#they just turned out good! especially Archie :>
catboy-cyrus · 2 years
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good news: catboy marriage is now legal
bad news: so is catboy divorce
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essycogany · 1 year
Rare But Not So Rare Sonic Moments. Character Analysis.
A weird topic I’m more then happy to discuss.
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Mandate: “Sonic’s not allowed to get overly emotional.”
I’m starting to think the mandates do break in a few instances. This one specifically is something I’m quite interested in because this is probably one of the rarest emotions Sonic displays. Getting sad/emotional.
Hopefully this essay will be a positive outlook on the mandate.
(Despite being a discussion about negative emotions.)
Examples Of Sonic Getting Emotional
I might not include everything, but the examples I have knowledge of will be stated. If you have anymore examples, I’d love to see them.
SATAM: Sonic cried when he and the Freedomfighters had to leave his Uncle Chuck in Robotnik’s lab.
Archie: The times Sonic cried/teared up was when the weight of a situation got to him, when something tragic occurred and all hope was lost, or when he was filled with joy after those instances ended. Those moments like others, didn’t go too far. (For the most part)
Pretty sure he never out right sobbed.
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Underground: I think Sonic only cried when he was a little kid.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
X: In episode 52 Sonic allowed his tears to shed with his head turned away from us. He and Chris ran one last time before Sonic left through a portal to go home forever. It obviously crushed him even if we didn’t see his face.
Boom: Sonic cried/teared up in two episodes of the show. First when Tails was reminiscing about the Tornado and noticed Sonic wiping his eyes. Sonic replied, “What?” Then he, Knuckles, and Tails all cried when they thought the baby they took care of was gone. Also, in Archie when Stick’s rock friend broke or “Died,” everyone in team Boom morned it. Sonic included.
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IDW: Sonic shed tears in the Scrapnick Island Issue. Even if it was “Mecha Sonic’s” tears I’ll count it anyways because it’s a good loophole and it came out of Sonic’s eyes.
Movie 1: It’s implied he indeed cried during the baseball scene. The sources being a deleted scene and story-board of the film.
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Prime: This doesn’t really count, but Sonic teared up in the first episode when he was held captive by the Chaos Council and had light blasted in his eyes, when he was in darkness. Then Sonic actually cried in episode 7 when he ate a seadog. Either because he was home-sick or starving.
(In the last episode of season two it’s implied he might cry in the next episode. Especially with the shot of him looking on the verge of tears and then covered his eyes in the background of the last shot, but we’ll see.)
By the way. You can see the instant improvement from episode 1 to 7 of the tears animation. Just thought I’d say that.
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My Overall Thoughts
Hold on because this is going to be a long ride.
First thing I’d like to discuss is the mandate itself.
I personally don’t believe it means, “Sonic shouldn’t cry.”
(Which has been stated a bunch)
If that were the case, I don’t think this majority of moments (specifically the recent ones) would’ve happened. I think the mandate meant Sonic couldn’t and or shouldn’t go too far with his emotions. I don’t think the mandate existing makes any since, but I won’t get into that.
My point is, Sonic can cry, just not in an overly dramatized way unless it’s done for comedic purposes.
(I say that because of Sonic Boom and the 7th episode of Prime examples. Which are obviously not meant to be taken seriously)
My opinions on Sonic crying.
It’s not necessarily needed, but I don’t mind if it’s done well. I do believe Sonic shouldn’t go too far unless the situation does.
One Issue in Archie when Sonic’s entire life was basically ruined, is a good example. If you’re going to have such calamities happen to him, especially since he has zero ego or mask to hold onto, I think it’s a fair enough scenario for him to react as drastic as his misfortune.
But I believe if he were to cry in something like the Metal Virus. (Just for an example) it could be like how Espio teared up after Vector’s sacrifice.
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Crazy idea. Let’s talk about Shadow for a minute.
Shadow is one of the most stoic characters in the entire franchise. He barely smiles, gets excited, or displays any overly positive emotions. While Sonic rarely cries, gets angry, or shows any harsh negative emotions. Shadow and Sonic are opposites because of that.
Sonic’s overall a positive and outgoing guy who wants to keep moving forward. Whenever he has the time to worry, he runs. Faces his problems head on. Sonic only let’s a small amount of his true emotions out when helping someone else. In general Sonic’s a pretty optimistic character.
Shadow on the other hand is a reserved and serious guy. Who wants what’s best for the world too, but in a more calculated and planned out manner. But for some reason, in Sonic Adventure 2 after Amy encouraged Shadow to save the world, (Which reminded him of Maria’s real wish) He sheds a tear.
I repeat. Shadow is the most stoic character in the entire franchise. Who rarely shows his emotions. And yet he cries.
Why can’t Sonic? To be fair, Sonic usually doesn’t have time to think, let alone worry about how he feels. But if Shadow himself can have a short moment of releasing his emotional baggage, why can’t the blue blur?
Is Sonic even as happy as he let’s on?
I’d say he’s genuinely happy half of the time. Then the other half Sonic’s internalizing everything negative in him. Everyone knows Sonic’s overall upbeat, but we’ve seen plenty of times (In the Metal Virus specifically) when he’s thinking, or enduring the chaos around him, he doubts himself. Sonic has these insecurities and emotions he barely let’s anyone see.
Besides Issue #24
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Even in Sonic Prime while Sonic shows the most guilt, sincerity, anger, fear, and sadness in the show. He sometimes still puts on a front and acts like everything’s fine.
Sonic Unleashed I’m pretty sure was the first and only time we’ve seen him mope for a minute. All because Amy didn’t know who he was. So, he does have some level of insecurities lingering every once in a while.
Can Sonic crying even work?
How I interpret him crying is when he’s alone. Some people theorize in certain instances like SA2 and Unleashed with Shadow and Chip’s sacrifices, he cried a little. I’m fascinated by this idea. I believe it’s the most in character way to let him cry. Maybe even something like X when his face isn’t shown, but you know how he’s feeling.
Even if we do see Sonic’s face, him crying or tearing up could be shown without being over the top. Normalize it in a way that doesn’t fly off the handle. His expression could have a hint of frustration, anger, or exhaustion. Crying is normal and I don’t see Sonic crying as out of character because it’s been done plenty of times.
It’d be nice if it happened in order to make Sonic feel more believable and sympathetic. As long as the dude’s not on the floor whaling, I’m sure it can work.
Final Thoughts
There are other ways to show Sonic’s emotions. Again, crying doesn’t have to happen, but it does help the writing feel less unnecessarily limited of what kind of emotions can be displayed on this character.
Though there are benefits too. Like finding fun loopholes or small animated details like in IDW and Prime. Sonic not crying so much makes the times he does (or may do in the future) feel earned and impactful. The examples before prove it can be done without taking away what makes Sonic who he is. It just needs to be subtle, quiet, and quick. (Or humorous) Depends on what you think.
At the end of it all, Sonic’s a tough hedgehog. Him shedding a few tears won’t ever change that.
Stay Creative! 💜
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leggerefiore · 7 months
How would Poke villains react to their s/o asking if they'd kill for them? Just as a hypothetical, but I imagine some of them would take it seriously haha
cw: consideration of murder(?)
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Guzma, Volo
The moment the words leave your mouth during what would have otherwise been a quiet evening in, he turned to look at you. His face was clearly twisted in minor confusion, which prompted you to repeat the statement. "Would you kill for me?" It almost sounded partly like a tease. What could have brought up such a statement? He thought on it for a moment...
☕️ Lysandre becomes stuck between it being a joke and you truly having someone you must want dead. The Flare Boss understands. He understands very well. His connections could easily see most people dead, should that truly be what you desired. Though, it likely would be easier to simply wait until after he completed his plans. Though, of course, you could just as easily be joking. He blinked a few times. You never spoke a name, however.
☕️ “Perhaps,” Lysandre eventually replied, “Though, I doubt you have anyone in particular you wish dead, do you?” You let out a laugh and shook your head. He joined you in laughing, fully able to play along. Of course not. You were much too kind. That was a trait in you that he deeply admired. He leaned down to press a kiss to your temple. “All you would need to do is ask, however,” he whispered quietly, “I would do anything to make you happy, my love.” Though, whether you realised how honest his words were would remain unknown. Either way, it was just pleasant to have his reassurance.
🪨 He freezes for a moment. Kill for you? His glasses almost fall off his face from how he angles his head. What? The Magma Leader was quite a few things, but a killer he was not. Most of the time, he refused to even resort to violence. Your words almost made him recoil before he recalled that exaggeration was quite common these days. Yes. You must have meant that as a question of how deep and strong his love for you was. Not as an actual request. If you had, his answer would have been a firm “no.” Maxie was no killer.
