#Finest Smart Door Lock
secureace · 1 year
Finest Smart Door Lock - CP Plus vs. HikVision vs. SecureEye
Finest Smart Digital Door Lock Brands in Noida, Ghaziabad, and Greater Noida In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, smart digital door locks have become a game-changer in securing homes and offices. SecureAce, a trusted provider of premium security solutions, presents an in-depth comparison of three leading brands: CP Plus, HikVision, and SecureEye, to assist you in making an informed…
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finelinevogue · 1 year
just george
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summary - he will be the king to everyone, but to you he is just george
word count: +1k
a/n: first bridgerton fic but i just love george and his story too much to not post something!! i hate the ending but if you have any concepts send them my way xxx
Being in love with a man that is promised for someone else is the most devastating thing a heart can endure.
Especially when that man is the King of England.
King George has been King since birth and is the strongest, most bravest, man you have ever had the pleasure of meeting. He is kind, smart and beautiful. If only you could tell him these things to his face, but you have sworn to yourself that you must not let your heart show to him. 
It will only end in heartbreak.
For you are only one of the Royal housemaids. 
You were pulled from the workhouse at a young age and have grown up as George has. Even though you could never publicly play together, George always managed to find a way to sneak away into the gardens with you, or the castle turrets, to talk about the stars. 
It was only when Reynolds rushed into the room where you had been cleaning did you realise something was very wrong.
George hadn’t been seen all day, which was unusual, but you just assumed he had been visiting his mother or some other. It never occurred to you he might have run off because his new bride was arriving today.
“The King is missing.” Reynold’s speaks to Brimsely, but loud enough for you to hear. 
You carry on dusting, whilst trying to overhear their conversation.
“Since when?” Brimsley asks, trying to remain calm.
“Since this morning. No one has seen him and no one can find him.” Reynold’s stresses.
Even though you could not speak, you had a multitude of thoughts racing through your mind about where you knew George would be. George may live in one of the biggest estates in England, but if you properly know him and where to look then the palace grounds suddenly become quite small. 
You excuse yourself from the room, passing it off as a chamber pot break. The duo don’t even recognise that you’ve gone. 
Looking over your shoulder you check to see if there’s anyone behind you. You know there shouldn’t be, because this side of the castle is not well staffed. The King requires privacy in some areas of the castle, just for moments of quiet. You know this, because George told you when you initially started to sneak off together. 
Every time you sneak out you worry that you’ll get caught and that your life is on the line, yet every time George reassures you that nothing will ever happen to you. 
You pick up your skirt and run down the corridor, before stopping at a wooden door. Normally it is locked shut, but by the slight crack in the opening of it you know that you’re on the right track. You push it open, slide through, and shut it tight again. 
Then up the 168 stairs you go. Right to the top of the turret. 
As the stairway lightens towards the top you hear panting and panting. You run a little faster and take the stairs two at a time. 
Barging on to the top of the turret you find George pressed against the side of the wall, sprawled out low so no guards can detect him. His hand are over his heart as his chest heaves heavily. He is still wearing his night clothes - a basic black shirt that V’s down his chest and black trousers made of the finest linen. 
“George!” You whimper as you fall to your knees before him. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. I am here.” 
Your hands move to atop of his and his gaze moves from the heavens to yours. His eyes are bloodshot red from tears and his dark circles give away how little sleep he has had. 
“Y..Y/N...” He speaks so softly. 
“I am here. You are okay.” You nod your head at him confidently. “I am here.” You’ve found that with most of George’s attacks you have to reassure him that you’re there and that you have no intentions of leaving. Not that you would ever.  Even with his new bride, you will always be there for him still. 
“Y-You are h..here.” He breathes out jaggedly. 
“And you are okay.” You smile warmly at him, moving one of your hand up to cup his cheek. His skin is slightly clammy from his attack. His head moves to the side your hand had just touched his face, making you think he was having an episode of twitches, but instead his face melts into the touch of your hand. He closes his eyes as he nestles into the warmth of your touch.
“Th-ank you.” He says - like he always does, no matter how many times you’ve told him it is unnecessary.
You are about to tell him that he does not need to thank you, but he cuts you off before because he knows you well enough.
“As your King, you will a..accept my thanks without quarrel.” He opens his eyes to look at you and you press your lips together to prevent you from arguing. You nod softly and he thanks you again. 
“She is arriving soon.” You speak softly so you do not cause him to be anxious again. “But you do not have to meet her if you would rather not.”
George laughs with little happiness, “Nothing would make my day better than not having to meet her.” One of his hands goes to hold yours against his cheek harder - grounding him. “But I am the King and I have duties.”
“You come before them. Your health comes before–” You try to argue.
“No. No, Y/N, it does not.” George’s eyebrows furrow. 
“George, listen–”
“No, Y/N, you listen. I must meet this woman as she will be my bride and she will be your Queen. It is what I have to do.” George cut you off firmly, leaving you speechless.
You took your hands out of his and moved to sit back against the wall beside him, with a solemn face. You wished it didn’t have to be like this. You wished in another life George could be promised to you instead. Instead, he was already someone else’s. Not that he ever was going to be yours. 
“I wish you were not the King.” You say quietly, not even thinking he would hear you.
George reached for your hand and interlaced his fingers with yours. You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried your best to make it look like you were okay.
“If I were not King a lot of things would be different.” He agrees with you.
“How so?”
“Well, most importantly, I would already be wedded to someone I actually love.”
Your heart dropped and your chest heaved a few heavy times as you tried to hide the heartbreak. You were foolish to think you would even be his second choice after his future bride.
“Is she kind?”
“I hope she is kind, George. I hope she loves you and all of you. I hope she farms in your vegetable gardens with you. I hope she is funny, because God do you need some laughter in this life. I hope she knows how lucky she is to have you and that she tells you every morning.” You quickly wipe some stray tears away from your cheeks with your free hand, “Because that is the kind of love you deserve, George. And no less.” 
“Well, apart from the fact you are not funny...” George says simply, like he has not just confessed his undying love for you out loud. 
You turned your head to face him with a shocked expression, jaw relaxed and mouth open. Your eyes watered and so did George’s. He granted you a small smile when he saw your cheeks blush.
You had no idea what to say. This could not be. He was bound to another bride. You would be committing crimes if you were to even be seen touching him as you are now, let alone accept him to be yours. 
“George...” You whispered into the wind.
“It has always been me and you. That will not stop with the arrival of my new bride. I may not be able to call you my Queen, nor my bride, but you will always have a place here,” he holds a hand over his heart, “A place that no one owns but you.”
“Oh why could you not just be Farmer George!” You laugh out a sob, tears running down your cheeks as he laughs at your reaction. It makes you want to cry all over for a positive reason. “Or even, just George.”
“I can be just George, just for you.”
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naisilla · 8 months
The Emperor's New Muse Part .2
Odyssey Kayn x Reader
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content: forced companion ship, hostage situation, enemy banter, escape attempt, currently unedited.
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You gradually come to as your head is pounding. It's the next morning and the ordinal is gone. You don't even remember falling asleep, all you can remember is Kayn's brutal treatment the night before. You are lying on your back in bed, completely naked. As you sit up, you feel an intense amount of soreness and pain in your body, which you can't deny are from the ordinal's prior punishment.
Slowly sitting up, you look down at the messy bed you lay in, and you wonder just how far you will have to go to keep your dignity now that he is done with you. You look at your naked body with a shiver of shame. But you are still determined, you get up, eager to use your time left alone to escape this ship.
Kayn must've left to take care of something, that means you were on an uncertain schedule of time to act. Getting to your feet, you limp to the door intent on sneaking out before the Ordinal could return. The door was flat, and there was no handle, you huff and roll your eyes. "Demaxians...too rich to be bothered physically opening a door", Your eyes wander towards the electronic keypad on the wall adjacent to the door, you test it by pressing it with a curious finger and you are met with a negative buzz and the screen flashing red. Well, you had to at least try.
Perhaps you could try breaking the keypad? Surely busting it would override it right? there was a chance it could work. Clenching your fists you drew your cuffed wrists back and then slammed the chunky restraints against the keypad. Immediately another shock courses through your body and you pull back gasping in pain, you look at both the cuffs and the keypad and neither of them had broke. You growled in frustration. You'd have to consider your other options, you could take this time to try and figure out how to unlock the cuffs that Kayn has put on your hands. Or you could explore the room in an effort to find something useful.
You walk around the room inspecting the walls. Grooves moved along the panel surface in geometric uniform lines. Surely this room had more than an entrance and a large bay window looking into deep space, you run your hands along the patterns pressing in one of the plates causing it to shift and slide revealing a walk-in wardrobe behind.
A hidden door behind the wall opens to reveal a plethora of high-end Demaxian clothing, all arranged immaculately, giving you the impression that this wardrobe holds nothing but the finest garments the Ordinal has ever worn. You are quite impressed by the opulence of this closet.
The remnants of your own clothes lay on the floor next to the bed as a reminder of how vulnerable your current situation was. You stepped forward into the closet content to utilize Kayn's wardrobe. Many options were before you and at one point your eyes focused on a duplicate of the iconic Ordinal uniform. There were so many individual pieces to this outfit the pants alone had 3 components and you couldn't begin to fathom how the top piece would go on. No, you didn't have time for complicated outfits. So hastily, you grabbed the first pair of causal clothes along with a locus armada trench coat, hoping it may help you blend in with the faculty after you break out of this room.
You started with feeling the grooves for more pressure plates that could open any more compartments or maybe even another exit? Unlucky for you the only exit would be the door you originally came in through, and that one is still locked behind an electronic keypad. With time your panic increased as you expected a furious Kayn to break through the door any moment and your searching of the room became frantic. Anything at all that could be of use, to escape or defend yourself.
But Kayn was smart and calculated for every crevasse in the room remained bare. You plopped yourself onto the edge of the bed hunching over desperate to come up with something. It would be nice to get these cuffs off your wrists, perhaps you could break your thumbs to pull your hands through? No, you needed your hands... Your head perked up as an idea came to mind. It wasn't going to be pleasant but, if it worked, you might be able to inflict some pain onto the Ordinal. And the idea of that did put a smile on your face.
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Time went by as you waited eagerly for the Ordinal's return, biding your time for the right moment to catch him off guard. You look closely at the shock cuffs, this was a drastic measure but you were certainly in the most desperate situation. The spare clothes you had nicked from the wardrobe lay next to you on the bed, in your current restrained position you could only manage to dress yourself in the pants and shoes. Sure you were still topless but at least a little more coverage managed to bring you some comfort.
You wondered how deep into the mother ship you were currently located, you hadn't heard a sound since you had woken up. No patrolling traffic of guards or voices over the intercom. If your little plan worked and you did manage to make it out of this room where would you run off to? Escaping here was a start but it was recklessly dangerous to just run down any corridor and pray you came across the docking chamber and miraculously commandeer a ship.
Your thoughts were cut off as the silence was broken by the approaching of footsteps, they were heavy and hasty and they were stomping right up to your door. You get to your feet ready to face Kayn when the door automatically slides open at Kayn's presence. You didn't bother to take in how pissed he already looked when you lunged at him throwing you and himself out of the door. He falls onto his back and you land on top of him and instantly begin to smash your fists into him. It gave you the perfect opening to grapple with him, your hands wrapping around his throat and holding him down. As you expected the cuffs were triggered and you gripped Kayn by the throat as the electric shock surged through the both of you.
Kayn grunted and let out a growl of pain. "Grragh! The hell is wrong with you!?" His body convulsed under yours as you strongly held still refusing to let go as you continue to wail down on Kayn, attempting to inflict as much damage as possible. Eventually, the ordinal stops struggling for leverage and begins to curl up in pain. He clutches his arms tightly to his chest as he groans in pain, his breath becoming shallow and panting.
