#FLA Gold
lokisgoodgirl · 11 months
Sticks and Stones: The Lakes [Loki x Reader]
The Lakes Masterlist / Regular Masterlist Summary: (2) Resolved to make an effort, Loki tries his best. But old habits die hard, some harder than others. Warnings: Minors DNI. Language. Ex-Loki. Smut references/ Wankst. Humour/Mild angst. (w/c 4.8k) Recommended Folklore Track: Mirrorball
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“Oh blast it all,” Thor wailed like a child, throwing a pile of sticks to the side. Another bundle of promising kindle had turned to mush in his hands.
“We need to find ones that aren’t wet, Odinson – I told you. Sometimes they don’t seem wet, but they are wet.” Steve instructed, standing abruptly from where he’d sat on his haunches. Dismay was thick in the air. “Everything is wet here, Rogers." Thor whinged, kicking leaves. "The allusive flame taunts me.”
Loki sucked in his cheeks. The urge to expel a witty innuendo was almost unbearable. But he was trying to be amenable. Turning over a new leaf, as it were.
When the four of them had trudged back to the cottage last night, Loki had turned in to his sparse lodgings immediately with only the most cursory of bedtime salutations. To his surprise, sleep had descended quickly. He had been expecting to toss and turn for hours on that thin single bed, cursing Rogers and his brother and you; each with the time and thoroughness that was due. But he had slept well. And when he woke, the smell of bacon wafting through the floorboards greeted him.
Your laughter chimed against the clatter of porcelain downstairs, his brothers following suit. He had snuggled deeper into the lumpy pillow, inhaling in the way he used to against your hair. And now, beneath a canopy of green and gold autumnal majesty, they had made camp for this morning’s torture; fire-building. Loki buried his hands in another damp pile of foliage, grasping a hunk of twigs he found there. To hel with it, he thought as he closed his eyes; feeling secretive warmth spreading from his fingertips. Magic wrapped around each stick of wood concealed beneath copper leaves, drying it instantly. He glanced over to you, thrumming some moss between your fingers. “I found some dry ones,” he said nonchalantly, hoping it sounded believable.
You peered at his outstretched hands. “Oh yeah…” you replied. Loki frowned as your attention swung back to the wisped moss being pulled apart in your fingertips. “Well, let’s get this show on the road.” Thor looked over at his brother, aghast. “Cheater,” he rumbled loudly. To his side, only Steve’s ass was visible, shaking side to side as he still searched on his hands and knees through the undergrowth for where dry wood might lurk. Loki turned, one palm facing up. A column of ferocious flame burst from his skin, funnelling up like a portal. The sound of its violence ripped the air, squawks of local wildlife jibbering in the trees above. Steve lost his balance, falling to the side into the shrubbery. He let out a strangled cry, while Thor scooted backwards and knocked him further into the bushes.
“If I wanted to cheat,” Loki snarled, “there would be much easier ways to do so, brother.”
As quickly as it appeared, the flame ceased.
Loki turned back to you, smoothing his anorak. “Sorry about that,” he quipped with a cheerful smile.
In the time it had taken to complete his theatrics, you had selected one of his pile which you deemed suitable. You turned it over in your hands, fingers curled around the trunk of the weighty stick. Loki swallowed thickly. The innocently sensual glint in your eyes as you looked at it was almost too much to bear. Or maybe it was his imagination.
You hadn’t raised a smile all day, after all. He knelt on his haunches, mirroring your intrigue while you ran a finger down the larger stick. “We need to whittle a groove down here” you said. Loki nodded, moving his eyes between the line your digit took and your face.
Your eyes met.
He saw your gaze drop to his lips, only for a millisecond. “Could you?” you whispered, avoiding eye contact again.
In a flash of green, Loki produced a short dagger. He held it to you, handle first.
“I mean really we should use the one in your pack,” you smirked, eyeing Steve brushing sodden leaves from his ass as Thor fumbled fruitlessly in the undergrowth in a last ditch attempt. Loki felt his heart pound faster. He saw his chance. “But mine is better, Agent” he murmured darkly. “You know that.” “Guys – come over, please!” you shouted over his shoulder. Loki flinched. Truly, she now immune from my overtures, he mused bitterly; remembering the times a line like that would have had you groaning in his ear like a harlot.
He smoothed a rakish curl back from his forehead, collecting himself while his brother and the captain gathered round. Thor was muttering Asgardian curses under his breath, his hair wild. Twigs stuck out at obscure angles, a small slug clinging to the scruff of his jawline. Loki peeled it off, flicking it away.
“I think not that I was made for nature, brother,” Thor lamented under his breath. Loki chuckled, cut short as his dagger, poised in your hand, began to cut away at the centre of the large stick. There was a sharp intake of breath beside him. “That’s not standard issue,” Steve chided quietly, lips hardening. Loki folded his arms, elbowing Rogers in the process. “Watch what I’m doing,” you said sternly, eyeing the men with suspicion. They stood in rapt attention, watching every rut of the blade, every splinter and chunk which sprung forth. But not Loki.
Loki watched your face. Each furrow of your brow, flick of concentration, ghost of a smile as you looked with satisfaction at the result. “Perfect,” you murmured to yourself, running a cautious fingertip through the rough groove. “Now what?” Thor grunted. “Tis still a damnable stick.” You laughed the sweetest, most condescending laugh that Loki had ever heard.
It made his heart twist in his chest. “Now...you each take one of these” you handed each of them a smaller stick from Loki's haul. Loki’s was the longest.
A smirk curled the corners of his mouth against his better judgement. You rolled your eyes, snatching it back and switching it with Steve. “Sharpen these, so they are at a 45 degree angled point. Remember your angles from yesterday, Thor?” Thor frowned. You made the angle with your forearm. “Ah, yes” he smiled. “The little mountain.” For the next few minutes, Loki felt your appraising stare fall on him in intervals. He crafted his edge to perfection, sliding the dagger’s blade so close to the wood’s bark it almost shone. The rough hacking of the other men’s pocketknives peppered the air. Aside from that, and birdsong, there was silence.
When all of them had finished, you called them back around a small, cleared patch of forest floor. The branch with the groove you had made lay on the ground. The three men stared at it, sharpened sticks in hand. Suddenly it all felt very...human. They glanced at each other vacantly. “Loki?” you chirped, gesturing to the ground. He raised an eyebrow.
“On my knees?” he heard himself purr, the feigned incredulity palpable. You nodded sternly, just once.
“Very well,” he murmured, sinking down.
His knees hit the leaves with a crisp, gentle thump.
Immediately, wetness began to seep into the fabric. Like the gusset of her underwear, he mulled. He looked up at you the way he used to while you would have him kiss up your thighs, yanking his hair as he atoned for some imagined grave misdeed with sexual favour. The essence of his vulnerability. A rarity, only for you. He was such a slut for you, back then. Anything you desired. Anything he desired- “Loki?!” you snapped. He had been staring at your chest, eyes glazed. Carefully, he tilted his chin upwards. “Apologies,” he husked. The swallow which bobbed in your throat made his loins ache. Your voice was high. Higher than she intends, surely; he thought.
“Kind of...position it so the big stick with the groove is between your knees-” you’d said.
Loki shuffled, straddling the branch. It brushed the bulge of his cock pulsing lightly against his trousers. “Between my thighs, you say?” he asked innocently. “No, your knees. Well – thighs, sort of yes. Just keep it steady.” You were becoming flustered, Loki noticed. Loki liked that.
You bent down slightly, touching the hard round of his bicep before recoiling like it was a hot stove. “You um...hold the stick like this, no...like-”
Kneeling beside him, you adjusted the angle of his hands to grip the smaller, pointed stick. “That’s it...and then you rub it back and-” you swallowed, “-back and forth. On the one between your thighs. Knees.” Loki bit his lip, beginning to do just that. The sound was awful as his pace quickened after the first few strokes. Scraping, raw squeals that jarred the air.
“Like this?” he panted. A mist of sweat was forming at his hairline. He could feel it tingle.
“Like that,” you replied shakily. Your breaths were short. They were in time with the thrust of his arms as you hovered by his shoulder, guiding his wrist as it pumped back and forth. Thor and Steve glanced silently at each other, brows raised.
Loki saw Thor’s jaw drop from the corner of his eye, a meaty finger protruding from one straightened arm to the smoke beginning to waft from the groove. “Look, Rogers…” he gasped with the wonder of a child. The smoke became thicker, billowing in heavy flow. You fumbled to the side, grabbing some tufts of dried moss.
“Now tip it in, tip the ash in-” you said frantically, barely contained excitement in your voice. Loki complied, watching as the smouldering embers blossomed within the web of moss.
“Be careful,” he whispered, setting the stick in his hands down. He brought them up protectively around the moss. You held it forward, “blow, Loki” you murmured, keeping your eyes fixed on the small ball which had begun to smoke.
“Blow?” he said, forehead creasing while you nodded. Your eyes narrowed at the tuft clenched between your fingers. “Until you get-” “-a spark,” Loki finished quietly.
He blew on the moss, flinching as the vegetation burst with flame. Thor and Steve gasped, crowding round as you dropped the raging ball of fire to the groove of the stick below. You grabbed Loki’s spear, prodding the moss. Loki opened his mouth and closed it again.
He felt that he should be bored. Or annoyed. Longing for home comforts and solitude or some such. But, admittedly, he would not have thought of this whole scenario. Against his wishes, he had learned something.
What you had done? How you had transformed nothing into...something. Like magic. When he set fire to things, he cared not how they burned. Just that they burned. And, Loki thought, they always do.
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After what felt like an eternity, Loki closed the door to the cottage and turned the key.
He was the last one in, favouring a meandering pace behind the three others huddled together in a jovial formation. Water saturated him, rolling in thick droplets from his forehead down the carve of his jawline. He had never known rain like it. It had fallen like milk, heavy and thick and relentless in every direction.
Hair was plastered to his skull, to his neck. It stuck in clumpy tendrils and made a weird noise against the garish anorak when he moved. He flicked his hands forward with frustration. The clench of his stomach against the soaking fleece made him shudder.
After the first attempt, he had reluctantly admitted there was no point in drying himself every ten seconds. Even magic, he had surmised, was no match for the English countryside.
Muffled roars sounded from the living room. Loki rounded the corner, cursing every squelching step. Predictably, his brother’s head was lodged in the soaking neck of his roll neck sweater. His hiking trousers lay in a bedraggled heap on the floor, water pooling around them through the floorboards. Muddy bootprints were smeared in circles over the rug. Steve held the hem of the sweater, rolled over Thor’s head and arms, yanking it. “I’m going-to take-your gosh-darned-head-off,” he grunted; before there was a wet pop. Thor stumbled backwards, landing in a chair in the corner. He began to laugh.
Loki rolled his eyes. “I wish to bathe,” he said plainly before turning to the doorway. Steve’s eyes widened. “The lady got first dibs, Laufeyson. You’ll have to wait. Shouldn’t have dallied on the ridge.” Loki froze, a grimace descending.
He closed his eyes, clicking his neck with a tilt to the side. Thor laughed, shaking his head. He pointed to Loki, then to Steve. “What need have we three of hot baths?”
“Speak not to me of my affinity of baths. Tis you who had your very own bathhouse on Asgard” Loki snarled. He rolled his molars, the deep chill setting into his bones only half born from the wet clothes sticking to every crevice. He looked longingly at the bathroom door, thinking of what lay out of reach. The sweet caress of hot water on his aching muscles, covering his weather-worn limbs with the kiss of a million bubbles that only sought to bring him pleasure. A vision of your naked body sinking in foam fluttered in front of his waking eyes, your lips parted to the ceiling as you let your thighs fall open-
The boiler made an alarming rattle in the kitchen.
“I’ll check it,” he muttered, casting a final glance to the bathroom door as he passed. He heard a splash. And then a small groan of satisfaction.
In the kitchen, Loki gripped the counter-lip and hung his head. He stared at the greyed cream of the surface while seidr rolled up his body, every inch of sodden fabric plastered to him airing free. A waft hit his hair, blowing it over his shoulders. Shaking it back, his eyes meeting the row of mis-matched mugs from yesterday. “When in Nilfheim,” he mumbled to himself like a mantra.
