wolfdude-8 · 29 days
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Some little drawings of my favorite pairing with *male* Robin. And I swear, whenever I get Morgan to her B Support with her mother, my mind immediately thinks of this.
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foolilazuli · 1 year
It finally happened, we have Groom!Robin 🥰 Now I can pair him up with my Bride!Cordelia❤️❤️❤️
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redhead-enthusiast · 2 years
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CYL7 for FEH is wrapping up, so here's my vote ballet. Who'd you end up voting for?
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winded-wolf · 11 months
I have a very important question about the fell!lucisevs, male or female robin.
alright so here’s the thing and the thing is I haven’t even thought that part through yet. I go back and forth between robin being luci’s OR sev’s parent since both situations have nice nuisances to them. The short answer is I’m inclined to keep this as gay as possible (m!robin for chrobin, f!robin for robdelia), BUT i do especially love f!robin and by extension f!grima, soooo i will have to get back to you on that one
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
Romance being a big part in the FE verse must be why people insist on trying to find canon ships in games such as Awakening, Fates, Three Houses and so on. You know ? Games where the player can marry whoever they want. You have the choice : Chrobin, Robicina, Robilissa, Robdelia, Corrin/Leo, Corrin/Xander, etc.
Well canon FE ships do date back to the Kaga era as the man notoriously had a bunch of romantic plot lines. Honestly, in the post Awakening FE where you have the choice to pick who you end up with, I think that's better personally. Y'know I'd rather have the power to pick who my MC gets with over who the plot says.
But in the cases of people finding "canon" ships, its really just a facet of fandom. When a bunch of fans like a certain ship or it seems to be the "true one" know that's usually the one that's most popular and will be prominent in fandom. I personally don't care for Robin x Lucina, but many do and as such that's why there is a bunch of art and fits of it which will probably go on to make more fans. But in a series where you can pick who you end up with, there's not really a "Right" ship.
Everyone can ship who they want and that's perfectly valid. Course I know fandom discourse and that's something that's way more than FE in general, so there's always gonna be that subject that's like "Well my way is right and you are just not understanding." But again, that's nothing new. That's just fandom discourse.
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aquosevolved · 1 year
what are your other fe ships
Aside from Azurrin and Lilikumi, my other major FE ships are Chrobin, Tiki/M!Robin, and Alcryst/Celine (Alcrine? Alcryne? Celcryst?)
My minor ships come and go but right now I'm also into Ivymant, Robdelia, and LeoSaku.
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shiny-lampent · 6 years
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celebratory doodle of the beach gf’s bc i finally got cordelia (after 160ftp orbs and 200…..not so ftp orbs)
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herodadotus · 6 years
I haven’t posted on here in a little bit, but there are at least two new chapters since I put my story on Tumblr!
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lucisevofficial · 6 years
Y’kno, speaking of meta, you ever stay awake all night thinking about if Lucina told any of her friends about her attempt to kill Robin. Like, the whole scene seems to imply that she planned to do it behind everyone else. Like, would she just never speak of it? She seems to dislike underhandedness, but this could be one of her friends’ or cousin’s parents. Would she be willing to toss friendships away for forthrightness? I hate this, I want to write about it.
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eliswriting · 7 years
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wolfdude-8 · 1 month
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Picking up Fire Emblem Awakening for the nth time might've been a mistake. It has "awakened" a hyper fixation (and distracts me from drawing entirely...)
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freezethunder · 4 years
Another tagged meme!
I was tagged by @creepercraftguy Ok so if I understand the rules to this then, I have list my favorite characters from 10 seperate franchises and then my OTPs from said franchises as well and then tag 10 people. Think I’ll tag 5 people when it comes to it as to not stress a lot of people out sooooo, here we go.
Fav Characters!:
1. Hajime Hinata(DanganRonpa)
2. Apollo Justice(Ace Attorney)
3. Hop(Pokémon)
4. Kirby(Kirby)
5. Bernadetta(Fire Emblem)
6. Futaba Sakura(Persona)
7. Silver the Hedgehog(Sonic)
8. Sora(Kingdom Hearts)
9. Peridot(Steven Universe)
10. Chibiterasu(Okami)
Now OTPs
1. Hinanami(DanganRonpa)
2. Feenris(Ace Attorney)
3. Firstfriendshipping(Pokemon)
4. Adeline/Ribbon(Kirby)
5. Robdelia(Fire Emblem)
6. Shumako(Persona)
7. Silvaze(Sonic)
8. Rokushi(Kingdom Hearts)
9. Connverse(Steven Universe)
10. Amaterasu/Oki(Okami)
Now I’ll tag: @celestial-nova @britkane-shsl-librarian @kyoanime3 @rising-generations @naxal710
Have fun guys!
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sacredsymbol821 · 7 years
*jumps in hoping I'm the first person to say FE* Lets say Awakening though to be nostalgic
Thank you for specifiying a game, I was ready to break out the ship list like UHHHHHHHHH
there are too many ships in this game, but I’ve been thinking alot about Robdelia and Robin/Sumia lately
favourite canon pairing
there are no canon pairings in Awakening! uhhhhhhhhh? we’ll go with my canon pairing then, I like Lonqu’s support with Robin. 
worst pairing ever
Co/rd/elia/x Fred/er/ick. I could go on fo r da y s about this.
guilty pleasure pairing
I’m going Gerome/Cynthia because their supports are so silly but I like them together anyway
a pairing you want to see moreCynthia x Gerome. 