"You're. One. Tricky little bastard" Kayn huffs out between pants, you stumble off of him and get to your trembling legs, dragging yourself away from him. "And your one insufferable asshole" Kayns lips pull taught into a grimace as he gets up himself picking up the scythe he dropped in the process. You kicked yourself mentally for not taking that scythe for yourself but as you looked at it you felt a growing pit in your stomach that maybe you shouldn't even try touching it...
Kayn's grip on your thought breaks you out of the trance you weren't aware that scythe had on you. You blinked shocked and tried to wriggle free. "Oh just stop it already!" Kayn snaps at you his fingers crushing your windpipe. "Do you want to be free or not?!" from his hold you force your head to nod and with an annoyed grunt he lets you go. At the same time, your wrists finally feel light as the cuffs automatically unlock and drop to the floor with a clank. Before you can look down to check your wrists for bruises the glowing blade of that scythe swings up grazing the skin of your throat.
"You wont try anything do you understand?" Kayn's grunt voice stressed. You nod again knowing that you had used your body past its limits with the soreness of yesterday and now the extreme electrocution having zapped all of your energy. Kayn on the other hand was still able to exude force when necessary. For the meantime you would need to play along until a better opportunity struck. Kayn's cold blue eye glares at you "Good now put on that damn shirt you intended on stealing from me. I'll have something more suited to you later."
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Uncomfortable was the word to describe your current position, you shrunk into your chair as you sat out in the main control center of the ship. You were situated next to Kayn who although wasn't directly looking at you, you still felt heavily observed.
Kayn was currently typing at his ship computer, multiple hologram screens float around him with random data being displayed. You weren't trusted to be left alone so the Ordinal had taken it upon himself to constantly watch over you while he worked. Kayn had promised you your freedom if you promised to be on your best behavior. Currently, the Locus Armada mother ship was on route between planets in deep space and with the Ordinal being highly engrossed with something, it looked like you may be stuck with him for a little while.
Kayn continued to grow more and more frustrated as you watched his sharp features curl in annoyance and his blue eye narrow at his screens. He seemed to be in the process of tracking something, various mugshots of people were on display and out of boredom and curiosity you looked at them from your seat. There were four icons all with the wanted status, seemingly a crew of space pirates. Kayn was beginning to mumble under his breath and talking to himself.
The muttering was deep but hushed which made your ears strain to hear the specifics of his mumbling. He was simply talking to himself, or at least that's what you figured not noticing how his eye would flick to his scythe and his grip on it would change every time he whispered something.
You decide to pipe up "How long do I have to be here?" Kayn groans "When we land on Demaxia_Alpha you'll be free to leave." You scoff, "I don't want to be dropped of in the middle of your fascist empire".
"Well I dont think you can be picky considering how you got here in the first place" Kayn sends you a scowl. "Im doing you a gracious favor for not just killing you earlier." You give Kayn a dirty look before shifting in your seat and looking ahead out the main window.
Your mind wanders back to those four people you saw on Kayn's monitor earlier. "Who were those people?" You ask. Kayn responded in a soft gruff voice "Just some space pirates".
"Space pirates? seems a little below your grade, why is some Ordinal like yourself chasing after lowly criminals?"..."Is the great Demaxian empire running low on staff?" you ask smugly. Kayn isn't amused by you but doesn't mind indulging your questions.
"The morning star is a group of low lives that took something from me" He says bringing up one of the profiles. A woman clothed in cerulean robes accented with gold embellishments that harmonized with her golden eyes.
"She's beautiful" you excalim breathlessly. Kayn merely grunts seemingly uninterested, you give him the side eye and scold him. "Well aren't you a shitty boyfriend for two reasons now". Kayn snaps his head towards you "What!? No! Shes not my-" Kayn groans "That Templar is the key to opening the Ora Gates." You sit up from your seat intrigued. "The Ora Gates?"
"Yes! Pay attention. You do know what ora is right? Or should I assume a peasant like you is uneducated?" Your eyes narrow as you send Kayn a "fuck you" expression.
"I know what ora is, its that weird gold essence core worlds use to power their metropolises" you reply.
"Its more than that" Kayn chimes in "it's the lifeblood of all civilization. Our magnificent empire is fueled by it but also promises untold power to those who can wield it for themselves…" You look doubtfully and sassily ask.
"I thought privileged men with an education didn't believe in bullshit myths" Kayn rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue in annoyance.
"The Ora Gates are a mythical, poorly understood artifact and they are very much real. According to our scans, there is a strange, esoteric power locked within." Kayn glances down at his hand which he balls into a fist determined. "I intend to be the one who opens the Ora Gate and become an invincible, immortal being. The greatest threat the universe has ever known." You scoff and roll your eyes. "Whats so funny to you lowlife?"
"You sound like an ambitious wannabe."
"Let's see where you and your big mouth stand when I do ascend".
You let out a laugh "Oh how edgy~" you say teasingly.
"Do you want to know how this pertains to Sona or not?"
"Sona?" Your eyes glance over to the screen where the templars profile is displayed along with her name...Sona. "Ah right, Sona"
"Sona is or was a part of the Templar Order and is THE MOST gifted templar of them all, She has the rare ability to commune directly with the ora-producing megafauna and can harness Ora without augments. Only she can guide me toward fully unlocking my latent powers through the Ora Gate." Kayn turns back to his monitors his brow furrowing again in distain. "I had her in my possession when three months ago she was ripped from my grasp by the syndicate, now she is with this ''morning star''. I must get her back, she belongs to me and no one will stand in my way."
You merely nod after absorbing all this information. You knew of the Syndicate they were THE more reputable rebel group sabotaging the Demaxian empire. You wished to be a part of them but it was difficult to find them, afterall, the Syndicate needed to be as secretive as possible to elude the Demaxian empire.
"Are you sure you don't want to join my Locus Armada? We could use such a determined fighter like yourself, being a part of the empire let alone an Ordinals personal army has many luxurious perks." You shoot Kayn a death glare. How dare he ask you such a brainless question, had he not forgot what punishment he enforced on you last night? You may have not been a pathetic, broken mess after that experience, but that did not mean you didn't feel just as disgusted and violated. You managed to hate the empire more than you thought was humanly possible. Kayn sighs but continues to look indifferent to your refusal.
"Shut up Rhaast." Your bitterness just got ignited.
"Excuse me?"
"Its nothing peasant" Kayn retorts waving you off. You wanted to rip him a new one right there right now but you bit your tongue. What kind of an insult was ''Rust'' anyway? Demaxians were so weird.
A notification beeps alerting Kayn and yourself. "looks like we're in orbit of Demaxia_Alpha, we're going to land soon. You'll be free to leave shortly".
After the Mother ship: Fractal Shear landed and all procedures were seen through, everyone on board began to depart. Before leaving the ship, you were given "casual attire" to change into by one of Kayns men. Casual was an insulting word for these clothes as when you checked the tag your jaw dropped to see the brand logo of a common but expensive apparel corporation. Of course, these pricks had so much money they can simply throw Mugler like it was no expense.
You were escorted to the exit of the ship along side Kayn who maintained an air of confidence. His chest puffed out broadly and he took long powerful strides, still carrying that decorative scythe. You had yet to see him without it. But your mind was elsewhere.
"Thats Ordinal Shieda Kayn to you".
".....whatever. Why did you let me live?" You ask as you continue to keep pace with the tall Demaxian Ordinal.
There was a silent pause for a moment as the two of you continued to walk through the many hallways towards the main exit.
"I am a man of my word, I did promise to let you off scott free if you managed to win our duel yesterday. I'll admit I was planning to kill you but you managed to survive and match my strength which intrigues me greatly" Kayn says his eyes flicking to yours as he takes in your appearance.
"You don't look to have any augmentations and my scans confirm that you have no bio enhancements like myself which intrigues me. Just how was a little nobody like you able to stand against me?" Kayn chuckles. "While it does make me wonder I have more pressing matters to attend to. You were simply a little set back to my schedule, I should've just thrown you into the prisons to have you sentenced later but I did need to let off some steam."
You look ahead. It was lucky circumstances you were here, then again your freedom you had now came at a cost. Now that you had arrived at Demaxia_Alpha you would need to figure out things on your own. You planned to get away from the capitol, far away as humanly possible from this retched empire. How tormenting it was that in order to get away from Kayn first you would need to be escorted through the Demaxian Royal palace...
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Part two its out! Thanks for making it this far! If you didn't figure out by now this isn't a one shot but a full on story I hope to complete.
Part 3 Out now
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flymmsy · 6 months
Inspired by my earlier post.
Wrong Muse (Durgetash, ~450 words, cw violence)
“I suppose I cannot convince you to close your eyes.”
“Smart man.”
“Very well,” Gortash opened the doors to his bedchamber and gestured for Lyra to enter.  
Eyes narrowed, she proceeded in. She hardly had a chance to begin her sweep of the room before she saw it.
There – propped against the wall – was a large painting. A blonde, pale woman, draped in the finest gossamer silk and adorned with silver chains, stood at the center holding a barbed whip above her head. At her feet, several servants knelt in submission, their skin raw from her ministrations.
The woman was wearing Lyra’s face.
“A gesture towards our continuing alliance.” Gortash’s voice sounded far off, and she barely registered his arms wrapping around her waist.
A whip. A whip where a dagger should have been. Silk, not her hearty leathers – ones she created herself with pride. Chains – chains. Loviatar, The Maiden of Pain. Loviatar, Bane’s Queen.
The Urge rose so quickly she did not even feel it, and later, she would be thankful that Gortash still wore his golden sleeves – a thin barrier that prevented his arms from shredding. Her dagger flashed as it made its first slice into the painting, beheading one of the servants. She did not deliver pain, she delivered death.
When the painting had all but been torn to shreds, she freed her face from Loviatar’s body, grasping the canvas in her trembling fist. Her heart pounded in her ears, rage coursing through her veins. How dare he, how dare he, how dare he.
She turned, her eyes finding him quickly, delighting in the panic she could register in his own. Gortash was slumped against the far wall, having been thrown back by her outburst. She advanced quickly, dagger drawn, and he pushed himself to his feet to stop her. It was futile, she was on him in an instant and much stronger, one forceful hand shoving him right back to the ground.
Her dagger sliced halfway through the air before coming to a halt just inches from his face. Her arm began to tremble, a tremor quickly spreading throughout her entire body. She dropped to her knees, knife arm still extended, the other clinging to her own torn face. She threw the painting’s fragment into the small distance separating her from Gortash.
“This,” Lyra hissed, eyes wildly locking onto Gortash’s own.
He did not dare to say a word, but slowly raised his hand to lower her dagger from his face.
“This,” Lyra repeated with the same violent tone, slamming her other hand onto the painting of her face below. Gortash nodded, holding her gaze, his eyes now fighting to call her back.
“This,” her voice cracked the third time, her head slumping forward, “I can never be this.”
The canvas ran wet beneath her.
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fictionalmenaremytype · 8 months
Percy Jackson episode 7 spoilers!!!
First of all, that cliff hanger is more cruel than the actual cliffhanger...okay maybe not but you get the point.
- WE GOT CRUSTY'S. If I'm honest though I wasn't really disappointed when I thought he wasn't in it.
- I am sad we didn't get DOA records but the fact that they didn't fare with Charon tells me DOA does still exist they just used a different entrance so I'm hoping for it to be used in a different season. Would be funny if Nico used it in the 5th season with Percy.
- Annabeth's "Dude, don't make me come back out there!" Tell him, WiseGirl!
- Oh my god Percy and Sally at his first boarding school is so sad but when I tell you I cheered when he locked that car door! Persassy at his finest.
