#Fisical art
jeffandcookies · 3 months
Skate Punk if he were a metal fan
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superkirarabbit · 2 years
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“TRANSVERSE ORIENTATION” /July 30 2019年に観て衝撃を受けたパパイオアヌーさんの新作が観られるとのことで、殺人的な暑さの中遠征。今回も脳天やられました(笑) 舞台から近かったので、ダンサーの肉体美、俊敏な動きに惚れ惚れしました❤︎ ラストの舞台の仕上がりには驚愕…。その日は黒い牛にちなんで、牛ステーキで牛パワーで締めました🤣 #saitamaartstheater #theater #彩の国さいたま芸術劇場 #japan #埼玉 #artist #美学 #新作 #fisical #instalation #image #dimitrispapaioannou #transverse #amazing #performance #director #art #dancer #dance #modern #amazing #july #unique #transverseorientation #cool #hot #exciting #excursion #舞踏 #holiday #cow (彩の国さいたま芸術劇場) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgtpBjCh_1f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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liminalsoul · 4 months
The importance of knowing why you do what you do in witchcraft
At first we tend to see a spell like a recipe you have to follow to achieve something, however when we have seen multiple spells for one purpose we can make our own version of them taking into account the common elements that those spells have.
We can even achieve a higher efficacy and creativity knowing what means each aspect of our spells or rituals, creating specific ones that will fit ourselves and our needs better. It is important not to forget that witchcraft isn't a science but an art in which there are multiple ways to get the same result.
From the perspective of my own practice every plant or stone we use is more than a tool, it is in some way a being, a spirit that can assist our craft with its essence. That's in what correspondences are based, in the nature of the spirit that embodies that element.
Correspondences also have the power, even in some way a part of the spirit, of all the ancestors that have been using those elements with the same meaning. We can believe from our modern perspective that those associations were just a coincidence, nevertheless, everything suggests that they really understood the powers behind the items in our craft, for example in the case of the plants where their spiritual meaning correlates in some way with their fisical properties.
To conclude, we shouldn't try to turn into a mere recipe something that works with different powers and spirits, because, if these forces have taught me something over time, it is that witchcraft is, more than anything, learning another way to see.
Disclaimer: this point of view is highly influenced by an animistic perspective, remember that this is far from being the only valid approach to witchcraft. Besides, correspondences aren't universal and this doesn't invalidate the different ones that may exist.
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lilybug-02 · 1 month
If I could fisically taste your art it would taste like tose sweet-ish breads that you put cream chesse (I think the translation is that) and fried eggs that you are eating in a wednesday night very near to the end of the year so you're feeling nostalgic, making it somehow one of the best things you have eaten in your life
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:) this is such an in depth and sweet ask about my art. Thank you so much 🎨💞 It sounds delicious!
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Castlevania matchup pls <3
I am a 19 years old, 5'3 tall girl, i have a short brown hair with two bigger strands in the front, olive skin, slim and slightly curvy body and i am a mixed IPOC. Also i am straight and cis. I am a neurodivergent and an INFP.
I love nature, i love painting, writting, singing, reading and studying scientific topics. I am very emotional (i cry too easily lol) and i like to take care of the ones i love. I love phylosophy, mythology and analytical psychology. I wouldn't say i am very fisically affectionated, but i offer support through words and acts of service lol. Some people say i am too naive and can't see people's bad intentions.
A/N: Okay my Emotional INFP Anon! I think your best match is… Alucard! 
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Alucard would be a wonderful match for you! He’s more introverted, but also extremely empathetic. As such, he doesn’t give or require constant outward displays of affection. He understands that caring for someone and being affectionate is much more than physical touch. He is always up for offering insight or support and will act however he can to aid you. He’s a dhampir, after all, so he’s got supernatural abilities that make certain tasks much easier for him than for you. 
You’re an INFP and he’s an INFJ, which makes you very compatible. You’re both Intuitive Feeling types, so you desire a profound, authentic, almost idealized relationship. A partner is not something you’d consider lightly, it’s a serious decision. You’re both motivated by compassion and empathy. You mention you like to take care of the ones you love, so much so that you’ve been called emotional in the past. Alucard is similar in that he cares very deeply for the ones he loves once he’s decided to love him. He also tends to become overwhelmed at times, especially by grief. But that’s why you’re such a good pair! He’s very understanding of why you’d feel the need to cry, and you’re extremely supportive when he cries. 
I don’t believe Alucard has a physical ‘type’. That's not to say he doesn’t find you beautiful, just that he appreciates you for much more than your looks. He loves how interested you are in reading, science, and painting- especially the painting. He has a rather artistic side that he doesn't get to utilize often. We see him draw in the dirt once with a stick, and it’s presumed he drew the pictures inside Lisa’s locket, but other than the Trevor and Sypha dolls he constructed, he doesn’t appear to have an outlet for his creativity. He’s very grateful you’re there to encourage him to paint and draw as often as he likes. 
He loves going out into the forest surrounding the castle, with a freshly packed picnic basket for a lovely afternoon date where the two of you can pick out different things for the other to paint/draw. 
It may sound silly, but Alucard’s rather relieved that you’re on the naive side. He’s been taken advantage of before by some very cunning and overly cautious people. The fact that you assume good in other people assures him you have only the best of intentions for your relationship with him. He does do his best to protect you from those who would cause you harm, though. He teaches you some basic defensive moves to escape or evade an attack. And he gifts you with your very own weapon. The fact that you have it makes him feel better, even if you never use it lol.
He cares deeply for you. He thinks you’re such a wonderful bright light of a human being. From your art to your singing, to just your presence, you’ve made his life all the more worth living. He hopes his companionship brings the same kind of joy into your life. He would do anything just to see you smile. 
