#FYI always appeal first before paying
why the american healthcare system is a joke:
I have amazing health insurance and after I fell recently I still have had to pay over $2-3k on the ambulance & surgeries and dental work because no one in my insurance network would see me on an emergency basis because doctors are the worst.
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miggylol · 4 years
Ways to help during the election
I’ve seen people wanting to do something more specific and tangible than “spreading awareness.” Here are some targeted things you can do to help as the election approaches. With the exception of #3 in the first section, all of these should be completely free to you.
Democratic Organizing
Text potential Democratic voters to make sure they are registered to vote (and intend to do so) - After you go through an hour-long Zoom training session, you’ll be able to conduct voter outreach via text. Sometimes, you’ll be able to motivate the people yourself. Sometimes, you’ll identify potential voters who need to be targeted again for further outreach. Either way, it really helps. The most reliable strategy for success isn’t “changing people’s minds,” it’s “making sure the people in our corner actually get their votes in”
Call voters, especially in battleground states - Same deal as above, but I put the texting option first because I know the Tumblr audience
Write postcards to voters, especially in battleground states - Same deal as above, but with an even more personal touch because it’s hand-written. Anecdotal evidence, but I’ve heard some people say this did a uniquely good job of motivating them to vote
Reach out to a local organizer to see if there’s anything specific you can do in your area - In case the options above don’t appeal!
Election Process
Volunteer to be a poll worker - We know they’ll try to limit the number of polling stations, to increase the time certain neighborhoods need to wait in line. Considering that the vast majority of poll worker volunteers are seniors (a.k.a.: at highest covid risk), chances are high that there will be a shortage of poll workers, which could sadly justify closing down some polling locations if there simply aren’t trained workers to be there. Worst case scenario! But if younger people volunteer, those are more eyes and more hands that can keep polling stations open, with plenty of help in case any issues arise
Confirm your registration early - Self-explanatory.
Request an absentee ballot early, drop it off by hand if you can - This page lets you check the absentee and early-voting rules for your state. Ideally, you want a paper ballot. However, given the reports of Post Office fuckery, the best option is to take your absentee ballot and then drop it off by hand to a designated election drop box. Google “__my state__ ballot drop boxes.”
This page also lets you request an absentee ballot and check all of the rules for your state, but as it’s a private org I couldn’t verify that they wouldn’t sell your email or something. Or, you can always google “absentee ballot rules ____my state____” and find the applicable link.
A mail (paper) ballot, plus using a drop-off box by hand before election day, is really the best of both worlds. There’s the physical paper record, but you know it’s safely arrived the second you drop it in the box.
Be sure to follow the rules precisely, such as signing where it tells you to on the envelope. Plenty of absentee ballots get rejected for that.
Verify that your ballot has arrived and been processed - This site tells you when states start processing early ballots. As you can see, some of them have huge lead times. Getting your ballot in early to allow for processing = fewer election day bottlenecks.
To look up your individual ballot’s status, google “absentee ballot status ____my state____”
Another option (a necessary one if your state limits absentee voting) is to vote in-person but early. Many states have early voting, some of which stretches several weeks before Election Day. This is another way to handle any anticipated long lines on 11/3.
Election Fairness
This is all about creating a sense of accountability. If there are numerous calls on a specific topic, someone with good intentions will think “Oh, I should verify this for them.” Someone with bad intentions will go, “Damn, I guess they’re paying attention.” Either way, it’s a positive for election fairness.
If possible, you really want to call (far far far superior to email) some combo of the following nine people, or the whole list:
Your House Representative
Your Senator
And your other Senator
Your state’s Secretary of State (pick your state from the drop-down to be redirected to the Secretary’s website, and then find the contact page there)
Your local representative in the state capitol (Google “find my __mystate___ state representative”)
The ABC station for your local market 
The NBC station for your local market
The CBS station for your local market
Your local newspaper  (find your paper, go to their site, and look for “Contact Us”)
What to say when you call, and feel free to tweak it into your own words:
1-5: “Hi, I’m __your name__ and I live in __zip code__. Given what I hear on the news, I am very concerned about fair elections in November. I’m especially concerned about making sure that all voters are able to be registered, get through the polls quickly, and have their vote counted. What is __the official you’re calling__ doing to guarantee election fairness for everyone in __your state__?” 
6-9: “Hi, I’m __your name__ and I live in __town__. I am very concerned about fair elections in November. I’m especially worried about making sure that all voters are able to be registered, get through the polls quickly, and have their vote counted. Do you have any plans to investigate whether our state is really ready to run a fair election this November?”
You can call more than once (but, you know, space them out a bit). The squeaky wheel gets the grease. For the media, calling multiple times demonstrates community interest in the story. For the politicians, calling multiple times demonstrates that you are the sort of highly engaged voter who will either support them in the future, or make their life very annoying if you’re not acknowledged. Along these lines: recruit friends and family to make more of these calls. Make them short, follow the script, don’t invest too much time in any single call. The volume of calls matters more than anything.
FYI, if you need to zero in on specific people, your best option is to go local: #4 and #5 on the list above. They usually get less attention than national roles, and so your voice will weigh more as they’re less used to receiving scrutiny. And the states do oversee their own election process, so you’re not diluting the impact by focusing on your own state.
And, y’know... be sure to vote.
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miraculous ladybug and smart characters. 
there’s actually quite a few smart characters in miraculous ladybug, but the only one we’re really made to believe is smart is max.
this got very long so i’m putting it under a cut.
max kante. there’s no denying that he’s smart, but if you’re writing a smart character and you decide to make them like max well....you’ve misunderstood what makes a person smart.
what does max do to ‘prove’ that he’s smart?
well he:
lists percentages of probability
recalls obscure facts
made an AI robot friend
uses big words
i’ve probably missed something but this is how we’re shown that max is smart. and well it’s not wrong, you do need to be smart to make such a sophisticated AI as markov but...
spouting exact probabilities and facts doesn’t actually make you smart.
for starters, recalling facts is an aspect of memory not understanding, and understanding concepts is a better indicator of intelligence than memorising concepts.
my senior physics teacher really liked to make a point of this by letting us take our own formula sheets into exams. the kicker was that we only had to apply our understanding of the formulas, not whether or not we could remember them in the first place.
as for percentage probability, well, i’ve only touched on probability in my university career but modelling the probability of real life situations includes a lot more complexity and accounting for error than is really possible from just whacking a few numbers into a calculator.
and the big words, well. most often people who use big words during casual conversation are usually people pretending that they’re smarter than they actually are. 
basically, max is your stereotypical Smart Character TM, and like most stereotypes, there’s a lot of wrong information floating around about said character type. 
(just an FYI this is not to say that stereotypes about smart people are in anyway as harmful as stereotypes based on race, gender, sexuality, or neurodivergent people. this is just an examination of what people get wrong with smart characters.)
so, if that’s wrong, and smart people don’t all list facts and percentage probability, and use big words and make robot friends, how can we know a character is smart then?
well, ‘smart’ is a lot more complicated than media, especially kids media, likes to present it as. we’re always led to believe that a character (and thus real life people) are only smart if they excel in STEM subject areas. so smart characters speak in technobabble, are really good at programming and robotics and physics and chemistry, always get the best grades in school, and so on and so forth.
and that’s just not true.
there’s so much more to being smart than maths and ‘hard sciences’ and good grades.
for starters, the grading system used by schools and tertiary education systems is biased towards students who can recall facts aka people with good memories and people who have dozens of spare hours to spend studying.
now, there are tons of reasons for people to have difficulties recalling facts. the first is that memorising things is hard. this goes doubly so for people with memory problems associated with mental illness or neurodivergence or certain disabilities.
on the second point, you might notice that students at private schools (upper-middle to upper class students) tend to have better grades. going off of the ‘better grades = smarter people’ logic that means rich people are smarter than poor people. i shouldn’t have to explain how that’s bad.
(newsflash: it’s also not true. kids from wealthier families don’t have to spend their spare time at work and their parents can afford private tutors and teachers at private schools tend to be held to higher standards.)
as for being good at STEM subjects, i’m going to let you guys in on a little secret. it comes from practice. you don’t have to be naturally gifted in maths to excel at it. being as i call it, STEM brained versus humanities brained, may make some of the concepts easier to understand initially but it’s really not a make-or-break situation.
(the girl in my grade in high school who got the highest marks for advanced maths did so out of hard work alone. she’s very smart, but humanities oriented. my little sister got a state prize for her scores in physics, and let me tell you, maths does not come easy to her.)
so, if it’s not good grades, or being good at STEM, or having robot sidekicks, or speaking technobabble, what does make a character/person smart?
well it’s about the thought process.
questioning, weighing options, using logic to get the most reward with the least risk.
this site here (springhole.net) is an excellent resource for writing and roleplaying and also has a more in-depth walk-through of how smart people and characters work.
smart people and smart characters tend to, you guessed it, use their heads. they pay attention, and often notice details that other people miss. 
all of these things are actually pretty subtle (and we all know the miraculous creators can’t do subtlety) so we’re actually seeing a lot more smart characters in miraculous than we’re being led to believe.
like i said before, most obvious is max. max’s intelligence is frequently shown to us with all the grace of a frying pan to the ear. less obvious but still obvious enough that every corner of the fandom has noticed are marinette and adrien.
i’ll get to marinette in a minute, but for now we’ll talk about adrien.
adrien is, as far as i can recall seeing in canon, stated to get good grades. correct me if i’m wrong of course, but that’s the only thing i can think of to prove adrien as smart. getting good grades is one of the main stereotypes about smart people so check one for adrien.
adrien is also obscenely wealthy and has a controlling father with high expectations so, as far as his grades go, i doubt it’s down to any natural gifts of superior intellect.
like i said before, people with money have access to all the best resources, the best teachers, the best tutors, and of course time. adrien’s days are scheduled by nathalie, and with gabriel’s expectations of perfection i very much doubt she’d be skimping on adrien’s study time.
so, adrien’s good grades: probably not actually an indicator of intelligence, but of practice.
marinette is also stated to get good grades but that alone isn’t the only proof we get of her being smart. marinette is constantly coming up with plans, making things, is clever enough to leave herself a clue in oblivio to get help, as well as figure out that she and adrien were actually superheroes, and she’s proven to have a high level of emotional intelligence (not necessarily an indicator of overall intelligence and more linked to empathy but the point still stands).
marinette’s good grades we’ve seen clearly come from practice, but there are so many other ways she proves herself to be smart.
alya is one character that certainly gets written off as being dumb by the fandom, when actually, i doubt she is.
canon hasn’t done alya or the rest of the characters any favours by doing things like having lila be a pretty average liar, and making alya think chloe was ladybug in lady wifi, but when she and other characters aren’t being dumbed down because that’s the only way the creators know how to make the plot work, she’s actually pretty clever.
alya knows how clumsy marinette can be so she made a copy of the important video of ladybug before showing it to marinette, the ladyblog is really popular so alya’s clearly got an understanding of how to make her writing appealing to an audience, and we see in the ladybug episode that alya takes a methodical approach to try and clear marinette’s name.
so it’s not obvious, and whoever is writing the show needs some serious help to not make everyone look stupid because their villain isn’t competent enough, but alya is smart. we’re just not being led along by the nose and having the fact shoved in our faces.
there are other characters too, nino, nathalie, nathaniel, i’d say juleka and luka too probably but i’m not going to go into them right now.
what i’m trying to say is: smart characters aren’t always obvious and smart people don’t usually look like the smart people in cartoons. there are a lot more smart characters in ml than you probably realise, just like in real life. good at STEM doesn’t equal smart! and if you have to make your usual characters dumb to make your villain/plot point work you’re not as good a writer as you think you are.
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shinahbee · 3 years
November Favorites 2020!
So as you may have seen I have been uploading a bunch of art all of November, not every week because of my crippling job at the moment taking away my sanity.lol. But i did try my best to update whenever I can. I do have so much more to complete so please look out this December for more digital art being pumped out
How are you all doing?  I'm holding up decently, I'm trying to avoid talking about covid since that's all i've been hearing from work and home and it's really making me anxious since i'm not able to work from home due to the nature of my job. I hope you all are holding up hope and taking care of your selves, let's all remember that there is a time after this and we will get through this.
with that being said I will have a lot more time to spend on my art after January since my work term is going to end and I don't plan to stay for an extension, so maybe then I'll catch up on all of my previous art that I was supposed to upload, a.k.a my hero academia ones.lol
also I'm still chugging along reading more manhwa (web toons ) from korean and chinese artists, i'm so disappointed in myself for not discovering these sooner, these stories are really good and so much effort was put into the art panels, as I have said all I've read was manga so i'm used to just seeing black and white panels, so i never really dove into web toons though I have appreciated the work put into it, now that I'm down the rabbit hole I am discovering really good story lines that are different from the manga I've read thus far and I'm really enjoying it!
so i'm excited to share my thoughts on everything I've been liking
so previously in last months recommendations I have talked about a few of the manhwa I've been reading so I'll briefly list those below since they are all still ongoing
1) who's baby is it
2) to be or no to be
3) social temperature
4) salad days
all of them are still ongoing and i'm still in the process of reading them so I can't give a full review till it's completed but so far I am still enjoying them, that's definitely a good sign since i tend to just drop something after I don''t find it interesting anymore at some point in the story. If you have not read my October favorites journal please do so for my initial thoughts on these manhwas. Now i'm actually going to talk about some of the ones that are completed   , so you can definitely read all of them without waiting for the an update from translators, lol
this is in no particular order, just fyi
1) Path to you
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"When almost college dropout Jensen attempts to drink away his problems, unemployed Nathaniel( Neil ) suddenly pukes on him and ruins his night. As an apology, Nathaniel offers to help Jensen with his studies. Despite Jensen's difficulties in getting along with people, the two become friends and something deeper begins to grow between them...”
this is the summary from one of the manga websites I was able to find, it does not even describes the emotional plot line that goes along with this later, this is ones of my absolute favorites! I love this manhwa so much, its a great depiction of a coming of age story for collage students going through their life journey and slowly getting though life's difficulties  and challenges, one character is going though emotional trauma and trying to over come it for years and another character is going through anti social disorder and discovering his sexuality, it's a plot line that portrayed human aspects in life quite well. I love the relationship between the two main character and how their relationship developed over time from being friends to being a couple. there is a lot of relationship building and minimal drama, which is really refreshing from mangas that I've read, so if you are just starting to delve into BL webtoons, please read this first! you will not be disappointed
with that being said, I love Neil, so much.... you don't even know. lol. He's so precious, literally like an actual cinnamon roll. LOL. i'm exposing myself ...so i'll leave it at that, i’m also wondering why his name is neil instead of nathan or nate...? lol.
2) Here U Are
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"Orientation of  the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering LiHuan, the kind of person that does everything to be disliked. But after better knowing each other, he discovers that the giant isn’t that bad of a person at all...”
I really wish I could find better summaries, lol. but it's to the point without giving away too much so i'll take it. This is one of the most popular series and I can totally see why after reading it, this story has every possible human aspect and relationship building  between the two main leads, I actually teared in some parts of this manhwa and I've never done that before! such a good story and plot line, if I were to pick any series in a web toon to be animated then I would choose this series hands down. There's also sub plots between different characters as well and how they deal with their interpersonal relationships and relationships between the two main leads, I love it! This is everything I want in a story, so please check this one out
also yuyang looks a lot like miyuki Kazuya from Daiya no ace and that just made me drawn to him.I really liked his personality and in the manhwa he has girls and guys in love with him and dude...I get it.
3) BJ Alex
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"Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a live cam boy show hosted by Alex, a BJ (broadcast jockey). Timid Dong-gyun admires not only Alex’s ripped body, but his candor in sharing his sexual experiences with viewers. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.”
so um...this is more yaoi than shounen ai cause of all the graphic scenes in the manhwa, if you are veteran you may have already read this one cause its really popular. It also has a lot of comedic elements to it too so it's not too serious, but the relationship developed between the two characters later on is really sweet despite the infinite amount of sex scenes. Not much else to say about this story, it's easy to follow and the only abuse in here is the emotional kind
I'm not really entirely sure how i felt about it in the beginning but the end is really good
4) No way, vampires don't exist
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"Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?”