- "not in Kansas" "Hey focus, we left kansas four days ago." "Yeah, I-" so it's basically Canon they were going to see the Wizard of Oz in BotL then yeah??
- Percy is so polite with all the souls! "We're all dying...to some extent."
- The boys bribing Charon and Annabeth is staring at them like they are about to get them in trouble again.
- "You can buy a new whistle" I cackled
- AWW CERBERUS...I mean Ahhhh Cerberus!
- Annabeth is so smart but Grover getting eaten?? Was scared he wouldn't come back.
- I feel bad for Aryan being covered in that gloopy stuff that looked gross.
- She just chucks Percy the ball to get herself up! INGENIUS!
- Aww Annabeth's little sad backstop moment and Percy wasn't even listening!
- The way Grover lost the pearl is very clever! I wasn't expecting that but it makes more sense than Poseidon forgetting about Sally.
- New Information?!?!? Mate you could have sent an email!!!! I'm sorry but maybe the fact he was on the school gymnasium roof probably suggests that the school wasn't keeping a good enough watch on him!!! Report the school!!!
- HOMESCHOOL??!?!?! Of course Sally can't do that she's barely able to support her, Percy, and Gabe as is! But Percy seeing all of that is so sad.
- That soul is terrifying I never want to watch the fields of Asphodel scene again (I've watched it four times)
- Annabeth getting stuck because of her regret (which I'm assuming is regret leaving home) I was scared for her. Completely forgot about the pearl.
- I really thought the sound were going to do some Weeping Angel level scary stuff.
- She's so smart using the pearl
- I thought the desert was another dream sequence but nope! How did I forget!
- Sad we didn't get the tartar sauce line but I'm also glad we didn't.
- I am convinced they only came off of Grover's hooves because he has hooves and not feet. If his foot filled the shoe properly he would have been dragged to Kronos.
- "is this?" "No!" "Well it looks like-" "it absolutely is not" "Okay, so what is it then?" "Yeah that's the master bolt." "I mean, I think so right??" I love how they show it takes them longer to get to the truth without Annabeth.
- return the bolt ❌️ Take the bolt to the person you think stole it ✅️
- The café scene is so sad what! "I would never do this to you." Has me sobbing. my favourite thing about the show is all the extra scenes we're getting that explains how difficult it was for Sally to raise Percy, it just adds to why there's so many year-round campers.
- that elevator is badass
- I love how Hades tries to connect with Percy with the nautical reference. He's so funny. I want a scene in season 4 or 5 of Nico just ranting in Italian and Hades sat on his thrown like "Yeah yeah I know."
- "huh?"..."the bolt is my brothers drama I don't want anything to do with it." Spoken like a true middle child.
- "my helm!" "Your what?" So funny. Percy knows loads of stuff about Greek mythology but not about the helm.
- Oh my god, the way this is setting Annabeth up to be the traitor??? The helm turns people invisible like her hat. Percy realised he was supposed to be dragged to Tartarus, which would make sense why she saved him from the chair...he knows someone partnered with Ares, and both Annabeth and Ares were upset with Athena when Ares arrived!! Kind of suspicious...
- "Kronos." chills.
- Hades helping them in exchange for the bolt makes sense now because he only wants to defend his land. He's thinking he's the closest to Tartarus, so he will experience his father's wrath first and therefore needs the strongest weapon.
- "Nice pearl?"
- "Hold fast mum."
- Sally burning the milkshake as an offering is so smart but WHAT CAFÉ HAS MATCHED IN THE SUGAR BOWL?!?!?
- The way Poseidon just turned up because Sally needed him <3 (couldn't do that for Percy though could you mate?)
- "it's a him, he saw it." I cackled.
- Poseidon and Sally having that kind of relationship where they put feelings aside to help the other person. It's giving besties with a child.
- "one day...one day when he's ready...when he knows who he is...and where he belongs...and fate has revealed to him his true path...and that day..." And that day is next Wednesday because surprise! Its a cliff hanger! And the end of the episode!
- The way they looked at eachother when they realised what was about to happen though has set them up to be such a perfect trio.
- I will never get over how cool Ares is!
- And riptide/anaklusmos (which for non book readers is the name of Percy's sword) looked so sick.
This episode was so good and I'm so glad it wasn't like a 25 minute episode. Even though the actual content only took 36 minutes, it felt well spaced and gave time to understand what was happening. I am a little teensy bit worried for how the last episode will go as there's quite a lot to cram in. They have to find the Helm and fight Ares and then they have to return to camp so I'm a little bit worried but I have faith that Rick, Aryan, Leah and Walker will pull it off.
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sonxofxgondor · 2 months
With the rise of the sun, so, too, does Boromir begin his day. A morning person, after a good stretch of the back and muscles, he starts with getting himself ready. A quick bath and scrub of the teeth - mint chewed thereafter - he allows the air around him to dry his wet locks, styled with only a wooden comb, his favorite tunic thrown overhead and pants tugged up his legs. Burgundy at the top, black at the bottom, boots to match. Once cleaned, Boromir retreats to the kitchen for breakfast.
Able to feed the entire army, from appearance alone, Boromir enjoys, often, a larger quantity. Prepared alongside the cook - an older woman who treats him more like a son than a steward-prince, does not mind his help nor scolds him for asking - eggs of three kinds are placed onto his breakfast plate. Scrambled, poached, and fried, served with toasted bread and strawberry jam, crispy potatoes and onions, seasoned with herb and spice, sliced fruit, apples and pears, salted pork, baked butter biscuits, and two links of sausage. Gobbled up as soon as it is made and served, after drinking down a cup of juice from an orange, onto his chores does Boromir go next.
Tactical training and combat exercise, Boromir is grateful for the life he is given, the responsibilities of a captain. Teaching the next generation of Gondor's finest men, he takes his role very seriously. Despite personality for fun, Boromir does not allow for the morning hours to be put to waste, especially when there is so much left to do. He trains and teaches. He speaks with his military counsel, conducts thorough check of weaponry, armor, and the health of those under his watch, and reviews defensive and offensive strategy and plan. Finishing on chores that have been assigned to him, too, by the orders of Denethor, Boromir, in the hours that still have not signaled late afternoon, goes to the people.
He talks to them, listens and shares. Hears their concerns and offers promises. Partakes in friendship and merriment, always a prince for the common people. He assists in the construction of new and fallen buildings, though he need not to. Hands dirty in the work, he shares stories with the children during their lesson times, teaches them safety and self-protection. The children so smart - Boromir knows that they are wonderful students and is proud - from the schoolyard does he move to the shopkeepers, eager to rest their woes. Financial and other, he tends to the struggling with compassion and deals with the corrupt with a just hand, firm and swift, punishment to be decided before fair trial.
Returned from the people, Boromir searches out his family. Finds Faramir and listens to his stories, the books he has opened upon his lap or the drama that involves his life, beneath the White Tree and sat on the lawn. Enjoys still the morning sun, up for hours by then but not bothered. Wonders where their father has gone, frowns when the door to Denethor's bedchamber is locked, mumbles behind the darkened wood and a near sob escaped. Boromir worried so, he does not linger, waiting for his father. He moves along; back to work to organize paper and royal decree, in his private chamber, the efforts of both he and Faramir for the sake of their kingdom. One half the brawn, the other the mind: the general and the diplomat.
An early bird by nature, Boromir finds rests when, too, the sun sinks beneath the horizon. Only to start again come the next day; the life of sunshine to his bedchamber window, ivory curtains bright.
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debonaire-princess · 1 year
𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 🥂
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Pairing: Thrawn x Fem!OC
Word count : 2k
Warnings : none- jk, creampie, light choking, piv sex, hair pulling, scenting, thrawn speaking in Cheunh, murder scheming. 🔞
A/n : my first attempt at smut 🤷‍♀️
The after-party wooz is always the worst part of the occasion.
Veraloe thinks as she walks to the bed and plops herself face first onto the shared bed. Her groans and muffled words can be heard through the door as Thrawn walks into their lavish hotel suite, situated smack dab in the middle of Coruscant's finest commercial district.
“I thought you decided against the Emerald wine for tonight’s occasion,” he asked dryly, glancing at his wife’s luscious figure. The blue skinned husband knows well of his limits and decided to forego alcoholic beverages completely. Thus his feet do not sway, his posture impeccable, and his firm voice still carries its usual icy strength despite the late time of night.
“I guess Moff Gideon’s inquiry regarding your,” he hesitated but unknowingly emphasized it instead, “”pregnancy” has gotten under your skin, wife?”
The silence hangs in the air as he unclasps his tunic, patiently waiting for Veraloe’s answer. Of course, his question made her seethe all over again.
That damn kriff-headed Gideon has out of nowhere asked the gender of the grand admiral and her upcoming baby. In front of the whole party attendees, in the middle of an unconnected conversation regarding a local moff’s newborn.
She grits her teeth and claws her fingers into the sheets as she recollect the farkled rat’s pompous and satisfied smile as he fake worries over the condition of her body and current mind. Being a pregnant lady and all.
Which she was clearly not.
Even Thrawn, despite donning his usual glacial calm expression, was caught off guard. And thus was of no importance at all, aside from his impassive reaction and soft denial of her pregnancy, which obviously did not work as well as he thought. And the proofing of that false rumour was heaped upon her delicate shoulders.
By the stars, in all honesty, Veraloe loves parties, thrives in it. She adores the secrets shared behind bubbling champagne flutes, the glimmering lights, the soft elegant dances, it all makes the fact that she is surrounded by the very people who participate in the murders of everyone she ever loved easier to bury. It also helps that she is usually the prettiest being in attendance and was often the center of attention and gossip.
But tonight, it was an uncommonly agitating occasion. Seeing how even after drinking several flutes of Emerald wine as a show of her clearly unpregnant condition, some party attendees still came up to her and Thrawn to excitedly offer their congratulations.
During the rest of the party and the airspeeder ride home, she mulls it over in silence. She stole Tarkin’s support on Gideon’s mining land to move it over to another part of a land she owns in order to secure profit for her own gain and it, of course, angers the former Moff.
Quite petty (and smart) that he slighted her by that pregnancy lie knowing damn well he has other mining lands that are equally profitable rather than the ones she took.
Now, People will behold her body and see the extra weight on her hips, the plumpness on her cheeks, dimples in her feet, all mirages that simply aren't there.
Not that getting fatter will reduce her beauty mind you. It just meant that a pregnant wife of the Grand Admiral is considered a much easier target than a Veraloe Monik, billion dollar seductress, that is in the prime of her life.
She grumbles a string of Arduurian curses as she snaps her head back up and crosses her elbows as leverage on the bouncy mattress. Flinging her sparkling brown locks off her face. As she cups her chin on her palm, index finger grazing her lower lip, her mind starts to reflect and ponder.
Of ways to doom the insipid little moff of course. She could just outright kill him in secret if she could. Force choked him in his sleep.
She could do it all if she wants to. Certain benefit that comes with being one of the- No, the most sought out Mistress in the galaxy is that she could literally make someone disappear without a trace, be it by hired hands, or by hers.
Whichever that will quench her blood-thirst, and make her skin look even more supple. A well executed revenge does that to a person, that's a proven fact.
She absentmindedly bit her nail as her lip coil in a sinister smirk.
As the plan starts to take shape and envisioned in the compartments of her brilliant scheming brain, she felt the mattress under her dip.
She peered over her shoulder to the view of Thrawn, on top of her, long feet straddling her lower body. She felt his cool calloused palms lay flat on the skin of her shin, moving to her thighs, pushing her white naboo-silk dress up, up, up, as he goes. Exposing her scantily panty-clad bottom to the cool air of the hotel room, his eyes unmoving.
He stops his ministrations and squeezes her plump ass just enough to make it change to a color of his liking.
