tinyartistuko · 5 months
Sometimes I forget that I have Tumblr so I'm sharing these now💕
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For people who don't know the character with Phineas:
He's Dylan Doofenshmirtz, son of Heinz and Charlene and Vanessa's younger brother. Yes, I ship him with Phineas
I'm more active on Ig if you're interested in seeing my art :3
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makeusfly · 2 months
To Know Where the Light Comes From, Chapter 1
More Light Than Heat
Chapter one is dedicated to @cantdanceflynn for doing such an amazing job running @dwampyverseawards, which finally got the muses willing to type something up.
Jump Then Fall
Read on A03
The dinner dishes had been cleared long enough that Ferb would have expected everyone to disperse - but they were still there.  His father was making a cup of tea while his mother flipped through a magazine and Phineas sketched something on a blueprint.  It occurred to Ferb that he wasn’t the only one who missed family dinners now that he and Phineas spent most of the year at the university.  Even Candace - who, theoretically, didn’t live on this side of Danville anymore - was there, making notes in a binder as she talked into the phone clutched precariously between her cheek and shoulder.  She laid it on the table just as he sat back down, having retrieved his sheet music.
“How did you end up doing all of this, love?” their father asked as he placed a tea cup in front of Ferb and took his own seat.
Candace rolled her eyes.  “The band’s last manager was an idiot, but so are all the ones they’ve interviewed so far.  And the festival is coming up really quickly, and then I made the mistake of volunteering.”
“Do you need help?” Phineas asked brightly, looking up from his plans.
She eyed him suspiciously at first, but eventually said, “I think I’m okay, but I’ll let you know.  But that does remind me: do you need a plus one?  You know, since Ferb’s bringing his secret girlfriend?”
Ferb looked up slowly, feeling the blood drain from his face, but no one else acted like she’d said anything shocking.  Finally, Candace asked, “What?”
He raised both eyebrows.
“What?  You think I don’t know?  I take full credit for making it happen.”
Ferb turned to his brother, who looked just as perplexed as he felt as Ferb pointed to him.
“Yeah?” Candace scoffed.  “Who do you think told him?”
“Okay…she might have a point there, bro.”
Before he could say anything - or gauge how his parents felt about this development - there was a knock and his mother got up to answer.
“Good morning, Isabella.”
“Morning, Mrs.-”
His mum cleared her throat.  With a small smile, Isabella corrected herself.  “Linda.  Hi!  Is Candace - oh, there she is. Candace!”
Linda let her pass and went back to her magazine.
“Hey!” Phineas exclaimed first.  “I didn’t know you were coming home two weekends in a row.”
“I bought a new dress for the festival, but the shoes I wanted to wear with it were here…and I have a car now; I can do things like that.”  She winked at Ferb.  “Plus!”  She smiled wide.  “I need to ask Candace for a favor.”
“And you had to ask in person in case you needed to use the puppy dog pout?  Because it won’t work on me.”
Isabella cocked her head, thinking for a moment.  If it were anyone else, Ferb knew she would challenge that assertion…but it was Candace.  “Is…Jeremy around?”
“You think your puppy dog pout will work on my husband?”
Isabella pulled out the only empty seat and sat at the end of the table, facing Candace.
“Johnson, I’m going to level with you because, if you’re planning on having children with this man, you’re going to need to know: I don’t have to use the puppy dog pout on your husband.  The second I - or Phineas or Ferb - so much as imply we might need something, he goes into overdrive big brother mode.”
“Ferb and I concur.”
Candace sighed.  “Yeah, that makes sense.  Just tell me what you need, Isabella.”
“I have a new friend.  And I just found out she’s really into Jeremy and the Incidentals, but something went wrong with TicketMaster-”
“Ugh, TicketMaster.”
“Exactly, so she didn’t get a ticket for next Friday, and I was hoping…”
Candace laughed.  “I didn’t realize you wanted something easy.  Yeah, you can have an extra pass.”
“Umm…by ‘pass,’ you mean ‘ticket,’ right?”
