#FJ negativity
evilhasnever · 7 months
gonna be honest for a second fam, I think FJ is the biggest disappointment I’ve experienced from a piece of media since the ending of how I met your mother
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xiyao-feels · 10 months
Thinking about Fatal Journey again... man I hate that movie so much. Right now I'm remembering the way they make the anger curse more sympathetic by making NMJ hallucinate that his men are energy targets. The only time he hallucinates because of the sabre curse in canon is right at the end, just before he dies, when he hallucinates that everyone is JGY...and specifically the JGY he's trying to kill right then and there. (For the crime of being upset to LXC that NMJ called him the son of a prostitute on the stairs, no less. Ugh.)
Like, lol, the way it would actually work is him getting way angrier at his men, directly. Maybe even attacking them! Probably for something that is objectively nowhere near that big of a deal. But that's waaaaay harder to depict sympathetically and not make it very clear what kind of danger NMJ is to the people around him, so!
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mbti-notes · 3 months
It says that Te dom are afraid to be weak. But I've noticed a lot of xxFJ also express that fear. Especially ExFJs, they want to be capable and strong. One of my friend (ENFJ, male) say that they dislike feeling weak and feel shame if they didn't push themselves enough to solve a problem. What could explain that mindset that if FJs don't have Te-Fi? More importantly, is it possible ExFJ mistype themselves as ExTJ for that reason? Bc they see themselves as strong and confrontational?
As far as I can tell, the main problem is that you are oversimplifying. There are two aspects to this problem that often interfere with the type assessment process:
1) The tendency to stereotype and overemphasize superficial characteristics: This is usually a result of not understanding the distinction between cognition and behavior, which is the first major principle covered in the Function Theory Guide.
Two different types can exhibit the same behavior but for different underlying cognitive reasons. For example, there is a common stereotype that portrays ExTJs as leaders/managers due to dominant Te. Yet, in reality, ExFJs are equally likely to gravitate to leadership roles. How are you going to explain this in the absence of Te? Is Te equal to leadership or does Te have a monopoly on leadership? No and no.
"Leadership" is a behavior. A behavior can arise for many possible reasons. Te doms might gravitate to leadership due to a desire for order or control, whereas Fe doms might gravitate to leadership due to a desire to influence and improve group cohesion. The "leadership" behavior may look similar on the surface, but the cognitive reasons/motivations underneath it are vastly different, because Te and Fe are very different functions.
If you don't properly distinguish cognition from behavior, you won't have a deep enough understanding of WHY the behavior exists, and then it's very easy to be led astray by superficial stereotypes during type assessment.
2) Overlooking context and circumstance: This is usually a result of not understanding that human beings are motivated by a multitude of factors, and personality type is only one of them. Most human behavior is multifactorial. Before you try to attribute a behavior to a particular type/function, have you made sure that other external factors/causes have been properly accounted for?
Why is it that, compared to other types, ExTJs are more likely to have this quality of being "afraid to be weak"? It is directly attributable to inferior Fi. However, this doesn't mean there aren't other factors/causes behind it. Another factor that could be at play is general fear of vulnerability, which can afflict anyone of any type. Fear of vulnerability isn't mainly a matter of personality but of negative experiences that hampered ego development, though it might also negatively influence function expression. Most people operate at lower levels of ego development, so fear of vulnerability is a widespread issue, to varying degrees.
In the case of ExFJs, Fe not only encourages one to harmonize with prevailing social norms and customs, it also encourages one to actively maintain and enforce them whenever one observes behaviors that go against the norm. This is one reason why Fe doms can come across as strong-willed, confrontational, even meddling.
However, there can be many other reasons why they come across that way. For instance, ExFJs who have grown up in very harsh or hostile environments might constantly be faulted or shamed for "oversharing", "oversensitivity", or being "overemotional". When healthy dominant function development gets inhibited by powerful environmental factors, it can have a negative impact on how a person expresses all of their functions. People don't only use one function, so Fe isn't the only function to consider.
For example, since environmentally oppressed ExFJs can't really use Fe in a positive way to influence and improve the social environment, they have little choice but to use it in a negative way to conform with the very norms and customs that denigrate their natural Fe strengths. Instead of using Ti in a positive way to encourage healthy boundary setting and reasonable decision making, they have little choice but to use it in a negative way to obsess about "strength", "competence", "independence", or "intelligence", because that is the only means they know of avoiding shame and obtaining validation.