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no” I liked Lo/nqu’s and Ol/ivia’s supports, but not to the point that other people do. 
favorite non-romantic pairCh/robin, actually. Luv my blueberry bff
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aquosevolved · 5 years
robdelia for ship meme
Who said “I love you” first: Cordelia, surprisingly
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Cordelia
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: They both do.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Robin
Who initiated the first kiss: In classic fashion for these two, Cordelia waits for the timing to be perfect for her to initiate the first kiss. Robin makes his move spur of the moment.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Robin doesn’t sleep so him, I guess.
Who starts tickle fights: Robin, because seeing his “image of perfection” wife writhing in laughter and trying to get him off her will never not be hilarious. He doesn’t do it too often, though.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: It’s more that Cordelia asks Robin to join her than the other way around. He’s a workaholic and doesn’t really practice good hygiene unless she tricks him into it.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Robin showed up to one of Cordelia’s training sessions with a junior class of Pegasus Knights. They never let their captain live it down.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Cordelia. Robin was actually pretty confident.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Robin, but only after enjoying the scene of his wife, who he has watched take down an army of Risen by herself on multiple occasions, freak out over a tiny, harmless spider.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Cordelia.
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aquosevolved · 5 years
robdelia with 45 and 92
45 - listen
It was still dark when Cordelia awoke to a faint sound. The bedroom she shared with her husband was illuminated solely by a patch of moonlight shining through the room’s sole window.
“Robin, do you hear that?” She whispered. There was no response. She reached over to where he normally slept beside her. He wasn’t there but the bed was still warm. Then she heard the noise again. It sounded like…humming?
Cordelia sat up in bed and there, in a bright patch of moonlight in the corner of the room, Robin sat in the rocking chair with their infant daughter. In such light, the pale hair of the two people she loved most in this world had a silvery glow. They looked like a pair of angels. In her mind, they might as well have been.
(can’t think of anything that works for 92 - mature, sorry)
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aquosevolved · 6 years
Robdelia Accidentally Married Royal AU.
This is cliche as shit and I’m not sorry because it’s the only coherent thing I could think of.
Robin awoke slowly to a throbbing headache and a blinding light. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned weakly in protest.
“Hey, not so loud…” A vaguely familiar voice whined quietly directly into his ear. Robin had to stifle the scream of pain that threatened to escape from his lips 
The prince of Plegia opened his eyes just barely enough for a blurry squint; there was a large mass of something red in bed next to him, sprawled awkwardly in the silky purple sheets. He reached out to touch it and found it was quite soft; almost as soft as his bedsheets.
“Leggo..” The voice whined again. At this, Robin opened his eyes wider to find that he was touching Cordelia’s hair. He closed his eyes and smiled; he had always thought that Ylisse’s finest pegasus knight had really nice hair.
His eyes flung open and he screamed in shock, which caused Cordelia to scream in response.
“Cordelia?! What are you doing in my bed?!” Robin demanded. He recoiled; yelling made his headache worse, both from the stress yelling had on his body and from the volume of it.
“P-Prince Robin?!” The Pegasus Knight scooted away from him, off the edge of the bed, and onto the floor. 
“Oh, good. You’re awake.” A dry voice croaked. The heads of both Robin and Cordelia snapped in its direction to find one of Robin’s retainers lounging on a couch in the corner of the room, her nose in a book. “If you didn’t wake up soon, I thought I would have to call a healer. Too bad. I heard that healing magic actually makes hangovers worse.”
Tharja snapped her book shut and rose. “I’ll be right back. You two lovebirds try not to injure yourselves while I’m gone.” She slammed the door behind her, which caused the room’s remaining occupants to wince.
Lovebirds?! Robin thought incredulously. He took another look at Cordelia to find her with her back turned to him as she wrapped herself with his bedsheets. There was a white veil thrown over the back of her head.
“Heard you two were finally up, Your Highnesses!” A gleeful voice filled the room before its owner even entered. The door creaked open to reveal Robin’s other retainer with a shit-eating grin on his face or, more precisely, a more intense shit-eating grin than his usual one.
“Henry, what the hells is going on?!” Robin quickly crossed the room to grab the dark mage by the collar. “Why did I wake up with Cordelia in my bed?!” The prince pointed over his shoulder.
“Well, you’d better get used to it because that’s gonna be every morning for you from now on! Nya ha ha!” Despite his liege more or less threatening him, Henry was as joyful as ever.
Robin hung his head and released his grip on his retainer’s collar to clutch at the sides of his head with his palms over his ears. “Gods damn it. Can you stop with the riddles?” He didn’t particularly mind the prospect of that (in fact, he actually kind of liked it), but he was still confused.
Henry just laughed. “You mean you don’t remember when you two asked Libra to marry you last night? Or how you threatened him with, in your own words, “one million years dungeon” when he tried to refuse?”
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