#Female Veterans
qupritsuvwix · 7 months
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pwrn51 · 11 months
A passion for giving back to humanity
  Today’s guest is Claudia Wheeler a  United States Navy Veteran, an Elementary school teacher, founder of SALT Foundation, Inc., and a Russ Berrie Honoree which is from the Russ Berrie  Making a Difference Award. The Late Russell Berrie started the foundation in 1985 because  Russell had a passion for giving back to humanity! The Russ Berrie  Making a Difference Award has been recognizing…
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theangrycorpsman · 1 year
Women's Health in the Military: Understanding Unique Challenges and Needs
As more women join the military, there has been an increasing need for discussions about women’s health and their unique challenges. While women in the military face the same health concerns as their male counterparts, there are additional issues that are specific to women that require attention. In this blog post, we will discuss some of these challenges and ways to address them, as well as a…
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calilili · 2 years
21st Century , A Time Of Useful Consciousness ; Caterpillar, Chrysalis Butterfly @ Cali Lili Indies ™️ pwMiM™️feMt0™️ studi0 Local Global https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/
“ A Time Of Useful Consciousness  You Down to Clown ? “ ©️ by Cali Lili this essay was published as an edited guest piece at Will Pollock’s Cranky Yank Magazine https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/ “ We raised and released 42 monarch butterflies last season and during this year’s cycle from the returning mommy monarch…
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brighteuphony · 1 month
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I love Chiyo- and I kind of headcanon her as a Witch of the Woods (Sands???) archetype- a bitter old woman who has sacrificed too much, experienced and committed more atrocities than anyone can imagine, and who knows the truth about what lies in the hearts of men to live among the villages anymore.
In my AU she's got a pretty dark backstory. Back in time when Villages were just getting established, women weren't allowed to be shinobi in the same capacity as men. There was too much warring and death among the clans to risk women, so they were only ever allowed to serve as spies or medics. (Chiyo started off as a medic).
And like any military/fascist dictatorship, serving the state was more important than anything else- so women who were kunoichi were given missions to steal and return with powerful bloodlines. Even before villages, this was a common fear among clans (which is why so many of them have protective measures and inbreed/arrange matches very carefully).
Chiyo was one such woman, who took a X-rated mission in her youth because she was told it would 'serve her nation'. There was a powerful bloodline whose Kekkei Genkai could harden sand to something akin to Steel- something Suna very desperately wanted.
Chiyo succeeded in her mission, but despite the veneer of 'serving your nation', when she returned, she was considered, in her words, "Just another whore."
Then when her son didn't manifest the bloodline- it was worse, but Chiyo was happy because that meant her son was HERS. (This is when she met Enji, and he saved her son's life at great cost- so Chiyo owes him a blood/life debt.)
Then the war came, and they needed women to fight so now serving the nation meant something different, and Chiyo became a full fledged 'shinobi' and turned her healing towards poison and death- especially when she had to fight the Salamander.
Then she sealed Gaara and that was the atrocity straw that broke the camel's back and she dipped out Suna and retired to an oasis. She's still a healer, but adamantly refuses to serve shinobi.
Once again, thank you so much for these asks and all the support for this AU?
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yourdailyqueer · 2 months
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Nadine Hwang (deceased)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 3 March 1902 
RIP: Died 1972
Ethnicity: Chinese, white
Nationality: Various - she moved about but died in Belgium and lived with Nelly in Venezuela for 20 years.
Occupation: Lawyer, veteran, chauffeur, spy
Note 1: Was one of the first Chinese female pilots and served in the Chinese Air Force as an honorary colonel. There is evidence to suggest that Nadine Hwang also spied against the Nazis as an agent on behalf of the French Resistance.
Note 2: Had a relationship with opera singer Nelly Mousset-Vos
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fandoms-writings · 1 year
Sore Muscles
A Something Domestic Drabble
Pairing: ex-military amputee!Bucky x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky’s prosthetic has been causing some issues, but it’s a good thing he has you to help him out with that
Word Count: 1.1K
Warnings: muscle soreness and a massage?? So just fluff
A/N: thanks to @sweetdreamsbuck for planting this seed in my head, I hope you enjoy <3
Series Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist
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Ever since he got the new arm, even though he was doing physical therapy to try and help get used to it, Bucky's muscles had started to ache. He'd tried to ignore it, pushing through the work he did with you every day on top of his physical therapy that he did three times a week.