He returned to the living room, three steaming mugs in hand. The others had managed to light a stove in the corner and were now wearing pyjamas. Tops and bottoms, Loki noticed. A rarity indeed. He looked again at the fire. The flames were small, but they were there. He decided to be pleasant. “Did you use the groove technique?” Loki smiled, setting a mug down on the armrest of Thor’s chair. The men laughed while Loki straightened, staring pensively into the licking flames. With mild interest, the god realised that this was the first time he had been in this room. No mean feat, considering that the cottage only had three downstairs. The kitchen, the bathroom, and this one. He glanced around at the sparse décor, as antiquated and dulled and beige as the other spaces. “I remember those,” Steve nodded, aiming towards a radio on a corner-shelf. Loki chuckled, before sipping his tea. He smacked his lips. “Honestly, Rogers. What possessed you to house us in this place? Surely there are nicer.” Steve shrugged. “I thought it would be good for us,” he said, brushing his pyjama bottoms. “I mean, look at this chair!?” Loki exclaimed, gesturing to where his brother sprawled. It was some kind of cream leather, cracked at the worn areas where a thousand mortal arses had sat. Stains adorned the peel of its chafed skin. “A son of Odin, in a chair such as that. It’s insulting.” The words were bitter, but a playful smile tugged at his lips. Steve saw it. “Actually it is rather comfortable, brother” Thor piped up. He re-adjusted himself, leaning backwards, “rather comfortable indee-” In a flash, his tea sloshed in the air; hands flying to grip the armrest as the whole chair slid back to a lying position. Loki jumped to his feet, seidr fizzling in the palms of his hands. “Calm down,” Steve said, patting Loki’s lower back. “It’s a recliner, it’s supposed to do that. Had those in my day too.”
There was silence but for the crackling of the fire which had grown to a healthy blaze. It was comfortable. Loki quietly transformed his clothes to the flannel pyjama bottoms that had lain neatly folded beneath his pillow upstairs. “What about the top? You’ll freeze.” Steve murmured, pulling his mug closer to his chin. Loki smiled, shaking his head. Fresh curls bounced around his collarbone. “I think not that a thin layer of cotton will help in that regard, Rogers.” “Modesty, then” Steve scoffed, nudging his head in the direction of the bathroom. Both brothers rolled their eyes.
“Our dear Agent has seen me in much more raucous states of undress, I assure you” he sniffed, staring pointedly at the flames. He could almost feel the wrinkle of Steve’s nose. There was another silence which hung between them, heavier this time. “What happened, Loki?” Steve whispered, leaning forward like a teen girl at a sleepover. He pulled the blanket in his lap to his chest. “Between you and-” he gestured with his head again towards the door. “You guys were pretty perfect together seemed like.” Loki bristled, feeling his brothers eyes on him too. He knew it would come to this. “We had an irreconcilable differing of opinion.” “On what?” “On me.”
Loki straightened, rolling his shoulders back and resting an ankle on his knee for good measure. Casual. The scratch of cheap upholstery made his back tingle. “Well that could mean all manner of things, brother. You are insufferable.”
Loki swallowed, blinking several times. Steve reached out, patting his hand gently, but Loki flapped it away. “Apparently I am...what were her words exactly? Oh, yes. Haughty. Condescending. Unwaveringly arrogant.” He looked pointedly between the men. “I mean, can you believe that?!” Thor and Steve’s eyes met, each waiting for the other to speak first.
“Well, yes” they said in sync.
Loki bristled again, raking a hand through his hair. “Not to the point where it subsumes all my admirable qualities, surely?” he said, beginning to pick at the green of his bottoms. “I mean really. Is it truly arrogance if what I say is true? I cannot help being a god.”
Silence was deafening.
Loki looked to the side, seeing Steve’s face contorted in a theatrical twist. One eyebrow was raised, lips stretched over his teeth in a grimacing caricature. “You do go on about it a lot.” he said out of the corner of his mouth.
“Indeed, brother.” Thor concurred. He nestled back in the recliner with a satisfied sigh. “I shouldn’t have to walk with these groceries...I am a god. I have no need of a parking permit, I am a god...I can only imagine how it is to be your significant other, especially for so long-” “Hey, Thor – did Loki tell you about ‘that time’ on Asgard?” “Why yes Rogers he did. All of them. And anyone else who’d listen. Especially the part which highlights exactly how impressive it is that he is...” “-a god,” they both finished. Loki stared between them, open mouthed. His furious gaze landed on his brother. The betrayal in his voice was palpable. “How dare you,” he growled. “You’re one to talk, spouting off about your powers and flaunting your lineage at every chance you can grasp. The audacit-” Thor raised a waggling finger in the air, pushing his feet against the chair and sitting upright. “Ah-ah-ah, brother. But I am both self-effacing and charming, isn’t that right Rogers?” he beamed. “He is quite charming.” Steve agreed, reluctantly. “You on the other hand...it comes across as more..” The three of them looked between each other. Loki’s face fell.
“Oh,” he said quietly.
Of all the times your gentle hands had cupped his, your caring words of encouragement that he think more of what he was saying; he had not listened. Not really. The armour of arrogance was a comfort to him. It was secure, unchanging. Unlike everything else. And in truth, he’d thought you’d liked it. Despite your occasional protestations.
Until the end, that was.
A creak from the hallway signalled your imminent emergence from the bathroom.
In all the commotion, none of them had heard the boiler cease its ragged howl. A few seconds later, your head poked around the door. Wetted hair fell around your shoulders, sticking to the curve of your neck. Loki looked up through his lashes, stomach fluttering as your palm slid innocently down the wooden frame. Moisture still clung to your skin.
Loki hoped you weren’t cold. “I’m going to bed, I’ll see you in the morning” you said, looking to Thor and Steve before your eyes met his. He looked away quickly. “Goodnight,” the three of them chimed, some more enthusiastically than others. You stepped out in full view for a moment, adjusting the towel around your body. “Did you use the groove technique?” you smiled, nodding to the fire. “My brother made the same joke already,” Thor said, reclining on the deceptively comfortable chair again with a flourish. “But alas, no.” Loki’s heart skipped as you focused on him. Something swam in your eyes as you twisted the towel by your armpit. Something that wasn’t irritation, or coldness. He saw your covert gaze drop to his neck, lower to his chest, then to the flat of his stomach. He shifted, curling his long legs up on the sofa.
“Join us,” he said, gesturing to an empty armchair in the corner. You shook your head, offering a weak smile. “I’m exhausted, clearly you guys have more stamina than I do.” Loki felt the mighty need to agree rise in his throat. To articulate the validity of your statement, and its infinite reasoning and commend your observations. For the first time, he was aware of its overwhelming crawl upwards like dragon-fire, sanctimonious empty words writhing like live insects in his mouth – desperate to be spat. He forced them down, under the watchful eye of Steve. The words sat in his stomach like a stone.
“Goodnight, Agent.” Loki murmured with a respectful nod. You returned it silently, before closing the door.
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A sliver of open curtain cast moonlight on the wall.
Loki stared at it.
Then he stared at it some more. How long had he lain here? He turned, grasping at the vintage midgardian alarm clock on the side. He squinted. Nine-forty. Loki groaned, rolling back against the lumpy mattress. Tonight, unlike the last, sleep evaded him. Although he had only been in the maze of his thoughts for fifteen minutes, it felt like eternity. Why could he not read you? It was always so easy before, he pondered. His eyes tracked along a crack in the ceiling. Before she raised the drawbridge.
He sighed.
If what Rogers and his brother said was in truth, then it meant the unthinkable. That she was right to do what she did. Was he truly so conceited that he had let love which evaded him so long slip through his grasp for the sake of his pride? For what? To feel important for a fleeting moment? A thousand fleeting moments would be more accurate. A chill ran down his spine. Does she think that, in truth, I never cared for her at all? He closed his eyes, attempting to diminish the intrusive thought. In an act of mercy, his mind conjured the memory of you wrapped in only the towel downstairs. Hair wet, droplets kissing down your neck as you played with the side of the cotton.
‘Come here, Agent’ he would growl, spreading his thighs wider on the bed’s edge. He knew how much you loved the thickness of his thighs. At least, you used to. The version of you still in love with him would sashay across the room, bare feet leaving wet imprints on the floorboards. A coy smile playing on your pouted lips.
Would you wait until you had straddled him to release the towel, or in the moment before you did so? Loki pondered this for a moment, before deciding to indulge in both.
He could feel his cock hardening uncomfortably against the crotch of his pyjama pants, the spill of your perfect breasts into his imaginary hands making it throb. ‘Darling,’ he would sigh as he buried his face in your cleavage. His thumbs would graze your delicate nipples, guiding them to his open lips as you ground against his lap. A hand would nudge his tip inside your perfect heat before you edged down...down to meet the root. And then, you would kiss. You always wanted to kiss the first time you were fully joined. Entwined. Twin-gasps would fill the air, giving way to moans of quiet pleasure as Rogers and his brother slept next door.
Or tried to, at least. Loki spat in his hand, before slipping it beneath the waistband of his pyjamas. Cold fingers wrapped around the mass of untended lust that waited. He pumped once, pulling the foreskin back gently and letting his fist nestle against the neat of his pubic hair.
A ragged exhale escaped him.
How long has it been, he wondered briefly, before tightening his grip.
He extended his thumb, pressing harshly against velvet flesh as he swept upwards. The god’s eyes rolled back in the darkness, back arching up into his pleasure. Low pants began to pepper the air around him, each swipe of his hand more frantic than the last.
Too loud.
He bit his lip, eyes screwed shut while visions of you flashed through his mind. He settled on a memory of you in his bedroom in the tower. His hands were tied behind his back as he sat on the edge of the bed you shared, your fingers curling around his abs as they clenched beneath the touch. Your lips fastening around his trembling cock as you made him yours in each stroke of your tongue. Each slurping kiss that lingered as you sucked, his head falling back as he lost himself in you. Always, he thought between staggered breaths. Completely hers.
Loki’s fingers dug into the mattress, the rough methodical slap of his fist against flesh a din to his ears. But gods, it felt so good. He needed this. Needed to allow himself a stolen moment of pleasure where you loved him still.
Climax began to bubble in his deepest centre, swirling behind his eyelids. Loki’s thumb circled the tip with every fuck of his palm, squeezing tighter while droplets of precum made the pyjama pants damp. His teeth were gritted to the ceiling, bared in a grimace. His chin pointed upwards, the pillow folding in on his cheekbones with the force of the brace. His breaths were short. ‘Mmmm’ The god’s eyes shot open.
He paused, wincing as his fist froze tightly halfway down his cock. His ears pricked, concentrating. ‘Mmmm-uh’
Loki’s head fell to the side, facing the wall. The wall on the other side of which, you lay.
He closed his eyes, summoning every magnification of his senses that he could. Your voice. No more than a whisper, seeping through the stone.
‘Loki, yes…’
He’d know those sweet sighs of pleasure anywhere.
A breath he’d been holding rattled free, timed with a tentative tug of his cock.
He could hear everything now. The rustle of bedsheets tangled around your knees, the beat of your heart quickening as you reached your peak with him in your head. The press of your fingers on that spot just about your plump, beautiful clit. Were you imagining the flat of his tongue caressing against your desire? Loki thought you were. Orgasm began to rise alongside some unplaced feeling, his legs tensing; toes curling into the mattress.
She wants me.
In a split-second decision, he whipped the bedsheets from his body and jumped cat-like to the floor. Within two strides, he had opened the door with a creak and slipped into the cramped hallway. Your door loomed before him, adjacent to his own.
What are you doing, he thought; suddenly horrified as the chill set in. He looked down, cock hard and leaking against his pyjama pants.
He began to step back, emitting the loudest groan of a floorboard he had ever heard in his life. Loki grimaced, hushing the accursed building with clawed fingers. But it was too late. He heard the succession of your bare feet meeting the floor, and in a matter of seconds; your door opened. Just a crack. “Loki?” you warily whispered into the darkness. He cleared his throat softly, casting a glance over his shoulder before daring to meet your questioning eyes. That dragon-fire bubbled in his stomach like acid, quippy lines and heavy-handed flirtations that begged to be freed.
How had he never noticed before how much effort it took, not to let them out? I thought you might need a hand, You called for me, so I’ve come to... make you c- I know you still desire me, which is to be expected, Admit it, no one can pleasure you like me, For old times sake- Because, Loki realised, he had never tried. You opened the crack of the door wider, looking to either side of the landing suspiciously. His eyes ran from your bare feet to the hem of a nightdress falling around your thighs. He recognised that nightdress. Your favourite. It had dead leaves on it, which he never understood. But maybe now, in this place, he finally did.
You only wore it when the nights grew colder. And only when he was not there to hold you for warmth.
Which these days, he thought with a pang, is always.
All too late, the god realised he had become distracted from his newfound restraint. It had wound like ivy around his thoughts, vines twisting and flourishing with alarming speed. But there was nothing to be done about it now. “I thought you might want some... company,” he growled suggestively.
His cock pressed ferociously against his hip, covered from view by one thick forearm.
Your eyebrows rose beneath a deadpan stare. “You can’t be serious.” Like an out of body experience, Loki raised the forearm covering his crotch to rest high on the door-frame. The unmistakable scent of your arousal seeped into his nostrils, an interrupted climax lingering in the air.
Moonlight from the cracks in your curtains licked across his chest, his obliques – casting deep shadows in his cheekbones, Loki would wager.
