#Finale Spoilers
brainrockets · 11 months
The move from Alaska to be like 'laryngitis lol' and then Brennan just fully following her lead and making all of the Foehammers allergic to CEDAR! Amazing work everyone.
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axel-ambassador · 5 months
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That's it that's literally the finale
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Based on this
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buckslafdhoodie · 17 days
like, not only is Gerard gonna dig up old trauma for Hen and Chimney on top of the stress of their personal struggles with Mara’s custody and the councilwoman, but now the ghost of the firehouse’s past will have a chance to get swings in at the REST OF THE 118 WHO ONLY KNOW BOBBY’S STYLE AND BRAND OF CAPTAINING?!
We’ll be getting Gerard taking swings at an angry, hurting, loose canon version of Eddie without Christopher to temper him. Cruel digs and mind games played with a man who has just LOST HIS SON AND HIS SON’S TRUST IN ONE NIGHT?!
Buck with his stubbornness and loyalty to the actual family of the 118 and Tommy, who he knows got the original Gerard experience, will probably end up head to head with him too many times. Whether he’s subtle about it or loud and proud about his distaste for Gerard, the thought of him maybe ending up in a situation similar to how Chimney was? Stuck as a man behind for his (completely warranted) behavior and catapulted back into the feelings of neglect and loneliness of the lawsuit arc? HEARTBREAKING!!!
AND POOR RAVI— man just came back only to find himself face to face with a racist, hardass of a captain who I have a bad feeling will see “newest recruit” and take that as an excuse to absolutely traumatize this poor man.
also, Tommy having to watch from the sidelines as the captain he loathed for his behavior suddenly be given full access to the found family of the 118? To his boyfriend, whom he obviously cares for pretty deeply, an impulsive but amazing firefighter who just recently came out and is a known favorite of the former captain? Knowing that, unlike when he was in the house and didn’t speak up against his behavior towards Chimney and Hen, now he has no way to even know if they’re okay, no way to stop or redirect that abuse?
I just know that if this man stays as captain for longer than a few weeks, we will be seeing all the emotional hurt come next season and I just HOPE that the writers offer us a little bit of comfort and care for the 118, as a treat and for my personal sanity.
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owlyhouse · 1 year
Am I the only one who thinks that it's kind of funny that Eda looked like a Seraph and Belos like the devil in their final fight?
It is VERY funny to me bc HE is literally depicted like an angel a lot
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holier than thou... good job man you became exactly what you swore to destroy
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A human steals the power of another world's God that he perceives as the devil, and becomes a demon himself in an act of desperation.
he wants to be a martyr sooooo bad </3
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miusku · 1 month
something something fabian and fig being the first dropped bad kids, and being the only bad kids that haven't been fully dead and then revived
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fresienfan · 25 days
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These were two different episodes
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samofmine · 22 days
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last kiss — pearl jam
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magicalmythicalry · 1 year
Joel already lost a daughter to someone who thought they were doing what was best for humanity, and he was going to be dead in the ground before he let that happen again. The first time it was a soldier, the second time it was Marlene, and he was even holding his daughter in the same way both times, cradled in his arms. The first time someone shot at him and killed Sarah. This time, he was the one pulling the trigger.
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capn-james-t-spirk · 1 year
The finale robbed us of having Amity react to Titan!Luz and I will never forgive them for it.
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sweetingseva · 6 months
Jacks, The Boy Who Swore to Never Love ❤️‍🩹🍎✨
Happy Belated Birthday, Jacks! 🥳
I wanted to post this on his actual b-day, but time got the best of me and I wanted to perfect this post with everything I wanted to say about him. Sorry that I took this long, but at least most people have most likely have read ACFTL.
This will have spoilers from Legendary, Finale, Once Upon A Broken Heart, The Ballad of Never After, and A Curse For True Love.
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I actually cheated when I first read him. I started reading Legendary but then I stopped and I had forgotten about the Prince of Hearts mentioned in the first few chapters. When Once Upon A Broken Heart came out, I met Jacks again and I instantly fell in love with his character. He was funny, ridiculous, and beyond reckless. The line that sold his character to me?
Jacks had stopped the wedding by turning everyone to stone.