🪨 “Figuratively, yes,” he agreed with a nod, “Literally? No. I'd be happy to help you find other options, however.” You sighed. That was the expected answer from Maxie. He seemed to catch on to your mild disappointment and leaned forward to peck your cheek. “Dear, I'm not going to lie and say I will do something like that,” he felt his cheeks grow warm as he looked away nervously, “I do love you greatly despite that.” You laughed and hugged him tightly. Then, you teased him by saying the Great Maxie is a pacifist. He just grumbled.
💧 Archie blinked a few times. Kill? Would he kill for you? Objective situations entered his head of what might warrant such a reaction, but none of them seemed like places you would be. Especially not with him nearby. Archie then remembered Shelly's complaint that he was killing her with work and chuckled. Ah, you must have meant like that. An exaggeration of love. A guffaw left him as he pulled you close to him. The Aqua Leader would do a lot for you, but killing, sadly, would not be one of them. He would throw down with someone for you, though.
💧 “Nah,” he said simply, then spoke again, “Well maybe. Depends. But I'm gonna say no.” You rolled your eyes. Archie seemed a bit scattered on his reply. He pressed a sudden sweet kiss to your cheek. “Now, I might fight a guy for ya, Luvdisc,” he grinned, “Like that time I chased off that Gorebyss that was after you.” You laughed. Well, that was about what you had expected from Archie. He was not exactly the violent sort. You tugged his bandana lightly to make him look up at you. He got the hint and kissed you again. Well, the pirate man was good at expressing his love in other ways, at least.
☄️ Cyrus blinked. Kill? As in murder? He almost scrunched up his face at your words. Naturally, he knew you were not serious. There was no one reasonably that you would want dead, nor would he seem like a reasonable candidate to get rid of someone. Well… He believed that anyway. The tablet was turned off as he moved to face you. What was going through your head? Why say such a thing? The Galactic Boss was aware that he was being far too analytical for such a basic statement. He supposed he had heard Mars tease that she would kill someone for him. (At least, he hoped it was spoken in exaggeration, but…)
☄️ “Beloved, I would rather simply make you a world where that feeling needn't exist,” he replied, “There is no need for such grizzly actions to be taken.” His hand came to cup your cheek unconsciously as he gazed into your eyes. You blinked, unsure of his words. “I dream of a world where such vile emotions don't cause these kinds of situations,” he continued, “I only wish to bring you and I to some kind of peace.” Cyrus's lips lightly pressed against your temple got a moment before he pulled away to return to what work he was doing on his tablet. You blinked again. What was that? It felt more intense than if he had just said yes and proceeded to describe a form of murder. Well, you certainly felt assured in his love towards you, at least.
□ Not even missing a beat, he laughed. Kill? Well, maybe. Probably not ever, but why not? Guzma was more than ready to throw hands for you usually, so why not just lie and say he would kill, too. Granted, he most likely would not ever, no. Killing seemed far too intense. He got what you meant, though. Some situations did cross his mind that might warrant it. Very few seemed even partially likely to ever happen. Alola was simply too peaceful for any of that shit.
□ “Sure,” he said plainly, “Why not.” His arm pulled you closer to him as he grinned at you. The hypothetical was pretty common, he thought. No different from being asked if he would still love you if you were a bug. (In which you had asked him a few times. Him of all people. Like he would ever say no.) You leaned closer to him and laughed lightly. “I mean, I love you,” Guzma continued, “Now, would you kill for me?” You thought on it for a moment. He nearly jumped out of his skin at your reply. A deadpan, yes.
⭐️ The merchant was stricken by your words. Kill? Him? Well… He was not going to pretend that he was some upstanding moral type, but he was not exactly the type to handle things directly. Even when it came to his plans, he figured actually killing someone would be a do-or-die situation. Though he supposed that as a merchant, he was quite ready to defend himself should the situation arise. He did have a knife on him, just for a situation in which bandits dared threaten his life. For you… He closed his eyes. Well, certainly, he would not say no.
⭐️ “If the situation called for it,” Volo spoke with a playful tone despite his words, “You never know what may be required in the wilds of Hisui.” You smiled at him so sweetly. He could not help but lean over and press a kiss to your head. “Though, I do expect the same from you,” his voice seemed to take on a different cadence, “Should I ever be in danger, I hope you would act to protect me as well?” His hand held yours delicately as you went quiet. It was all too easy to assume these were just common requests for the time period. You nodded in reply, and Volo's grin seemed a bit more intense than usual.
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pinkanonwrites · 6 months
you know another good one i havent seen mentioned yet? dumbification. just getting to turn your brain alllllllllll the way off sounds so, so nice, especially when its during/after some good good overstim. any bots you think would be into it, be it giving and/or receiving?
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Okay this is a trope I really enjoy. It also goes hand-in-hand with hypnosis, and if you're into hypno @archie-sunshine has a TON of good art you need to check out. Okay, let's get into my thoughts!
For receiving, there are a LOT of bots who really deserve the opportunity to turn their brains off once in a while. But for the ones that really, really enjoy it? Swerve for SURE, Trailbreaker, Sideswipe, Brainstorm, and Misfire.
As for giving, Shockwave, Soundwave, and Prowl immediately come to mind as bots who would get off on having that level of control over their partner. If you were really stressed Drift would enjoy helping you unwind by fragging you stupid, as well as Rung.
Bots that like both giving and receiving include Rodimus (of course), First Aid, Jazz, and ROTB Mirage.
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smallgodseries · 11 months
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Sun’s going down, and now’s where you have two choices: turn off all the lights and go to bed right now, or light the pumpkin and set it out in invitation.
Now, I know it’s been pouring for the last three days and not a child with a lick of self-preservation is going to be out on the streets tonight.  What’s more, even if those children exist—and those children always exist, let’s be realistic here—then they’d need to have parents who were never really all that interested in having children, who just want plausible deniability when they get called down to the county coroner’s office.  No, we’re not looking to attract actual children, or we’d have needed to buy a lot more candy.
You got them, right?  Two full-sized Snickers bars, a roll of dimes, and an old Archie comic from the grocery store?  Good.  I know you promised, but a man likes to be sure, especially on a night like this.
But as I said, we’re not looking to attract actual children.  Wouldn’t know what to do with them.
We’re going to lure in a god.
She walks the world one night a year, as solid and material as any human child, just a child who goes from city to city in the process of going house to house.  She starts in Samoa and stops in New Zealand, and in-between she sees the whole world wide, like some sort of reverse Santa Claus, taking away with her.  If you’re lucky, of course.  Her bag is an infinity of toilet paper and raw eggs, her smile a gap-toothed gateway into darker realms.  She is redemption and she is damnation and she is going to choose the second on our behalf if you don’t get that pumpkin lit before she rings the bell!
She doesn’t hold grudges, but she remembers, and her memory is the long, slow memory of childhood, which never forgets the house with the good candy, or the one with the mean dog.  Her blessing will see your windows unbroken and your tomatoes untrampled by generations yet to come, and her curse…
Well.  You were thinking about moving, right?
Someone’s coming up the walk.  Light the pumpkin!
Rain or no rain, it’s always time for trick or treat.
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Same as it ever was 6
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as neglect, bullying, manipulation, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Between your home life and work, you just can’t catch a break. Especially after you draw the ire of your boss.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen ft. Pete Brenner
Note: have a happy friday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Sunday gives you an excuse to get away. Pete, like a dog with his tail between his legs, doesn't even try to come up with an excuse to 'work'. You take Simone with you to the grocery store, warning the slug that he can handle Malik for a couple hours alone. You notice the pout in his lips but don't acknowledge it.
You don't need much but you take your time. You agree to buy Simone an Archie comic, shrugging off the extra few dollars as you notice her growing restless. You made her leave her book at home. You're happy she loves to read but she can't ignore the world all the time.
"You wanna get lunch?" You ask as you push the cart through the lot.
"Mm, I dunno," she drags her feet, "I'm tired."
"Probably 'cause you need to eat," you judge her with your elbow, "come on, how often is it just the two of us."
She grumbles but you ignore her reluctance. You're in no hurry to get home and you can scrounge enough for a sit down in the diner. It might be the last nice thing you can afford.
You load up the bags on the trunk and drive down the block to the same place you would take Simon when you were still pregnant with Malik. Those days were nice and so far behind you. The memory makes your heart ache.
