#resident elder nerd
Random fhau lore of the night that I forgot to mention in the prologue:
Mr Clarke is like one of the leading brains of the resistance
He's been working with the kids (before they left I mean) to get a better understanding of the Upside Down and how it works so that Hawkins is more prepared to face it
And he, along with a team of gov scientists, military strategists, and other members of the resistance, is trying to figure out a way to stop it from taking over the town
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arataki-neato · 1 year
Resident Vidyadhara lore nerd here, I'm typing this all out at 3 in the god damn morning so I might regret this but I wanted to give my take on something I feel like a lot of people might have misunderstood or misinterpreted:
Hatching rebirth is not a cosmetic thing, it's not simply amnesia, it's not a way for Vidyadhara to escape taking accountability for what they did in their past lives, and Dan Heng is not in denial for believing himself to be his own person, distinct from Dan Feng.
There's this document in the alchemy commission you find as part of a quest with a compendium of medicines, and one of those is a treatment that, when administered to young Vidyadhara, allows them to begin to recall their past lives. This is most likely how it's done for High Elders.
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However, there's the added stipulation that administering this to someone else without their consent is a punishable offense.
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The Vidyadhara have a way of negating the memory loss caused by hatching rebirth, but they don't want it. The process of hatching rebirth and the strict separation between past lives is not only culturally sacred to them, it's an important part of their life cycle. The fact that it's done to High Elders is pretty much a perversion, but it's apparently considered important for the survival of the species.
The reason why is that there's just simply an upper limit to how long someone can comfortably live a single life--Xianzhou natives become Mara struck after about 1000 years, and while there's no real knowledge of what causes it, the general consensus is that their memories accumulate and become too much for them. Hatching rebirth protects them from this, it's an opportunity to rest and renew, to heal from old scars and past traumas, and most importantly, a chance for a fresh start.
Believing themself to be a different person than they were in their past lives is not an attitude unique to Dan Heng, it's consistent with pretty much every Vidyadhara npc you can talk to.
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(Chunfen, the reincarnation of a famous Vidyadhara opera singer named Ling Jie, uses Ling Jie's notes as a guide on how to live an exciting life, but still talks about her as if she were someone else who left them for her and not as if they were something she herself had written)
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(Jinyu, the Vidyadhara woman whose rebirth cycle is so accelerated she basically becomes a new person every month, has had many short-lived yet passionate love affairs, but she never remembers them and never has any interest in trying to rekindle the relationship)
There's the Vidyadhara Cong, who by chance or fate has ended up falling in love with the same long-life Xianzhou woman in every one of his past reincarnations, which she found romantic at first, but she has grown old and tired and has had to try to let him down gently because she can't force herself to try to fall in love with him again.
There are Vidyadhara who are reluctant to let go of their memories and try to bring keepsakes with them, but the unfortunate fact of the matter is that most of the time, their future self does not attach the same emotional significance to it that they do, and it only ends up being a source of grief and a reminder of what they lost.
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When Vidyadhara hatch out of their eggs, they are a child with no memories. Despite not being a true death, it is functionally no different than the death of the old self and the birth of a new one (and Dan Heng sees it this way, too, he even refers to it as his "birth")
And I think that Dan Heng is perfectly justified in not wanting anything to do with Dan Feng or anything related to his past life. All he knows is that ever since he was a child, he has been punished and abused and hunted and despised for something that, from his perspective, he didn't even do.
It's not like what happened with Scaramouche, which I feel like a lot of people are probably comparing it too--If Dan Heng suddenly and with perfect clarity got back all of Dan Feng's memories, it would not make him Dan Feng. They still wouldn't be his memories, and they wouldn't supersede his current life--He would still just be Dan Heng, but with someone else's memories on top. He really is his own person, and he deserves to have his own life to live.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 2 years
Hospital #29 is giving me big Empire kids vibes. So let's go with them.
29. "What have I told you about getting into fights?" "They were talking shit about you!"
When Beau drinks, she gets mouthy. When Beau gets mouthy, she says things that sober Beau would think twice about. When Beau says these things...sometimes a fight breaks out.
When the dust settles and Caleb is able to extract his hissing cat of a friend from whatever scrape she's gotten herself into now, it takes him several minutes to parse through her slurred swearing and lingering threats to figure out what happened. "I thought we were going to have a nice drink together, Beauregard. At no point did I factor bar brawls into our evening plans."
"Fuck those guys," she grumbles, flexing her fingers, her knuckles coated in someone else's blood. "Assholes."
"Ja, ja, and you said nothing to provoke them, I'm sure." He's got an arm locked into hers, navigating her firmly away from the tavern he's sure they're not allowed in again.
"I didn't!" she insists. "It was them!"
"Beauregard..." He sighs. "What have I told you about getting into fights?"
She shoves off him, slipping her arms easily from his grasp. "You're not my fucking dad, Caleb."
"No, I am not, which makes these little scenes of yours all the more confusing. You hardly need to act out to get my attention."
The glare she gives him could split the ocean. "Fuck off. You don't know what you're talking about."
He leans back against the façade of hairdresser's, closed and dark for the evening, and crosses his arms. "Why don't you enlighten me?"
Even in the low light of the street he can see her jaw clenched so tightly he can't believe she isn't cracking a tooth. "Not if you're gonna be a dick about it."
