#sorry if this is hard to read! I woke up to bad english day
doe-prince · 1 year
Hi ratt, I popped in from the GS discord!
A question: where do you get your inspirations for the initial worlds/premise(s) of your comic works? Namely GS, I guess, but others too. Is it a specific few things or do you draw from more broad sources?
2: Do you have any advice on following through with said concepts to a full or consistent execution? I’m always stuck in the shiny new idea phase :/
Sorry I worded that weird but hopefully you get me. Keep up the stellar work please. I’m a big fan! ❤️
Hello hi!
I honestly don't know, sometimes a theme or thought starts haunting me and I need to make something out of it before it runs me insane. One photo can fuel the whole project, I think something like that happened with Corpse - photos of sheep with livestock guardians, the design of anti-wolf collar, religious imagery and upbringing being hacked into the back of my mind. For GS especially, a secret: I'm just into writing characters. The world, logics, customs, even the plot come later, and even those I like to keep vague to a degree. I think about what kind of characters I want to write about, and then what kind of events would bring their most interesting parts to surface. Godly missions with high stakes are just a stage for me to write about siblings with multiple issues and big bleeding hearts.
2. I can't offer smart advice, but if you want to try it like I usually do, just hold your nose and jump in. I often get incredibly invested in those shiny ideas, but if I notice I take too long to get into them or start planning too much, they fade. They're not shiny anymore, and if they're not shiny, I don't want to work on them.
I came up, scripted and drew Corpse in one month because I was so excited. I started GS with very little lore in my head, just because I wanted to test the art style and get to know my characters, and here we are five years later. (This choice has bit me in the ass a few times because the foundation was barely there, and despite me having a lot more knowledge and lore in my head now, I still have to build on the foundation ignorant little ratt made back then. It's wobbly! But with a bit of sneakiness and torturous brainwork you can always flesh it out later and make it carry its weight.)
Obviously just jumping in doesn't work for everyone, especially if you're a planning kind of person unlike me, but it might give you a kick to get truly invested. And when you're invested, you want to work on it to see where those characters go. You want to take them to the end and tell them they did a great job.
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certaimromance · 2 months
𝜗𝜚 A Heart Matter.
Spencer Reid x Prentiss!reader
Series masterlist | ONE | TWO | THREE |
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Summary: A few months after you left, Spencer thinks he sees you walking down the street, and his whole world is turned upside down.
Words: 3,2k.
TW: mentions of crime, trauma, death, pain and violence (normal warnings in the series). so much spoilers for s6 and s7. the events narrated occur after emily's "death". so much angst. read the dates carefully, especially the years, because there are some backward time frames that can confuse you if you don't pay attention!. english isn't my first language (sorry for my mistakes, be kind please).
Note: I'm so sorry, that's all I can say now.
Also, I thought about making this a series, but I'm not sure because I've never done one before and I've really only been writing here for about a month??? I'm trying hard.
♡ Enjoy! ♡
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July 18th, 2011
The steady ticking of the wall clock echoed in Spencer's head as a reminder that his time in the session was ticking away, robbing him of the chance to express himself without sounding like a complete lunatic.
“I saw her.” He had to repeat it aloud after receiving a puzzled look from his therapist.
The woman pursed her lips. “In a dream? Are you having nightmares again?”
The lump in the agent's throat felt tighter and more suffocating, causing him to shift in his seat to hide it. He wanted to appear sane and focused, however much his next words were anything but.
The therapist's intrigued look and the fact that she stopped writing in her notebook to give him her full attention made his hands tremble and his heart pound as he spoke again.
“I mean, I still have the same nightmares...but this, this is different.” Reid tried to explain hesitantly.
Since the day he found you lying in a pool of blood outside your sister's apartment, his mind had been tormented by the image and the guilt it caused him. The nightmares of seeing you again and losing you were a constant every night. Every time he managed to fall asleep, he woke up agitated, feeling again the emptiness of not having you by his side. And that was something his therapist knew better than anyone, because she forced him to write down every nightmare and tell her all of them.
Those bad dreams were supposed to be over, or so he had claimed for the past three weeks.
“I wasn't asleep when I saw her.” Spencer finally blurted out in a slightly shaky voice. He had rehearsed the same conversation several times and always ended up feeling like a deranged man seeing ghosts. “I was on the street.”
That sentence instantly changed the tone of the conversation.
“It was after work, I went to buy some food because the case ended earlier than I thought. Her favorite Chinese restaurant is a few blocks from my apartment, we really liked to eat there...I bought some and when I came out, I saw her.” He paused for a minute, trying to mentally return to the moment that was relentlessly replaying in his mind. “She was across the street, buying flowers.”
He had to be quiet for a second, pausing to calm his own breathing. It was ridiculous, but the thought of you buying flowers again made him smile slightly.
You had always loved flowers and now he was supposed to bring them to your grave.
“I ran across the street as soon as I saw her, but I lost sight of her when a bus came across.” He said, struggling to finish his story.
“Spencer, listen to me.” The woman's tone alone let him know that she didn't agree with him at all. “It's normal to think we see someone we lost, it happens to several people. Maybe it was just someone who looked like her, and being near a place the two of you frequented contributed to the confusion.”
That was impossible because he would recognize you anywhere and there was no one else like you.
“You know the truth.”
Of course he knew.
He had been trying to live for six months knowing that you were already dead.
Six months of him trying to deal with your ghost. Six months of him on his knees begging for this to be just another nightmare. Six months of reliving the last time he held you in his arms. Six months of being dead in life.
“Yes, but she looked different.” He explained, receiving a puzzled look that prompted him to provide further clarification. “Her hair was shorter, much shorter. And if I were hallucinating her ghost, I'd see her the same way I saw her the last time, or maybe the time before that. It wouldn't be so different from the way I remember her.”
“You lost two important people on the same day, it's not about logic.”
From her reaction when he concluded his session, it was evident that she considered his perspective to be irrational and clouded by the effects of grief.
And maybe it was.
July 30th, 2011
A few days of missing therapies and locking himself up at work already had consequences.
It was the second time a case had ended earlier than expected and Spencer had to go back to his lonely apartment and find excuses to leave without feeling sorry for himself. It was hard for him to be in his own home without you, surrounded by the photos you always insisted on taking and framing to preserve moments that were now torture. So the best solution was to make unnecessary purchases or lock himself in the nearest library.
Anything was better than being locked in a room with himself, so he decided to read in a room full of strangers who provided the company he so desperately needed.
The bad news was that the library's closing time had come earlier than expected for unknown reasons, and life seemed to force him to face his reality on the busy streets of Virginia, taking every possible alternate route to delay his arrival home. He didn't want to have to open the door knowing that no one would be waiting for him, that you wouldn't be there asleep on the couch after watching a marathon of your favorite movies, or just trying to read one of his books so you could discuss it with him.
His mind was still hazy and his eyes were wandering through the shops of the city when a familiar and unmistakable figure appeared before his eyes, just a few meters away, coming out of one of the shops on the next street.
It was you again. Unmistakably you.
He started running without a second thought, but the streets were so crowded that it was hard for him to move through the mass of people. His heartbeat was out of control and probably everyone could hear him, but he didn't care about looking crazy, he just needed to get a little closer to talk and make sure it was you.
The city's public transportation seemed to be against him, because just as he was about to cross the street, not caring that the light was red, another bus crossed the street and almost ran him over. Just a few inches and the story would have been very different for him. Everyone on the street was whispering, car horns were honking and every now and then someone would ask him if he was okay or look at him like he was a psychiatric patient. But nothing mattered to him, there was only your image in his mind and the possibility of finding out if he was really going crazy or if your ghost was haunting him.
When he managed to cross the street, there was no sign of you, and his therapist's words echoed in his mind as a symbol of temporary insanity brought on by pain. Try as he might to ignore his conscience, there was no way to find you in the sea of people, and he had no choice but to enter the store where he thought he saw you coming out.
“A woman bought something here a few minutes ago, she had a bag slung over her shoulder.” Spencer spoke quickly as soon as he walked in and approached the local salesman. He paused only when the man nodded in confusion at his attitude. “Do you know her name? Where she's from? Does she come here often?”
The man's lips were sealed, he just waved his hand to let him know he would only talk for money. He didn't even flinch when Reid pulled out his badge and repeated that he was FBI. Anyway, the thirty dollars was the master key to get the information and the security camera footage, which was barely visible because of the poor quality.
“I don't know who she is, it's the first time I've seen her. There aren't many customers on my shift, and not everyone buys that many books.” He began to speak under Spencer's curious gaze. “She paid cash and bought a bunch of classics. And she had a limp.”
“Are you sure? Which leg was it?”
There was a short silence, which the salesman used to remind himself, and Spencer's nerves got even more out of control.
“I don't remember which leg it was but I was definitely limping. I noticed that when she climbed the ladder, I had to help her.”
January 11th, 2010
“Can we eat here?” You asked after reading the sign that said the restaurant's elevator was under repair. “There are a few tables.”
Spencer couldn't help but frown and let go of your hand to stand in front of you. His eyes searched for yours. “I thought you wanted to come up, the view is your favorite thing here.”
You two were at your favorite restaurant, a Chinese food paradise with the best view in city, according to your expert opinion. It wasn't the first time the two of you had been there, so you had already more than booked a table, and this one was on the third floor. Your favorite part of going there was seeing the moon.
And of course, Dr. Reid was the kind of guy who always paid attention to the little details. He remembered everything, and could probably tell what you were thinking just by looking into your eyes for a few seconds.
“Let me take you upstairs, please.”
His puppy-dog eyes and a single phrase were enough to get you to let him take you by the arm and lead you up the stairs at a slow pace. By the time you got to the second floor, he offered to carry you like a princess. You had no choice but to accept, especially since it had already taken you more than ten minutes to climb a single floor. The pitying looks from the other diners were starting to make you uncomfortable.
“Thank you, Spencer.” You mumbled as you reached the table and he pulled up a chair for you.
He smiled. He loved how you said his name and wanted to hear it for hours.
After you both sat down and made your requests, you spoke again. “Aren't you going to ask why I can't climb a ladder?”
“I won't ask you anything you don't want to answer.” He said simply.
You felt like you could tell him anything, even your darkest thoughts. Your sister had already talked about it. Either it was the Reid effect, or you were just madly in love with him. Both were quite similar in your view.
“I hurt myself while I was practicing ballet. I made a really bad move.” You spoke up after a few minutes of silence. He frowned when he heard you. He had no idea you played the sport. “I was supposed to have quit, so I didn't tell anyone. Only Emily knew. I didn't treat it until the injury got worse when I went out in the field on a case. That's how I retired from the FBI. My mom freaked out, and my left ankle was screwed up for my whole life.”
Before you turned your attention back to Spencer, you prepared yourself mentally for the sympathy he would undoubtedly show. The curious thing was that in his eyes, there was nothing but interest and gratitude for having allowed him to know more about you. That was what kept you talking.
“There's an operation to try to fix it, but recovery takes quite some time. I'd rather always take the elevator and avoid the stairs as much as possible than have to rely on Emily to take care of me for three whole months. She has work to do and would go crazy having to be my maid.”
“I would.” He said without hesitation. When you looked curious, he elaborated. “I'd take care of you.”
“For three whole months?” You asked, sounding rather incredulous and as if you thought maybe he was just being extra nice.
“For the rest of my life, if you let me.”
September 5th, 2011
“There's no way you could have seen her, Spence.”
JJ's eyes fell on his friend's not-so-shaky ones, and a part of her churned inside, not knowing what else to say to him. It was eleven o'clock at night, the first time in several days that Spencer had shown up at her house to try to find comfort and perhaps understanding.
“I know, I know it shouldn't be possible.” He replied and went back to pacing the room, trying not to make a sound. The last thing he wanted was to wake up his godson or his friend's husband. “But it was so real...maybe I'm crazy.”
“You're not.” She said firmly, getting up from her seat to give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
At the time, even he didn't know for sure, and that made him fear that he had lost his mind. He was hungry for a love that he would never have again.
“You just miss her.”
No, missing was nothing compared to his feelings.
“It's more than that, much more. I haven't been able to catch my breath since she left.” He admitted, running his hands through his hair as tears formed. “I miss Emily, too, and I don't see her walking down the street.”
Silence fell over the room because no one had anything to say. There weren't enough words to describe the situation. The only sound that could be heard was the man's sobbing on Jennifer's shoulder, trying to be encouraged with words.
“It's going to be all right, Spence.”
He didn't say it out loud, but he thought he'd never get anything right in his life if all he wanted was you.
March 14th, 2010
The coffee he was carrying kept him warm as he made his way through the chilly FBI offices. Spencer wondered if the air conditioning had broken down when he reached the technical analyst's office and a conversation stopped him in his tracks.
“My take? She looks like she'll be Mrs. Reid one day.” Penelope's voice was heard after several loose sentences that the boy couldn't understand from the other side of the door. He figured they were talking about him and his relationship with you.
“I hadn't thought about Reid being legally part of my family until now.” Emily spoke next, letting out a few chuckles. “I'm going to have mini geniuses for nephews.”
“Stop it, we're just dating.” You spoke with some nervousness, still reeling from the implications. “It's not like we're getting married tomorrow.”
As he leaned against the wall by the door to hear better, Spencer couldn't help but feel a bit guilty about what he was doing. He knew it wasn't right to overhear other people's conversations, especially if they were about him. But he had a feeling he needed to know what you were saying about him when he wasn't around. It wouldn't hurt to just hear a little bit.
“Don't pretend you don't talk about future names for your babies, I heard you two.” Garcia spoke again.
“It was a random conversation.”
“About baby names?” She gave a little smile and raised an eyebrow.
“What I mean is that bringing things forward is not good.” You began to speak, completely ignoring the previous point. You were trying to be the voice of reason in the midst of their ridicule. “But I'd like him to be the one.”
“I think I'll shed a tear or two because you've grown up so fast.” Your sister commented in a teasing tone that hid quite a bit of truth. She gave your hand a quick squeeze and looked at you for a few seconds before speaking again. “What's up with that look on your face?”
You frowned. Spencer's heart seemed to stop beating for a moment. “What look?”
“You know which one I mean—the one you put on when the coffee runs out.”
Reid's hands began to sweat. He felt like a teenager trying to figure out what the girl he liked really thought of him. Did you ever have doubts about your relationship? Did you ever picture yourself with him in the future? Was he really the one for you?
“The scariest thing about love is getting hurt.” You said, trying to initiate the idea. Unfortunately, Penelope beat you to it and spoke up.
“I'm sure he wouldn't hurt you.”
“I know, I don't care about that.” You spoke up again after a few seconds, looking around the room as if lost in thought. “What if I do it? What if I break his heart?”
Oh, that was certainly not something Spencer was expecting to hear.
“How would you break his heart? Not answering his calls for five minutes and seven seconds?” Interjected Emily with a teasing tone to try to lighten the mood and get a smile out of you. “I don't think either of you would consciously hurt the other.”
And right after that, the protagonist of the discussion entered the room, causing the three of you to remain silent and pretend that nothing was going on. You could only smile when your boyfriend came in with a hot coffee for you and you saw the tender looks the two women gave you.
“Thank you.” You said.
“It's nothing.” He replied, pulling you close to surprise you with a hug that brought him close enough to your ear to whisper. “You could never break my heart.”
September 21st, 2011
Ian Doyle was only a couple of meters away.
Spencer's fist throbbed and burned, still stained with the blood of the man who had taken everything from him seven months ago. He knew he had done wrong, that he had promised everyone that he would only talk to the terrorist, and that he had done much more than that. The team had barely been able to get him out of the interrogation room because he was out of control with rage.
He wanted to make him feel a lot of pain and a minimum of what you and Emily probably felt that night.
“You need to calm down.” JJ came out of the meeting room to stop him before he could go in.
“I'm calm.” He replied, still trying to regulate his breathing. He could see his friend raise an eyebrow, and he decided to speak up again to avoid upsetting her. “This is about as calm as I can get right now.”
As soon as he was done speaking, Reid tried to keep going to the room, but the woman was in his way again and stopped him from opening the door.
“You have to be calm for what Hotch has to tell you. I mean it.” Jennifer said, after receiving a confused look. “What you're going to see now...”
“I'll be fine.”
Without giving her a chance to say anything else, he opened the door to the room. Spencer thought he'd find photos of the crime scene that ruined his life, maybe some testimony he didn't know about, or even the killer there. But none of that was true, and it made his heart stop.
You certainly broke his heart this time.
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Eloise Bridgerton x reader! In which Eloise and the reader are friends and Eloise romantically likes the reader but is afraid to confess because she thinks she will be rejected (the reader likes her too, and sorry about the bad english, i'm using the translator 🥺)
Quite Telling
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Eloise Bridgerton x Fem!reader
╰・゚✧☽ words: 487
╰・゚✧☽ warnings: fluff and bit angst, pinning, short blurb.
-`。゚˘: ゚⋆ ––✷☽ ᱬ ☽✷––⋆ ゚: ˘ ゚。.`-
Book’s often portray love as butterflies in your stomach, flattering body that gets weak when you see someone, and a high feeling. Eloise hated the books about love because she didn’t care for it, thinking it was all a lie.
And now she wished she read more.
How was she supposed to get over her feelings of being near you, or seeing your smile or hearing your laugh. The pain she felt from holding herself back from the urge to kissing you was horrible. All she could ever think about was you and she was becoming crazy.
“Dear, are you alright?” Violet asked her daughter who was lost in her thoughts, standing still at the window as rain poured down on the ground. Eloise snapped out of it and grabbed the book that was now in her lap back up and gave a reassuring smile.
“No need to worry, it’s just a beautiful day.” A mother knows much about her children and violet knew her daughter well. Eloise was often to push away when she was going through things. But she could push her to talk about it, so she just smiled and nodded her head.