But before I continued with his story in OUABH, I jumped back into Legendary where Jacks was much the same careless boy who wanted royal power because it was the closest to having his full Fate powers. But other than Jacks being stuck inside a deck of cards, we didn’t know much about his story other than he was a dangerous Fate with the one of the most deadly stories out there.
The Prince of Hearts’s kiss was deadly to all. He only had one weakness—his true love—who could survive his kiss of death. As he sought her, he left a trail of corpses.
One could imagine the kind of life Jacks led before he met Tella. Was he a flirt? Did he kiss just any girl? Did he even care about them? Was he still searching for true love? Did he still believe in it?
I had assumed that Jacks was broken to the point that he simply didn’t care anymore. He kissed so many potential lovers, but in the end, none of them made it. We learn in A Curse For True Love that the girls must have truly loved Jacks, which is why all of them fell into the same fate as his first fox.
Until Tella changed the course of his beliefs in Legendary.
His heart started beating. Tella survived Jacks’s kiss despite him delaying her death.
How did this happen? To Jacks, it didn’t matter. Hope washed over him and led him to pursue Tella (even if it was 2 months after the fact). It was clear that Jacks believed in the story and was something he had faith in again. But Tella was in love with someone else, which is the sole reason why she survived Jacks’s deadly kiss.
In ACFTL, Aurora Valor had said that only a person who would never love him can kiss him and live.
That was the true version of his story. Not that his true love could kiss him, but someone who was destined not to be with him. I felt so much for Jacks when I read this. Aurora had cursed him twice, leaving him heartbroken beyond belief. His heart was something that could be owned, not something to be earned.
Before I move on with his reservation for love, I want to dive in deeper in Jacks’s relationships, especially his friendship with Castor Valor (Chaos).
Chaos 🩸🧛🏻
There were three of them—Lyric Merrywood, Castor Valor, and Jacks of the Hollow—that made up the Merrywood Three. Jacks’s old friends who he cared about a lot. In a way, they were like brothers. In The Ballad of Never After, Evangeline opened a curious book and read about the Merrywood Three and a specific Archer who resembled Jacks.
And being human looked good on him—or maybe it was just that he looked happy. In the picture, Jacks was tossing an ordinary red apple and laughing in a way that lit up his entire face. He never looked this happy now, and she couldn’t help but wonder what had changed… His resemblance to the picture was uncanny, and yet the feeling she got from looking at him now was entirely different. It was as if a sculptor had taken a dagger to who he had once been and curved out all the softness.
Jacks was once foolish with hope and love. As a possible Merrywood, he might have been raised with the same generous morals. He believed in doing the right thing, that everything would be all right. It was this selfless faith that pushed Jacks to save his friend, Castor, who had been stabbed in the back. Trying to be the savior, Jacks took a half-dead Castor to Honora Valor who could heal him with her healing magic. But it was too late. Other means had tranformed Castor to a bloodthirsty monster.
Jacks blamed himself for what had happened to him.
Castor was the only friend Jacks had left. Lyric Merrywood and the rest of his family had been killed. The Merrywood Manor was destroyed, and the village was left abandoned. After the Valors were locked up in the Valory behind the Valory Arch, Jacks had became a Fate so that Castor wasn’t alone. This showed that he was a good person.
One of the reasons Jacks had allowed himself to be turned into a Fate was so that Castor wouldn’t be alone. Then he’d started the rumor that Castor was Chaos and that Chaos was a Fate, so that the world wouldn’t figure out he was the last remaining Valor.
This act is one of the most beautiful things about Jacks’s character, and one we shouldn’t ignore. Even though Jacks is known for being callous, cocky, and selfish, his gentle side is the most important facet of his character. It is what drives many of his decision. But behind this decision, Castor had caused so much death and pain. Tragedy after tragedy that no one can take back. This reality must have affected Jacks.
It isn’t weak of Jacks to display these kind of vulnerabilities. I think Stephanie did a great job showing Jacks’s vulnerable side in TBONA and especially in ACFTL. It’s what I always wanted to see from him.
Tella 💙🗡
I remember the first time I saw Jacks pour his heart out and it was in his plead to Tella to love him in Finale.