“You’re with the band, Isabella.  You’ve got Backstage All Access.  Do you need a parking pass too?”
She pursed her lips and looked across the table to Ferb, who gave her a thumbs up.
“Nope,” she said with a grin.  “Ferb will drive us.”
“Great.  Done.”
“Thank you so much.”  With that settled, her shoulders relaxed and she looked back at him, curious.  “Why are you two here two weekends?”
“Oh, Ferb-”
A kick - not hard, but definitely present - stopped him.
“I mean…no reason,” he finished too quickly.
Isabella raised an eyebrow at him but, when he didn’t say anything else, she turned it on Ferb.
Ferb blinked innocently.
“Well then.”  She stood up.  “I should go.  Mom and I are going to watch a movie.”
“Ooh, which one?”
“ Barbie.  Did you see it?”
“Candace and I went together.  We both cried.”
“ Mom .”
She chuckled.  “Have fun.”
Ferb slid his chair back.  “I’ll walk you.”
“So you can explain - “ she pointed between him and Phineas.  “- whatever that was?”
“Not gonna happen,” he said, pushing his chair under the table.
“Wanna round up whichever of the girls are here for a Backyard Extravaganza tomorrow?” Phineas called out, tapping the pencil against the table.  “Buford’s coming.”
“Sounds fun.  I’ll see you then.  Check your Snaps!”
Ferb held the door for her and they walked out into the still-warm autumn air.
“You really won’t tell me?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.  Speaking of…Candace told them you were coming to the concert.”
“Sure.  I was there.”
“No.”  They’d reached her front porch, and she took the couple steps up while he stood on the pavement.  “She told them my secret girlfriend is coming.”
She blanched.  Swallowing, she said, “Well…we were going to have to tell them eventually.”
“Are you ready?”
“Are you ready?”
“Darling, I’ve been ready.”
“You said they might disapprove because of the whole Phineas thing.”
“I said they’d be confused because of the whole ‘you used to date my brother’ bit.”
“What if they do disapprove though?”
He shook his head.
“Ferb, if it were any other girl, your family disliking them would be the ultimate dealbreaker.”
“Irrelevant.  My family loves you.  If they aren’t sure about us , they’ll come around.”  He took her hand, kissed the back of it.  “And I am sure.”
She smiled, rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb.  Ferb wasn’t a stranger to touch.  In many ways, he was more practiced communicating tactilely than verbally. He was even familiar with touching Isabella, as he’d known her most of his life and considered her a close friend almost as long.
It’s not that he hadn’t known it would be different.  Kissing her still felt like a miracle every time, and more private activities a spiritual rite all their own.
The surprising thing was how casually intimate the rest of it was.  Their fingers intertwined, her thumb brushing against his skin, his hand on her knee as he drove.  They made him feel good and warm and safe in ways he hadn’t known something so simple could.
Of course, he never wanted to do anything she wasn’t ready for, but he couldn’t say he was unhappy they couldn’t hide anymore.  It had reached the point where not reaching for her hand when he stood next to her felt unnatural.
“Okay,” she said, and it was such a relief no longer having to hide how looking into her blue eyes made him feel.  “Let’s go for it.”  Her free hand found his cheek and she leaned down to kiss him.  It was a brief one, chaste even, but it still made him sigh.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said, kissing her one more time before taking a step back.  She squeezed his hand and tugged him towards her.
“Or…” she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.  “You could come by tonight.”
Stone faced, he said, “I’m not going to tell you what Phineas was going to say.”
“Oh, I don’t think we’ll do much talking,” she whispered.
His breath caught in his throat.  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said finally.  Satisfied, she let his hand slide out of hers and let him cross the street back home.
In the backyard the next morning, Ferb was big enough to admit he’d made a mistake.
Perhaps ‘mistake’ was the wrong word.  He had thoroughly enjoyed himself.  He wouldn’t go back and make a different choice.
