#F's in the chat for my boy lol
2smolbeans · 9 months
Nostalgic Memories
(Yandere COO x employee Reader x Co-worker ex)
Being the victim of the yandere's bad side isn't always fun..Espically when you used to date their darling.
Based on this post
Tags: suicidal thoughts, exes, angst, stalking, financial blackmail, Marco overall is just a cruel bastard who just blindly stole you from your happy relationship lmao.
April stared at you while you continued typing away at your computer. You were so gorgeous in his eyes, he was echanted by you in everyway. How you walked into the room without any care on how people stared at you with oddity, the way you did your make-up all bold and black, how you weren't afriad to express your needs for anything unlike him who couldn't even ask for a pencil. The two of you had a lot in common even though you had you were polar opposites. He had stickers, pins, buttons, and all sorts of keychains scattered all over his bag and belongings. So did you, maybe with the exception that they were from a different fandom than his.
You made him feel comfortable, like he mattered, like he wasn't alone in the sorts of things he did. Maybe thats why the the two of you dated. He still had pictures of when you used to date. How you smiled at him, every photo giving him a sense of nostalgia of what once was.He hated how south it went the moment you joined the same workplace as him. Of course, you caught his eye. Of course, you would make the richest man out there fall for you as well. You were so..Joyful to be around.
He might've said that it was for the best, that you deserved to be with someone who was more attractive than him, more wealthier than he could ever be in his life, someone who was extroverted and bubbly..But it wasn't. You loved him and he loved you, he knew if it weren't for that fucking photo- you would still be by his side. It hurt him everytime he saw you with him, that man, that murderer, that fucking psychopath. Marco, everyone's favorite COO, just a humble man who was once a simple security guard who happened to be the half-brother of the CEO.
Yeah, right. Sure. The humble man who sent him threats by his front door every day. Sending him dead rats with a letter attached to it. Stalking him at night, waiting for that perfect opportunity to catch him alone. The sweet, bubbly Marco who once almost chocked him out if it weren't for his brother stopping him. The humble man who bragged about being the main reason why his relationship crumbled horrifically. How easy it was to gain their 'darlings' affection. Sending him videos of their nightly 'dates'. Hearing your voice lovingly call out Marco's name as the sounds sickened his ears. Vomitting as he couldn't finish the video. Crying alone in his bed from the aftermath in the bed you used to cuddle in with him.
You know he never would cheat on you, right? That picture..Those text messages. They were fucking fake. Why were you so quick to believe Marco that he would ever do that to you? Sure it didn't help that during that time, the two of you were at a rough point in the relationship. Yes he was distant and emotionally cold, he's sorry- he should've been there more. But god, why were you so eager to believe he would ever do that? Did you ever love him? Fuck he's done so much for you! If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have even heard of the job.
But maybe if he hadn't told you about it.. Maybe Marco would've never known about you. If Marco never knew about you, maybe he wouldn't have to be so paranoid. Maybe he wouldn't have to always be watching his back fearing for his life. Perhaps he could quit the job and pursue his passions. He could be with you, cuddling at home while you discussed your morbid stupid scenarios to him while he laughed at your 'edgy' humor. If Marco never knew about you, he wouldn't be so miserable. What's the point of mopping? Couldn't he quit his job? Oh right, somehow the fucker managed to keep him trapped for as long as possible under some 'legal bullshit' loophole.
It's not like he can't show up either to work either. He still gets paid after all. He needs money somehow to stay afloat. Should he just die? His life was already royally fucked with how Marco has access to his bank account and life savings. Should he just overdose on some goddamn-
"April? Are you listening?"
"O-Oh yeah sorry (y/n). Just spacing out haha! Continue"
"So.. What do you think of Marco? Yeah, I've been seeing him here and there..But I was wondering if I should make it official.. What do you think?"
Yeah... loveable kind, Marco.
What a great guy.
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sutorus · 8 months
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DESCRIPTION: my hcs on what it’d be like to be in a situationship/fwb situation with the jjk men hehe
FEATURED: gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, fushiguro toji
WARNINGS: 18+ MINORS DNI. fem + afab reader, this is fully self indulgent i'm just taking my own shiddy experiences and coping via hot anime men, suggestive content/smut, pretty standard manwhore behavior, slightly toxic, not wholesome, kinda crack tbh, some mentions of degradation as a kink, objectifying women, just like the real thing lol!
A/N: LONG BUT READ! this will Not have an ending where you get together at least not rn these are just my hcs all in good fun ur just having fun ok ur not heartbroken everything is okay. they are not good boys here they are normal regular boys
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has way too many hoes. way too many
so much so that he gave up on remembering their names and just saves their numbers like “osaka w the hand kink”, “big tits shibari”, “slut from trig”, “hostess best bjs”
has someone’s boobs with his name written on them in sharpie as his wallpaper
says i love you when he cums inside and you never know if you should believe it
throws you off when he agrees to meet your friends only for him to flirt with them in front of you
takes you to the best clubs with bottle service, lets the girls sit on his lap and laughs when you get mad
pays for your ubers everywhere every time
into the weirdest shit like wearing your underwear laughing like a lunatic the whole time he’s fucking you then after he cums gets sulky and embarrassed
lays it on thick with the pet names, gives zero fucks if that confuses you even further
very public with you and it makes you wonder how many other girls put themselves through this humiliation just for the d
gets jealous about you being with other people and needs to prove himself by eating it from the back or something
fwb with gojo is just a huge mindfuck honestly he doesn’t take anything seriously and this is no different sorry! it’s fun tho!
keeps it extremely platonic because he likes to tell himself he has a conscience
too busy for regular chit chat ignores your texts all day then hits you up when he wants to fuck
even more of a whore than gojo is which is why he makes sure not to lead anyone on he just does not need the trouble
answers all your personal questions about him with one word answers
he lets you choose the movie for netflix and chill at least! but will never remember it or the fact that it’s your favorite :(
cleans you up after sex and brings you water
has female hygiene products in his bathroom which is both a red and a green flag
lets you stay after sex and you just lay there on his bed watching him do stuff on his computer but he will not be talking to you
never calls you baby or anything when he’s fucking you just goes oh fuck yeah right there fuuuuck your pussy
genuinely respects you and has nice decent sex with you unless you tell him that you’re kinky
in which case he fucks you just how you want it and gets off on how turned on you are
not one of those guys who gets jealous of sex toys and holds the wand on your clit for you
likes to make you cum over and over and over again
fwb with geto makes your heart clench because he’s just such a gentleman but you got way too much competition to even think about it
a professional in every sense of the word
uses sex as stress relief
thinks he's too old for this shit but you make him feel alive so he fucks you like he can empty all of his frustrations into you
invites you to his apartment serves you expensive liquor and lets you initiate things most times unless he’s too pent up
can actually have very nice conversations with you
never has the “what are we talk” because he makes it clear he’s too busy for a relationship
lets you spend the night if it’s too late but solely for your safety/logistics
does your taxes for you but will not call you anything beyond an “acquaintance”
texts you happy holidays but does not know when your birthday is
gets tested consistently even though he’s not fucking anyone else and always uses a condom unless you beg him not to
eats you out because he thinks it’s relaxing and spends hours prepping you
the sexual tension is soooo thick when you two fuck all you can hear is grunts and growls and moans and wet slapping sounds and it’s so hot
has some random turn ons like gets bricked up when you’re wearing lipstick or stockings
fwb with nanami is very enjoyable and easy it’ll get complicated if you develop feelings because he does not want to date but who cares yolo am i right
broke ass deadbeat dad why are you into him
absolutely nasty sex
you know if he had a girlfriend he’d respect her too much to do the things he does to you
dick game so bomb that you’re scared he’s gonna give you a child even when he’s wearing a condom
wants to fuck you every way he possibly can on every fuckable surface with zero regard for your physical integrity
eats his cum right out of you
ego is so big, grins so wide and fucks you so hard when you stroke his muscles
loves to eat pussy but only after he’s fucked you because he likes it tight and hot with minimal prep
doesn’t follow you on any social media but jerks off to your instagram pics
has like 3 different phone numbers and you don’t know why
has only let you come over once, didn’t let you shower after
no pet names but calls you a dirty whore and other degrading shit
loves it if you cry on his dick
doesn’t give a fuck about your safety sorry you’re on your own
has never told you his last name
one time you asked to see a picture of his son and he didn’t speak for 3 whole minutes
fwb with toji is the nastiest sex you’ve ever had truly it’s just sinful and everyone’s dark hidden fantasy half of it you couldn’t tell your closest friends because it’s just too much
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a/n sorry
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byuntrash101 · 11 months
the drill
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reader x switch!yunho ft. wooyoung and mingi smut | mdni 6.8k yunho cant seem to pick up anyone at the club. for two main reasons, two problems if you will. the first one: his rizz level is negative and the second one... well it's bigger. much, much bigger. a huge problem wooyoung has named "the drill"
nsfw tags under the cut
alcohol consumption, ons to lovers (?), yunho's kind of a loser but so are you, mingi is a fuck boy, woo is the annoyingly clairvoyant friend <3, switch dom leaning!yunho, pushing the monster cock!yunho agenda (consider this fic a peer reviewed academic study), no but seriously he's H.U.G.E., size training, oral (m & f), very difficult blowjob (because duhh), choking on cock (duh x2), a dash of spit kink, fingering, pet names (baby, good girl), praising, protected sex (good job kids), bulge kink, slight edging, slight begging (not my fic without it lol), slight cumplay
a/n: i had a blasttt writing this im pretty happy with this i hope you will enjoy reading it too. thank you @cybrsan for beta reading this. you are so kind and i learned a lot <3
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Yunho didn't even know why he stood here. He didn't know how he let Wooyoung and Mingi drag him to yet an other party. To this packed night club while he originally invited them over to play league of legends, maybe drink a couple of beers and chill. Cause that's what he wanted to do. He wanted to spend a quiet night in, hearing Mingi complain about how he didn't want to play healer anymore and having Wooyoung shatter his eardrums with that infuriating hyena laugh of his.
And that? That was the exact complete opposite of it.
There was nothing quiet and chill about this night. Only one thing was still on the order of business. His ear drums were being damaged beyond repair, not by the high pitched laugh but by the loud and bass boosted blaring noise music. He could already feel the headache coming in.
Yunho brought the lukewarm and flat beer to his lips. He finished the drink with a grimace before setting it on the edge of the bar, his eyes scanning the amalgamation of sweaty bodies grinding and pressing against each other.
"Why the long face?" Wooyoung asked as he slipped to his tall friend's side.
Yunho sighed and chose to answer the question with another one.
"Why did you bring me here again?" He asked, round eyes turning sharp as he peered at the younger man.
"Oh I don't know," Wooyoung started sarcastically. "Maybe to drag you out of your cave for once?" He replied in disbelief, he should be grateful he’s being such a good friend to him!
Yunho only rolled his eyes and grunted in annoyance at his response. Why did he care this much that he enjoyed staying in and being on his own? 
"Look at Mingi," Wooyoung said over the music. Yunho followed his gaze to glance at his other friend on the other side of the club. "He knows how to have a good time!" Wooyoung said with a smirk.
Yunho quirked his eyebrow as he observed Mingi chatting up not one but two girls. Whispering something in one girl's ear while he curled his arm around the waist of the other one. Making them both giggle and look up at him while he peered at them over his sunglasses. 
Mingi was Yunho’s friend. Maybe even his best friend but… he looked like a douche.
"What kind of guy wears sunglasses inside… at night?" Yunho spat.
"The kind that gets bitches," Wooyoung remarked, jabbing at Yunho. 
"Fuck off Woo," Yunho barked at him. 
Yeah so what? Yes it had been a hot minute since he found himself being… intimate with a girl but it wasn't his fault! It was only because of his… issue…
"Come on dude. You don't have to stay bitchless, you know?" Wooyoung nudged his tall friend. "Why don't you try your luck with one of the dozens of women here that came for the same thing as you?"
"I," Yunho emphasized. "Did not come for that." He cleared his throat. "And you know I never get very far Woo!" He barked again. Truthfully Wooyoung was getting on his nerves.
"Bro! There's no way you can't find just ONE girl here that would be willing to take on the drill?"
Yunho shushed him and looked around him frantically as if anyone could have heard him over the blaring music.
"I already told you not to call it that!!" Of course Wooyoung only laughed at his friend's concern.
"I'm sorry but it's only the truth. Like that massive thing can only be handled by a licensed professional." He laughed again.
"Fuck off!" Yunho repeated, unconsciously crossing his hands over his lower half. 
“No, but seriously. You just gotta find one that matches the vibe,” Wooyoung said, his eyes narrowing into a sly frown. His gaze wiped over the crowd while Yunho only sighed, turning his back to his friends to go get another beer. 
“Wait,” Wooyoung gripped on his shirt before Yunho had the time to flee his friend’s ridiculous plan. “What about this one?”
The tall man followed Wooyoung’s finger pointing at a girl sitting at the bar, seemingly alone and absentmindedly stirring the mint leaves in her mojito.
“Woo, can you please shut up for a second while I get myself another overpriced beer and try to forget about this conversation forever? Thank you!” Yunho said, exasperated and turning on his heels again.
“No, no, no! Dude,” Wooyoung called him out again, holding his friend by his side. The shorter man rolled his eyes at his tall friend’s stubbornness. “I really have a good feeling about her.” Wooyoung insisted.
“And why is that?” Yunho asked, obvious mockery underlining his tone.
“Look at her, man!” Wooyoung pointed, choosing to completely ignore his friend's sarcasm. “She’s slumping over the bar counter, she’s been stirring her mojito for the past ten minutes but hasn’t had a single sip of it. She keeps looking over at Mingi with a scornful pout and look! In a second she’s gonna check her watch again.” he paused for a second. “See!!” Wooyoung exclaimed and turned to his friend who looked rather unimpressed. “She’s like you, man! She does not want to be here and she’s at least as lonely as you.”
Yunho frowned at the younger man, that last bit was totally unnecessary. 
“Plus, she’s pretty! I know she’s your style.” Yunho frowned in an attempt to deny Wooyoung but it was true. Wooyoung felt like he was gaining the upper hand in the negotiations so he continued.
“You should go talk to her. Just talk!” Wooyoung added when he saw Yunho open his mouth to protest again. “I mean just talk, see if it goes anywhere and if it doesn't, then it doesn’t and I promise I’ll kick Mingi’s ass back into the car and drive us all home right that second!” He pledged.
Yunho looked over again at his tall friend and his two targets of the night. Even though Mingi was considerably taller and bulkier than Wooyoung he knew about the latter’s determination and sheer force of will that would turn any wolf into a sheepish puppy. So he didn’t doubt one second that he would be doing just that.
But first at had to “shoot his shot” with… you.
The girl moping at the bar, as if a rain cloud was perpetually following her around. And there was a good reason for it. You recently got dumped. Your friends took you out to this club to celebrate and hopefully get you over him. Truthfully, you had felt relieved because Jongho was just a jerk to you and you have been slipping out of love for a while but still! It hurt that you had to come to the realization that it was over for real this time around.
Granted you were in fact single but you were not so ready to mingle…yet. At some point in the evening they got tired of trying to cheer you up and just left you at the bar to enjoy the company of your little rain cloud by yourself.
“You don’t look like you’re having a great time either,” Yunho said, ordering another beer for himself. The deep voice pulled you out of your day dreaming as you looked up at him with round eyes. “Can I sit here?” he asked and you nodded silently. He didn’t let it show but he’s actually kind of relieved you didn’t turn him down on the spot.
“Yeah I'm not having the time of my life that’s for sure,” you sighed, clinking the melting ice cubes against the glass with your soggy paper straw.
“Why?” Yunho asked while casually wiping his sweaty palms over his distressed jeans.
You bit your lip. Trauma dumping about your not-so-prince-charming jerkface of an ex to a total stranger wasn’t probably the best idea in the world even if the alcohol in your system said otherwise, luckily you still had far too few drinks to start this conversation. So you opted for the easy going explanation.
“My friends ditched me for Mr. Tall-Douchebag over there.” 
Yunho followed your gesture to Mingi bending over to whisper something in a girl's ear as he slid his sunglasses back up the bridge of his nose while his other hand held onto the other girl’s bare waist, rubbing his thumb on her skin as she giggled, the cropped top she was wearing not concealing the patch of skin there.
Mingi was Yunho’s friend but he was also a dog. And that was just the plain truth despite the fact that their friendship went back to middle school.
“Yeah that guy looks like an asshole,” Yunho said in all sincerity.
“No shit,” you scoffed “What kind of giga chad wears sunglasses in a club… at night?” you rolled your eyes in disbelief and finally brought your straw to your lips to take a sip of the diluted mojito.
Yunho started to laugh. Maybe Wooyoung wasn't wrong after all. There was something about you that was right for Yunho, somehow your vibes matched. He even started to relax ever so slightly next to you.
“But did you say ‘either’?” you questioned. “Does that imply you too are not having a grand ol’ time?”
Yunho chuckled humorlessly.
“Well, no. Not really,” he confessed as he grabbed the beer the barman was handing out and shoved a couple of wrinkled bills in his hand in exchange.
You returned the mojito to the bar counter and turned to him, now that he was seeing you a little better you were indeed pretty, prettier than what the bar’s red and purple neons were leading on from a distance. But up close Yunho realized Wooyoung was right about that too, you were his type. 
He swallowed thickly, your undivided attention brought back a sense of nervousness into him and he sipped on his beer for a small dose of liquid courage. “I invited a couple of my friends over and we were supposed to stay in and play League but instead they ganged up on me and dragged me here,” he sighed. 
That was the truth! Yunho only carefully omitted all the parts where his friends made him sound like a lonely loser. So that wasn’t a lie! It was curated truth. He sipped on his beer once again to ease his nerves.
You gasped loudly and Yunho’s eyebrows arched in surprise at your reaction.
“Oh I wished I would have done that too,” you pouted, before taking another sip. “And how did they convince you to end up here then?” you asked once again, setting the glass down and looking up at the tall brunette seated next to you.
Uh oh.
That was bad. Yunho wasn’t actually the best at performing under pressure. And especially when said pressure was looking at him with beautiful shiny lips and such a wholesome and genuine smile.
“Well I-...uh,” Yunho started to stammer which seemed to entertain you as the genuine smile turned into an amused little grin. The tall man brushed his long bangs back in an attempt to regain his composure which worked to some extent. “I’ve been on my own for a while, too long if you listen to my friends and they said that maybe they could find me a nice girl to… keep me company,” he said before clearing his throat and attempting to push the lump in his throat back with two large gulps of cool beer.
Wow, that was lame. So much for not sounding like a total loser…
“And I'm the nice girl you settled for?” you asked, breaking eye contact. Yunho felt uneasy again, he couldn't make of your expression right there. Did he blow his chance by being too sincere with you? And why did he feel so bad that he just might have? Did he want to impress you that bad? When initially he only wanted to exchange a couple of sentences just to call it quits and get Wooyoung to drive him home but now was he actually trying?
“Too honest maybe?” Yunho said before pinching his lip between his teeth as you shrugged nonchalantly and took another sip. 
Yes, maybe a little too honest indeed you thought as you sipped on the drink that was basically only water at this point. You were just another girl that was to be used to feel a little less lonely…
“Ughh. I suck at this,” Yunho groaned in frustration.
“At what?” you asked, his tone peaking your curiosity right when you thought you had figured him out.
“At this!” Yunho said, gesturing at the air between the both of you. “At chatting up pretty girls! At flirting!” He sighed again, feeling defeated.
Key word: pretty. 
You grinned, you too felt lonely and you figured there was no harm in helping each other out. For tonight at least.
“It’s okay,” you said, suddenly wrapping your hand around his, tightly holding the beer pint. Which made him stiffen in the uncomfortable bar stool. “I don't really like the smooth talkers anyways.” You sent him a cheeky wink and Yunho felt like his stomach had somehow acquired a trampoline. 
“Really?” he said, lips going round in surprise, eyes snapping to where you were rubbing small circles on the back of his hand.
“Yeah,” you chuckled, satisfied with the effet this simple touch had on him. “I’m not really into fuck boys,” you said, gesturing to the tall man in sun glasses once more.
Yunho knew you were referencing Mingi again but he didn’t have it in him to peel his eyes off you to look at him. His eyes traveled from your hand, up the curve of your arm, to the low neckline of your beautiful black dress (where he stayed longer than he intended) and finally (with much effort) to your own eyes fixated in his. Yunho was mesmerized, like a shipwrecked sailor being bewitched by the chant of a siren, like a parched pariah catching sight of an oasis on the horizon after days of wandering in the desert. 
“So…” he started hesitantly, his heart beating against his ribs and resonating in his ears. “If I offered you a ride home to get out of this hell hole and get to know each other, would you maybe say yes?” 
It wasn’t a coincidence that Yunho spoke in the conditional tense. He didn’t want to jinx himself, he never was the superstitious kind but as he was experiencing this streak of luck with you he found himself to be. 
You chuckled again at his cuteness. 
“Yes,” you said, batting your eyelashes flirtatiously. “Yes, I would.”
It wasn't long before you found yourselves tangled up into each other on your couch, your last drinks getting warm on the coffee table, barely even touched.
To your surprise, Yunho’s hold was gentle and patient. You felt comfortable in his arms as his warm and large palm gently pressed against your nape. His soft lips finding yours and pulling you in this delicate kiss, almost like a good morning kiss. It isn't rushed at all, like he has the whole day (or in this case night) to get to know you and to give you a thousand more. If he really was as touch deprived as he claimed to be he wasn't letting it on at all.
That raised suspicion on your side and you broke the kiss. Immediately Yunho’s eyes fluttered open and he caught his bottom lip between his teeth, worry taking over his features again.
“So,” you start, slightly shifting in his hold. “Tell me why you said you weren’t good at flirting again?” you say as you plant a soft kiss in the crook of his neck, making his Adam's apple bobble in his throat. He could feel himself getting hard and you felt his fingers lightly twitch around your nape. “Because to me it seems like you are pretty good at it.” You licked a large swipe on his blazing skin and drew back to look at him. “I mean, less than an hour ago I was moping on my own in the club…” you slipped your hand up his shirt to undo the first button. “And now I'm all over you, kissing you and about to do much more,” you whispered softly. The promise of what’s to come had Yunho’s length jumping between his thighs. 
“I thought you’d be all over me, tearing my clothes off the second I got to lock the doors. But there you are taking your sweet time. It doesn't add up.” You popped off another button and slipped your hands over his collar bone.
Yunho was torn between the heat that pooled in his stomach with every single one of your touches and the actual dread he felt to move things forward. Because he knew all too well what usually happened at this point of the story. 
And although it was actually fear that kept him from tearing every single article of clothing clean off your body, you mistook it for some kind of elaborate plan to get you alone.
“I’m actually pretty nervous, that's why I haven’t done… a lot more,” he said, hesitantly.
“About what, baby?” you cooed, latching your lips on his skin again, earning a cute little whimper, your fingers working their way down to the last couple of buttons still holding his shirt together.
The pet name made Yunho’s heart sing, thousands of butterflies launching in his stomach, sending waves of tingles towards his groin. 
“Because this is usually where it stops.” He let out a shaky breath as you pushed the cotton off one of his shoulders and let your fingertips drag across his soft skin, going down to his collarbone to his pecs to his abs. “Because the girls usually leave at this point.”
“Why?” you said, lips still pressed to his skin, hands reaching the button of his jeans.
“Because I’m…” Yunho hissed as your other hand came in to play with his nipple while you still went down, your hand brushing over the jeans. “Because I’m too big.”
There. He said it.
This coincided with the moment your hand laid over the colossal bulge in Yunho’s pants. You couldn't help but to stop everything, you stayed there frozen upon your discovery.
Yunho could only close his eyes shut as he felt you immobile all of a sudden. 
Well, it was fun while it lasted at least.
“I can go if you want me to,” he said as neutral as possible, but he couldn't help but let disappointment tint his voice. He can’t explain why but it felt different this time, he really wanted it to work with you. He wanted you.
“No!” you said as you held onto him when he shifted to get out of your hold and onto his feet. “Wait,” your fingers gliding over the bulge, moving once more. Instantly he sat down again against you. You cupped him, gauging the size and evaluating the challenge at hand, said challenge generously spilling out of your grasp as it could not be contained within your palm.
“We could at least try, right?”
“Really?” he exclaimed, before letting out a choked gasp as your grip grew a little tighter.
“Yeah,” you sighed, still gently rubbing over his hard on. “I’m determined and stubborn and my parents didn't raise no quitter,” you said, trying to throw some humor onto this to deescalate the situation and it did the trick.
“The only thing is… I don't think I have a condom that would fit you,” you say, suddenly bashful.
“Oh… hm. I brought mine” Yunho started to pat his pockets hastily. “It’s in my wallet, in my vest, in the… car,” he said, voice growing quieter as he realized he will have to go get it.
You then hopped on your feet. Yunho's hips instinctively bucking up, chasing the friction.
“How about you go get it and come back to meet me in the bedroom?”
Yunho only nodded vigorously before you turned on your feet and walked to one of the closed doors of the hall, he couldn't stop his eyes from falling down to look at your ass roll in the black dress as you walked away. You turned back before disappearing behind the door.
“Don't take too long, ok?” you teased him with a smile.
Yunho didn’t need more to snap him out of his trance and run, no, fly to his car. He barged in the hallway of the apartment complex, not even trying for the elevator, he knew with his long legs he'd be faster if he took the stairs. So he flew over the two flights of stairs and ran to his car to practically rip the wallet from the inner pocket of his coat and stuffed the condom in his back pocket before swallowing the two flights of stairs again and coming back into the apartment, short of breath. 
As afraid as he was a couple of minutes ago to go faster with you, now every second where he didn't have you to himself felt like an eternity.
The apartment was completely dark except for a ray of light that was coming from under the door you disappeared behind. Yunho velvet traded across the living room to the hall and to the door, guided by the line of light, the golden thread he ought to follow to reach heaven.
He delicately pushed in. And he felt like he had opened Pandora's box. He found you completely nude, waiting cross legged on the edge of your bed for him. The dim light from the nightstand sweeping across your form and casting the otherworldly shadow of your divine outline onto the wall. You were absolutely sublime. A sight that went straight to his groin, pumping brand new and boiling blood to his half hard member. 
You sat up straight putting both your feet flat on the ground as Yunho approached you. You held your palm flat to him without a word and he handed over the magnum condom in a black and gold packaging. You settled it on the nightstand before bringing your attention back to the elephant (quite fitting term) in the room. 
Now that he was standing close to you and you were really at eye level with the thing you were really getting a feel for it. Yunho was indeed really big, the thick outline of his length progressed way down his pant's leg making it impossible to miss. 
You gently undid the button of his jeans and pulled on his zipper, the vibrations on his length making him frown, completely entranced by your hand moving on him.
You hooked your fingers onto the waistband of the pants and his underwear and very gently pulled the fabric down, Yunho’s open shirt still floating as his sides. Gradually you had a peep at the trimmed hair of his pubic bone and then you uncovered the base of his cock. He was incredibly girthy and it only got bigger as you continued to pull on his pants. It was only when you were mid thigh that the member sprung free infront of your face and you audibly gasped at the size. 
The girthy member sat heavily between Yunho’s thighs, the tip an angry shade of red and profusely leaking at the slit. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't have masked how eager he was for you. His cock has been leaking ever since you got in his car and he got to smell your flowery perfume without the parasitizing smell of smoke and alcohol from the club. But that he couldn’t possibly say out loud.
He held his breath when you wrapped both your hands around his base, his cock twitching at the minimal contact of your fingers interlaced around him. You were still measuring him, getting an idea. He was as long as your forearm and as thick as your fist. 
In other words, he was ridiculously big. If he had said one hour ago when you were back at the club that he was walking around with a literal third leg you would have laughed in his face and left him there. But now that you were seeing it with your very eyes, it was different.
Yunho grew nervous as you stayed there eyeing him down with this puzzled expression.
“So what do you say?” He asked, his toes wiggling on the carpeted floor nervously. 
You didn’t even say anything back, only aimed the tip at your lips and started to lick around the sensitive cock head. Yunho emitted the most beautiful sound you had ever heard, a deep sigh of relief and pleasure as he let his head roll back, his large palm instantly finding your hair to intertwine his fingers with it.
You licked around the tip thoroughly, earning more airy sighs from the brunette before you pursed your lips and sent a big wad of spit on his length. Making him moan a little clearer as you dragged your warm spit down to his base with both hands. You spat again to make sure to lubricate him thoroughly, before taking him in your mouth.
As soon as your lips wrapped around the tip, you heard Yunho softly curse from above you. Your lips stretched around the girthy tip with difficulty and slid down as far as you could manage until he hit the back of your throat, and you weren’t even halfway through. 
But Yunho didn't mind, it was the first time somebody even got that far and he swore he could have cum just by the look you gave him when your eyes snapped back to him and he saw your pretty face stuffed full of his fat cock, hair slightly disheveled by his doing, eyes glazed over with unspilled tears and your beautiful lips stretched to an unbelievable extent. 
You felt him twitch on your tongue before you popped him out, taking a deep breath and going down again. His free hand dipped down to play with your breasts, he cupped them and flicked your hardened nipples a couple of times making you moan on his cock. 
