#thanksgivings not real to me anymore lmao
serendipitous-mage · 10 months
pie story
>be me
>know that roomie/friennds dinner day is after actual thanksgiving and thats its the 26th, but unsure what day of the week thhat is (zero time concept) and even tho know its always the thursday regardless of date, have in mind that thanksgivingn is on the 24th or 25th, so not far away from our dinner day
>thing that has been designated to make is ✨pumpkin pie✨
>remember that other roommate who is doing lot of the cooking said they were doing their pies on weds
>think 'hmhm ok, i will also make my pie on weds:3'
>make the pie
>it is. SO delicious looking 😭😭 (important: have a years-decades long obsession wiith pie)
>y e a r n
>cannot have the pie yet
>exercise more restraiint than god herself and wait for it to cool, then wrap and put in fridge
>Realize. that the pies roommate were making were for other roommate to bring with them to their parents on actual thanksgiving the next day. and our dinner day(when the my pie can be eaten) is not.. until…… saturday……….
>absolute devastation no breathing only deepest desire to eat the pie
>torturous sleep
>halfway through next day(thanksgiving) while roommates with families are at theiir places, receive a picture of a pie. say they are lucky bastards to have their pie now😭
>get told😳can have a piece of pumpkin pi-
>rUN upstaiirs and once aagain exercise More Restraint Than God Herself when cutting a piece so that it isnt a whole half-
>… want more 🤭😖
>canNot have more, attempt to be sated, return downstairs
>be Proper Exhausted TM from other things
>roommate has made more pies that can have.. but….. too tired… to get up………
>pass out at 8pm
>wake up at 8am to a bunch of messages in groupchats, including one with the other roommate, who has sent a picture of pecan pie and said we could have some of that early also
>send "is this👀here??👀👀👀"
>receive a YES and YOU CAN HAVE and rACE INTO HAL-
>kitty cat cat right outside door who is now rolling adorably on the rug
>task impeded, sidequest activated: remove roadblock(pet kitty)
>pet kitty
>kitty is being ohsocute and rolling and rubbing up against the radiator-oH ATTACKED
>kitty runs upstairs
>sidequest complete! road is clear
>race upstairs
>have not one but TWO pieces of TWO different pies for breakfast!!
>happy little jiig
>the beast (pie obsession) has been sated (for now)
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altschmerzes · 4 months
🌹🌹 Wriggle Up and/or New York Minute pleassssse 🙏
yesssss okay new york minute has taken over my brain for a moment so i'll go with an excuse to share some of that one
('new york minute' is my first fic for the bear, btw, it is a cousin michelle from the christmas episode pov of The Whole New York Debacle. as always i am really really anxious taking my first try at character voices, and picking a pov character who is a minor side character in one (1) episode has been both freeing and anxiety provoking LMAO. so. here's this.)
(also it's.... long. we know this about me and clips.)
As soon as Carmy is under her roof, safely tucked away in her guest room, Michelle takes what feels like her first full breath in since Christmas. It’s not like everything is magically okay now - Carmy certainly isn’t okay, and he’s just one little piece of the whole fucked up puzzle, but she’s finally done something about it. Michelle has found the one piece of that puzzle that she can do anything about at all and she’s done it. That’s the part that’s driven her the most out of her mind - knowing that things need to be done, that nothing is alright in Chicago, and not knowing what to do. Who to try and help, never mind how.
Natalie has Pete and her friends from school. She’s got a home and distance and she’d mentioned while on a walk with Michelle, looking away like she wasn’t sure what the response would be, that she had started therapy after Thanksgiving. And Michael has… Well. When they talk on the phone, Natalie doesn’t have a lot to say about Michael that’s encouraging. Michelle is worried about Michael but it’s not like she can do anything about that. They were close when they were younger but the older they got and the more Donna took a shine to her the more strained her relationship with Michael got. They were a competition of their own, really, or at least a battlefield on the war between their mothers.
Grandpa Berzatto, right? Michael Berzatto. A looming figure gone before any of her generation was born, and so of course the oldest grandchild is named after him - both of them were, at the beginning and the end of the same year, one down each branch of the family tree. Michael and Michelle. They thought it was funny when they were younger. Used to tell people they were twins, when they were real little. It’s not like that anymore. At least Richie is there, though. At least Richie is always there.
Thank god for Richie, said almost no one ever and Michelle several times over the course of her life.
One time, she was seventeen and going out with a guy who was far too old for her and a massive asshole on top of that. When she finally dumped him and his reaction scared her enough to tell them what was going on, Michael and Richie got a baseball bat and a tire iron out of the garage and broke every window and light cover on the guy’s car. Richie took one of the pieces from the tail-light to wood shop class the next day and while the teacher was off making sure some sophomores didn’t lose any fingers using a table saw, he sanded down the edges and put a hole through it, then gave it to her on a keychain. Michelle still has it somewhere. Michelle still has that keychain somewhere and Richie still has Michael and so that’s one thing she doesn’t have to worry about not being able to fix.
So there’s nothing to do for any of them, because Natalie is going to be okay in ways that even Michelle isn’t, and Michael is out of her reach, and Donna is out of everyone’s reach. (Donna needs help. She’s obviously suffering and needs some serious help, but Michelle learned long ago with her own mother that there’s no forcing help on someone who won’t accept it and will stop speaking to you for months if you try to push it anyway.)
But Carmy… Carmy is in her guest room and it’s still pretty early but she thinks he’s asleep and this she can do. This, him, Michelle can help.
(Michael caught her on the way out, when she and Stevie were leaving. She was worried for a moment, because he had that intense look on his face that meant trouble could be coming, and when he said heard you asked Carm to come stay with you for a few days in New York she steeled her nerves for one last explosion for the road. Michael was silent and Michelle was silent and he still had a hold of her arm but he wasn’t squeezing or anything so she let him keep his hand for now. And then he just said Good. Get him the fuck out of here and do not let him come back. Then he gave her a hug so tight she couldn’t breathe and kissed her on the cheek and said love you, Mitch and he was gone.)
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 7 months
“When was the last time you slept?” For sashnetra please?
Sorry this took so long for me to get out!! D: The only idea that I had for this prompt was within the Wedding Planner AU, which has been on my mind SO MUCH lately. But here's some college-age Sashnetra for a change!
(Also I barely proofread this lmao)
"When was the last time you slept?"
"It's been, uh- It's been a while, I think."
"That didn't answer my question. When was the last time you slept?"
"...I don't remember."
The fun part of sleep deprivation was long gone for Anetra. When you pull an all-nighter and stay up throughout the day. Everything is hilarious and you can't stop laughing at the simplest things.
Then after a good night of sleep, you felt great again, no energy drink needed. It was fine to deal with every once in a while, but not day after day for the entirety of fall break.
Sasha was still standing in the entryway of their apartment, her suitcase still had the paper tag attached from the airline. Anetra knew her girlfriend was excited to go on the study abroad trip to Thailand for the whole semester. Sasha's school breaks usually consisted of studying and crashing on friends' couches.
"I left on Wednesday before classes got out. Have you not actually had real sleep since then?" Sasha asked, arms crossed but held concern in her eyes.
Anetra felt like a small child in trouble. Her short-term memory felt like it was shot from her lack of sleep. She may have passed out on the couch for a few minutes at a time, but sleeping the whole night in her bed?
That hadn't happened since she last saw Sasha.
Anetra shook her head, feeling like tears were threatening behind her eyes. "I can't sleep. I've tried everything, but I can't,"
She never felt so over-dramatic. Her girlfriend was just on a plane for several hours, stuffed in an economy seat and dealing with exhaustion and jet lag.
And here Anetra was, whining about not being able to function like a normal human when she was at home all week.
Sasha left her suitcase and tote bag she used as a carry-on for the flight by the door as she rushed to sit next to Anetra. She wrapped both arms around her waist and held tight, "What's the matter, baby?"
Anetra felt like she could melt when Sasha held her like that. All the stress from the past week was about to wash away and she could just enjoy her time again with her girlfriend. She opened her mouth to start to explain why she couldn't sleep, but the ringtone from her cell phone chirped instead.
Tears started leaking out of Anetra's eyes, she knew exactly who was calling her. "She won't leave me alone. I didn't go spend Thanksgiving at her house and now she's blowing up my phone."
"Can I? I won't answer it, I promise." Sasha asked permission for Anetra's phone, glancing at it on the table. Anetra nodded, her cell phone felt like it was mocking her last bit of sanity.
Sasha already knew the passcode, unfortunately, this wasn't the first time this had happened. She scrolled through the call log history and the long thread of text messages, most unanswered. The messages read in tone anywhere from kind and caring to horribly malicious.
"She's been doing this since Monday?" Sasha asked in surprise.
Anetra nodded, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, "I can't deal with her anymore. I told her so many times that I was done, but she keeps using the 'But we're family!' excuse" she said in a mocking voice.
Sasha sighed, putting the phone face down. "I think it's time to block her number."
"But she's-" Anetra started, but Sasha was quick to interrupt.
"I know it's your mom, but she's pushing way past your boundaries," Sasha said as Anetra's face fell more. "Listen, I know it's going to be hard, but you can't let her keep doing this to you."
Anetra stared at her phone, seeing it vibrate with a new text message. "I don't know if I'm ready," she said in a small voice.
Sasha thought for a moment, "What about you turn off your phone, and try to get some sleep. Then you can decide if you're ready," Sasha suggested.
The younger woman pursed her lips but nodded, "I can do that," she pressed the power button until the black screen took over the cell phone.
"Come on, I'm jet-lagged as hell. We could probably both use a good nap." Sasha stood up and held out her hand for Anetra to follow her to the bedroom.
Anetra didn't realize that she was grateful for Sasha to guide her to the bedroom until the room was spinning and there were two doors in front of her. She walked slowly as she held tight to Sasha's hand, without her, Anetra was pretty sure she'd be on the floor by now.
Pretty soon, they were both under the duvet, and Anetra's head was nestled on Sasha's chest. She felt long fingers run from the top of her scalp, all the way to her split ends. Anetra drifted off to sleep with the sound of the cars outside and Sasha's steady heartbeat.
She didn't have to face anything she wasn't ready for. Whatever she would have to deal with whenever she woke up, it was all going to be for the better.
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nowoyas · 2 years
Edible Arrangements 27
First - Prev - Next - M.list - Read on Ao3
A/N: WE REMAIN ON SCHEDULE. I also figured out how to make formatting not break when copying from Scrivener, so this went much faster! Have a, uh, Thanksgiving chapter in December, lmao
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Chapter Summary: It's nearly Friendsgiving! You finalize your project with Neito and have a good time with your friends.
Warnings: Some medical talk regarding dislocated bones, the general existence of Thanksgiving
Word Count: 3800+
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You regret to admit as much, but you might actually not totally despise Neito. Sure, there’s still that lingering unease around him, and no, you still won’t meet him without backup, not even after three weeks of uneventful project work interspersed with angry debates. But… weeks of chatting with him and no major incidents have steeled your nerves. All the lingering unease is just that—lingering. And now the end of this stupid philosophy project is in sight, and you’re nearly free, and you find yourself actually willing to have pleasant conversation with him, not an underlying accusation in sight.
(Of course, none of that to say the conversation wasn’t awkward. Just less unpleasant.)
Mina was on duty today, but she’s stepped away to the restroom, leaving you to make conversation alone. “So, uh,” you start, closing your laptop at the end of your final pass-through of the paper. “Doing anything for break?”
Neito’s fingers still on his laptop keyboard. You’ve got no idea what he was typing, but you know it wasn’t in your shared Google doc. His wheels turn for a moment before he answers.
“I’m not sure. I… My… Things are weird now. With my family.”
You hum as you pack up. “I guess it’s your first holiday as, uh… this.”
He nods. “I can’t say I’m on very good terms with Itsuka after this. The drive home will be rough.”
“Itsuka? The one who turned you, right? Is she…”
“My stepsister,” he finishes. “We ended up at the same university. She’s… I can’t say I’ve really talked with her about all this.”
“You haven’t?” You raise an eyebrow. “What, have you just been avoiding each other for the past month?”
Neito lets out the longest sigh he can hold. “Essentially, yes. I woke up, she told me about what I need to know as a new vampire, and then we haven’t had a real conversation since. It’s all, ‘are you adjusting well?’ and ‘getting on okay in your classes?’ The rest of the time, we’re just… hovering around each other.”
“Is it because you don’t want to talk to her, or because she doesn’t want to talk to you?”
“Neither, I think.” He runs a hand through his hair. Maybe it’s only because you hadn’t spent much time together, but he’s looked more disheveled in the past weeks than you had ever noticed before. “Or maybe… maybe I don’t know how to talk to her anymore. How do you talk to someone after that? Perhaps I was in the wrong when I took it on myself to hunt innocent people, thinking myself a hero, but… even if I deserved the consequences received, I don’t know how to talk to someone who hurt me so deeply.”
You sigh. It’s clear that he’s hurting a lot from this, and your sympathy wars with the ongoing aches in your arm. “Have you considered getting a therapist?”
“I mean, like, I’ve been through some shit. I mean, obviously.” You gesture to your scarring arm. “But even before that, there’d been some bullshit. I went to therapy for a little while after that. Would’ve kept going if my finances didn’t tank, but either way, my therapist was really cool.”
“Some bullshit?” He raises an eyebrow. “Like what, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Oh that? I got stabbed. And some other stuff, too, I guess, but it wasn’t all that important.”
He hums thoughtfully, fingers returning to flying across his keyboard with whatever he’s doing. “You said your therapist was good? Can you point me their way?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s, uh… shit. What was her name?” You genuinely can’t remember. It’s hazy, a name on the tip of your brain, but every time you brush against it, it slips away. “I’m sorry, I don’t remember. I’ll dig into my records when I’m home, I sure I wrote down her info when I was still seeing her.”
“Don’t worry about it; take as much time as you need. I admit I’m a bit wary of seeing a therapist without a good recommendation, so it would be of great help to me.”
“Yeah, sure! I’ll submit stuff tonight and go digging for my old therapist’s info for you. Sound good?”
It’s bitter, mostly, this sort of parting. Mina returns from the bathroom, and you gather up your stuff in relative silence. Things could have been different, you think, but then your arm brushes against the metal of your chair and leaves an angry burn behind, and you shake it off.
You’ll get him his therapist, and then you’ll be done with this, all of it.
