#Firefly Ice
pinkypastal · 4 days
Me about a character I like: man, I am so obsessed with them... they're kinda hard not to like lol
Meanwhile, the character: literally one of the most controversial and highly debated characters in the series
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drfirefly08 · 4 months
this one is for the yanqing mains and the misha mains discord servers
yanqing x misha real
misha: [dies from being too flustered]
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selidor · 6 months
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astrxlfinale · 5 days
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I'll show you how good that aim of mine likes to be!
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mxnxdrama · 3 months
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"It was me, Trailblazer. I was the one who swapped out Firefly's drip marketing with Boothill's, shattering your hopes and dreams for Firefly on 2.2!"
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ancicntforged · 1 month
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"Make sure you pull for my lightcone and eidolons, trailblazers."
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Favorite Shoujo / Josei Anime (Round 2)
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"So considering it's a trend for a lotta lookalikes...Shall we make a Firefly squad?"
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thelone-copper · 1 year
Does Colt hate mosquitoes, and if so what is his reaction when he sees one?
Oh he mf despises mosquitos. Even tho he loves animals of any time, bro would throw down with a mosquito. If he sees one on his body/his horses, it’s getting a swift backhand to the body💀
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duckingwriting · 1 month
Find the word tag
I was tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks here
No pressure tagging: @author-a-holmes, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @squarebracket-trickster, @sarahlizziewrites, and leaving an open tag
Your words are - Hard, Finger, crystal, jealousy, and silence
My words are - depress, favor/favour, entertain, attract
Snips bellow the cut
Depress Depressed- from my gay superhero comic
PANEL 1 Happy and proud parents. They're both smiling and their attention is solely on their child. Mother is sitting up in bed, she's visibly exhausted even as she holds the baby to her breast for feeding. Father is sitting on the edge of the bed beside her. His arm aorund her shoulders, she has her head resting against his shoulder. His other hand is caressing the baby(Lykos) LYKOS' FATHER: (WHISPERING, SMALL WORDS) I'm so proud. PANEL 2 Mother is sitting up fixing her hair. Her attention is on the doorway, Father stands with his arms crossed and a smirk as he appears to be conversing with reporters crowding the doorway. Both have cold eyes. In the corner is a crib with a screaming baby(Nik) and two other children. A boy about 8 and a girl about 5 who, while dressed to the nines appear utterly depressed as they stare at their parents with longing. NIK'S FATHER: (EXCLAIMING, LARGE BOLD) I'm so proud!
Favor - from Tricera-Tops
Kathrin tensed when she found herself beneath the gaze of the man who had just shifted from some kind of monster to a very good looking man. He still had the same golden-green eyes that pinned her when his gaze swung to her. Her heartbeat quickened and she told herself it was because she was afraid, which was a perfectly normal response given the circumstances. Her fingers were lightly grazing his arm, she could not resist giving into her curiosity. She had watched as the monstrous features melted away and a tall man stood in his place. His features were square and strong, his muscles rippled beneath the skin. Kathrin wanted answers. And since they could not talk with each other she had to take her own steps to find the answers. Her fingers softly moved up and down his arm after a moment of sharing eye contact. She could not move her eyes away from his face. She could still recognize the previous features that were distorted by the frill and horns but he did not seem to be distressed. His skin was rough, harder than she would have expected. It reminded her a bit of snake skin in texture. She saw his fingers twitch out of the corner of her eyes. He dropped his hands to her side and she felt his muscles moving beneath his skin while he stared at her.  Kathrin waited for the man to move again but he just stared at her, seeming to wait for her to do something. Catching her lip between her teeth Kathrin dropped her gaze to her hand as she traced the lines of muscles beneath her hand. She expected to find hair but found none. She slowly moved around him. Forgetting her fear in favor of the consuming curiosity. She ran her fingers over his chest and realized there was no hair there. As far as she could tell he had no hair any where. She stood on her tip toes to try and get a closer look at his face. At where the horns had been. Her fingers lightly grazed over the area and a sudden sound had her freezing's. She looked down into his eyes to see them half lidded as he leaned into the touch of her fingers. She pressed her fingers over the spots his horns had vanished again and was reward with the strange sound deepening. She could feel the vibrations from his body and lightly licked her lips. She thought the sound was almost a purr. She slid her fingers down between his eyes to the tip of his nose and the vibrations in the air grew stronger. 
