#Festival de Cannes 2002
danataiko · 18 days
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Brian De Palma
Brian De Palma
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flowersdumal · 5 months
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Michael Pitt and his unidentified companion arrive for the screening of Brian de Palma's film "Femme Fatale" at the 55th Annual Cannes Film Festival May 25, 2002 in Cannes, France.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
Im assuming that it’s really good that Harry’s short film is being shown at Tribeca. I don’t know anything about film festivals. Is this one of the best ones? Im curious how does it work? Do you think Tom will show up to support his brother?
The Tribeca Film Festival is pretty up there Anon. 😃 As far as prestige is concerned, I would say that it's just about as recognizable as some of the larger ones like Cannes, Sundance, TIFF, VFF, etc.
The Tribeca Film Festival was actually founded back in 2002 by Jane Rosenthal, Robert De Niro, and Craig Hatkoff, in response to the Sept 11th attacks on the WTC "and the consequent loss of vitality in the Tribeca neighborhood in lower Manhattan".
Many celebrities attend.
So yea, I'd say Harry being able to have his short film "Last Call" debut there is a pretty big deal! 😁
If it does really well with audiences, who knows how far it might go! 🤷🏾‍♀️😜
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Cumpleaños 🎂
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Leonardo DiCaprio. Actor  49 años
Demi Moore. Actriz 61 años
Calista Flockhart. Actriz 59 años
Stanley Tucci. Actor 63 años
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Leonardo Dicaprio está de celebración. Este sábado, el actor, nominado siete veces al gran premio del cine, cumple 49 años.
Nació el 11 de noviembre de 1974 y desde muy jóven, comenzó su carrera en la interpretación.
A día de hoy, se ha convertido en uno de los actores más influyentes de Hollywood, también de los más deseados, y en un gran defensor de la conservación del medio ambiente. 
A pesar de no haber formado nunca una familia ni tener hijos, el protagonista de "Titanic", ha tenido muchos noviazgos y romances fugaces. La última chica con la que se le ha relacionado es con Vittoria Ceretti, la espectacular modelo de 25 años, con quien coincidió por primera vez en Francia cuando el actor acudía al Festival de Cannes para presentar su película 'Killers of the Flower Moon'.
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Demi Moore cumple unos espectaculares 61 años. La protagonista de “Ghost”, se mantiene como una de las figuras más consagradas de Hollywood. Sin embargo, su camino no fue color de rosas. Tuvo una vida repleta de agresiones, traumas y altibajos profesionales, que convirtieron su historia en oportunidades de lucha y superación.
En su autobiografía, titulada “Inside Out. Mi historia”, Demi Moore revela detalles sobre los momentos más duros de su vida. En el libro, la reconocida actriz explica que su madre la prostituyó por 500 dólares cuando tenía 15. Cuenta que fue abusada en numerosas oportunidades, y habla de sus adicciones al alcohol y la cocaína.
Además, hace referencia a su matrimonio frustrado con Bruce Willis, y a la turbulenta separación con Ashton Kutcher. 
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Corría 2002 cuando Harrison Ford y Calista Flockhart se conocieron. El encuentro, decididamente feliz, tuvo lugar durante la cena de la noche de los Globos de Oro de aquel año. La actriz se encontraba en el pico de su popularidad, la ultraexitosa serie "Ally McBeal", de la que era protagonista, afrontaba la emisión de sus últimos capítulos en la cadena Fox tras haberse convertido en un emblema de la televisión más rompedora de finales de los 90
Ford tenía entonces 59 y Flockhart sumaba 37 primaveras.
Juntos han criado a Liam, el niño que Calista Flockhart adoptó justo un año antes de conocer al actor –se acaba de graduar en la universidad a sus 22 años y ambos fueron a la ceremonia– y también han decidido mantenerse alejados la mayor parte del tiempo del ojo público. 
Calista Kay Flockhart (Freeport, Illinois; 11 de noviembre de 1964) es una actriz Estadounidense, conocida por protagonizar la serie Ally McBeal (1997-2002) y por su papel de Kitty Walker en la serie Cinco hermanos (2006-2011), no tiene mas trabajos
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Stanley Tucci celebra hoy su 63 cumpleaños
(Peekskill, Nueva York; 11 de noviembre de 1960) es un actor, director, productor y escritor estadounidense, ganador en dos ocasiones del Premio Emmy, del Globo de Oro y nominado al Óscar. Entre sus trabajos más conocidos están "Lucky Number Slevin", "Camino a la perdición", "La terminal", "The Devil Wears Prada", "The Lovely Bones", "Los juegos del hambre" y "Spotlight".
Tucci nació en Peekskill, Nueva York, hijo de Joan Tropiano, secretaria y escritora, y Stanley Tucci, profesor de arte de secundaria. Sus padres, ambos de origen italiano, tenían ancestros provenientes de Calabria.​ Es el mayor de tres hermanos; su hermana es la actriz Christine Tucci y su primo es el guionista Joseph Tropiano
Debutó con un pequeño papel en "Prizzi's Honor"
Tucci se casó con la asistente social Kathryn "Kate" Spath en 1995. Tuvieron tres hijos: los mellizos Isabel Concetta y Nicolo Robert (2000), y Camilla ( 2002). Además Kate tenía otros dos hijos de un matrimonio anterior, también criados por el actor.