I have to preface by saying that ever since my twilight phase, I didn't consume anything that had to do with vampires for a very long time, for obvious reasons, but this one I just came across after reading path to you and thought I would at least check it out. It started off really comedic and I was like...what am i reading?  but it gets really light hearted and wholesome later on in the story. What I like about this is the character juwon, If you look at him he's that type of character that would look like the stoic a-hole of the story and those characters never appeal to me. But turns out he's the sweetest person most decent person of this story, it makes you want to route for him  and another thing I like about this story is that it looks like a harem but you can tell that there’s only one person the main character doungha treats differently from the rest and how the two are compatible with one another.  in these kind of stories, it’s always treated as every character is a possible route that leads to their own story but in here....there's only one...let's be real. This is one that is an odd ball cause it's technically completed but the translations are not...so i had to read the rest in korean, which makes it a good practice for me since i'm learning korean at the moment, it’s a good exercise...lol
                             Anime/ Drama
Not going to lie this department is lacking...lol. I have only been watching Heavens official blessing as mentioned in the last journal
but I have just found out that there is a remake of Shaman king in the making....and my little girl heart is screaming cause I loved shaman king when i was younger...so I can't wait for that
as for dramas, I've tried watching Start Up but I didn't like it so I dropped it, I might try watching crash landing on you since my best friend was obsessed with it, I watched a little of it but I left it since I was busy so i may get back to watching it from the beginning
i'll put together a play list for you when you read these manga/manhwa...lol. cause that's what i've been doing
Crush- No words
Sam kim - Breathe
Crush - let us go
Kim feel - falling
Paul kim - Dream
Kim feel - Hallelujah
Davichi - please don't cry
Yoo mirae - say
taeyeon - a poem called you
baek yerin- Here I am again
I wish tumblr has a way to play music on your page, without copy right..lol. I would share all of these songs cause they are so good
so that's it for the month of November, lets' see what i get up to for December, I will be updating as frequently as possible so please look out for more art from me and follow me on my social media , I will see you all next time
     Social media      
Devianatart: she-be.deviantart.com
Instagram: shinb_art
Tumblr: shinahbee
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boundinshallows · 4 years
Tommy/Alfie 12 Days - Day 12
Summary: Day 12 - Family
“Here we are,” Ada announces, stopping in front of a festively decorated pub.
It takes Tommy a moment to register what Ada’s said as they never go drinking on this street. It’s an unexpected turn of events to say the least, but Tommy walks back a few steps until he’s standing near the entrance in front of his sister. His eyes linger on the windows where a few parties catch-up over over-priced beers. There are event posters in the corner advertising all manner of things—open mic night, a book club, a singles event. Tommy wonders how he can go about convincing Ada to drink literally anywhere else but this place.
“This doesn’t look like your typical haunt. Is there a particular reason why we’re drinking here tonight?”
“It isn’t,” Ada says matter-of-factly. “And I’m not.”
When Ada crosses her arms over her chest and gives him the look, Tommy knows he’s been had.
“You’re going in there.” Ada points to the door. “They have this singles mixer tonight. James said it was decent. Met his last boyfriend there even.”
“What the fuck, Ada?”
“You’ve been an utter shit lately. John thinks you need to get fucked more regularly. Thinks it’ll help improve your mood. And I don’t disagree.”
Tommy stares at her a moment, but when he realizes she’s dead serious, he looks away and exhales, his jaw working. “I get fu—”
“Yeah, and you pay for it. At the rate you need to be laid, you’ll bankrupt the whole fucking company, won’t you. So go in there and get yourself someone who doesn’t charge by the hour.”
As he scans the room, Tommy hates himself a bit for being bullied into this by his little sister. (He doesn’t dare tell her no though, which is why his brothers likely sent her in their stead.) In the far back is a partitioned off section that looks like it’s meant for an event. Tommy can’t help but think that—based on how fucking pathetic the group of people there look—that’s where he’s meant to be.
Except it’s not where he’s going. He knows he can’t leave the pub for an hour at least—Ada probably has fucking spies watching the place in case he leaves straight away—so he takes a seat at the bar and orders a whisky. The first of many tonight, he thinks. No sooner is it passed to him that he slams it back and signals to the barkeep for another.
“Findin’ some courage, hmm?” the man next to him asks, nodding in the direction of the group.
Tommy doesn’t bother to respond to that, and instead asks his own question.
“Are you here for this ridiculous fucking thing?”
“Me, mate? Nah.”
The man makes it sound as if it’s the most ridiculous thing he’s heard of, which has Tommy suddenly warming towards him. When he looks at his neighbor again, Tommy spares him more than just a passing glance this time. He’s bearded with hair sticking up in every direction at the back of his head. Broad in the shoulders, his flannel shirt straining a bit around his arms. His wrists hidden beneath a collection of mismatched bracelets and fingers bedecked in equally as random rings. Tommy takes a quick look at his legs—not particularly long, but fuck if they don’t look strong beneath the denim. He’s Tommy’s type of man to the letter, and Tommy wonders if fate or Ada put him in this bar tonight.
“Do you know an Ada Thorne?”
When the man’s brow furrows, Tommy waves him off with a never mind gesture.
Fate, then.
“Tommy Shelby,” Tommy says. “Can I get you another?”
“Why the fuck not,” he replies with a shrug. “Alfie Solomons.”
Tommy loses himself while talking with Alfie. He learns a few basic facts about the man—thirty-three years old, occupation: baker, lives in Camden—and a few things he could do without knowing—has a dog (with photograph evidence), lives next to his mum, sports all manner of awful tattoos. (The ink itself isn’t what’s offensive—Tommy finds that quite appealing; it’s that this strange man would tattoo padre fiero on his body in honor of his dog). Tommy also soon discovers that Alfie Solomons is incapable of telling a short story and suspects that half of what he’s told is pure artistic license.
He would be a liar if he denied that he’d spent the better part of the last thirty minutes of their conversation half-hard.
While he can’t be certain, Tommy thinks that Alfie has noticed. At least, he’s done nothing to hide it exactly or discourage what he interprets as flirting disguised as playful banter. But Tommy had also learned a very hard lesson in school when he’d misinterpreted such things for interest. Since he has no interest to get into a fist fight tonight, Tommy is perfectly content to just let Alfie make a move. Otherwise, he’ll go home alone. Arthur, Ada, and John can put up with his shitty mood for a while longer; not like they don’t deserve it after pulling this little intervention.
“—and that, right, that right there, is how the Solomons got into the bakin’ business.”
“Cover for an illegal rum distillery, eh? Impressive story there. I’ll give you that,” Tommy says, grinning. “Unfortunately, I don’t believe most of it.”
Alfie places his hand on his chest. “You wound me, Tom. Right, square in the fuckin’ heart, mate.”
“You would hardly be the first.”
Alfie claps him on the shoulder and squeezes a bit, and Tommy can’t help but allow his eyes to shut for just a moment. It feels nice; his hands strong, sure. Tommy wouldn’t mind feeling them on his bare skin, all over his body. And he’s had a touch too much whisky, he realizes, because he can’t remember if he actually gives Alfie an appreciative groan or not.
Alfie winks, and suddenly his cheeks begin to burn.
Definitely too much whisky then.
Alfie opens his mouth to say something when they’re interrupted by a man who Tommy’d seen lingering back with the singles. The man’s attention is focused solely on Alfie though, his body angled away from Tommy and nearly stepping between the two of them.
“I’ll call you soon?” the man says, lifting a slip of paper that Alfie had apparently given him earlier.
“Yeah, well, about that. You can go ahead and bin it on your way out.”
The man’s face falls, and he mutters a few curses as he makes his exit. Tommy doesn’t miss the annoyed look thrown his way, as if Alfie had already been spoken for before Tommy had ever entered the pub.
When they’re left to themselves again, Tommy arches his brow and Alfie shrugs. They share a smile.
“Are you always so blunt?” Tommy asks.
“Just savin’ meself the trouble, ain’t I?”
“I thought you said you weren’t here for singles night.”
“Tommy,” Alfie says, placing a hand on his knee. “I say a lot of things, don’t I? And, if I’m rememberin’ correctly, which I usually do, on account of havin’ a memory like a bloody steel trap, I distinctly recall you sayin’ that you weren’t here for it either. And, on top of that, you outright mocked these poor sods because, and ‘m quotin’ you directly here, ‘no one meets anyone at these fuckin’ things.’”
“And? Get to the point, Alfie.”
Alfie squeezes Tommy’s knee, his fingers lingering. “Well, you met me, didn’t ya?”
Notes: And that's it! We're officially at our 12 days. I hope everyone has had a great holiday season so far and wish you all the best in the coming year!
FYI, I'll be wrapping up the Inktober drabbles (they'll be Inkuary at this point, I suppose) next, and I have a lot of ideas for T/A fics that are either longer one-shots or multi-chaps. However, output might be a little slower for me after Inktober is wrapped. I need to finish writing my dissertation and will be getting married all before the end of March. However, I'm always happy to chat T/A. Cheers, lovelies!
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stansbill · 5 years
Deductive Fashion
Pair: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier
Words: 2.3k
Chapters: 1/?
Summary: “Alright, whatever, listen, I’m sorry, blah blah,” Richie said, holding his hands up to retaliate as Eddie stood there listening, “if you pretend to date me, or whatever for a while until this blows over, I promise I’ll pay you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I’m pretty sure I had my dick in your ass last night, and that’s like hella intimate buddy, so I’m sure I know you judging by the fact that I kind of remember you -”
“Alright! Alright, I get it. You remember last night,” Eddie huffed out.
Read on AO3: link
The second Richie woke up, he knew something was wrong. Maybe it was the countless texts on his phone, or maybe it was the fact that his head hurt, or that his eyes stung, his body was stiff - or even the glaring fact that there was currently an arm around his waist.
Which had hair.
So, in conclusion: this was a man’s arm - which should have been glaringly obvious to Richie. It was also currently seven in the morning, his phone was buzzing rapidly on the side table, and his head was pounding.
Plus, he couldn’t find his glasses. So, he did the obvious thing. He picked up the arm that was across his waist, placed it between his hand and the man’s chest and blindly tried to reach for his glasses on the side table.
The next thing Richie noticed was the obvious groaning, and a warm puff of breath on the back of Richie’s neck, and the movement of the man’s arm. Guess he woke.
“Turn off the alarm, dickward,” a voice rang out, making Richie’s entire body go stiff.
Yep, it was definitely a man.  
“Yep, sorry,” Richie hastily said, having no other words to say. It felt weird, not to say anything, or maybe it was the fact that there was a man in Richie’s bed. Nope, it was the latter.  
Richie picked up his phone, his mind going in countless directions, and moved until his feet hit the cold wood, and let out a little breath. He placed in his password and opened up his texts.  
You’re finally coming out??? How come I didn’t know???  Also, you took a cute boy home, tell me the deets [Bev, 3 am]
I hope this was you actively making a decision and not being shitfaced [Stan the man, 3:30 am]  
One night stand or boyFRIEND, details trashmouth. [Big bill, 4 am]
Congrats on the cute boy!!! [egg boy, 6 am]
As a friend, nice job on gettin’ some. As a manager? You’re a dumbass and you really need to call me back. [Mikey, 6:30 am]
And Mike must have been serious, considering in thirty minutes, he already had ten missed calls and five missed facetime.  
He figured he could cut the man his slack and call back; plus, it would help Richie too, considering his heart was being 90 times a minute and there was currently a man in his bed.  
But you know, semantics.
Mike picked up on the first ring.  
“Hey buckaroo, it’s a great morning, isn’t it? I mean, I didn’t check the app yet, or even look outside but-”
“Save it, Rich.”
Richie sighed, “yeah, fine, go ahead, tell me how I outed myself to the general public and my entire life is ruined, and now I'm going to have to live on the streets, defend my beautiful body, maybe sell it for a mere cents -”
“Trashmouth, shut up, oh my god. Listen, I’m not going to tell you that you fucked up. Sure, we might have to do damage control considering twitter, and whatever has been blowing up with the mere thought of you actually being somewhat gay -”
“Bi,” Richie cut in.  
“Yes, I know. Anyways, it might take some time, but we can move through it. You might just have to come out to a press release, press conference, or even actively announce it so we can move past it. It doesn’t mean you have to date the guy or even see him anymore. We can just use this as a ploy for social interaction. Though, as one of your best friends, I just want to say that I’m proud of you for coming out, even if it wasn’t in the best circumstances.”  
“You mean being drunk?”  
“Exactly. Do you regret it?”  
“A little.”  
“That’s okay. We’ll fix it, Rich, don’t worry.”
“I mean, if you can fix anything, it’s Richie’s mistakes!”  
Mike sighed over the phone, “Moving on, did he leave the house or is he still here?”  
“He’s still here. Right beside me actually - well, right behind, I don’t know, semantics. I should probably make him sign a contract right? Like ‘blah, blah, don’t use to your advantage, blah blah’ -”  
“You know I can hear you, right?” A voice rang out, cutting off Richie from his monologue, “Like, don’t get me wrong, it’s amazing to hear a shrill voice at like crack ass dawn in the morning. But if you would like to move it into the next room over, that’ll be great too.”  
“It’s 7:30, dickwad,” Richie said, not moving his body to look at the one behind him. He sighed. “I’ll call you later, Mike,” and before Mike could say anything, he carried on, “and yes, don’t worry. I’ll handle it. I’ll meet you at your office at around eleven.” With that said, Richie closed the call, turned around in his bed and came face to face with the man; and let out an involuntary exhale, “how the fuck did I bag you last night?”  
The man snorted, “beats me, man, you were a disaster.”  
“A disaster you fucking slept with.”  
“Exactly. Anyways, as nice as it was to wake up to your voice, I think I should go. Great to meet you!” The man said, his voice slightly sarcastic, as he got up, and looked around for his jeans.  
Considering how it was currently still early, Richie blamed his hangover and the ass o'clock in the morning for the next thing that was about to come out of his mouth. “I-um-wait!” Richie said, making the man froze in his steps, “see, I don’t know if you noticed, but I'm kind of a big deal.”  
The man snorted, “you mean an amateur comedian.”
Richie frowned, “shut up fuckface, you’re the one that went home with me last night. Anyways, you’re kind of all over the news buddy, just an FYI. So, we might have to do...a bit of something.”  
“What the fuck do you mean by ‘a bit of something’?”  
“Be seen outside together, a bit? Or pretend to date? Or maybe be friends who fuck in public? Wait, not that way, considering who wants to go to jail, or maybe, who knows -”  
“You really babble on like an idiot for someone who talks on stage a lot, huh?”  
“I don’t write my material -”  
“I fucking knew it!” The man yelled, his lips stretching in a grin, a laugh making its way through his throat, “you always seemed like you forced a few lines -”  
“Oh, hardy hah, hah. No one is gonna believe you, now listen, do me a favour, man, and I promise you’ll get a big break.”  
The man's eyes narrowed, “you mean ‘big break’ as a shit ton of money, correct?”
“Well, no shit, what do you expect, a ‘big break’ to be me shitting on a toilet? Hellooo, I’m a celebrity, who just came out tonight - without no planning might I add - and that too with a one night stand, so obviously I mean big bucks.”  
“You should probably be nice to me considering what you’re asking of me, dickwad.”  
“Listen, Mr...whatever your name is-”  
“It’s Kaspbrak.”  
“It’s Eddie Kaspbrak.”  
Richie grinned and hummed, “cute-”  
“Anyways! If you could stop interrupting me Eds-”  
“That’s not my name!”  
“I can’t hear you!”  