Today, his body was not having it.
He felt the bed dip and shift as you turned, moving to get up for the morning and he'd peeled his eyes open to watch you. He loved watching you in the morning - the way the barely rising sun would dance on your skin as you made your way to the closet, only leaving a small gap open in the doorway for Alpine who liked to be your shadow. The way you tried so hard to be quiet to not wake him even though he couldn't sleep past you getting out of bed in the first place.
He'd watch through the crack in the closet door as you searched through your clothes, searching for a specific pair of pants or a certain shirt. You'd eventually merge from the closet, clothed and ready to go down stairs to make your coffee. Lifting his arm to get your attention before you walked out, he smiled once you linked your fingers together, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him.
"Good morning, Jamie," You whispered against his lips as you leaned over to plant yours there.
Humming into the kiss, he couldn't stop from trying to nip at your lips before you pulled away, "Good morning, darlin'." He went to turn over, to lay on his back so he could really look at you in the morning light, but the second he got his elbow lifted enough to pull on the muscle, his back all but seized.
Letting out a long groan as he struggled to finish turning around, he could feel your hands hesitating on his skin, not knowing how to help but wanting to. Once he was finally on his back and could relax again, he let out the breath he'd held after his muscles started their tantrum.
"Oh god, that sucks," He muttered, opening his eyes to see you still sat beside him, your face coated in worry.
"Are you okay?" You asked, not sure where to rest your hands on him, not wanting to cause him any more pain than what you just witnessed.
He sighed before doing his best to shrug, "I don't know, it was just like my back was on fire for a second." He felt your hand rest against his chest and he reached up to grab it, lacing your fingers together.
"You stay here, I'll let the horses out and get them fed," You started, rubbing your thumb along his knuckles, "and when I come back, we're taking that arm off of you and working on your back."
He tried to argue with you, to say that he could still get up and help and that you shouldn't be doing all this work on your own but you shut him up. He got an earful about how you can do it, you've been doing it for years before he showed up on your porch and how if he tried to follow you out there, you'd personally drag him back in by the collar of his shirt.
So he waited for you.
He laid there, trying to will his muscles to relax but to no avail. In fact, it felt like they were just getting worse, mocking him as they held him captive to the bed while he could hear you outside doing morning chores thanks to the open window.
It didn't take long though for you to finish up and come back inside, ditching your shoes and grabbing lotion before making your way to the bedroom where you helped Bucky sit up. He leaned against you, clutching at your side with his flesh hand as you worked to get his prosthetic off, sighing when the weight of it dislodged from him and fell to the bed. You moved it to the floor, where it wouldn't get stepped on or kicked, and helped him lay on his stomach before you placed yourself over him. Straddling his hips and sitting on the backs of his thighs, you got to work, moving the lotion into his back and feeling the riddled mess of knots in his muscles.
Bucky swore your hands were magic, there was no way they weren't. Whether you admitted it or not, there was something supernatural about the way your hands worked the knots out of his back.
He couldn't help the groans that crawled their way out of his throat and slipped past his lips every time you got one of the knots to at least shrink, the feeling of his muscles finally relaxing made him feel like he was literally melting into the blankets under him.
He got lost in how good it felt, going into somewhat of a trance as your hands forced the knots away. It wasn't long until you had him on the verge of sleep, in the midst of limbo under your touch. Slightly humming as you lightly dragged your fingertips across his skin after you were done working his muscles. You could see the sleepy smiles gracing his lips when you switched to your nails, gently scratching his back in long strokes - one of his favorites.
When you leaned over and placed a line of kisses across the expanse of his shoulders, paying special attention to the scars on the left side, that was what pulled him back to the waking world. You rested your weight against his back, laying on top of him as gently as you could while wrapping your hands around his shoulders.
"Thank you, darlin'," he muttered into the sheets, relishing in the way you felt pressed against him, and noticing how his back hardly ached anymore. He brought his hand up to grab at your hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze as you leaned up to kiss just under his ear.
"Of course, you know I like taking care of you," You whispered, this moment seeming too gentle to speak any louder.