Entre 2002 y 2004 la pareja estuvo separada, y en ese período Tucci salió con la actriz Edie Falco. En abril de 2009 Kate Spath falleció de cáncer.​
En octubre de 2011 Tucci comenzó una relación con la agente literaria inglesa Felicity Blunt, hermana de la actriz Emily Blunt, compañera de reparto en The Devil Wears Prada (El Diablo viste de Prada), quien los presentó.​ En agosto de 2012 se casaron y en septiembre celebraron formalmente en una boda que tuvo a Emily Blunt como dama de honor 
Después de casarse, Tucci abandonó Westchester para vivir junto a Blunt en Londres. El matrimonio tuvo dos hijos: Matteo Oliver ( 25 de enero de 2015) y Emilia Giovanna ( 19 de abril de 2018).​
Fue copropietario del restaurante Finch Tavern en Croton Falls, Nueva York.​
En 2018 fue distinguido como caballero de la Orden al Mérito de la República Italiana por haber «mantenido fuertes lazos con sus orígenes calabreses de los cuales ha estado siempre orgulloso, y con la cultura italiana en general»
Su de momento último trabajo es "The Electric State" que se estrenará en 2024
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scotianostra · 9 months
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Happy Birthday filmmaker Gillian Berrie, born on September 8th 1967 in Glasgow.
In 1996 Gillian co-founded Sigma Films with director David Mackenzie, writing and producing serial award-winning shorts, 'California Sunshine' and 'Somersault'.
Alongside, Gillian gained experience in numerous film and television roles, ie Casting Director on Ken Loach's 'My Name is Joe' (for which Peter Mullan won the Palme D'or in Cannes) and Lynne Ramsay's legendary 'Ratcatcher'.
Casting experience on the aforementioned led Gillian to create the charity, 'Starfish' which then became 'Jumpcut', which morphed into 'Short Circuit', and 'Big Fish Casting' which segued into Kahleen Crawford Casting
Gillian then produced many of David Mackenzie's films including: Last Great Wilderness, Hallam Foe, Young Adam, You Instead (aka Tonight You're Mine), Perfect Sense, Starred Up and the biggest film ever to be make in Scotland, Outlaw King. She was also heavily involved in the post-production, festival, UK/US theatrical release and Oscar campaign for Academy Award Nominee 'Hell or High Water'.
Sigma's films regularly premiere at A-List festivals and have received over 150 awards internationally, including the Prix de Jury in Cannes for Red Road, and the Silver Bear in Berlin for Hallam Foe, as well as numerous BIFA and BAFTA nominations and awards.
At the Scottish BAFTA New Talent Awards in 2002 Gillian won the BAFTA for Outstanding Achievement.
In order to create a vibrant hub for the film community in Scotland, Gillian founded the 65,000 square ft state of the art, Film City Glasgow in 2004. Since then it has been a full house of productions and film-makers.
In 2012 she founded 'Jumpcut', the UK's one and only, intensive, mentor-led Summer School to provide a fast-track for youngsters into working in the film industry. This project was a runaway success. Over 75% of the participants went onto working in the industry. It ran for two years and won several awards.
She also co-produced the multi-prize winner 'Dear Frankie' and Jonathan's Glazer's 'Under the Skin' (which won 23 awards and received 110 nominations).
Gillian also produced several features for first time feature film directors, including David Mackenzie, Colin Kennedy, Andrea Arnold, Morag MacKinnon and Ciaran Foy, as well as numerous additional shorts including the lauded I Love Luci.
Gillian continues to contribute to the next generation of Scottish film-makers through Short Circuit, which is in its 3rd year and has so far given the first opportunities in film-making to hundreds of new-comers and produced dozens of short films and is developing a number of feature films.
Short Circuit is Scotland's hub for filmmaking talent, supporting the creative and professional development of new and emerging writers, directors, and producers.
Over three years, Short Circuit's film commissioning strand ‘Sharp Shorts’ will award over £400,000 in funding across 27 filmmaking teams, creating opportunities for Scotland's most exciting emerging new screen talent.
‘Sharp Shorts’ has become one of Scotland's most diverse creative initiatives, with an overwhelming majority of female filmmakers as well as significant representation across the LGBTQ+, non-white and disabled communities.
The first batch of short films are screening internationally at festivals such as SXSW, BFI Flare, EIFF, Dinard, LSFF, Berlin, with multiple awards. In particular, Sean Lionadh's short Too Rough has won 11 awards to date.
The ‘First Features’ strand, with a fund of over £300,000, will support 30 new writers, directors, and producers, enabling Scotland-based filmmakers to take a career-defining step towards making their debut feature.
Most recently, Berrie exec-produced the critically acclaimed Pilot and 2nd episode of the Disney/ FX series Under the Banner of Heaven for which Andrew Garfield was nominated for an Emmy (2022). She also produced Taron Egerton's feature, Tetris, which I watched a few weeks ago and was impressed with .