"I am not the one socking the bar patrons in the jaw, Beauregard."
"They were talking shit about you!"
The words are too loud on the quiet side street, away from the main hustle and bustle of the Innerstead Sprawl. They stare at each other, her swaying slightly from her inebriation. Caleb breathes in and out, slow, measured. "I see."
"Those...those fucking..." She flops a hand back in the direction of the bar. "They were all—"
"I do not need to know what they said. I believe you."
She seems confused by the evenness in his tone. "Well. Yeah. So I decked 'em. Fucking sue me."
"Beauregard, I am not your father, and you are not my elder Schwester. I do not require your stalwart defense of my honor."
She rolls her eyes. "People shouldn't just get to say—"
"People should just get to say, Beauregard! I have had enough experience with people being punished for the things that they say, I rather think."
She deflates, rubbing at her eyes. "Fuck. Fine. Fuck. Just...fuck those guys."
"Ja, fuck those guys. Now." He pushes himself off of the storefront, loops his arm with hers once more. "I think Yasha would like her girlfriend home in one piece, and I have some reading to finish, now that I can no longer do so at the bar."
"You're such a fucking nerd." She dips her head onto his shoulder. "They really were dicks, Caleb."
"I have no doubt. Luckily you are the bigger dick, am I right?"
She laughs at that. "Hell yeah I am." They walk along the road toward the Lionett-Nydoorin residence, in comfortable, half-drunken silence, and even though Caleb would rather his friend not get into so many alcohol-fueled brawls, he cannot deny that he is quite a lucky man to have such a fierce ally in his corner.
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propertyofkylar · 2 months
nica, I've made a shocking discovery. I think scone might just be... A nerd (and/or a tomboy). She likes elder scrolls, Zelda, turn based RPGs, marvel and DC but only the comics, Transformers, and resident evil.
scone is based. we know this
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twyllodrus · 1 year
witcher s3 vol 2 thots
just full on spoilers down below
soo, just to pre-face i rlly liked these 3 episodes
there were some moments that made me especially crazy i.e.
not the resident malewife getting turned into elven soup 😭 fil bb yer still aen seidhe kingshit to me 🥲
fringilla & cahir both having realized emhyr's bs and trying to do good by the others :')) thats nice
stregobor kinda going out w/ a bit of redemption?? :// also that man was way too obsessed with falka
speaking of falka 😍 call me (also so incheresting she cut her own ears into points........ many thoughts)
ciri singing in the desert the song that jask sang to her before :'))))
fringilla telling francesca who actually was responsible for the infanticide HAD ME EATING MY OWN HAIR anyhways all their scenes are just 👌
milva 🥰
the moment radovid told his brother that he's leaving court i knew we are getting some good regicide coming up next 🥲
love how loyal sigismund is to philippa - the moment vizimir hinted at her being punished for thanedd, the man immediately started bracing himself to die in her stead. malewife material huh
tissaia (((((((((((((((((((((((( i was almost so certain they wouldnt go that route, but when the narration started, i realized she was writing that letter and 🥺🥺🥺
the last line of the season being 'call me falka' GJDYSHDHFH i actually had it on my bingo card that thats how the season will end AND THEN IT DID that's the gift of prophecy & rereding time of contempt for you 🌚👍
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sapphim · 2 years
so I don't think I've ever really sat down and done a full writeup of my canon multiwarden worldstate, and it's been a hot minute since I've posted bits and pieces of it, so I'm gonna do this as a series of posts until I lose interest and stop abruptly partway thru ☺️
first, the origins~ or, one of them, anyway~
Duncan's hoping to find a few more good Warden recruits on this tour of Ferelden, but his main impetus for this trip in particular is because he has reached out to Orzammar about a venture into the Deep Roads to confirm the Blight has started, and he has received word back that the Wardens are, of course, formally invited, and they'll throw their honored guests a party while they're there. So Duncan and a few other wardens—including Alistair, who has only recently undergone the Joining and not done much Warden stuff beyond scouting in the Korcari Wilds around Ostagar—make the journey to Orzammar.
Duncan purposefully chooses a route that will take them past Kinloch Hold, and sends the other wardens to travel ahead to Orzammar to start getting things set up while he takes a quick detour at the Circle.
Bound in Blood and Magic
The three OCs of interest here are Rowan, Rafael, and Spiro Amell.
Rowan is an apprentice at the Circle. She's ~17 years old, nearly six feet tall, and half-elven, albeit not very visibly. She was raised in the Gwaren Alienage, where she assumes her mother still resides. She's friendly and extraverted but also gangly and awkward. In a kinder world she'd be sporty. She attaches herself to Jowan and Lily's plot to destroy their phylacteries and flee the Circle early and eagerly.
Rafael [Surana] is ~20 and a lil nerd who just passed his Harrowing with flying colors, although his aspirations to study spirit healing under Wynne have been dampened as she's been recently dispatched to Ostagar. He's a bright student and believes in the promises of the system—that by excelling scholastically he can overcome any prejudice introduced into the meritocracy from external sources. He seized the opportunity to reinvent himself with a new identity when he was brought to the Circle at a young age, and they've provided support for his gender transition. He's got a nerdy lil elven boyfriend, Eadric, he's been seeing on the dl. He's pretty content with his lot in life and he really doesn't want to confront anything that could ruin this for him.