“Do you want me to fucking leave, because I will, man, don’t fucking piss me off.”  
“Alright, whatever, listen, I’m sorry, blah blah,” Richie said, holding his hands up to retaliate as Eddie stood there listening, “if you pretend to date me, or whatever for a while until this blows over, I promise I’ll pay you.”
“You don’t even know me.”
“I’m pretty sure I had my dick in your ass last night, and that’s like hella intimate buddy, so I’m sure I know you judging by the fact that I kind of remember you -”  
“Alright! Alright, I get it. You remember last night,” Eddie huffed out.  
“Yeah, so, if you help me with this, you can go home with a fat check in a few months - a month or two tops - or go home now, while obviously signing a contract that states you can’t talk about what my said dick did to your said ass last night.”
Eddie huffed. At one point, the urge to just go home and sleep was slightly soaring in his mind, but on the other hand, the idea of possibly getting a fat check from a said comedian was looking appealing.  
It wasn’t that Eddie was desperate for money. Well, maybe, kinda. He just finished his Masters in psychology, and looking for work while being in debt wasn’t fun. Besides, the fact that he even ended up in Richie’s bed last night all had to do with the fact he broke up with his girlfriend of two years before realizing that yeah, he was bent, and yeah, she was a bitch.  
Well, Eddie always knew he was bent, but you know, semantics.  
Richie raised an eyebrow, “alright, what?” he asked cautiously.  
“Alright, I’ll pretend to date you.”  
Richie let out a relief of sigh, “great, alright! Here we go, I’m going to call Mike, so maybe you could you know,” Eddie raised an eyebrow, “like come sit next to me? While I call? So we can figure this planning out?”  
Eddie sighed, “how about you call whoever Mike is-”
“My manager.”  
“And I’ll be back from the washroom and we can figure out what to do?”
“Sound’s good, Eds, you go take a leak,” Richie said, already dialling Mike instead of hearing Eddie angrily mumble about how that wasn’t his name.  
Mike as always, picked up on the first ring, “please tell me you figured it out.”  
“Well, kinda?”
Mike sighed, “what did you do?”  
“I maybe might have asked him to pretend to be my boyfriend.”  
“You know, when you told me you would take care of this, this wasn’t what I was expecting, right?”  
“Yeah? Well, you put me up to this man, you knew I was gonna fuck it up -
“You told me you would take care of this! Not make him your fake boyfriend!”
“I’m still hungover Mike, cut me some slack. Besides my heart kinda like jumped when I saw his face, is that weird? I think I should probably see the doctor - wow, look at me, saying I need to see a doctor -”
Mike sighed, “alright, listen. If he’s a hundred percent sure of doing this, we can make a contract at this moment to figure out what you guys need to do to keep this going, and what to avoid, etc.”
Richie hummed, “sounds good.”
“Just to make sure, he doesn’t have any criminal record, right?”
“I don’t know, homeschool, the only thing we spoke about so far is the deal and me fucking him last night.”
“Richie,” Mike said, dejectedly, “what’s his name?”
“Eddie Kaspbrak, Kaspbrak with a ‘K’, should be with a ‘C’ though, he’s a cutie.”
Mike snorted, “might want to make sure he’s not listening so he doesn’t kill you on the spot.”
“You’re here to witness a true crime if it does happen, homeschool.”
“Anyways, it checks out, he doesn’t have a criminal record.”
“Love how you just checked but didn’t let me know how.”
“And that’s why I’m your manager, trashmouth.”
Richie laughed, “exactly.”
Eddie cleared his throat, “I’m back.”
Richie turned around and beckoned him over, “Alright Mike, I’m going to put this phone on speaker, Eds is here.”
“Stop fucking calling me that, I don’t -”
“You must be Eddie.”
Eddie grimaced, “sorry about that.”
“It’s alright, Richie gets on everyone’s nerves -”
Mike continued as if Richie never spoke. “I’m sorry you got roped into this, considering you probably thought you might just get a one night stand and end up leaving in the morning with no problem.”  
“Yeah, until he woke me up with a call.”  
“Yeah, that one was mine. The news of Richie being bi never really came out to the public, and with pictures of you guys making out on the steps of Richie’s apartment building last night got published, well, you can see why we need you.”  
Now Richie grimaced.
“I figured,” Eddie said, adding nothing more.  
“If you’re willing to cooperate with us, we can add benefits on your end that can help you navigate your life after this fiasco.”  
Richie cleared his throat, “something about a big check, homeschool?”
Mike exhaled, “yeah, we can provide benefits - just like I said, Richie. You would just need to play up that you guys are casually seeing each other in public for a month or two before this dies down and then we can move forward with Richie’s image. I gather Richie told you that you have the option of saying no to this, and if you do, you would have to sign an obligation not to spread any information about these events.”
“Yea, he did,” Eddie replied, his hands slightly clammy. This was all fucking insane.  
“So, you both would have to come into my office and talk about what we need to do to move forward with this, but right now, I just need to know that you’re willing to do this. Are you?”
“Yeah, yes, I’m willing,” Scratch that, Eddie wished he said no. But he knew he needed the cash.
“Alright, I’ll see you guys in a few hours. During that time, get to know each other a bit, don’t say anything on social media, and please, stay in the apartment. I already have enough damage control to do.”  
With that, Mike ended the call.  
“So..Eds, how did you come around these parts?”
Eddie rolled his eyes.
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neoempathytech · 5 years
I’m basing this post on a ZODIAC QUEENS’s tumblr post. FYI our venus sign is the one to check when it comes to romantic aspects. The venus sign is NOT the same as the sun sign, the one we usually know about since we’re kids, it can be the same but it might not. If you want to check your own venus sign or other sign I recommend to go to cafe astrology and make your birth chart there, it’s for free and it gives you explanations of every aspect of your chart.
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how they seduce: When they feel a strong pull towards you, they must have you, so they will immediately try to get your attention. They are normally very open and blunt and they will tell you what they want and how they want it. They are very likely to take the lead and show you how they like it by guiding your hands or just straight-off telling you. They will take your breath away with their tremendous passion and intensity and they know how to touch and kiss you until you are begging for more.
how to seduce them: They love the thrill of the chase, so make them conquer you because they want to earn your affection. They probably like little fights under the sheets with a lot of body touching.They possess an incredible amount of energy and passion, so give them all you have and more. Heat is very important, hold them, trace your fingertips over their skin, they want to feel your warmth. Playing with their hair, running your finger through it or even pulling it a little and touching their face is a big turn-on since Aries is the ruler of the head area.
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how they seduce: This sign knows damn well how to seduce the subject of their desire. They enjoy looking good and getting the attention of those around them. They will dress, walk and talk to impress you and their facial as well as physical expressions sparkle with sex appeal. Probably most of all, they are persistent to the core and if they want you, they will hunt you like a lion(ess). They are very energetic and wild and most likely intoxicate you with their honesty and straightforwardness. While they want sex to first and foremost be a pleasure for them, they can not stand to be anything less but the best lover you had, which is why they will want to indulge you until you are completely satisfied just to see the gleam in your eyes or the smile on your face. They like to know that you want to be exclusively with them and desire to possess you.
how to seduce them: People with Venus in Leo want to be treated like royalty, showered with affection and romantic gestures. They can only feel good in your surrounding when they are comfortable with who they are around you which is why they want to look good for you. This placement wants to experience love with burning passion and just a hint of drama which is why they usually enjoy trying out new things in the bedroom or other locations. You need to stand out from the crowd to catch the attention of this sign (speak with passion, show your unique talents,..). It’s hard for them to separate love and sex which is why they need to sense a deep-reaching understanding between you two before they take it to the next level.
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Xiao Jun
how they seduce: This sign is fiercely devoted to you and enjoys handling the trouble in your life. They are very intelligent and reliable which is why you will feel safe in their surrounding. While they may come off as shy, sweet and polite, Virgos in Venus have serious potential to be aroused by kinks and everything unusual. They pay close attention to your body language and therefore know exactly what turns you on, determined to use that knowledge to your benefit. Most of all, this sign is always good for a suprise, they are spontaneous and curious in bed and love to learn new things and show you new sides of themselves.
how to seduce them: Although they seldom ever tell you, those born with Venus in Virgo have some very dirty or unique fantasies and love experiencing something new in their bedroom. If you take the lead and express your ideas and desires in an open manner, those fantasies can turn into reality and bring some real passion under the sheets. They might feel a little insecure about their looks but they will give you all the love they have when you show them that they are the most beautiful person on earth for you. They generally expect you to be thoughtful and to see the details. They can not be with someone who is not able to read their body or face or think of something to make them feel better when they are sad.
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Yang Yang
how they seduce: Their gaze conveys power and it seems like it is looking right into your soul. They can be very intimidating and mysterious but you long to uncover and know them although they may seem cold and reserved when you first meet them. They seem to promise intensity and commitment and are deeply sensual. They want to feel everything and combine deep physical and mental understanding to a sort of ecstatic experience. A Scorpio in Venus partner makes you feel understood and desired and sweeps you off your feet with their overwhelming passion.
how to seduce them: Lay your soul and heart bare at their feet and show them who you really are because they have no interest in people that barely ever express their feelings or true self. They love warmth and fire and people that sparkle with energy and life and passion is one of the essential things they need. Intimacy is also very important for them and they will not like it if you are someone who kisses and tells or drags your private life into the public. Honestly, there is not much you can actually do when the connection between you two is lacking. A Scorpio Venus will always love deeply and unconditionally when they sense a certain depth, loyalty and chemistry.
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how they seduce: Those born with their Venus in Aquarius may seem unapproachable and a little cold which is not necessarily less magnetic than the burning heat of an Aries or a Scorpio. They just generally are not that good with commitment and like freedom, which is why some of them may not like the idea of a relationship at all. They are, however, very experimental when it comes to their sex-life and they love to try new things, although they might be too shy to turn their fantasies into reality.
how to seduce them: They need someone who is not only able to satisfy their physical but also intellectual needs. Talking about your ideals, philosophies or mantras is very interesting to them and also kind of arousing. They like intelligent people who look behind the nature of things. They can be quite turned on by situations that are unusual, like a love-affair with a married man/woman or cyber and phone sex (any situation where no direct commitment is needed is attractive). This placement is one that has no problem separating love and sex and might has a “friends with benefit”-relationship. They need their freedom under all circumstances. If you can show them that you will not try to change them or restrict them in any way and make them feel like they are in the company of a good friend, you stand good chances of receiving their undivided love.
Also I edited Yang Yang’s profile so it would be less explicit since I didn’t feel comfortable otherwise (I mean I know he’s an adult but he just turned 18, it’s still too soon for me).
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jamesbvck · 6 years
change your mind | two
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Modern AU, High School!Bucky) Summary: Senior Year: the last year to be a somebody or a nobody. A chance to fall in love, ace that final exam and make memories. After a terrible first impression, Bucky makes it his mission to fix the mistake he made with the new girl. Will they get their chance? Warnings: swearing, brief mention of drugs, implied sex (mentioned), ghosts? A/N: Thank you for all the nice comments on the first chapter!! Just an FYI these chapters go by months so they are longer! Feedback is encouraged! :D
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Happy Hogan’s Diner looked like it was taken out of a 50s movie. It was retro with a jukebox in the corner playing tunes, chairs and booths were clothed in faux red leather  and the floor was checkered. It had been a long time hang out spot for the group, you had learned. A place to get away for awhile and forget about school stress. You accompanied them more often than not. Saturday nights seemed to be the prime night. Someone was always inviting you to join along, usually it was Peggy or Steve but Sam and Clint were always enthusiastic when you joined.
You helped Sam push two long tables together and you opted to sit beside him. It was the first Saturday in October and rain poured outside. So what was better than burgers and milkshakes to cheer everyone up? Peggy, Steve, Natasha, and Bucky sat on the opposite side with Clint plopping down next to you. You couldn’t believe after a few weeks you had friends, genuine people that wanted to hang out with you. Truthfully if it wasn’t for Peggy you weren’t sure where’d you be. Probably sitting in your room doing homework and watching an old movie.
“What milkshake should I get?” You asked Sam, leaning over to look at his menu.
“Oreo, definitely Oreo,” he replied. “Or Peanut Butter.”
You hummed. There were a variety of options but Oreo did sound the most appealing. The table shared three large fries and onion rings, everyone getting their own burger. You hated to admit it but Bucky was right; the burgers were the best. You couldn’t tell him that though, he’d probably gloat and say ‘I told you so’ and would never let it go.
To your surprise he was quiet tonight. Normally at the lunch table him and Sam were the loudest ones. You snuck a peek at him. He was relaxed, arm over the back of Natasha’s chair. Some people greeted the table to chat about the football season and praise the boys for their work towards another trophy. Bucky remained cool, almost too cool for your liking. As if he knew he was la crème de la crème. After that first home game, Bucky had made you a ‘special promise’: Next touchdown will be for you, doll.
If you had rolled your eyes any harder they would have fallen out of your head.
You breathed in, glancing around at the neon signs. You tried not to eavesdrop but you were dying to know what Steve was whispering to Peggy. She was giggling and beaming. Natasha looked naeustiated and you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. Sam stretched out, smoothly resting his arm along the back of your chair. You tipped your head.
“Can I help you with something?”
Sam was cheeky. “Long limbs.”
He chuckled, turning to look at you. “How was your first month of school? I kinda wish we had a class together. Maybe next semester.”
Sam was genuine, you had learned that rather quickly. When he asked how are you, he meant it. He wanted to hear stories about your four other schools and how it worked out. Turns out Sam moved to Valhalla when he was ten and one of his best friends, Riley, was attending Ria High. He said he had a hard time entering high school without Riley but it seemed to turn out pretty alright in the end.
“I survived, so I guess it was fine,” you shrugged. “Can’t complain too much.”
“Exactly. You met me, so there is no complaining allowed.”
You liked Sam. Sam was good people, especially when he could get you to laugh.
“Just wait until she actually knows you, then she’ll complain nonstop,” Bucky pushed back his chair causing it to scrape the floor.
“You just hate the fact that I am likable and the cutest one of the group, man.”
Bucky flipped Sam off, getting up with Clint. The two exited through the side door. You watched them through the window standing under the awning to shield themselves from the rain. Bucky placed a cigarette between his lips, chatting with the few others out there. Clint mimicked his actions but you highly doubted it was nicotine due to his constant bloodshot eyes.
“Do you smoke?” You asked Sam. You had never seen him smoke, but there were such things as occasional smokers.
He shook his head, “Not my thing. Just whiskey and beer for me. Guess everyone has their bad habits and that’s theirs.”
You agreed, sipping on your milkshake. Your eyes found their way back to the window. Using the toe of his combat boot, Bucky squished the end of the cigarette and yanked open the door. Him and Clint returned to the table just as the food arrived. Clint’s new stronger smell was lingering to his jacket. He leaned over and grabbed a fist full of fries. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. Clint could eat anything in sight.
The conversation flowed easily. Sam stole a few sips of your milkshakes when he thought you weren’t looking, although you scolded him after. A fellow student approached, Connie Anderson. You had seen her around school and sometimes you heard the boys speak of her. Connie was beautiful with soft brown hair and big brown eyes, her nose was turned up and cheeks rosy. She floated gracefully to the end of the table saying a brief hello to the group before her attention was solely on Bucky.
He was reclined, head leaned back to look up at her. Connie’s hand glided around the leather of his letterman sleeve and stopped at his hand, lifting it up to lace their fingers. You were puzzled. Were Bucky and Connie a thing? You hadn’t recalled but when did you really pay a lot of attention to Bucky? His hand rested on her hip, finger locking around the belt loop to tug her closer. She effortlessly obliged, going as far to use his lap as a seat.
You forced yourself to drag your gaze away. Staring for too long would be creepy and you weren’t in the mood for some snippy comment from Bucky. You felt a little awkward, shifting in your chair. There was an unfamiliar pang in the pit of your stomach that made you slightly unsettled. Nausea? Maybe. You scooted back, getting up and rounding the table. You caught Bucky’s head snap to watch you walk to the bathroom. Peggy was hot on your trail.