Hair fell around his jaw, tingling the flushed skin. He could feel his manhood pressing eagerly against the cotton, as desperate for your touch as it always had been. The thrill that in mere seconds, he would feel you against him again where you belonged. The heat of your skin flush to his own, the muffled mewls from your lips as you kissed, the insatiable wandering of your hands as you devoured him like an addict’s first fix. You would be so happy. This time, Loki would make sure of that.
He looked down deep into your eyes, smouldering with all his might. “Deadly, darling.” he purred.
Your disbelieving stare fell to his crotch. It widened. “Oh my god, Loki.” you hissed. “Yes...?” he crooned presumptively in response. The rakish smile spreading barely had time to reach his eyes before the door slammed in his face, almost taking Loki’s fingers with it to the other side.
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>>Chapter Three: A Long Way Down Tags (contd in comments)
@lokischambermaid @meowmeow-motherfucker @gigglingtiggerv2 @imalovernotahater @avengersalways @littledark11 @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @thedistractedagglomeration @loopsisloops @holdmytesseract @fandxmslxt69 @morriggannlostinfandoms @marygoddessofmischief @sebstanwhore @xorpsbane @peacefulpianist @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @acidcasualties @ozymdias @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @skymoonandstardust @justjoanne242 @thenotoriouserg @ladyofthestayingpower @wolfmoonmusic @brittbax @smolvenger @liminalpebble @joyful-enchantress @kaleenjackson @fictional-hooman @kellatron55 @mrs-illyrian-baby @icytrickster17 @multifandom-worlds @muddyorbs @buttercupcookies-blog @arch-venus25 @nine-leafclover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
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pupsmailbox · 4 months
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NAMES ⌇  aarush.  aditya.  aelius.  aeolus.  akino.  alba.  albert.  altan.  amp.  anatoly.  apollo.  arun.  aurora.  ayden.  blaze.  blazetta.  castor.  coron.  corone.  cyrus.  dawn.  dawnique.  day.  daystar.  elaine.  eleanor.  eliane.  elio.  flarette.  halo.  helia.  helie.  helio.  helios.  heliossa.  hina.  horus.  idal.  idalia.  idalio.  leo.  phoebe.  plasmelle.  pollux.  ray.  shine.  shines.  shinesse.  sol.  solar.  solara.  solari.  solarine.  solaris.  solarista.  solaro.  solei.  soley.  solista.  solstice.  solstine.  star.  staresse.  sulien.  sun.  sunday.  sunna.  sunnibelle.  sunnita.  sunny.  sunrise.  sunsetta.  sunshina.  sunshine.
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PRONOUNS ⌇  aura/aura.  beam/beam.  bla/blaze.  day/day.  day/star.  daystar/daystar.  fla/flare.  flare/flare.  gleam/gleam.  glow/glow.  gold/gold.  helio/helio.  leo/leo.  li/light.  light/light.  midday/midday.  morning/morning.  ray/ray.  ri/rise.  scald/scald.  scold/scold.  shi/shine.  shine/shine.  sol/sol.  sol/solar.  solar/solar.  solstice/solstice.  spot/spot.  star/star.  star/sun.  starsun/starsun.  stell/stellar.  sun/beam.  sun/shine.  sun/sun.  sunbeam/sunbeam.  sunlight/sunlight.  sunny/sunny.  sunrise/sunrise.  sunset/sunset.  sunshine/sunshine.  wa/warm.  ☀️ . 🌞 . 🌡️ . 🌤️ . 🌥️ . 🌦️ . 🔥.
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cockslutpadalecki · 2 years
The Unexpected Valentine
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Summary: When you decide to spend your ruined Valentines getaway alone, you’re thankful for the peace and quiet but when a mysterious stranger catches your eye, your Valentines weekend turns out better than you ever imagined.
Characters: SilverFox!CEO!Steve Rogers x F!Reader.
Words: 2.2K.
Warnings: heavy flirting, sex in a hot tub, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
A/N: Formerly a Patreon exclusive. Tried to post last night, but the post editor is being a douchebag. Not beta’ed so all errors, spelling mistakes and general bullshit are entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support our content creators by sharing our work.
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Smoothing out your dress, you take in the image of yourself in the small mirror hanging in the corner of the room. Your hair and makeup are by no means flawless, and the outfit you’ve chosen to wear to dinner is smart, but comfortable. 
You don’t need to dress up to impress anyone, choosing to spend the short vacation by yourself, and personally you feel like it’s the best decision you’ve ever made. Initially Hoyt was going to join you at the five star ski resort to celebrate Valentines together, but after a particularly messy break up, you decide to still make the most of the trip. 
It worried you in the lead up that it would do more harm than good— reminding you of a better time spent with your slimy ex-boyfriend, but actually, the time away has so far been refreshing. Plus, being out on the slopes in the fresh Colorado air has really helped to clear your head. 
You didn’t even mind dining on your own. At first the stares and prying eyes were unnerving, but you soon forgot about them once you tucked into the decadent food and sipped on the exquisite wine. 
You give yourself one last look, a satisfied smile on your lips before leaving the room, stomach well and truly rumbling. 
The restaurant on the hotel’s premises is bustling. Every table is full, except for the one you reserved the day you arrived. You waltz between the fancy oak, a small murmur buzzing along behind you as diners whisper to themselves. Once at your own table, you slide smoothly into your chair, reaching for the water jug and pouring yourself a glass. Bringing it to your lips, you take a little glance around you, suddenly noticing a pair of bright cerulean eyes locked on you from across the room. 
The man accompanying the piercing stare flashes you a wide smile before glancing away, mindlessly forking some food around on his plate. A coy smirk still pulls at the corners of his lips which leaves you a little flustered. You haven’t seen him around the resort at all since you got here three days ago, and the sight of him makes your entire body tingle.
To try and take your mind off of Blue Eyes in the corner, you pick up a menu as the waiter approaches you. 
“Good evening Madam, would you like to hear tonight’s specials?” he asks politely.
“No, thank you. I’ll just have the soup to start,” you glance over the menu one last time, “and hm, lets try the lobster tonight please.” 
“Any sides for the table, ma’am?” 
“No, I think I’ll be fine, thank you,” you beam, passing him your now closed menu. 
He takes it from you whilst returning your gesture, smiling down at you. “And to drink?” 
“I’ve gotten quite fond of the house red.” 
“As you wish, I’ll be right back with your wine,” he smiles again before you catch the eye of Blue Eyes from the corner now standing in front of your table.
“I find it hard to believe you’re here alone,” he says softly. You can’t explain it, but there’s something about him that instantly makes every vein in your body sing.
You keep your reply clipped, “How so?” 
“A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn’t be wasted.”
Normally such a cliché line would’ve made you send him packing, but his charisma is infectious and you find yourself offering him the spare seat opposite.
“Thank you,” he says with gratitude as he sinks down into the chair, flashing you a perfectly white smile. 
“No need. Figured you’d need some company if you’re having to resort to cheesy pick up lines like that,” you sass. 
The man laughs, holding his hand out across the table for you to take, introducing himself. “I’m Steve.” 
You tell him your name, instantly mesmerised by just how blue his eyes are up close. It’s only now you notice the small flecks of silver peppering his beard and stray strands around his hairline.
You exchange pleasantries for a while, nothing too deep for a first encounter, but you enjoy talking to him nonetheless. Steve’s incredibly laid-back, and there’s an air of cockiness to him but it somehow doesn’t come across as arrogance. He’s enticing and debonair, a true gentleman and when he insists on walking you to your room, he seeks your permission to give you a kiss goodnight— on the cheek no less. 
As he pulls away, Steve asks if he can take you to dinner tomorrow night. 
“Not downstairs”, he clarifies quickly when he notices you’re about to counter his offer. “A proper one in town.”
You’re hesitant, but when Steve places a gentle kiss on the back of your hand, the word, “yes,” is out of your mouth before you can stop it.
The restaurant Steve picks is, in a word, expensive. Even a bottle of wine costs more than what you earn in a week, and when it was time to pick something to drink, you hurriedly chose the cheapest item on the vast wine list.
You feel guilty just glancing at the menu, indecisive about whether to pick the cheapest dish— no doubt making him think you’re poor, or choose the most extravagant, and worry that he’ll believe you’re too high maintenance. 
Ugh, you shake your head, scolding yourself for thinking too much into the situation, reminding yourself this is just a casual dinner. No expectations or provisos. Stop panicking.
As the waiter heads over, you settle on a starter and main, and order both quickly, almost fearful of Steve’s judgment on what you’ve picked. You brave a glance at the man across the table, but he’s simply smiling, those steely blue eyes focused on you like you’re the only other person in the room. 
“And for you, Sir?” The waiter next to Steve asks, ready and poised to take his order on the small PDA in his hand. 
“I’ll just have the same,” Steve replies, breaking eye contact with you for a split second to smile up at him.
“Right you are, Sir.” He inputs the selections quickly, grabbing up the menus Steve holds up for him before leaving you both alone.
“So, if it’s not too forward of me, can I ask you a question?” Steve asks once the waiter is out of earshot, his eyes cast down at the table. 
He finally looks up at you through heavy eyelashes. “On what?”
“How personal a question it is.”
Steve grins wide, reaching for his whiskey tumbler as he cocks his head, teeth tugging at his bottom lip. You can tell he’s amused by you, and that gives you an instant confidence boost. 
“Shoot,” you invite sweetly.
“How come you were dining alone last night?” 
You shrug. “Was supposed to be here with my boyfriend,” you start, and the dejected look in Steve’s eye is not lost on you, “but he decided he’d rather spend Valentine's balls deep in someone else.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he offers, “but I can’t help being a little thankful.”
“For what?” 
“Well if you were here with him, I would never have had the pleasure of your company.”
You nod, a small smirk tugging at your lips as you raise your glass and toast the room. “Touché.” You take a large gulp of the claret liquid swirling around in your glass before asking Steve, “So, what about you? Ex-girlfriend mess you around too?”
But before he has a chance to answer, the maitre d who seated you at the beginning of the evening swans up to the table, wearing his widest smile. 
“Good evening Mr. Rogers, I trust everything is to your satisfaction,” he presumes with hope. 
“Always is, Frank,” Steve returns kindly, moving his hand out in front of him for the other man to take. You notice the discreet but crumpled fifty within Steve’s palm, but don’t think to question it.
They converse back and forth for a short while, and you can tell Steve is trying to keep his answers brief so Frank will soon leave you  in peace. Finally, Frank bids you both a good night and strides off, eventually dropping out of sight.
“Mr. Rogers? What do you like, own the place or something?” you throw out casually before taking another sip of wine.
“Most of the buildings in town actually.”
You almost choke on the liquid you’re swallowing, not expecting the answer you get. “Sorry, I-I had no idea.” 
“I don’t really tend to brag about my acquisitions,” Steve flashes you a coquettish smile, “unless it works in my favour, of course.” 
“And what favours might those be?” you flirt back.
“Hm,” he ponders, “sexual ones.” 
“I see.” 
There’s an almost uncomfortable silence. You appreciate that Steve doesn’t outright assume you’d be that easy, but at the same time you’re conflicted, feeling a little put out. Pushing through it, you steer the conversation back to Steve’s empire.
“So,” you point towards the window, indicating the row of buildings across the street, “which exactly are yours then?” 
“Well, there’s this place, the restaurant down the street, the ski lodge—”
“What happened to not bragging?” you chuckle dryly.
Steve shrugs, a light smirk on his lips. “Is it working in my favour yet?” 
The ride back to Steve’s lodge overlooking the small, quaint town is messy and frantic. His lips are on yours the moment you slide into the backseat, and for a second you fear what the driver might say, but Steve, sensing your apprehension, assures you into the column of your neck that there’s nothing to worry about.
You pay little attention to the stunning views as you travel further up the mountain, too absorbed by Steve’s hands roaming your body. He doesn’t undress you, but his fingers tease as so, tips gently brushing over the zip of your dress more than once. 
Your arousal is thick between your thighs, hot and aching as he slips his hand under the skirt to test you. You allow Steve access, opening your legs a little wider as he cups you fully. 
The vehicle slows to a stop, and it’s not until the door beside Steve opens that he finally pulls his hand away, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before almost dragging you from the car. 
The cold and brisk February air whirls around you in a white flurry of a few stray snowflakes, blown from a nearby cluster of conifers. Usually you’d be quick to grab a coat or head back inside the warmth of Steve’s lodge, but the heat of the steam from the hot tub does plenty to neutralize the chill coming off of the mountain. 
Steve’s behind you, leaving a trail of light kisses over your shoulder blade as his hands tug at your hips, pulling you into his lap. 
“It’s quite a view from up here,” you observe, marvelling at the glow from the street lamps all the way from up here. They look like tiny fireflies buzzing around in search of the nearest source of light.