“Fuck baby,” he breathed. “Your mouth feels so good,” he panted. The praise made you confident enough to push your head a little further down, his cock reaching down to a brand new depth inside your throat.
“Fuckkkk,” Yunho sighed his hand on your hair holding you there for a second, just long enough for him to feel your gag reflex triggering and your throat clamping down on his cock trying to reject the massive foreign object that was obstructing your air pipe. When he pulled out again long strings of thick saliva linked your red and swollen lips to the raging tip of his cock and you coughed a couple of times, choking, the air burning your sore throat.
“Need you on my tongue right now. Wanna taste you,” he whispered as he practically tore the shirt off his shoulders and slipped out of his pants. He carefully pushed you towards the bed so you would be laid on your back and very gently his big hands wrapped around your thighs to pull them apart to finally lay eyes on your center. 
Yunho licked his lips in anticipation, his mouth watering at the sight of your glistening folds covered with your slick, the transparent liquid cascading from your entrance and running down your thighs, some even staining your bedding. He swiped a single finger on your slit, gathering some of your arousal.
“Fuck, baby you got this wet just by having my cock in your mouth,” Yunho smirked when he noticed you twitched at his words. So you liked a little dirty talk, that was good to know. He brought the digit covered with your essence to his mouth, moaning against his own fingers as your sweet and velvety nectar enveloped his tongue.
“Fuck, you taste so good.”
Yunho pulled on your hips so your ass would sit at the edge and he kneeled on the ground. He planted a couple soft kisses on your inner thighs and pubic bone, making you squirm, itching to be touched in the right places. Maybe next time he’ll make you beg for it but today he needed you as much as you needed him.
He gently wrapped his mouth around your clit, taking the swollen bud into his mouth and sucking on it gently. Your reaction was immediate, it has been quite a long time since you have felt the touch of somebody else and Yunho was good at what he was doing. 
He went down to dip his tongue inside of you, parting your folds with his tongue and tasting the deepest parts of you, you arched your back and let his name fall off your lips.
“Aaah, hmph… Yun-ho,” you struggled to say as you unconsciously started to roll your hips against his face, smearing your juices over his cheeks and chin.
The way you called out his name and fucked yourself back on his face, shamelessly using his mouth to chase after your high had him leaking on the floor, as his aching cock sat heavily between his thighs.
That’s when he chose to stick two long fingers inside your tight heat, making you moan louder and stop dead in your tracks. You don't know how he managed that but he somehow found the perfect angle right away, curling the two digits right into your sweet spot, so you stayed put, exactly where you were while he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
He alternated between fast strokes then slower ones when he rolled his fingertips inside you teasing your g spot, to then go back to the quicker pace. Taking you on this rollercoaster of pleasure where he made you go up and down but never to your peak. 
Yunho had no intent on making you cum, at least not right now, now he only wanted to prep you to take him inside you. He was stretching you out as much as possible to make sure he could fit his huge cock inside your tiny little pussy. 
You had figured out that much but that didn’t keep you from slowly growing frustrated and therefore hungry for more. Much more.
So he slipped a fourth finger in.
At this point your body was covered with a light sheen of sweat making you beautifully glisten as the dim night stand lamp shone on you. 
You gasped at how full you felt, arching your back, your hands fisting the sheets as you called his name again.
“You’re doing so good.” He pressed a soft kiss on your sensitive bundle of nerves. “My good girl,” he cooed before he started to swirl his tongue around your clit, making your cunt clamp harder around his fingers.
You felt yourself throb at the possessive pronouns. You both knew you weren’t his. But for the both of you it was what felt good. You’ll have plenty of time to feel lonely again in the morning. Just for tonight you belonged to each other. 
Your hands flew between your thighs where your fingers untangled with the long strands of brown hair, tugging at it, your frustration getting the best of you. 
Yunho enjoyed the dull burn on his scalp as he kept on abusing your swollen bud, sucking, licking and flicking it. Until he felt you throb on his tongue. But before he could finish you he felt you pull on his hair hard enough for him to look up at you.
You were panting, your chest heaving up and down, disheveled from thrashing your head around and pushing it back into the mattress.
“Wanna cum on your cock,” you urged, panting, as plainly as that. After all of this teasing, you wanted to save your appetite for the main course. 
Yunho could have bursted and cum all over the carpet with just those words. But instead he got back up and grabbed the rubber from your night stand, tearing the wrapper away and rolling the condom down his huge cock.
When he came back between your thighs he laid his cock on your stomach, and that's when you fully understood what you got yourself into. The sheer weight of the thing was in itself impressive but that was nothing compared to the size of it. It reached all the way to your midriff, the massive thing laying menacingly on your bare, sweaty skin.
Yunho then took the thick base in his hand and rubbed his tip at your entrance, coating it with your slick.
“You ready?” he asked, cheeks taking a pink hue, flashing you the most adorable of coy smile as if he wasn’t tongue fucking you a second ago. You only nodded, bracing yourself. Scared but foremost eager to be filled up again.
“Try to breathe, okay?” he advised right before he started to push himself inside you. Instinctively you let out a whine at the way your walls stretched around him as he gradually, very gently pushed his huge cock inside. You caught your lip between your teeth as your brows met on your forehead. Yunho was very attentive and didn't blink once to make sure he could read your micro expressions, so he could adapt the pace. He knew when to let you take a breather and when to keep pushing in. So when you let out a small cry and your hips jerked upwards slightly, he stopped.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked, soft voice laced with concern. 
“Well the obvious answer is yes.” You chuckled softly at his adorable worried expression. “But at the same time… It feels so good,” you said, half whispering, half moaning. And you felt his cock twitch inside you.
That was the very first time somebody has ever said that to him. He would lie if he said he didn't like that.
“Please keep going,” you said, whiny tone bordering on begging. 
“Fuck baby,” Yunho breathed out. “Say that again.” His voice was somewhat urgent.
“Please Yunho, fill me up, I wanna feel you all inside of me.”
Yunho cursed under his breath again. He didn't need more to push the last couple of centimeters inside you. And just like that you’re full of him. He flipped both of your legs on his sturdy shoulders and leaned forward to kiss you. The softness is masked by the state of extreme urgency in which you both find yourselves in, the kiss is messy, sloppy, heated. Your teeth grazing against each other before you stuck your tongue out to let Yunho suck on it, you taste yourself on his tongue making you light headed before you bit on Yunho’s bottom lip to let it snap back against his teeth.
“Please fuck me,” you whispered against his teeth.
“Anything for you, baby.” 
He started to pull out gently and pushed in again, with each thrust he went faster, his large frame still laid over you as he fucked you in the mating press. The position was just perfect, with both his feet firmly on the ground, Yunho had great control over his movements and could easily adjust the pace as a plus the angle was absolutely divine.
You whined and whimpered and cried with each stroke, his big cock perfectly brushing and poking at your soft spot, deep, deep inside you. A spot nobody had ever been able to reach, not even yourself. The new found source of pleasure made you cry out in bliss, your cunt taking a vice grip around Yunho’s huge cock.
“Fuck,” you yelped. “You’re so…aaah… big,” you moaned. “Feel so good inside me. Please keep going. Fuck me please,” your words were slurred, you barely made any sense but it didn’t matter. Yunho knew exactly what you meant.
“You’re so good, baby. So good to me.”
He moaned against your mouth, prying your jaw open with his thumb and letting his tongue slip into your mouth, his warm spit running down your tongue. You swallowed his saliva, along with each of his pants and grunts. The way you felt around him was surreal, your wet sopping cunt coating him with your slick making it so easy to slip in and out of you, so much so that at some point he found himself absolutely drilling into your cunt completely losing himself inside you. The lewd wet noises bouncing off the small dark room as he rearranged your guts.
“I won't last for long,” he whined, eyes closing shut as he tried his best not to burst.
“I’m almost there,” you said, your legs tensing up and wrapping around Yunho’s hips.
He stood back up straight and put one hand on your waist firmly gripping your side to pull you back on his cock every time he thrusted in. Admiring the outline of his cock poking inside of your stomach creating a visible bulge with every snap of his hips. He laid his large hand over your stomach, lightly pressing, making you yelp and feeling every come and go as his thumb found your swollen and throbbing clit.
The sudden pleasure made you cry out a sob. Yunho started to play with your clit as he was deep inside your guts. Drawing tight circles on it, teasing it so perfectly that you grew even tighter around him.
“Please be my good girl and cum for me,” he said in a strangled moan, knowing he could only last for a few more seconds. Snapping his hips into yours, making your tits jump with each powerful thrust. “God please, please cum,” he begged in a desperate little whimper, as he wanted nothing than to make you cum but he also knew he could only keep up for a few more agonizingly long (at least to him) seconds.
That's when you crossed the edge, your walls fluttered around his big cock as you reached your peak, white heat radiating from your core to each of your limbs, making your body shake uncontrollably and your cunt grip into Yunho’s length like its life depended on it. You were completely delirious with pleasure, the earth shattering orgasm washing over you and convincing you the monstrous cock plowing into you had definitively ruined you for anyone else. You didn’t see how you could ever be satisfied again with any other cock.
The twitch of your cunt is Yunho’s queue to finally let go as well. He pulled out of you and ripped the condom away. He only had to give it a couple of strokes before cumming all over you. Thick white ropes of burning hot cum spurting out of his slit and crashing on your heated skin. Yunho had never cum so hard, his cock is like an open tap. Squirting cum all over your stomach, your tits and some powerful spurts even reaching your pretty face, which you hurriedly lick off your lips and chin. Making Yunho’s huge cock twitch in his balled fist.
He nearly collapsed when he’s done, his legs suddenly turning into jelly. But he still managed to haphazardly wander into the bathroom to give you a clean washcloth he found and even goes back to the kitchen to get you a glass of water.
After that he blacked out next to you, completely drained (in more ways than one). You chuckled next to him when you heard him snort softly as you set your still half full drink on the nightstand and switch off the light. Naturally finding your place snuggled up against him.
The incessant vibrations of his phone abandoned in the pocket of his jeans was what woke up Yunho the next morning. He got off the bed half asleep and picked the device to answer the call. Because he was still in a daze he didn’t check the caller but he definitely should have when he heard Wooyoung yell at the end of the line.
“SO DID YOU GO BACK TO HER PLACE??? DID SHE SURVIVE THE DRILL?????” he shot out question after question, not taking the time to breathe between each one. Yunho shushed him right away, looking back over his shoulder at your sleeping figure.
“Shut up! she’s sleeping!” Yunho said as he struggled to turn down the volume on his phone.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” the speaker resonated even louder. “Come by to my place we’re going to brunch, you’ll tell me all about it and then I promise I’ll play all the League you want for the rest of eternity!” Wooyoung pledged as Yunho chuckled. That's exactly why he loved him.
“Brunch and then League?” Yunho heard your groggy voice from behind. “That sounds fun…” 
“I’ll call you back,” Yunho briefly said before hanging on a screaming Wooyoung. He beamed at you. 
“Wanna come with?”
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a/n: oooffff omg that was something. i had so much fun writing this and omg i loved yunho in this he was so cute but hot ughhhhh. tell me if you liked it. that would make me so happy and i will def kiss u if do <3333
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tieronecrush · 10 months
seven minutes in heaven (the bathroom)
frankie morales x f!reader
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rating: E (18+ only, MDNI)
summary: it's your roommate ben miller's birthday and he's invited the special forces guys over and asked you to invite some of your friends. the night comes down to a throwback game of seven minutes in heaven. you've been into frankie for months, so when your name and frankie's are pulled together, you can't help but wonder what can happen in seven minutes?
word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of a break up, alcohol use/drunkeness (benny), grumpy frankie, use of pet names (mariposa, hermosa, cariño), dirty talk in spanish (i hate conjugations so pls let me know if anything is wrong lol), mirror sex, unprotected sex, breathplay? (mouth gets covered), pls let me know if i am missing anything
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“You gotta be kiddin’ me, man. Why are we playing this shit? We’re all grown adults,” Frankie huffs to your right in the small circle in yours and Ben Miller’s living room. His arms are crossed over his chest, gray t-shirt pulling taut at his shoulders. Warm brown eyes are rolling up to the ceiling under the brim of his Standard Oil hat that you swear is glued to his head — you’ve never seen him without for as long as you’ve lived with Benny — and it works to hide the luscious dark curls that fight to peek out around it.
“Oh, loosen up, Fish! We’re all here to have fun, so just play the game. Everyone here’s agreed to it, and it’s my fucking birthday so you have to do what I say!” Benny leans forward next to you on the couch, projecting his voice toward Frankie and gesturing vaguely around with his hands while his words start to slur together.
You laugh softly, patting Ben’s shoulder and nodding your head to get him to lean back on the couch again instead of trying to get in his friend’s face. Truth was, the prospect of this game did stir up some nerves in your stomach, even as an adult, but you wouldn’t dare go against Benny’s birthday wishes. So, you’re stuck playing Seven Minutes in Heaven with his Special Forces buddies, his brother, and a good mix of your friends that Benny has…taken a liking to.
It was one of the perks he got excited about when you’d come to him, a bit desperate, needing a place to live when your long term boyfriend of four years broke it off with you and asked you to move out. He agreed to have you in his guest room for the foreseeable future until you could scrounge up enough for rent somewhere on your own, and that first weekend he begged to throw you a “welcome party”, which was his ploy to get a bunch of your friends over for him to chat up.
That was a few months ago now, and it happened to also be the first time you met Frankie — Catfish to the Special Forces guys.
And since then, it’s been months filled with tension between you two, awkward interactions and quick touches to pass him drinks or him scooting behind you in your tiny kitchen when he was over. It was always heated with you two, electricity flowing with a current and waiting for a spark. But Frankie was a gentleman, never assuming or overly forthcoming, and you were, well, rusty. Not dating in four years really throws you for a loop when trying to hook up with someone.
Frankie’s eyes meet yours when your laugh reaches him, a flash of excitement evident in the widening of his pupils. A smile stretches across your face at him, shaking your head.
“Probably don’t want to go against this birthday boy, Frankie. He’s not afraid to guilt you into things, or worse, just bother the shit out of you until you do what he wants. Plus, nobody has to know what does or doesn’t happen behind the door.”
Ben whips his head towards you with an exaggerated shock in his face, Frankie’s chuckle low as everyone else laughs.
“Don’t give him any ideas about not fully immersing in the game. He’s just bein’ a grumpy old bastard.”
Benny turns away from you as Frankie rolls his eyes again, the birthday boy pulling out two names from the bowl in the center. It ends up being one of your friends and Santiago, which earns a cheer knowing his suave reputation. Once the two are back in the bathroom, the younger Miller brother sets a timer on his phone and everyone gets to chatting and drinking again. You and Benny argued back and forth before the party about using the other’s room for the game, finally deciding to use the hall bath for sake of neutrality. And clean sheets.
A handful of rounds have come and gone, people returning with smirks or poker faces, everyone trying to pull out any information from the participants. You have yet to go, and it’s the same case for Frankie. Benny’s been choosing the names for everyone, hiding them close to his chest and throwing them back in the bowl to be selected again.
You watch Ben pick out two new slips, reading your name off of the first one. Echoes of your quickening pulse thud in your ears, heat rooting across the nape of your neck. Ben’s eyes dart to Pope as he looks at the second slip of paper, and your stomach drops with disappointment from the high hopes you didn’t realize you had. Your own eyes fall to your lap as you wait to hear Santiago’s name out loud, molars biting the inside of your cheek to attempt to swallow your small pill of upset.
“And Fish.”
Your vision fills with Ben’s side profile, your stomach now doing somersaults as nerves begin to take over. Your mouth dries, tongue pushing against the roof of your mouth and sucking in your cheeks to try to conjure up any saliva. Frankie seems nearly as surprised, or is it nervous? Contempt? He’s hard to read at the moment; the only clues into his reaction are the split second of widened eyes and rubbing his palms up and down his denim-clad thighs before he stands and looks at you.
The hooting and hollering start when you get up from your spot on the couch, small steps leading Frankie and yourself down the hallway away from the party and into your bathroom. Nothing is said as he closes the door and locks it, his large frame turning back to face you across the small tiled floor while he leans back on the door’s surface.
His eyes lock on you, pinprick shocks following their wake as he takes you in from head to toe. There’s still a neutral expression on his face, hands slipped into his front pockets. Your own gaze fixed on your tray of makeup at the side of vanity, anxious fingers reaching out to fidget with a lip gloss. The silence in the room is deafening, the muffled sounds of the group only filling the dead air so much. After what feels like an eternity, you can’t take it, clearing your throat and speaking up.
“We don’t, um, obviously don’t have to do anything.”
You’re still not looking at Frankie when you hear his gruff voice respond.
“Is that what you want, mariposa? To do nothing?”
He grabs your attention with the nickname, a swirl of butterflies batting their wings wildly in your gut when you take in a new expression on his face. Tender eyes with a flirty smirk. Pushing off of the door, his strides take him only two steps before he’s in front of you, hand pulling his hat up and the other raking through his hair in a nervous twitch. Your lower back presses into the edge of the countertop, mouth blubbering like a fish as you try to formulate a sentence.
“Cause, if I’m honest, I don’t want to do nothing,” Frankie’s hand finds the counter at your side, one arm brushing against your shirt. His other reaches for your cheek, hovering over close enough for you to feel the warmth radiating off of his palm, “I’ve really wanted to kiss you since I met you. Can I please do that, hermosa?”
“Yeah, you can, Frankie,” comes out breathy and pathetic from your mouth, half a whimper as you wait for the moment you’ve thought of since you saw him in your kitchen.
In an instant, Frankie’s lips are on yours in a gentle but confident kiss. His hand has found your cheek finally, laying passively before it grips tighter and tilts your head back to give him more leverage over you. The embrace turns heady, his mouth slanted into yours as the two of you move together quickly to make up for all the lost moments from months prior.
When his tongue melds against yours, a soft moan slips out and is swallowed into his mouth. The noise pushes Frankie toward you, close to the point that his front is pressed entirely against you. You can feel how hard he is, the way his bulge digs in against you sending another moan out of your mouth. His large hands leave their places on your cheek and the counter, grabbing fistfuls of your hips and your ass. Frankie pulls away enough to speak against your swollen lips, short and demanding.
With one effortless lift as you jump, you're seated on the countertop, and Frankie’s kissing you hard again. Your own hands rest one on his shoulder, the other reaching to take his cap off and discard it on the ground, fingers combing through his hair. An arm wraps around your lower back, tugging you across the cool stone surface to the edge. His other hand grips the back of your thigh, pulling your legs further apart to slot himself between them, grinding himself against your clothed center. The feeling of pressure on your clit makes your head fall back from his kiss, a whimper pulling out of your chest as your hips work to catch more of the feeling.
“Y’know, I’m pretty sure we don’t have much time left before someone’s gonna be banging down the door, but I want you so bad right now, hermosa.”
Your head drops forward again, staring into Frankie’s eyes that are very clearly blackened with desire even in the low lighting of the bathroom. Licking your bottom lip, you nod quickly and mutter out.
“Fuck me, Frankie. I don’t care how fast or rough you need to be, just please fuck me.”
A groan comes from him at your words as he grabs you again, dragging you off the counter to stand on your feet again. His hands on your hips turn you around to face the mirror, making eye contact in the reflection.
“Take your shorts and panties off for me, cariño. Gotta be quick.” He winks at you, a light smack to your ass before he pops the button on his jeans and drags the zipper down. You do the same with your denim shorts, dropping the material along with your underwear to your ankles, stepping one out.
Behind you, Frankie has pulled his pants and boxers halfway down his thighs. One of his hands finds your lower back, gently coaxing you to bend forward on the counter. His other set of fingers prod through your folds, a breathy moan coming from him as he feels your wetness.
“This all from me kissing you, hermosa?”
“Nah uh. It’s from just being in the same room as you all night.”
“Mmm, you’ve wanted me that bad, angel? Should’ve said something. We could’ve been having lots of fun these past few months.”
“I was—I was shy.”
Frankie shakes his head as he looks at you in the mirror, a devilish smirk on his face.
“Don’t think you’re shy now, cariño. Eres una chica traviesa (You’re a naughty girl),” his fingers slip into your entrance for a few ticks, a gasp fogging the glass in front of you as he pulls them out, “You ready for me, mariposa? Might be a lot to take.”
He winks with a smug look on his face, messy curls hanging over his forehead and framing his face.
“Francisco, just fuck me already. We’re losing time that you could be inside of me.” Your frustration bubbles over out of impatience. He waits for another beat to tease you, and when you open your mouth to complain again, he drives his cock into you.
His smugness was granted — the way he’s filling you up completely is unlike anyone you’ve had before.
As if he knew your reaction before it happened, his hand covers your mouth to muffle the loud moan that jerks out of you. Frankie wastes no time, his thrusts starting fast and hard from behind.
“This what you wanted, mariposa? Wanted me to fuck your hard and fast? A mi chica le gusta sucio, no? (My girl likes it dirty, right?)”
Your response is stifled by his hand, the only sounds in the room Frankie’s low voice and the slap of his thighs against your ass. Your eyes screw shut at the feeling of his cock dragging in and out of your walls quickly, the head of his length brushing that extra sensitive spot inside of you.
“Nah uh, cariño. Eyes open. Want you to watch me fuck you like the dirty girl you are.” Frankie’s hand squeezes your ass tightly, a yelp coming out of your mouth from behind his hand. You open your eyes and look at him in the mirror, sweat building on your forehead and your exposed collarbone. He makes eye contact with you in the reflection, his hips fucking into you rougher.
“Fuck, don’t you look pretty taking my cock? Es todo lo que soñaste, hermosa? (Is it everything you dreamed of, beautiful?)”
Your tongue pokes out of your mouth, licking the salty skin of his fingers. Frankie groans quietly and shifts the position of his hand, two of his thick fingers pressing in between your lips to fill your mouth.
“Chupa, cariño. Suck.”
Following his demand, your cheeks concave and your tongue swirls around them in your mouth. Frankie’s eyes darken further as he watches in the reflection, thrusts becoming sloppier.
“‘M so close, cariño, don’t think I can last much longer. You gotta be quiet while I take care of you, yeah?”
Without an answer, his fingers slip from your mouth. His other hand finds your lower stomach, pulling you up to stand with your shoulders against his chest, cock filling you up with each drag of his hips. The fingers wet with your saliva are quick to circle your clit, the extra stimulation barreling you towards the edge.
“Oh fuck, Frankie! Yes, yes, yes!” Your whines are as quiet as you can make them, the back of your head pressing hard into his shoulder as his next thrust sends your vision black and muscles taut. Every thought in your brain seeps away, pleasure filling every crevice of you.
Your walls squeeze around his cock, nails digging into his arm around you as he fucks you through your orgasm while chasing his own.
“Fucking hell, mariposa. Pussy’s fucking milking my cock, god. So tight. Eres tan perfecta para mi (You are so perfect for me).”
He thrusts his cock one, two, three more times before he pulls out quickly, replacing the feeling of you with his fist and repeating your name over and over under his breath. The sound of your come around his cock nearly drops you to your knees to take him in your mouth, but the looming pressure of time keeps you standing, compromising by bending over the counter again. Ropes of his warm come paint your ass and your wet cunt, a whine falling from your lips as his own soft, melodic whimpers fill your ears.
It’s quiet in the room except for the gasps of breaths you both take to calm down, eye contact made through the mirror as you both smile widely at each other. Nothing else is spoken as Frankie grabs tissues from the shelf above the toilet, wiping his come from your skin. Before he clean it up entirely, you swipe a fingertip through one streak, bring it to your lips to suck it clean. His mouth hangs open at the sight and you smirk satisfied, winking before you pull up your underwear and fasten your shorts up again.
Both of you are buttoning as a fist pounds on the door, the sound of a phone alarm following it. Benny’s voice booms from the other side, a cackle evident in his tone.
“Time’s up, boring fucks!”
Frankie looks at you with a sweet smile, nodding toward the door, “Ready?”
You exhale a chuckle and nod, taking a look in the mirror and making eye contact with Frankie as he looks at your reflection tenderly. Your hands brush at your hair, tapping the sweaty makeup back into your skin. Frankie shakes his head behind you, tugging you around by your belt loops. He leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Ladies first, mariposa.”
You step ahead of him, swinging the door open after twisting the lock undone and being met with a stumbling Benny on the other side.
He looks between the two of you, suspicion on his face as he tries to read your minds. Both of you have a poker face on, and he groans, shaking his head.
“Took you both long enough. What, were you fixing your clothes?”
“No, Frankie was just watching as I fixed up my makeup and had a catch-up. Nothing exciting for you to gossip about, Benny.”
He groans, marching back to the living room, “They didn’t do anything! Just fucking talked like losers.”
Frankie chuckles behind you, his warm palm rubbing against your lower back as you walk down the hall in front of him. His touch drops from you when you enter the party, both of you returning to your original seats and falling back into the conversation as the game switches to Truth or Dare.
Santiago glances at Frankie sitting next to him, chuckling to himself, “Zipper’s down, Fish.”
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taglist (everything/frankie): @vee-bees-blog @joelsflannel @casa-boiardi @wannab-urs @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @fishingforpike @msjarvis @swiftispunk @northernbluess @walkintotheriveranddisappear @sugadolly @yazsos @addictedtotlou @cannolighost @atinylittlepain
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xdaddysprincessxx · 4 months
Mine, All Mine
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Uncle Ezra x virgin f reader
Warnings: Noncon! Unclecest (they are not blood related!) virginity loss, p in v, heavy use of the word kiddo (idk it was doing it for me), filming, uhhh yea I don’t want to say too much so it doesn’t get spoiled. I’d say this is more on the dark side of things so be cautious, you are in charge of your own self and what you read. If it bothers you, stop reading it(:
A/n: this one’s for my love, @bonezone44 ! This literally came from a post they made lol also go check out their Uncle Ezra! It’s the best! (Also if you do/have read hers, maybe you’ll notice a lil Easter egg in mine lol) Enjoy babes! Also Happy Valentine’s Day!😘😘😘
Word count: 4222
Not edited or beta’d (Rad had looked over like half the story so I guess kinda beta’d lol)
It’s the middle of summer and it’s already hotter than Satan’s balls outside. You’re off work today and doing your best to enjoy the day but you’ve found yourself melted to the couch with a fan blasting on high, wearing your shortest shorts and a tank top. Your dad left hours ago for work, he probably won’t be back until much later tonight giving you the whole house to yourself.
You’ve gotten lost in a marathon of Law and Order SVU when you hear a knock on the door. Scrunching your face, confused as to who could be at the door, you get up to go answer it.
Opening the door reveals your Uncle Ezra standing outside, wearing basketball shorts and an old tshirt with the sleeves cut off so his sides are showing, exposing hot, tanned skin.
“Hey kiddo your dad home? I hada to come by to grab a few things.”
You gulp nervously, he isn’t your actual uncle but he’s been your dads best friend since they were kids so he’s considered like an uncle to you. Except ever since you hit eighteen he’s been more touchy, saying extremely sexual things in your ear whenever he’s around. You know it’s wrong, you hate that he does it but a part of you can’t help but like it. You like the dirty things he says, like the way his hand brushes against your ass when he walks by. When you went off to college and moved out you never expected you’d have to move back in with your dad after graduating. Unfortunately life comes at you hard. And ever since you came back home, Ezra has been even more of a menace.
“N-no sorry he’s at work. Um you can come back later.” You say with a stutter as you try to shut the door.
Ezra’s hand shoots out stopping the door from shutting,
“That’s okay kiddo I can wait. Let your old uncle Ezra in sweetie.” He says back with a sly grin on his face, his eyes darkening with mischief.
“O-okay come in.”
“Come in what?”
“Come in uncle Ezra.” You reply with a dry throat.
“Ah there it is. Ya know I like it when you call me uncle Ezra sweetie. It’s good manners and all.”
He walks in through the door, closing it behind him as you turn to walk back to the couch and sit down with your legs under you, leaned against the side cushion. You shiver, now painfully aware of how little clothing you have on now that he’s here. Ezra plops down right next to you, his legs spread as he puts his arm behind you on the back of the couch. You try to swallow, blinking a few times in quick succession.
“Whatcha watching kiddo?”
“Um just law and order. It’s a marathon.” You respond.
Ezra lifts the arm that was behind you and brings it forward, slapping your thigh lightly before rubbing the spot he hit,
“You okay sweetie? Seem kinda off? Is it a boy? Huh? It’s okay talk to uncle Ez. This boy treating you right? Making you feel good?”
Your mouth starts to open and then close as you try to find your voice, “N-no boy uncle Ezra. I-I’m fine. I promise.”
Ezra smiles at you as his hand starts to go up higher on your thigh before stopping and rubbing his thumb back and forth at the top of your thigh.
“Ya know since your daddy ain’t home I’ve been wanting to have this chat with you. Now I know you’re all grown up on me but you should know about men and their needs. But also your own needs sweetie,” he leans in closer so his lips are close to your ear, “Pretty girls like you have pretty pussies and those pretty pussies get wet and needy. Gotta make sure she is properly cared for kiddo. Cant have ya out here dripping and desperate for just any cock. You needa real man.” His low voice sending shivers down your spine. Ezra rubs his nose up and down your neck, right behind your ear.
“S-stop please.”
