduce all of these hazards. You can purchase full coverage of insurance around $150-200 dollar that covers all your medical, health and emergency rescue services. It is highly recommended for your financial security.
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ancientindia11 · 2 years
How to Select the Best Hotel in Kumbhalgarh
You're looking for a place to stay in the little town of Kumbhalgarh, home to a massive fort commissioned by Rana Kumbha of the Mewar dynasty. The 36-kilometer fort is second only to the Great Wall of China, and you want to make sure you stay in a place with a perfect location for exploring its ramparts.
Luckily, we've got you covered. We've picked the best places to stay in Kumbhalgarh, all of which offer a historic stay right in the heart of the town. Check them out below!
Why Stay in Kumbhalgarh?
Kumbhalgarh is one of those destinations that is often overlooked. It's not as famous as other destinations in Rajasthan, like Jaipur and Udaipur, but it's definitely worth a visit. The fort is an impressive sight and there are plenty of other attractions in the area to keep you busy.
Plus, it's a great place to stay if you're looking to explore the surrounding area. The fort is located close to Pali District, which is home to some pretty amazing temples and other attractions. And if you're looking for a bit of peace and quiet, Kumbhalgarh is definitely the place for you.
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What to Look for in a Hotel in Kumbhalgarh
When looking for a hotel in Kumbhalgarh, make sure to consider the following:
Location: The fort is located close to Rajasthan’s Pali District, so it’s important to find a hotel that is close to the town. All of our recommended hotels are within easy reach of the fort.
Historic Setting: Given that Kumbhalgarh Fort is such a historic site, it’s important to choose a hotel that has a historic setting itself. All of our hotels offer guests a unique experience, with many of them housed in traditional Rajput palaces and forts.
Views: As you explore the ramparts of the fort, it’s important to have stunning views to look out onto. All of our hotels offer breathtaking views of the Aravalli Hills and the surrounding countryside.
Hotel Everest hill resort Kumbhalgarh is the best for its location, historic setting, and views, and also fits your budget. They provide amazing services in our royal resort.
Location, Location, Location
There are many factors to consider when selecting the best hotel in Kumbhalgarh. But for us, location is key. After all, you're visiting this little town to explore its epic fortress, and the last thing you want is to be stuck in the wrong part of town.
All of our picks are located close to the fort, so you can easily walk there each morning and spend the day exploring its ramparts. And when you're not exploring the fort, you can enjoy a peaceful evening stroll through the bazaar or relax in one of Kumbhalgarh's many gardens.
The Best Hotels in Kumbhalgarh
The first thing you'll want to consider when choosing a hotel in Kumbhalgarh is its location. You'll want to be close to the fort, of course, but you'll also want to be close to other attractions like the temples and markets.
Another thing to consider is the size of the hotel. If you're traveling with a large group, you'll need a hotel that can accommodate everyone comfortably.
Finally, you'll want to think about the price. Kumbhalgarh is a budget-friendly destination, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding a hotel that fits your budget.
Luxury, Mid-Range, and Budget Options
Historic, yet still quite remote, Kumbhalgarh provides a great opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle without having to forgo any luxury. Nevertheless, there are plenty of accommodation options to suit all budgets, from grand old Havelis turned into boutique hotels, to more modest guesthouses. Ancient India Hospitality company helps you to find the best hotel in Kumbhalgarh they also give you the best offers and deals on hotel bookings.
For those on a budget, there are a handful of small hotels and guesthouses in Kumbhalgarh town itself. Most offer simple but clean and comfortable rooms with en-suite bathrooms and AC, as well as basic amenities like TV and Wi-Fi.
There are also a number of ancient Havelis which have been converted into mid-range hotels. These are usually family-run places with a more personal touch, and often include features like swimming pools, gardens, and spas.
For those looking for a truly luxurious experience, there are a number of 5* resorts in the area offering top-of-the-line facilities like golf courses, private pools, and Michelin-starred restaurants.
Things to Do in Kumbhalgarh
Beyond the walls of the fort, there are plenty of other activities to keep you busy during your stay. Make sure to check out the Jain temples, which date back to the 15th century, and are some of the most ornate and beautiful in Rajasthan.
For something a little more modern, take a walk through Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary. This sanctuary is home to a variety of animals, including leopards, hyenas, sloth bears, and over 300 species of birds. You can even go on safari here to spot some of the rarer animals.
With so many options for hotels in Kumbhalgarh, it can be overwhelming to try and pick the best one. But by following these tips, you can be sure to select a hotel that will give you the perfect base for exploring the area's incredible fort.