“You were supposed to be my true love. You were supposed to want me, not him. You were supposed to be as obsessed with me as I am with you… When I told Legend I’d kill you if he didn’t give me the power I needed, I didn’t mean it—I wouldn’t have done it. A part of me even hoped he’d say no, so that you would walk away from him and choose me. I’m selfish, and I want you, but I would never harm you.”
The way he spoke here was such a surprise. Until then, I always thought Jacks was a pest, wedging in between Tella and Legend, but perhaps it wasn’t just about this. It was about Jacks’s need for love, to crave it so much that it didn’t matter that his immortality was at risk. Jacks did everything to win Tella, even to the point that he would rather put a love spell over Tella for her to stay with him if not at all.
Finally, after years and years, Jacks finally found the answer to his curse. A girl had kissed him and made his heart beat. What a sick joke that Aurora pulled on him since this fierce hope eventually caused him pain when the girl stabbed him and chose someone else. His walls stacked up all around his heart and his love again.
No doubt that this was the greatest heartbreak Jacks had ever felt.
But this is just one of the many.
Jacks had lost his first fox girl, his family, his friends, and the soft nature of his heart. Dozens of girls had fallen for him and died, one survived his kiss and made his heart beat but left him heartbroken, and then Evangeline, the girl he truly ever loved, died.
Evangeline 🦊💘
Evangeline Fox is the closest person to who he once was when he was just Jacks of the Hollow. Since the beginning, Evangeline felt gulity when she put her trust into a Fate and turned all of the wedding guests into stone. But it was her belief in love who brought her to Jacks, the Prince of Hearts. Because she believed he knew about heartbreak and unrequited love, Evangeline thought he would be understanding to her plight.
Which she isn’t entirely wrong.
Jacks knew heartbreak, loss, and unrequited love.
But he knew to cover his pain behind this flirtatious and wild personality well.
After Evangeline returned, Jacks was cold as ice. He had lost the only legitimate chance of love. Who wouldn’t be dejected after a rejection? He said it himself, that heartbreak “turns you into a masochist, making you long for the thing that just eviscerated you until there’s nothing left of you to be destroyed.”
It seems like hope is not all lost since Jacks is in search of the stones once more to get back to this “love.” To have another shot with Tella.
Once again, Jacks’s past self shines through with this hope for true love that seemed awfully familiar. But it was the idea of love, not love itself, that Jacks was chasing here.
It was the chance that everything could be good again. That he didn’t need to be alone.
Evangeline was the kind of soul who helped open his heart. In the crypt, Evangeline wasn’t afraid to ask him questions about his story and his heartbreak. Both of them had a common ground, which made it easier for them to talk about their failed chances of love. I truly believed that it was this scene that helped Jacks drop his guard and forget Tella for just a little bit.
For the first time in a while, he had thought of someone’s needs before his. He wrapped Evangeline with her cloak. I’d never forget that gesture. The firsts of the firsts. And it didn’t stop here.
In TBONA, Jacks continued to show that same care toward Evangeline. He protected her against bloodthirsty vampires, her mean stepsister, bratty gossipers, and even curses. Without any catches. He did them without asking anything in return. Without knowing, Jacks had warmed up to Evangeline. They teased each other, got under each other’s skin, and compromised like equal individuals.
It got to the point that their attraction to each other was so clear that LaLa thought Jacks was going to kiss Evangeline in the middle of her engagement party. What was sweet to me, that even though Jacks passed himself as dismissive villain to Evangeline, he truly cared about her and searched for a way to remove the curse bestowed on Evangeline.
He’d told her not to look for a cure to the Archer’s curse. He’d repeatedly said it was pointless. But it seemed as if he was doing just that… Evangeline couldn’t let herself think that Jacks’s search for a cure meant he cared for her. She knew this was true, yet it was getting a little harder to fully believe it. Because she was starting to care for him.
Like Jacks knew more than anyone that the Archer’s curse was unbreakable and yet he still tried to find a way…for Evangeline. My heart can’t take it. I’m seriously swooning all over again. Jacks cares about Evangeline. It’s so tender and soft and selfless that it captures the true aspect of Jacks’s character.