Ezra pulls back, “Stop? Sweetie I’m just trying to help ya here. I only want the best for ya.” A look of confusion and hurt covers his face.
“I- I want you to stop Uncle Ezra. I know what your doing and I don’t like it. Please stop.”
Ezra sighs real loud, “Okay kiddo. Whatever you say. I’m just trying to look out for ya. I’ll back off.” He takes his hand off your thigh and puts both hands up as he sinks back into the couch, still sitting right next to you. His hands laying down on his open lap.
You swallow thickly before you find the courage to get up,
“I think I’m gonna go read in my room. Feel free to change the channel while you wait.” You announce before heading to the stairs to up to your room.
Once you close your bedroom door behind you, you let out a deep sigh. Taking another breath as though you’ve been holding your breath this entire time. You hate that he feels so comfortable acting so bold. You wished he’d just leave.
It’s been a couple of hours and you’ve been absolutely lost in your own world, reading a new book you’d just gotten. Laying on your bed with your leg propped up against your bent knee as you lay on your back, the perfect reading position. You’re almost to the end when you hear a soft knock on your door as it’s pushed open.
“Hey kiddo just wanted to come check on ya. Wanted ya to have some alone time you seemed a little off earlier.” Ezra says as he walks in and sits on your bed. You sit up straight with your legs criss cross applesauce already feeling a pit in your stomach.
“I- I’m fine uncle Ezra. You didn’t have to check on me.”
“Now I know I didn’t have too but I was worried. You’re like my little girl, you know how much I love ya.” He gives you a soft smile, you can tell he’s trying to put you at ease but all he’s done is make you even more uncomfortable.
Ezra’s eyes flicker over to your nightstand where he sees a sliver of bright pink,
“Well well well what do we have here?” His eyes narrowing in on the object as he reaches forward and pulls out your dildo.
Your cheeks flush, embarrassment washes over you as you grab his wrist that’s connected to the hand now holding your toy,
“Leave that alone! That’s mine!”
“Aht don’t tell me what to do little girl. Now do you mind explaining to me what the hell you’re doing with a plastic cock? I thought my little sweet pea was a virgin. Don’t look like a virgin with this.” He says as he shakes your girthy 7 inch bright pink dildo in your face.
“I am a virgin! And it’s none of your business! Gimmie!” Now you’re fed up, you lunge forward, grabbing at the toy once again only for Ezra to yank it away as his free hand grabs your face, pinching your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger.
“Cut the bullshit little girl, ain’t no way this cunt ain’t been touched if your shoving this fucking thing inside ya,” his eyes leave yours and look down at the toy and back at you, a sly smirk blooming on his face.
“Nah see what’s gonna happen now is I’m gonna see for myself how much of a dirty fucking whore you’ve become.”
He releases your face and immediately you drop your face into your chest, scared to look up at him, wanting nothing more than to curl into yourself and vanish.
“Please don’t. Just leave me alone. Please.” You beg him quietly, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
Ezra puts his hand on the back of your neck and squeezes, making you look up at him,
“Nuh uh. You wanna be a slut? Then you’re gonna take a real man’s fucking cock like the good girl you are and like it.” He says with a sneer.
Your eyes are big, filled with tears threatening to spill over. You’ve never been with anyone sexually before. You’ve never even used that dildo, you only have it because your friend gave it to you as a gag gift and now you fear your uncle Ezra is gonna be your first and you don’t get a say in it.
“Please uncle Ezra, I - I don’t want it. I - I’ve never had sex I swear.” Your lip quivering as you continue to beg him not to follow through on his word.
“Oh kiddo don’t be scared. It’s me, your uncle Ez,” he says condescendingly as he leans forward, so close your noses touch, “I’m gonna fuck this sweet virgin pussy. I’ll make it good for you baby. Make sure she creams all over my cock so much you’ll beg for more.”
Tears start falling down your face, a deep fear spreading through your body like a cancer. A fear your pussy seems immune too as you feel yourself clench around nothing in excitement.
“Now lay on back like a good girl baby. Go on.” Ezra urges you as he lets go of your neck and pushes your shoulder back gently. As scared as you are, you also know how much you do secretly enjoy the attention and the touches you get from him. You bite your lip nervously as your back hits the pillows behind you.
Ezra grabs your calf and uncrosses your legs as he bends forward. His face in between your legs, his nose brushes against your clothed slit as he takes in a deep breath.
“You smell so sweet kiddo.” He says looking up at you before glancing back down, “looks like someone’s excited to meet me.” He said with a smirk as he brings his hand up, taking his thumb and swiping up from the bottom of your slit up, landing on your little bundle of nerves. He slowly rubs a few circles on your clit, your body lights up from the electric feeling of someone touching you there. You quickly bite your bottom lip and squeeze your eyes closed, trying your hardest to hold back any sign that you like how it feels.
Not paying any attention to you, Ezra pulls your shorts to the side revealing your wet pussy. His brows scrunch as he purses his lips together and lets out a little “oooh”
“She’s even prettier than I imagined honey,” he says before laying a soft kiss on your slit, “seems real happy to meet me too.” He says with a little chuckle. Ezra dives right in, his tongue parting your lips as he licks up and down. Up and down. Swirling his tongue around your entrance before going up to swirl around your clit before he suctions his lips around the little bundle and gives it a few gentle sucks.
The feeling of his mouth on you has you teetering on edge already. You’ve never experienced someone licking you down there before. And it feels so good. A breath moan escapes through your lips before you realize it. Ezra looks up at you when he hears it only to see you with your eyes closed shut and sees you quickly clamp your mouth shut.
“Nu uh kiddo. Open your fucking eyes and watch me,” he says before reaching up and slapping you lightly on the face to get your attention, “fucking rude of ya to do that. Guess I gotta train ya to take cock and to be a good little whore huh?”
You open you eyes, looking down at him. You shake your head no, scared to open your mouth knowing you wouldn’t be able to speak normally.
Ezra looks back down at your pussy as he lowers his hand down. He takes his finger and gently prods your pussy. He pushes a little bit into you before pulling back out, only to push his finger in more and twist.
A whimper escapes your lips this time. His thick finger moving inside of you feels so good you just can’t help it.
“That’s it honey, feels good don’t it? Yea it does,” he slips his finger in all the way continuously moving in and out, twisting as he does so, “She’s opening up for me baby. I think she likes me.” He leans forward again and licks your clit. Looking up at you as he keeps licking and fingering, the sensation’s overwhelming your entire being. He starts sucking your bundle of nerves again, Your head tips back as you give up trying to fight how you feel. Letting out a moan as your hand comes up and grabs your breast and squeezes.
“That’s it baby take em out, play with your nipples for me, gonna feel even better,” he orders before diving back in to lick and suck on your bean.
Doing as he says, you pull your tank top up, revealing your breast as you take one in each hand. Letting yourself feel them, giving them squeezes before you take a nipple in between your fore finger and thumb, pinching the sensitive nub and rolling it between your fingers.
He’s right, you find yourself in ecstasy as you continue to play with yourself as he eats you out.
Ezra’s mouth leaves your heat as he sits up and grabs the dildo. Laying back down in between your legs, he takes the dildo and starts running it up and down gathering your slick on the pink phallus.
“I think she’s ready for more baby what d’ya think?”
Your hands stop what they’re doing as you look down at him with eyes wide with terror. Taking a large gulp you give him a tiny head shake, ‘no’ you mouth.
“Don’t worry baby she’s gonna like this. I’ll kiss it better after.”
He holds the base of the dildo and slowly pushes the top inside your dripping entrance. He manages to get just the tip in and stops pushing in. He slowly twists it side to side as he looks up at you to gauge any pain you might have. You tensed up at the intrusion, your mouth clamped shut with tears forming in your eyes. Ezra leans forward and kisses your sensitive clit, making your hips buck up, chasing his mouth for more. He ever so slightly pushes a little bit more in as he wraps his lips around your bundle of nerves and gives it a little suck. You’re not sure how to feel. The searing pain from the dildo entering you seems to subside and turns into overwhelming pleasure as Ezra continues his assault on your pussy. Soon he pushes the toy all the way in you, all you can do is lay there, writhing in ecstasy as he starts pumping it in and out, switching back and forth between licking and sucking on your stretched cunt.
“Ooohh nngh oh fuck oh fuck Un- Uncle Ezra please - I-I’m close oh fuck I’m gonna -“
White hot pleasure erupts all over, your legs shaking, your body starts to thrash and wiggle as your orgasm takes over. Your brain is on mute, no thoughts, you can barely even remember your own name.
“That’s its kiddo, oh fuck yea I told you she’d like this. Prettiest fucking pussy, got my face fucking soaked baby. Come here”
Ezra stands up, taking the dildo out of you and licking the flared bottom of it before crouching down in front of the mirror that’s next to your bed and sticking it on the mirror.
He stands back up and takes a step and is back at your side. He puts his hand behind your neck. You can feel his fingers work up the base of your skull and grab a handful of your hair. Once he has a good grip, he pulls you up by your hair,
“ Get on your knees baby it’s time you take a real man in those pretty holes of yours.”
Your legs are jelly, you can’t even manage to land on your feet when he pulls you. You roll out of bed and land on your knees on the floor. Your hands shooting out, landing on his leg as you try to keep yourself from face planting.
“Stick out your tongue baby.”
You immediately drop your jaw and stick your tongue all the way out. Your eyes wide looking up at him, without a single thought behind them. Your consumed with this want to do whatever he says, to swallow up any crumb he may leave you in hopes of feeling a smidge of the pure ecstatic pleasure he can give you again.
With his hand still tangled in your hair, his other hand pulls down his shorts. His thick cock springs out, the tip an angry shade of red with precum already leaking out. He is easily the biggest cock you’ve ever seen. Way bigger than the dildo you just took. No longer scared of any potential pain he may cause you, instead a pang of desire shoots through your body, you can feel your pussy get even wetter.
He takes himself in his hand and gives his cock a few pumps before guiding it into your open mouth. He isn’t so gentle this time. Instead he’s quick to push his cock down your throat, hitting the back of your throat making you gag on the first entry. Instantly you gag hard, tears fall from your eyes as spit starts to leak from your mouth around his cock. He pulls out and quickly shoves himself back in. Your hands go up, laying on his thighs as he pushes your head down on his cock as he pushes in. Giving you no respite, you quickly learn to breathe through your nose.
“Fuck yea always had a pretty little mouth on ya baby go on, give Uncle Ezra’s dick a good suck. Show me how good my dick tastes baby.”
You try real hard to suck on him as best you could. You cover your teeth with your lips and tighten your lips around him. Sucking on him, moving your tongue around, tracing a vein that went from the base almost up to the tip. Your nose buried in his curls as he holds you down on him.
“Oh kiddo, y’doing so good nngh this mouth is mine honey. Only Uncle Ezra fucks this pretty hole y’hear me? That tight little cunt is mine too.”
You moan around his dick, hearing him claim you as his.
Suddenly Ezra yanks on your hair, sending you back off his dick. He moves out of the way and pulls you forward, causing you to fall on your hands as he continues to pull making you crawl. Once he stops you realize your directly in front of your mirror. More specifically right in front of the dildo that is now sticking to it. He crouches down so his face in close to yours
“Suck on the fake dick now baby Uncle Ezra’s gonna be right behind you, opening up that tight little gash o’yours.”
Your eyes wide as spit trickles down your chin. Ezra leans forward shoving his tongue in your mouth, kissing you with feral enthusiasm, licking into your mouth before taking your tongue between his lips and sucking as he pulls back. A string of spit connects you too as he breaks the kiss he takes a few seconds and just admires how beautiful you are. Hair a mess, spit covered chin, a wild look in your eyes that says you love this. You look throughly wrecked and he’s just getting started. He yanks on your hair one last time and guides you to the dildo where you wrap your lips around it and begin to suck. You look into the mirror and see yourself on all fours, sucking the toy as Ezra stands up behind you and takes his clothes all the way off.
Once naked, Ezra gets back down on his knees behind you. His hands glide over the globes of your ass as he sits back on his legs and just takes in the most beautiful debauched scene in front of him. Taking himself in his hand, he gives himself a few pumps before spitting down onto his dick. He lines himself up and pushes in, he goes slow. Giving you barely just the tip and already he’s letting out this unabashed low groan as his eyes roll back.
“Oh fuck baby this is gonna be a tight fit,” he says in a deep lust filled voice, “Don’t worry kiddo Uncle Ezra’s gonna make her purr real nice.”
He reaches down, his fingers finding your clit with a quickness. Softly rubbing circles on your bundle of nerves, you feel yourself relax completely. Ezra pushes in a little bit more.
He might be immoral but he’s not a complete monster. He knows his pretty little niece is a pure virgin, he’s gonna make this unforgettable. He already knows she’ll come crawling back for more, he thinks to himself as a smirk crosses his face.
“Breathe baby, just breathe. Fuck you feel so good, tight little gash suckin me just right.” He coaches you as he finally pushes all the way in, waiting a few beats before he moves again letting you get used to the stretch.
You feel so full with his cock inside you and the dildo in your mouth. You can’t help but whine as you feel him throb inside of you. You pull off the toy,
“Uh-uncle Ez- Ezra please. Oh p-please move oh fuck I’m so full. . s’good.”
Hearing you moan and beg is all he needs as he starts to move and quickly finds a hard, fast pace.
Your mouth falls open into an O shape as the breath is completely knocked out of you as he starts to really fuck you. It’s too much but at the same time you want more. You’ve never felt euphoria quite like this. You go back to sucking on the toy so you can feel that exquisite full feeling again.
“ Ooh kiddo yea. Fucking hell that’s it baby oh fuck look at you. Got a cock finally inside this little virgin slit and you already need two dicks just to satisfy ya huh? Yea you do. Ho-hold on baby I gotta make sure I never forget this.”
His thrusts slow until he stills inside you as he reaches over to his shorts and pulls out his phone. Once he straightens back up behind you, he opens the camera on his phone and flips it so he sees the debauchery that’s in front of him on his phone.
“Yeaaa that’s it, show the camera how much of a nasty little slut you really are honey. Go on, show em how good your pretty little mouth sucks.”
You should feel shame. Embarrassment. You should beg him to not film you in this lewd act. But you can’t. And won’t. Something about him filming this makes you drip with even more want. Makes you want to do even more depraved, perverted acts with him. Maybe even after, the two of you watch your home movies as you lay in bed.
Ezra holds onto your hip with one hand as the other holds his phone as he drives his throbbing cock back in. He sets an unrelenting pace as he pounds into you.
You’re an absolute mess as you moan around the toy in your mouth.
He chuckles darkly, “Look at my sweet little niece. Letting her dirty old uncle pop her sweet cherry. Nngh oh fuck yea. Perfect fucking pussy squeezing me so tight. Look at my cock hungry little whore. I told you she’d like me baby, she’s so creamy, eating me right up.” His words abruptly ended by a moan he couldn’t help but let out.
“Ff-fuck yea that’s it, Uncle Ezra’s gonna cum in his cunt. It’s mine now baby she’s only gonna take my cock, my cum ya hear? Nnn oh fuck oh fuck let me feel you cum sweetheart, come on”
He reaches back down and quickly rubs circles on your clit and immediately your legs start shaking as you feel your orgasm crash over you. You let out a muffled cry, the toy in your mouth keeps you from yelling very loud.
“Fuck. Fuck. Oh fuck.”
Ezra chants and soon you feel him spurt hot cum deep inside you. He stills, cock still buried in your tight heat as he bends down over your back.
Ezra puts his phone down as he holds you for a moment, leaving soft kisses on your shoulder and down your back before he pulls himself out of you. You pull off the toy and slump to the side on the floor.
“Let’s get you cleaned up kiddo. How bout we go get some’ to eat? That sound good baby?”
You look up at him with a smile on your face, “Yea that sounds good.”
Ezra smiles back and with that he helps you up and takes you to the bathroom.
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yuikomoriemo · 4 months
So I'm making a headcanon list-
Pls don't judge
Since ayato plays basketball as a hobby reiji always scolds him to go for a shower-
Kanato has tea parties with his wax figures,teddy and sometimes forces ayato and laito to be there and dress them up.
Subarus called the police once on reiji(for being irritating)and actually got him arrested- boy- grounded a week-
Ayato likes playing with yuis hair but won't admit it.
Kou has once been accused of homophobia and Queerbaiting but- he retaliated by kissing subaru infront of his possible fans.
Subaru only plays roblox to bully brats offline
Reiji had NO CLUE how to use a Samsung,iPhone,galaxy, NONE AND IT TOOK SHU AND SUBARU MONTHS TO TEACH HIM/ they regretted it because REIJI....HAS A FACEBOOK PAGE
(reijis posts would be about his interest in chemistry which is adorable BUT....HE POSTS CRINGY PHOTOS OF HIMSELF AND ON MORE THAN ONE OCCASION POST HIM PRANKING SHU-)
Yui always makes cookies for the family but as for kanato and ayato.....STALE COOKIES
Cordelia loves watching RuPauls drag race
I think laito is secretly a tik tok sensation
Kanato expects reiji to cook him chocolate cake and sometimes yuma BUT THAT RESULTS IN KANATO CRYING IN A CORNER
The only social media subaru has (apart from MYSPACE) IS TWITTER
Kou sometimes feeds on his fans during concerts for effect (such as his song DEVILS SPIRE)
Shu plays minecraft with yui
Ruki is secretly reading Fifty Shades Of Grey-
Azusa does things to annoy his brothers on purpose so that he'd get hit-
Beatrix always made shu do the little lad dance if he wanted to go out.
Cordelia made kanato do the little lad dance if he wanted candy-
Whenever reiji goes shopping he MUST take kanato even though kanato always wants something but never ever gets it and throws a tantrum.
Karl heinz listens to abba-
Subaru and yuma are hardcore Marliyn manson fans-
Come on- Laitos been to a gay bar at least more than twice lol
Reiji goes to AA meetings (he's a wine/vodka mom-)
Yui had a goth phase at one point and hates to admit it.
Azusa likes to sing when he's alone (The masochism tango-)
Kanatos favourite music artist is Melianie Martenz
Ayato will NEVER ADMIT IT BUT....he had a Justin Bieber phase
Reiji watches full house
Kou and laitos favourite show is Desperate Housewives (laitos reason- let's just say the letters M i l and f) (kous reason- DRAMA)
Subaru made yui watch Moral Orel (ITS A GOOD SHOW BUT- VERY...VERY...DARK)
Yui once asked kanato to wear a dress she bought just out of curiosity
Ayato makes homophobic jokes- (I like dark humour bit that guy would take it to far-))
Subaru paints his nails black
Kanato 100% has BPD
I think yui attempted to murder the sakamakis once in her life-
Kou makes his brothers practice his dances for an upcoming concert.
Yui is a cat person (as in she prefers cats as pets)
Some related to my lgbtq headcanons reiji would've been 100% homophobic in the past
Karlheinz has an onlyfans- (IM SORRY-)
Kanato forces ayato to dress up
Yumas "sugar cubes" are actually just weed mixed with sugar-
Reiji always does the triplets homework assignments
Ayato has tried numerous occasions to make takoyaki for yui since she always makes it.
Azusas music taste is heavy metal-
Laito loves rose bubble baths
Every weekend reiji makes the triplets go out and takes their phones to snoop but immediately gives them back SCARED OF THE THINGS HE SAW (subaru and shu pay their own phone bill- maybe the triplets should do the same-)
Laito loves McDonald's chicken nuggets
Reiji laughs at the idea of gentle parenting (CLAY PUPPINGTON I TELL YA-)
If cordelia was alive she'd totally be the heartthrob on vogue magazine-
When christa is in a good state of mind subaru takes her out to a cafe just to chat.
Beatrix used to make reiji read silly books despite his intellect such of "history of walnuts"
Cordelia whenever she wasn't a heartless bitch to her kids she'd read them bedtime stories from brothers grimm-
Subaru likes to bring stray cats in his room if they wander in the mansion (Let's see how long that lasts with clean freak reiji-)
Reiji sometimes ONLY SOMETIMES...covers shu up in a blanket when he's sleeping on the couch
Sakamaki Anime
Shu: Kiss him not me
Reiji: Howls moving castle
Laito: ....HELLSING ULTIMATE for the wrong reasons-
Kanato: Junji Ito collection
Kou follows Harry styles on insta to get fashion tips of his posts for upcoming concerts-
Yui cut subarus hair one time ...PHHHHHHHH....IT DIDNT GO WELL...
Karl used to make the triplets play jenga for 2 hours straight just to entertain himself with their arguments.
Yuma once gave yui his SUGAR CUBES....she wanted more it felt better than being bitten 4752226775444 times A DAY
OK SO...The wedding night- cordelia totally got drunk on purpose and slapped her bridemaids for staring at Karl and then sobbed when Karl yelled at her-
Laito once bought edible-(stuff I can't say but you can guess-) AND FORGOT ABOUT IT ONE TIME ONLY TO HAVE REIJI SMACK THE SHIT OUT OFF HIM WHEN HE FOUND IT
Ayato and subaru sometimes team up to annoy laito
Ok- this one might be offensive so I apologise in advance, on many occasions reiji would be absolutely pissed after having a jehova witness at the mansion door
Beatrix tried cordelias wine and they both ended up actually getting along for once
@yuma-mukami-garden-god @notdiabolika @diabolikpersonals
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huexuri · 5 months
i have a thought! soob sending u a whimper audio or a lewd ass clip of him playing w himself bc he's so desperate for u to come back lol
yes omgeeee anon u are so smart !!!! i was thinking of something like this earlier but this seems like a better idea😭 also u are my first ask THANK UUUUUYYYUUUU
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⋆ please come home (switch!soobin x switch!reader)
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(warnings: soob is switch(very sub lean) in this, reader is switch(dom lean), fem!reader, protective!soob, bratty!soob, degrading, masturbating, whimpering, sexting, dry humping, pet names: [good boy, baby, slut] thigh humping, tell me if there's more!)
note: ive been dying to get a request like this omg what a way to start the new year (HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERUONE)
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"soob," you sighed.
you'd only be going out for a few hours to a party that one of your girlfriends practically begged you to go to, and since you haven't met her since the pandemic, of course you agreed to go. yet when soobin said himself that he absolutely didn't mind yesterday night, it didn't occur to you that 5 minutes before you head out, he'd be holding on to your arm asking who's gonna be there, where are you off to, etc. maybe it's just one of his protective traits, but you two agreed on this, so you weren't sure why he was so protective of you now.
"just promise you're not gonna go and let other guys hit on you okay? you know you get tipsy so easily right? i'm not saying i don't trust you at all ... i just don't want other guys to look at you! because you're so pretty in this dress... but only my eyes are allowed on you right? just don't go ar—"
"soobin!! i won't drink or anything okay? don't worry about me so much, just send me a message when you feel lonely okay? i'll talk to you on the phone if you need to. it's gonna be fine, soob.." you cut his words off, gave him a peck on the lips, smiled at him with reassurance and waved him a goodbye before he smiled back at you hesitantly.
"bye!! be safe!!!" was what soobin yelled as you were about to shut the front door, and all you could respond with was a louder "mhm!!!!" followed by the door flying shut.
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an hour later, and you're sitting at the bar gossipping with all of your girlfriends. other than that, they constantly persuade you to drink. but knowing you, after one shot you go all red... which, sipping your iced water you decline their offer... over and over and over again. they just won't stop bugging you!!!,, so, you excuse yourself to the bathroom just to text your beloved.
sneaking yourself into a stall, you open your chat box to realize you'd left him on delivered for an hour ... "damn," you muttered to yourself, feeling bad that you possibly left him worried, but only 2 unread messages greet you with : "i miss you already!!:(" followed by a 2 minute long voice note.
you immediately plug in your earphones, ready to listen to whatever song he wanted to sing or whatever gossip he had to tell you.
"haa... miss you s-so bad.... mmh... come home pretty please?—a-ah fuck....."
immediately your eyes widened at the lewd sounds he made, you paused the voice note with a look on your face as if you just got caught commiting a crime. it caught you SO off guard, that was the thing you least expected ...., he knew you had a thing for his moans. in fact, it was one of your major turn-ons.. but soobin was never a vocal person in bed, he'd deny it even. if he made any sounds, he'd get flustered immediately. he thought it made him seem too feminine, so he never believed you when you said you liked it.
was this really him? you thought to yourself..
your finger hesitantly pressed the resume button on your screen.
"f-fuck, baby.. i'm c-cumming, aah,, you like it? come... c-come back for it.. ss—shit !!.."
2 minutes in, the audio coming to an end, you felt your thighs squeeze against each other, you felt your walls clench around nothing. my god, he sounded heavenly. you could hear the squelches of him stroking himself up and down, you could practically hear his pace fasten as his breaths became more irregular and his moans slowly increase in volume. you could literally tell when he busted all over himself. and oh, you did not know how much this aroused you until today.
screw this party, screw the drinks. he SO knew how to get you to come back home.
"i'm coming." you simply sent him, then you get ready to leave. after you left the stall, with a "sorry everyone, i have to go back, it's urgent.", you hastily left the party.
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you practically bust the door open when you reach back to your apartment, panting as you see soobin lying on the couch scrolling away on his phone as if he didn't just get you leaking out of your panties. this son of a bitch, seriously.... teasing like that and acting like nothing happened??
"oh hey! you're finally back!! i missed you~" soobin happily exclaimed as got off the couch and walked up to you to give you a peck.
when you don't reply, he has the audacity to ask you what's wrong. towering over you, he still acts cute and ignorant until you nudge him against the door as it flings shut. your knees are in between his slightly bent legs and immediately you shove your lips into his, cupping his face as your tongues fight for dominance. your free hand reaches down to his bulge to stroke it through his pants. he moans into your mouth and oh my fucking god did it turn you on even more. how badly did you miss his beautiful voice? you could feel his erection start to fill in the space in your palm as it grew bigger and harder. pulling away from the kiss with both of you panting, soobin only pouts at you..
"what did i doooo? why so rough?" he looked at you with glistening, innocent eyes. not so innocent though, because he knew what he was fucking doing.
squeezing his clothed cock in response, he let out a soft moan at that. "soobin you fucking brat ... you KNOW what you're doing." you say in between breaths.
in a blink of an eye he'd flipped you over, now your back leaning the door with a soft thud, "brat, huh? say it again.." soobin responded, with a smug smile on his face.
when you don't respond but smash your lips back onto his, his dominant composure melts away into your kiss and he desperately grinds against your bare thighs. you rock your hips in response and his moan travels down your throat again. your hand wanders around, tugs on his waistband and sinks under, where now you feel the material of his boxers and his cock that twitches in your palm. your other hand runs up his shirt and tugs at his nipple, which he bucks his hips in response. he finally pulls away from the kiss, this time sloppier, and runs a finger though your hair. you took your hand off his boxers and your other hand out of his shirt, and placed them both on his shoulders.
"do you want it?" you muttered.
"i've been waiting for so long," soobin whispered, barely able to make out words.
"promise that you'll put those vocals to use?"
now your hands leaving his shoulders and holding onto his wrist, you lead him to the sofa and pushed him onto his back.
"couldn't even wait until i came home, huh.." you muttered as you quickly unbuckled your tight leather dress. soobin only looked up at you with eager eyes when your dress fell off of your shoulders, exposing your body to the cold air. throwing the dress on the ground, you pull his pants down as well. just as he was going to take off his boxers you grabbed his wrist, and instead sunk down onto his hard on, the both of you clothed.
"soobin, patience.."
you interlocked your fingers with his and started to grind down on him. his precum and your slick starts to seep through the cloth and soon you were sloppily humping him. he didn't lie when he said he was going to put those vocals to use, because as you rocked against him, he let out the most heavenly sounds you'd ever heard from him. those broken moans, only he could see how badly it turned you on. his fucked out face and his wet hair weren't helping either.
"i r-really want to cum ... p-please!—" soobin was only able to mumble between whimpers.
"not yet, hang in there..." you cupped his face, then thrusting a finger into his mouth. "take it like the good boy you are, and maybe i'll let you cum in me.."
soobin only nodded in response, his eyes squeezed shut as he sucked on your finger like his life depended on it — his saliva coating every surface of your finger.
"gooood boy... so needy just for me... huh? sent me a clip of you playing with yourself just so i can help you finish?"
his eyes fluttered open with the neediest look someone could ever look up at you from, in response to the pet name. you smiled at that and let him release your fingers. you pulled down your soaked panties and motioned him to do the same, he looked at you with a "really?" kind of look, and when you assured him, his cock immediately sprung out of his boxers— tip fiery red and shaft twitching like it's deprived of touch.
"do you wanna fuck me?" you said as you lied down on your back, looking down at him, looking like he's been desperate to fuck you.
"oh my god.." soobin panted.
soobin positioned himself in between your legs, his twitching cock against your aching cunt, he looked at you with a final confirmation.
"go ahead, baby."
with one full thrust he thrusted into you. unaware about his bigness, when you winced slightly in pain he was worried if he'd done anything. but since he was so desperate... you didn't want to ruin his moment, so you let him.
"s-soobin... fuck.."
"shit, baby.. you're so fucking— t-tight..."
eventually, your walls had moulded into the shape of him, and each thrust became less and less painful, more and more pleasurable. you were so focused on how good he felt when it caught you off guard that he started to play with your clit, long, veiny fingers flicking up and down on your swollen bud as he thrusted in and out of you at a controlled pace.