You make your way home. You’ve got a kitten to play with, a paper to submit, and a therapist’s info to dig up. You call out to Izuku on your way in, but no one replies, just Sbeve barreling at you at top speeds from the top of the stairs. Sbeve’s proven to be quite the cuddle bug, curling right up in your arms as you walk around the house looking for Izuku.
He’s not downstairs. He’s not in the basement. You don’t find him in the kitchen, the library, or his secret study. Then, just for completion’s sake, you glance outside and realize his car isn’t even here. He must not have mentioned he was going out.
No matter. It just gives you time to focus on other things—Sbeve to cuddle up with you while you go through your laptop. A chill, quiet night in. You can work with that.
The group of them meets up on campus, the sun already having set in the November cold. They meet up under a streetlamp outside the library. In attendance: Tsuyu and Mina, representing the only humans present. Also in attendance: Izuku, Neito, Hitoshi, and an unexpected face, accompanying Hitoshi.
Neito is the first to recognize him. “Dr. Aizawa?”
“Monoma. You have a project due tonight, as I recall.”
He shakes his head, waves it off. “We finalized it earlier. [name] should be submitting it sometime right around now.”
He nods, lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Sorry for crashing the Disenthrallment Council or whatever you’re calling it. Hitoshi asked me for advice, as his sire, so I guess I’m also helping out with this.”
“No, no problem!” Izuku says, waving his hands a touch frantically. “It’s rare to see you outside of staff meetings!”
Dr. Aizawa arches an eyebrow at him. “You don’t even work on campus.”
“Well, I… Y-yeah, I guess so!” He clams right back up.
“So, then. Who’s leading this, anyway?”
“Leading?” Mina echoes. “No one’s really a leader here. We’re not really directed enough for that.”
“I’ll start us off, then. I don’t have all night.”
“What’s the current status on trying to disenthrall this student?”
Tsuyu raises her hand, more out of instinct than anything. “We’ve just gotten information from Tenya about what the enthrallment covers this week. We’re still figuring out a strategy, kero.”
Neito nods. “We thought to start trying by sort of prying at the “edges” of their memory, but…”
“What’s the “edge” of a memory, anyway?” Mina complains. “It’s fine to say that, but what does that even mean?”
“Like where their memories are weak?”
She hums, dissatisfied with the answer.
“I thought I was finding the edge of one of those memories at the end of our project meeting today, but it seems I was unsuccessful… I doubt I’ll, personally, have many more opportunities.” Neito sighs. “It’s a shame, too.”
Dr. Aizawa looks over each of them slowly, tired eyes closing as he thinks. “So, what you’re trying to do is get them to focus on the weaker parts of the thrall?”
“Yeah,” Hitoshi says. “We’re looking, basically, for bits of memories where they don’t seem to change the subject as quickly, and pressing those.”
“Why don’t you look for a way to force them to look at the memories as a whole?” he asks.
Izuku shakes his head. “It’s no good. They start reacting pretty negatively, and last time, they got a very serious headache. I’m worried that it’ll create more damage by forcing them to face the thrall head-on.”
“Are you worried it’ll hurt them, or are you worried that it’ll be uncomfortable?”
“Well, I… it’s not that, i-it’s just…”
Dr. Aizawa sighs. “You were a medical doctor at one point, weren’t you? Have you ever handled a dislocated shoulder?”
Izuku cringes a bit. “I have. And I understand what you’re saying, but—“
“Then you know that sometimes forcing a patient through the pain is necessary for them to do any healing.”
“But it should be done by a trained professional!” he protested. “You risk so much more damage to the dislocated joint if you put it back without the correct training, the correct precautions, the right approach and technique and—“
“Do you think you’ll find anyone who has that training in this situation? As far as I’ve heard, no one alive knows how to do what you kids are trying to do. There are no experts, and there is no right approach or any sort of training. You’re just going to have to do the painful thing.”
“I don’t… I don’t know about all that…” Izuku says, quietly and to himself. The conversation is already blazing forward without his enthusiasm.
“If you were to take the route of forcing them to acknowledge their own memories, then I guess the best route would be to present them with evidence of things they’ve forgotten. They’ve had their memories overwritten, yeah?”
“There should be evidence somewhere to prove what’s actually happened. If they’ve got pictures hidden somewhere from back then, or if there were videos of them doing something they don’t remember doing, for example. Give them something they can’t look away from.”
“In other words,” Neito says, his phone buzzing in his hand, “smash the thrall.”
He checks the text, an eyebrow raised.
[name] to Neito at 6:04 PM
[name]: okay so project’s uploaded
[name]: I did some digging and found an email exchange with my old therapist
[name]: looks like she’s not currently open to new patients, but she’s got a waitlist you can get on to be contacted when she’s got time
[name]: anyways here’s her page
[name]: small.link/clear-skies-clinic
[name]: I remember her being really, really good and helpful, so hopefully she’ll be useful to you and everything. there wasn’t really much of anything I couldn’t tell her and feel comfy.
[name]: good luck with your new biting thing. or whatever.
Neito’s eyebrow arches higher. Not much they couldn’t tell her…
Neito: When did you see her, again?
[name]: weird question, but ok
[name]: like, two-ish years ago
“I guess I have some old pictures? But [name] might just think they were taken after they and Tenya “met”…” Mina has a hand on her shoulder as she brainstorms.
“We’ll have to spend some time gathering evidence.”
Dr. Aizawa nods. “It has to be enough evidence that they can’t possibly come up with an argument for it. I don’t think just a few pictures is going to cut it.”
Neito tunes them out, opening up the link you sent. There it is—the therapist’s contact info, a professional picture of her—pleasant expression, glasses, white hair with little shocks of red. Below the photo, the text reads: Dr. Fuyumi Todoroki: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, EdD, LCMHC, LCAS.
“Hey. Van Helsing wannabe.”
Neito’s eyes snap away from the therapist’s email address. “Hm?”
“Wow, you actually answered to that.”
He rolls his eyes. “What?”
“Are you listening or what?”
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Our resident thrall was texting.”
Hitoshi rolls his eyes in return. “If you could pay attention, that would be great.”
“No, no, I think the distraction was good. How long do you suppose therapists keep their notes?”
“If they’re following local regulations, seven years, kero.” Tsuyu tilts her head. “Why are you asking?”
“I may have something of a debatably ethical idea.”
Fall break settles nicely around you. All projects out of the way, homework binged on the first day of break, finds you instead focused on texting and trying to coordinate any kind of holiday feast with your friends. Draped across the living room couch, you text, keeping one eye on the little ball of fluff perched atop the cat tree.
capris are for drinking to Friendliest Friends at 1:59PM
capris are for drinking: Alright bitches it’s noon I need you to wake up and sound off @ET come home
ET come home: excuse you, I’ve been in the dance studio since like 6am
ribbit: that doesn’t actually disprove that you were sleeping
capris are for drinking: @I Must Proceed With Speed sound off
I Must Proceed With Speed: Oh, good. Someone changed my nickname again.
ET come home: <3
capris are for drinking: <3
ribbit: <3
capris are for drinking: it is now officially fall break!
ET come home: fall break started yesterday
capris are for drinking: not according to the fall 2050 academic calendar it didn’t!
capris are for drinking: anyways shut up
capris are for drinking: and give me your guyseseses schedules
capris are for drinking: we need to coord friendsgiving and I’m free infinitely at the moment so I’m the common denominator
You hear movement behind you. Sbeve hasn’t left line of sight, which leaves one option…
“Hey, Izuku. Plans for holiday stuff this week?”
Izuku freezes in the doorway to the kitchen area, staring at you blankly. “Oh. I forgot about Thanksgiving.”
You shake your head. “Not Thanksgiving. But we do do a Friendsgiving-type thing. I’m working on organizing it with the usual group, but we will need to figure out where to host. We could do it here, if you’re okay with it…? Obviously you’re invited.”
“I’ve got no plans or anything, so feel free! I can help put it all together and everything, too.”
“We do it like a potluck feast. Mina, Tsuyu, and Tenya all would be bringing stuff, so we won’t be worrying about all of the food.”
He comes to lean on the back of the couch as you text and talk. “So who’s in charge of what?”
“We haven’t figured it out yet. Let’s see…”
ET come home: I’m good for tomorrow if you guys are
I Must Proceed With Speed: I don’t have any particular plans, though the notice is short
capris are for drinking: yeah, sorry about that! it’s been… you know, a lot, recently.
capris are for drinking: school bullshit and prepping for exams and like, writing an entire paper with… well, you know, tenya
capris are for drinking: what about saturday? would that work better?
I Must Proceed With Speed: much better.
ribbit: works for me!
ET come home: I’m down!
capris are for drinking: great. zuku says we can host here if that’s okay?
ET come home: oh good more excuses for you not to leave the house ;)
capris are for drinking: fuck you <3
Their agreements sound off, and soon, with Izuku peeking over your shoulder and offering suggestions, food is coordinated. It’ll take some time preparing—in fact, probably the rest of today planning and shopping—but you wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Planning is, actually, the worst part. You find yourself sitting at the kitchen counter, notebook in front of you, head in your hands as Izuku takes inventory of the fridge and pantry.
“I can’t do it,” you moan. “It’s so much thinking. My brain’s too fried.”
“It’s not that bad. Look, what does Tsuyu always bring?”
“Is… is that the official name?”
“Didn’t used to be, but we renamed it. It’s kickasserole these days.”
He laughs, then nods. “Okay, so we don’t need to worry about the casserole. What’s Mina always bring?”
“Pie. Oh my god her pie is so good. She brings, like, four of them. We don’t need to worry about dessert.”
“Great! No worries about dessert, then. What’s Tenya bring?”
“Tenya always brings the turkey, but he hasn’t been coming ever since his—“
You stop. Furrow your brow.
“…sorry,” you say after a long moment. That’s strange. You had a sentence in your head, but it just… vanished. “My head kinda hurts, lost my train of thought there. So I was saying, that leaves us with bread rolls, mashed potatoes, drinks. Mina does alcohol, but Tsuyu’s not much of a drinker, so we should have another option or two on deck.”
Izuku watches you for a second. You shift under his gaze, nervously turning back to your notes. “What was it you were saying before?” he asks after a moment.
“Tenya hasn’t been coming ever since what?”
You arch a brow. “What are you talking about? I just met Tenya in, like, January. Of course he hasn’t been coming.”
“I’m just saying, y-you didn’t even think about including him in your plans, right? You just already knew to do so.”
“Yeah? Friendsgiving is with the lunch bunch. It’s not like I’d exclude him. We’re over that whole fight, I think. And I’m not the only one deciding, after all.”
“But he also didn’t seem surprised by your suddenly bringing it up,” he presses. “Isn’t that weird?”
You shrug. “I probably brought it up like, last week and just forgot. We run into each other on campus all the time.”
He frowns, but says nothing, and you return to planning, then to shopping, then to prepping, all in a smooth line.
Tenya is the first to arrive that day, carrying in a hefty tray with you-know-exactly-what as you hold Sbeve back. He sets it down, and it’s not long until the other two arrive—Mina with her pies, carried in in two trips, and Tsuyu with her kickasserole. The meal settles in, your friends with it, and the day passes without incident. Even Tenya and Izuku seem to be getting close to getting along. Kind of.
They leave in the opposite order they came. Tsuyu has to leave to pick up her brother from his friend’s house, Mina rolls out with a sly look that implies she’s wanting to give you alone time with your housemate. Tenya is the one who lingers, petting Sbeve’s head with three thick fingers in your living room as you walk him to the door.
“Thanks for coming,” you say at the door.
He nods. “Of course.”
“It was short notice and all.”
“I really don’t mind. It’s good to be flexible!”
You sigh, smiling as not even a hint of a glow comes to him. “Thank you, then.”
There’s a moment where both of you pause at the door. The pair of you stand there, not speaking. Sbeve’s purring fills the silence between you, and in that air, your questions hang.
You wonder where Tenya gets his drinks. He’s never so much as looked at you, Mina, or Tsuyu for blood, although your collective knowledge of his vampirism is fairly recent. Still, to not even have asked… has there ever been a moment where he seemed to be off? Thirsty? Is it the family hospital? How would his brother feel if—
…his brother?
“…say, Tenya—“
“Before I go, I’d like to speak with you,” he says, and he’s not looking at you. His eyes are past you, where Izuku has frozen on his way into the kitchen with plates in hand.
“O-oh! Uh, no problem. Would you prefer this be private, or—“
He barely takes a moment to consider it. “Yes, actually. If you don’t mind, [name]…”
“No, no! Go right ahead.”
Your vampires head further in, and you’re left with Sbeve, sitting on the couch with Tenya’s dish, waiting for them to have their talk.
“I need to apologize to you.”
Tenya says it before the door’s even closed, his voice low, and Izuku bristles.
When the door clicks closed, Tenya lets out a long, sad sigh, his hand lingering on the doorknob. “I have been unfair to you from the moment [name] mentioned you. I’m sorry for that.”
Izuku is silent, staring at him with a furrowed brow. When Tenya lets him marinate in the silence, he gives in to speaking. “Why are you apologizing now?”
“Stop trying to break their thrall. The others will be fine, but…”
“You haven’t gone through the information I sent you?”
“I know that the two of you have known each other for a while, but…”
Tenya meets his eyes, a deep-set frown on his lips. “Their thrall is likely not possible to break. But if it is, and you do it, you will be driving them away. They will likely remember who they were when they were enthralled, and though I don’t deserve it, if they truly remember me…”
“I get it. That’s a choice [name] will have to make for themselves.”
“You’re going to keep trying? Even if it means you lose them?”
“It’s not about that. I’m doing this for them, not me.”
Izuku has to wonder. He hates it, but he has to wonder: would he be lying, in your eyes?
“I’m sure there’s plenty that you’re smarter than me about. You have the years and experience to have reached that point, not to mention far too much schooling. But I think you’re doing something incredibly stupid by choosing to keep on with this.”
Tenya cracks the door, about to leave. Izuku flashes him a thin smile. “Thank you for apologizing.”
“I doubt it will happen again.”
Izuku watches Tenya leave. He needs a moment to himself.
Tenya comes to you alone, Izuku nowhere in sight. You nearly miss him on his way out the door, though your attention snaps to him the moment you hear him.
“Mind if I ask what all that was about?”
“I do, unfortunately,” he says.
You smile. “No worries.”