“What’s wrong?” Peggy caught the swinging door before it closed.
“Nothing, Peg,” you replied. “Just, you know, trying to go to the bathroom…”
Peggy blinked, almost unsure. “Right. Sorry. You got up quick from the table and I was on high alert.”
“Peggy,” you pushed out a laugh. “Go back. Steve will get worried about you.”
She had no counter remark. Peggy’s cheeks flushed, ducking her head before scurrying out of the bathroom. Your own smile faded as the door closed, breathing in deeply. The pang was subsiding. You rested against the subway tiled wall and mindlessly scrolled through your phone until an appropriate amount of time passed. Whatever that feeling was, it didn’t make you feel the greatest.
A few booths became occupied as you wandered back to the table. Bucky and Connie were gone from their spots. You eased back down to sit beside Sam, eyes lingering on the empty chair that was once Bucky’s. Everyone seemed to be finished with their meal having pulled out some cash.
“I didn’t get a bill.” Your brows furrowed looking at the others with their own checks.
“You sure?” Sam lifted up some napkins and looked around to make sure he hadn’t grabbed yours.
“I think Bucky paid for you. Saw him go up to the register and pay.” Peggy said.
“Why the hell would he do that?”
“Hey, don’t question it. You just got free food!” Clint patted your arm with a goofy smile.
No one seemed to have anything else to say, shrugging it off and getting up from their seats. It didn’t sit right with you. What was Bucky playing at? You didn’t need your meal paid for when you were capable of doing it yourself. You huffed quietly, following the others. The rain let up to a mist, pavement slick and street lights glowing orange. You got into Peggy’s car, closing the door and sighing. Peggy and Steve lingered in front of the doors, Steve talking and rubbing the back of his next. Peggy had her hands behind her back, nervously twiddling with her fingers.
Ridiculous, you thought. They were both absolutely ridiculous.
Peggy climbed into the chair a few moments later, starting the engine and smoothing down her hair. You were silent but gave her a knowing grin to which she laughed and reversed out of the spot.
“Is Bucky dating Connie?”
Peggy glanced over at a red light. “I won’t call it dating. Everyone knows Connie has had a crush on Bucky since the tenth grade but it’s not… well…”
You could piece the rest together. Bucky didn’t feel the same except for when it was convenient and he was down for a fuck. You weren’t sure why it surprised you. If anything it validated his lack of morale. Then again, it wasn’t of your concern as long as it was consensual. You continued to look out the window as Peggy drove back to your neighbourhood. She parked in her driveway and you jogged across the street, waving goodnight.
Evenings were quiet while your mother worked at the hospital on rotating shifts. You locked the door and left the porch light on for her, going upstairs. You settled into bed, taking the book assigned to you from your English Lit teacher to read. Your eyes scanned the words but your mind found itself drifting elsewhere.
Bucky failed to show up to first period on Monday. The desk beside you was vacant, no trace of him to be found. It was the first day it was quiet. He wasn’t there to poke at you with his pen or whisper something unimportant during Pierce’s long winded lecture. Too quiet, you thought. A strange new quiet that somehow made you feel uncomfortable. You actually wrote thorough notes, taking the time to highlight and underline emphasized words. You did, however, wonder what Bucky would say about Pierce’s continuously receding hairline.
“He’s going to turn into Skeletor.”
Your eyes rolled over to look at Bucky. He appeared quite content with his cartoon reference. He had his pen between his teeth, slouched posture with his left arm dangling off the desk.
“Does that make you He-Man?” You whispered back.
Bucky removed the pen, quite surprised you had humoured him in replying. He had a dumb grin on his face and immediately you regretted speaking.
“Only if you’re Teela.”
You scoffed, “Fat chance.”
The bell rang and tore you from you short memory. You packed up and headed to the second floor where you were greeted with Steve’s absent desk, too. You frowned, now today really was going to drag.
It came to your attention at lunch that when the boys had an away game that they got the day “off” due to travel. The bus didn’t leave until the afternoon but sometimes they’d have full morning practices. Or, as Natasha imputed, most of them would just fuck off and sleep like Clint until it was time to go. From your spot at the lunch table outside you could see the student parking lot. Bucky’s Jeep was in its usual spot so he had to be around, maybe in the weight room with Steve, you thought. The bus would be rolling out soon. The table was mute with Peggy doing homework and Natasha on her phone. You missed the chatter.
Even at dinner with your mother you were quiet. Your fork mulled over the green beans, elbow propped on the table with your palm pressed to your cheek. There were no new things to tell her about and overall you felt slightly gloomy. Perhaps it was the changing weather, that always seemed to affect people's mood. Scientific fact. Tomorrow would be better.
You couldn’t decipher if it was a hickey or a bruise from a football collision on Bucky’s collarbone. The collar of his black crew neck shirt was slightly stretched out and dipping downward to reveal the purple-ish blemish. It wasn’t massive, but it was noticeable. Besides, it wasn’t like you were going to ask him what happened, you cared a miniscule amount and if it was from Connie’s mouth then, well… She was certainly marking her territory. There was that foreign pang again.
Bucky shifted, noticing your not so secretive examination and adjusted his shirt. Your cheeks burned and you mentally scolded yourself for letting him catch your longing stare. Surprisingly he didn’t say a word, nothing snarky or witty to get you to groan. Instead he packed up as the bell sounded, shoving his books into his backpack. You scooped up your belongings and took long strides to the door, making a B-line back to your locker. In three quick twists your lock was open and you breathed out, replacing your history textbook to the top shelf. You couldn’t even recall what the last twenty minutes of class was about. Hopefully nothing dire.
You exchanged your green notebook for your red English one and grabbed the novel from your bag.
“I know you.”
You turned seeing Tony Stark casually leaning against the lockers. His arms were folded with a smirk on his lips, appraising your face.
“Correction: I think I know you.” Tony amended. “Jog my memory for me?”
You half laughed, a brow risen. “We sort of met. I’m friends with Peggy and Nat. Just moved here a month ago. Honorary new girl status. Sorry I crashed your party.”
“I wished I would have invited you myself,” he said. “Would have personally given you a grand tour of Casa Stark. There’s always next time.”
You grew intrigued. Tony must have had the resident party house. “Oh? When’s next time?”
“What’s next time?”
Bucky’s voice came from behind and you tensed for a moment. Tony looked past you, eye narrowed and crossed arms tightened. You could already feel hostility between the two.
“Run along, Barnes. Don’t you have footballs to catch?”
Bucky snorted, glancing down at you. “Is he bothering you?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond. Tony was already snapping back. “That’s rich coming from the dick who dumped his beer on her to get her into bed. Can’t expect that to work on every girl with a pretty face, Barnes.”
Your eyes darted between the two men, appalled with the accusations. Tony did know you.Your mind buzzed, slamming your locker door closed. You wanted nowhere near this conversation and your next class was going to start in two minutes.
“Hey—“ Bucky jogged around to your front, halting your brisk pace. “He’s lying. You know it was an accident, I apologized. Still trying to.”
“Bucky. Just leave me alone. I don’t care.” You cut around him. He continued to follow.
“Stark’s an ass, he’ll say anything to better himself and get a girl under him. I don’t do that shit. You don’t know him.”
“Then what is it that you’re doing? Interrupting a conversation I’m having? Stalking me down the hallway? I don’t need you to be looking out for me, I don’t need you monitoring who I talk to and I don’t need you to buy my meal. I’m a big girl. I can handle shit, too. You don’t know me.”
Bucky’s mouth formed a firm line. He shut up, but you knew he had something else to say. He opened his notebook and retrieved some loose papers and handed them to you. “I guess I don’t know that these are your study notes that you rewrite every other day. The pink highlighter means exam worthy and yellow is quick notes.You dropped them when you bolted out of class. I was coming to give them to you. Sorry for trying to be a decent guy.”
You looked at the papers in your face, grabbing them from his fingers. They were crinkled now but he was right; you’d just rewrite them another day. Bucky pivoted when the bell rang again, marching down the hallway and disappearing into the cluster of students. You sighed and folded the papers, tucking them into your notebook and heading for the stairs. Another pang bounced in your stomach, but this time you knew it was guilt.
Lunch. You dreaded the thought.
You had leftovers from the night before: pasta salad and some banana bread. You plopped yourself on the end of the two picnic tables beside Clint. Bucky sat at the far end of the other side; shoulders tight and head resting against his hand and occupied his other hand with his phone. Clint didn’t sit long, getting up for his lunch break smoke. Bucky declined but handed Clint his black lighter, threatening him if he didn’t get it back he’d kick his ass.
“You okay, Buck?” You heard Steve ask.
“Tired.” He mumbled.
You sighed, setting your fork down and closed your eyes. You did feel the need to apologize. Peggy sat across with her tray of cafeteria food, friendly smile. “Rough morning? Pierce draining your soul?”
“Something like that.”
Peggy placed her brownie in between the two of you and divided it in half with her plastic knife to share. You gave a small smile, breaking off a piece and popped the chocolatey treat into your mouth.
“Bucky! I need ten dollars.”
Bucky’s head rose from his phone as you glanced over seeing a younger girl walk up to his side of the picnic table. She wore ripped jeans and a slouchy sweater and her wavy brunette hair was brushing her shoulders.
“What happen to the twenty dad gave you yesterday?”
The girl shrugged, folding her arms. “Come on. I’ll pay you back.”
You had heard Bucky did have siblings, three actually. He was the oldest, only boy and the rest were girls. You watched their encounter, surveying their body language to one another. Bucky was annoyed as his little sister was nagging him for money.
“Steve, tell Bucky I’ll pay him back.” She pouted.
Steve chuckled. “I can’t help ya there, Becca.”
Becca sighed, looking back at her brother who still wasn’t budging to get his wallet.
“She’s his little sister, right?” You whispered to Peggy.
She nodded. “Becca’s a sophomore. Her and Sam’s sister Sarah are really good friends. And you know Peter Parker, the photographer for yearbook? He has the biggest crush on Becca. It’s adorable.”
You smiled. Peter was a sweet kid. You had chatted a few times but it was nothing serious. He always had a camera in his hand and a smile on his face.
Becca sat down on the bench, huffing. Natasha had an amused smirk as she munched on a small bag of plain chips. “How do you deal with him? He can’t even give his own little sister ten dollars!” Becca was dramatic with big hand gestures and exasperation.
Peggy laughed softly as Nat spoke. “We tend to ignore him more often than not.”
Bucky grumbled, throwing a balled up napkin at her from across the way. Becca shook her head, glancing over at you with newfound curiosity. “Hey, you’re the new girl right? Bucky talks about you. He is, right, you are pretty. Usually he dates girls that--”
Becca was yanked away by the older Barnes, ten dollars slapped into her hand. She had a satisfied grin plastered on her face. Pure triumph. Bucky scolded her silently, telling her to get lost.
“Goodbye friends.” She waved, successfully skipping off back to her little group of friends.
You sat in confusion. You weren’t sure why you were surprised Bucky talked about you. Everyone was bound to talk about the new girl in school to their families. Besides football and classes, you were probably the most interesting topic. Bucky appeared frustrated. His fingers dragged through his hair as he shoved his tray aside and got up, slinging his bag over his shoulder. Sam spoke but Bucky took off down the path to the east wing of the building.
“Bad News Barnes going to take his emotions out against punching bag?” Clint took Bucky’s seat. “Becca get under his skin that bad today?”
“He’s fine.” Steve got up, though. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Guess Barnes isn’t getting his lighter back.” Clint quipped.
You watched Steve head down the same path, slipping into the school before the doors closed. You turned back to your barely touched food. Hunger didn’t exist right now. You felt bad for snapping at him and now his little sister dampened his mood more.
“I’ll see you in yearbook.” You murmured to Peggy and excused yourself from the table. Peggy frowned but let you go.
The rest of the day was slow, dragging on for what seemed like a century. Yearbook felt the same but at least it distracted you enough from feeling terrible. The halloween fair was quickly approaching and planning was underway for the event. It sounded exciting. The fair was set up in one of the farm fields of a booster parent. There was going to be a corn maze, hayride, haunted house with games and fun. Apparently it was always so extravagant. Yearbook didn’t have to run it but there was going to be a page dedicated to it through Peter’s photography skills.
Peggy offered you a drive home but you politely declined, opting to walk to clear your mind. Truthfully you were moseying around until football practice was over. You could see the team heading back into the locker room so you had time to sit around and think of something to say to Bucky. You hovered by the side door, gripping the straps of your backpack. Sam and Steve emerged, walking towards the gate to venture home. Clint trailed behind. Bucky was one of the last ones to exit, slow pace as he scrolled through his phone and headed towards the student parking lot. You breathed in and forced your feet to move.
“Hey,” you called. Bucky glanced up from his phone, arching a brow. You approached him and his car. “I um, I wanted to say sorry.”
“For what?”
“Today,” you replied. “I was kind of a bitch this morning so I wanted to apologize for that.”
Bucky shrugged. He was somber and cool. “Don’t worry about it.”
You nodded. At least your apology was out there whether he cared or not for it. Your hands slipped into the back pockets of your jeans. Silence fell over the two of you for several moments accompanied with awkward half stares and shifting.
“I gotta get home for dinner,” you mumbled. “See you in class.”
You turned on your heel, wishing you could simply teleport home from this encounter.
“I’m not like that. What Tony said. I promise.” Bucky stated. “I guess you don’t gotta believe me but…”
You stopped and looked at your shoes. Admittedly, you weren’t too sure what to believe. Both Tony and Bucky had thrown each other under the bus to make themselves look better. You twisted back to look at Bucky. He had his keys in his hand, eyes darted away as if he was nervous and wanted to jump into his car and speed away.
“Okay.” You nodded to him. It was acknowledgment.
His blue eyes shyly found their way to you, nodding too. “Okay.” He echoed.
Another set of stares, this time less awkward and more acceptance. Bucky unlocked his car and climbed into the front seat. You quickly turned and went on your own way.
At least the dust had settled for today.
A clump of sweaters lay on the floor beside your closet as you searched for the warmest one. A brisk wind was sweeping through Valhalla and you knew that being outside all night was going to get to your bones. You tugged a burgundy woolly sweater off its hanger, pulling it over your head and looking at yourself in the floor length mirror. This would do, you thought. It accompanied your black jeans nicely and you were going to chuck on a coat over top. You grabbed your Adidas and tied them to your feet just as a horn beeped outside.
“Mom! I’m going!” You called, jogging down the stairs. Your mother emerged from the cinnamon scent-filled kitchen with a wide grin and treats in her hand.
“One for you and Peggy.” She said, handing you some cinnamon rolls. “I’ll leave some here for you, and the rest I’m going to bring for the girls at work later.”
You smiled, shrugging on your coat and took the autumnal treat. “Thanks, mom. Have a good night at work.”
She opened the door for you, waving to Peggy who happily waved in return. You slid into the passenger's seat, handing Peggy the roll.
“You mother is a baking genius.” Peggy gushed, taking a bite before driving off.
You laughed and clicked your seatbelt. “No Nat?”
“She’s with Clint and Steve. They’re going to meet us there.”
You munched and looked out the window. The sun was low in the sky; orange and red swirls that matched the changing tree leaves. Peggy took backroads to the country side of the town and there were a line of cars parked on the road leading up to the farm for the Halloween Fair. Peggy pulled into a dirt lot, parking the car. You got out with her, tightening your coat around yourself as the breeze swirled around you.
There was a two dollar donation fee at the front gate and once paid, you got a Casper stamp on your hand and a sticker. It was a little silly but you liked the sticker. You trailed behind Peggy taking in the extravagant decorations. You felt like you were in a Halloweentown movie with the orange and black scheme going as far as the eye could see. There were light up pumpkins, scarecrows, and people dressed up as monsters. Hay was stacked like mountains and there were small food stands scattered around. Bobbing for apples, face painting, s’mores pit. It was truly incredible.