“It’s nothing compared to the view I have right now,” Steve whispers against your skin. He brings a hand up to your jaw, turning your head to the side. You giggle as he stares at you in awe before capturing your lips hungrily once more.
He rolls his hips, his cock pressing firm against your bare ass before pushing you off his lap, turning you to press you up against the side of the hot tub. You whimper into the crook of your elbow as Steve enters you quickly from behind. Your pussy is still sensitive from the last two rounds where he had fucked you over the kitchen counter, and then again on the bathroom floor as you had cleaned up. 
Almost as soon as he bottoms out, he’s moving inside you, having already memorised the perfect rhythm that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. Water begins to splash over the side as Steve’s thrusts quicken, his breath hot against your damp skin. You clutch desperately at the edge of the hot tub as he fucks into you with reckless abandon before sliding a hand down between the valley of your thighs, fingers grazing over your clit.
“Fuck, Steve!” you yell, voice echoing as it travels down the valley, the deep snow eventually absorbing the sound. 
It’s only a matter of time before you come again, body trembling against Steve’s as the coil inside you snaps, flooding your veins with rapturous electricity. 
Steve soon follows with a grunt, his grip tightening harder around your hips when he lets go, coming deep and hot inside you.
He pulls away, placing a trail of wet sloppy kisses against your neck before slumping back against the side of the hot tub next to you, chest heaving deeply with raspy breaths. 
“Fuck, I think I’m gonna need to sleep for a week after that,” you giggle, laying your head sleepily on your arms crossed out in front of you. 
“Told you, you shouldn’t be wasted,” Steve affirms, sweeping his tongue across his bottom lip. “And I certainly didn’t wanna waste a single part of you.” 
“No, you did not.” 
You share a knowing smile, both well aware that the night is far from finished.
When you arrived here, you hated everything to do with St. Valentine and the overrated holiday— knowing it would forever remind you of your failed relationship. Yet as you cuddle up to Steve, your body still tingling, you decide that perhaps it’s not so bad after all.
ALL CE: @buckymydarlingangel @broadwaybabe18 @captain-asguard @chamberofsloths @cevansgurl @dreamlessinparis @deanwinchesterswitch @fandom-princess-forevermore @hurricanerin @kellhems @ladybug05 @mugi-chwan95 @navybrat817 @otomefromtheheart @oneoftheprettynerds @patzammit @rebel-stardust @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @sammykb1994 @syrenavenger @saiyanprincessswanie @sunwardsss @selfsun @threeminutesoflife @vicmc624 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @wintasssoldier @xoxonotme
4EVS: @amirra88 @andreasworlsboring101 @b3autyfuldisast3r @cheesyclaire @chibijusstuff @callsignrambam @dangertoozmanykids101 @daughterofthenight117 @doozywoozy @foxyjwls007 @geekofmanyforms @heyyouwiththeassbutt @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @ilovefanfic86 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @letsby @letsdisneythings @labella420 @mogaruke @maliburenee @notyourtypicalrose @nik2write @obsessivelycapricious @patrick-hockslutter @princessmisery666 @phildunphyisadilf @sage-writing @sea040561 @sweeterthanthis @slutformarvelmen @smokeandnailz @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @thegirlnextdoorssister @unfortunate-brat @wayward-dreamer @warriorqueen1991 @xoxabs88xox
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itslilacokay · 18 days
pls pls PLSS tell me about your NS? au i need to know as much as humanly possible...
sniff... i.... i thought no one would ever ask........... nows my chance...... to yap..........
ns?AVA (normalswap?ava) is my swap au! its not normal
victim and tco both take tsc's role, while tsc just takes victim's role
mercenaries swap roles with cg, though its not exact on which mercenary takes specific a cg member's role and vice versa, theyre quite jumbled around
though one specific stick in the cg doesnt take a mercenary's role and that's yellow, in fact he takes tdl's role! as for tdl he takes tco's role
"so in your au there's like only 3 mercenaries instead of 4?????" no i thought of something else to remedy that
you know that cloaked guy that gave king the command block? yeah hes a mercenary now
speaking of king........ he has a different role as well but that's in ns?avm, which i'll get to later because i need to explain more ns?ava things
so fun fact! the hollowheads have new names for this au
tsc -> The First Victim (tfv)
tdl -> The Chosen Lord (tcl)
victim -> The Return (tr)
tco -> The Second Chosen (scn)
btw the animator is alexcrafter28, aka that minecraft kid in lush caves
for ns?ava lore, i wrote down what happened in ns?ava1-4 a few months ago so if you dont miiind
SWAP-AVA 1 -tfv becomes a rogue animation and destroys the computer -tfv finds the stickfight website and convinces the colorgang to destroy the computer with him, they agree -colorgang gets "ended", which makes ctv want to destroy the computer even more -ends like normal ava1 with the fla closing without being saved, since tfv is bound to that fla file he disappears with it
an extra thing to note is that if this were a video, there would be an ""animation error"" where yellow didnt get shown to be ended, an aucanon explanation would be that yellow managed to escape to the outernet, albeit on accident
SWAP-AVA 2 -tcl is made and destroys the pc, wow what a shocker -alex eventually traps him and just renders him powerless, though tcl's able to still wander around the pc
SWAP-AVA3 -yellow appears back in the pc and starts destroying it again -tcl tries to stop him but eventually joins him and also the code that disabled his power gets removed (yellow did it) -just like normal ava3, it ends with them both completely destroying the computer, ending with a blue screen of death
SWAP-AVA4 -starts like normal ava4, in the middle of an online chat -however, it starts in the middle of scn destroying the computer -scn comes across an fla file and finds tr and co -they hang out for a bit but alex eventually finds the fla with them inside -fight sequence -as soon as alex is about to close the fla a few flashbacks to (swap)ava 1 happen -they come up with a compromise, scn doesnt wreck the pc and alex lets him and his new friends hang out in said pc -a little while later it shows that scn, tr and co are in their own fla, with a house drawn inside it (similar to the stickfight website)
a few extra things i want to add before heading to ns?avm is that in this au, when tfv gets brought back from deletion he tries to immediately go back to the stickfight website in hopes of bringing back the cg
it works, but yellow is still missing
they then find out about the outernet and try to find yellow there
along the way they founded illustratiocorp
just to make it clear they dont care about the animator, or at least getting revenge on the animator is of less importance to them at the moment, for now they just want to find yellow
the reason why tcl is wanted is because he was suspected to have involvement with yellow somehow,,, and also the past instances/news of internet terrorizing but yeahhg
i think thats all for ns?AVA for the moment, now is time for ns?AVM!
so in ns?AVM, gold and king found purple and took him in (purple's lore up until that point still stays, orchid dies and navy leaves)
purple died in the minecraft event and gold feels severe survivor's guilt and now wants to destroy minecraft
unlike king, gold's ,.,,, a child so this hatred against minecraft is more severe
speaking of king, yeah he's still traumatized but he still has a bit of moral left and doesn't want gold to go through with this plan
gold then early on finds out how to enter minecraft because of the cloaked guy (gasp)
in this au, cloaked guy originally resided in the mac and later led gold to said mac
gold decided this would be a good time to start destroying a bit of minecraft currently on the mac, but accidentally ended up being a ruler of the mac village (definitely not because cloaked guy gave him the crown and silently left and the villagers took that as cloaked guy passing down the crown to this kid)
then skip to a whiiiile later, gold and cloaked guy are kinda working together and cloaked guy is also teaching gold how to work with the command block
now that golds more confident on working the command block, his plan to destroy minecraft can finally begin right after making a staff because he still liked his old staff during his time as ruler of the mac village
honestly i havent thought much about ns?AVM as much as i have with ns?AVA so maybe i'll post some other lorethings about ns?AVM after i think some more, but apart from that i thiiink thats about it yeah
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earlycuntsets · 11 days
mcr shows on youtube pt. 4 (2011 - 2023) last one :]
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
08/05/2011 pnc bank arts center holmdel nj - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/13/2011 hersheypark stadium hershey pa - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/20/2011 first midwest bank amphitheater tinley park il - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/26/2011 little john's farm reading england - em
08/31/2011 rogers arena vancouver canada - catie cunningham
09/03/2011 usana amphitheater west valley city utah - delaney nye
09/04/2011 comfort dental amphitheater greenwood village co - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/09/2011  capitol federal park at sandstone amphitheater bonner springs ks - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/11/2011 dte energy music theater clarkston mi - justanotherkilljoy
09/18/2011 farm bureau live at virginia beach va - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/20/2011 verizon wireless amphitheater charlotte nc - the academy is my beautiful romance
1/22/2012 gold coast parklands gold coast australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/03/2012 adelaide showground adelaide australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
02/05/2012 mccallum park perth australia - myxinfinitexromance
05/19/2012 north beach asbury park asbury park nj - ryan hanratty
12/20/2019 the shrine expo hall los angeles ca - gabe havel photo
05/16/2022 the eden project day one st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/17/2022 the eden project day two st austell england - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/21/2022 stadium mk milton keynes england - TheChickenGiraffe
05/24/2022 royal hospital kilmainham dublin ireland - the academy is my beautiful romance
05/28/2022 sofia gardens cricket ground cardiff wales - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/04/2022 bologna sonic park arena parco north italy - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/06/2022 olympiahalle munich germany - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/07/2022 budapest park budapest hungary - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/09/2022 progresja warsaw poland - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/11/2022 o2 arena prague czech republic - the academy is my beautiful romance
06/13/2022 stora scenen gröna lund stockholm sweden - live from stockholm
08/19/2022 paycom center oklahoma city ok - tony
08/23/2022 bridgestone arena nashville tn - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/24/2022 heritage bank center cincinnati oh - the academy is my beautiful romance
08/29/2022 wells fargo philadelphia pa - ronaldb2985
08/30/2022 mvp arena albany ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/05/2022 scotia bank toronto ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
09/16/2022 riot fest douglass park chicago il - geoffrey gardner
09/20/2022 prudential center newark nj - deadhoarse
09/24/2022 fla live arena sunrise fl - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/03/2022 tacoma dome tacoma wa - seattle concerts
10/05/2022 oakland arena oakland ca - HisoKu
10/07/2022 t-mobile arena las vegas nv - wormspeddler (smeagles)
10/08/2022 aftershock discovery park sacramento ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/09/2022 barclays center brooklyn ny - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/15/2022 kia forum inglewood ca - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/23/2022 when we were young day day two las vegas - the academy is my beautiful romance
10/29/2022 when we were young fest las vegas nv - PichyJr
11/18/2022 autódromo hermanos rodríguez mexico city mexico - leashalia
03/11/2023 the outer fields at western springs auckland new zealand (soundcheck) - the academy is my beautiful romance
03/23/2023 qudos bank arena sydney australia - the academy is my beautiful romance
-> pt. 1 (2002 - 2005)
-> pt. 2 (2005 - 2007)
-> pt. 3 (2007 - 2011)
23 notes · View notes
mariacallous · 3 months
The kids are NOT alright
Sporting a "Pretty Girls Vote Republican" baseball cap and several buttons, including one reading "Gun Rights are Women's Rights," Lauren Kerby was surprised to be asked who she plans to vote for in the fall.
"Obviously Trump," the 21-year-old from Berkeley, Mich., said with a laugh. "I came here for a reason."
Here is the 'People’s Convention,' run by Turning Point Action, the advocacy wing of Turning Point USA, one of the largest national organizations focused on engaging students on conservative issues.
Turning Point - which rose out of concerns about free speech on college campuses, has grown into an unapologetically pro-Trump machine, focused on organizing for the former president ahead of the 2024 election.
It hosts events like these, attracting voters like Kerby and hundreds of others like her who want to party, young conservative style.
And this is certainly a Trump show. At the Huntington Place Convention Center in downtown Detroit, a bejeweled presidential seal with Trump’s face in the center rests on the hood of a gold-painted Mercedes-Benz. At a nearby booth among dozens, vendors are selling "America First" cowboy hats and shirts reading, "Voting Convicted Felon, 2024."
The festivities this year come as Turning Point Action works to significantly expand its organizing presence in key swing states ahead of the general election, including Michigan, home to this year’s conference.
Just five months out, enthusiasm for Trump is high among younger attendees. NPR spoke with more than a dozen voters under 30 who remain committed to Trump, motivated to vote for him largely because of his isolationist ideas and focus on the economy and immigration.
Their unwavering support stands in contrast to the sentiment of many younger Democratic voters, who remain unsure or unenthused about backing President Biden again.
Trump took the stage Saturday night as the event headliner. He ticked through his proposed second-term agenda and criticized Biden’s record, making little mention of the youth-focused nature of the event, outside of publicly thanking Turning Point founder and longtime supporter, Charlie Kirk, who is a millennial.