There it is again. That awkwardness. There’s something hanging in the air. A kind of tension in your chest, a closure that’s missing, that can never come, because you haven’t the first clue what you’re even looking for.
“Thank you again. I know you don’t like Izuku, so… thank you for playing nice with him tonight. Please tell me you weren’t in there threatening him again.”
“No, nothing of the sort.”
To your relief, he isn’t lying. You pass him back his dish, brain reaching for the question you’d wanted to ask him before, but you can’t seem to get a grip on it.
“Have a good night, Tenya.”
This is weird. This is really weird.
He pulls you into a hug, soft and big and painful on a level you can’t understand.
“Good night, [name].”
On your porch, he pauses, looking back at you. “Before I forget. You wanted to ask something before, didn’t you? Sorry I interrupted you.”
You shake your head. “I can’t remember what it was. Don’t worry about it, okay, Tenya?”
He nods and bids you one last goodnight. You watch him go.
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bouwrites · 3 years
Okay but back on the topic of the maribat fandom, I understand that there’s a large base created around salt, and that the whole point is to focus on Marinette and giving her what she deserves when the show itself really likes to screw her over.
But that is absolutely no excuse for the complete embarrassment that is the Adrien/Jon ship. I just checked, there’s like one author who posts short stories about them. Everything else is them as a background ship for Marinette’s story. I have my issues with the “pair up the old love interest to get them out of the way/give them a happy ending too” trope, but mostly I’m just personally offended at the wasted potential.
Yes, it’s obviously just an idea that formed to give Adrien a good love interest, too, without going back to the love square, and because best friends i guess, but come on. If only to give Adrien the experience of a country home dinner, that ship deserves more focus.
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chapuyes · 4 years
For my next trick I will sit on the kitchen floor listening to the antlers album Hospice and Think
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ak8shi · 4 years
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FWB HQ Boys: In which you beat the player at his own game!
warnings: Time skip spoilers, mentions of sex(all characters are 18+), stupid people in love
a/n: I love one(1) libra man!! I love Atsumu’s character and the way he’s developed in hq and I think that this is a very probable way in which he finds love !! thank you all so much for loving the first installment so much <3 I-I went a little overboard with this one but ,, xoxo Chlo
━Miya Atsumu
Let’s start with a little background; I think we can all agree Atsumu is and always has been popular with the ladies
…But that doesn’t necessarily mean the ladies are popular with him LMAO
He’s truly the emotionally unavailable heartbreaker and he built himself quite a reputation without even knowing it
This dude doesn’t even really fuck around with girls, maybe a few meaningless flings his senior year but besides that, he only has eyes for one lady and her name begins with the letter V and ends with ball
So you’ve known Atsumu for years unfortunately,,, and you surely know about how he treats the girls that approach him with confessions and boxes of chocolates
You don’t approve of it at all, but your family is practically family with the Miya’s and you’ve literally spent every major holiday with them since you can remember
You: Atsumu would it kill you to show some respect towards these women
Atsumu: If she breathes, she’s a thot
….smh… a fucking mess someone please put him in his place
However your mom was always happy that you could be around the twins since you were an only child, and she loved the idea of you having two brothers who would protect you from the evils of college men little did she know,,
You hate to admit it and we hate to see it, but you started to develop a crush on him your freshman year of high school.. you suppose it was because you spent so much time with him and you saw parts of him that a lot of people didn’t get to see I mean you also saw him with his jersey on and off pretty often how could you resist
For example, every Halloween you had a sleep-over tradition where you watched horror films after trick-or-treating and Atsumu was scared SHITLESS every year, I’m talking ripping your favorite blanket off you and burying his face in it to block out the movie, he would threaten you and Osamu about telling people at school about it
Him, a 17 year old teen standing in your doorway at 3:40 am: c-can I sleep on yer floor I LOVE HIM SKAKAKAJSW
You, filming him and sending it to Suna on snap: sure Atsumu <3
You found yourself entranced when he automatically gave you his school cardigan on the walks home from school when it was cold or raining, and completely enraptured by his cute little accent
Atsumu: did ya know yer a fuckin’ idiot bimbo stupid butt crack for not bringin’ yer jacket
Atsumu: yer lucky I’m a gentleman
You: ...
Osamu: god…..
It was naïve to think he would ever reciprocate feelings especially with his entire life being his volleyball career, and you convinced yourself it was a tiny high school crush and eventually you managed to repress it
Too much was on the line; you didn’t want to make both of your families awkward, and you needed to focus on your studies as one of the top students at Inarizaki yes ma’am
Besides you loved him like family right ???
The twins are a year older than you, and Atsumu had just signed to play professionally for MSBY!!
You at his official signing: wow, looks like you don’t have to resort to living on the streets after all
Him: yeah ❤️
You kind of forgot about how you felt about him since you weren’t seeing either of the twins consistently anymore with how busy both of you were; you stayed in contact, but nothing really serious
It was weird because you were still in high school while the boys were experiencing college and doing their own thing… you drifted apart honestly and you felt a bit awkward talking to them sometimes, you felt like you were bothering them Atsumu would probably tease you and say that you were
Another year passed and you were heading to college! You are living your best life, meeting new people, and then you got the text from your mom that you were doing Thanksgiving with the Miya’s,, you weren’t sure if that meant you would be seeing both twins but something about the possibility of seeing Atsumu again made something stir in your chest
Fall break hit and you found out both the twins and you were back at home since Atsumu also had a rare break from training and his regular professional season
You were helping Osamu out at his shop, since it was his first time dealing with the overflow of Thanksgiving season as a new business owner
You’re helping close the shop, when you hear the door jingle; you turn to say a polite “sorry we’re closed for the day,” but you’re met with what seems like a new and improved and muscular Atsumu OH NO
He looks amazing and so much older than you remember??? And he’s thinking the same thing about you!!! Like wow she’s changed a lot since she started college, I’ve missed a lot apparently ??
You immediately fall into his arms, inhaling his familiar scent, Osamu rolling his eyes at the two of you and telling you to get lost before he yaks
You leave the shop with Atsumu, inviting him to your house; as you enter, you catch your mom leaving to pick up some last-minute groceries for the Thanksgiving meal
She’s acts way happier to see Atsumu than she acted when you came home LMAO later she doesn’t shut up about how handsome and manly he’s become, but you just pull him away to your room and lock your door behind you
He goes to sit on your flower-patterned comforter from your childhood, newly washed thanks to your mother
Atsumu: so…. what’s up with you..?
You can’t control the churning of your stomach all of a sudden; you can’t remember him ever looking at you this way, like he’s looking at a woman
The feelings come rushing back, and literally all you can think about is kissing him
You lean back on your dresser in front of the bed, and a wave of need to express yourself washes over you,
“Atsumu, I missed you.”
You don’t even know what’s happening until you’re trapped in between Atsumu and the door, his mouth gently pressed against yours, his warm hands caressing your hips
He asks if this is okay, and all you can do is moan back a yes in response
Let’s just say your mom might need to clean your comforter again lmaoo
It’s complicated and you’re both kinda confused after… like no one admitted that they had feelings for the other and its not like either of you can just disappear from the other’s life like a random hook-up
Like he’s literally cuddling you and kissing you and asking you about college in your childhood bedroom naked what
And it ISN’T uncomfortable at all
It feels so right to be in his arms, and you’re in disbelief about what happened??? What even like how have you gone all this time without doing anything honestly
You suddenly hear your dad pull into the garage, and you’re both up and putting your clothes on as fast as possible
It’s embarrassing when you look back on it, how long the hook-ups went on, but this was a common occurrence whenever the two of you were home
It was basically like you were dating and doing long-distance without the label
Osamu during next year’s Thanksgiving meal: I think we should go around the table and say what we’re thankful for, I’ll go first. I’m thankful that two people at this table are getting laid despite the fact that I’m not 😊
Your parents:
Atsumu, in many ways, is oblivious to what his feelings mean after not really being in any real relationships and blocking out all the girls during high school,
He would find himself texting you after each of his matches, hoping you had watched him and his heart would flutter when you complimented him on his sets
Atsumu on the phone with you: yeah I’m just chillin’ with the boys rn 😏
Sakusa: get the fuck off my bed and get off the phone with your girlfriend so I can sleep
Atsumu: she’s not my girlfr-
Sakusa, talking loud enough for you to hear: I literally don’t care but don’t you have her picture saved as your lockscreen?
He tried to hook-up with someone when he was away playing a tournament in the summer, but it wasn’t the same and it was only good if he imagined it was you
He never did it again and before coming home for Christmas, he called Osamu to finally ask him what to do
Osamu: about time you meathead
Osamu literally spells it out to this man; he has been and is in love with you and he needs to do something about it asap before someone else snatched you away
Atsumu: why didn’t ya just say somethin’ ? Ya know I’m not good at these typa things !
I can’t he’s something else
So it’s Christmas, and he asks if you would want to go see the town square’s Christmas lights with him
Of course you say yes, you’re just really excited to finally see him after so long !!
Atsumu with rosy cheeks ugh spare me
He picks you up and greets you with a kiss to your temple, and he has a little gift baggie with him; he hands it to you to open and you pull out his old school cardigan
“I-I thought maybe you would want it since ya always stole it from me in high school, and since I’m half-way ‘round the world most of the time”
It smells just like him, you thank him with a kiss to his cheek and you tuck it away in your bedroom before leaving hand-in hand to see the colorful lights dazzling in the night sky
You talked to Osamu about your relationship with his brother and you want Atsumu to make a move honestly; you want to be sure he wants this since you’ve literally liked him since high school
You’re not sure what you are expecting, but when Atsumu has you in his arms, your back against his chest and his chin on your shoulder as you watch the Christmas carolers, you don’t expect him to whisper into your ear,
“hey, will ya be my girl?”
You turn around to give him a surprised look, his hand bringing yours to his mouth to plant a soft kiss on your knuckles this is his favorite place to kiss fight me
After getting over your dream-like shock, you say yes and pull him into a kiss
I’m crying he tells you afterwards that you were his girl since the first time he met you, we’ll let him have this one because did he really know until like a week ago? no
Whew, all of your friends and family let out a relieved sigh when they hear the news LMAO
Suna, hearing about Atsumu finally making it official: thank god I was about to start blackmailing him with those Halloween videos
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for the love of god please give us some austin powers!whiskey headcanons o queen of au's 😔we're just sluts for ur content
My mf babe boo lee validating this dumb au that i love so fucking much aksksks i have like two hours before all the thanksgiving stuff happens so if anybody wants to send me whiskey shit for this au DO IT!!!
warnings: uhh talk of sex and porn, foul language. theres zero organization or skill put into these i just threw ‘em out there lmao
So the general consensus of this au for those who dont know, is an austin powers au. Yes i said that. 
Jack “whiskey” Daniels is an statesmen from the 70’s who is hailed as a legend for all the lives hes saved and ploys for global terrorism he’d stopped. In his prime, he was cryogenically frozen until the statesmen would need him at a later date (reasoning behind this is vague, even whiskey himself doesnt remember why. He get flashes of distant memories and emotions around it all, but they're gone as soon as they come.)
Cut to modern time, you’re scotch. One of the best agents who’s known for getting the job done with little to no issues, but not known to be a socializer. You are tasked as agent whiskey’s new partner as he is unfrozen and helping him adapt to the new world. 
Now lets get into the fun stuff
With adapting to the new world, you had to teach whiskey about the internet and my god was that tiring. 
He still doesn't get the point of dating apps. “I don’t need a little device to help me get laid, i do just fine with my charms and southern hospitality.” you're pretty sure he only says that because he cant figure out how the fuck to use tinder but you let it go. 
Whiskey hates porn. Like DESPISES it. This is something he decided to tell you with an “urgent” phone call at three in the fucking morning. 
“She’s faking! Thayer all faking!! What’s the point if she doesn’t enjoy it? It’s all a lie! This poor woman looks like she’s in pain!! They’ve made sex a production!! What has this world come to!?!”
You hang up and go back to sleep. 
But yeah whiskey hates it. It’s all fake and over the top and just...not what he thinks sex should be. 
To him sex isn’t a production or a race. It’s a celebration of attraction between consenting adults.  
He enjoys the ametur made stuff, where there’s legitimate attraction between those involved
This doesn't mean he’s vanilla in anyway, he just hates that porn isnt really...sex. Its not mutual pleasure, its all jarring categories, fake moaning and very sexist foundation. 
Once he finds the animal video part of the internet? Oh he’s as good as gone. He thin begins to send you links to videos' showcasing friendships between unlikely pairs, such as a sea lion and a horse, or a monkey and a ferret. You don’t tell him that you watch them all late at night when you cant sleep.
He fucking loves nature documentaries. Especially deep sea ones, focusing on fish that light up or are see-through and shit like that. 
If you watch them with him you admit its...kind of adorable. Like seeing a kid all wide-eyed at the aquarium. 
“You know what’d make this really interesting??”
“We aren’t doing lsd while watching blue planet, stop asking me that.”
He’s done drugs, like, a lot back in the day. Statesmen is stricter now, with regular mandatory drug tests so whiskey cant go out, partying like a madman and taking whatever he pleases. 
Whiskey is bisexual . As is basically everybody i write so when you tell him same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states he legit tears up. 
“Never thought I’d live to see the day.” hes so overjoyed at the news. He knows there's still a long way to go but seeing that, something he’d only dreamed and fantasize about while drawing shapes on the chest of his lover? Oh it makes his heart soar. 
Whiskey is a man with brazen sexuality but of course aware of boundaries. First day you met him you turned down his advances, he accepted this and then decided to latch on as your best friend AND wingman! :D
You cannot escape this fate you're stuck with him now. 
Anytime you go out to a bar he scouts for potential suitors. “How about the blonde at the counter, they're your style!” and before you can tell him NO he’s already swaggering over and chatting you up to them. 
Whiskey, although you hate to say it, is a charming man. Hes kind and suave and will sing the praises of somebody hed only just met and have them melting in a puddle right in front of him. It’s annoying really. You have to listen to all the women at work swoon over him and talk about how youre soooo lucky to be working with him. He must be such a dream in the field. What's it like?
You plainly tell them that the other day you saw him get stuck in a revolving door and he asked for your help.
To get out
Of a door. 
You will NEVER admit this to him but when you were a green agent?? Just starting out?? You had a major crush on the legendary agent whiskey. You’d only seen the photos and heard the stories but god you thought he was amazing. 
