#Fire tribe
irradiated-imp · 1 year
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Been giving the 'Matoran Universe' side of things a lot of attention, so decided to give the non MU side of things some love. The Agori
The Natives of Spherus Magna, and later Bara Magna after the Shattering. They are a race of hardy organic beings with naturally metallic skeletons. they are exceptionally long lived, which is only further enhanced by the common use of cybernetic implants in the race.
They are divided into various Tribes across the world, each taking a name relevant to an element important to their society, or naming themselves after where they live.
Zesk A sub-race of Agori, and all that remains of the Sand Tribe. They were modified by the Great Beings into a more beastial form, and slowly over time devolved into little more than animals. Most Zesk however, are able to be acclimated into civilized society under the right circumstances.
Glatorian A species of beings closely related to the Agori, but larger and stronger. They often live in the Triebs alongside Agori. After the Shattering, Glatorian picked up the role of protectors of the Agori. They protected their younger relatives from the various threats of Bara Magna.
Eventually, as things settled and resources began to dwindle, wars broke out amongst the Agori, Glatorian, and the Skrall. Eventually, things settled with the creation of the Glatorian Arenas. Glatorian would fight in the arenas to earn resources for their Tribes.
Though Glatorian is traditionally the name of a race, it has since evolved into a title as well. Anyone who fights in a Glatorian Arena earns the title of Glatorian, regardless of what they are. Agori, Skrall, Matoran, Toa, etc.
Vorox Similar to the Zesk, the Vorox were Glatorian of the Sand Tribe, modified by the Great Beings. Like their smaller cousins, the Vorox devolved into aggressive desert wondering animals. They too can be acclimated into society, but doing so is much more difficult due to their enhanced strength and durability.
Skrall Another close relative of the Agori and Glatorian, though distinct, the Skrall are a race of strong and durable people. They live alongside Agori in the Stone Tribe.
Skrall culture is rather violent, more so than Agori and Glatorian culture. In recent years however, after the Reformation things have begun to mellow out however. Even before then, many individual Skrall have incorporated themselves into other tribes.
Kaadrix is one such Skrall. He was exiled from the Stone Tribe before the Reformation. He wandered alone for a long time, before finding a tribe called the Mountain Tribe. He was able to incorporate himself into the tribe.
Koza is a Skrall warrior that has heavily modified himself through cybernetics. He is much stronger than most other Skrall. He's infamous for his brutality in the Arena, having torn another Glatorian by the name of Telrakk apart.
Gelra a Glatorian of the Water Tribe. She's a strong, burly warrior with an ego to her. She's well known for her outstanding strength, surprisingly able to match Koza in hand to hand combat on numerous occassions, and typically choosing to fight other Glatorian who are using vehicles or mounts.
Telrakk was an up and coming Glatorian for a branch of the Jungle Tribe. He suffered a particularly nasty loss at the hands of Koza, leaving him severely injured. Eventually, much of body was replaced by mechanics as a result. Over time his off shoot of the Jungle Tribe would run into hardship with Bone Hunters, and during a rematch with Koza, his Tribe's home was razed by the bandits. His return to his destroyed home lead him to become
Talrakk the Conqueror an infamous warlord who uses engineered robots as his army. He intends to conquer as much of the Spherus Magna as he can to forcefully protect it from outside threats with his mechanical troops.
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mocsbylexan · 2 years
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Bara Magna, c. 2060 AGR
"If you wanna crack open a cyberthornax this nasty, you’re gonna need a real top notch e-driller. I know a guy. Timendus. he’s got the frag ordinance you need to grizzle this kolhii ball. The only thing about him is he's kinda, uuuuh..."
"He's a coward."
"... Yeah. That."
Moctober 2022, day 22
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The Fire Tribe cares about honor just like The Fire Nation 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm just saying -- they're the same
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boonalina · 7 months
My review of ATLA Live Action episode one:
(Keep in mind, at this point I have only seen episode 1 and so this is just my first impression)
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Remember, there are spoilers ahead and I seriously think you should watch it yourself before reading any review. Trust me, having your own impression first before anyone else's is way better... Okay here we go:
Review of episode one, first impressions:
I really loved how we got to see what the air temple genocide looked like. It really shows that they're fully aware that the main audience has grown up. I watched it with my sister, her hubby, and my 5-yr niece and we didn't know that it would literally show people getting burned alive, so we had to cover her eyes a lot lol. I loved how we got to see firelord Sozin when he was first declaring war.