In short, can you tell the difference between natural function expression (positive) and compensatory function behavior (negative)? You won't be able to tell the difference until you understand the complex relationship between personality and environment.
As I wrote in the Function Theory Guide: "To really understand someone, you must contextualize their behavior, by examining all the different forces that might be motivating them." Human psychology is complicated, which means there's always more going on beneath the surface than you realize. If you think type assessment should be a simple process, you're likely to suffer a high error rate.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Do you think Fe or Fi is more inclined to be a social chameleon, as in changing who they are depending on who is around?
It's more of a Fe trait than a Fi trait, but also largely depends on whether the person is from the attachment triad (3/6/9). I've seen 3s mirror other people and become different around various groups and in different environments as they seek what's desired; I've seen 9s self-censor to keep the peace; as a 6, I trim what I know won't be acceptable in this group to fly under the radar, but it doesn't change who I am, it just makes me quieter.
Also in regards to being a social chameleon, do you think Fe can be negative or more lively depending on who they’re with? Like to give an example, if they were with someone who they didn’t like, they would act less cheery and more bitter towards them compared to when if they were around someone they liked. Is that an example of Fe or Fi?
High Fe is usually aware of how they are coming across to other people, and would be more inclined to be fake" to that person they dislike in order to avoid disrupting the entire group -- the alternative being when the Fe chooses to leave someone out to make a public statement. EFJs in particular are aware of how things look to other people, so they know freezing someone out is going to cause others to take notice. For example, Molly Weasley (ESFJ) punishing Hermione for what she read in Rita Skeeter's newspaper by sending her an Easter chocolate (the "proper" thing to do) but by making sure it's much smaller than Harry and Ron's (chastising her -- she still makes the Fe gesture, but it's intended to make Hermione know she's mad at her). Or Emma saying, "I hate Mrs. Elton, so I must throw a party for her, or everyone will see at once how much I dislike her!" FJ can be not genuine toward people they dislike out of appearance's sake. A Fi has more of an internal struggle with this, it goes against "how I feel" to be nice to someone I hate, and they won't be able to conceal their contempt or dislike nearly as well -- they are more likely to go quiet with disapproval or not want to attend the gathering. They are often more upfront with their dislike, but also ruder about it.
Because I’ve heard Fi being known to be more themselves regardless of the situation, but I’ve also seen Fe users kinda also adapt themselves in the situation. Idk if that makes sense.
This is true. It doesn't mean Fi's do not want acceptance or to be considerate, but they suppress themselves out of a me-focused thought method (I want to stay friends with this person, so I won't bring this up because it would offend them) rather than automatically adjusting themselves to what others need for the sake of group harmony ("when in Rome, do as the Romans do").
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Hi there Tumblr! I've never posted before but I've never seen anything solid on INSJ x INFJ relationships anywhere so here goes!
(Based off of my ISTJ bf and I, an ISFJ)
First, ISTJ:
- TJ helps FJ develop healthy coping mechanisms to cope with the stress of being the therapist/mom friend
-TJ is the voice of reason, of rationality when FJ gets overwhelmed by negative thoughts/feelings
- TJ's work ethic/dedication inspires FJ to put in the effort to be successful/reach their goal
-TJ prefers consistency and predictibility, which is something FJ needs to function properly
- FJ helps TJ learn how to live in the moment more, rather than focusing solely on the future
-FJ helps TJ genuinely connect with people, and makes them see the value in maintaining relationships (platonic/romantic)
- With FJ's guidance and support, TJ gets into touch with his emotions. FJ aids TJ in learning how to properly express them. FJ is understanding when TJ struggles with this.
Both FJ and TJ are observant and intellectual individuals. However, they have different perspectives of the world. TJ views the world in a way that stresses the importance of why something works the way it does and how to improve it and increase its value. Whereas TJ views how it works as well but goes one step further into the emotional aspect to seek understanding.
Thus, they can hold deep, insightful discussions about the world around them and the people in it. They share a strong connection, and their ability to communicate goes beyond the need for words.
Feel free to add more!