A small gasp came before she could stop it. Biting her lower lip in anticipation, she decided to be a tad bit cheeky.
“Now what- do you think- you are doing, Admiral?” She fakes a naiveté tone to her obvious rhetorical question.
When she moved to turn her body Thrawn’s hand moved to the small of her back and held her there.
“Stay like this please,” he murmured as he unzipped his pants. “You seem tense tonight, as you should be. Moff Gideon’s baseless assertion has caused a troubling amount of miscommunication for you to smoothen out. No doubt it puts quite a dampen on your mood, even Governor Pryce can tell from across the room.”
“However,” his low voice softened, “you were so composed, so calm despite such aggression.” He leaned down and kissed the back of her head, giving it a slow and deliberate whiff. “Again, you charted the political waters for m- for the good of us both.” A small smile touched his lips and he placed a single gentle kiss on the side of her forehead.
A clinking sound of belts can be heard, signaling he finally slipped off his pants. Possibly taking out his half hard cock in doing so.
“Oh please.” Veraloe turns her body slightly, touching the side of his face in her hand, his glowing red eyes stare deeply into her equally darkened soul. “Your polite yet stern denial of the congratulatory offers gave me assistance as well. Aaand maybe your usual joyless expression helps matters too, no one can look so icy with a baby on the way.” She gently caressed his pronounced cheek. She leans close and puts her lips to his ear. And softly bit it.
“Now,” she licks her lips in anticipation, “you gonna fuck me silly or what?”
A cacophony of moans and noises of slapping skin bounced off the walls as Thrawn pounded into Veraloe from the back. His hand grips the fat of her legs like a vice till the tips of his cool fingers whiten.
He pressed her hard into the mattress, giving her no choice but to take it. Take him.
“Vu- Vurawn, please,” his nickname slips out her moaning lips. Veraloe doesn’t even know what she’s begging for since her husband’s impressive length started to mess her head silly. She can feel it in her throat as he gives a particularly hard thrust.
Thrawn buries his fingers into her scalp, and pulls her up by a fistful of hair. “What do you, hah, want?” He whispers breathlessly into her ear.
Through her haze she manage to form words despite the unyielding pace he keeps on blessing her pussy with, “Fuck me silly, Vurawn,” she grins knowing damn well he’s gonna give her what she wants.
He slams her face into the plush mattress and proceeds to pick up speed. The lewd sound of relentless slapping of skin mixing with screams and grunts are only muted from the rest of the city due to the window’s bulletproof thickness. The smell of sex wafting in the empty air of the suite, The Chiss’s sensitive nose wrinkles as he gulps the smell down his throat, savoring it, making him hazy.
His eyebrows creased as he tunnel focused to the feel of thrusting into her gripping walls, slick and oh-so begging to keep his cock inside. He can feel his saliva start to gather on his tongue, spilling to the side of his mouth.
The warrior falters ever so slightly when he feels her insides clench tighter. The view underneath him he considered a form of art in itself.
Her sheer-covered back glistens with sweat as her spine arches. The city lights sifting through large windows hit her figure just so, intensifying the glittering diamonds freckled all over her skin. In each squirm of Veraloe’s body, diamonds on her skin reflect the light onto their surrounding walls, creating their own brand of majestic aurora.
“P- put your hand here,” Veraloe panted and pats the back of her exposed neck. And he does exactly as she instructed, and more. He grasped her neck to cut off her air flow, maybe even enough to bruise. Just the way he knows she likes it.
Breathless and rough.
“Aaanggghh~ Vurawn!”
A choked moan kept on spilling out even as he grips onto her neck for leverage. Thrawn keeps fastening his pace, however that works. Pistoning into her sopping pussy as if he himself wants to make that lie Gideon spouted come true. He almost unravels just from that thought alone.
The sound of her pussy and his wet cock can make even the other famous whores of coruscant blush in embarrassment.
The blue alien leaned down and sniffed her neck, searing the smell of her sweat and sex into his brain for later use, when the navy requires him to be away from the warmth of her arms, from the firm grip of her delicious cunt.
“Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo-“ he muttered the cheunh phrase in repetition like a prayer. A prayer for how lucky he is to be able to savor such a taste.
Her whimpers grew ragged as he kept on pounding into her hole, her legs spread so wide with her pussy soaked, his cock glided in and out with ease. Her manicured nails dug hard into the mattress as she gripped the sheets to steady her body. Air pumped in and out of her lungs as she was harshly shooked back and forth at a relentless pace.
When Thrawn slipped his hand to roll her bundle of nerves with his expert slender fingers, it was over. Veraloe reached her peak with a mix of a wailing cry and a long choked gasp. Throat sore from the lack of air and the abundance of uncontrollable screams she let out.
“I- I’m-“ for a nanosecond, the rarest phenomenon in the whole galaxy happens, the grand admiral stutters his words.
Thrawn follows suit 3-4 thrusts in when he finally ejaculates his hot ample seed inside her. A slew of cheunh curses spill out his lips as he shuts his eyes, reveling in the way his whole body slightly shakes in ecstasy.
They lay still for a few seconds, the out of breath Chiss on top of the heaving Arduurian.
Spent and sweaty, still in half of their respective formal wear.
When Thrawn moved to pull out. Veraloe halted him. “Ngh, no no.”
“What? What do you need, Wife?” He asked, reaching out and wiping away beads of sweat off her temple.
“Just… be still,” she gave a staggering breath, as if desperate for something, “don’t pull out just yet..” She stops before a please slips out her lips.
“I see.”
Nodding in confirmation, the chiss grasped her by the hips and turned to lay both of them on their side. The taller man spooning the other. Limp cock still warm and snug inside her, spent slowly spilling from the sides. Neither really cared much for it anyway.
“Stop sniffing my hair, creep.”
He chuckles, “Can’t help it. You smell divine, Ch'acah.” Thrawn said as he deeply inhaled the Arduurian rose fragrance he was secretly obsessed with.
She huffed, “You better pay me for the laundry tomorrow, this silk dress cost more than your monthly admiral wage.”
Her husband sleepily hums his assent. He rubs her arm up and down in a soothing motion and nudges his nose into her nape. His cool lips land soft pecks here and there.
Veraloe can only huff in annoyance, tenderness and loving caresses wasn’t part of their marriage agreement and she’d like it to stay that way.
But even she isn’t immune to the tug of sleep that so often pulls her down post-coitus.
So she grew silent. And so does He.
Tonight, they felt safe enough to sleep wrapped around each other’s embrace.
Cseo bun : so good
Ch'acah : love
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inklores · 1 year
pairing: henry!sherlock holmes x fem!oc
summary: sherlock holmes needs to find his intrepid little sister. clara bedi wants to keep his sharp nose off her trail. (word count: 3.1k)
content contains: fluff, sherlock being bad with women, slight strangers to lovers but they're both smart idiots
author's note: made originally for a class assignment but i'm too proud of it to keep it hidden away in my google docs!! enjoy
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FUMES OF SMOKE lifting from the corners of his lips, he thumbed the lapis silk tie the pamphlet was bound by. The rhythmic movement was a rehearsed habit of his, charting keen thoughts that were falling into place.
Tea in the Parlor
Magazine of Modern Womanhood
25 April 1884
“A Problem With No Name. I’ve first heard that uttered so solemnly beneath the breath of a mother amid other mothers over the scent of teacakes and the English brew that her hands had surely processed the week before. Another cried. As your humble magazine writer, there have been women beyond our teatime who had answers to my questions. Those who sort matchsticks in factories, who raise children, who nurse other children. Those who live in the fine estates of Westminster, lodging houses along Greater London, and flats bordering Whitechapel, all have the same problem. The groping truths to their lamentations, brought into light when the children were away and their husbands attended to important business over a glass of sherry at their gentleman’s clubs,—”
Something more than a scoff and less than a laugh escaped Holmes.
“—were provoking. Just what was this nameless problem? A whisper that refuses to be said. The bond of pain, of womanhood, of the searing feeling that something great shall arrive to our fair England.”
— C.E. Babbington.
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“Mr. Holmes, I hope you’re not mistaking me as someone with whom you are at odds with.”
Clara wore burgundy today.
Or indigo to a sharp eye, moreso if she sat in the dusky shade rather than by the window where sunlight was allowed to stream through the frosted glass tiles. The heat of the afternoon, Clara could tolerate. The brisk cold, the musk of tobacco, pomade, and fine English leather that filled her office—all mingling together to create one scent that floated around the man who stood in front of her— she virtually could not.
Well, “office” may have been a playful nudge to her ego. It was more of a closet with a pen, a hook to hang her coat when there was a chill, a canister of her favorite tea matched with her precious teapot, and a small sideboard that she used to stash her extra paper. Clara had spent enough time in that little closet to learn its quirks and commodities. The shutters would not close in blustery weather unless they were bound by a scarf. The gentleman who would take his Saturday morning coffee and eggs always found something to guffaw about in the newspaper. Clara knew because she could hear the fervor of his chortles from one story up. The fifth floorboard from the door creaked with the slightest movement and she had garnered the will to purchase a rug that softened footsteps over the parquet.
Now if only she could purchase a rug to wrap around the man filling her tiny corner with the fumes of… man.
A tall man. Haughty by the way he stood. He looked strong and sturdy, weaned on the finest food money could buy. Clara wondered if he teethed on crumpets and caviar as a baby. His clothing may have been picked to feign oneness with the people of England, but she noticed a grain on his breasted black coat. His crisp white shirt boasted no wrinkle, cinched around his neck by a silk ascot the color of charcoal. Chestnut curls spilled across his head—sharing no unified form—and fighting to be free of the pomade that gleamed in the dimness of the lamplight. She imagined an artless tumble of locks when he was nose-deep in a case. An errant strand fell over his brow, softening his countenance where his tone failed to.
“Have you anticipated me, Miss Bedi?”
It was Clara’s mistake for stopping short of her movements. Her fingers froze on the handle of her teapot and it was then she realized the incriminating ink stains that blotched her bronzed fingers.
She did not. He knew that. He likely knew what she had for breakfast as well. Hence the cloying pride that laced his query.
A tickle caught in her throat and she swallowed tightly to preserve her pride as she arched a dark brow. “No, I have not, but I applaud your effort. Nobody contemplates and makes a theater out of their face quite like you.”
Looking up from the tea she was pouring, Clara barely caught the indignant twitch in his face, even as his mountainous posture was unrelenting. For a man who was presumed to be discreet, he was quite eye-catching.
He dropped his gaze down to the lonely armchair and side table Clara would enjoy her tea in. It was the one perpetually surrounded by her basket of stained pen tips and folded newspapers— Clara had the habit of saving old prints—bits of thread, scraps of silk in cooler hues, linen from occasional embroiders, and stacks of books from Edith that never make it back to the shelf, being moved around constantly on the empty promise of being read to completion.
It was a detective’s heaven.
“The name ‘Holmes’ is beginning to mean quite a deal in this country,” her eyebrows slanted, copper eyes filled with constellations, “and do you think I would be in my position if I did not know?”
“Precisely why you flinched when I used your name and not your pen name.” His voice was rich as a fine velvet she let her hands graze over at a textile stand, but detached. “Deceit. To hide the plain truth, just as frills and elegant coifs do. Yes, it may dress you like a powder puff—” she parted her lips in protest but his eyes glimmered like opals, he was clearly not done—“but the man holding the pen is entirely different. In that…”
Her grip on her teacup could not get any tighter, for one tremor to rattle the porcelain would have him arriving quicker to the deduction he savored for last.
“He is not a man at all, is he?”
She watched in bated, almost nonexistent, breath—wondering how quickly she could get her hands on the cake spade lying unfashionably by the crumbs of a Dundee cake she had scarfed down the night before—as he fished a blue silk tie that bookmarked the yellowed book she just realized he held.
