gardenianoire · 10 months
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after 100s of job applications, dozens of interviews, being constantly rejected or ghosted, over a month of unemployment, and changing fields I finally have a goddamn job. I'm a early childhood education teacher now. I start my paperwork and such tomorrow
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goqmir · 1 year
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nimthirielrinon · 5 months
I’m about to be unemployed!
so basically, work has set me up to fail by giving me targets that no other typist is expected to maintain and basically I’m going to be fired in 3 weeks if I don’t resign first.
I’m resigning. I’m too old and autistic for this bullshit and my mental health is honestly fucked enough as it is without more of it being piled on.
Having said that, I do not have a new job lined up. While I hunt for something, I need y’all to help me out! Buy my art, buy me a coffee, or commission a pet portrait!
if none of those are a option, please share this post around! Reblog it, queue it, help me let people out there know my art exists.
I have skills, let’s put them to use! 😃
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noster-tempus · 1 month
A guy from the Philippines just asked me to be his husband on LinkedIn??
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eros-thanatos89 · 17 days
I’m currently in the midst of the (horrid) process of job searching. So naturally, I’ve utterly fucked my sleep cycle and routines (oops!).
I didn’t sleep at all last night, but am weirdly manically energized today (despite feeling constantly fatigued 99% of the time). Did I manage to accomplish anything productive vis-á-vis job searching?? Of course not! But did I start the new chapter of my lacho fic? Naturally! I even outlined it and kind of have a rough plan for the next one.
It is kinda nice to have at least a short term plan for writing rather than blundering along blindly as per usual.
But my priorities are clearly so out of whack. What’s more important: gainful employment or Lacho?? Clearly, gay cartel bois are winning this round.
I’m astounded by my own tomfoolery.
Much like my pookie Nacho, I’m out here questioning all my life choices…
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babylawyerruns · 11 months
Ok so I’m actually on funemployment until Nov 13th!! This is so weird! We are taking a little trip at the end of next week for a few days !
New job starts Monday Nov 13th ahhh!!!!
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Good lord it's been a while since I've seen you around here. What's been going on with you?/genq
Lost Mah Job, been unemployed for...two years???
Got into sprite art, though that's more of a hobby.
Ended up having to downscale a lot of things financially, living with my folks atm.
I'm back because things are finally chilling out on that front. Job hunting ended up giving me a bit of free time these days.
But yeah, that's the condensed version.
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sheisanimposter · 1 year
I love you, all nighters.
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I love you, little red cup I bought at the dollar store when I moved into my very first apartment. I love you, still functioning Kindle Fire my mom gave me 10 years ago when I ran far away from home. I love you, late night literature.
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I love you, colorful workspace I was able to create when I had a job that I loved. I love you, Macbook they let me keep that allows me to attend school online. I love you, thrifted cassette tape drawers. I love you, license plate from the car I used to live in. I love you, Monday midnights.
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I love you, tech company that laid me off, used my ideas, and took my copy. Perhaps, I love you the very most. I love you, privilege of being able to switch gears and finally pursue higher education full time, for the first time, at 31. I love you, new beginnings. I love you, new horizons. I love you, new ideas. I love you, intellectual stimulation. I love you, reading all night. I love you, learning for me. I love you, all nighters.
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gardenianoire · 11 months
the good news is I crushed my interview even the interviewer said I knocked it out of the park funemployment might be coming to an end I'll find out saturday
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elinorjo · 2 years
On a whim I uploaded my resume to ziprecruiter just to see what's out there and it's been reading the OR for Oregon as Orlando and I've been getting job tips for Orlando for several weeks. It's fun to see what's out there. Florida jobs don't pay shit.
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noster-tempus · 1 month
Being unemployed is less stressful than being a college student (at least, it is if you live with your supportive middle-class parents), but it shares one unpleasant feature of college: you're never really off the clock. It always feels like you *could* be doing something that could eventually contribute to getting a job.
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novoplata · 2 years
If you know me, you'd know that the two-year mark after starting a job would be the time when I'd get restless and typically disenchanted. Ever since I started working, I've only stuck around in a job for two years the longest.
Thanks to the pandemic and the realisation that older people don't get called to interviews as easily, I've stuck around in my current job for three years. As disenchantment creeps in -- like clockwork -- I'm starting to weigh in all my options. I spoke to two different friends yesterday who told me that they've just recently quit their jobs. They may have other reasons other than mine but the message it sent me is the same: it's OK to leave if you want to. When I started this job, I hadn't the slightest idea of what SEO writing or Google ad writing entails. I have learned so much about the trade in the past three years and with no prospect of promotion or salary increment, I think it's time for a fresh start. There's only one problem: I haven't had a call back on my job applications yet. Come to think of it, it does feel weird to look at myself as a jobseeker in my late 30s. Usually, if they were to ever quit their jobs, people my age would embark on their own businesses instead of looking to be employed by another employer. Then, it struck me that perhaps this is supposed to be a test of faith. I've had a rendition of this test one way or another at different seasons of my life. Four years ago, when I was stuck at a job I hated, my fear was that I wasn't going to find a better opportunity if I were to leave. I left anyway and landed this job, which is in many ways better than my previous job. This year, this job -- albeit generally being a good means of sustenance -- has started to feel like a 25kg barbell: unchallenging and will not lead me to the growth I need. So, perhaps it's time for an (f)unemployment stint to figure out what to do next? My life situations are always evolving as I pass through different seasons of life, but the lessons they leave me with (and test on) are somewhat always the same: faith. Will you choose to have faith that your Father has got you covered regardless of the economical climate? I'm not going to leave my job as yet, but seeing that it's already in my peripheral thought, I probably would -- soon.
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dirtroadkiss · 2 months
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whatcha-thinkin · 10 months
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boytoygirlfriend · 10 months
Just realized I haven’t gone outside in days
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abandoned-as-mustard · 10 months
irony is getting chased with job offers from people you did not apply to from the industry you quit for a reason :)
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