#Female pro-heroes
imagination-mess · 1 year
Reality Show: Pro Heroes Wives (Bakugou Katsuki Edition)
*Implied the Reader is on the heavier side. You can leave it up to your own interpretation of it. *
There is a reality show where pro heroes' wives are on television and paid to be there. It was juicy gossip and pure drama. There are two groups separated from one another. There is always shit hitting the fan.
This week's episode was Pro Hero Dynamight making headlines and fans tweeting on Twitter as the episode was aired. It was
The official account of Pro Hero Dynamight has liked fan edits of his wife with the SWING SWING SWING Audio.
#thegirlsarefighting #season2ofproheroeswives
DynaFan0123 tweeted Not Rika, the fashion designer trying to body shame [Name] during the pool challenge to only get humbled later. EMBARRASSING *Meme attached to tweet*
Earjackfan#01: [Name] left no crumbles behind.
It was clips of Pro Hero Dynamight's wife in a swimsuit swiping the floor of another Pro Hero wife, Rika. It was a battle stick challenge of trying to knock your opponent while standing on a pillar. It gets harder to not slip while wet. There are 3 rounds with a cycle of a fight.
Rika was knocked out of the pillar shamelessly and didn't even last a minute with you. It was embarrassing compared to everyone else who was doing it minimum lasted 3 minutes. You let her swing at you and fake out of falling off to only get smacked harshly to lose balance. It was the look in your eyes that were too similar grin of your husband across your face. She had no chance of winning because you didn't even give her a chance to do after the first round.
The other challenge was to feature the spiciest sauces across the nation. You were chosen for your team because of your relationship with Dynamight. The pro hero has his own restaurant being the number one spot for having the hottest, spiciest dishes that left the food critic having to buy a gallon of milk. He had also released his own line of the spiciest hottest sauces earlier this year.
Rika was again your opponent who was trying to redeem themselves after embarrassing themselves to only do it again. She challenges you to take on the spiciest sauce of wings to handle with grace. She couldn't handle it. She was dying, turning like a tomato, and coughing.
It had become a meme throughout the internet. Rika's reaction to the wings. You serve her a cup of milk with a smile, "Too spicy for you?"
You also mentioned one of Dynamight's sauces, "Crybaby is better than this." "Crybaby Sauce is better than this. It's spicy, but not spicy enough for me. I
You accidentally caused a trend to happen while making the restaurant blow up in popularity. People want to buy that certain sauce to try it themselves.
OfficalChargebolt tweeted: Rika was doomed from the beginning. [Name] is married to a man with a tongue of steel. *Attaches the classic meme of Pro Hero Dynamight's unbothered face next to Pro Hero Shoto and Deku is struggling to handle the spiciest.*
*Attaches another one of the unsatisfied faces of Pro Hero Dynamight with subtitles on, "I am disappointed." meanwhile in the background Pro Hero Deku is having a coughing fit on the ground, and Pro Hero Shoto chugging down a gallon of milk*
OfficalDynamight tweets underneath a thread of a meme, mentioning Crybaby is better the following: *attached link to crybaby sauce.* Leave me alone.
Pro Hero Deku Edition
Pro Hero Shoto Edition
Pro Hero Red Riot Edition
Pro Hero Eraserhead Edition
Pro Hero Hellfire (Touya) Edition
Pro Hero Mindjack Edition
Reality Show: Unmasked Pro Heroes
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lilissmut · 6 months
Dad bakugo x Mom reader
“Cmon Sumi, you’ve gotta eat, take at least two bites? Pleasee?”Sighing to yourself as your four year old is refusing to eat, again.
“but mama, i don’t wanna eat this” Sumi, your daughter, is a very picky eater.
“please baby? You can’t just eat French fries and chicken nuggets.” You’re starting to get frustrated when you hear your 8 month old, Hatsuki, start to cry.
“Eat half, or else dada is getting involved.” Sumi sighed in frustration, but was a mamas girl, and didn’t like her dad as much as you, her mom. So she started to take a couple bites of her food, knowing how angry her dad gets at her for giving her mom a hard time.
smiling at your daughter, you walk upstairs to your eight month old son, Hatsuki. He wasn’t much of a crier, but when he did cry, it was hard to get him to quiet down.
You picked up your son, and rocked him back and fourth in a soothing motion, praying he’d go back to sleep. Or else he’d be up all night.
“s’okay, mamas right here baby” you sat down on the bed, holding him in your arms. You couldn’t get over the fact that Hatsuki looked so much like your husband, Bakugo. The feeling of relief washed over you when you finally got Hatsuki to quiet down, and fall back asleep.
Walking down the stairs with your baby in your arms, you see Sumi still eating her food.
“thank you baby. You ate so much of it.” Smiling at her, you gave her a kiss on the forehead.
It was around two hours later you Heard the door open, and you knew those steps so well, they were katsukis.
You overheard your husband asking “where’s mama, sumi?” You were half asleep and didn’t even both to listen in any further.
“babe I’m in the living room!!” You stated loud enough for him to hear, but hopefully not loud enough to wake up the baby.
smiling as you heard him walk towards you.
“Hey babe how was work?” He smiled and gave you a kiss on the lips.
“it was good. Stupid wanna be villains, but you know how it is babe.” Sumi ran over to her dad and gave him grabby hands, wanting him to pick her up.
Grunting a little as he picked her up, and sat on the couch beside his gorgeous wife.
You leaned into bakugos shoulder, tired and stressed, but those emotions were shared between you two.
You were just finally happy to have your husband home.
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yutxsgf · 9 months
I deeply love to imagine Bakugou as the grumpiest person walking on the earth when he grows up and pursues his heroic dream. But every grump needs his sunshine gf that's terrible at something.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺
"It's done!"
An ash-blonde tuft of hair peeked out from the kitchen doorframe before moving out from behind the wall with his softened scowl.
You glanced over your shoulder behind you at the tall male, smiling softly as you beamed him a loving gaze.
"Gonna pass me one or keep smilin' at me?"
He crossed his arms, a faint smile making its way on his lips before he began striding towards your bent figure as you took your homemade cookies out of the oven.
"Can't I do both?" You hummed before hissing when you accidentally touched the hot pan with your non-mittened hand.
His eyes barely widened before he quickly made his way over to you, looming over you as he stood behind you with your wrist in his overly large hand. "Idiot." He mumbled before rubbing your hand with his calloused fingers.
You huffed, rolling your eyes before pointing down at the cookies on the pan.
You were pretty adamant on learning how to bake. Why? Because you were absolutely ass at it. But that never stopped Bakugou from encouraging you and supporting each and every one of your pastries. But of course, since you weren't the best at baking, you can only guess how they'd come out.
"They look great, honey." He mumbled, kissing your cheek before taking a dark obsidian black, supposedly chocolate chip cookie.
You smiled brightly at your boyfriend as he took a hearty bite out of your cookie, your happiness never deterring as he kept a straight face.
That was all that mattered.
"So.. how are they..?" You whispered, turning around to face him as you craned your neck up.
He hummed in thought before throwing the rest of the cookie in his mouth and sticking his thumb up with approval.
He swallowed, clearing his throat before pointing behind you at the cookies, "Gonna give 'em to the group, that okay?"
"Of course!" You smiled, "Can I come? I wanna see their reactions and take some tips."
"'Course baby, go get dressed." And with a light tap on your behind, you were off to your shared bedroom with a small skip in your step.
"What are those." Kaminari whispered to Bakugou, pointing a slim finger at the cookies in a small zip lock baggy.
"My cookies." You replied before Bakugou could, glancing up at the charcoal in your boyfriend's hands.
The group froze before simultaneously nodding together. You took nothing of it, but Bakugou did as he sent a deathly glare to each of them.
"Go on, pick one." Bakugou grumbled, keeping his stone cold glare as he carefully opened the bag and spread it large enough for their hands to fit through.
Sero and Kaminari gulped, clearing their throat before reluctantly taking the so-called cookie from the baggy. Ashido, Kirishima, and Jirou following soon after.
"Hey, babe, can you go get us some water over there?" Bakugou asked quietly, pointing to the water dispenser near the corner of his unnecessarily large office.
You happily obligated, nodding before shuffling over to the dispenser with your fluffy winter boots.
"One negative thing, 'n I'm slitting all of your goddamn throats."
"Yes, sir." Kaminari and Sero saluted foolishly as the rest froze, seemingly lost in thought as they stared at your cookie. wondering how in the world did it get that bad.
You quickly came back with both arms full of plastic cups filled with water. Bakugou was quick to set the cookies down on his desk and grab all the waters from your grasp.
When you smiled expectedly at them, they all glanced at each other before sighing and taking a reluctantly large bite.
"They're– They're um.." "They're awesome!" Kirishima finished for Kaminari, nudging his arm behind their bodies before gulping down his bite.
You happily squealed, jumping up and down before hugging your boyfriend at his neck.
And then, he smiled.
"Say a thing, and I'll kill you."
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doumadono · 18 days
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I'm excited to share this incredible artwork created for me by the super kind and talented @explosion-island ♡ It features Bakugo alongside my two MHA OCs - Ayame (his wife) and Mikka (their teenage daughter). I love how Bakugo is dressed formally but with a slight messy touch - his tie not perfectly tied, combat boots instead of patent leather shoes, and his tuxedo slightly rumpled. It perfectly captures his personality - he's just being himself. In my little AU, he's already the number two pro hero, and his daughter attends U.A., aspiring to be a hero like her dad ♡
I want to express my gratitude once again to the artist for creating this beautiful drawing for my birthday. It was truly one of the sweetest gifts I've ever received!
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epickiya722 · 2 months
"I like yuri."
Do you? You do actually have a ship of two female characters that you like? Or you have a ship of two male characters that you yuri-fy and use them to say you like yuri ships and female characters?
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emo-shigi · 1 year
Lost Love. | K. Bakugou
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Pro-Hero Bakugou x Baker Reader
this has been on my mind for so long that i just needed to write about it.
WARNING: none, fluff.
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Dilf pro-hero Bakugo, out patrolling, gets a call from his two bros, Kirishima and Sero. Saying that they might have lost his son while taking him to the amusement park. Furious, Bakugo screams and curses at the two for losing his kid and being such idiots.
He even threatens them that they better be fucking searching and be lucky to find Katsuo before him because if he sees him first, he won’t go easy on them when he meets them.
Meanwhile, Bakugo’s son is crying outside the gift shop for losing his two uncles. The little boy didn’t mean to get lost. He just wanted to get a Dynamite mask like his papa because he saw a little girl wearing one.
“Hey, sweetie, are you lost?” the tiny little boy hears a gentle voice, having him look up as he wipes his tears. He slowly nods to the pretty woman as he sheds more tears. “Hey, it’s okay, honey.”
“My name is Y/N,” you smile at the little boy. “What’s yours?”
“I’m K-Katsuo… Katsuo Bakugo.”
You crouch down to see Katsuo better, getting a tissue out of your bag as you wipe his running nose. “That’s such a lovely name, sweetie.”
Katsuo steps closer to you, “I-I lost my uncles…” he says, eyes getting teary again.
“Do you remember what your uncles were wearing? Or the last time you saw them?”
You watch how Katsuo takes his time to think about it, only to shake his head. “I ran because I saw a girl wearing a Dynamight mask, and I wanted one .. just like my papa.”
“Is your papa pro-hero Dynamight, Katsuo?” you ask, getting a nod. “That’s so cool, Katsuo.”
Katsuo finally smiles, tears gone. “I know, right! Papa is the strongest hero and the best! I love him so much,” he happily says.
You smile as you agree with the child. “I’m sure he is Katsuo.”
“But papa might be mad that I got lost..” Katsuo whispers.
You brush Katsuo’s bangs, “He won’t. You know why?”
“Why?” Katsuo asks. “Because he loves you so much,“ you say, having Katsuo giggle.
“Now, why don’t we go and find a security that could help us find your uncles, huh?” you smile, extending your hand for him to take, which Katsuo happily accepts.