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callmeanxietygirl · 10 months
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#DanielBrühl💗💖Es conocido por películas como Good Bye, Lenin! 2003 , Los edukadores 2004 , Joyeux Noël 2005 , Inglourious Basterds 2009 , EVA 2011 , Rush 2013 , Colonia 2015 , la serie The Alienist 2018 y en el Universo cinematográfico de Marvel como Helmut Zemo en la película Capitán América: Civil War 2016 y en la miniserie The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 2021.Hijo de la profesora Marisa González Domingo y el director de teatro y televisión alemán Hanno Brühl se conocieron en su estancia en España y se mudaron a Alemania , donde tuvieron a su primer hijo. El 16 de junio de 1978 nació Daniel Brühl, en el barrio de Gracia de Barcelona.Aunque nació en Barcelona , tiene también la nacionalidad alemana , ya que su padre es de origen alemán y en su niñez se trasladó a Alemania , donde creció en la ciudad de Colonia , aunque todos los veranos volvieron a España. Muchos de esos veranos Daniel los pasó en Pratdip , en Tarragona. Desde pequeño es hincha del equipo español F. C. Barcelona y también es aficionado del equipo alemán F. C. Colonia.
De mayor , Daniel se enfrentó a su padre al comunicarle que quería ser actor , profesión que compaginaba con la de cantante de la banda Purge. De esta manera a finales de los años noventa participó en diversos títulos que le abrieron paso en el cine alemán.En 2001 inició el rodaje de Nichts bereuen , cuyo director sugirió el nombre de Jessica Schwarz para el principal papel femenino. Daniel se enfadó con la decisión porque la actriz era conocida por haber sido previamente la presentadora de un programa de televisión. Cuando la vio trabajar , se enamoró de ella y se convirtieron en novios. Rompieron su relación en 2010.
En 2002 incrementó su popularidad al protagonizar Vaya con Dios. Al año siguiente esa fama se incrementó al encabezar la plantilla de actores de la película Good Bye, Lenin! (Wolfgang Becker), una comedia en la que un joven (Alex) oculta a su madre recién despertada de un coma que el Muro de Berlín ha caído y con él todas las ideas en las que ella creía.Daniel ganó el premio al mejor actor de la Academia de Cine de Alemania. Meses más tarde cosechó el premio de la Academia de Cine Europeo, así como el galardón del público. Tras la ceremonia declaró su interés por trabajar con Julio Médem y Fernando León de Aranoa. Meses después acudió a la entrega de los Premios Sant Jordi. Por estas razones Daniel pasó a formar parte de la promoción Shooting Star de 2002, cuyo objetivo es promocionar a nuevos actores europeos.
En 2004 Daniel siguió apuntándose a películas de corte social como Los edukadores, en la que dio vida a un joven rebelde, que de forma coordinada junto con un compañero de piso penetraba en las casas de los ricos para desordenar sus valiosas pertenencias, dejándoles una nota con un mensaje social. La película que lo catapultó a la fama mundial fue 'Goodbye Lenin' en 2003, donde cautivó a todo la crítica y a todo el público europeo y mundial y ganó su primer premio, Premio del Cine Europeo. En 2006 participó en su primera película española, encarnando al anarquista Salvador Puig Antich en 'Salvador', papel que le otorgó varios premios y una nominación a 'Mejor Actor' en los Goya. Además, la película fue nominada en el Festival de Cannes a mejor película.
En 2006 tuvo un papel en la película de espías 'El ultimátum de Bourne' y en 2009, protagonizó 'Malditos Bastardos', estrenada en el festival de Cannes y dirigida por Quentin Tarantino , con la que logró numerosas nominaciones a diferentes premios y ganó 6 premios. Además , todo el elenco ganó el Screen Actors Guild Award a 'Mejor actuación'. En 2012 volvió a España para rodar 'Eva', junto a Marta Etura y Alberto Ammann, película en la que volvió a estar nominado a 'Mejor actor' en los Goya. En 2013 se metió en el papel del piloto de Fórmula 1 Niki Lauda en la película 'Rush', que , junto a Chris Hemsworth , consiguió 17 nominaciones a diferentes premios por su excelente interpretación y que ganó 2. En 2015 trabajó en 'La dama de oro' y en 2016 , participó en la película 'Capitán América: Civil War', introduciéndose en el universo de los cómics Marvel.
En 2017 protagonizó 'La casa de la esperanza' . También protagonizó la serie de televisión 'The Alienist'. Además, rodó 2 películas, 'the cloverfield parados' y '7 días en entebbe'.
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squideo · 11 months
How Peugeot Caused an Advertising Stampede
In this series, Squideo has examined the best ways to turn advertising content into gold. Now that we’ve broken down the eight key ingredients, it’s time to dive deep into some examples of stellar advertising. This week, the advert in question was picked by Squideo’s Account Director, Adam Shelton.
When asked why this Peugeot advert had become his favourite, Adam said: “It accomplished everything an advert is meant to. It’s memorable, it’s unique and it keeps the product front and centre. Plus the bit with the elephant is hilarious.”
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The Peugeot Roars
You don’t need to be a driver to have heard of Peugeot. You’ll have encountered this French brand from buying your first bicycle to equipping your kitchen. Peugeot was founded in 1810 – over 200 years’ ago – by the Peugeot family who retained majority shares in the automotive company until 2014. Peugeot manufactured a vast variety of products in its early years, from hand-held saws to pepper grinders.
Eventually they branched out into bicycle production, car manufacturing and motorcycle making. Amazingly, they still continue to make kitchen tools under Peugeot Saveurs. Cycles Peugeot and Peugeot Motorcycles are also still on the go, and they make vehicles for motor racing events under Peugeot Sport. Up until 1986, they even had their own cycling team which won ten titles at the Tour de France.