Still.  He was exhausted.  Phineas was reading from the plans he’d finalized last night, barking directions.  Buford and three Fireside Girls were hammering and drilling and just in general being very loud.  And Isabella wasn’t even here, so Ferb’s real mistake had been getting out of bed when he clearly could have slept another hour.
His real mistake was getting out of her bed, when she -
“You don’t look so hot, Union Jack.”
He glared at Buford, rubbing the building headache in his temple.
“Late Night?”
“Good morning!”
The headache didn’t abate completely, but it was a near thing.  She had her hair up in a pony-tail and was wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt in deference to the cooling autumn morning, but her denim skirt didn’t quite reach her knees.
“You’re chipper this morning,” Buford said with a smirk.
“Why wouldn’t I be?  The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful fall day, my boys are here…”  She sighed, slinging an arm over Ferb’s shoulder.  “And I don’t know what they’re building, but I’m sure it’ll be very exciting.”
“Well, Phineas has his eye on the ball, but I dunno where Ferb’s head is at.”
“Oh?”  She turned to look at him, pouting just a little.  As if that weren’t enough, as if the way her lip jutted out didn’t just beg for him to bite it, her face was inches from his now.  “Everything okay?”
And that was the final straw on a very weak camel’s back.  He swallowed hard.
“I’m going to go make coffee.”
He moved quickly.  By the time he got the pot going, Isabella had slipped inside and into the hall, just out of sight of the backyard.  Ferb spared a quick glance to make sure no one was watching so they wouldn’t see him cross the living room to get to her.  With a hand on her hip and one in her hair he pushed her against the wall, crushing his mouth against hers.
Pulling away for just a moment, she asked, “You did actually start coffee, right?”
He was already dropping kisses down her neck, but he hummed an affirmation against her skin.  Tugging him along, she slid down the wall into the nearby bathroom and locked the door behind them.
When they were finished, he let her return to the backyard first, taking his time to make a cup of coffee he could tolerate.  Once he was back outside, he saw she and Phineas were laughing over something across the yard.
And that had been strange too.  In quiet moments, alone in the twin bed in his dorm room, it had occurred to him that maybe he should be jealous, that maybe he should worry that her feelings for Phineas would resurface, or that his brother would suddenly realize the mistake he made in letting her go.  But every time he saw the two of them together - laughing, enjoying each other’s company - he couldn’t muster it.  She chose him.  And since that wasn’t in question, there was nothing keeping him from being absolutely thrilled that his two favorite people were each other’s favorite people as well.
“Do you think they’ll get back together?”
He snapped to attention, turning to see that Gretchen, thankfully, wasn’t talking to him.  Next to her, Buford released a bark of laughter.
“Hell, no.”
Ferb took a sip of his coffee, trying to hide his smile.  He thought he’d been pretty successful, until Gretchen crossed the yard to join Isabella on her project and Buford sidled up to him.
“How much longer do I gotta act like I don’t know?”
Ferb raised an eyebrow. 
“Don’t play dumb with me.  How long?”
Ferb sighed and held up one finger.
He shook his head, drawing a circle in a ‘keep going’ gesture.
“A week?”
He nodded.
“Good.  I am not great at keeping secrets.”  His eyes darted from one side to the next before asking. “But, uh…Dinner Bell does know…right?”
Ferb nodded fervently, but it didn’t feel like enough, so he added, “Phineas doesn’t-”
Buford rolled his eyes and waved him off.  “Please.  Phineas was never going to see Isabella romantically.  Isabella was always going to grow out of that childish infatuation.  And you two have been a perfect fit since - well, always, but I know y’all started feeling it in high school.  And I’m actually glad it took you a minute to figure it out.  Means you got a better shot at making it all the way.”
Smugly, he put his fists on his hips and finished, “I might look, act, and sound stupid, but I know what’s up.”
Ferb found himself swallowing back a lump in his throat for some reason.  “Who called you stupid?  I’ll get my girlfriend to beat them up.”
Buford chuckled.  “God, I’d hate to be that guy.  That’s the only reason you aren’t getting the ‘break her heart, I’ll break your face’ talk.”
