clodiapulchra · 1 year
itaque Fortunata, ut 'ex aequo ius firmum' approbaret, male dicere Trimalchioni coepit et purgamentum dedecusque praedicare, qui non contineret libidinem suam. ultimo etiam adiecit: 'canis'.
And Fortunata, exercising the rightful powers of her position, began to curse Trimalchio and proclaim the shame and disgrace [of that man], who could not contain his own lechery. At last, she hurled at him 'dog'.
Petronius Cena Trimalchionis, 74
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Image taken from the film Satyricon, directed by Federico Fellini, 1994. Actress: Magali Noël
Hi babes! It's been a long while, but I'm still hyper-fixated on Latin. Introducing a new member to this blog, Fortunata. 'Dog' is the single piece of recorded dialogue Fortunata has in the whole of the Cena, but my goodness, what a line.
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castilestateofmind · 2 years
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“Ea libertas est, qui pectus purus et firmum gestitat: Aliae res obnoxiosae nocte in obscura latent”.
“Freedom consist in having a pure and firm heart: Anything else is slavery in a dark night”.
Quintus Ennius. Phoenix, II.
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duxfemina · 9 months
Timeline of Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo
103 - Strabo serves as Quaestor in Sardinia
102 - Strabo seeks to prosecute Titus Albucius the pro Praetor he served under in Sardinia 
94 - Strabo serves as Praetor 
93 - Strabo made Governor of Sicily 
90 - probably spring - Strabo defeated at Mount Falernus by Ventidus & Scato 
90 - Strabo besieged in Firmum 
90 - Strabo breaks out and attacks Lafrenius’ army and L. Is slain and his troops flee to Asculum 
90 - Siege of Asculum begins
90 - winter - Strabo returns to Rome to stand for consul 
89 - Strabo elected consul 
89 - Strabo intercepts an Italian army heading across the Apennines from the Adriatic to Etruria trying to spread the revolt
89 - Fall - Siege of Asculum breaks Strabo orders the prominent men of the city beaten and beheaded, slaves sold and all others to leave the city
89 - Strabo proposes Latin Rights to Cisalpine Gaul 
89 - December - Strabo given triumph 
88 - Strabo fails reelection to consulship 
88 - Outbreak of Sullan Civil War and Rome is seized 
88 - Quintus Pompeius Rufus sent to take command of Strabo’s army and murdered by some of his men 
87 - Strabo and his army come to Rome but their allegiances are not known 
87 - Cinna recruits Lucius Terentius the tent mate of Pompeius Magnus to lead an assassination and coup in Strabo’s camp
87 - assassination of Strabo foiled by Pompeius Magnus 
87 - 800 of Strabo's men do leave but most are convinced to remain by Pompeius Magnus 
87 - Cinna’s actions force Strabo to choose the side of Octavius and the Senate
87 - Strabo and Octavius expel Marius and Cinna's forces from the city of Rome
87 - Strabo is killed by lightning strike and his body is drug from its bier and disrespected 
This is going to be edited with links to posts about other figures referenced as I make them. I'm using this for my research but figured I would share for those interested in the Pompeius gens. I will be making timelines for other family members as I research and adding any new information I find on Strabo to this one
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specgram · 1 year
Loony Latin—super firmum fundamentum: in possession of finely sculpted buttocks
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cedar-glade · 4 years
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Pearl’s fen, Greene co. OH
Nabalus racemosus 
Glaucous leaved hairy topped rattle snake root, 
A fen endemic in the southern states and a high PH boreal species in the north, you really only see these in areas of fens where calceric waterlogged gravel beds are with permiated marl like qualities
Symphyotrichum firmum
Smooth swamp aster, taken out of S. puniceum complex due to flower morphology, sparcely pubescent to glaberous stems and ploidy. 
two common ones, 
Verbesina alternifolia,
Alternate leaf mesic forest wingstem.
Ageratina altissima,
Tall snakeroot, tall milksickness weed,
The plant that cows eat that occasionally cause milk sickness and killed honest Abe’s mom, thanks @locallysourcedtrauma for the history lesson btw. 
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wienkobe · 5 years
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merenda vorace
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clothestile · 4 years
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晴れ間が広がってきました。 今日は暑い一日になりそうですね。 夏の必需品、ショートスリーブのカットソーが色々と入荷しています。 clothes-tile.com FIRMUM cotton wide po #firmum#フィルマム#カットソー#高槻#北摂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CB4jtKAlQ4H/?igshid=1hm1d46cghcv
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multiwatered · 8 years
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fruityyamenrunner · 2 years
astrology podcast today has our hero, the neotrad rationalist astrologer of Actionable Astral Insights, in dialogue with some betelgeuse brain new age astrotherapist of the "everything is a dream, dream a dream... nothing is negative or positive... the reason people hit me as a child is because I didn't love myself ... let's learn to dream dream quantum consciousness dream" deeply wounded fantasist type.
it's difficult to listen to. new age man is doing most of the talking and justification. neotrad is interjecting with some criticisms that astrology is a rational business and it's not actually compassionate to blame people for their own problems even if you taboo the word "blame" but new age man believes since he lives in a new age (defined or at least outlined by him as "an age in which people know about the transsaturnine planets and lesbians have babies via ivf, so life has been transformed beyond recognition) his, and therefore the world consciousness, has advanced beyond the basic mojo of neotrad, which he calls "classical/prequantum" "saturnine consciousness"
neotrad tried to stick out a conciliatory hand and say that there is some space for trans-saturnine spheres in trad stuff in the form of the sphere of the fixed stars and the firmum mobile. new age man is sure that this has nothing to do with what he's talking about because, fundamentally, his core vibes are the New Age of Democracy and Psychology
He is bringing up an example of a great artist, how they have a placement which would make them an artist and one which would make them a computer janitor. he doesn't like to call a placement "negative" because this would be "poison", "sabotage" and would "destroy their free will" and so lead them into the (only implicitly) positive first choice, so (implicitly) an astrologer should not do that. neotrad says "actually the right answer can be rationally worked out in this framework if you brrrrr" which new age man rejects because it's Not Seeing The Person - "consciousness does not appear in the chart".