"fuck, fuck— when did you— get this g-good with your fingers... mmh..." you muttered.
soobin looked down at you with a satisfied smile and continued to rub circles on your clit,, soon his thrusts became sloppier, strings of saliva mixed with all sorts of other bodily fluids connecting soobin's body with yours...
"i'm—fuck, c-can i please!! please please... please let me c-cum.. mmh—!" soobin moaned, with obvious need in his voice, beads of tears welling up at his eyes, sweat dripping down his chest and soaking his shirt,,
"s-soobin... you can cum, baby ..... s-shit i—i'm—" your voice shakey, you could feel yourself reaching your climax. you fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to you, now chest to chest, you pulled him in a sloppy kiss, he moaned into you as you felt his warm seed fill you up to the brim.
you both stayed like this for a whole 5 minutes in silence. you thought he'd fallen asleep until..
"thank you.." soobin whispered.
"thank you for coming back home."
"do you really like it when i'm vocal?"
"are you fucking serious, soobin?" you playfully smacked his back in a effort to hit him.
you could feel soobin grin against your ear.
"let's go get you cleaned up, pretty." soobin patted your head as he got off of you.
"hey, you too.." you weakly responded.
soobin could only giggle at that, and you scoffed.
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eepwriting · 20 days
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IV NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: allllll of it
Note - Sorry this took so long to get out. Tried to get through requests and got a little distracted lol. Anyway, here’s the final alphabet for my beloved ivy. 🤍
!! mdi !!
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
✶ A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
➮ He’s very attentive. Throughly (but gently) cleans you up, will help you redress if you want/need to. Always gets you water and will watch you drink the whole glass.
✶ B = Body Part (Favorite on themselves, favorite on you.)
➮ He likes his chest and back. Strong, sturdy.
➮ He loves your legs. Enjoys having them thrown over his lap (or shoulders). Runs his hands from your ankles up to your hips and down again.
✶ C = Cum (Anything to do with cum.)
➮ Loves to see himself painted on your face and neck.
✶ D = Dirty Secret (Self Explanatory?)
➮ He listens to audios you send him when he’s around other people. An earbud in, just softly playing as he chats with friends. It’s not loud enough to really affect him but he definitely has a half chub.
✶ E = Experience (How experienced are they?)
➮ He gives off the impression that he’s beeeen fuckin but no. He doesn’t have much.
➮ Is very eager to try things with you.
➮ He’s able to switch into many different moods, despite not having a ton of experience.
✶ F = Favorite Position
➮ Spooning or standing behind you. Likes to be as close and all over you as possible.
✶ G = Goofy (Are they serious or playful and goofy?)
➮ Half and half. Most of the time he’s too lost in his own pleasure to play around but he’ll sometimes tickle you and crack jokes.
✶ H = Hair (How well groomed are they?)
➮ He keeps it short and tidy.
✶ I = Intimacy (How intimate are they in the moment?)
➮ Most of the time he’s very focused on you, making sure he hits all the right spots. Hands softly running all over you, whispering how much he appreciates you.
✶ J = Jerking Off
➮ Those audios we talked about before…he’s definitely locking himself in a room later and goin to town.
➮ Will always send you pics/vids/audios of his own.
✶ K = Kinks
➮ He likes to be praised.
✶ L = Location (Their favorite place to do the do.)
➮ Since he likes to stand behind you, he loooves to fuck you in front of mirrors. Doesn’t matter if it’s in the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, hallway, anywhere.
➮ Gets to watch himself slip into you from behind while also watching your face.
✶ M = Motivation (What turns them on?)
➮ If you kiss on his neck or even just lightly run your fingers over it he’s grunting and breathing heavy.
✶ N = No (Something they would never do.)
➮ No what?? No scat, no piss.
✶ O = Oral (Preference on giving and receiving.)
➮ He loves blowjobs and will often (politely) demand them.
➮ But boy is also a certified munch/certified sucker. Bonus points if your thighs keep him trapped in between your legs.
✶ P = Pace (Are they rough and fast or careful and gentle?)
➮ Depends on his mood. He likes to take it slow if either or you are tired or you’re seeing each other again after being away.
➮ He also enjoys getting a little rough with you and picking up the pace.
✶ Q = Quickie
➮ He’s not a fan or hater. If you want to sneak away he’s more than happy to participate.
✶ R = Risk (Do they experiment?)
➮ He’s a big fan of trying new things. Sends you lists of things he finds interesting and wants to try.
✶ S = Stamina (How long do they last?)
➮ A very average amount of time but will make you cum before and after he finishes.
✶ T = Toys (Do they use them? On you or themselves?)
➮ As stated before, he loves to experiment so he’ll surprise you with new toys he thinks you might like.
➮ Not a super big fan of using toys on himself but will try if you ask nice enough.
✶ U = Unfair (How much do they tease you?)
➮ He’s a big tease. At the top of his ‘want to try’ list was edging and he couldn’t get enough of it when the two of you tried it the first time.
✶ V = Volume (How loud are they?)
➮ His noises are for the most part pretty quiet but he’s a big talker. Whether he’s complimenting, praising, degrading, generally conversing with you, he loves to talk.
✶ W = Wild Card (Random head cannon.)
➮ He definitely keeps a nude of you in his wallet.
✶ X = X-Ray (What will we find under their clothes?)
➮ His legs are covered in tattoos I just know it.
✶ Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
➮ It’s high and he makes sure you know it.
✶ Z = Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
➮ He’ll only fall asleep when you do, and if you want to stay up, he’ll stay up with you.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
This man y’all 😮‍💨
If y’all want to see anymore ‘series’ like this let me know cause all of them were so fun to write!
K. Bye bye.
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
Beach Balls.
Barou Shouei x FemReader x Nagi Seishiro
What would it take to convince Barou Shouei to end up on a beach? It’s messy, sand gets everywhere, it’s unhygienic. Who knew it would be so simple —You, a bikini and Nagi Seishiro, the hassle man who didn’t seem to get the hint that you were the kings queen. He’d share this once but only to get his point across.
Kinda an extra spin off from this story: Pudding <linked
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • all aged up 23+• Smut • f/m only • Nagi watches/joins in • Establish relationship with Barou • public sex • beach/summer theme • Nagi and Barou bickering • reader oblivious to Nagi’s interest • size kink • praise / degradation kink • lazy 3some • Barou Doms • prone bone position • fluff with Barou at the end • funny plot twist ending as usual for my bllk fics lol THAT AINT SUNLOTION BRUH •
Hope it’s worth it guys! Took me so long to get this done! It was wayy longer than I planned but it’s so 🌶️ skip to the end of you don’t have patience cause it’s funny nagi is a lil shit💀
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Fuck it was hot. 
This temperature was ridiculous.
Everything was sticky and it made you lethargic.
Life was hard at the moment, seriously.
“Quit sighin’ will ya? You’re pissing me off.” 
The side eye you gave Barou was bombastic, unfazed as always, immune to your death glares he strode by in nothing but tiny ass man shorts that gripped his ass tighter with each stride.
Huge body rippling, sweat beads lightly down him dipping through the lines of his ridiculous muscles that your tongue knew so well. 
You groaned again and Barou threw a glare over his shoulder. 
“You deaf? Fuck off somewhere else.” 
“I was appreciating you so hard it made me groan actually, you dildo!” 
“Keep up the snark and I’ll buy you a box of them when I leave your ass,” 
“Single life doesn’t suit me, thanks for the offer though my best dildo ♡”
“Fucking brat.” 
You snickered as Barou left the living room and you watched his tight shorts hug his ass as he walked away. Your phone pinged, which you ignored because reaching for it on the glass table across from your sprawled out form on the sofa was simply too hard. The air con was on, blowing by occasionally and it kept the house cool, but moving soon took away the pleasure of coolness to break into a sweat.
Another couple pings echoed in the living room until your curiosity outweighed your pain of having to move. 
Bachira and I are heading to the beach, who’s coming? 
Let’s go! ;) I have a ball! :D
Busy, have a good time tho. 
Seems like a bother, it’s too hot I don’t wanna move. :x
No. Get rid of my number peasants. 
Sure! Can we volley ball? Where shall I meet you guys? ♡
Kay, I’ll come. 
Hahahahahaha cute Nagi! Yeeeees we can! I’ll be on ur team 😍
🤢 Nagi.
💀 meet at our usual cafe? Say 12pm? I haven’t played volleyball but I’ll give it a go!
I’ll show you boys how to handle balls in different ways, don’t worry. Best to be taught by a pro after all. 😜 
s’ that a promise? :x
I thought better of you Nagi. Girl, keep that shit between you and king asshole.
Sure @Nagi! I’ll teach you, aren’t you going to watch videos tho? How you usually learn? @Reo Hahahaha, he really is an asshole ♡
You locked your phone whilst you swung your feet from the sofa and checked the time, thirty minutes before you needed to leave. 
Barou wasn’t within your line of sight as you changed into a hot pink bikini that complimented your skin tone, sliding on some denim shorts that were truthfully a little on a short side and grabbing a white tank top. 
Packing a small bag of drinks, lotion and towels, spare pair of flip flops to avoid Barou screaming about sand in the house, you said bye to said man but had no response. 
Foolishly assuming that Barou had seen the group chat, knowing where you were going and what you were doing.
The man was in the garden working out, despite the radio active freaking heat —he was still as strict and dedicated rain or shine. His headphones in and the group chat turned to silent because such kings shouldn’t be associated with such peasants. 
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Isagi had set up your section impressively, making it as private as possible by hiring a location with a barrier around, you presumed to keep any media away or any on lookers who might recognise the boys. 
Apparently if you weren’t with them they’d be less bothered, but dragging you into their media frenzies were less preferable, Barou would have their heads after all. 
The section of the beach was fairly quiet despite the blaring heat, you pushed your hair back as you walked from the water, ends of your hair twisting around your hand as you drained the salt water from it. Eyes looking off to the side as you scanned the beach absentmindedly. 
Failing to notice the boys watching, Bachira elbowed Isagi who was watching with just as much interest as Nagi. 
“See Isagi? She’s pretty~!” His sing song voice, the teasing tone matched his current posture; legs crossed and his hands placed on the sand in the gap between them as he rocked his body slightly. 
Grey eyes peering over his phone, interest finally swayed by the dribblers words, he greedily drank you in and his lazy mind quickly forming ideas that didn’t seem so bothersome. Nagi watched your hands running through your hair before twisting it to the side, tits bouncing lightly in that skimpy pink bikini. He swore he could see each drop of water slide down your body, disappearing into your cleavage and bikini bottoms —both places he’d happily bury his face into. 
Seishiro swallowed thickly suddenly ripping from his daze only to notice they weren’t the only males on the beach staring at you. The odd girl slapping their boyfriends arms and one even pushing his face into the sand. 
Nagi I didn’t even hear you until you prodded his forehead, 
“Hey, earth to Sei!” 
“Uh - hi.” 
You blinked, head tilting as you looked him over sat under the shade of the umbrella. 
“You okay Sei?”
You crouched down to him, he swallowed thickly again when your fingers brushed his hair from his eyes and forehead, pressing the back of your hand to it. 
And he froze, training his eyes on your face and to not look down at your tits pressed together so close to his own face, barely covered in that bikini… if that strap came undone, god that’s all it would take for him to get an eyeful. Hell it was tempting -it would be easy, he’s so much taller than you all he’d need to do is stand next to you and pull on it without you even knowing. 
“Hmm, you’re not really hot but your cheeks are a little red. Make sure you keep drinking ‘kay?” 
He nodded completely dazed and doe eyed in his own lazy way, looking up at you like a child not really hearing a word you say because his eyes were hyper focused on those pretty plump lips moving.
“You haven’t taken your t-shirt off, did you put cream on?” 
Nagi shook his head whilst shrugging and turned his eyes back to his phone that had laid forgotten in his limp hands on his lap. 
You sat on the towel laid out for you, laying on your back you sighed in contentment and closed your eyes to enjoy the sun that beamed down to dry the water from your cooled skin. 
It was pleasant, listening to Nagi’s fingers tapping on his screen, the occasional noise from his game and his little noises to signal his progression. 
Until a shadow loomed over you, the heat from the sun disappearing instantly causing you to frown. 
You don’t recall seeing a cloud in the sky today, or anywhere nearby when you were in the water not ten minutes ago. 
You opened an eye to see none other than Barou stood over you blocking the mighty sun with his ridiculous body, looming over you as a shadow with red eyes glowing. 
“If you’re gonna say anything about chocolate melting in the sun-“
“Fuck you playing at?” 
“It’s the scene from white chicks?”
You sat up onto your elbows and looked at him in question as his gaze only got harsher on your attempt of humour to deflect his doom and gloom presence. His attitude and stare caused annoyance to bite at your skin, his tone carrying accusation like you’d done something wrong. 
“You didn’t think to ask or tell me you were leaving? Didn’t I tell you stay away from the louse?”
“I don’t have to ask you anything Barou, I thought you seen the chat and heard me say bye. Will you stop calling him a louse? He has a fucking name.” 
“Yeah, Nagi. Naaaa-gi. Say it.” 
Red eyes slid to said man, that was speaking in his lazy voice that made Barou’s teeth grind. Nagi was merely looking back at Barou with his usual bored gaze but the closer Barou looked the more he seen the fucking taunt glistening in those usual apathetic eyes. 
“You’re dead hassle man.” 
It took you a mere second to stand and press your finger into Barou’s chest, stepping forward into his space and getting up in his face. You didn’t expect him to step backwards and he didn’t, if you weren’t so annoyed you’d see his eyes soften, ever so slightly, when they met your own. 
“No. He isn’t, unless you want a fucking scene here Barou sort it out, I have no idea what the hell is going on with you two but I’m done with it.”  
You, Nagi and Barou were too absorbed in the moment to see blue and yellow eyes peering over the beach barrier set up around your spot, they were stood on the other side like spying teens with their fingers gripping the top.
“She’s -“ 
Isagi nodded as if he knew what Bachira was gonna say, really he didn’t, but he assumed it was to do with your feisty side that you hid so well. Really it wasn’t surprising —dealing with Barou wasn’t easy. It made sense that he liked someone who held their own. 
“Thing is, Barou likes it.” 
“Huh? What’cha mean Isagi?”
“Look at his cheeks!” 
Bachira turned his eyes back and saw the tinge that prickled across the kings cheeks, barely noticeable until Isagi had pointed it out. 
“Isagi the monster says we should leave now,”
“Yeah… she’ll handle it, right?”
You sighed as if relieving the annoyance and lowered your hand, finger tips brushing against Barou’s wrist as he glared off to the side. 
“Stay?” You lowered your voice so only he’d hear and you watched his frown deepen signalling he heard you, “-please? You know I’m happier when you’re around B.” 
“Buttering me up ain’t gonna do shit-“ 
“Fine, go sulk.” 
You waved over your shoulder and sat back on your towel, part of you was surprised he was even here —he didn’t like the sand because it was messy and got everywhere. But here he stood with his shoes in his hand and his toes buried in the pretty white grains. 
“Tch,” Barou sneered, eyes rolling he reached back and grabbed his t-shirt by the back of his neck, pulling it off in one motion and folding it neatly in your beach bag. 
His red eyes turned towards the water, rolling his neck and shoulder, that’s when you noticed Barou had his hair down, half up into a bun. And he looked freaking goooooood.
Nagi watched as love hearts formed in your eyes, pupils changing shape as you looked on dreamily at the man causing him to pout, his little famous x shape forming as he felt suddenly forgotten about. 
“Stupid king,” he mumbled, annoyed with the fact he finally had your attention getting you both alone for it only to be swiftly interrupted. He swore Barou had some kind of sixth sense when it came to you.
Barou looked over his shoulder at you, annoyance was still biting at him but he found it hard to keep it up with you —after all you weren’t the reason he was wound up. Not like he would admit in a thousand years that Nagi Seishiro was getting under his skin. 
Your name being called to your left took your attention from Barou, not noticing Nagi had stood to his full height and removed his shirt. Rubbing the back of his neck to express he was feeling somewhat awkward as he held a bottle of sun lotion out. 
You weren’t looking at that though, your mouth fell slack at the condition Nagi was in —shocked at what he hid under those baggy clothes. You knew his height matched Barou and sometimes when Nagi actually straightened you could have sworn he was slightly taller than the king himself.  He always looked so lean, so slender and it was a shock to see he was built like a freaking god under those clothes. 
Barou was big, the man was packing in every sense so you were hardly starved but this was surprising and you must have been gawking because you felt your jaw clack as you closed it. Nagi’s voice bringing you back to clarity as guilt surged through you —it made you worried about looking back at Barou stood behind you, hoping to the gods he didn’t see your jaw slacken.
“Can you put this on my back f’me? It’s such a hassle,” 
Barou’s eye twitched behind you, throbbing vein at his temple and his fists clenched. 
“Uh- sure Nagi, can you sit down?” 
“Like fuck yo-“ 
The smirk that twitched on Nagi’s mouth was aimed at Barou and he got the message, seeing nothing but red as your hands worked the lotion into Nagi’s back and shoulders. Sat on your knees cushioned by the sand, red eyes had to turn away, the boiling of his stomach acid churned him inside out.
He couldn’t show his jealousy, his ego far out weighing it in refusal on letting Nagi win this bullshit -it was not happening. 
If that’s how he wanted to play, Barou would play harder. But instead of making him jealous over you touching him, Barou was going to get across that he was the only one who could touch you. 
“All done Sei~!”
“Oi-“ you hummed at turned your attention to Barou who nodded his head, silently asking you to come near him, “-hand it over.”
He held his hand out for the lotion and you passed it to him as he told you to lay down on the towel again, straddling the backs of your thighs as he seated himself above you. 
Nagi’s head tilted as he watched the position, Barou ignoring his existence as he squirted cream onto your back, undoing your bikini straps so his large hands could work into your skin. 
“Ngh- B that feels s’ good.” 
Your airy moans were a fucking godsend, Seishiro watched intently as he stared from his position watching you turn into putty under Barou’s hands. 
“You got somewhere else to be, hassle man?”
“Not really.” 
Barou sneered, shifting his knees for his highs to spread further, from Nagi’s angle it looked like a mere shift of comfort. To you though it was Barou pressing his growing semi into your ass, spreading his legs to push his hips forward letting you know that your little feisty attitude wasn’t brushed under the rug. 
Your breath hitched in your throat, hands forming into fists as you tensed under him. 
“Whats up?” Barou’s voice carried amusement, that mocking tone was obvious to you but seemingly harmless to someone who had no idea he was pushing his hardening dick into the swell of your ass.
Oh fuck him. 
No- Sei was still beside you, you stole a glance only to see the white haired man had moved himself to squat next to Barou. His eyes watching your skin and drinking in whatever he could. Sei’s cock twitched, that hum of arousal shot through his body. 
“I wanna go-“ 
“Fuck off louse, go find something else better to do,” 
“Nah, I wanna do this.” 
Sei pressed his finger into your shoulder, running it up to your neck only for Barou to slap his hand away. 
“Don’t you get it? She’s not yours-“ 
“Can’t you just share?” 
For the second time in ten minutes your breath hitched in your throat, lifting yourself onto your elbows completely forgetting Barou had undone your bikini straps. 
The realisation hitting you like a fucking train. 
This was why they were fighting all the time? Because Nagi wanted to share you? 
Nagi Seishiro liked you?
“What the hell is going on?” 
“Uh- y/n.” 
You ignored Nagi’s attempt to speak, eyes widening, pink dusting across his cheeks as it crawled up his neck, his index finger pointing out which you didn’t follow due to being flustered by the sudden possibility that Nagi was interfering like this because he liked you. 
“Is this why you boys are constantly fighting? Holy, what the-“ 
“Your uh-, I can see them.” 
“What?” You blinked and Nagi blinked back at you, pointing you followed his finger to your exposed breasts, Barou all but slammed you down into the towel, your muffled umph as you almost got a mouthful of sand. 
“Looks like I gotta show ya-“ 
Barou’s voice darkened in a way that actually worried you, his ego clearly soaring over his common sense and his patience long gone. 
Barou shifted his hands, moving to your ass and grabbing it, spreading your cheeks for his thumbs to dip along the lines of your bikini bottoms pressing down on the lips of your pussy. 
“B-Barou no, we-“ 
“Shut it, you’re pissin’ me off, always sticking up for him and shithead isn’t getting the hint, it’ll be two birds with one stone.” 
An airy moan left you as one of his thumbs moved under the thin material and pressed against your hole, clenching around nothing in response at him pressing it into you. 
Your head dipped, forehead leaning into your clenched hands in front of you as your elbows held up your weight when his thumb slid in. 
Your eyes side glanced to Nagi who was watching Barou’s hands, his concentration on par with how he watched his soccer videos. Pink dusted his cheeks enough to compare with your own. 
Barou slid his thumb in to the knuckle, twisting his hand to run his index finger to your clit, pushing the slick that was starting to drool from his thumb buried in your pussy. 
“Tilt your hips up,” you did as he asked and moaned out at the pressure he applied to your clit, running hot circles around it making you buck backwards the best you could, Barou’s weight still holding your legs down as he rested on the backs of your thighs. 
“What a little whore, you’re a fucking mess already, not supposed to be enjoyin’ this.” 
“Ba- ngh - you need to stop,” 
“Nah keep going crappy king.”
“Shut it louse, think you are giving me orders huh?“ 
Your body running hot was enough to ignore the bickering, rotating your hips so Barou’s index finger moved with it was enough to draw their eyes and attention back to you. The airy little moan leaving your lips as your ass jiggled with movement.
“Shit, pretty thing you look good.” 
“Then listen to it hassle man, cause that’s as close as you’re ever gonna get.” 
Barou shifted his hands and you whine from the feel of him leaving you, only to freeze when he lifted himself slightly from your hips, his shorts rustling behind you and his cock slapping against his stomach as he released it. 
Reaching down he gripped the base, lowering it to slap on your ass a few times, his spare hand landed by your shoulder as he tilted over you pressing the head of his dick between the dip in your ass, sliding it down to your hole. 
“Fuck -Barou we can’t-“ 
“Says who huh?”
“The fucking law, what if someone sees us? You guys are fucking famous it’s-“ 
“Quit whinin’ just have to keep it down won’t you?” 
You cursed under your breath, hitching then in your throat as he started to push into you and it hurt. The angle was tight, Barou was massive —both girth and length gifting him to go with that ridiculous, unearthly body he had.
Your legs pressed together, his weight on the back of your thighs holding you down as he leaned into you, you didn’t know how well you’d take him like this —he was too big for the prone bone position.
“Fuck you’re tight-“ 
“You’re-I can’t take you like this-“ you whined under him, pussy throbbing to have him fill you so well like he always done, but struggling to take his cock as you were. 
“Tch,” Barou shifted, leaning into his hand by your shoulder, lifting his hips slightly from you allowing you to shift your own position and slapping your ass cheek watching it jiggle, “-get that fat fuckin’ ass up, yeah like that -push up with your just hips, off your elbows head down.” 
You moved whilst he instructed, your cheek pressing into the towel covering the sand and hips managing to push up a little from it. 
Barou’s hand gripped your ass cheek and spread it watching the head of his dick ease into your hole, feeling that pop as the thick head pushed through the right ring. 
“Yeahhh, s’fucking it. You gonna swallow this dick?” 
You almost forgot Nagi was even there, moaning in response as Barou slowly started to sink into you, bullying that thick dick through your tight hole. 
It was a struggle taking him like this, tears pricking at your eyes, teeth clenching and drool starting to spill from your mouth onto the towel. 
You felt impossibly full, he was already rubbing against your g-spot that heat building in your pussy making you clench around him, hips wiggling against him to try encourage something. 
“Pretty thing, you gonna answer?” 
As if suddenly snapping back to reality and Nagi reminding you he was there, you shifted —or went to, Barou reacted to take your attention from Nagi and forcefully snapped his hips forward, driving the rest of his cock until his balls pressed against your thighs . 
And you screamed. 
Nagi’s hand shot out, shoving three fingers knuckle deep into your mouth to muffle your noise. 
“You gotta be quiet pretty, thought you didn’t want anyone knowing?“ 
Your gummy walls distracted Barou to the point his mouth fell open slightly, dick flexing in you as his eyes unfocused into a daze, absentmindedly staring at Nagi’s fingers in your mouth, effectively gagging you —those little muffled noises, watching you struggle in this position to take him, how fucking tight you felt around his cock. 
Fuuuuckkkk. He wasn’t gonna last two minutes unless he calmed himself down. His heart was thumping in his ribs, arousal shooting through his body and rushing to his cock, that pleasurable wave rushing through his lower stomach. He moved his hands to place just above his knees still bent at your sides as he sat on the back of your thighs. 
His hips tilted forward enough to get himself balls deep into you, enough to push the fat and muscle of your ass up when his hips met yours.
You whimpered when he moved, testing your tolerance and seeing how uncomfortable you really were. 
As much as he liked to push you actually hurting you in any way, emotionally or physically, was off the cards for Shouei. Sharing you like this was only to make a point, to show you and hassle man that he wasn’t just king on the pitch —he had a queen off it and she was his alone. 
This was just a method that boosted his ego, just a way to do something outta spite. 
He might feel guilt ping at him later but right now he was stopping himself from cumming and stuffing you with cum fifteen seconds after bullying his cock into you. 
This was new —his ego and adrenaline mixing, seeing you get gagged by Nagi whilst full of your lovers cock in public?
Fuck, it mixed into some foreign feeling that was making him fucking feral. He never wanted to let loose on you like this, fighting the urge to pin you to the towel and fuck you until you were both raw. That racing heart elevated his breathing, starting to pant through his nose as he watched the side of your face. 
You were so pretty, so fucking beautiful… so perfect for him. 
Nagi felt your moaning vibrate against his fingers, as Barou started to move dragging himself from you slowly only to harshly punch his cock back in that tight squeeze. It made Nagi’s cock uncomfortably hard in his swim trunks, he could see you physically struggling in this position. He felt his dick leaking at the slit, throbbing and flexing at your attempt to take Barou like this. 
Nagi wasn’t anything to shy away from, his length being his winner, but even he’d admit Barou Shouei was packing a cock. Not like it was a surprise seeing it again today, Barou strode around blue lock’s baths enough back in the day, but seeing it in action like this kinda made it look more daunting. But the white haired genius didn’t feel sorry for you, he just wished he could see more of your drooling hole swallowing it up. 
Nagi pressed his finger tips to your tongue and your lips closed around his fingers, tongue rising to slide between his digits as his eyes watched yours glass over into some dazed, fucked dumb expression. 
Barou’s hips hitting you with a slower pace but it was rough and consistent, punching his cock into you so deeply and hitting that sweet spot almost instantly. 
Nagi watched your fingers dig into the towel, sinking into the sand under it and he fell to his knees, the sand was scratchy against his skin but it was easily forgotten when he pulled the top of his trunks, his long cock slapping his stomach. 
He exhaled heavily at the relief, spare hand wrapping around his length as his lazy gaze turned half hooded, glassy on the scene of Barou’s thick cock disappearing into the dip between your ass cheeks and thighs. He could see your slick coating Barou’s dick, he’d rather have better view of your pussy —seeing it stretched out and drooling but this would do for now. 
The skin slapping, the squelching made it easy to time his fist to fuck his cock into his hand. 
Barou’s gaze from you didn’t falter, completely fixated on your face that he could see, drool starting to spill down the side of his mouth as he kept his slow, hard pace, his hips cushioned by your ass every time they met. 
Nagi’s fingers moved around your tongue, spreading them to let you suck on them. Rolling his palm over the head of his dick smearing pre that leaked from the slit and his hips bucked up into his hand. 
“Damn woman, you’re sucking my dick in, let it go. Can’t fuck you faster if you keep squeezing like that.” 
That deep voice of your lover brought you some clarity, his order filtering through the daze his dick put you in. 
You arched back more for him, arms stretched out in front of you like a cat, ass moving up into the air and you felt the restriction instantly free up. 
“Risking breaking your back to get fucked good?” His hand slapped across your ass so harshly you jolted, hissing as the sting spread across your cheek. 
Barou leaned over you, his hands sliding around to cup your neck and under your jaw locking his fingers together at the front bring you back up with him. Nagi’s fingers falling from your mouth, spit covered he used it to rub over his cock, now fisting his dick with both. 
“S-Shit,” Nagi’s mouth fell open slightly, smacking his jaw as he watched your body arch beautifully. Back curving and ass back against Barou, he was using your neck as leverage to fuck you. His hands felt good, using two was better as he could overstimulate himself but rolling his palm across his head, “-lemme use her hand, I don’t wanna do it m’self.” 
Nagi’s lazy drawl did nothing to waiver Barou, or his attention.
Instead your hands flew to Barou’s waist behind you for support to balance yourself and he pressed his lips to your temple, peppering kisses down the side to your ear, biting on the lobe before sucking, his thumbs rubbing circles on the base of your neck, fingers still locked on your throat. His hot breath fanning across his wet trail of kisses, his deep moan and rough voice right in your ear as goosebumps spread over your skin. 
“Oi louse, touch her clit. Get her to cum.” 
Nagi pouted, side eying Barou as he felt torn on his choices.. doing as Barou says only to watch you cum over his dick or finally get a feel and taste of you? 