Like many car manufacturers, Peugeot have acquired other brands and ownership of this company has changed hands repeatedly. In the 20th century, Peugeot took over Hotchkiss, Chenard-Walcker, Citroën and Chrysler Europe. As of 2021, Peugeot is owned by Stellantis – a multinational automotive manufacturing corporation which was created after the merger of major American, French and Italian manufacturers. A member of the Peugeot family is part of Stellantis’ senior management, demonstrating the power and influence Peugeot has built and maintained since 1810.
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2 Fast 2 Peugeot
Created by Euro RSCG of Milan-Italy, The Sculptor was released in 2003 to critical acclaim – winning numerous international awards. The car promoted in the advert, the Peugeot 206, was released in 1998 as a replacement of the 205 model. Within ten years, the 206 had become Peugeot’s best-selling car.
The advert was so popular that fifteen years later the BBC show Top Gear recreated it in celebration of the Peugeot 206’s anniversary. On its twentieth anniversary, Peugeot also released a recreation of the advert with the Peugeot 208 replacing the 206. To accomplish this, several months were spent at Ajeenkya D Y Patil University in 2002 where engineers painstakingly converted the Hindustan Ambassador.
In the advert, a motorist turns his Ambassador – an iconic Indian car that started life as a Morris Oxford – into a Peugeot 206. Directed by Matthijs van Heijningen Jr., who has since gone on to become the director of Netflix’s first Dutch film, The Sculptor is considered one of the best car adverts of all time.
According to the award-winning Creative Director Adrian Holmes:
“A film I’ve always loved is a commercial for the Peugeot 206 called ‘The Sculptor’, made by Euro RSCG Milan in 2002. You must know the one – the young Indian guy who gets an elephant to sit on his old jalopy (amongst other methods) so that it ends up looking like the car of his dreams. Everything about it – the story, the editing, the music, the casting – is simply frame perfect. Apart from anything else, it stands as a monument to the brave and imaginative client who said ‘yes’ to such a wonderful and daring piece of work.”
Peugeot Rides Again
The 206 went on to be Peugeot’s best-selling model of all time, and one of the most popular cars ever made. Like the product, the advert selling it also swept the award boards in 2003: winning at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.
From the car’s release in 1998 to 2003, the year of The Sculptor’s release, sales of the Peugeot 206 increased by 146 percent. But why was The Sculptor such a big hit?
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Real Renovations
The protagonist of the advert starts out with a Hindustan Ambassador and ends up with a Peugeot 206: the car of his dreams. The audience's expectation, after seeing the Ambassador destroyed, is that a pristine Peugeot 206 would be rolled out at the end. But that doesn’t happen. This car is dented, pummelled, bashed… there’s nothing pristine about it. Yet the protagonist still gets the attention of everyone who sees his new (old) car.
The fact that this advert really turned a Hindustan Ambassador into a Peugeot 206 is part of the reason this advert became so memorable. If they’d used CGI or switched out the car, the advert would have been like any other that uses a product swap.
International Intrigue
The name Peugeot forms an instant connection to its heritage: the brand is undeniably French. Setting the advert in French countryside or on Parisian streets would be predictable. Instead, The Sculptor is set in an Indian city. Why? To show that the car belongs anyway. Can be desired by anyone. It has international appeal.
The setting is also the home of the Hindustan Ambassador, India’s most popular car which was manufactured from 1957 to 2014 and called the “King of Indian Roads.” Once it fell out of production, the car became wildly collectable – but eleven years earlier in 2003 they were still easy to come by. A popular everyday car; much like the Peugeot 206. Stylistically, however, they’re worlds apart which is what made this a great before and after choice. The 206 was meant to be a new design for a new millennium, leaving behind the boxy style of the 20th century.
Mood Music
The advert plays to the song Heaven Is A Place On Earth by Raja Mushtaq, later remixed as Husan by Bhangra Knights. This bhangra dance song ended up charting, made it on Now That’s What I Call Music! 55, and sold over 20 million copies. Bhangra dance music is a non-traditional Punjabi music originating in British-Asian communities. It first emerged in the 1970s, seeing a resurgence in the 2000s that Peugeot got ahead of with its music choice. 
This upbeat song only briefly appears after the protagonist successfully converts his Hindustan Ambassador into the Peugeot 206 and the non-traditional bhangra music symbolises the successful alteration of the vehicle.  
Content Worth Gold
What do you think? What made Peugeot’s The Sculptor advert so successful? Watch the full advert below and let us know in the comments.
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visionairemagazine · 2 years
L'Universo Donna disegnato da Marco De Angelis.
A cura di Donatella Lavizzari
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Marco De Angelis è giornalista professionista, disegnatore umorista, illustratore e grafico. Ha illustrato molti libri per ragazzi per Giunti, De Agostini, La Scuola, San Paolo, Lapis, European Language Institute (28 riviste, distribuite in 40 Paesi) e altri editori. Dal 1975 pubblica su 150 tra quotidiani e riviste in Italia e all’estero: Il Popolo, Il Messaggero, La Repubblica (di cui è stato redattore), Il Mattino, Grazia, I Gialli Mondadori, Panorama, Help! Comix, Comic Art, le riedizioni de Il Travaso e Marc’Aurelio, riviste umoristiche e specializzate.