Just as the sun rises and breakfast was done, the routine of visiting you for morning walks was the thing that woke her up. Her head went fussy when you grabbed ahold of her arm and her heart spiked like crazy.
“There isn’t much my mama has been telling me lately. Each gentleman walking up to door is all the same and non have half the wits they think themselves to have.” rolling your eyes annoyingly, Eloise laughs at your remark.
“Thank the heavens I have no callers, the one thing whistledown gave me was keeping them away.” you glance at her, there was still spite in her voice.
“It’s their lose anyway, you’re a Bridgerton. Pretty and smart sounds like a amazing catch.” you giggle. her cheeks flush red and look away at the compliment you gave her.
Pretty? You think she’s pretty and smart.
“Might I ask you something?” Her mouth speaks on its own before she could stop herself. you humming in agreement and focus on the ground as you walk. ears ready to hear.
could you ever love her? the lump in her throat tighten as her stomach dropped. all she wanted to do was confess or give you a hint. why was it so hard? she shouldn’t be afraid of it. but looking at you and the way the sun cased it’s golden light on you, the beautiful smile on your lips. she couldn’t find the courage.
“Purple?” the excuse didn’t work out as she wanted. you turn your head in confusion to what she meant.
she was a fool. “Purple or Blue? A dress for me tonight.”
“Purple, I like that color on you.”
then she shall wear it for the rest of her days.
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𐀔 please don’t repost my fics on other websites. This is my writing. And I don’t own the characters just y/n.
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flowerandblood · 2 months
The Lost Haven (14/16)
[ modern mafia • Aemond x niece • female ]
[ warnings: incest obviously, unprotected sex content, kind of hate sex too, oral sex, fingering, smut, the angst, drug dealing, violence, uncomfortable conversations, bad, bad things ]
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[ description: The vacation from eight years ago still haunts his memories and doesn't let him forget what happened between him and his niece, the daughter of his sister and Harwin Strong. Their paths separate and he immerses himself in his father's mafia world until the day she calls him for the first time since those events. Sexual tension, dark, dangerous, withdrawn, thirsty Aemond. ]
Author’s note: As promised, this is another, this time official modern version of The Fall from the Heavens. In this version, Daemon is not related to the family, but is simply Rhaenyra's husband and the leader of the second gang, Alys and Larys are also not related to each other, but Larys is Harwin's brother. I will partly refer to the original series, hiding some easter eggs, and some will be a completely new, fresh plot. As in every universe, only Aemond calls her Rhaenys and this is not her real name (she is unnamed character and the others also do not know that he calls her that). There will be a lot more brutality and angst in this version, so watch out. You can read this as a standalone story.
Series & Characters Moodboard Aemond & Rhaenys Moodboard
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
She wasn't sure when she first felt it: that overwhelming, suffocating terror, the unpleasant, cold sweat on her back, the anxiety and fear. Just as in her childhood, such feelings were evoked in her by the darkness, mostly when she did not feel his warm body beside her, his safe arms not embracing her, his calm breath not enveloping her face.
She opened her eyes then, always feeling the same thing: panic.
Her fingers tightened on the duvet as she realised after a moment, semi-conscious, where and who she was, who she was actually waiting for and why he wasn't there.
An almost physical pain accompanied her as she realised that her uncle was not with her, that he had gone again to sink into his Hades, his World of the Dead, full of drugs, shootings and whores, something she never wanted to have anything to do with.
She would then look anxiously at her watch, counting the seconds, the minutes, the hours, flinching at every creak of the floor or sound in the stairwell, her heart pounding in the hope that it was him, that he had returned, that she would soon be able to sleep in peace again, wrapped in his arms and his wonderful, familiar scent.
He did not return, however, and as usual, when her despair reached its zenith her only thought was that he was dead.
That he wasn't coming back this time.
Even though she knew she shouldn't do it, she would then pull out her phone and call him with tears in her eyes, praying that he would answer, her breath stifling in her throat, when suddenly she heard his voice on the other end.
"What is it?" He asked impatient and frightened, as if he feared the worst.
That something had happened to her.
She was relieved because he was alive and didn't know how to act, how to explain the fact that she was actually bothering him with whatever he was doing for no reason.
"I woke up and you weren't in bed." She muttered in pain, listening to his quiet sigh of fatigue and understanding.
"I know. I'm sorry, baby. I didn't want to wake you up. I have to stay here for at least another hour."
She swallowed hard, glancing at her watch, seeing that it was one o'clock in the morning.
Another hour alone, in the emptiness of his flat, which felt foreign and cold without him.
Even with her things there, it didn't feel like home.
It was his flat, his space, his Hades, and she was just a visitor in his darkness.
"Why?" She asked like a small child, looking around her, again seeing the various frightening shapes in the objects that stood in the room.
She closed her eyes, trying not to think about it, repeating to herself that, after all, she had long since outgrown this fear, that monsters did not exist.
"I have a problem with one man. We are clarifying things, but he is…reluctant. He has taken a lot of money from me, but he has not given me what I need. I have to go. One more hour and I'll be back, I promise." He whispered in pain, and she swallowed hard, feeling her heart in her throat.
Had he just tortured someone?
No, he'd promised her he wouldn't do such things.
That he would do everything he could to avoid violence.
"Oh. Okay." She mumbled, unable to get anything else out, feeling even more terrified than the moment she had called him.
Her lower lip began to tremble when she heard him hang up, tears of fear and despair one by one began to run down her face.
She went into the living room, lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV: the sounds that came from it and the light it emitted made the space around her seem less frightening.
She thought she would just wait for him.
However, an hour passed, then another, and he still wasn't there.
She curled up on the couch and began to cry, tired and drowsy, at the same time unable to fall asleep, Vhagar lying next to her on the floor turning from time to time, having no similar worries to her.
She shuddered as she opened her eyes, still half asleep, feeling someone touch her, his familiar arms lifting her up.
"– easy – it's just me, little one –" He whispered tenderly, her hands and legs automatically entwined around him like vines, her heart full of pain and relief at the same time.
He was back.
She stared at him, breathing loudly through her mouth, at his familiar, beloved face, his sad look full of remorse, his fingers stroking her cheek tenderly.
"– you promised –" She mumbled, hurt and disappointed, his broad hand running over the skin of her warm face as his brow arched in pain.
"– I know, baby – I know – I'm here now –"
He always made love to her when he returned, no matter what state she was in. Even if she tried to push him away, to show him her anger and dismay, his hands and lips full of patience caressed her between her thighs until she fell apart in front of him.
He only took her when she was completely vulnerable, her cunt all slick and leaking from her peak offering him no resistance, even more delicate and sensitive to his every sharp thrust. She couldn't push him away then, craving only the embrace of his arms, his lips that devoured her in a thirsty, yearning kiss.
Their hands clenched desperately on their bodies, cuddling them into each other with loud grunts and moans escaping from their throats, wordlessly testifying to the fact that they both suffered the same way through the separations they experienced almost every night, finally being together again. She drew then on his sighs, his assurances and his pleasure, his gaze filled with an affection so deep it frightened her.
There was something beautiful in the fact that he was somehow devouring her, bit by bit.
The feeling of emptiness would only return when he disappeared again a few nights later.
In between, in the time when she woke up in his embrace, when she looked at his peaceful face in the sunshine, she had the feeling that she was a completely different person: everything made her happy.
In her presence, her uncle was gentle; that didn't mean he didn't get frustrated or that they always agreed, but sensing subconsciously that her words weren't meant to attack him, he reigned himself in and expressed the understanding she so desperately needed.
He did not treat her as his housekeeper or maid: together they went shopping, cleaned his flat, went out with Vhagar, did laundry. She enjoyed watching him from the sidelines as he did simple, prosaic tasks: cutting vegetables next to her, reading on the internet how to make a dish they liked, wondering aloud with her if he had just poured too much pepper into the pot.
"– fuck, so spicy –" He muttered when he tasted what he'd made with the sauce, but she decided when she tasted it herself that it wasn't so bad, and that pepper, unlike salt, was very healthy.
He chuckled at her words, looking at her with pity, as if he was wordlessly trying to tell her that she didn't need to show him mercy.
She noticed that he began to laugh and smile in her presence.
That he began to joke and tease her.
That they talked about things that were increasingly difficult and complicated, and that he didn't back down or avoid answering.
That he had changed.
And then his phone would ring again at night, and he would get up quietly, get dressed and leave.
It felt like she was regressing at that moment: all her childhood phobias, the terror of being left in the dark, were coming back to her with redoubled force, and although she didn't tell him, she would light the small lamp next to her bed, calling Vhagar to come inside, wanting to at least hear her breathing beside her.
Only when she heard the sound of the key turning in the lock did she turn off the light, afraid he would think she was being childish, and pretend to sleep until his hands sank into the softness of her body under her shirt, his lips against her ear, whispering:
"– I'm back, baby –"
A few days of sweet peace had lulled her vigilance again, and the appearance of his grandfather on his doorstep made her state of limbo between worlds collapse. As she locked herself in her room, where she didn't usually stay but kept most of her belongings and books, she began to reflect on the fact that although her mother had called her several times, she hadn't had the courage to answer her.
She didn't know what words to use, fearing that she would try to convince her to come home.
But there was no going back for her.
Not there.
It bothered her that this conversation had gone on for so long and she felt an overwhelming urge to overhear what they were talking about, but she held back, thinking that she should trust him, that he surely knew what he was doing. She jumped up on the bed when she heard the front door open and close, getting up uncertainly and stepped outside, looking at his silhouette from a distance.
He was bent over the countertop and had just had a glass of whisky despite it being so early.
She approached him uncertainly, feeling his aura, his rage and frustration.
"What did he want?" She asked, watching in horror as he filled his glass anew with alcohol.
"That I should come back. I didn't agree." He replied coarsely, not even looking at her.
She swallowed quietly, glancing sideways at him, her hand touching his shoulder seeing his gaze, frantic and wild.
"Aemond. What happened?" She mumbled and he looked at her in a way that made her feel a cold sweat on her back, a darkness and emptiness in his eyes, something she felt like running away from and hiding under the bed.
"Are you deaf?"
She stared at him with big eyes, feeling for a moment that she had lost her breath and her heart stopped. She turned away, moved ahead and closed herself in her room, locking the door behind her with the key, feeling that her hands were trembling.
Who was this man?
She naively thought that that look, that tone of voice was reserved only for his men, only for those with whom he had to talk rough, whom he had to press down and destroy, but not for her, never for her.
She sat on the bed, pulling her knees up to her chin, and sat like that, staring dully ahead, feeling shivers with every move or step he made on the other side.
He knocked on her door only hours later, when she was struggling to concentrate on reading one of her textbooks.
"– baby, I'm sorry – he brought me out of balance and I took it out on you – I shouldn't have done that – it's a hard subject for me – will you join me and Vhagar for a walk? –" He asked in a voice she knew well, the same one he had used after he had forcibly kept her in his family home.
In a voice filled with remorse.
She looked at the pages filled with text, thinking with surprise that she didn't want to go anywhere with him, didn't want to do anything with him, didn't want to have anything to do with him.
She thought the look was for everyone else, but not for her.
That she was special.
But she wasn't.
"– I'm reading a book – I'd rather stay home –" She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear her.
A long silence answered her and she was afraid he would become furious, but he only swallowed hard, as if her words had hurt him.
"– okay – we'll be back soon –"
He made several more attempts to drag her out of the room, she however felt safe there, knowing that he could not violate her space by force and had to stand outside, waiting patiently until she wanted to look him in the eye again.
"– are you angry with me? –" He asked at last.
She felt tears under her eyelids thinking that she was not angry with him.
She was afraid of him.
But she wasn't sure if he would bear those words.
"– shall we watch something on TV? – I'll stroke your head afterwards before bed, just the way you like it – I'm sorry –" He mumbled out like a little boy, and she felt a squeeze in her heart knowing that he had already returned, that he was again the one she loved, the one she wanted, the one she had agreed to marry then, on that beach.
She looked at her bracelet made of candy and then at the scar underneath it, thinking that she was sure the man because of whom she had made it to herself had disappeared.
"– I think I'd rather spend the evening here – if that's okay –" She muttered in a breaking voice, feeling tear after tear run down her face, her lips quivering all over with emotion, with regret that she had to push away, if only for a moment, the man whose presence she craved incessantly, because she needed distance and a moment to breathe.
A sense that she, too, had something to say in a situation where everything really depended on him.
"– oh – okay – I'll be next door if you need me –" He replied, and she closed her eyes, pressing her lips into a thin line, trying not to make a sound, feeling her chest twitch with each of her quiet sobs.
And then, as the late evening fell, she saw him turn on the light in the hallway, heard him put on his jacket and shoes, and her heart stopped in her throat.
"I have to go out. I don't know when I'll be back." He said loudly, and she jumped up from the bed as if burned, opening her door quickly, facing him, pale and shocked.
"– why? –" She mumbled with difficulty, thinking that she didn't want him to leave, that she just wanted him to let her be alone for a while, but for him to be next door, in the other room.
"– the policeman who was helping us was shot – Tyland is taking revenge for what I did to him – the consequences of my actions are slowly reaching me –" He muttered without strength, as if he was very tired and weary, something in his gaze that told her he had given up.
Tyland is taking revenge for what I did to him.
The consequences of my actions are slowly reaching me.
"Take me with you." She whispered, just wanting to make sure he was okay, that everything was under control, that she would be with him and not in an empty, dark, big, scary flat, counting down the hours and minutes until his return.
"No. I can't. I won't make the same mistake again. The more they are aware that you are not my temporary whim, the more danger I put you in." He said, and she shook her head, deciding that she didn't care what happened to her.
She could no longer stand the terrifying emptiness she felt when the door closed behind him and she was left alone in her cage.
"Then treat me like your whore in front of them."
She saw that his eyes grew big at her words, as if he couldn't believe they really came out of her mouth.
"What did you say?"
"Treat me as if you're bored with me. As if you hold me close just because I am Daemon's daughter. Be cold and chilly. You can hit me if you want." She said without thinking, deciding that it didn't matter anymore anyway.
In their eyes she was just his whore anyway, a deviant, a niece he had raped and made his sex toy out of.
"What? Do you want me to do it so you can find the strength to leave me? Reassure yourself of how fucked up I am?" He asked furiously, gesturing with his hands in a sign of impatience, his words like a cold shower that woke her up, making her realise what she was really afraid of and why she was so desperate to say something like that.
"I don't want to stay here alone, wondering if you're still alive. The fear I feel then no lamp can light up." She muttered with difficulty, feeling that she couldn't hold back the tears that flowed down her face.
His eyebrows arched in pain, as if it was only then that he understood what she was trying to convey to him, something in his gaze that told her he had hesitated, that he felt something, that there was hope.
"– I don't know, baby – God, I have to go – I –" He mumbled, and she nodded, not wanting him to think about it.
"– give me five minutes –" She said and disappeared out the door, looking for some of his hoodies in the wardrobe to put on, feeling relieved.
And then she heard his quick footsteps, the sound of the door opening and closing, the fact that he had shut it with a lock he knew she didn't have a key for.
She ran out into the corridor, looking at it, the symbol of her enslavement, and ran towards it as if she had lost her mind, bursting into a loud sob, banging on it as if she were a small child.
"– NO – NO, NO, NO, AEMOND, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE – TAKE ME WITH YOU, PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME –" She shouted, choking on her tears, digging her short nails into the wooden structure, pounding on it with her fists only to fall to her knees.
"– I'M SCARED, I'M SCARED, I'M SCARED, PLEASE –" She whined, laying down on the floor, but he was gone.
She felt Vhagar run up to her, sniffing her anxiously only to lie down beside her a moment later and they lasted like that, an hour, or maybe more, lying cuddled together.
When she woke up, she was blinded by the light of the lamp in the corridor – she felt an unpleasant shiver and the fact that she was cold, so she picked herself up from the floor and went to her room. Vhagar moved behind her, apparently thinking that perhaps they would go out for a walk, however, even if she wanted to, she could not open the door now.
He had locked her in here.
She stared blankly at the ceiling, feeling a constriction in her chest, tears one by one running down the side of her face onto the pillow under her head, complete nothingness in her mind, darkness, as if there was not a drop of light left in her.
He didn't return until hours later – his silhouette that stopped in the doorway of her room was dark and tall, as if he were a demon, a nightmare, a demigod, a dream, but not human.
The touch of his hand on her skin, his fingers digging into her flesh, his lip that she bit, the taste of his blood on her tongue seemed at once completely foreign and wonderfully familiar to her.
"– no –" She breathed out, wanting to punish him, to push him away, to make him feel what she felt.
However, her body betrayed her, her pussy leaked under his fingers with desire and lust, with the need for him to embrace her and wrap her in the warmth of his body, for his hard manhood to sink deep into her again and soothe her.
"– I'm back – I'm here, baby – you can let go now –" He whispered, as if uttering some kind of spell or curse from which her body relaxed, allowing him to do what he wanted, to sink her into his darkness and take her for himself.
His voice seemed to come to her from afar, his fingers deep inside her hitting again and again the sweet spot between her throbbing muscles making her lose touch with reality, writhing beneath him in ecstasy.
"– being with me, you won't know freedom – I'm not in a position to choose between that and your safety – if that's what you want, I'll let you leave – but make love to me one last time –" He breathed out and she felt tears under her eyelids, her throat squeezed so tight she had trouble taking a deep breath.
If that's what you want, I'll let you leave.
I don't want leave, she thought.
I just want to be alone.
I want to be special to you, the only one in the world.
"– my sweet baby girl – my little sunshine –" He whispered, taking her for himself, the voracious, desperate stabs of his hips thrusting deep into her slick, hot opening, filling her with his seed with the loud click of her moisture, their breaths heavy and ragged, their embrace tight, full of desire to be reunited again.
