bulleted headcannons of fh dance studio 🫴
oh my GOSH okay yes!!
aguefort owns the studio. nobody knows how bc he does one (1) type of dance and it's fucking BALLROOM. he somehow keeps the studio running though so nobody stops him
ayda works the main office mostly. she danced at a studio that did the yearly nutcracker and then got tired of it and wanted to learn some other versions.
(she does a lot of contemporary now, especially to hip-hop music. it's cool as hell.)
kristen does modern and takes ballet. she tries so hard and she is so strong but she is. absolute shit at anything harder than a piqué. she likes modern bc cass lets her work in her ribbon dancer. she's also Really Good with choreo and technique!! she can spot the issue in Seconds
she helps out around the studio a lot too!! definitely not to see more of the girl with the pretty side cut who dances in the later hours :)
gorgug does hip hop bc he loves the community aspect of it! and ballet- he does a lot of the background/supporting work.
he's never had a solo. all the bad kids want him to ask for one because he's really fucking good how dare he. he tells them that aguefort doesn't like him.
(arthur doesn't like him. ayda would fight the world for him.)
fig is a jazz+tap girlie but she was Raised on ballet+tap so she's signed up for ballet too! she's been doing tap since she was So Little and it's genuinely just. her favorite thing ever.
she crashes the hip hop classes often. nobody stops her because she has the Energy Ever.
adaine, like fig, was put into ballet as a kid (along with aelwyn)
she met riz and he dragged her to a hip hop class and she simply. has not gone back. added contemporary onto her repertoire and a technique class and pointe. definitely the busiest out of everyone.
riz tried it for like. school. and fucking loved it. he thought it would be good networking, good resume filling, good exercise- and also he loved it. that comes last in the list of importance tho
that guy choreographs and performs the most complex ballet pieces known to man. kristen has tried one during an after-recital party and that video is used as blackmail to this day
he does ballet and jazz. he's tried every class at the studio and settled into those two. he's perfectly fine in his comfort zone thank you!
fabian started as a solely Jazz dancer. his dad died and he underwent a whole buncha self evaluation and then signed up for so many classes- he's taking no joke like 10.
jazz. ballet. tap. technique. modern. contemporary. hip hop. pointe. he's doing it all and having the Time Of His Life.
and now we get into the actual *studio*! whoaa it only took 17 bullet points!
their studio doesn't do a show performance, like the nutcracker, or competitions, but they do work a lot on choreography and do multiple performances throughout the year
you can request to do a solo/double/group piece that's multi-track! ayda Somehow fits it in the schedule. you get a teacher advisor (for the bad kids maybe jawbone?) who gives advice but the dance is mostly choreographed by you
these dances are the highlights of the recitals. fig wants to do one but is already doing a solo so she wants to work on a group piece! she and adaine have traumabonded in multiple classes so she asks her first
adaine goes. you're not gonna believe what i'm about to do. and snags riz. fig grabs gorgug. they're the initial four.
they spy fabian after a late-night rehearsal having a mental breakdown through dance and go huh. he was already becoming less stuck up. let's speed up the process.
kristen swings by later, sweeping and restocking toilet paper and shit and offhandedly offers some solutions to things they're struggling with
and lo and behold the bad kids are created! they have No Concept of time ever. but they're gonna choreograph a dance and by god it's going to look good!!
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joyfullyacat · 2 years
Unordinarily Foolish
haha, don't hurt me, not beta'd it's another hurt no comfort - but this time no one dies! woo!! inspired by @gniteruirui 's animatic here (except then it spiraled way from that and im a little sorry-)
CW: so much self loathing, general heartbreak, pining when your heart wars with your brain, no happy ending word count: 2.7k
You’ve hit rock bottom it felt like.
What respect did you have for yourself any more?
There’s been a pain, irate and grating on the nerves right in your sternum lately but it was better than feeling numb.
At least, you think it is.
You go years single without affection, you had your time to date and you took time away from the pool, you got your licks from it, you thought you learned all the lessons. 
Now look at you.