I suoi disegni sono apparsi su decine di giornali negli USA e in Europa distribuiti anche da Cartoon Arts International e The New York Times Syndicate: Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Vancouver Sun, Sacramento Bee, Herald Tribune, Courrier International, Le Monde, Nebelspalter, Yez, Eulenspiegel e altri. Ha collaborato con la RAI, con TeleMontecarlo, molte associazioni e società, tra cui Confartigianato, Università Bocconi e Ministero dell’Interno. Palma d’Oro a Bordighera nel 1997, ha ricevuto più di 100 premi in Italia e all’estero: Istanbul, Teheran, Tokyo, Belgrado, Krusevac, Montreal, Amsterdam, Olen, Genova, Dolo, Fano, Ferrara, … Recentemente è stato premiato a Solin (Croazia) per il 17° International Cartoon Festival e alla 38a edizione dell'Aydin Dogan Vakfi (Istanbul), uno dei concorsi più prestigiosi al mondo, gli è stato assegnato il Terzo Premio (dopo aver vinto il 1° premio nel 1987 e nel 2016). Sua è l'illustrazione della bellissima mostra di Cannes Cartoons "Infanzie rubate", esposta domenica 11 Settembre al Palais des Festivals di Cannes, dopo la mostra tenutasi a Giugno nell'Isola di Santa Margherita. Due libri da lui illustrati hanno ricevuto il 1°Premio Legambiente 2001 per la divulgazione scientifica e il 1°Premio Bancarellino 2002. E’ uno dei tre curatori della rivista umoristica online Buduàr.
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La vasta e poliedrica produzione artistica di Marco De Angelis annovera opere originali che trattano temi sempre attuali: politica, società, ambiente, guerra, amore, scienza e cultura. Il suo è un ritratto a 360 gradi dell’umanità. Sempre fedele a se stesso, De Angelis aderisce alla complessità della realtà contemporanea, interpretandone le contraddizioni, le ambiguità, le fragilità. Il suo è uno sguardo ironico, schietto, preciso, a volte poetico, a volte tagliente ed impietoso.
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De Angelis è un sensibile scrutatore del mondo e le sue denunce sagaci toccano profondamente le corde dell’anima e colpiscono al cuore come dardi. Le sue illustrazioni PARLANO. E parlano una lingua universale. Sono capaci di sensibilizzare i destinatari su questioni rilevanti. Lanciano SOS per il pianeta Terra, risvegliano coscienze, portano alla luce problematiche spesso vengono sepolte dall’indifferenza. Il pianeta Donna è una delle tematiche affrontate da De Angelis, sotto diverse angolazioni ma sempre con la stessa sensibilità.
E i messaggi diventano memorabili e inducono gli spettatori alla riflessione.
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killerjedis · 2 years
El origen de la saga
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George Walton Lucas Jr. (Modesto, California; 14 de mayo de 1944), conocido internacionalmente como George Lucas, es un cineasta, escritor, filántropo y empresario estadounidense. Lucas es más conocido por crear las franquicias de Star Wars e Indiana Jones y fundar Lucasfilm, LucasArts e Industrial Light & Magic. Se desempeñó como presidente de Lucasfilm antes de venderlo a The Walt Disney Company en 2012.
Después de graduarse de la Universidad del Sur de California en 1967, Lucas cofundó American Zoetrope con el cineasta Francis Ford Coppola. Lucas escribió y dirigió THX 1138 (1971), basado en su corto estudiantil anterior Electronic Labyrinth THX 1138 4EB, que fue un éxito crítico pero un fracaso financiero. La película fue elegida para competir en la Quincena de Realizadores en el Festival de Cannes de ese mismo año. Su siguiente trabajo como escritor-director fue la película American Graffiti (1973), inspirada en su juventud a principios de la década de 1960 en Modesto, California, y producida a través del recién fundado Lucasfilm. La película fue crítica y comercialmente exitosa, y recibió cinco nominaciones a los Premios Oscar, incluyendo Mejor director y Mejor película.
La siguiente película de Lucas, la épica ópera espacial Star Wars (1977), tuvo una producción problemática, pero fue un éxito sorpresa, convirtiéndose en la película más taquillera de la época, ganando siete Premios Oscar y provocando un fenómeno cultural. Lucas produjo y coescribió las secuelas The Empire Strikes Back (1980) y Return of the Jedi (1983). Con el director Steven Spielberg, creó, produjo y coescribió las películas de Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Indiana Jones y la última cruzada (1989) e Indiana Jones y el reino de la calavera de cristal (2008). También produjo y escribió una variedad de películas y series de televisión a través de Lucasfilm entre los años 1970 y 2010, entre las que se encuentran Kagemusha (1980) y Mishima, una vida en cuatro capítulos (1985).
En 1997, Lucas volvió a lanzar la Trilogía de Star Wars como parte de una edición especial con varias modificaciones; Las versiones de los medios domésticos con más cambios se lanzaron en 2004 y 2011. Volvió a dirigir con una trilogía de la precuela de Star Wars que comprende Star Wars: Episodio I - La amenaza fantasma (1999), Star Wars: Episodio II - El ataque de los clones (2002) y Star Wars: Episodio III - La venganza de los Sith (2005). La última vez que colaboró en la serie de televisión animada por CGI Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008-2014, 2020) y la película de guerra Red Tails (2012).