“[Kirk’s] got his army of young people,” Trump said to a crowd of over 8,000, according to Kirk. Though Turning Point staff told NPR that around 3,000 of the attendees were students.
“These are young patriots. They don’t want to see… what's been happening in our country," Trump added.
The former president’s remarks came after two days of speeches from conservative firebrands and high-profile Trump allies, including Republican National Committee co-chair and Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump, former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)
This year’s conference also comes just over two weeks after a New York jury found Trump guilty of criminal charges, a decision that could negatively impact his chances with younger voters. The latest Harvard youth poll, published in March, found a potential guilty verdict increased Biden’s lead by 10 percentage points among young Americans overall.
Much like their unwavering support in the election, though, voters at the event are unphased by his conviction. His mugshot is displayed on the posters and t-shirts of attendees.
To 20-year-old activist James Hart of Tallahassee, Fla., the verdict has little effect.
“I don’t really think, at this point, anyone’s feelings changed. I think everyone knows who they’re going to vote for. We know Trump. Trust me – we know Joe Biden,” said Hart. “We know their policy. We know how they're going to act. And I trust Trump.”
Where young conservatives stand
For Kerby from Berkeley, Mich., supporting Trump partially stems from his push for isolationism, including limiting U.S. aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia.
“He’s focused on what’s happening here,” she said, pointing instead to Trump’s focus on reducing illegal immigration.
“Not saying that other places don't matter, but we should matter first,” Kerby’s friend, Elaina Luca, 21, added. “When you're in a family, you make sure that your family is okay first.”
Luca is also backing Trump. As a mom with two young kids, she’s most concerned about rising prices.
“When I drive around and see a nice house, I like to look up how much it's sold for,” she explained. “In today's economy, it's like, ‘Oh, wow, how did these people even afford that? …And it's like, ‘Oh no, they bought it in 2012 for like $150,000 and now it's worth like $1 million.”
“How am I supposed to get a house to raise my children to live in?” she wondered aloud, “I don't want to pay for a house for the rest of my life.”
Turning Point’s 2024 strategy
While Turning Point’s non-profit side has held student conferences for nearly a decade, also sprinkled with appearances from Republican politicians and conservative media figures, this conference marks just the second for Turning Point Action.
The activist network has morphed into a more pronounced political force, planning to ramp up its organizing ground game ahead of the election.
“It's night and day,” said Turning Point Action spokesman Andrew Kolvet. “Any activities we did, in 2022 for example, in the midterms, was like the Stone Age compared to the level of sophistication and just the resources that we’ve poured into this project to develop it.”
Kolvet is talking about the group’s “Chase the Vote” initiative, a get-out-to-vote campaign focused on reaching low-propensity voters in swing states that launched earlier this spring. Trump recently endorsed the program during a separate Turning Point event in Arizona, another pivotal state in 2024.
Turning Point hopes to raise $100 million to build up on the ground organizing staff and plans to work with the Trump campaign on canvassing – a notable change from past election cycles following new guidance from the Federal Election Commission.
Despite the roots of Turning Point, the program is not solely focused on young voters, though Kolvet said that will always be tied to Turning Point’s work.
Growing up under Trump, now it’s time to vote
Despite enthusiasm for Trump at Turning Point, Republicans face a steep challenge to bringing in more young voters. Voters under 30 have traditionally voted for Democrats, and in 2020, Biden won the age group by a 24-point margin.
Plus – young voters tend to be aligned with Democrats on their key issues – notably on abortion access, addressing climate and curbing gun violence. And despite struggling in polling, Biden still maintains a lead with young voters overall in multiple youth polls.
But among some young conservatives, albeit a proportionally smaller group, Trump’s style of Republican politics – once fringe and now mainstream – is overwhelmingly what they want for their political future.
“The pro-Trump, MAGA element definitely appeals more towards young conservatives and young Americans in general,” said 19-year-old Ohio student, Gabe Guidarini, a member of the College Republicans of America. “It actually addresses the problems that they face.”
He argued young people have trouble connecting to “old school Republican rhetoric” focused on cutting taxes and government spending, because they are not able to progress financially. And given the time period Gen Z has grown up during, Trump’s deviation from political norms is appealing, he explained.
James Hart agrees. Though the 20-year-old now lives in Tallahassee, he grew up in Detroit. “I was raised Democrat,” he said.
That is, until 2016, when his family flipped for Trump.
“His personality is what got my family to say. ‘Hey, you know, maybe the Democrats aren't the greatest,’” he said. “Honesty is the best policy. And up here in the Midwest, we're honest. We say it like it is. And Trump did that.”
Now, as Hart gets ready to vote for the first time, his mind is made up.
“I think most young people are going after Trump-like candidates,” he said. “We want the fire. We want the passion. We're tired of the same old, same old. We want bold policy that actually is going to lead with results.”
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inamindfarfaraway · 15 days
My Wreck-It Ralph Sugar Rush OCs
Bicky Chocrisp.
She has brown skin and dark brown eyes. Her kinky hair is black with light brown streaks, in box braids and woven into a shoulder-length ponytail with a red band that imitates a plaited pastry. She wears a glossy chocolate-brown leather jacket with a gold zip over a white T-shirt with a red heart symbol in the middle. She also has fawn leggings and dark brown shoes with red laces. Her white helmet is modelled after a chocolate-drizzled meringue.
Biscuits, sandwich biscuits in particular, pastries and meringues.
The Tartful Dodger. It has an eclair body, Oreo-esque wheels, a chocolate tart steering wheel, and the seat is two halves of a chocolate sandwich biscuit with cream cushions.
Chocolate wafers.
"It's crunch time!"
Bicky Chocrisp: Smart cookie.
What Bicky Chocrisp lacks in raw power, she makes up for in control and cunning. She’s a master of timing, boosts, powerups, and all the other racing tricks that technically aren’t cheating - even if they may feel like it to those she overtakes. She’s clever, creative and sweet. But she can put up brittle walls of bravado to hide her soft, gooey centre and sometimes worries about being good enough. She likes to watch and analyse races and conversations as much as participate in them.
Roxy Fizzlepop.
She has fair skin, cyan eyes and dusty purple hair in a choppy, spiky pixie cut dotted with sparkly cyan crystals. She wears a sleeveless dark blue puffer jacket over a purple top with short, spiky ripped sleeves, a shiny cyan foil skirt, and dark blue boots with silver laces and cyan crystalline studs. Her helmet is dark blue, smooth and has a purple fuse on the top.
Popping candy and fizzy sweets and drinks.
The Tangnado. Its body is a soft drink bottle of purple glass containing tubes of cyan sherbet, its wheels are cyan fizzy tablet sweets with purple jelly ring tyres, its seat is dark blue and its steering wheel is a silver bottle cap.
Gummy bears.
“Shake it up!”
Roxy Fizzlepop: Lift your spirits.
Roxy Fizzlepop is bubbly, buoyant and bold. She loves the thrill of the race. Win or lose, no outcome will deflate her overflowing cheer as long as she’s done her best, and she always does. Her strategy in everything is charging hard and fast ahead. She’s eccentric, easily distracted but tending to notice details others don’t. She feels all her feelings very intensely. If you manage to set her off by being mean, you’ll find that her temper can be explosive.
Juicica Tutti-Frutti.
She has tan skin, silky jet-black hair in pigtails with bands that imitate pineapple rings and green eyes. She wears a yellow T-shirt with brown seed prints, a translucent pink sweet wrapper skirt, yellow and green striped knee-length shorts and pink shoes. Her helmet resembles a raspberry and matches her shoes.
Snacks and desserts containing fruit.
The Boltberry. Its body is a slice of fruitcake. It has pineapple rings wheels, a steering wheel made of a caramelised apple slice and an orange segment spoiler. Green markings of star fruit cross sections decorate the bonnet and sides.
Toffee apples.
“Zest wishes!”
Juicica Tuttifrutti: Fruits of labour.
An apple a day keeps the rivals away in Juicica Tuttifrutti’s book. This athletic health nut can be slightly overbearing, but she has her friends’ best interests at heart and dedicated diligence is how she shows she cares. Her spirit is patient and resilient, full of positive energy. She holds herself to high standards and would never grab the low-hanging fruit. She believes that practice makes perfect. It certainly makes her a great racer!
Scoffia Confectionaire.
She has fair skin and blue eyes. Her wavy white hair is styled in a chin-length bob that alludes to a popcorn flake. She wears a boxy jacket and trousers with thick vertical red and white stripes like a popcorn carton and gold buttons shaped like pretzels, and a golden shirt underneath. She also wears black patent leather shoes with gold buckles. Her helmet is gold and encrusted with glittering salt crystals.
Salty snacks like popcorn, nuts and pretzels that are often found at public venues and eaten while watching movies.
The Crackerjack. Its body is a normal kart shape, mostly red with white stripes. It has salted nut cluster tyres supported by straight pretzel spokes and popcorn flake hubs, a pretzel steering wheel and a seat made of golden-brown crackers with white cheese cushions. An exhaust pipe and rocket booster at the back are fitted into popcorn flakes.
"It’s showtime!”
Scoffia Confectionaire: Worth her salt.
Scoffia Confectionaire claims that she isn’t here to make friends, and the only challenge more intimidating than overtaking her seems to be winning her over. She’s proud, sharp-tongued and loves to be the star of the show. But her integrity will always outweigh her ego. She would never lie or play dirty and doesn’t mean any real harm; she just thinks a compelling racing story needs a little drama. Earn her respect and you’ll find that her grit really enhances her subtle sweetness.
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petersbaby · 2 years
Jealous/yandere reader x Eddie
Warnings: toxic behavior, angst, smut
You stand in the woods with your hands balled into fists at your sides. You watch the picnic table where Eddie did drug deals as hit sits down on it across from a pretty blonde cheerleader.
She has perfect glowing makeup, long soft hair, small gold hoop earrings. The smile she’s flashing him is almost blindingly bright. Her eyes are a little glossy, they have wonder in them.
They talk as you watch them from afar, eavesdropping on your boyfriend to make sure the deal were just that. Professional, quick, smooth. He’s not supposed to be letting girls flirt with him like they always did in hopes for extra weed in exchange for the flattery.
He had you now, he had a girlfriend who would give him the world if she could, who would do absolutely anything for him. So why would he need to entertain females, especially pretty ones?
She finally stands up, shoving a little bag into the pocket of her jacket and quickly walks away from the table. Your heart was in your stomach and had stabbing pains overwhelming it.
A mix of anger and jealousy, one that never ended well. A single tear drop falls from your eye, body still tensed up and fists still balled. Once the girl is gone, he stays seated for a moment before taking a look around his environment; scanning the area.
Not long after that, his eyes caught yours and you knew you were caught. You turn around and make a run for it upon eye contact. Why did you feel so guilty when it was him who was talking to another girl?
All you were doing was checking in on things. The tears burned in your eyes as you made you way to your car, starting it and leaving the school parking lot in record time.
You could definitely be someone’s get away driver if you had to. You guessed he hadn’t tried very hard to catch you as you got home with no trouble.
You sat in the driveway in your car for a few minutes, trying to get your emotions under control before going inside and having everyone ask what’s wrong.
About ten minutes after you’d arrived, you hear another vehicle pull in behind you. You looked in the rear view mirror and it was Eddie’s van.
You get out of your car and start to go inside, not ready to look at him right now.
“Hey, (Y/N), wait.”
You stop, but don’t turn around. He comes up to you with a concerned expression.
“It wasn’t like that, I swear. She tried flirting with me but I just ignored it so she’d stop.”
“Then what could’ve been so interesting with her that you took over 5 minutes to do a simple exchange? Money, drugs. That’s all there is to it.”
“I-“ you started again, going into your front door and shutting it behind you. He knows how you are, and knows he just needs to give you time to cool off. He pulls out and drives away.
About 3 hours later, there’s a ring from your doorbell.
You go down the stairs to open the door and he’s standing in front of it with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“I’m sorry. I know we talked about this and agreed on a compromise to keep it purely business with other girls. I messed that up today, I shouldn’t have talked to her for so long.”
By now you had come back down a bit. You give him a slight smile and take the flowers from his hands. You step back, as to invite him inside and he obliges.
You shut the door and go back to your room with him following. He sits in your bed next to you, in silence for a minute. You lean your head on his shoulder.
“She was just… she was just so pretty. She looks nothing like me but I could see in the way you looked at her that you thought that too.” You admit quietly as your eyes tear up a little.
“No. I didn’t think that. I don’t think that.” He tries to comfort you.
“I know you do and it’s okay, you don’t have to deny it-“
“Stop.” He turns to you. “I don’t like her. I like you, I LOVE you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world.”
You felt like he was just trying to make you feel better but his words warmed your heart anyway.
“Are you sure about that?”, you ask flatly.