Peggy gripped onto your arm and hauled you towards Steve and the others. Clint already had caramel corn in his hand, munching away contently.
“Couldn’t wait?” You laughed, stealing a few pieces.
“No way, this shit is good.” Clint grinned.
“The stragglers have arrived.” Nat popped her gum with her arms folded over her chest. You followed her eyeline to Bucky and Sam. In tow was Becca and Sarah, splitting off to go find their own friends.
Bucky had on a dark grey hoodie under his lettermans jacket. His hands were shoved into the front pockets of his dark denim jeans, feet cladded in his well worn boots. He stood next to Steve, taking one hand and combed through his hair with his fingers. The wind was bound to be his nemesis for his too good perfect hair. It was annoying that he looked like a male model for a autumn line preppy campaign.
“Ready for some thrills?” Sam swung his arm over your shoulders.
You winced. “Might have forgotten to mention I’m not so good with pop outs.”
Sam gave a toothy grin. “You’re in luck, sugar. You’ve got me to protect you from any harm that comes your way.”
“A true hero.” You laughed, patting Sam’s chest.
You caught the tail end of Bucky turning away and rolling his eyes. Your teeth bit down on your tongue, starting to walk when Sam did. His arm never let up not that you really mind. Sam’s body shielded you from the cold and he was a warm person.
Peggy and Steve lead the pack. You watched as their arms bumped and hands brushed. Peggy pulled him over to one of the vendors that had apple cider and he paid for the both of them. The forever ongoing chronicles of two lovebirds too shy to make a move. It was sweet, something you thought of every so often. The thought of being longed after and those fuzzy feelings. The last crush you truly had was a few years ago back in Illinois. Freshman year, really nothing special but he was cute. You got a kiss out of it right before leaving for Indiana.
Twisting in Sam’s hold, you peered behind you. Natasha and Bucky were lagging behind in a discussion. All you could make out was Nat calling him stupid and Bucky shrugged her off, head shaking and hands deep into his jacket pockets. Something about him read agitated. Your brows furrowed but you turned forward with the gigantic barn coming into view.
The old red barn had been transformed into a haunted house. Already your skin was crawling, stomach in knots. Thankfully there was a line to wait in and gain some form of confidence. You reminded yourself that there were people under masks and everything was fake. Yet… you still had the heebie-jeebies.
“They can’t touch you, ya know. If they do, sock ‘em in the jaw.” Clint nudged. You gave him a small smile and nodded.
The line proceeded to move, small groups entering in at a time. Your plan was to stick to being in the middle that way you had people around you. Luckily you did have Sam to protect you, like he said, and upon entering you tightly looped your arm through his going into complete darkness.
Lights flickered with menacing music and shrieking audio hitting your eardrums. Your eyes darted from each side of the small pathway; a masked monster popping out at your left and a Jason Voorhees swinging from the right. Your heart raced at the frights, death grip on Sam’s arm. He, too, was jumpy. Peggy screeched with Steve holding her close and from behind Clint swore loudly.
This was a poorly thought out decision. Your own damn decision.
Your eyes squeezed shut then reopened them as you passed an open casket with a mangled body. The group turned around a corner, coming to a sudden halt. You walked into the back of Steve and searched around the pitch black room for something but nothing came into vision. Within a quick second, strobes of light were flashing illuminating the room.  An inhumane voice cackled and goosebumps shot up your spine. You leaped back as ghouls and the undead popped out. You covered yours eyes for a moment, whipping around and grabbed the air to find Sam again. A demon emerged from the darkness, stunning you backwards and a scream jumped out of your throat.
A hand gripped your arm. You latched onto the familiar leather sleeve and held on for dear life. It felt like your heart was going to explode in your chest. Your head was dizzy with gorge and horror.
“You’re okay.”
Your eyes slowly opened at the voice in your ear. It wasn’t Sam, nor Clint. It was Bucky. In that moment you didn’t care who it was you just wanted to get your ass out of the damn stupid barn. You moved when Bucky did as he found an exit. You cut between some black curtains and squeezed out through a half open door to the outside. Letting go, you stumbled before sitting down on a hay stack; head in hands and feet digging into the dirt.
“Are they going to be mad at me?”
“Why the fuck would they be mad at you?” Bucky sat down beside you. “You didn’t have to go in.”
“I know,” you mumbled. “Thought I was brave enough. Stupid really, to be scared of people dressed up.”
Bucky shrugged. “Fear of the unknown.”
You lifted your head and breathed out a sigh. You could hear screams and laughter. At least it was entertaining some people. You, on the other hand, were glad to be outside.
“Come on,” Bucky stood. “I think I saw mini donuts and hot chocolate.”
You looked up at him, brows furrowed but you rose to your feet. There was no way you could pass up mini donuts.
Cinnamon and powdered sugar donuts filled the white paper bags. You nibbled on one as Bucky got two hot chocolates and carried them over to the small round wooden table you sat at. He took the seat across and placed the paper cups on the table. Mini marshmallows floated in the steamy drink. You sipped as he dug his hand into the bag.
“When we were seven, Steve and I watched Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I had nightmares for three months. Slept with my light on, too.”
You half smiled, “That’s awful.”
“Yeah. It was the edited version too because it was on TV so most of the gory shit was cut but still. Freaked me out.” Bucky laughed at him, taking another donut. “So I don’t really care for haunted house stuff either.”
“Then why did you go in?”
His shoulders shrugged. “Changed my mind.” “What made you change your mind?” “You went in and I thought I was brave enough.” He echoed your words.
You stared at him for a few moments, although Bucky’s blue eyes danced around to everything but you. There was that shy appearance again that you had only seen once before.
“What the hell is this?!”
Clint’s voice boomed causing your heads to snap. The others wandered over each with their own amused expressions. Clint stood in front of the table, arms securely folded over his chest; impatient and foot tapping.
“Uhh,” Bucky blinked. “We’re sitting…?”
“You guys got mini donuts without me? Me! Barnes, you know I love mini donuts and you went ahead and replaced me?” Clint was melodramatic, arms beginning to wave around frantically.
You couldn’t contain your laughter as it was far too entertaining.
“Barton, relax.” Bucky shook his head. “They’re just donuts, you can go get some more.”
“Just donuts? Nat, you hear this guy?” Clint turned to Natasha, pointing over his shoulder with his thumb back at Bucky. “He said they’re just donuts. Un-fucking-believable.”
“Tragic, really.” Natasha drawled.
You reached forward, grasping Clint’s arm to turn him back. “Clint, how high are you?” You asked, offering him the paper bag.
“Not enough,” he beamed and gladly took the bag, shoving a powdered donut into his mouth. “At least someone has manners around here.” He muffled.
“Hey uh, Peggy and I are going to go to the corn maze.” Steve had a nervous quiver in his tone, pointing towards the corn maze sign. No one really said anything, simple nods as they ventured away.
“Five bucks says Cap makes his move.” Sam bet when they were out of earshot.
“Five bucks says he pussy’s out like he always does.” Nat countered.
Sam turned to look at her, “You challenging me, Romanoff?”
“What’s there to challenge when I’m already right?”
You smile to yourself, holding onto your hot chocolate that was now more lukewarm. The marshmallows had melted and it tasted more like water chocolate. Still, it was decent. You glanced over at the corn maze as Steve and Peggy disappeared inside. You hoped for the best but Steve (nor Peggy) seemed to have the best track record in trying. Looking back, Bucky had finished his drink and got up to throw away the garbage.
Natasha’s confidence prevailed and sneakily Sam slipped her a five dollar bill. She pocketed it with a wick smirk, patting his shoulder.
“You couldn’t have asked her out?” Sam hissed to Steve from behind you.
“Were you betting on me again?” Steve whispered back.
“Yeah, remind me to never do that again.”
The walk back to the parking lot seemed farther than when you originally arrived. You had lapped the fair a few times and perhaps you should have worn better shoes. Your nose was cold and you shoulders hurt from bracing yourself from the wind. Despite the haunted house, it had turned out to be a relatively fun evening. Bucky’s arm brushed against yours when he caught up to you.
“Think you’ll have nightmares tonight?”
“Don’t know. Maybe I’ll sleep with the light on.” You said.
He smiled at you, “Nothin’ wrong with that.”
“Bucky! Unlock the car, it’s freezing!” Becca yelled from the trunk of her brother’s car. She had her arms wrapped around herself and Sarah Wilson dancing around to keep warm. “Hi new girl!”
You waved, half smiling. Bucky dug out his keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors. The girls sighed in relief and climbed into the car. “She’s knows your name. Becca’s just annoying.”
“It’s fine,” you shrugged. “Guess I’ll see you Monday.”
“8:30, bright and early.” Bucky quipped.
You spun away, catching yourself softly laughing as you made your way to Peggy’s car. She was already in the front see ready to go. She had a mischievous look on her face, gripping the wheel as you settled in.
“You and Bucky seemed rather buddy-buddy tonight.” Peggy commented.
“Can’t be rude when someone buys me donuts.” Your tone was dulled, downplaying it a little. Yeah, you and Bucky were on the same page tonight and truthfully it was nice to simply be and talk. Maybe you were turning a new leaf about the guy.
Peggy hummed, not convinced but didn’t press. She started the car and drove home. It was mainly quiet. You were lost in replaying the evening and Peggy had her own distractions.
“I think I love him.” Peggy’s voice was just above a whisper, nearly hard to hear over the radio. “Steve, I mean.”
Your head rest back against the seat. “He loves you too.”
“You think?”
“I know.”
permanent bucky list: **IF YOU HAVE CHANGED YOUR URL PLEASE LET ME KNOW. @buckychrist @bvcks @lila-bard @stanclub @stardustparker @buckybarnesppreciationsociety @sweetwaterprincess @demongirl0913 @queenlydias @dontpanc @ohkingsteve @kingsebstan  @cauraphernelia @yourwonderbelle @beauty-who-doesnt-need-a-beast @bleedlikerubies @fallenaristocat @bubblybuckybarnes @solarbarnes @my-world97 @mystic-scripture @ragnarokbarnes @kali-rambles @pao-prazz @thorins-queen-of-erebor @eventyyr @abbadontherisingqueen @lovinglokiforever @justasimpleassbitch @red-wallflowers @brooklynightsky @hellaqueerangelofthelord @yknott81 @rvmanova @blame-the-russo-bros@buckybarneshairpullingkink @laurfangirl424
CYM *tags open*: @villainsaremorerelatable @akamaiden @sofreakinmanyfandoms @smolbeanthings  @noshitstark @memory-of-a-goldfish @lizfawn @moonstruckhargrove @pizzabarnes@moonbeambucky @csigeoblue @marco-hvittyvik @sgtbookybarnes
144 notes · View notes
strayology · 5 years
Kpop Q&A~
I was tagged by the one and only loveliest kachu~ @pikachulein
Ultimate bias:
I have quite a few lol
- Kim Yugyeom (GOT7,, he’s my first ever bias and omg I love this big baby with my whole heart)
- Xu Minghao (Seventeen,, I actually knew minghao predebut *not like in person lol i just wanna clarify* I was 9 or something and he said something very inspirational and that really pushed me forward to achieve my dreams )
- Kim Woojin (Stray Kids,, Woojin’s voice really really REALLY got to me. ever since when i first started listening to stray kids I recognized his voice right away and i just love it sososososossoooooooooooo much)
- Qian Kun (NCT/WayV,, i think this one is extremely biased lol, i was looking through NCT kpop profile and when I got to Kun’s I started crying because we are from the same province in China. So i guess it’s just an emotional attachment but Kun is a great vocalist and he’s such a great leader and wow piano boy??????????)
Ultimate bias wrecker:
well if I had a few ult biases of course i got a few bias wreckers
- Choi Youngjae (GOT7,, youngjae was another member’s i kinda didn’t pay much attention to when i first stanned got7. i realized youngjae and i have many similar personalities and i just love his voice?? and i just feel like he’s not getting enough love that he deserves)
- Yang Jeongin (Stray Kids,, ever since i knew about stray kids — so hellavator teasers lol — i have thought jeongin was a baby. at first he’s not my bias or my bias wrecker but i always bring up how he will be jyp’s softest maknae,, i was proven wrong after he got his braces off because this child went wild. but there’s that one selfie he posted where he wore his school uniform i was like,, omg my baby,,,,, and for some reasons you’ll always catch/hear me say something about jeongin,,, but i’m not a jeongin stan)
oh wait theres only two 
Favourite kpop song?
asdfghjkl how can I ever choose?????
Im probably gonna list a few or at least try to name one of my each ult group
- I Like You (GOT7)
- Don’t Wanna Cry (Seventeen)
- M.I.A. (Stray Kids)
- New (LOONA - Yves)
- Egoist (LOONA - Olivia Hye)
First kpop song?
I dont think this is really kpop because it was the Chinese version of a kpop song, but it was Wolf (Chinese ver.) by EXO
Favourite album/single?
okay i actually have set answers for this one because it takes a lot for an album to me my favorite. usually for an album to be my favorite the concept/aesthetics must appeal to me, and I have to like every song on the album
- <Present: You> & Me (GOT7,, i love all the solos and different collab stages i have never heard of just come together and it’s amazing. also lullaby 4 languages?????????)
- Teen,Age (Seventeen,, THE WHITE VERSION IS THE MOST SUPRIOR VERSION YOU CANT FIGHT ME ON THAT ONE. but yes i love all the song on that album,, i seriously can’t pick a song i didn’t like)
- I Am Who (Stray Kids,, this was the album that got me hooked on to stray kids. like i have always liked them since predebut and i guess i stanned them, but they weren’t like up there for me. I am Not was a concept i loved and i’m pretty sure i cried during their debut. but district 9 was really the only thing i listened to and that was it??? i got into them again because i had a friend irl who liked stray kids and i was like “wow a local stay?????? me too !!!!!” so i kinda crash coursed myself into stray kids by listening to all their other songs and before i knew it,, this entire album was on repeat for it.)
tmi: yumi has 3 I am Who albums 😂
Hard or soft stan?
Tea time with Yumi: I was a hard stan.
well here’s the thing over the 3 years I have been into kpop I became less and less of a had stan? when I ulted GOT7 i was such a hard stan (my last igot7selca day was the prime example of a hard stan) but after I ulted seventeen I was less of a hard stan, then eventually when I ulted Stray Kids im like “nope I can’t do this anymore”
I mean I’m still a hoe but that doesn’t mean im a hard stan lololololol
Favourite kpop company?
I dont look too much kpop companies because they all have their flaws in some way, but if I had to pick one it would be JYP. from what I see JYP artists are treated a lot better than artists in other companies. but also I stan a lot of JYP artists
oh wow my story is probably super stupid and long,,,,,
I kinda already knew about kpop because of EXO being super big in China and I actually really liked EXO songs but never tried to stanned the group.
In 2016 there was a really popular app in my school called musical.ly (and yes I used it) on that I heard some kpop songs (Daddy - PSY and Hate - 4Minute) and I was like hey they are not that bad so i decided to listen to those songs for a while plus with some EXO and Orange Caramel because they were the only two groups I knew. Still I didn’t stan any groups yet
I remember it was around June of 2016, I had the tumblr gadget on my phone and one of the tags that were trending was EXO and I was like “hey I know them” so I clicked into it and see what’s up with them (fyi I knew about Kris, Luhan, and Tao leaving EXO,, I cried so hard when Kris left and I didn’t even stan the group lol) and I saw the teasers for the Monster comeback but I kinda looked at it said “wow” and then that’s it.
