#Fantasy Punk
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Author versus books! Hi gentlefolk, I'm Noah, and I write queer fantasy books with disabled and/or neurodivergent characters. ✡️🏳️‍⚧️
The Eternal Machine was my debut book, and it's the first in an dark steampunk fantasy series with morally wrecked fae and a love triangle that develops into a polycule. 🏴‍☠️🗡️
Phantom and Rook is a cozy urban fantasy, with found family, forgotten love, and mental health discussion. I'm hosting a Read-Along for this on Halloween, and I'll be revealing the cover for the next book soon! Each book in this series features a different couple, and the next is dark academia chaos. 🍁✨
The Rebel Foxes is the last book I released, and it's the first one under my new pen name, Noah Hawthorne. It's a dark and dieselpunk standalone in an interconnected series. It's full of mutant shifters hellbent on breaking society, T4T, and a polyamorous relationship.🔥🐾
Here's my Linktree, where you can find my books, playlists, and more.
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star-wrld · 7 months
gorgug should autocrit on all future popularity rolls for his time at augefort because you can not tell me this school filled with teenage anarchists would see that video of him oinking at a cop and not think he's the coolest guy alive
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rosieandthemoon · 3 months
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cemetery beauty
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sour-alien · 1 month
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Justin O’Neal art
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valsvat · 1 year
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Steam punk potion! This little fantasy drink grinds time to a halt for a single minute for the user and creatures within a set radius of the user. I love drawing potions and imagining what they might do in a dnd game.
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I wish there was more representation of disabilities and chronic illness in fantasy, science fiction and action genres.
Not just a side character with 30 seconds of screentime. An important character that doesn't just exist to further the storylines of other characters. I want a character that doesn't get "cured" or healed. A character that stays disabled and/or chronically ill. A character that isn't afraid to ask for help. One that doesn't think they're a burden and doesn't try to hide their disability/ chronic illness.
I want to see how it affects them, not just know they're disabled/chronically ill and it jist never gets mentioned again. I don't mean it should be their entire personality but being disabled and or chronically ill can affect many parts of life.
I just wish there was more representation of disabilities and chronic illness that shows every part of it. Especially in fantasy and science fiction it's lacking.
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lrndvs · 28 days
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You're either frolicking in this field with me or you're frolicking in this field against me
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greatpistachiopie · 8 months
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Teen Years! It's Sandra Lynn in her highschool teenage years
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tygerland · 2 months
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Blade Runner 1982
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leidensygdom · 3 months
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My second piece for @jackzarts during the Tiefling Secret Satan 2024, featuring Pyre Llamarada! Originally meant to be the main image, but the other one ended up taking longer so I guess this is the bonus one? Anyhow, I wanted to play with the perspective a bunch here! I hope you'll like the experiment~
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noahhawthorneauthor · 2 years
“Don’t you dare give up, and don’t you dare try to leave without a proper goodbye.”
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twinstxrs · 8 months
murph knocking it out of the PARK this episode both as riz (badass lil creature, fiercely dedicated to his friends, so deeply loving to his mom & reassuring her that he sees her + appreciates all she does for him) and just as murph (“the beans are due,” laughing at ally’s lack of written saving throws, reaction to the trap door bit, “so tactical, so late”)
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nonolithic · 1 year
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b1o0dlyev3rywh3re · 2 years
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i’m not the same w/o you
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2012throwback · 5 months
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eugenia shadow is the teacher of all time
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punkpandapatrixk · 6 months
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💝Valentine & White Day Love Transmission ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
In Japan and Korea, Valentine's is when femmes give gifts to hommes; and exactly a month after that, on March 14th, the hommes return that Love with white (preferably) gifts that are expected to be at least three times the value/price of whatever gifts they’d received from the femmes😏
Traditionally it’s kinda like that. Hmmm… isn’t it obvious the celebration has never had quite any meaning in a country such as Japan and that the festivity is nothing more than a heavily-commercialised youth-tradition focused on the pursuit of shallow material desires?🤮
But…I guess it’s OK; because it’s cute anyway🥴
Within the context of this reading, the Valentine and White Day Love Transmission imparts the perfect synchrony of the Love shared by the Divines Feminine and Masculine. It is when affection is given and returned in Love and everything becomes beautiful and worth living for~💝
SONG: Space Orphans by Aoba Ichiko
MOVIE: Peter Pan (2003)
[PAC Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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Pile 1 – Don’t give up just yet; I’m on my way!