"I know you do," He hummed, pulling your hand forward so he could lay a kiss on your knuckles before sinking into the mattress again, comfortably pressed down by your weight, like his own personal security blanket.
He didn't know what he'd do without you, but he did know that he was going to repay you for this. Later. For now, he was going to allow himself this moment of reprieve for as long as you'd lay on him.
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As always, thank you for reading! Reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated <3
If you want to be updated when i post a new story, please follow my library blog and turn on notifications <3 @remis-library
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joansblondells · 1 year
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 I know you're the homecoming queen type and all but are you strung out on something or what?
Shawnee Smith & Kevin Dillon as Meg Penny + Brian Flagg in THE BLOB (1988)
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gennyanydots · 2 years
Dagger squad reactions to your class making them Veteran’s Day cards
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AN: My class made these for some staff members and I was thinking about how some of the dagger squad would react to getting them.
“Hey babe did you see the cards my class made you on the table?” You ask from the living room. You hear him walk into the kitchen and shuffle through the cards.
“They made me these?” Bradley asks.
“Well yeah. They wanted to thank you for your service. We learned about Veterans Day this week and they know about you so they wanted to make you cards,” you say back and look towards Bradley who has tears in his eyes. “Oh honey! Are you okay?”
He immediately clears his throat and wipes at his eyes quickly, “It’s fine! I’m fine! This is just very nice. I’ve never had anyone color me a picture before. Please thank them for me.”
“Hey babe did you see the cards my class made you on the table?” You ask from the living room. You hear him walk into the kitchen and shuffle through the cards.
“What time does your school start?” Coyote asks you.
“Umm like 9 ish,” you say giving him a funny look as you watch him take out his phone.
“And how many kids do you have?” He asks.
“Umm like 20?” You say.
“Okay so I’ll text you on Monday when DoorDash says the donuts have been delivered,” he says walking towards you and flops down onto the couch next to you.
“What donuts?” You ask.
“The donuts I ordered for your class for making me cards,” he says and grabs the remote and turns on the tv and wraps an arm around you.
You smile and lean against him and kiss his cheek, “What a softie.”
“Yeah, yeah don’t tell anyone,” he says jokingly while smirking.
“Hey babe did you see the cards my class made you on the table?” You ask from the living room. You hear him walk into the kitchen and shuffle through the cards.
“But I don’t even wear camo!” You hear him say from the kitchen.
“Jake they’re 8 and 9 year olds. They barely even know that there are different branches of the military,” you say rolling your eyes.
He comes into the living room and sits next to you pouting, “But it does.”
“Aww poor baby. What happened to it’s the thought that counts?” You ask.
“I’m going to have to come in and teach them what an aviator wears,” he says with a determined look on his face. “Maybe I can get some of the other aviators to come in and talk to them.”
You smile, “I’m sure they’ll love that.”
“Hey babe did you see the cards my class made you on the table?” You ask from the living room. You hear him walk into the kitchen and shuffle through the cards.
“These are so cute, baby,” he says while picking each one up and looking at it closely. “They did such a good job!” He puts them all in a pile and starts walking down the hall.
“Where are you going?” You ask watching him.
“To hang them up in my office. Art like this needs to be displayed,” he says as he heads into the office.
About 10 minutes later he comes back out and joins you on the couch and shows you his phone screen. He took a picture of all the pictures hung up, “I love them and I’m going to show everyone at work.”
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pwrn51 · 11 months
Afghanistan had affected her life in so many ways
  Betsy Wurzel’s guest is Lauren Kay Johnson an Air Force Veteran, Author, and Writer of THE FINE ART OF CAMOUFLAGE, and Lauren discusses the title of her book, how people do camouflage themselves, why Lauren went into the military, and how being in the Airforce in Afghanistan had affected her life in so many ways. Lauren Kay Johnson was a Public Affairs Officer in a  Provincial Reconstruction…
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weixuldo · 11 months
Enigma// ch 23
anakin x reader
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A/N: So ani is a lil uncharacteristically emotional in this one, but it's because he’s going through withdrawal which takes a heavy toll not only physically but emotionally too. Also this chapter mentions the fourth of July (sorry to my readers who don’t live in the USA) . I just thought the holiday would be a good plot point for this specific iderration of Anakin, I do not mean to use the holiday politically AT ALL!!! Anyways, with all of that out of the way- I hope you all enjoy it!!