When Jacks and Evangeline are in the Hollow, their relationship develops into something more. Something beautiful and hopeful and a page out of a fairytale. We come to know in ACFTL that their time there was Jacks’s happiest day. EVER. I am distraught. Jacks opens up a little more about what happened at the Merrywood Manor.
Guilt clinged to him as he recalled trying to save Castor, as he tried to be a hero that night. Saving Evangeline was not him being a hero. Which is such a sad thought for him to have and yet it made total sense why he would feel this way. Because he couldn’t be a savior that day, he probably believes that anything he does isn’t enough. He could never save anyone again.
It opened up that raw part of him that we only ever see when he’s with Evangeline. She tries to understand his past and make him realize that he had done kind things for her, like holding her as she cried, carrying her as she bled, and bandaging her wounds when she was lashed via mirror curse. Jacks had been there for her.
The Hollow was the last place he was after he became Fate, which meant it was a place that he couldn’t find himself to return to because of all of the memories. Yet it was the place Jacks allowed himself to live in the moment with Evangeline. Being with Evangeline helped him drop his guard and do things that made my brows jump.
He cuddled with her, had breakfast and lunch with her, and lived a peaceful moment in the middle of all the cursed chaos.
In the morning, you can forget it. You can go back to pretending you don’t like me, and I can pretend that I don’t care. But for tonight, let me pretend you’re mine… If it’s easier, you can pretend, too. You can pretend that I’m still Jacks of the Hollow and that you want to be mine.
Evangeline thought he was being delirous but Jacks quickly set the record straight and denied that he was. It was probably the most genuine request he ever had.
Without a doubt he was in love. So in love. Nothing else was important. You can actually feel the happiness and hopefulness from the page. As much as this was Evangeline's happiness, this was also Jacks's.
Then there comes the moment Evangeline lets him go, tells him what he's feeling isn't real, and that it would all be over.
This was crushing.
Jacks's eyes were red. A flicker of pain passed over his features. He wanted to kiss Evangeline. He knew what he was feeling and yet the girl he has come to love has told him that whatever she was feeling for him was because of a rock.
One-sided love. Like the Hollow once Evangeline took the mirth stone, Jacks turned cold and brushed off Evangeline. He was harsh. He was hurt. When he got back to Chaos's Underground Lair, he turned his room upside down and ate so many apples.
With Evangeline's rejection, Jacks firmly believes that the love meant for him is with Tella. Even if he didn't love her. Even if Tella didn't want him.
The whole confrontation between Evangeline and Jacks revealed to us what Jacks wanted exactly. To go back to Tella, his "true love." Because she was the only who survived his kiss. This was the girl the curse promised him. It was her or no one.
Evangeline thought otherwise. But it didn't matter. Jacks cared so much about her that he rather they never met. Because if they keep going down the path, Jacks will not be able to hold himself back and kissing Evangeline.
His love would destroy her. His kiss would kill her. Jacks would do anything to prevent her from becoming another fox.
Despite what he tells her, Evangeline has become the most important person to him. Nothing has been so clearer than when Jacks's final words to Evangeline before she passed away.
“Evangeline—” His voice was hoarse. “Come back to me.…”
Side note, this was my favorite quote. I think this has to be my most favorite one in all of the books. I remembered gasping when I read it. My jaw literally dropped. It was the most truthful thing that Jacks has ever said.
Come back. To him.
Like, WOWWW!
Unable to accept Evangeline's passing, he took the stones and made a decision. The stones can only grant one wish. He was planning to use it to go back to Tella. But he took them and went back in time to save Evangeline.
“There is nothing of equal value to me.”
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IS THERE ANY LOVE MORE TRUER THAN THEIRS? We’re finally at that part where we know, without a doubt, that Jacks loves Evangeline. If the “You’re not her” scene left any doubts, then they were long gone at this point. They could be endgame, this could be it, we could finally see a happy evajacks.
Until Apollo Acadian came in possessing a magic given to him by Aurora and tore Evangeline and Jacks apart by taking Evangeline’s memories of the past year.
Now we all know what happened behind the scenes here, so I’ll skip right ahead to the subject on hand. Guilt.