Entertain Entertainment - from Just Bound, CW/TW - Mention of sex and Jayne's lack of self-worth
Jayne was in the kitchen making a snack when Mal found him. Pinning him in the kitchen by casually leaning across the door way. Jayne knew that if he tried to leave Mal would follow him. So he said nothing. "Noticed it was a lot less horrific this time around." Mal drawled watching Jayne for any sign on what his omega was planning. Jayne paused opening the can of beans and looked over at Mal with a frown. "I miss the shootin'?" Mal shook his head. "Nah. Meant you didn't immediately ask if you could start gettin' sexed." "Ah." Jayne turned his back on Mal again. His alpha wanted to know that he wasn't needed. That he didn't have any duty that night to Jayne. He blew out an angry huff of air, unwilling to admit the sting of jealosy that shot through him when he thought about what Mal would be doing instead. "Sure I can find entertainment later if I need to." "Need to know if I'm askin' one of the others to stay with the ship tonight or not, Jayne." Mal pushed trying to get the omega to admit his plans for the night one way or the other.  Jayne slammed the can on the counter with his knuckles turning white where he gripped it. He closed his eyes and tried to tried to keep his voice even despite his desire to rage that Mal did not need to go to Inara. That Jayne could do anything she could. He had stayed with Mal. He did not let the man's temper chase him away. But then he reminded himself that he had always known, no matter how much Mal claimed him, Inara had always mattered more. Jayne was just a hole he enjoyed because she wasn't available. He was part of Mal's crew. Part of his pack. But that was all, despite the marks on his throat and pec.
Attract Attracted - from the unnamed Jayne/Simon firefly A/B/O AU
Simon thumped his head lightly against the medicine cabinet in the med bay. All the research he had found said there was no reason he should still be attracted to Jayne the way he was. After all, not without the bond being reinforced. But he had walked into some cargo earlier that day watching the man as he bench pressed more weight than Simon thought he could move alone at all. It had sent a flash of arousal through his body and Jayne's dark blue eyes had swung to him. Simon almost dropped to his knees but instead had walked right into a crate just as Mal came down the cat walk. The pack alpha raising an eyebrow as Simon blushed and stumbled his way through some excuse before scrambling away towards med bay.  "Stupid." River huffed as she stood in the door way, gripping the frame and leaning her weight against it, swinging slightly forward and back. "What?" Simon turned from the cabinet and looked over at his sister, wondering if she would step into the med bay. She still rarely stepped close to it.  "You're a boob." River grinned at Simon who offered a weak smile confused smile in return. "Why's that?" Simon was not sure if he was really expecting an answer or not. River's grin melted as she rolled her eyes instead. She continued swinging in the door frame so Simon sighed and turned back to taking stock of the inventory. Other than his...reactions to Jayne, Simon had not had any shift in his relationships with anyone else in the crew. There was the expected teasing about imprinting on Jayne. Always stopping when it seemed like it was pushing the alpha too far. Never quite crossing the line that would force Simon to become uncomfortable. "Oh good." River suddenly dropped to the floor startling Simon who looked up seeing Jayne surprised by the small girl. She grabbed his arm and jerked him towards the open door way. "You like boobs." "What the hell's she rattling on about now?" Jayne frowned at Simon. "Course I like tits. What man doesn't?"
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nixsmis · 1 year
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i'm open for wing-its weekly on fridays/saturdays via google form linked on FA/twitter! Moonbeam Patrons get a discounted price on Simple-Cel Wing-its! character (they/them please) ©  tallestblue art © me
Posted using PostyBirb
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sercphs · 3 days
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@remunporium asked:
Firefly grabs Fischl's wrist. Pulls her in. Gives her a REAL big, deep smooch. Like the kind that throws your soul right out of your body. And then she's off to go kill a planet's worth of bugs in her S.A.M suit.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Oh, okay.
⠀⠀⠀⠀She had no idea what she was expecting when Firefly grabbed her wrist, but then it was a soul-rending kiss. A kiss that left her utterly incapable of speech and flushed a deep red. She had been planning to go kiss Firefly after that angering message, but it seems she got beaten to the punch.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Her voice is quiet, and she's going to spend a bit sitting there flushed red. Utterly incapable of moving for the next few minutes.
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alexandraxsuoh · 10 days
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She's not a troublemaker but only likes being one to her older brother. No matter the verse too.
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astrxlfinale · 11 hours
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Ah. Firefly.
Y'know? Life is pretty damn good out here in the world.
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moltenfire · 26 days
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❝ excuse me, c a p t a i n l a n d a u ? ❞ a hand timidly reaches towards him, then hesitates. as if questioning subconscious choices before continuing in the motion. it seemed as if snow had frozen onto the medallion on his armor and firefly had used pedicured nails to chip it away. ❝ there we go. much better. ❞ // @fortifice sc.
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ancicntforged · 4 months
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