His tears joined hers as he pressed his face to her cheek, his broad, familiar hand stroking her head, his breath raspy, surrounding her ear with warmth.
"– my grandfather – what he told me –" He whispered, and she froze, opening her eyes suddenly. "– he said that you wouldn't be able to bear this life, just like my grandmother – that you would commit suicide too – and I don't want to live in a world where you won't be there, even if you are no longer by my side –"
She hugged him tighter, feeling that she suddenly understood what had happened.
Why he had been so angry, why he had looked at her that way, why he had spoken to her that way.
He was terrified as much as she was.
This realisation, the fact that she wasn't the only one living in fear was both depressing and liberating for her, the weight of his words and the emptiness she felt inside her seemed to pull her lower and lower.
When she woke, the sun was just rising – his arms were embracing her from behind, her hand on his palm, his warm breath enveloping her neck.
She knew that something inside her had snapped, that if she just stayed and claimed that nothing had happened, their whole lives would start to crumble around them, and he would feel it.
She stood up quietly and looked at him, putting her hand in the pocket of his trousers. She swallowed hard when she felt the keys to the house by the sea underneath them and took them out quietly, praying he wouldn't wake up.
She didn't know how she would then explain to him what she wanted to do and what it meant to them.
She pulled her hoodie over her head and, dressed only in his sweatshirt, shorts and trainers, with her small backpack in which she had only her keys, wallet, phone and charger, she quietly left the house and closed the door behind her, seeing the look of concern of Vhagar standing in the corridor, not understanding why she had not taken her with her.
Sitting on the bus, she wondered what he would feel when he woke up.
What she felt every time he left?
She wondered if she should leave him any kind of message, but as much as she wanted to, she wouldn't know what she should write him on it. She felt that she was stuck, unable to either move backwards or forwards.
She knew she loved him and she knew she was miserable.
When she arrived, the sky was cloudy, as if the world around her reflected her state of mind. She only had time to step inside the large, empty house and felt her phone vibrate.
She knew he was awake.
Was he angry?
She unlocked the screen with a trembling hand and swallowed hard to see couple unanswered calls and one message from him.
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She closed her eyes, understanding what he was asking, feeling that part of her wanted to do this for him, to reassure him him that she was okay, but she knew how it would end.
He would write another message, then another and another, and she would give in to him and let him come.
She needed to clear her mind, she needed the solitude she had condemned herself to, not forced into.
When she walked into his old room she put her small backpack on the floor and lay down on his bed, looking towards the window. As she looked around she felt a squeeze in her heart at the thought that when she was a child it felt like there was so much space, but now she felt it was cramped.
She reached her hand to the shelf standing next to his bed and smiled, taking from it one of the small volumes telling the adventures of the Mighty Vhagar. She flipped through page after page of tales of the Prince and his beloved Rhaenys travelling across distant lands on their dragons, feeling tears of emotion and melancholy pool under her eyelids, clutching her throat.
The Prince, though fearless and relentless, feared, watching the other powerful dragon riders for his beloved's life; her dragoness, Larax, was beautiful, her scales silvery blue, glistening in the sunlight, her figure slender and light, sailing beside him across the sky. However, what made Larax different from Vhagar was size – Vhagar was gigantic like a stone fortress, yet Larax was small and delicate. And so, although his Rhaenys deeply desired to visit the neighbouring Kingdom, he never agreed, knowing that it was a barbaric people, riding dragons that were shrill and terrifying, which he himself feared, though he did not speak of it. He, as a Prince, would travel to this dark land with his father the King, thus keeping the peace, and she would cry when he left her. "Weep not, my dearest," he said, "my heart remains with you."
She closed her eyes, feeling the heavy tears one by one run down her cheeks straight onto the sheets of paper, onto the pages filled with beautiful illustrations of dragons and their riders, stories they had read with hot cheeks all evenings.
She spent the day walking on the beach – the squeals of the seagulls around her and the hum of the sea simultaneously calmed her and filled her with sadness. She put her arms around herself, feeling the coolness of the wind seep through her body, involuntarily smelling his scent as soon as she touched the fabric of his sweatshirt.
It was as if a part of him was still with her.
She looked at the bracelet she had received from him, an expression of his love, so childish, naive.
And yet so dark at the same time.
And then the night came.
Even though she slept in his bed, under his duvet, even though she could smell him, she was afraid: she was not afraid of monsters now, however, but of what was going on inside her head.
Where was she supposed to go back to?
Who was she supposed to be?
What was she supposed to do?
She felt that a sense of meaning had slipped through her fingers: she realised that without her mother, her father, her uncle, her professor, she was nothing.
What kind of person was she really?
What were her values?
What did she want?
For eight years she had only dreamed of being with him again, but she had never thought about what that would look like.
What she would have to sacrifice.
She didn't want to betray him, abandon him – never – but she was terrified of living in constant fear of losing him again.
Of hearing the news that someone had shot him in the head, just as he had once done to Larys.
The next day she woke up even more tired than when she fell asleep: she had nightmares all night.
She dreamt of a monster coming out of the wardrobe, dark, tall and long, who just stood over her and watched her, and she couldn't say anything or scream.
She realised that this was the personification of what she feared most.
The inability to react, to make a move.
The cage.
The fact that she had received another message from him and how he was suffering did not help her.
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She didn't know what she was supposed to answer him.
"I'm alive"?
Wouldn't he then feel that she no longer loved him? That she had only written him off so that he would give her a break?
She didn't want that.
She didn't want him to suffer.
Sitting on the beach for hours, gazing at the horizon, she thought of a way out of the deadlock she was in, something that might make her regain control of her life, the feeling that she was co-determining what was happening to her.
But there was a void in her mind, and that scared her the most.
That there was no path in her life in which she could be truly happy.
That she was doomed to wither like a flower, to die while she was alive.
Part of her wanted to give up, to call Daemon and tell him to take her home: however, what kind of life would await her there?
Jace would never forgive her. They would all pretend that nothing had happened, but they would certainly be disgusted with her in reality. After all, she'd fucked her own uncle, run off with him even though he'd hurt her, fooled her, humiliated her.
It was hard for her to understand how one man could combine so many contradictions: her uncle. It seemed to her, although she recognised that this could only have been the result of her vanity, that in her presence he was revealing a part of himself from the past that he had locked away. He was rediscovering a gentle, tender touch, a soft tone of voice, a calm gaze, a lightness in breathing, as if to remind himself that what his men had seen was only a mask.
But was that really the case?
Or was she merely telling herself this to make herself feel better, to look at his stone-cold face when he spoke to them without feeling terror?
That he wasn't pretending at the time.
That he was the other part of himself then.
A monster from the wardrobe.
Could she love someone who soothed and terrified her at the same time?
Or did he need her to subdue that side of himself, to save himself from falling?
In the end, she knew that he himself was afraid of the dark.
She thought sadly, looking at her hands, that they were both just as hopelessly lost, standing on the margins, unable to find a place or purpose for themselves, feeling an eternal, never-ending shame since they were little children.
That night a storm broke loose: lightning struck close to home, thunder shook the ground, loud and dangerous, making her curl up in bed in fear.
And then she heard it: the creaking of the floor.
She clamped her hands on the sheets, swallowing hard and listened with her heart beating in panic, recognising that the sound was coming from the floor below the room.
She drew in the air loudly when she heard it again, this time more clearly, as if someone was coming up the stairs: she picked up her backpack, slid to the floor and hid under the bed, exactly as she had done when she was a small child.
She closed her eyes, feeling the tears of terror one by one run down her face, clenching her lips to make sure no sound came out, thinking it was just a bad dream, nothing more.
And then someone opened the door.
She stared ahead with big eyes, feeling her heart in her throat, begging in her mind that she could just melt into the floor, disappear, dissolve into the air, the footsteps beside her getting louder and clearer, making her realise it wasn't a nightmare.
And then a silhouette knelt beside the bed and she recognised his face.
He was looking at her exactly as he had when he first found her: his gaze expressed shock and compassion, his brow arched in pain, as if he himself wanted to cry.
"– Rhaenys – oh, baby –" He mumbled with a breaking voice, reaching out to her, and she crawled to him quickly, bursting out crying as soon as he enclosed her in the embrace of his familiar, safe arms.
"– I'm sorry –" She cried out, whooping with tears, feeling that her whole body was trembling from fear, sadness, disappointment, the suffering caused by their separation. "– I'm sorry – I didn't know what to do –"
He hushed her, kissing the top of her head again and again, his hands stroking tenderly through her hair and down her back, cuddling her into him, his wonderful scent filling her nostrils giving her relief.
"– no – it's okay – I found you, little one – you're safe now –" He whispered, and she nodded quickly, tightening her hands on his leather jacket.
She felt him take her in his arms and lift himself up, exactly as he had done then, laying down on the bed with her. He pulled off his shoes and jacket before his shaking hand touched her cheek again, as gently and slowly as if she were made of glass.
He gave her one tender, warm look full of relief before his warm, full lips pressed against hers in the sweetest, gentlest kiss she had ever experienced in her life.
He gasped when her fingers ran over his neck, when her body pressed against his, when her lips parted in front of his, trailing over their fleshy structure, just teasing them. She heard his shuddering sigh, felt his hand sink into her hair, combing through it with tentative, affectionate strokes full of hope, the tips of their tongues touched and licked, making her shudder.
There was something perverted and obscene in those kisses alone, in the way their lips, swollen with desire, melted together again and again with the quiet clicks of their saliva as all she could hear around them was the tapping of raindrops against the window.
She thought that only in his arms she was not afraid.
Only in his arms did it all make sense.
The affection, the suffering, the sacrifice, the pain, the joy, the sadness.
It all came down to his person.
"– I love you –" She whispered into his mouth and heard him sigh, his hands clenched tightly on her body, craving those words like nothing else. "– that's all I know –"
His tongue slid deep between her teeth, coming out to meet hers, as if he couldn't take any more of the feeling that was tearing their hearts apart, his hands pulled her closer, allowing her to feel the hard, throbbing bulge in his trousers on her stomach.
She moaned involuntarily into his throat, feeling her nipples harden with sweet desire, the space between her thighs all swollen, producing moisture in response to his treatments.
They said nothing more to each other – his hands slid under the fabric of her hoodie, roaming lazily over the bare, smooth skin of her back, her waist, her thighs. He wasn't in a hurry; she felt that after this sudden, terrifying, shocking separation he wanted to enjoy this moment, the feel of her body under his fingers, everything she was and had become to him.
He pulled away from her to look at her, his free hand stroking her jaw – his thumb ran over the line of her cheekbone as his gaze traveled all over her face, a hot, tender feeling in his healthy eye from which her heart fluttered in her chest. She clenched her thighs together, feeling the tension, just looking at his parted lips, hearing his broken, accelerated breathing, feeling his manhood pushing again and again against her lower abdomen.
When his fingers rubbed against the material of her panties she merely nodded, and he took a breath, pressing his thirsty, moist lips against hers again, pulling them off her thighs with a few sure tugs. He didn't unzip his trousers, however – instead, his fingers sunk tentatively between her thighs into her warm folds, drawing a surprised, girlish moan from her throat.
"– shhh – shhh, baby, it's okay –" He murmured into her mouth, sighing with delight as her cunt leaked under his hand, hot and eager, the tips of his fingers wandering lazily around her swollen, sensitive clit made her roll her hips, needing more, harder.
"– please –" She mumbled, throwing her arms around his neck, allowing herself to drift off completely into the pleasure his painfully slow, sure touch was giving her, his movements deliberately gentle, not giving her what she needed.
The corner of his mouth twitched in satisfaction when he noticed something in the expression on her face that told him she would give herself to him completely, his free hand tightening on her hair.
"– I'd rather use my mouth down there – but I want to look into your eyes when you come –" He whispered in a way from which she felt a drop of cold sweat run down along her spine, her lips parted involuntarily in a pathetic moan as the tips of his fingers dug firmly into her silky folds at last.
There was something unsettling and frightening about his dark, defiant gaze, the way it was fixed confidently in her eyes, not allowing her to turn or move away, just to simply take what he was giving her. Her fingers tightened on his black T-shirt as he finally sped up, with each circle around her clit rubbing her throbbing opening, weeping in desire, begging for his attention.
She closed her eyes and gasped as she felt the tips of his two fingers push against her slit, stretching her swollen pussy on their thickness, receiving her quiet cries of desire in return. His hand tilted her head back, his breath heavy and hot on the skin of her face.
"– no – look at me –" He breathed out, his gaze dark and hot with desire, his fingers hitting her sweet spot again and again making her walls begin to clench around their length in convulsions.
"– Aemond –" She cried out and his mouth was immediately on hers, devouring her with greedy, loud, sticky kisses full of his tongue and panting, his fingers pounding into her in a relentless, fierce rhythm making her feel a wonderful tingling in her lower abdomen, in her lips, in her nipples, her pussy beginning to clamp down on them, close to fulfilment.
She squealed and mewled, feeling the tears of relief one by one run down her cheeks as she suddenly reached her peak, her hazy gaze barely able to see his face, his black eye staring at her as if he was seeing a woman orgasm for the first time, wide open in delight and satisfaction.
She felt him slide his fingers gently out of her hot, throbbing insides, hearing the sound of his belt and zipper being undone a moment later, letting the fingers of his hand stretch her slit to the sides, allowing his full, fat cock to slide easily into her without any resistance.
He groaned in relief when he was finally inside her, positioning himself so that the movements of his hips were enough to sink him again and again between her hot walls, leaking from her fulfilment, letting his hands embrace her and cuddle her into him.
He panted into her ear, focused only on himself and his sensations, with lazy, slow thrusts opening her again and again on his swollen length, teasing again her spongy spot inside her, now oversensitive and delicate.
His touch was surprisingly tender, light, devoid of aggression; it made her feel relaxed, herself taking pleasure in feeling him deep inside her, in the way his face sank into the hollow of her neck, his lips brushing her skin encouragingly.
"– oh baby – mmm – my little girl – ah, God, yes –" He gasped, speeding up, chasing his fulfilment without thinking about how long he should last to feel masculine enough, experienced enough, confident enough.
Something about knowing that with her he wasn't worrying about such things, that he was just being, reaching for what he really wanted with a few sloppy, messy thrusts reaching his peak with a sigh of delight, made her simply close her eyes, focusing on how hard he was pulsing inside her, filling her with his release.
They lay snuggled into each other, panting quietly, not saying anything or moving, just lingering in that most natural state for them, where their bodies were entwined together to form one person.
"I know how to fix this, baby. Do you trust me?" He asked in a whisper, and she opened her eyes and blinked, surprised to feel her heart hit harder in her chest.
"What do you mean?" She asked just as quietly, trailing her fingers down his back, pressing her face into his neck, smelling of his aftershave and cigarettes. He swallowed hard, as if gathering his courage, and kissed her forehead.
"I will give you back the premises that belonged to your father."
She froze, not understanding for a moment what he meant, and looked at him, trying to make out anything on his face.
"Before Larys took over their entire family business, your father had three establishments: Harrenhal Club, Twins Club and Eagle's Nest Hotel. He got to the point, wanting to get as far away from drug smuggling as possible, that the people working there were reluctant to go back to their old ways. Larys forced them to do so, but most of the best workers fled to my grandfather or Daemon. I didn't know for a long time what to do with these places, but now I think I should just pass them on to you. That will make you able to take part in some of our conversations as an associate, like Baratheon does, for example. I will assign you some of my men to protect you. Some of them are tired and want peace and quiet for themselves and their families. Your presence, the fact that you are with me and at the same time you are Daemon's daughter gives us the assurance that you will not be attacked from any side."
She listened to him in disbelief, thinking, touched, that he was serious.
He wanted to give her some of his power, some of what her father had worked for, so that she would feel that she was not completely dependent on him.
She would be part of his world, not delving into the darkest side of it.
"What about Jace? Luke? He was their father too." She mumbled, thinking that would surely make them hate her even more.
She heard her uncle grin.
"I don't give a shit about them."
She swallowed hard, looking him straight in the eye, seeing the certainty in his gaze that made her feel hot.
"I won't have to store your drugs or sell them?" She muttered, and he shook his head.
"No. You'll just be giving us cover for our meetings from time to time. Nothing illegal that would burden you." He whispered in a trembling voice, looking at her expectantly like a child waiting for praise.
"You'll really do it?" She asked, and he nodded, licking his lower lip.
"Yes. Yes, if you come home with me. We'll go to the notary tomorrow, make it official." He said, excited that she hadn't rejected his idea.
What he was saying simultaneously pleased and horrified her.
"After all, none of them will want to listen to me. They won't respect me. I'm just a little girl, what do I know about their tough world?" She asked, shrugging her shoulders, realising that it all only sounded simple.
"I'll help you. Just like you helped me with my studies. I will teach you everything. They'll respect you, first for the sake of me and your two fathers, and then for the sake of you when they realise you'll protect them and not drag them into this shit." He said looking her straight in the eyes, something in his certainty, the warmth that emanated from his voice made her eyes glaze over with tears.
"Shall we try?" He mumbled, his haze full of hope.
She nodded her head and hugged him, his arms closing her instantly in a tight embrace.
"I love you. Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He whispered.
And she believed him.