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lordshotelsresorts · 6 days
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Nepal, a land of towering peaks, rich cultural heritage, and breathtaking landscapes, is becoming a prime destination for tourism and hospitality investment. As the demand for premium hospitality services grows, so do the opportunities for resort franchises in Nepal. If you're exploring business ventures, diving into resort franchises in Nepal could be your gateway to tapping into the lucrative travel and tourism sector. This article will shed light on some of the top resort franchise opportunities in Nepal and what makes this region a hotspot for tourism investors.
Why Nepal Is Ideal for Resort Franchises
Nepal offers a unique blend of adventure tourism, spiritual retreats, and luxury travel, making it a destination for a diverse set of travelers. Whether it’s mountaineers seeking to conquer the Everest region or wellness enthusiasts looking for peace in the valleys, the country caters to every type of tourist. The growing influx of travelers and the Nepalese government's supportive policies towards tourism make franchising a resort in Nepal a highly attractive investment.
Top Resort Franchise Opportunities in Nepal
1. Lords Hotels & Resorts
One of the leading names in the hospitality industry across South Asia, Lords Hotels & Resorts, is renowned for its exceptional service standards and luxury experiences. With established properties in India and Nepal, the brand offers lucrative franchise opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to penetrate Nepal’s booming tourism market. Lords Hotels & Resorts focuses on combining local hospitality with international standards, making it a perfect fit for Nepal’s culturally rich yet globally appealing tourism landscape.
Franchising with Lords Hotels & Resorts in Nepal can give investors the advantage of partnering with a reputed and well-established brand. With existing properties like Diyalo Lords Plaza Birgunj, the brand already has a foothold in the region, promising smoother market entry.
2. Ananda Resorts
Ananda Resorts, known for its focus on wellness and luxury retreats, presents another lucrative franchise opportunity in Nepal. In a country that is already celebrated for its spiritual and wellness tourism, Ananda Resorts' emphasis on holistic wellness aligns perfectly with the expectations of international tourists who visit for yoga, meditation, and relaxation amidst serene nature.
Franchisees can benefit from the brand’s international reputation and tap into Nepal's ever-growing market for wellness tourism, especially in cities like Kathmandu and Pokhara, which are hotbeds for spiritual travelers.
3. The Taj Group
The Taj Group is a luxury hospitality brand with an established global presence. For investors looking to bring premium luxury experiences to Nepal, franchising with the Taj Group offers an unmatched opportunity. With its expertise in managing high-end resorts and hotels, the Taj Group promises franchisees high returns in Nepal's luxury tourism sector, especially in tourist-frequented areas such as Chitwan and the Annapurna region.
4. The Hyatt Regency Kathmandu
As a globally recognized brand, Hyatt provides a franchise opportunity that blends luxury, comfort, and hospitality. The Hyatt Regency Kathmandu has set the benchmark for premium resort experiences in Nepal, and the company is open to expanding its footprint through franchising. By aligning with an international name like Hyatt, franchisees can cater to the growing number of affluent travelers seeking high-end experiences in Nepal.
Key Benefits of Resort Franchising in Nepal
Tourism Growth: Nepal’s tourism industry is on a significant upswing, with millions of tourists visiting each year. Investing in a resort franchise capitalizes on the rising demand for quality accommodation and hospitality services.
Government Support: The Nepalese government has made tourism a priority sector, offering incentives to encourage foreign investment and development in the hospitality industry.
Cultural Diversity: Nepal’s rich culture and heritage provide an added layer of attraction for tourists. Resorts that offer authentic experiences aligned with local traditions can thrive, especially in niche markets like eco-tourism and adventure travel.
Scenic Locations: From the majestic Himalayas to lush forests, Nepal offers ideal settings for resort franchises. These scenic locations attract travelers seeking luxury, adventure, and relaxation in nature.
Final Thoughts
When exploring the top resort franchise opportunities in Nepal, brands like Lords Hotels & Resorts, Ananda Resorts, the Taj Group, and Hyatt Regency offer immense potential for success. Nepal’s growing appeal as a global tourism destination, coupled with the support for hospitality ventures, creates a fertile environment for resort franchises to flourish. If you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of hospitality and tourism, Nepal might just be the ideal market to explore. partner with us a recognized franchise ensures brand visibility, operational support, and a swift market entry, positioning you to succeed in this thriving industry.
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pasanglsherpa · 20 days
Gokyo Trek
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The Gokyo Trek is a great trekking trip that offers tranquil alpine lakes, stunning mountain views, and a taste of Himalayan culture. It's definitely an excursion not to be missed. This journey, which is situated in Nepal's Everest region, provides an amazing diversion from the more popular Everest Base Camp route. Everything you need to know about the Gokyo Trek is provided here, including tips on how to be ready for this amazing adventure and what to anticipate.
