#Filipino Pagan
v3kpinoy-official · 1 year
What am I?
I am not like the rest of the Filipinos. Throughout my Adult Life, I aim to be different, to be Filipino in my own unique way. I wanted to Modernize a Copy of the Good Traditions of the Precolonial and Indigenous Philippines. That way I can practice Filipino Culture in my own unique way. I am Pro-Indigenous and Anti-Western. If I was normal, I would of fit in with the Filipino Socialists. Unfortunately, I am the only Filipino who is Pro-Indigenous, Anti-Western and with Wacky Politics of Immense Filipino Nationalism. Basically I give out alienating vibes to any Filipino Socialist due to my Nationalism. I do not fit in anywhere as well.
I do not fit in with Post-colonial Filipino Right-wing due to me being Anti-Western. I do not fit in with the Filipino Center because I am against the Western Status Quo, plus I am a radical. I do not fit in with the Filipino Left-wing because of my Immense Filipino Nationalism. Maybe I am a Modernized form of the Anti-colonial Politics of Datu Lapu-Lapu, Tamblot and their Mga Kababayan. However, that is a bit stretching it since that Anti-Colonial, Pro-Indigenous Right wing is long extinct. Maybe I am start of something new.
Every time that I think of True and Great Nationalists, I think of those Japanese Right-wingers who started and lead the Meiji Restoration. I know that not all Japanese Right-wingers of that time where Pro-Restoration. However, those who are Restorationists are the truest of all Nationalists because they wanted to preserve their Nation's Sovereignty even if that means Modernizing as well as Partially Westernizing their Country and Military. If that means preventing their Sovereignty and People from being oppressed by Foreign Colonizers, then so be it. Through "Japanese Spirit, Western Techniques," those Japanese Right-wingers prevented their Nation from being Colonized like the Philippines. They did not experience Culture Genocide.
Through their Modernization and Partial Westernization, those Japanese Right-wingers preserved their Asian Identity with an Modernized, Partially Westernized Iron Shell. An Iron Shell that prevents them from being Culturally Erased. Truly, a work of great beauty. I want that for the Philippines. Of course I can never undo the Cultural Genocide that the Filipino experienced, but we can rebuild with the remains of our Indigenous Cultures.
Appreciate the Past, CHANGE THE FUTURE!!!
Next time, I will type about what is Cultural Genocide and what is not Cultural Genocide.
Okay, have a great day and see ya later!
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apuadman · 1 year
Changing our Signage of the Shrine
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bamboo-witch · 1 year
Hello! This blog will act a bit like a grimwoire where I can save posts that are relavent to my practice, and where I can network with people who are following similar paths.
Quick facts:
🎋Nickname: Aster
🎍Pronouns: They/them
🕯Dieties : I respect all the Hellenic gods; that said I am a devotee of Demeter specifically, and Apollo is a “household god” of sorts.
☀️Fili-Am trying to connect to Filipino heratage. Learning more about animism, ancestor veneration, and traditions.
🍄Current Magical interests: animism, “green witchery,” foraging/folk medicine, Hellenistic Polythesm, Filipino tradition, divination
🪶My tarot deck is Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitori. If I post any tarot pictures or interpretations, it is of that deck unless otherwise specified.
🌻Mundane interests: Environmentalism, nature, physical sciences, Pokémon, high fantasy, mystery
🪵Some main tags:
#bamboozle - personal path, thoughts, original posts #nature — not inherently pagan, but, like, duh #filipino— Filipino animism, culture , art #helpol— Hellenic Polytheism; I will also tag relavent gods heroes and myths. Sometimes I will tag Hellenic gods on general aesthetic posts. #witchy aesthetic— general aesthetics relavent to my path that I enjoy #reference— book of shadows/ grimoire type things
🧿Science denialism; TERFS; White-supremacy ; “all practices should be open” — girlies; and any other sort of bigotry, spreading of hate, or willful ignorance is not welcome here.