I really liked how we got to see monk Gyatsu (having that name in 2024 is sure rough buddy..) actually want Aang to have a childhood before they told him he's the avatar. The bending looks really cool, not slow and cringey like in the first live action movie haha. I thought the way that one air-bender died, the woman doing the air tornado, was fricken BRUTAL. And it's great to see just how far they're going with the onscreen death.
My brother-in-law (sister's hubby) felt really iffy on the fact that Aang can just sort of fly on his own now, without his glider thing. I honestly don't mind it, I don't think it really affects the story all that much. And it also just.. makes sense, for an air-bender to be able to fly on their own. I love how they got the grandma to say the original intro from the cartoon in a natural way as an explanation to Aang.
I liked how they kept the original motifs. The fire tribe still has that classic "BUM bum bUm baaaaam" idk how else to describe it haha
Aang: I thought his acting was pretty good for a kid. The crying parts were decent at best... but obviously I don't expect a kid to be great at faking tears. I thought his acting was great when he learned that he was the avatar, just that silent panic, the breathing getting faster and darting the eyes. The scene where he closed himself in the ice ball thing looked really cool. (My brother-in-law was fanboying the whole time, so much so that my niece started imitating him by saying "O M G the acting is SO good!" which made us all laugh, she didn't have ill-intent, she was just learning by example)
Katara: Her acting was a little iffy to me, I have hope that it'll improve later on. She had good lines but her face just didn't make me believe those lines. During emotional moments she was just kinda '_' But I know how tough it is to be a child actor so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. (And to be fair, it is hard to convey emotion as good as a cartoon can) Her water bending looked really pretty, and I love that they kept her hair loopies. And I love that she still has her motherly personality like when she was comforting Aang near the end.
Sokka: Again, I thought his acting was pretty decent, child actors and whatnot. I really love how they didn't just reuse the same jokes from the cartoon and got original. My favorite two jokes were when it cut to him screaming on Appa, and when Aang said that he had to save the world and Sokka's response was like "Gee, is that all?" sarcastically, got a good laugh outta me. I love how his weapon looked exactly like the one in the cartoon. And I love how he got to have a one-on-one stand off with Zuko.
Haven't seen Momo yet, gonna be a bit disappointed if we don't but I mean.... Now that I think about it, Momo didn't really add anything. He was just kinda there in the cartoon for comedic affect...
Anyway, just in case someone is reading this before watching it, I'm not gonna spoil/talk about anything else (like Zuko and Iroh). So please go get your own impressions of it, even if you have to watch it on a pirated site.
Thanks for reading :)
(Side note, I do wish they chose tanner actors for the water tribe but eh, what the hell do I know? Could just be the lighting that's making them look pale)
Edit: So I just found out that Sokka and Katara's actors are not children lol (well, Karata's is 17 but that's almost an adult) so it is now a little less excusable.... But whatever, it's okay.
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maris-stella · 2 years
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for a secret santa event, request was Laegjarn in a fire tribe attire
(also on Twitter)
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hes-a-plant · 1 year
Headcanon that those from the water tribe get more migraines than any other tribe solely because water is the opposite of fire.
I dunno bout y’all but when I get a migraine I sure as hell want to fight everything that creates bright light including Agni himself.
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theriu · 1 year
I like to think that at least once, the Avatar cycle seemed to skip the Water Tribe—like people knew it was the water tribe’s turn, everyone was looking for them, the tests are done on all the kids, but like 60-80 years go by and no avatar until some Earth Kingdom kid shows up. People wonder if the cycle skipped a generation or what, but nothing serious was going on at that time so they shrug and move on.
It’s only many many years later that someone is researching Swampbender oral history and someone tells the story of “Ol Stinky Jess, she was a funny one, could light the swamp on fire an’ all sorts o’ shenanigans! Best catfishgator catcher in the tribe, she was” and thats literally it, she just lived a totally chill life in the swamp and nobody knew what an avatar was at the time so they just rolled with that funny gal’s odd bending ways.