Then you became a skilled agent yourself (perhaps also talented with a whip and lasso) and finally met the man himself when he was unfrozen. 
Whiskey calls you “little filly” and will make jokes about how you need to respect your elders. You know since he’s technically like 89 years old lmao. 
Whiskey hates that women gotta shave, he thinks you should do it if you want but the societal pressure of it? He hates it. 
And lets be real, he’s a man of the 70’s so he fucking worships bush. (the pussy not the president) (i have a lot of thoughts on this)
He can and will go down for hours on end, almost selfish with it because he gets as much pleasure from it as you. Pressing kisses and nips on your thighs, mumbling praise against you, homeboy gets straight up pussy drunk and doesn’t know how to speak coherent sentences anymore. 
He’s a cuddler. Even before you started dating he was just very affectionate and touchy. You once had to sleep together for warmth on a mission where you were stuck in the middle of nowhere during winter and he nuzzled and cuddled you all night long with a dazed smile. (he’s also your own personal space heater so that’s nice)
You thought you were over the hype and worship of agent whiskey,and you are, but when you get to know him as a friend and not an agent. As Jack, the fool who cuddles and tries to pair you up and sings out of key while cooking? God help you, your heart starts beating when you see his dimples and big goofy smile and all you can think is. “Oh fuck.”
anyways i reall y love this au and have many thoughts please sedn requests or hcs or anything you want me to expand on <3
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engineering-myself · 3 years
Looking forward to several days off from work. I may have mentioned this before but I took over a brand new component that the company has never produced (which honestly feels unfair to me since I'm the least experienced engineer in our group). Well, it's starting to get "real" now because I'll be involving suppliers and overall just feel like I need to stop observing the huge team meetings from the sidelines and start voicing my opinion on the design. I'm not good at that - I always feel weird speaking up when everyone has decades of experience and I barely know what I'm talking about half the time. Buuuut I'm hoping to just get over myself and my fear of people thinking I'm dumb and maybe own that I am a little bit dumb (because of lack of experience, which I have no control over!) and just try my best!
I was talking to Nic the other day and I tried to explain how I'm feeling using an episode of New Girl lmao so in the episode, one of the characters (Nick Miller) reveals that despite the fact that he quit law school and became a bartender, he actually did take the bar exam, and he passed it. When asked about it, he says something along the lines of "I wanted to prove that I wanted to be a bartender, not that I couldn't be a lawyer". That line always stuck with me - I used to think about it when I was finishing my engineering degree, and now I'm thinking of it again as I seriously consider quitting this line of work entirely at the first opportunity (once I don't owe my company money anymore). I'm trying to overcome this reluctance with managing this part because I feel like I need to prove to myself that I absolutely could make a career out of this if I really wanted to, and it's just as simple as not wanting to.
So. I'm gonna enjoy Thanksgiving and the break and try to come back to work with a different attitude. Still apathetic but apathetic about how I'm being perceived instead of about the job itself lol
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insomniziam · 4 years
The Hadids try so hard (and yet they still fail)
According to the Official Narrative, Tricia travelled to Pennsylvania to spend time with Zayn, his apparent girlfriend and her baby
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Here's Gigi, along with her baby and mother, and someone who appears to be Tricia, conveniently being papped walking into a shopping centre
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We were blessed enough to get more footage of them inside a clothes store.
Now, to me, it's incredibly obvious how much of a stunt this really is, because why in the hell would you risk the health of your newborn to go clothes shopping of all things, during a deadly pandemic?? Is she unaware that online shopping has been a thing for a while now? I highly doubt it.
Also, if Zayn was really the father and was really there in Pennsylvania, why didn't she just leave the baby home with him, instead of risking her daughter catching the virus?
Probably because it would mean less eyes on her (she's already used vague photos of the baby to promote her shitty modelling jobs and other promotional deals, so it's not that far fetched), that and Zayn isn't actually in Pennsylvania and that baby is definitely not his anyway, but I digress.
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Also whoever this person is, they clearly don't want to be there. So even if it is Tricia (which I highly doubt, there are already plenty of posts on insta pointing this out) she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself all that much, which I seriously cannot blame her considering the company.
Any who, they also apparently celebrated her birthday and Gigi posted this photo as a story on Instagram:
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This is the only photo posted (note: stories are deleted after 24 hours unless saved as a highlight, this one wasn't). No photo of Zayn or his mother just a cake and some candles. No proof here, other than G's word, which isn't worth that much, honestly 😆
Also, it's important to note that there are no posts from any of her daughter's on her birthday, at least from what I could find, which is really unusual for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones to give G the photo so that it would be less work for Zayn.
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Then Yolanda posted this photo (also to her story) around Thanksgiving. There's a lot of flaws with this photo, "Tricia's" thumb being a big one, as well as the blur from Yolanda's face. (Also, take note of "Tricia's" hair, it'll be important for later).
And just to further prove that she is indeed, definitely in PA, she replied to a message:
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No mention of Zayn, just of G and Yolanda (and the fact that she had to say "this is real" is incredibly convincing 👌)
However, less than a week later we get this story posted by Safaa;
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She's "back" in the UK, guys! (Also, did she get her hair done on the plane ride home because there were definitely no highlights in her hair in the photo with Yolanda 👀)
But... isn't 'Rona a thing?
Yep, we are still in this nightmare known as 2020, don't get your hopes up.
According to the UK Government website:
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The only reason you can travel to the US from the UK is for work or educational purposes, which I don't know about you, but I wouldn't consider a family visit as a work or educational purpose (unless they were paying her to come visit them, in which lmao).
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The US isn't part of the list of countries that are exempt from being able to self isolate, for obvious reasons, but in case you don't believe me, check for yourself.
These are the requirements for self isolation:
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Safaa posted that photo (Tricia with the cat), welcoming her home. Considering Safaa isn't living with her anymore (Zayn bought her a house earlier in the year), she definitely shouldn't be visiting her mother, if Tricia were in fact self isolating.
And even if they were breaking the rules, it wouldn't make sense for Safaa to post it online, and then Tricia reposting it. That's just asking for the fine, because I may not be great at math, but half a week doesn't equal 14 days...
So the only plausible option, in my opinion, is that Tricia never actually left the UK, because he son is also in the UK, and definitely not with G or her daughter.
The Hadids tried incredibly hard to make it look like she was there, but anyone willing to do the smallest amount of research could smell out this bullshit a mile away ✌️
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staliasjeronica · 4 years
Riverdale S5 Ep3 Thoughts *Spoilers*
Thoughts on the episode under the cut! I literally can’t wait for us to all be free of Bughead. And I heard there were some Jeronica crumbs AHHHHHHH SCREAMING!!!
- FP having to leave </3 I’m not ready to not see Falice
- Hiram looks good roughed up tbh
- Reinstating Sheriff Keller?! YESS. They were sleeping under the boxing ring??
- FRED NO PLEASE 💔💔💔 MY HEART. He really did miss graduation just like he said before 😭😭
- Also not Riverdale but why is there always an ad literally five minutes into the ep??? But at least the Joe Keery Taco Bell ad came on so… it’s okay!
- My family was so excited when I got my cap and gown and seeing Mary just… messing with it brings me back.
- The callbacks to s1 are gonna fuck me up aren’t they 😭😭 Cheryl crying is always so beautiful
- I had to miss most of Alice and Betty’s convo because my mom’s trach came out but Betty saying that thanksgiving would be the two of them LOL as if Betty cares about her mom’s feelings…
- I was thinking that the senior’s pictures in the capsule was gonna be someone’s relative so we could find out a little bit about Sweet Pea or Fangs’ families smh
- So Weatherbee can join a cult but when Archie is wrongfully accused of murder and then placed into an illegal boxing ring, no one gives him a break… irl they probably would have lol
- Sweet Pea and Reggie hugging idc they’re step bros. The Kangs kiss was kinda cute ngl WHY DIDN’T CHONI KISS? Veronica going up to Archie unsure what to do :(
- Veronica bringing back Archie’s stuff :((( why does VA have to break up first smh they’re the hotter couple.
- Them making out was so weird… like knowing Archie doesn’t want to be with her and Veronica doesn’t either… like I get it but still it looked so forced. I think it was on purpose which bodes well for their acting skills but-
- The entire idea of break up sex is so weird esp when it comest to cheating/lost feelings like why would you want to do that… BUT VERONICA LOOKS CUTE AF RN
- Jughead’s VO on V’s face, and Jughead looks good….
- TONI’S GRANDMOTHER. AND SWANGS, glad they remember their friendship exists. “including my girlfriend.” “We’re so proud of you, Toni.” AHH
- Archie watching everyone he cares about with their parents :(
- Still wondering how Betty is valedictorian… makes little sense. But her speech is good so I’ll let this fanservice slide I guess
- Everyone looks so cute in their cap and gown!! Alice’s gaze at FP how sweet 🥺🥺
- Swangs! Reggie!! SP’s reaction to Reggie makes me again hc them as step bros and friends that is all.
- So sad but I feel so… enlightened. Like I did when I graduated.
- NOT PENELOPE… wait she’s giving herself in for Cheryl??? Since when has she ever cared about Cheryl… but she’s doing good so-
- JB in the fucking side car lmao
- Falice 💔 “îs this is? the end of our story?” STOP HEER SWIPING GHERE FINGERS OVER HIS LIPS FUCKKKK when they have the most romantic and passionate kisses over everybody, rivaling Barchie as they should!
- It’s so annoying that there’s absolutely no Barchie whatsoever like they cheat and then give NOTHING???
- Veronica’s outfit is so fucking sexy
- Veronica handing over full ownership of Pop’s to Pop 🥺❤️ I love the most selfless woman in Riverdale. GOD. The way Pop’s is both her and Jughead’s home though.
- A bobby pin why-
- Josie’s cat ears 🥺❤️
- Keeping her serpent jacket and knowing she’ll be queen later yess.
- Cheryl is all of us “finally” NOW LET THE UGLY BEANIE STAY GONE.
- I think Jeronica is on the same step mmhm
- So all V’s reaction but not Betty’s…? The woman he loves? The woman who loves him? Betty supporting him no matter what though 🥺🥺
- Veronica being worried for Archie though I totally understand.
- Why isn’t Cheryl going to Highsmith? IF YOU DON’T GO, I WON’T GO.  It’s amazing Cheryl is fixing the Blossom family name but couldn’t she also go to college…? NANA TOPAZ WANTING TO SEND CHONI CARE PACKAGES 😭😭 “Toni, you know I love you with every ounce of my soul.” I HATE THIS. “Don’t say it.” STOP STOP STOP “Then you never shall.”
- Betty you always say you should tell Jugheead when shit happens but you never do until you’re forced to. (aka Jughhead finding out) BUT LOL HIM NOT KISSING HER BACK. Nvm take us back to the VA sex scene…. it’s so dumb like at least break up sex makes sense for them but bh???
- So… they had Jeronica not care about being cheated on?????? lol ok
- Betty saying she should be with V so she wouldn’t have to say “Archie” after her revealing Barcheating
- V slap the fuck out of B now. WHY AREN’T YOU MAD AT BETTY? SHE LITERALLY—
- So what was the point of having Barchie cheat if no one was going to care or have any fallout… NORMAL HIGHSCHOOL ANGST? CHEATING ISN’T—
- Veronica looks so good though when she’s crying ugh we love a queen
- “I wish I had said goodbye to him” so they said that its would be someone you wouldn’t expect her to say it to and it was towards ARCHIE? What kind of actual bullshit???
- Not Archie’s main memories being with Veronica. He literally doesn’t love her anymore. This fucking show really did nothing with Barchie how fucked up is that. BUT HER WAVING TO HIM THAT WAS SO CUTE PLS
- “Barchie cheated and Archie doesn’t love V anymore.” “I LOVE YOU” literally… what the fuck is this show?
- “Don’t bro me.” ???
- They’re literally acting like Barchie never cheated. WHAT WAS THE POINT THEN??? God I wish the writers knew how to write.
- Jeronica wearing blue colors though muah
- Of course you’ll always love Betty, Jughead, she’s gonna be your step sister <3 for real this time
- THE COOPER’S ANYMORE…. when it was literally the Jones’ and the Cooper’s literally moved in with them. THE ANDREWS? The Bunker of course “honey I’m home” sjdkfahsjlfkak
- This is actually quite sad though. A little weird, but sad.
- But see how normal Jughead acts when he and Betty break up? I’ve been saying it!
- ADULT BARCHIE SLAPSSSSSSSS.  Can’t wait for my Jeronica crumbs… can’t believe I’m actually saying Betty being FBI doesn’t seem that awful (yet, until it’s in every line and shoved down our throats)
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mgkconfessions · 4 years
Happy New Year! <3
I have to post my opinion about their New York trip like this, because I don’t know how to split all of this into multiple answers for your confessions! ^^
I don’t know about you and I might be speaking too soon, but since this blog is all about theories and thoughts I'll tell you anyway ^^. To me it seems like Kells is taking steps back from focusing so much on Megan and making everything about her to concentrate more on his family, friends and on making headlines because of his work again. In other words he’s starting to act more like his old self. This won’t happen immediately and it isn’t completely in his control either, but when he spent the nights at the studio last week, it already reminded me of old times and him and Megan also stopped with their public “private” paparazzi pictures for now and I don’t think that’s because Kells and Megan decided not to sell their relationship anymore, because they're still doing that, but they seem more distant than before and maybe one of them got tired of making everything always about their relationship. It seems like before he left to fly to Montana the mood between them was already off and although they’ve seen each other and smiled for the paparazzi when he came back, in private videos from friends Kells recently seemed often less interested in her than usual, for example on Thanksgiving he sat with his back turned to Megan and paid more attention to Casie and Ashton or at the beach birthday party they didn't stand together, Megan looked completely out of place and like she only came to pick him up. When you remember how they didn't leave out any opportunity to showcase their relationship in the beginning, the New York trip was the third opportunity that he missed to post something lovingly about their relationship now. The first missed opportunity was Thanksgiving, second one was Christmas, where I fully expected him to post something about Megan and how "happy" he was that he found her and she was his best gift of the year. Something over the top and cheesy like that. But he didn’t post anything and instead came back to Instagram for the first time after a long time with a whole post dedicated to Casie, emphasizing how he took her to New York to show her the ball drop in person. Although Megan was there too, he didn't mention her with one word. When they flew to Cleveland for the opening he still included both of them in his post, but this time it was only Casie and overall it seemed like he was also focused so much more on her and gave her as much attention and love as he could during their short trip. Their pictures and videos turned out so wholesome and adorable, I won’t be over their cuteness for a while and I missed random, but real content like that from him a lot :’)!