The fourth of july came at a bad time
warnings: cursing, alcohol abuse, alcohol withdrawal , self hatred, depressive thoughts, throw up, basically ani is just miserable, ptsd
Things had been going as well as they could regarding his liver- but the biggest problem at the moment was the withdrawal of alcohol.
Last time he subsided with his drinking, he had time to wean himself off slowly- but now he couldn’t because any amount of alcohol could be fatal to his condition. 
The past few nights had been restless for him- cold sweats, headaches, nausea, and he was just generally miserable. 
Last night wasn't much different, he was pretty miserable, curled up on his side trying to ignore the pains in his stomach- it took him forever to get comfortable and when he finally did, he only got about an hour of sleep before he woke up shaking and disoriented. 
You rushed to his bedside to find he was running a fever (a normal symptom of alcohol withdrawal); instead of freaking out you sat by him trying your best to soothe him while also bringing down his temperature. 
Later on he emptied the contents of his stomach into a trash bin you brought for him and finally fell asleep.
You weren’t so sure tonight would be any better, he had been acting squirrely all day and seemed kind of in a haze. 
He skipped dinner because he felt like if he ate anything it would just come back up. So the two of you sat on the couch with a program about different species of the Amazon playing in the background; not that either of you were actually paying attention to that. 
You were worried about Anakin, how much longer was this routine going to be sustainable for him?
Outside the distinct pew of a firework being sent up into the night sky could be heard before it made a “bang”.
You Jumped at the loud noise, you never were really a fan of fireworks. But why were they going off tonight…?
Oh fuck. Today was the 4th- there would be fireworks going on all night. 
You looked over your phone to see Anakin’s wide blue eyes and distant stare. Another one went off and you observed as he flinched at the initial ascent and closed his eyes and tensed as it exploded. 
You didn’t need to ask why he was so jumpy… the fireworks sounded eerily reminiscent of the explosives he was accustomed to hearing on the battlefield. 
Anakin’s PTSD was not something that came up often- he didn’t really like to talk about it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have it. 
“Ani, do you wanna change the channel to something a little louder? It might drown out the sounds outside” you offered after you noticed him shaking under his blanket.
Half of you expected him to be peeved that you insinuated he wasn't ok, but to your surprise he looked towards you with wide eyes, 
“Could you come sit with me?” he asked in a small voice. 
“Of course” 
His blue eyes watched as you took a seat beside him; as soon as you were sat, one of his bionic arms pulled you gently in by the waist. Once you were close enough you leaned over to peck him on the cheek before turning the volume on the TV on.
Anxiously you watched the clock, it was nearing midnight and you knew that would be the worst.
A sharp inhale diverted your attention from the screen in front of you to the man beside you. His eyes were clenched shut and he gripped his side. 
“Anakin, what’s wrong?” you asked anxiously. 
“Nothing, it’s just…my side hurts” he groaned.
The doctor said that was normal for someone with liver issues but it still hurt to see him struggling. 
“Would you like me to hold-”
He nodded his head and you scooted closer to him; as of now it wasn’t clear what the two of you were in your relationship, but you did want to be there for him.
Soon he was lying across your lap and held tightly onto your hand that draped over his side. Your free hand was gently running over his side and occasionally brushing against the side of his face. 
It was evident that he was shaking in your hold; unfortunately there wasn’t much you could do to aid his condition, so you offered all you could.
The clock in the corner chimed and your eyes widened, it was 12- well, almost; the clock was about two minutes fast, but that just meant the majority of the fireworks would be going off in no time. 
“Ani, do you wanna sit up for me?” you asked, lightly patting his side. 
Now the two of you were sitting face to face, holding hands. The first of many colorful explosives fired into the night sky- the initial ascent made Anakin flinch in your arms, but he still tried to focus on you; your soft skin, the faint blush on your cheeks, the growing bump of your stomach…
Another twinge of pain plagued his side at the same moment a loud bang interrupted his internal commentary and he yelped. You quickly drew him into a tight embrace and rubbed his strong back.