When Jowan approaches Rafael about his fears about being made tranquil, Rafael 100% believes Jowan's in a conspiracy theory-fueled anxiety-spiral, and relays his concerns to First Enchanter Irving, who manipulates Rafael into giving up more about Jowan's plan than he intended and extracts an agreement that Rafael will monitor his escape attempt for him. Raf will spend the rest of the origin trying anxiously and unsuccessfully to talk Jowan out of the escape without giving away his role in the ordeal.
Spiro Amell, being in his early 30s, is in Anders' cohort rather than that of the elder apprentices. He's another Circle success story: attractive, clever, but most importantly charming. Academically he's coasting somewhat, but socially he's popular, he's likable, and he refuses to get tied down in fraternity politics. Being from a noble family, even a disgraced and foreign one, has absolutely started him with a leg up in the Circle hierarchy that most other mages would have to fight tooth and nail for. He is extremely chill and easy-going, and he doesn't make it a habit to make waves, though he's not unwilling to spend the social capital he's accumulated to help out a fellow mage.
Jowan & co. are not being as subtle as they think they are, and not nearly as subtle as they should be, which is how Spiro gets involved. He can't talk them out of it, but he might be able to keep them from getting themselves killed and dampen any fallout should they get caught. It's definitely not the first time he's assisted someone else's escape attempt.
Spiro may get a little bit uncharacteristically clumsy and in the basement while Jowan and Rowan are taking too long to locate their own phylacteries and Rafael is anxiously unraveling his own robes thread by thread in the corner of the room and—oops, aw dang, there goes an entire shelf. Let's skedaddle, fellas. The Circle won't have completed sorting that mess out by the time Uldred enacts his takeover of the Tower later.
When they emerge, they're confronted by First Enchanter Irving, Knight Commander Greagoir, and a host of templars. Raf's outed as a snitch. Jowan reveals his blood magic and flees. When everyone else comes to, Spiro, Rowan, and Lily are groggily and unceremoniously escorted away to the dungeon to be held until a fitting punishment can be enacted. Rafael is absolutely losing his shit over what he's learned about Irving deliberately entrapping apprentices with blood magic and setting them up to fail. Greagoir would like to completely disregard the amnesty Rafael was promised and haul him off the same as the others, even though he was acting entirely under orders from Irving, and Raf's attitude is not helping. This is when Duncan—who was pretty impressed when he spoke with Rafael earlier in his visit—steps in and conscripts him out from under them.
Duncan and Rafael—after a very brief moment for Raf to grab his things and wake Eadric to say goodbye—leave the Tower and make their way to Orzammar, arriving only a day or two after the other Wardens.
(Not long after this, Anders will take advantage of the chaos caused by Uldred's rebellion to spring Spiro and Rowan from the dungeons in the process of his own escape. The three of them will spend the duration of the Blight engaging in shenanigans just slightly off-screen from wherever the main action is located.)
Next up! Orzammar and the Deep Roads.
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luvsavos · 1 year
i cannot believe that i, the resident Elder Dragon Design Nerd Especially When It Comes To My Favourites, apparently gaslit myself into thinking the circular divets(?) in the fingers of malzeno's wings glow in the bloodening state. they don't. what the fuck
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ranjits-revenge · 2 years
Ran'jit's Revenge: Agnesa's Story
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Full name: Agnesa Ellynbrigge Alias/title: ?? Race: Dravanian hyur Main classes: ALC/BTN Secondary class: BLM Age: 21 (ShB) MBTI: ISFP [ Introverted - observant - feeling - prospecting ] Hair color: Auburn Eye color: Hazel Sexual orientation: Pansexual Occupation: Alchemist, herbalist
History of residence
Unknown Dravanian village (Childhood)
Idyllshire (HW)
Revenant's Toll (Post-HW to Shb & post-ShB onwards)
The Crystarium (ShB)
Eulmore (ShB bad end)
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Agnesa grew up in a small, secluded village deep in the Dravanian forests. She developed her passion for alchemy and herbalism early on in her life from her elders and aspired to run her own business selling herbs and potions. As she grew up, she began selling her crafts on the marketplace in Idyllshire, eventually making enough Gil to afford a small room in town.
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During her time in the Dravanian Hinterlands, Agnesa developed a curiosity for magicks and began to look for ways to acquire/train her magic skills. She initially started reading books to gain some knowledge but finds it rather dull (she learns better by doing). At some point, she took some delivery quests for an anonymous client who turned out to be Matoya. Eventually, she became her pupil when Matoya agreed to teach her the basics of black magic in exchange for deliveries of rare herbs. As a result, she made her headstart as a fire-wielding black mage.
Agnesa met Lune in Ydyllshire during the events of Heavensward where they spend time hanging out and instantly clicked. They became friends from there on and Agnesa accompanied Lune on her adventures in Gyr Abania and Othard. Agnesa is the last of the scions being sent to the First before Lune.
ShB bad ending
Agnesa got into Eulmore, attempts to save Lune and Thancred, fails and becomes one of Ran'jit's slaves.
She accompanied Lune when she faced Ran'jit in Lakeland, Il Mheg and Rak'tika. The army general is less concerned about her though, especially compared to Lune, Thancred, Alphinaud, and the Exarch. He almost forgot about her entirely. Almost!