In my opinion about what I said how Kells seems to become more involved with his friends and family again and keeping the attention more on his music and work, showed throughout the whole trip too. A big role in this played Megan too tho by simply being weirdly absent from every group picture and even the ones from them arriving at the hotel. Usually she’s attached to his hip, but Kells could even be alone in an elevator with Casie and Ashleigh! :D Maybe they took pictures of Megan, but it would be weird that no one wanted to publish them then and her behaviour is literally not wanting to have anything really to do with Kells’ friends and family since they started dating, so her being absent from the whole group isn’t anything new. I also don't believe in the theory that she did that to let Kells get all the attention, because why did she then show up for the first time ready and prepared to kiss Kells after his performance in front of the press? When everything was more low-key and private, she didn't want to stand in his light and steal the show, but for the official part of their trip after his performance when all eyes and cameras were on him she thought this was the perfect moment to show herself to not make everything about their relationship again? She used his prime time to show herself, did the minimum in their private parts and got her headlines for just being there although Kells was the one with the performance. Also she didn't leave it at the kiss, she had to show everyone how she only sees him as a child, a lamby, again by cleaning his mouth like he’s 5 years old and embarrass him in front of the paparazzi. Megan always puts herself and how she looks first, no matter how humiliating and awkward that would make everyone else look. She didn’t came to support him, she came to put on a little show and get her headlines with the least amount of effort.
I’ll talk about their awkward interactions and kissing pictures more later, but first I want to mention Slim’s live stream, because it further shows the whole theme of the trip: Kells focusing on Casie more than on Megan and Megan low-key not being able to handle not being his centre of attention ^^! You can see in the back of Slim’s live stream and also in videos from Dub and Baze that after they all went back from their performance the rest of the group was already waiting for them, like Megan, and she came immediately into the room when the boys walked in to greet them. This time with a big smile on her face, but nevertheless her fingers under her chin she tried to look happy and enthusiastic as if she already felt that this trip Kells wouldn’t be all about her, so she needed to put more effort into getting his attention and with effort I mean following him around and interrupting his moments with Casie. At first Kells was busy celebrating with the boys and hold on to Dub while jumping around with him, which is also a closeness with the boys that we haven't seen for a while from Kells, before he quickly ran into Megan’s direction as if he suddenly remembered that he has a girlfriend waiting for him too lmao. Now in Slim’s live stream you can see in the background that Kells likely spent around 6 or 7 seconds in Megan’s direction before he was already standing at the other side of the room. Then Megan follows him, but doesn’t get his attention, because he already turned around to pick Casie up and hug her for around 30 seconds before he threw her on the bed and the way Casie was laying in his arms, you could tell that she didn’t plan to let go off her dad any time soon. She would have stayed there even longer ^^! When Kells walked towards the bed you could see how Megan was still following him, but what else is she supposed to do when in all these months she didn’t make any other friendly connections with the rest of the group and usually excludes herself. Kells is her only attachment figure and she never looked like she wanted to change that and get actually and seriously involved with other important people of her twin flame’s life. I’ve read and was also told that Ashleigh made a short live stream and apparently the moment she told everyone that she was live, Megan scooped closer to Kells. Another example of how she is always focused on not leaving out a camera moment and playing couple when she knows she's being filmed. Remember Randall's live stream where Kells and Megan had already walked passed him, but Megan pulled Kells back to shove her face into the camera, the moment she found out Randall was live too? Same energy!
Then I assume they all went down again to watch the ball drop and I don’t know when exactly what happened and in which order, but it’s also not important this time. But we got the cutest video of Kells grabbing Casie, holding her head with both of his hands to shower her with kisses and then holding on to her and hugging her. What did Megan do? Stand awkwardly behind him and then trying to interrupt their daddy-daughter-moment to start a conversation with him while he was still holding on to Casie. I wonder if Megan’s children were at home without mum and dad, watching that exact moment of the show and having to see their mum standing there with her new lover and his daughter celebrating the new year instead of being with them. Brian and Megan were both wrong for putting their partners over their children that day! And now we’re talking about Kells and Megan’s awkward kisses with open eyes, half hugs while the other hand is deep in the pocket and incredibly weird tongue licking that made Shawn and Camila some competition. Now compare how Kells showed Megan any type of affection with how he acted with Casie. Two different types of love, but usually people still show affection in the same way and intensity. While he was so loving and caring with Casie and you could easily tell how much he loves her and how much he wanted to show her that, his affection with Megan was quite lazy, lacking of any real love and to use Sommer’s words: half assed. From neither of them it seemed to come from their heart. It looked more like a duty, a show for the paparazzi or just lust. Again look at the video with Casie, compare it to the pictures with Megan and you won’t find anything that justifies their statements about how deep their connection is which comes from a place of deeply rooted love and not superficial lust. Kells even kissed Sommer with more passion than Megan and he was basically cheating on Sommer with Megan!
You could argue how Megan is probably acting more carefree with Kells when there aren’t any cameras and she doesn’t know that she’s being directly filmed and then she’s a lot more affectionate with him, but is she? Because in this snippet, where she first took a picture with a fan and Kells was laughing besides her and moving closer to her, the moment she realized his closeness, her head jerked away from him, maybe because he startled her, but even when he went in for a half hug while his other hand was resting in his pocket, she moved her entire upper body away from his arm before he even touched her and pulled her down even more. She literally leaned out of the hug after she had already moved her head away from him like she didn’t want him to touch her and get close to her at all and it also seems like her arms were in front of her body again, so she was completely blocking him. Obviously they have physical contact and kiss each other and all that, but I’m questioning how much Megan is really into that and if most of the time she isn’t just putting on an act for everyone involved when she has to and it benefits her and the rest of the time she’s more annoyed by him and in a “don’t touch me” mood. She called him a wildfire and tsunami, she wanted to date the rock star, but she doesn't seem to be able to match that type of energy. Actually she seems to be turned off by it and like she doesn't know how to handle Kells, when he's "too much" and feels more embarrassed by him. But Kells is a person who easily goes to extremes and can be a lot to handle and you’d think that at least his own twin flame would have no problems to deal with that since they’re two halves of the same soul.
Two days after New Year’s Eve Kells posted another series of pictures from their trip. We already know how he sees Megan as a sex object more than a woman with a personality for example when he proudly had to tell everyone that Megan is getting his dick everyday that wishful thinking lol and by including the awkward and really embarrassing tongue licking picture as the only couple picture from that trip to show everyone how he’s the one shoving his tongue down Megan Fox’s throat, only proves that even more. It isn’t about love, it isn’t about Megan as a person who he fell in love with, he’s dating every guys’ wet teenage dream for his ego and it’s becoming more and more obvious how this relationship is lacking so much real love and real interest in each other so they have to exaggerate everything because they want to act like this is super deep and the real deal when it isn’t. Megan is only here for the PR pictures and to become relevant again and occasionally lets Kells get close to her, but overall she always looks uncomfortable and like she was forced to spend time with everyone else and Kells is just in this relationship for attention, to stroke his ego and pride and to prove something to himself and everyone else. It’s crazy how obvious this has become. There was another cute moment of him on the floor with Casie and Megan filming them asking him like a true mum would ask her 5 year old son why he's lying on the ground instead of I don't know, lying on the other side with him? Sitting on the ground too and just enjoying that he played on New Year’s Eve in New York and let that experience and achievement sink in? Megan can act however she wants to act, but in my opinion Kells needs a girl that would just lie next to him without hesitation and not question why he's doing "weird" things. He doesn’t have a stick up his ass and neither should his girlfriend!
I hope that he will change a lot of things 2021 and his tweets and him being more active again on social media make me hopeful, but we will have to wait and see how Kells will surprise us this year!
Bottom line: The moment Kells seems to act more like himself again with focusing on his daughter, friends, family and music, he also seems to start focusing less heavily on Megan and leaving some of their staged paparazzi pictures behind while Megan seems to become more clingy and desperate the less attention he fully gives her.
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porterporker · 5 years
christmas with the hollands - th x reader
a/n: you’re american in this (sorry if that ruins the mood) but if you squint you can’t tell; this feels kind of rushed to me so i’m sorry about that but i wanted to get it out before the end of the holidays (it is currently the 11th Day of Christmas EST thank you very much)
warnings: smut! very fluffy tho because ya girl is sick of being stuck in hookup culture-land (aka college / your twenties)
what i listened to while writing: lofi christmas beats (via youtube lmao) and cuz i love you album by lizzo [the transition from lingerie to boys is where the majority of this sex scene was written]
(This is the first real writing I’ve done in...years, so feedback is greatly appreciated. I’ve also never written smut so uh if this feels unnatural that’s why lmao. Much love darlings!!)
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(also not my gif)
Your leg bounces as Tom turns the steering wheel of the car, guiding the vehicle onto a main road. 
“Stop doing that, you know the Hollands adore you,” he says without even looking at you.
“Stop doing what?”
 You know exactly what, but it’s more of a reflex than something you can control at this point. 
Tom puts his hand just above your knee and gives it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I’m serious. You’ve been on vacations with us before, why is Christmas freaking you out?”
 He steals a meaningful glance at you. Although there’s a light smirk on his face, his eyes reflect both a concern for your nervousness and a confidence in you. You can tell he means the words coming out of his mouth, but it’s still hard to calm your nerves.
“I don’t know, it’s -- it’s such a family thing, so many traditions, I just --” you sigh. “It’s intimate, you know? I feel like I’m intruding on something that’s just meant for you and your family.” 
It’s only for a moment that he stays silent, mulling over the anxieties you’ve expressed and the best way to calm them, but for you it feels like an eternity. 
“Pull over,” you break the silence. “Let me drive, it will calm my nerves to focus on something else.”
Tom gives your thigh another squeeze. 
“(y/n), we’re ten minutes away and there’s no good place to pull off. Just take deep breaths, okay?” His voice is soft, and it envelopes you like a warm embrace. “You are family, okay, and mum and dad and the boys, they all feel that way too. I promise, you belong here with us.” 
His kind brown eyes meet yours for only a second, but the earnest care they convey grounds you, and your shaking leg slowly comes to a halt. 
“Is this how you felt when we had Thanksgiving with my family?”
Although you two have been dating for a year and a couple of months, the first holiday he spent with you and your family was Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. For all the others in between, he was either shooting, or doing a press tour, or your university didn’t give you the holiday break. 
Finally, Thanksgiving worked out because he happened to have some time between projects, and you didn’t have to try to decide whose parents’ house to go to for the holiday for, well, obvious reasons. 
Tom hums in thought. 
“I don’t think I was nearly as nervous as you are now, if I’m honest, but I’ve never had a Thanksgiving before, per se, and the whole historical context was kind of weird, so if you’re not sure what you’re going to walk into, I do kind of get the feeling ,” he laughs. 
You giggle too, placing your hand on top of his. You’re able to breathe normally for the time being knowing Tom is on your side. 
Soon enough, he’s pulling into the driveway, parking the car, and hurrying over to the passenger side to open your door for you -- ever the gentleman. You smile at him appreciatively as he takes your hand and leads you to the door. Before you can even ring the doorbell, Mrs. Holland is opening the door with a big smile on her face, giving you both hugs and ushering you in the house. 
As soon as you step into the threshold, you almost chide yourself for being nervous at all. Tom’s family is thrilled to have you here, sharing their Christmas traditions. You find comfort in the smiling faces that surround you. You’re making your rounds with greetings, about to hug Sam, when Tessa comes bounding into the room -- straight to you. 
She practically jumps into your arms, and you pick her up, cradling the large dog like a baby. Tom’s outrage only makes you laugh harder.
“What am I, then, chopped liver?” He asks incredulously. 
“I guess you’re not the favorite anymore, Tom,” his mother laughs as Tess continues to wag her tail.
“Yeah, mate, how’s it feel to be dethroned?” Harry chimes in with twinkles in his eyes. 
Tom shakes his head, lowering his face to the dog’s very seriously. 
“You’re a bloody traitor, you know that?” Tessa happily licks his face in response. 
“Nikki, could you use any help in the kitchen?” you ask politely.
“Right, like you’d be any help in there,” Tom jabs playfully, putting the gifts you brought under the tree. “Mum, you always said I’d be destined to end up with someone as bad at cooking as myself.” 
You feign shock and offense, and he wiggles his eyebrows at you.
“Tom, darling, no one is as bad of a cook as you,” Nikki says, throwing you a wink. 
“We’re actually almost done in here, there are just a few rolls in the oven,” she assures you. “Harry, dear, go get them something to drink.”
You move to the dining room to sit down at the table. Tom soon joins you, placing his hand back on your thigh as it had been on the drive over. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” he says into your ear, louder than a whisper, but quiet enough that only you hear it. You smile up at him, giving his hand an affectionate squeeze as Harry comes back with your beverages, Dominic in tow. 
“Ah! Tom and his better half. I’m so glad you could make it,” he grins, taking a seat across from you. 
You grin at him while Tom glowers at the ‘better half’ comment. 
Harry gives his older brother a flick on the forehead. “Mate, just because you play smart, badass people in movies doesn’t mean you’re those things in real life,” he says cheekily. 
“Alright, Harry, that’s enough,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes. “I guess I can’t deny the better half comment.”
Tom’s looking at you with a sparkle in his eyes that conveys more love than it seems like any one human being could ever deserve. 
“You can’t, and you shouldn’t,” Tom’s father laughs. “Now (y/n), tell us about that internship Tom’s mentioned.”
You smile, talking excitedly about the internship you just landed in the city. 
Before you know it, amongst the jokes and laughs, Nikki and the rest of the boys come out from the kitchen carrying half a dozen scrumptious-looking dishes. Paddy comes to sit next to you, and you’re happy to serve him the foods he can’t reach. Tom always talks about him like he’s a baby, but he’s got to be fourteen or fifteen by now. He can definitely hold his own, and definitely didn’t need your help reaching anything, but he was too nice to say so. 
As dinner went on, Tom’s hand hadn’t left your thigh. Through all the jokes and banter -- mostly at his expense, although you could see the proud twinkles in his family members' eyes as they gave him a hard time -- his left hand didn’t budge, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles through the fabric of your dress. It’s a small gesture, and although he’s usually a little more reserved around his family, you’re grateful for the contact.