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verrixstudios · 4 months
Last Tribe A Day run cycle was today so I decided to combine them all to show the differences!
ID under the cut
[ID: Seven sketchy animated run cycles, all of the original dragon tribes from Wings of Fire. They alternate sides as they go down, starting with the top one on the left and the second on the right, and so on. The background is a blank white. Each dragon has shaded limbs to help see the differences while in movement. The right wing is the darkest shade, followed by the left wing (closest to the screen), the the right legs are the lightest shaded. Descriptions are in order from top to bottom:
Mudwing: Drawn in a dark red. The thickest dragon by far, opening is mouth in a smile as its front legs hit the ground. Its large wings have four toes as if they were a third set of talons, which is used as another set of legs while running. The wings lift off after the back legs. The entire body bobs with its weight while it runs, lunging with its back legs. One of its back legs disappears while it runs (oopsies) and its large tail flicks with the run.
Skywing: Drawn in a darker red. Much skinnier dragon with longer limbs and larger wings. Its large wings remain slight open above its border, slightly bobbing as it moves. The body itself doesn’t move up and down, instead just twisting with movement of its limbs. Its tail is a little stiff, again just moving up and down. As it runs, one foot touches and leaves the ground at a time.
Icewing: Drawn in a dark blue. Its body and shape is ridgid, its head swooping up and down like it lunges with every time its front talons land. Again, its wings are used as a third pair of legs, however they are mostly used after the other limbs are mid-air. Its talons are visibly sharper, as well as its wings. Sharp spines on the back of its neck and end of its tail are visible as well, which bobs with the movement.
Seawing: Drawn in a dark blue. A thicker, long dragon with short but thick limbs and webbed frills along its spine and sternum. It’s thick tail continues the up and down curve it’s body makes with every move, flicking the end of the frills as it does. Its wings are semi open above its body, bobbing with the running movement and tilting up and down as its spine curves.
Sandwing: Drawn in a warm brown. Long limbs but thicker than skywing. All four feet lift of the air when they’re closest during the run, each foot hitting the ground one at a time. It’s barbed scorpion-like tail bobs up and down at the end. Its wings are folded and stuff near its shoulders, tilted diagonally. A solid frill lines its spine, biggest at the back of its neck and above the back legs.
Nightwing: Drawn in a dark purple grey, and by far the stiffest run cycle. Thick body with short but thinner legs than mudwings or seawings. Spikes line the spine all along its body, longest at the back of the neck and back of the body. Its wings are held stiffly and slightly folded over its body. Other than the legs and tail, most of the nightwing barely moves as it runs, and its legs hit the ground in pairs, front legs then back legs. They don’t even cross between each other at the closest part in the run. Its mouth opens and closes as it runs, not in any particular expression, I was just bored.
Rainwing: Drawn in a muted dark green. By far the bounciest run. It has a thin body and a head I accidentally drew a little big. It’s three-toed wings are used as a third pair of legs, used most right before it’s front legs hit the ground. Its front legs hit the ground at different time, however the back legs hit and leave together. Its tail is by far the longest, curled at the end and slightly unraveling as it flicks up and down. Beneath the curved horns is a frill with two connections that slight opens and closes with the movement. It’s grin also opens and closes with the movement.
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
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There is no such thing as personal space between them.
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3cosmicfrogs · 1 year
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I wanted to go a bit more in-depth with this piece that I did for zukka week 2023 because i got inspired to do more insane clothing details. ID in ALT.
Ramble about the influences/inspirations below:
Design inspirations for Sokka's clothing are mainly Inuvialuit and Yup'ik, with Nenets, Tlingit, and Chukchi inspiration for the tassels, patterns, belt and beadwork. I mixed these with the ornaments canon shows us used by the Northern Water Tribe, and also in Legend of Korra. I got particularly excited about drawing from Inuvialuit sources since the tassels we see in canon look like they could be inspired by this. Going beyond canon's animation-friendly colour scheme, I drew from Nenets patterns/embroidery/sashes and Yup'ik beadwork for accent colours. I think in the future I'd like to find ways to incorporate more Tlingit-style patterns since I rarely see them in fanart (which is a shame - they're stunning), but since they tend to be very big I ultimately decided to only include them as a nod in order to keep the regalia recognisable as 'Water Tribe'. I wonder if I could start using Polynesian influences as well?