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kissingagrumpygiant · 2 years
Hello I'd like to submit an application for a job at the cr salt mine
sh@dogast exists purely as fanservice for the rabid "liam owes us a gay purple romance!!" fans, fj*rester have zero chemistry and negative impact on the others' character growth and are just travis and laura making out in green and blue facepaint, and the final arc/finale shot caleb and jester's character arcs and growth point blank and left them for dead in an alley. widojest was the deepest and most profound relationship and it was entirely ignored by both the fandom and the rest of the cast. cr is no longer a home game but an actual company that thrives off of the parasocial bonds its created with its fanbase, and as a storytelling medium it often fails spectacularly, with its only saving grace being the character dynamics which are too often suffocated by the wait between games, the too-long runtime and matt's determination that the world and plot move forward with or without them.
watch d20 instead.
add me to that body list in the alley bc holy shit yeah spot on
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what differentiates a positive and negative spirit/soul/bond, and how is it possible to change? ex. digi going from negative to positive ghost, or faith going from positive to negative bond in FJ (throwback)? is it intention?
Yeah, it's intention. There's a kind of scale for the energy spirits and their connections can have and it slides back and forth based on their intention and alignments. Some ghosts have an easier time staying positive because they're naturally inclined to lean towards benevolent actions and intentions. Some are easier to lean negative because of trauma or personal flaws dominating their thoughts or genuinely malicious intent.
The 4 ghost children in the pizzeria are negative aligned because of the trauma of their deaths and their anger towards the injustice of it all and their constant attacking of the night watch. Digi is neutral-positive aligned, neutral in that he doesn't go out of his way to affect anyone if he can help it but slides positive when it comes to looking after Meera and her friends, even if he is unsure of those friends. He had been negative aligned before Master File messed with his files and left him neutral while he tried to regain his sense of identity.
Changes in a spirit's perspective of themselves and the world, their emotional states, their intentions towards other spirits and the living people, all of these factor into the scale of energy and can change their alignments.
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You might've already gotten a question like this, but is there an estimation on how many people died during the wedding of Elisabeth and Franz?
Hello! No, I hadn't gotten a question like this before. I suposse this question was prompted by The Empress, were it is depicted that after the wedding the masses that had gone to watch their new empress at the entrance of the Augustian Church were repressed to death by the guards. This was solely a dramatic scene to shock the audience, because no disturbances occured that day, at least none that made it to the news. The Sun London reported about the wedding on 29 April 1854:
The greatest possible enthusiasm was manifested by all classes of the public. Amidst the busy preparations for, and the general agitation and bustle consequent upon, these festivities, the political news of the day is comparatively neglected, and it is difficult to find even professional politicians disposed to converse on any subject not immediately connected with the Imperial marriage, and the general rejoicings occasioned thereby.
During this time there was a lot of stress over whether Austria was going to join the Crimean War in alliance with Russia; that's what it's talking about when it mentions the "political news of the day". British newspapers were critical of Austrian politicies during this time, I found more than one news article that lowkey threw shade at FJ, so if the Viennese people had been beated to death during the emperor's wedding then they woud have definitely reported it.
In general the mood was very positive during the wedding celebrations, mainly because over two hundred political prisoners were pardoned, and a hundred had their sentences reduced to half, also a general amnesty “for all crimes of lese majeste and offenses against the public order” and the “treasonable activities” of 1848 in Galicia and Lemberg was proclaimed, and the state of siege was lifted in Hungary, Lombardy and Venetia. AND on top of that the emperor gifted 200,000 guldens to be distributed between the poor of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Galicia, Tyrol, Croatia, Dalmatia and Vienna (1986, Hamann). So people were feeling optimistic because they hoped that this was the beginning of the end of the repressive counter revolutionary policies, and that their new empress would interced in their favor.
In her biography of Elisabeth, Brigitte Hamann also quotes the report of the Belgian envoy, who wrote that “In a city where not long ago the revolutionary spirit wrought so much devastation, it was not an idle act to unfold the entire splendor of the monarchy.” And she also quotes another eyewitness, Baron Karl Kiibeck, who wrote in his diary on April 24, “On the podium and among the spectators, jubilation and expectant joy. Behind the scenes, increasingly somber, very somber signs.” But this were the only negative comments I could find.
So to answer, as far as we know, it's safe to say that no one died, and that this was a peaceful and cheerful day for the people of Vienna, if only because people hoped that the opression they were suffering was finally over.