—Updated March 2023—
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cullenakingirog · 1 year
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I was just trying to figure out how I'd want to illustrate Mangkukulam in my verse Seven Souls since he's a character in one of my novels. Mangkukulam is the Tagalog god of fire who works as Sitan's agent. So red lighting with smoke coming out of his mouth was a pretty fun thing to practice on. I'll be doing a proper portrait for him once I figure out the perfect hairstyle and accessories for him and if I decide to give him tattoos of any sort which I might have to considering he's a precolonial god.
Interested in commissioning me? Click the source!
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
Reblog to reject white Jesus and pray to Señor Santo Niño aka senior Saint boy
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fawnim · 2 years
"oh, deity, please have mercy"
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"— give this small piece of land your blessing, help us bloom when we hold ourselves back and limit us when we feel like the sun."
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alsentaghama · 19 days
Discover the Mystical: Indigenous and Traditional Spiritual and Magical Practices of the Philippines
I just published a new post on my @buymeacoffee Discover the Mystical: Traditional Spiritual and Magical Practices of the Philippines https://t.co/8JRimG0bhk— Lakay Magbaya Aghama, DCP-SOLA (@alsent5) June 3, 2024
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lethalwitchhh · 4 months
hi po is there bad ancestors po ba? like I'm really scared to do Pag anito because I might attract wrong spirit or bad ancestors. PLSSS HELP
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whiterosebrian · 2 years
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You may or may not have seen these two before. They are major original characters of mine. For a great while I worked on a magic-realist prose novel heavily featuring their romantic relationship (along with an enchanted talking penguin), which was meant to explore themes of re-enchantment, decolonization, unity in diversity, personal and collective healing, and animistic heritages. I gave up on that novel--though not on these two. It's still possible that I'll work on a long narrative poem (or verse novel) in the future with a more focused story of their relationship with each other, the sickened modern society, and the whole web of life.
One major concept is that Maeve (the white woman, of course) wishes to lead Gustavo (the brown Filipino fellow) onto a path such as hers. Thus, I drew him in a pose based on a well-known image on the cauldron of Gendestrup, most often seen as the Celtic god Cernunnos. I've also had concepts of him recovering his own heritage and supporting her druidic calling at the same time. It was about time that I drew them together, with Maeve looking proud of Gustavo embodying a god of the wilderness. It remains to be seen when I'll try again with composing Maeve and Gustavo's story in earnest.
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fluidsaltarspace · 2 years
30 Days of Laho- Masterpost
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1) A basic introduction of the deity 2) How did you become first aware of this deity? 3) Symbols and icons of this deity 4)A favorite myth or myths of this deity 5) Members of the family – genealogical connections 6) Other related deities and entities associated with this deity 7) Names and epithets 8) Variations on this deity (aspects, regional forms, etc.) 9) Common mistakes about this deity 10) Offerings – historical and UPG 11) Festivals, days, and times sacred to this deity 12) Places associated with this deity and their worship 13) What modern cultural issues are closest to this deity’s heart? 14) Has worship of this deity changed in modern times? 15) Any mundane practices that are associated with this deity? 16) How do you think this deity represents the values of their pantheon and cultural origins? 17) How does this deity relate to other gods and other pantheons? 18) How does this deity stand in terms of gender and sexuality? (historical and/or UPG) 19) What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire? What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling? 20) Art that reminds you of this deity 21) Music that makes you think of this deity 22) A quote, a poem, or piece of writing that you think this deity resonates strongly with 23) Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for this deity 24) A time when this deity has helped you 25) A time when this deity has refused to help 26) How has your relationship with this deity changed over time? 27) Worst misconception about this deity that you have encountered 28) Something you wish you knew about this deity but don’t currently 29) Any interesting or unusual UPG to share? 30) Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?
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v3kpinoy-official · 1 year
7 Long Years of Obsessing Over This.
For Seven Long Years, I have obsessed over wanting to be Filipino Asian and finding a Community of Filipinos to belong in. Each attempt to connect to my People Online leads to rejection and mockery. Each time my heart darkens and the more I realize those Filipinos do not want to be helped. After the two recent rejections by some Filipinos, I have come to the Conclusion that it is best that I move on. Not from Everything Filipinos, but Moving on from trying to befriend and wanting to help Filipinos online.