Unsteadily, your hands follow the curves and grooves of the toys you clean with wipes. Under here, around there, get into that crevice. Your thoughts travel and your eyes wander to the subject of those thoughts.
Sun is cackling with giggly kids hanging off every limb, clutching about his legs and wrapped about his arms. He’s carefree and radiant, in his element, there seems not to be a care in the world with him… And maybe that was what had you ensnared. You stare at the panel in the back of his neck that his jointed neck comes out of. A distinctly inhuman appearance to his otherwise human personality.
Just maybe, this is what kept you away. You were an ordinary fool with a silly heart but your brain was logical… Cruel but logical.
You were an ordinary fool with not so ordinary lessons to learn. Like how bad of an idea it is to be in love with something - someone incapable of feeling as you do with temperamental chemicals and functionalities that dictate every part of you from head to toe. Who won’t share the experiences of life with you like an ordinary couple.
What you had was not an ordinary love.
This was no ordinary circumstance.
When did you take his exuberant nature for something more than what it was? When did his crushing hugs of friendly greeting become something that stole your breath away - more than just physically. The nicknames too, the sunshines, dewdrops, and daydreams, every single one of them stuck into you and hid between your ribs, becoming new butterflies that’d flutter in your stomach haplessly against your will.
You have enough respect for him to not dump this onto him or his lunar counterpart, Moon. 
Oh yes, a counterpart. A double decker to your psyche, really.
To be in love with not one but two distinct personalities and individuals that weren’t even human. Who likely could not grasp the concept of love, it wasn’t something to be easily defined like happiness or sadness, it was muddled by every emotion and bolstered by them similarly.
This wasn’t including the fact that you were fleeting in their very, potentially eternal, lives.
This also wasn’t including the fact that at any moment, they could be torn in twain and scrapped against your wants to make new animatronics, better ones, new personalities. They wouldn’t remember you - even if they kept the same face.
It already happened once, after Sun and Moon were split into their own bodies.
Most of their memories outside of the employee data bank were lost. You were pretty much another face in the crowd to them.
You were happy to befriend them again - at the time that’s what they were. Friends.
Because denial is not just a river in Egypt and you were hopelessly flowing down it back then, oh it’s just a crush. Merely infatuation! They were new, exciting, interesting and human enough, but you know now.
No, you were utterly endeared and helpless to how your heart speeds up around them.
Well over a year later.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Moon approaching, slinking in the designated shadowy corners you created with well placed large plushies and decorative hangings.
The animatronic lifts a finger, pointing to what you’re doing unknowingly. “I think that toy is clean enough…” He speaks in his typical low grumble, a permanent growl to his voice that rattles in his chest. Something that comforted you in your lowest moments when he’d hug you on days of stress.
His words bring you back to the moment, looking from him then over to the poor anthropomorphic turtle figurine with colored bandana in your hand.
You had stripped some of the color from it. Faded smears of green staining the little white rag.
“Ah, yeah. It is…” You cough, setting the toy in with the others and picking up a sort of tubby looking unicorn toy with cheap white hair and a set of sparkles on its hind quarter.
“You’ve been spacy lately.”
Ah, he was always the more confrontational of the two. A trait you admired and feared. You thought you were confrontational once upon a time, then you met him. Then you learned how ham-fisted your emotions could be to you. Making you clam up entirely.
Both were observant, eventually a comment would be made on your actions lately, your behaviors. Whatever vitals they’ve been able to read from you.
Sun was far more subtle, much more rounded. Acting sort of as a bumper to your feelings with careful gestures and honeyed words that served to entrap you further, much to his unknowing warmth. Leaving you little sticky notes of well wishes that you’d save and so on.
You felt… Dirty, really. Dirty about it all. Guilty may be more apt. Taking their gifts of friendliness for your own selfish needs. To fuel fantasies of your own design.
A low timbre breaks you from your thoughts, “Starbright?”
Right. He’s still there.
Moon brought himself closer, even in that moment of thought. Just an arm’s length away, well for him anyway. You’d have to lean forward.