Bakugo is starting to get anxious as he has been searching for his son for the past 10 minutes. The number of people in the amusement park makes it hard for the pro-hero to find his son. Until he gets a call from the security office of the amusement park that his son is safe and is here waiting at the station.
Bakugo arrives at the station, asking the security guard where his son is. Only for the pro-hero to growl as the security guard takes too long to speak, having him go search for the brat himself. As he enters further through the station, Bakugo is met with the sight of his son laughing while a gorgeous woman sits with him, playing with him.
what the-
Bakugo flinches when the woman spots him. “Katsuo, I believe your papa is here,” he hears her say. Having his son turn in that direction, she points to Katsuo, smiling huge, spotting him. Katsuo stands up and runs towards him.
“Papa!” Katsuo cries as Bakugo opens his arms and catches the little rascal. “I’m sorry I got lost….”
Bakugo chuckles, hugging his son. “I just wanted a mask like yours,” Katsuo whispers. “Mask?” Bakugo asks.
Katsuo nods, “umm… he saw a little girl wearing one,” Bakugo hears a soft voice speak, leading the pro-hero to turn towards the direction of the voice.
“So he ran off to where they were selling them and didn’t realize that he ran too far from his uncles.”
Katsuo nods his head, “Yeah and Y/N helped me, papa! She’s a very nice person.”
You laugh, getting the attention of the pro-hero. “Sorry for not introducing myself, but I’m Y/N, and I’m the one that brought your son here,” you smile, bowing to the hero.
Bakugo suddenly feels weird in his stomach from the smile you gave him. The two of you continue to look at each other, not breaking eye contact. The moment gets interrupted as Kirishima and Sero burst through the doors, running towards the hero, both crying in relief that Katsuo is okay.
Kirishima and Sero get on their knees once spotting their blonde friend.
It does not take long for Bakugo to scream and scold his friends, taking you by surprise by the way his two friends are on their knees, begging for forgiveness. You find the scene quite funny, but it makes you think you should leave. “Excuse me? Dynamight?” you ask, having Bakugo and his friends turn to look at you.
“Is it okay if I can talk to Katsuo for a minute before I leave?” you ask, taking the hero by surprise. “Sure.”
Bakugo puts down Katsuo, who happily walks up to you. You crouch down to be the same height as Katsuo, who hugs you. “Y/N, you’re leaving?” Katsuo asks with a tone of sadness.
You smile as you hug the little boy in return. “I am Katsuo. Your papa and uncles are already here for you, honey. But I didn’t want to leave without giving you the gift I have for you,” you say, making the little boy curious.
“A gift? What is it?” Katsuo excitedly asks. “You need to close your eyes first and no peeping.”
Katsuo eagerly closes his eyes, making you giggle from the cuteness. Bakugo watches the whole interaction, making the hero curious as well. He sees how you take something out of your bag but can’t tell what it is. “Okay, open your eyes,” you smile.
Katsuo slowly opens his eyes and gasps, “A Dynamight mask, like papa!”
“I told one of the security guards if they could do me a favor and buy it for me, which they nicely did,” you explain. “Now you can match with your papa, Katsuo,” you smile, looking over at Bakugo, who suddenly gets flustered.
Katsuo giggles from happiness, hugging you tightly as he thanks you.
“Your welcome, sweetie. I have to go, Katsuo,” you say, trying to let go, but Katsuo only hugs you tighter. “N-No.. don’t leave.”
“I have to, honey,” you softly say, only for Katsuo to shake his head.
Bakugo notices his son is not letting you go, leading him to walk up to the two of you and hit Katsuo’s head. “She needs to go, brat, so let go,” Bakugo says, pulling him off you.
“NO! I DON’T WANT Y/N TO GO,” Katsuo loudly cries as fat tears streaming down his face, taking both of you by surprise.
Katsuo continues to sob as Bakugo tries to calm him down a bit. It’s the first time Bakugo has ever seen Katsuo like that, especially crying for someone he just met. Bakugo sees you move closer to the two of them. “Katsuo,” you whisper, wiping his tears. “Will meet again, I promise.”
Katsuo sniffles, looking at you with teary eyes, “Promise?” he asks. You nod your head, “I pinky promise,” you say, lifting your pinky. Katsuo softly smiles as he interlocks his tiny pinky with yours before he lets go and hides his face on Bakugo’s chest.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” Bakugo says as he hugs Katsuo and carries him. “The brat isn’t usually like this.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” you smile at the pro-hero. “You don’t need to keep that promise….” Bakugo whispers low for his son not to hear.
You shake your head, “A promise is a promise,” you say, getting a nod from Bakugo.
“I own a bakery that’s close to your agency, actually. On the weekends, we have classes for kids, so if you’re ever free, please stop by with Katsuo. Here’s my card!” you happily say, handing it to the hero who takes it.
“Well, it was very nice meeting you, Dynamight! Bye, Katsuo will see each other soon, sweetie!” you say, getting a small wave from the little boy who’s hiding his face on Bakugo’s neck. You bowed goodbye to the pro-hero, his friends, and the security guard.
Bakugo keeps looking at you until he can longer see your figure. He then looks at the card you gave him. Milk and Cookies Bakery, softly smiling at himself without realizing. He then hears Kirishima and Sero snicker, leading Bakugo to glare at them as he walks up to them, giving them the beating they deserve for losing Katsuo.
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lovra974 · 4 months
Dream Match 1
Hi! This story is inspired by the book Perfect Match, the Dragon King by I. T Lucas. I loved the concept of shared dreams. I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to be tagged for the next part just ask!
Warning for the chapter : Bakugou x reader, fight, violence, questions about sex, manipulation (not from bakugou), female Y/N, tell me if I forgot one!
Summary : Being a hero is a very challenging profession. Bakugou knew it but being confronted by journalists and analysts who want him gone is far worse than fighting any villain. He struggles against them, feeling trapped each time he watches his rank drop.
So when his parents decided to get him out of this cycle, they bought him a Dream Match ticket and told him it was a holiday service agency. But the truth is, this agency is a sophisticated matchmaking service that pairs people to have shared dreams.
A lot of things can happen in these dreams. And sometimes, your subconscious clashes fantasy and reality. It blurs until it leaves answers beyond dreams.
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A blast made the villain step back. He jumped on a building, his kangaroo’s legs propelled him. He struck Dynamight in the chest and sent the hero flying. Bakugou crashed against a wall. He felt the shock in every bone in his body.
“Dynamight !” Screamed his sidekick. ”You okay ?”
The blond grimaced. His ears were ringing. Blood covered his face and mixed with his sweat. His suit was ripped on his back. He got out of the wall, his members aching. He ignored the pain. He stretched his fingers and breathed out. 
“Get ready, Cry-Baby.” spoke the hero while swallowing the suffering.
The sidekick jolted and ran away. His quirk made him control his tears. The guy could pour them out like a river. It was perfect to block Dynamight’s blasts. 
Bakugou walked up to the villain. The bad guy jumped a little and smirked. 
“Can’t get enough Dynamight?”
“Come here !”
They both moved forward. The villain was fast. His powerful jumps allowed him to dodge the hero’s attacks. Bakugou kept him away but didn’t touch him either. He couldn’t get close enough to end this fight and began to feel frustrated.
The solution appeared with another hero. The earth shook and rock walls pierced the ground. They rose and surrounded the villain. 
A voice shouted, “Go Dynamight!”
Bakugou eyed the hero Gem Girl on the top of a building. He nodded. Nitroglycerin ran between his fingers. He raised his arms. His sidekick was ready too and protected the buildings. The explosive hero gave his all in his next shot and aimed at the villain. 
Bakugou just got back from his battle. The big TV in his office was turned on and played his fight. 
“It was time Dynamight showed up! Twenty-five minutes to get help! I would be ashamed… It was their sector. I feel like there is some slaking. We can see it with this fight. If Gem Girl didn’t step in, Dynamight would still be there!”
The blond ground his teeth and turned off the TV. He wished the talking would stop there but it never did. His manager questioned him about the fight to know what she would say to the media. He would rather be fighting more crazy kangaroos than listen to one more hero analyst. 
He did his reports, followed diligently his schedule, went on patrols and answered calls from his managers. Photoshoots, calls, patrols, reports, meetings and more reports. 
His days began early and ended late. The time between two days of work was just enough to go back home. But most of the time, he slept at his agency. He installed a couch in his office. The thing destroyed his back. But at least, he won a few minutes each day by being already here for any crisis.
But critics never stopped. They questioned his behaviour, his social image, his ranking… He didn’t arrive on time, his quirk was dangerous, his agency communication was shit. Nothing was ever good enough. The journalist always said it was an aberration that he was in the top 10. 
For years, he gave his all. Despite the difficult missions, the failures, the impossible rescues… It was too much. 
His fans were loyal, they trusted him and always defended him. He was thankful, even if he didn’t say it. But it annoyed him at the same time that they felt obliged to defend him. He didn’t need them. He was a hero, he didn’t need anybody.
He saw Kirishima on patrols or sometimes when he was too restless and went to the gym. It was rare. For the other, it felt like forever since he saw them. The last time must have been for Mina’s birthday. Or when Sero presented them to his new girlfriend? Anyway, it was months ago. 
Bakugou was writing a report when his phone buzzed. When he saw who was calling, he hesitated. It was his mother. He could already hear her screams. It had been a long time too since he saw them. He didn’t give much news. And he knew, that if he didn’t respond to her call, she would do much worse than scream through it. Like coming to the agency. 
A horror shiver forced him to click on the green phone. 
“Finally! The brat just remembered he got parents !”
He exhaled. His mother began a monologue he didn’t listen to. Sometimes he heard his father’s voice trying to calm down his spouse. 
“Katsuki !”
“What ?”
“Did you make your appointment?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You ungrateful brat, you’re talking to your mother! Did you use your birthday present ?”
He frowned. His birthday present? Why was she talking about it? He didn’t even remember what it was. 
“I swear Katsuki” she menaced, “if you didn’t use your birthday present…”
“What’s the fucking matter?” He shouted.
“You had one year to use it, you dumb hero! I can’t believe it! Can you believe it, Masaru ?”
Bakugo heard his father talking “Maybe he was busy? He reached the top 6 this year…”
“I don’t care! This ticket cost millions of yen!”
“Are you going to tell me what the hell you’re talking about?” He screamed. 
His mother breathed out. “You had one year to use your Dream Match ticket. And you, you little ungrateful hero, you didn’t use it! You got one last week to make an appointment before your birthday.”
Bakugou checked his calendar on his desk. Indeed, his birthday was next week. He completely forgot about it. Not that he cared, he didn’t plan to do anything. 
Now that he thought about it, he vaguely remembered a peach-coloured envelope his mother gave him last year. Her smile was too big when she gave him this damn envelope. He felt like she was up to something.  
“Dream Match?” He repeated.
He shouldn’t have. His mother understood he didn’t open his present. She threw new insults at him, his father had to take the phone out of her hands. 
“Katsuki still has time. He just had to make an appointment this week. I’m sure he will.”
Mitsuki made him swear he would make an appointment this week before completely leaving the phone to her husband. 
“We know you are busy, Katsuki. But it would please us if you went to the appointment.”
“What is this Dream Match shit? What about the appointment ?”
His father took his time to respond. 
“Look at their website. You will have all the answers you're looking for. But let’s say it’s an agency that proposed holiday experiences without leaving the agency.”
“I don’t have time for this…”
“You only need three hours.” Calmed his father. “You don’t really go on a vacation. Promise.”
Bakugou still felt sceptical but he made a promise. His father ended the call a few minutes later. He looked at the clock and sighed. He had another patrol in ten minutes.
“Congratulations Gem Girl !” 
“Good job! “ 
“ You nailed it!”
The hero smiled. She walked through her agency like a conqueror. Her brown boots shined on the floor. Praises kept coming her way. 
Nobody seemed to notice the shadow following the hero. Nobody ever saw her. 