Then on June 4th, 2016 I was lying on my bed, I was super bored and I decided “hey why not go on tumblr and look up GOT7″ There were so many factors that led me to search for GOT7:
1. I was watching a couple of Chinese shows with Jackson on it and I kept on hearing them mentioning a group called GOT7
2. Try guys try Kpop,, I saw them watching the Just Right MV and I was like “wow this is colorful” but I never got the song name or group name lmao
And because I looked up GOT7 on tumblr it led me to look them up on Youtube and before i knew it I have jumped into the rabbit hole that was stanning GOT7 and other kpop groups
because I procrastinated on this for so long i’m not gonna tag anyone, but if you see this and wanna do it you’re welcome to say I tagged you !!
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theanxiouscupcake · 6 years
Oh boy, this took a while, I’m so sorry. Tough times, if I’m being honest with you. 
The prompt mash-up of - Royal AU + Florist AU - from this list.
And also it took a lot of debating, choosing who was to be royal and who was to be the florist. Jess seemed right for the princess and also the florist, but Nick seemed not at all right for a florist. (Don’t @ me about male stereotypes, I promise it was simply because it didn’t seem very in-character for him, lol.)
So here it is!!! (I wrote this in a haze so there’re bound to be loopholes. Forgive me.)
[ This is really fuckin’ long and my fever addled brain cannot be bothered to cut it down lol (would be a slow burn fic if written, so you can imagine), and if this pops unwanted on your dashboard and if you want to skip this, press the ‘J’ key. I’m not able to, for some Tumblr-y reason, insert a cut here. ]
Title: Lilies
Nicholas II is set to get engaged to Caroline (an American, not a royal), daughter of his mother’s bestfriend. He doesn’t want to get married but Caroline does.
Nick has always been private, and the state he’s from is quite small, so he’s not particularly “famous”. Everyone knows the Royal Miller family because of Walt’s flamboyancy, though.   
In an effort to get him more involved with the wedding, Bonnie gets Nick to take up responsibility for at least one aspect
N: *eye roll* Like I actually have a say. Do what you want, Ma.B: Of course you have a say! It’s your wedding!!N: How about we change the bride?B: Nicky! N: *mutters* I was just… joking…B: *glares at him* N: Fine. I’ll be more “involved”. What do you have for me?B: *completely relaxed now, excited even* I still haven’t decided on… the flowers?N: *sighs* How about… I don’t know… Lilies? B: Are you sure? I was thinking roses would be- *cue turtle face* Alright, fine. Lilies. You’re in charge of the flowers for this wedding, then. N: What? Ma, come one, why don’t you just-B: Nick, you need to be more involved. I’m asking you take care of just the flowers for the wedding or would you rather handle the guests and-N: No! Fine. Flowers. Flower only. 
He does a little research online and finds Jess’s flower store, which recently gained popularity in lilies - procuring fresh ones as well as in floral arrangements; he books an appointment online.
Jess and Cece conversation about the exciting prospect of having a royal as Jess’s client; Spencer is uninterested; Cece clearly doesn’t like him and think Jess is too good for hi
Nick and Caroline meet at a restaurant - breakfast date - sort of updating each other on the wedding stuff. It’s very clear that Caroline is very interested in this marriage and Nick really isn’t.
After the “date”, He shows up at Jess’s store - Here, he bumps into her outside as she’s carrying multiple bouquets of lilies with Spencer trailing behind her, hands in his pocket. The lilies fall and Jess is really angry because they were for a “client” and she yells at Nick (who is at the moment, looking at Jess like “omg so beautiful”) and both of them have a yelling match eventually till Jess huffs and muttering that she’s late, hurries inside.
Jess changes out of her stained clothes and hurries to the office where she’s shook at seeing Nick; but still doesn’t really apologize or anything. 
J: *shrugging* Prince or not, it was your fault. 
Nick is amused by her “IDGAF who you are” attitude and is purposely cheeky as hell with her. She tries to ask him what sort of bouquets/lilies/arrangements he needs so she can pre-order and she realizes that he literally has no idea what he’s doing.
J: You don’t know what you’re doing, do you?N: *sigh* No. I mean… they’re flowers, I thought I was just supposed to pick but Ma made me in charge of The Flowers and Everything to do with it.J: Why don’t you ask your fiancee to help?[ Don’t have the entire convo in my head, but it’s clear Nick is trying to get her to offer to help him ] N: *turtle face* She wants me to be more… involved. I need to do this myself.J: Well, alright then. Just FYI, you’re terrible at it :)N: I’m aware. If I could just…. *sigh* I don’t know…J: Alright, fine. I’ll help you out with this, you’re welcome.N: Great. I will pay you double. I’ll see you at Orange Blossom Cafe tomorrow at 8 am and we’ll drive to the wedding location.
Next day, Nick and Jess drive down to the venue location - a lakeside open place, perfect for summers.
Jess is clearly entranced and while Jess walks around in awe, Nick watches her in, you know, awe. Struck by her eyes, the contrast with the lake, her yellow sundress against the green grass and such. - “This is just an objective observation,” he tells himself. 
On their way back, she brings up Nick’s disinterest (displayed by how he doesn’t have an opinion about things about the wedding, or doesn’t have any idea as to what is hapening.) 
He is like it’s none of your business and starts to get mad -
J: Well, if your Royal Majesty thinks it’s a private issue, just say so. There’s no need to yell. N: That’s not even the right title! And it’s not an issue. I’m marrying my childhood…friend. J: *laughs, unable to help herself* You’re marrying your friend? N: *purses his lips and drives quietly, clearly disturbed*
They part ways; Caroline comes to Jess’s office to have a look at the plans - they small talk - Caroline’s nice. A little worried and nervous; she might actually have some feelings for Nick - Caroline seems happy that Nick came up with this stuff though it’s actually Jess and Jess feels a little bad, even feels a little guilty for lying. That’s who Jess is. 
Jess later talks to Cece how messed up it is because Nick only thinks she’s a friend while Caroline actually might feel otherwise (Remember that so far, Nick is just a royal/client that Jess speculates about with friends. Dare I say, gossip? Not mean spirited though. She wonders how difficult it must all be, the obligations and stuff like that)
Bonnie decides to organise a small engagement party - a second one - for the benefit of Caroline’s American friends. Since it’s an impromptu decision, Jess is called in for a great pay for the floral arrangements (+ invitation to the engagement) and she works late nights for three nights in a row. 
With Nick overseeing it of course, and also because he’s being courteous. Over prep nights, they become friends; also interactions  between Jess and Caroline, Nick and Spencer. 
Over these nights, they get closer and they talk about things - Nick wants to be an author, Jess’s mother wanted her to be a teacher but this just appealed to her more; her father had a green thumb. 
They talk about exes, Nick’s friendship with Caroline, Jess’s relationship with Spencer. 
(In their heads: Jess can see that Nick doesn’t care for Caroline that way and wants to tell him that he deserves love but zips it. Nick feels Jess deserves better than Spencer)
Night before the Engagement 2.0, Jess finishes early so Nick offers to drop her back home. He waits in the driveway till she disappears into the house and drives away. When Jess enters the house, she realizes Spencer’s been cheating on her. 
Cece forces Jess to go to the party and is also Jess’s +1 because she needs to get her mind off Spencer. (Cece meets Schmidt here). Jess looks hella pretty (Like in Season 1′s Wedding episode) but Nick notices that something’s really off with her and eventually finds her crying in the toilet. 
Conversation in the photobooth - flipped Wedding - Engagement party ends with Jess dancing the chicken dance to Groovy Kind of Love. Reluctant Nick joins as Cece drags Schmidt in, who peer pressures Nick. Caroline on the sidelines, watching quietly.
Next day, like in the show, he and Cece help her get her things back (Nick even plays the “I’m a royal” card). Cece notices the seemingly soft corner Nick seems to have for Jess.
Cece and Jess talk about it like in Cece Crashes but Jess is like “He’s getting married Ceec” and Cece brings up the conversation about Nick’s platonic feelings for Caroline. Jess is dismissive. 
Couple of days later, they’re driving to the wedding location again (for whatever reasons. Maybe another recee type of thing?) and parallels to Cece Crashes. Ends with Jess just fleeing home after he buys her red roses. She is spiralling now, y’all. 
Confused Nick shows up at her (and Cece’s door), demands an explanation - enter a lame ass excuse - She goes to the bathroom to collect herself and they head out again but she’s weirdly on edge, battling this in her head. When they reach the wedding location, she’s able to calm down because they were where he was going to get married. Cece’s wrong.
More stolen moments as he watches her quietly do her job, instructing different people what needs to be done. Nick is feeling things and that makes him very confused and even dazed.
Work done. On their way back, of course the car breaks down. Nick calls Schmidt to pick them up - They’re silent and Nick feels like he would burst with all the thoughts in his head, so:
N: Why lilies? J: What do you- Oh. I… They were my dad’s favourite. He used to buy them for my mom when she was mad, or sad or just to celebrate. She liked wearing them in her hair. Reminds me of…  happier times. *tears up a little, waves her hands but the tears come anway*  A-And the colours that they come in, it’s amazing. That’s one of the reasons why I think any place can be made to look great in just lilies because of the variety.N: That’s… sweet. *Quietly hands her a handkerchief - obviously has his monogram in gold hueuhe*J: I’ll give it to you, fresh and clean. I promise. *sniffles* (She never would)
They stare at each other until Nick clears his throat.
J: What about you, why lillies?”N: “Honestly? Because they’re the first thing they came to mind.” *pauses* *looks at her* I’m glad. I’m glad you’re around. 
Cue an almost kiss and Nick’s phone rings - a worried Caroline. Explains the situtauon and mild tension when she realizes he’s with Jess. “Are you okay? Why do you sound so out of breath?” “No I-I’m fine. Caroline, can I call you in a while?” “Sure, Nick. Of course.”
They won’t make eye contact. Furiously debating in their heads if they should talk about it. Schmidt’s timely arrival.
Schmidt drives them back. Jess dozes off in the back and Nick keeps looking at her in the rearview mirror. Schmidt: Thin ice, buddy, thin ice. Nick shushes him but decides not to talk about it, thinking of the kiss, but outwardly is completely dismissive.
At Cece-Jess’s apartment - awkward goodbye - doesn’t go unnoticed by Schmidt
Jess tells Cece about the almost kiss and nearly cries because she can’t do that. The whole “cheating thing”. Begs Cece and Winston (also a childhood friend) to just come with her everywhere and be the buffer. 
Enter Ryan Geaxinue, a cousin of Nick’s who has arrived for the wedding. ;) - Jess doesn’t have feelings for him per se, but they do have a one night stand. Nick is damn pissed when he finds out. [ A week before the wedding ]
They argue a lot about it, starts with passive aggressive comments and ends in a huge argument -  How it ends:
N: Jess, come on, I can’t be the only one feeling this way! J: Nick, you’re getting married. Married.N: I don’t love her, Jess.J: *scoffs* What and you love me?N: *is stunned and quiet*J: *bitter laugh* Let’s not get carried away, Nicholas. *shakes her head and leaves*
Cue angst. Lot of it.
Nick and Bonnie have a HUGE argument, Walt intervenes but that only pisses Nick off even more and he storms off. Caroline and Nick are on lunch date and she tries to coax it out of him - “…Nick, we’re friends. You can talk to me.” - but he is tightlipped and denies anything is wrong. 
Jess is sad too. Two days of running into each other awkardly while she’s workingts to avoid a run-in with Nick. He knows he should just stop visiting but he loves pain and wants to see her. 
Third day, she can’t take it and decides to just go to the venue really early to make plans and delegate later. Unfortunately, as she’s wrapping up he arrives - he wanted some peace. 
She starts to leave but he calls out to her, and she reluctantly joins him by the lake 
N: Hey Jess, what if I wasn’t getting married…J: What? *startled*N: You kept saying that I was getting marrieed… When I said I can’t be… the only one…J: Nick….N: Jess, please. What if I wasn’t getting married?J: But you are….N: That doesn’t answer my question.J: You are getting married. My answer doesn’t matter. You’re getting married in four days. Next week this time, you��ll be on your honeymoon. It doesn’t matter. N: What a mess… Why is everything so complicated…J: Not really, Nick. Caroline deserves love. You deserve love. N: *mutters* It’s not that simple….J: It is. When it comes to love, it is simple. N: Jess…J: Here are the final plans. *hands over papers*. I’ll have Rose contact you and she will take care of the rest. I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to be around each other. Goodbye, Nick. *kisses his cheek and stands up.* Nick watches her leave and is sad. 
Nick goes home where Walt is waiting for him. Talks to him about love and stuff + parts of ‘don’t think about it’ monologue. Nick is worried about Bonnie though, but Walt says that he’ll make sure she comes around - “I owe you that much, son.” [ The amends that Walt and Nick never really made properly on the show ]
Nick talks to Caroline and they break off their engagement. Caroline is sad, but she gives it up gracefully. Caroline has a condition - “Only if I can still go to our honeymoon trip, by myself.” Nick says that they both deserve love and Caroline laughs “Wow you’re in love with her aren’t you” - Glimpse of their friendship.
Next morning, he shows up at Jess’s door and tells her that he’s called off the engagement. 
Lot of fluff. LOT OF IT. So much fluff. 
Some drama with Bonnie but everything’s okay in the end. 
They get married two years later. Caroline’s found somebody too, and everyone’s happy. 
Notes [ Important to the story’s finer details but not key. If I included these arcs as well, this post wouldn’t never end lmao ]:
Winston and Jess are also childhood friends. He’s Jess’s partner at the florist store. Business-wise. Owner of a security firm. Meets Aly, in charge of the royal family’s security.
Bonnie isn’t a fan of Jess, especially when she starts suspecting Nick’s feelings, but Walt loves Jess.
Jess encourages Nick to write and Nick starts to write The Pepperwood Chronicles. Caroline happens to read it once and when she reads aboiut Jessica Night, that’s when she realizes his feelings for her. A substory plot would be her internal conflict and unsurety after this. 
Oh boy that’s long. Not gonna lie, this fic escalated so much in my head and boy was it a lot of work. I have half a mind to actually write this, lmao. This would be a 2-part, really fucking long slow burn fic :3 
Feel free to ask me questions!! I might have missed a lot of things because I didn’t re-read it, so whatever you think I might have missed out on, do ask!!
