sangrefae · 4 months
ngl it's kind of sad when people say "can't wait for mithrun to show up in the anime and people realize the SUPERIOR kabru ship" as if that's the most important draw of his character and not the incredible portrayal of disability/addiction through his arc like. please
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kidvoodoo · 4 months
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Crown-less but not alone.
No need to be Kings of a drowned throne.
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mizgnomer · 5 months
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Behind the Scenes of The Star Beast - Part Four
Excerpt from Digital Spy's interview with Ruth Madeley:
This past weekend saw the return of Doctor Who, with the first of its 60th anniversary specials 'The Star Beast'. In the episode, we were introduced to UNIT Scientific Advisor Number 56, Shirley Anne Bingham. Like Ruth Madeley, Shirley is a disabled woman who uses a wheelchair, however, as Ruth told Digital Spy in our exclusive interview: "Her being in a wheelchair is the least interesting thing about her – and that's what you want." Shirley is straight-talking, no-nonsense and not afraid to put the doctor in his place. "She knows exactly who she is, she's ballsy, she's northern and she's not frightened to take the lead. And I think she's a great addition to the whoniverse," Ruth said. She also laughed here, at her use of the word "whoniverse", and explained that she wasn't a huge fan before appearing on the show, despite "having a great respect" for it. However, this didn't stop her from being in awe of David Tennant and Catherine Tate, who she said, it was incredible to watch working. "I love that Shirley isn't a gusher when she meets The Doctor because I'm so not like that," she laughed. "I found myself sat next to David at the read through, and realised I was just staring at him. I'm really uncool!" Very early on in 'The Star Beast', a fellow UNIT officer started to act awkwardly when he realised that Shirley can't get up the stairs to access the rocket, to which she cut him down with: "Don't make me the problem." It's a sentiment many disabled people have felt in an inaccessible world, and Ruth points out that "it was so important to show that the problem isn't us, it's actually all the stuff around us". "I'm having 'Don't make me the problem' put on t-shirts," she joked.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone who posted set photos!
Additional parts of this set are in the #whoBtsBeast tag. The full episode list is [ here ]
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old-thymey-magpie · 7 months
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Taking a break from some commission work to draw an old friend
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safirefire · 9 months
suzanne collins really made such a point about selling out your own people to assimilate with a ruling class that will never see you as one of their own with strabo plinth, he did The Most and in the end he paid the way for his son's murderer, a vile tyrant, to have a meteoric rise to the top.
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obsessive-dumpling · 2 months
I have been waiting with bated breath but the end is nigh so it's time to get our final predictions in folks.
And I don't know.... I've had SO many predictions throughout this entire series and here we are, at end game, and I have no clue. Because Horikoshi is so talented at turning things where I least expect. Don't believe me?
Did you see "Kacchan of the Bakugos" live on world wide television happening?
Did you see "cutest girl in the world" happening?
Did you see "spend the rest of our lives together" happening?
(Spoiler Alert: There are so. many. more!)
Like we anticipated a lot of things as a fandom but then he would also smack us in the face with scenes straight out of our favorite fanfics. And why? Why did he do that? Why did he REUSE the line from School Briefs about Katsuki's relationship with girls in the final chapters of the manga? He didn't have to do that. He didn't have to do any of this!
Those were choices. Choices he actively made. Choices Shonen Jump let be published. Choices Bones is now animating. And it's because of those choices and that follow through that I'm so unsure now.
This all feels too pointed... Too intentional for there to not be a final bkdk scene/ending. So why the hesitation in predicting a bkdk ending?
Because. This ending isn't about the fandom. This ending isn't about "who's ship wins". And if you think that's all that's on the line here, then I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry, cause you missed it. You missed the point of this series and what bkdk as a canon couple would actually mean in the real world 2024.
MHA is one of the top animes in the world. Check the numbers. Not Japan. Not American. The world! Do you understand what it would mean to have a canon gay couple as leads in a mainstream Shonen anime? How many people that would reach?
Representation in media matters. Representation in MAINSTREAM media MATTERS. God, I could do a whole seminar on this topic but the point HERE being: a canon gay superhero couple in a top Shonen anime would have a massive effect on a global scale. And how many need to see that? How many people could that help? How many people could it change?
And though Horikoshi has shown a heavy leaning towards a bkdk end game, that doesn't mean he has to, or even can, follow through on it. Unfortunately, it's not up to JUST him. Shonen Jump could tank it. Bones could tank it! Do you get it yet? It's going to take A LOT for this to happen. And frankly my heart is having a hard time with it...
Because we've seen creators fight this fight before. The Legend of Korra. SheRa. Both always intended to have queer leads. But had to fight TOOTH AND NAIL with everything they had just to get a final closing scene.
We've also seen queer baiters. So many have pointed out the similarities to how Naruto felt. And because of the nature of the series' mangaka, we will never know what the truth is on that matter.
We've felt shunted by the system. We've felt laughed at for having hope to see a love like ours up on that screen.
But now we have hope again. And there /is/ a chance. There is a really real chance right now- that we could actually get it...
And that makes my chest tight.
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ladyinthebluebox · 20 days
oh god we will walk onto her lifting at some point won't we??