Was it worth it, would his ego- 
“N-Nagi please,” 
Yeah, it’s totally worth it. Nagi would just his own cards, use this to his advantage. 
Your eyes met his finally, a side look only but enough to make his dick throb in his hand. Your pretty glassy eyes, pink tinged across your cheeks and drool lining from one corner to your chin, loose strands of hair sticking to your forehead, lightly choked by your lover behind you, tits bouncing with each thrust from Barou as you panted in air. 
His head tilted as if to act oblivious to your needs, playing his poker face at his usual master level. 
“You need something pretty?” 
You nodded and he let out an airy moan as he slowed his hand, finger tips grazing over his tip. 
He knew his pre cum was smeared over his fingers as he reached forward to press against your clit clumsily, using it to aid the small circles he started to rub, feeling it stretched out from Barou bullying himself into you. 
“Ah -here? Does it feel good?” 
You released a breathy fuck yessss, hips jolting with each punch of Barou’s hips. 
“M’close Bar-Nag-ngh. Oh fucck-“
Nagi’s posture changed, his slouched position straightened those grey, slated brown eyes darkening as his ego took advantage of the situation. Shifting to be in front of you, his long, thick thighs resting either side of Barou’s, one hand fisting his dick and the other rolling across your clit, he wanted you to watch him to see him.
And you did, eyes focusing on his long dick being stroked just under you, those little pink tinged cheeks of his and that darkening look in his eyes. Strands of white hair sticking to his face as beads of sweat started to dribble down his chest.
It was enough to tip you over, the surge suddenly hitting you off guard. 
“I’m cumming - I’m cumming!” 
“Yeah-“ Nagi didn’t let up, his finger picking up a pace over your hardened clit helping on sending you over the edge, “-I’ll help you cum, pretty, kings not enough huh?” 
“You fucking- fuck-“ Barou’s attempt to sneer was cut off as your hips pushed back into his, your pussy clenching down on his dick swallowing him and you went so tight he couldn’t pull back. 
“You’re dead,” the breathy gruffness carried threat, but those glazed red eyes showed Barou was enjoying it far more than he was willing to let off.
“I done what you asked, king. You wanted me to help her cum on you right? Don’t you know her well enough?” 
Nagi could have sworn he seen red flash across his eyes, Barou’s gaze darkening more than he’d seen on the pitch. 
“Thanks for warming her up, she’s drooling over my dick now. Time I show you how she likes to be fucked, how a king fucks.” 
Barou released your neck, your body weight falling forward and your hands pressing into Nagi’s chest to catch yourself, your lips a mere breath from his, eyes meeting he fell back onto his elbows when Barou pushed your shoulders down. 
It made you lower on Nagi, tits pressing up against his cock and your face into his six pack. 
“Ass up, woman-“ 
Barou gripped the back of your neck pushing you down and forcing you to stay fixed, your ass arched back still in prone bone and Nagi was literally held under you, Barou using your body weight and his strength to keep him there. 
It was fucking mean, cruel even, how he left you moaning and whining, drooling onto Nagi’s chest as Barou started to fuck you and it was nasty. 
Your ass rippling with each time his hips met it, your tits bouncing against Nagi’s dick making his hips roll up in time with it. His head tilting back, white hair falling with him as his glassy eyes went half hooded, it felt good -too fucking good. He was leaking pre everywhere, cock flexing under the weight of your tits. 
Barou used fucking you as a way to tit fuck Nagi and the lazy genius wasn’t sure how long he was gonna last. 
“Ngh, you’re so deep Barou- gonna cum again-!” 
“Yeah? Give it up then whore, s’feel you try push me out.” 
Barou’s pace was brutal, you felt slick and cum running down your inner thighs still press together and legs between his. Keeping you in this prone bone position was keeping you stuffed in a way you felt full of dick. 
He was fucking you so deep your eyes started to cross before rolling back into your skull, your nails raked down Nagi’s sides, teeth biting into his stomach to muffle the moan that was crawling up your throat. 
His dick hit that soft spot one more time, building that burning heat and you released clear fluid. Your body convulsing under him as another orgasm tore through you. 
“You’re fucking filthy. Messy cunts slobberin’ you cummin’? Say my fucking name-“ 
“Barou! Barou -fuck s’good, m’cummin don’t stop -m’cummin! Yes yes yes!” Your slurring only aided his bullying, thick, long cock flexing in you as he groaned listening to you babbling and clenching around him. 
His hand moved from the back of your neck to pull you up by your hair, your tongue lolled out, drool spilled down your chin and Nagi drank the image in. Tits smushed up against his dick on his stomach, sweat beading down your collar bone and shimmering on your skin. You looked fucking stupid, dumb even, cock drunk of getting fucked like this in public. 
And it was all happening on Nagi’s stomach.
“S-Shit pretty m’gonna cum- you look so fucking good-“ 
“Take a good look hassle man, s’how she gets fucked. I don’t need your shitty help, asking you was taking pity. She needs to be soaked before I can fuck her like this.”
Barou became white noise as Nagi focused on you, eyes switching between your fucked out expression and his dick disappearing between your tits as Barou kept a harsh pace. 
His hips started to buck the best he could given the weight above him, causing tight friction over his cock, the end of it burning with arousal as he watched himself being brought over the edge. 
“Ngh- make me cum pretty, please? I wanna cum now.” 
Whatever Nagi said worked in bringing you back from dazing, you managed to tilt your head slightly and gather spit in your mouth, slowly releases it to dribble onto the head of his dick between being thrusted forward. 
“Shit, s-shit pretty yeah -gonna m’cummin” 
“Tch, looks like I’m doin’ all the fucking work.” 
“Shut it, king- you’re boring me.” 
Nagi suddenly let himself fall back to the sand, hands rising to press your tits tighter together and he started to rut his hips up into you. That sudden burst of energy to carry him over the edge, he kept thrusting even when he came, shooting hot white ropes out thickly covering his stomach and chest, his messy thrusting even making it hit his chin. 
He was whiney when he came, but it still carried that lazy drawl. He glanced down as his hips started to stutter, head of his dick covered in cum and still drooling out the slit. 
“Feel good Sei?” 
He nodded dumbly, eyes fixed on his dick in your tits and listening to your honey voice finally gracing his ears with his name. 
“You did so good, Sei, you taste so good.” 
That caught his attention, half hooded grey eyes turned up to you, watching your tongue lapping up his cum that had landed on your chin and lips, you stuck it out showing the white melting on your tongue.
“You’re so pretty- s’not fair.” 
You laughed lightly at his childish pout, swallowing whatever you could collect on your tongue left from him and he tasted fucking good. 
“I like you-“ 
Only Nagi Seishiro could blurt out something like that without changing his lazy tone, without sounding like there was anything behind it and it being believed. Sei had this way of just saying things without any weight but the way his face would light up, his eyes would brighten that’s how you knew he meant something. 
And he was looking at you like that. 
The words were enough to stutter Barou behind you, he sneered at Nagi’s open admission pissed off he finally had the balls to fucking say it. 
Barou knew longer than you did that the lazy genius was into you, how you’d not picked it up was beyond the egotistical striker. It wasn’t the first time someone took interest in you, it wouldn’t be the last, but Barou was sure he was the only one who actually got under his skin. 
It actually made him paranoid. Barou knew he wasn’t easy to be around, normally he didn’t give a shit about it either —people adapting to him, end of, but you were different. The those words from Snuffy still haunted him; how he’d said how much would he love himself if he was no longer view as a genius.
It was hard to not let it drift into how you’d see him if you found someone more… tolerable.
That’s why he stormed here after reading the group chat —he seen Nagi change his mind because of you and you’d be wearing barely anything. It would be over his dead body before he allowed you to be left anywhere alone with Nagi.
The thought of the fucking sand everywhere made his skin crawl, knowing he’d be finding it around the house for days after this. 
But his ego far outweighed his ocd in this case.
Sex with you to start used to be clean and fairly organised, because he couldn’t take the mess —now he didn’t think twice about it, he let himself get lost in it with you. 
But this was filthy sex, sharing you like this, everyone sweating you’d cum so much it was dribbling down your legs and covering his thighs. 
But it was fucking hot, it sent him feral but his drop from his high happened when Nagi just admitted he liked you. 
Barou shifted, disliking the feeling of being left out like this —by you. He hadn’t faced you this whole time, letting Nagi see everything. 
Barou never came until he was facing you, he couldn’t, seeing your dumb expression and that love for him always helped him over the edge. 
So he shifted you, pulling his dick out for the first time and leaning back on his legs, ordering you to get up and turn around, legs too wobbly to stand you managed to turn your back to Nagi.
Barou rolled his eyes, muttering how weak you were as he grabbed your hips and lifted you up to him, keeping back on his legs he had you higher than him now. 
“Arms around my neck-“ 
He softened now he could see you, now he had you back, his natural gruffness always there but it was different in a way only you knew. His arm wrapped around your waist to keep you steady, other hand lining his dick back up with your swollen hole. 
You hissed when he lowered you, burying your face into his hair and tightening your arms. His lips pressed to your collar bone as he eased you down, a deep sigh leaving him as your cunt swallowed him again. 
“Need you lookin’ at me to cum, I’m nearly there.” 
You nodded against him and he let you adjust, your hips wiggled and he shifted his hands, gripping your ass with them he lifted you. 
“Look at me-“ 
Shakily you pulled back, hands gripping his shoulders and leaning back slightly to watch him looking up at you as he started to lift you up and down his cock. Veins popping on his arms and wrists, biceps bulging from using you as a weight. 
Fuck he was huge, damn it all he said was so handsome, his cheeks were dusted pink from the heat and effort he was putting his body through. Covered in sweat and strands of loose hair sticking to his face, his hair looked hot like that —half up into a man bun the rest down. 
“Feels good yeah? Taking this dick so well today, been a good girl for me huh?” 
You nodded dumbly as he started building you to another orgasm you didn’t think you’d be able to have, but this soft praise and pace of his dick was different. 
It made your heart swell for him, nerves buzzing and your lips tingling to press against his. 
Christ, had he even kissed you today? You needed-
“Use your words, wanna - fuck- hear how dumb you fucking sound over this.” 
“Feels g-good B-Barou,” 
“S’Pussy is made for me, god dam’it you feel so fucking good-“ 
“Y’dick i-is f’m-me, y-yeah?” 
“You sound dumb being fucked like this,” 
He chuckled at your small pout, not answering your question like you had for him. His lips twitching into a small smirk, those red eyes filling with something only you knew. His thumbs rubbing circles around your skin and his hands squeezing your ass.
“Yeah, dicks made for you, gonna cum again? Feels like it,” 
You nodded saying if he keeps talking like that you’re going to, so Barou did, lips brushing against yours he gave you soft praises mixed with degrading in his own unique way until you came around him again. It felt more numb compared to the previous but it rocked your body slowly… it felt right with how you felt for him at the moment. 
“Gonna fill you up, you gonna take it?” 
“Yeah inside- wan’it all Barou-“ 
He leaned forward into you, muffling against your skin, you just caught what he said and guilt surges through your veins on it all coming together, it made sense now. The arguing, his ridiculous sulking and lack of ability to leave you alone when Nagi was around. You should have seen it sooner and you felt like an idiot for not noticing, how could you though? Nagi did things in the same monotone manner, it wasn’t exactly easy to tell what the man really thought.. 
Say it, woman. 
Muffled and breathy, but you heard him. 
It didn’t take a genius to work out what he wanted nor why he was needing to hear it. Nagi was making him doubt, it was simple as that. You’d known Barou too long, he really was that over confident dude with an ego but there was also someone else buried under it. 
Someone not so confident in areas he had no control over, someone who was simply a normal guy when off the pitch and behind closed doors.
Your hands moved from his shoulders to cup his face, pulling him back from you, pressing your forehead against his you started to roll your hips in time with him. Eyes meeting those beautiful red ones as you looked down at him.
“I love you, Barou Shouei.”
It was whispered but he heard it, arms wrapping around your waist he brought you down on his dick in short punches, barely leaving your pussy. 
His moaning was music to your ears, hips stuttering and jolting as he came in you, shooting cum and filling you so much it started leaking past his dick to aid his sloppy thrusting. 
His body shook, nails biting into your skin as he held onto you like a life line. Your lips pressed to his tongue running over his bottom lip as he moaned out, unable to respond as his orgasm hit him hard. 
He slurred out words you couldn’t make out, between heavy pants as he finally exhaled his grip on you slacking as you both sat there panting, eyes locked and glassy. 
Nagi was still on his back behind you both, arms spread either side and his legs stretched out either side of Barou. 
A beached starfish, pouting at two lovers.
He turned his eyes from you both to look up to the blue sky, suddenly feeling so empty about the situation. He didn’t like it, he didn’t know what it was but he didn’t like it. It felt like losing, it reminded him of his parents just leaving him at home by himself when he was a teenager. 
The only thing storming around his mind that was causing it -Barou really did like you huh? 
He didn’t understand the depth of feelings all that much, he’d never really got himself involved because it was a hassle to use his spare time on things he didn’t wanna do. 
He’s seen Barou riled up, it was hardly uncommon but he’d not really paid attention to how different he actually was around you —still a stupid king like he was in Blue Lock but it was softer, more lenient. 
“No fair.” He mumbled, sighing heavily and closing his eyes to bask in that afterglow of orgasm, “m’tired.” 
Barou had already tied up your bikini and stood you up with him, straightening out your clothes and keeping you stood on wobbly legs. 
“Water, now, you’re disgusting.” 
“I can’t walk,” 
“I gotta do everything around here, such a weak ass.” 
“I’d say I’m pretty tough putting up with that shit you just pulled.” 
Red eyes rolled and he hauled you over his shoulder before turning to walk towards the sea with you moaning how he could have carried you better, it didn’t do you any favours when the man dropped you in the water. 
“Shut up whining, don’t get yourself into shit if you’re not gonna deal with the consequences. Hurry up and wash off, I wanna get off this shitty beach and get back, it’s disgusting.” 
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Back at the little set up where Nagi started to doze off, on the other side of the barrier Isagi sat against it, knees bent up and elbows resting on them. 
Dick rock hard in his swimming trunks and unable to stand because of it, he frowned at the sand, moving his toes between the grains in a way to try distract himself. Bachira was some distance away collecting shells for his sand castle. 
Isagi had come over to try see if you guys wanted a round of volley ball but once again he got caught in the rough sex of you and Barou, only Nagi got to join in on the chaos. 
“I need new friends,” 
Isagi sighed out, looking up to the sky and resting his head against the barrier behind him. 
“I’m not a pervert,” he pouted, as if trying to convince himself that these situations seemed to find him, only this time he didn’t have the distraction of pudding to take his mind off it. 
Chigiri turning up was a god send, Bachira bounding over with the pretty red head following behind. Isagi trying to fight the heat crawling up his neck. 
“Isagi, idiot, you’re supposed to be on the other side.”
“It’s cooler here,” 
“Cooler than under the umbrellas?” Bachira tilted his head, yellow eyes scanning over Isagi suspiciously. Isagi’s eyes closing, jaw clenching hoping he’d didn’t look too damn close and see his hard on. 
Chigiri wasted no time in walking around the corner into the set up, seeing Nagi still sprawled out on the sand under the umbrella, sorting to doze off. 
“Nagi, you got sunscreen on your chest you’re supposed to rub it in. You’re that lazy?” 
Isagi sputtered, coughing on his own spit behind the barrier. 
“Huh?” Nagi’s eyes tiredly opened lifting his head down to look at the cum still on his chest sighing heavily he let his head fall back, “-ah, what a pain.” 
“Oh? Barou’s here?” Chigiri turned to look at you kicking water up at the giant grump only for him to swipe your feet from under you causing you to fall back again in the water and he laughed.
Lips moving in some kind of insult most likely. 
Red hair falling as he tilted his head watching you both, a weird chill running through his body watching Barou somewhat amused. 
“I didn’t even know he could laugh, it’s kinda creepy.” 
“Creepy king,” Nagi mumbled, hand reaching out to grab his phone, tilting it landscape and reopening his game “-I died, such a hassle.”
“Lovesick king more like,” Chigiri turned his attention to Nagi, eyes falling on the white splattered across his stomach and chest “-if you don’t rub that in you’re gonna tan like that.” 
Nagi’s eyes looked down past his phone, to his chest, to Chigiri then to your beach bag. 
Barou left his shirt in your bag didn’t he?
Sitting up Nagi reached for it, Chigiri not paying much attention as he started rubbing lotion into himself. 
Grabbing Barou’s shirt he used that to clean the cum off his chest, actually folding it back up and placing it back in your bag. 
Crawling back to his towel he lifted his phone, frowning with a pout. 
“Stupid king,”
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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deadmomjokes · 10 months
Alright scroll past if you don't want spoilers for Queen's Thief book 3, King of Attolia, because I'm back on my bs with memes about it to keep from yelling
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Y'all weren't kidding about the Best Boy Costis, huh? We stan a hotheaded ride-or-die himbo with more heart than sense.
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He doesn't get paid enough for this.
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Speaking of the newlyweds....
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Was I misreading that scene? Or was that man propositioning her on the dance floor and she had to leave to cool down because she was this close to jumping his bones in front of everyone?
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Honestly the juxtaposition between how everyone assumes they must hate each other and how they are in private is hysterical to me. He loves his hot girlboss wife so much.
Alas, it comes with Responsibilities.
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Can we get an F in the chat for the man who didn't think this through past "hng love"
Loved the dynamics we got once he started accepting the necessity of it tho.
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My mans may be king now, but he's still first and foremost A Problem.
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And of course the moments when the gloves came off
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Homeboy's an absolutely unhinged murder machine waiting to blow and it's both terrifying and so satisfying.
I have more, but this is long already and i worked hard on the ones I really want y'all to see, so stay tuned for part 2 lol
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co-sharkie · 3 months
The Doctor is In!
Grayson Waller x F! Reader; Austin Theory x F! Reader; Logan Paul x F! Reader
Summary: The boys can’t help but act like they’re hurt so they can see the team medic.
Notes: this ended up longer than I expected lol my bad
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Michin was hanging out backstage with you, chatting about the club you were hoping to go to in the next city. You were the main medical professional of Smackdown. Whenever a superstar felt a little out of it, they would go to you.
One of the women you were closest with was Michin. You two always tried to hang out after shows or even just during travel. She also noticed a few boys that couldn’t keep their eyes off of you.
“Medic! Hey!” Logan Paul limped towards you, calling out. He hovered a hand over his knee.
You guided him to a nearby chair so he could rest his knee. “What happened?”
“After my win, my knee just started hurting. Makes it kinda hard to walk.” He dryly laughed. You ignored his boasting. He always tries to tell you about his victories when he sees you.
And yet somehow, he always ends up ‘injured’. “Did you land on it weird at all?”
“Uh… no.”
“Hm. That’s odd. Normally knees don’t just start hurting to the point where you can’t walk on it. Unless it’s something really bad…”
Logan gulped. “Like… what do you mean really bad?”
“It could be a multitude of things. But since you often come to me with knee problems, I’m think it might be bursitis.”
Logan looked at his knee that he held in both hands. Then to you, who looked awfully concerned. Then back to his knee. “What’s the cure for bur–bursitis?”
“I hate to tell you this, Logan.” You sighed. “Sometimes the only known cure to this is amputation. And with how common it is for you, I think it’s past the point of a standard household cures.”
Logan quickly stood up. “Wow, look at that! I’m no longer feeling a ton of pain!” He laughed and kicked his ‘hurt’ leg out. “You’re so great at your job, you know that?”
You smiled and waved him off. Michin watched with her arms crossed. She found the boys hilarious.
“I should really get going, I think I had a backstage interview scheduled soon. Thanks so much for fixing me up, though!” Logan quickly skittered off.
Michin chucked at the sight of the man running off with his tail between his legs. “What a joke.”
“Awe, play nice, Michin. Some people just want to see their favorite medic.”
The following week, it was Austin Theory who came to you, complaining about his back. With his ring gear, it was much easier to see his back than it was to see Logan’s knee.
“Hold still, let me check it out.” You said. Austin stood in the makeshift medical room, allowing you to inspect his back.
“Tell me if anything hurts.” You pressed on the muscles of his back, feeling for any abnormalities.
Austin was relaxed under your touch. He always felt calm in your presence. “I heard Logan stopped by.”
“Last week, yeah. Said his knee was hurting again.”
“You are aware he’s faking it, right?” Austin asked.
“Well aware. Told him last time that we might need to amputate his leg.” Austin laughed with you. He wished he could’ve seen the social media star’s face at that moment.
You finished inspecting Austin, and decided nothing horrible was wrong with him. “I think you just took a rough bump. You might have a bit of a bruise, but nothing extreme. You want some painkillers?”
He nodded and you grabbed a bottle from your bag. You shook the bottle over his hand to let a few pills fall. “If you’re still in pain by next Tuesday, let me know.”
“You got it, doc.” He smiled and left the medical room.
Michin met you later that night, asking you about how your work was going and asking if you’d watch her match tonight. “So long as no one comes to me with a traumatic injury, of course I’ll be watching!”
Michin smiled. “Glad you can see me kick ass!” You two laughed together.
Grayson Waller came walking into the medical room. He held his bicep as if it hurt. “Hey, (Y/N). Mind checking me out?”
You sighed and shared a look with Michin. Grayson, just like Logan, always came to you with a fake injury. “I’m gonna go get ready for my match. I’ll see you later, boo.” Michin said.
“See ya, Mi!” You waved to her as she left. Turning to Grayson, you notice he didn’t have his hand on his arm anymore. “What seems to be the issue, Waller?”
Grayson hopped up on the examination table. “What happened to calling me ‘Gray’?” He frowned. “I liked that.”
“Oh, y’know. Just trying to be professional with my patient.” You walked up to stand next to the arm you assumed was hurting. “Now what hurts?”
Grayson pointed at his left bicep. “This.”
“Where at on ‘this’?”
“No need to know the specifics, doc. I already know the remedy.” He grinned.
“Oh yeah? And what’s that.”
“You could kiss it better.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not kissing your bicep, Gray.”
He threw his head back and groaned. “Why not! What if I said it was my lips that hurt, then would you?”
“No. I’d think you’d have a concussion, though.”
Grayson pouted. “Does your arm actually hurt or did you just come to flirt with me?”
“It doesn’t actually hurt…”
You pat his should in reassurance. “Gray, it’s ok to talk to me without faking an injury. You can just find me backstage or text me.”
“But you’re always busy!”
There was a knock on the door to medical. You called for the guest to come in. Kevin Owens opened the door. As he walked in, he noticed Grayson sitting on the examination table.
Kevin groaned and turned around, about to walk away. “Kevin, you’re fine to come in. Grayson was just on his way out, weren’t you, Gray?”
“What, no I–” you gently pushed on his back to urge him off the table. Grayson forced himself off the table and sluggishly walked towards the door. He gave you one last pouty look before leaving.
Kevin glared at Grayson as he left. “I just needed something for a headache, but it looks like you already got rid of the cause.”
“You got to be careful with those sells, Austin.” You were massaging the back of Austin’s neck. He came to you saying it was sore. “If you hold a position on your neck like that for too long, it could do some serious damage.”
He leaned into your touch. “Yeah, but at least I can come see you.” He smirked.
“You want to be able to turn your neck, don’t you?” His smirk fell.
The door to medical opened abruptly. “Medic! I think I broke my–what are you doing?” Logan Paul stood in the doorway, stunned by what he walked in on.
“What’s wrong?” You asked Logan. You stopped your work on Austin’s neck.
“Why were you touching him like that?” Logan pointed at Austin as he stared at you.
You walked over to Logan. “Don’t worry about that, what do you think you broke?”
“I didn’t break anything, but I’m about to break his face!” Logan held his finger up, indicating he wanted a fight with Austin.
Austin stood up for defense. “Woah, boys! Hold on!” You quickly got between them and held your arms out, trying to make distance between them.
“Logan, relax. Austin, sit down please.” You tried to mediate the situation as the boys argued with each other. Both towering over you, so you could do little to stop them if they did decide to fight.
Once again, the door to medical flung open. Grayson came stumbling in to the situation, not an idea what’s going on. He looked at each of the boys, who ignored his appearance and continued to argue, before looking at you in the middle.
“What’s going on?” He asked. His concern evident.
You ran out from between the boys and stood next to Grayson. Luckily, neither of them advanced towards one another.
“I was massaging Austin’s neck because it was sore and he wanted help, then Logan came in saying he thinks he broke something but he took this out of proportion and now they look like they’re going to take each other’s heads off and I’m not experienced in sewing bodies back together, please do something!”
Grayson tried to keep up with what you were saying due to the speed that you got everything out in.
Grayson stepped up near the boys, putting a hand of each of their shoulder’s. “Listen, boys. We can all get a massage from (Y/N) as long as we don’t argue.”
“Grayson, that’s not what I meant by fixing it!”
Logan looked between everyone. “Are you kidding me? This is the woman I’ve been trying to court for so long and you just think you can walk in here and act like she’s yours?”
“And she’s yours?” Austin reacted offended. “I was here first, if anyone is taking her out it’s me!”
“Mates, I respect you and all, but clearly I’m her favorite.” Grayson said to the boys. “Isn’t that right, (Y/N).”
All three boys turned to look at you but recoiled when you looked furious. “All of you disappoint me. I am not an object, so don’t talk about me like I am one!”
You stormed towards the door. “None of you will be getting any date from me, and if you have any medical issues, find someone else!”
The door slammed behind you.
The strong arms of Michin wrapped around you as you cried into her shoulder. She rubbed your back soothingly, not minding the tears that wet her shirt.
“And to think I felt somewhat attracted to any of them!” Your voice was raspy and you ranted. “Then they just go around, thinking I’m some sort of object! I had no problem with the flirting and the faking injuries and all, but…”
“Shh.” Michin shushed you. “Just breathe, boo. Don’t even think about them.”
You took in deep breaths. “It’s so hard not to when I stared to fall for them.”
Tiffany Stratton came in with a hand full of snacks. “I got your favorites, babe! Come eat instead of crying over boys!”
You smiled and let Michin guide you to the futon of the hotel room. Tiffany set up a drink for you and dumped a bunch of chips on a paper plate.
Both girls sat on either side of you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You three snacked on chips and talked about everything but boys. These two girls were your life line, and you couldn’t help but love them for all they do for you.
Sitting in medical, you decided to organize your bag of supplies as the current match played in the background. It was the week after you snapped at the boys. Tiffany and Michin ensured you were well taken care of on the travel to the next stadium. Keeping you company with food, movies, date nights and parties.
Your counting of supplies was interrupted by a knock on the door. You zipped up your bag and called for the guest outside the door to come in.
Turning around on your stool, you frowned at the face that came through the door. Logan shifted into the room. He held a bouquet of flowers and a small teddy bear.
“Hey…” Logan started. “I wanted to come see you and apologize. For last week.”
“Apology not accepted, please leave.” You turned back around to the desk located in the medical room.
“Wait, I didn’t even get to say my speech–”
“Are you hurt?”
“Then leave. I’m not happy with you right now.”
Logan sighed and ran a hand through his messy blond hair. “Yeah, I know that. That’s why I got you these and rehearsed an entire speech to say sorry.”
Logan walked up next to the table. He set the flowers down and put the teddy bear in front of you. “Can you please hear me out? Just for a minute?”
“You have exactly 60 seconds. Don’t waste your time.” You looked at your watch.
“Ok! I know what I, and the other guys, said was unacceptable. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, or at Austin. And I’m sorry for doing that.” Logan took a seat during his talk. “I’m really sorry for making you feel like you weren’t even a person, (Y/N). I really am.”
You continued to stare at your watch. Logan took that as an indicator he still had time. “Ever since I joined WWE, I’ve been basically just entranced by you. You’re incredible and if you’d let me, I’d love to take you out on a date sometime.”
You put your hand down on the table. The teddy bear a mere few inches from your fingers. You still did not look at Logan.
“I’ll accept your apology for now. But that doesn’t mean you can take me out. Just because you apologized, doesn’t mean I fully forgive you.”
Logan held a big smile when you looked at him next. “That’s totally understandable. Thank you for hearing me out, (Y/N).”
Logan stood up and made his way to the door. Before leaving, he stopped and had one last question for you. “This means I can come see you about injuries, right?”
You dramatically sighed. “I suppose.”
Logan fist bumped the air, then left the room and gently shut the door behind him. You laughed. While he did upset you quite a bit, he at least tried to make it up to you.
The night trailed on. No one came to you for an injuries and it gave you plenty of time to think. The teddy bear and bouquet still sat at the table, a constant reminder of Logan’s advances.
It wasn’t until the end of the night, after the show was wrapping up, did someone come see you. Grayson gently opened the door with a to go container from catering.
You tried to ignore his presence but he came up to the table you still sat at. “I brought you some stuff from catering.” He said as he placed the box in front of you. He pulled some packaged plastic silverware from his sweatshirt pocket and put it on top of the box. “Figured you haven’t eaten yet.”
You sighed. “Is this your way of apologizing?”
“…maybe.” He clasped his hands in front of himself awkwardly. “I’m not the best at saying sorry, but I am.”
Your silence gave him permission to continue. “I’m sorry for giving you a hard time. You’re one of the most amazing people I know and I don’t like you being mad at me.”