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atinyniki · 11 months
instant ramen
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group: stray kids !
pairing: idol!lee felix x f!reader
genre: angst with a happy ending
warnings + additional info: reader is referred to as y/n, established relationships, mentions of periods and hormonal imbalances, felix is a little mean, felix is referred to as lix, lixie, and felix.
authors note: i was bored and made a short little felix drabble ! this is also not proofread, i just had a thought and felt like posting it. english is not my first language, so please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors. happy reading :)
wc: 1483
(pt. 2) || (pt. 3)
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it’s not everyday that felix comes home in a bad mood. he’s had just about the worst day at practice today. he couldn’t seem to be getting anything right, and often found himself zoning out and getting off track. 
you’ve had a long day too. you couldn’t seem to get out of bed this morning, and woke up in the late hours of the afternoon. your entire house was a mess, and you didn’t have the energy to clean it up. to make matters worse, your period is late and it’s left you grumpy the entire week.
it’s now almost midnight, and you’re sprawled out on the couch comfortably, watching some tv. you have felix’s fuzzy blanket over you, one you both always use when watching shows together. 
suddenly, you hear the familiar sound of the keys jingling at the door. the door flies open, and behind it, you see a tired felix, dark green hoodie shrouding his face. 
you slowly get up from the couch and turn off the tv, careful not to trip over anything while you make your way to the door. 
“why are you up so late y/n?”, his voice was low, tired, but he managed to muster a small smile.
“it’s not that late, i just wanted to wait for you.”
he slowly walked into the home, setting his bag down at the door. he made his way to the kitchen, grabbing some water to drink, when his eyes quickly dart to the dishes.
felix likes having the house clean. after living in a dorm with chaotic men who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves, it got pretty sickening. normally the house would be clean, but felix has been out recently due to his new comeback, and you’ve been busy with work. neither of you had the time to do simple tasks anymore.
seeing the dishes still dirty frustrated felix more, but he decided not to mention it and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. he passed by the living room, the cushions scattered messily on the floor, and then your shared bedroom. clothes had piled up in the two hampers you had, some had even fallen onto the floor.
some part in felix just snapped. 
“is it really that hard to put some clothes in the wash, y/n?”
you were zoned out, but his voice brought you back to reality. 
“sorry what did you say? i zoned-“
felix began to walk away, but you walked towards him, stopping him. 
“lix what’s wrong?”, you looked at him, your eyes full of concern. he let out a scoff, “what’s wrong? what’s wrong is that you’ve been home the entire day and the house is still a mess.” 
your eyes widen. normally, felix is understanding about these things. you only have one day off the entire week. you’ve been overworking yourself so much recently that you just needed today to be a break. 
“i’m really sorry lix, i’ll just do it tomorrow” 
he glares at you, a foreign look swirling in his eyes. “if you were really sorry, you would have cleaned up after yourself. you know i don’t have time for this. it would only take thirty minutes max to fix up the house a little.”
“you really need to start doing something with yourself y/n. i’m not going to be doing everything while you just sit around and watch tv all day.”
you started tearing up. you didn’t mean to, but you really wanted to cry. felix saw the tears brimming in your eyes, and he started to feel a lump growing in his throat.
you didn’t know what else to say. you looked down and heard the receding footsteps, making your way to your bedroom. the tears slowly fell from your eyes, but you didn’t dare to make a sound. your boyfriend had never spoken to you like that, and he never really got that cold.
you picked up the clothes off the floor, putting them into the hampers and making your way to the laundry room. you put them in the wash and put the hampers back in your room.
you walked to the kitchen, and started to clean the dishes. you wanted to get it done as soon as possible, so felix could have a bit of relief when he got out of the shower. his words continued to replay in your head. you’ve been so exhausted recently, you felt bad that you couldn’t do anything for him.
you put the dishes back into their respective cabinets, and figured that felix would probably be hungry when he got out. you pulled out his favorite instant ramen, put it in the pot, and began making it for him. you hoped it would cheer him up. 
meanwhile, felix stays in the shower for longer than usual. he takes up the first eight minutes alone just standing in the warm stream, washing all the impurities off of his body. he stayed there for as long as he could, but for some reason, the guilt wouldn’t wash away with him.
he knew he shouldn’t have been so harsh. he didn’t mean to, he was just exhausted and already a little put off, but that’s no excuse to lash out at your girlfriend like that. after a while, he finally grabbed his shampoo, staring at the bottle for a moment before placing it back on the rack.
he reached down to grab your shampoo instead, the vanilla scent calming him down instantly. in a way, he felt closer to you. the foamy bubbles ran down his hair, and he began to wash the soap out of his hair. 
he then took another one of your items, your vanilla body wash. he liked that you’d always use vanilla scented items, it was easy to associate the smell with you. suddenly, the whole bathroom smelled like vanilla, smelled like you.
felix found the smell so comforting, almost like you were right there with him. he closed his eyes, thinking about what he said to you. he knew that as soon as he got out, he’d apologize to you. 
he finally got out of the shower and put some comfortable clothes on. it was almost two in the morning now, so he was expecting you to be asleep. he figured he’d apologize to you tomorrow when you wake up. 
he makes his way to the bedroom, but to his surprise you aren’t there. he didn’t go looking for you, he figured you needed some space. he saw your keys on your dresser, so he knew you hadn’t left the house. 
all of a sudden, he sees you at the door, a wooden rack in your hand with a bowl on top, decorated blue chopsticks on the side. you place it on his nightstand, and start playing with your thumbs, contemplating what to say next.
“i’m sorry for leaving the house a mess today, i know you didn’t want to come back home to that sight. i’ve cleaned it all up now though, and i made you some ramen. i figured you’d be hungry”, you let out a nervous chuckle. 
you looked up, and your heart immediately dropped to the pit of your stomach. you thought felix would be mad at you, but you didn’t expect him to cry.
he took your hand in his and let out a shaky breath. “i’m so sorry y/n. i truly didn’t mean what i said, i was just frustrated and seeing a messy house set me off a little bit. i promise it won’t happen again, please don’t overwork yourself just for my sake.”
you quickly wrapped him in a hug, “don’t cry lix, it’s okay. you’re just tired, i know you didn’t mean it”. you gave him a quick peck on his forehead, before running your fingers through his hair. 
he buried his head in your chest, inhaling the scent he’d been craving for the past hour, staining your his hoodie with his tears in the process.
“i love you lixie, im here for you. you don’t have to worry.”
he only clung onto you tighter after that, mumbling a little “i love you too” and multiple apologies into your chest. you smiled, knowing how vulnerable he was right now, and you were just happy he could trust you. 
“eat your ramen now, it’s getting cold dummy”
he looked up at you and smiled, patting the area next to him. you complied, lowering yourself onto the bed and clinging onto his arm.
the ramen had gone slightly cold, but it was still enjoyable. felix felt a familiar warmth spread throughout his entire being when you wrapped your arms around him, and let himself melt into your warmth. 
you have both been going through a lot recently, but you knew that as long as you had each other, you’d be okay.
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360 notes · View notes
Hi there! And yes I'm the one who asking the poly relationship. Can you do a smut Ghost x male reader x Soap? (the three already dating but kept it a secret from the team)
Where the reader can not sleep and decided he'll stand up all night. When he walks out to get something to drinks, the male meet Soap there. Asking why he hasn't slept yet. The read explain and telling that he decided to still up till moring.
That when Soap telling that to come with him to his room (share Ghost) so that he can make to the reader tired (the reader still don't know what he about to do so he followed) and that where it started:)
Some teasing would be nice. Can you make the smut it longer? Because there aren't many smut about male reader. Sorry if my grammar is bad, english isn't my first language. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Have a nice day!
Hiii thx for requesting! I didn't add the teasing cus i forgot- sorry btw but i hope you still like this. And have a nice day also<33
Waring: SMUT of course, Soft Soap, Ghost is abit harsh, dom Ghost and switch Soap.
You woke up as you rubbed your eyes to make your vision clear up, you noticed the time was 1 in the morning making him sigh and fall back to bed and vlosed your eyes waiting for sleep to get him, but sadly you doesn't feel sleepy anymore.. and this made you let out a long groan.
You even tried changing poses and cleared out the bed abit but of course.. none of them worked, you got up deciding to take a sip of water, you strolled around the base having a hard time finding the counter from how dark it was, you didn't wanna turn the lights on because you didn't want to disturd your team as they slept through the night.
You could've just brought your phone to flash the place or even a flashlight but your half asleep mind made you forget about that.
As you walked around the dark room you hit something making it let out an 'oof' sound, you looked at where the sound came from "wha?-" you said in confusion "Y/n? What're you doing up in this hour, you soon recognizd the voice as it belongs to Soap which made you sigh "nothing.. just cant sleep and wanna get some water" Soap nodded.
"how about me and Ghost help you with that hm?" Even if its dark you can tell he was smiling and without a cboice you agreed and followed to Ghost's room where you both sometimes shared with.
Soon as that you are now both at his room with Ghost sitting on the side of the bed his gaze turns to eye you both and sigh "Y/n? Why aren't you asleep?" He asked with his gruff voice booming through the room you three were in.
Again you explain why and nodded "right.. how bout me and Soap help you with that?" Soap chuckled in the background"i already told him tgat Lt." This made Ghost let out a small 'Oh' and nod his head "alright i guess".
Then at that Soap pulled you to him and began to kiss you which made you let put a gasp and without hesitation he shoved his tongue in yiur mouth, exploring your wet cavern as he does so.
His hand snaked around your waist and cupped your ass and groped it tightly making you shudder and whimper out softly, he smirked in the kiss and pulled away to take a breath.
You noticed ghost's mask was pulled up to his nose and pulled you to a deep kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck in instincts as Soap glided his hands on your waist and nuzzled his face on your neck giving it kisses and gentle bites.
After that they pushed you to the bed with your back laying on the mattress "take his clothes of and stretch him out for me will you?" Ghost said behind Soap before slapping his ass, followed and slowly pulled both your pants and boxers making your dick spring out the covers. He went to the drawer beside and open to get some lube and smeared it over your ass, slowly he shoved 1 finger in and the the 2nd, slowly thrusting it in and out scissoring your insides making you mewl and arch your back at the feeling, soon a 3rd finger was shoved it and let out a long whine of pleasure when he hit a certain spot in you.
He pulled his finger out and gripped your thighs spreading them to line his cock near you rim and slide in, you gripped on the sheets tightly feeling his cock filling you up "fuck you tight.." Soap hissed out feeling your walls gripping his cock nicely and he let out a soft moan near your ear making your back shiver from his warm breath near your ear.
You whined around his cock filling you up as he thrusted in a slow steady pace, soon you became desperate and gripped his shoulders as you wrapped you legs around his waist "Please go faster" you whimpered and Soap didn't hesitated to pull his cock out leaving the tip and slammed so hard into you making your back arch in pleasure and let out a long pleasurable moan but got caught off by soap kissing you "shh.. better not wake the others" he said making you nod "Fuck your doing so so good baby" he breath out and whimpered out.
You both kissed deeply and passionately as he thrusted roughly inside, the bed shook everytime he thrusted in it was so rough yet pleasurable for both of you "Your so tight for me hun.. doing so good, fuck-" he praised against you, you almost cried when he hit your prostate hard "Seems your having fun there Jhonny.." Ghost heavy voice filled both your ear and couldn't help but whimper against Soaps ear "Remember.. im next so dont waste you time" Ghost grabbed Soap's hair and pulled it back and he whined breathlessly and nodded "y-yes sir".
Soap thrusted in faster trying to reach his end, you tried not to moan out loudly waking the others up by biting Soap's neck "F-fuck- ooh~ Jhonny.." you muffled near his neck "dont eorry im close" He let out gasping when he felt you tighten.
Soon he slammed down and came making you came on both your chest staining it with your white sticky cum, you both panted heavily and You noticed at the background Ghost has his pants open and his cock out jacking himself off while watching you both.
"My turn now Soap" Ghost commanded, and Soap nodded and took his cock out and watch his cock leak out and your hole twitch, you gasped softly feeling his cum in you, then Ghost grabbed your waist and turned you around with your chest pressed against the bed pressing down roughly making Soap's cum drip out and whined from it.
Ghost quickly scooped Soap's cum with his cock and slammed in all the way in, you whined and mewl against the sheets feeling tears dribble down your eyes staining the sheets with dark spots.
"Still tight even Soap fucked you with his cock? What a fucking Slut" he said licking his lips and began to thrust in, you gripped tightly on the sheets and arched your back everytime he thrust in. You would cry when he hits your prostate.
His thrust was more rougher than Soap, it almost made you cum tight on that spot and your head dizzy.
"fucking- ahh~ you l-little w-whore.. so tight" a sudden slap hit your ass making it sting and red.
You felt a snap in your stomach and suddenly cum came oozing out of your weeping cock, you cried out against the sheets with a loud moan of pleasure and arched your back making him go even deeper inside you, he moaned out a groan when he felt you tighten up so tight making him shot out cum.
Ghost pulled out as his and Soap's cum ooze out of your twitching hole. You felt your body going limp, you eyes slowly closed falling asleep on the bed.
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bouncybongfairy · 11 months
Literally love you, hope you're taking requests! Could you do the bayverse boys with a goth stoner?
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Smoke Sesh
TMNT x Fem Goth Stoner Reader
Summary: After ditching class for a smoke break, you're approached by two men with bad intentions. The TMNTs help you escape the alleyway you're cornered in, you guys have a smoke sesh in their van.
Word Count: 1.0k+
It was second period and the monotone voice of your English teacher was putting everyone to sleep. Even the teacher wasn’t into it, just reading aloud from the book while sitting at her desk. Not even bothering to look up as she did so. You picked up your bag before quietly walking out of the classroom. As long as you were quiet, the teacher didn’t care or notice if anyone left. There were a couple of security guards that you had to pass, you would feed them an excuse about going to the nurse’s office and usually, they bought it. As you walk past the front gates of your school, you pull your black cardigan closer to your body. You didn’t realize it was so cold outside, your nose was becoming sensitive and runny. Stopping in a narrow alleyway between two apartment buildings, you rummage through your bag.
Your older sister woke up late for work this morning and was only able to take a couple of puffs out of the blunt she rolled before leaving. You took advantage of this and hastily threw it in your bag before leaving. Luckily it wasn’t bent or damaged to the point of being unsmokeable. After you finally find the lighter you put it into your blunt and take the first drag. It was like you could feel the weed pushing the anxiety out of your body. The rain was getting heavy but it didn’t bother you one bit. Not only were you being kept dry from a fire escape above you, on colder days, but your make-up also lasted much longer because it wasn’t exposed to extreme heat. You were wearing a long black maxi skirt and a thin long-sleeve, both in black; along with black riot boots. Not being able to resist, you take a couple of pictures. 
“I bet those pictures came real nice,” a voice growled from the left of you. You jumped and whipped your body to see who spoke. Feeling your heart drop into your stomach, you slowly start to back up; trying to gain as much space between each other.
“Oh, my dad is actually about to pick me up, I have to go,” you lied as you began to walk away, you were walking backward because you were scared to turn your back to him.
“So soon, I’m sure you can be a little late,” the creep said, starting to charge you. As he did so you turned but were stopped by a truck that broke directly in front of you. 
“Get in,” one of the passengers said as the sliding door rolled open. You didn’t even look at who was in the vehicle, you were so desperate to get out of the current situation that you didn’t think twice. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down but it was hard considering the severity of what could have happened. After a few moments and tears, you looked up and realized who was in your company. When you saw the turtles you passed out momentarily. When you came to, one of them was fanning you. You immediately sat up but Donnie asked you to calm down. 
“Woah woah, don’t sit up too fast. You had a vasovagal response which means you lost consciousness due to a lack of blood flow to the brain. You are totally okay though and your vitals are normal. Did anything happen in the alleyway that might cause you to need medical attention?” Donnie said, lifting his goggles up so you could see his eyes. 
“No, I’m just shaken up a bit,” you said, sitting up on a seat in the back of the van. 
“I’m sure, glad everything turned out okay,” Donnie said. 
“Yeah because you’re way too hot to die,” Mikey said, plopping down next to you.
“Mike! Sorry, he has impulse control issues,” Raph said as he drove. 
“Dude! Don’t say that in front of my new hot, spooky, witch girlfriend,” he whispered, blocking your view of his mouth in an attempt to stop you from seeing what he said. 
“Is it okay if I smoke in here,” you asked? The van got quiet, the boys looking around at each other without saying anything. 
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Leo said.
“I don’t know, she just went through a traumatic thing. If she’s used to smoking then maybe she needs it to help her calm down, you know?” Mikey said. 
“What about contact high?” Raph asked. 
“Technically the effects would not be significant unless she was blowing the smoke directly in your face or the car filled with a dense enough smoke,” Donnie explained. 
“So is that a yes?” you asked, putting the blunt into your mouth and waiting for a response before lighting it. 
After nobody disagreed you lit it again and took a drag, you laughed when you noticed that they were all looking at you. They looked away for a second but it didn’t take long before all their eyes were on you again. At this point Raph parked the van and opened the windows. You were making subtle conversation, asking them if they ever smoked before. As expected, they all haven’t and were surprised when you offered them the blunt. Mikey went to grab it without hesitation and Leo stopped him. After a little persuasion, Mikey grabbed it and took a drag. The blunt in your hand was still pretty big but in his hand it looked like a tiny little twig. He immediately started coughing which made his brothers look around in a worried way. The effects were immediate and he started laughing and joking more than usual if that’s possible. This hummored his brothers, lightening the mood of the situation. 
“I just want to thank you guys again for saving me from that situation,” you said again, putting out the roach. 
“No worries girl, I'd always be there for my goth girlfriend,” Mikey said, wrapping his arm around you. 
“I appreciated that,” you joked back, giving him a kiss on his cheek; leaving a black lipstick mark.