You open the door ahead of Simone and follow her into the mom and pop shop. You're seated by the window in a booth. You order coffee as your daughter gets an apple juice. You peruse the menu but you're not very hungry.
"Oh, they still have the grilled cheese," you say.
"Yeah…" she continues to read the menu, nonplussed by your suggestion.
You tap your toe and cup your chin as you look out the window. It's a nice day even if you're gloomy inside. You turn back to the table and flip over the menu. 
The waitress returns with your drinks. You sip your coffee before you order a mac and cheese and Simone gets chicken fingers. You hand the menus over and smile at your daughter. She's old enough, she'll catch on soon.
"So, what's your latest adventure about?" You ask.
"Uh, well, I just read one about a knight. She's a girl and she goes off to fight an army of trolls…"
You immerse yourself in her retelling of the children's novel. You don't care, it's better than reality. You giggle and smile as she becomes more animated. She can be so monotone but her passion makes you proud.
A figure approaches, breaking your trance, and you look over expecting the waitress. To your chagrin, it's not.
You grip the edge of the table as Simone's voice peters out and she looks at the man with her cool deadpan. You clear your throat, fighting the urge to reach across and shield her. Mr. Hansen smirks down at you as he glances between you and your daughter.
"Funny running into you here," he snickers, "enjoying your weekend."
"Just having lunch," you say crisply, "hope you're having a good Sunday."
You turn straight on the bench and look at Simone as you gesture for her to face you. She frowns as you try to come up with an escape plan. You don't even know what to say and he's not going anywhere.
"Oh I'm having a wonderful weekend. Look at you, how cute, this must be the spawn."
"Spawn?" Simone murmurs, "hey, what's your deal, guy?"
"Sim," you wave her off, "that's good to hear Mr. Hansen. I hate to keep you so–"
"Room for one more?" He winks.
"Ew, no," Simone speaks before you can, "mom, tell him to go away."
"She's mouthy. Not hard to guess why," he scoffs.
You slide off the seat and stand, stepping between him and the table. You arch a brow, pleading with your hands out.
"Please, sir, we're just enjoying a meal out. I'll see you tomorrow. At work."
He watches you, his amusement playing on his face. He's enjoying seeing you squirm, just like before. He always knows the most sensitive spot to hit. Your kids would be top of the list.
"Tomorrow," he winks as he leans back on his heel, "we got a special meeting, don't we?"
"Sir," you hiss.
He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "alright, ladies, enjoy your lunch."
He backs up and struts away. You don't sit until he's out the door. What on earth is he even doing in a place like this? It's not exactly a Michelin star experience.
You settle back in and swallow, turning to watch out the window. He isn't in his usual suit but still dressed nicely. A peach polo peeking out under a teal bomber jacket and canary pants. Tacky if you say so yourself.
"Who was that weirdo?" Simone asks.
"My boss," you lean back, "just saying hi."
"He's strange. Like the villain in the book I was reading," she scowls out the window, "you need a new job."
You laugh despite yourself, "you have no idea. First things first, I'm starving."
You get home, exhausted. You put away the groceries and tidy up. Of course Pete couldn't clean up after making a mess of the kitchen for a simple PB and J. You sigh as you finish and look in on the kids in the living room.
Malik colours as Simone creases her brow at her book. You hear Pete outside working on his Corvette. For a brand new car, it sure needs a lot of maintenance.
You tell the kids you'll be upstairs if they need anything. You go to the bedroom and open the closet. You're so anxious about tomorrow, you may as well get ready to face the music.
You pick out an outfit. Nothing special. You don't have anything fashionable. It's not like you need more than a striped blouse and worn black pants. You just don't want to come back up there to grab it all in the morning.
As you come downstairs, you hear Malik giggling. You peek in through the doorway with your armful of clothing. Pete sits on the floor at the coffee table beside the boy and scribbles with a crayon. He meets your eye as you pass and gives a sheepish smile. You shake your head and keep going.
You open the door to the basement and the cool air sweeps around your descent. You put the outfit on the folding table beside the camping cot. Your first few nights have been less than comfortable. As cozy as your own marriage.
You check the dryer and take out the towels, folding them on the top and stacking them there. You hear footsteps on the stairs. You keep your back to the airy space.
"Hey," Pete says. You're not surprised. He keeps trying to corner you. "So…"
"Busy," you grab a basket and set the towels in it.
"Hm," he stops only a few feet from you, "Simone said you ran into someone. Your boss."
"Yup. Nice guy," you utter dryly.
"I thought Mandy was your boss."
You roll your eyes as you lift the basket and turn, "one of many. She's up in York now."
"Ah…" he hangs his head, gripping one hip, "a lot's changed."
"I'm not in the mood to talk so let's not do this."
He huffs and steps into your path. He puts a hand on the basket. He looks you in the face.
"I will be home every day at six–"
"Too late."
"Please, can't I just try? Can't you?"
"Me? I tried, Pete," you snap, "come home at six anyway. The kids will be happy."
"What about you?"
You stare at him grimly. Your eyes tingle and you look away. Your chest rises and falls.
"I haven't been happy in a long time. Don't think I will be again," you shrug and pull the basket away, striding past him, "I didn't make you happy either, did I?"
He huffs and trails after you as you cross to the stairs. As you go to make your ascent and he grabs your arm and spins you back to him. Before you can react, he snatches the basket from your grip and places it on the stack of rubbermaid bins by the wall.
He puts his hands on your arms and pulls you against him. He leans in and you turn your head, his lips crashing into your cheek. You shove on his chest and growl.
"What are you doing?" You pinch by his ribs.
"Baby, please, let me make it up to you–"
"Don't touch me," you push on him, "get off."
"I love you. I mean it–"
"Stop!" You hit his chest again but he doesn't budge, instead wrapping his arms around you, squeezing the breath out of you. How is he still so strong when you only ever got weaker? "Pete…"
"You can't walk away–"
"You already did," you keep your voice down, mindful of the open door above.
"Let me try. I wanna make love to you–"
"Pfft, yeah right. Go get tested and I might even consider letting you hold my hand," you snarl, "get off of me now."
"Wha– I'm clean–"
"Get!" You bring your knee up and feel it collide with his crotch. He releases you and staggers back, cupping his most precious possession. "You're a dirty fucking weasel."
You turn and pick up the basket and stomp up the stairs as you hear him whimpering. Serves him right. You can't help but smile at the ounce of power you feel in that moment. 
Monday morning both too quickly but not fast enough. You get up with the kids and get them ready for school, filling a thermos of coffee for yourself. You drive them to school and send them off with dread in your chest.
For a moment, you idle outside the school. You miss the days when you only worried about spelling quizzes and dodgeball. You hope at least your kids never end up where you are.
You follow the crawl of traffic out of the school zone and reluctantly steer towards work. You yawn and drain half your thermos before you get to the office. As you shoulder your bag and look up at the corporate facade, you feel the world threaten to crumble around you. No, not the whole world, just yours.
You enter behind a few others and try to find your courage in the elevator. You peek over at your coworkers; you recognise two but the other you don't know. There's not much workplace camaraderie, more of an understanding to get your work down and clock out.
You follow them out and go to your desk. You sit and pop the lid off of your thermos. Just enough to get you through this. You don't unpack your lunch, certain you won't be eating it there.
You turn on your PC and sign in. You're in no hurry to get started on work. Your calendar pops up with the internal schedule reminder. There it is, a meeting in ten minutes. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You get up and go to the bathroom. You can do this. You dealt with your scoundrel husband, you are still moving, you're not dead in the water.
But how do you survive this? Do you beg? You quit and take the loss? No you can't. You need this job and if you get fired, at least you'll have a hope at severance. 
You avoid your reflection. That old woman isn't you. You go out and check your watch, pausing as the shine of your rings gleam in the fluorescent light. You slide them off and put them in your back pocket. 
You check the schedule one last time and go to tbe meeting room. There's no one there as you find the door shut. It's clearly empty on the other side of the windowed walls. You lean against the plaster and tap your sole.
"Ah, there she is. How's it goin', toots? You need some chamomile? The chairs sure are comfy, aren't they?" Mr. Hansen struts down with his hands in his pockets.
"Sir," you greet flatly. He's mocking you. Jokes on him, you're always tired. 
"Come on," he twists the handle and swings the door open so that it bounces on the hinges, "get moving."
You don't react to his crass tone. You merely step into the room as the light flicks on as the censor picks up your movement. You walk along one side of the table as Hansen shuts the door.