“Things have been… Going on is all, Moon. Sorry about that, I’ll pay for a replacement toy.” The funny turtle guys are usually stocked in toy aisles, it’d be easy to pick one up the next time you’re going out for the easiest and cheapest premade meals because you haven’t been able to bring yourself to cook properly otherwise lately.
He doesn’t look convinced, looking past you to something just over your head, probably over to Sun if you had any guess. The two had a way of communicating without necessarily having to be in speaking range of one another.
Likely some technological link.
You watch as he nods once... Twice... Three times before suddenly decisions are made.
“...Come on, you’re taking your break early.” Is all he says before you’re swept up with an arm around your shoulders, promptly escorted to a doorway tucked behind one of the play structures with quite the tall baby gate that keeps wandering tikes from going into it.
Also known as the way to their personal room that wasn’t through that funny hook system that made them “float” to the balcony.
You squirm and writhe against his hold, trying to dig your heels into the carpeted area with all your might but he practically picks you up in your struggles. “Ho-Hold on now, I didn’t agree to this-!”
“Don’t care…” He draws out in a mocking sing-song. “Attendant’s orders, we care for children, this includes adults who act like children.”
Was this how you lost what shred of dignity you had left? Cornered to fess up by your coworker and crush? Could you dumb it down, play it off as if it were nothing? Make up a story about something in your personal life going on?
…Better question, did you want to?
You wouldn’t get a better opportunity than this, even if you wanted to do it with both of them present at the same time. No having to repeat yourself and becoming mortified twice over if there is only one band-aid to rip off, after all.
Though that question was answered for you with the reveal of Sun awaiting you up the stairs, hands on his hips and leaning forward, primed up and ready to chastise you for your mistreatment of yourself.
Quickly, you try to find a way out of this impromptu grilling on your being, “I know you did not leave the kids unsupervised.” You point out stiffly, gesturing to the balcony that the solar-themed animatronic likely scaled.
“You are correct, I set up their nap hour! We are both capable of it… Remember I was doing it alone for a time!” He’s chirpy in his jest but distinctly, you feel that smile he can’t necessarily help is more sarcastic in this moment.
“So that leaves you alone with us - ideally uninterrupted with plenty of time to figure out what is wrong with you.” Moon elaborates simply, resting his arms over your head and leaning his weight into you comfortably.
A common way he liked to make fun of his height over you. 
“Mhm! So tell us, sweet sunshine, what’s been eating at you?” Sun holds his hands out to you in invitation, flexing his fingers once.
You don’t hesitate to take his hands into your own two, staring right into his daylight-bright eyes that’d somehow shine more when he was excited you noticed. You hoped they’d stay like that. You don’t ever want to see that light dimmed.
With a deep breath, you decide to take the leap.
“...What would your guy’s responses be if I said I liked you?”
The way Moon goes tense, able to tell even with the rigid, barely padded metal resting against you, has you worried.
Sun twitches in your hold, almost as if wanting to pull away, “Well… It depends in what way you mean by that!”
The animatronic above you doesn’t reply.
Well, here goes nothing for you. Maybe you can ask to be transferred to a different area. Does Bonnie Bowl need any sort of supervision? Children are in every corner of this place, surely someone good with kids would be good in just about any place…
How hard do you play this up… Pouring your heart out would dramatically be for the best you figure.
A little tap to your temple makes you jolt and you can only wish to be able to look up and glare at the attendant who radiates smugness over your head.
“I want to experience life with you in the long run. I want to feel your hands in my hair and I want to be able to care for you similarly, maybe I’d pick up sewing or something to make sure your things fit, I don’t know. I wish to teach you what lies beyond these walls I want you - both… You and…” You point to Moon above you. “I don’t think I could ever choose and risk separation or division. I know there are differences and I'm sorry to dump this all out, it's unwanted and complicating and-” At some point, you start to cry, your frantic blinking had only kept the tears at bay for so long and you couldn’t bow your head to hide the waterworks.
So you stared at Sun who looked to you with, you think, eyes that weren’t remotely as bright as they once were. You caused that.
The seeming pity you felt from them, the awkward, stoney silence.