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sparksqfly · 1 year
─ So much for summer love𓆝
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synopsis: modern au - you meet ellie during a school activity and start getting involved in an intense relationship.
warnings! bad words, low self-esteem, men being bothersome, etc.
author's note: it's actually terrifying to publish this here. i'm a very private person with my writing, but my friend told me I should share it, so i listened to her. english is not my first language, so please forgive any errors I may have made. i did my best <3
about the story: joel is referred to as ellie's father. references to taylor swift and her music, the reader is a huge swiftie (just like the writer hehehe). i have the entire story written, but i divided it into parts to make it less lengthy. If you like it, i will publish the remaining parts! thank you for reading.
wc: 4,5k (sorry)
a loud and familiar horn woke you up from your trance, jesse and dina. you looked at yourself in the mirror again to see if "you weren't trying too hard," sighed, and decided to leave your room. you realized it had taken you 2 hours to get ready and cursed yourself for being so indecisive when it came to putting together a damn outfit for a stupid school trip. although, on second thought, if there was something that had made you hesitate so much about what to wear that day, it was what ms. smith had said on friday in the last few minutes of class. "remember that this activity in the forest will be done in pairs, but not just any pair. it will be two people that the directors of both schools have decided to put together based on their academic performance and behavior within the school." great, now you couldn't spend the entire forest activity arm in arm with dina, gossiping about trivial things. instead, you would be spending the whole afternoon with a stranger that the 40-year-old administrators had decided you should be with.
you let out a sigh, coming out of your thoughts, and sent a message to jesse saying that you had lost track of time and to wait five minutes as you would be ready. didn't bother waiting for a response and threw your phone into a medium-sized white backpack along with some sanitizing wipes, band-aids, sunglasses, a hair tie, some money, your headphones, and some candies you had on your nightstand. didn't bother arranging everything neatly as you would if only you weren't in such a hurry. you slung the bag over your shoulder and glanced at yourself one last time in the mirror, looking at the curls you had struggled to create, and adjusted the small ribbon that held some of your hair back at the back of your head.
you rushed out of your room while grabbing your keys and a lip balm that was on the table, and bid rufus, your orange cat, a high-pitched goodbye. he would be somewhere in the house, but he didn't really care much about you leaving. you opened the door, briefly glancing back into your house, vaguely checking the mental checklist you had made the night before. you decided that if you had forgotten something, it wasn't important anyway because if it were, you would have remembered it by now.
you locked the door of your house and smiled as you saw dina holding onto jesse while leaning halfway out of the passenger window to greet you.
"y/n! over here!" shouted the black-haired girl as you stored the key in your messy bag on your shoulder. "please stop," sighed jesse with exasperation, watching his brown jacket crinkle from how tightly dina was gripping it.
amid laughter, you entered the car and sat in the back seat, placing your bag beside you. you looked at your friends and then leaned forward to form a three-way hug. "wow, looking pretty today," dina smiled, admiring your white dress. jesse lovingly took a strand of your hair and observed, "i've always wondered how you girls use heat styling tools on your hair, yet it never smells burnt."
dina and you exchanged glances before bursting into laughter at jesse's concentrated expression while analyzing your hair. you rested your head back on the seat and watched jesse start the car with his key. you had always loved that things were uncomplicated with them—they knew each other so well that sometimes not a single word needed to be spoken to feel comfortable.
after about 5 minutes of driving and heading towards the school, dina connected music to the stereo and settled in her seat to look at both of you. "are you excited to see who your travel partner will be?" dina asked, looking specifically at you. you sighed and glanced at your dress again. "i wish I could say no, but i spent all night thinking about what to wear today and what people will think of me," you admitted. "whoever you're paired with, i'm sure you'll get along well, unlike us, you're kind and fun," jesse said with what you called his "older brother aura." "you guys are fun... sometimes," you said, looking at them with a smirk. "thanks, and if you're both interested, on friday, as i was coming back from the bathroom to go home, i overheard the teachers talking about the pairs being of the same gender to avoid the things we couples do in the forest when we're alone," dina looked at you, and you returned her knowing gaze. "maybe you can find a beautiful girlfriend, y/n." jesse looked at you through the rearview mirror and smiled, "you read my mind, sir." dina looked at you accusingly again, and you laughed at their insistent looks focused on you. "to be honest, i would like to meet someone here, a girl. It sounds romantic."
"imagine it until it becomes real" dina said, winking at you and leaning back in her seat. she looked at the stereo with a smile on her face. "i love this song" she said as she dramatically raised the volume knob to "circles" by post malone. unexpectedly, jesse started singing the song in a comically off-key manner, and you burst into laughter, joining in with loud and off-key singing. you truly loved them.
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after about 15 minutes of driving, you arrived at the school. the sidewalk was painfully crowded with people, but you could hardly recognize anyone from your class or the hallways. jesse parked the car a couple of blocks ahead, knowing how difficult it would be to get back to the car once everyone dispersed. you helped them unload their belongings and slung your small white backpack back onto your shoulder. that's when you realized it might have been a mistake to pack so few things in such a small bag. everyone else had large backpacks and even more belongings in huge tote bags. you sighed. what was the point of carrying so many things anyway? your teachers had made it clear that everything you would need for the trip, such as food, water, or even warm clothing if necessary, would be provided by the school and the guides.
you snapped back to reality, coming out of your thoughts as you walked behind your friends back to the school, trying to smooth out your dress with your hands. once you reached the school, you had a better view of what others were wearing, and you felt relieved to see several girls wearing skirts and dresses even shorter than yours, which reached just above your knees. however, it was slightly longer at the back, not long enough to touch your ankles or the top of your white converse sneakers anyway
you had to wait for about 15 minutes before the teachers decided to group them by schools into two separate groups. you watched as even more people arrived than when you had first glanced from jesse's car. you rested your head on dina's shoulder while a middle-aged man who introduced himself as mr. emery explained the first game of the day, this time to find their excursion partners. you caught some parts of his speech as you were somewhat far from the teachers, and the students seemed unable to stop talking for a second, including dina, who already seemed to have made friends with a short, blonde-haired girl. when mr. emery finished speaking, you quickly approached jesse.
"what did he say?" you asked urgently, your expression desperate to understand what had been said amidst the hurried movements and conversations of everyone present in the courtyard. he chuckled slightly at your desperate expression and the sight of the bustling crowd. "he said they're going to write a number assigned to each of us on our hand, and we have to find our partner in the crowd because the partner will have the same number" jesse replied. "that's ridiculous, it's only going to cause more chaos," dina chimed in, magically appearing behind your back. "dina! you scared the shit out of me!" you whispered, looking at your friend who smirked, before you could continue complaining about how terrifying it was to interact with people, your math teacher approached jesse and grabbed his fist, writing a medium-sized thirteen on the back of his hand and then left without saying a word. "obviously, i'm going to have great luck with my partner today" jesse joked, showing dina and you his number. dina laughed, and you smiled. "are you kidding me? it's number thirteen! taylor swift's number! i'm really jealous of you right now!" jesse let out a small laugh with adoration towards you and ruffled your hair slightly before going to the group from the neighboring school to assume, to look for his partner.
dina and you exchanged smiles, and a middle-aged man with gray hair and dark circles under his eyes called you by your last name, and you handed him your hand, indicating that it was you, seeing the permanent marker on his hand. he gave you a smile and, after checking a small grid on a sheet of paper, wrote a "27" on your hand, the same size as jesse's. you brought your hand closer to you and smiled at him. "wow, you're my daughter's partner" he smiled shyly, and you looked at him more closely, remembering his face in case his daughter physically resembled him. "she's a rather reserved girl, but I think you'll get along well" he said. "i hope so" you replied kindly, not having much else to say. He smiled at you and left. "getting to know the father-in-law?" dina startled you again, magically appearing behind you. you rolled your eyes. "you're unbearable" you said, laughing, and did the typical military salute that you knew she hated before going to look for your famous partner.
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well... agonizing 15 minutes had passed (although if you were asked, you would swear it had been 30) looking for your partner. you had seen the hands of dozens of girls, but none seemed to have a 27 on the back of their hand. you were about to give up and approach a teacher to see if it was some sort of mistake on their part, considering that there were very few people left in the courtyard as most had already found their partners and boarded the bus. just when you were about to go talk to your math teacher, you saw a girl with auburn hair and a blue and white shirt leaning against one of the bus walls, you noticed that you hadn't seen her before in the crowd, and honestly, you had nothing to lose by trying one last time. any sense of embarrassment had vanished after talking to the tenth person who seemed to have your number, but in reality, it wasn't the right one. besides, this girl was really attractive and seemed kind, shy but friendly.
you approached her, who, despite having you in front of her, didn't pay much attention to you. you took advantage of that moment to look at her closely. she had a perfect profile with eyebrows that framed her face perfectly, a beautiful upturned nose, medium but full lips that seemed dry, and admirable green orbs that appeared like tourmalines of the same color in the light. only when you snapped out of your trance of admiring her did you realize that her eyes were fixed on you with an arched eyebrow, seeing that you had stayed still, lost in her appearance.
you cleared your throat before speaking to her, ignoring the warmth you felt rising in your cheeks and how flushed you must have been. oh my god. she was just a girl. why were you reacting like this? "could I see your number? i'm really looking for my partner, and i think you're the only one i haven't asked" you offered a smile as you spoke, and she just looked into your eyes with an expression you couldn't decipher. you expected some verbal response, but she only raised her fist slightly, and you had to gather courage for the next step: delicately took her hand and noticed a brief shiver from the girl as you touched her skin with the tips of your fingers. not wanting to make her uncomfortable, you carefully turned her hand and finally found the number 27 written on it.
you released her fist and with a smile, showed her your left hand where the same number was written. "we're partners" you smiled and adjusted your bag on your shoulder. "cool." you let pass what you suspected was a hint of sarcasm in her voice. nah, she didn't seem like that kind of person. "you have no idea how much i was looking for you, asked almost everyone" you said with excitement in your voice. She smiled slightly, noticing the emotion in your voice. "mind if we get on the bus?" you added a questioning tone at the end so that she would tell you her name. "ellie" she responded with a hint of a smile on her lips. "ellie, ah, wonderful!" you smiled back at her and were startled by the loud honk of the bus ahead. In a panic of being left behind, you grabbed ellie's hand, where her number was written, and joined it with yours, gently pulling her along as you started running towards the bus with her behind you.
you both boarded the bus, and you let go of her hand when the driver closed the door behind the two of you. you told your last name to the guide sitting in the front seat, moved forward to find an empty seat for both of you, and found one a little further ahead. you turned back and caught the last name ellie whispered to the woman, "williams, ellie williams, that's a nice name" you thought to yourself once you sat in the bus seat. you gestured to your companion with your head for her to sit next to you, and fortunately, she did.
before you could start a conversation, mr. emery stood up and began explaining the agenda for the day in the forest. Seeing that ellie was paying attention to what he was saying, you diverted your eyes from her to finally listen to an authority figure. "guys, you have to listen to me. we don't want to make this any longer for you. the proposal for today is a race" said the authority. Immediately, all the teenagers on the bus let out an "ohh" of disappointment, which was exactly what you thought too. had they been planning this for so long just for a long physical education class in the forest for five hours? you sighed and looked back at mr. emery, who was gesturing for everyone to let him continue with the explanation.
"i know what you're thinking, and don't worry, it's not what you kids believe. the race will consist of 3 stages of riddles, which will be explained better when you get there, but to give you an example, the first one will be to find three hidden symbols in different trees scattered in a section of the forest. once the duo has all the symbols noted down, they can move on to the next stage, which will also be a riddle." this time the reactions were mixed; you noticed some excited faces as well as some girls rolling their eyes and talking to their friends. on the other hand, ellie seemed interested in what had been told, even excited, you could say. you smiled as you observed her trying to hide her smile by pressing her lips together.
"i need you to listen to one last thing," mr. emery said, raising his hand and showing a purple ribbon. "this is the race boundary. you can't go beyond where this ribbon is located. it's a dangerous place, with traps for bears, big bears, wolves, and foxes. if you happen to encounter any of those and there's no teacher nearby, it's a BAD sign. you'll end up devoured by an animal and dead." you guessed the last part was sarcasm, although it didn't sound like it.
you paled at the mention of bears and traps so close to where you would be, until a voice snapped you out of your trance. "you don't actually think there are bears there, do you, pretty girl?" ellie said, looking at you with a sideways smile that disappeared when she realized you were genuinely scared. "hey, don't worry, there are no bears. he only says that to scare us and prevent us from crossing the boundaries." as she spoke, she placed a hand on your knee and gently moved it in circles. you smiled and placed your hand on top of hers, both "27" on top of each other. but before you could respond, your annoying classmates started playing horrible music at full volume and screaming while playing stupid games only they could understand. "oh, fuck me" you sighed heavily, looking at the white ceiling of the bus.
ellie, who had been looking back at your classmates, turned her gaze to you. "are they always like this?" she asked incredulously. "always" you replied, feeling somewhat embarrassed. ellie stood up to remove her (now that you could see it clearly) huge backpack from her lap and placed it under the seat. you took the opportunity to take out your earphones and phone from your bag, revealing a picture of rufus asleep on a book on your lock screen. ellie sat back down next to you, spreading her legs as you connected your earphones. you searched for the playlist you usually used to travel with jesse and dina (which was mainly taylor swift) and pressed shuffle. then you offered one of your headphones to ellie, who accepted with a smile, moving a little closer to you. In that moment, you thanked rufus, who had broken your airpods a week ago, leaving you with your wired headphones.
after about 10 minutes of the journey, you relaxed as ellie seemed to enjoy your music. you noticed her nodding her head to the rhythm, and you smiled. you wanted to rest your head on the bus window since you were extremely tired from waking up so early and staring at your reflection for so long. but just as you were about to close your eyes and finally get some rest, your classmates, of course, chose that moment to slam your window shut forcefully, startling you as you quickly lifted your head in alarm, while they burst into laughter, high-fiving each other. you sighed, trying not to look at them or ellie, feeling humiliated by the knowledge that they wouldn't take you seriously anyway. however, ellie seemed to have a different idea about how to act.
"hey! what the fuck is your problem with her?!" ellie stood up abruptly, slamming her hands firmly on the back of your seat. fortunately, not many people noticed what was happening amidst the loud music and shouts on the bus. ellie exchanged some harsh words with them, which you couldn't hear, and one of the guys stood up, touched your back, and apologized with his head down. you nodded slightly and turned to play the song again.
"sorry about that" ellie said, sitting back down beside you. "they're just a bunch of idiots. ond't let them get to you." you managed to smile gratefully at her before continuing your sentence.
"i'm glad you stood up for me. not many people do."
"well, I don't tolerate assholes" ellie replied with a hint of determination in her voice. "besides, we're going to have a great time on this race, and I won't let anyone ruin it for us."
her words brought a genuine smile to your face. perhaps this race wouldn't turn out to be so bad after all, especially with ellie by your side. as you leaned back in your seat, finally finding some peace, you silently thanked rufus again for breaking your airpods and bringing ellie into your life.
you offered ellie the headphone again, and she gently took it, her fingertips brushing against yours as she put it on. "do you want me to change the music?" you offered as you were about to turn off your phone screen to try and get some sleep. she shook her head. "i've never heard this music before, but it's pleasant. it goes well with the journey." you nodded with a smile. she couldn't possibly be real. She was so nice and attractive, and she called you "pretty girl"?! You blushed, replaying those words in your mind with her voice, and decided to strike up a conversation.
"so... is that your cat on your wallpaper?" you were surprised to see that she had initiated the conversation between the two of you. you quickly glanced at your phone, looking at the photo of rufus peacefully asleep on top of a stack of books. "yes, my cat. his name is rufus. my mom brought him home during christmas. he was tiny and on the streets. he's the devil incarnate in an orange cat. do you have any pets?" instantly, you wanted to cover your mouth for talking too much, fearing that you had overwhelmed ellie with information. but as if she had read your mind, she spoke up. "he looks adorable. and no, i don't have any pets. i'd love to have a cat. i really like them, even though they don't seem to like me."
"you get used to it. i don't think rufus thinks i'm cool anyway" you replied. "you look cool though, i mean, you seem nice. you had the courage to come and talk to me" she said with admiration. you looked at her with adoration, wishing you could talk to dina right now. how did you develop a crush so quickly on someone you had just met? "did you see me talking to all the girls to see if they had the number 27?" you blushed, remembering the embarrassment you had experienced approaching everyone to check. "i did! you looked really cute. you even made me feel sorry for you, so i approached stealthily. it was all planned" she laughed, her comment making you laugh as well. your cheeks were still flushed, but this time not from embarrassment, but from the girl in front of you, unabashedly flirting. "i'm glad you're my partner. i think we'll have a fun afternoon." "so be it," eillie opened her hand for a high-five, and you gladly obliged.