Agnesa plans to enter Eulmore unnoticed and travels to Gatetown to find out. She eventually convinces the Jongleurs (who are unfamiliar with her) to show her crafts and knowledge and they granted her citizenship. Thus, she went undercover as a citizen only to be caught later…
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Agnesa isn't as strong compared to her fellow scions, nor is she a powerful DoW/DoM but she makes up for it with her resourcefulness and crafting skills. She enjoys spending most of her time gathering plants and crafting potions. When she's not occupied, she is often seen hanging out with friends.
She is laid-back, easygoing, spontaneous, caring, and driven by her creativity and curiosity. Just like Lune, Agnesa lives in the moment and is always looking for new experiences. She is very passionate about crafting and gathering and cares deeply about her friends. When provoked or threatened, she tends to overreact and become irrational.
Agnesa never had a relationship despite being a hopeless romantic. She's not as much into gender, but rather personal qualities and traits. She finds herself attracted to types who are good-hearted, strong, protective, serious, rational, and clever (bonus points if they're also a nerd!). Agnesa tends to fall in love rather spontaneously. She is bad at showing her affection or making the first move and even avoids doing so. Nevertheless, she has a more serious approach to love and relationships, unlike Lune. She can't seem to take her eyes off Thancred during the ShB timeline.
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sunny-day-dream · 3 years
Hey I’m Anna, a long time nerd with a lot of fanfic/headcanon experience! I’ve been debating for years about writing for a variety of different fandoms, but I’ve finally started a new blog to give it a try!
I write make bots and I used to write fanfic. I love getting requests, and I’m happy to give almost any character a try! (if they’re not listed, feel free to ask anyway and I may be able to add them!)
My AO3
My Janitor.AI
All my GN!Reader fics/headcanons (for those wanting to avoid AFAB/Fem!Reader content)
(Please blacklist the tag .sunny rambles if you only want to see my headcanons and fics!~)
♥ This is an 18+ Blog, Minors DNI. ♥
Requesting Rules: 
Multiple requests are okay, but please do not spam them or they will be ignored
I will write whatever I find comfortable with, which may include some triggering content. This content will be tagged and listed at the beginning of any posts for you to view prior to reading.
What I will write:
I’m very open to writing anything, however, I will only write for Fem!Reader/User Or GN!Reader/User at this current time
Most of my content will be Smut or Fluff, just FYI  ♥
What I won’t write:
Underage content
Character x Character
Characters/Fandoms I write for: (Check back regularly as this list will be expanded)
FNaF (All games/books):
All Characters (Human or animatronic)
The Batman:
The Riddler
The Penguin
Dragon age inquisition:
More to be added
All turtles because I’m weak 😩
Poppy Playtime:
Huggy Wuggy
All sans AUs
All Papyrus AUs
Mass Effect:
Any non human character 🤷‍♀️
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim:
Almost any character- emphasis on daedric princes (Clavicus Vile, my beloved)
Pretty much any character- it’s been awhile since I’ve written for this fandom! 😩
Pretty much any Bot, with Human!readers~
Resident Evil:
Always been interested in writing for some of the mutations/ zombie types here!
Welcome to the game:
Look okay…they’re fucked up characters and I’m kind of interested in seeing how far I can push them…
The Magnus Archives:
Mainly interested in writing for the Spiral/ Michael, but I do love the other characters a lot sooo…
Among us:
Alright, but an imposter??? All inhuman and scary but soft for you and wanting you all to itself??? Yes.
Creepypasta/Marble hornets/Slenderverse in general I guess:
Laughing Jack
Eyeless Jack
Jeff the Killer
Ticci Toby
The Observer
(Feel free to request more if they're not listed here!)
Again, love the games and the wiki and I’d be interested in playing around with some of the SCPs
OFF (Mortis Ghost):
Any Character!
Most male characters!
Any character!
I AM open to writing for some characters not listed here, just ask if you’re unsure about who you want to request!
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paraphernaliawagon · 2 years
I highly recommend the “Innsmouth Legacy” series by Ruthanna Emrys. Emrys is a Jewish lesbian author and serious Lovecraft nerd who basically made her own version of the mythos universe that’s more SF adventure than cosmic horror. I mean, there is horror, but it’s mostly caused by people. She got the idea from a throwaway line in “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” that said the US government imprisoned the Innsmouth residents in camps after their raid on the town. Some of the Lovecraft bros who sent her hate mail (because that is of course what the gatekeepers of this fandom do, sent hate mail to women and minority authors, and anyone who dares refuse to fall in line with their cult of personality that considers anything other than endless imitation and apologism for Lovecraft himself an insult and a betrayal) actually had the gall to accuse her of making that up, because actually reading the source material closely and taking what it says seriously is actually NOT what they want, apparently.
The story takes place in 1949 and is from the point of view of one of the few survivors of the Deep One community on land. So it’s about the Deep Ones as a hated, dehumanized religious minority that’s survived attempted genocide justified by lies about them practicing human sacrifice. And one of the other main characters is Jewish.