Online Filipinos DO NOT Want My Help. They are disconnected from their Indigenous Past and find it irrelevant. Some Online Filipinos that I met only like it as a Historical Topic, NOT As A Part Of Themselves. A Part where a Copy of it needs to revive and Modernized. A Copy that MUST Become Our Pan-Filipino Asian Heart and Uniting Cultural Core. After so much rejection and ridicule, I am Moving On NOT From Filipino Culture and History, BUT MOVING ON FROM ONLINE FILIPINOS THEMSELVES!
I will continue to talk about the Precolonial and Indigenous Philippines in this blog. However, I am changing my Politics now. It is time for me to actually help people as well as gain a Wider and Actual Audience. Maybe through that, I will finally find some Filipinos who will respect me, tolerate me and be My Mga Kababayan. Maybe those jerks are wrong and I will be able to make Actual Friends through this new path. Anyways, have a great day. See ya all later! I hope that Filipinos offline are cooler than the ones I find online. I am so tired now. Night!
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apuadman · 1 month
Is wearing colorful attire necessary in attending or performing a Ritual?
When we say ritual, many people will think of Magickal or Indigenous people. Though they are one in mind that these group belongs to folk religion who practice spirituality that does not belong to the Major Dominant Abrahamic Religion. Many of these people are cultural bearer which people expect that all the time they should present themselves in ancient attire. But the problem with this is that…
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wolfythewitch · 9 months
You are Filipino? Do you have in your culture ancient deities like the Greek gods? I looked somewhere that the king of them is called Bathala and in general it would look interesting to see deities from other cultures as well.
There's a bunch of mythology yeah! My favorite is the Bakunawa, a giant serpent that swallowed the 6 moons. I think there is something similar to a pantheon but I don't know too much about it, but under Bathala were more gods too. Here's a wiki article on it haha, I don't know a lot since my mom didn't want me learning about "pagan gods" or something, which, that sucks this would have been so interesting. What's neat is it's very varied depending on ethnic origin right, because before the Spaniards came right, Philippines wasn't a whole nation as much as it was a bunch of ethnic groups who lived together and traded with each other and stuff, so each group had their own version of the divine
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hinaypod · 10 months
are there any specific books or sources you recommend for reading some of the original Filipino folklore that the podcast draws from?
Sort of! A lot of the sources are just osmosis and having your family tell you the stories from childhood. There's many different versions of the same creature, so there's no decisive Wrong Version of something passed down through generations. Listening to collections of horror stories from Filipinos is a fun way to know how the living folklore affects Filipinos in modern day.
But in terms of resources that are accessible, The Aswang Project does the most research and compiles info online. It's headed by a white Canadian, not a Filipino, but Jordan Clark has been a great friend and supporter of Filipino work surrounding folklore and mythology, and he does very thorough research and does the difficult task of hunting down primary and secondary sources for scattered myths and folklore.
He recently edited a new printing + English translation of Ferdinand Blumentritt's Diccionario Mitologico De Filipinas, which is a sort of dictionary of Filipino mythology from all the way back in 1895, written by Jose Rizal's BFF Ferdinand Blumentritt.
I like to joke that it's appropriate this important Filipino resource written by a white guy who was passionate about Filipino culture was resurrected and rereleased by a white guy who's passionate about Filipino culture.
Jordan sent me a copy for free! Super nice of him.
For direct Filipino sources, it's difficult since a lot of the academic sources are scattered or not widely distributed.
Here's a few options:
Check out the Ayala Museum shop, they sell a few books centred on Filipino history, culture and mythology.
The Soul Book: Introduction to Philippine Pagan Religion is another one (it's available on the Internet Archive).
The Creatures of Philippine Lower Mythology, as well as other works by Maximo D Ramos, are also available online.
Disclaimer: I'm no expert, though I have been delving into Filipino folklore for years for my storytelling. Folk beliefs are a living thing in the Philippines, built on decades upon centuries of culture, but not as many people write this stuff down.