“If you don’t like me being mad, then why did you make me mad?” Grayson couldn’t come up with an answer. “You put all the spotlight on me during your stupid argument with those two. Do you not understand how uncomfortable that was?”
“It was stupid of me, I know. And I’m really sorry.” Grayson’s tone made it sound like even he was upset with himself. “I completely get it if you don’t forgive me, but I want you to know that I am really sorry.”
You finally looked at him. His eyes showing remorse for what he did, a frown upon his lips. “I’m not going to say I forgive you just yet. But I do appreciate the apology.”
Grayson smiled. “That’s ok, I get if you want more time to think about it and stuff. I’ll still be around.”
“I’ll come find you when I’m ready to forgive you.” Grayson’s mood was now uplifted.
“I never got you a drink!” He finally realized. “I’ll go grab you one.”
Grayson made his way towards the door and as he backed out to the backstage area, he said one last thing to you. “By the way, (Y/N), I’ll always wait for you.”
It wasn’t until the following week that Austin apologized to you. He waited until after the show, late into the night. He knocked on your hotel room door right as you were about to crawl into bed.
You were upset that someone had come to interrupt your night, and it didn’t make it any better when you opened the door and saw Austin. “What do you want?” You rather grumpily asked.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?”
You rolled your eyes. “Are you trying to apologize?” He nodded.
Sighing, you opened the door wider, motioning him to come in. “Fine, but make it quick, please. I was about to go to bed.”
“I will, don’t worry.” He smiled. He made his way into the hotel room, taking a seat on the chair located across the bed. You sat on the edge of the bed in your pajamas.
“I’m really sorry for what I said. I shouldn’t have said it, and I really didn’t mean it.” His words came out fast. It was almost hard for you to follow. “I know you are not an object and I’m so sorry for making you think you were.”
You stared at Austin, still a little disgruntled. “Why did you wait so long?”
“I wanted to give you time and space. I figured you probably wouldn’t want to see me for a while.” He played with his thumbs as he sat there, under your harsh gaze. “I also knew that Logan and Grayson went to see you last Friday night. Didn’t want to make you listen to all of us the same night.”
You fell back on the bed. “Austin. You were the only one of you three to come see me about a legitimate concern. I expected you of all people to handle that situation maturely.”
Austin shifted in his seat. Staring at the ground never felt so comforting.
“And yet you try to start a fight with Logan.”
“He started it–”
“You’re not helping your case.” You sat back up to face Austin. He looked up to meet your gaze.
“Sorry. I’m just really sorry about this whole thing.” Austin apologized. “You mean the world to me and I really hope you can come to accept me again.”
“Just like I told the other two…” you started. “I accept your apology, but I will not forgive you yet.”
He nodded in understanding.
“You three really upset me with your words and actions. But I am happy you all came to properly apologize to me.”
Austin gave you a faint, soft smile. “It doesn’t matter how long it takes for you to forgive me, I just hope you do.”
“Trust me, Austin. You’ll know if I don’t.” You stood up, making your way to the head of the bed. “Now get out of here so I can go to bed.”
Austin quickly got up from the chair and trotted to the door. “Yes, ma’am!”
It was the night before Smackdown. You were getting ready to go out with the girls for some fun in the city. Your phone dinged from a text.
Logan 6:50pm
Hey (Y/N)! What are you up to tonight?
You smiled. Ever since Logan has apologized to you, he’s done a lot better. He only comes to you to talk (flirt) or when he is seriously feeling rough after a match.
(Y/N) 6:51pm
About to head out with the girls. What’s up?
Logan 6:51pm
Just wondering if you would be down to go out Saturday night. Just you and me.
You have been seriously contemplating your relationship with the three boys lately. Their apologies still rang fresh in your ears. The sincerity from all of them was enough to make you forgive them on the spot. But you didn’t.
(Y/N) 6:53pm
Let me think about that. I’ll have an answer for you tomorrow after the show. That work?
Logan 6:53pm
That’s perfect! See you tomorrow ;)
You slipped off your shoes when you got back to the hotel room. It was just after midnight when you got back. You were exhausted and about to go to sleep in your clothes.
You finally turned on your phone after ignoring it for a few hours. There were a few notifications.
Austin 8:30pm
Hey, I’ve been thinking about things for a while and I wanted to talk with you. Do you have time to call?
Austin 9:13pm
Gray said you went out with the girls. Give me a call when you can?
Grayson 9:45pm
having fun? i saw michin’s instagram post
Grayson 9:49pm
btw you looked really beautiful
Grayson 9:51pm
you always look beautiful but purple just looks really good on you
Grayson 10:03pm
we should hang out some time? i know a really good restaurant around here
Too exhausted, you turned off your phone and crawled into the new bedding recently placed on the hotel bed. The fresh, clean sheets sending you right to sleep.
When you woke up, the sun shone through the sliding balcony door. You forgot to close the blinds before leaving last night. You rolled over to check the time on your phone. The notifications from the night prior still on the Lock Screen.
You rubbed your eyes at the intense brightness of your phone. Unlocking it, you ordenes your text messages.
(Y/N) 10:42am
Sorry, got carried away last night. Did you still want to call?
Austin 10:44am
Yeah. That’d be great. I take it you just woke up?
(Y/N) 10:45am
Yeah lol
Austin 10:45am
Don’t worry about calling me yet then. I’ll let you wake up first :) call me later!
(Y/N) 10:46am
You’ll be hearing from me soon then :)
You took your phone and rolled over to face the window. The sun shone brightly into the room, reminding you that it was morning. You closed out of Austin’s chat and opened up Grayson’s.
You smiled at his text messages. He tended to have a hard time complimenting other people.
(Y/N) 10:51am
Thanks Gray <3
(Y/N) 10:51am
What restaurant are you talking about? I might be interested…
Not waiting for a reply, you set your phone down and went to start the shower.
You finished up in the bathroom then made you way back to your phone. You wanted to call Austin, but Grayson’s messages popped up.
Grayson 10:54am
welcome back to the land of the living lol
Grayson 10:55am
the place i know is korean bbq
Grayson 10:55am
but i also know a place that has some really good pizza if youre interested in that
(Y/N) 12:01am
Both sound pretty great! Did you want to go this weekend? We can invite Austin.
Grayson 12:03am
i was hoping it could just be us?
(Y/N) 12:04am
You make it sound like it would be a date……..
Grayson 12:04am
kinda the plan lol
Grayson 12:05am
i been hoping to ask you out for a while now
You took a deep breath. Two boys asked you out for this weekend. And you were sure when you call Austin it would be three.
While you knew these boys flirted with you a lot, you never thought it would get to the point when they would actually ask you out on dates.
You clicked on Austin’s contact and pressed the call icon. The phone rang twice before Austin picked up.
“Hey!” He seemed elated that you called him.
“Hey Austin. Sorry for not calling you sooner. Just had one hell of a night.”
Austin’s laugh met your ears. “No, don’t be sorry. I saw Michin’s posts. You looked like you were having a ton of fun.”
“It was a lot of fun…” you trailed off. “So, what was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh.. uh..” Austin seemed to immediately get nervous. “I wanted to just let you know something.”
“I’ve been holding it in for a while, but after feeling like I almost lost you, I’m ready to officially tell you.”
You stayed silent at his pause. Your silence made Austin feel more nervous, but he swallowed back the fear.
“(Y/N), I’ve been basically in love with you since you first helped me. Since you helped me with my busted knee, I’ve been attached to you.” Austin sputtered out. “And I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I want to just shoot my shot.”
Austin took a deep breath. “Will you go on a date with me, (Y/N)?”
You stared at yourself in the mirror that hung above the dresser in the hotel room. You met your own eyes as you thought about how to answer this question.
“Austin, I-”
“You don’t have to answer now if you don’t want to.” Austin said in an attempt to comfort you. “I can wait however long you need.”
“Yeah, just give me a little bit to think this over.”
“Of course.”
“I’ll see you tonight, though. Bye, Austin.” You exchanged goodbyes before you hung up. You fell back on the bed.
The phone that was once resting beside you was now at your ear as you made another phone call. This time, to Michin for advice.
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frodo-with-glasses · 7 months
More Reading Thoughts: Three Is Company
Frodo calling it “Our Birthday” is making me feel things. Oh would you look at the time, it’s Crying About Bilbo and Frodo O’Clock again TT~TT
It’s honestly such a mood that Frodo says to himself “I’m following Bilbo!” so he doesn’t have to think about “I’m carrying a thing of great evil into danger and unseen ends”. Me too, Frodo. Me too.
“And see that Sam Gamgee does not talk. If he does, I really shall turn him into a toad.” 🤣
“Bilbo went to find a treasure, there and back again; but I go to lose one, and not return, as far as I can see.” OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE TIME—
Also “and not to return” is so heartbreaking, especially knowing that by the time he gets to Mordor Frodo is fully expecting to die at the end of his journey TT^TT
“It may be your task to find the Cracks of Doom.” JUST DROP THAT FORESHADOWING RIGHT THERE LIKE IT’S NOTHING, HUH, TOLKIEN??
Also teehee crack
Yes I am a twelve year old boy on the inside, moving on
The local shade towards the Sackville-Bagginses is HYSTERICAL
“Ah yes Merry is looking out for a house for me in Buckland.” INSTANCE #2 OF MERRY BEING ORGANIZATIONALLY GOATED
I’m honestly very impressed by how neatly Tolkien crafted Frodo’s backstory and interwove it into the story. The idea that he’s going back to Buckland where he grew up really does seem credible! None of the hobbits would suspect a thing! I almost have to wonder which came first in Tolkien’s mind, Frodo’s backstory or the fact that he’d need a good excuse to go East. It’s so well-crafted and it makes my writer brain happy.
F in the chat for Folco Boffin; we know your name and nothing else about you
Frodo draining the last of the wine like “lol at least the Sackville-Bagginses won’t get THIS!” is very funny to me
I have said it before, I’ll say it again, Frodo looking in the mirror and going “geez I’ve gotten fat” will NEVER NOT BE FUNNY
“Frodo did not offer [Lobelia] any tea.” I hereby name you Frodo Sassville-Baggins.
Aww, the Gaffer agreed to Sam going to Crickhollow to work for Frodo!
If only he knew just how far he was really going
“…though it did not console him for the prospect of having Lobelia as a neighbour.” o7 for the Gaffer, everybody
And they had tea by themselves and left the dishes for Lobelia 🤣 FRODO SASSVILLE-BAGGINS
“‘Coming, sir!’ came the answer from far within, followed soon by Sam himself, wiping his mouth. He had been saying farewell to the beer-barrel in the cellar.” LOL
Also I can’t blame him, knowing what he’s walking into
“He waved his hand, then turned and (following Bilbo, if he had known it) hurried after Peregrin down the garden-path.” OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THE—
Frodo, whining: "My bag is so heavy" Sam, lying: "I could carry more, sir!" Pippin: "Oh no you don't, let him suffer"
Honestly the dynamic of this trio is super underrated LOL
I'm honestly not sure whether "well, we all like walking in the dark" is meant to be sarcastic or genuine—the way it's repeated later on makes me think it's genuine, but I can't be sure—so just to be safe I'm bringing the Frodo Sassville-Baggins score up to 2.5
I'm taking the time to read the walking bits slowly now, and honestly, the way Tolkien describes the countryside of the Shire is so beautiful. I want to go there, and I want to walk there, and I want to see what the hobbits are seeing. Every little piece of nature and topography elicits an emotion; from the enclosed safety of Hobbiton, cradled in its cozy little valley, to the great fir tree standing guard over the hobbits as they sleep, to the road winding endlessly on before them, promising still more work and beautiful scenery and adventures to come. Is this slow reading? Yes. But I love it so much.
Frodo wakes up and the first thing he does is grumble to himself about his back and neck. He really is an old man. I love him.
Honestly this entire scene is comedy gold
Frodo: "Wake up, hobbits! It's a beautiful morning." Pippin, a literal teenager: "What's so beautiful about it?" ROFLOL
Pippin, literally out in the middle of nowhere: "Sam, draw a bath!"
And for that, Frodo steals his blankets and makes him roll over. Frodo Sassville-Baggins score: 3.5
Pippin: "Water! Where's the water?" Frodo: "I don't keep water in my pockets!" SASSVILLE-BAGGINS SCORE: 4.5
And then he makes Pippin come get the water with him, since he wants it so badly. I love Exasperated Older Sibling Frodo and I wish we got to see so much more of it.
Pippin, after Frodo randomly bursts into poetry: "Wow, was that Bilbo's poetry, or yours? It's kind of a downer."
I'm so glad they kept the "it's dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door" line in the movies, because it really is so good.
Sam's canonically good hearing returns!
Frodo suggesting they prank Gandalf for being late is honestly so cute lol
Twice in this chapter we get the eucatastrophe of Frodo just barely not putting on the Ring, right at the last second. The first time, the Black Rider just walks off on his own, and the second time the Elves show up and scare him off. I will praise Frodo's virtues 'till Spring turns into Winter, but I think this is clear evidence right from the beginning that Frodo was not, and could not, be saved from the temptation of the Ring by any virtue of his own. He is saved; he does not save himself. All of which is honestly very Christian of Tolkien.
Pippin, to Frodo: "All right, keep your secrets!"
I love the walking song. I might do a revised recording of it, if you guys will tolerate my singing voice again X-D
Can we just acknowledge how bad*ss it is that Frodo sneaks up and spies on a Black Rider, just out of curiosity?? Like, I know this is more a feat of stupidity than it is of courage, but given everything we know about them by the end of the book, that is honestly WICKED cool.
Sam, having to be dragged back by his arms: "ELVES! ELVES!"
I can't wait to draw Gildor. He's gonna be so PRETTY
"But we have no need of other company, and hobbits are so dull" is so funny tho
The Elves, with all the love in their hearts: "You can't sit with us, you're boring!"
I have not read the Silmarillion, but I know enough about it to know that Finrod is the G.O.A.T.
The Elves: "You're being followed by Black Riders?? Okay you're coming with us now"
Frodo speaking the High-elven tongue like a NERD
I love him
And Gildor immediately like "LOL y'all watch your language, the babies can understand us!" I love him dearly
....Okay wait I have a thought about the hobbits walking with the elves until they nearly fall asleep on their feet. A thought about soldiers and Tolkien's experience in war. Wait. I'm gonna have to make a post about this.
Eyyyy it's the Turin constellation!
Something about the Elven hall did indeed become a core memory for young Lady Glasses. I spent quite a few years building a fantasy world that would capture that sense of mysticism and wonder. Just like Sam and Pippin, I never really remembered the details, but the emotion stuck with me, and it enchanted my imagination.
The Elves bringing out a Thanksgiving feast and saying "sorry we don't have better food" is like going over to your friend's immaculately cleaned house and them saying "sorry for the mess"
Frodo speaking the Elves' language and charming them all is so cute
Sam falling asleep at Frodo's feet as he talks to Gildor is SO CUTE
“At last Frodo asked the question that was nearest to his heart: ‘Tell me, Gildor, have ever you seen Bilbo since he left us?’” OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT—
"My faithful Sam" UGH THE FEELS
Gildor: "But it is said: 'Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.'" Frodo: "And it is also said, 'Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.'" HAHAHA GETTIM FRODO
Gildor saying "you don't need to understand the Black Riders, just stay away from them" is honestly very Christian of Tolkien too. The best spiritual warfare advice I've ever heard is "don't try to understand demons; just get as close to your Protector".
Anyway Gildor complimenting Frodo is very cute and that is all
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tsukimefuku · 2 months
these silly little memories ❖ nanami kento
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summary: you reminisce about the past while chatting with ijichi and yuuji.
tags: jujutsu kaisen, f!reader, soft/implied nanami x reader, fluff, poking fun at nanami's teenage bangs.
wc: 900
notes, etc: i wrote this to the sound of sunny (yorushika). this is a short little silly story that i had in my mind for a while before finally deciding on writing it, lol.
❖ collection of stories: "jujutsu partners au" → masterlist for fics listed in chronological order of events
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You, Ijichi and Yuuji were seated silently on a table. All three were waiting for Nanami to meet up just so everybody could take a single car ride — he and Yuuji were going on a mission together, and you were going home after assisting Shoko on her duties for the day.
You could pay for a cab, but then again, why would you do that if you could slack off some more benefits from Jujutsu High?
"So, Ijichi..." You began, half-minded at this point. It had barely been a week since you arrived at Jujutsu High.
He quickly propped up, ready to answer absolutely any question you could have as a new sorcerer (and somebody else to order him around, it seemed).
Since you were new to Jujutsu High, had not been on a mission with Nanami up until this point, and Gojo was the one to bring you in, Ijichi figured you'd still have questions about the way things worked around there.
"What is Nanami like here?" You questioned, out of the blue.
That caught both him and Yuuji by surprise, as both of them answered with a resounding eh?
You sighed.
"I mean, he was a very stern, serious teenager when I met him years ago. He looks a lot different, but is he?"
"Oh, you knew Nanamin?!" Yuuji asked, eager to pry some insight into his newly found mentor. 
You looked at him and smiled.
"Oh, yeah, I sure did. We met at Odate when he and Gojo saved me."
Ijichi's mind started to flash some things to him until he finally realized.
"Wait. That was you?!"
You blinked, confused.
"What do you mean, 'that was me?'"
"I-I..." Ijichi stuttered. "I was the one helping him in research during that mission."
"Oh... Oh! Ijichi, of course!" You exclaimed, much to his surprise, while you remembered decade-old bits and pieces. "It's good to finally be meeting you in person" you said, tapping his shoulder.
He smiled, slightly embarrassed for not having recognized your name when you introduced yourself a few days ago.
"So you knew him as a teenager too! Is he any different now?" You inquired, staring at Ijichi until he became a little uncomfortable.
"I-I think not. He was always the most responsible and m-mature one of us" Ijichi finally answered, and you smiled, reclining back on your chair. 
"Nanamin is very serious," Yuuji began, "and he usually lectures us when we have a blunder or are in the middle of a mission — or maybe it's just me that he lectures so much."
"No, it's every one..." Ijichi answered, involuntarily sighing.
"Oh, he still does that? The lecturing thing?" You asked. "I mean, maturity minus the bangs, right?" You chirped, chuckling softly. Ijichi covered his mouth, but you could see a faint smile forming.
Yuuji was at a loss.
"Bangs?" The boy asked earnestly.
"Oh, you're gonna love this!" You said, as you fished your wallet out of your pocket. From it, you took an old Polaroid picture that featured you, your best friend, your brother, Nanami and Gojo when they were on their mission in Odate. Then, you proceeded to hand the picture to Yuuji, and his eyes beamed, like he had discovered some very important piece of information instead of complete shenanigans.
"Those bangs were something. Once, when I had to patch his face up, his hair kept falling all over the bruises, it looked like someone had punched a blonde Gerard Way" you let out, scratching your head with a grin. Yuuji let out a laugh, and Ijichi seemed to scoff in an attempt to keep himself from laughing.
You noticed that.
"Oh, come on, Ijichi. You know it was funny and somewhat true. You can totally laugh about it with me, I won't tell if you don't, promise" you said, extending a pinkie finger in his direction.
He looked at your hand uncertain, but began lifting his own pinkie extended towards yours.
"What is the fun? I heard laughter" the already familiar voice resounded from behind the three of you.
Ijichi was paralyzed in stone, and you turned your face grinning mischievously at Nanami. Yuuji quickly tried hiding the picture, fumbling around and letting it fall to the ground.
"Hm?" Nanami got down to pick up the picture, and took a good look at it. "It seems that you have this ancient piece of history still in your possession."
"Of course. How else would I have a picture of 'bangs Nanami?'" You retorted, reaching for the picture while still seated.
He took a step back, pulling it away from you. 
"If I remember correctly, that morning you ate tamagoyaki inside miso soup, with salmon, also inside miso soup, all mashed up, and choked yourself," he said, lifting his gaze towards you, one brow up.
"Eh? T-that... did not h-happen at all!" It did.
"Wait, so you... Put your tamagoyaki inside your miso soup? Why?" Ijichi asked, slightly incredulous.
"And with mashed salmon too?!" Yuuji chimed in, also kind of aghast.
"Oh, shut up, the both of you!"
You crossed your arms over your chest.
"I just don't really care how I eat my food!"
"Clearly" Nanami noted. "She also mixes anything she has available to eat into a desecrated version of the original food. It's unsightly" he complemented, before handing the picture back to you.
You sighed, amusedly defeated, saying, "well, you have changed. Now you poke me back when I poke fun at you."
"I'm unaware of such a thing," Nanami replied, pushing his glasses into position with one hand, using the opportunity to cover up a discreet smile with his hand over his face.
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bradshawsbitch · 2 years
“just pretend to be my date.” with our sweetest boy bradley? i’ll never be able to pass up a fake dating trope
oh my god I love this!! let’s fake date our sweetest boy🥰💘
disclaimer: I grew up piss poor so I don’t really know anything about fancy dinners and stuff, so no hate if it’s ‘wrong’ lol.
warnings: f!reader, persistent dumbass coworker, Bradley being sweet!
Description; your co-worker can’t seem to figure out what the word ‘no’ means. Hopefully Bradley can help you with that!
Letting out a frustrated sigh, you sat at your desk at work, brows furrowed as you twirled side to side in your little office chair. It peeved you, that your co-worker obviously hadn’t been denied anything in his life. You cursed his mother, who obviously skipped teaching him the meaning of “no” and “leave me the fuck alone”. He was the quintessential man who has never been talked back to, and always has to get his way. Which is why you were in this predicament. There was going to be a huge charity dinner this upcoming weekend, and he had been pestering you for weeks to go as his date. Your kind ‘no’ had apparently flown over his head, and your more harsh ‘no’ made him laugh. His laugh made you want to kick him. Which you didn’t because you liked your job and would love to keep it.
Which is why you’d said you already had a date. In fact, you had a boyfriend. A long-term boyfriend. Why hadn’t he seen him? He’s been deployed. Yeah, he was deployed. He was in the navy, actually! You didn’t like that you had to mention that you ‘belonged’ to another man to get this other persistent man to back the fuck off.
You were in such deep shit. You’d told your coworker a name when he’d acted all suspicious. It was the first name that popped up in your head. Perhaps it was because he was the love of your life your best friend, and you trusted him, but you’d said your long-term boyfriends name was Bradley. Bradley in the Navy. Perfect.
You had actually previously planned to meet said Bradley at the Hard Deck after work, and the day was coming to a close. You’d just ask him. You’d sit down, nurse a drink, and just… ask him. ‘Hey please can you help me shoo away a tiny little wisp of a man who can’t take no for an answer because he won’t listen to me but he’ll probably listen to you?’. Yeah. Just ask.
Heaving another sigh you called it a day. If you got there before Bradley you could always just pre-game to help your nerves.
The drive to the Hard Deck was uneventful, and as you stepped inside you spotted a familiar face, moustache and all, sitting by the bar and waving with a smile on his face. God he was handsome!
“Hiya sweetheart!” Bradley smiled, enveloping you in a warm, lingering hug. Resting your forehead against his broad chest, you inhaled his familiar scent. Your whole body seemed to relax at his mere presence, and he chuckled softly as he noticed.
“Had a long day, honey?” He smiled down at you and you nodded tiredly.
“You could say that,” the two of you sat down and ordered, you asked him how he’d been and you chatted for a little while before you figured there was no point in prolonging the torture.
“Look, Bradley,” your voice had turned serious, and he raised a brow as he gave you his undivided attention “I need your help,” he was starting to get a worried crease between his brows.
“What can I do?” He said softly, reaching over and laying his large, warm palm atop of yours.
“Um, well - I’ve told you about that co-worker that’s been annoying me?” Bradley snorted a laugh “The one who can’t take a hint? Yeah,” he smirked.
“Exactly the one. Well, there’s this charity dinner thing this weekend, and he’s asked me for months. And my first twenty rejections seem to have fallen on deaf ears,” you paused for a beat, gauging his reaction - and as you expected, Bradley was starting to look annoyed.
“And I might’ve told him I already have a date. In fact I went as far as telling him I was in a long-term relationship,” you confessed with a wince, and Bradley was smiling in amusement again.
“And are you?” He inquired, a hint of a laughter bubbling in his voice.
“Of course I’m not! I told him the reason he hadn’t seen my boyfriend ever picking me up or taking me to lunch was because he was deployed. And I might’ve said his name was Bradley” by now your friend was biting his lip to keep the rumbling laughter building in his chest from slipping out.
You powered on hastily “and I figured who better to ask than an actual navy pilot who’s name is Bradley? So uh, please?” You finished awkwardly, avoiding his gaze and staring intently at the bar top.
“Please what, sweetheart?” Bradley was smirking now. Ugh, god he was enjoying this. Why did you love him again? Oh, right because he was the actual equivalent of sunshine and warm, fuzzy feelings.
“Just pretend to be my date, okay? Please?” You were pleading now. Your voice needy and just a little whiney, needing him to understand how badly you wanted your co-worker off your back.
“Yeah, of course,” your head shot up, eyes twinkling.
“Really?” your voice sounded breathless with relief.
“Yeah, I’d love to meet this dude and get to tell him to kindly fuck off in person” Bradley shrugged with a smug smirk on his lips. You squealed slightly before throwing yourself at your friend, hanging on his neck as you thanked him over and over again. He chuckled and let his hand draw circles on your back.
What Bradley didn’t tell you was that he’d also love to show you what a great date, and boyfriend he could be. He’d wanted you for so long, but he was content with being your friend. He’d never want you to feel as if he only valued you if you were his girlfriend. But maybe he’d dare ask you on a real date if the fake one this weekend went good.
When Bradley showed up at your door, right on time, holding the most beautiful bouquet of flowers, tears burned in your eyes.
“Bradley, I’ve spent at least an hour on my makeup, you can’t make me cry by being this sweet!” You’d exclaimed as he smiled at you and gave you the flowers.
“Well, I’m supposed to be your boyfriend tonight, right? Isn’t that what boyfriends do, bring their beautiful girlfriends flowers?” He asked as he stepped inside your apartment as you tended to the bouquet.
“None of my previous ones has,” you shrugged. How was he already better than all your previous partners and he was only pretending? Ugh.
Bradley’s eyebrows shot up “sounds like you’ve dated shitty people,” you smiled at him and just replied that you must have.
Bradley was the perfect gentleman, holding his arm out for you to take as you walked to his car, he even opened the door and helped you get in (your dress, although gorgeous, didn’t seem to be made to climb into Broncos).
As you arrived at the dinner, Bradley turned to you “I forgot to ask. Am I allowed to kiss you tonight?” You sucked in a breath, only blinking a couple of times before you went for the safe option “I mean, you don’t have to if you don’t want to of course - I can just tell people we’re not much for PDA” you rambled.
“But is it okay?” He said softly as you exited the car, his hand finding the small of your back as he led you into the large, beautifully decorated room.
“Yes,” you said breathlessly, not daring to look into those beautiful brown eyes of his.
To your dismay, you and Bradley had been seated at the same table as your co-worker, and whilst you were scowling and wincing at every stupid question he asked Bradley, Bradley was only smiling and smirking bigger and bigger - as his answers went from polite to borderline mocking him. Your co-worker seemed oblivious though, which only made Bradley chuckle softly underneath his breath. His hand hadn’t left yours all night, and there always seemed to be some part of him touching you. It was driving you wild in the most delicious way. Bradley would make an excellent real boyfriend.
As your co-worker turned to you, and started asking invasive and inappropriate questions about yours and Bradley’s “relationship”, Bradley decided he’d had enough and abruptly said,
“Sweetheart, I love this song. Would you like to dance with me, darling?” God, you could melt under his intense gaze. You’d barely answered with a breathless ‘yes please’ before Bradley whisked you away to the other side of the dance floor, his hands finding your waist as you swayed together.
“Thank you,” you needed him to know how thankful you were that he’d sacrificed his evening to listening to your dumbass co-worker. Bradley just smiled at you before twirling you with his one hand.
“You look beautiful tonight,” he murmured as he brought you closer. You could feel your heartbeat pick up, and perhaps it skipped a couple of beats at the close proximity of Bradley in a black suit with a bow tie.
“I could say the same for you. You look unbelievably handsome” you confessed, still not meeting his gaze as you licked your lips. Afraid you might confess something else if you were looking into his soulful eyes.
“Darling, please look at me” he whispered, raising his hand to tilt your chin upwards.
“I don’t think I want to only be your pretend boyfriend” he smiled, and your eyes widened. He leaned in, taking a beat before connecting his lips to yours.
“I’d love to be your real boyfriend, if you’ll have a navy pilot who’s deployed sometimes,” he joked as he broke away, thinking back to what you’d told your colleague about your relationship.
“Oh,” you gasped as he smiled at you “I think I’d love nothing more!”
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
who's a good boy? {ralph x reader}
{summary} you give ralph a very special present after his birthday party.
