serendipitous-mage · 10 months
pie story
>be me
>know that roomie/friennds dinner day is after actual thanksgiving and thats its the 26th, but unsure what day of the week thhat is (zero time concept) and even tho know its always the thursday regardless of date, have in mind that thanksgivingn is on the 24th or 25th, so not far away from our dinner day
>thing that has been designated to make is ✨pumpkin pie✨
>remember that other roommate who is doing lot of the cooking said they were doing their pies on weds
>think 'hmhm ok, i will also make my pie on weds:3'
>make the pie
>it is. SO delicious looking 😭😭 (important: have a years-decades long obsession wiith pie)
>y e a r n
>cannot have the pie yet
>exercise more restraiint than god herself and wait for it to cool, then wrap and put in fridge
>Realize. that the pies roommate were making were for other roommate to bring with them to their parents on actual thanksgiving the next day. and our dinner day(when the my pie can be eaten) is not.. until…… saturday……….
>absolute devastation no breathing only deepest desire to eat the pie
>torturous sleep
>halfway through next day(thanksgiving) while roommates with families are at theiir places, receive a picture of a pie. say they are lucky bastards to have their pie now😭
>get told😳can have a piece of pumpkin pi-
>rUN upstaiirs and once aagain exercise More Restraint Than God Herself when cutting a piece so that it isnt a whole half-
>… want more 🤭😖
>canNot have more, attempt to be sated, return downstairs
>be Proper Exhausted TM from other things
>roommate has made more pies that can have.. but….. too tired… to get up………
>pass out at 8pm
>wake up at 8am to a bunch of messages in groupchats, including one with the other roommate, who has sent a picture of pecan pie and said we could have some of that early also
>send "is this👀here??👀👀👀"
>receive a YES and YOU CAN HAVE and rACE INTO HAL-
>kitty cat cat right outside door who is now rolling adorably on the rug
>task impeded, sidequest activated: remove roadblock(pet kitty)
>pet kitty
>kitty is being ohsocute and rolling and rubbing up against the radiator-oH ATTACKED
>kitty runs upstairs
>sidequest complete! road is clear
>race upstairs
>have not one but TWO pieces of TWO different pies for breakfast!!
>happy little jiig
>the beast (pie obsession) has been sated (for now)
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mackennaaidanrose · 2 years
I am horny for knowledge, and the Spanish Empire has blue balled me
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sofarsogoodsowhat · 5 months
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angelmelon · 3 months
You aren’t supposed to wear hoodies while handling/riding horses are you fucking stupid 😭
you claimed to have put research into this panel but, as someone who used to be a horse “girl” (I still love horses, I’m just unable to ride anymore), I can tell that the most basic of research AKA horse riding dresscode was not followed to any degree here. Hoodies are dangerous for horse riding, for both you and the horse. Not to mention, this is Australia, why would you put yourself through that WHILE horse riding?? It’s one of the easiest sports to get heatstroke while doing, especially given the requirement of pants or trousers to keep yourself and the horse scratch free.
You’re so goddamn over dedicated to keeping all your characters personal styleless and butch that you would disregard actual horseback riding dresscodes. Genuinely funny considering you traced most of this panel. You could have just put my girl into the outfits the women were already wearing you know. Then she’d have a distinct style from every other fucking character!!
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gecklund · 27 days
I woke up today to the Johnny Gaudreau news and I couldn’t believe it. My thoughts go out to their family and I just can’t even imagine the grief of losing two brothers in one night.