"can i ask you a question?" ellie inquired. "anything." "this may sound strange, but what's your name?" you paled, realizing that you had spent all that time with her without even telling her your name. you had held her hand and lent her your music, but you didn't even have the decency to introduce yourself. you stuttered for a few seconds before telling her your name and apologizing for forgetting to do so earlier. "y/n," ellie said your name aloud, as if testing it on her lips. "that's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." all the color that had disappeared from your face came rushing back in an even stronger blush. "stop it! you're turning me into a tomato if you keep making me blush." "you look really pretty like that, that's why i do it." finally, you rested your elbows on your lap and hid your face in your hands. a cute and kind girl saying all those things to you? you were truly weak. you heard ellie laugh behind you and looked at her, pretending to be annoyed. "come on, lift your head, love. we have a long day ahead." 'it's obvious,' you thought as you observed her face full of freckles. once you composed yourself, you put your headphone back on and finally gathered the courage to rest your head on ellie's shoulder to sleep. you felt a smile forming on her face, and after a few seconds, she rested her head on yours and placed her hand back on your knee
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you woke up to the sound of excessively loud chatter. you opened your eyes, adjusting to the light, and realized where your head was. you slowly lifted your head and saw ellie's profile, still in the same position as when you fell asleep, but this time looking towards the bus exit, possibly waiting for everyone to fully disembark. before speaking to her, you noticed a somewhat red mark and distinct lines on the lower part of her cheek. you pondered for a few seconds what it could be and smiled when you realized it was the mark left by your hair when she rested her head on yours. you assumed that she had also fallen asleep in the same position you remembered, and your heart filled with joy at how quickly she had become comfortable with you.
before ellie realized that you had been staring at her profile, you touched her shoulder and with a smile asked if it was okay to get off now. she nodded and helped you pick up your earphones that had fallen to the floor during the journey. she grabbed her backpack and put it on her shoulder, starting to walk towards the bus door. you followed her while closing your backpack, and when you reached the stairs to descend, you noticed that slowly all the students were gathering around the teachers who were starting to organize themselves to give instructions. you looked back at the stairs and saw ellie standing on the grass, extending a hand to help you down. you took her hand and took the opportunity to get a better look at her forearm tattoo. though it seemed unfinished, it was undeniably beautiful. you wondered if she had drawn the design herself and decided to ask her later. as you approached the teachers, you thought ellie would let go of your hand, but she didn't. she continued to hold it gently as she guided you to a closer spot near the teachers to listen to the instructions.
once again, you got lost in your partner's appearance and missed the explanation. she seemed to realize the reason when you asked her to repeat what your teachers had said, and she blushed slightly. "they said there are more than 10 symbols carved into various trees in the area, and they want us to implement technology or something like that. so, when we move on to the next stage, we need to show them the photos we've taken of the symbols on the trees. we should have at least three to complete this part." as ellie narrated, you nodded slowly, trying not to get lost in her beautiful green eyes again. "understood. anything else?" ellie nodded her head. "to make sure we don't use the same photos as our classmates, we need to make it clear that the photo is ours. like having ourselves in the photo or using our hand to show the assigned number." you nodded again, and this time it was your turn to hold her hand and lead her to the starting point of the race.
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sofasoap · 2 years
Fate, brought us together again.
Pairing: König x  f!Reader ( OC aka Mini MacTavish )
Summary: Few weeks after Interlude: Here comes the insertion specialist. Reunite with König, again, under very undesirable circumstances. Inspired by the piccadilly circus mission.
Warning: Mature theme, sexual theme. TRIGGER WARNING: gun violence,blood and gore and death.  English isn’t my first language.
A/N : Character of Mini MacTavish is from @saltofmercury fic “ “The Favorite MacTavish” ” which she graciously let me borrow and write bit more expanded universe. Please go read her wonderful story to get bit of background.
 “masterlist” for more stories to this Mini MacTavish expanded verse.
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Smoke, Ashes, Sirens sound everywhere. Dazed and confused, you slowly got up from the ground. You hear people screaming, sound of gunshots being fired. Alerted, you quickly got up and ran towards the nearest obstacle for cover, that's when you notice two little kids sobbing and shaking a body of a woman lying unconscious. Looking left and right, you dash towards them.
You quickly check for any vital signs of the woman, luckily you can feel a faint pulse, and shallow breathing sound. You let out a sigh of relief. Better not move her at all until the EMS arrives. You took off the jacket and lay it on the woman, keeping her warm.
Turning your attention the two children, you ask, "Shh.. shh.. it's ok darling. Is this your mummy?" They nodded. "Are you two hurt?" One of them shook their head, the other replied you with trembling voice, " My arm hurts..", and you notice the child's arm was bleeding from a big gush. Digging through your bag, you found the little wooden teddy bear König had gave you. Passing to the injured child, you ask them to hold it, trying to distract their attention while you try to bandage them up as best you can. As you carefully wipe the gush wound with the alcohol wipe you had in your bag, the child flinches a little, biting their lower lip a little trying very hard not to cry again.
" Good job.. I am sorry it's stings... it's killing all the bad germs so you can heal better." The child nods. Suddenly another loud bang startled three of you. More gunshot sounds, you can hear it's coming closer and closer. Quickly shielding the two children behind you, you saw someone with Ak-47 approaching from behind the turned over bus few meters away. You immediately grab the two children and run towards the wall, but it was too late, the gunner spotted you and shot you right in the leg. Falling onto the ground, you let out a cry of agony. From the corner of eyes, you see the gunman walking towards you, shouting in a language you don't understand. Raising his gun, the two children tremble in fear, you turn around and use yourself as a body shield, waiting for the bullet to hit you. But the death never came. Unknown to the gunman, a figure appeared behind him, grabbing his head and slashing his throat in one fluid motion. Turning your head, you see a tall hooded figure, with piercing feral eye staring at you. You gasped. König.
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König wish he could fly back to Austria, back to his Opa and Oma's cottage , high up in the mountain, and never be seen again. He had no idea what happened later that night at the pub. The last thing he remember was Horangi jabbing him with his elbow, teasing him about the girl he is waving to across the room. He took a sip of the coke after that, which had a odd sweet taste to it, and as if someone switch off the tv, everything just blackout afterwards. It's not until the next day, when he woke up with huge headache, he crawled out from the SAS's guest quarter, dragging himself towards the mess hall in search for water and breakfast. He was met with looks walking down the corridor. König is familiar with people giving him " the look " throughout his life due to his massive stature, but this feels different. Some of the women ( and even some of the men too ) was eyeing him up and down with admiration or even.... suggestive looks??? Doing his best to ignore them, he enter the mess hall and walk towards the buffet Picking up water and coffee, and bit of scramble egg ( he think that is all he can stomach at moment with this dreadful hangover ), he saw Horangi waving him over to sit by the corner table. "Hey big boy, how you feeling?" ".. I need some pain killers. Huge headache." Is all he manage to squeeze out. " Well, I apologise for that. I forgot you don't drink alcohol at all...but! You have now few admirers in this camp!" König shot Horangi a look, " I shouldn't have ask you to get the drink for me... What did I do? what do you mean I got admirers?" Pulling his mask down a little, he started sipping coffee slowly. The warm beverage eases bit of the queasiness in his stomach. " You mean you don't remember?" " No. I told you before I can't take any alcohol at all. It makes me black out." " OHhhh.. So remember the girl you were waving to earlier that night? You made a move on her. " König eyes was bulging out." you were suggesting to her you were very good at ramming people with your .. um.. greatest asset." König spit his coffee out. Suddenly he heard plates slammed on the table. He can see Ghost and Soap looking at his way from two table down. If their eyes are weapon, they are currently shooting him with death rays. The kept their eyes on him while stabbing into sausage with full force, rattling the table. König never finish his meal so fast in his life. You kept texting him, as if nothing had happened. Guessing its a good thing? You are still willing to talk to him despite the embarrassing incident. But he just couldn't bring himself to reply. Not until few weeks later, Kortac headquarter received news on possible terrorist threat in London and then SAS and MI6 has requested assistance. He thought it's a good chance for him to see you face to face, and apologise for what he did. He never realise he will meet you again amongst the chaos and death.
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When they arrive on scene Piccadilly Circus, the terrorists had already started their rampage. The team split up in twos and goes around trying to clear out any threats while the SAS team and police continue to scout around for other possible explosives that hasn't been set off. He heard a gunshot, coming from behind the turned over bus, an anguish cry of a woman, follow by someone yelling in some foreign languages. He signed to Horangi, motion him to hold his position. He slowly approach towards the sound of the gunshot, trying not to be discovered, he saw men raising his AK-47 aiming towards a woman that is doing her best shielding two small children in her arm.
Split second he made the decision of unsheathe his knife, dash towards the gunman, pulling his neck back and cut his throat in one swift motion. The gunman dropped onto the floor, blood spraying out and eye turned upward. Turning his attention to the three trembling figure, the woman turned her head and look up to him, eyes wide with recognition. "... K... König ??? " It was you. He forgot you never seen him with his full sniper hood on before. Horangi appeared from the other side, nodding to him, standing guard. Wiping his knife before sheathing it back into the pouch, König slowly approaches you and kneeled down.
" It's me Liebling, are you Ok?" You let out a shaky breath and shook your head. " he shot me in the calf.. I can't walk." König nodded. " Requesting for medical assistant here ASAP. Three civilians require assistance." " Thank you for saving us.. " small smile appeared on your face. " For the second time.. " König shook his head. " Don't mention it." he look at the two children, who is looking at him with apprehension. He tenses up. The children reminds him of the Urzik hostages, who was unwilling to listen to him due to his appearance. You nudge the younger children, " It's Ok, he is the good guy." Pointing to the wooden teddy bear they still hold in their hand, " He made that teddy bear, for me." The kid open his eye wide with amazement. How can someone so big made something so small??? " The Medics should be coming soon." You can see few people rushing towards your direction with stretcher and medical supplies. "You should be safe now, these people will get you to safety and get you treated." He was about to stand, you grabbed his arm.
" Wait!" He look down at you, eyes full of question. " Am I going to see you later?" "... I will come and find you." His eyes soften a little, before turning his attention elsewhere again, back into full soldier mode.
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He later found you amongst the heap of ambulances and injured, you were sitting on a stretcher, with the two children who he saw before with you on the other stretcher and with woman lying there. You were talking to the children, trying to distract them. " Mini." he called out to you. You turned your visibly pale face towards him. Despite the tiredness you shot him a beaming smile. " König!" He stride forward and stood by your side. " You ok?" You enquired.
Nodding his head, he look at your leg. " They will have to get me to the hospital soon to retrieve the bullet. But in the meantime, I will survive. At least my pain has lessened with the drug they are giving me. " You sighed.
He tentatively reach his gloved hand towards your face, cupping it gently. You close your eyes and lean into his touch.
"I was so scared. I thought that was the end. I kept thinking in my mind , I had to protect those innocent kids." You chuckled bitterly. " You know what flash through my mind the last second? Oh I had to apologise to König that I gave his little teddy bear away.." "Don't worry about it Liebling.. I'll make you another one." He was proud of you but same time his heart ached, what if he didn't spot the gunman sooner? What if he didn't reach you in time? The thought drove him to darker places.
" You keep calling me Liebling. what does it mean? " " ... It.. It.. It means.. It means darling...." König look down onto the floor and stammered. You open your eyes again, face red. Reach up with both of your hand, pull him down slightly by his sniper hood. Forehead bumping together, you look him into his eyes. Oh god, how much you love looking at his blue eyes, behind his piercing look, you can see a soft man in it, waiting to be hugged, to be loved. "Well, Liebling." He love the sound of you speaking his language. "Do you want to take me out for dinner? A proper date?" You can see his eyes open bit wider. You place a kiss on his cheek through the hood, and whispered into his ear : " And MAYBE you can show me later how good you are at... RAMMING into people. My big teddy bear."
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vioartemis · 2 years
Close your eyes and trust me
(Max Mayfield x fem reader)
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Summary: One day, the party find you in the woods, fighting for your life. When you wake up, you meet a beautiful redhead that catch your attention... || request here Warnings: none a/n: Wow it took me so long I'm sorry really TvT (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Living alone was hard when you didn't know much about the world. That was not a choice though, you didn't want to be alone, really.
Since you escaped the lab, you lived with an old lady that found you in the woods and brought you home with her. She treated you as if you were part of her family. She even gave you a name: Y/n.
That sounded better than Twelve, and was more normal. She also taught you how to read and write, and helped you improve your social (talking) skills.
But she passed away 3 weeks ago.
You had to call anonymously whoever you were supposed to call so she could have proper funerals, to which you were the only one to attend as she had no family left.
Since then you were on your own, trying to buy "good food", as you called it, with the money she left for you. You now lived in a little cabin close to her house.
Until that night.
You were disturbed by weird noises not far away from the cabin. You had a bad feeling about that, but you still went out to check.
The party was on the track of what they thought was a demodog. The track led them into the forest.
"Are we even sure it was a demodog?" Max asked
"No, that's why we're here. To kill it if it's one, and.. not kill it if it's not one" Dustin replied
They were walking for more than an hour when they heard fight noises. They ran in that direction, only to find a h/c girl, you, fighting the demodog.
Growing up in the lab gave you abilities similar to El's, thanks to which you managed to kill the creature without being hurt too much.
Th fight was still exhausting. You weren't used to use your powers that much, and it was visible; your nose and your ears were bleeding, and it didn't take long until you faint.
You woke up in a room that wasn't yours, still exhausted because of your fight with the demodog. You propped yourself onto your elbows, looking around, until your eyes fell on a redhead girl sitting beside you.
She was reading a magazine (or something like that). She looked up, probably alerted by your movements, and planted her gaze into yours.
She was so pretty.. stunning, actually. Her blue eyes, her freckles, her red hair... She was the prettiest human being you had ever seen.
Not that you had seen many, but you were sure she was prettier than every other girl on this planet.
You stared at each other for a little time without a word being said, until someone opened the door.
"Okay you can rest, it's my turn to watch her.. I even babysit strangers now, great.."
The boy stopped when he saw you were up.
"She's up? Why didn't you say anything??"
"I- I just- I don't know.."
Her voice was amazing.
"Where am I?" you asked
"Oh uh.. let me just-" he exited the room and came back with a brunette "She'll explain better than us"
He then gestured to the redhead to follow him out of the room, which she did after one more look in your direction.
The brunette sat beside you on the bed.
"Hi" she said
".. Do I know you?"
She had something familiar, but you couldn't figure out what.
She rolled up one of her sleeves to show you something on her wrist: a 011 tattoo. Now that you saw it, you started to remember her.
"Oh.." you said, not knowing if she was with Papa or not
"We don't want to hurt you Twelve-"
"I go by Y/n now. Are you with Papa? If you think I'm going to come back-"
"We're not with him. Quite the contrary actually. You can trust us.."
With that, she explained to you everything that happened to her and the party lately, before asking you your own story since you escaped.
The two of you talked for one more hour, until you finally asked the question.
"Who was the other girl?"
"Max? She's a friend"
" A friend..?"
"Someone you can trust"
"Like... you and I?"
She nodded with a smile.
"You have other friends?"
"Let me introduce them to you"
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A month or two had passed since you met Max, and your feelings toward her were confusing and confused. You didn't understand why you didn't feel the same way around her and around others, so you decided to ask Joyce, with who you lived since the party found you, as no one else had room for you.
"Can I talk to you about something..?"
"Of course!"
"It's about Max.."
"Did something happened? Did you have a fight?"
"No no! I- it's just that- I don't understand why I feel weird around her.."
"Yeah.. I overthink everything I say or do, my heart beats faster, my stomach feels weird.." you explained
Her lips turned into a big smile.
"What? Why are you smiling like that?"
"Y/n, dear, you're in love with her" she told you
"In love..?"
When you really really like someone, more than a friend. Someone with whom you can picture yourself in the future, for example"
"Like... you and Hopper?"
"U-uh... let's say like El and Mike"
"And um... H-how do I know if she feels the same..?"
"Confess to her, tell her how you feel. Maybe invite her to do something, only the two of you. And tell her"
"I'm going to do that, yeah! Thank you!"
You quickly pulled her into a hug before going out to find Max, who was at the skatepark.
"Y/n, hey! What are you doing here? Finally ready to try a skateboard?" she joked, a bright smile on her face
You felt you heart missing a beat. Her smile was so pretty and she was so beautiful...
"I- uh- I found a great spot to um.. watch the stars.. Do you.. do you want to go there with me one day..?"
"Yeah sure! Would tonight be okay?"
"Y-yeah of course!"
"Cool" her smile got wider "Let's meet around 10 at the edge of the woods?"
"Okay, see you tonight then!"
"Can't wait to be there" she said, before going back to skating with a smile.
You stood there a little while. You were a blushing mess.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
You were waiting at the spot you were supposed to meet Max, all stressed out. It didn't take her long to arrive though. Her smile made your cheeks redden a bit.
After greeting her, you started to walk toward your secret spot, when she took your hand in hers. I got you all flustered. Her hand was warm. It was somewhat comforting and nice.
"Is this like... a date?" she suddenly asked
"A.. date?"
"It's- uh.. when you go out with someone you really like.. in a more-than-friends way"
"Oh.. then yeah, it's like a date!"
You smiled softly, even though you weren't sure to fully understand what it meant.
"So.. you really like me?" the redhead asked
"Well- yes"
"Cool.. because I really like you too.. since day one. I- it might be cheesy and all but- the moment I laid my eyes on you I felt something.. something good of course! What I'm trying to say is... I'm in love with you, Y/n"
You were new to that concept, but according to what Joyce told you earlier, you felt the same way.
"I- I don't totally understand feelings and all but.. but I think I am in love with you too.. I- you make me feel things I don't feel for others.."
Thanks to the pale light of the moon, you would see her blush at your words. She seemed happy to hear you say that; her smile was brighter than before, and she squeezed your hand softly.
"Can I- can I kiss you..?" then, seeing you slightly confused expression "It's something that you do with your lover, to show affection in a special way"
You nodded, as she stopped walking, turning around to face you.
"Close your eyes and trust me" she said, almost in a whisper
You did as she told you, your heart pounding in your chest in anticipation. When her lips finally met yours, it just felt so right, making butterflies grow in your stomach, fireworks in your head, and heart beating faster than ever.
When she pulled away, you could see her eyes sparkling.
"Can you do that again..?"
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ggukkiedae · 10 months
🔴 yoonmiya started their live: it’s my birthday… 
BTS • 2023.12.13. 20:30
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dialogue and comments in italics are in english
the weverse live starts with yoonmi setting it up and sitting back, letting her dog dipper rest his head on her lap, soft music playing in the background
she’s quietly watching the number of viewers for the first minute before she speaks
“hi everyone! hi, i thought i’d come on live for a bit to celebrate my birthday with you. i won’t be live for so long due to personal circumstances, if that’s okay with you”
she opens up her personal phone to look through the comments
some time is spent with her greeting in the different languages she saw in the comments
yoonmi! how are you feeling?