{word count} 7.4k
{warnings} SMUT (18+ ONLY), sub!ralph and soft dom!reader, ruined orgasm, handjob, pillow humping, oral sex f receiving, unprotected sex, titty sucking, light(?) pet play, collaring, 'puppy' pet name and 'ma'am' title, very slight/implied? foot fetish, dom/sub dynamics, fluff, angst but it all works out, mention of an arranged marriage, mention of cousin marriage (sorry guys lol), reader smokes a cigarette, reader has eldest daughter syndrome, ralph is the goodest boy, taking the "golden retriever boyfriend" trope to a whole new level
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You'd had quite a time watching Ralph at his party— he was so full of energy, bouncing off the walls in between chatting with his guests and dancing to the music. You could barely keep up with him, even when he dragged you to the dancefloor to join him; "Don't you wanna dance with the birthday boy?" he winked at you, and you could hardly say no to that.
Now that you knew, it was obvious— of course Ralph had a puppy side, just look at the man scampering all around his own party like he couldn't decide what to do next! But even if it was clear to you now, you hadn't always realized it. You'd known him for years, but only had the privilege of seeing that side of him properly almost a year ago.
See, Ralph was an old friend, and when you were visiting London you typically stayed with him and his sister in their estate.  Living with someone, even as a guest, means you run the risk of catching them in a compromising situation.  
Still, you never imagined finding Ralph in your bedroom one afternoon, humping your pillow.
It was quite a sight, his hands holding on tight to the white downy cloud, his face flushed pink and his mouth parted with a gasp as he rocked his hips.  He had his trousers pulled down enough for his bare arse to be exposed to you, which made you giggle, which made him shriek and tumble off the bed in surprise.
You narrowed your eyes as you waited for him to come back out, but there was a long silence.  "Ralph?  Are you back there?" you asked gently as you stepped further into the room, shutting the door behind you.
"...No," he answered back pitifully, and you smiled as you tilted your head.
"It's okay," you promised, "I was just going to ask what you were doing in my room.  Can you stop hiding now?"
His head started to hesitantly appear from the other side of the mattress, his eyes big and wet and blinking at you quickly.  "How… how long were you standing there?" he wondered quietly.
"Long enough," you promised, and he whined.  "Will you tell me what you were doing?"
He pouted slightly as he rested his chin on your duvet.  "I was…" he sighed, shutting his eyes tight.  "I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay!" you promised.  "Can you just say it?"
"I was… rubbing myself… o-on your pillow."
The poor boy had gone beet red, poor thing.  Not that you could blame him, it was quite the situation to be caught in.  "Thank you for telling me," you offered.  "What were you doing such a silly thing for?"
"I was— well, I felt a little… strange all day," he explained.  "It's just that… being around you, sometimes I… oh, I can't help it!"
You chuckled as he crinkled up his nose with a frown.
"I just— you know that I adore you!" he continued.  "I've said as much a thousand times.  And I came here to tell you again!  But I was feeling so… a-and your pillow, it smelled just like you, it smelled like your hair, and I…"
You stepped closer to the bed, and he looked up at you before darting his eyes away again.  "What a naughty boy," you chided, hearing him whimper through his teeth.  "Is that what you do when you're feeling worked up, Ralph?  You wander about the house and hump whatever you can find, like a bad puppy?"
And that was when you knew.  Because you'd only meant it as a joke— as an apt comparison!— but his mouth fell open and he started really panting.
You smiled wide.  "Oh, you are…" you sighed.  "Come on, why don't you come out here and have a talk with me?"
"L-let me get my trousers back on—"
"That won't be necessary," you insisted firmly, and there was a pause before he hesitantly stood up and stepped closer to you.  "You're not going to bring your new friend?"
You pointed to the pillow he'd left on the floor, and he bit his lip as he stooped down and picked it up, holding it to cover himself as he approached you.  "I-I hope I haven't offended you…" he whispered.
"Not at all," you nodded.  "Unless you've stained my pillow.  Have you?"
He swallowed and looked to the side. "Erm…"
"Show me," you demanded.
He shakily turned the pillow around, and you smiled at the sight of a small wet patch by the middle.  Your stomach jumped imagining his cock leaking that onto the silk, and you dragged your finger over it.
"All because it smelled like me, huh?" you prompted, and he nodded.  
"You smell divine," he explained, "and it only made me think of how pretty you are when you sleep—"
"How would you know that?"
He froze up.  "I— well, it's— only once—"
You laughed, and he shut his mouth quickly.  "Come on, Ralphie, show me your problem."
"Take the pillow away, let me see."
He made a face like he was going to protest, but then he was tucking the pillow under his arm and leaving his open trousers exposed— his cock red from the lack of attention, leaking all over his ginger patch of hair, curling up to his stomach and the trail following beneath his belly button.  Poor thing.
"How long have you been like this?" you asked.
"F-feels like ever since you arrived," he mumbled.  "Every time you visit, it gets like this.  I mean— of course that's not the only time.  But when I think of you… it doesn't want to go away."
"Would you like me to help?" you offered.
He looked stunned, you even saw him stop breathing, but he nodded eagerly.  "I-if you'd like to…" 
You reached forward and wrapped your hand around him at the base, and instantly he tried to rock his hips against your hand.  "No, you've gotta stay still," you ordered.
"Y-yes— I'm sorry," he sighed.  You began with slow, long strokes, watching his foreskin slide up a bit over his head and then move back down.  "Oh, your hands are so soft," he whimpered, "I knew they would be.  I knew it."
"You imagined this?" you presumed, and he nodded quickly.
"Every time I touched myself— I pretended it was you touching me.  But your hands feel so much nicer…"
You smiled a bit and stroked him faster, twisting your hand at the tip, letting his sticky fluid ease your movements.  He started to buck up into your hand a bit, but you didn't correct him this time.  "Such a needy little thing," you whispered to him, "imagining me when you're all by yourself.  It's sweet, really.  I thought of you, too."
"Really?" he gasped, and you nodded.  
"I thought you might be well-behaved.  I didn't know you were just a bad little puppy going around rubbing your cock on pillows."
He whined.  "Darling— I can't… take much more."
You grinned.  "You're going to finish already?"
"Yes," he grunted.
"Yes ma'am."
"Yes… yes, ma'am," he whined.  "Oh, please don't— don't stop!"
You did.  He didn't.
His hips rocked up into the air, into nothing, as he started to come.  It shot out of his cock and landed all over the floor— loads of it, so much it even rolled down his shaft in big white beads, soaking his dishevelled trousers.  You watched with a grin as he made such a mess of himself, eyes shut tightly and mouth open to let out his pathetically loud moans, and waited for him to come down from it.
He did, eventually, catching his breath as he looked down at how much come he'd gotten on the rug.
"Oh," he pouted, "Victoria's going to kill me, she loves this rug."
"Is this a common problem for you?  Leaving messes on the rug?" you smirked.  "Golly, you are just a bad puppy after all."
But the only way to train a bad puppy to be good is with practice.  You established some new rules that day.
First, Ralph was not permitted to touch himself anymore.  A man of his merit shouldn't be debasing himself that way regardless, but a good puppy should tell his owner when he needs to be taken care of.  Immediately, Ralph resented this rule because you only visited for a few months out of the year.  Your compromise was that he could hump as many pillows as he liked while you were gone, but never use his hand on himself— far too uncivilised, really.
Second, Ralph had to begin properly minding his manners.  Please and thank you were vital; yes ma'am and no ma'am were truly paramount.
Third, and maybe the most important, was that if he didn't like something and needed it to stop, he'd have to say 'pamplemousse'.  The actual word was his idea, because only he could come up with something that ridiculous, but the purpose of it was your idea.  You wanted him to understand that part of his training might include things that were hard for him, but that you needed to do— as such, 'no ma'am' might not always be enough to make you stop.
He'd used that word only a few times in nearly a year of these special encounters.  Once because he'd already come twice and being touched just hurt too much.  Once because you said too much about him being naughty and he got scared that you'd leave and find another puppy to play with instead.  And once just because he really needed to go to the bathroom.  Really, he was quite tough and could handle a lot, even a good spanking if he'd earned it.  Even an impulsive, desperate boy like Ralph could learn to be good, after all.
You'd visited a little more frequently ever since, usually for a month or two at a time and never more than six months between visits.  Ralph would write you letters constantly, begging you to visit again soon, asking if you'd thought of him as much as he'd thought of you, telling you about dreams he'd had or books he'd read or just about anything that had happened while you were away.
Of course, you had to visit for his 30th birthday.  He didn't quite act his age… well, he didn't at all, but he was so excited to enter a new decade of his life regardless.  I simply couldn't celebrate at all without you there, he told you in his letter, if you don't come I won't have the party at all, and Victoria will never forgive me.
Obviously, you never had any intention of missing such a special occasion.  You arrived only a week before the party, having to lock away your trunk full of birthday presents for the twins in a closet— otherwise Ralph would likely find it and open them all early.
(He got especially impatient when you'd been away for so long.  It would take a bit of training to get him back to his best behavior.)
And the night of the party, after all this planning, Ralph was like you'd never seen him before.  Jittery with nerves but beside himself with excitement— he had been basically pacing around the entire house all day, mumbling about how he should've had the party start at ten in the morning instead of seven in the evening, even though no party you'd ever heard of started so early.
He was inconsolably anxious and yet happy, and kept going on about how long he'd been waiting to see you again and how happy he was that you were here.
Of course, he made that obvious when he couldn't even make it through the entire carriage ride back from the train station without begging literally on his knees for some attention.  You only ignored him for a second before he started humping your leg, rambling about how pretty your stockings were, insisting that he'd been so good without you and just needed his reward.
He got his reward: you let him finish in his trousers and kiss your feet as an apology, until your good nature took over— then, you held his face and wiped away his tears and gave him a proper kiss on the mouth.  "Missed you, puppy," you whispered to him, and he threw his arms around you.  You held each other the rest of the ride to his estate.
As you watched him run all around his party, you were sure he would wear himself out any minute now.  Still, he seemed to have infinite energy all the way through the night, even as the guests were leaving— even once Victoria had passed out in the tea room and you had told him you were retiring for the evening any moment now.  He should, too, with how disheveled he looked— his bowtie hanging loosely around his neck, his shirt unbuttoned and cumberbund askew.
Still, you saw the little pout on his lips when you told him that you’d be going to sleep yourself soon; you chuckled quietly.  "What's the matter?" you asked.
"I… nothing," he assured, "it's nothing at all.  I had the most wonderful time— and I'm glad you could come.  You know I would've never stopped grieving if you missed such a special birthday."
"I could never miss it, Ralph," you promised, "not for the world."
You gave him a small kiss on the cheek.  "Are you really going to bed so early?" he asked.
"It's nearly three," you reminded him.
"Yes, but—" he choked.
"Let me at least get into my nightclothes, and if you're still awake, I'll call for you."
He swallowed nervously.  "Ma'am, I'll stay up for a week waiting for you."
You smiled.  "I'm sure.  Just entertain yourself for a bit, please, Ralph."
You changed from your party attire into something you could sleep in— and something you knew would make your poor puppy get all dry in the mouth right away.  Ralph liked how you looked in just about anything, but he had a couple favorites that you'd packed for the trip.
Next, you found the last present, the one you'd hidden best, and set it before you.
You listened to the silence for a second, wondering if he was still outside your room.  "Ralphiiiiee," you sang to him, and you laughed as you heard him come bounding down the hallway.
"Yes, my love?" he asked eagerly as he popped his head in the door.   His expression changed when he saw you laying on the bed, draped in your lace nightgown, the golden-wrapped box waiting in front of you and tied with a red bow.  "Is that…?"
You nodded when his massive brown eyes fell on the gift.  "Yes, Ralphie, that's for you.  I had to get you just one more present."
As if the first eight weren't enough.  "Darling," he cooed, stepping into the bedroom and sitting on the foot of the bed, "you'll spoil me."
"We both know you're already spoiled rotten, Ralphie," you grinned.
"Can I open it, please?" he asked sweetly; minding his manners so well… he hadn't always been like that, he used to struggle more with his impulsivity and even brattiness.  You were so proud to see how far he'd come, and that was what this gift was all about.  He beamed as you nodded, ripping at the paper until he could pop the lid off the paper box.
You saw his eyes water as he looked at the gift inside, a baby blue silk collar, decorated with tiny roses and a bow at the front— you figured that would look quite handsome since he wore bowties so often anyways.  Best of all, it had a dangling silver tag bearing his engraved name and a tiny little bell, too, so you'd always know where he was.
Ralph stared at it for a moment before looking at you again.  "It's really mine?" he realized.
"Of course," you smiled.  "I had it made just for you.  I want you to really be my puppy."
He was blushing and smiling shyly, batting those long eyelashes at you.  "Oh… I wanna be your puppy, too.  Love being your puppy."
"I know," you cooed.  "Wanna try it on?"
He nodded quickly, holding the box towards you.  You picked the collar up by each end, and he instantly leaned in and bared his neck for you.
It was a little tricky to buckle the back of it without looking, but his face was just too precious to look anywhere else.  "There," you announced once it was fastened, dropping your hands and leaning back to take in the full sight.  "Wow, what a handsome boy," you praised, grinning when he shyly reaching up to hold his own face.  "Wanna see how you look in your new collar, puppy?"
He all but dragged you to the vanity mirror, and you both admired his reflection quietly.  One of his hands came up to gently brush over the silk, toying with the silver engraved heart.  "Are you sure I've earned it?" he suddenly asked.
Funny question, since he'd be begging for one during your last visit— he insisted constantly that he'd been good enough, that he deserved it.  Now he seemed a little overwhelmed.  "Of course," you promised, "you're the best little puppy in the world.  Do you like it, Ralph?"
"Oh, ma'am— it's perfect," he beamed, hopping up and down just a bit.  "It's wizard!"
You laughed slightly as he spun around and pulled you into a tight hug.
"Thank you so much!" he said, a little too loud for how close he was to your ear, but you didn't mind because it just meant he was excited.  He pulled away and turned to see himself in the mirror again, fiddling with it around his neck.
"Is it too tight?" you worried.
"No!  No, I… I like feeling it," he explained, blushing a little harder.
You raised an eyebrow.  "How much do you like it?" you asked, but you didn't need him to answer with words; he watched in the mirror as your hand moved down to the front of his trousers, rubbing his erection as it grew firmer against your touch.  
"Oh, m-ma'am," he choked, "thank you…"
"No, thank you… you've been so good for me for quite a while now," you recalled.  "I wasn't sure if you could be trained, a spoiled brat like you."
He groaned through his teeth briefly.
"But you took to it so well, learned all your lessons, learned sit and stay," you remembered proudly.
"Stay is the hardest," he blurted out, and you grinned.
"Which one is the easiest?" you pressed.
"Come," he decided instantly, making you laugh softly.
"I bet you're right…"
You stopped rubbing the bulge in his pants then, making him whine slightly, but then you reached up to pet his head instead— playing with his hair that had started to fall out of its meticulous style.
"Why don't you show me how good you are?" you prompted him.  "You didn't forget anything I taught you, right?"
"No ma'am," he panted as he turned to face you and dropped to his knees— the bell jingled quietly when he did it, and you smiled.  He grasped at your thighs eagerly through the nightgown.  "I remember everything."
"Let's see it, then," you nodded.
He lifted the see-through fabric and ducked his head under it, kissing your thighs softly.  "Missed you so much," he breathed against your skin.
You felt his tongue slide up the seam of your cunt, and you fought against a shudder; he didn't tease you much, usually too eager to do anything but dive in, but he still learned to ease into it carefully when he could.
He flattened his tongue and gave you another lick, pushing deeper between your lips, and you reached down to the opening of your robe to grab his hair.
It encouraged him even more, and you moaned louder as he did it again and again.  "That's my good boy," you sighed.  "Such a good boy for me, fuck, knows exactly how to use that cute puppy tongue, huh?"
You heard (and felt) him hum softly against you, sucking on your clit while your hole throbbed for him.  Just in time, he broke the seal to stick his tongue inside you and feel it.  "D'you like it?" he asked excitedly.  "It feels like you do— am I doing good?"
"So good," you agreed with a sigh.  "You love pleasing your owner, don't you?"
"Mhm," he hummed as his eyes fell shut, lashes resting on his flushed cheeks.  He put his mouth on you again and suckled harder at your bundle of nerves; your whole body jolted when he accidentally grazed his teeth too hard over the most sensitive spot and you quickly swatted him on the head.
"Bad puppy, no biting," you scolded.
"M'sorry, m'so sorry," he slurred as he kissed all over your thighs apologetically.  "Didn't mean to, ma'am, I swear—"
"It's okay, baby, just keep going," you soothed, sighing with relief as he lapped at you again.  "See?  You're a good boy— fuck, just like that…"
He went on that way for a while, until you felt the pressure building in your gut and a heat spreading inside your channel.
You didn't want him to know how easily he could make you come now, in case it all went to his head; "Lean back, Ralphie, lemme see your new collar again," you instructed with a sigh, giving yourself a break from his perfect tongue on your bud.
He popped his head out from under the robe with a wide smile, lips a little swollen and coated in your slick.  You hooked your finger under the band and tugged at it a bit, just to feel him jolt.
"Look so pretty," you noticed with a sigh.
"Thank you, ma'am," he cooed at the praise.  "You look pretty too— I like looking at you from down here."
"I bet you do," you smirked.  "I bet your cock's real needy now, isn't it?"
He stammered but eventually nodded.
"Does it hurt?"
"Yes, ma'am…"
"You can rub it on my foot while you keep going, okay?" you offered.
"Th-thank you," he gasped, and you loved the way he rocked his hips to grind against your bare foot on the floor— your lip caught between your teeth as you imagined him moving that way to thrust inside you, filling you and stretching you—
"Ah, fuck," you gasped, his tongue sliding into you again.  You could feel how hard he was on the curve of your ankle, and you smiled to yourself.  "Keep tasting inside me, Ralphie, doing so good…"
He whined against you, suckling harder at your skin, nose brushing up against your mound while his eyes shut tightly.
"Just a little more," you promised, holding his head by his hair and rocking your hips against him, "mm, just a little longer, puppy…"
“Please come,” you heard him whisper against you, not stopping long enough to properly say it.  “Please, please?”
His sweet begging did help you along, but even better was the way he stuck his tongue out and just let you ride it, rubbing your clit against his wide open mouth.  He was looking up at you with those beautiful eyes, silently pleading for a taste of your pleasure, and you let go: with a groan, you tossed your head back and felt your whole body seize up for a moment— including the hand in his hair, tugging on his delicate curls.
He whined but stayed still.  “G-good boy,” you breathed, slowing down your movements as the pleasure began to subside.
When you let go of his hair, he pulled back and blinked up at you.  "Was that good, ma'am?" he asked excitedly, swallowing and panting; you nodded and he smiled.
"Really good,” you nodded.  “So good, I think you might’ve earned a treat.”
He perked up instantly.
“You want a treat, puppy?" you offered, and he nodded eagerly. 
He watched carefully as you untied your robe and let it fall to the floor, entirely nude as you laid back on the bed.
Usually, you would ride him and watch his face get all twisted up and desperate— sometimes you would bend over and let him hump you as fast and needy as he wanted, if he'd been very good.  But this was rare, laying on your back and spreading your legs for him, letting him see how well he'd eaten you out.
He stripped with preternatural speed, leaving only his collar on, and jumped up onto the bed so fast that the whole mattress bounced a couple times.  You laughed while he climbed up over you, finding his place between your legs.
"I can… I can fuck you, ma'am?" he realized with a smile.
You were hardly done nodding when he gripped his cock tight and guided it to your opening.  He pushed in right away, making you arch your back as he buried himself as deep as he could go.
"You feel so good," he breathed, leaning down over you, "I— I love you."
"I know," you smiled, "I love you, too, puppy."
"No," he whined, "s-say my name when you tell me you love me.  Please?"
"Ralph," you replied, "I love you."
"Oh," he gasped, beginning to move inside you.  He wasn’t too fast at first— which was a bit surprising, usually he got really needy and couldn’t slow down.  It seemed almost like he couldn’t take much more than this yet, like he really needed to go this slowly to ease himself into the feeling.  “Oh— I almost forgot how warm you are… s-so warm inside and… and tight…”
“Does it feel good?” you asked, redundantly.
“Yes, ma’am,” he choked, even sniffling slightly.  Sometimes he got a lot of big feelings when you let him fuck you… it wasn’t that rare at all for him to cry.  You thought it was precious.  “Y-yes, it’s so… s’good, ma’am, feels so nice…”
“Can you fuck me a little harder, puppy?” you encouraged, and he nodded, picking up his pace and hitting his hips on yours just a bit more roughly.  “Mm, that’s nice.  Do you like that, too?”
“Yeah,” he whimpered.  “Can I… can I touch your boobs?”
You snorted for a second.  “They’re breasts, Ralph.”
“R-right, can I touch them?”
You nodded, and he quickly propped himself up on one hand to grope your chest with the other.  You felt his cock flex inside you right away.  “I bet you missed those, too.”
“So much,” he sighed.  
“I missed the way you suck on them, puppy, d’you maybe wanna—?”
His mouth was already around your nipples, suckling eagerly as his eyes fell shut.  He moaned against the skin, and you felt your own walls flex as he flicked his tongue over the firm skin.  “Oh!” he smiled as he pulled back, looking up at you proudly.  “I know you liked that— your pussy gave me a hug.”
“Yeah, I did,” you nodded, “keep going.”
His lips kept a seal around the sensitive skin, his tongue lapping and swirling around emphatically.  He moved back and forth between each one as his hands kept massaging and squeezing you, cheeks hollowing while he sucked harder.
"Fuck," you groaned lowly— it felt great, but the best part was just the way he looked doing it: eyes fallen shut, so focused on his task, lips pink and pursed, jaw accentuated by his open mouth…
He stopped after a few minutes, maybe having noticed that your skin was pricking with goosebumps.  "Am I being good?" he panted.  "A-am I your… your good p-puppy?"
"Yes, baby," you sighed, clutching his arm tight.  "My good little puppy— you feel so good, keep fucking me just like that."
He whined through his teeth and did as he was told.  The metal tag on his collar was dangling right over your face as he thrusted into you, and you smiled as you reached up and toyed with it briefly with one finger.  He smiled a little when he noticed what you were doing.  "I love wearing your collar," he admitted breathlessly.  "I love being yours."
Your heart clenched, as did your walls.  "All mine, puppy?" you pressed.  "My good boy…"
He whined slightly as he dropped his face down into the crook of your neck, fucking you a little faster.  "Y-yes, ma'am, yours— m'yours… oh—"
Teeth sinking into your bottom lip, you wrapped your legs around his hips to keep him deep inside.  You could tell he was close, doing his best to hold out until you finished.
"Please," he whimpered, and you felt his hands hold your waist tighter.  "Are you close?  Please, just wanna be good for you, please come…."
You would, but maybe not fast enough for him; “S’okay, baby,” you promised, “it’s gonna be okay— look at me, puppy?”
He pulled his face out of the cave created by your shoulder and the pillow, blinking down at you with watery eyes.  You reached up and pet his face, briefly tangling your fingers into his thoroughly-mussed hair.  Your toes were curling, he was doing everything right— and your first orgasm on his face left you still sensitive— you just needed him to pick up the pace to get you there.
“Li’l faster, puppy,” you instructed, and he whimpered but obeyed; “good boy.”
The bell jingled louder above your face as he panted.  "M-ma'am, I can't— I can't—"
"Shh," you soothed, "yes you can, you can hold on a little longer.  'Cause you're my good little puppy, right?"
"Yes, but—"
"Shh," you soothed, "just keep going, I'm close—"
"I wanna be good for you, I wanna be good," he chanted breathlessly.  "I'm gonna— please let me stop!"
"Don't fucking stop," you hissed.
"But I'll— ohh," he whimpered.  "I'm not allowed to… I need to pull out."
You smiled proudly.  "That's your last present, puppy.  You can stay inside."
He didn't seem to understand right away— maybe he just couldn't believe it.  "Even when I finish?"
You nodded.  "Just because you're so good…"
"O-oh, thank you," he whined, "thank you— I— unh!"
Of course he hardly lasted a second after that, coming inside you as he clutched at the sheets by your face.  He kept rocking his hips, knocking into your most sensitive spot and sending you over the edge at the same time.  
While the pleasure was swirling in your mind and washing over your body in bright-white heat, he was still fucking into you quickly, still whining loudly above you— his hips were still moving even as tears started to stream down his face, even as the height of your ecstasy was already starting to fade.  
"Puppy, you're still going!" you noticed with a laugh.
"Y-you didn't say I could stop yet," he explained, and you sighed.
"You can stop now," you nodded, and he collapsed onto you with a whine.  "Oh, baby— you did really good…"
He shivered as you traced your fingers along the blemishless, pale expanse of his back.  "Really?" he hiccuped.
"Yes, puppy, so very good.  My good boy."
He hummed happily, if sleepily, above you.  You were impressed he still had all that energy left after his party had raged well into the night; maybe it was just that he couldn’t really rest until he knew he’d been good for you.
You both caught your breath for a moment as he wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly.  
"Don't leave this time."
"Huh?" you mumbled
"Don't leave,” he pleaded.  “Don't go home.  Stay here all the time— the visits aren't enough anymore!"
He wasn’t usually so coherent right after an orgasm— this was normally when he was deepest in his puppy space, basically non-verbal with just little whines and smiles to offer you when you asked how he was feeling.  He liked to get cuddly and sweet and give you lots of kisses, sometimes thanking you for being so nice and letting him come.  This… was new.
Sure, asking you to stay longer, even asking you to stay forever, was well-trod territory.  But that was usually the night before you left or the day you took your carriage back to the train back to your estate far, far away.  Not right after coming with another three weeks of your visit left.  “Please,” he whined quietly into your shoulder, and you sighed.
“Ralph, you know I always have to go back home,” you breathed, “there are always things to be done.  I have my own estate to manage, my… family, my sisters and cousins— my great aunt, she needs to be taken care of, too.  Not just you.”
“But you love me,” he whimpered, and you stroked his back soothingly.
“I do,” you hummed.  “I love you very much.  But for all the reasons you can’t come back with me to my home, I can’t stay here in yours.”
"Can't we just get married?"
Your throat caught.  No, it wasn’t the first time he’d asked.  He admitted not too long ago that he’d wanted to ask for your hand as soon as he met you, but Victoria told him not to— she must’ve known you were in no position to say yes.  “Well—”
“Before you say no again,” he begged, popping his head back up to look at you properly, “just think of how nice it would be!  It would be like this all the time—”
“We’d argue, sometimes,” you interjected.
“And I’m already yours forever,” he explained, “so we might as well—”
“Ralph,” you said sternly, making him clamp his mouth shut and look at you sadly.  “Get off of me and go wash yourself.”
“D-don’t make me leave yet,” he pleaded, but you only gave him a stern look.
Disappointed, almost pouting, Ralph pulled out of you carefully and found some undergarments to put back on; you, meanwhile, slipped on your robe again and lit a cigarette, taking deep breaths through it as you admired the way he sat at the foot of the bed, in only his underwear and brand new collar.  “You look quite handsome, darling,” you told him, but he only glanced at you for a moment.
“I just don’t understand why we can’t marry,” he sighed, “if you really love me.”
You didn’t realize he was still on that.  “Because things are expected of me,” you explained, “my family… they’re very traditional.  I’ve known who I’m supposed to marry since I was a little girl.”
Ralph looked at you, over his shoulder, eyes getting redder.  “You’re promised to someone?”
You nodded.
“Dare I ask whom?”
You felt your face get a little warmer— it was sort of embarrassing to admit.  “Well, I think you know I have a distant cousin with a large inheritance?”
Ralph scoffed as he looked back down into his lap.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I knew it would upset you,” you explained, “I hoped maybe you’d heard— it’s no secret.”
“No secret?  You let me believe we could be together!” he snapped.
“Watch your tone,” you warned him.
“No!” he yelped standing up.  “I just want to be with you!  N-nothing else has ever made me feel as right as being with you, and you’re going to go marry someone else?  What of me then— I’ll be your, your… mistress?!”
You sighed.  “You’ll find someone else, Ralph.  Anyone should be so lucky to have you—”
“I hate you!” he shouted suddenly, reaching up behind his neck to try to unbuckle the collar.  “Why would you give me this?!”
You sat up, reaching out to try to stop him, but he jumped up and away from you.
“You were lying to me,” he sobbed, “you said you really loved me— you lied!”
He finally managed to get the collar off, throwing it onto the ground and storming out of your room.
You wondered if you should chase after him, or let him have his tantrum and talk in the morning.  Then you remembered that, technically, it was still his birthday.  Or at the very least, it was only a few hours since his birthday ended; you really hadn’t wanted to tell him today, but he was always asking about marriage and commitment, about more than just these occasional visits.  He was bound to find out one way or another.
You sighed, a cloud of smoke rising to the ceiling.  You really shouldn’t have let him find out on his birthday, though…
Putting out the cigarette on a jade ashtray, you got up (finding your legs a little more wobbly than you expected) and stepped out into the hallway.  Ralph was still marching down it defiantly.
“C’mon, Ralph, you can’t go out in just your pants—” you called after him.
“Leave me alone,” he ordered sharply, swinging a door open and slamming it behind him.
You followed him out into the garden, ignoring your own bare-footedness, the cold sod thankfully dry under your soles; he stood facing away from you, arms crossed, staring up at the moon and looking, well… completely ridiculous.  He was almost entirely nude and it was foggy and unpleasant out (not exactly uncharacteristic of London); “Ralphie,” you cooed quietly, and he just sniffled and dropped his head.  “Look at me, please?  I’m sorry.  I should’ve told you from the start.”