After a moment of silence, he said, “Look, I’m going to be sincere for about 30 seconds, so shut up and listen, okay?”
Ferb didn’t bother to remind him that he rarely spoke, just nodded.
“I think you’re great, but I also think you got real lucky.  But…I also think Isabella is both great and lucky.  So just…”
He took a breath, and Ferb expected him to tell him not to mess it up, but instead he said, “Let yourself enjoy it, okay?”
Ferb swallowed roughly.  When it was evident Buford wasn’t going to say anything else, he prodded, “You still have about 15 seconds.”
“Nah, I’m done.”
“How are things with Bal-”
“Nope.  Done.”  
Ferb conceded with a slight shrug.  Fair enough . 
When he turned to see how Isabella was doing, she was already looking his way, smiling brightly enough to put the sun to shame.
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fic-and-art-for-ships · 7 months
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This was last month ship, September. This one is an odd ball of a ship. But then again, who cares XD. As a kid, I just liked the idea of them being together more than the canon couple. The potential and the story, I could see said vision!
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blueprxde · 1 year
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There is not enough Ferbella
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violetlunette · 1 year
For Phineas and Ferb Fans, I’m curious;
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msnihilist · 2 months
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I can't BELIEVE there aren't any fics for this poly pairing. I have to do everything myself.
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ferbellalove · 1 year
I started watching Phineas and Ferb for the first time. I am interested in finding out more about Ferbella ship...... got any good fic recommendations?
There are plenty of great Ferbella fics! Both on A03 and Ffnet.
I can give you a few of my faves but I highly recommend checking out some of the other stories out there.
More Than Heat by wordsmith_kari
Enough by Lilly-Belle
String Theory by HigherSilver
Something in the Mist by Lilly-Belle : This one is Isabel and Ferbalot
There are others out there that I have not listed but some of them were incomplete and a few others I have to do some searching to find. This should get you started. Check out these authors favorite stories too!
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doverstardoodles · 1 year
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The hair and the savoir-faire got to them.
the ladies I ship with Ferb. Top right is an old fan OC created by Melty94.
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gmwsuperfan5467890 · 2 years
Controversial Disney Opinions
1) Austin and Ally should have stayed just friends. Sure, I ate that shit up when I was like 10 but now I’m older, I know better and they had zero chemistry. Any other ship between the ships on the show would be marginally better than a*slly. I am not saying this because of the Raini and Ross rumours, I’ve had this opinion for quite some time.
2) I disliked Mason and hated Alex and Mason together. Mason is jealous to an almost possessive degree; he eats Alex’s ex boyfriend (hilarious ep tho), he ruins Alex’s award ceremony because he was jealous of the beast tamer, when Alex and Mason are broken up, he is relentlessly pushy in getting them back together, even when she reject him. He also told Juliet that he loved her, which was apparently because of his werewolf hormones but even then, that would mean there were some feelings there. He also never truly accepted her for who she was, for example in the Alex vs Alex movie, he is pissed at her for using magic to make them lunch and he along with her family tell her how selfish she is and how she needs to grow up and change. Alex deserved so much better.
3) Andi was my favourite character from Andi Mack. She was selfish? She was overdramatic and complained a lot? Well she was 13 and going through a major life change, cut her some slack.
4) Riley was way too overhated. She was naive and detached from reality? Her parents raised her to be sheltered and her best friends continued sheltering her. She was way too coddled but that was not her fault. Personally, her and Farkle were my favourite characters on the show.
5) I never liked Gordo and Lizzie together. I just hate the trope where person A pines over person B while person B is not really/barely interested.
6) I don’t ship Phineas and Isabella together for the same reasons stated in 5).
7) I actually like Ferb and Isabella together. I just think their personalities would mesh better together and there were a bunch of small hints. For example, there was this one scene in the Summer Belongs to You movie where Isabella is crying over Phineas who is oblivious about Isabella being sad, while Ferb comforts her. Isabella says, “I wish he/someone would the sunset with me” and who was watching it with her? Ferb. To me, that scene just showed that Ferb understands emotionally her more than Phineas and I feel like Isabella is more calm with Ferb because she isn’t obsessing over ever interaction between them. And you may argue that she is obsessive because she has a crush, however you can have really strong romantic feelings for someone and not spend your time obsessing over them.