“Do you need me to show you how very sure I am about that?”
“Mm, maybe.” You shrug. His lips are on yours in an instant, kissing you slowly and passionately before pulling back and holding your face in both his hands. He just looks at you for a moment, and you start to get shy about it and try to turn your face away from his gaze, which he doesn’t allow.
He comes back to your lips, this time pushing you back onto the bed and climbing on top of you while kissing you quicker and rougher now. You end up laid on the bed with him hovering over you. Your breathing is heavy against his lips as he starts to pull your top off.
Once it’s removed, he starts to tediously and precisely place kisses all over your body. Hip bones, hips, waist, stomach, collarbones, shoulders, neck.
You moan lightly when he get to your neck. He goes over it again, sucking a purple bruise into the side of it.
“There, baby. You can go tell the whole world I gave you that if it’d make you happy. You’re mine, my one and only.”
You reach for the hem of his shirt and pull it off, his warm chest touching your own. You keep kissing, running your hands through his fluffy hair.
He had gotten hard just from kissing you, kissing your body. The warmth and softness and sweet smell of your skin.
He starts to unbutton your pants and pulls them off of you, his big perfect fingers instantly finding their way to your core like they were always meant to be there.
You gasp at the sudden sensation and he smirks, running his fingers up and down your slit, gathering wetness until he plunges two fingers inside.
“Oh, fuck, oh my god”, you breathe out. He curls them to hit that special spot and you can’t stop yourself from moaning loudly, to which he kisses you to shut you up.
Your parents were home, after all, but you weren’t thinking about that.
“Love this perfect pussy, made just for me. Pretty pussy on a pretty, pretty girl.” He whispers, and you start to squirm for more sensation.
When he notices you’re needing more, he pulls out his fingers to which you whine grumpily but soon realize he’s about to replace them with the real thing.
When he pushes in, you moan out again, but a little quieter this time. Everything is made so much more intense by the eye contact you both were holding.
Giant brown puppy dog eyes with something in them a little different than normal, lust.
You stared into them as your eyebrows knit together in pleasure and once he starts to continually hit the deepest spot he can find, your eyes squeeze shut as you throw your head back even more. “Oh my god, fuck…”
“Keep looking at me, pretty girl. Wanna see your face, and want you to see mine too.”
You force your eyes back open and his pupils are bigger now, blown out. He grabs at your throat and squeezes the sides with just the right amount of pressure which maybes your eyes roll back into your head and all you can do is whimper.
“So fucking good, I never want to fuck anybody else for the rest of my life. You-fuck- there’s no one else in the world so good. So beautiful.”
“Mhmm”, is all you can manage, basking in his praise as he fucks you roughly and relentlessly. This was his favorite way of reminding you that you’re his and he’s yours.
He flips you over now, slipping back in and starting to fuck you from behind. You arched your back in a way that ensured maximum depth and pleasure, and he pounded into you until you were a moaning, crying mess and cumming around his dick with your ass in the air and his big hand on your lower back.
“Jesus Christ, I’m gonna-“ you feel it immediately. It’s warming up the deepest part inside you before he pulls out and it comes to drip down the back of your thighs. Your vision is a little blurry, and your breathing is heavy.
You’re so fucked out that you could collapse but had to wait for him to grab something to clean you off with. Once he does find something, a random t shirt he found on your floor, he wipes off your legs and you fall over, flopping onto your back while you tried to breathe normally again.
“I love you, okay? That should speak for itself, that I would cum inside you and risk getting you pregnant. One day, I actually want to. One day, I will.”
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loreholdlesbian · 9 months
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Okay this is a bit different from my usual stuff, these are more unfinished. There's no art and unfortunately, I won't be doing transcriptions cause I've already wasted way too much time that I should have been working on important things. But I made metalmind cards for my mistborn set and I'd love feedback on what y'all think of the cards, both as flavorful representations of the ability they're supposed to entail and just as game pieces ignoring that flavor.
For those who don't know, the basic gist is that some people are born with specific abilities related to specific metals. Metalminds are something created by the magic system called feruchemy. Feruchemists can "store" a particular attribute in a particular metal. For example, pewter lets you store strength, so you could make yourself be at 50% your normal strength for an hour to be at 150% your normal strength for a different hour or at 200% for half an hour and so on. Each metal corresponds with a different attribute. There are 16 normal metals, one special metal (atium) and then I also made a card for the bands of mourning which is a very complicated evolution of this magic system giving you all of these abilities plus a bunch of extra ones. I went with a cycle at common, a cycle + a colorless card at uncommon, a cycle + a colorless card at rare, and the colorless Bands of Mourning at mythic. Very quickly running by the effects.
Bronze stores "Wakefulness", letting you make yourself more tired at some points to be more awake at others. I represented this through untap effects
Iron stores "weight" (don't ask me about the physics of this), letting you make yourself heavier or lighter, and potentially get so light that air resistance can slow you fall and you can fall any distance like an ant can. I represented this through granting flying.
Tin stores "senses", and I represented this through surveil.
Chromium stores "luck/fortune", represented through an impulse draw effect.
Pewter stores "strength", represented by pumping a creature.
The bands of mourning... we'll get back to.
Duralumin stores "connection to other people", represented by storing when you attack alone then sharing something with all your creatures.
Copper stores "memory", represented by storing when you get 'forget' things so to speak and then drawing you back for them, and letting you avoid the issue of ever having to "forget" by discarding to hand size.
Electrum stores "determination", represented by "storing" when you're willing to accept losses and then helping you fight to not lose something. (It's a stretch I know, but you try representing determination like this).
Steel stores "physical speed", represented by granting your creatures haste, letting you store by giving up the benefit of that haste, and then making a creature even faster with double strike.
Bendalloy lets you store "nutrition" and "hydration", represented by storing when you gain life and then buffing a creature by suddenly getting a lot of nutrition back.
Nicrosil lets you store "magic" and "magical abilities". It's a weird one. It's activated abilities matter to synergize with another mechanic in the set, letting your creatures with activated abilities store a little as they enter and then letting you use that storage to help fuel your activated abilities.
Brass lets you store "Warmth", represented by letting you absorb damage since that often represents heat and then lets you let it out later.
Zinc lets you store "mental speed" so you can think incredibly quickly, represented by letting you cast at instant speed, and to "store up" by casting at sorcery speed. (I think this one is one of my favorites).
Gold lets you store "health", being a little sick and miserable for a long period of time so you can heal important injuries like gunshot wounds incredibly quickly. This is represented by life payment in exchange for avoiding bigger instances of damage, and I added the life payment reward cause the card as is felt a little dull. Flavorwise, the Treasure could represent you going and getting a new goldmind to fill up.
Aluminum lets you store "Identity", represented by storing when you're not being yourself by casting other peoples' stuff and tapping to make you even more yourself by letting you be better at what you want to be doing.
Cadmium lets you store "breath", charging up with a little bit of breath from each of your creatures and then using that stored breath to reinvigorate your creatures.
Atium lets you store "Youth", being older for a time to be younger in turn. I represented this by letting you appear "young" with your earlier life total. This one, like the commons, is meant to basically be "pre-stored". Atium is extra weird because it's not actually a real metal, it's basically a crystalized piece of a god, which is why it's different by being a Treasure.
The bands of mourning are a very special, unique metalmind that gives whoever uses them access to all the powers of this fantasy world instead of just the one or two people usually have. I represented it being able to store any ability by letting you functionally store all the spells you cast. And by combining different powers, you can basically "cheat the system" of feruchemy and get out far more than what you put in, which is why I gave them an ability that cheats on the charge counters for all your other cards.
The common cards, I went with a simple "enters with counters" implying that you stored the effect up before rather than having to do it now. The others I let be more complicated in their storage method. For some of them, I realize that there's not always a flavor of "lose something now to gain something later", it's just gain something later without losing anything, but that was a sacrifice I had to make to make functional cards. I didn't want to make cards that were too fiddly and weird just for the sake of it. When I made a coppermind for example that was beholden to being something like "Discard a card: Put a charge counter on this" and "Remove a charge counter from this: Draw a card" it was a lot less interesting.
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lillbiff · 7 months
Part 3
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"no. seriously... how do you know how it feels to have maggots inside you're body?" i sighed and turned away from him. "did you really think i left my friends because i was afraid?" i shook my head, and looked into his eyes again. "a guy kidnaped me... i think he was around... i don't know... 70?" i stoped talking. i looked at Fabi, i really hoped that it would be enough, and that he would stop asking... but i guess i'm not so lucky... "what did he do?" i sat down on the edge of the bed, and felt how some tears formed in my eyes. "well ...he tortured me, and uh... used me... i guess" i didn't want to look at him. "t-tortured you? how?" "ah... ya know... whip, rape... this stuff" i risked a quick look at him. his eyes were wide. "WHAT?!" he yelled shocked. I sighed, and rubbed the back of my neck. "he uh... Placed maggots on my open wounds... And... Raped me until i was bleeding... I... Managed to escape, and got back home" Fabi was silent for a while, before he asked: "how did he look?" "uhm... He had dark grey hair, some gold teeth, and green eyes" Fabi stood up, and started to walk towards the door "hey wait! W-where are you going?!" i asked and ran after Fabi "i'm thinking of how i should fucking kill that bastard!" yelled Fabi, and kept walking, some of the girls looked at Fabi confused "hey Fabi! Where are ya going this late?~" asked Fli-fla. "i'm going to shove my foot up into the ass of an old sick bastard!" yelled Fabi furious. "wait!! Fabi!!!!" i yelled after him, and grabed his hand, he stared at me, "Leon, let go" said Fabi. "no... Listen... You wont find him... So... Can we please go back inside?... Please??" Fabi thought for a moment, before he pulled me inside again i didn't really dare to say anything, so i just stayed silently next to Fabi "...do you need anything?" asked Fabi, and i looked over to him. "uhm... No... Thanks...." i mumbled, and looked at the ground. Fabi sat down on his bed, and pulled me with him "u-uh... What are you doing...?" i could feel how i completly turned red. "just relax now... You deserve to relax..." said Fabi calm, and cuddled me. I just enjoyed it, amd rested my head on Fabi's chest, but after a while, could i feel Fabi's hand moving up my hip. I started to blush alot, but tried to ignore it. "Leon... Do... Think about it now?" asked Fabi gentle, and massaged my tigh. "...yes..." Favi looked at me, and lept his arms around me, he gently placed his hand on my side. "then let's get rid of those thoughts... Shall we?~" *Fabi started to tickle fast over my side with his nails, and i squealed loudly before bursting out into high pitched laughter. "NOAHAHAHAAAA!! NOHO! FAHAHAHABIIIIII!!" i squirmend in his arms and he kept tickling me all over my sides. "you are still so ticklish, just like in old times~" Fabi started to Tickle my inner tigh, and i laughed really high pitched with many squeaks now. He got over me, and lifted my shirt "w...wait!!!" i whined, but Fabi bent down and started to kiss my stomach, wich made me scream and buck with laughter "AHAHAHAHHA GAHAHAHAHAHD!!!!! PLEHEHEHAHAHAAASE! IHIHI'M HAPPY!! I'M HAHAHAHAAAAAAAPY!!!!!" i wheezed the words out betwen screams and high pitched laughter, and Fabi stoped, he started to kiss my forehead and cheeks "gosh... How i forget how cute you are..." said Fabi, and kissed my neck gently. I took a deep breath, and relaxed, i completly forget that i was thinking so intensly at my trauma just some minutes ago, and just enjoyed it. "....let me give you a good experince..." i looked at Fabi with a strong blush. I nodded slightly, and he gently stroked my hair. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the affection and kind touch, knowing that Fabi will make sure to keep me happy and safe.
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dogueteeth-fhr · 10 months
copper earrings
Just needed something to write between work since I'm struggling to concentrate.
Ricardo x Isa | Spice Level 1/5 | drabbleish
They close their eyes, and breathe.
He’s toying with their earrings again. Glimmering, shiny, orange-brown, makes-a-nice-clink-in-their-ears earrings, fingers wrapped around the soft metal, careful not to bend the thinner strands out of place. They’re terrible things, a little too flashy, a little too fancy for Isa’s comfort, even though they’re coals among diamonds in the street, just copper earrings with painted leaves among rose golds and sterling silvers inlaid with diamonds and gems. Terrible to wear on the job or in a fight, they rattle a little if Isa shifts their head to the side, and anyone with good sense could reach up and grab onto them and tear away what little remains of their mutilated ears. Or could they? What would break first, metal or skin and cartilage? It’s not a question they want to entertain, nor ever give the chance to find out.
But they’re nice. Here, in this strange little place, this hole in the world they’ve carved for themselves. Two creatures, person and not-quite. A safe little space for the both of them, where they can’t pretend that one of them is a villain and the other a hero on the edge, but they can coexist with it. Accept their fates, each other, their choices and indecisions. The softer parts in-between, like the copper earrings dangling from Isa’s ears, gifts from Ortega.