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8 of Cups Rx, 4 of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Cups Rx
Darling, are you on the precipice of giving up on me?! Do NOT settle for someone—ANYONE—who’s NOT me! OMG, babe! I’m coming! Divine Timing is just being a bitch but I’m on my way to you!🦎Well, the thing is…we both have this annoying thing called a spiritual transformation… Until that’s happened—and nearly completely—we can’t be together just yet. But wait, I promise you it’s all worth it in the end🎁
I mean, why wouldn’t you wait for someone like me? I’m romantic; kind and sweet; I AM RICH; and I will always be there to protect you—I intend to always be your confidant and best friend🥰I will never betray you in any way. I’m your best friend who will skip right next to you on our way to beat up a bitch; figuratively, babe—I’m not really the type of person who gets violent LOL
What I do mean is, I want to give you a Life in which you cease to worry about small things. I want it to be that when you’re with me you no longer worry about a lack of means, a lack of warmth, or a lack of security. You’re somebody who deserves to be loved and to be very happy; and I want to give it all to you. And that’s why it’s important for me to become the best version of myself first😝
I’ve got to admit I’ve not always been the nicest, goodest person to have walked on Earth. I’m changing my ways, you know. I’m growing up; I’m developing; I’ve now been awakened and I’m still working on me, so that when I finally meet you, I will not disappoint you. Because I will never want to be a reason you stopped believing in the good of people😤I intend to be the complete opposite of that.
Fall in love with me, my dear. Fall in love with Life again when you meet me. Life is an adventure and finding me has got to be the greatest story ever told. I’ll tell you all of my crazyass stories when we meet. And I’m longing to hear you talk of your losses and triumphs. We’ll both gaze at the stars and wonder how they aligned to have us meet in this lifetime. I will be so grateful.
You know, generally speaking, I’m somewhat of an extrovert and I socialise well and I think quite positively about people. Maybe you will worry that I’m a playa of sort but right now, let me promise you this one thing: I’M NOT! I’m friendly, my love, but it doesn’t mean I wanna fuck somebody who’s not you. I dunno, I kinda have the handsome face of a smooth operator but on the inside, I’m really NOT!😩I’m really quite romantic and I believe in true love.
And honestly, at this point in my Life, I know you’re out there being all destined for me. You’re all I want. I’m on my way. So don’t you settle for any low-quality slob. Get ready, baby~ KNOCK KNOCK~🪄🚪
Priestesses of Purity & Divination
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 – Everybody finds Love in the end; you included~
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Ace of Cups Rx, 7 of Cups Rx, 4 of Wands
My Dear, I know Life has not treated you too kindly and your heart’s been broken too many times. It’s been pretty much like that for me, too! I’ve lived a very lonesome existence, wondering where my people are. Wondering if I’ll ever find Love in this lifetime. I know now that those whose hearts are tender find it harder to truly connect with someone. We’re not BROKEN! No, we’re not! The ‘problem’ with us is that we crave soul-deep connections~ And damn, that’s rare, indeed🍀
You know what I’m doing right now? I’m single as a pringle. I’m not opening my heart to anybody. My colleagues all think I’m crazy, offbeat, and even difficult, just because I ain’t settling. Tch, I’m the only one noticing all of their subpar relationships, and some of them are not even the slightest bit happy with the partnership they’ve got. I don’t want that. For fuck’s sake I DON’T want that, ever! I’ve always had this strange, inexplicable feeling, that people are supposed to marry whom they love.
