#Elementary school teacher
knic28 · 1 year
I love my job so much it's the best job I ever had but the unique thing abt teaching elementary kids is that elementary kids are evil in a way that makes you love them and hate being around them
Anyways if anyone has any recommendations on how to make 7 and 8 year olds listen other than just going apeshit and jumping out the window I'd love to hear it
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floridaboiler · 2 years
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hamptersadness · 5 months
So just wanna gush about this kid.
So I'm a high schooler that is being a TA for some Special Ed students. And one of the students is.... A handful to deal with.
He's a very big 2nd grader who has a speech impediment, on the spectrum and is extremely impulsive.
I've been hit, kicked, been thrown shoes at, been told I hate you, been told to fucking shut up by this kid. But I love him to death.
Unfortunately he comes from a home where they don't cope with his disabilities very well and take it out on him causing him to have horrid learned behavior.
His teachers don't treat him right, think that he should be calmed down and that he's too "dangerous" to do anything.
They don't even *prompt* him at all. Like if he doesn't want to do something he will say shut up they don't even give him an alternative. I tell him to say no thank you.
I'm very proud of him today because instead of saying shut up to a girl who was crying he instead said what happened, one of the prompts I give him.
He's a good kid, he loves to play and talk but his impulsivity makes it so he just does whatever comes to mind. Everyone just treats him bad because he's a "bad" kid.
Love him to death. He made my day when we played happy and you know it.
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tobbogan-13 · 1 year
i love when you can just tell your teacher used to teach elementary school, or did elementary education
like I'm in bio and we have a sub, 'use kind words', 'stay at voice level one or two', 'friends', then she said she was going to UCF for elementary education
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queenie435 · 11 months
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cowfetticrochet · 5 months
I host a crochet club at my school for 3rd and 4th graders. This has been my third year hosting this club. This year, though, the students had a hard time keeping focus. I also ran the club a bit more lax—not having a definite pattern or goal we were working on. I just taught them stitches or skills they requested. I think this was the mistake.
Thinking to next year (we only have about five weeks left of school!) I want to have more structure in my crochet club.
My idea as of right now is to crochet a terrarium. This would give students a way to customize their projects, but also give the club some structure to keep them focused and productive.
I’m in the beginning stages of planning, but I found this amazing terrarium by Moogly.
I want to think of projects specific for this that can be taught in a way that will build up their skills progressively.
For example, maybe chain a macrame-style hanger for the terrarium.
Then, make a single crochet rectangle that we can stitch together and gather the top to turn it into a cactus.
Moving onto harder projects like a magic ring circle for the terrarium layers.
Finally ending with an amigurumi animal to live I. The terrarium.
It sounds exciting, but I have lots to plan to bring it to fruition. This will be a great summer project for me!
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chemicalarospec · 8 months
I think we need to talk about the fact that there's a WhoHQ book (the "Who was [person]?" series for kids with the big heads on the covers) about Robert E. Lee that doesn't really um. let's say properly confront. the fact that Robert E. Lee supported slavery (very bad thing).
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bad-ideas-by-ben · 2 years
Holy shit this ten year old just ran past me at top speed screaming “you’ll never take me alive!” I’m losing my mind, it’s a game of tag dude
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v-tired-queer · 1 year
I just had the best realization!
For context: I'm not a teacher yet, but I hope to be going to college soon to get a degree in Early Childhood Education and then become an elementary school teacher (hopfully) soon after.
I know that I want a rocking chair in my classroom for morning meeting time, reading time or carpet time in general so I can have a comfortable chair to sit in throughout the day. Today I was looking at different children's books and adding them to my Amazon list for my future classroom and out of curiosity, I looked up if they made a Rainbow Fish stuffed animal and they do! So I started looking for stuffed animals of a couple different characters from children's books and I'm very excited to report that they make quite a bit!
So then I thought about it even more and came up with an idea! What if before class starts each morning, I put the stuffed toy of the character from our reading time book on the rocking chair as a fun little hint to my class about the story we'd be reading? I know that they might not get it or get excited, but I thought it might be a fun idea, just incase a kid or two does notice and get excited for it.
I've also decided that I want to have a designated stuffed animal to be our classroom mascot. Then I could make them do fun things around the classroom for different activities or holidays. Like if we're having art that day, then they wear a smock and hold a paintbrush, or if it's St. Patrick's Day and there's a leprechaun loose in the school that visits our classroom (did anyone else's school do that?), then they could be at the center of the mess the mischievous leprechaun makes. Or if we have a field trip to the zoo, then they hold a map of local zoo and has a little packed lunch of pretend food.
I'm sure there are teachers that have already done these things, but I'm getting very excited to get to college and get my degree and by extension, I'm also very excited to become a teacher, and the more ideas I get the more excited I get!
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harrisonpeters · 2 years
Harrison Peters is a leader, educator, and inspiration. He began his career in the elementary classroom and continued to drive his career forward with new challenges and achievements.
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yourgympartner · 2 years
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pwrn51 · 1 year
A passion for giving back to humanity
  Today’s guest is Claudia Wheeler a  United States Navy Veteran, an Elementary school teacher, founder of SALT Foundation, Inc., and a Russ Berrie Honoree which is from the Russ Berrie  Making a Difference Award. The Late Russell Berrie started the foundation in 1985 because  Russell had a passion for giving back to humanity! The Russ Berrie  Making a Difference Award has been recognizing…
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santaclaralocalnews · 2 years
Sutter Elementary School teacher Shirley Stibbard’s 23 kindergarten students—and their parents—clearly love her. She has the proof. It was about 5 p.m. Friday in the school parking lot. Stibbard had stayed late to turn in report cards, and she was loading her car to head home for the Thanksgiving week school break. Read more at svvoice.com
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zivazivc · 4 months
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my brainrot about these two can be measured in liters
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shittysawtraps · 1 year
on halloween some trick or treaters accidentally wander into the trap warehouse. thankfully, the kids assume its some sort of haunted house, and are given werther’s by a very confused john
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bad-ideas-by-ben · 2 years
Today on “weird things my students say”:
“Torture is bad”
Thanks for the clarification buddy
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