it's fascinating because new age man is right for the wrong reason. he's entirely wrong about the world having been transformed on every level, that quantum mechanics has any relevance, but it's not like neotrad is any more right, and just has more moving parts he consults and selects or ignores (but with a rationale!) before doing some interpersonal relating vibe emission -- he *also* believes the universe is a spiritual learning and development mechanism that can be shown by astrologers!
how do you really make a preference between on the one hand, some saturnine (and he rly is) fellow who is acting the Stoic and saying that the mechanism of the universe keeps throwing out hundreds of Signs (from a cosmic mechanism we do not talk about) which provide reasons for events in your life and also direct you to give him money and attention and on the other hand, some flummy Uranian (to be determined) who is up front that he is all about the vibes and morally justifying events without admitting that's what he's doing, and the chart is just a means to keeping you coming to therapy.
They are clearly never going to agree about the appropriate professional presentation, but they are dividing two major parts of the market between them.
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clockworkreapers · 3 years
what are your tips for making good fantrolls, ive been stuck on it for a while
I am so sorry I left this one in the box for a while, I've been very distracted but I hope this can help.
Note neither I or anyone else should be the say all end all for characters, especially OCs because they are yours you should be able to have the freedom to do what you want. I also wont touch on things like clothing or visual designs because those while they can make a character look cool they arent what make a good character. Just like people someone’s looks dont relate to how interesting, nice, or relatable they are. However these are things that work for me. “Good” is up to interpretation but what I can tell you is what makes a solid and understandable or relatable character. 
One thing that really helps with any type of character are cornerstones!(they can also be called core themes but it just means the same thing) I know I have said this before but cornerstones are extremely helpful when making a character. They can help with design the most but can also give you lil hints at personalities. Think of it like an oak tree seed. You plant the seed and it grows, it has different branches that go off from its core but it's all part of the same tree. Cornerstones can be anything and with a bit of research you have pretty much everything you need, not to mention it will go super fast. Example: Troll based on Aconitum. 
This plant is commonly known as wolf's-bane, give them a wolf lusus and wolf ear horns. (or you could use any of the other nicknames)
The flower is purple,make them a purple blood.
Gender identity: presents as female due to the other nicknames “women's bane” or “queen of poisons”
Aconitum comes from the Greek ἀκόνιτον, which may derive from the Greek akon for dart or javelin, there's your weapon. 
Name? Easy could be any of these if you wanna do 6 letters: firmum, flavum, or pascoi. Each are part of the species of Aconitum.
That took maybe 10 minutes looking through wikipedia. So this is like a really easy way to make a character who has a solid theme. So you see how helpful cornerstones are especially with trolls since they are usually based on themes! (also yes anyone can use the example)
Personalities are always big ones. Character personalities will also change overtime but characters who are really enjoyed by people are ones who are understandable and relatable. You can even pull off god mode characters if you have the personality and reasons to match up with your character.
Questioning: Usually the more you ask questions about a character like “Does that match them?” you will slowly start to see a personality form. The best characters are ones you don't actually control and you know you have one where they kind of start telling you things about them. Instead of you commanding like “He/she/they do this” it changes to a question “Would He/she/they do this?” and the character will give you an answer. This also allows a character to sort of grow into their own so they're not just copies of their creator’s personality and whims. 
Realism: Now realism doesn't mean “non fiction” in this sense, what it means is that a character acts in realistic ways to their environments and stimulus. You sort of need to think about what they would do in situations that would arise in their environment and how they would react based on what you know about them. Things like RP or putting characters in different AU’s helps a lot with this but you can also do it with just coming up with a random prompt and sticking them in it. With realism you also need to know what your characters' limits are, what they can and can't do or what they would and wouldn't do. Trust me giving characters limits to their power isn't bad, it actually makes them more relatable, just like us there's always someone better than us but there's also always someone worse off. Reasons: Every character has their reasons, even super powerful characters have to have reasons to be understood. They can have logical reasons or emotional reasons, it always depends on the character but a mix of both is the best one. 
I hope this helps! Also please remember this is just what I have found works for me, everyone will have their own way to create and each way is just as valid! If anyone wants to add on what works for them go for it!
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aereperennius99 · 4 years
“Ea libertas est qui pectus purum et firmum gestitat; aliae res obnoxiosae nocte in obscura latent” ~ Phoenix
Freedom is having a pure and dauntless heart; all else is slavery and lies hidden in darkness.
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gothcoffee · 6 years
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American cotton High density twill Jacket in color Black | Firmum
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cedar-glade · 4 years
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I miss autumn, I miss the swales of Symphyotrichum firmum that look like snow in the early morning light across the fen. 
Sunken Creek Fen, Champaign County, Ohio
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wienkobe · 5 years
NO CONTROL AIRの冬の定番アイテムが今年も入荷しました
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clothestile · 6 years
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しなやかで肌触りの良い生地を使用したワイドプルオーバー。 やわらかくコシがあり、これからの季節にちょうどいい生地感の一着です。 是非ご覧ください。 . FIRMUM イズミールコットン空紡糸天竺ワイドカットソー . 大阪府高槻市真上町2-12-1 tel 072-681-2777 open 11:00-18:00 close tue.sun . #高槻 #北摂 #茨木 #吹田 #豊中 #箕面 #セレクトショップ #暮らし #firmum https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvi1jZMn_fV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tsohlc4cdy9j
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