“not too bad, actually. i’m a little bit sad, but i’m okay. i’ll be okay”
are you celebrating somehow?
she smiled softly at this question
“i had breakfast with the tannie oppas two days ago. all of them. they brought out a cake for me and gave me gifts, and we sang happy birthday to all three december celebrants. you’ll never believe this, or maybe you will, but jiminie oppa bought me a kitten!”
she reaches down out of view of the camera and comes back up with a small scottish fold kitten in one hand, gently supported by her other hand
“guys, this is rajah, my new friend. dipper loves her, don’t you, boy?”
the big dog lifted his head, sniffing rajah until rajah booped his nose with her paw
dipper snorted and licked rajah once before putting his head back on yoonmi’s lap
yoonmi placed rajah on dippers head, keeping a hand there to secure her, and read through comments
rajah is so cute!!
dipper and rajah!!
are you going to be in the music bank global festival? Or aaa?
“i’m not, sorry guys. i’m taking a small unofficial break for a bit. i already filmed a few things for 2024, so look forward to that, especially if you’ll be missing a certain golden maknae”
a small bark came from the side, so she looked off camera and laughed before putting rajah back where she came from
“nala actually likes sleeping beside rajah. i think she just likes the fact that she isn’t the smallest fur baby anymore”
do you have anything else planned for your birthday?
“not really…”
she tilted her head in thought before scrolling through her phone
“all my friends and my siblings are pretty busy, but i don’t mind. i like that it isn’t so hectic for me right now”
she shifts slightly, adjusting dipper to reach for something on the table next to her
“i have this little cake, though! yoongi oppa had it delivered to me earlier today”
you looked so good during mma and mama! congratulations!
she flushes a little, laughing to shake off her embarrassment
“thank you, and i wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you guys. i promise i’ll continue to extra work hard for you and the oppas until they come back and we’re together again”
have you been keeping in touch with hannah, seri, and ari?
“of course”
she laughed a little bit
“that group chat is the one that woke me up with all the buzzing. there were endless birthday greetings”
she smirks a little bit before leaning close to the camera like she was telling a secret
“i went to the last days of both the nct nation concert in seoul and the sweet mirage finale shows, and i’ll be there for the last fate tour seoul stop in february. are you guys jealous?”
i think it’s sweet how you were there for all the enlistments
were you with the boys when they shaved their heads?
“i was with every one of them, i promised them i wouldn’t miss any of it”
her hand reached up, tugging lightly on the ends of her hair
dipper looked up from her lap, nuzzling his snout into her hand, so she moved to pet him instead
you’re makeup is pretty!!!
did you come from a schedule?
“i did my makeup for fun today, no schedules”
she thought for a little bit, glancing to the side then back to the live
“i was in the company for a bit a while ago, but it was more of cleaning than working, making sure nothing’s dusty, you know?”
she laughed a little bit while scrolling through the comments
how about you play the happy birthday song?
she just shook her head
“no, i think i’m good”
mark better have sent something good to you
she actually laughed the hardest so far with this comment
“he was on facetime with me until i fell asleep last night… when i woke up, he was scolding hannah unnie for messaging me too much”
she picked up a dior paper bag from the table next to her 
“he also sent me all this makeup! it’s like he has intuition because i’ve been running low on my lip glow oil, the face palette, and my blush. not to mention the flowers and the bracelet”
she places the paper bag down and leans forward to show off the silver bracelet around her wrist
you look tired are you okay?
“i’m fine, i promise”
she nodded and pressed her lips into a tight smile
“it’s just been an emotional few days, but don’t worry about me! i think i can cope for the next six or seven months”
she leaned back a bit, giving reassuring nods before a short silence took over until she was zoning out and staring at nothing
“yeah, i think i can do it”
she looked back to the live and smiled
“i think it’s time for me to go, now. next time i go live, i’ll spend longer with you guys, don’t worry!”
she leaned forward, lifting dipper’s face to be visible on screen
“this is good night from me and dipper! thanks for celebrating my birthday with me, army. love you lots, take care of yourselves, and thank you for charting spring day queen!”
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 5 Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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I suddenly found myself in an unfamiliar place.
(Where the hell am I?)
(Or rather, what was I doing?)
Not knowing where I was, I looked around, but all I could see was a blank, white world.
(I wonder if I can get there if I keep going straight.)
(Hm? But where am I going, and who am I?)
Someone's voice: "...up..."
???: "Huh?"
Someone's voice: "Wake up, Mai."
Mai: "----!"
I suddenly woke up, and the bright morning light flashed into my eyes.
(Wow, it's so bright.)
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Kicho: "You're finally awake."
Mai: "Kicho? Where the hell am I?"
Kicho: "Are you still dreaming? We're in a room at the inn."
Mai: "Oh, right."
(We stayed here last night.)
He was already dressed, and although he had a few dark circles under his eyes, his complexion was back to normal.
(I guess he recovered from the fatigue after a night's rest. Thank goodness.)
As I patted my chest in relief, he walked straight to the door.
Kicho: “I’m gonna go check on the horses. When you’re ready, come outside.”
Mai: “Okay.”
He left the room without me.
(I feel like I had a strange dream.)
(I don’t remember much, but I feel a little refreshed somehow.)
As I got up from the futon, I looked out the window and saw that the rain had already stopped, and a pleasant breeze gently caressed my cheeks as if to announce the start of a new day.
(Alrighty, let’s work hard again today!)
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Mai: “Let’s see, I think it’s this way.”
Kicho: “............”
Mai: “Oh, wait. I think it's the other way around.”
Kicho: “Wait, Mai.”
I looked up from the map when he suddenly stopped and sighed at me.
Mai: “Did I read it wrong again?”
Kicho: “No, you’re making a more serious mistake than that. It’s upside down.”
Mai: “What? Ah!”
(I was so busy figuring out where we were that I didn’t notice it at all.)
Kicho: “You insisted on learning to read a map, so I taught you, but I guess I let you practice too soon.”
Mai: “Sorry. I was just too excited.”
Mai: “I think it’s better if I follow you for now.”
As I returned the map I borrowed, I pointed to something that had suddenly caught my eye.
Mai: "By the way, what are these circles?"
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Kicho: "Caves. We should avoid them."
Mai: "Huh? But it looks like a shortcut."
Kicho: “………….”
Kicho: “It’s dark in there, and the footing is bad anyway. There’s also a chance that some bandits are using it as a hideout.”
Kicho: "Just to be on the safe side, we should avoid it."
Mai: "I see. You're right."
(What's that pause just now?)
(No, he seems to be doing what he always does. Am I worrying too much?)
Tilting my head, I regained my grip on the reins and watched as his white horse began to make its way to our destination.
After a while...
Mai: "Is this our stop?"
Kicho: "Yeah."
After passing through the deep mountains, we arrived at a deserted beach.
(Why on earth are we on the beach? Oh!)
Across the sandy beach, small boats floated around, and as I looked out towards the sea, I could see a large ship also anchored in the distance.
(That's one fine-looking ship. Is it one of his business partners?)
(If they came by ship, they could've come to Sakai instead of here.)
(I mean, there's a lot of weirdness going on here.)
On our way down the mountain, I didn't see any towns around here.
(If it's a port where ships come, it should be more prosperous.)
Feeling uncomfortable, I followed him to a small boat and saw a man sitting there, smiling and raising his hand as soon as he saw us.
Foreign man: “Kicho!”
Kicho: “Thank you for your time today.”
Kicho took his offered hand and shook it lightly.
(Hey, I know that one! It’s English!)
(This might help me understand what the business meeting is about.)
We boarded a small boat, and he brought us to an anchored galleon, where a man who appeared to be his business partner greeted us before escorting us to his cabin.
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(I’m ashamed of myself for thinking I could understand even a bit of it.)
Kicho and the foreigner sat on a chair and began speaking in English fluently as I leaned back to listen to their conversation.
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(He’s amazing. He pronounces the words so well that I can hardly understand a word.)
(I should at least act like I know what they’re talking about so I don’t make them uneasy.)
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Mai: “Thank you for your hard work. It looks like the business meeting went well.”
Kicho: “Yeah.”
(I was right.)
I remembered what I had just seen as we returned from the boat and walked along the beach.
(Thanks to his overzealous negotiations, the numbers on the paperwork ended up being rewritten.)
(Although the numbers were large to begin with, it’s still not normal to increase them from 8,000 to 10,000.)
Mai: “What on earth are you planning to buy in such a large quantity?”
Kicho: "You looked like you knew what I was talking about earlier, but was that an act?"
Mai: "Yes, I tried to act like your secretary."
Kicho: "I see. No wonder you didn't react at all."
Mai: "What?"
Kicho: "The business meeting we just had was about purchasing weapons."
Mai: "-----!"
Kicho: "Considering the number of ships allowed into Sakai, we still haven't reached the amount needed for our plan."
Kicho: "This port was built for that purpose."
(Oh no. So 10,000 is the total number of weapons?)
A chill ran down my spine as the blood drained from my entire body.
Mai: "Are you sure you want to tell me something so important?"
Kicho: "If you're my secretary, you should know about it."
Kicho: "Or are you trying to get in my way?"
Mai: "No, that's一"
I could see that his gaze changed to a more serious one.
Just the thought of having my response and my reaction watched without a second thought made me nervous to the point where my mind went blank, even when I wanted to think about how to respond.
(I haven't had this feeling in a long time, or maybe I've just been numb for some time.)
Kicho: "You once tried to stop me from getting the weapons."
Mai: "You're right. That happened before."
Mai: “I think conflicts will happen if more people get their hands on weapons.”
Kicho: “That is my goal.”
Kicho: “I’ll incite the forces of various regions and disturb Japan. This trading post is for that purpose.”
Mai: “A lot of people are going to die.”
Kicho: “………..”
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I backed off back then.)
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Kicho: "What do you think now? Do you want to stop me and call off the deal we just had?"
Mai: "I..."
(He creates a world where people die because he values life.)
(No matter how many times I think about it, I don't know how he came to that conclusion.)
(Maybe if I ask him what he saw in the future, I can get a little closer to his thoughts.)
The look in his eyes told me that the question wasn't about that, and he was just genuinely waiting for my answer.
Mai: "I still don't think it's right to create conflict or to instigate one."
Mai: "I think this will never change, no matter what, but..."
Kicho: "But?"
Mai: "I want to talk to you properly without outright denying your thoughts."
Mai: "And since we're here together like this..."
I stepped closer to the invisible line separating us and stared back at him, begging his permission for me to take a step forward.
Kicho: "Why?"
Mai: "That's because I don't know what's right and wrong."
Mai: "It's not something I can decide by my own standards."
Kicho: "You already have your answer. You said earlier that my idea was not right."
Mai: "Yes. Still, the feeling of not knowing comes first."
Mai: "And the more I think about it, the more I think about you."
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Kicho: "............"
Mai: "That’s why I want to know."
Mai: “I don’t understand why you’re doing this, and I may not be able to empathize, but I want to understand.”
Kicho: “Can that be done by just talking to each other?”
Mai: “I don’t know, but don’t you think wanting to know is the first step?”
Kicho: “Who knows? Knowing could lead to disillusionment and even rifts in the relationship.”
Mai: “It’s the same without knowing.”
Mai: “I made all these assumptions that you were a horrible person, but you weren't maliciously trying to create conflict.”
Mai: “Every time I got to know you a little better, I got confused even more.”
(To me, he changed from an enemy to a person. That’s why I’m in pain.)
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I believed that people could communicate with each other through words.
I thought if I talked to him, he would understand.
However, reality hit me that these ideas were naive in the Sengoku period.
(As long as we’re in conflict, someday we’re gonna have to make a choice.)
(But at least until that moment...)
Mai: “Please tell me. I don’t want to deny something without knowing the answer first.”
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Kicho: "That's vague."
Mai: "Well, you asked me what I think."
Kicho: "It's fine. I got the answer I wanted."
Kicho: "As I thought, you'll get in my way, but I will remember where your heart is."
Mai: "Okay!"
I nodded, and he started walking forward again without saying a word.
The sky was clear, hardly appropriate for a return trip after a disturbing business meeting, and the waves crashing on the beach grew stronger, lightly wetting the dry sand and my feet.
A few days later.
Mai: "Fuku. Repeat after me."
Mai: "Report."
Fuku: "Kicho."
Mai: "Report."
Fuku: "Yummy!"
(Hmm. This strategy is no good.)
(Even if I taught him some words and asked him to pass on a message, Kicho would probably know about it.)
I leaned against the wall and breathed out, feeling my cheeks relax as Fuku shook his head over my fingertips.
(I need to tell Mitsuhide about Motonari and the weapons, but I don’t think sending a letter would be a good idea.)
What awaited me upon my return to Sakai was the same hectic pace of life as before my departure.
Naturally, I continued to work with him all the time.
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(Although I took the trouble to ask him to tell me, it’s still difficult.)
(Even if I got to know him, if I can't fulfill the mission that brought me here, I'm still halfway through everything.)
Mai: “If only I could have at least one chance to get out of town.”
Just as I was about to let out a long sigh again...
Kicho: “You’ll get a chance.”
Mai: “Kicho!? Are you finished seeing off your business partner?”
Kicho: “No. I told him I had an errand to run later and left him to my men.”
(Errand? I thought it was just paperwork, as usual.)
Fuku: “Kicho!”
Mai: “Ah!”
Fuku happily jumped onto Kicho’s shoulders and shook his head again.
Kicho: “Sorry for leaving Fuku to you.”
Mai: “No, it’s okay. He’s been a good boy.”
Kicho: “I don’t think you can call him a good boy if he snuck out of the birdcage without permission and barged into the guest room during a business meeting.”
Kicho: “Also, the door was open at that time. If he had escaped, it would've been difficult to find him.”
Mai: “Hehe, you’re right.”
(I can see why Fuku always jumps on him every time he sees him.)
Mai: “By the way, what are you doing after this?”
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Kicho: “I’m thinking about going into town. It’s not for work, but I have something to do there.”
Fuku: “Kicho.”
Kicho: “You stay here. Mai, put Fuku back in the cage, and we’ll go.”
Mai: “Okay.”
(If it’s not work, it’s probably for personal reasons.)
(And he’s taking me with him. Is that to keep an eye on me?)
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I walked alongside him, glancing around as we made our way down the busy street to see if I could find anyone who looked like Mitsuhide.
(No, I’m with Kicho, so there’s no way he would show up.)
(I’ve come all the way here, so I need to be more careful about what I say and do if I don’t want to look suspicious.)
Kicho: “Mai.”
Mai: “Um, I haven’t done anything yet.”
Kicho: “I can see that, although there were probably a couple of stores you’d be interested in. Let’s go there.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “I said you could decide where you want to go. That’s what we came here for.”
Mai: “Really? I thought you had something to do here.”
Kicho: “It’s my business too. I want to give you a gift as a reward for accompanying me the other day.”
Mai: “You don’t have to. That was part of my work.”
Kicho: “Yes. That’s why I’m paying you for it.”
Kicho: “By the way, you’ve been getting paid since you came here as a maid.”
Kicho: “I decided on the amount with the mediator, but now that you’ve changed jobs, we’ll need to sign a new contract.”
Mai: “*sigh* I’ve never heard all of this before.”
Kicho: “I see. How could you think of working so diligently without knowing your salary?”
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Kicho: “I mean, even before, shouldn’t you know that?”
Mai: “When I came here to the Sengoku period, I thought that the common sense in me wouldn’t work, so I was somewhat paralyzed in that area as well.” **
Kicho: “I see.”
Mai: “Despite that, I receive food, clothing, and shelter.”
(I would’ve been miserable if I had been forced to stay outside with no place to go.)
(The reason I’m still alive in this period is because of everyone I’ve been involved with up until today.)
(I thought I had to make sense of my being here, but everyone had already made it for me.)
(Maybe I was the one who was tormenting me the most.)
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Previous╏Mai's POV╏Kicho's POV
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day 25- Lactation with Sub!Andy Barber
599 words
Kinktober masterlist
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A/N: i needed some soft and snuggly fic today. A little of sub!andy and here we are. Hope you like it!
Don't be shy to reblog, comment or like!
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TW: fluffy smut, needy andy, soft dom!reader. Handjob, lactaction kink, so titties sucking from our beloved advocat
not beta read, english is not my first language, all mistakes are my own.
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He felt small and needy since the start of the day. He woke up alone, you were already long gone, and he was feeling touched starved. He tried to be strong, he masked it at the office, but now that he was finally home, he whimpered and sighed heavily.
“Sweetheart?”, you call from the kitchen. He turns his head and walks slowly. When you see his face you know exactly what’s happening. “Bad day at the office?”, you ask in you softest voice and loving smile on your lips. Andy nods and comes to hug you from behind, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “Oh, baby, that bad?”, he whimpers again, unable to articulate a word. “I’m here, Andy. Sorry you woke up alone, I tried to wake you up to tell you I was going to the doctor with our baby, but you were sound asleep and with this trial…I know you need all the sleep you can get.” He kisses your neck, a silent answer to tell you it’s okay, he’s not mad at you…and firm press of his lips to tell you he needs you.
“What do you need, mon chéri?”, he whines, being a complete goner when you start to speak to him in French. You smile and rubs his arms, the muscles flexing at your touched. “Mon chéri is touched starved, isn’t he? It’s been a few days; we didn’t have time to just lay together and cuddle.”
“A week”, he mumbles onto your skin. His beard brushes your skin, making you having goosebumps.
“I know, and I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses your neck again, longer with a certain tenderness, a silent way to tell you…you don’t have to be sorry. “What do you want, mon chéri?”, he holds you tighter, his hands roaming your body, until they cup your breasts, you full and heavy breast. “Does mon chéri want some milk?”. Andy whimpers, a soft one, a quiet one, the one that says, yes, please.