His cries had subsided but he was still quivering a little; it was painful to see him in such a state. 
At first you said nothing then you soon subconsciously began humming a soft tune; a song your mother used to sing to comfort you when you were distressed.
You hadn’t heard that song in ages, but here you were- doing your best to comfort a man in need. 
Anakin was still trying to drown out the noises outside with thoughts of his own, but no matter how hard he tried- his mind kept teleporting him to the fucking battlefield he left so many years ago.
The cacophony of bullets and choppers slicing through the sky. The melody of screaming and detonated bombs... The symphony of war. 
He hated it there.
Usually he was able to stay far far away from that place, but sometimes he just couldn’t fight the darkness cruelly pulling him back in. 
But this time he heard something else, a new chord to the song.
It was nothing harsh or dangerous, instead it was soft and smooth- it felt safe. 
His eyes moved rapidly under his closed lids, searching for the origin of the sound, until he was pulled from his personal hell and opened his eyes again.
With a deep breath he took in his surroundings; he was on his couch (ok, it was still the 4th). He registered that you were hugging him tightly and…
The voice, the light at the end of the tunnel, his safe place- was you. 
He closed his eyes once more but this time was not in anguish, rather in pure adoration. He wanted to focus solely on your voice and forget everything else- in this moment you were the only thing that mattered. 
Before you knew it the familiar melody came to an end and you finished your song; it felt so natural you barely realized you had started singing. 
You smiled as you felt Anakin relax in your arms; the worst was finally over.
He nuzzled further into your embrace and you felt the motion of his brows furrowing against your chest. You brushed his locks and wiped the thin layer of sweat from his forehead. 
Another straggler firework went off and he cringed once more; you continued to softly comfort him.
Though, as much as he loved your embrace, he wanted to see your face. So he raised himself up to gazed upon you; on your messy hair, your eye bags, your endearing smile…
You were radiant. 
“Thank you, y/n” he said.
You smiled and peppered his flushed face with kisses, “of course, Ani”.
After you pulled away, his blue eyes still lingered on you.
“You are so beautiful”.
You smiled; no matter the state he was in, Anakin would be there to remind you of your beauty. Even if you woke up feeling like you looked terrible, he would quell your worries. 
“Thank you Ani, so are you” you delivered another soft kiss to his temple before straightening your back against the couch. 
It seemed that the majority of the fireworks were done (finally). Anakin was able to relax his muscles and sit comfortably beside you. 
The TV was still playing the nature channel; the show changed to one about baby animals in different habitats. Instead of going back to your phone, you watched as the screen flashed clips of fluffy seal pups and tiny polar bear cubs. 
“You like polar bears, right?” Anakin asked.
“Yea, I think they’re pretty cool. They’re Apex predators yet so cute” you smiled.
He smiled at your response.
“Do you like ‘em?” you returned his question.
“Mhmm, I was stationed in Alaska for a few months when I first joined the military and I became friends with this guy who ran a bear sanctuary. He had one polar bear and she was an absolute sweetheart” Anakin reminisced. 
Your eyes lit up; Anakin had so many great memories and experiences.
“That’s amazing! I would love to see one in real life. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance though, because we’re driving them to extinction.” you frowned.
“If we had the time, I would’ve taken you up there to see her. My friend still runs the sanctuary” Anakin replied.
If we had time…
Another disappointing reminder that no time was guaranteed; you would have loved to do that with Anakin….You would have loved to do a lot of things with Anakin…
With a sad smile, you responded, “That’s very sweet Ani… but who’s to say we won't go someday?”.
His cerulean blue eyes gave you a knowing look before responding, “I guess you’re right”.
You were about to respond to him when you felt an odd sensation in your lower abdomen;
“Oh!” you exclaimed and you grabbed onto the arm of the couch to steady yourself. 
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Anakin asked without hesitation. 
The sensation came again and you placed a hand on your stomach, “Yea, I’m ok Ani”.
“Is it the baby?” he asked worriedly. 
“I think so; it’s kicking” you said, calming his already high strung nerves. 
You turned towards him with an endearing look, “Would you like to feel?”.
His eyes lit up when he processed your question and he sat up straight; he looked as excited as a kid who just got told they would be going to disney world. 