“How does a C.E. Babbington become… the elusive Clara Eashwar Bedi?”
A wave of cold took her from head to toe. If Clara wasn’t gripping the edge of her desk, knuckles quickly whitening, she was sure her knees would’ve given out. She stared down at the pretty silk tie, and then at the folded pamphlet he slid over the varnished surface, the black ink script almost snickering at her in mockery.
His words came as fluidly as water, uttered with a stone-cold expression she figured was his mask for his famous deductions.
“Four separate purchases of pens and paper from three different vendors.”
Spreading her tracks. No writer who desired anonymity would so foolishly expose herself by making a reputation with one seller.
He was studying her closet-office now. A satin kerchief protected his hand as he chose a stained pen to scrutinize. “Bills from Whitechapel. Cheaper ink—a shadowy writer such as yourself would not earn her dues to spend carelessly on finer supplies than supper for the night. Or silk ties to make her mark. To create a name.”
Cheaper ink bleeds easier. Her fingers, a blatant victim.
“Bedi.” He tasted her last name on his tongue for a moment, eyebrows pinched as if he was trying to paint a map in his acute mind. “When did your father leave India?”
Her throat was dry but she swallowed down her apprehension and managed out, “Fifteen years ago.”
“Does he work on the docks?”
A flash of humanity lightened his eyes and the man of a chilly, pragmatic acumen faltered. “Apologies.”
The sound that tumbled from Clara’s lips could only be described as something between a shaking sigh and an aggravated grumble. “What is it you want, Mr. Holmes?”
“You write for the Magazine of Modern Womanhood,” he continued, making Clara bite back an exhausted groan. “Yet you affect a pseudonym. Why?”
“I don’t write for the magazine, I write alongside it,” Clara mumbled. Why was she entertaining him? “I don’t have the means to print my pieces independently— as you so cleverly deduced by my purchases of ink.”
“Your pieces… and other submissions, I’d bet.”
“Are you a betting man?” She lifted a brow curiously, daring him to stop this frivolous quadrille of tongues and get to the point.
“A cipher with the fingerprints of my sister was published in the personal advertisements column of your magazine, The Pall Mall Gazette, and The Journal of Dress Reform. It’s our mother’s interest she hopes to attract and with the choice of your publication, she has a good start.”
“God, there’s more of you?” she asked, feigning horror. “Is the world ready for that?”
(But where the name Mycroft Holmes was etched in cold stone and proud, old money, she had the sense the name Sherlock meant something else. Something whisper quiet like a dusty novel on crumpled velvet. Elegant with solitude.)
Sherlock took a step forward, his fingers still thumbing the fraying corner of the book. “Have you any idea where she might be?” He tilted his head. “I’m afraid our mutual acquaintance Edith had more to say of my “ostrich-like” nature than my sister.”
Clara couldn’t help the kick in her voice as she responded, “Appropriate.”
He smiled at her, a Private Investigator brand of Smile that Clara knew well enough from the numerous times a constable had approached the magazine for its inflammatory words, and which only deserved a Young Journalist Smile.
But what he said snagged her attention as well as a good story. Eudoria’s daughter. Little Enola. 
Edith had mentioned her once or twice. Clara might have seen a glimpse of a little brown-headed girl with quick feet, dashing about Ferndell Hall when ladies of a particular ilk huddled around a table, bearing swords on their tongues and determination in their hearts. Clara typically stood behind her bolder friend, Edith, clutching a pen that barely made a scratch against her worn pocketbook. She knew little for the illustrious Sherlock Holmes to knock on her door… but little was more than enough to be cunningly dissected and deduced by him.
“Enola’s missing?” she asked slowly, hoping to stall but Sherlock Holmes was not a man for idle chatter. Her head shook in a disappointing, deceiving refusal. “I’m sorry, but I have the faintest idea as to where she’s gone and why.”
“I find that highly improbable,” said Holmes in a tone that suggested he too was done with this waltz. “You’re protective of your name, or, names —”
“And what will you do if I use your name, Mr. Holmes?” Clara countered rigidly, her heart leaping into her throat. “Loudly? With proper dictation? Letting everyone know your business more than you’d like?”
“Then you’d also find yourself and Edith in a very difficult position, one that I’ve made clear to her and will to you if I must,” Sherlock warned, dropping his voice to a decibel that made a chill rattle her spine. A hint of vague frustration was tangled within his dull humor. 
Clara stilled, watching as he turned over the book and leafed through toward the back cover. Stuffed in the spine was a folded napkin and he paired it with the newspaper clipping for her viewing displeasure. Wrinkled and white and stamped with the crumbs of a pastry, her eyes were naturally drawn to the hasty scrawl in ink:
Matter of Bill —
Tea Rooms”
The same dismayed expression from when he dissected her alter ego took ahold of her face once more, even if she tried to disguise it by a clench of her jaw. 
“Macaroons could do with some attention but Edith has enough to worry about,” said Holmes. “She’ll notice the missing book from her seditious collection but not the message hidden inside— a message written to Babbington, who I understand is an intrepid young woman, so I’m sure you’re aware of what the proper connections can do for a man.” The distant, icy blue of his eyes warmed. “I asked of your father— a man who likely worked too hard for too little a reward and you, his daughter, silently fighting in favor of a bill that will help the men and women like him.”
“My,” Clara gasped, “Mr. Holmes, I didn’t take you for a man of politics.”
The stray little curl swished across his brow as he shook his head. “Oh, I’m far from it.”
She hummed curiously. “Then, what do you fancy? People? Poetry? Probably not. It’s your cases that keep you warm at night, which is why you hunt your own sister in blind circles like a dog chasing his tail.” She leaned forward, lowering her voice, “If Edith tells you nothing, I will say even less. Trust your sister… and the future. Good day, Mr. Holmes.”
She made to go around him, ignoring the way her stomach fluttered as she did, until a bleak and dare she say, concerned mutter caught her ear.
“She’s a child.”
“By my understanding, you’ve abandoned her once, Mr. Holmes. In the pursuit of where your mind takes you and little of your heart,” Clara said, more sharply than was her wont. 
“I beg your pardon.”
The anger in his voice flared like a bleeding heart. A man who was a fire next to gunpowder, ready to speak his mind and snatch the rug beneath a pair of unsuspecting feet. She could loathe him for being so perceptive and intelligent, yet plainly missing the changes of the world. But that tone… He was no longer a brilliant mind or a pleasantly distant man. He was a brother who wanted to know where his sister was.
And if there was ever a case that Sherlock Holmes would encounter, it would leave no secrets he could not crack.
Clara turned around, stained fingers toying with each other, teeth worrying her lower lip to a reddening bruise. Amusement danced in her eyes, quenching the frustration that twisted his sharply cut features.
“You have it,” she admitted after a pause, cheeks growing warm. “Because I’m a woman who believes in second chances… and the calling of her heart rather than her mind. And a desolate, hopeless bachelor tugs at that heart, I’m afraid.”
Sherlock’s face contorted incrementally, the corners of his lips curling up just a tad. It was not a smile. Another part of her would have thought so but not the smart part. Still, it was an odd expression that made Clara think it was gracious.
“I’m not aware of such a reputation.” Fond.
“Figures,” she sighed, eliciting a huff of laughter from him. The sound was enough to make her face crack with a smile. “Enola’s sixteen. And if she’s anything like her mother and brother, she won’t go down with a fight nor will she be drawn away from it. And the real fight is coming. I advise you to start there.”
He squinted at her. Then at the napkin. Then at the clipping signed by C.E. Babbington. The fight.
“A problem with no name,” he murmured.
“It has a name, Mr. Holmes. Whether it will be spoken is decided by men like you and your older brother,” she added, rightly hopeful. “Perhaps that will change.”
Silence settled comfortably between them until the pounding of her heart became too loud for her ears to bear. She cleared her throat and pulled the knob to her door, returning her gaze to Sherlock.
“Until next time, Mr. Holmes.” She smiled. “I hope your game finds its feet. My best to your sister.”
He tilted his chin in an understanding nod, hand pressing against the curly blue tie that still sat next to his evidence, her pamphlet. To her surprise, he waited. One hand disappeared in the flap of his jacket and came out holding a fine black pen shot with gold trimming. To a man like Holmes, it was a pen to write some very useful reckonings of the mind but to Clara, it looked more valuable than what she earned in a week. It clinked as he set it on her desk, accompanied by that slight, mysterious smile.
“Trust a bill won’t be made,” Sherlock assured, amused as he approached her. He extended the blue ribbon to her.
“And a secret will be kept,” she enforced, fixing him with a look as she curled her fingers over the forbidden silk tie, folding it into his palm.
His hand was cold, callused like the reward of cracking cases. Yet it managed to send a surge of heat swirling in her chest, akin to lightning crossing a black sky.
(And did she intend the other thing she did too? The split-second brush of her fingertips over his palm and the way the ball of his throat was disturbed by a tight swallow. Savoring the softness of the lapis silk strand against his pale flesh and her copper skin.)
He lingered by the doorframe for more than a second. Sherlock looked at her— perhaps a more bewitching case with the narrowest twists and the sharpest of turns. A shadow of a smile graced his prim lips and he let out a delectable, ruminative hum. “Is that a promise I would be foolish to break, Miss Babbington?”
“Indeed it is, Mr. Holmes.” She watched him depart, a puzzling black figure who had more to his voice than what he decided to speak. 
“Oh, on the subject of hearts…”
Sherlock paused and turned around. He studied the meticulous way she swept her indigo skirt behind her and made him wait until she finally, painstakingly met his gaze. Only then she made him realize how beholden he was to her unfinished prose.
“While surely hopeless for a… perspicacious man with such a baffling pigheadedness,” Clara murmured, smiling lopsidedly, “do keep yours open.”
Before he left with another curt, reserved nod, Sherlock ruminated on her words. Her tone— he barely noticed the way he wondered how all of her other pretty, printed words would sound if they were turned from ink to… to… that voice.
No… she was not a case. She was a quandary. An unsolved riddle that he cracked with the full assumption that the winning hand was in his, only to turn over his cards and see that it was she who had the royal flush.
What fresh hell was this?
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suashii · 11 months
i come with food (thirsts of detective!kita, investigative journalist!akaashi, and rookie!shoyo)
manon you’ve done this to my mind😞 (rambling btw + expanded thoughts from like two days ago LOL)
experienced detective kita who has worked with you for many years, to the point where the two of you have gained reputations for being the finest (literally and figuratively) detectives in the city, but you somehow always seem to butt heads with him.
he’s prideful and stubborn, but so are you. he takes every opportunity possible to argue over evidence and leads, but in the end you two know how to corporate well when the time comes.
maybe that’s why you’re both so renowned. and why he can’t resist fucking you into oblivion over his desk of scattered newspaper clippings and suspect photographs after solving a difficult case that’s taken months to crack.
investigative journalist akaashi who you’ve slowly gotten to know as you’ve worked with him over the past couple of years, not as long as you’ve been with kita but it’s enough to have complete and utter faith in him.
but oh… kita doesn’t seem to trust him that much:/ i wonder why!! hes so smart and nice!! he’s way nicer and more polite than kita can be to you; never trying to one up you the way kita does, always willing to listen to your input and showering you with praise after long, frazzled nights at the office.
maybe that’s why kita doesn’t like him; because those praises easily slip from his lips during your late night meetups for new leads that turn into frisky quickies in a nearby telephone booth… kita’s never wrong, afterall:/
new rookie hire shoyo who is so bright eyed and bushy tailed that it reminds you of how you were when you first started out as a detective. brimming with passion for the job but he hasn’t yet witnessed with his own eyes the corruption that plagues your city:/ it breaks your heart just thinking when you’ll see the light dim from his eyes someday …
but until that day comes, he’s just so cute you HAVE to take him to your office after hours to work on a case together:( with the door locked. superrr confidential case, something that only he can see <3
kita thinks shoyo is too much of a wildcard to be kept around, and for once akaashi might have to agree with him … they just don’t understand how good shoyo is at unraveling the case that is the stress burning deep inside your pussy:/
yes !! more lore + hinata !!
omg. . . kita. . . bonk me over the head and throw me in jail bc i am horny !! i am kinda (VERY) in love with that dynamic! gave me a whole new perspective on the soft-spoken, kind-natured man and i am a million percent here for it!
but AKAASHI !! you reeled me in with this one — have me SAT. just a friendly face who always acknowledges your hard work and big brain + praises you for it? gotta love it. and the fact that kita gets a little pissy over it? pls i am here for it
shoyooooooo my naive darling boy! a refreshing player in the game AND potential threat to kita and akaashi? he must stay! you need him around bc he scratches a certain itch that no one else can. looks like those two have some competition. . .