You hover behind a chair as he goes along the wall and tugs each cord to repel the blinds down, blocking out the hallway. Uneasiness bubbles in your stomach as you watch him. You expected him to make your humiliation public.
"Have a seat, honey buns," he faces you, approaching the other side of the table.
You sit and fold your hands on the table top. He has no paperwork, not even a computer. You wonder what exactly is going on. 
"Is someone from HR–"
"Look, let's keep the sticklers outta this," he waves you off, kick one foot out as he shifts his weight to one hip, "unless you really want a disciplinary slip. Me, personally, I can't be fucked with that paperwork."
You frown and flatten your hands on the table, trying to keep your anxiety from showing. He looks at the gesture and tilts his head. His cheek dimples and he snorts.
He doesn't comment. Not at first. He paces up and down the table and bites his thumb. 
"Alright, let's get to business," he stops at the end, close to the corner, "what are you willing to do to keep this job?"
"Pretty daughter you got. Probably eats up that paycheck in no time. All those cute shirts and ugh, the growth spurts–"
"Mr. Hansen," you swallow, "please, I don't think my family has anything to do with this."
"They have everything to do with this," he insists, "let's not pretend."
"I'm not– I'm sorry I fell asleep. It won't happen again."
"I gave you an out. All you had to do was put your hands down my pants and you could've napped in the boardroom. No problem. I do it all the time," he snickers, "but no, you're a stubborn little bitch. Makes me wonder what the old man sees in ya. Really, cause a tight ass ain't fun unless you get inside–"
"Mr. Hansen," you exclaim, revolted by his lewd words.
"Whatever he's doing, he's not doing it right. You need to loosen up, toots," he runs his thumb across his mustache, "and that little girl won't be so proud of mommy if she ends up working at Burger King like some stoner teenager–"
You sputter, heat creeping up the nape of your neck and speckling down your body. You shake your head. Did he know or is it a lucky guess? Either way, you don't have the energy for this. You're done being a joke for men.
"Just spit it out. What do I have to do?" You sneer as your hands ball.
His lips slant and he smothers a noise in his throat. He slowly walks closet until he's right beside you. You turn the chair to face him as he leans down and puts his hand on yours. He unfolds your fingers and feels along the indents left by your rings.
"Looks like trouble in paradise," he winks, "well, I'm the good kinda trouble. Trust me."
You stare at him. You're not as naive as you once were. There's no denial here. This is real life, a bitter pill you need to swallow.
"That's it? A hand job and I keep my job?" You squint.
He laughs and cups your chin, "oh, you think that's it?"
You can't help but let your surprise bleed through. Your not some young hot thing. Is he just trying to rub salt in the wound or is he serious?
"Hand, mouth, cunt, ass, tits," he pulls away as he lists of each word, "you look in tact for the most part. But most importantly…" he shoots you with a finger gun, "you're desperate. What more could I ask for?"
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disabled-battlekukku · 7 months
Sonic opinions that may or may not be controversial
Sonic character design is at its worst when they try to make it as "Sonic-like" as possible, and at its best when it's at its most unconventional (i.e. Fang the Sniper, the Witchcarters, the Kukku Empire, the humans in Sonic Unleashed and Chronicles, SatAM and AOSTH characters, etc)
Infinite's maskless design is lame
Sally Acorn, Amy Rose, Princess Elise and Lanolin aren't the worst characters, you just want to hate female characters. There are way worse written characters and you choose those three to bash on
That said, Chris Thorndyke and Charmy Bee aren't annoying, you just hate children. Chris' unwilling to let Sonic go in the finale of Sonic X's season two wasn't a dick move, that's his character arc. And of course Charmy being loud, annoying and basically dooming the resistance by turning himself into a zombot to try and save someone makes sense. He's a god damn six year old
Ian Flynn trying to "simplify" Fang the Sniper takes away all that made him interesting, his weirdness and confusing design (he literally took away Fang's hybrid side and him being originated from the Special Zone. Blaze exists, why can't Fang be from another dimension too?)
Gemerl not having Emerl's personality isn't neither a betrayal nor a bad take on his character. In fact, it makes his contrast with Emerl and comparison to Omega and Metal Sonic better. Shard is not coming back guys. Cope
Sonic Forces should've been less focused on Classic Sonic and more on the Rookie. In fact, Shadow should've replaced Classic Sonic in the storyline
Sonic Colors is worse than Sonic 06 in terms of storyline and the DS version should've been the real deal
As fun and awesome and amazing as Sonadow is (totally not speaking from bias), making it non-canon is the best for everyone
Characters like Shadow and Omega shouldn't have a classic form, but it would be interesting to see other modern characters in classic form
Classic characters shouldn't be confined to the "classic universe". Archie's best parts were when classic and modern characters interacted (Mighty and the Werehog, Shadow and the Hooligans, Jet and Speedy)
The idea of the Babylon Rogues being associated to the Kukku Empire in the past IS an interesting concept. What isn't is the Kukku Empire being associated with the Babylon Garden. They should be their own villains
As goofy as Sonic Chronicles was, it wasn't a bad game at all
Western and eastern Sonic media should be treated with the same respect
Sonic characters acting immature shouldn't be a big deal. They are kids, no matter how many times you point out how they removed the ages at the Sonic Channel site. Amy Rose herself was at her best when she was an immature hotheaded girl
As much as I wish Silver was more serious at IDW, him acting excited and happy isn't bad either. He's healing from multiple broken futures
Silver and Blaze are better staying out as platonic. If Sonic and Shadow's tanabata references can be seen as platonic, then those two can two. That said, their relationship should still be seen as meaningful to both of them (perhaps more to Silver than to Blaze). Male and female friendships exist without it being instantly romantic
Sonic Shuffle shouldn't be shafted just because of the weird gameplay and human-like characters. The Maginaryworld characters should make a comeback (ESPECIALLY with to the implications of the angel statue in Sonic CD's Wacky Workbench)
We need more truly irredeemable female villains (Surge doesn't count, I'm talking about characters like Witchcart, Lien-Da, Thunderbolt)
For the love of God, Sega. Bring Classic characters back
If you can give personality to Metal Sonic and Mecha Sonic II, you can give to the other robots (and no, making Tails Doll an eldritch horror doesn't count)
Hyper Sonic should come back. Maybe even make it the "third stage" to the Super Sonic and Super Sonic 2 duo
As good and amazing as Amy's everything was in Sonic the Comic, that shouldn't be the blueprint of her canon character. At max bring back her crossbow (and her girlfriend)
Tails Adventure is better taking place before Sonic and Tails meeting. If he was confident enough to follow Sonic and help him defeat Eggman's ass he should be confident enough to abolish the monarchy (last part is /hj lmao)
Tails Adventure mentioned, the Kukku Empire should make a comeback too. If Shadow can come back the Kukkus can. They weren't cntrl+alt+del from existence like Mephiles was y'know
We don't want to see the classic universe. We want to see classic CHARACTERS
Sega. Hey Sega. Sega. Are you hearing me. Sega. Bring classic characters back Sega. Sega-
Post-genesis wave Archie character designs sucks ass. The color palettes make it worst (Antoine I'm looking directly at you)
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gayaristocrat · 2 years
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Key: Smut = {s} Fluff = {f} Angst = {a}
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Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x Male Reader {s}
Request: This is just me being a slut, like my name, but wearing a skirt for Eddie for the first time. Like he’s just rambling and rambling then he notices that you’ve changed from pants to the skirt and then he starts being absolutely feral. Then he spreads your leg and starts kissing his way up your thighs and you’re just leaking like crazy underneath, leaving a wet spot on the front And he makes you keep it on as he rails the fuck out of you
Eddie Munson x FtM! Reader {s}
Request: Omg omg I'm going feral over this but imagine an FTM reader and Eddie Munson but like. Eddie putting a pillow under Reader's back and pressing on their stomach while absolutely RAILING him---
Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {f}
Summary: How would Billy Hargrove be in an a-z fluff?
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: Hi I LOVED your billy a-z fluff if you are doing requests can you do another billy a-z but smut? Or headcanon
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Request: What do you think Billy Hargrove will do to help his boyfriend who is scared of sex?
Billy Hargrove x Male reader {f}, {s}
Request: Hi! Going off of Billy helping his bf with his fear of sex, how about Billy planning a beautiful night for his bf who told him they feel confident to have sex and Billy make love to them gently and praised them
Billy Hargrove x Male Reader {s}
Summary: While Billy was punishing you, you discover a secret about yourself you never know about. 