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frontproofmedia · 7 months
Jake Paul stops Ryan Bourland in the first round in Puerto Rico
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By Hector Franco
Follow @MrHector_Franco !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id))(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); Follow @Frontproofmedia!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)?'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id))(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs');
Published: March 02, 2024
SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO - Jake Paul (9-1, 6 KOs) will likely continue to be divisive as long as he stays in the public eye, no matter what he does. However, if anyone was expecting him to be booed in front of his adopted home in Puerto Rico, they were mistaken.
At the Jose Miguel Agrelot Coliseum, Paul continued his mission for boxing legitimacy by taking on another pure boxer, North Dakota’s Ryan Bourland (17-3, 6 KOs). Paul quickly dispatched his opponent in the first round. The social media star landed a perfect right hand to the body after throwing a pair of jabs that sent his opponent into a tailspin.
Paul pounced on his opponent, unloading a salvo of unanswered blows that punished Bourland into submission. After dropping Bourland to his knees after an accumulation of punches, the referee stopped the fight, awarding Paul a first-round technical knockout. The fight ended at the 2:37 mark of the first round.
Much can be stated about Paul’s level of competition, but as long as he stays active while improving, the attention he brings to the sport outweighs any perceived negativity.
Paul, who is now using the new moniker “El Gallo de Dorado,” got a big and positive reaction in Puerto Rico, which could lead to more of his fights taking place on the island. The goal for Paul is to head into a world championship bout while increasing his level of opposition.
After the match, Paul called out the current undisputed super middleweight champion, Saul “Canelo” Alvarez, for a fight. However, that fight is likely still years away as Alvarez gets older and Paul continues to improve.
A fighter like Paul, whose fights transcend into the mainstream, has several avenues he can head into. Whether he ventures into a pure money fight by taking on a former Mixed Martial Arts legend as he has in the past or fights another boxer is yet to be determined.
(Featured Photo: Alex Menedez/Getty Images)
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tamaradoubraomonibeke · 7 months
Type Workshop - Legibility and Gestalt (LO1)
Legibility Talk 1 (How to obtain it using features/measurements of typography)
Glyph x-height (height) - A larger x-height (typically) means it’s a legible typeface. (Bigger so it’s easier to read) but if it’s too big, you loose the distinction between the ascender and cap-height. (Ascender and descender needs to be same).
Glyph cap height (top) and Glyph descender height (below the baseline) needs to be the similar measurement for legibility.
Typefaces with an appropriate contrast between cap height, the ascenders, and descenders with the x-height will have greater legibility.
Glyph width - Needs to be balanced. A balanced width that best showcases the recognisable shape of the letterforms will have higher legibility.
Glyph weight - A balanced weight that doesn’t distort the recognisable details of the letterforms will have greater legibility.
Glyph design traits - Individual aesthetic traits of the typeface will either define or distract from the acuity of the letterform. (You can customise type but old type is more distinct)
Glyph stress - The stress of the strokes is a reflection of the device used to craft them. The higher the contrast, the less legible the typeface.
Glyph counters and Glyph apertures - Open counters and apertures will create more defined legibility the letterforms.
Workshop 1
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The task was to draw the type and label the features with a given guide. I didn’t finish labelling but learnt new things like the loop is part of a G. Thus, it was very enlightening.
Legibility Talk 2 (Continuation)
Cap height and x height are the same for readable type.
Apex is the tall pointed part of an A. W sometimes have an apex.
1 and 3% is calculated for the overshoot and overhang.
All curved forms have overshoot and overhang.
For d, the counter sits on the overhang and the leg on the overshoot.
Thinner strokes don’t line up than thicker strokes in type.
Everything appears to sit on a line, even if it doesn’t. Everything appears aligned, even if it isn’t.
Every typeface is designed to the same lines, even if the lines aren’t the same.
Workshop 2
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The task was to line up the anchor points to match with the typeface. I found it difficult at first( I use Illustrator a lot so I was disappointed in myself) as I don’t focus on type and their names. Eventually, I got better but didn’t finish as I prefer to take my times with things. I discovered the solution was aligning the strokes to be in a similar proportion.
Legibility Talk 3 (Latin ligatures)
Examples of Latin ligatures are fi and fj.
The ampersand is the oldest ligature born from the French (&)
Discretionary Ligatures (shown in Indesign feature) It’s to reduce the negative space in the typeface.
Workshop 3
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The task was to produce a ligature using our monograms as reference. I found difficulty with the T and O but worked with what I had and achieved the above ligature.