Gem Girl closed her office door after one last smile to her team. Then she sighed and passed a hand in her blond hair. She turned toward her sidekick and said “ Well done Y/N. Do the report. We had to send it quickly to the Commission. I feel this intervention will make us rank up !”
Y/N sat down at the desk in her dark suit. Her boss went to take a shower while she kept working. Her report stack kept getting taller. Not surprising when she had to do her sidekick's job and her boss’. 
Gem Girl formed her agency a few years ago. She reached the top 20 recently. The media said it was because of her dedication and her interesting way of using her earth quirk. 
It was also because Gem Girl did a lot of interviews and publicity. It could be surprising for an active hero, however it was very appreciated by her fans. 
The truth behind her success was that Gem Girl found a sidekick with almost the same quirk as her. Her sidekick did the mission while Gem Girl pretended to fight under the projectors.
Like today, Y/N had a long-range to perform her quirk. So she could use it from afar while Gem Girl harvested the laurels. 
The hero trapped the young and inexperienced student with a contract. Nothing was legal inside. Gem Girl would have everything, her quirk, her talent, her recognition. It left Y/N with pitiful pay, pressure and a lot of culpability. 
“If you open your mouth about it, I will destroy every chance you have to ever be a hero. No agency will ever hire you. They wouldn’t even want your sorry ass in a police academy !”
The agency was not helpful, far from it. The ones aware of it made a point to make her remember her place. 
“Talk and we will all be jobless. Is that what you want? Are you that selfish? Make peace with it and do your job, girl.”
The contract said she had to work at least five years in this agency. It was good for a first sidekick job. Even more so when you didn’t attend a big school like UA and Shiketsu. But for Y/N the last three years were pure torture. 
Her pay was barely enough, she didn’t sleep well and her phantom status made her sick. She did Gem Girl’s work. On patrols with her, she had to walk behind dressed like a civilian. Same for missions. 
Gem Girl was smart. She made sure to never expose her trusty sidekick. She was never mentioned on TV, damn Y/N couldn’t write her name on the reports with her hero name! Most people in the agency didn’t know of her existence and she has been there for three years.
The agency had the duty to promote their heroes and sidekicks, to make them gain visibility. But Gem Girl was the boss.
It was her fault, thought Y/N. She should have been more careful when signing. She should have been wary of Mashika Risa aka Gem Girl when she showed interest in her quirk. She should have been less naive. But she jumped on the opportunity, too happy to quit her last job to pursue her dream.
Now she paid for it. She would be free in two years… if Gem Girl ever let her leave.
“Wait, wait… You've possessed a Dream Match ticket since last year, and you haven’t used it yet ?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. It was one of the rare patrols he was paired with Kirishima. They walked in a quiet street. Some civilians stopped to ask for a picture or an autograph but most didn’t dare. Despite being in the top 10, Bakugou was still too intimidating. His PR team blamed him every week for it. 
He preferred it that way, he avoided the insults and scandals at the same time. Kirishima walked by his side, eyes blown wide. 
“If you want to get rid of it, I know someone who would be happy to help you.”
“Me!” Screamed his best friend, making heads turn their way. 
“Tsk… What’s this Dream Match anyway? My father told me it was a travel agency or something…”
Kirishima pointed to an enormous billboard. The picture wasn’t really explicit. There was a purple cloud armchair in the middle. The background was blurry. And he could read a weird catchphrase at the bottom. Meet your dream partner…
“It’s so much more,” gushed the red hair. “The agency sells shared dreams. You can dream of anything! And bonus, they pair you with the most compatible person with a ticket. They never missed.”
Bakugou stopped himself. He just understood why his mother gave him this stupid ticket. He felt the need in his guts to scream.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!?”
More civilians turned their heads and quickly walked away. 
“A matchmaking agency? The old hag lost her damn head! Do I look like I have time for this?”
Red Riot gave him a side glance.
“Well… look like you don’t have time to sleep either. When was the last time you had a day off, man?”
“What do you mean, Shitty Hair?”
“I mean… man, you could have the best night of your life! Peaceful holidays, and phenomenal memories in just three little hours. We both know you need it!”
The blond grumbled something. He knew what Kirishima was about to say. 
“You should try it. You don’t have to do more with your match after. You got a good night of sleep, an epic adventure and that’s all !”
Bakugou thought about it. It wasn’t a bad idea. He could use a good night if they were as good as they said. 
“How do you know about it? Did it?”
“Man! Sero met his girl with it!”
Bakugou blinked. He met Sero’s girlfriend once but everybody thought the same thing. They were perfect for each other. They were crazy in love and very complimentary. Not too overbearing in some way. 
The blond hero would never say it out loud, but he had been disturbed by their complicity. It was like they’d always known each other. Maybe, he felt a little jealous of their bond. But he extinguished it quickly, his dream was to be Number One. Not to find a partner to satisfy his mother’s desires. 
Kirishima seemed to feel his hesitation. “You don’t need to speak to your partner after the dream. It can be a one-dream-only thing, you know? Don’t think too much about it, Bakubro.”
“Mmh…” he murmured to acknowledge his friend and nodded.
After her long day, Y/N was completely exhausted. She did patrol after patrol, hers then the ones with Gem Girl. Then she wrote both of their reports. She dragged her feet to her door, all her body was popping from the over-use of her quirk.  
Sometimes, she asked herself if it wasn’t better to forget her dream of being a hero. But each time she asked, the answer was always no. Not when she saved people, even if Gem Girl was thanked for it. Not when she saw every morning the drawings of the children saved in the agency hall. 
Putting them here may be a strategy. And it was a good damn one! 
She opened her door, her eyes half-opened.
“Hello there! Have you seen the time?”
Y/N blinked. The robotic click from Mei Hatsume’s babies followed her everywhere. Her friend with pink hair was spread out on her bed couch. She smiled brightly at her. 
“Tsk tsk tsk.” Hatsume cut her. “Do you believe it! I didn’t have any news for months! What kind of friend does this? Right, my babies ?” 
The robots beeped for approbation. Mei’s smile became even larger. Y/N sighed but her mouth’s corner quirked up.
“I had to ask Booboo to open your door for me.” said the support engineer. “Seriously I wouldn’t leave a cupboard with that kind of protection Y/N. It was crap !”
Booboo, a little robot with propellers rang. Y/N just stood there, not knowing what to do. She was too tired to react correctly to the scolding. Mei took out a cheap bottle of alcohol from nowhere. 
“I have a bottle !”
The two women lay on the bed couch, a glass in hand. Their cheeks became pinker, the drink left a pleasant warmth in their body. Y/N felt her members relax and sink into the mattress. She hummed a song at her long-time friend, happy.
“And then,” continued the engineer, “The director just looked at me with big eyes. Like I was the crazy one and just couldn’t believe what I did! It was so basic by the way. Like come on, of course I could do it. Voop, my baby is so talented !”
Y/N swallowed her drink and said, “ I bet the man left without saying anything.”
“Of course not! What could he do ?”
Y/N straightened, her eyes bright. “Apologise first, then admit he was wrong with you and end it by giving you a raise.”
Mei bursted out laughing. 
“If he was someone good, yes that’s what he would do. But we are so far from it. And you, how’s Gem Girl? Did her Highness break her nails this week?”
Mei knew about her friend’s problem. They fought together to find a solution but they found a dead end. The trap kept tightening around Y/N. The more she worked for Gem Girl, the more she was popular, and then influential. 
The hero didn’t lie. She could destroy Y/N’s career. The sidekick saw how she talked with workers from the Commission. The people who were supposed to control the heroes’ actions. They would never believe Y/N over Gem Girl, not when the agency was with the hero.
“She wouldn’t risk anything. She is ranked 16, her head is too big to take any risk anymore.”
Mei didn’t laugh. She crossed her arms and her babies flew closer to her. Y/N had stopped singing.
“You should be ranked 16.” spoke her friend gently. 
Y/N shrugged. She tried to not think about it. 
“You know if you could come to my big presentation by the way ?” “No.”
The sidekick couldn’t lie, she didn’t have the energy to. She would never have the time. She turned toward her friend, her heart sore. ”I’m sorry Mei.”
“They still won’t give you a day off ?”
Mei wasn’t someone who got angry easily. But the situation was truly unfair. Y/N felt numb. Her days off were as rare as acknowledgement. For the three years she worked there, she never had either. They were lucky she never got hurt. What would they do without her?
“All the greatest heroes have days off !” grumbled Mei. ”Look at Deku, Endeavor, Hawks…”
“Right, but there’s a little difference. I’m a sidekick, not a hero.”
“You’re more like a tool rather than a sidekick…”
Y/N missed the time she went out with Mei, drinking and dancing. It felt like forever ago. 
“I have something for you.” murmured the engineer.
Her friend gave her a peach-coloured envelope. Mei had a big grin, almost a crazy one. Y/N blinked when she recognized the logo. She wouldn’t have known what she had in her hands if the city wasn’t covered with their publicities. Mashika Risa couldn’t stop talking about it. 
A Dream Match ticket.
“I won it. And I’m offering it to you.”
“Mei I can’t…”
“Oh yes, you can! I’m not taking it back so you better use it !”
“I don’t have time for it, Mei.”
“We always have time to dream.”
The sidekick arched a brow. Using the company’s catchphrase shouldn’t count as an argument. Mei opened her phone to show her Dream Match’s website. She forced her to answer the one hundred and fifty questions to create her account. Then the girls looked at the large choice of dream propositions. 
“How am I supposed to choose one? There is so much choice!”
CEO, fighter pilot, futuristic doctor, cursed royals, her eyes couldn’t stop on a picture.
“This is excellent,” exclaimed Mei. “They know marketing, I hope their tech is just as good. But according to the comments, it’s revolutionary.”
Y/N saw a picture with a castle and a dragon in the background. She clicked on it. 
“Look! It’s like in the shojo we read in junior high!”
“The what?”
“You know, the Roses’ Ashes! It was about two kingdoms at war for a sacred mountain. The hero was from the West but he was banned !”
Mei watched her friend with her crazy yellow eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol, but her pupils looked blurry. Her babies flew high, sometimes bumping against the ceiling while scanning every inch of Y/N’s apartment. The earth’s quirked girl rolled her eyes. 
“The first kiss was during a meteor shower.”
“Yes! I remember! It was a good one I’ll admit.”
“You drooled on the hero’s abs.” Mocked the sidekick.
“And? I can appreciate fine art when I see it!” She retorted, fakely hurt. 
Y/N chose this dream. It had been a very long time since she read it. But it has been memorable. Yeah, if she wanted a dream with her supposedly perfect match, it would be a story like this one. 
Mei stood up and stretched. “Well, I’m going.”
“You don’t want to stay the night?” Proposed the host, not thrilled to have her friend walking at night.
“No, you need the sleep and I have Dynamight’s new gauntlets to finish before his visit… in three hours.”
Y/N smiled. Mei gave her a wink. Her babies flew by her sides, protectively. The door closed and the sidekick fell asleep.
Bakugou was in his office, writing a new report while drinking coffee. He didn’t like it, he avoided it if he could. But today, he felt absolutely exhausted. So maybe a little couldn’t be so bad. 
He made his fingers pop when he finished. His red eyes stared at his computer. His talk with Kirishima never really left his mind. The implication and the promise of rest lived in his thoughts. 
Maybe he could just… Look at the website. For a ticket this expensive, they should be good. The blond was surprised when he discovered the website. He expected something shady that would pressure him to pay. It was the opposite. The homepage presented the company, and then their technology. All of this is to propose shared dreams with your dream match. 
They showed some of their best sellers scenarios that didn’t look so bad. Crime solving, space travels, festive and romantic settings. 
They had something for everyone. The coffee he was drinking seemed to be efficient because he felt very awake now. Without questioning his actions he clicked on the little rectangle to create his account. Once the ticket’s code was registered, he went face to face with a very long quiz. 