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Tyler Galpin
Tyler Galpin x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Tyler's boyfriend gives him head as he falls apart at the sight
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Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter x Male Reader {s}
Summary: Harry’s boyfriend gives him head while at a very important zoom meeting for work
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Archie Andrews
Yandere! Archie Andrews x Femboy! Male Reader*
Request: So do you still take request? and how is your day? I was thinking yandere Archie Andrew x femboy male reader. I like yandere books btw. The plot is that the reader is new to Riverdale high
Archie Andrews x Mute! Male Reader***
Request: Reading your fics always makes me happy. Would you do a headcanon of archie taking his boyfriend who is mute out on a picnic for their birthday and just being soft to him and affectionate with some soft nsfw
Archie Andrews x Male Reader**
Summary: How would a date night with your heroic boyfriend, Archie Andrews, play out?
Reggie Mantle
Reggie Mantle x Male Reader***
Summary: Since Reggie had been denying you attention, you decided to find it somewhere else, knowing full well how easily jealous he gets.
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American Horror Story
Michael Langdon
Michael Langdon x Male Reader
Summary: Michael takes a liking to the reader and falls for him. Michael wants to ‘question’ the reader, but things get more heated than they should.
|| 1 | | 2 | | 3*** ||
Michael Langdon x FtM! Reader***
Summary: Michael has a hard day at work, but thankfully he can come home and relieve his stress every day.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Being tied up as Michael plays with you like his little rag doll was not how you planned your night to go, especially being denied and teased by him.
Michael Langdon x Male Reader***
Summary: Sometimes its good to just be an obedient little puppy
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Chilling Adventures Of Sabrina
Ambrose Spellman
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader**
Summary: Could Ambrose Spellman really have found the love of his life or is he just another summer fling?
Ambrose Spellman x Male Reader***
Summary: What could possibly make Ambrose Spellman punish his sweet little boyfriend?
Father Blackwood
Father Blackwood x Male Reader***
Summary: Reader and Sabrina try to come up with a plan to get back at Weird Sisters, but he wants to do something bigger. But what happened when things take a turn?
Harvey Kinkle
Harvey Kinkle x Male Reader ** (angst to fluff)
Summary: It's time for Harvey's boyfriend to confess a secret, but will things go as planned?
Nicholas Scratch
Nicholas Scratch x FtM! Reader
Summary: Nicholas spends a special holiday with his boyfriend
|| 1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4*** ||
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Sam Winchester
Sam Winchester x Male Reader***
Summary: Sam and reader both hate each other and they work out their frustrations together
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Misc. Characters
Mike Schmidt
Mike Schmidt x Male Reader***
Summary: Mike wants nothing more than to fuck his boyfriend’s ass into oblivion. But in order to do that, his boyfriend must teach him patience and obedience first
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lostgirlfandom · 2 years
Mother Dearest
Part Two
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Warnings: None, afab reader
Words: 958
Summery: Mama Jones meets Betty
Previous | Next
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The next couple of days were spent in bliss. While you hated living in a trailer, it was home. Your family was home. You made sure Jug and JB were going to school, especially after getting Jellybean enrolled in school in Riverdale. You had officially moved back home.
You even got your old job back while FP was working with Fred at Andrews Construction. You got back into the habit of helping Jug with his writing.
One day, when you picked up JB from school you went ahead and headed to the high school to pick up Jughead. You stood in front of the school, leaning against the truck with JB sitting in the passenger seat playing with her Nintendo DS.
As you stood there, you kept getting glances from other students as school was let out. You had your hands in your pockets of your jeans as you crossed your legs with Timberlands on your feet. A flannel was over an old band t-shirt, which you were sure was your husbands from when you first started going out. You also had a jean jacket over that to keep you warm.
You then saw Jughead step out of the school with a pretty blonde girl, a raven haired girl, and a red headed boy. You were pretty sure that was Betty and Archie. Betty you vaguely remember from a couple times she played with the boys when they were younger. You and her mother, Alice, did not get along. Alice was ex-serpent which didn’t settle well with you as you had been a serpent since around the same time as FP. You didn’t trust her after she refused to acknowledge the fact that she came from the Southside.
While you were proud of the fact that you were a Serpent.
“Mrs. Jones!” Archie yelled loudly as he rushed to hug you. You laughed as you hugged him back. You always saw him as a second son and he always saw you as a second mother. You were always supportive of anything the kids did.
“Archie! You’ve gotten taller since I last saw you.” You told him as you let him go and patted his shoulder.
“That’s what happens when you get older.” He sassed with a grin on his lips.
You smiled and smacked him on the back of the head, making it jerk forward and him to scrunch his face up in a grimace. You always hit hard.
You then looked over at Jughead and saw him with his arm around Betty’s waist. You raised an eyebrow and Jug rushed to introduce the two girls. “Mom, I don’t know if you remember Betty, but this is Betty Cooper. My girlfriend.” He said kinda slowly as if he didn’t want you to know. “And this is Veronica Lodge.” He introduced the Hispanic girl on the other side of him.
“Hi, Mrs. Jones.” Betty said with a smile on her face. You smiled back and shook her hand that she held out.
“Hi, Betty. Yeah, I remember you. You sometimes played with the boys when you guys were younger. You guys can just call me Y/N. I don’t mind.” You turned to Archie. “I think I’ve told you multiple times.” He shrugged with a innocent smile. You laughed.
“Jughead, you didn’t tell me your mom was a badass.” Veronica said as she reached out her hand to shake.
You smirked and narrowed your eyes at her playfully. “Well that’s because she’s my mom. Although she has been my role model since I was maybe 5.” Jug said with a tone of sarcasm at the begin. “Not that I don’t love seeing you Mom. What are you doing here?”
You grinned. “You want a ride home, Jug?” You asked.
He made an ‘oh’ face as he threw his arm around Betty’s shoulders. “I was gonna walk Betty home.”
You smiled. “I can drive you both. Come on.” You then turned to the other two as Betty and Jug headed to the truck.
I think Betty was trying to be quiet but I heard her as she whispered to Jughead. “She is so much easier to talk to than your dad.” He chuckled.
“You two good?” You asked the other two high schoolers. Wanting to make sure they got home safe.
Veronica answered first. “Yeah, I’m at the Pembroke and it isn’t that far. Bye guys.” She then made her way in the direction of the Pembroke. You then turned to Archie.
“You good, kid?” You asked him.
“Yeah, dad should -” He was cut off as someone spoke up from behind you.
“Y/N?” You both turned around and saw Fred standing there.
“Hey, Fred!” You smiled. You missed your best friend. You had been friends with Fred and FP since you were all kids.
“Hey, dad.” Archie said as he walked over his dad. Fred patted his shoulder as he glanced at Archie before looking back at you. You smiled as you shoved your hands in your pockets of your jacket.
“Y/N. You’re back.” Fred smiled big at you.
“Yeah, hopefully for good.” You told him. He went to say something else but JB decided it would be a good time to honk the truck horn loudly.
Archie and Fred jumped at the loud sound while you set your face in a grimace of agitation.
“MA!!!! HURRY UP!”
You turned around with raised eyebrows. “Forsythia Penelope Jones!” You said sternly.
She shrunk down back into her seat as Jug laughed at her.
You sighed as you turned back to Fred and Archie who were chuckling.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you guys later.” You turned to the truck and went to the driver’s side with a wave over your shoulder.