Gestalt Talk and Theorem
Negative space (White space) - gives relationship between objects.
Empty space - no relationship
When seeing a complex arrangement of elements we tend to look for a single recognisable pattern.
Building a cohesive relationship between the content on the page.
Closure = Control Meaning
12 is the best for creating a magazine layout because you can breakdown stuff.
Closure = Control Meaning Grids = Control Proportion
Closure = Where in this space do I put a thing. Grids = What size should the thing be.
This gives us objectively rational answers to questions regarding position and size.
Free our minds to seek the more interesting question of how can I creatively utilise this space.
Consistent in grids. Use mathematical 12 grids so the relationship can be the same.
Bend over rules for display text.
If someone give you copy, craft it a visually appealing way.
Page furniture (after the bleed for navigation such as page numbers)
Develop your design taste.
Make pull quote and caption
Workshop 3
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The task was to use the Gestalt theory, closure in creating spreads. I struggled but ended up making a few and learnt it's best to have a rationale for my design choices rather than how aesthetically pleasing they appear.
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mittis-anna-marie · 1 year
A News Article I deem to be Fake
Dutch man who fathered at least 550 kids banned from donating sperm
The man, known as Jonathan M, was accused of deliberately lying to prospective parents (Picture: Shutterstock)
Available at:
 What is ‘Fake News’?
The Oxford Dictionary definition of ‘Fake’
 “In earliest use: an activity or action, typically one characterized by dishonesty or deception. Later (from the mid to late 19th century) usually more specifically: a stratagem, a trick, a dodge; a method of swindling, a con; an act of tampering with or falsifying something.”
‘News’ is defined as:
“new information about something that has happened recently.”
The Article discusses the man known only as Jonathan M and his deception towards prospective parents.
“Provided Sperm to multiple fertility clinics”
Why is this doubtful?
 The ‘n-EPR’ – National Electronic Patient Records would have highlighted this deception sooner. 
The Article states:
“National guidelines in the Netherlands permit donors to father a maximum of 25 children with up to 12 mothers.”
With The enforcement of ‘EPR’ being globalized, it seems unbelievable that Jonathan M’s patient history would not have been recorded. 
Understanding health care providers' reluctance to adopt a national electronic patient record: an empirical and legal analysis
Zwaanswijk M, Ploem MC, Wiesman FJ, Verheij RA, Friele RD, Gevers JK. Understanding health care providers' reluctance to adopt a national electronic patient record: an empirical and legal analysis. Med Law. 2013 Mar;32(1):13-31. PMID: 23781762.
Published by the National Library of Medicine – March 2013
Available at:
The article offers a brief of a study composed by (Zwaanswijk et al, 2010) 
This study highlights the concerns with ‘n-EPR’ in the Dutch healthcare system. 
With seventeen steak holders interviewed, to gain understanding of health care providers’ perceptions of problems.
The results suggest that the main concerns are issues with confidentiality and reliability.
The article states:
“their overall adoption remains low and meets resistance from involved parties”. 
Supporting Evidence:
The Dutch way: What the Netherlands can teach us about digitisation
By Leontina Postelnicu
Available at:
The article features a statement given by Pieter Helmons, chief pharmacy informatics officer at Dutch hospital St Jansdal
“We have a huge problem with nursing staff, we have a huge problem with pharmacy technicians, just to get [hire] them. So information, information technology, it is essential to remain viable.”
Looking at the Features:
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The man, known as Jonathan M, was accused of deliberately lying to prospective parents (Picture: Shutterstock)
The image itself only presents the back of supposed Jonathan M’s head. 
Usually if a perpetrator is discussed in the news, their face is shown for public awareness.
In the article, there is reference to the Judge’s statement:
“[This] has or could possibly have negative psychosocial consequences for the children.”
If we consider the psychological harm this may have on families and children – it seems odd that Jonathan M remains anonymous.  
This is a cropped image. 
With today’s technology, this could easily have been photoshopped.
For Example, I found these images under the search:
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With countless tools at our fingertips, and advances in technology – manipulation of information, discourse and events has never been easier. 