Zuko's headdress and particularly the shoulder garment and beaded embroidery draw heavily from women's clothing styles of Lê Dynasty Vietnam. The other main influence is men's royal clothing in Tang Dynasty China, and patterns worn by Mongolian Khatun. Since we have a bit more to go on in canon as to what fire nation regalia looks like, I blended that in as well. I got particularly excited about the embellishments on Lê Dynasty clothes because I could give a little nod to Zuko's dragon-fire by adding more colours to the embroidery. In the future I think I'd want to make the Mongolian influence a bit more obvious... perhaps even push the envelope by incorporating some Bashkir designs, though I'm not sure how well that will go.
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yvainart · 7 months
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kissing in secret behind royal palace’s walls
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mocsbylexan · 2 years
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Agori of Neo Le Metru
Bara Magna, c. 2060 AGR
According to Tamaragh's Precepts, Spheran beings of any kind are anathema to Mata Nui's grand design. But workers are workers, and of all the six cities Neo Le Metru is one of the loosest with its dogma, much to the chagrin of the capital. Agori of the wastes may indeed find that there is a place for them in the sunless undercity around the foundations of the air citadel, as unpleasant as it may be; moving goods in the truckyards or working alongside vo-matoran to keep the power flowing to the city's industrial centers. Ironically, there are vanishingly few jungle tribe agori in Neo Le Metru, most of whom find the environment untenable. Not that tribal affiliations seem to matter much here. Especially not to the vahki.
Moctober 2022, day 16
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I have a confession. I thought it was very attractive when Kan Tae Jun said this to Yona 🙊
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dead-end-draws · 5 months
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WOF tribe Merchant/Trading booth concepts:
Hey folks! This one was the recent winner of this WOF poll, so here’s my concept art that headcannons trading in Pyrrhia.
Read below cut for close-ups of the individual booths + the thought process / headcannons behind the design choices: 👇
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Skywings: The Sky Kingdom’s mountain ranges provide plenty of pasture for raising sheep. As such, Skywing shepherds benefit from traveling to sell their wool, dyes, fabric, and woven tapestries. Many of these merchant tables also include herbs grown exclusively in the mountains, or ibex drinking horns that can be strapped on a dragon’s shoulder & carried in flight.
Along with goods, Skywing merchants may offer sewing services to fix tears, burn marks, or other fabric damage. They are sought out for their quality clothing, and most fabric across Pyrria originated from a Skywing’s talons.
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Mudwings: Mudwings’ abundant food & cooking skills are envied almost anywhere in Pyrrhia. Their swamps have fertile soil, responsible for hosting diverse crops which can be purchased as produce at merchant stalls. For those lucky enough to find a traveling Mudwing merchant, the promise of a delicious dish can be whipped up and served at the stall in no time. Along with produce goods, Mudwings sell weaved baskets, spices, and cooking ware.
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Sandwings: Sandwing booths offer luxuries of the desert: It’s most common to find accessories such as gold carved jewelry or musical instruments such as drums, lyres, & mandolins for sale. Though, even more sought out across Pyrrhia is Sandwing tattoos/piercings, which are done within the merchant areas. Ink etchings on papyrus paper are stationed outside their tents to showcase designs. All which can be selected, and poked into the skin with a tapping stick and plant dye ink by a trained talon.
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Seawings: SeaWings sell a variety of ocean related goods; taking a share in the fish market with Icewings. Outside of food, there are den decorations like driftwood carvings, accessories such as seashell & pearl jewelry, and rope nets weaved by expert Seawing sailors. Some Seawings even sell fishing equipment, canoes, or offer sailor knot tying instructions to curious dragon buyers.
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Nightwings: During the war, it was near impossible to find a Nightwing merchant. Most refused to participate in merchant territory, mostly as a way to keep up with their tribe’s mysterious nature.
