gamblersdoll · 3 months
“thats my big baller baby.” hakari chuckles, gripping the flesh of your ass and biting his lip. “fuck, you look so damn good in server shit. come serve me , next.”
you giggle in delight, and somewhat of a horny state. “kari, you pervert.” you moan when his hand snakes around and grips your throat, his lips hovering yours and eyes low.
“this ain’ even the start, babydoll.” he whispers, pulling his lip back with his teeth and hands wander. “and you use exactly what i told you to use, my goof fuckin girl.” he praises, a harsh slap to your ass.
you moan again, walls clenching around nothing and thighs quivering.
“how much my girl make today?” he asks, kissing your throat and tugging your hair. he had you do a certain hairstyle and have certain earrings on, he knows that game.
“three hundred card tips, fifty five in cash..” you moan, clit throbbing and needing attention. “its not much but—“ you cut yourself off with a yelp, another slap to your ass and a soft bite to your throat.
“money is fuckin money.” he growls, kissing the bite and licking. “told ya it would work.. gonna fuckin’ reward you later for listening to papa.”
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malk-with-tea · 3 months
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hellameyers · 14 days
I just finished a rewatch of ITWV and I already want to watch it again. I'm listening to the Chronicles on audio book while I'm working. Started reading some fanfic.
I just can't get enough.
Ugh. The third season can't come soon enough.
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64yrsold · 2 years
mine ;-;
I walk silently into the living room, the room dark except for one corner.
He was there, on his chair, guitar laying over him. His head was laid lazily back, and his eyes were closed as he hummed to himself, strumming slowly. The lamp glowed hazily against his skin, a loving warmth for only my eyes.
I leaned against the wall, hardly breathing, simply listening to the whispers and sighs of his voice. He licked his lips and swayed his head, plucking the strings with languid fingers. He frowned when the strings buzzed or a note wasn’t quite right, and I watched his chest rise and fall as if he were dreaming.
A floorboard creaked underneath me, and he opened an eye, eyebrows raising when he spotted me.
“Shit,” he said, sitting up, “When did you get home?” His eyes were glossed with light.
“Just now,” I smiled, and crossed the room to kiss his cheek. He sighed, pressing a hand to the back of my neck to hold my lips in place. I laughed into his skin, and adorned his face with kisses. He placed his guitar in its stand, and pulled me onto his lap.
“You should keep playing for me,” I requested gently, smoothing the collar of his shirt.
He rubbed his eyes, grumbling in disagreement.
“Please?” I pouted, my thumb tracing his jaw. He laid his head back with a smile.
“That won’t work,” he mumbled, “I’d much rather have you on my lap than that thing,” he gestured to the guitar. I traced a finger down the front of his throat.
“Then I’ll play,” I smirked, swooping up the guitar.
“Right,” he nodded, his face paused with patience. He bit his lower lip expectantly.
I wriggled my fingers against the fretboard, trying to remember the C chord he showed me ages ago.
He covered his mouth, so I wouldn’t notice him smiling in amusement.
“Just,” he moved my middle finger down a string, “This one here, darling,”
“Ok, ok, here it comes,” I whispered, and strummed downwards swiftly. I grinned, letting the chord ring out.
“Fantastic,” he cheered, clapping and nodding, “Fuck, I should’ve recorded this.”
I rolled my eyes, returning the guitar to its stand.
“Next time I’ll prepare some lyrics,” I said, pressing my cheek to his chest. He chuckled softly, laying an arm over my back. I sunk with his exhales, and stretched with each inhale. The rhythm was lulling me to sleep.
His fingers ran up and down my spine, pressing between each rib tenderly.
“I think,” he breathed, “I’ll never write about you.”
He paused, maybe waiting to see if I was awake.
“You ease every unknown ache, you’re effortlessly intelligent and easily understanding. I wait for you like the tide and pray to be pulled into your current, to sink under and be overwhelmed with you.”
He flicked off the lamp.
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myouicieloz · 15 days
IM ALIVE BABIES 😤😤😤 and writing!!! to provide for you ofc 😤😤 im like halfway done!!