I want LOVE. I crave that shit so bad I dunno what I’m gonna do with myself🙈
One thing I know for sure though: if I’m not with you, you who are just like me, everything in the world is pointless. There is only calm in my world when I’m thinking of you. I don’t even know who you are; but I get optimistic every time I indulge in thoughts of finding you. I… fantasise a lot…?🌈Do you ever think about me? Does your heart bloom with a peculiar kind of softness when you touch upon my consciousness?💫
I am out here in this Star System. Dream of me. Want me more. And believe that we can manifest each other through resonance. We are so much closer than you fear us to be, my Dear. You have to believe in me. The Stars have begun to align and Earth’s temperature is nearing just right🍵Our time is here :D When dreams become Reality and all that’s ever been sad turn to glory, what would you do?
I know what you’re gonna do: you’re going to be married to me😝We’re going to start a new chapter of our lives together and be very happy and abundant. I’m gonna help you prove everybody who’s ever hurt you, gaslit you into believing that you’re hard to love very, very wrong😒All of that gas, when I light the match, is gonna burn their entire house down!🔥
OK, I’m a bit crazy, but anyway—
You do know that good people always find Love in the end, right? That’s just how it always is in fairy tales. You know fairy tales are more real than any of Hollywood’s propaganda, right?🐵Right??🙊I love you. I have loved you for what feels like an eternity. Return to me now. Come home to me, my Love. I am You; you are Me. We’re going to turn everything back to balance; we’re gonna create Heaven on Earth; a harmonious Life of you and me; so have faith in us~🎎
Priestesses of Integrity & Solitude
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 3 – You are someone’s Dream Come True; you ever thought about that??
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9 of Cups, 2 of Cups, King of Cups
You, are someone’s Wish Fulfilment; you ever thought about that? No, of course not; you only thought about yourself and how lacking you are as a person blablabla😡Don’t you know there’s a little someone walking this Earth who’d be SO glad to have you in their Life? Yup, that someone is ME😏You are a treasure of a gal/boy and if you’ve been surrounded by fools who can’t see that, it’s because you’re meant to travel the world and meet me~!
Have a change of scenery; you aren’t meant to thrive and live and die on the land you were born. When you cross borders and seas and realms, you’ll meet people of other cultures and points of view who are going to be more appreciative of the good you’ve been mocked(?) for🥰I promise you, babe~ You are where you are (or were) only because it was part of your Soul’s contract to learn about contrasts.
When all’s said and done, you’re going to be THE most interesting person anybody could listen to!🍿I, for one, could listen to you aaalll week long if you ever want to HAHAHA
My heart right now is like half-full, babe; I’m still waiting for you to appear in my Life. You probably won’t like hearing this because you’re independent, and you’re strong, and rebellious, but… I want you to be mine!🌹I don’t mean that I wish to suffocate you, no, it’s not like that at all… What I mean is, I wish to be the only one who could make you happy, for that would make me feel special🌞
I know I’m silly, I’m sorry~🥰I want to bring stability and certainty into your Life; that much I can say with clarity, for surely, you and I, we’re going to be pouring into each other’s Cups. We’re gonna be the kind of couple who can read each other’s minds and burst out laughing when we see something only we find funny without even exchanging words😂All of that, because of shared empathy~
Honestly, I couldn't care less for all the treasures in the world; I only want you around. Maybe that makes me a romanticist? Hm, that word doesn’t quite encompass all the feelings I have for you. All the things I wish to share with you. All that I’d do for you. What I know is that this is no mere romance; I LOVE you, you know? It goes so much deeper than that🌊
I’m mature, nurturing and caring. Find me, my Love. I’ll nurse you back to health—spiritually and everythingally; I’ll be the reason your faith in Humanity is restored. Actually, it doesn’t even matter; I just want you to trust in me, see yourself through my eyes, see how wonderful of a being you are. I want you to trust in yourself. You’re so fucking special. You’re MY very special kind of Wish Fulfilment☃️
Priestesses of Love & Healing
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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