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petnews2day · 2 years
The Outer Banks Voice - Dare Board paves way for OBX’s first pet crematorium
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-travel-news/the-outer-banks-voice-dare-board-paves-way-for-obxs-first-pet-crematorium/
The Outer Banks Voice - Dare Board paves way for OBX’s first pet crematorium
Dare Board paves way for OBX’s first pet crematorium
By Michelle Wagner | Outer Banks Voice on November 7, 2022
Colington facility still needs Special Use Permit
Dare County Board of Commissioners.
The Dare County Board of Commissioners on Nov. 7 unanimously approved a request for a zoning text amendment that would allow for pet crematoriums as an accessory use to pet grooming and kennel facilities in certain areas of Colington.
The request was made by Pam Anderson, who owns Ocean Sands K9 Resort located on Williams Drive, which includes primarily residential homes along with Liberty Christian Fellowship Church and Camp Emmanuel, as well as about five acres of undeveloped land.
Anderson told the Voice the facility will be called Rainbow Bridge Pet Cremation Services and will open in six months. When complete, Rainbow Bridge will be the first pet crematorium on the Outer Banks. Currently, those seeking cremation services for their deceased pet must travel to Elizabeth City or Virginia Beach, she added.
According to Dare County Planning Director Noah Gilliam, Anderson still needs to apply for a Special Use Permit to move forward with the project.
The text amendment applies to all areas in the R-2B Zoning Districts (Alternative Medium Density Residential) on Colington Island. According to the zoning ordinance, the intent of the R-2B Zoning district is to serve as a transition zone between low-density areas and more intensely developed areas, as well as to provide a setting for a limited number of business uses associated with a coastal village location.
Pet cremation services must be 200 feet from a residential dwelling and the incinerator must be contained inside a building, according to conditions of the new text amendment. It also requires that a licensed/certified operator be on staff. Cremation services must also be limited to domesticated animals, not livestock.
Anderson said that the Rainbow Bridge would be in a separate building on site. “It’s a really needed service,” she said, adding that it will offer a much lower cost for cremation services and a more personalized option since it will be available locally. The Outer Banks SPCA, she said, could also utilize the service, offering that agency a financial benefit as well.
There were no members of the public who spoke during the Nov. 7 public hearing, however one homeowner on Williams Drive submitted a letter to the Dare County Commissioners opposing the project.
“I am very upset and shocked that this type of business would even be considered for Williams Dr. and Ocean Sands K-9 Resort,” wrote Barbara Noel in an October 13 email, noting that the property backs up to the heavily populated Colington Modular community and next door to the church. “The smell, the fire hazard and improper disposal of animals will impact my residential neighborhood negatively immensely — also our property values.”
Board Chairman Bob Woodard, however, threw his support behind the crematorium. “Let me just say that I’ve visited the site and the applicant has complied with everything that’s been asked of her,” he said. “The neighbors across the street are fully in agreement with this…she’s also going to help out the SPCA with their animals in need.”
Earlier this year, commissioners lent its support to another project on Williams Drive when it unanimously approved an amendment to the church’s Special Use Permit to allow for a 15,000-square-foot family life center across the street from the church.
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jeopardangelo · 2 years
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Today, we have Constance Wu from Crazy Rich Asians, Ike Barinholtz from Blockers, and Jalen Rose, an ABC/ESPN sports analyst and fmr. NBA player. Ike made it difficult for Constance and Jalen to catch up in the first round of Jeopardy! In GO BLUE, Jalen found the round’s DD, he bet $200 out of his $900 and came up with an incorrect question. Going into DJ!, Ike had $3,700, Jalen had $500, and Constance had neg. $800. In DJ!, Ike did the same thing he did in the first round. In ANCIENT ROME, Ike found the round’s 1st DD, he bet $2,500 out of his $7,500 and came up with the correct question. In WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?, Ike found the round’s 2nd DD, he bet $4,400 out of his $15,600 and came up with the correct question. Going into TJ!, Ike had $21,600, Jalen had $500, and Constance had $200. In TJ!, Constance made a HUGE comeback, causing her to catch up to Ike! In 1992 IN BOOKS: 30 YRS. AGO, Constance found the round’s 1st DD, she went “all-in” out of her $3,200 and came up with the correct question. In IN THE PARK, Ike found the round’s 2nd DD, he bet $2,400 out of his $33,000 and came up with the correct question. In TECHNOLOGY, Constance found the round’s 3rd DD, she went “all-in” out of her $11,500 and came up with the correct question. Going into FJ!, Ike had $37,200, Constance had $23,000, and Jalen had neg. $1,300. Jalen gets $1,000 so he can play in FJ! The category was NEWSPAPER HEADLINES. The clue was, “A New York Times headline about this disaster included “866 rescued” & “noted names missing””. Jalen came up with, “What is Katrina?”, which is incorrect and went “all-in”, he is broke. Constance came up with, “What is t***?”, which is incorrect and went “all-in”, she is broke. Ike came up with, “What is Titanic?”, which is correct and bet $8,801, which took him to $46,001, which may be the new winning record for Celebrity Jeopardy! if clue values are doubled, which is $92,002. Ike Barinholtz moves on to next week’s semifinals with Simu Liu and Iliza Shlesinger! Constance Wu and Jalen Rose’s charities will receive $30K. @jeopardy @celebrityjeopardyabc @missmayim #recap #2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjhM_vps1su/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mbti-notes · 9 months
hey, enfj here.