I usually just go with what I know, but when I need inspiration or to double check my sources I use Aswang Project or the Diccionario.
Also - there's no Original Sources for most of these. That's what happens when colonisation wipes out most older folk beliefs. What's survived has often been what the friars wrote down and that current historians have been able to salvage.
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tamamita · 11 months
I absolutely hate to be That Guy in your inbox but christian witches and christopagans are actually a thing, it mostly operates off of the "the bible was written by human beings with political motivations and therefore is not a direct method for understanding the intent of God" scheme of belief, folk catholicism which is evolved-over-time syncretic between pre-christian beliefs (most of which are considered to be pagan) and the catholicism which was introduced during conversion (ie: Irish, Mexican, or Filipino catholicism), and also just like a solid amount of intentional heresy. I can't speak to it's liturgical validity (I'm ethnically Jewish and have no personal experience with christianity other than it's accursed cultural permeation in the us lol) but like, it is an (admittedly super niche!!) Actual Thing People Do from my experience in witchcraft+paganism spaces. I don't quite get it myself (again, Jewish) but it's one of those things tht was probably just never supposed to breach containment to the larger Tumblr sphere where people wouldn't know the greater context
This is mostly referring to westerners that often embrace some form of new age religion, often in defiance with the church. I don't deny the existence of such syncretism, since it existed from the very advent of Christianity, especially in the sense of how one would define Christ's nature-- I mean that's why they killed each other over it. If we consider various "heresies" such as Valentinianism or Marcionism, then there are obvious traces of paganic and polytheistic doctrines, which contradicts the Jewish idea of Monotheism. My issue with various individual proclaiming to be a Christian witch/pagan, whatever you wish to see it, is that the individual was trying affirm polytheism or Dualism as a perfect part of Christianity, which is just not true, no matter how much we may scrutinize the religion from a Biblical narrative, because it also involves scrutinizing the God of Israel in the Old Testament as this evil being, which has always been an antisemitic idea, so when someone describes themselves as a Christian Pagan or Witch (as a Western trend), there are some red flags.
I don't see the point of trying to syncretize two opposing theological ideas. If you don't like mainstream Christianity, but wish to syncretize a neopaganic/neowiccan tradition upon something that'd obviously be an anathema to the religion itself, then I can't take your theology serious.
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eggnogs-stupid-ideas · 5 months
It is time So before you all look at these, two warnings for people who are sensitive 1. The references will include characters in under-gardments, for the sake of showing off tattoos, scarrs, or anything else notable on their body. If this makes you comfortable, I understand completely! Nothing beyond undergarments will be shown! 2. I draw cookies with chest, aka the au has cookie boobs. If you are offended by this, I could not care less just avoid the au instead of making this a debate on cookie biology, its my au and I find it fun to draw. Cookie run canon biology is a mess anyway.
Anyway for those who are curious, the refs are bellow
Alright here you go
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To answer some possible questions 1. Im my aus lore, the milk tribe members just naturally have "feminine chest", there is reason to that but I dont want to have t put a paragraph to explain that. I also just enjoy making milk very round, it makes him look very squishy and it makes me happy. 2. Milk being a norse pagan and icelandic has a long story that maybe i'll explain more in the future, but I think ive mentioned it before? 3. Yes, I headcanon Purple Yam as Black-Asian, Filipino. This is because of the fact that Ube, aka Purple Yam, actually originates from the Philipennes. Im shocked less people headcanon that honestly. 4. I mostly headcanon Yam as autistic because hes a massive comfort character for me and as somebody who is autistic I seem to integrate that into characters I really like.
5. Unliek the milk tribe situation, the reason Dark Choco has a bit of a chest is simply because he is transgender and it is very hard to get chest surgery when you are an ex-prince in a team trying to destroy the world, makes you kinda busy (the au takes place before the dark choco arc) 6. I made milk and dark choco extremely short because im extremely short and I like putting that pain on other characters /hj
It is totally fair if you dont like these designs or au traits! Just please be respectful about it, I am not afraid to block anybody trying to be disrespectful!
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