Gifts to Isa who is trying to work. They have files to go over. Encrypted ones, digitized and localized to a single, destroyable tablet they’ll reencrypt and send in a nice anonymous email to Rahim once they’ve understood every dirty little secret Alvarez’s latest goon has tried to hide. And Ortega’s not helping.
Sometimes they wonder if Ortega does or doesn’t know exactly what he does to them. If he’s the mind reader here. How distracted it gets them, when he plays with those little copper earrings before eventually wandering away to entertain himself with a sigh when they’ve ignored him for long enough.
Does he know that they can feel it? How the copper warms up with his heat?
It’s a beautiful, terrible metal. Conducive to electricity, to heat, and soft as hell, so easy to bend and fold if you hammer it hard or stretch it thin enough. Does he know how their mind goes blank a little, how their eyes glaze over a bit when he grasps the metal that pierces their ear, rubs it a little? How the heat of friction travels, warming up the whole thing, warming up their ear as if he was rubbing the flesh instead of the metal? How they want nothing more than to put down what they'd holding, close dry eyes and just melt into his touch for an hour or two before the anxiety comes back and they have to work again?
It’s a struggle to hide the signs. A struggle not to close their eyes, not to smile at his antics when he bats at the dangling portions, amused by the way they dance and clink. Keep the buried sighs, the aborted shivers hidden when he accidentally tugs the earring a bit, and something a little less innocent than warmth heats their spine. It’s all about pretense, always, always, always about never letting him know. If they give Ricardo an arm, he’ll take the whole torso and maybe the legs for souvenirs, and the worst part of it all is that they’d let him. Soft, bendable, hammerable, stretchable. Conducive and weak to his smile, the one that highlights the settling crow’s feet in his eyes, to the electricity that jolts through them when he looks at them in that certain way, the one they never thought they’d earn.
And with the way Isa struggles to keep their eyes glued to the tablet, keep their mind on the content, swallow their sigh as his palm grips the metal, trailing warmth, heat, into the shell of their ear before letting go, and they know they’ll be damned if he ever finds out how it affects them.
Then he bites their ear, a sharp inhale piercing Isa, electricity and heat like a flash-fever as his teeth tug on the metal, and they know that they were damned from the start.
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inkys-neos-n-names · 3 months
Hey! I've been looking for some draconic/dragon themed and space/night sky neos and names for a bit, I wondered if you could help?
Thanks so much in advance!
Of course, happy to help!
Dragon/draconic neos:
Dragon/draconic names:
Gem, Crystal, or any other gemstone names (Topaz, Ruby, Amber, Pearl, Onyx, Opal, Jade, etc)
Space/night sky neos:
Space/night sky names:
Astra or Aster
Astraea or Astraia
Estella or Estelle
Selena or Selene
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vintageviewmaster · 2 years
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Booklet Description: 3. GETTING A WINTER TAN AT MIAMI BEACH Across Biscayne Bay from Miami is the Manhattan of Florida's Gold Coast, Miami Beach. This "sunsational" (Walter Winchell) winter resort has erected 370 gigantic luxury hotels each with its own palm-fringed swimming pool, dance pavilion, and shipping arcade. Half a century ago, Miami Beach (1950 pop. 46,282) was a desolate sand bar cut off from the mainland, and surrounded by swampy mangrove islands. Nevertheless, the sun shone 6 days out of 7, the average year-round temperature was 75°, and the Gulf Stream curved in closer here than anywhere else on the coast bringing warm waters for swimming, cooling breezes for sleeping, and the big fish within casting range of the beaches. No wonder this became the American Riviera, the mecca for the great of show business, the favorite "lazing" place to acquire the highly-prized winter tan!
Brand: View-Master Packet Title: Florida Reel Title: Florida The Peninsula State Reel Subtitle: I - U.S.A. Reel Number: FLA-1 Reel Edition: N/A Image Number: 3 Date: 1955
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Lost Hero XI- Leo
Same page, another persons book
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Warnings: Cursing, teenagers being teenagers, angst, trauma, misunderstandings Word count: 2425 Summary: Psh I got nothing about my pass that bugs me or to hide...nothing at all. Nope not fire related at all Likes ❤️, Reblogs🔁, and comments 💬 very much appreciated! Images above not mine
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Aside from the teeth chattering and quiet shallow huffs from Breisa.
There was tense and very awkward silence.
Leo fidgeted with the handle of the suitcase.
 He felt like he should say something, anything to break the silence. 
Cal had unfortunately broke it. “Cal is bored! Can’t pummel puny demigods! Can’t play hockey! Stuck babysitting!”
Like a five year old throwing a tantrum, he kicked some ice.
Breisa and Leo shared a look. 
‘You want to deal with this?’ They silently asked each other at the same time. 
‘Que que?!
You deal with the hockey ox!
That’s creepy, cut it out!
Leo shook his head in disbelief. Sleep deprivation must be getting to him. Or the temperature was giving him hypothermic hallucinations. He shivered, “Hey Cal, you think you can let us through the hotel—”
“Suppose to be watching you.” Cal grunted, “Can’t trust puny demigods in the hotel. Sister will be mad.”
“Well, you can’t keep us out here.” Breisa cut in, “You’re supposed to keep us alive right? We demigods are so puny. We can't handle the cold. We could die, you know?”
Cal stared really hard at the ground, his brain trying to catch up with her words. Then it clicked. “Cal wants puny demigods in hotel. Good idea for you to stay alive.”
“Good idea, genius.” Leo said sarcastically.
 Breisa made a little sound in her throat; Which either meant ‘I’m gonna kill you!’ or ‘You’re gonna kill us!’
But Cal only grunted, “Cal is a genius. Come puny demigods.”
With that he led them from the bitter cold into a stairway.
They had followed the stairway into a soft lit hallway.
Leo couldn’t believe his eyes– Candlelight chandeliers, velvet blue carpets with gold embroidery, fine oak wood doors, polished glass windows and doorways, and blue wood tilted roof. 
Leo spoke in awe, “Boreas sure knows how to go all out interior design.” 
 “Boreads great at everything!” Cal grunted, “We are strong! Crafty! And Violent!” 
“Bloodlust is something to be proud of ?” Breisa eyed the hockey ox.
“Violence only way Boreads survive. Like Monsters and puny demigods. Only way to live.” Cal answered seriously.
‘It’s the only way we have to live.’ Leo shuddered as  his mind wandered back to flames of the machine shop. The flames that he made. 
“Leo.” Breisa snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Huh?” He turned to her.
She pointed next to him we’re a polished dark oak wooden door stood. There was a plaque with gold lettering embedded into it. The plaque read “Cinq-douze”
“Is that number?” Leo didn’t mean to ask out loud.
“What the fuck am I French?” Breisa remarked. “Cal translation?”
“Room 512. Penthouse suite. Puny demigods safe there.” Cal grunted, “Sister won’t get mad at Cal. No demigods causing funny business. Cal stay here and Keep watch over dragon.” 
Leo and Breisa looked at each other. 
Then back to the room. 
And then back at each other. 
“DIBS!” Leo called running to open the door. 
“You can’t call dibs, it's for both of us!” She chased after him.
They both ran into the room fighting back and forth to get in first. 
And both stopped once they laid their eyes on the expensive and high qualities of the room:
The lounge descended from the doorway— hanging above was twenty-four inch flat screen tv, where below a white leather couch faced.
To the right there was a wooden dining table filled with all kinds of fruits, breakfast dishes, and pastries. If you look past the dining room—into the kitchen where barstools with island tops stood, stoves behind it, and a double door fridge. 
Leo peered down the left hallway, he could see the bed rooms— If you would even call it a bedroom; king sized bed, fine wood desk, another flat screen tv, glass stain windows, loveseat, mini fridge, and a personal bathroom. 
This room was filled with luxury. 
 Leo whistled, “Man, this place is nice.” 
“No kidding.” Breisa was already by the dinning table and taking a bite out of a chocolate covered muffin. “Peanut Butter filling? Nice touch quebec.”
Leo felt his stomach growl. How long had it been since he ate? “I guess we should take advantage of all the food.”
He reached over for a strawberry chocolate covered waffle, when Breisa slapped his hand away. “Ow! ¿Por que hagas eso?!"
“You are covered in filth! Your hands are all smeared with grease!” She scolded and munched on some strawberries. “I do not want cross contamination or food poisoning! Go clean up!”
“What— you’re hogging all the food! How do I know you won’t eat it all?!” He protested, rubbing the sore spot on the back of his hand. 
“I wouldn’t.” Breisa shrugged and reached for a plate, “But you better be quick.”
Leo grumbled and started to walk to the bathroom, “If you don’t wanna see me butt-ass naked, I would suggest finding me clean clothes or a towel. Being naked won’t stop me from getting food.”
“Ugh gross!” Breisa groaned, shoving a plate away. “Now I lost my appetite. Thanks for putting that horrifying image in my brain!”
“You’re welcome!” Leo remarked then slammed the bedroom door. 
When Leo had come back from a shower (with his fresh clean jacket and clothes) Brisa had already made herself comfortable. The tv was even on.
As he heard the song coming from it—Leo nearly tripped on his own two feet.
“Are you watching…Maria Mercedes?” He peered over the couch. 
He was right. She was watching that old nineties telenovela. The same one Leo would watch when his mom came home from work. It would always play at night, that’s when all the good shows would come on for reruns. 
“Yeah.” Breisa answered bashfully, “I um  found the Spanish channel. I saw it was on and just stuck with it… I know telenovelas are cheesy, but I love ‘em.”
Leo scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “I like watching them too. The cheesier the better.” 
A genuine smile spread across Breisa’s face: showing  dimples, her cupid bow, and the charming gap in her teeth. He notice that her lips look kind of soft and—
And then he realized, he was staring a bit too long. 
 He coughed awkwardly, “So you save me some food? Or did I take too long?”
“There might be some waffles or something on the counter.” She pointed to the kitchen island top, “But leave the egg sandwiches, those are Piper and Jason’s.”
“Yeah yeah.” Leo half listening to her made his way to the kitchen and chowed down on whatever he could find. “Thank you god—gods!”
Breisa snorted, but Leo didn’t really care. He was hungry. There might not be a chance he would eat this good again. Not with the whole ‘trying not to get killed but also save the world’ thing.
Which reminded him. “Hey, any word from Huge hass?” 
Breisa frowned, “Not much. He came round earlier. Said that Boreas judgements were short. Never this long.” 
Leo didn’t like the sound of that. “What’s our move?”
“Well we can be sitting ducks and try to use telenovelas to get our minds off the bullshit.” Breisa shrugged, “Or we can wait out in the ice—and try to be ready for the bullshit.” 
His shoulders sagged a bit. None of them seem like good ideas. Although the first one was a bit tempting. But no. He had to make sure Piper and Jason were alright. 
“Any voodoo tricks you can pull right now?” Leo hoped for something like portal opening. They could get into Boreas' room or even get Piper and Jason to escape. Or even a potion that could hypnotize Cal into a bodyguard for them.
“I got nothing.” Breisa sighed, “My magic—it’s uh not…working well.” 
“What about that necklace?” 
She tensed. 
Maybe Leo shouldn’t have mentioned it. 
“I don’t know what it does.” Breisa fiddled with the little pendant. “So this is off the table for now.”
Leo moved on from the necklace topic—for now at least. “Well, I think it would be better to be out there in that ice palace. Maybe I can reactivate Festus. That might get us somewhere.” 
“What about the fire thing?” She asked. 
Leo felt his heart drop. His mind raced into panic mode as he jumped up. “What?”
“You know why he was deactivated in the first place. Because of all the heat or fire or something. It was bad because they are like ice people?”
He relaxed a bit. “Ah yeah. We’ll worry about that when we get there.” 
Breisa raised an eyebrow, not saying anything. Waiting for him to crack. 
“Why are you staring so much?” Leo said defensively.
“Nothing…it’s just that…” She looked away. “Nevermind.” 
Now that didn’t make him feel any better. “Just say it. You obviously have something on your mind.”
Breisa furrowed her eyebrows. “Well it’s…when the alados got all in your face about the fire thing. You really freaked out. All nervous and stuttering. Same thing when Nyssa  asked about Festus and his fire breath.”
Leo's heart picked up speed and his palms felt sweaty. “So?”
She huffed, “So, no one is that lucky when dodging a fire breathing dragon. Or gets super anxious when fire is just mentioned.”
Leo's heart was now beating rapidly in his chest. 
“Leo…I know you’re hiding something.” Breisa pressed as she walked over to him. ”If it’s something that can help us now— I need to know.”
‘Could…she have figured it out?’ He wondered, but kept his mouth shut.