It was a one hundred-and-fifty-question long quiz. Some were to type, some were boxes to check or even to rate on a scale. Bakugou spent more time than expected on this. 
How would your friends describe you in five words?
Which characteristics do you wish your partner possessed?
What are your life goals?
And some much more intimate things that made him blush. If there wasn’t the little talking blop on the corner saying none of this information would be shared, he would never have answered. Knowing one of his closest friends did the quiz, did help. Cellophane had a few scandals during his career. But nothing about his kinks. 
When he finally finished the quiz, he could choose his dream. He ended up scrolling the website through the tens of propositions without knowing what he wanted. What did he like? His whole life was about his dream to become the Number One Hero. 
He asked himself if there was someone under Dynamight’s mask. He wore it more than his own face after all. This thought froze him with horror for a few seconds. He pushed it aside. Of course, he was someone!
To prove it, he clicked on the first picture that caught his eye. It was one of a dragon and a castle leading to fantasy dreams. Perfect, he thought. A knight story, it was exactly what he needed. There he would have a change of scene. 
He thought about one of his favourite shoujo. He didn’t read it recently but the story was memorable. He particularly liked the redemption arc of the hero. The romance, while slow, really made the characters shine and showed how compatible they were. 
He took a deep breath, feeling butterflies swirling in his stomach. It has been such a long time since he felt them. Fear followed. It was always behind when he stepped into the romantic field. The rejection, the expectations, the disappointment, the failure and the feeling of never being enough for the other…
He answered a new quiz, way shorter than the first. It was about little details in the dream that needed to be cleared. The blop pops up in the middle of the screen, smiling. It said his request would be processed quickly and they would contact him when they would find his partner. 
Bakugou closed the computer, tensed. He thought he would feel relieved after doing it but no. Waiting was not liberating. He kept thinking about his answers, cringing at what he just did.
How many times do you think it is healthy to have sex in a relationship? Type your answer.
[What the hell is this question? I don’t know? As many times as agreed ?]
Maybe he should slow down on the coffee…
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sweetnsour1 · 2 months
Angsty fluff, Bakugou x fem reader
Part 11 of the Broken Collection
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Greyed sherpa texture that used to be the darkest black in your closet. Peach accent colors that used to burn bright orange. Grenade patches that had been sloppily stitched over any of the more serious injuries along the fabrics. There was a rock embedded in the sole of the right slipper. No one could see that though. You only knew it was there every time you took another idiotic step in whatever direction you seemed to be going. It was kind of starting to hurt, but you had no fucking desire to stop and make yourself more comfortable. You jumped at a buzz from your pocket, launching the wounded slipper towards a bench nearby. You offered a quick apology to the cat you nearly hit, who only glared. 
“So, I take it I’m not forgiven?” The animal had lost interest in you, resuming its pigeon hunting. You tossed yourself onto the seat beside it, which earned you another unwelcome expression. “I know. I’ll just be a second.” You smacked the slipper around, finally removing the pebble that felt a whole lot larger when it was digging into the arch of your foot. The cat seemed more offended by the buzzing you had brought with you. “He really isn’t letting it go, is he?” Narrowed eyes met yours for a moment before your unwilling morning companion leapt away, running out of sight. “Relatable.” You dragged your phone from your sweats, answering without checking the screen. You wanna cringe as the voice that exits your mouth is the one you use on stages you don’t want to be on.  
“The fuck?” Harsh, but fair.  
“Don’t ‘hello’ me! Where did you even go?” 
This would be a lot easier to pull off if you had just been able to leave in the hours before he woke up. But leave it to Katsuki Lightweight Bakugou to have zero hangover and wake up before you. He really had some nerve looking that good in your kitchen making breakfast. It’s fine. It really was fine. You were fine.  
“I just needed some air?” 
“You were on the balcony...outside.” 
Absolutely correct, that’s where he left you when he turned around in your apron to go grab whatever he was sizzling in the kitchen. There was hot coffee. There was music. You couldn’t hear it. You couldn’t smell anything. You couldn’t fucking breathe.  
“I needed different air?”  
“Oh, yea...using the fire escape to exit the 13th floor was just the quickest way to get air.” 
“Right.” Not your finest moment. Not your worst, but it felt like the only decision available at the time. You needed to not be there...and if you went inside, he would be there. He would talk and you would- 
“If you wanted me to leave, you could’ve said so.” 
“That would’ve been rude.” 
“...unlike the polite emergency exit method you have going for you?” 
“Ugh, don’t name it.” 
“It’s basically your ultimate move.” 
“It is not. I only do it-” with you. You rush into your next sentence, not leaving room for him to push you further. “Anyways, I’ll probably be out for a while. Um. So, take your time and just take it easy. You had a rough-” 
“I already left.” 
“Oh.” You cringe at the way the word comes out, laced with disappointment or regret. You cough, covering up whatever that was. “Why?” Fuck, now you sounded cold as hell. Why couldn’t you land on something neutral when you talked to him? 
“Because I’m not gonna’ be the reason you run out of your apartment.” Did-did he mean now or then? His words sounded heavier...too heavy to just be talking about this morning. You blinked pre-emptively at dry eyes you worried would betray you at any moment. You’re not the only one getting chased by echoes, kid. Was this one of his? 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be.” Your eyes shut as he exhaled into your ear, only the static reminded you he was at a safe distance from you. “Go home.” 
“I am sor-” 
“Hurry up. It’s too cold for what you were wearin’.” 
He hangs up first. You’re left with your throat full of the words you chose to stuff back down. There are so many choices that could’ve let you have a nice...probably great morning with him, but you chose the sit-alone-on-a-park-bench-with-one-slipper-in-your-hand-and-a-cell-phone-in-the-other adventure.  
You could have let yourself soak in the happiness that was Katsuki humming in your kitchen. You could have reflected the smile he gave you instead of looking catatonic. You could have just breathed the air at home. You could have sat down instead of darting down a ladder that had seen better days. You could have talked. You rubbed at your throbbing head. Fuck, you could have at least had a cup of coffee.  
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a/n she’s a runner she’s a track star
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yaimlight · 2 years
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You meet Katsuki for the first time down a back alley in the early hours of the morning. Of course he had just been the number five ranked hero Dynamite back then, all snarling fury and confidence as he dealt out justice. You really should have suspected trouble, a young woman such as yourself walking alone at night, taking shortcuts and back roads to get home as quickly as possible. You were lucky Dynamite had been there, following his patrol route back to his agency when he spotted the dark and hulking shape following behind you.
You didn’t want to think about what would have happened if he hadn’t been there, if he had been slower or just not cared enough to look into the suspicious behaviour further. He had been there though, dropping down from the roof with a thud and spark of his quirk that had scared you half to death and screaming at the hero's sudden appearance. He had dealt with the man quickly, getting him on his knees and in cuffs within a minute or two. It had been impressive, watching the explosive hero work and if it wasn’t for the fact that he had saved you from a very terrible situation you probably would have been gushing over him like the fangirl you were. Not that he would have given you a chance to.
He yells at you, of course he does, calling you reckless and stupid which was fair enough. It had been stupid of you to walk home by yourself instead of getting a taxi or just crashing at your friends house and it had been especially idiotic of you to take the back roads and alleyways when really you had known better. So you let him yell at you, his voice carrying through the silence of the otherwise quiet night and probably able to be heard all the way over at the port despite how far away it was. When he had finally stopped you had taken the opportunity to apologise, citing lack of sleep and half a bottle of wine as the reason for your poor decision making though really there was no excuse for your poor judgement.
He had continued to glare and huff about you being an idiot whilst he logged the incident with the police, barely even sparing you a glance as he did so. You had thought that would be it, job done and the explosive hero would be off again, a brief yet memorable meeting, well for you at least. So you had once again thanked him for saving you and said your goodbyes, turning to continue on your way home and hopefully put the whole incident behind you. So imagine how surprised you had been when not even two steps later a large hand was curling around your bicep and yanking you to a stop.
You can admit that you had been a little bit scared, turning back to face the scowling hero with wide eyes and trying to remember if all your insurances were up to date, just in case. He demands to know where you're going, yelling at you once more when you give him the simple answer of home. You're confused, a little on edge as you watch him stomping around the alleyway, dragging your would-be attacker behind him until he finds a suitable drainpipe to tie the man to. He’s not gentle as he shoves you forward, demanding you get moving because he hasn’t got all night. You're in such a state of confused disbelief that you wordlessly comply, heading towards your apartment with the hulking figure of Dynamite stomping away next to you like his boots were filled with lead.
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It's awkward. Neither of you say anything for the almost twenty minute long walk, the silence only broken up by his heavy footfalls and the occasional far off sound of a car going by. You can’t help but keep stealing glances at him, trying to covertly pinch yourself to make sure you hadn’t actually passed out on your friend's couch and this was some sort of weird wine-fuelled dream. Considering how badly your arm was stinging you could safely say that this was really happening, that pro hero Dynamite was walking you home.
That was weird, right? Dynamite wasn’t known for being friendly with the public or all that caring about the people he saved and yet here he was, walking you home like a true gentleman. Granted, he was clearly annoyed about the whole thing, his jaw clenched and red eyes dark with irritation but still, a gentlemanly act all the same. Maybe he had hit his head in the brief tussle with your assailant? It hadn’t last that long and you had been watching the whole time but there was always the possibility that you had simply missed something.
You continued to steal glances at him as you walked, looking for any sign that he needed you to take him to a hospital. All you see though is his clenched jaw tightening and his eye twitching slightly. He seems fine, apart from the obvious weirdness of his kindness so you continue to keep your mouth shut, wondering how you were even going to explain this come the morning. If anyone believed you that is.
When you finally came to a stop outside your apartment building you hadn’t really known what to say to him, the two of you awkwardly looking at the other like you were expecting them to say something. In the end you had been the one to break the tense silence, once again thanking the hero and awkwardly joking that he was your favourite for a reason. As soon as the words had left your lips you had clamped your mouth shut, face going red with embarrassment. You couldn’t understand why you had said that regardless of how true it was. He didn’t need to know how much of a fan girl you were and probably didn’t even care anyway, used to idiots like you getting all flustered and embarrassed over him. Not that you were flustered because of him, you were just, you know, a little weirded out because of his out of character behaviour. Not because he was hot or anything.
He just stared at you, brows furrowed and looking far too attractive considering there was the possibility he was going to start yelling at you again. You stood there, nervously fidgeting with your fingers and wondering if you could die from embarrassment. Finally he looked away, rolling his eyes and scoffing at you like the idiot you are. He tells you just as much, yelling at you over his shoulder as he heads back the way you came and threatening to kill you if he ever catches you running around so late at night on your own again before disappearing into the dark and leaving you in a confused daze, struggling to believe any of that had just happened and half convinced you had imagined it all.
You're still struggling to process it the next morning, hidden away in your usual booth at your local coffee shop as you recounted the events of the previous night to your friend, whispering and looking around like you were expecting him to just show and start yelling again. It sounds even more unlikely as you talk about it, the explosive blonde not the kind of hero who would walk civilians home in the dead of night, not like Deku or Red Riot would have. You spend a lot of time talking in circles, going back and forth between it did happen and it didn’t happen until finally you had to stop to get some much needed air. It’s then that your friend speaks up, barely even looking at you as they remind you that the hero rankings were due soon and he was probably just being nice to you to boost his score and get closer to the number one spot.
The realisation is like a bucket of cold water had been chucked over you.
It should have been obvious really. You were even set to cover the event for work so how you had managed to forget about the damned thing was beyond you. But it had been late and he had just been so…him. Dynamite had appeared out of nowhere, all confidence and rudeness that had left you completely blind to everything but him. Of course he was only being nice because of the rankings. He was a great hero, one of the best actually and he would probably be ranked a lot higher then he actually was if it wasn’t for his foul attitude and brashness so it made sense that he was trying to soften his spiky edges before the rankings ceremony. He was right, you really are an idiot. After all, that was the only explanation as to why a hero like him would bother with a civilian like you.