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feverista-11 · 1 year
first date with caitlyn (piltover!reader)
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i adore her sm jwjsjsjwjws
this song reminds me of her so much you don’t even understand
to say that caitlyn was nervous as hell to ask you out would be an understatement
a huge understatement
she was in and out of herself for weeks before it actually
cared enough to ask ALL of your friends for your 3 favorite flowers
usually sneaked out of her posts just to see you take a walk in your breaks
you two do see each other regularly, she usually takes you on “hangouts” at the local cafe
literal dates disguised as casual hangouts within friends
back to the date tho
spent hours deciding how to please you with the setup
decided to take you to piltover’s finest restaurant
was determined in making it perfect for you
and so she did
the day before,she got off her shift early just to meet you as you ended your noon classes
“cait, it’s so rare seeing you here! you don’t usually come around” “oh, right, the weather’s just nice to talk a walk, isn’t it?” “sure it is… is something up? you seem, weird” “right! I just wanted to ask you a little question actually” “yeah, sure, what’s up?” “I was just wondering if uh… you’d like to have dinner with me, just us two.. tomorrow?” “you mean like a date?” “No I- yeah.. a date I guess, I mean if you wouldn’t want that it’s o-” “I’d love to go on a date with you cait, don’t worry” “really?! Well then! I’ll come pick you up tomorrow at… 7, does that sound alright?” “It’s perfect, I can’t wait to see how you’ll charm me, kiramman”
and as punctual as she can be, she’s at your doorstep at 6:59pm, ringing your doorbell
you hurriedly put on your heels as you opened the door
the look on her face was just hilarious
she was taken aback on how breathtaking you looked
but composed herself and smiled at you
taking your hand in hers, leading you to the car (with a chauffeur cause my love here is yet to learn how to drive😭)
when you got to the restaurant, she got out first and offered you her hand, while she got a very well hidden bouquet with what were your favorite flowers
“cait?! how’d you know???” “well, I did quite a lot of digging hehe” “this is beautiful… you sure got the charm, kiramman”
you walked up the steps with your hand in hers
then she led you to the beautiful private table she’d prepared for you two
you sat across from her, sharing ever so gentle strokes of the hand, or loving glances every now and then
she’d order your favorite wine beforehand, so it’d be cold by when you arrived
you both ate, conversed for about an hour about sweet nothings with few most casual brushes of her bare leg against yours
“and how have your classes been lately? have you gone by easily?” “actually yes, I hope I’ll be able to finish the year early to get working as soon as possible” “what would your job of interest be then?” “well I was thinking in becoming a lawyer like my mother, I mean, these 4 years of law school haven’t been all for nothing” “you know, i really find it fascinating how you’re so smart yet so charming all at once” “well, it’s not for no reason that I managed to get caitlyn kiramman oh so wrapped around my finger” “sure thing..”
her attempt at making you fold failing once again, as she was left a giddy, blushing mess
after a while of her goofing around with the asparagus that you didn’t eat, it was time to go home
you walked back to the car with your arm locked with hers while laughing about stupid anecdotes
as the driver took the turn for your house, you noticed a road block, well shit
caitlyn looked at you expectantly, almost saying the words with her eyes
“wanna come over?” “well there are not much options are they” you chuckled lightheartedly as the taller girl yawned lazily
when you arrived at the kiramman manor, you had quite a hard time shaking the now asleep caitlyn off your shoulder
she sneakily unlocked the door, but was met with a very worried cassandra and tobias
but once they figured the whole situation out, they were very pleased
you’d met them before, with your mom helping them on a few occasions
they absolutely adored you, to Caitlyn’s relief
the night was short lived, both of you falling asleep rather quickly
you slept on a pair of pajamas she’d lend you
and you shared a bed, quite far from each other yet still hearing each other’s breathing
you woke up to a sight to see
Caitlyn curled up with her head on your chest and her hand locked with yours
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mega-catmuncher · 2 years
None of our business
Chapter 01
Pairing: College!Matt Murdock x fem!reader
Summary: You are a winner. Always have been and always will be. In your final year at Colombia you're aiming to earn an internship from an esteemed law firm which will ensure the success of your career post law school. Someone however, is making life difficult and his name is Matt Murdock. For some reason he's always in your business, everywhere you turn he's there and while you never expected it maybe he's just what you need.
Word count:3.4k
Warnings: swearing, people acting absolutely unhinged and ‼️T/W Frat Bros‼️ (Future SMUT I promise 🤞🏻😮‍💨)
a/n: academic rivals mixed with work/office rivals. Matt and reader are somehow smart enough to be in law school but not smart enough to realise they like each other. Also ALOT of these background characters are OC’s and the only people mentioned from the daredevil series is Foggy(nelson) and Jack (Matts Dad)
(not gonna lie that summary was a lil corny 💀please forgive me 🙏🏻)
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You’ve always been the best at what you do. You uphold yourself to a high standard and its gotten you all the way to your final year studying law at Columbia. It feels surreal at times wondering if you deserve this but you remember how hard you have worked and how proud you will be once you’ve become the best lawyer in New York.
Tonight you’ve got a shift at the local bar and restaurant Barry’s. You’re the star waitress and have earned some regulars who tip very well every time you’re on. Tonight though you are really considering quitting. It’s not only one of the busiest nights due to the Columbia Lions winning last nights football game and their victory party being hosted by Barry’s but you are also responsible for the new trainee who is truly testing your patience. “Foggy, you cannot stay at a table for over 30 minutes after giving them their food. Being overly friendly will not get you tips it will get you fired” you sigh in frustration and you can see he feels bad for upsetting you “sorry” he whispers. Before you can apologise he’s left to get the drinks for the next table. You feel bad but food service can have you dealing with the worst kinds of people and you don’t want Foggy to get discouraged from a little criticism.
You’ve just shown foggy how to lock up and its nearing half three in the morning. After an 8 hour shift with no breaks you are ready to drop. Pulling out of the parking lot you see Foggy at the bus stop. “You know the first bus doesn’t come until six thirty, you can’t wait here for three hours” you tell him from your car. “ Don’t worry about it! I’ll be alright, I’m just too tired to walk” you wouldn’t let Foggy stay there even if you believed him. “Do you live on campus?” you ask. “Yes, but please you really don’t have to driv-”Foggy doesn’t get to the end of his sentence before you’re unlocking your passengers side door and beckoning him into the car. “I know I was hard on you tonight but I promise I’m not an asshole …I’m sorry” judging from Foggy’s smile you think he’s accepted your apology. “ It’s okay..you know you’re not as scary as you look” foggy immediately regrets saying that as you give him a very unimpressed look. “I mean you never smile in lectures and you just always seemed very…cold..from a distance! But getting to know you better tonight you’re cool. I mean I only know so much since Matt does talk-” “it’s okay Foggy I understand what you’re trying to say”.
Waking up Monday morning you regret signing up for an oral presentation workshop. However, you’ve made matters worse by not putting on an alarm and expecting your roommate Lisa to wake you up. Late and rushing you find yourself in not your finest of moments running across campus in yesterday’s mascara and underwear.
In your flurry to get to the workshop you trip over something and find yourself on top of someone. “I am so sorry, are you alright?” you ask frantically. “I don’t think you trip over blind men often so it’s fine” that voice belongs to Matthew Murdock a man who has a talent for getting on your nerves. Why? Because like you Matt is smart but unlike you it comes naturally for him and he takes every chance to throw it in your face. Between having the last word in mock trials to countering your points in class just because he feels like it. “If I didn’t know any better I would think you tripped me on purpose Matt” “ Well you’re still on top of me so I don’t think there’s any hard feelings”. Your rush to get off Matt, help him up and collect your things. “What are you in such a rush for?” Matt asks “ Professor Loc's speech workshop, I’m so late it’s pointless”you say dreading the effect this is going to have on your attendance record. “Don’t worry it’s been cancelled, I was on my way there but I got the email before I walked in” Matt says. Looking through your bag and finding your phone you see the late notification that the class has in fact been cancelled. “Shit I wasted my morning for that” you’re about to turn away until you hear chanting. Very loud chanting.
“ What is going o-” Matt is interrupted by Kevin the star quarterback and frat senior letting out a loud battle roar and running across campus naked being cheered on by freshmen, senior frat members and several other people fascinated by the display. “If I were to tell you exactly what is going on you would regret asking” and in a split second you notice Kevin’s path has changed and he is now running for you and Matt. “Walk with me and don’t ask questions” you grab Matt and begin walking towards the parking lot. “I expect better of you than to rob a blind man y/n”. “I’m not robbing you I’m saving us from embarrassment, unless you want to be between me and a naked Kevin I suggest you keep walking”. Matt suddenly quickens his pace and unfortunately so does Kevin. In a quick span of events you evade Kevins line of sight and pull Matt into a random shed near the library. “Janitors store room, we’ll have to wait out here until the crowd and Kevin have passed” you tell Matt out of breath.
After waiting for 10 minutes Kevin and the group are still chanting near you and Matt. “You might as well test me for our next exam” Matt says. You're dissatisfied with the situation but seeing an opportunity to outsmart Matt Murdock you won’t pass up on. Flipping through your notes you hear Matt huff a laugh “You can’t test me without your notes?”. Although Matt is amused you are not “I need to make sure you don’t try and finesse your way into giving me a bullshit answer that’s only half right” “woah y/n didn’t know I could get you riled up so easily.. did seeing Kevin naked get you excited?” Frustrated with Matts teasing you decide you’ve had enough. “Actually it did.. I have to confess Matt I’m really excited right now” you say trying to sound convincing. “….really?” Matt says genuinely confused. “Yes..and oh I need help to release some of this tension” Matt is slightly bewildered but also intrigued. “Y/N I didn’t expect..” “Matty c’mere I wanna show you something” as Matt approaches you pull the leaf blower from the shelf and turn it on to his lips. Sucking half of his face into the leaf blower is funny for a few seconds until you release it and he seems genuinely mad. “Y/N what the hell!?” Matt yells. You giggle about to say something until you hear the crowd is no longer chanting near you and Matt. “I think we can go back now Matt”
There was something special about today. You didn’t know why but you had a feeling that today something was going to happen that would change the trajectory of your life forever. Minus the pigeon shit that just fell on your coat you expected good things to come your way today.
“ I bought you coffee!!” Your roommate Lisa pops out from the crowd surrounding the campus cafe. “I felt bad about the other morning, you know how forgetful I can be” Lisa says reminding you about the drama surrounding last Monday. In between then you’ve had some time off to prepare for your final year, you bought a whiteboard and you scheduled study sessions with Foggy whenever the both of you weren’t working. “It’s okay, it’s my fault I’ve got to really get my shit together. It’s my final year and I’m lagging because my brain knows I’m at the finish line” you’re a little disappointed in yourself for not being motivated but that’s going to change now that the fall semester has begun and you can officially put your plan in place to get back on track.