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bireggiemantle · 28 days
What about Fred? He's not an archie or a bad dad
see I would argue that fred is a bad dad, though. sure he's nowhere near the levels of hal or nana rose in his parenting, but I just don't think he's a very present or active father to archie. fred views archie as an extension of himself, and ends up projecting a lot of his priorities and decisions onto archie because of that. it's why he seems so confused and offended by archie's decisions to pursue music, or his decision to step away from his dad's company. his aspirations, opinions, and priorities do not align with fred's and we often see fred attempt to shut them down before attempting to understand them. fred also doesn't seem very interested in archie's life. he rarely knows about what archie has going on, especially in season 2. he also holds archie to a weirdly high standard of maturity and independence and his anger towards archie over working with hiram is hypocritical and unexplained, especially since fred himself works for hiram. he gets angry with archie for accepting hiram's guidance and gifts while turning his back on archie and refusing to give him the support hes begun seeking out in hiram, which just results in archie growing closer and closer to hiram and getting hurt far worse than he would have otherwise. fred is also very rude to jughead, projecting fp's flaws onto jughead in the same way he projects his success's onto archie, and his choice to kick jughead out and "warn" archie against being friends with him is nothing short of cruel. fred also treats veronica negatively because of hiram's wrongdoings, and tries to get archie away from her. his policing of archie's relationships echos alice's manipulation of betty, particularly in the early show when she's attempting to convince betty to abandon jughead, archie, and veronica. fred rarely ever wants to hear archie's opinion on his friends, issues, or hobbies either, and doesn't take them into account when communicating with or about archie at all. id argue that mary is more involved than fred is, as we see her checking in with archie, providing him with patience and understanding, and offering him advice without outwardly judging or jumping to extreme conclusions about the nature of the people he loves/trusts. comparably, fred is far from the worst parent on the show, but that doesn't make him a good one either. he isn't abusive, but he's emotionally unavailable, unadaptable, and judgemental in a way that has some deep rooted negative consequences on archie, many of which are visible in the ways he values older male validation or the ways he idolizes his late father. I think archie's bond with fred is very interesting, but it's definitely not healthy, and fred is to blame for a good portion of why.
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wallbeatjournal · 3 months
If they'd have chosen to just be straight up about it, when in the canon timeline do you think is the most likely place narratively for hirarchie to have gone sexual?
i've said before i think season 2 is already a grooming narrative with a subtextual consummation, but if i'm actually script-doctoring what we've got across the whole series to have hirarchie fuck nasty as a shocking and trashy and high-aesthetic plot development, i'm going to argue that it's more satisfying if we don't have an explicit archie cheating plot at this stage in the story. it works better as an emotional affair. (saying this bc to the characters i think it would be first and foremost about the complication of cheating, not bc that's the biggest problem with hiram/archie.)
imo riverdale should have done it as a mid-seasons escalation in season four. give us a season or two to really sit with how unhinged and obsessed hiram is about archie and then decode it in the worst and most extreme bad taste like the second archie turns 18.
putting my season 4 hirarchie proposal below the cut since it got quite long:
the s4 dodger plot is...extremely uneven and feels a bit cobbled-together on the fly by a writing team grappling with the death of luke perry and the in-universe death of fred andrews, and whether it would be respectful to keep being super weird about hiram in the wake of all that. but there are still useful components in the dodger arc - archie is the oliver twist in the oliver twist riff happening*, a boy "orphaned" without reliably engaged, aware parents who was groomed into criminality and doesn't see a way out without a wealthy benefactor. lean into that!
it can happen as hiram starts working out at archie's gym, mysteriously ill in a dickensian sort of way. riverdale's favorite weird incestuous overtones come into play especially hard if we're considering season four hirarchie, when it can really only be largely about fred for archie and holding on to/deepening a relationship with the sometimes-father-figure he has left. archie has been trying so hard to be a good brick in this monument of fred's legacy but it feels impossible because the only tools that come naturally are violence and sexuality and appealing to benefactors, so why not get a little nihilistic-horny with it.
he's also frankly already being a pretty bad boyfriend to veronica this season, it's stale, they're bickering, they don't have emotional intimacy the way he used to have emotional intimacy with hiram during what he probably still unfortunately remembers as their best days......i just don't think he'd be guilt-ridden about fuck-nastying veronica's dad at this point the way he would have been in season 2 when fred's cheating was the big looming legacy beat to avert and goodboyism seemed like an achievable and real thing archie could prove to others.
this is also i think when indulging in fuck-nasty hirarchie would be least damaging/difficult an option for hiram - he's ill and wants to feel vital again, he's ill and he wants archie to remember and honor him when he's gone the way he remembers and lionizes fred (he knows this isn't possible and that makes him resentful and apt to grasp at another form of intimacy that wasn't available to fred). he's feeling aggression towards his daughter, who is leaving him (by going to college) as much as he might be leaving her (by dying of a mysterious illness). it's a big complicated sick emotional motivations stew and both archie and hiram are looking at getting left behind to cook in it while the rest of the core four move forward in life.
and it would be hot. archie and hiram in the gym "personal training" (gone sexual) with weird grief-hate-reconciliation-validation sex would be hot. archie and hiram doing vigilante violence and then making out in sketchy alleys would be hot. are you kidding me?
all of this would make archie even weirder about hiram's illness and tenser in discussions with veronica about what to do about hiram's illness, and i do think barcheating would still happen - it's escapism/avoidance from what's going on within varchie, it's escapism/avoidance from what's going on within hirarchie, and archie is primed to be impulsive. so we still get barcheating fallout but MORE.
does veronica find out archie hooked up with her dad when they all thought her dad was dying? maybe! maybe she feels more sorrow and guilt (irrationally, about being the conduit bringing hiram into archie's life in the first place) than personal betrayal. or maybe she does feel very betrayed and that's an additional factor in everything (especially archie choosing to run away to the military. sorry everyone i know i've disappointed you all deeply and am very fucked up. instead of talking it out i will simply Leave).
all of this fuck-nastyism of course would make hiram's reaction to the barcheating that much more intense and outsized. veronica was feeling her relationship with archie wane already but hiram was IN IT. he's getting well, he's fighting again, he's offered archie a job, archie is about to be his main special interest while veronica and hermione drift and archie would CHEAT on him?? he's only supposed to be cheating WITH him!!!!
and then we segue into season 5 post-timejump when the riveradults are all kind of weird with each other but moving through it, and hiram has been behaving like a jilted ex throwing a temper tantrum for 7 years. and he will certainly continue.
*i think everyone notices but the dickinson crew is mostly named in reference to the gang of thieves who adopts and trains oliver - the artful dodger, fagan, bill. intertextuality, yippee!
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frozen-heart · 3 months
Thoughts on episode 8
Here we go again! Lots of thoughts & feelings.. So let's go!
I won't lie I was gagged when I first watched this episode. I was on the edge of my seat!
But now that I've had time to let it sit in my brain I just can't help but think that it was... lacking.. It wasn't bad, but was it good?
I once mentioned before how I didn't want it to be Wes, but I was still shocked when he did his thing this episode.. Mrs Langsberry being Bloody Rose was fine. She was suspicious from the start, but I had other theories that I liked more. But it definitely makes sense with Tabby being the final girl.
I don't really know if I like Wes as the big bad. I didn't dislike it, as much as I thought I would before I watched this episode. But other theories captured my heart more..
I'm glad Kelly survived. I was sure she would and here we are :D
I still don't get why Bloody Rose attacked her. It was so random, even for this movie plot thing. It didn't fit Bloody Rose at all. And then Bloody Rose standing there and watching Faran go in to save Kelly? Go girl give us nothing.
I'm sad they cut Kelly's storyline short. As if Kelly's mom just needed to have a talk with Kelly to stop literally ABUSING her?! And the weird reactions from the girls, when Kelly said there was no more prayer closet time with her mom gave me an ick.
I was also weirded out how she's suddenly included again after Imogen THREATENED to make her life a living hell. And Kelly got over her cult mindset and trauma way to quickly!
I loved her hug with Faran and I hope these two end up together. I've been shipping them since season 1.
Also, not that I care, but where was Greg? That storyline with Faran and Greg is just left in the open. Did Kelly find out? Did they just have a one time thing?? Hello?
Imogen & Johnny
The whole time after Imogen attacked Johnny I was screaming internally for someone to get him out of the fucking freezer T_T That poor guy. I thought Imogen killed him 100%! I thought that would carry out into season 3! But no.. Why didn't she call the police? I mean even in Rosewood, which has the worst police department in history, they were called when dead bodies showed up! I love Imogen, but that was so stupid. I get freaking out on Johnny and I can still excuse her knocking him out, but anything after? Questionable. Choices were made. Still love her tho.
I'm a bit sad because I came to love their relationship, despite it being rushed. I don't think they would get back together, but who knows with this show.
Dr Sullivan
I actually can't believe they butchered Dr Sullivan's character. I know she's a crappy therapist! But you can't make me believe she's so money hungry that she does all of this for a fucking book! She felt like a totally different character! In the original PLL she was still helpful and kind to the Liars and in this she had some good bonding moments with Imogen..
Why was she kidnapped in the first place? That was so random. And stopping therapy is like the last thing the Liars need. Especially Tabby and Imogen. Why is Tabby's mom okay with them stopping therapy?
I also can't get over this timeline with Archie/Dr Sullivan and the og show. It still feels out of character for Archie to randomly kill her son and only now killing her. I gotta admit it was brutal to murder her without answering her question about her son, but that whole story felt like a lie.