Jacks’s Guilt 💔
This is where Jacks’s heart has been, in a cold and unforgiving place surrounded by thick, tall walls made of steel. Since the beginning, all that Jacks has ever known was tragedy and remorse. When he learned that Evangeline had forgotten her memories, he believed it was because of his fault. Queen Honora had warned him against him going back in time and stopping Castor from killing Evangeline.
“That is not a small mistake to fix. If you do this, Time will take something equally valuable from you.”
Jacks thought that Time woul take it on him. Never Evangeline. He was to blame for Evangeline’s lost memories.
Guilt. It is the reason for the next steps he took in ACFTL. He still thinks that he isn’t a great fit for Evangeline because of his cursed kiss and the possibility that he could kill her if he wasn’t careful. Evangeline is safe with Apollo, happy even, where she should have been if it wasn’t for him. Apollo and Evangeline would have the fairytale love that Evangeline always wanted. Once he knew she could fend for herself, then he would leave forever and throw his heart into the fire of the Phoenix Tree, where he’d never have to feel this much for anyone or anything ever again. This way Evangeline could be safe from him.
If only it was that easy.
Jacks can’t seem to leave Evangeline alone. She’s always in his sight. He loves her, and when Evangeline sees him again, it hurts him to know that she’s not looking at him like before. That she had forgotten everything about him. Despite what Jacks had planned, he wants her to remember him and know him. He has hurt everyone, even her, so it shouldn’t make sense that he deserves a happy ending.
I think this is the most heartbreaking and most truthful thing about Jacks’s character. Because he couldn’t be a hero when Vengeance Slaughterwood killed the Merrywoods, he thinks he deserves so much worse. He deserves nothing.
He’d been brokenhearted. Not in the same sense that most people thought of, as if one person had broken his heart. Jacks’s heart had been broken over and over again unti it was no longer capable of hope and care and love.
Chapter 41 gives us the true reason for why Jacks is the way he is and more. Basically, everything I have listed above communicated between Evangeline and Jacks’s dialogue.
“You died, Evangeline. I held you in my arms as it happened.”
“Jacks … I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never died.”
“Yes, you did. The night you opened the Valory. The first time you did it, I didn’t go with you.” I couldn’t say goodbye. “It was only you and Chaos. As soon as his helm was off, he killed you. I tried to stop him—I tried to save you—but I couldn’t. When I got there, he had already bitten you—and he’d already taken too much blood. You died as soon as you were in my arms. The only thing I could do was use the stones to turn back time. I was warned it would cost me. I didn’t imagine it would take from you.” I’m sorry.
“You don’t need to be sorry, Jacks.”
“It’s my fault.”
Reading this whole exchange broke my heart. I could feel his guilt and suddenly realize that he’s been hiding his guilt behind this confident and careless act. Here, we could see this was another awful thing he did to Evangeline. Before Evangeline went with Chaos, Jacks had hurt her by telling her that he wanted to go back to Tella and that she wasn’t the one he wanted. When Evangeline opened the Valory for the second time, Jacks was yelling at her to leave, being rude to her so that she’d live. He’d been cruel. And that was how it ended between them before she really forgot everything.
I love Evangeline Fox so much. It has been really rare to find a character like her whose strength was her kindness and hope for greater and impossible things. Though this was a story centered around her search for true love, this was Jacks’s culmination of his pain and guilt.
Above everything else, Evangeline chose him for who he was and is. He was the villain, he was her monster, but he was also her true love and hers. This beautiful faith that Evangeline had in Jacks was what ultimately broke his curse. Jacks said “I love you” openly to Evangeline and you can see it as the truth. Sometimes something so simple is so poignant. There’s nothing to say but the truth of it all, and that was how I interpreted Jacks’s confession to her.
When Jacks confronted Apollo about Evangeline’s memories, it was met with fisted hands and brutal curses. I’m so glad we got to see Jacks pour out all his anger on him and let go for once. It was so cool to see. And I think he needed it.
Jacks chose Evangeline. His heart was with her. It didn’t matter to him where they went, as long as it was with her.
Pain is what made Jacks. I used to think he was being dramatic when he said it to Evangeline in OUABH. How could I? Haha. I even believed he was heartbroken because of Tella. But his pain wasn’t just about her, it was about everything that happened in his past. Lyric. Castor. The First Fox Girl. The girls he kissed and killed. Evangeline’s death and lost memories. His failure of being a hero.