It’s a heavy read because of the literal concentration camps (scenes that take place there are only in flashbacks.) It has its flaws—for one thing, she also attempts to tackle the subject of the internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII, and doesn’t do a great job of it. (Nearly every time Neko Koto, who is the most prominent Japanese-American character and is basically the heroine Aphra’s teen sidekick, spoke in “Deep Roots,” I was like “wtf no real person talks like this.” There is no way she would call the Deep One elder S’vlk “S’vlk-sama.” Nobody else present speaks Japanese. I think she would call her by her title Khur S’vlk, or just S’vlk because that is what everyone else calls her. Also, yeah, her name is literally Neko. It’s a nickname that she prefers to her given name, Nancy.) And the story is kind of disjointed, especially in the second book, because it’s trying to do too many things with too many characters at the same time. IDK if it’s among the very best modern Mythos literature, but it’s definitely interesting, original, bold, and heartfelt, with a large and diverse cast of interesting characters. And also extremely gay. Worth checking out if the words “gratuitous lesbian fishwoman kiss” make you excited. (there’s one of those in the second book, “Deep Roots”). Basically it’s about marginalized people finding community together in the face of a hostile, frightening and uncaring world. And it’s for people who read the ending of “The Shadow Over Innsmouth” where the narrator talks about swimming out to Y’hanthlei to live forever with his Deep One kin and worship Cthulhu, Dagon and Mother Hydra and thought “i wish i could do that.” (although there’s also that cult in the first book who thought exactly that and tried to do it despite not understanding anything about what they were doing and literally drowned themselves because of cultural appropriation. “cults are bad” is also a major theme here)
I’ve been meaning to talk about these books for some time, but @minerfromtarn ‘s post about Jewish lovecraft protagonists reminded me of them again
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
Just watched Monster Hunter (2020) movie and I was nerding but also a bit annoyed.
It literally an Isekai plot, but with US military instead of average people
Artemis is a real jerk. You don't know where you are lady! Stop fighting everyone who gets you somewhere safe! The Hunter was a cooler character all around, but I guess the director wanted the focus on his wife. \ :| /
Rathalos is way more powerful than it actually is in the games. Mf wipes out a whole squad of us army, while in the games they can get wrecked by a guy with a insect glaive. They could have made it a twist that the Rathalos was Apex/frenzied, or be put out of commision by something scarier... like a Seregios or an elder dragon like Dah'Ren Mohran.
Half expected the MC to say "I worked for the Umbrella Corporation". Really should of gotten a dif director. Mila is an ok actress, but please don't have her husband direct. I liked the first 3 Resident Evil movies, but you dont have to latch onto another Capcom project to keep in business.
The MH:World characters only show up for a bit and they really should have been more ready for a monster as common as a Rathalos. Loved the Chef.
The Hunter didn't do the song when he was cooking.
Ends on a cliff-hanger with a Gore Magala (my fave monster), and I just know they wont do it justice if a sequel ever happens.
I'm gonna play MH:World with my isekai oc to blow off steam
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dioko · 3 years
izuku midoriya x gn! reader
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Word Count -> ~ 1810
Genre -> oneshot, fluff 
Content -> mildly suggestive (spice rating is 1.5/5), drunk reader, swearing, college au! characters, older reader and younger deku | please lemme know if i missed anything!
Summary -> You really did believe a certain Izuku Midoriya had his nose buried in his textbooks 24/7. Your first impression of him had led you to pin him as a downright nerd - boring and young and nowhere near your type. 
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a/n -> 1. idk about the cover page i jus thought deku looked cool there and the oneshot title is eh 2. this was in my drafts for a long, LONG time and today i finally got it to the point where i didn't hate it. enjoyy <333
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Once, you really did believe a certain Izuku Midoriya had his nose buried in his textbooks 24/7. Your first impression of him had led you to pin him down as a nerd - boring, and young and nowhere near your type. 
Boy, were you wrong.
The first time you’d met him, he’d smiled at you with such bright, green eyes, it was almost impossible not to smile back.
“Hello, l/n y/n, s’nice to finally meet you! I’m Midoriya Izuku!” He'd very obviously sunken his voice an octave lower, and whether that was on purpose or not, it was still cute. Still innocent, still pure. 
Not attractive, whatsoever.
“Yeah,” you'd turned your attention back to your work,“it’s nice to meet you too.”
After that, your ever-so-impatient brother had rushed him into his room, and Midoriya had obliged - not before shooting you one last glance. In hindsight, there might’ve been something just a teeny bit darker that had resided in Midoriya's lively eyes. 
Then, weeks passed. 
Was it just you, or did college students grow really, really fast?
As he left your brother's work room for the millionth time that month, you found yourself noticing how different he looked compared to when you’d first met him. Now, when Izuku waved a (large, my god) hand at you, he looked taller, broader… older. 
“See you," he chirped to his friend, bringing you back to the reality where he was most definitely not older than you. 
Wake up, you're practically a senior citizen, you’d chided yourself, there’s no way he’s mature enough for you. Then, another side of you, presumably the devil that sat on your shoulder, tried to argue. You’re not much older, it said, he’s practically the same age as you.
“Oh wait- there was something I had to ask you, l/n-”
“S’fine, you can call me y/n, ‘Zuku.” you didn’t intend to call him something so intimate, the words just.... absent-mindedly slipped out your mouth. 
Oopsies daisies!
“Oh! I - I can? Um… ah,” you watched, mildly entertained by the way he tripped up his words, all from a nickname, “we’re all going out tonight, and I was wondering if you wanted to come-”
“Who’s we?” 
“Er- me, and… and your brother! And a few others!”
“Oh?” You couldn’t let yourself smile, not yet. 