Nodding and mumbling your agreement you lean back into your seat and silently sip at your drink, embarrassed that you had gotten so carried away. The conversation changes, your friend launching into a story about some celebrity couple whose relationship had very publicly fallen apart. You hum and nod in the right places but you're not listening, not really, your mind still stuck on last night and the angry blonde hero who had saved you before you had even known you needed saving.
The more you thought about it the more foolish you felt, the embarrassment from last night doubling as you remembered how awkward and cringy you had been with the number five hero. You had probably made an ass of yourself, had probably given him a good laugh for a few minutes but by now you would most likely be forgotten, just another nameless face in the sea of people he had saved over the years. So why were you so fixated on it? Sure he had saved you from harm but who hadn’t been saved by a hero in this city? You weren’t anything special, it didn’t mean anything, the hero just doing his job. A job he was paid to do. It hadn’t been out of kindness, hadn’t been anything to do with you really and it was idiotic of you to think it had.
Determined to get on with your day you forcefully shove any thought of Dynamite out of your head, easily falling into conversation about an upcoming article your friend was working on. It’s easy enough and as the weeks pass and you fall into your hectic and fast paced work schedule you forget about it all together. It becomes a distant memory, a thing that happened once that was kind of weird at the time but inconsequential in the end. You were saved once, by pro hero Dynamite, now ranked third in the hero billboard charts.
Weren’t you the lucky one.
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Now with a part two!
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bleach-your-panties · 9 months
💔the pathological liar - pro hero! yo shindou x fem! pro hero! gf! reader
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warnings: characters aged up to 20+, lying, cheating, arguing, manipulation, gaslighting, sexual activities, non-con (reader does say no), dub-con, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, name-calling, physical struggles, physical fighting (one-sided, so assault?), reader has a smart ass mouth and is kinda toxic as well, slight!yandere!yo, toxic relationships, toxic mindsets, false imprisonment, triggering subject at the end. read at your own risk!
☠️: some dialogue/actions inspired by true events.
💔: banner images from pinterest. 
💔: banner made by me with canva. 
post themes: say my name - destiny's child
                      confessions, parts I & II - usher
                      take a bow - rihanna
                      shake it off - mariah carey
💔 3.5k words
💔read in dark mode for best experience!
🖤series 🖤touya.
I know you say that I am assuming things
Something's going down that's the way it seems
Shouldn't be no reason why you're acting strange
If nobody's holding you back from me
'Cause I know how you usually do
When you're saying everything to me times two
Why can't you just tell the truth?
If somebody's there, then tell me who
"Baby, ain't nothing good. It's all bad."
'Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system: 
"Shindou, Yo". Cannot come to the phone right now, please leave your message at the tone-'
Before the recording could finish, you were throwing your iPhone across your bed as you shrugged your backpack off of your shoulders.
Your boyfriend, Yo Shindou, never answered his phone when you called. Never when you called, but he'd always immediately send a text or call you back hours later, claiming that his phone was dead or that he'd misplaced it somewhere at the agency. 
Like now, for example. 
'Sorry babe, got caught up in something last minute at the agency. Call you back when I'm home. Love you.'
You scoffed as you read over the message.
You wouldn't be getting a call back, that much you knew for certain.
With a sudden urge to be petty, you texted back:
'Something like what, Yo? Another bitch's pussy? Yeah, people at my agency are starting to talk and guess who's the topic of conversation? Just know that the label of 'cheating boyfriend' won't do your "picture perfect" image any justice. Bitch.'
After hitting send, you tossed the phone back onto your bed and that was where it would lay until you got out of the shower. 
As soon as your bathroom door closed, the phone vibrated with another text. 
'Oh, so we're doing this shit again? Bet. I'll be over in 20.'
After moisturizing your body and putting on some pajamas, you climbed into bed and pulled out the book that you'd been reading. Leaving your phone discarded somewhere in the covers.
It was starting to get to one of the more interesting parts when a chorus of loud, booming knocks came on your front door.
"Who in the fuck?" You threw the covers back furiously and slipped your fluffy slippers on. 
You walked out of your room and down the hallway, the beating at the door only growing more intense as you sucked your teeth.
"I'm coming, dammit!"
Pulling the door open without checking the peephole first would be your first mistake of the night.
When the messy mop of dark locks, green/yellow hero uniform, and chiseled pecs came into your view, you immediately tried to slam the door shut. Yo wasn't having any of that.
He grabbed the edge of the door, wedging half of his body inside of your apartment before he pushed it forward with force, making it slam and bounce off of the wall. 
Once his boots made contact with the carpeted floor of your apartment, you took multiple steps back, putting about two feet of distance between the two of you.
"What's wrong, baby? You don't look too happy to see me."
Scoffing harshly, you bit your bottom lip between your teeth as you glared up at him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, huh? Beating on my goddamn door like you've lost your mind. Thought you were caught up in something? That just goes to show that all you do is fucking lie. You bitch." 
Yo just looked at you with his face scrunched up. He was clearly irritated with your antics, especially the name-calling. Kicking off his boots, he began to walk towards you. 
"Stop fucking being difficult, Y/N. You know, baby, if you missed me and wanted some dick, all you had to do was ask nicely." 
He said in that irritating, condescending tone that he always uses when talking to those that he feels are beneath him. You being one of those. Even though you're a pro-hero just like he is. 
Not believing what you were hearing, your mouth dropped open. You could feel the blood begin to rise in your ears, loud and whooshing against your skull. 
A dry chuckle then left your lips. 
"You think…that all of this is because I want some dick? Trust me, sweetie, if I just wanted some dick I could go get it from any one of your co-workers. A lot of them have been giving me the eye, you know. Especially since you're never around and I just changed up my hero uniform, so the skirt is short-" 
Yo cut you off by grabbing you by the biceps and yanking you towards him, making you stumble and throw your arms out to try to balance yourself before he then slammed you up against the wall. 
"Don't fucking play with me, Y/N. If you know what's good for you, you'll think twice about trying to entertain one of those bastards. Especially-" 
"Especially who? Bakugou? Oh, he'd be my first choice if I were to step out on you." You smirked up at him. 
He snarled. Your smirk widened as you could physically hear him grinding his teeth. 
Yo was quiet for a moment, just glaring at you as you stared right back at him with a bored look on your face. You even went as far as to yawn.
"Yeah, it's not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, huh?" 
He didn't answer, but instead pulled you off of the wall and hoisted you up over his shoulder. A big hand came up and smacked forcefully against your ass. 
"That's alright. I know how to fix you." He chortled darkly, moving away to begin walking down the hallway to your bedroom. 
"I don't want your community ass dick! Put me down, Yo!" 
He just ignored you and kicked open the door to the room. 
"Sure you don't. You always do this shit to get my attention, Y/N. Catch an attitude, start a stupid ass argument, and then I fuck it out of you. Same shit, different goddamn day, baby." 
Yo said after tossing you onto the bed, making your forgotten phone flop onto the floor. He gave it a puzzled look. 
"Oh, so that's why you seemed so surprised to see me. You didn't read my text." 
He chuckled, reaching to grab your hip to flip you over onto your stomach as if you were a pancake. 
Rough hands began to caress your feet, ankles, and legs, all the way up to your inner thighs and bottom of your ass cheeks, just under the hem of your nightdress. 
"No panties? Yeah, you were definitely planning on getting dicked down tonight, you needy little slut." 
Your back arched off of the bed at the painful stinging of Yo's slaps. His hands felt heavy as lead as they connected with your soft flesh. 
"Where are you going? Thought you liked when I spank you, huh?"
Yo wrapped an arm around your waist to bring you back when you tried crawling up the bed to escape him.
"Stop it, Yo…hurts…" You whined. 
"It hurts, Yo, please stop." He mocked. "Stop being a fucking brat, then."
He grabbed one of your ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making you moan out involuntarily. 
"Moaning like this but you don't want my dick? I bet you're dripping fucking wet for me right now, Y/N. Dare me to check?"
You didn't respond, which prompted Yo to do as he suggested and slip two fingers underneath you between your ass cheeks to get to your slick folds.
"Damn baby, all this for me, yeah? Only me."
He growled. With his large hand, he covered your entire bare pussy and activated his Quirk.
A harsh shiver wracked through your entire body, another soft moan leaving your lips. Yo only pressed harder, moving his fingertips to graze over your clit repeatedly.
"Y-Yo…please, daddy…" You whined, making him smirk down at you. He increased the vibration of his fingers along with rubbing your clit from side to side.
"Say you're sorry for bringing up Bakugou and I might let you feel this fat dick next..." Yo rested his upper body against your back and snaked his free arm under you to hold you up off the bed just a bit.
"No..I'm…n-not sorry. I meant it. Oh fuck!" 
Yo grimaced before grabbing you and flipping you back over onto your back. 
"What did you say?" 
Your e/c eyes were wet with unshed tears as you frowned up at his handsome face. You didn't falter.
"You heard me." 
"I thought I told you that if you know what's good for you, you won't even think about that motherfucker!" He seethed.
"I obviously don't know what's good for me if I'm still fucking around with you!"
Before you knew what was happening, Yo had pinned you to the bed by your throat. Moving between your legs, he used his knees to spread them.
"Yo, stop!"
"Shut up, bitch. You'll learn to stop pissing me off one day."
His belt hit the bed as he undid it, his black pants and underwear soon following it. You tried to pull your legs up, but he surged forward, pushing his hard dick inside you with one thrust.
Head falling back against the soft mattress, you couldn't help but keen as Yo began a rough, fast pace. He gripped your calf to pull you closer and stretch you open wider for him.
"Yes, Yo…right there! I'm going to cum!" 
Yo grunted in response, trying to hold back from cumming himself.
"Yeah, baby? My fingers got you all ready to cum on my dick? Let it go then, oh shit." 
He sped up even more, making your free breasts bounce outside of your nightgown and the headboard hit the wall. It already had a small dent in it from your previous heated romps, but neither of you seemed to care very much.
It could be painted over once you moved out.
"Oh God, I…!" 
Your release splashed against Yo's pelvis and drenched the sheets beneath you.
"Ah, fuck. Yeah, made that little pussy squirt, huh? Stay still for me, baby. I'm about to nut." 
Your eyes widened. "Yo, no. You're not wearing a condom and I haven't replaced my NuvaRing yet!" 
It had been out for five days now while you waited on your doctor to send in a new prescription. 
That didn't stop him. Either he was too deep into his impending orgasm to hear you, or he was flat out ignoring you. 
Blind fury clouded your vision while Yo's was clouded for a completely different reason altogether.
"Damn…" He breathed out, making sure to stay deep inside you until he was finished cumming.
Once you got your bearings, you sat up abruptly, making Yo stumble back onto his elbows. He sucked his teeth once he saw your angered face. 
"What's wrong, sweetheart? You don't want to have my baby?"
"Yo, we're both in our early 20's at the height of our hero careers. We're nowhere near ready for a damn baby!" 
The raven-haired man was about to respond until a soft, vibrating sound silenced the both of you.
You slowly swung your legs over the side of the bed, searching for the source of the noise.
Bending down, you surveyed the floor briefly. Your forgotten cell phone lay halfway underneath the bed.
It's not your phone going off. 
Yo could've been mistaken for a ghost; you watched his face blanch white while he patted the pockets of his discarded pants searching for the missing device.
A race against time, but you spotted it first.
With the rectangular device being tangled in your covers, Yo almost knocked you off the bed trying to get to it, but you were way faster than him. It was already in your hand.
tatas💕: my appointment is at 3pm tomorrow. are you going to be able to make it?
You scrunched your nose and swatted Yo's hand away while reading the text.
"Appointment? What is this about, and why does Tatami need you there?"
Cold e/c eyes turned to stone while you watched Yo fidget nervously. This is one of the only times you've seen him like this; the other when he asked you out for the first time.
"Y/N…do you love me?"
"What kind of question is that, Yo? If I didn't, would I still be with you?"