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momo-de-avis · 2 years
I am eternally amazed at how sensitive the portuguese are at the subject of colonialism. The idea that we practised some sort of soft colonialism is so ingrained in our minds people will be fighting for their lives to defend this idea (which, btw, is still a remnant of Salazar's propaganda). Brazil's colonialism is such a hyper sensitive topic you can see the vein popping on the neck of the average Zé when someone even lightly mentions accountability. I dead ass remember my 7th grade teacher telling our class that Brazil's colonialism consisted of "jesuit priests playing music, which enticed the natives" and that was it (flutes too, to be precise, for some fucking reason) and everyone has just blindly believed this and refused to accept the actual horrible history we're a part of. Portuguese people will be fighting for their lives on technicalities. Say "The portuguese invented the slave trade" and Salvador over there will jump from under the table to explain that akshually african people were the ones to sell their own people as slaves!!! And askhually, slavery goes back for centuries!! You know what they mean, you know what needs to be discussed here, but my boy Salvador is on a mission. He doesn't even care that he's regurgitating fascist propaganda that was entirely built on ahistorical facts that specifically sought to promote colonialism and imperialism as a progressive idea, no, none of that matters. It matters that we are miserable people who will perpetually long for the past, look back on something utterly atrocious and willingly ignore the brutality of it, because we cannot come to terms with the fact that today we live in a country that's ripe with corruption, unlivable wages and high cost of living; we cannot come to terms with the fact that we did all this colonialism just to be a poor fucking country that's being exploited by digital nomads; in fact, we just cannot tolerate the idea that we're just a summer resort for americans and brits and have absolutely no economical relevance in the world, not even cultural, but hey, cultural meaning can be invented. So we look back, we wail and cry and look back at these centuries when we pillaged, enslaved and destroyed because at least we meant something, because we once divided the world in two with Spain, that's how big our balls were once, and because once people knew who we were, they our name beyond the one football player. We purposefully disregard the horrid shit. We coast through life without ever, ever acknowledging it ever existed. We're taught in school colonialism was soft core at best, tell some bullshit about some priests with flutes and be done with it, and then when someone finally confronts us for our history, on god, we'll be fighting with everything we have to prove to you that our colonialism was just fine, and we, white men of the 16th century, showed these countries the meaning of civilisation! Orgulhosamente sós, am i right bitches
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opens-up-4-nobody · 7 months
#what do you call it when a mind is lacking in depth of m thought? is there a word for that?#because all my mind can do is spin in tiny circles. never push any further. no depth of thought#i cant even carry out this line of thought to completion in my head. i have to write it down like this or else it remains stuck in an eddy#its so frustrating. when my thoughts are pressured i spin so fast it feels like my head might pop but the thoughts never go anywhere#bc they just repeat the same god damn things all thr fucking time. they drag me around in circles. then when im feeling low or even like#normal. my head just feels empty and it freaks me out. i have no intersting thoughts to think. theres nothing behind my eyes#possibly its just my brain on 0cd. but how am i suppose to escape the spiral if its in my own head? i guess im just supposed to changr my#reaction to it. recognize what it is and let it go. but i dont like it#i just want to curl up on a warm tile floor. press myself into a quiet corner and not think anything#in an aquarium or a conservatory. specifically the conservatory in Columbus. i love that place#i went there for my birthday when i was like 12 bc i liked it so much. the botanically gardens and the butterflies and the stained glass#i dunno. i just like it there. ugh. im just tired#god. there was a really cool talk today and im always like im not that inattentive lol but then i cannot for the life of me follow a talk or#read a paper all thr way through. my short term working memory is just a tiny little cup. easy to overfill#so i miss mostly everything. its so frustrating#its all frustrating. whatever. back to the psychiatrist tomorrow. probably up thr lamicta1 dosage#bc im past where i was last time i had a reaction to it 💪#i just wish i wanted to draw. drawing just makes me tired and impatient rn#unrelated
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stanleycupavoider · 5 days
okay so the sabres are playing the blue jackets on monday and the tickets are literally cheaper than it would be to buy msg+ to watch this one game ($9.99 to stream ONE game is actually fucking insane) 😭 james dolan go to hell
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burnt-scone · 1 year
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Blocked out her name because we can hope she's simply ignorant.
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Had to respond to someone ignorant today.
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day btw
What elderly person I replied to said:
"No idea why people want The Native Americans celebrated over Columbus.
Yes Columbus took slaves.
So did the Native Americans. Enslaving each other a lot more than Columbus did. In fact The Native Americans took their African Slaves with them on the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma and set up a slave territory there.
Nothing wrong with Native Americans getting their recognition- but should be another day- not Columbus Day. My opinion. To each their own."