“It’ll be fun!” He sputtered, “a lot of um, a lot of… um, drinking?” It sounded more like a question than a persuasive statement. 
You blinked. “Yeah sure, that sound’s good. I didn’t take you for someone who drank.”
“I don’t?”
“Then why are you going?”
“I thought it would be a good way to spend time with y- my friends.”
“Ah, your friends.”
“Yup,” he squeaked.
“Okay then!” You smacked him playfully on his arm - his large, extremely toned, t-shirt-stretching arm - and jolted him out of his fear, “I’ll see you then, ‘Zuku!”
Izuku Midoriya had a surprising number of friends. 
He had, in a gentlemanly fashion, offered to walk with you to the bar (though your brother was there too) and when you stepped in, you were taken aback by the several people at your table. 
Your guts told you to sit beside the angry one - he looked… fun. 
“Who the fuck is this?” The blond talked like you weren’t there.
“Kacchan,” another blond - with a black streak in his hair - chided, “be nice to the pretty birdie!” Was he drunk already?
“Yeah, Kacchan,” you smirked, “respect your elders.”
The first blond just about exploded on the spot. 
“Watch your mouth,” he seethed at you.
“Hot,” you muttered, unaware of evergreen eyes that couldn’t seem to peel themselves off your lips; your soft, pink, kissable lips. 
“What the fuck?” Kacchan flinched back.
“Sorry,” you grinned, “I meant ‘little snot’.”
“Yeah? I’ll show you little sn-”
Four flirtatious advances from three of Izuku’s friends, two hours and 1 mental breakdown later, you were finally ready to go home - everyone was, really - but where was your brother?”
“Deku,” he’d hissed at the greenette, “I’m not going back to the apartment today, can you take-” he gestured towards you, slumped over a pile of food, “- that thing back to the apartment?”
Izuku opened his mouth, about to ask why he couldn’t but immediately shut up again when he realized it was more time he had to spend with you. “Yeah, no problem.”
“Don’t try anything.”
“Wasn’t gonna!” Awkwardly, Izuku scooched his way past Sero and Uraraka, trying to find a place to put his hands so he could lift you off the table. Luckily, he didn’t have to. 
“Ah, ‘Zuku!” You gave him a cheeky grin, “you’re friends are so…” you watched Bakugou, “... cute. Have a drink!” It was almost laughable how quickly you changed from topic to topic. Almost. The only non-laughable part was that Bakugou seemed to be a recurring theme. 
Izuku pursed his lips, “no, you’re drunk. One of us has to be clear-minded enough to take you home.”
“You’re so smart! Good boy,” you ruffled his hair with a sticky hand, and your rapid strokes fell to a halt when you realized how soft his green hair was. “Wow,” you whispered, “I love your hair. Lemme smell it-”
“NO, no. We’re going home.”
“We?” A smirk played on your lips. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you frowned when he didn’t stutter - he didn’t even go red. Izuku’s entire demeanor had changed; there was no nervous little college guy right now trying to talk to you, there was a friend (haha) genuinely trying to get you home safely. “Now c’mon, can you walk?”
You stood up and skipped a few steps. “Yup.”
“So, Izuku,” you didn’t bother to hide the fact that you were (very greedily) squeezing his biceps, “gotta girlfriend?”
“... a boyfriend?”
“Nope,” he popped the ‘p’, and pulled you onto the wall-side of the sidewalk when a car drove by. 
“Any significant other...ss?” You added the plural, just in case. 
“No,” he smiled slyly at you, “why? Are you interested?”
You’d known him for months, but this was the first time he’d said something so forward, enough to make your cheeks flare so hot they felt cold. 
“No way,” you spoke like it was obvious, and then quickly checked to make sure he didn’t look hurt. “Hey! Why do you look so amused?”
“M’not,” he turned his head, so you couldn’t see the smile. 
“You are. Why?”
“Ah, I can’t say. We’re here,” he punched in the apartment code. “You should get ready for bed.”
There was a small, comfortable pause before drunk-you decided to ignore his advice and speak again. “So, do ya like anyone?”
“I like a lot of people,” Izuku smirked. 
“N-no,” you played with the hem of your sweater, “I meant, do you like-like anyone?”
“Hm,” he thought for a second, “that’s a secret.”
“C’mon ‘Zuku! You can trust me!”
“I know that - gimme your coat,” he set it onto a nearby couch and began to flick on random lights, “I still can’t say it, though.”
“Why not?”
“Y/n,” you froze. He’d called you by your first name before, why did it feel so weird now? 
“I’m taking you to your bedroom.”
“You… you are?”
“You’ve got to sleep.” 
Oh. Boringggg. 
“I don’t wanna,” you hissed, flopping onto your bed anyways. He took a seat at the foot of it. 
“Do you… do you ever remember anything once you're sober again?”
“Nope!” You knew you should’ve lied, but you didn’t, “m’friends say I don’t remember a single thing the next morning.”
He chuckled a little bit, almost in disbelief at you. “That’s not something you can just tell anyone.”
“I know, but you’re not just ‘anyone’.”
“I feel like I’m talking to a child.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Yeah,” he laughed, “it’s kinda hot.”
“What?” Did you mishear? “How do you know what hot means?”
“Y/n! I’m not that young!” He laughed, “sheesh, that hurts.”
“Yeah,” he smiled coolly. After all, you weren’t going to remember this conversation. 