Your nose scrunched. Something isn't right…
You knew all about Tatami. Yo's ex-girlfriend from high school. He told you that he broke it off during their third year because she was becoming too clingy. You'd even met her once, when you had a joint mission with her agency.
"Say you'll never leave me?"
Oh hell no. He was asking too many questions now.
"What did you do, Yo? Huh?!" 
He just hung his head. His phone vibrated again in your hand. 
Everything that I've been doing is all bad
I've got a chick on the side
With the crib and the ride 
I've been telling you so many lies 
Aint none good, it's all bad
And I just wanna confess, it's been going on so long 
Girl I been doing you so wrong and I want you to know that 
"Everytime you called my phone, I wasn't at the agency working overtime…I..I was with Tatami."
A long, loud sigh left your lips. Your free hand came up, knuckles resting against your forehead.
I don't want to look, but I know I have to…
"Y/N.." Yo warned.
new message
"Y/N, please, baby…"
tatas💕: i know the doctor said that we won't know the sex until about 20 weeks, but i can't help being so excited! we're possibly going to have a little yo running around soon! 👶🏻
Your grip on the phone tightened. 
If I could turn back the hands of time 
And start all over I would
Instead of everything being all bad, baby
Everything'll be all good
I know today is the day that I end all the lying and the playing and the bullshit, girl 
"Y/N, I'm sorr-" 
Your knuckles that you'd been resting against your forehead went across Yo's face at the speed of light. You punched him hard as hell in his face, making him tumble over and off the foot of the bed. The sight would've been hilarious if you weren't so fucking pissed.
"I knew I was right…." You chuckled. "I fucking knew it. You knew that she was pregnant, too. You've known for months."
Yo looked up at you with big, watery eyes full of regret. Almost like he was a different person entirely. 
One hand clutched his throbbing cheek. You'd hit him so hard that his lower lip busted. His perfect face would soon be discolored black and blue, across his forehead, nose (that was also bleeding now), and right eye.
"I'm sorry! Baby, I'm sorry!" 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YO! YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT FUCKING CAUGHT!"  You raged. You lunged off the bed at him and started hitting him everywhere, as hard as you could. You even grabbed two handfuls of his black hair and yanked his head around.
Yo finally grabbed your arms and pinned them against your chest. You'd grown exhausted, so you just let yourself fall against his naked chest.
A bitter chuckle, then the tears, hot and angry. You couldn't hold them any longer as you looked up at Yo, staring at his swollen, beaten face.
"You're so fucking ugly when you cry. What the fuck are you crying for, huh? I'm the one that got cheated on. Lied to, played with, manipulated." 
"Not only did you fucking lie to me and cheat on me, but you fucked around and got the bitch pregnant, too. This has got to be a joke."
Yo slowly crawled up from the floor with you in his arms, blood dripping down his nose and lip, staining the carpet, then the bedsheets while you covered your face with your hands and sobbed. 
He cradled you gently and laid his head against yours, lips kissing at the temples.
"Baby, please…we can work this out. I don't love her. I love you, but I…I still want to be there for the baby…"
Your brokenhearted wails only increased in volume.
"Don't cry, baby. I promise I'll be here for you and our baby, too."
Three Months Later 
Yo made good on his word to be there for you.
Shortly after his "confession", you found out that you were pregnant as well.
Tatami is currently six months along, while you're only three.
Turns out that all of this was a part of Yo's twisted plan. 
Instead of your late birth control being due to your doctor's or the pharmacy's incompetence, it was Yo who called the doctor's office pretending to be your husband and had them cancel your refill request. 
Yo then demanded suggested that you take time off from hero work while you were carrying his child, which you slightly agreed with, but still did so with reluctance.
You don't know how he did it, but you guessed being one of the top 20 heroes carried with it a lot of weight for him to be able to take off enough to make it to all of yours and Tatami's appointments.
He even moved you out of your apartment and into his. Into your own room. 
The reason that you had your own room was because Tatami ended up losing her apartment due to being out of work, so Yo moved her in as well. 
With the way that the living arrangements had been set up, you and Tatami might as well have been sister wives.
To attempt to keep things "fair" between the both of you, Yo would designate certain nights where either of you would get to sleep in the room with him. So neither of you would feel neglected by him.
His heart was in the right place, wasn't it? 
Even when you could clearly hear the whispered moans and soft creaking of the bed from Yo's room on Tatami's nights.
No matter how you tried to make yourself not hear it. 
Yo didn't want you stressing out, he claimed, so he bought you many expensive gifts and gadgets to help you get a good night's rest.
None of them worked. 
Not when the walls in that apartment were paper thin.
Many nights you cried and raged to yourself. 
Obviously all of that stress wasn't healthy for the baby.
Which leads you to today.
A pair of dark sunglasses hiding your eyes along with a long trench coat and hat to conceal the rest of your persona.
They were loud and jarring as you walked in, but your world had gone numb three months ago. Now you were trapped inside your own world as you stepped up three flat steps into a white, brick building. 
A ghost clutching a brown clipboard only made the atmosphere even gloomier before whisking you away from the judgemental eyes and into a plainly decorated room with blue walls.
She read over the papers first then handed the clipboard to you, one more questioning look being shot your way. 
You just gave a simple nod.
"You have reached the voicemail box of L/n, Y/n. I can't come to the phone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!"
Yo sighed heavily and put his head in his hands before standing up to walk out of your completely barren bedroom.
Before he closed the door, he whispered softly,
"Why, Y/n?" 
Your location on his phone showed him exactly where you were.
Gotta make that move 
Find somebody who
Appreciates all the love I give
Boy, I gotta 
Gotta do what's best for me
Baby and that means I gotta shake you off
a/n: i think this piece was a pretty strong start to the series! i'm really proud of it! stay tuned, there's plenty more bullshit to come!
*remember, if you get angry enough at your partner that you feel like wanting to put your hands on them, just walk away! 
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🌶NSFW Drabble about Hawks x fem reader,
His s/o gets depressed about how her body looks after buying a cute dress, she don’t like how her body looks in the dress. Hawks notices how down she is and helps her relief her sadness.
A/n: I'm so sorry if this is bad, I rewrote it like 12 times and I know it's not perfect but I might rewrite this and maybe longer, idk yet. Hope you like it darling xx
Third person pov ~~~~~
Warm hands wrapped around soft thighs to keep them pressed against his lips, his tongue continuing it's abuse until she quivered and shook nearing her blissful end.
His tongue stopped abruptly and golden eyes met her glazed over ones as she whined at the lose of contact. All he could do was smirk and shake his head at his pretty dove.
"Don't worry my pretty bird, you'll cum. I just wanna do the job right and make sure my dove stays happy and knows how beautiful I find her."
He dove right back in and savoured every whimper, moan and breathless sigh of his name and he worked her all the way back to her end. His cock straining against his sweats just waiting to be buried deep inside the prettiest pussy he'd ever seen but that could wait, all that matter right now was making her so fucked out she couldn't remember why she was sad.
Flashback ~~~~
Keigo watched as she curled in on herself as she sat on the furthest side of the sofa. It had been like this for days maybe even nearing weeks, after her dress arrived. She had been so excited to try it on and basically ran to the bedroom, only to come back without it on.
Clad in his baggiest hoodie with the hood puled over her soft hair and the largest sweats she owned covering every inch of her perfect legs, she kept her distance and refused to acknowledge the dress or that she ever bought it. Keigo was a smart man but it did take him a couple of days to notice she pulled away from him and his touch, that she brushed off all his advances. It took him slightly longer to realize why it was happening and why the light in her eyes had dimmed.
He'd gotten on his knees in front of her and begged for a explanation on what was going on in her pretty little head, why she was pushing him away and why she wasn't wearing the dress. He had so many questions, didn't she like it? Wasn't it the right colour? Was the fabric scratchy? It took only a few pretty words and worried questions before she broke and told him everything.
That the dress wasn't the problem, it never was. It was beautiful...perfect even, it was her body that was the problem and she had always known that Keigo was out of her league but never truly knew by how much until she saw herself in that dressed. The way it hugged in all the wrong places but sat baggy in others, her body just wasn't what Kei deserved.
To say Kei was shocked was an understatement, how could she ever think she was anything less than perfect? How could she ever think he'd want anyone but her? That from the hair on her head to her perfect tits and plush thighs and beautiful legs, she was perfect. Hell he got a semi any time he even thought about her, his self control almost non-existent when she was near.
Well all that mattered to him right now was making her happy again and making sure she knew how beautiful she was and he was more than happy to show her how beautiful he thought she was, in and out of that pretty little dress.
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imagination-mess · 6 months
Imagine Pro Hero Deku and Dynamight in disguise to see the new All Might exhibit that took years to put together.
There was a field trip happening with children to see the exhibit. One of them wanders off with a notebook ready on hand to have a small lizard with small wings on its back on top of his cap.
He quietly approached the two men who were quietly arguing in front of a hero suit, tugging on the red-haired male that matched his eyes. The hero’s eyes land on the child holding up a notebook with child-like writing, asking for their autograph in a very formal manner. That is the first thing he sees before glancing over at the child, who starts to be terrified under his stare. 
The other hero was wearing a disguise of black hair and purple eyes, with no freckles in sight. He kneels to the child's level before asking for the notebook. The boy immediately turns to a fresh page and shakily hands it over. 
Izuku could feel it wasn’t your original notebook because the quality of the paper felt more like a sketchbook.
Katsuki was looking at the child, who looked like he was trying to keep it together to not freak out over the heroes. His eyes shone similar to those of the male next to him when he was younger, who was taking his sweet time signing the boy’s book. He pushes the idea to the back of his head because it has been years since the other hero even hooked up with anyone.
The more he looks at the child, mayb-
The notebook with a fresh new page was put in front of him, blocking his view of the child. He takes it and signs with a different color marker the child was holding, and now he understands why Izuku took longer. It is a high-quality paper, most likely to be hung, seeing how young the fanboy is.
“How did you know it was us?” Izuku asks out of curiosity since they are wearing high-end equipment that is often used for undercover missions as disguises.
“Your scent. He smelled you.” The child with green eyes, just like him, points at the creature lying on top of the boy’s cap. Izuku stares at the creature above him that reminds him of someone from his past. The more he looks at it, the more of a stink eye the lizard is giving him, similar to one that he has but in a different form.
The book gets returned to the boy, causing the boy to grin. He immediately puts it in his backpack and whispers a thank-you to the heroes before excusing himself and running off to the group of children on the other side of the building. He was quiet with his steps as the two heroes watched him join his classmates.
It seems like he doesn’t say anything about them being there.
“You noticed it, right?"
“Now we know, we need to tell Mei that she has to cover our scents since that's how we were discovered.” Izuku obliviously attempts to change the subject, trying not to think about the possibility.
“Kacchan, she was found dead.”
So Bakugou doesn’t mention that your last name was on the boy’s notebook when he closed it to hand it back. They continued enjoying the exhibit, but Izuku kept glancing over at the kids whenever they were in the same room.
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ssminosblogs · 2 months
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yutxsgf · 8 months
Reader meets the Bakugous
Cw; Fluff, established relationship, Aged up AU, Fem!Reader
"Baby, calm down, they're not all that bad." He lightly comforted, kissing the top of your head with a concerned frown as his thumb caressed your hip.
"But what if they don't like me?" You deeply frowned at the thought.
"They'll love ya, swear it." He whispered.
You hummed, still concerned, but wanting to get this over with already. It's better to deal with it than fret more than needed.
Katsuki put his large hand on the small of your back as he coaxed you closer to his home, where he lived before becoming a hero.
He glanced down at you when the both of you were directly in front of the door, rubbing his thumb against your waist instead.
"You ready, princess?"
You hesitated before taking one final shaky deep breath,
The both of you flinched at the loud, booming voice from within the house followed up by the sound of padded feet sprinting towards the door.
You stared dumbfoundedly at the Katsuki-looking woman, watching as the rabid look on her face quickly shifted to one of sharp yet fond.