8) I was rooting for Candace. Not because I think the boys should be punished but because I was sick of their mom bad-mouthing Candace behind her back to her friends and treating her like she was crazy. It made me so mad. Also how was it possible that the whole town except for her knew about the contraption Phineas and Ferb were building.
9) Vanessa dating Ferb at the end ruined her character. Vanessa has known Ferb since she was 16 and he was 10(?). In the ep where they’re all going off to college, I’m pretty sure they say/imply that they’ve been dating for a year. So either Vanessa started dating him when he was 17 and she was 24 or they started dating when he turned 18. Even then, she wouldn’t magically catch feelings for him when he turned 18, she had to have feelings/some sort of connection to him before. So a 24 year old Vanessa had feelings for a minor, the same minor that she knew when he was 10 and she was 16. Absolutely vile and disgusting. This ship makes me furious and I can’t believe this was written, let alone approved.
10) ‘Act Your Age’ didn’t make sense. Baljeet said that they didn’t tell Phineas that Isabella had a crush on him because they don’t talk about feelings but that is really OOC. Baljeet literally told Phineas and Ferb about his feelings for Mishti and about his feelings of getting a bad grade, so the claim that they don’t talk about their feelings is completely false. They are all so close and Phineas’ best friend is literally his brother who he spends 24/7 with. You’re telling me that they would shy away from telling Phineas about Isabella’s feelings if they thought he liked her? The only plausible reason that makes sense is that no one in their friend group thought that Phineas liked Isabella back and they didn’t want Isabella to get rejected.
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lisandrasaysgrr · 1 year
Phineas and Ferb is coming backk!! I’m so excited for this revival!
There’s one thing that I want to see and I just know it won’t happen. Please Dan, give us just a SLIVERRRR of ferbella 🥺 Anything! We need something to latch on to! Please sir, may we have a crumb of ferbella 🤲🏼 our crops are withering🍂🌾 our artists need fuel. I beg, just a morsel of ferbella.
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cantdanceflynn · 1 year
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omg-kawaiikitty · 2 years
Shippings list!
•Dasey-As a Canadian I grew up with this show and I ship Casey and Derek from life with Derek so badly. They are step siblings but they never grew up together and are only related by marriage. They met at 15 so I don’t find this ship wrong just bad luck. The actors have so much chemistry to the point they even shipped their characters. One of the most popular ships ever.
•Zutara-I love Katara & Zuko with a passion. They were opposites but they had so much in common and if they ended up together it would make so much with how avatar the last airbender is all about balance and ying/yang etc. I’m so sad they weren’t a couple and even the voice actors ship it.
•Chilumi-I ship Lumine with almost everyone. When I first played Genshin I was shipping her with Kaeya because I think he’s hot and he was flirty, then Childe seems flirty and that’s a popular ship, then we have husbando Thoma. If you have evil Lumine then there’s Dainsleif x Lumine. Lumine and Xiao looks good when he saved her, basically she has a whole harem. But I really like Chilumi fan fiction though and love the love/hate relationships….I think I have a type. Plus Griffin burns for English VA is adorable.
•Catradora-They were best friends and became enemies and then became lovers. They are my favorite lesbian couple and this is what I like to see in a cartoon that sure it’s for kids but it’s also can appeal to older people like teens & adults. Plus adding in a same sex without making it super “woke” or cringey. This is the best reboot done right as well.
•Olicity-Some people might hate this ship but I love this ship, sure they had ups and downs but they are really cute and the actors have great chemistry. They are the only Arrowverse couple that is canon.