In the Caraval trilogy, Jacks was aloof, troubling, and selfish. He wanted power. Then his heart started beating soon after it was clear Tella survived his kiss. He wanted love, no matter if it wasn’t real. Unlike the other Fates, Jacks wanted something simple and beautiful as someone choosing him because they loved him.
Even when he found that love, Jacks had selflessly chosen Evangeline’s safety over his desires because he cared about her. At heart, he had always been a caring and hopeful person. In the end, Jacks found happiness and Evangeline found her great love.
Nothing can stop them now.
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Finale spoilers!!!
I don't think the writers will shy away from the cliffhanger.
The wwdits writers HAVE to change things.
Guillermo has pointed out that things NEVER change and since hes always been the 'human/audience' eye in the world of monsters, means that the writers are well aware of the fact there's going to be a new turning point. And it makes sense that guillermo will be the one changing things again.
Those 4 vampires have lived together in that house for decades but they weren't close, not really. They were roommates who could hardly stand each other. In season one, they all outright detested spending time with Colin. Nandor was always too self absorbed to notice anyone (no less his own familiar). And Nadja and Laszlo were too wrapped up in their marriage to give a shit about anyone but each other.
Not until Guillermo got into the picture. Or, more accurately, his heritage. Actually, all biggest turning points in the series always came down to Guillermo and his slayer heritage
If he hadn't killed the Baron, the Baron would have killed them. The Barons false death was why they got onto the Vampiric Councils radar in the first place. When they escaped (with Guillermo's help), the VC sent in assassins (that Guillermo killed) and planned an entire event just to execute them (that Guillermo stopped). Its only when GUILLERMO slayed nearly the entire Tri-state vampire population were the 4 vampires approached to become leaders of the Vampiric Council.
If Laszlo wasn't in that library in the Vampiric Council, he never would have found out that Colin was going to die. He wouldn't have tried to become real friends with Colin, wouldn't have cared much at all for Colin's death. Which means he wouldn't have raised baby Colin.
If Nandor didn't get the cloak of Duplication, would he have ever pursued Meg? If he hadn't been assigned the task to go to that cult, would he have met Jan? Nandor WANTS change on a subconscious level, he wants love like Nadja and Laszlo do, he just doesn't realise he has to be the one doing the changing. All these terrible and toxic relationships (where he's both the victim and abuser) have only made him backslide in his growth.
If Nadja never became a coleader of the Vampiric Council, she might have never realised her potential, her ambition, always stuck in the house with her husband for company. (Its why the ghost of her was so disappointed she never achieved anything as a vampire)
Guillermo has always been the agent of change, the root of it all. Only reason why he hasn't changed absolutely EVERYTHING was because he wanted only Nandor to do the honours, so he put up with 3 more years of being a familiar/bodyguard. It makes total sense he'd change the rules of the game again by the end of this season, by letting go of his ONE MAIN character trait (which is wanting Nandor to do the turning) and going to Derek.
On the surface, it seems like nothing has changed. But in actuality, things are never going to be the same, no matter how hard the 4 vampires try to pretend. Now, Laszlo isn't just the Lazy Vampire who only fucks and sucks, he's also Colin's dad. Nandor has only become more depressed, resigned to his ever-lasting lonely life. Nadja's ambitions are once again snuffed out, her dreams squashed, sending her crawling back to her safety net.
Physically, everyone's back at square one. Emotionally? They've all experienced things they never have before and they don't know how to cope with the internal change.
They may pretend things are fine. That nothing has changed since the documentary started. But it's only a matter of time before either a) something gives (which is highly unlikely because these vampires are codependent as much as they are emotionally repressed) or b)...
Guillermo (the writers) changes the game.
And turn him into a vampire.
The natural progression would be that all 4 vampire admit that they do care for each other, that they see each other as family (They have lived together for decades, yet they've only started genuinely acting like a family when the documentary started, aka when Guillermo was revealed tno be a slayer)
But like I said, they're repressed, and nothings gonna change until Guillermo shakes things up.
And I, for one, can't wait to see how it pans out.
