#Fire emblem severa
princepeachu · 8 months
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frickingnerd · 11 months
arguing with severa
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pairing: severa x gn!reader
tags: slight angst
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no matter what the two of you argue about, according to severa, it's always your fault! 
she almost never admits to her mistakes and instead shifts all the blame to you
she's simply too stubborn to admit that she has made a mistake, at least when it comes to being vocal about it
deep down, severa is well aware that she's the one at fault
but she only admits it to herself once all the damage is done and she can't take back the things she said
by then you're usually already leaving, needing a break from her and severa just watches, while you pack your things
she always wants to grab you by the wrist whenever you storm through the door and pull you back into her arms
but she knows she wouldn't be able to get out an apology then and there
she needs some time to calm down before she can apologize
though often she won't even get to apologize, as you two just attempt to ignore your last argument and things just return to normal after a while
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sevxra-arts · 5 months
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Experimenting with a mostly flat color style (because I hate shading). I think my line work carries really nicely hehe.
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wolfdude-8 · 1 month
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Picking up Fire Emblem Awakening for the nth time might've been a mistake. It has "awakened" a hyper fixation (and distracts me from drawing entirely...)
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jebbeesketches · 1 year
We enjoy brainrot. Severa has rotted my brain for years so if a request is alright, she's the pick.
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A fusion of Selena and Severa- wait they're the same character.... WELL I just wanted to combine their outfits 😔!!!!
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Fire Emblem Shipping: Lucina x Severa | Lucisev!
Late happy Valentines Day (💝)
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moaa · 1 year
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onyxedskies · 10 months
snippet sunday aka i'm really proud of this part of the prologue for this fic and wanna share it
Robin was floating. 
Or maybe he was falling?
He couldn’t tell.
He tried to open his eyes, but he was just met with more blackness. 
He tried to move. He couldn’t. He groaned. He wasn’t sure if there was sound. 
He couldn’t feel. There were no fingers to attempt to curl or eyes to blink. There were no breaths to take. He simply… floated. 
But then he was jerked up, and his eyes opened. He was in his coat–but last he remembered, he had tucked it away in the closet. He wasn’t sure when the last time he had actually worn it was, not when he had access to so many better options. Even Morgan–the older one–had abandoned hers eventually. 
The war ended twenty years ago. So why was he wearing his coat?
But then he was falling. He crashed into something–water, perhaps, but he couldn’t tell. Everything was still black. The same black he’d been used to–
He panicked, opening his eyes even as the fluid stung them. He looked at his hands, tearing at the gloves that hid his skin from the world (he hadn’t needed the gloves since then so why–)
There was no mark. He didn’t exhale, not wanting to breathe in whatever fluid he was sinking in. He scrambled up, up, up–he needed to get out. He needed to breathe, his lungs were burning, the surface was so close–
He gasped as the tension broke over his head, treading water desperately as he looked around. But it was all black, only a faint white outline of the fluid showing anything to him. He felt dry and wet and cold and hot and nothing all at the same time, and he looked around desperately.
Grima couldn’t be here. Grima was dead. He had killed him, and he had spent two years here to repent. Two years floating in this nothingness, sometimes whisked away as a ghost, sometimes brought to that fucked-up otherworld to revive his heart or whatever twisted thoughts the gods had to cleanse him–
A purple glow on the horizon. Robin couldn’t breathe. He stared blankly, unseeing, trying to process all of this.
A hollow laugh, reverberating through the void. Robin stiffened, closed his eyes, tried to breathe. This couldn’t be real, he tried to reason. Grima was dead. Grima was dead. Grima was dead. 
Grima was dead.
But then he opened his eyes and his symbol glowed back at him, and he scrambled back but it did nothing, the mark following him. But then it stopped, and it shifted shapes, and–
She was trapped. She was trapped in the purple light, and he couldn’t tell if she was sleeping or dead, and he tried to lurch forward, tried to grasp at the light, but it bent out of his grasp and that laugh rang again and he shivered, terrified. Severa showed no signs of hearing it, staying perfectly still, and he couldn’t tell if he was making up the fact that she was breathing or not, and gods, not her, not his daughter, please–
The laugh grew louder, and then there were hands on Robin’s shoulder, and he turned around to see Grima. His form was shifting, between him and the dragon and, gods, Severa too, and Robin tried to pull away but instead Grima tightened his grip on his shoulders and Robin thrashed against his better judgment, ignoring the way the claws dug into him. 
He turned his head, looking desperately at the light again. Severa still hadn’t moved, but the light was pulsing, and Robin’s blood ran cold when he thought he saw the mark start to form on her hand, the same way it had tainted him for so long. 
“What are you doing to her?” Robin demanded, desperate. That was his daughter, whether he had raised her or not, she had already saved two worlds, she didn’t deserve this–
“Did you really think Naga’s blessing could keep her safe?” Grima asked, three voices–maybe more–all overlapping in a horrible, dissonant chord. “She is known by three dragons–all that makes her is a prime target.”
Robin’s breath hitched as he looked up at her again, and he tried thrashing against Grima harder, tried to get to her, tried to save her. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew there was no stopping this, that it was going to happen no matter how hard he tried, but gods damn it all, he was going to try.
“How are you doing this?” Robin demanded, choking on the words. “You’re dead. I killed you. You died.”
Grima laughed. Horribly, loudly, obnoxiously. “We were separated. I was yanked from this world. But do you really think you, a measly mortal, were strong enough to kill me? Your bloodline lives, stronger than ever. You place too much trust in magic for a worm. Or perhaps not enough?”
Robin felt despair creeping through his veins, cold and sickening. 
“My faithful didn’t simply disappear at the end, you naive fool,” Grima continued. And Robin knew that–wasn’t that what Lon’qu and Tharja’s families dedicated themselves to?–but it still made his blood boil. He thrashed again, desperately trying to free himself from Grima’s clutches. 
But then Grima let go of him, and he stayed in his dragon form as he took off, flying through the void and circling the light and Robin. The beating of his wings made Robin feel sick, but looking at Severa made him feel worse. She had given her life for the world again and again and again, jumping through portal after portal and abandoning the things she loved time and time again, only to be faced with the same fate Robin had been tortured with. 
“Why?” he asked, and Grima only laughed. There was no answer for him to gain from the dragon, from the demon, and so Robin shut him out. He watched, almost wishing that Severa had been dead–for at least then she wouldn’t have to live like this. Like he did. 
She didn’t deserve this. 
But then Grima shoved him down, down, down, into the depths of the fluid of the void, and he thrashed and he panicked and he couldn’t breathe he couldn’t breathe he couldn’t breathe–
He sat up with a start.
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nostofeld · 9 months
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bananabraiined · 10 months
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She proved her worth.
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yancadoodles · 10 months
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how to 🫶🏻
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inqua · 9 months
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doodled some Severa Variants cause i love her and she needs to come home!!! :( pick ur fighter ig
(...but if u pick virion!severa u get miku js)
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pezgenial · 5 months
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sevxra-arts · 2 years
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quick Sev sketch for her bday—
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wolfdude-8 · 1 year
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Yeah, it occurred to me that Robin's father has a beard. So, I like to headcanon Robin CAN grow a beard, but normally shaves.
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pinwheejin · 6 months
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severa bc i love her to bits and i reloaded so many goddamn times just to recruit her
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