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inapat17 · 1 month
Letters and Revolutions (Diario de uma busca), Flávia Castro, 2011
Today, I would like to talk about a movie that I discovered by chance some time ago named Letters and Revolutions. The synopsis is about a man named Celso Castro, a journalist and former Trotskyite activist and his tumultuous life. In October, 4th, 1984, he was found dead due to gunshot in the home of a man suspected of being part of a group of ex-Nazis, in Porto Alegre. Suicide, assassination, accident? This is the starting point for his daughter Flávia who will try to reconstruct the story of her father's life and death, twenty five years later.
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This documentary released in 2010 by the filmmaker Flávia Castro focuses on both a family memory and a national memory for the political history of Brazil. In 2002, her half-sister Maria Castro wanted to know more about her father's life, so she decided to film the family reunion with her grandmother Zilda Gay and his brother Joca in Brazil in order to know more about the life of Celso. Filmed interviews are an important device to access precious memories and to gather information. The fact that the filmmaker includes herself in the frame made me think about the genre of “cinema vérité” whose aim is to bring life and truth to the surface. Interviews immerse us in an intimacy where his loved ones confide and explain the pain of this atypical lifestyle, of living in a family whose political commitment is in the foreground. She leaves in the editing a passage where her brother gives his opinion on her approach and the way he does not know how to place himself in the documentary, that creates a proximity and transparency with spectators.
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Celso Castro.
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Flávia's mother
Familial pictures and videos are the main archives used to get to know the family but there are also many official documents like administrative papers or diverse police documents. Many witnesses and friends of Celso are in the movie to contribute to providing their testimony. The letters written by Celso years ago are also read by them and the intimate emotions of each protagonist and their feelings due to the discovery of those letters many years later are very moving and painful. The movie won the Best Documentary Award at the Latin American Film Festival in Biarritz and at the International Film Festival in Rio. This film was also awarded Best Film at the Punta del Este International Film Festival and the Gramado Film Festival. The International Film Press Federation (FIPRESCI) awarded him the Best Film Award at Cannes in 2010.
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Flávia Castro.
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Flávia Castro (on the left) and her siblings.
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Between the police investigation and the personal diary, Letters and Revolutions is a journey through time, where a family's destiny merges with the dreams and hopes of an entire generation of activists.
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latribune · 3 months
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Grande successo della performance di Guido De Angelis al Teatro Comunale di Nardò con la direzione artistica di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico
Sabato, 16 marzo 2024, presso il Teatro Comunale di Nardò (LE) si è svolto con grande successo l'evento dal titolo "UN VIAGGIO NELLA BELLEZZA LUNGO UNA VITA. L’arte di Guido De Angelis tra musica, cinema, scrittura e tanto altro", organizzato da Ethicando Association di Milano in collaborazione con il Comune di Nardò (LE), con la curatela artistica e scientifica di Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
E’ stato presentato il libro di Guido De Angelis dal titolo "IL SOGNATORE. Io, gli Oliver Onions e tutta una vita", edito da Mondadori Editore (2023).
L'iniziativa ha costituito un tribute all'artista Guido De Angelis, che negli anni settanta fonda insieme al fratello Maurizio il duo musicale Oliver Onions, noto al grande pubblico per la creazione di colonne sonore di successo, oltre a produrre molteplici pellicole cinematografiche e sceneggiati televisivi di rilevante riscontro mediatico.
La carriera di Maurizio e Guido De Angelis inizia nel 1970 con l’arrangiamento del pezzo “Tanto pè cantà” composto nel 1932 da Ettore Petrolini (musica) e Alberto Simeoni (testo). L’anno successivo compongono la colonna sonora del film “Per grazia ricevuta”, scritto, diretto e interpretato da Nino Manfredi, presentato in concorso al 24º Festival di Cannes, dove vince il premio per la miglior opera prima.
Nel 1972 firmano le musiche del film “... Più forte ragazzi!”, per la regia di Giuseppe Colizzi, con la coppia Bud Spencer e Terence Hill, vincendo l’anno successivo (1973) il Nastro d'argento per la migliore colonna sonora.
Per più di un ventennio compongono le colonne sonore di vari film di successo in Italia e all’estero e collaborano con i più famosi musicisti dell’epoca (Lucio Dalla, Claudio Baglioni, etc.).
Alla fine degli anni novanta inizia la loro carriera di produttori cinematografici e televisivi con “Incantesimo”, la soap opera italiana trasmessa in prima visione tra il 1998 e il 2008 su Rai Due e su Rai Uno.
Seguono “Sotto il cielo dell’Africa” (1999), diretto da Ruggero Deodato, con Carol Alt e Tomas Arana, “Diamond Hunters” (The Diamond Hunters), la miniserie televisiva del 2001 diretta da Dennis Berry e interpretata da Alyssa Milano, Sean Patrick Flanery e Roy Scheider, “Giulio Cesare”, miniserie televisiva drammatica statunitense del 2002, diretta dal regista tedesco Uli Edel (premio oscar per i Ragazzi dello Zoo di Berlino).
Producono “Elisa di Rivombrosa”, la serie televisiva italiana, trasmessa dal 17 dicembre 2003 al 1º dicembre 2005 in prima serata su Canale 5. La fiction, partita con il 24% di share e un seguito in valori assoluti di oltre 5 milioni di telespettatori, arriva a toccare il 41% con oltre 12 milioni di telespettatori, rappresentando uno dei più grandi successi televisivi degli anni 2000.
Seguono altre fiction e film TV tutti di successo.