Your love for them was theirs to keep, your heart would never be your own you think, not for some time. They could do as they wished with it, it was the only blessing you could give them. For them to know they were loved in that way, even if for them, it does nothing.
“...I’m sorry.” You apologize once more after a few moments of the deafening quiet that you couldn’t bear any longer. “I didn’t want to say anything, I was trying to keep it under wraps hoping it’d go away but it didn’t even when I took that - stupid long break using up all my vacation and sick days in one go-”
“Wait, that was why you left for a month?” Moon speaks up, interrupting you swiftly and flicking your temple soon after. “You’re unbelievable. See Sun, this is what I mean. They’re a big child.” 
He’s so huffy about it you can see the silent tapping of his slippered foot against the ground… Actually no, you hear it now. The little bell jingles and his pants sound with the movement.
“Mmm, yes. Yes they are.” Sun confirms with a nod.
You huff out something that you think was supposed to be laughter, “You two are not making me feel any better about this.”
“Because you’ve chewed yourself out thoroughly I think! We had to get you smiling somehow.” Sun releases one of your hands to poke at your nose. “I say we did good.”
Your now free hand automatically went to rubbing at your eyes to forcefully clear the remaining wetness away, using your knuckles and making your vision scramble momentarily. 
“This… Doesn’t give me your answer though.” “Because I’m afraid we don’t have one, Starlet. You’ve dreams and ambitions - but we don’t share them… Especially when it sounds like this like is more of a love, isn’t it?”
Moon has you pinned and you can only let your shoulders lower slowly, forcing down that sticky feeling in your throat, the ball that wants to come out in a sob. 
They didn’t need to be so gentle about it. You wanted them to… Mock you. Do something that’d make you view them at least - something less than pleasant?
Something less than the sweet as peach nature of Sun and the toying black cat nature that Moon possessed, endearing even if sometimes you wanted to take him by the waist and shake him from side to side.
“...I’m sorry.” Is all you say, again.
You’re not sure what this means for you and your friendship with them. Do they view you as silly? Hopeless? A daydreamer with too lofty ideas? Potentially, too idealistic? Romanticizing what wasn’t there? 
“There is no need for an apology, really…” Sun soothes, hushing you when you went to apologize a third time with a press of his finger to your upper lip. “I think you knew our answer to begin with, somewhere in you, didn’t you?”
You did. The one your brain would tell you whenever your thoughts went down the rabbit hole of what-ifs and possibilities. 
After all, they were made with a purpose in mind. Artificial in design, they had their directive, and you were not part of it. They were in love with their duty, their charges, adoring the children they take care of and see grow with each visit. They were caretakers first and individuals second.
You want to find an end to this conversation, a solid conclusion, something of change, meaningful and positive and before you can broach the topic of how this should go on, the sound of a child crying echoes through the dying conversation, silencing it fully.
A part of you laughs deep down at the comical way the two attendants shoot-up like dogs catching the movement of a squirrel. Another part of you cries and laments at their presence leaving yours, the bubble thoroughly popped as arms drop from your head.
Not a moment of goodbye, not a note of continuing this later. They go over to the balcony.
“Oh ho ho! It seems we are up and shining already! Rise and shine from the clouds, who’s ready for snacks?! I say we have little apple bunnies!” Sun cries out with all his joyousness coming out in full force as he launches himself over the railing with a dive.
Moon only spares you a glance, giving you a simple two-finger salute with minimal words before his departure. “Go home.”
The moment he’s over that rail is the moment you feel the urge to keel over and curl up. You feel you screwed that over spectacularly.
This was never so painful, this was never such an agony. Never did feeling love make you feel like such a wretch of an individual. Like an utter bother.
But you go home as instructed. A quick text sent to your coworkers and a brief, phony explanation to the security guard stationed at the front how you sicked up in the bathrooms and wasn’t sure if it was contagious, and you’re out of there.
The rest of the day that’d serve as your shift, you spend staring blankly into nothingness while going about chores you neglected previously due to your shifts and emotional turmoil that left you unwilling to move once you got home.