“Please?” he asked.
“Of course,” you smiled. 
You turned your body towards him so he could have a better angle to feel.
“Could you help me-” he asked as he offered one of his arms. 
How could you forget?
With his arms on he wouldn’t be able to directly feel the baby; gently you took the bionic arm in your hands and broke the suction seal, allowing him to pull his stump out. 
You placed the arm beside you on the couch and turned towards Anakin once more. 
He was examining his arm (just a small habit he had) and you laid back into the cushions. He gazed upon you with such adoration. You could tell how much he loved you- how much he meant his apologies…
“Ani, give me your arm” you asked, to which he darted his eyes towards yours. 
“It’s alright, I can just-”
“Please?” you asked. 
Even after all of your time together he still got self conscious sometimes- honesty his insecurities came in random waves and apparently, now, was just one of those times. 
He sighed and offered you his arm; you wrapped your hand around his tender skin, eliciting a small gasp from him (your touch still gave him butterflies).
You slowly guided him to your stomach and pulled up your shirt; the bump was very noticeable now. 
You placed his soft stump against your belly and laid your hands on top of him. You sighed at his touch, you hadn’t felt him so intimately in a long time. 
Out of the corner of your eye you saw that he had his eyes closed; his brows were drawn in concentration and his plump lips were slightly parted. 
Once the baby kicked again his eyes shot open, he leaned forward and placed his prosthetic hand against your stomach too. 
“It’s amazing”
You giggled at his wonder. 
“That’s…” he began.
“Our baby” you finished; gazing into his water eyes as he turned towards you. 
Today had already been an emotionally draining day, but he still had a few tears left to shed.
“Oh, Ani. It’s alright” you sighed when you saw trails down his cheeks. 
Before you could sit all the way up, he gathered you into a warm embrace and laid gently atop of your chest (careful not to bump your belly). 
You ran your fingers through his hair as he continued to hold you as tightly as he could. 
You knew he wasn’t the best with words, but his actions were telling you everything you needed to know. 
“Thank you” he said against your neck.
You drew your brows together, you didn't expect him to say anything. 
“Thank you for staying”
“I know I’m far from perfect and I got shit I gotta sort out… but it means so much to me that you believed in me enough to stay… and to sharing our baby with me” his voice began to waver. 
“...just thank you for everything”
Anakin didn’t need to thank you, his actions were enough to tell you how grateful he was, but the fact that he did vocalize his feelings just meant the world to you. 
He was trying.
You held his head closer to you and kissed his hair.
“I love you” he whispered softly. 
Your heart fluttered because deep inside you knew you still did too. 
a/n: getting out of angst??? also i added the polar bear hit cause i was just thinking abt them and was like- “ig i’ll put it in the fic” lmfaooo
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot
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calilili · 2 years
21st Century , A Time Of Useful Consciousness ; Caterpillar, Chrysalis Butterfly @ Cali Lili Indies ™️ pwMiM™️feMt0™️ studi0 The Local Global
“ A Time Of Useful Consciousness  You Down to Clown ? “ ©️ by Cali Lili this essay was published as an edited guest piece at Will Pollock’s Cranky Yank Magazine https://crankyyank.com/2022/11/07/midterms-are-a-time-of-useful-consciousness-by-guest-blogger-calililiindies/ “ We raised and released 42 monarch butterflies last season and during this year’s cycle from the returning mommy monarch…
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thewenglishwarlock · 9 months
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Second diorama done (sort of) I'm trying to figure out if I put walls on the back made out of some pipe.
But yeah fem space marine facing off against a little nurgle kitbash I put together out of some spare bits and bobs I had lying around
what do we think?
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andthetapeworms · 4 months
Now that dogday x craftycorn has been hinted at to be canon can we all agree not to let it get to tiktok. please. let's all agree to just not let anyone on that app know pls dont let them know it wouldn't be good at all
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your-loving-rey · 2 years
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I've been a muscle girl fan for a long time now. But I've never seen anyone like DLB. She's the best. She's the Beast! She's the strong, beautiful, hardworking and loving princess that every man dreams of having. And she's an inspiration to millions of girls around the world. Feeling and kissing and worshipping her biceps is still a dream of mine.
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