«Nel libro "IL SOGNATORE. Io, gli Oliver Onions e tutta una vita" - commenta il critico d’arte Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico - Guido De Angelis epiloga il percorso artistico e umano con sguardo disincantato e al contempo di meraviglia, ricostruendo, senza eccessiva dovizia di particolari, una miriade di aneddoti personali legati al suo universo affettivo (famiglia, amici) e alle situazioni artistiche vissute in quasi sessant’anni di instancabile attività. E’ un libro che si legge tutto di un fiato, dove il testo dialoga con le bellissime immagini senza tempo».
All'evento sono intervenute varie personalità del mondo delle istituzioni, della cultura e dell'arte, tra cui: Sen. Roberto Marti (Presidente della 7ª Commissione permanente - Cultura e patrimonio culturale, istruzione pubblica), Giuseppe Mellone (Sindaco del Comune di Nardò), Antonio Matarrelli (Presidente della Provincia di Brindisi e Sindaco del Comune di Mesagne-BR), Luigi De Luca (Coordinatore Poli Biblio-Museali Brindisi-Lecce-Foggia), Valentino Nicolì (Presidente Confindustria Lecce), Ernesto Toma (Sindaco del Comune di Maglie-LE), Fabio Vergine (Sindaco del Comune di Galatina-LE), Giuseppe Tanisi (Sindaco del Comune di Taviano-LE), Giorgio Salvatore Toma (Sindaco del Comune di Matino-LE), Giovanni Mauro (Sindaco del Comune di Aradeo-LE), Silvia Tarantino (Sindaco del Comune di Porto Cesareo-LE), Graziano Scorrano (Sindaco del Comune di Sannicola-LE), Flavio Filoni (Sindaco del Comune di Galatone-LE), Andrea Vito Barone (Sindaco del Comune di Alezio-LE), Antonella Miccoli (Assessore Lavori Pubblici e Ambiente Comune di Torchiarolo-BR), Giulia Puglia (Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Nardò-LE), Roberta Iasella Vilei (Assessore Cultura, Turismo e Istruzione del Comune di Maglie-LE), Georgia Tramacere (Vice Sindaco del Comune Aradeo-LE), Barbara Paladini (Assessore al Turismo e alla Cultura del Comune di Porto Cesareo-LE), Davide Miceli (Consigliere del Comune di Galatina con delega alla Cultura), Saulle Cavalera (Presidente del Rotary Club di Nardò - Distretto 2120), Elisabetta Branco (Operatrice culturale).
Hanno dialogato con l'artista e il curatore anche due esponenti del mondo imprenditoriale salentino, quali Fernando Nazaro (Imprenditore turistico) e Luciano Barbetta (imprenditore).
L'evento è stato patrocinato da: Provincia di Lecce, Provincia di Brindisi, Polo Biblio-Museale di Lecce, Museo Sigismondo Castromediano di Lecce, Confindustria Lecce, Comune di Gallipoli (LE), Comune di Galatina (LE), Comune di Maglie (LE), Comune di Galatone (LE), Comune di Taviano (LE), Comune di Matino (LE), Comune di Aradeo (LE), Comune di Porto Cesareo (LE), Comune di Sannicola (LE), Comune di Alezio (LE), Comune di Mesagne (BR), Comune di Torchiarolo (BR), Rotary Club di Nardò (LE), Associazione Caffè Letterario Neritonensis di Nardò (LE).
L'iniziativa è supportata mediaticamente dalla piattaforrma di comunicazione internazionale Betting On Italy (BOI) e da Estro Digitale di Milano.
Antonella Stifani ha curato le relazioni pubbliche dell'evento.
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timriva-blog · 6 months
Aki Kaurismäki réussit (encore) à nous émouvoir avec ses “Feuilles mortes”
Aki Kaurismäki nous ensorcelle de nouveau avec cette histoire d’amour drôle et touchante. Écrit par Jean-Baptiste Morain À chaque nouveau film d’Aki Kaurismäki, ce vieux briscard des festivals (à Cannes, il a remporté en 2002 le Grand Prix pour L’Homme sans passé et celui du jury pour ce nouveau film en mai dernier), on se dit : “Cette fois-ci, je ne me ferai pas avoir !” Parce que ça suffit…
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myfrenzi · 9 months
International Cinema: Foreign Masterpieces on OTT
International Cinema: Foreign Masterpieces on OTT — Discover the Best Movies on OTT
In the realm of cinema, borders fade away, and storytelling becomes a universal language. International cinema offers a kaleidoscope of cultures, perspectives, and narratives that enrich our understanding of the world. Thanks to Over-the-Top (OTT) platforms, audiences worldwide can now explore a treasure trove of foreign masterpieces. In this article, we’ll embark on a cinematic journey through the realm of international cinema available on OTT platforms, helping you discover the best movies on OTT that transcend geographical boundaries.
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The Global Tapestry of International Cinema
The allure of international cinema lies in its ability to transport viewers to distant lands and immerse them in different cultures. Here are some regions known for their cinematic contributions:
1. French Cinema
France boasts a rich cinematic tradition, with auteurs like François Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard leaving an indelible mark. Modern French cinema continues to captivate with its artistry and storytelling.
2. Japanese Cinema
Japanese cinema, from Akira Kurosawa’s samurai epics to the delicate films of Yasujirō Ozu, has a unique ability to balance tradition and modernity.
3. Iranian Cinema
Iranian cinema has gained acclaim for its poignant storytelling and exploration of human emotions. Filmmakers like Abbas Kiarostami and Asghar Farhadi have received international recognition.