It’s about ten o’clock on this fine Christmas Eve when Tom lets out a big yawn, stretching his arms out wide. You suspect it might be for show, the theatrics only a little bit outside of his normal day-to-day mannerisms. 
Your suspicions are confirmed when he winks at you. It’s a sly wink that only you are meant to receive, and your stomach flips thinking about what he has in mind for you. He excuses the two of you, and you can’t help but wonder if his parents and brothers have any idea about their eldest’s antics. 
Once you’re out of sight of his family, he picks you up bridal style and carries you to his childhood room. You giggle, trying not to be too loud as you pepper kisses on his neck and shoulders. He closes the door, gracefully tossing you onto the bed. 
“Your dress has been driving me nuts,” he admits. “I didn’t want to tell you in the car because you were freaking out so bad, but you look absolutely ravishing, darling.” He’s hovering over you now. 
Sat up towards the head of the bed with his face in your hands, you take in the man before you. Disheveled, curly hair, oh so tuggable, pink-tinted, rosey cheeks, deep, beautiful brown eyes. God did you want him to ravish you. But not just yet.
You cock an eyebrow. “So all the times your hand found its way to my thigh this evening -- reassuring me of my worries, or just an excuse to touch me?” 
He fake gasps. “I can’t believe you would think such a thing! Can’t an act bring both you reassurance and me pleasure?” 
You giggle, shaking your head, and pull him down to you for a kiss. He melts into you immediately, and you can’t help but feel like your lips were made for his; you can’t help but feel like you’re home. He slips his tongue into your mouth, lazily deepening the kiss. Your back arches up to feel his firm body against yours. Tom grunts, running his hands up and down your chest through your dress. 
Breaking the kiss, you nuzzle into his neck, licking and sucking your way to the sweet spot connecting his shoulder to his collarbone. He whines, rutting down into you. 
“You’re on break from the cameras, right?” you moan into his ear.
“Yeah, for now,” he pants, suspicious of your question. “Why?”
You can’t help the smirk that forms. “So I can finally mark you up?”
He immediately stops rocking his hips, lifting his pelvis off of yours, and you whine at the loss of friction.
“Babe, the cameras won’t see me, but my family will,” he whisper-shouts. 
You roll your eyes, unbuttoning his dress shirt.
“That didn’t stop you at the premiere! Or on my birthday,” you protest, thinking back to all of the times you’d had to don a scarf on a particularly warm day just because Tom loves to show the world you’re his. 
You wrap your legs around his hips, trying to pull him back down onto you -- he doesn’t budge. Smirking, Tom shimmies out of his dress shirt, tossing it to the floor. He doesn’t answer you. Instead, he brings his lips down to your neck, sucking bruises into his favorite spots.
“Tom,” you whimper, gripping onto his bare shoulders, legs wrapping around him. “You fucking asshole.”
He looks up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Princess can dish it out but can’t take the heat? Is that what I’m hearing?” 
You wanna kiss the goddamn smirk off of his perfect-cheekboned face. 
“Stop being such a tease,” you huff, out of breath. “I didn’t pack my concealer.” 
“Alright, alright,” Tom has the audacity to giggle at you. He kisses you, and you’re so caught up in the feeling of his lips on your own that you don’t realize until after he breaks it that he was sliding your panties down off your legs. 
He places a kiss below your earlobe. “This more your speed, darlin’?” He whispers into your ear, running his hands up and down your thighs. You shiver, wide-eyed, suddenly finding your voice gone. All you can do is nod a little too vigorously. 
Tom pulls your dress up over your head, and you suck in your breath as the cool air hits your warm skin. You wiggle out of your bra, and he wastes no time kissing his way down your body, spending a little bit of extra time on each of your breasts. You bite your lip to hold in a moan, squirming under his touch. 
“Don’t hold back, babygirl. You know I love to hear you,” he says softly, his brown eyes a beautiful mix of lust and adoration, both enough to make you blush.
 As per his instructions, you release a noise -- a mix of a moan and a humph -- in frustration as Tom kisses the insides of your thighs. He chuckles against your skin, and the light vibrations are not helping the heat practically radiating out of your center only a few inches away. Your legs instinctively close in order to help your growing problem, but alas. Tom just tuts at you, pushing your legs up and out. 
They’re more or less over his shoulders when he’s finally delving into your wet heat. You let out a gasp as Tom’s tongue comes into contact with your bundle of nerves. Your head is thrown back into the pillows as he gets to work, alternating between massaging kitten licks and sucking in such a way that makes sharp, white-hot pangs run through your nether regions.
“Fuck, shit, T-Tom--” you’re trying to get your breathing under control, but it’s all you can really hear as you let out a string of whimpers. 
Your hands snake themselves into his hair and grip hard as he smirks at you. Maintaining eye contact, Tom slides a smooth, thick finger into you as he continues to pleasure your sensitive clit. Your jaw slacks and for a moment you’re seeing stars as he pumps in and out. 
Your boyfriend has to place his other arm firmly over your hips in order to stop them from bucking up into his mouth. Meanwhile, you’re squirming and your quiet, reserved whimpers have turned into full-on moans as he adds another finger into you. 
Tom’s fingers are moving faster and faster in and out of you, his mouth is sucking double-time on your clit, and your entire body feels like it’s on fire as you feel an orgasm building. 
“Tom,” you choke out. “I-I’m close-- baby.” You hate the fact that you’re begging and you hate how proud of himself Tom is going to look when you can form full sentences again. 
He knows how to finish you off. As if he could read your mind, he starts curling his fingers inside you in that motion -- you know the one -- with every thrust, and somewhere in the back of your mind you feel kind of bad about how badly his arm must hurt at your expense. 
Your orgasm builds through your entire body, overtaking you as you let out a completely filthy moan. Tom continues to finger you through it, leaning down to kiss your lips. 
If you weren’t already beat read from exertion, you would have turned pink from the realization that you were tasting your own juices on his tongue. Swallowing the noises and expletives that threaten to spill out from your mouth, Tom slows the pumping of his fingers and you have to break the kiss to catch your breath. 
“Shit, baby,” he whispers, sticking his fingers into his mouth. It’s all you can do not to moan out loud because  o h  m y  g o d  t h a t  i s  s o  o b s c e n e -- “You look so fucking beautiful right now, I almost can’t stand it.”
You laugh, placing another kiss onto his lips. “I could say the same about you,” you mumble, reaching down for his belt buckle. “I can’t believe I’m completely naked and you’re still wearing your dress pants,” you let out another giggle.
“Well that’s something I can fix.” 
You roll off the bed to search Tom’s  travel bags for a condom and a bottle of lube, purposefully trying not to limp as to keep your boyfriend’s ego in check. 
“Are you limping, princess?”
Well there goes that. 
You shake your head, cheeks tinted pink. “Shut up, Tom,” is all you can say as you join him on the bed, both of you completely naked. 
He smiles at you, cupping your cheeks with his hands. “Not to get all sappy moments before I jump your bones,” he starts, making you laugh again. 
“But I- when I said you’re part of the family, I meant it. I’m so in love with you, (y/n), and today, seeing how much my family really loves you, too -- I-” he falters. “You just mean so much to me.”
“Tom,” you whisper, fighting back the tears forming in the corners of your eyes. You take his hands, staring up into his face. You’ve never felt this much adoration before. “I love you so much. And I am so blessed to have you. I mean that with every fiber in my being.” 
Another giggle slips out. “Please jump my bones, loverboy.”
Tom smirks, taking your hands and kissing them. “Anything for my girl.”
You help him put on the condom, giving his member a few lubed-up strokes for good measure. Tom kisses you, slowly but fiercely, with a certain gentleness but also passion. He lays you down against the pillows, lips never leaving yours. 
You break the kiss as you spread your legs for him, waiting in anticipation as he lines himself up. 
“You ready love?” He whispers into the dim lighting of his room. You hum in response, pulling his face back down to yours by his curls. 
It feels like the whole house is filled with the chorus of moans, groans, and expletives released into the air when Tom pushes into you. He buries his face into your neck as he starts to thrust into you. 
Your fingernails rake up and down the smooth skin of his back, and you let out a moan of satisfaction when you hear the quiet whimpers your marks elicit.
“Fuck-” he pants into your neck. “You’re so good, baby- F-feel so good around me--”
You let out a moan so explicit-sounding you’d be embarrassed that it came from your own body if it weren’t for Tom fucking your brains out like it was his God-given right.
“Tom,” you cry, still sensitive from your first orgasm.
“Let go, baby,” he chokes out. “Watching you in that dress all night, seeing how fucked out you look -- I’m close- fuck. I’m close too.” 
You feel your orgasm coming on as he whispers encouragement into your ear. “Such a pretty girl,” he murmurs. “So good for me, princess.”
It feels like the breath is ripped out of your lungs as the orgasm racks your entire body. “Fuck, shit-- Tom, I’m--” you whimper out his name as if it’s the only word you know. 
He’s close behind you as your walls clench around him. “Uh- Shit, babygirl-” he moans, sloppily thrusting up into you. Your name spills out of his mouth repeatedly like it’s a prayer as he rides out his high.
You clutch at his shoulders as you pant together, your combined body heat enough to start a small fire. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, placing a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“You can say that again,” Tom chuckles. His big brown eyes search your face as he finally drops down off his elbows and just lies on top of your naked body. 
“Fuck,” you repeat, laughing. 
You cradle his face in yours hands, enjoying the post-orgasm glow surrounding your embrace like a protective bubble.
“So, be honest,” you break the moment of silence.
“Yeah?” Tom raises an eyebrow, glancing up at you. 
“How many people have you taken to this very bed? Your childhood room?” 
He laughs out loud at that. “Oh, (y/n), wouldn’t you like to know,” he jokes, sucking a hickey into your breast. 
You shake your head, running your hands through his tousled sex hair. “That many, huh?” You try to fight back the slight jealousy that rises in your chest. 
He can probably sense your reaction, which is probably why he says this: “I’ve never met a woman that’s made me want to go to town in the same house as my parents and baby brothers until courting you.” 
He can’t say it with a straight face, mostly because he used the word “courting”, and you can’t take him seriously. 
“Alright, kiss-ass, you already got laid,” you laugh, shooing him off of you. “Get out of me, I’m going to clean myself up.” 
The two of you stumble around in your post-sex haze, laughing a little too loud at jokes that aren’t even jokes, cleaning yourselves up and getting ready to go to bed. 
You finally climb back in, wearing one of his shirts -- which isn’t as big as you might think, and doesn’t even cover your thighs -- and a fresh pair of panties. He’s wearing nothing but a (thankfully clean) pair of boxers. You curl into his side almost immediately, finally letting the fatigue get to you. 
“Merry Christmas, Tom,” you mumble, fading out of consciousness.
“Happy Christmas, love.” He lazily throws an arm around your shoulders and settles against the pillows, drifting into a pleasant sleep of his own.
Bonus Scene:
The next morning, you’re lying in silence, just enjoying each other’s company, when Tom gasps. 
“What?” You shoot up in bed, thinking the worst. “What, what’s wrong ?” 
He hands you his phone and his headphones, saying nothing. It’s a video of Harry, sitting up in bed with the lights off looking generally disgusted. To your horror, you hear moans, whimpers, and your own voice choking out Tom’s name in ecstasy. The fairy lights Harry has strung up in his room are jiggling, and soon enough they fall down behind his bedframe as you hear Tom let out a string of cuss words followed by your name. 
Harry rolls his eyes at the camera, flipping it off. You're mortified, no question -- but part of you is a little turned on from hearing last night's activities played back. When Tom grunts your name, you can't help but feel proud.
Your face bright red, you hand Tom back the phone. 
“Please tell me he only sent that to you.”
Tom chuckles, shaking his head.
“Group chat with Haz and Sam. He said, ‘For the love of God, get your own damn place.’”
You groan. “So the whole damn family knows now, huh?”
"Harrison said--"
"Stop!" you cry out, burying your head in Tom's shoulder. "I don't wanna know. How are we ever going to live this down?"
He kisses your head. “I’ll run out after we exchange gifts and see if I can find noise-cancelling headphones. Tell him Santa forgot a present.”
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dannydouni · 4 years
I got tagged by @faceless-dude for smth. And like. All I want to say is that you so much. Cuz I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for months and I didn’t know when would be a good time to post it. Or like update it or like just when I should do anything with it. So yeah. Thank you so much for helping me get the chance to post this :)))
“I’ve had this in my drafts for some time now probably since the Canadian thanksgiving and like only touched on it a few times, and well I never got to post it cuz I got well uuuhhh... shy I guess and at that time a lot of things were going down and stuff. And because of that I just felt like it had no meaning whatsoever anymore. So I thought I’d edit it a bit so it fits better and so I can finally post it and stuff.... sometimes it’s nice to get something out there after having it written down for so long. And well what better time to post it than now XD on New Years!. Anyways here it goes”
Hey guys, friends especially, ITS A NEW YEAR!!!!!! I just wanted to pop in and say that...well...thank you. And while I don’t really mean this directly to anyone so far (details for ppl that I know on this app will be written later on in this post). I know it’s usually super cheesy and just cringe and stuff but I honestly couldn’t care less about that stuff when it comes to the people close to me and to the people I love and care about. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank y’all. First and foremost. What the actual fuck guys. Why lmao. Out of everyone in this world you bunch picked the weirdest, ugliest and just straight up stupidest dude out there to be friends with XD, y’all do know there was much better than this out there right XD. I legit have no competition since I’m just so bad LOL. But still, for some reason, with all the shit I just listed y’all still decided it was a good idea to be friends with me. Y’all still decided it would be a great idea to stick with me up until now. Y’all still decided that I could belong with other people that I could fit it with you guys. That I could.... have genuine, real and just straight up amazing friends. I have absolutely no fucking clue how this turn of events happened. But I can say this with full certainty. You guys have changed my life. You guys are probably the main reason I’m still kicking around to this day lol. You guys are the reason I keep going and keep living and just keep enjoying the tiny gifts that life has to offer sometimes instead of pain XD. I still don’t and probably will never understand why or how god or life decided to be nice to me the few times I met one of you but I’m honestly so eternally grateful that I just... I have no words almost.... I just don’t know what to say sometimes. It’s honestly so out of this world how amazing and nice some of you are even tho I’m like the complete trash of this world XD. In all honesty.... without you guys I’d probably not even be here lmao... I’d probably would’ve just went on with my life with nothing to wish or hope for other than for the next day to pass even quicker than the last.... or just for days to just over as soon as they start... I won’t say more cuz that’s shit is personal and I’m not about to write that in public 😎. But like I know for sure that without you guys. I would not be here right now. So thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for all the memories you’ve given me, the countless nights you’ve made me die of laughter, The countless times you’ve made me choke and almost die from how funny something would be, the countless times you’ve made me think “damn I don’t ever want to wake up from this dream if this is not real”. Just thank you, for talking to me, for letting me vent, for letting me be there for you when you were there for me, for being my rock to lean on, for helping me go through the toughest of times like if it was a normal day. Thank you guys so much for treating me like an equal, for being friends with me, for playing with me, for inspiring me, for teaching me new things and helping me with anything I could ever ask for. Thank you guys so much, and while words will never be able to fully explain what I fully mean or what I fully feel. But I hope that this at least will give you an idea of how greatfull I am for you guys... i hope this will show you how thankful I am for you guys. I love you guys so much that the word love just can’t even express how much you guys truly mean to me. You guys have changed my life for the better and even tho I will probably never be able to repay that I’m hoping that I can do something to at least return how much y’all have done for me. And even tho a lot of the people I mean by this message are not on Tumblr I have a few that are and it is for that reason that I will thank you and write something for you guys here too. So here is the part for the specific people.