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ariesbilly · 6 years
More fredsythe high school headcannons please!
i dont even know if this really counts as a headcanon but i was watching a lot of 500 days of summer when i was on the cruise cuz thats pretty much the only movie they played but anyway you know the scene where tom and summer are sitting at toms favorite spot in the city and he’s telling her about the skyline and how he wants to add to it and whatever and then draws on her arm? well... it got me to thinking about teenage fred and all his hopes and dreams of one day being mayor and he’s just hanging out with fp one day and telling him all the ideas he has for the town and fp says “show me.” but they dont have any paper around so fp offers up his arm. freds all focused drawing out his plans, explaining things to fp as he goes along and fp is half paying attention to the drawing, more so paying attention to the cute look of concentration on freds face. fp tells him “you know i’d be first in line to vote for you, right?” and fred just laughs and glances up at him and says “you better.”
fp lost his virginity to fred you absolutely will never change my mind about that. its not happening
speaking first times... theirs was junior year. (they didnt start “dating” til mid-late sophomore year). it was a whole ordeal. they had exchanged sloppy handjobs and blowjobs by that point but one of them would always chicken out before anything went further. until one day they decided they really wanted to go all the way. (i cant decide if it happened in fps bachelor pad trailer or if fred had a rare weekend at home by himself and he invited fp over) but heres what i do know: they were both real fucking nervous. fred had already slept with girls before but this was completely different. neither of them knew what the fuck they were doing. the whole thing was awkard and clumsy and fp definitely didnt last long (he was on top just fyi. took a long time for that boy to embrace his true bottom self. it was an emotional journey) but neither of them would change it for the world because at the end of it they felt more connected to each other than ever and they definitely spend the rest of the weekend practicing and honing their skills and god they were so fucking domestic with each other.... pretending like they were an actual real adult couple living on their own... and they were already handsy with each other before but now? they might as well have been literally attached at the hip. 
another not-quite-headcanon but runaway train by soul asylum is playing right now and i just got this visual of fred and fp laying in bed with this song playing softly in the background and it makes me emo so... youre welcome
theyd always sneak out behind the gym for at least one song during every school dance. no matter who their dates were. no matter if they had gotten into a fight earlier that day/week. theyd always meet up at their spot. 
fp was HELLA jealous of all the girls fred took out but instead of fighting about it they just... turned it into this little game. fp would come strolling up to fred at school saying that he heard he had a date that night and then he would give fred this look and ask if he was gonna stop by fps after. the answer was always yes. and when fred inevitably showed up smelling like his dates or god forbid had lipstick on his face he forgot to wipe off fp would get real possessive and fred was in for a n i g h t. fp didnt mind fred going out with half the town but the nights fred went out with either hermione or mary hit fp pretty hard and those were the nights fred had to be gentle with fp and remind him how much he loved him... if he even bothered showing up. 
theres a tree in fox forest with their initials carved onto it. their initials are carved everywhere in that town
their secret symbols for each other were a sun (fred) and moon (fp). theyd sign notes and things like that so in case anyone ever found them they wouldnt know who it was from.
they also gave each other stick n poke tattoos. fred has a lil crescent moon on his inner thigh and fp has a sun on his pelvis. 
fp pierced his nose himself senior year and fred thought it was the hottest goddamn thing he’d ever seen.... after he of course had to clean it up because fp is an irresponsible dumb mess and that thing was like 2 seconds away from getting infected if fred didnt step in
fred was a nervous wreck when fp joined the serpents and he tried to talk him out of it so many times and the night fp came crawling in through freds window covered in blood and scrapes and cuts and bruises fred almost had a fit (dont even get him started on the fucking snake bite ritual)
fred was just very weary of the serpents and everything they represented until one day fp asked him to come down to the wyrm so he could show fred what it was actually like and when fred got there he was shocked to see how comfortable fp was and how open he was being. he was actually holding freds hand in public and that was something that never happened. it was the first time fred actually got it. that the serpents were the accepting family fp never had. he still didnt agree with the whole criminal lifestyle and he didnt trust any of these people around his wallet but he understood the appeal fp saw a little more.
fred and fp swapped letterman jackets all the time :’) on purpose, on accident... it was not uncommon for someone to come up to one of them asking why the others name was on their jacket. (also please consider them going on dates where freds wearing his letterman jacket and fps wearing his serpent jacket. also imagine fp draping his serpent jacket over freds shoulders. fred fucking drowns in that thing its so big on him wow...)
jock boyfriends.... working out together all the time.... helping each other practice with baseball and football.... but they always end up getting distracted because they just end up messing around with each other and wrestling and kissing each other all over.... theyre so in love hal
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Sorry to bother you, but I have a question about the post you made about it being called polytheism for a reason. How did you get in contact with the Gods/Deities? I've read a lot of how-to posts but none of them make a lot sense to me. I'm mainly asking how you did it, if you don't mind. Thank you for your time! 💖
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dauntless-dragayn · 6 years
Life is Strange fanfiction: All Wounds
   HEY ALL, somethin different for today. I will honestly say I don't read tons of fanfic, call me picky or just, see the truth as being i don't have much spare time to read, period so I've never reviewed one.  BUT. I really want to call attention to one this time, and what better way to do that then by helping out the author with a review? I don't think people realize how much criticism is worth to writers, even taking the time to type out something small is great. (quick note: this review contains spoilers for Lis and BtS. spoilers for the fic itself will be left to the end)   All Wounds by @destiny-smasher is a fic taking place in the Life is Strange universe, almost directly after the 'bae' ending. Throughout, it switches between Max and Chloe's PoVs, however Max is still the main protagonist here. But this is no fluffy feel-good fic (though there is some spots of fluff here and there) it's real and it's painful. It deals with the trauma and emotions that have built up in these women over that fateful week, even their teenage years - stuff that doesn't just magically disappear after the climax. That premise hooked me, because the kind of nitty gritty that often gets ignored in the fandom is exactly what tends to interest me. It actually (minor spoiler!) timeskips after a bit to when they're adults, and when things finally start crashing around their heads .. again.   I will say outright, this isn't for the faint of hearted. It's lonnnng, at 3.5 k words, which rivals many novels!! And it deals with PTSD, mental illness, suicidal ideation, and even a certain amount of psychological horror. Themes present in both games definitely come up again. And no, Max and Chloe's relationship isn't without its bumps. Or rather catastrophic crashes. Don't worry, it'll hurt you but patch those wounds up, by the end. see what i did there   Truthfully, I tried to read it in a RIDICULOUSLY short time frame for Reasons™ (unrelating to the piece) but just could not. I would continuously find myself compelled to slow down, sink into each sentence, into Max’s head or Chloe’s frustrations. I was living in their world more than mine for a few days. It was great - a piece of fresh writing hasn’t done that to me in a while.   I highly recommend taking the time to appreciate this story; it’s ups and downs, romance and time fuckery. If you loved Life is Strange (duh) there’s little reason you wouldn’t love this, too.   You can absolutely tell that this is a project woven together of heart and struggle. Art is never easy when you truly care about the outcome and the fact that this took years of the creator's time and attention stuns me. She did all that mind you, for FREE. Not for publishing, not for profit, not for fame. For a fandom she cares about. Serious writing for fandom is tough, because frankly it's not the easiest medium to sell (sell being used nonliterally here of course, and also, this applies outside of fandom too, just especially so in it) I have an INCREDIBLE amount of admiration for creators like her who dive into these characters they love - but did not create! developing them further, taking them in new directions or continuing them on paths they were already set on -  and write novel length stories or comics for absolutely nothing. You have thoroughly earned my respect.   That’s not to say it’s flawless! Nothing ever is, psh. I do have criticisms here and there, but with those I’ll be more specific, which means they’ll be put under the cut. This is mostly for Destiny-Smasher’s sake, since she is in the process of turning the fic into a visual novel! I’ve read the first few chapters of that too, it’s a cool adaption.   So yeah, if ya haven’t read it, please stop here.   (Also before you go, check out her girlfriend’s art, I’m in love with that too!!)
   Some of these tend to be on the side of minor and nitpicky, I feel, but I'll still go into them. Not trying to be annoying !
  Okay so OBVIOUSLY the repetitiveness of certain scenes or conversations was purposeful, and a big part of how you told this story. And that's GREAT I think you used that unusual element well, certainly paying attention to details. There were some times when it felt repetitive in the wrong places though I think, and I guess I mostly mean some conversations. Or sometimes rather than being repetitive they just felt unnecessary as a whole. If I'm remembering correctly sorry its been a little while by now the conversation between Chloe and Steph in the diner before Chloe realizes she can rewind time now felt like that - just unneeded, like if you had cut or shortened it nothing would be lost. I can't think of any more examples right now, but maybe just keep that in mind?   In general there are definitely a few filler scenes but I hesitate to condemn that because like I said, this world really breaths and feels genuine, and I think those are part of why.   The addition of quotes and especially linked songs was an awesome touch I thought, since ya don't normally get auditory nods like that in writing. There were a few times it broke my immersion but for the most part it was a very appealing layer to your storytelling, so I look forward to seeing that carried out with the adaption.   One thing I didn't like much in general were Chloe's pirate dreams in the second half. I understand that there were some important nods and revelations about what was going on in her psyche, not to mention the role of dream weaving being hinted at, but for the most part they just left me pretty confused.   As far as inconsistencies, I know you were worried about that, but I really think you're fine? Like other than the stuff involving Before the Storm and what that revealed/changed (which you can't be blamed for because this story was written over yEARS) there was nothing major that I noticed. And considering the utter insanity of the timelines n shit, I'm seriously in awe you kept it relatively smooth. I have a HUGLY less complicated story in the works (no time travel) and I still managed to fuck up the timeline. Moving on. :')    I’m embarrassingly forgetful, and that’s all my initial notes on the subject had to say, so I may be missing some things? But yeah, I honestly don’t have much in the negative to say.    So let’s talk about THE plot twist. Yes that one. I remember around, chapter 16.4, the idea piecing together in my mind .. the title of the chapter, her behavior, speaking patterns, the fact that yes, this wasn’t a deviation like any of the others, it was in fact the canon divergence of timeline.... hoLY CRAP ITS OTHER MAX SHES REAL AND - yeah I fangirled a bit. (I was freaking so badly about my theory that I was so sure had to be true - and I was right, heh - that I tried to explain it to my dad. Who, FYI, has minimal knowledge on Life is Strange’s plot, and no hope of understanding the convoluted details of the fic thus far. I finally gave up and went back to reading while squealing excitedly over it in my head. And then I shut up because things got dark)   Just, gods, the details! That was the most satisfying fucking feeling, seeing all these seemingly little or random things come to be crucial. Things like Max clinging to her reality with the wedding bands on her finger, or like Other Max’s particular personality, from being aggressive and upfront more than Max has ever been, to her freaking sexual behavior. Her having red streaks in her hair to represent both sides to her, the cover of the fic and the visual novel not being a symbolic picture but an actual look at the End of Time and Other Max!!   Her falling in love with Stella was definitely a curveball I did not expect, and admittedly I was pRETTY weirded out. Cuz like.. she's engaged to Chloe in the other timeline, and obviously I ship them over anyone else.. I'm not complaining! Just, a very fresh take on Stella and their relationship. Speaking of- it did seem a little strange to me that, after the awkward start to their dating and the mention of how it was going right after, that it never came up again. Obviously things got cut short, but, how was it really working? Did Stella turn out to actually be gay? I interpreted that she was doing it out of a sort of obligation and platonic love for Max, and that she was 1000% straight. Maybe you left that open on purpose? It seemed coded that way, though..   All in all I loved what you did with Other Max. She was an edge of a concept in Life is Strange, in that confrontation scene after the nightmare of episode five - which I loved for its implications - and you took that and RAN with it. So I go in thinking "okay. she's a more literal form of this mental battle Max faces, made so much worse by death shes surrounded by after the storm" And for a while that holds up.. Max finds herself moving on, as a teenager, with Chloe's pushing, and things get better for a while. Great!! Woohoo!   Except ..  the past will always find you .. especially when that past is yourself ... and not even time travel can keep it away forever.   That's the shit you don't see delved into. This power is like, a drug. A limb she's gotten used to and relies on as much as any other. I've never believed she would just, drop it. Does it go away when the storm hits / chloe dies? Maybe, I always thought. But that's so convenient. And without an explanation for why it showed up, we have no basis for why it would go away.   And why not use it, Max convinces herself. ‘I must still have the power for a reason.’ Maybe so, and you've certainly grown, Caulfield, but you are still avoiding consequences. You are still a god amongst mortals, but guess what? That immortal facade can only be contained by a human body for so long. Things start crumbling, and as a reader you see the inevitability of all, feel the hopelessness. She's keeping things from Chloe, BIG fucking things, and I want to reach over and grab her by the shoulder and shake her. "CHLOE YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS MINDFUCKED"   I literally couldn't breath for a minute when I realized the implications of the car crash scene, where Max says she's been regularly getting lost in time for months. But, no biggie. Quick weed, call, and you’re right back where you should be. Right? Just wipe the blood off your face, no one will notice.   Damn.   Anyway, enough about that. Remember earlier, when I said 'psychological horror'? Truthfully I don't know if that's the right word for it, or even if its a real thing. But whatever it is, I live for it. People's mind are their own worst enemies, and that bit is ultimately and personally relatable. Max is constantly arguing with herself. But this time, the nightmare - mine, and hers - is creeping into real life. The Other is ripping control from her shaky hands. Its twisting her into someone she never wanted to be - a literal worst version of herself, and, we find out - a real version, just from a different timeline. A broken one. A nonhuman one .. or that's what she says. But as we see this Other raise her voice, and read on in bafflement alongside Max, we get to see that her intentions, aren't necessarily evil. Has she done evil things? Yes. Did Max see her as evil? Yes, and even Chloe did for a while. But the big question I found myself asking, and Chloe eventually challenging is.. is the Other.. still Max? Is the worst reality, the worst view in the mirror, still us? All Wounds says yes. But not to give up hope, far from it - instead that we MUST confront these self made demons, we MUST accept these wounds for them to ever heal.   While spurred by a morality grounding near-death experience, that last fight at the End of Time - while a supernatural slew of symbolism, time travel, and dreamscapes - also sung to me of reality. That's what the best fantastical fiction is.   Amazing.
  To top it all off, the ending chapter was perfect. I'm not gonna lie, I teared up a bit. It felt right, and more importantly, real. Not some overdone fictional fanservice crap. But still the happy ending these women MORE than earned.   Through it all, the exploration of characters who didn't probably get what they deserved in LiS (I'm thinking about Victoria, but also Stella and even Joyce..) was really satisfying and ultimately shifted my perception of them.
  Honestly, there are so many quotable moments throughout this thing. (I have a ton of screenshots of some on my phone, actually.) But I'll go with .. "You Power isn't what makes you special, Max. Stop worrying about fixing. Focus on being. Yes, even those parts. That's all in the past. All I care about now is the future. And I want to share that future with you."
 What you called experimental bullshit, I applaud. So.. Thanks for writing All Wounds.
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pretty-idol-hell · 6 years
hey, sorry if youve been asked this before but does pripara have difficulty settings? i love the anime but ive seen videos of the rhythm game and it looks super easy. i see the appeal of making your own character and unlocking coords, but i get bored of easier modes of rhythm games super easily so i wanna know the difficulty before paying like €80 for the switch game. thanks!
On the arcade game there are technically only two difficulty settings: regular (one button), and “Gold Disc” (3-button) and neither are very difficult. Although recently, the difficulty was indirectly bumped up significantly with the addition of Zuttomo, 2 player songs, which are a great challenge to play on your own since they are not designed to be able to. (Especially Twin Mirror Compact.) I don’t know if this will apply to the Switch.
The easy level of the rhythm used to bother me when I first stated playing the arcade game, but I got over it pretty quickly. First of all you have to have the self realization that this is a children’s game. You are playing a children’s game. Second, the addictiveness of PriPara comes from somewhere else like you said: The songs, the colors, the coords, making your own character and your own original teams, etc! It’s just something about the atmousphere. (And well, if you don’t think that’s worth it than perhaps your loss I guess.)
By the way.
It’s always easy to pass songs in PriPara, but being perfect on the arcade game and scoring high is actually WAY harder than you think. Competitive PriPara is like 25% rhythm and 75% is knowing exactly the perfect combination of coords, jewels, and team members to take advantage of bonuses. (Meaning any beginner would place low in a competition despite perfect rhythm.) I always show up to competitions with some ridiculous team it took me weeks to a month to put together, but it does come down to rhythm accuracy in the end between me and the other small group of people who know what we’re doing. And I often lose. I came in first place in a Grandprix only once technically.
I got maybe 4th or 5th place (left before the final rankings, just know I wasn’t top 3) in the most recent Grandprix at Prism Stone Harajuku after trying my ABSOLUTE HARDEST but the competition was BRUTAL. It was a pretty big upset for me and a bit of a dent in my ego, so hearing someone say PriPara is easy, while I totally understand why someone would think that based on videos and this probably doesn’t apply to the Swich, I’m like “…….”
Just FYI hahaha.
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dnodes18 · 5 years
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Bonus Room Makeover with Lifeproof Carpet https://ift.tt/2Z828Jh
When raising young boys, carpet tends to take on tough messes. Corey Decker of Sawdust to Stitches was able to take advantage of a few Home Depot products and Lifeproof carpet to makeover her bonus room space.
When we first moved into our home, the very first and most noticeable issue was the carpeting. The downstairs was considerably worse than the upstairs, so we did what we could and replaced the downstairs flooring. Here we are nearly 3 years later, and we still have the less-than appealing stained beige carpet upstairs.