AND PLEASE WHERE IS CLANTON??? It always seemed like Archie killed, because Clanton ordered it. Archie isn't actually A, Clanton is. He's the mastermind behind it. And it seems like that whole thing was just dropped?
I also thought Bloody Rose would have a bigger team. I mean it had this while Bloody Rose cult, but besides Wes and Mrs Langsberry, there was no one else involved that we knew or cared about. That was a bit dissapointing.
I was hoping till the end that Jen turns out to be evil. Especially when she accused Christian and Johnny of being suspicious, as if she hadn't suddenly turned up in Millwood as well?! That was so suspicious and I hoped they would follow through... The bar is so low and they still didn't deliver. Why did they wait until the last episode to TRY to make Jen likable?
Noa/Jen/Shawn storyline was really the biggest failure of this season and really dragged the quality down for me. As if there were no consequences for Noa and Jen after stealing money and wrecking Shawn's car?? Then Noa stealing a car (which was justified in that situation). How are these two not in jail right now???
I feel like the episode had a good pace until the time jump they did after Tabby's test. It was way to rushed!
I think I'll have to rewatch this episode. Maybe the whole season to really know whether to like it or not. For now I actually think I prefer season 1 overall, which is really surprising to me. When the first two episodes came out I was sure I would love this season more. I know many hated the reveal of season 1. I don't remember my initial thoughts I had back then, but I still think I preferred that reveal for now. Even if it was a random twin situation 😭
And where was Ash?? I thought he would have a bigger part in the reveal.. Where were the moms? Where were the parents overall this season??
That's it for now. I hope I didn't miss anything. Maybe I'll have more thoughts after rewatching the entire season
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leggerefiore · 4 months
How about some good old fashioned fluff? How would all the various team leaders react to their s/o coming up behind them and tickling them while they’re in the middle of giving a speech to the grunts? I think it would be cute! (Except for Ghetsis I honestly think he’d just yell lmao)
i only did four.... I struggled to think of how Giovanni and Lysandre would handle it. Ghetsis scares me🥲.
cw: fluff,
characters: Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Guzma
The leader stood in front of his subordinates quite flagrantly. A passionate speech came from the man as he made perfect movements to invigorate his team to continue working towards their goals. Loud cheers erupted during pauses. The energy in the area was electric. He stood there, looking both elegant and commanding. Perhaps something odd for him, perhaps something common. Either way, your mind drifted.
Temptation entered your consciousness. Everything about him seemed put together in that moment, surrounded by respect and admiration. You ran forward, startling the higher-up members who stood near their leader. Your hands went to tickle his sides…
🪨 The Magma Leader tensed up and fought back the urge to laugh. He speech bad abruptly stopped, and his grunts had begun to look around nervously. Courtney shot a death glare at you while Tabitha just looked bored. Before you could be forcibly extracted by the purple-haired woman, Maxie managed to grasp your hands with his own before his demeanour was shattered. Your hands were held in place as he finished delivering his speech. A team chant was shouted. Soon, the grunts dispersed to the duties. The admins seemed to understand and disappeared as well. More so, Tabitha dragged off Courtney for everyone's safety.
🪨 Maxie turned around and shot you a harsh look. Your hands had finally been released. His cheeks had a dusting of pink to them. “… I prefer to keep things orderly,” he reprimanded you, “I do not take disrespect lightly. Especially in front of my entire team.” You were not intimidated at all by the redhead. While any of his grunts likely would have broken under the sheer intensity of the moment, you were his romantic partner. This was not anything unbearable. No, instead, you leaned forward and tickled him again. A howling laugh escaped him as he threw his head back enough to disorient his glasses.
🪨 He soon forced away your hands again and placed his arms defensively over himself. “Dearest!” he snapped at you, face nearly matching his hair, “Stop that!” You could only enjoy his dishevelled look. Maxie was truly adorable at times. “… Do I need to remind you that I am above you?” Your dare for him to try had you pulled away to his room within the hideout.
💧 Loud laughter came from Archie as his words came to an abrupt end. He was completely caught unaware by your attack and had no time to react. Shelly rolled her eyes at your actions and crossed her arms. Matt looked like he was ready to rush over and remove you from Archie. Grunts just watched in bewilderment. Eventually, however, he captured your hands and restrained them. His speech continued on, fervour and passion bleeding through with ease. The grunts cheered when he finished, giving applause. Dismissal followed, letting everyone disperse back to their assigned tasks. Shelly corralled Matt away before he could intervene.
💧 Archie let you go and turned around to face you. At first, he gave you a bewildered look before giving a guffaw. “You got me,” he relented, “Didn't expect you to come out while I was givin' a speech.” His head shook. You could not help but grin. Of course, Archie was a good sport about these kinds of things, and he was pretty open to his team. He pulled you closer to him. Leaning into him, you felt comforted by the smell of the sea that came from him. A foolish move, however, as it left you open. His hands pressed into your sides, and his fingers began to tickle you. Laughter came from you as you struggled to make him stop.
💧 You did, however, catching his hands with ease. A chuckle came from Archie. He rubbed his beard against you, trying to tickle you that way. A whine coming from you drew the exchange to an end. “Sorry, Luvdisc,” his light tone helped ease you back down from the sudden rush from the tickling, “I had to get you back.” He pecked a kiss to your temple. You then attempted another attack him. He caught you this time.
☄️ The Galactic Boss froze. No laughter came. Just awkward, uncomfortable silence. Mars and Jupiter both glared you down while looking purely indignant by your actions. The grunts nervously looked around while Cyrus stood eerily still, having been stopped during a particular passionate moment of his speech. Saturn actually held a look of mild amusement between his otherwise present distaste. You unconsciously recoiled back, a bit distressed by the reaction from the blue-haired man. The speech was continued, passion returning to hammer in the words' effectiveness. After the speech, everyone was dismissed to their duties or breaks. The commanders seemed to give varying looks at you. Cyrus simply demanded that you follow him.
☄️ In the silence of his locked office, his fierce gaze pierced you. For a man who declared himself emotionless, his feelings were plain in his expression. He did not sit – no, he remained standing stiffly at his full height. “I despise such trivial actions,” his tone was stern and harsh, “I do not stand for having any interruptions to my plans.” You were almost intimidated by this man. He was truly powerful in various ways, after all. But, you knew him personally. Cyrus was just upset. Moving towards him, you wrapped your arms around his torso and grinned up at him. The affection was allowed, albeit with a strange look from Cyrus. Then, you tickled your fingers along his back, hoping to catch him off-guard.
☄️ No laughter came from him still, though. His face seemed to gain a little bit of colour, and an odd cough came from him. Quickly, however, your hands were restrained. Cyrus glared down at you. “… Foolish,” he admonished you. You were pulled tightly against him, little to no room remaining between your bodies. “Beloved, that was a stunt I cannot allow you to repeat,” something odd was present in his eyes, “Perhaps you need a form of punishment.” You swallowed. Suddenly, you found yourself following him to his personal nap room.
□ The Skull Boss tensed up for a moment. Plumeria tilted her head at you while grunts seemed shocked by the developing situation. A few muffled laughs came from Guzma while he desperately tried to stop himself. Your deft hands continued to tickle his side. At some point, he managed to grasp them before you made him actually burst into laughter. He shook his head and hastily finished his speech. No one really made any comments about the situation as they were dismissed to go to whatever they were doing. Plumeria even wandered off, apparently not wanting any piece of the situation. He switched into his usual head-grabbing action as he scolded himself.
□ Then, his attention turned to you. A few steps away from him now, you felt pretty contented with the reaction he had given. “Babe,” he said simply, “The fuck?” You gave a laugh. His hands were firmly on his hips. Those grey eyes of his were small. He shook his head. You just wandered closer to him again. Bringing your arms under him, you hugged him as an apology. He grumbled a bit but hugged you back, pulling you more into him. There was a certain ease to being in his arms. Your mind could slip into a peaceful place far too easily. Too easily to notice where his hands had gone to. Laughter came from you as you struggled to stop the Skull Boss's hands. He looked at you smugly as you squirmed against him.
□ Eventually, though, he stopped. You were freed. Stepping away from him, you attempted to regain yourself. That had almost been too much. A chuckle came from Guzma. “Payback,” he replied simply, “You good? I didn't think that would knock the wind out of you.” You playfully whacked his chest. He caught you in an actual hug this time and pecked a kiss to your hair. “Cutiefly,” Guzma mumbled out at your pouting at him. You proceeded to try to tickle him again. He could not escape in time.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
The Ginger Serpent
A/N: Archie's a serpent in this one shot.