“”Why does it hurt?”
“... No reason, don’t worry,” he laughs again, for the third time in a row, but it feels dry to you, and empty, too.
“So who do you like?” You chirped again, completely disregarding his ‘I’m pretty sure I just got brother-zoned’ ideology. 
“I told you, that’s a secret…” then, he bit his lip, “... but you won’t remember anyways, right?”
“Then... I like you.”
“Who?” You smiled. 
“Oh, I like you, too.”
“I like-like you.”
“I like-like you, too.”
“You’re drunk,” he smiled sadly, “sleep.”
“I want fruit.”
“Now? You want me to go get you fruit?”
You inhaled the bucket of raspberries, “anyways, I really do like you. You’re so small and cute.”
“I’m small?”
“No, you’re built like a tank,” you giggled. Sober-you would have called drunk-you an airhead, “I think you’re sexy as hell.”
You leaned closer to him. You were sure he could smell alcohol and sugar on your breath, but you didn’t care. “Yeah.”
“Then can I tell you something else?”
“Kacchan annoys me so much,” he wiped off the juice that dribbled down your chin with his thumb, and you made the mistake of leaning into his touch, “especially when he flirts with you.”
“When’s he ever flirted with me?”
“Tonight,” Izuku pulled back, and you (embarrassingly) fell forward. “I didn’t like it.”
“Were you jealous?”
“Yes,” he admitted, and quite shamelessly - but only because you weren’t sober. 
“Aw, don’t be jealous,” you cooed at him, and then randomly, “you remind me of bunnies!” 
“That’s cute,” his voice was hoarse, “then, can you promise me something, bunny?”
You flushed hot. “That - that’s not what I meant, I meant you’re my bunny.”
“Sure,” he nodded along.
You shuffled yourself a little closer to him. This wasn’t the Midoriya Izuku you’d come to know, who was he? Why was he so different from the twitchy student who cared so much about his grades?
“What did you want me to promise?” It was a good idea to change the topic, you thought, for his sake, not your own. Definitely. 
“Promise me you won’t let Kacchan get so close to you anymore,” he played with your fingers, “you can do that, right? You... can be a good bunny for me?”
“Mhm,” you couldn't refuse when he put it like that.
“Go to bed now, it’s late.”
“On one condition.”
“And what’s that?”
“Kiss me.”
Izuku paused. His eyes were on your lips, that was for sure, but he showed no sign of moving closer. “M’not gonna do that when you're drunk.”
You frowned. 
“I’ll sit with you ‘till you're asleep. I’m not… touching you, though.”
“Manly,” you murmured.
“Human decency,” he corrected. 
The greenette pulled your covers above your waist and moved to the desk chair in your room, “good night, y/n.”
It was a shame this would all be forgotten, and the two of you would be back to square one by morning.
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a/n -> yes the nickname has everything to do with my URL and so what 
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Ok rude whispers begone. I'm sorry elder twin.
They are probably trying to get you to admit you care about your brother by insinuating you don't.
I get that you really believe nothing bad can happen to him due to main character syndrome. So what is the point of worrying about him slowly forgetting who you are?
I mean I can't blame you. You already said you think he is the favorite, and history appears to agree. Though you also have experienced that you don't know as much about your past as you think.
And I get the impression that you always felt like you had to look out for him, being the oldest. Then you took the fall and he gets the adoration and crushing pressure of being the good son and having to be perfect because he has a purpose to fulfill and if he is not perfect then what is he and what terible things might happen. I mean you know his purpose is probably tied to the whole end of the world situation.
And sure he initially tossed it all away to run of with you and try to be there for you and help you redeem yourself probably cause saviour complex. But it's not like he didn't turn his back on you the second he realized you didn't want or need him to save you.
And now he has the audacity to pick the guy you are in love with as his rainbow soulmate. Of freaking course he does. Not on purpose. But still.
Still, you love him. You just know that for him everything seems to keep working out. So why waste time on worrying? Obviously everyone else should relax. Your psychic boyfriend would tell you if he was in real danger. He knows you'd want yo know that so he has prob already seen the nerd finding s cute or better yet wonder son figures out a way to live in peace with the bear and turn a parasitic relation in a symbiotic one.
(Janus waves this whisper away, smirking to himself,)
Janus: Okay, several notes. As the resident expert on Remus, I mean~
Janus: First of all, way too many subjects at one time. You are going to hurt his brain with a message this large.
Janus: Second, Remus doesn't know about half of the things you mentioned here. All the stuff about his purpose? We haven't covered that with him yet.
Janus: And a lot of this is way off base, darling~ Haha! It's way more complicated than this...