In your Fe vs Fi article, you wrote that FJs were more likely to ruminate because they were trying to make sense of their feelings rather than just accepting them and let them be. And well, as an FJs i’m having a hard time to understand what does it mean. Does it mean that i shouldn’t spend time trying to identify why i feel the way i do, but just accept that i feel like that, and move on/work on what can I do to feel better (if it’s a bad feeling) ?
Sometimes i do spend hours, and even days trying to figure out why do i feel bad, but it’s like i never find the proper answer and i feel paralyzed, as if without the answer i couldn’t do anything to feel better.
You're on the right track. Oftentimes, the desire to find the "cause" of emotions is a subtle way of blaming. Blame is counter-productive to recovery because it requires you to stay stuck in a negative state of mind. One of the most important lessons to learn when it comes to improving emotional intelligence is that a person can't start processing difficult experiences properly until they take full responsibility for having generated their feelings and emotions. Blaming someone/something for "making" you feel bad means you aren't owning up and then your emotional life is always at the mercy of outside forces, beyond your control. This is already covered in the EI articles, please read.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
efj anon here! i read through your blog and i think esfj is the best fit. even though i relate a lot to se, i relate to ne as well. i guess i do use ne over ni, since i go back and forth on whether to move toward certain people or permanently stay away, and ni would probably stay away from its first negative impression. esfj sounds about right.
If you care to look through the character tags, you will notice a common trait of ENFJs being extremely single-minded in their opinions of other characters in the film -- because they tend to leap to a conclusion (either substantiated or not) and park there. The benefit of high Ni is single-mindedness; the downfall is narrow-mindedness in terms of challenging their own assumptions (this is less of a problem in more mature ENFJs than immature ENFJs for obvious reasons -- mature ones know their first assumption is not always correct).
for my enneagram, i think i’m probably a 2 or a 9.
I would put 6 in the running. Ping-ponging back and forth between making a decision (I don't want any more to do with this person) and then second-guessing it and changing your mind (I will give them one more chance) is very common in 6w7s, especially of the 692 tritype (which IMO is the one you are sporting in some order). 6w7s with 9 fixes make decisions and then second guess them, arguing themselves into giving people more chances and the benefit of the doubt, never trusting their negative assumptions about people (I should give them another chance/not think about them negatively; I am always aware of their flaws, but also quite convinced they don't mean to be a jerk to me!). 2 of course adds another dose of super-ego thinking (it's not right for me to have needs or to judge the people I care about in a negative light; that's not being a good and supportive and selfless friend!!).
for 9, i really want inner stability and fear separation from others. i don’t suppress my anger though and can readily show it to others, though i can feel guilty about it afterwards. i prefer to keep my emotions to myself and struggle with passivity, both in my career and with people. it’s only when i’m close to someone that i feel i can voice my opinions and be more combative. i seek outer stimulation that brings comfort, like obsessing over one specific show or listening to softer, mellower songs to soothe my anxiety. i also tend to disappear from others and isolate when i’m in a crisis. i don’t want others to see me that way, so i assure them i’m okay while dealing with it myself alone.