@frogb, Genny :)
Genny :D
Good God..... how are you even real XD well to start off, a quick intro :).... probably my only irl friend that is actually active on this app and of course MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER IN THE WORLD AND THE #1 PERSON IN MY LIFE >:), I want to take this opportunity to just thank you again (I know I’ve said a a bunch of times and you probably hate me for saying it a lot XD, that along with sorry :(((( I can’t really control that Lmao but I’m getting better at it right :D). You....you’re my best friend :)... you have changed my life for the better way too many times cuz. I’ve honestly lost count dude. I’ve lost count. I just want you to know that even tho I said that the first thing I wrote on this post was meant for a bunch of people. I was really mainly thinking about you when I wrote it. Ever since you’ve been part of my life. You have made sure to change it completely. And only for the good and for the better. I don’t think you have a genuine idea of how much you’ve changed my life and how much you’ve made me happy :)... thank you Genny thank you so much for being the best thing to ever happen to me. Genny you truly are the best most amazing, kindest, nicest, loveliest, most wonderful, most talented person I’ve ever met. Look I won’t write my full thing here since...well I’ll say the rest to you directly. But well .. Genny... I love you... I love you so fucking much alright :D thank you for being the highlight of my life. Thank you for being you Genny and thank you for being here for me and just being my best friend in the world :)
@ritsu-in-a-maid-dress , heyyy duuuudee buddy chum buddy pal XD (don’t ask lmao), I know we like met only a few weeks ago actually idk maybe at the point when I actually decide to post this it’ll be months or like a year 😳 (and if it is HOLY SHIT WTF I HOPE I ACTUALLY TOLD YOU SOMETHING IN THAT TIME CUZ DAMN) and well so far, you have been nothing but an amazing, way too nice, handsome friend that has somehow probably one of the sweetest hearts out there. You’re actually so fucking funny and have made my day much better sometimes just from the very few talked we’ve had lmao (correction now it’s actually been quite a few 😳and honestly they’re getting to much better and funnier so thank you so much for making me laugh :D (oh and I will never forget that one call we had for 3 FUCKING HOURS DUDE!!!! THAT WAS AWSOME!!!) ) and while at first I was very shy to even talk to you. I’m happy that I can comfortably say hi without any regrets or anything lmao. I will tell you something I’m very thankful for in dm too cuz it’s kinda private :) so yeah.... thank you so much for being you and being my friend :D
@quellfy yoooooo duuuudde I don’t think we’ve ever really interacted on here but I’ve talked to you on the server and well I can know from there that. You’re just such an amazing and kind person. And that every time we talk I have a great time :)) I don’t know a lot about you but I do know that you’re an amazing artist who has amazing art (yes even when it’s not sad “pointing at alluka in snow drawing” amazing) and that you’re such a kind and I nice human being who’s been just super nice and good to me :)) so thank you. For being my friend and for being such an amazing human being :D
@faceless-dude yooooo I don’t think we’ve properly talked before but like :))) I really think you’re an amazing person and just super talented. Your art is something I’ve never seen before and I really really think it’s unique and just amazing. Thank you for your wonderful wishes. And yeah dw. I plan on keeping that promise >:) Gen will get her booties kicked just like you asked XD
@kur-upira we probably only interacted a few times. But in those few times. I could tell what kind of person you are and how much of an amazing person you are :D. I can tell you that just from those few times. I was able to see how much of a beautiful, talented (yes holy shit. I cannot stress this enough. I love your artstyle and good god it’s so good everything from the actual drawings to the shading to the colouring. It’s amazing dude. I really mean that. It’s one of the most unique and most beautiful artstyles I’ve ever seen), friendly and just amazing human being you are :))) thank you for those few interaction (which probably took me whole days to respond to because of anxiety and bs XD sorry about that lmao) and yeah. I would absolutely love to get to know you better and to interact more with each other :D
@starrynarwhale, I know we like pretty much only interacted like twice with each other but from those few times. I knew that you were a wonderful person :) not just an amazing person. But a very talented one too :D (your art is amazing dude. It’s really great. Not only that but like. Can I just say that. Your frog gon fridays are godly dude. They’re always so fucking cool and wholesome 🥺🥺I love them so much. Amazing) you seem like a very kind and amazing person so yeah :)) I’d love to get to know you better :D
@catboyyouko yooooo. I know we probably have only interacted once but let me tell you dude. You’re a wonderful, amazing, nice, kind and extremely talented human being. (Dude you don’t understand. Your art is fucking amazing. Not only that but your comics are so goddamn great too. Not just in an art way but in a story way too. It’s just always so amazing) oh and also like... I see that you vent a lot and stuff and just wanted to let you know that if you ever needed someone to talk to or vent to. I’m here for you. I feel like you’re such an amazing person and I would love to get to know you better :) so yeah. If you ever need anyone to talk to. I’m here alright :)
And if I didn’t @ you I promise It’s just cuz I’m too scared to bother you and @ Ing this many ppl has already made my anxiety skyrocket.
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AU: Post Game Simulation V3
lmao i rushed this because i wanted to add so much so its messy and im sorry
It had been a couple of months since a small group of school kids with extraordinary talents had been forced to endure a traumatic life changing event. Slaughtering each other left and right and having to kick start survival senses just to make it through. Even if it was all virtual, the pain of dying and the pain of betrayal was all real for each of them. Although through the misery of a killing game, these kids found a bond between them all, having learned all of the best and worst parts of each other.
After they woke up, they had made an oath to always keep in touch and check in on each other no matter where their future paths may take them. So far, that vow had stood strong. As the seasons changed and the healing continued, they made time for each other. 
The air outside grew colder and colder until dew from the day began to frost as the sun disappeared in the horizon. Kaede Akamatsu and Shuichi Saihara walked down a long asphalt paved driveway towards a large white home that reminded the both of them of a mansion from movies. Complete with carved pillars and a green garden outside with flowers that popped against the white and cream of the structure. The grass around the property looked like it was just as green as golf fields.
Kaede held a tub of cookies in her mittened hands while Shuichi carefully walked a pitcher of apple cider he had homemade with Kaede not too long before their departure. 
“I knew Kirumi was well off with her talent but jeez!” Kaede’s bright voice cut through the cold.
“I’m not r-really surprised.” Shuichi responded, shivering and stuttering.
Kirumi Tojo had decided that they should meet up for the holidays and have themselves a “Friendsgiving.” She informed everyone that she would be making the main dishes but if anyone had anything else they specifically wanted, she would welcome the aid.
“I’m so excited to see everyone! They’re all getting a big hug whether they like it or not!” Kaede always spoke with such determination and confidence and luckily that same attitude had slowly begun to rub off on Shuichi.
“I’m s-sure they’d l-love that.” Shuichi turned to look at her and smile before glancing back towards the front door.
As they had gotten closer, they noticed a fall wreath hanging on the front door. Yellows, browns, and oranges littered the leaves and flowers that circled it. As they stepped on to the small stairs that lead to the porch, they saw a couple of the flower picks had fallen off; hot glue bubbles still on the ends. Shuichi determined that this must be a homemade wreath. 
Kirumi would not have let her creations fall apart like that. So they wondered just who would have taken part in the decorations. 
Kaede reached out her hand and softly knocked on the wooden door. It only took a moment before an excited Angie swung the door open.
“Ah! Atua told me that it was you two!” She tilted her head from side to side.
“Don’t listen to her. She looked outside the window and noticed Kaede walking up!” Tenko shouted behind her. In her hands was a banner with many fall colors. 
“Nyehh…” A small voice beside Tenko mumbled. “Tenko, I can’t put that above the window. I’m too short. I have to save my magic for dinner.” 
“Don’t worry Himiko! I will get it and all you have to do is hold the end and look pretty!” Tenko grabbed Himiko’s hand and pulled her off towards a grand window facing the front of the house.
Angie bounced on the soles of her feet before moving out of the way to let Shuichi and Kaede through. “Now we are just waiting on Gonta! I hope he did not get lost! Atua would be very upset if he did not make it in time for the turkey!”
“Oh I’m sure he will get here! We just have to be patient.” Kaede nodded and then walked further into the house to find the dining room. Shuichi shut the front door behind him and trailed after her.
As they passed through the living room, more and more familiar faces appeared. On the large sectional sat Tsumugi, Hoshi, and Korekiyo. The three of them were facing towards the TV that was mounted on top of the fireplace in the middle of the wall. Korekiyo, sat criss cross on an arm rest of the sofa, kept his attention on a small book that he had brought with him. Tsumugi and Hoshi sat on the cushions, their attention on the TV that had the Netflix menu on it.
“Tsumugi. It’s Thanksgiving. Can we not use my account to watch your trashy cartoons please?” Hoshi’s calm deep voice questioned her. He leaned back and adjusted the candy cigarette in his mouth, something he always kept to curb his previous addiction.
“Not all of it is trashy! I can find some very sweet slice of life animes! Like Ouran! Or Fruits Basket!”
“I don’t care what’s in the basket. I just don’t want it in my watch history.” Hoshi pulled his beanie over his eyes and sighed.
Shuichi had to bite his lip so that he didn’t outwardly laugh at the quick witted response. Kaede didn’t want to get involved in that argument and moved forward into the hallway.
“You little fucker!” A shrill voice stopped them in their tracks.
“Get your short ass back here!” 
A small figure zoomed out of a room and into the hallway. Of course Kokichi had gotten himself into trouble already. 
“It’s your fault your hair is so long! Maybe you should cut it or something? I hear being bald is totally in right now!” Kokichi giggled and raised a finger to his lips, a signature move as he teased.
Iruma followed into the hallway, holding strands of her hair. “You better open your tiny little mouth and get to eating this shit out. I am not about to let it dry and ruin my beautiful blonde hair!”
“Don’t you know how to use a hairbrush? Or do you not know hygiene either?”
“That’s it. Say you’re fucking prayers!” Iruma lunged forward but a hand covered with rings wrapped around her forearm. 
“Iruma. It’s just jello. It won’t ruin anything.” Rantaro came into view. He let go of her and folded his arms across his chest. “And Kokichi. This is a special time. Don’t waste food by throwing it at people. We’re literally trying to celebrate being thankful.”
Kokichi sighed loudly and slumped his shoulders. “Fine.” He drug the word out in annoyance. “I’ll just go steal the remote from the weeb or something then.” He turned on his heel and pushed past Shuichi and Kaede down into the living room.
“Hey guys. Sorry about that.” Rantaro’s previous firm attitude fell and the normal carefree one appeared. “Guess I gotta keep a better eye on him while we are here.” He put a hand behind his neck and looked down at their hands. “Oh yeah Kirumi is in the dining room now looking to place the food. So go right ahead.” He moved out of the way and followed Kokichi’s path.
Iruma had been messing with the strands of hair, trying to pick the food out. “He’s lucky that Rantaro was here to protect him. Again. One day I’m gunna beat the shit out of that little twink.”
“Ah I think he’s just, just trying to g-get a rise out of you.” Shuichi offered.
“I don’t want that kind of rise for me!” Iruma smarted off, making Shuichi shut his mouth quickly.
“Okay!” Kaede interrupted. “We’re going to go set these down then!” She wanted to cut it off before it got anymore vulgar. Shuichi nodded and the two of them started towards the kitchen.
“I’d close my eyes before walking through there.” Iruma warned.
“Why? Is the food cooking in there just that appetizing? Will we want to eat it the minute we see it?” Kaede’s eyes widened with joy.
Iruma blushed brightly. “Uh. No!” She struggled to find words. “Worse! Actually just go see for yourself. Embarrass him more while you’re at it!” She let out a boisterous laugh before turning her heel to another room down the hallway that had to be a bathroom.
Shuichi and Kaede exchanged looks before walking into the kitchen, slightly afraid of what they might find. What they didn’t expect was the see Kaito and Maki in the middle of the room. Kaito leaning on a cabinet with something in his hand in front of Maki, keeping her in place.
“How many times do I have to tell you? Wrong holiday.”
“Isn’t it close enough though?” Kaito’s voice pleaded. “Come on. It’s tradition.”
“Yes. For Christmas.” Maki sounded like she was way past done with the conversation. 
“So you admit that you’ll kiss me under the mistletoe at Christmas.” Kaito smirked and looked down at her with his “famous smolder.”
“I am not admitting anything. I am stating a fact Kaito.” Maki’s face flushed and she reached up to play with the hair that had fallen in front of her shoulders. 
That’s why Iruma had mentioned embarrassing someone. Kaito had mistletoe and had been trying to get Maki under it.
“Sidekick help me out.” Shuichi didn’t think Kaito had noticed him.
“I uh, uhm. Well.” Shuichi stumbled on his words.
“See? He agrees with me!” Kaito said matter of factly. 
“He just stuttered like always.” Maki glared.
“Yeah and I can understand his language!” Kaito leaned back offended. “Don’t hurt his feelings like that!”
“Why don’t you get him under that first then.” Maki challenged. 
“I will! Get over here sidekick!” Kaito stomped his foot down and motioned for Shuichi to come forward. 