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pega-chan · 3 years
so! i read the tiger burning bright previews and since Alex is in Jakarta there i've decided, as an indonesian, to analyze it for kicks
for context i am not a jakarta kid by any means so i can't tell you much about the supernatural vibes of the city much (most superstitious folks are usually village elders tbh) but i do live in the greater jakarta area so i know just enough hhh
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nothing much, i just appreciate all the food stalls. martabak my beloved
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language nerd time! a kutukan does mean 'curse'. apparently you guys call it a sumpa? that's a one letter difference from the malay/indonesian word sumpah, which ALSO means 'curse' (though for us it's a verb)—in indonesian, sumpah is means 'curse', as in the synonym for 'swear'. in malay, sumpahan (the noun derived from sumpah) means an actual 'curse'. that's my language trivia of the day 😂 we love lingual similarities
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i haven't heard of an everflame in our folklore so perhaps it's a made-up thing in the story, but what i do know is that the Banaspati are a race of fiery ghosts/spirits originating from Java. that's geographically accurate at least, since Jakarta is on Java island. the Banaspati can appear either in a humanoid form, a ball of fire, or a fire tornado. sort of like Santelmo's cousin. they terrorize and attack locals just for the fun of it, or to suck their blood. in addition to being made of fire they're also vampires lmao
the Banaspati can be enslaved too, usually to put a curse on someone. there are three types of Banaspati:
Banaspati Geni (fire): Banaspati who draws power from air/wind. they feed off human fear to increase their power and suck enough oxygen to create huge fires.
Banaspati Tanah Liat (earth): these usually hang out in forests and jump on humans to suck their blood. they can't touch someone with direct contact to the earth, so if you wanna be immune to Banaspati tanah liat you gotta walk barefoot
Banaspati Air (water): will target people in bodies of water. suck their blood first then leave them to drown
i can't be sure which one Farah (the Banaspati shown here) is, but probably Banaspati Geni.
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Ahools are Javanese bat-like cryptids, described as having a 12-feet wingspan, a body the size of a toddler, the head of a monkey and the face of a human. they reside in caves on mountainous rainforests and are nocturnal
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dunno why these ahools would like to kidnap humans, since they eat fish, but Farah's right, they aren't soul eaters.
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okay ITC might be labelled a mall, but it's more of a department store if you ask me. it's all retail, and different floors have different services. staples are fashion stores, jewellers, a salon maybe, gadget sellers and gadget repair shops, and there's always a food court with food stalls scattered around. we do have actual malls though, ITC is a popular chain of department stores throughout the country. i love this depiction in Trese, it looks just like the one in my city. they really are all just cookie cutter 😂😂
side note, pencuri means 'thief'. wonder why he's called that
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aww there's an indonesian phrase in there. terima kasih banyak means 'thank you very much'. also, 'Joko'? did Tan and Baldisimo name the kid after our president (Joko Widodo)? JDJHD
perhaps they just mispelled it, but i'm gonna assume 'Gwendala' is Gundala, a superhero character in the Bumilangit superhero comic universe. Bumilangit is a local comic book company most known for introducing the first superhero characters in the Indonesian comic industry, and they've produced movies based on their comics as well in a series called the BCU (Bumilangit Cinematic Universe). if you ask me they're trying too hard to imitate Marvel and DC and they should stop
anyway Gundala is this guy (left is the comics version, right is the live-action movie version):
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scientist who gained powers to control lightning and also superspeed. arguably the most famous local superhero comic character.
and that's all i got, hope this was an interesting read :D
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track-017 · 3 years
I n33d m0r3 Tumb1r mutu41s! :]
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About me:
Name: track, t
Orientation: bisexual, nonbinary afab
Pronouns: they/them, she/her
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tea, music (I play guitar, piano, percussion/snare, and sing), invader zim, Markiplier, supermega, asmr, stardew valley, lieat, resident evil, hollow knight, elder scrolls, fnaf, the arcana
sleeping with sirens, waterparks, lovejoy, as it is, paramore, la dispute, fall out boy, p!atd, my chem, old tøp, hobo Johnson, palaye royale, wilbur soot, frank turner, crywank, pierce the veil, avril lavigne, dance gavin dance, pup, 3oh!3, get scared
Favorite song rn:
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Interact if;
scene/emo, music nerd, talkative/wanna talk sometimes, similar interests, missing the 2000s, whatever let's just be friends xD
\/ Me xP \/
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sirfluffig · 2 years
How about like...supernatural?
I've never watched Supernatural, I have never had the experience of the Winchesters and I certainly don't know enough about the fandom to make anything very educated.
But here you can see my very ... clumsy try on a Supernatural character
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Also known as the former resident nerd of heaven or heavens secretary is a firm fanboy of Raziel and aspired to reach an intellect that is knowledgable among others of his kind. Most of the people that encountered him, described him as a particularly good listener. Always interested in hearing the stories of others and solving mysteries and quizzes they have thought up. He especially loved puzzles and would spend days on end to figure them out, only to experience the satisfaction of success.
Though his wish for intelligence and knowledge, did bring him over edges that should have best left untouched. Once in his "lifetime" he wanted to see what secrets lie beneath his reach. What knowledge the archangels might have kept hidden from him and his kin. So he dared to take a look into multiple of the files that Raziel kept hidden. Though he was successful in achieving the knowledge of the elders, he was caught red-handed and barely escaped punishment through smiting. Instead he was cast out of heaven and sent to earth, to redeem himself and make sure he learned his lesson.
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Now imprisoned in the body of a human, Ithuriel or rather known as Irvin strives the mortal world in the effort to gain as much knowledge as possible to assure his return to his brothers. He might be a little gullible but he still is an angel after all, portraying innocence and purity. Despite what is known of his kind, he appears to be a bit more pacifistic as others, only using the given Angel Blade to defend himself and not actively hunting demons, seeing as this is the task of brutes. He himself instead tries his best to make the life for others on earth, at least...endurable. Lending money, buying food for the homeless, breaking up fights and all he asks in return in one of their favourite stories.
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