(I don't want to theorise or set expectations, but I do hope that Guillermo will become a big target to the Vampiric Council (if not them, then maybe to another big baddie). For a Van Helsing to become a vampire? Thats unheard of. It has to be illegal somehow. If The Guide had her memories wiped for sleeping with a Van Helsing, what would be the punishment for a Van Helsing to become a vampire?? If that's how the writers will approach it, then the Family will be involved somehow. Stakes have to be raised, and they'll be forced into positions where they have to admit they genuinely care about each other.)
I truly dont think the writers will shy away from turning Guillermo into a vampire. Or at least, play with the real possibility of Guillermo becoming a vampire.
Because this has always been Guillermo's role in the series: to be the catalyst of change, the domino effect in everyone in the family.
And what better way to switch it up than completely overturning the vampires' expectations of Guillermo their human familiar-bodyguard?
Letting go of his full devotion to Nandor and finally becoming their equal will do exactly that.
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forestsofthenightx · 7 months
as the world caves in
Oh boy, it’s you
That I lie with
A bittersweet little edit after the finale ❤️‍🩹
Hope you like it!!
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ouabhlover · 8 months
why is the name of the ship tellalegend?? it could easily be dantella😻😻
i dont know about you guys… but is much better🤷‍♀️
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onigiri-dorkk · 7 months
Some thoughts, and a thank you to the Rivamika fandom 🤍
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Honestly I have so many complaints about the final part, but I’m going to slow myself down and just keep soaking it in: we got post-war Levi and Mikasa animated at long last. They both made it out alive. They both can live peaceful lives. And it is absolutely canon that they reunite someday, eventually.
That’s all I’ll celebrate from the story for now 🤍 AOT is such a special series to my heart despite the disappointment I feel in many areas. It got me through some tough years and brought joy and excitement. It inspired me to draw again, and literally helped me discover a love for writing. Most importantly, it created fandom community and friendships which have brought daily joy and fun into the most mundane moments of life.
Levi and Mikasa deserve the best. I will love to continue exploring their possibilities and healing and love and belonging through art and fanfiction with fandom friends 🤍
This is a ship and series that I know will stay imbedded into my heart (the same way ATLA and Fruits Basket have always been permanent to me). I’m not going anywhere 😭
Someday, fandom people will trickle away from AOT now that it’s over, but I’ll still be around. And I wanna thank every rivamika shipper, new and old, who withstood alllllll the shit together. There’s been beautiful solidarity and support for so long. I love us! And I love all that we created through our mutual fixation on Rivamika 🤍
Thank you to every fic writer who fueled our imagination through story. Thank you to translators who helped us enjoy stories all around the world. Thank you to artists who created visual masterpieces. Thank you to theorists and analyzers who helped us find more crumbs lol! Thank you to editors who made it possible to see our characters together in creative ways. Thank you to video editors who made incredibly fun and beautiful compilations. And thank you to everyone who may not have created for fandom, but you were around, lurking, liking and supporting all of our posts to add to the collective support. For however long you were/will be part of the magic of Rivamika, thank you!
I’ve had such a pleasure writing, drawing, analyzing for Levi and Mikasa, and hyping y’all up too!
Let’s continue to create for our beautiful couple 🥹🤍
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internet-go-brrrr · 1 month
Alright. I finally watched the finale of the Bad Batch. I kept putting it off because I knew it was gonna emotionally devastate me, and it did. Just not in the way I thought.
Like, I started crying tears of joy when it cut to them all on Pabu, and I realized that they did it! They made it out! They got a happy ending! Then it cut to the future, which made me tear up more, (still tears of joy at this point). It wasn’t until Omega adjusted Tech’s goggles that I started crying for a whole different reason.
I think up until that very moment I was still holding out hope that Tech was alive. So that moment just kinda broke me for a second. It got me thinking about all the stuff he missed out on. And I think all the denial I had with his death for the past year hit me all at once.
Anyway, I miss Tech. His death has been one of the most devastating fictional character deaths I’ve felt in a while. I loved the ending though! It was beautiful and I’m so happy they all made it out ok!
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I made a little primer for my followers about Once Upon a Broken Heart, and the ship I keep drawing art for.
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and this doesn’t even get into all the things going on in The Ballad of Never After! But at least now when I post my book ship, you will know the basics lol
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