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They were watching Rebel Without a Cause at the Twilight Drive-In. It was the Drive-In’s closing night and almost everyone in town showed up as Y/N, his sister, and Kevin were sitting in the back of Kevin’s truck bed. Blankets all around and some to cover them as they watched, with Cheryl inviting herself in their little group as they watched James Dean on screen.
“That hair.” Kevin smiles.
“That jacket.” Y/N said in between bites of popcorn.
“Jason always adored the Drive-In.” Cheryl said. Kevin looks at Veronica and rolls his eyes. Behind them, the Southside Serpents were laughing and making a ruckus as Kevin snickers as he elbowed Y/N to get his attention to look at them. “Southside trash.”
“They’ve been doing that since the opening credits.” Veronica said.
Kevin turned his head towards them. “Shh!” They all shush hun back and throw cans at him that never reach. They’re still rowdy as Kevin looks at Y/N in defeat. They wouldn’t be quiet. Y/N’s had enough as he stands up and looks at the Serpents, locking eyes with a very good-looking ginger guy. “Hey! You know what happens to a snake when a heavy black boot steps on it? Shut the hell up, or you’ll find out the hard way.”
All around the Drive-In, the people applauded Y/N for finally saying what they were all thinking. Y/N bows like a gentleman. “Thank you.” He sits back down as the ginger eyes him as he smirks. Kevin looks at Y/N in disbelief. “I cannot believe you just threatened a gang-banger.”
“I’ve dealt with worse in the east village. I just hate when people disrespect my cinematic experience. Especially this one. It’s one of my favorites.” Y/N said.
It’s quiet until Veronica shakes the bucket of popcorn. “How about a refill, Hermanito?”
“Yeah, Y/N, how about a refill?” Cheryl smiles sweetly. “Cherry cola, as always.” He rolls his eyes as he gets off the truck bed as everyone scoots over one spot.
Y/N walks up to the concession stand and waits for his turn as he sets the bucket on the counter. “Can I get a refill?” The guy nods his head and takes the bucket as Y/N waits for him to come back. “And some gummy bears and a cherry cola and a regular one. Who am I trying to impress?” The guy gets all the things he’s asked for. “And can you put all this on Cheryl Blossom’s tab?” He nods his head as Y/N scoops up his treats and is about to walk away, when he almost runs into the ginger guy from the Serpents.
“Not so tough now, huh?” He asked Y/N. He’s about 5’11 with red hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He wore blue jeans and a red leather jacket to match his hair. He had a menacing and playful atmosphere around him. Y/N swallowed. “What? Am I supposed to be scared of you or something?”
“You do know what a Southside Serpent is, right?”
“And? You guys are like the watered-down versions of the Outsiders.” Y/N told him. “Now, may I go through, or are we going to have problems?” He tried to push past the taller male boy, but he grabbed his arm. “I have a better idea.” He basically dragged Y/N behind the concession stand towards the fence as he helped Y/N set his stuff down before he glared at Y/N. “You sure gotta smart mouth on ya, don’t ya?” He pushed him against the fence as Y/N looked at him.
“Yeah? And just what are you going to do about it?” Y/N asked him.
The ginger smirked before he leaned down and captured his lips into a kiss as Y/N was shocked as he let the redhead push him against the fence. They were grunting and panting as the taller male slammed Y/N gently against the metal of the fence. Y/N tangled his fingers inside the ginger’s head and messed it up as a small revenge as they broke apart for air. “I should go.”
“Something tells me you don’t want to, do you?” The redhead grins.
“I guess not.” Y/N told him.
“I’m Archie, by the way. Archie Andrews.”
“Y/N Lodge.”
“Lodge? Like Hiram Lodge?” Archie asked.
“Yeah, is that a problem?”
“No. Is this a problem?” He showed him his tattoo of a serpent.
“I won’t tell if you won’t?”
They kissed again.
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three--rings · 11 months
So it turns out there were a lot of things from S2 I was waiting to pass judgement on until I saw how they played out and...I ended up not thrilled about. And it's all these little things that keep bothering me.
Things I'm not happy with in OFMD S2:
-Jim and Olu feel retconned into not being in love. Like I know we want to talk about happy polycule but it feels like they aren't even very close this season? They were even more of a secondary ship than Lucius and Pete in S1 but we got essentially no good Jim/Olu stuff in S2. Instead we got the Olu/Zheng Yi Sao romance which on paper sounds good, but lacked chemistry. Especially from Olu's side. I feel like they kept repeating that "break in your day" thing cause they didn't have anything else. IDK weird weird decisions were made. I don't mind the Jim/Archie stuff at all but that was also not given any real romance time. They kissed and then I guess that was that?
-While on the subject of Zhang Yi Sao...why was she there? Like, don't get me wrong, I love her character and her inclusion in the show, but while the build-up in the first few episodes was great, then...they did basically nothing with her. Her entire plan was foiled by a moron in a split second and then..IDK she's now just riding on the Revenge and not even in charge? She's come way down in the world and I don't like it.
-Izzy dying. I don't mind the death scene itself, (though i wanted Izzy's friends on the crew more involved) but I think having him die shifts the genre and is disappointing in a way that feels unlike this show. more to be said obviously but not in this post.
-Speaking of that scene I grow more and more annoyed with Izzy saying "they love you, Ed." Not because it's not a great sentiment that would be narratively meaningful, but because it's NOT DEMONSTRABLY TRUE. Who loves Ed on that crew? Maybe Fang? There was absolutely no moments between Ed and crew after ep 3. They tolerate him for Stede's sake is all I can say. They love Stede. They love Izzy. And then Ed just leaves them and they are probably relieved.
-the way the central problem the whole season with Ed and Stede was communication but they never actually do anything about that, just declare victory.
-the way there was no climax or resolution with any antagonist in the last episode, they just barely escape, swear revenge like they're gonna head into battle, and then retire. Which makes ZERO sense and it bothers me SO MUCH.
-The lack of Stede and Ed costuming. IDK if it's because I've been writing a fic for a year centered around the clothing but like the show feels incomplete if they're not getting to dress up. I was looking forward to Ed wearing more than his leathers and we got a rice sack. This is entirely a personal gripe and not important but, yeah.
-Zero focus on the crew and no new info about any of them. I was really, really looking forward to getting more backstory, more personal info on characters like Roach, Frenchie, Wee John, but no.
And yanno, the thing is that I'm not unhappy with what S2 GAVE us. I like most of it. I love eps 1-6. Though 6 is showing the pacing issues badly. But what I miss is what we DIDN'T get. None of the stuff on screen was bad per se or couldn't have fit into a very excellent, cohesive season of TV. But I feel like all the connective tissue, all the thematic resolution, all the stuff that would have made it shine was missing.
Like they had a bunch of notecards of great scenes and filmed them but forgot to write the parts to connect them in a meaningful way? IDK this season feels a little like a first draft?
Not eps 1-3 though. I feel like they were perfect, and then they ran out of time/energy to polish the rest. (4-5 were also great, but they could have fit in with the rest better ultimately.)
I feel like people who are happy with this season are like 'we got this moment and this scene!' and that's great and cool and I also love that moment but I'm still left unsatisfied by the whole, yanno. Sigh.
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kogarashi-art · 6 months
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Here's a treat this week: three illustrations! Including one that is my absolute favorite of the set so far. (More info below the cut to keep the later reblog short.)
So first we have just a simple Freedom Fighter meeting, but I like it for the quiet moment it shows (with a soft gradient in the background to help sell it), and a good image of Bunnie as well. My color choices for these illustrations have been a little bit SatAM, a little bit Archie Comics, but Bunnie's colors are pretty much all SatAM because I love her colors there. Also don't worry about the blue bird guy. He's just a random Freedom Fighter I drew to fill space.
The second image is the one that's my favorite. The colors and the lighting turned out so nice, and I love how the background texture came out. I originally contemplated skipping over this lineart (I drew a fair bit more illustration sketches than I ended up inking for coloring purposes), but I decided to keep it because I wanted a nice contemplative picture of Sally, and it turned out spectacular in my opinion.
Finally we have a mirror to the "robot vision" illustration from last week, but things are a bit more...chaotic this time. It's the fault of the events in Chapter 10, especially the...repairs. But hey, the glitch effect was fun, and the words in the border weren't part of the original lineart, but were scribbled in digitally.
Tune in Monday. The pace is going to pick up again!
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