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rhianwen24601 · 6 months
I don't think I fully realized how much having three kittens would be like living in a house full of jump scares.
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renee-writer · 4 months
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My sweet girl,
I pray for you always.
I pray you’ll know a friend in Jesus. That you’ll bring Him with you wherever you go and share Him with everyone you meet.
I pray that you’ll be strong, and be the type of girl who does things that scare her. I also pray that you’ll know it’s ok to ask for help when you can’t do it on your own.
I pray that you surround yourself with good friends and that you’ll be a good friend to others. I also pray that you will be kind to the people who are not good friends to you. Everyone is fighting a battle and I hope you have a heart of compassion even towards those who are mean.
I pray that you won’t feel the need to give part of yourself to a man to feel loved. I pray your heart won’t be fractured in that way. I pray you’ll wait for a man who desires to follow God’s way.
I pray that you will look at injustice and be a voice for the vulnerable. Whether it’s a kid being bullied at school or an injustice on a grander level, I pray you will stand for those being pushed down.. just like Jesus did.
I pray that you will know you are an actual princess. Your the daughter of the King. You don’t need the big dress or pearls to prove it. The fact that He created you means you are royalty.
I pray that you’ll know you don’t need a man to complete you. You are complete all on your own. But I pray you find a good man anyway, one who encourages you and creates dreams with you. One who takes your hand and chases after God with you.
I pray that you’ll love your body for the temple that it is. I pray you won’t shame it or manipulate it. I pray that you recognize that your body is a home for God’s spirit, and was bought at a high price.
I pray that in your struggles you will learn so much about grace. I pray you learn firsthand what it’s like to be held in your weakest moments and to know you are never alone.
I pray you won’t have to compromise yourself or your morals to make others happy. I pray your eyes are focused on the Lord’s desire for your life, not man’s.
I pray that you know every single day how important you are. That you were created by the Creator on purpose. He looked at the whole world, in all its entirety and eternity, and thought you would be an important piece to His great plan.
I pray you’ll learn forgiveness can set you free. I pray you won’t live a life imprisoned by anger and bitterness.
I pray that even though I’m so imperfect and have failed at so many of these, that I can be one of the people who helps guide you through these things.
Most importantly, my baby girl, I pray you know how loved you are. Our God loves you more than I can explain, but you have a mama who will spend the rest of her life trying to give you just a glimpse of His love for you.
~Kelli Bachara, The Unraveling Blog
*Speaking of kiddos, I created some activities/worksheets for my elementary school aged son for the summer. They include Bible story reflections, verse memorization, and activities to grow in their prayer life. I decided to make them available to others in case they want to use them with their kids too. Here’s a link if you’re interested!
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starryskys-posts · 10 months
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alienturnip · 2 years
I'm so in love with character designs with messy hair.... falling all over their face becoming part of their emotions & expressions.... Like just in how there are some stray hair falling off of their buns/tails that makes me wonder how they tied their hair that day and what did they do, like baby give me your backstory!! Did you put it up neatly and then went through a frenzy so you can't afford to keep your hair as uptight as it was, or did you just pull it on carelessly because you don't even bother, because your mind is elsewhere because your life is constant moving constant action, or did you do that on purpose to convey some sort of style.... I am LOOKING
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marissasketch · 7 days
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Had to paint Moo Deng!! I love her so much
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noodles-and-tea · 29 days
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Haha… yeah… that’d be crazy…
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shrubsparrow · 4 months
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It's in the eye of the beholder
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wrenchwenches · 4 months
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myouicieloz · 3 months
😭 my babes rlly are starved for yunjin… i might have an old req in the drafts, I’ll work on that to feed you smth🌹
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angicoforest · 28 days
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No anatomy just darkness
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Scenario: a sample of your DNA was taken, popped into a cell, and cloned into a baby, gestated in a sci-fi artificial womb vat. The first time you or anyone in your family meets this baby is after it has already been born out of said vat. You can hold the newborn if you want, it's up to you, but it is a living breathing baby that was cloned from your DNA and is genetically identical to you.
I love clone philosophy. Give me all your philosophy of clones
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