She glanced back and forth between Katsuki and you, seeming to examine what was going on before an exaggerated gasp left her lips.
"Katsuki, is this your new little girlfriend??"
"Fiancée." He corrected, looking down at you with the same loving gaze you've learned to love.
The woman squealed before taking your arm and bringing you inside with haste, dragging you towards the living room couch.
Katsuki chuckled behind you before making his way after you after closing the door behind him.
"So, how has he been treating you? Has he ever yelled at you? What're your thoughts on having kids?"
She continued to bombard you with questions with an eager-ish face, cupping your hands in hers as she sat beside you.
Katsuki blinked before lightly scowling at his mother, followed up with a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Damn it, old hag, you're scarin' 'er."
"Quiet." She retorted, glaring over her shoulder at the large hero.
His eye twitched with annoyance before he glanced behind him at the sound of sniffling, looking slightly down to see his father looking proudly up at him.
"Dad." He said simply before enveloping him in a hug,
You and her watched this bondful moment unfold with a soft smile, the sharp features mostly disappearing as she practically melted at the sight.
"I've missed you, son."
"I've missed you both, too."
"Damn it, Katsuki! Just had ta burn the chicken cutlets, didn't you!?"
"Wasn't my fault, you old hag!"
"Hey, hey, let's all calm down now."
"Shut up!"
You watched in silence as the family bickered, gently fiddling with the utensils as you awkwardly stared.
You flinched when you heard a slap, gaping when you saw your Fiancée's head lightly bowed down.
"Language everyone–"
You sigh, shaking your head before clicking your tongue and smiling lovingly once more.
Maybe they aren't all that bad afterall.
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welkinsky · 1 year
for the hawks ask could you do a friends to lovers? maybe they were friends before and drifted apart and came back together? doesn’t have to be nsfw if you’re not comfortable!
Hawks X Reader | Friends To Lover
A/N: Lemme know if you want a second part too I was thinking that one could be a smut.
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You two first met when he was just a sidekick, and you had a PR internship in the same agency. Since you two were the youngest in the agency you both got along. You used to say from the very beginning that he will be a top hero one day but he'd always brush you off because for him the goal was to help people.
The best part of the day for both of you was when you both will go out for soda during breaks. It was a sweat escape.
Later you left the agency for a better opportunity and you both drifted apart. You were in a good position now. 
One of your friends shared a job vacancy with you for a hero agency. You had a good experience working with them so you thought it was worth a shot. But you got GENUINELY excited when you saw it was Hawk's agency.
Doesn't matter if you'll get it or not you were happy to be able to see him again. But to your disappointment, he wasn't there when you went in for the interview.
But you got in. Usually, it takes up to 2-3 rounds of interviews to get in but you got the job just by interviewing once. You were surprised but more than that happy to be able to work in a top agency and get to meet him!
On the first day of the job, you were a bit nervous. You weren't sure if he'll even recognize you or not. It's been quite a few years after all and he is a top hero now.
As you entered the office you could see that everyone was settling in when one of the HR helped you settle in your cabin. After a few minutes, someone came to inform you that Hawks is asking for you in his office. You couldn't help but smile and went straight to his office speed walking, trying not to jog with excitement.
As you knocked, "Come in" you recognized that voice. You entered the room with a smile and said "Hey!" it was rather informal. He looked a little surprised and uncomfortable. "Okay, the new recruit is cheerful. We could use that." Then he formally shook your hand.
It was so embarrassing! You felt like digging a hole and burying yourself in it, "Of course, he'll forget me. What was I thinking?" you thought to yourself as you sat in the chair in front of him not able to make any eye contact with him.
"Gotcha! You're still so easy to tease Y/N. Someone didn't grow up at all." he said now laughing. He was teasing you the whole time. "You're such an ass you know that! I almost felt like jumping off that window because of embarrassment" you said laughing and pointing to the window behind him.
"I would have caught you," he said as he winked at you. "Still the same lame flirting habit. And I'm the one who didn't grow up," you said rolling your eyes playfully. To which he just smiled.
"It's nice to meet you again," he said smiling at you as he soaked you in. You changed a lot and you both were not the same kids anymore. "Back at ya Hawks." you winked. Then you both chatted a little, and you went back to your desk after asking him to act professionally because you don't want your team to think that you got this position because of you. To which he obliged.
Days passed and you took on the role pretty nicely. You did talk to him but not as much as before. Now he was famous. If someone saw him having a soda with a random person it'd be a huge controversy and being his PR manager you'd have to take care of it.
"Hey stay back today." you got a text from Hawks. You agreed and stayed till everybody left. It was now just you and him in the office.
You walked into his office and said, "What's up?" as you leaned against the door frame.
"Aah it's been so long that you're working here and we didn't get to hang out. So I thought we can do it now. Hope you didn't have any special plans later." he said looking more exhausted than usual. "If you count going home and sleeping then yes heh. What happened to you? You look like you got hit by a bus." you said making your way into his office and sitting in the visitor's chair.
"Only if someone warned me before that being hero is more than fighting the bad guys," he said pointing to his paperwork. He looked very tired with bags under his eyes and hair all ruffled out.
"Let's go somewhere quiet for dinner?" he said keeping his head down on the table trying to catch some break. "You should sleep instead," you said now concerned about him. You remember him as the cheerful energetic boy and now look at him.
"Sleep won't do. I need some good company," he said lifting his head enough to see your reaction. "Okay but THEN you're going to sleep." you agreed knowing he is not the one to back down. "DEAL," he said as he stood up with a burst of energy.
You both ordered dinner and went to the roof of one of the tallest buildings in the city. It went so well. You could see he was more relaxed now. As he closed his eyes and took in the cold breeze. His hair danced with the wind and his feathers gave him a majestic look. You didn't remember him being good looking but now you understood why women are crazy about him.
"Don't stare for too long you might fall in love," he said with his eyes still closed and a smirk on his face. Yea you were staring at him for a long time. "Yea right," you said as you turned your head embarrassingly.
"Which reminds me are you dating anyone?" he asked in a rather curious tone to avoid his nervousness. You replied with a no. "Hmm. What happened to that blonde guy?" he asked trying to be as casual as possible.
"Well, he turned out to be a jerk you know what he did? I-" you paused watching him suspiciously, "I never told you about him. How did you know." Now HE was embarrassed. This whole time HE WAS KEEPING TABS ON YOU.
He tried to avoid the topic but you kept asking if he was keeping an eye on you the entire time then why did he never approach you? Finally, he answered," Okay fine! Jeez, you're stubborn. Well, I knew nothing good will come out of it. I was gaining popularity rather quickly and you know show bizz sucks so I didn't want to get you sucked into all of this. Also, I wasn't sure about one thing more." he finished his sentence there.
"Do you expect me not to ask what was THE THING? Come on hawks you play too much. What was it?" you asked almost whining.
"If I can stop myself from doing this." he leaned in and kissed your lips as he cupped one of your cheeks to pull you in. He was so soft, and warm, and sure smelled like some expensive cologne.
Since you didn't respond he pulled, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that."
"NOOO come back! God! Give me some buffer time to process it at the very least." you said as you pulled him back by this collar.
He smiled between the kiss as he deepened it even more. It was way better than he ever imagined it to be.
Thanks For Reading and for the ask! Here is BNHA Masterlist <3
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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kusaka6e · 2 years
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prohero!izuku x fem!reader
implied/mentioned nsfw, 18+!!
insp by chicago by michael jackson
wc: 3.5k
this took me FOREVER to finish writing and idek if i like it anymore sigh, the ending kinda sucks so pls bare w me
[part two]
he hadn’t expected to meet you the way he did. or for things to go as far as they did.
you both happened to be on the same flight back to japan, him in the window seat and you in the aisle.
“is anyone sitting here?” you gestured to the empty spot between the two of you, hoping to set your bag down there.
“it’s mine, i always buy two seats when i fly. you can use it if you want.”
with his massive build and broad shoulders, you could see why he felt the need to buy two. the spray of freckles across his face shifted as he smiled sweetly.
why does he look so familiar?
“you just passing through japan, or?”
“going home, actually.”
“me too!”
the pilot begins to speak overhead as the flight attends begin the safety demonstration, making both of you go silent.
the plane lurches forward, making it’s way down the runway to take off.
“i’m izuku.”
“(f/n), nice to meet you.” he seemed sweet enough, but you rarely told people your real name. your job as a private investigator had made you hyper-aware of how dangerous even the most unsuspecting person could be.
“so, what was it that brought you out of japan?” he gulps as you cross one of your legs over the other, trying his best not to stare.
“i took a contract with some pro heroes overseas, but it’s over with now. what about you?”
pro hero?
holy shit
japan’s number-one hero was staring at you like a lovesick puppy.
“what do you do for work?”
“i’m a private investigator.”
“so you could dig up dirt on me, if you wanted to?”
“depends. got anything to hide?” you give him a sultry grin as you slightly lean forward, shamelessly switching your gaze from his bright eyes down to his lips.
dear god
the six hour flight flew by with you two making conversation, izuku almost growing sad when it was over. he learned that you were single (miraculously), had two kids and were trying to work through some issues with their father, and that he was insanely comfortable talking to you already.
he hesitated as the plane landed, mind racing as everyone around the two of you began to pull their bags from overhead compartments.
“this might seem forward but, could i call you sometime?”
the small nod you give him makes his stomach drop, fighting the urge to smile so hard his cheeks hurt when you began to scribble on a napkin from the meal earlier in the flight.
“i dont keep a personal phone, with work and all. if you text that number, just make it seem like you’re a client.”
“o-okay.” he curses himself internally for his stuttering habit coming back, amazed that you were able to spike his nerves the way you did.
“i hope i see you again, izuku. be safe out there.” you give him a wink before you disappear down the aisle, leaving him staring at your silhouette longingly.
“mommy!” you grin as you open the door to your house, your lavender haired daughters both sprinting towards you.
“hi pretty girls.” you smile warmly as you kneel to hug them both, their never-ending excitement to see you tugging your heartstrings.
you stand after a few minutes, your husband’s tired eyes meeting yours.
“hi ’toshi.”
“hey.” you frown as he gives you a half-hearted hug with one arm, noticing how he dodged your face to make you kiss his cheek rather than his lips.
you let out a sigh as he grabs his keys, hero costume on.
“i’ll be back tonight.”
“alright. be safe, love you.”
he closes the door before you finish your sentence, making your shoulders drop. if he replied, he hadn’t said it loud enough for you to hear him.
i guess being away didn’t make him miss me after all.
“mommy, what’s the matter with dad?”
“he’s just tired baby.”
a bittersweet feeling rises in your chest as your daughters run back to their rooms, ignorant to the depth of the issues between you and their father.
you go into work a few days with puffy eyes from a screaming match with hitoshi the night before, thankful that your office space isn’t shared with anyone else.
a notification from an unknown number flashes across the screen of your work phone, making your face twist in confusion.
unknown, today 8:24 am
could i book an appointment at your next availability please?
your mind goes blank for a second, before you break out into a grin.
fortunately i have availability later today
i’ll pencil you in for my 3:00 opening
the tasks of your workday begin to pile up, phone calls from other clients distracting you and before you know it, hours have passed. a knock on your office door startles you, before you hear his voice.
“hi, uhm, is this the right office? for the three o’clock appointment?”
you try to force away the blush creeping up your cheeks, suddenly extremely self-conscious about your choice in clothes for work that day. you were almost sure he’d forget about you, or not take your offer seriously. that was part of the reason why you’d lied about not having a personal phone, and why you were so bold towards him. and even when he texted; he was literally the top hero in japan, why would he have time for you?
but there he stood in your office doorway, black t-shirt straining against his biceps and towering over you.
“hey.” he gives you a nervous smile as you gesture for him to come in, closing the door behind him.
after some initial awkward conversation, you’re amazed at how easy he is to talk to. he leans on his forearms onto your desk, giving you a better view of the constellation of freckles and scars surrounding his bright eyes.