You lead him to your bedroom, you let him take off your shirt and he growls softly at the sight, your breast full and some of it licking. “Yes, I pump already and he’s asleep…need you mon chéri.” He moans and lays you on the bed, making sure you’re comfortable. When he knows your good and takes off his work clothes, letting only his boxers and he lays on you, nuzzling your nipples with his nose and beard. “Oh, Andy, I miss you”, you murmur stroking his hair and passing your other hand in his beard. He closes his eyes leaning into your touch and you guide him to your nipple, he takes it in his mouth and sucks gently, moaning when the first drop lands on his tongue.
He holds you close, and you stroke his upper body and smile when you see him hard. “mon chéri needs me to take care of that too? Help you relax fully?”, he blushes and nods. You cup him above his boxers, and he bucks his hip. Tonight, you won’t tease him.
When he takes your other nipple into his mouth you start to jerk him off slowly and softly, the feather touch making him shivers.
He cums into your hand when the last drop of milk hits his palate. His eyes are still closed and he burries his face between your boobs. “Wanna nap, mon chéri?”, he plants a soft kiss on your skin, a silent, yes please. You smile and stroke his hair again, still holding his cock and your husband drift off to sleep.
taglist : @navybrat817 @christywantspizza @buckyalpine @iloveprettyboysblog @ethreal-love @nailedbymandy @captainsimagines @buckybarnesandmarvel @rogersandlightwood @sparkledfirecracker @barneswinterraven @hansensgirl @blades-and-heartbreak @runa-falls @chrisdrysdale
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6 Voicemails from Steven + 1 from Marc
Summary: @little-cereal-draws wrote a fic for MKtober2022 Day 2: Laters Gators that was made up of voicemails Steven made to his mother (which you can and SHOULD read here), and it made me wonder: what voicemails would Steven have left for his mother during each episode of the Moon Knight tv show?
This fic answers that question. 
(It also answers this question on Ao3 and Wattpad)
Here we go:
Voicemail from: Steven Grant
“Hello, Mum. It's me. Just checkin' in. I got your postcard, putting it up on Gus' tank now. Yeah, it's very nice. He’s fuming, though. Keeps asking why I don't take him anywhere nice. Maybe one day, right? He'd love to get out there, but it's a bit hard with one fin, innit? Anyway, Mom, all's well here. Not too bad. Still wake up every morning still feeling like I got hit by a bus. And if you…” 
He pauses, and when he speaks again he’s talking to someone else, his voice muffled. There’s the sound of cars going by, and people bustling. It’s calm, and he’s okay. Then Steven’s voice returns clearly, speaking to his mother again. 
“Anyway, sorry I missed you, Mum. I'll try you again tomorrow. Laters, gators.”
Voicemail from: Steven Grant
“Hiya Mum. Sorry I didn’t call earlier, I woke up rather late today. Yeah I dunno what happened! I had the weirdest dream last night, I was in the Alps, and there was this man who did something… something weird and killed this woman? And then it got really weird, I kept missing chunks of the dream, and there was a whole thing with a cupcake van and--Agh, anyway, I just er, slept the day away yeah? I’m er… well I’m lucky I didn’t miss my date! It was with Dylan, you know, the girl I told you about? Yeah, you know, I think she really liked me. She loved the flowers. Yeah. Yeah, well, I'm gonna bring her around soon, I think. Yeah, I think you'd love her. Yeah, she's got a great sense of humor. So... Anyway, I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. Love you. Laters, gators.”
Voicemail from: Steven Grant
“Hey, Mum. Could you erm… just call me back, yeah? There’s… there’s something happening to me, I think. There’s something erm… something. That dream I had, the one I told you about in the Alps? Turns out it wasn’t a dream, right? Which doesn’t make any sense, but listen, I saw that man at the museum yesterday, the man that killed that poor woman? He came by, and then after work… well, that’s why I need you to call me back. It’s really hard to explain. Yeah, I’m going to work now, just feeding Gus before I go. Or erm… whoever this is. Need to er, talk to you about that too. Anyway I better go. Call me back please? Love you, laters ga--Oh hang on, I almost forgot! Do you know anyone named Marc? Or Layla? I found a phone in my flat, I thought you might’ve left it here. Why you put the phone in the wall I don’t know, but I found that and a storage locker key in there. So erm, yeah just, gimme a call? Please?”
Voicemail from: Steven Grant
“Mum!? Mum!? Listen, something is really really wrong, I-I can’t control my body, I can’t control my mind--I need help, please, I-I’m in Cairo right now, I’m in bloody Egypt, a-and I don’t know when he’s coming back. He could take over at any second--Shit, I… Mum I can’t speak Arabic, I don’t know where I am, where the airport is--god I hope the cabbie speaks English.” 
His breath starts to quicken, growing shallow and shaky. There’s the sound of cars going by, and people bustling. It’s unfamiliar, and he’s scared.
“Mum this is erm… this is too much, I think. This is too much, I can barely keep my thoughts in a row, I can’t do this by myself, please call me back, I just… I need some help.” 
He sniffs, and takes a few deep breaths. 
“I erm… I hailed a cab, he’s driving up now. I’ll call you once I get to the airport. I don’t even care how much it’ll cost to call, I just… I really need to hear a familiar voice right now. Please, Mum. Call me back. Love you, laters gators.” 
Voicemail from: Steven Grant
“Hey, Mum. I erm… I’m still in Cairo. I… I decided to stay. God I… I have so much to tell you, Mum. There’s so much that’s happened. I think I might come visit you when this is over, yeah? Tell you about it all. Maybe you’ll even get to meet Layla! Remember when I mentioned her? Yeah turns out that phone didn’t belong to you, it was… well, that’s a whole bit to tell you when I see you. 
“Anyway, Layla is this woman I met, yeah? And she’s just… she’s something else, Mum, I mean she’s just wonderful. She can read hieroglyphs, she speaks French, she loves Marceline Desbordes-Valmore, and she’s so strong and beautiful and--Oh god, look at me, rambling on like a kid, heh.” 
There’s a hesitant pause, Steven’s breath catching as he considered what to say. There’s no sound, and he’s not okay.
“Why didn’t you call me back, Mum? I’m fine now, but it’s been days since then and you just… were you even worried? That I haven’t called in so long? I only ever hear from you in your postcards, Mum. And you barely say anything in them anyway. I know you’re afraid of tele salespeople but you should’ve gotten my message, you should’ve called me. I really needed you, Mum, and you just…” 
He sighed, the second pause saying everything he needed it to. 
“Anyway I better go, I’m supposed to be looking for supplies before we go into this place looking for an ushabti. Again, lots to tell you when I see you. Call me back when you can this time, please. Love you. Laters gators.”
Voicemail from: Putnam Psychiatric Hospital
“Uh, hello, Mrs. Grant.” 
There’s a short silence, where not even death’s cold rattle could be heard. 
“Yes, this is Dr. Harrow. Mmm-hmm. Steven's here. He'd like to speak with you. Steven, would you like to speak to your mum?” 
There’s the soft sounds of the phone being passed from hand to hand. It’s possible to hear the sound of his tears when they fall. They make a small plink when they hit the tile floor. It doesn’t make sense, but that’s the only sound it could possibly be. It’s the sound of horrible, deep sorrow, the sound a life makes when it loses its tether to another life. The sound a wife makes when she loses her husband. The sound a boy makes when he loses his brother. The sound a mother makes when she loses her son. 
“My mum… My mum is dead.”
Voicemail from: Mum
“Hey, buddy. I uh… I guess you know by now that this is, uh. This isn’t Mom’s phone. Never has been, to be honest. Nah, this is a phone that I had in my storage unit. I wanted you to be able to call Mom, and uh… well it was a good way to keep tabs on you too. Make sure you were okay. I listened to every one of them, Steven. And I just… I wanted to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry I kept myself hidden from you all this time. I thought I was protecting you, I thought it would make things easier, I… fuck, I don’t know what I was thinking. 
“There were so many times when I wanted to just… come out and tell you everything. I knew you were alone, even when you said you weren’t. Knowing you were there, alive, and full of hope, like I said back in the Duat, it saved me. But you didn’t know I was there. You felt alone. Even if I was there, you didn’t know there was anyone looking out for you. You didn’t know that anybody cared. And I shouldn’t have done that to you. 
“But you won’t have to be alone anymore, alright buddy? We’re gonna get through all this together. You, me, and whoever else is in here, alright? None of us will be alone anymore. 
“Alright, I’m gonna go, we gotta get on the plane soon. Gotta get back home, see if we can get a real night’s sleep for once. Love you, bud. Laters, gators.”
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Promises we keep (Part 2 for TWOF)
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A few people asked me to write a part 2 for The weekend of firsts (and I also wanted to), so here's a short sequel. (Hopefully more is coming) 🤗 I'm sorry you had to wait for this so long, but I'm really busy in real life so I hope you will like it. 😊 I'm grateful for your comments and feedbacks. ❤
Summary: You and Checo are both feeling something for each other, and it became obvious after his first win where he was flirting with you and offered you to celebrate together. ;)
Pairing: Checo Perez x Reader
Warnings: none, maybe just broken english and lame jokes
You almost haven't slept a minute after that conversation with Checo, you were thinking about how bad you wanted to be with him last night.
You haven't checked your phone the whole night on purpose because you know you would see some posts from him from the party and you didn't want to feel more bad than you already did. You tried to sleep but failed at every attempt, so you were just staring at the ceiling, listened to music, watched some TV but none of these prevented you from thinking.
The sun was rising and you were sitting alone in your bed thinking about when did you fall for him this hard? Of course you felt that something is off and he meant to you much more than the other drivers but it just worsened after he was flirting with you in the last two interviews. So that's it? A few nice words and you are all over the place?
You were confused as hell.
You also promised him, that you will send him your number, and you talked about a possible celebration of his first win, but you became uncertain if that is a good idea at all.
You grabbed you phone and looked at it for a while. After a loud sigh you unlocked it, and saw a bunch of insta notifications.
What the hell?
You opened it and saw that there were messages from him.
11 PM: "Hey, I just want you to remind you for our little agreement. ;) Don't forget to send your number, I'll call you tomorrow. Sweet dreams and good night. :)"
Why is he so sweet.
Another message said:
1:15 AM: "You should be here with me. 🥺 Can't wait for tomorrow. 😊"
How I wish I would be there.
3:24 AM: "Are you awake? Can i takl to you?"
3:42 AM: "Sry I dont wnat to be too much, nevemrind. Cant wait to see ya."
Okay, so he was drunk as hell. Understandable.
He really deserved to loosen up a bit and have a great party with his team. Maybe it's for the better that you were not there, because it seems he already thought about you a lot more than you expected, and you didn't want to take his focus from the more important things.
You were looking at his texts and couldn't believe that he really felt that way, but you also wanted to be careful because he was obviously drunk so maybe this wasn't that serious.
You scrolled through your feed, seeing photos from last night, a lot of drivers were posting from different parties, and of course you saw a few pics about him, and if you wouldn't be dissapointed already for not being there, you were now because he looked so handsome and hot in his jeans and his white shirt unbuttoned on top...
Those photos made you feel in a certain way, maybe those encouraged you to finally text him at 5 AM.
"Hey! Saw that it was a pretty good party last night. Hope you had fun, but reading your texts I'm sure you did... 😁 I'm sorry for not being there, but I made a promise, so here's my number:
Get some rest and talk to you later :)"
After you sent him the text you fell asleep immediately for a few hours, which was good news given that you had only one day before you have to get back to work.
You woke up around 11 AM, and you immediately checked your phone but there was nothing special except some messages from your best friend.
He's probably sleeping, he had a rough night.
You tried to not to be impatient or anything like that but you were still confused about this whole thing between the two of you so you at least wanted to discuss this situation with him.
It was 3 PM already and you decided to pack your stuff for tomorrow's flight when your phone rang. Your heart skipped a beat and suddenly you realised that you were just standing there not doing anything. You quickly picked up your phone and answered the call from the unknown number.
"It's Y/N speaking."
"Hi Y/N, do I have to introduce myself also?"
Okay, it's him, his voice sounds tired but you loved it and he's already messing with you. Just chill.
"Well, maybe, you never know what kind of stranger has your number." You made a joke to calm yourself first and he chuckled, so it worked for him too.
"Yeah I wanted to tell that you should be careful who you give your number to. Maybe some hungover guy who sent you embarrasing texts last night will try to convince you to meet him."
Am I ready to meet him? I already feel like a teenager.
"That would be awful, can you help me to avoid that guy?"
"Let's see what we can do... I will ask you to come with me for a dinner before he finds you and asks you, so you can get rid of him. What do you think?"
He's a real player.
"Hmm, let me think about this for a minute."
"Be quick that guy is really determined."
I can't with him.
"Okay, you convinced me."
"Great, I'll pick you up at 7 PM, is that right for you?"
"Perfect. And thank you for saving me."
"It's my pleasure. You can thank me later in person."
Oh god.
"See you then. Bye."
"Bye Y/N."
As you hung up you immediately started to plan what to wear like you didn't want him to take it off of you as soon as possible...
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prsk-krow · 2 years
Hello!!!>.< Kanade and mafuyu separate please!! , see how hard working reader is , TOO much, what they do? Sorry for bad english :(
{Kanade/Mafuyu caring for overworking reader!}
Don't worry, I understand what you wanted to say! Although there is a proper word for it, it should be interesting! Caw.
Kanade Yoisaki
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Every time you spoke to her over the phone, exhausted and clearly lacking in sleep, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Not towards you, but towards the rest of N25. Was this what they thought about each time they noticed how badly she was treating herself? It made her reflect, that's for sure.
The first few times didn't alert her, as she had, sadly, grown accustomed to this vice that both her and you had fallen victim to. However, once she started to note that these events were increasing in frequency, the alarms inside her started to go off.
Kanade is naturally caring, always making sure that everyone around her is in top shape no matter how bad her own may be, so of course she would take action! She would invite you to her home without any pretexts, and she would prepare her bed for you, something that she would never have done otherwise!
You would arrive at her house, using part of her desk that she separated for you inside her room, (She would sacrifice one of her monitors today, just for you.) And she would sit next to you, giving you her most comfortable chair as she used a common one that she took from her kitchen!
At first you felt guilty, but Kanade made sure to alleviate your feelings by reminding you that she knows that you need these things to work better! However, that was also part of her plan, as you subconsciously started to lean back into the chair, getting more and more tired...
Before you fully fell asleep, Kanade would tell you to stand up real quick, and lead you to her bed, letting you rest upon it as you nuzzled into the pillows! Meanwhile, she would sit down on the chair you were using, and move it close to the bed as she started speaking softly, in her comforting, breathy voice...
"... You've been working hard, haven't you? Very hard... It's something that I can admire. However... Have you forgotten that I know what that feels like? I'm sorry, but you can't hide those things from me. I know how horrible it feels at times, and how you sometimes need someone else to pull you out of the loop by force. So... Please take a rest. I'll be here with you, next to you, for as long as it takes."
You haven't slept that well in so long... When you woke up, you hardly wanted to leave the covers, something that Kanade found amusing! You went to grab your things and preparing to leave before realizing something...
"What...? Oh... It's my turn now...? What do you mean-..."
Her eyes shrank as it dawned on her. She set herself up, and you also took your chance! Now she was out of excuses as well! Guess that you both needed to work on that, huh?
Mafuyu Asahina
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If there is something in this life, that didn't seem too hard at first, but now it's pretty much impossible, it has to be hiding your true state from Mafuyu. Be it physical, emotional, psychological... She's faaar too perceptive for anyone to try and fool her with these things. So what happens when it's about someone she pays a lot of attention to?
Not even a week into your 'slightly longer' work sessions, there was a foreboding message left on your phone from her. You didn't bother to read it, since you could do it after you were done with this part, but after the door bell mysteriously rang, you regretted that decision...
[I'm coming over. I'll help you with your work.]
Opening the door, Mafuyu's stare would greet you, something that you weren't expecting to see for the day! However, even if you wanted to, you couldn't just close the door on her. Not on Mafuyu, one of the most stubborn members of N25. Stubborn in a good way though, since you really needed some help...
She quickly spotted the work that you've been doing for the past few hours, and pulled over a chair to guide you along. She was smarter than you, so you were simply listening and typing along. Already, this was much less taxing than before!
However, before you were done, Mafuyu grabbed your mouse, saved the project and told you to stand up and separate yourself from the screen for a bit. You knew better than to ignore her, and when you listened, she started speaking more than usual...
"Why are you doing this to yourself? You already know that I have no problems helping you in private. We've done it before, many times, and yet you continue to mindlessly worsen your health and wellness, while refusing to acknowledge the help that you could so easily get. I don't mind coming over to help, but if you don't try and help yourself as well, there's not much I can do either."
It definitely struck you as odd. Most of the time, Mafuyu simply lets you live your own life with little interference on her part, but suddenly this was happening? Oh wait... Maybe she's slowly coming to realize that she cares about you...?
You resist the urge to say it out loud however, and you silently nod your head, as you walk together to your bed. She insists on staying until she sees you asleep, so you, once again, have no other choice.
It doesn't take long for your tired body to fall asleep, and the stoic eyes watching over you slightly soften at this sight. All this time that you were overworking yourself, she felt uncomfortable, like there was an itch she couldn't scratch. However now, her chest felt... Light. As if a weight was pulled out from her shoulders...
She would wonder what was all about all the way towards her house, as the image of you in this better state seemed to make her breathing easier and lighter... How strange.
Ahh, now this was a fun one! Also, as a personal lover of fluff, this was pretty relaxing for me as well... Just gotta make sure that I also take breaks! Thanks for the ask! Caw.
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