For shock value, here is a picture of the Bonus Room on the day we moved in. (I did paint over the band-aid colored walls, but that is about where my ambition ended.)
The carpeting was so bothersome that I had zero desire to decorate it. It was hard to want to invest any time or money into space I hoped would eventually have new carpet. Well, I am tickled to share that my dreams have come true, and I now have new carpeting upstairs, and that includes the once barren bonus room.
Picking Carpet
This requires a trip to the happiest place on earth. The Home Depot. The Home Depot has a great mini-showroom that makes perusing all your options a breeze. They break them down by brand, type and color scales that make it easy to navigate the decision-making process. My biggest priority was its longevity! My previous carpet was only seven-years-old when we moved in, but it looked awful (even with professional cleaning) and it was not a soft-landing spot by any stretch of the imagination. I needed something quality, that would clean up easily.
After comparing a lot of really great brands I opted for the Lifeproof carpet brand, and here is why; it comes with a 25-year wear warranty! That’s right, 25 years! This not gives me peace of mind, but also means that this stuff is easy to clean. Each fiber is protected by a “R2X Stain and Soil Resistance System”. This means it is engineered to repel stain. In most cases, you only need to add water and you can suck up soiled areas with a wet/dry vac!
Once my brand was selected, the in-store specialist walked me through my choices and helped me narrow down my options based on my requirements. I went home with a few samples, and even received a kit in the mail a few days later containing larger sample sizes of the colors/styles I was interested in! These larger samples definitely helped me make my decision. I ultimately selected the color “Ancestral” in the “Phenomenal” style.
Set Up In-Home Quote
While I was finishing up my in-store selection, we scheduled an in-home quote. At this point, they come into your home for a minimal fee (in my local store it was $30) which is later applied to your purchase. They were very accommodating of my schedule and I had someone in my home within two days! They measured out the entire space and drew up a digital drawing that was instantly sent to their quote specialist. The very next morning I got a call from The Home Depot with all the details. (FYI you don’t need to know exactly which carpeting you are selecting; they can base the quote off of any carpet selection.)
Pay In-Store (Confirm Selected Carpet)
Now, before we move full steam ahead it’s time to take care of the logistics. It’s time for one more trip to The Home Depot. The in-store carpeting specialist will go over the quote and answer any questions you may have, and you can submit your final selection. Once you are comfortable with all your selections you can pay for your carpeting, but only your carpeting and pad. Why? Because The Home Depot INSTALLS FOR FREE! That’s right, zip, zilch, nada… Home Depot you have done it again. You have my heart.
Prepare for Install
Typically, you will receive a call within a week once your carpet has been shipped. (Not all carpets are stocked at The Home Depot so they will be cut and shipped from an off-site facility.) Once in stock, I received a call to schedule the install. I was shocked at how quickly you can actually have new carpet! They could have had it in by the end of the week, so I took the opportunity to do some painting upstairs. (It’s really nice to be able to paint without worrying about the floor.)
The preparation was fairly painless. The Home Depot provided me with a complete list of what I should plan for and what I needed to worry about, which isn’t much! Their team will move and replace furniture, I only removed a few small baskets of toys and knick-knacks, but they do all the heavy lifting.
Install Day
On the day of the scheduled installation, I received a call first thing in the morning giving me a time frame of when I should expect the installers. The team of two showed up promptly, and then they somehow had things ripped up and ready to go in no time flat!
Within, what felt like, minutes they had pulled up all the existing carpet and padding from the entire upstairs and had it removed.
Amidst the whirlwind of old padding, cutting and hauling they took their time to make sure they gave a professional finish. They removed excessive staples from the previous installer and made sure the subfloor was clean and clear of debris. (Which if you have ever removed old carpeting you know that this is not always the case.)
After the prep work was done, they installed the padding. This process also went by very quickly! The installers explained that they know exactly where and how they are going to cut every piece of carpeting based on the drawings that were rendered in my initial in-home quote.
Once the pad was installed it was time. The install team worked quickly and fluidly and were happy to answer any question I may have had about the process. Once they were complete, they wrapped up shop, but before they did they swept and returned all furniture to its original space. What service!?
Last Step? Enjoy it!
There was nothing left for me to do, except for prepare for a lifelong relationship with my new Lifeproof carpet! You ready to see what difference a few hours can make in the hands of a professional!?
Isn’t it beautiful? Don’t you just want to lay down and breathe in that “new carpet smell”? I totally did. It was such a night and day difference, not only in aesthetics but you could see and feel the quality of the Lifeproof carpet.
I easily spent a few hours just lying on the floor reveling in its beauty, but it didn’t last long, because I was itching to give the bonus room the makeover I had been dreaming about.
Ok, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let me show you the rest of the upstairs. Well, wait not just the upstairs, they also carpeted the stairs. Most companies charge extra for stairs, but not The Home Depot! Our stairs are literally the first thing you see when you walk in, and let’s just say they really didn’t give a great first impression. The new Lifeproof carpet has changed all that.
Let’s continue the tour, shall we? The guest room is next, I had the same feelings in regard to the guest room as I did in the bonus room. I wasn’t that interested in investing a lot of time or effort. I really didn’t want to base my design decisions around the band-aid brown carpet. Well, now that the new Lifeproof carpeting is in I am very pleased to share the end result! Take a look.
My boys room is also upstairs so it also got a little facelift! I love the soft carpeting for all their wrestling shenanigans. It’s so nice knowing that these carpets can take a beating, and if there is something, I can’t handle I have their warranty to back me up.
The Final Look with our Lifeproof Carpet
Ok, are you ready for the big reveal? Are you ready to see the bonus room I have dreamed about? Yeah you are!
It is now a space that we love to spend time in, and don’t feel the need to cover up the floor with a rug. Winning!
If you know me, you know that I always strive to never compromise form over function, and this Lifeproof carpeting delivers. I wanted the bonus room to be a place we could invite friends over for movies and game night, but I also knew that this is also where my kids played. With the Lifeproof carpet warranty I have zero regrets! The carpet is beautiful, and I don’t need to worry about the kids living their best life.
The post Bonus Room Makeover with Lifeproof Carpet appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
Corey Decker
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #138 - Mr. Peabody and Sherman
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Spoilers below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes, #284.
Format: Blu-ray
Shoutout to @im-this-kind-of-girl, who’s blog I found while looking for GIFs to use in this recap and apparently loves this film. If you chose to read this I hope you like it as much as I like your GIFs. You’re tagged about a hundred times in this because I credit each of your GIFs to you.
1) The Dreamworks deal that allows them to make the “Voltron” TV show on Netflix right now also gives them ownership of the Mr. Peabody & Sherman brand. They had licensed the characters to make the film but by the time of release had bought them (and others) outright.
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2) If there are any fans of the original “Mr. Peabody and Sherman” cartoons I’m going to let you know now: I never watched those so they bear no weight on my attitudes towards this film.
3) Ty Burrell as Mr. Peabody.
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Burrell is honestly the perfect voice for the role. Robert Downey Jr. was attached for a time but I don’t think anyone could have topped Burrell’s work. The best voice over work is marked by forgetting that you’re listening to an actor and just accepting they are the character, and every time I think of the fact that this is Ty Burrell and not just Mr. Peabody I am in awe. He has the most perfect balance of humor, intellect, and heart which makes the character what he is. He comes off as funny and like a genuine dad (even playing the dad jokes/puns straight). Burrell is able to make the character in this film and I am so grateful that he was cast.
4) The prologue for the film works quite well. It sets the fun and whimsical tone as well as a sense of humor. We also get an early sense of Peabody and Sherman as characters. Peabody as narrator is most easily established, but the filmmakers are able to make Sherman feel like a genuine kid. Not an annoying child, not an adult acting like a child, but a real kid. All in the opening minutes too.
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5) I find it interesting how the film calls out the story of George Washington cutting down a cherry tree as not being true, but still claims Marie Antoinette said, “Let them eat cake!” when (if I’m not mistaken) the historical accuracy of that is at best questionable.
6) I really like this film’s sense of humor.
Mr. Peabody: “...the people of France were exceedingly poor.”
[Cut to two peasants lying in the streets]
Peasant 1: “Got any bread?”
Peasant 2: “NO! I’m exceedingly poor!”
7) Right before the film’s release, I had heard that it was going to be rated PG-13 but an appeal from the filmmakers made it PG. I was confused by this at first, but after seeing the movie I understand why. Here are a few reasons for my understanding:
Mr. Peabody is almost killed by a guillotine
We see paintings which depict mummification in vivid detail
Sherman fights in the Trojan war; it’s not as watered down as you may expect
Sherman and Peabody both bite people at two different points
I’m not saying it’s enough to warrant the film ACTUALLY being rated PG-13, but I can understand why it may have almost been.
8) The early sewer chase through Paris is a good showcase of the film’s imaginative action which is to come. It is both captivating to the eye but definitely uses the benefits of animation. I don’t know that something like lighting the methane gas in a sewer to be projected to safety would work as well in live action as it does in animation.
9) Penny (the female lead and trio to Peabody’s/Sherman’s adventure) is never really given an explanation as to why she is such a MASSIVE bully. Like, she’s really awful. She mocks Sherman for being smart, calls him a dog, holds him in a chokehold, she’s downright cruel! And while she develops overtime in a way which is organic and believable, her initial characterization is never explained.
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Ariel Winter does quite well in the role though.
10) Ugh, this crap.
Principal [to Mr. Peabody]: “Sherman got in a fight today!”
No, he was bullied and had to defend himself AFTER BEING PUT IN A CHOKEHOLD!
Ms. Grunion: “It’s normal for children to tease...”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
I know Grunion is an antagonist and this situation is used to set up conflict in the show, but it paints the unfortunately real picture of how there are adults and people in power who normalize bullying. And it needs to stop in the real world.
11) Allison Janney is a treat as Ms. Grunion though. Janney is one of my favorite actresses ever and has shown her skilled voice over chops in projects like Finding Nemo. Ms. Grunion isn’t in the movie much but when she is (very much like Ty Burrell does as Peabody) Janney is stellar in the role.
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12) One of the nice thing this film does that I don’t think the television show did (and again, I never watched, so I don’t know for sure) is examine the father/son relationship between Mr. Peabody and Sherman. The flashback scene where Mr. Peabody is making his case for why he should adopt Sherman in front of a judge (how no one wanted him as a child either) is particularly telling of their connection. It is a nice relationship to carry us throughout the film.
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13) I always felt like this was as much a nod to The Prince of Egypt as it was to history in Mr. Peabody’s flashbacks.
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(GIF originally posted by @somehow-you-will)
14) Stephen Colbert and Leslie Mann playing characters who like...almost exactly like Stephen Colbert and Leslie Mann.
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15) One of my favorite character actors around is Steve Valentine, most memorable for his leading turn in “I’m in the Band” on Disney XD, his voice over work in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, and his performance in Robert Zemeckis’ The Walk. He is in this film as Ay, royal vizier to King Tut.
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
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16) There are so. Many. PUNS!!!!!
Mr. Peabody [after Sherman knocks off a mummy arm]: “That’s disarming.”
I’m just sharing the one because I don’t want to overload you guys but damn there’s a lot!
17) So...why does Sherman like Penny? She has literally done nothing but cruel and condescending to him this entire film. She humiliated him in front of school, she’s shoved him off, pushed him around, called him a liar multiple times, been a total jerk, and he...likes her?
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18) It is important to remember that Sherman is smart. Not Mr. Peabody smart, but smart. When in Egypt, he gets like 99% of the booby trapped floor puzzle right when he was only sort of paying attention to Mr. Peabody before. That shows brains.
19) I really like the humor in this film. I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again.
Mr. Peabody, Masquerading as Anubis [after Ay says the sun god Ra demand Penny’s marriage to Tut]: “That’s so funny. I was talking to the sun god Ra just the other day...”
20) Stanley Tucci is fun as Da Vinci. Stanley Tucci is one of the most consistently talented actors around. He ALWAYS devotes himself to a role fully and is often times the best parts in a movie. That same passion shows in his voice over work here. I really enjoy it.
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
21) Have I mentioned how I like the humor of this film before?
DaVinci [about how children are not machines]: “I tried to build one once. It WAS creepy.”
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
22) The way the time stream is animated during the time travel sequences (bet seen when the trio almost is trapped by a black hole) is very well done. It is a fun and interesting way of visually showing the concept of time as the group hurdles through it.
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This is just concept art above but the final representation is pretty close to this.
23) The conflict between Peabody and Sherman is at its highest when Sherman exclaims this to his adoptive father:
Sherman: “I said I’m not a dog!”
It shows a real conflict between the two. Peabody has become concerned about being able to raise Sherman right recently, and Sherman has been questioning who he is outside of his relationship with his dad. It will be resolved wonderfully by the film’s end, however.
24) I’m a sucker for Patrick Warburton in anything, but Patrick Warburton in a voice over role is particularly wonderful.
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25.1) Honestly the entire Trojan horse scene has some of my favorite jokes in the film. To start with, the fact that they made Odysseus - the great heroic character in the Odyssey - into this little pimple of a guy:
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And I know you’re not supposed to judge people by appearances, but in animation characters are designed the way they are for a reason and the reason here is to play against the standard idea of Odysseus.
25.2) Not to mention the fact that Peabody and Penny get into the Trojan horse LITERALLY by using their own Trojan horse.
25.3) And then, my favorite joke of the entire film, comes at the end of this mini monologue:
Agamemnon: FYI, a lot of heroes have father issues. My old man is a minotaur. Half man, half bull, all judgement. Ajax, here, strongest guy in the world, but his father never accepted that his real dream was to sing.
Ajax: [in falsetto] I wanted to be in the Greek Chorus.
Agamemnon: Uh, yeah, and don't even get me started about Oedipus. Let's just say you do *not* want to be at his house over the holidays. It's awkward.
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Honorable mention to the “Greek Chorus” joke too.
26) My aching heart.
Sherman [shouting over a cliff, after he thinks Mr. Peabody died]: “Mr. Peabody! Mr. Peabody! [Beat] Dad!”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
27) Probably could’ve worded this better (although it was probably written for that very reason).
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Ms. Grunion [after Penny apologize for being a bully]: “You have nothing to apologize for Penny...”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
29) The climax for this film is SO much fun! I just love it to pieces! It is fast paced, has some great humor in bringing all the historical figures to the present, and brings together every character we’ve met so far in a fast paced and wild ride. It is just SO much fun watching literally EVERYONE chase after Mr. Peabody and Sherman.
30) Mel Brooks has probably three lines total as Einstein but it’s totally worth it.
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
31) This. Freaking. Movie.
I lied before. This is probably my favorite joke in the film.
32) Remember how I said the conflict between Sherman and Peabody is resolved wonderfully?
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
It shows Sherman making peace with who he is and supporting his dad, and convincing everyone else to do the same as they all exclaim, “I’m a dog too!” It’s surprisingly sweet and moving, perhaps one of my favorite parts of the film.
33) I will say, the first time I saw this film I thought to myself, “I’m Spartacus.” And then, of course, who should show up...
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34) This. Freaking. Movie.
George Washington: “I hereby award Mr. Peabody a presidential pardon.”
Abe Lincoln: “Me too.”
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(GIF originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
Bill Clinton is still alive, which begs the question: is he there as a historical figure or was he just in New York and wanted to see what was going on? Since it’s Bill Clinton it’s probably the latter.
35) This is sweet. A nice emotional conclusion as Mr. Peabody couldn’t say, “I love you,” too Sherman earlier in the film.
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(GIFs originally posted by @im-this-kind-of-girl)
Mr. Peabody and Sherman is a wonderful film that unfortunately was not exactly Dreamworks most watched movie at the time of release. It has a unique and fun sense of humor, fun animation, but also an emotional arc and characters you truly get invested in. The voice acting is very on point, and it is just a fun ride. If you’re a fan of animation, Dreamworks, or just moviemaking in general and haven’t seen this film, I highly recommend it.
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