What I replied:
"You used a key word here, slavery. Only America, which Columbus didn't even step foot on, celebrated him. He was despised by Europe for his inhumane practices. The only reason he ever went to Spain was because he was wanted in Europe for molesting a 14 year old girl. When he committed a Genocide and ran child sex slavery rings using Taino boys and girls, the Spanish during the Spanish Inquisition told him to stop that he was insane. He was a monster. And the only thing he is actually believed to have discovered was Syphilis, because he couldn't keep his penis out of random animals. In this case Llamas.
America only began celebrating to justify Slavery, claiming his brutal and monstrous way, was the American way.
Columbus deserves no special recognition, for he doesn't deserve any fake awards gifted to him long after his death.
But Indigenous people on the other hand have survived genocide after genocide. They have not let people like Columbus or America wipe them off the face of the Earth, they have persevered and held onto who they are. A little over 40 years ago it was illegal for Indigenous people to teach their language or heritage to younger people within their tribes. And less than 70 years ago the government and church were openly still kidnapping and murdering Indigenous children.
Columbus doesn't deserve a day, and if it wasn't for Slavery in America, he wouldn't have one. Indigenous people on the other hand, atleast need a day of recognition after all America has done to them for simply being on the land they deserve. Land America is still breaking treatys to steal."
(And yes, there is a chance that Columbus discovered Syphilis by fucking a Llama.)
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happy indigenous peoples day btw
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Look I don't know what the fuck antarctica is.
It's like stuff your ass ain't surviving past though
#I could see myself as a dragon the sixe of creation watching you breathe fire for me though#the little dragon female is like whaever you want master *poof* *puff* *snap dragon*#and the master dragon breathes into creation once again#look honey I had to grow it process it and sometimes ship it over the Christopher Columbus route#it's the most crazy part of it all and I already know it's true because I was there and I am going to be there#it was a simple time#car ride and some food#the old man that I like is there and things go well usually#I kinda remember me thinking about myself man what is this guy's deal#like after seeing myself selling nothing can ever compare#me: dude I would NEVER work at a restaurant that is for chicks#and yet there I am pretending I suppose#like how about I retire and go manage a restaurant like no mother fucker that's not what he does....he does those two#waitresses#uh well if anything gets a bell 133 I can claim it solo or in pair#I want to take extra sugar with you and one hand on each hood just gently letting you both feel my spark#connecting one hand with two hands#it's like water if you stare at each hydrogen right you gave two hos#but yanno let's get naked and get high and have fun and if you want to call it magic then that's what it is#she says wait til you taste that meat#shot out to your pics with your eyes red as fuck though.... that's hot#one thing you don't want to do is bring a dreamcast into my domain and not expect me to unlock the company logo to fight you#like logos ethos pathos.....like more than they claim but they don't know shit#like yeah.....I wanna slowly feel my bulge as you both demonstrate and begin the way of the hiot#yeah you've been doing it for years let's see it first#first time for me anyway#which makes it your most important teaching hoot#drugs teacher student relationship#sex: owner slave (s' down the line) relationship#I never wanted to be a phlebotomist but for you I will learn
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the east asian in me boils when i hear people (mostly white influencers) say “crystal candy” because it’s a traditional japanese candy called kohakutou
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3416 · 1 year
i feel absolutely horrible for connor bedard this was literally the worst option for him i would rathered any of other team. chicago doesn’t deserve jackshit.
chicago was legitimately last on everyone's list.... it makes me so depressed to see that. they don't even know how to keep young players safe and that organization doesn't deserve a franchise rebuild after purposely tanking like they have and covering up a scandal like that.
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crunchycrystals · 10 months
everyday i mourn the world i could've grown up in without capitalism and colonization
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capriszn · 8 months
i saw a fuckass tiktok with an elderly israeli couple (older than the terror state itself) and all the comments just went along the lines of omg naur leave them alone how is anything their fault like ppl cant help being born there and its not like israeli citizens want a war and theyre just in love boooobooo boo boooo this cute #coquette couple makes me unable to discern the complicity in colonial violence and im really fucking brainless!!!.!.! mind you the account was run by an idf terrorist #girlboss as literal propaganda and she kept spreading her zionist crap in the comments
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glitchlight · 9 months
Why does cleveland have the best radio stations of any metro area I've ever been in.
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