He shook his head.  “Wouldn’t’ve made a difference.”
You said nothing, crossing your own arms to cover yourself from the slight evening breeze.
“I can’t change how I feel about you.  It never would’ve been any different, even if I knew.  I would have fallen for you just the same.”
Letting out a long sigh, you nearly got the wind knocked out of you when he spun and snatched you into a tight hug.  “Ralph—” you choked, but he paid no mind to your asphyxiation.
He clung tightly onto the fabric by your waist, dropping his head onto your shoulder and soaking it with his tears.  “We’re supposed to be together,” he insisted, “I know we are.  I know it’s supposed to be you and I— I wanna be your husband, an’ your puppy, and… and anything you want me to be.”
You reached up to wrap your arms around his back.  He stepped closer to you, pressing his whole body against yours. 
“I love you so much,” he whispered.  “You can’t go— you have to stay.”
“I wish that I could,” you replied, “truly.  But I can’t let my family down.”
“If they really cared for you,” he said quietly, “they’d let you love who you wanted.”
You nodded, knowing that was true, but also knowing that you couldn’t let it make a difference.  For a long time, you kept yourself from feeling the way you feel now about Ralph— because you knew it would hold you back and keep you from doing all that must be done.
“You take care of everybody else,” he announced suddenly, pulling back from the embrace just enough to rest his hand on your face.  “Isn’t that so sad?  You take care of everyone— your sisters and your aunt and even me— but who will take care of you?”
Actually, it wasn’t the first time that Ralph was shockingly insightful; he had his head in the clouds most of the time, so in those rare moments where he randomly blurted out something suddenly thoughtful, it threw everyone off. You knew how smart and intuitive he could be, but even still, you never expected him to say something so flippantly that cut right to your core.
“The man you’re supposed to marry— your cousin, I haven’t even begun to address that,” he frowned, “will he?  Take care of you, I mean.  Because I think maybe I could… live with it.  I could never love someone else, but maybe I could let you go on your way, if I knew he would take care of you better than I could.”
You blinked quickly, staring down at the ground, at your bare feet between his in the garden’s grass— the moonlight making their dark green hue look almost blue-ish.  
“Tell me that he will,” he breathed, suddenly grabbing your face with both his hands and pulling it up to look at him and his wide, wild eyes.  “Tell me that he’ll be good to you or tell me that you’ll stay and be my wife.”
“I… I don’t,” you whispered, searching for words and only finding pesky emotions.  “I don’t even think I’d know where to start, being taken care of.”
He smiled wide as he clutched your face, squishing your cheeks, and you scrunched up your nose and tried to writhe away.
“Ralphie, c’mon,” you pouted, breaking out of his embrace, only for him to grab you and hug you tighter again.
“Let me try,” he pleaded, voice soft yet… hopeful.  “Let me try, love, I’ll teach you how.  R’member what you said to me when I first told you that I loved you?”
Can’t help it, he’d hiccuped after another scolding for naughtiness, jus’ love you too much.
All right, you’d replied, but you need to behave.
Dunno how…
And you’d pet him on the head to help him calm down a bit.  I’ll take care of you, puppy.  I’ll teach you how to behave.  
“I remember,” you sighed.
“I wanna take care of you, too,” Ralph insisted.  “I know I’m not s-strong, or… all that masculine, I suppose.  But I love you so much that I think I could do anything.”
You didn’t notice that you were crying until he started to kiss all over your face, kissing your tears away, too.  You giggled and gently pushed on his bare chest to try to escape from the onslaught of affection.
“I think I could be anything!” he announced excitedly, clutching your shoulders as he stood up straight and looked at you.  “I could even be the man you need.  If you just tell me who he is.”
You smiled and brushed one of his tears, left behind in a stripe along his cheek from his outburst, away with your fingers.  “You’re already right here, Ralph.”
He pulled you into a kiss— not desperate, not needy, just warm and soft and all-encompassing.  You draped your arms around his shoulders, humming into it, feeling this bizarre-but-lovely sort of feeling in your chest.  Optimism, maybe?  This was all very new to you.  “Say yes, then,” he mumbled against your lips.  “Say you’ll let me marry you.”
You nodded; you could hardly believe it yourself, but you nodded.
“No, say it,” he insisted, and you broke away from the kiss just far enough to reply.
“I’ll marry you,” you agreed.  He smiled wide and did a happy little jump, quickly pecking you on the cheek again.
“I’m gonna make you so happy, darling, n’take such good care of you,” he promised, “really— you won’t regret it.”
“I’m sure,” you smiled, letting him hug you tight and jostle you around for a moment.  “Okay!  Settle down, now…”
“How could I?  This is the best birthday ever!”
He made you laugh again by showering you in more kisses, on your face and neck and shoulders, mumbling all his promises to do everything he could to be the best husband who ever lived.  It was extravagant, but Ralph wasn’t an especially subtle guy— nor a realistic one.
“I’ll adore you constantly,” he promised between pecks along your jaw, “and— and I’ll buy you whatever you like—”
“That doesn’t matter,” you rolled your eyes, but your stomach was all jittery with excitement anyways.
“I’ll never let anything hurt you,” he went on, and somehow you really felt that you believed him, even if your quieting cynical side swore that those sorts of dreams just don’t come true.  “And we’re going to be so happy— I swear, darling, the happiest people who ever lived.”
You opened your mouth to disagree, to try to keep the both of you from getting your hopes up, but he captured it in another long kiss; by the time it was over, you’d forgotten what you were going to say.  “I love you,” you said instead.
“Love you more,” he cooed as he pecked you on the nose, though he shivered as another gust of breeze shook the shrubberies and tickled his delicate skin.  “Can we go back in now?” he asked with a pout.  “It’s so cold.”
“You’re naked,” you reminded him.
“And I’m cold!” he whined.  “I wanna put my collar back on.”
“Won’t do much for the cold,” you warned, the two of you walking hand-in-hand back to the house.
“No, it won’t,” he agreed, “neither will that ring I bought when you first came to visit us.  But you’ll have to put that on, too.”
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bruhstories · 10 months
anything for you
summary: tom loses his virginity on his eighteenth birthday pairing: tom riddle x afab!oc (both of age) warnings: loss of male virginity, oral sex (m and f receiving), orgasm denial, unprotected p in v, curse words, descriptions of oc's hair and eye colours w/c: exactly 4,999 words!
a/n: i just needed to get this rubbish out of my head. made up an oc just because i wanted to write in 3rd person so y'all can pretend it's y/n for all i care lol. crossposted on ao3
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Tom had never been the type of person to concern himself with desires of the flesh. While most of his peers turned into hormonal teenagers over summer and experimented with women, or men, Tom preferred to stimulate his mind. That did not mean that he couldn't appreciate beauty. He looked at women the way one would look at a sculpture — with awe and desire, but without touching. 
Yes, Tom Riddle was a virgin. An eighteen-year old virgin surrounded by horny teens bordering adulthood. Whenever his friends (they weren't friends) tried to set him up for a date, he would never show up, despite knowing that there were lots of young women at Hogwarts infatuated with him. No, Tom had other pressing matters on his mind, goals and ambitions he couldn't afford to lose by being distracted by some scatterbrained girl.
However, to say that Tom wasn't interested in a certain girl would be a lie. She was exquisite and extraordinary. A pureblood with the face of an angel and the mind of a devil, who looked like a woman but thought like a man. Valerie Rosier, with eyes as black as Tom's soul, captivated the young wizard. He wasn't enamoured with her, for he couldn't feel love, but there was a certain obsession Tom felt for the witch, courtesy of his mother. Only he didn't need to use any spells or potions to compel Valerie to love him, because she was already a devoted follower.
Fixated on blood purity, on power and immortality, she was the perfect partner in crime, as muggles liked to say, and she was the perfect woman to take Tom's last shred of innocence. The wizard wanted to experience the pleasures of the flesh before splitting his soul in so many pieces, for he was afraid he couldn't feel a thing if he lost his virginity after creating his Horcruxes. Granted, he had committed his first murder a year before, but he was still human — weak and mortal.
Tom didn't have many friends. He didn't believe in the concept of friendship, but Valerie was his closest confidante. She was the only one who truly believed in him, who encouraged him to become stronger, smarter. She was willing to commit all kinds of despicable atrocities for him, because behind every powerful Dark Wizard was a cunning, conniving Dark Witch.
It was his eighteenth birthday when Tom asked Valerie to find him in his separate dormitory, a privilege of being Head Boy, for a chat. And while the witch cared little for celebrations, she did bring Tom a gift. A beautiful wand handle, with snakes carved in the dark, almost black wood, and small emeralds in place of their eyes.
"A present? For me?" He was not surprised, despite the puzzled look on his face.
"You deserve more than that." Valerie combed through her silky black locks.
In the dim light of his bedroom, she looked almost ethereal, like a phantom coming to haunt him. And she did haunt his mind a lot lately. Tom inspected the gift, his long slender fingers probing the intricate carvings of the handle. He'd never received a present for his birthday. In a different life, he'd probably be happy, give her a hug and thank her. Not in this life.
"I need to ask you something. A favour of sorts." Tom placed the gift on his nightstand. 
It's not as if he didn't appreciate it, but he didn't need it. And he doesn't want what he doesn't need.
"Anything." Valerie rushed to speak, and Tom enjoyed her eagerness. He only hoped she was eager to please him in more ways than one.
"You know what I intend to do after graduation." He eyed her and she looked at him with fire in her eyes.
If there was one thing Tom truly liked about Valerie, it was her understanding of him without needing more words. She was a competent witch — if he told her to do something, she would do it without questioning him. She remembered everything he said, every detail of every plan, unlike Malfoy or Flint, who forgot even the simplest instructions.
Valerie nodded — Tom would seek immortality, and she would be by his side to aid him. She was wickedly fascinated by that subject, despite being aware that wizards and witches lived a much longer life than humans. It wasn't enough.
"I want to experience one thing beforehand." Tom calmly said, disturbed by how tight her skirt was. Every time she crossed one leg over the other, the skirt would just go higher up her thighs. He wondered if she was wearing any underwear before shaking the animalistic thought out of his head.
She knew.
From how he looked at her, Valerie knew what he meant, and she was ready to give herself to him. She had never been a saint, losing her virginity to the Lestrange boy in Year 5, then fooling around with either him or Avery, or both, in Year 6. And Tom knew that. He didn't mind it, as long as she kept them focused, but he couldn't deny a slight jealousy. He wished he was her first, but was somewhat grateful he wasn't, because that meant Valerie had much more experience, and it wouldn't be awkward. 
Of course, Tom read about sex. Curiosity boiled in his veins, that was both his biggest quality, and his worst flaw. He even took it so far as to read muggle books on the topic. But it was all very scientific, an encyclopaedia of reproduction, with no regards to pleasure. Tom hoped he would understand why his little gang was so distracted. 
"What will you have me do?" Valerie crossed her legs again, and again that damned skirt moved up.
Oh, she knew exactly how to phrase her sentences and questions. She didn't ask what he wanted, or what the favour was, but instead what he wanted her to do, like a good, obedient slave. Tom adored that about her, because unlike his mindless peers, she followed him, while also keeping her personality and independence. It was as if whatever he wanted her to do, she wanted to do as well. Like two different people with the same soul and brain.
With knitted brows, Tom pondered over his choice of words. He didn't want her to feel like a cheap whore, although he had a hunch she liked feeling that way, and that thought both bothered and excited him.
"I want you to be my first intimate partner." He finally said, picking his words very carefully. "Before I achieve immortality, I would like to experience this human feeling first."
She always imagined him to be dominant and in control, and so it was a bit of a shock for Valerie to realise that Tom never had sex before. No, she half-expected him to be a womaniser, to flirt with girls and get what he wanted, maybe even seduce muggles before killing them. 
"As you wish." Valerie tugged at the hem of her skirt before pulling it up, but Tom stopped her.
"No, not like that." His hand rushed to hers, stopping her from doing anything. "There was a term I read about in a muggle book… foreplay, I believe it was called."
"Ah!" She grinned at him, already feeling her cunt hot. "My apologies, I thought you wanted to get it over and done with."
"I'd like to be entertained first." Tom removed his hands from her body, awkwardly expecting something, he just didn't know what exactly. 
"Have you kissed someone before?" Valerie asked, loosening her tie only a little. She felt very, very hot.
"Once. I can't remember her name." He admitted without a shred of remorse. It wasn't a particularly significant moment in his life, and the kiss itself wasn't memorable. 
"Then, may I kiss you?" 
Tom nodded. He felt her move closer to him and instinctively closed his eyes. Valerie placed a shy kiss on his cheek, then on the corner of his mouth before finally crushing his lips under hers. And Tom could feel his temperature raise when she feverishly pried open his mouth with her tongue. He admitted to himself that his first kiss paled in comparison to this one. He even enjoyed it when she took his bottom lip between her teeth.
Tom couldn't stop his hands when they began to freely roam her back, wrapping an arm around her waist while hers slithered under his robe, pushing it off his shoulders. And he didn't protest when Valerie straddled him, desperately kissing him and grinding against the growing bulge in his trousers.
So that was foreplay, a sort of preparation for the upcoming intimate moment. He understood now, and he unclasped her robe, letting it silently fall behind her, on the floor. Valerie's hands worked on untying his tie, then unbuttoning his shirt. Tom did the same, a little too eager for his own taste. He didn't enjoy giving in to earthly pleasures, but he knew he could do it with her. She wasn't like the rest of them. She never judged him, never questioned him, never doubted him.
Valerie finally leaned back, allowing her and Tom some time to breathe. But his breathing stopped for a second when he saw her white lace bra displayed in front of his eyes. It looked expensive, and it probably was considering how wealthy her family was. He wondered if it matched the rest of her undergarments. 
"May I touch you?" Tom found himself asking. Although he didn't normally ask for permission, he found it proper to do so in that context. 
"Please, please do touch me!" She whined with ardour.
He nodded and clumsily felt her shoulders and upper arms, as if he didn't dare to move any lower than that. Valerie chuckled at his attempt, placing her hand on his.
"Like this." She whispered, pressing his hand down her collarbone and guiding it lower, until his fingers brushed over her still clothed chest. "Take it off, Tom, please." 
How dare she tell him what to do? And worse, why was he so compelled to listen? He wasn't under the Imperius Curse, nor did he ingest Amortentia, yet there he was, hunched over her shoulder, unclasping her bra. She smelled so good, like roses and lavender, and he buried his nose in her hair.
There was no spell — he truly wanted her.
Once her shirt and bra were off, tossed somewhere in his room, Tom looked at her bare chest in awe. He had only seen naked women in paintings and sculptures, and they were beautiful, but she was superior. 
He didn't ask for permission this time, instead he took her nipples in his fingers, pinching and twisting them with curiosity. Every action of his earned a reaction from her, and Valerie didn't shy away from moaning and wriggling in his lap. And by the look on her face, whatever he was doing, he was doing it right. 
In exchange, she took his shirt off, still grinding against his clothed cock for an ounce of friction, and kissed his neck, sometimes digging her teeth into his porcelain skin. Tom growled. He had never made such a sound before, but he enjoyed it every time she bit him, leaving him wanting more, he just didn't know what yet.
"I want, oh- I want to pleasure you. Please, may I?" Valerie said against his skin, and he nodded. Tom didn't know exactly what she meant, but he assumed it was time for sexual intercourse.
She got up from his lap and kneeled down on the floor, between his legs. He cautiously watched her every move, because this wasn't in the books, and when Valerie took notice of the confused look on his face, she smiled. 
"Do you trust me?" Her voice was soothing, yet he felt like he was being lured in a trap.
Tom didn't trust anyone but himself, but curiosity got the better of him again, and he nodded. With his consent, Valerie proceeded to unbuckle his belt, then unbutton his trousers. He was already so hard, she licked her lips in anticipation, ready to devour him, and while the lust in her eyes didn't make him afraid, it did make him feel slightly on edge, because he didn't know what she was about to do. And he didn't like not knowing. 
Valerie pulled down his trousers and underwear, marvelling at the size of his cock. How was he so big, yet so inexperienced? Clearly he didn't know what advantage he possessed with that instrument of both pleasure, and torture. Tom only realised what was about to happen when she parted her luscious lips open, and a sudden feeling of disgust flushed through his body. She really was a cheap whore, he thought, until she took him in her mouth, and his muscles suddenly relaxed. His disgust was quickly, too quickly, replaced by pure pleasure. 
Bobbing her head up and down, she dug her fingernails into his thighs, clearly bothered by the strands of hair sticking to her forehead. Tom felt the need to help her, and he gathered her hair into a bunch in his hand, holding it back while she sucked him so good. To his surprise, Valerie moaned against his cock, enjoying the act herself. What pleasure could she possibly feel if she was the one pleasing him? It angered him, made his blood boil, and in a fit of irrational rage, he pushed her head down, hitting the back of her throat with the tip of his cock.
He held her like that for some time, until he realised she was choking on his cock, her fingernails drawing blood from his skin. Tom released her, shocked by how weak humans were. There was a newfound power in him, power that he held over her. Her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, and she coughed and gasped for air. Was she crying? No. Someone like her couldn't cry. They were tears of bliss.
"Again!" Valerie greedily took him in her mouth.
"Fuck." Tom whispered. He wasn't one to cuss, but it was the first word that came into his mind when he felt her tongue swirl around the tip of his cock. "Ugh, you're a filthy whore, aren't you?" He looked down at her, revelling in the power imbalance. 
She was a sight for sore eyes, half-naked, between his legs and with his cock in her mouth. And Valerie wouldn't have it any other way. Granted, she'd been fucked better by other boys, but to have Tom Riddle all to herself was a privilege. He had ambitions others could only dream of, and she wanted to be by his side when he achieved them. She wanted him to succeed, to purge the wizarding world of its stain.
Looking up at him with doe eyes, Valerie leaned back, wrapping her fingers around his shaft. She spat on his cock, and Tom scoffed at the vulgar gesture, yet he still didn't protest, nor did he want her to stop. Embarrassingly, he could feel himself closer to his climax.
"Not just any whore." Valerie barked back. "Your whore."
There it was again, the way she got under his skin with honeyed words and pleading eyes. But she meant it. She didn't want anyone but him. She wanted to belong to him.
"Then suck." Tom demanded, and she obeyed.
He couldn't tell where all that confidence came from. Normally he would manipulate or blackmail people to do what he wanted, but perhaps adrenaline kicked in, because pleasure and anger bubbled inside of him, and without a warning, he came into her mouth, panting and sweating, despite not moving a muscle.
Tom watched her with an arched brow, watched her swallow every drop of his seed, and he wondered what he tasted like. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and crushed her lips in a needy kiss. 
Bitter. Everything about him was bitter, and while he scrunched his nose at the taste, she loved it.
It wasn't what Tom expected, and couldn't deny that he thought he'd last longer than that. He wasn't ashamed, but rather disappointed in himself. 
"I'll give you a moment to collect yourself before carrying on." Valerie nonchalantly said, as if she didn't just have his cock in her mouth.
"Carry on?" Tom spoke without thinking, intrigued by her. She truly was a wolf in sheep's clothing. 
"Do you not wish to carry on?" She asked, almost offended. 
He placed his thumb and index finger on his chin, deep in thought. Of course he wanted to carry on, but he couldn't be desperate. Tom had to choose his words carefully, he couldn't let her have the upper hand. Valerie had already demonstrated that she wouldn't betray him long before this moment, but one could never be too sure.
"Very well." He finally said. "What shall we do, then? It will take some time for me to… recover."
It was her turn to ponder over his question, head slightly tilted like a confused dog. Then she smiled, and Tom knew that smile all too well. It meant she had a twisted idea brewing in her mind.
"Would you like to touch me? For scientific purposes, I mean." Valerie got up from the floor, stretching her legs.
"Scientific purposes?" He repeated. The books never mentioned anything about touching a woman. "Elaborate."
"Well," she began, lifting her skirt enough to expose her thigh-high stocking and garterbelt, "women do enjoy sex. Men don't like to talk about that, they want to keep us pure and virginal."
Ah! It finally clicked that he read something about a bundle of nerves called the clitoris, and that it can be stimulated. He watched her remove her stocking, and only then did Tom realise he was about to see her fully naked. There was very little left for his imagination, and his flaccid cock twitched. Perhaps he didn't need as much time as he thought. 
"I suppose I might find myself in a situation where I would have to please women." Tom nodded. "Very well, teach me."
It bothered Valerie to hear that, for she hoped she would be his only lover, but of course, Tom would become invincible, he could have anyone he wanted, and she had to come to terms with that. She fluffed the pillow on his bed and sat down, back against it.
"Women like tenderness, they are romantic beings. They like to feel loved, even if they aren't." Valerie explained. "Our bodies work differently when we aren't coerced to be intimate. That's what foreplay is for."
"I see." Tom watched her get comfortable on his bed.
"Go on, touch me. I shall let you know if you're on the right track, but you'll probably know from how I act." She bit her lower lip in anticipation. 
Tom was clever enough to know that he shouldn't violently grab her body, although there was a voice in his head that told him she might like it. He ignored the voice, and placed a kiss on her shoulder, lying next to her. His fingers ghosted over her abdomen, moving up and down, as if he didn't want to let her know where it would go next. Goosebumps dotted her skin, and Tom took it as a sign of doing the right thing, before he cupped her breasts with both of his hands. He froze, because his instinct told him to do something he wasn't sure was proper.
"Don't stop." Valerie assured him, as if reading her mind, and Tom gave in to his instinct, taking one of her hard nipples in his mouth. 
She arched her back, and he finally knew what she meant by what she said. Her body responded to his touches, and again, his cock twitched. Tom was surprisingly enjoying seeing her wriggle and writhe under him, and he took it a step further by moving his hand down her body, to her thigh, pushing it onto the mattress to spread her legs. He didn't want to seem eager, but his own body betrayed him when he felt himself growing harder.
Tom moved his hand up her thigh, up to her hip, where he stopped to pull down her skirt and underwear. He didn't care anymore if it matched her bra.
"It's alright if you want to look." She purred, a hint of desperation in her voice.
He pulled his mouth away from her chest and shifted his weight to take a good look at her, and she was divine. Legs spread, she didn't have a single hair on her cunt, and Tom was dumbfounded. She found his curiosity amusing, and she sat up to kiss him. He kissed her back with more passion than before, coming to the conclusion that she was indeed perfect, he just couldn't bring himself to ever love her. She knew, and she was fine with that.
"Use your fingers." She instructed him.
With his newfound confidence and passion, Tom grazed over her slit with his fingertips, marvelling at just how hot she was to the touch. He even wondered if she had a fever before sliding two fingers past her folds. The intrusion made her cunt clench around his fingers, and Tom's breath got caught in his throat when he realised she would clench like that around his cock. She was wet, hot and velvety, and it was a feeling he had never experienced before.
"Oh, fuck, just like that!" Valerie grabbed the sheets in her fists when he moved his fingers in and out of her aching cunt. 
It was extraordinary to hear her moan and groan, to watch her roll her eyes and arch her back, all because of him. And Tom couldn't get over how wet she was. He read about it, about how women naturally produce a lubricant, and it truly was fascinating to experience this first-hand. The more she chanted his name, the more Tom's cock hardened, and he was ready to give in to temptation. He pulled his fingers out, and he was fixated on tasting her. Would she taste bitter, just like him?
Curiosity was in his nature, and sometimes he couldn't fight it. Tom popped his index finger in his mouth, and Valerie was stunned to see him taste her slick. She was sweet, like nectar, and he wanted more. She knew he wanted more by the look in his eyes, predatory and obsessive and downright deranged.
"Tom." Valerie propped herself on her elbow and squeezed her thighs together, wanting to talk some sense into him.
"You did it to me, allow me to return the favour." He said, knowing exactly what she was thinking. 
"It's not that I don't want it." She told him, and that made him even more eager to devour her cunt. "But I don't deserve it."
"That's ridiculous." Tom scoffed.
"I am beneath you, Tom. You are on a path to become the greatest wizard of all time. You can't be doing these degrading things." Valerie gasped when he forced open her legs.
"It's still for scientific purposes." He sneered at her. "And you are right, I am on a path to become the greatest dark wizard of all time. So, you shouldn't be disobeying me."
Valerie mentally scolded herself for even daring to talk back to him. He was right, he should take whatever he wanted, and if he wanted to taste her, then so be it. Apologies spilled from her lips, and she leaned back on the pillow while Tom forced open her legs and buried his face between them. He didn't care about gently touching her anymore, he was far too hungry for such formalities. 
Pressing his tongue against her slit, Tom lazily dragged it up, pushing one finger into her, and she arched her back, muttering a string of obscene words she knew he didn't like. But at that moment, in that context, he didn't want her to shut up. Her reaction made him lap at her cunt, pumping his finger in and out of her until her legs trembled. Then he added another finger, and he curled them up, feeling her velvety walls clench around them.
"Tom, I- fuck! I'm so close!" Valerie cried out, grateful for the silencing charm he placed in his room beforehand. 
Then he stopped.
Just as she was about to come, he stopped and pulled his fingers out, watching her wriggle in anguish and anger. Now that was power, Tom thought. To have her cry tears of pain, although he hadn't hurt her in the slightest, that made him feel good.
"No, you're not finishing like that." He said, grabbing her by her wrist and pulling her up from his bed.
Confused, and slightly annoyed, Valerie allowed herself to be dragged to the velvet sofa in his bedroom, where he sat down. He was ready. 
"I want you in my lap." Tom leaned back, getting comfortable. 
"You want me to ride you?" She arched a brow, not questioning him, rather asking for permission. 
"Is that what it's called?" He scoffed at the term. How vulgar. "Yes, I want you to ride me." Tom assured her.
"Very well." Valerie nodded, climbing into his lap, knees to the sides of his hips. 
She kissed him first, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her hot cunt against his cock. Grinding against it, she rolled her hips, doing everything in her power to make him feel good. And Tom was feeling good, but he was also impatient. His hand slithered up her thigh, over her firm ass, before resting on the small of her back.
"You're stalling." He said, venom dripping down his tongue. 
"I merely want to treat you like a king." Valerie whispered into his ear, pressing her hips harder against his. "You deserve to be adored, worshiped."
"Is that so?" Tom almost didn't believe her.
"I want to be there when you achieve greatness." She was wet, coating his cock in her slick without even having her in him.
"I suppose you proved yourself competent enough." He shrugged. It was his way of complimenting her.
Valerie took the backhanded compliment with a smile, knowing that no one ever got so close to him as she did. She even dared to think she was one of his favourites. 
"I want to be yours, my lord." She said, finally sliding his cock inside, sinking lower in his lap.
Oh, it felt divine, delicious, delirious. She was tight, perfectly taking him in, and Tom couldn't stop the moan that escaped his lips. It brought a grin to her beautiful face. Valerie placed her hands on his chest for support, bouncing up and down, rolling her hips, whimpering and chanting his name like a prayer. Her eyes were filled with tears of bliss, pleasure shooting through her body like electricity. And her face was something that would forever be ingrained on his retina.
"So big!" She cried out, feeling his cock stretch her out in ways other men could only dream of. "So good."
Tom wasn't someone who expressed his feelings verbally, but even he groaned, digging his fingers in the plush of her hips. She fucked him like it was her last day on Earth, pressing her chest against his, and Tom took the opportunity to hold her in place. Valerie didn't protest, letting him do as he pleased, which was to thrust into her relentlessly and violently. It was a good thing she sucked his cock before, because he could feel himself lasting longer.
"Tell me." Tom said, beads of sweat glistening on his skin. "Tell me you want me."
"I do!" Valerie said without hesitation. "I want you for eternity. Oh, fuck, I need you!"
He enjoyed hearing those words, to feel adored, and he realised that it was better for some people to love him rather than fear him. Or at least one person. One was enough, as long as she would always be there for him.
Tom shifted his weight and pushed Valerie on the sofa, so he could be on top of her, his cock still deep in her cunt. He found her eyes, and they were honest. He knew she wouldn't lie. She couldn't lie to him, despite her filling people's heads with sweet nothings. But everything she told him was the purest truth.
"Fuck-" Tom growled, still in shock at how well she took him. No, she was made for him.
"Please don't ever leave me." Valerie said, completely vulnerable and to his mercy.
"I won't." He didn't lie. While he hated to admit it, he needed her just as much, albeit not showing it. 
She was useful to him, and that was the reason he needed her, but Tom also didn't want to be alone. Not anymore. Because behind every dark wizard should be an even darker witch, twisted and deranged, just like him.
Valerie wrapped her legs around his waist, breath hitching and heart racing in her chest. She was close, and she was determined to finish this time. Tom couldn't think anymore, not when bliss took over, and he pressed his forehead against hers, legs quaking, while he frantically and brutally thrusted into her.
He finished inside of her, and she came on his cock, and they both felt like there was molten lava in their veins. Bodies burning, muscles aching, they laid there together, with Tom weighing down on her. He was heavier than he looked, but it comforted her. It was safe to say that Tom was a changed man after that night. Same goals, same ambitions, but with a loyal woman that would kill for him in the blink of an eye.
"I want you to break your soul into a million pieces for me." He said, pushing strands of hair out of her face.
"Anything for you, my lord.”
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