Anything for normalcy.
Anything to not feel useless. 
Even got to cleaning your bedroom, sorting your messes and putting things where they belonged - briefly you feel accomplished.
You go into your prettily made bed at an hour that’d surely give you a sneer and a direct order to nap by Moon. The sun is kissing the horizon and the inky blackness of the sky, making way for heartwarming pinks that bleed to oranges and purples.
All you feel is cold however.
A meager handful of hours later and you wake up just a bit before your alarm is supposed to go off, to your phone chiming with a text.
…A text.
From your manager.
No email, nothing professional, no official slip of paper.
Hey, sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well, I hope it was just something bad you ate and not an actual issue since you don’t have sick days but, hey, you’ve been moved stations. Effective immediately and all that.
The arcade with DJ Music Man is pretty cool, you’ll do just fine there, you may have to learn some basic engineering and wire tampering though.
Your throat hurts from the wail that falls from you. Miserable and broken.
Desperately, your brain tugs at you. It tugs at your heart. That these tears aren’t needed, you’ve cried, this was for the best. You could heal from this, it wasn’t a break up. You still have your job, there are brightsides to this, that change was good.
All your heart could pound about was that you weren’t wanted anymore.
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welcometohomeworld · 1 year
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Dog Blue and Cat Yellow and Cat White belong to @lucyjung​
I always find it really wholesome drawing the kids with animals, they are always so cute!
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orgyofthedamned · 1 year
i am writing the most pathetic, embarrassing dracula you will ever see in your life for this comic. get ready
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hereissomething · 11 months
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Random fhau lore of the night that I forgot to mention in the prologue:
Mr Clarke is like one of the leading brains of the resistance
He's been working with the kids (before they left I mean) to get a better understanding of the Upside Down and how it works so that Hawkins is more prepared to face it
And he, along with a team of gov scientists, military strategists, and other members of the resistance, is trying to figure out a way to stop it from taking over the town
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zouberi · 2 years
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Justin Sullivan of New Model Army @ F-Haus, Jena, Germany, 2022. #justinsullivan #newmodelarmy #fhaus #jena #fhausjena #music #musicphotographer #liveband #germany #instamusic #instagood #instadaily #htbarp #picoftheday #concertphotography #concert #concertphotographer #igersgermany (hier: F-Haus Jena) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqfQcqIAop/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ellecdc · 7 months
my roman empire rn is the fact you’re getting the recognition you deserve. it fills my heart to know talent like you is being seen and appreciated :(
elle supremacy mfers 😫💗
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Skaidiwantbwis irnqisurbwnqud fhau omfg I LOVE you!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Every time i post a piece I’m like “okay, now we wait to see what frostooo has to say” 😭😭🫶🫶
Brb gonna go build a shrine to you under my bed, if you feel extra loved today don’t be alarmed: it’s me hugging the voodoo doll I’ve made of you 🫡💐💋
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silvercaptain24 · 1 year
kdsjflkdajkljkadfa I want to spill FHAU War's entire life but if you're busy I can hold as hostage as motivation so you can get things done :3
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allthecastlesonclouds · 8 months
i am thinking about your dance au. it has lived in my brain rent free always. love it. so good.
i am also always thinking about them. i'm so glad you're also enjoying them and i'm taking this as a prompt to make more of it (i want to so bad)
if the teacher has to leave the classroom, they'll most often put kristen or adaine in charge. with adaine everything goes fine. with kristen it's chaos incarnate that somehow (*riz) turns into them being productive by the time the teacher comes back
the kristen-and-fig combo has gotten at least 4 teachers fired.
they're not always trying to, but they pretty often are
fig specifically gets A Lot of spotlights in dances because she can be very Loud and Personable, but she has also had these spotlights taken away many times (she simply begins improving shit)
she got a solo this year because aguefort was a little bitch, knew gorgug wanted a solo, and so offered it to his best friend instead of him
ayda did not know this was her father's reasoning.
she just thought if was because fig's a good dancer (she is)
fabian and fig are The Flexible Ones™ and aren't. vocal about it, but they certainly aren't subtle, either. teachers have had to tell them to not make their splits too good.