“digging up anything exciting today?”
“nah, just run of the mill stuff.”
“c’mon, you have a cool job like this and you’re telling me there’s nothing crazy going on?” you’re taken aback by his genuine interest, not having spoken to anyone about your workday in months.
“well, there is this one case…”
before you know it, you’d ranted for almost an hour, sharing as many details as you can without violating the privacy of your contract, izuku listening intently and chiming in every so often.
“i’m so sorry, i didn't mean to talk you to death.”
“don’t be sorry, i’m really enjoying listening.”
something about his dialect and body language left no room for you to doubt; he really was holding on to your every word. he notices a framed photo on your desk, grinning at the picture of your girls.
“your daughters?”
“yea.” your stomach drops, thankful that you’d rearranged recently, and that the framed picture of you and hitoshi was no longer displayed by your computer monitor. when you noticed his wedding ring sitting on his nightstand rather than his finger, you took it upon yourself to change a few things too.
“they’re adorable.” he slightly cocks up an eyebrow, their wild lavender hair strikingly familiar.
“i feel bad being here so much, instead of being at home with them.”
“i’m sure they’ll understand. you’ve gotta do what you have to to take care of them, right?”
“i do, i just wish i could do that and spend more time with them.”
“you’re doing the best you can, that’s all you can do.”
“you’re right. it’s just so difficult, especially when i don’t get much help from their dad, and my family lives out of the country. i’m starting to think they might like their nanny more than me.” your last sentence makes both of you chuckle, but you don’t miss the concerned look in his eyes.
nothing you were saying was necessarily a lie; hitoshi had been acting like he was married to his job instead of you, and your family really did live out of the country. you just opted to not mention that your kid’s father was also your (very estranged) husband.
“with you being there for them, i bet you three can get through anything.” he cautiously grabs your hand across your desk, heat rising in his chest when you gently squeeze his palm.
soon enough he had to go back to his agency to fill out paperwork, to both of your dismay.
“it was really nice to see you again, (f/n).”
your breath catches upon hearing the fake name you told him, watching his smile slightly drop in confusion.
“izuku, i’m sorry, my name is (y/n). i give almost everyone a fake name the first time i meet them.”
he has an unreadable expression on his face for a moment before his smile returns, no trace of animosity to be found.
“that’s understandable. with your line of work, im sure there’s lots of weirdos you have to steer clear of.”
he pulls you in for a hug before he goes, his secure embrace nearly melting you on the spot.
“i’ll see you soon, (y/n).” he leaned down to speak close to your ear, such a simple gesture being wildly attractive coming from him.
after he leaves your office you have to take a few breaths to refocus, trying to be sure what just happened was real.
“dude, you’ve been smiling like an idiot all morning. what’d you get laid or something?” denki nudged izuku as they walked into the hero conference the next morning, making him roll his eyes.
“i can’t be in a good mood?”
“that’s not just a ‘good mood’ look, i’m not stupid.”
some of the top heros were meeting with the commissioner that morning, to be briefed on a new assignment that would be pretty widespread among the pro-heros in the city.
“you’re up early. don’t you usually work at night?” you frown as you’re met with hitoshi adjusting his modulator in the kitchen, an unusual sight for the morning.
“we’re getting briefed on some big assignment with some of the top pros, i’ve gotta be at this meeting early.” your stomach drops at his words, instantly thinking of izuku.
hitoshi double-takes, chuckling at the sight of your tired eyes and bedhead. he rarely got to see you in the mornings anymore, and it was a view he didn’t realize how much he’d missed.
“i’ll be back late, i’ve got some stuff to do at the agency after this meeting.” you nod, nearly jumping in surprise as he ruffles your already wild hair, kissing one of your temples.
“have a good day, love you.”
you stare at the front door absolutely dumbfounded, wondering if you were dreaming. that was the first time in months he had not only not dodged your advances, but made the first move to be affectionate towards you.
you shake off the thought as you dress for work, your daughter’s nanny showing up shortly before you leave.
your mind races as you sit down to check your morning emails, particularly towards a green-haired pro-hero.
“what’s up?! long time no see, how have you been?”
“you know, the usual graveyard shift stuff. how about you, big shot? you’ve been tearing up the charts lately.”
izuku grinned as him and shinso caught up before the meeting began, happy to see his friend again after so long. since shinso did more underground hero work and izuku was constantly working on bigger cases, on top of his overseas case, he’d barely seen any of his friends lately.
it was another two weeks before you saw him again, and you were giddy with excitement the next time he came through your door. hitoshi’s new assignment had him busier than ever, making you go a few days in a row without seeing him sometimes.
“hi!!” you giggle in surprise as he hugs you tightly, slightly lifting you off the ground. you were in such a rush to open the door for him that you barely hear plastic crinkle at your side. as he sets you down, you see an elaborate bouquet of flowers in his hand, making heat rise in your cheeks.
“i thought you might like the purple, to remind you of your girls.” you freeze for a moment at the connection he made, his consideration nearly making your eyes well.
if only he knew who else purple reminded me of.
“izuku, these are beautiful.”
“i’m so glad you like them.” he breaks into a wide grin, noticing you double taking at his face.
“what happened here?” almost instinctively, you gently cup your hand onto the side of his face, noticing a new wound below one of his eyes.
“o-oh, it’s nothing, just typical work stuff. it’s not major, i promise.” the new touch lights fire under his skin, relishing in how soft your hands are.
he stays in your office for another few hours, conversation flowing easily again and updating each other on your lives. you’re both speaking animatedly with lots of hand gestures, resulting in your fingers brushing each other repeatedly. eventually, he just grabs one of your hands and toys with your fingers as he talks, the size difference in your hands being almost comical.
his phone rings, groaning as he sees who’s name is on the screen.
“hello- okay don’t raise your voice at me asshole. yes, yes, alright i’ll be back soon. boy, shut the hell up.”
“work?” you let out a chuckle, recognizing dynamight’s yell on the other end of the phone.
“unfortunately. i’ve gotta go, but i’ll see you again soon.”
he wraps you in a hug, making your breath hitch when he quickly kisses the top of your hair.
“bye, (y/n).” he flashes his signature grin as he closes your office door, leaving you smiling like an idiot.
“good day at work?”
“what makes you say that, mai?” your nanny smiles as she hands one of your daughters a snack, before she hurries back into her room with her sister.
“you’re glowing.”
“yea, something like that.” your cheeks heat as you set your purse down, your thoughts running in the direction of your new muse.
“it’s nice to see you smile again, (y/n). whatever’s going on, i hope it keeps up.”
your eyes go wide at her words, stopping in your tracks.
was it that obvious how much you were struggling ?
“midoriya’s got a girlfriend.”
mina nearly chokes on her water, staring at izuku expectantly
“do i now?”
“there’s no way anyone would ever wanna date your nerdy ass.”
“like you haven’t wanted to since we were kids?” izuku’s comment makes the group laugh, but mina doesn’t miss the way his eyes sparkle, looking off into space with a goofy smile.
izuku found himself in your office at least once a week, looking forward to those meetings more than anything. he wanted so bad to see you somewhere other than your office, but his status made it almost impossible for him to even think about going anywhere without paparazzi pouncing on him. the only reason you two’s office meet ups weren’t suspected by anyone was because it was completely normal for the pro heroes to work with investigators on all the different cases circulating the city.
but he was fed up with only seeing you in your office. so a few months into seeing him, you found yourself checking into a local hotel under a fake name, to preserve the secrecy of his identity.
you gently knock on the door to the room, gasping as izuku barely opens the door and pulls you in, quickly closing it behind you.
he looks you up and down, still processing the fact that you’re really standing in front of him.
“hi.” he grins widely, his voice barely audible.
“why are you whispering?” you giggle as you match his volume, cradling his face as you step towards him.
“i don’t know.” this makes both of you break into full blown laughter, giddy at the interaction.
there’s comfortable silence for a few moments, izuku’s eyes glittering as he analyzes all the details of your face up close. you feel like you’re shrinking under his gaze, his attentiveness and excitement to just be in your presence feeling so foreign.
“you’re so pretty.”
maybe it’s the sincerity in his voice, or the stability you feel from his large hands holding your waist, or the excitement of his green eyes dancing all over your facial features. something about such a simple statement tips you over the edge, pulling him against you before you can think twice.
he gasps when your lips meet his, freezing for only a second before lifting you off the ground easily, wrapping your legs around his waist as he makes his way towards the bed in the room.
he’s kissing you
izuku is kissing you
you are kissing izuku
his mind is racing as he sits down, sitting you atop his lap and never disconnecting from you. he’d daydreamed about this more times than he could count.
izuku was observant, that was no secret. and as you two fell into rhythm with each other, you realized just how observant of you he was. his hands worked against your body like the movement was natural, confident as his fingers traced every curve of your frame.
guilt washed over you as he began to pepper kisses down your neck, momentarily second guessing your actions.
he slips his hand under your shirt, rubbing up and down your back as he kisses you.
“you have… no idea… how long i’ve wanted… to do this.” he nearly whimpers, kissing along your jawline before meeting your lips again. something about the desperation, the gratitude in his tone, made all your doubt wash away.
he pulls your shirt over your head, eyes catching on the intricate tattoo on your ribs, trailing down your side.
you’re on your way home a few hours later, feeling like you’re walking on clouds. but as you pull into your driveway and pull your keys from the ignition of your car, everything in you deflates.
what the hell am i doing?
“so, i met someone.”
“i knew it!” denki nearly launches off of his chair, making shinso groan.
izuku grinned at kaminari’s excitement, his friends all looking expectantly to hear about his new muse.
“how’d you meet?”
“we ended up sitting next to each other on my flight back from the US. i asked for her number when we landed, and it just kind of took off from there.”
“you look like you’re about to start kicking your feet like a damn schoolgirl.” bakugou scoffs.
“wait, i wanna hear more!! details, izu. is she hot? what’s she do? do we know her?” mina leans forward onto her elbows, eyes glittering.
“i don’t think you guys know her. she’s a PI, she keeps her life pretty secret.”
“sounds just like (y/n). she’s a PI too, most people don’t even know she exists.” shinso chuckles fondly, taking a sip of his beer.
“yea, sh- wait, what?”
“oh shit, you were overseas when we got married. my wife, (y/n), is a PI.”
shinso cocks up an eyebrow as izuku’s face pales.
“what’s the matter midoriya?” kirishima looks curiously between the two.
izuku sighs heavily, quickly putting the pieces together.
“dragon tattoo?” he gestures to his ribs.
“yea, how do y-“ shinso cuts off his own sentence, knuckles tingling when he realizes what izuku is insinuating.
“aw shit.” kaminari is the first to break the silence, the tension thick between the group.
“nice going, nerd.”
“you’re married?”
“you’re fucking my wife?!”
“neither of you even wear a wedding ring, how was i supposed to-“ izuku stops as shinso storms up to him, gripping the collar of his shirt.
“hitoshi, hold o-“
“sit the fuck down.” he barks, effectively making kirishima and kaminari return to their seats.
as bad as he wanted to swing, he knew izuku would destroy him in a physical fight. thankfully, he had other ideas.
“how long?” he growls
“how long have you been fucking my wife, midoriya?”
izuku feels his mind cloud, shinso’s quirk making his body go slack.
“a few months.”
“did she tell you she was married?”
“that we have kids?”
“call her.”
mina clamps her hand over her mouth as izuku pulls his phone from his pocket, shinso putting the phone on speaker so everyone can hear the ringing.
shinso chuckles bitterly, biting down on the inside of his cheek as hearing your voice confirmed everything.
you look away from the cartoon your daughters had playing, realizing they’re both asleep on the couch where you three sat.
you see izuku’s name flash across the screen of your work phone, stomach turning as you slide your finger across the screen to answer it.
“go on, tell her, midoriya.”
your breath catches, the voice on the line all too familiar, even though it didn’t belong to izuku.
“shinso knows about us, (y/n).”
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