Dropping Lisa off at her class you go across the way to the building where your lecture is being held. You sit beside Chris who, although doesn’t seem to listen in lectures he still manages to get great marks and have good notes. In comparison to the mess on your paper at the end of lectures over the years you've benefited more from listening through and copying Chris’s notes after. “How have you been doing? You look good” you’re slightly taken aback by Chris’s compliment. Although he flirts a lot he never teases and often times you think about bitting the bullet and asking him out. That’s if you ever get the time to. “ I’ve been good working, studying and working some more” you laugh feeling a bit pathetic that this has probably been your answer through the whole of your law degree. “ There’s a reason why you're so smart, Besides I heard you’ve organised a study group and didn’t invite me.I’m hurt” he puts his hand over his heart acting wounded. If it were anyone else you would roll your eyes but when Chris’s voice cracks at the word hurt added with the sly grin he has on his face has got you silently begging to to be alone with him. “The group is open, if you want to come just let me know and we’ll make a time to meet up”. Feeling proud of yourself for finding a way to get Chris's contact. Ripping a piece of paper off his notebook he quickly writes something. “ Here’s my number text me and I’ll make sure I bring my notes just for you”. You feel yourself about to sport an embarrassingly big smile until you hear a stick tapping near the doors.
“Murdock! There’s a seat here” you whip your head to Chris and see he’s pointing to the seat next to you. This is not what you had in mind when you thought of your positive mantra of today being a good day. Matt greets Chris and they reach across you to hug. If you were being honest being crushed between Chris and Matt wasn’t that bad, you were blissfully daydreaming away until you felt someone flick your ear. “After sucking my face off you could at the very least talk to me” Matt says grinning mischeviously. Chris is taken aback at the insinuation that you and Matthew Murdock are somehow involved and you are seething that out of all times he decides to start with you in front of Chris. Before you have time to clear any confusion your professor begins the class.
By the end your eyes are drooping from exhaustion and you feel close to calling a cab to get back to your apartment to avoid walking 20 minutes. "Hey sleeping beauty, class is dismissed" Chris tries to nudge you awake. Suddenly becoming alert you give him a tired smile and gather your things. "Do you want to take my notes home?, I won't need them back anytime soon" Chris says. Before you can respond Matt interrupts the seemingly tender moment. " I see my dig about notes the other day hasn't motivated you to aim higher". You are so close to chocking Matt the only thing stopping you is the scandal of assaulting a blind man in public. Ignoring Matt you thank Chris and take his notes with you. On your way out of class you can see a crowd forming around the bulletin board. "They're only offering two places!" "Highest score on the next exam?!". You're near the board to find out what all the commotion is about when you see plastered on the board the opportunity you've been waiting for.
The internship to Cheraus & Pels one of the best law firms in all of New York. You can feel the sweat on the palm of your hand reading over the details then, you feel a presence near. "Too bad they're offering two spots. There's no challenge now". You wish you could formulate a good response but all you can do is focus on the letters on the paper in front of you. "Are you okay? you seem like you're coming down with the flu" Matt goes to put his hand to your forehead but before he can you swat his arm away. "Matt, I have never been more serious about something in my life and the fact that you're treating this like any other thing is absurd to me" you feel bad afterwards for being difficult with Matt in front of everyone but the stress of how real everything is starting feel is getting to you. "Despite how nonchalant I can be, I have sacrificed a lot to even be in this building. Yes y/n, I am taking this very seriously but if I stressed myself out as much as you do I 'd be ill before I even put pen to paper". After hearing what he had just said you came to the sad conclusion that Matt Murdock was right.
Over the next few weeks you had been seeing less of Lisa and Chris and even Matt. You've closed yourself off from the world and against Matts advice you were stressing yourself out. Going only between classes and your apartment to take breaks from preparing for the upcoming exam to eat and sleep. You even gave Barry notice that you would be taking the month off just so that work wouldn't get in the way of studying. What you didn't know was how worried everyone was. Lisa called your mom who then spent an hour on the phone threatening you with a visit. Chris had texted you a few times but you didn't want to distract yourself. Foggy even told Matt about you taking the month off. Which became the last straw. At 9:30pm on a Friday night you heard a knock at the apartment door, you expected that Lisa would get it since she knew you were busy. After a while you realised Lisa wasn't home and whoever it was, was still waiting. Looking through the peephole you get a wave of aggravation seeing Matt at your doorstep.
"I am so busy right now Matt its not even funny" you say opening the door. Matt looks very unamused and goes as far as to walk right past you and let himself in. "y/n this is an intervention, I understand you want that internship as bad as anyone. Trust me I've been doing overtime in the library. That doesn't justify you working yourself so hard".You're about to lose your shit. How dare Matt come into your home uninvited and tell you how you should be living. You're about to yell at him when you realise you're so tired you don't even have the energy. Matt knows something isn't right when he hears a thud and he knows something is definitely not right when you haven't said anything. Checking that you're still breathing Matt carries your fast asleep self to your bed and lays beside you. He doesn't know why but he stays the night. He tells himself its because Lisa isn't home and he doesn't want to leave you in the apartment alone overnight but deep down Matt cares about you and wants to make sure you're alright.
Over the years Matt has grown a sort of affection for you. He's not in love. He just cares, you both work hard but he admires your drive and passion. Because for him, you challenge him to do better and that means a lot. In your first year Matt was having trouble accessing braille translations of archived case documents and while you weren't happy about it you took the time to read out those case documents for him. Once, Matt had come down with mono he missed a week of classes. He didn't want to ask for your help but he didn't have to. You told him to meet you at the library where you proceeded to catch him up on everything he had missed. These moments compiled with all those other times you've helped Matt out over the years makes him want to be the one to help you out this time. At least he though he was helping. He's not so sure now that you've woken up in the afternoon and realised you've missed six and a half hours of study time. "I don't know who you think you are to waltz into my house and control my life. What the fuck was the intervention for?! an addiction to studying. I have never heard something so stupid in my life". Any other time Matt would give you some cool response to one up your little tantrum but right now among all the yelling your eyes are red and he can hear your stomach grumbling. "If I took you for some lunch would you stop yelling at me. Would you stop talking altogether actually?" . You're contemplating committing homicide in this very moment but through the exhaustion, anger and hunger you can see Matt is concerned and while you don't owe him anything you definitely don't think it's fair to let him worry about you. You've also just come to the realisation it wasn't fair to let everyone else in your life worry. "Sorry, let me get dressed and then we can go" Shocked Matt doesn't mention your change in demeanour and lets you direct him to the couch to wait. While you have the time to yourself you send off some quick texts to Lisa, your mom and Chris letting them all know you're alright and there's no need to worry.
Lunch with Matt wasn't as bad as you'd thought it would be and spending time with Matt outside of school proved to be surprisingly beneficial to your mental wellbeing. You had been taking a walk in the park chuckling at some stupid law pun Matt had made when you snapped back to reality. The date of your exam was in three days and you felt so underprepared. Noticing your sudden silence Matt nudges your shoulder. "I didn't think my comedy would kill the mood, If you didn't like that one I've got a whole notes app filled with them" Matt says. "Its not that, I'm just thinking about the exam. After tomorrow we've only got a couple more days". You remove your arm from Matts and go to sit at the bench to clear your mind and figure out what your going to do about everything. "y/n I don't want you to get upset with me but Im going to make you an offer that hopefully you can't refuse" Matt goes on to ask you something you would have surely lost your balance from the shock if your weren't already sitting down. "You can stay at my place until the exam is over. You seemed to have slept better with me at the house and as much as you would hate to admit it we work really well together. My best grades are from when I study with you. "
You feel your resolve melting and as much as you want to keep your regular bitch attitude with Matt he's doing something really nice. Most of all he doesn't need to do any of this. He didn't need to spend the night or come to the apartment to check up on you, he didn't need to get you lunch or take a walk around the park with you and most of all Matt didn't need to worry, but he did. Or does... you don't know but what you do know is Matt is right. In a way things have always worked better when you've done them with Matt. Group projects, study sessions and even those dreaded mock trials. If you were any less oblivious you would realise Matt challenges you in a way you like. In a way that drives you to be better and in times like this it means everything. " I can't believe I'm saying yes but I will move in with you for three nights and four days" you don't know why but you're smiling. "Its settled then, let's shake on it roomie" "shut the fuck up".
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ulfie-by-osmosis · 2 years
15, 20, 27
https://at.tumblr.com/ulfie-by-osmosis/699900540359933953/5jeb0oxhczrs this is the link for the list btw i relaised u rb more than one so
15. Worst thing each member of TFW has done?
Dean: Most of the things I'm thinking of are so OOC and from later seasons that they don't even feel like Dean to me. I guess I would say either locking sam in 4x21 (although that was a sexy episode), or locking jack in s13 or whatever. What is it with this guy and calling the shots on other people's morality? Sam: Killing Emma, no doubt. I don't even like this episode enough to care that much about it, but Sam killing Emma definitely contributed to my dislike for it. OOC, contradictory, and upsetting. Not the writers' or Sam's finest hour. Cas: Not telling Sam about his soul in s6. I understand not telling Dean, and even to some extent not telling Sam, but this is probably the worst thing he's pulled off in ten seasons. EDIT: Cas’ worst thing is actually telling Sam “WE let Lucifer out” in s11. I thought it was pretty OOC but it’s technically canon, so. absolutely awful.
20. Favourite villain?
Don't! Make me! Choose!
Azazel (chosen from lilith, metatron, and god). He's sarcastic, powerful, and has some absolutely insane dialogues. Plus I just like his vibes - one of the actually scary villains.
27. Make up an episode of spn and give specifics
TFW are on a case related to the church that Jimmy Novak used to go to, and it requires angelic expertise. Cas obviously can't be seen anywhere near the place, so Sam suggests that he possess him. Dean vehemently disagrees and drives away to blow off steam. Big mistake, sam n cas are already off to church by the time he comes back.
Sam looks like he's zoning out OR talking to himself every time he and cas discuss something. they buy oranges at the farmers' market on the way to the church. Once they get there, Sam introduces himself as Mr. Macleod-Leahy (cas couldn't pick between the two, and at this point sam is too far beyond being embarrassed of his little crushes).
Cue some good old early-seasons Sam's fear of becoming evil, and Cas' early-seasons brutal kindness. They solve the case, it turns out to be a trans witch putting (honestly hilarious) spells on the weirdos in the church. They tell her to keep it up, have a conversation about gender in Cas' pimpmobile, and call it a day.
What is dean doing throughout this, you ask? Well. He's been assigned Claire Sit Duty by Jody, and every forty seconds she will put on the most pitiful face and ask him shit that will make him want to drive off a cliff.
He gets back home and sees sam sitting in the dark, nodding to himself. "Sam" notices him and immediately slams his door shut. we hear crashing noises, and Sam walks out holding a jar covered in cloth for some reason. Dean decides to address this after addressing his need to shower, walks into the bathroom and fucking SCREAMS because castiel's body is just. sitting there. propped up on the toilet.
Sam rushes in with the jar (now revealed to be full of grace), his only regret that dean found out like this. asks him how his day was. Dean just lunges for sam. cain instinct activated.
cut to credits.
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rosssamanchuk · 2 days
Ross Samanchuk - Enhancing Luxury Living with Advanced Smart Home Systems
When it came time to bring his newly acquired $35 million waterfront mansion on Star Island into the future, rap superstar Rick Ross turned to LUC Electric to seamlessly integrate smart home solutions into his Kobi Karp-designed living spaces, developed by Manny Varas and MV Group.