The Gokyo Trek: Why? 1. Magnificent Landscape Reknowned for its breathtaking natural splendor is the Gokyo Trek. Trekking through the heart of the Everest region, you'll be able to see some of the highest peaks in the world, including Makalu, Cho Oyu, Everest, and Lhotse. The trek's high point is the group of immaculate, blue lakes at Gokyo, which are surrounded by massive, snow-capped mountains. This hike is a photographer's dream come true because of the amazing landscapes.
2. The Three High Passes and Gokyo Ri The climb to Gokyo Ri (5,357 meters or 17,575 feet), a viewpoint with an unmatched vista of the Everest mountain, is one of the trek's most satisfying experiences. The hike also gives you the chance to prolong your adventure by crossing the Three High Passes (Renjo La, Cho La, and Kongma La). This demanding but worthwhile circuit offers a variety of views across the Everest region.
3. Less Congested The Gokyo Trek is sometimes less congested than the Everest Base Camp trek. This makes it possible for hikers to have a more peaceful experience and establish deeper connections with the area's pristine natural environment and indigenous culture.
4. Interactions Across Cultures You will pass through traditional Sherpa villages along the way, where you may see historic monasteries, learn about local customs, and enjoy the friendly hospitality of the Sherpa people. Your trekking trip will take on a whole new dimension because of these settlements' rich cultural heritage.
Organizing Your Expedition 1. The Ideal Time to Hike The pre-monsoon months of March through May and the post-monsoon months of September through November are the ideal times to complete the Gokyo Trek. The best views of the mountains are available during these months because of the generally calm weather and bright skies. Trekking is not recommended during the monsoon season (June to August) because of the torrential rains that are brought on by it, and during the winter (December to February) because of the intense cold.
2. Licenses and Rules You'll require two primary permits in order to trek in the Everest region:
Trekking in the Sagarmatha (Everest) National Park requires a Sagarmatha National Park Permit. The Nepal Tourism Board issues TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) cards, which can also be obtained through accredited trekking companies. Trekking agencies or Kathmandu are the places to get these permits. You will need to carry both permits on your walk because they will be inspected at several locations along the way.
3. Lodging and Dining On the Gokyo Trek, lodging is usually offered at teahouses or lodges along the trail. These provide modestly priced, cozy accommodations with the necessities. In addition to more international alternatives, the teahouses typically provide robust and nourishing meals like dal bhat, or lentil soup and rice, which is a traditional dish from Nepal.
4. Safety and Acclimatization Because of the high altitude of the trek, adequate acclimatization is essential to prevent altitude sickness. It's critical to maintain hydration, climb gradually, and take rest days as needed. The schedule for the trek is typically created to allow for acclimatization, but pay attention to your body and be ready to modify your plans if needed.
Trek's Top Points: 1. Gokyo Lakes The focal point of the walk is the Gokyo Lakes. Towering peaks provide a dramatic backdrop for these five glacial lakes, which have blue-green tints. The lakes offer a calm and beautiful environment for rest and contemplation, and they are sacred to the Sherpa people who live nearby.
2. Gokyo Ri One of the trek's highlights is the ascent to Gokyo Ri. You will be rewarded with expansive views of the Gokyo Lakes below as well as Everest, Lhotse, Makalu, and Cho Oyu from the top. Gokyo Ri offers an especially breathtaking view of the morning, when the first light illuminates the Himalayan peaks in a golden glow.
3. La Passe Renjo Should you decide to prolong your journey across the Three High Passes, Renjo La Pass (17,674 feet, or 5,388 meters) provides amazing views of the Everest region and neighboring peaks. For those that conquer it, the pass offers a sense of accomplishment and is renowned for its secluded beauty.
4. Villages of Sherpas You pass through various Sherpa settlements on the walk, including as Machhermo and Phortse. These communities, with their unique architecture and religious customs, provide glimpses into Sherpa traditional life. Trekking with the Sherpas and visiting local monasteries adds to the trek's rich cultural experience.
Last Words The Gokyo Trek is an amazing journey that blends breathtaking scenery, difficult tasks at high altitudes, and fascinating cultural encounters. This walk offers a gratifying and unforgettable experience, whether you're exploring the serene Gokyo Lakes, taking in the breathtaking views from Gokyo Ri, or getting a taste of the colorful Sherpa culture.
Get ready for an experience that will put your stamina to the test, awe you with its scenery, and provide quiet moments for introspection. Prepare for a trek across one of the most gorgeous areas on Earth by putting on your hiking boots, packing your luggage, and getting ready.
Happy hiking!
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