Shuichi panicked slightly and shook his head. “Actually Kaito uh, actually I n-need to take this to Kirumi. You just, uhm, just keep trying.” He struggled to appease the taller male in front of him. He ducked his head nervously and turned into the grandiose dining room, Kaede giggling behind him.
The room had a yellow mood lighting with a large table in the middle. A white lace table runner down the middle with some plates already sat at the chairs. At the end of the table they found that they had finally met their goal. Kirumi and Kiibo stood down at the end. In Kiibo’s hands were two sets of plates that Kirumi would reach for as she set the table.
“Oh hello Kaede. Shuichi. It’s so wonderful to see you.” Kirumi’s pleasant tone was a nice change from the chaos they had just previously endured. 
“Kirumi is letting me learn how to properly set tables!” Kiibo seemed genuinely excited to be able to help out. 
“That’s wonderful Kiibo!” Kaede looked for a place to set her tin of cookies and gestured for Shuichi to do the same with the pitcher.
“We just have a couple of plates left to set and then everyone can come and eat.” Kirumi gently placed some utensils down into a designed napkin.
“I do not believe Gonta has arrived yet. I am hoping he will be here soon.” Kiibo pointed out and frowned in concern.
“Gonta will make it in time. It’s part of being a gentleman.” Kirumi pointed out and placed her hands in front of her on her skirt. Kiibo took the last set of plates and placed them on the placemat along with the proper utensils.
“I think we are ready now.” Kiibo nodded.
“Alright. Well why don’t the three of you pick your seats while I go and inform the others.” Kirumi seemed to glide as she exited the dining room.
It wasn’t long before the empty spaces were filled with bodies chattering with each other. Kirumi was back and forth putting the main courses on the table. Angie sprung into the dining room with a large figure behind her.
“Look everyone! Gonta made it! Atua helped guide him to us! How divine!” She collapsed her hands together before sitting down next to Himiko. Everyone lifted their heads and greeted him with delight.
“Gonta very sorry everyone! Gonta not sure what to bring as gift but finally found amazing thing!” Gonta held up a wrapped present and smiled wide.
“Gonta why did you bring a gift?” Kokichi questioned.
“Well Gonta just do what Miss Kirumi tell him. It Friendsgiving. So Gonta bring something to give friends!”
Kokichi began to laugh loudly. “Gonta you are so gullible! It’s a play on Thanksgiving! It doesn't mean giving to friends!”
“Oh!” Gonta’s face fell. “Gonta so sorry everyone! Just wanted to do the gentlemanly thing.”
“You did.” Kirumi walked back in for the final time and took the gift from Gonta. “I will go ahead and open it. Alright?” She peeled the wrapping paper away to reveal a diorama of different beetle types. Something used for educational purposes in the classroom. “This is wonderful, Gonta. I am sure we will learn a lot from this. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Gonta nodded before sitting down next to Kokichi and unfolding a napkin to put in his lap.
With such varying personalities, the chances of them all being friends under normal circumstances was low. However, they were all grateful for the friendships they had gained and found within each other. Kirumi cut into the turkey and served a piece to each person. Everyone  was just happy to forget about their lives for a while. Despite everything that happened, this holiday was panning out to be one of the best ones they’ve had.
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Survey #305
“you want me to be yours, well then you��ve got to be mine, & if you want a good girl, then goodbye”
Do you call the ice cream topping "jimmies" or "sprinkles"? They're "sprinkles" down here. What music are you listening to? Ha, I just turned on music before starting this. "Sex Metal Barbie" by In This Moment is on rn. If you go to school (HS or college) does your school have a rival? N/A Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? Yeah; I was born in a Roman Catholic family. My mom's mom would've probably had a heart attack if us kids weren't. At family gatherings, are you more likely to hang out with the younger or older relatives? I mean, I'd go for those my age or older, generally. I'd hang out with kids though if they wanted me to. Considering you current health, how long do you think you will live? With my CURRENT health, probably not even 80. Do you have anything in your room that would be 'weird' to others? Posters, yeah. Have you ever done geocaching? No, but it'd be cool if my body could actually handle taking a single goddamn step. What was the last game you won? Maybe Uno with my niece? I generally let her win, but occasionally I'm "lucky" to TRY to be more convincing, lol. I think she knows I let her, though. Do you know any deaf people? If so, is it easy or difficult to have conversations with them? No. Do you enjoy playing Monopoly? Why or why not? No, because I don't like board games, especially any that involve math. Is there a doorknocker on your front door? No. Do 'laugh tracks' on TV shows annoy you? They're so normal that I don't even notice them, really. Do people often mistake you for other ethnicities? If so, what do you usually get? No, I'm pretty obviously white. Has anyone famous ever attended your school? Who? I won't say his name for the sake of not connecting dots, but a well-known football player attended my high school. Have you ever had to attend an event that occurred on your birthday? Ha, my 16th birthday landed on the Super Bowl... I was at Jason's that night, and just to be "part of the family," we watched it with everyone else that came over. I was so bored and uninterested, but that's my own fault, really. I could have said something, but this was only a month into our relationship so I was too uncomfortable to speak up. What do you think makes a girl a slut? Do you believe that label is thrown around far more often than it should be? And finally, do you think it's unfair that mostly only women receive that label? I don't give a flying fuck how many people a girl is sexually involved with so long as she is safe and open and honest with her partners. I'm not a fan of the word and don't think anyone should be called it. Do you think it's bad to have sex at 15 or younger? I don't think it's smart, really. It's just too young to risk pregnancy. Yes, abortion is an option, but like... a 15 y/o girl should never be faced with that dilemma. I'ma be real tho, I don't think it's a "good" idea until you're at least 18, aaaand I don't know any non-virgin who waited that long. Just try your best to wait, ig. Favorite love song at the moment? Love songs never sit well with me anymore. I mean I can enjoy them, absolutely, I just... have a lot of bitterness. Trying to pick a favorite when you feel like that is like trying to pick the best-looking rotten apple of the bunch. Ever wondered what it would be like dating the same gender as you? I've done that already, and it was great but also scary in a massively homophobic state. Ever paid for sex? No. During thunderstorms, how does your pet react? Neither have a unique reaction; they're unfazed. What internet browser do you use? Google Chrome. Do you like eggnog? Noooo no no. How often do you see your mother? Every day, because I live with her. Do you like croutons in your salad? No, I really don't like the texture difference. Who did you last play truth or dare with? I don't know. Have you ever brewed your own mead, wine, beer or soda? No. Have you had to make any changes in your life lately? If so, what kind of changes? ugh What's the earliest popular thing you can remember from your childhood? Ummm. I mean, probably like Barney or Elmo? Do you prefer practicality or fashionability when it comes to clothes? Well, really neither. I'm the type that wears tank tops in snow, flipflops year-round, sweatpants in summer... so I don't really dress with practicality. I don't care what's "fashionable," so. Comfort pretty much reigns over my wardrobe. Which kinds of berries grow in the wild where you live? There are these little red ones that grow in little groups and somewhat resemble raspberries. I can't remember if they're edible, though... Oh, and muscadine grapes (I had to look up if they were berries lmao) can be found here, too. They're yummy. Beautyberries are another. Have you ever made an article of clothing yourself? If so, what was it? No. Do you go to arcades? If so, what's your go-to game at one? Even before Covid, I never really went to them. I enjoy them, though. I guess my favorite is maybe air hockey? When's the last time you had an alcoholic beverage? What was it? At the Cheesecake Factory for my birthday. It was some kind of sangria... Maybe strawberry and peach? Idr, but it was good. What has been the most enjoyable job you've had? You assume I've had a job I actually enjoyed. How about the least enjoyable job? Well, I barely lasted two hours in a dairy, soooo... When's the last time you had to carefully plan how you used your time? You're asking the wroooong person, 'cuz my life is never busy enough for that. Who do you usually say hello or good morning to first? My snake Venus, usually. Well, that is if her head is peeking out of her hide or is just fully out. Do you ever chat about your favorite video games with your friends? I don't really have gamer friends anymore, so not really. What do you hope you grow out of? Being so goddamn dependent. What movie made you cry the most? I can't say for sure considering it's easy for movies to make me cry, lmao. Maybe Titanic. What was one of the happiest moments of your childhood? Seeing a container of dog food in the far back behind the Christmas tree one year. It's how I learned I was finally gettinga dog (Teddy). What brings you the most joy in life? Probably my cat lmao. What's a hobby you would like to try out? I wanna get back into video editing, I just. Don't have the motivation for it anymore. As with most things. What sort of a kiss do you count as the first kiss? On the lips and with mutual intention. What was the last event you attended? Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's, ig. How about the last event you organized? Me? Organizing an event? What's the biggest insect you've ever seen? In the wild, probably like... a rhinocerous beetle or something. NO NO WAIT. I remember at least once in my life seeing a fucking GINORMOUS moth on the ground one morning. I don't know what kind it was, but jc it was huge. How about the biggest spider? Oh yikes, I'll never forget this: an orb weaver wandering across the floor of our childhood van and under the passenger's seat. Never saw it again. I was afraid to let my feet stay on the floor for a looong time, haha. What's something you'd never ever dare to ask another person? I'd never ask certain "why" questions, like "why did you get an abortion?" or something like that. I can think of valid situations to ask most things, even controversial matters, but no one should ever have to justify something like that. "Why don't you have kids?" is another. That one gets to me. Having children is not an advancement or milestone in everyone's life, and hell, you never know if the woman's had like five miscarriages or something. What's something you've always wanted to ask someone but haven't dared? Why Mom didn't raise her eldest daughter, at least for her whole life. Katie's childhood is a big mystery to me, and I want to know more, but I know the topic is very upsetting to Mom, so I'm not about to make her explain it. What's the worst/best thing you've done without your parents knowing? Saying "worst/best" makes this question confusing... but I'm guessing you mean the best thing to me that they wouldn't have approved of? I really didn't do a lot of things that would fit that description. I can only think of a certain intimate occasion where things happened where they probably shouldn't have. If you wear earrings, what does your favorite pair look like? Ugh, I don't because of the holes being too stretched out from wearing heavy earrings too long. I still haven't gotten to putting proper gauges in so it looks less stupid. Have you ever won any money from a scratch card? Maybe like, $10 or something. How about a slot machine? I've never played one. Do like playing bingo? Sure, it's all right. What small, everyday thing makes you really happy? Cuddling with my cat. Do you enjoy puzzle games? If so, which one's your favorite? Yeah, I do. I can't really pick a favorite, though... Is there a substance you avoid at all costs? If so, what is it and why? I think in a past survey I mentioned my aversion to beer because of the association it has with my dad. I'd never be able to get a sip down. Not that I really want to anyway though, it stinks. What you would you absolutely hate living next door to? Any really busy location or travel hubs, like a train station. My childhood home was near a railroad track, and it sucked, so I can only imagine a station. What would you love to live next door to? A waterfall, uggghhhh. In the woods too to hear plenty of frogs and toads and crickets... What gives you nostalgia? It is very easy to make me nostalgic. The littlest things can do it. Hearing about/seeing/playing childhood video games, like Spyro, is a biggie. Which reminds me how damn badly I wanna play the Reignited trilogy, fuck. I just don't have the proper console. Which language do you think is the most complicated to learn? Well English is supposedly the hardest objectively, but as a native English speaker, I can't say anything about that. In my experience, Latin was like fucking impossible. Is there a place that you might call your second home? I guess Dad's house, but it's not like I'm there a lot. I feel comfortable there, though. How do you imagine your later life to look like? I DO NOT want to think about this. I fucking dread the thought. What is a job you would never in a million years want to do? A butcher. There is absolutely no motherfucking way I ever could do it, even if it kept me off the streets. What's the weirdest building in your city? *shrug* How do you keep in touch with friends usually? Facebook. Do you recognize friends'/family's vehicles by sound? Not anymore. Dad had an old car that was very easy to recognize with its shitty muffler, but he hasn't had that car in years upon years. I used to be able to recognize Jason's old car too because of sound, but primarily because he drove way too fast down our path that when I heard a car zooming over rocks, I knew it was him. What's something new you've just recently learned? It was actually a topic of recent discussion that I may have high-functioning Asperger's. Very, very unusual to learn later in life, but apparently Mom's seen the warning signs in some things since childhood, like my extreme pickiness with textures, my tendency to knead and play with my hands in situations of discomfort, my social ineptitude, hyperfixations, it actually running in our family (which I didn't know beforehand), among a lot of other things. We're not really digging into it though because it just doesn't matter; there's obviously no magic treatment for autism, and me being in therapy and having a psychiatrist to handle my meds is enough. If you were in Harry Potter, which house would you be in? Apparently I'm on the Hufflepuff/Gryffindor line when I took a survey a long time ago. Are you nagged about being on the computer too much? Not anymore, at least on the average day. Mom's accepted it by now. Dad's joked about it before though and I know others have certain opinions about it. Based on your personality, what animal do you think you'd be? Maybe a deer. Shy, reclusive, and always on alert. Have you ever been in a hot tub? Yeah. What song is stuck in your head at the moment? I have "my boy" by Billie Eilish on right now because it's stuck in my head. What's your father's middle name? John. What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Yikes, good question. I think it was The Lion King remake. Have you ever vandalized? No. What's a pet you've always wanted? Most pets I want I've had at some point or another... I guess I'll say a ferret, though I've really only wanted one in concept. I could never keep up with their maintenance, but by god they are the cutest fucking things ever. Do you like mice? I love mice! What's your favorite t-shirt? My "equal in our bones" Cloak shirt. :''') The design is so beautiful and just my style in general, plus I live to support anything Fischfuck takes part in. Did you/will you get a car for your 16th birthday? I'm 25 and still have never had my own car lmaoooo. What's your favorite tomato variety? I generally don't like tomatoes themselves, but rather products made with them, like ketchup. If I'm in the mood though, I do like tomato sandwiches with mayo and bacon; I only ever enjoyed them though if they were fresh right from an old friend's garden. Which well-known person's death shocked you the most, if any? I think Chester Bennington's was the biggest surprise. Rest easy, you legend. What's the craziest color you'd dye your hair? More like what crazy color WOULDN'T I dye it... What was the longest train ride you've been on? I've never been on one. What's the coolest hobby one of your friends has? uhhhhh idk Have you ever played in a stack of hay bales? No. If you could learn any skill, which would you like to learn? Ha, cooking. How do you like your steak? Medium well.
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