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jeanmoreaue · 4 months
Do you think jerejean will be endgame? I feel like out of everyone Jeremy is the best fit for Jean
o ya 100% i think Jeremy and Jean are the best fit for each other. they’ve got chemistry, they’ve got shared goals, just symbolically i think they’re good for each other, and i love the dynamic it adds to each of their characters ie Jean liking people who are optimistic/bright and sunny (Renee, Jeremy) and Jean being able to read Jeremy really well/be attuned to whatever he’s repressing lol (I’m just assuming that’s where their dynamic is headed since Jean already has been so perceptive about Jeremy’s feelings)
for Kevin and Jean, i think that Kevin definitely doesn’t feel the same way that Jean did (i think Jean’s kind of moved on a bit), but even if Kevin did like Jean back i don’t think it would be the healthiest option for either of them. personally i just absolutely love the dynamic of Kevin and Jean’s current relationship, how it seems imbalanced with Jean liking Kevin and only having Kevin to rely on, but Kevin not quite as invested (but obv still caring for Jean)
and Jean and Renee just don’t see each other enough, i think it’s been set up narratively that they’re just friends now
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twos-have-blues · 17 days
Curious: do any of y’all understand my username?
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esilher · 7 months
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« I know it's true It's all because of you And if I make it through It's all because of you
And now and then If we must start again Well, we will know for sure That I will love you
Now and then I miss you Oh, now and then I want you to be there for me Always to return to me »
Now and Then - The Beatles
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writebackatya · 6 months
Della Duck would love the Guardians of the Galaxy movies
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severemiraclefest · 4 months
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nyxcharliechaos · 1 month
McDonalds 10 years ago: Eat at our place we're really cheap, have fun toys for the kids and even a jungle gym for them to play in
McDonalds now: come eat our over priced cardboard that comes with a piece of painted plastic we call a toy that's so bad the dollar store wouldn't sell it, oh play place? we got rid of of that last week
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shirtlessradfahrer · 4 months
So I've been politically active since before I was even eligible to vote. I've followed North American politics near religiously since 2014, and I've been a card-carrying member of my country's most prominent left-wing party since before the start of the pandemic. I barely slept at all during the week Ukraine was full-scale invaded, and I've been stressed about it every day for the last two years, given that my grandfather was born there and I've very much wanted to visit someday. And this was all before the horrific debacle of October 7th, and the subsequent atrocities committed against Gaza practically every day since. Lately I've weaned myself off a lot of international news and been more active in local politics because that's where I feel my efforts have been more effective, but...
...the reality is I am tired. I am so fucking tired.
I blacklisted just about everything remotely political when I made this blog because I wanted this space to be my escape from all of that. He is my escape from all of that. A badly needed one, because between the state of the world, the state of my country, the state of my workplace and the state of my personal life, my mental health has been....not very good for most of this decade and last.
I know this is unhealthily cynical, but as someone who had some pretty shitty friends in the past, and continues to have some incredibly shitty family members, including my own father (who, despite having Käärijä levels of charisma and putting on an excellent act in public, has repeatedly hurt me and let me and others down when we needed him most)....I expect famous people I admire to disappoint me. I very much expect famous men I admire to disappoint me. It may be in three days, or in three months, or in three years, or in thirty years, but it will happen at least once, if not multiple times.
Which is why I don’t-and never have-looked up to musicians or any other celebrity for guidance on my political or moral beliefs. It's a surefire way to set yourself up for not only disappointment but feelings of betrayal towards someone who was never "loyal" to you in the first place. And I wish so many people didn't learn that lesson far too late.
I don't like Jere Mikael Pöyhönen because of his insightful commentary on the state of geopolitics. To be extremely blunt, I like him because he's hot and he entertains me, both of which bring me happiness. Once I no longer feel that happiness, I'll move on to other interests, just as I always have. It would be very nice, however, if that day came in thirty years rather than in three. Which is why I felt relief when he expressed his wish to remain politically neutral, even regarding politics in his own country.
That being said....am I disappointed he went to you-know-what? Yes, for reasons both political and non-political. Am I disappointed that he willingly interacted on camera with you-know-who? Yes. In fact there are several things he has done and people he has associated with that I'm not particularly happy about. But in this case do I understand WHY he went and why he interacted with them? Also yes.
I don't believe he had any malicious intent, quite the opposite. His kindness is both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness-he is kind to the point that he foolishly undermines his own credibility. I don't know if there's an equivalent of Hanlon's Razor in Finnish but it goes "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".
And.....well. This is a guy who couldn't tell the Ukrainian esc23 representatives from the Greek ones. Who didn't know what the trans flag was until he was personally handed one last year. Who, AFAIK, has never received any sort of higher education (vocational school would still sort of be considered such where I live, but whatever) not that that automatically makes someone "smart" and others "stupid", but it can and often does help with understanding international issues. And based on my overall experience with hockey fans/players (of which he's both)...they typically aren't terminally online debating anything besides individual player and team statistics.
So I'm not shocked that he didn't think about how Just Being Nice on camera with that representative would look to others outside of his own bubble. How that would not have looked particularly "neutral". But he should have, considering this isn't the first time he's had to deal with angry internet mobs coming after him for a relatively minor mistake. Considering his favourite band got into very hot water last year and dealt with the controversy very poorly for too long.
Is it fair that I can block some tags, turn off the tv, and get on with my day, while he has to worry about his image the moment he leaves home? No. But...this is the inevitable downside of the life he wanted. Unlike me, he now has an audience of millions, a not-insignificant number of whom are going to be thinking about this stuff, meaning he needs to as well. And if not, he needs to pay someone to think about it for him. Goodness knows he can afford it now. I can do without all that pyro if it means none of us have another week like this one.
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charmac · 11 months
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Something about Mac only feeling embarrassed of his sex habits when it comes to Dennis exposing him to Charlie...
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steveharrington · 1 year
all my coworkers have beef with students but i don’t. i love students. students are nice to me on the phone students are very understanding and willing to listen and admit when they missed an email or didn’t meet a deadline. their Parents however,
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