Must-Watch International Films
1. “Parasite” (2019) — South Korea
Bong Joon-ho’s “Parasite” is a masterpiece that explores class divides with dark humor and sharp social commentary. It made history by winning the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival and the Academy Award for Best Picture.
2. “Amélie” (2001) — France
Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s “Amélie” is a whimsical journey through the streets of Paris with a quirky and endearing protagonist. It’s a heartwarming tale of love and human connection.
3. “Pan’s Labyrinth” (2006) — Spain/Mexico
Guillermo del Toro’s dark fantasy “Pan’s Labyrinth” weaves a haunting and visually stunning narrative set against the backdrop of post-Civil War Spain.
Exploring Cultural Diversity
1. “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” (2000) — China/Taiwan
Ang Lee’s martial arts epic is a dazzling showcase of Chinese culture and philosophy, blending action with deep emotional resonance.
2. “Life Is Beautiful” (1997) — Italy
Roberto Benigni’s heartwarming and humorous film about a father’s love and sacrifice during the Holocaust captures the essence of Italian storytelling.
3. “City of God” (2002) — Brazil
Fernando Meirelles’ gritty and immersive portrayal of life in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas offers a powerful glimpse into Brazilian society.
Where to Find the Best International Films on OTT
OTT platforms have become global hubs for international cinema. Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and MUBI curate collections of international films, making it easier than ever to access these cinematic gems.
International cinema transcends borders and invites viewers to explore the world through the lens of different cultures and perspectives. The best movies on OTT are often those that transport us to distant lands, challenge our preconceptions, and resonate with the shared human experience.
So, the next time you’re wondering what to watch on OTT, consider embarking on a journey through international cinema. Whether you seek drama, comedy, or thought-provoking storytelling, there’s a world of cinematic treasures waiting to be discovered.
What makes international cinema unique? International cinema offers diverse perspectives, cultural richness, and storytelling styles that may differ from mainstream Hollywood films. It provides a window into different cultures and societies.
Are international films typically subtitled? Yes, many international films are subtitled to allow viewers to understand the dialogue in the original language. Some films also offer dubbed versions.
How can I discover the best international films on OTT platforms? OTT platforms often have curated sections dedicated to international cinema. You can explore these sections to discover acclaimed films from around the world.
What are some renowned film festivals for international cinema? Film festivals like Cannes (France), Berlinale (Germany), and Venice Film Festival (Italy) showcase a wide range of international films and often serve as launching pads for global recognition.
Are there any underrated international films that deserve more attention? Yes, many lesser-known international films offer unique storytelling and powerful narratives. Exploring film reviews and recommendations can lead you to hidden cinematic treasures.
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pirapopnoticias · 11 months
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday filmmaker Gillian Berrie, born on September 8th 1967 in Glasgow.
In 1996 Gillian co-founded Sigma Films with director David Mackenzie, writing and producing serial award-winning shorts, 'California Sunshine' and 'Somersault'.
Alongside, Gillian gained experience in numerous film and television roles, ie Casting Director on Ken Loach's 'My Name is Joe' (for which Peter Mullan won the Palme D'or in Cannes) and Lynne Ramsay's legendary 'Ratcatcher'.
Casting experience on the aforementioned led Gillian to create the charity, 'Starfish' which then became 'Jumpcut', which morphed into 'Short Circuit', and 'Big Fish Casting' which segued into Kahleen Crawford Casting
Gillian then produced many of David Mackenzie's films including: Last Great Wilderness, Hallam Foe, Young Adam, You Instead (aka Tonight You're Mine), Perfect Sense, Starred Up and the biggest film ever to be make in Scotland, Outlaw King. She was also heavily involved in the post-production, festival, UK/US theatrical release and Oscar campaign for Academy Award Nominee 'Hell or High Water'.
Sigma's films regularly premiere at A-List festivals and have received over 150 awards internationally, including the Prix de Jury in Cannes for Red Road, and the Silver Bear in Berlin for Hallam Foe, as well as numerous BIFA and BAFTA nominations and awards.
At the Scottish BAFTA New Talent Awards in 2002 Gillian won the BAFTA for Outstanding Achievement.
In order to create a vibrant hub for the film community in Scotland, Gillian founded the 65,000 square ft state of the art, Film City Glasgow in 2004. Since then it has been a full house of productions and film-makers.
In 2012 she founded 'Jumpcut', the UK's one and only, intensive, mentor-led Summer School to provide a fast-track for youngsters into working in the film industry. This project was a runaway success. Over 75% of the participants went onto working in the industry. It ran for two years and won several awards.
She also co-produced the multi-prize winner 'Dear Frankie' and Jonathan's Glazer's 'Under the Skin' (which won 23 awards and received 110 nominations).
Gillian also produced several features for first time feature film directors, including David Mackenzie, Colin Kennedy, Andrea Arnold, Morag MacKinnon and Ciaran Foy, as well as numerous additional shorts including the lauded I Love Luci.
Gillian is currently in post-production with Taron Egerton's forthcoming feature for Apple, 'Tetris'. She also exec-produced the critically acclaimed Pilot and 2nd episode of the Disney/ FX series, 'Under the Banner of Heaven' for which Andrew Garfield has been nominated for an Emmy (2022). Gillian has numerous projects in development and has just directed her first short film, 'Food for Love'.
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