Founded by Ross Samanchuk and Sergey Holovchenko, LUC Electric is a leading Miami-based provider of luxury Custom Lighting Design and Smart Home Systems. With a strong emphasis on customer service and a deep understanding of client needs, LUC Electric offers a wide range of services, including architectural smart lighting, home security systems, motorized shades, and unique audio/video installations. They manage the entire process, from custom design and installation to post-installation support, ensuring that your Smart Home System delivers unmatched comfort and peace of mind.
LUC Electric is also a pioneer in Custom Architectural Lighting Design. Their eco-conscious luxury lighting design services cater to residential, landscape, and superyacht projects, focusing on creating the perfect atmosphere, mood, functionality, comfort, energy efficiency, increased home value, artistic expression, well-being, and safety. Their attention to detail in custom lighting design enhances human-centric lighting by strategically integrating fixture placement, adjustable color temperatures, and smart controls to align with circadian rhythms and specific tasks. The result is a harmonious blend of light and intelligence that your home truly deserves.
As the smart home industry continues to grow rapidly, LUC Electric remains at the forefront of this trend. They work closely with clients through a comprehensive process that includes discovery and consultation, design and planning, proposal and agreement, pre-installation preparation, installation and integration, calibration and testing, client training and handover, post-installation support, and project closure and evaluation.
LUC Electric offers an extensive range of Smart Home Systems designed to make everyday living more convenient and comfortable. From lighting control systems to security and climate control systems, LUC Electric ensures your home is equipped with the latest technologies to enhance your living experience. Their partnership with LUTRON Lighting Control System enables innovative lighting management solutions, offering energy efficiency, comfort, convenience, safety, and extended lamp life. Moreover, LUC Electric provides state-of-the-art security systems, including perimeter movement control, door locking and unlocking, access control, fire alarm systems, shock sensors, motion sensors, air quality sensors, flood sensors, surveillance, and remote monitoring. They also specialize in luxury motorized shades, featuring LUTRON’s finest products that redefine daylight with unparalleled elegance.
For those seeking a cinematic experience at home, LUC Electric offers an impressive array of high-quality audio and video equipment, including invisible speakers, round 360 acoustic systems, ambient sound solutions, outdoor sound systems, TVs, projectors, and full home cinema setups.
As a testament to their expertise and commitment to quality, rap superstar Rick Ross entrusted LUC Electric to install his home’s smart home system, architectural lighting, and world-class audio and video in his new Star Island mansion. This collaboration highlights the trust and confidence that clients have in LUC Electric’s ability to deliver top-tier services.
LUC Electric’s commitment to providing post-installation support ensures that clients remain satisfied with their smart home systems long after installation. Trust LUC Electric to transform your living space into a state-of-the-art smart home that meets all your needs and exceeds your expectations.
Follow LUC Electric on Instagram and visit them at lucelectric.com.
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gsmdoors · 13 days
Top 5 Benefits of Investing in Premium Doors for Your Home
When it comes to designing a home, every detail matters. One such essential element that adds both beauty and functionality is Premium Doors. These doors do more than just provide access; they enhance the overall aesthetic and security of your home. With various options available, from modern designs to classic Teak Wood Doors, choosing the right door can elevate your living experience. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top five benefits of investing in premium doors for your home, and why GSM Doors is your go-to stylish wooden door supplier.
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1. Superior Durability and Longevity
One of the main reasons to invest in premium doors is their durability. High-quality materials like Teak Wood Doors are known for their strength and resistance to wear and tear. These doors are built to last for decades, making them a long-term investment that pays off in both appearance and functionality. Unlike regular doors, which may need frequent repairs or replacements, premium doors are designed to withstand the test of time, weather changes, and daily use.
With GSM Doors, you can trust that every door is crafted with precision and made from the finest materials. Whether you’re choosing Teak Wood Doors or other high-end options, you’ll enjoy the peace of mind knowing that your doors will maintain their beauty and performance for years to come.
2. Enhanced Security
Your home’s security is non-negotiable, and investing in premium doors provides an added layer of protection. High-quality doors are designed with stronger materials and advanced locking mechanisms, ensuring that your home is safe from intruders. Many stylish wooden door suppliers offer doors that combine elegance with security features, giving you the best of both worlds.
At GSM Doors, we prioritize safety as much as style. Our premium doors are equipped with the latest security technology, ensuring that your family remains protected without compromising on aesthetics.
3. Energy Efficiency
Another significant advantage of installing premium doors is their energy efficiency. These doors are often built with insulating materials that help regulate the temperature inside your home, reducing energy consumption. Whether it’s keeping the heat in during the winter or the cool air in during the summer, premium doors contribute to lower utility bills and a more comfortable living environment.
Teak Wood Doors, for example, are known for their natural insulation properties, making them an excellent choice for energy-efficient homes. GSM Doors takes pride in offering energy-efficient solutions that not only enhance the look of your home but also make it more environmentally friendly.
4. Aesthetic Appeal
Your front door is one of the first things people notice about your home, so why not make a statement? Premium doors come in a variety of styles, finishes, and materials that can significantly enhance your home’s curb appeal. Whether you prefer a classic wooden design or a sleek modern look, there’s a premium door to match your home’s aesthetic.
As a leading stylish wooden door supplier, GSM Doors offers a wide range of design options to suit any architectural style. Our Teak Wood Doors, for instance, offer a timeless elegance that can transform the look of your home, adding warmth and sophistication. With the right premium door, you can elevate your home’s exterior, making a lasting impression on visitors and passersby alike.
5. Increased Property Value
Investing in premium doors not only enhances your living experience but also adds value to your property. Potential buyers are always looking for homes with high-quality features, and premium doors are often considered a significant selling point. Whether you plan to stay in your home for years or eventually sell it, installing stylish and durable doors can boost your home’s market value.
GSM Doors understands the importance of making smart investments in your home. Our selection of premium doors, including Teak Wood Doors, is designed to offer long-term value, ensuring that your home remains desirable and attractive in the real estate market.
Investing in premium doors for your home is a decision that brings numerous benefits. These doors are worth every penny, from enhanced durability and security to improved energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal. Not only do they add functionality to your home, but they also increase its overall value and charm.
If you’re looking for high-quality options, GSM Doors is the perfect choice. As a trusted stylish wooden door supplier, we offer a wide range of Teak Wood Doors and other premium options that combine elegance, security, and durability. Elevate your home with our premium doors and experience the difference they make in both style and function.Choose GSM Doors today for the best premium doors that meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Also, read:
Upgrade Your Home with Ready-Made Wooden Doors by GSM Doors
Originally published at: https://gsmdoors.blogspot.com/2024/09/top-5-benefits-of-investing-in-premium.html
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ozautomation · 1 month
How Can You Be Sure The Safety Of Your Brisbane Garage Door?
Keeping the safety of your garage door in Brisbane is vital for upkeep your house and belongings. Start by investigative the door's hardware, making ensuring the tracks, hinges, and springs are in decent working order. To evade mishaps, make sure the door's automated reversal and balance functions are testedoften. If you want to secure your door from wherever, think about upgrading to a smart garage door opener through remote monitoring and control features. When the door is not in use, make sure it is always closed and reinforce it with a robust deadbolt lock. Maintaining a secure garage door needs regular upkeep and timely repairs.
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Brisbane Garage Door Repairs: AssuringOperationality and Safety Your home's convenience and security are greatly improved by your garage door. Wear and tear over time may cause glitches that call for expert Garage door repairs Brisbane. Maintaining a secure and functional garage door needs understanding typical issues and knowing when to seek repairs. Typical Issues with Garage Doors Daily use of garage doors can lead to a variety of problems over time. Typical issues include the following:
A noisy garage door characteristically indicates that one of its constituents, like the rollers, hinges, or springs, is damaged out. The lifetime of the door can be increased and noise levels can be reducedthrough regular lubrication and prompt garage door repairs in Brisbane.
In case your garage door is not operating properly or seems uneven, it can be the result of misaligned tracks. This problem necessitates quick care since it may cause the door to become trapped or malfunction.
Broken Springs: The garage door's springs are essential for maintaining equilibrium with its weight. A safety issue arises when they break since it could become difficult to enter or close the door. Quick garage door repairs in Brisbane will shield the system from more harm and guarantee secure running.
Opener Problem: A damaged garage door opener can be annoying and unpleasant. It could be time to have anskillful evaluate and repair your garage door opener if your wall switch or remote control are not working correctly.
The Value of Prompt Garage Door Upkeep in Brisbane Postponing maintenance may result in more serious issues and likely safety risks. A faulty spring or cable, for instance, could force the door to fall rapidly and endanger everyone in the area. Besides, a broken door might weaken your home's safety by creating it simpler for burglars to enter. You can keep your garage door operating easily and safely and save money on upkeeps by taking care of problems as soon as they arise. Frequent maintenance can also aid in avoiding issues before they worsen by acting cleaning, inspection, and lubrication on all moving parts.
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Choosing the Finest Brisbane Garage Door Repair Amenity selecting a trustworthy and well-informedfacility provider is vital when it comes to Garage door installation Brisbane. Seek for professionals who have experience through a range of garage door models and who have a solid repair record of accomplishment. In addition to determining the current problem, a professional service will look for any other likely issues that can impair the door's functionality down the road.
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keys4cars · 1 month
How Electronic Key Replacement Can Be A Saviour When You Have Lost Your Keys?
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Ever been so afraid you misplaced your keys that you were unable to breathe? Imagine yourself standing in front of your vehicle or home, searching frantically through your purse or pockets, but you can’t locate your keys. In this instance, things may easily escalate from a little annoyance to a major problem. Should you be able to save a great deal of tension, money, and time, how would you feel? Introducing the realm of electronic key replacement—a novel approach to an age-old issue.
The Problem with Standard Keys
It has been hundreds of years since keys like these existed. They are easy to use and function nicely. They also have a few significant issues, though:
Easy To Misplace Or Pilfer: 
The small size of keys makes them simple to misplace or have someone else steal them.
Inadequate Safety 
Normal keys may be duplicated, which is not secure.
Rare Replacement: 
You will have to pay for and spend time getting a new key cut if you misplace your old one.
These issues indicate that there has to be a safer, better method of key management.
How Can One Change An Electronic Key?
The technical solution to the issues with standard keys is electronic replacement keys. Key fobs, smart keys, and smartphone applications are a few instances of electronic devices that let you enter your house or car. These systems go with cutting-edge protection and authentication techniques to ensure that only authorized users get access.
Features Of Electronic Key Replacement
Key replacement done electronically has the following benefits:
Higher Security
The safety aspect of changing keys electronically is among its finest features. Because electronic keys sometimes include encryption and dynamic codes that vary each time the key is used, it is difficult to duplicate one. This makes entry by those who are not meant to be there very difficult.
How Simple And Handy To Use It Is
Electronic keys provide unparalleled simplicity of use. A touch or press of a button on your phone may allow you to enter your house or automobile with many systems. Some even enable door locking and opening from any location in the globe. It comes in useful if you have to allow someone into your home when you’re not there.
Swift And Simple Replacement
If you misplace a plain old key, you have to see a locksmith and wait for a replacement to be fashioned. The use of an electronic key exchange makes the procedure much simpler. Depending on the system, you may often reset your old system or get a new key in a matter of minutes. You will find it very time and trouble-saving.
Sometimes misplacing your keys may be very upsetting and unpleasant. Here is where automated key replacement is useful. Better safety, unmatched use, and rapid repair options are all offered by this present method. 
Want to get the Electronic Key Replacement? Welcome to Keys4Cars.co.nz (Tauranga Auto Locksmiths Ltd) home of Onsite Car Key & Remote Solutions servicing throughout the Western Bay of Plenty. Contact us at 0800 288 653 or keys4cars.
Resources : https://keys4carstauranga.blogspot.com/2024/08/how-electronic-key-replacement-can-be.html
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