Hmm. I know an ESFJ 9 and while she is direct in immediately addressing things when she gets upset, she is also very passive and doesn't argue with her husband/those closest to her, because she doesn't want any argument on her side to cause separation/loss of attachment. I would dig into WHY you fear separation from others. Being withdrawn and separating from others in a crisis is 9ish, tho. Why are you doing that? What is your motive for doing it? Is it the FJ assumption that you ought not to trouble others with your troubles, that you need to remain upbeat for them all the time? Or is it that you feel overwhelmed by what's happening and can't make room for them right now until things calm down?
for 2, i relate to the fear of being unlovable or unwanted. i’ll stay in contact with people i’m not even that close to anymore and do things for them just to feel like i’m needed. it sucks when i don’t get that reciprocity or get the feeling that i’m dispensable. this part in your blog, “A 2 may supplement their emotional life through romance novels, romantic comedies, or Hallmark movies, anything where two people find each other and fall in love” really hit home because i seek these in media when i lack romance in my life. i can also be very conscious of my image and how i can appeal to others better. i don’t want others to think i need them though since that makes me seem vulnerable.
Could be either one, to be frank. You may need to dig deeper into what rejection means for the 2 (rejecting my need, or the belief that I need others, while assuming I am super important and vital to their well-being -- that I am needed) and compare it to the 9, but the bottom line is this -- you are on a plane. Someone does not speak the same language as the stewardess and is having trouble making the stewardess understand their confusion about their seats. You happen to speak their language. Do you help or not?
The 2 immediately helps. The 9 assumes the stewardess will take care of it, since that's her job and she deals with this stuff a lot.
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academyguide · 2 years
 Media InviteWomen wear many hats these days, sometimes too many that feeling suffocation is inevitable. Stress from work, business, family, etc, deadlines to meet, radiation from the electronic gadgets we are exposed to, the food we eat, etc., all contributed to toxins building in our body. I’m aware of all these and am trying my best to balance on a tight rope, but I have to admit that many things are beyond our control. We can’t dictate when our loved ones should fall sick, we can’t shift deadlines to hand in projects, and we can’t possibly have homecooked food every day too. Thus, from time to time, we need to detox those toxins accumulated in our bodies. I’m so glad to be introduced to Yunohana City Spa by Bliss Mum (ladies only), under the umbrella of Harmony Lifecare Group.Serene and I were given a walk-through of the programme, and I must say, that itself was already a great knowledge gained. I wasn’t aware that regulating our body temperature is essential for our immunity! We were then introduced to Hokutolite Stone and its healing properties. What wow-ed me were two experiments demonstrated on us. The Capillary ScreeningWhen we put on a fourth finger under the scope, we were able to see the size of our capillaries, how active our blood circulation is, and the possible health conditions that we might have currently. The diagnosis is on the point! But once we wore the Hokutolite Stone bracelet, our blood circulation improves instantly!The Balancing MotionI had thought that I have a pretty strong core and balancing is no issue for me. I was humbled by the plain demonstration of how wearing the Hokutolite Stone bracelet improved my stability!After the introduction, the Spa procedure started. We measured our weight, body fat – overall and visceral, and metabolism rate. I am ashamed to say, not only has my weight increased but my body fat composite and visceral fat as well ☹. Well, yes, I blame it on menopause. The Bedrock Spa TherapyBefore we hid ourselves in this spaceship alike capsule, we showered (yes, there is a shower facility) and changed into the pyjamas provided. There are three phases, the first phase is 15 minutes of warming up with chest down onto the heated rock bed. The heat will start warming up our internal organs. Some people will start sweating at this stage, some not yet. After 15 minutes of warming up, we hydrated ourselves with a cup of negatively charged ionised water. The second phase is another 15 minutes, but a half-session of sideway lying each time. One will feel the heat intensifying. At this phase, anyone will perspire. After another cup of negatively charged ionised water, we entered into the final phase, which is also 15 minutes. This was the time I played as the phantom 👻 in a very drenched body (I perspire easily) lying flat on my back. The mask placed over our faces helped us to detox our faces as well. I was told the entire 45-minute session is equivalent to a 30-kilometre jog! That’s three-quarters of a marathon!After the detox session, we proceeded to an hour-long of foot, shoulder, and back massage next door at Genkinoya (Unisex), under the umbrella of Harmony Lifecare Group as well.After nearly 2 hours of detox and massage, I felt so light, so recharged, and so rejuvenated. Yunohana City Spa is definitely a place I would like to visit more often. After all, we need to be of better health ourselves in order to take good care of others.  So, mummies, don’t short-change yourselves. Treat yourselves well, so that you are well enough to take care of others.  (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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