“Look…if it’s hard to talk about because,” She hesitated. “…Because of what happened to your mom. I can understand.”
That broke this silence. 
“No. No you don't understand.” Leo's voice was hoarse. 
“I didn’t mean it like that.” She backtracked, “I mean. I get what it’s like when something terrible happens and you have to…fend for yourself and you can’t rely on anyone but yourself.”
Leo clenched his jaw. “¿Qué carajo sabes?”
“I’m sorry?” Breisa scoffed.
“You heard me.” He scowled. “You don’t know the first thing about fending for yourself. Or about keeping everything alright, when it wasn’t. Wondering when the next meal is going to come. If you’re going to get your ass beat for something you couldn’t control—O Tener que sobrevivir con lo poco que tienes.”
It was true. Survival had come naturally to him. Leo had never been the biggest or the strongest kid. But he sure as hell put up a fight. At least until he gets knocked out. It happened pretty often.
 And he’d made it through tough neighborhoods, tough schools, tough foster homes by using his wits. He was the class clown, the court jester, because he’d learned early that if you cracked jokes and pretended you weren’t scared, you usually didn’t get beat up. 
Even the nastiest hell raised gangster kids would tolerate you, keep you around for laughs. Plus, humor was a good way to hide the pain. And if that didn’t work, there was always Plan B. Run away. Over and over. 
But Breisa had no fuckin idea what that felt like. So she had no right to tell him that she could understand or relate to it. 
That’s why She stood there. Not saying anything. 
From the looks of it, she was furious. 
“Look I don’t know what you’ve gone through,” Breisa's voice wavered; she controlled her temper and continued, “And this is a very sensitive topic. But you do not have to take it out on me. I want to help. You can’t shut me out like this. We’re supposed to be a team.”
Leo let out a dry chuckle. “ So we’re a team now? What about at the camp?” 
She froze. 
“Oh what? Did you think I’d forget?” Leo badgered, “Didn’t you say ‘we weren’t buddies, friends—not even acquaintances.' I’m nothing to you. And I never will be. You did say that right?” 
She shuffled uncomfortably.
“Let’s not forget the continuous insults you threw at me. That I was pendejo, carbón, y todo que es malo. Of course.” He scoffed, “ If you can say those things and mean it. Then you want to act like you can understand me or even remotely relate to me. Well news flash, princesa– you ain’t gotta a fuckin clue about me.”
Leo was boiling with rage. He felt the tips of his ears burn. He could feel from his balled up fist that fingers were being shocked awake, but with more force and heat. 
‘No. Not now.’ He thought, now realizing steam was fanning out from his fists. 
“Leo?” Breisa sounded worried. Worried for him? It was strange to even think about. 
She started to walk towards him.
“Don’t.” He stuffed his hands in his army jacket and backed away. “Don’t come near me.”
She hesitated, but stood still. 
Not really as far as he’d like. 
He tried not to think about the machine shop. 
But Leo felt like his mind was being pried open. The memory came rushing back with force: The blazing white embers that shot out of his hands. How the flames engulfed his favorite place in the whole world. The dirt-women sneering triumphantly. How he killed his mom.  
Leo was on the thin line of losing control. He felt like he was tilting on the edge. 
A plate smashed on the floor.
Breisa breathed heavily and leaned on the counter holding her head. She looked dazed, pale-ish, like she was going to throw up. Just like her last freak out. 
The anger in Leo died down as stared at her. His palms still steamed but they weren’t heating up.
“Are you good?” He asked.
Breisa breathed shakily and looked up, “Y-yeah. I am…We should…we should go check to see if Jason and Piper are ok.” 
She was more anxious than before. And like she wanted to say more, but kept quiet. 
Leo suddenly felt a little bit of remorse for her. 
“Sure yeah, we can check on them…But this—” he pointed between her space and his. “Isn’t over, We'll settled this later.” 
As they walked out, Leo thought about how her eyes glowed when she looked at him. She didn’t notice it.
They were not green like before; instead a hazy purple color. Intimidating and maybe unnerving, but so hypnotic and mystic.
Leo was so lost in his mind, he didn’t notice
Breisa fiddling with her ring nervously as mind raced a mile a minute. She grumbled “Stupid magical visions.”
¿Por que hagas eso?! - why did you do that
alados - winged guys
Qué carajo sabes - What the fuck do you know?
O Tener que sobrevivir con lo poco que tienes- survive with what little you have
(A/N: Finally finished this! Focus on Leo angst and his trauma, not the hardest part to write, just coming up with the ending. Finally a system to post chapters. Also attempting to fix plot wholes in the last chapters. More coming soon :)))
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
CAPE CORAL, Fla. – A Jewish place of worship was attacked while worshipers were still inside.
The Rabbi of the Chabad Jewish Center of Cape Coral says an “angry man” used bricks to try and bust in the front door just after their Saturday services ended.
While many of the worshipers had already left, several were still inside, according to Rabbi Yossi Labkowski.
“Then we hear this loud noise,” he said. “I was approaching the door and I see somebody picking up a brick and just yanking it, throwing it at the door.”
The man threw the brick at the front door of the Jewish center several times. Before he did that, he’s accused of knocking over a decorative painting of a menorah in the parking lot.
“He was targeting the Jewish community,” Rabbi Yossi said.
He wasn’t able to break through the impact-resistant glass, so he turned his attention to the Rabbi’s car sitting in the parking lot. Again, using bricks to smash the front windshield and passenger side door.
Inside while all of this was happening was Jacob Ben-Haim. He was among the handful of people, including the rabbi’s son, that was watching as the man, described to be in his 40s or 50s, attacked their holy place.
Jacob: “Four or five loud bangs on the door. So I thought for a moment, somebody’s shooting at the door.” 
Gage: “You thought somebody was shooting?”
Jacob: “Yes. I was looking, where’s the bullets? It’s not going through.”
Ben-Haim and others went to the rear door where he saw the man get in his car and speed away.
“I was in disbelief. Disbelief. Could not believe that something like this would happen in Cape Coral,” Ben-Haim said.
Thankfully no one was hurt, but the thought of ‘What could have happened?’ flashed through their minds. Anti-Semitic attacks at Jewish places of worship is, unfortunately, something worshipers at the Chabad Jewish Center of Cape Coral are aware of but hope never happens.
“This person wanted to get in. He was angry,” Rabbi Yossi said. For some reason wanted to get in and who knows, he could’ve been armed.”
Both the Rabbi and Ben-Haim think the Jewish community and their Jewish center were targeted. They both call this a hate crime.
“In my opinion, it’s a hate crime,” Ben-Haim said.
“Absolutely,” added the Rabbi. “The fact that he knocked down the menorah first and then he came to this door. He could’ve went to any other business, he came to this door. We don’t live in fear. We are here and we will continue our work and if we have to protect ourselves, we will protect ourselves.”
The Cape Coral Police Department is investigating, according to Rabbi Yossi. Officers collected evidence, including the bricks used by the man to try and beak in.
The suspect is described as a white man, approximately 40-50 years old, bald and drove away in a gold-colored Ford SUV.
If you have any information that might help investigations, call CCPD or you can submit an anonymous online tip to SWFL CrimeStoppers or call 1-800-780-TIPS.
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𝔇𝔞𝔰𝔥 𝔊𝔞𝔪𝔢
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ꜰᴀꜱʜɪᴏɴ/ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴀɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴛꜱ
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𝔛𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔚𝔢𝔩𝔩𝔰
Long legs. Short legs. Average legs. Slender thighs. Thick thighs. Muscular thighs. Skinny arms. Soft arms. Muscular arms. Toned stomach. Flat stomach. Flabby Stomach. Soft stomach. Sixpack. Beer belly.  Lean frame. Slender frame. Muscular frame. Voluptuous frame. Petite frame (5 ft 4 or shorter).  Lanky frame. Short nails. Long nails. Manicured nails. Dirty nails. Flat ass. Toned ass. Bubble butt. Thick ass. Small waist. Thick waist. Narrow hips. Average hips. Wide hips. Big feet. Average feet. Small feet. Soft feet. Slender feet. Calloused feet. Calloused hands. Soft hands. Big hands. Average hands. Small hands. Long fingers. Short fingers. Average fingers. Broad shoulders. Underweight. Average Weight. Overweight.
Shorter than 140 cm. 141 cm-150 cm. 151 cm to 160 cm. 161 cm to 170 cm. 171 cm to 180cm. 181 cm to 190 cm. 191 cm to 2m. Taller than 2 m.
Pale. Fair. Rosy. Peachy. Gold. Olive. Dark. Tanned. Blotchy. Smooth (facial area). Acne. Dry. Greasy. Freckled. Scarred.
Small. Large. Average. Grey. Brown. Black. Blue. Red. Green. Gold. Hazel. Doe-eyed. Almond. Close-set. Wide-set. Squinty. Monolid. Heavy eyelids. Upturned. Downturned. Deep set
Thin. Thick. Fine. Normal. Greasy. Dry. Soft. Shiny. Curly. Frizzy. Wild. Unruly. Straight. Smooth. Wavy. Floppy. Cropped. Pixie-cut. Short. Shoulder length. Back length. Waist length. Floor length. Buzz cut. Bald. Jaw length. Mohawk. White. Platinum blonde. Golden blonde. Dirty blonde. Ombre. Light brown. Mouse brown. Chestnut brown. Golden brown. Chocolate brown. Dark brown. Jet black. Ginger. Auburn. Dyed red. Dyed any “unnatural color”. Streaked. Thin eyebrows. Average eyebrows. Thick eyebrows.
Full sleeve. Thigh tattoo. Shin tattoo. Wrist tattoo. Lower back tattoo. Hand/finger tattoo. Foot tattoo. Neck tattoo. Face tattoo. Back tattoo. Chest tattoo. One tattoo. A few here and there. Multiple. No tattoo. Monroe piercing. Nose piercing. Septum. Nipple piercing(s). Genital piercing(s). Industrial piercings. Earlobe piercing. Prince Albert piercing. Eyebrow piercing(s). Tongue piercing(s). Lip piercing(s). Tragus piercing. Angel bites. Labret. Stretched out ears. Navel piercing. Inverse navel piercing. Cheek piercing(s). Smiley. Nape piercing(s). No piercings.
Light eyeliner. Heavy eyeliner. Cat eyes. Mascara. Fake eyelashes. Matte lipstick. Regular lipstick. Lipgloss. Red lips. Pink lips. Dark lips. Bronzer. Highlighter. Eyeshadow. Neutral eyeshadow. Smoky eyes. Colorful eyeshadow. Blush. Lipliner. Light contouring. Heavy contouring. Powder. Matte foundation. Shiny foundation. Concealer. Wears make up regularly. Wears it from time to time. Never wears make-up.
Floral. Fruity. Perfumes. Aftershave. Cocoa. Moisturizer. Natural soap. Shampoo. Cigarettes. Leather. Sweat. Food. Incense. Marijuana. Cologne. Whiskey. Wine. Fried food. Blood. Fire. Metal. Rain. Grass. Ocean. Autumn leaves. Baked bread. Freshly baked cookies. Smoke. Campfire. Lavender. Trees. Pumpkin Pie. Musk. Rose. Gingerbread. Peppermint. Oak. Honey. Lemon. Vanilla. Coffee Cake. Mint. Raw hyde.
Jeans. Tight pants. Over-knee socks. Tights. Fishnets. Leggings. Yoga pants. Pencil skirt. Tight skirt. Loose skirt. Tight/formfitting dress. Cardigans. Blouse. Button up shirt. Band-T-shirt. Sports-T-shirt. Sweatpants. Tank-top. Designer. High street. Online stores. Thrift. Lingerie. Long skirt. Miniskirt. Maxidress. Sun dress. Tie. Tuxedo. Cocktail dress. Highslit dress/skirt. T-shirt. Loose clothing. Tight clothing. Jean shorts. Sweater. Sweater vest. Khaki pants. Suit. Hoodie. Harem pants. Basketball shorts. Boxers. Briefs. Thong. Hotpants. Hipster panties. Bra. Sports bra. Crop top. Corset. Ballerina skirt. Leotard. Polka dot. Stripes. Glitter.Silk. Lace. Leather. Velvet. Chemise. Patterns. Florals. Neon colors. Pastels. Plaid. Black. Dark colors. Fur. Faux fur.  
Sneakers. Slip-ons. Flats. Slippers. Sandals. High heels. Kitten heels. Ankle boots. Combat boots. Boots. Cowboy boots. Knee-high. Platforms. Stilettos. Bare feet. Loafers.
ᴛᴀɢɢᴇᴅ ʙʏ: @heartxshaped-bruises
ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @itmeanspeace @ineffablefallen @atrickrtreat @stanfordprepped @dxsole @gui1lermodelacruz @loyaltysword @carp3diems @averysrphq @brokenblondeprincess
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