Though in the more shady, unground parts of the market you can buy from a huge selection of obsidian weaponry, the sharpest in Pyrrhia. No one knew initially how Nightwings smithed so many weapons, or why, until their secret volcano kingdom and the intention to invade the rainforest was discovered. Then forging armor & weapons became clear. Along with a vast armory, for the right price, some Nightwing merchants offer Prophecies & Nightwing Literature (not always guaranteed to always be reliable) and assassin services as well (very reliable).
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Rainwings: Though Rainwings haven’t been part of Pyrrhia trading for years, they have a vast hold on dragon medicine. An apothecary of herbs, salves, and remedies are all offered for various ailments due to the rainforest’s abundant resources. Along with medicinal goods, many Rainwings are fruit vendors, promising to any hesitant meat-eating dragons that such an array of flavors isn’t to be missed. Though, their fruit selling pitches often fall flat to most other predominantly meat-eating tribes.
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Icewings: Icewings have everything a dragon could need to brace the cold, with a selection of goods only found in the most frigid regions of Pyrrhia. Furs, bone jewelry, and fresh fish (thanks to frost breath) are served on ice. Though Icewings themselves don’t require fur to withstand the cold, it’s considered fashionable and common in upper ranks to wear fur as a status symbol. Since metal is hard to smith without fire & in cold temperatures, fur and bone are more accessible to Icewings for clothing statements.
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justthoughts1310 · 7 months
Sokka may not be a misogynist, but the Netflix live action ATLA is:
There really is no cartoon/anime for female empowerment like the OG ATLA and LOK cartoons.
The creators of ATLA wrote the manifesto on how to create a masterful series on female empowerment and equality that is not cheesy or hocky.
In this show, women and girls are not a monolith but immensely diverse. There's no correct way to be a powerful, talented and bold woman or girl within the avatar universe.
You can be hyper-feminine like Ty Lee and Asami.
You can embody more traditionally masculine qualities like Korra and Toph.
Or you could just be a typical woman or girl falling more in between like Azula, Mai, or Suki.
You see the exact same thing for the male characters. There's no right way to be a man. There's many ways to be a man, and this idea flies in the face of patriarchy.
I say that the Netflix version is misogynist, because it's not enough to be a powerful woman. One must be allowed to be unapologetically, unabashedly and boldy powerful.
Which is what happens in the OG ATLA. Sokka's misogyny was actually a part of his character arc, because every time he was misogynist his misogyny was met with the answer that women and girls are phenomenal, that women and girls are living their lives and largely unconcerned with the opinions of men.
If you read the Kiyoshi novels, you learn that surprisingly enough, the least patriarchal amd misogynist nation in all of Avatar is the fire nation, and the misogynistic nation in all of Avatar is the northern water tribe.
The reason I say that the women in these shows are unabashedly powerful is because aside from Sokka and the master from the Northern Water tribe, no one ever questions why or how they are powerful. They expect it.
Zuko is Ozai's first born son, yet Azula is his pride. When Ozai imagines the future, he imagines it with Azula as the fire lord. He names her after his father. He trusts her to go find the avatar once he knows the avatar has returned.
Sokka and Katara effectively lost both of their parents, but Katara the youngest steps up as the mother and becomes the glue of the group. She's the one who becomes both an immensely powerful bender and healer.
Suki loves Sokka, but when we are introduced to her. She is unconcerned with him. Her and the other Kiyoshi warriors are the protectors of the village who go out into the world to do good into the world.
We see the revseral of all of these tenants in the Netflix show.
Ozai has hope for Zuko at the expense of Azula who he sees as a nuisance. She is no longer am obvious prodigy.
Katara is seen as a child who will not grow up by her brother who is now behaving as a father figure.
Suki is infatuated with Sokka and she follows him around Kiyoshi island when he arrives.
These woman are powerful but restrained and undermined in this power. Suki becomes concerned with the opinions of a man, and a random man at that.
What the OG ATLA taught to all women, girls, boys and men is that you never have to apologize for being powerful, intelligent, kind empathetic.
This is a very critical point that cuts to the heart of the OG ATLA that Netflix has missed.
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avatarrdd · 6 months
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Can we appreciate comics Mai😌
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