riz is also pretty flexible, but his stature makes it less obvious. when your friends are all at least 2 feet taller than you your grande battement doesn't look as good.
fabian drags fig in early one day and asks her to do some improv with him bc he wants to try out for a swing dancing tournament, they have the time of their life.
gorgug and ayda often practice two different dances in the same room at the same time.
adaine and riz are the best technically, but they do struggle a lot with the acting part of it. walking into a class you'd expect the most awkward to be gorgug, but they were both trained on ballet-smile-fixed-on-your-face-at-all-times and so any acting at all is. extra practice for them
speaking of gorgug he's so quietly good. he can act and he knows the steps and he has good balance and good flexibility so. he's just good. but he's not loud about it, and the teachers don't often point it out
he writes the steps down before practicing throughout the week
riz makes tutorial videos for kristen (or for anyone if they miss a class) to help her learn and remember the steps. he says he likes doing it. nobody's 100% sure on that's true. (including him)
aelwyn and baron dance at the same studio (across town)
penelope originally danced at both and then she had a little scandal where she was blackmailing a teacher and she couldn't dance at either bc her father couldn't pay aguefort to cover it up
aelwyn starts working at aguefort's but refuses to teach anyone besides the ages 9-13 because "they're little shits and i need someone to tell me just what they're thinking, adaine."
zayn is inexplicably sometimes where ayda is. they're never in the same place at once but zayn just. appears. when ayda needs/wants to go do something and rawlins for some reason isn't there.
garthy runs an swing dancing studio that is also a pole dancing studio! bob does swing dancing trixie does pole dancing
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onemilliongoldstars · 4 years
Hi. I recently reread A Hand To Hold Onto and all the companion pieces and I was wondering whether you have thought of writing about their after getting married or even when they have kids of their and how Anya getting out and taking charge of her kids might translate in their lives? Since Lexa and Clarke have taken care of the kids for a long time and how will their lives change once they are not in the same place? The prospect is intriguing to me at least.
Hi! So interestingly I’ve actually had two asks asking about these fics over the last few days, I wonder whether people are noticing them because of the little clexa resurgence? Anyway, thanks so much for your ask and for reading. I did originally plan on finishing to help us grow, but realistically I think I lost my drive for that fic. It could always come back and I could finish it, but I’ll answer you questions here with possible spoilers anyway.
It was always going to be a bumpy road transitioning out of being those kids main caregivers and I think they would always be more involved than normal aunts. Clarke in particular would have found it difficult to let the kids go, Lexa less so because she has known Anya with the kids beforehand and always knew that this was what it would return to. For Clarke this was more of an abstract so difficult to hold onto. It would cause a rift in their relationship, which they would eventually overcome and realise that while they need to move out and move on with their lives, they will always be a part of that family.
As for way further in the future, I imagined that they would get married a year or so after Anya moved back in. Maybe once Tris is around 10 they start to consider having their own- it’s something Clarke has wanted for a long time and Lexa gets on board fairly easily once they’ve moved away. They love babies, they love children, and they want to have one of their own to raise. They have a little boy, Lexa carries and gives birth and Aden returns from college, where he’s studying nursing, and slips into the hospital room late in the evening to surprise them. They’re all a little extended family, forever. ❤️
If you want more content for this ‘verse, check out any of the tags below.
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welcometohomeworld · 1 year
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F.H.Yellow with Cat Yellow by @lucyjung
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orgyofthedamned · 11 months
i finally have the energy to work on the fhau comic again but i had to redraw the last half of ch 1 bc my blocking made no goddamn sense leading into ch 2
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elfynevans · 4 years
Yo this is so random for this blog but i just find out the news about ry*n and ad*m from rooster teeth and i am shoooook
like, their videos have made me so happy when i’ve been depressed, i’m so angry and devastated
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I'm weird and it's starting to feel like I'm "not allowed" to post/reblog anything not-fhau-related on here between updates, like I don't want to interrupt it on my dash or smthn?? so, question:
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