•SnowBarry-This ship is the death of me. I’m so upset they never gotten together because I feel they would have been much healthier as a couple. They have many things in common, she was protective of him, was his doctor but also has brains, they work so well together and even on the battlefield they are cute. There was so many hints that they could’ve end up but didn’t. I got severely bullied by WA like some would tell me to kill my self etc. For 100th time I don’t ship Snowbarry because of race it’s just that how they written Iris wasn’t good and in my opinion I found her to be toxic and didn’t have much to offer, if they hired a white girl and kept the same script I would still hate her as a person. If they actually took comic book Iris and turn her into a good supporting romance character who is strong and change her race into black or whatever then I would like her because of how she’s written. I just hate how WA just assumed I’m racist when I’m not.
•Ferbella-This might be uncommon ship but I think they have cute moments and I like how they are best friends and he seems to be the only one who can understand her in a way; Isabella treats Ferb like a person and include him in. They are so cute but underrated. One time they held hands and I squealed.
•Pluto/Tuxedo mask-Since Pluto has a crush on King Endymion so I thought they would be cute when she gets rebirth onto Earth since they are both college students age, in the anime Mamoru and Usagi’s age gap just seems too creepy and they fight so much. I know they are destined to be endgame but sometimes you just have to facepalm so often because it seems like they are forced together because of Destiny. Mamoru also was kinda an asshole to Usagi. So I feel if they broke up and maybe he can focus on someone his age. I also like Pluto and sailor mini moon’s friendship, it’s like Pluto is a second mom figure and it’s cute.
• Shenny-I found them to be so cute! They didn’t get along but then they became best friends and I feel like she’s the reason why Sheldon becomes a bit normal during later seasons instead of Amy taking credit for that. Plus Leonard & Amy would get jealous at times with how much time Shenny spend time together and bond. I feel they would have been much healthier as a couple.
•Chris x Lindsay-This ship is taboo due to age gap and Lindsay being 16. In Canada 16 is legal age, I don’t 100% ship this but they have cute moments. I feel if he was a contestant then this ship could’ve been smooth sailing because they would be around the same age. But it’s kinda creepy because of the age gap and how he’s a sadist host. I do like seeing Chris having a soft side especially when it comes to Lindsay. He was proud of her for Lindsay sticking up to herself and was on the boat with her during the elimination, when she hit herself on the head from the airplane when she was getting eliminated; he showed sign of concern. I think that’s why I kinda like it because it shows he’s not 100% sadistic and can show some sort of emotions when it comes to someone who matters. But ya this ship is very taboo.
That’s all I can think of so far as my top ships. I tend to have a theme going on a bit. There’s probably more but
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makeusfly · 3 months
Even though I am late and already got knocked out of the Dwampyverse tournament...here's a little sneak peak of the sequel I am working on for you, because it was so sweet of you to nominate me in the first place.
“Hey!” Phineas exclaimed first.  “I didn’t know you were coming home two weekends in a row.”
“I bought a new dress for the festival, but the shoes I wanted to wear with it were here…and I have a car now, I can do things like that.”  She winked at Ferb.  “Plus!”  She smiled wide.  “I need to ask Candace for a favor.”
“And you had to ask in person in case you needed to use the puppy dog pout?  Because it won’t work on me.”
Isabella cocked her head, thinking for a moment.  If it were anyone else, Ferb knew she would challenge that assertion…but it was Candace.  “Is…Jeremy around?”
“You think your puppy dog pout will work on my husband?”
Isabella pulled out the only empty seat and sat at the end of the table, facing Candace.
“Johnson, I’m going to level with you because, if you’re planning on having children with this man, you’re going to need to know: I don’t have to use the puppy dog pout on your husband.  The second I - or Phineas or Ferb - so much as imply we might need something, he goes into overdrive big brother mode.”
“Ferb and I concur.”
Candace sighed.
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snowzing1 · 8 months
Monthly Ship Art
Month 7:
Ferb x Isabel
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It feels nice to completely restart the panels
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nixknacks0-0 · 10 months
Currently discovering that one of my favorite tropes is Love Triangle where two corners are actually Best Friends and one of them gives up for a long time to see the people he cares about Happy
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ranulishipper · 2 years
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