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lynaferns · 1 year
I needed to take something out of my chest and I got into a rant of basically me complaining about the (DCA) fandom and shippings. It got long so I'm putting a cut.
If you don't want to read it you don't have to.
Edit: I wanted to clarify, I'm not throwing crap at anyone for liking shipping, there is nothing wrong with the ships. I'm just taking my frustration out to the air because good platonic/friendship content is hard to find. The problem is mine, not yours.
Edit 2: This post is VERY outdated and I don't belive in half of what I said here anymore (the bottom half), I grew out it and I'm doing better now, I think. Also guess what? turns out I may be very aroce so that explains the other half of the post lol.
Since I rebloged that post about being tired of shipping in the fandoms my feed (<-idk if it's called that) has filled up with more posts about it that I relate to but feel bad rebloging because I don't want to call out any of you.
But I'm at a point that it has gotten SO tiresome, shipping is the only thing I find when I go in the Sun and Moons tags. "If you don't want to see that you can filter the tags-" <-that would be great, that would work if it wasn't because 1-there are like 20 different tags for the same thing and I'm constantly adding new ones to the filter 2-not everybody tags correctly/at all their post, I've seen people post their ship art and not tag it as ship, that is going to slip through the filter.
And all the shipping is about romantic/suggestive, they either want to kiss them or something more intimate. Where are the platonic relationships? And I mean friendship relationship, sex/romantic repulsed even. I tried to make one myself, even if I put tags of 'no ship' people still tags it as 'character x selfinser/yn' ship, why? What in the post/drawing/comic/AU made you think this was romantic? That makes me question more things like, why holding hands has to be romantic? Why sleeping in the same bed because there is only one has to be romantic? Why does the minimum of fisical contact a character has with other has to mean is romantic? Why why why? Even if the characters are truly in love/already dating, I don't get it, I don't get why that's the norm, why any of it automatically means 'romantic'.
There is really no solution to this unless I leave the fandom or stop searching content.
I wish I was into that stuff so I could appreciate it, but I'm not and it's no ones fault. I know those people are just doing their thing and having fun, AND it looks fun! I've seen a lot of cool artists around but I can't follow them because I risk having to see everyday the stuff they draw or reblog that makes me uncomfortable. It sucks. I can't make any friends here or anywhere because of this barrier (other than anxiety/personal difficulties and stuff).
And it doesn't stop there. Since the beginning I had the feeling that the DCA fandom likes a totally different character from the one I like. When I search fanart/comics/AUs Sun doesn't feel like Sun, Moon doesn't feel like Moon and every interpretation of fanon Eclipse I had encountered is some kind of mastermind, manipulative and as a plus, predatory, in a bad way.
I'm not good at writing, I know it's hard, I know not every one will share the same perspective I have of the characters, there is not much info about them anyways. But sometimes it feels like people throws out of the window the few details we have about them that makes the Daycare Attendant THE Daycare Attendant to make a completely different character with the same shell. Or they believe as canon something that the fandom made up because everybody collectively believed a rumor even though there's no official information or confirmation.
If the canon Sun and Moon were the same as fanon I would have never liked them.
I'm sure this is a thing in every fandom and I'm probably just pointing out something that everybody knows but this is the first fandom that I got into so this whole year and a half has been a new experience.
Even though all of this I'm still going to draw them, I'll still make fanarts because I like this character.
I've been feeling burned out lately so I don't know how regularly I'm going to draw them or post about them but the brainrot is staying one more year.
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linxprime · 11 months
Welcome to the salon! :"D
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Wellcome to the blog <"D Were I show my art, comics and facts of my au! I'm studying so many things will be slow, but pop out when I can and post what I could.
No minors since here the warnings: My comics can contain: Horror, gore, mature mental and fisical subjects, and manifestations of phobias.
In the # you can see the exclusive things I do if you can't find it <"3. No much but is a good start.
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officialancer · 2 years
rouxls. opinion on men's t- *vanishes, just fuckingn disppears*
Men? Well, some of them art—what? What dost thou mean I’m supposedeth to talk about “Quantume Fisics”?
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Should i acutley join the mc discord ?
for does who have seen my art conpared to everyone in that discord im a meer peasent of art and you seen my english is quite bad sience it isnt my frist langueg but somehow i still feel like i should join but i dont know if they would even acept me or whatever what if i do something wrong by acident or say something wrong by acident its all the fear runing on me and i dont know what to chose ive heard and ive seen theres a discord of the mc askblogs but from the rules i readed i felt like i ... i felt like i would be rejected in less then 1 month if i make 1 mistake my mind is fast yes i have so many idias that dont go exactly by the fisics of minecraft like the MOD books yes  does some ask blogs do that other then the epic ones i know ? YES but still i feel like i would be rejected so should i acutley join them ? or just keep how i am rn?
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valkyrievanessa · 4 months
i finished reading for the second time Itsuka Shinu Shoujo (A Girl Who Will Die One Day). Really short Yuri manga that is so amazing that makes me sad when i remember how short it is (24 short chapters).
The art is cute, the story talks about some really heavy themes that can trigger some people (like suicide and abuse), but the ending is happy and full of hope, i love this manga so much!!
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the story is about Hitori, a lonely girl that wants to kill herself, because she suffer bullying and because her stepfather abuses her sexually and fisically. She keeps trying until she nearly succeeded, but she was saved and revived. On the Hospital she mets Yuuki, this cute trans girl that have cancer and gave up on living. This mangá is about living, Hitori wanted to die and Yuuki didn't have any hope in living, but both learned with each other that they want to live, specially Yuuki, she only started to live again after meeting Hitori
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Now heavy spoilers (please read this manga if you haven't)
The fact that Hitori started to want to live again after meeting Yuuki and after her mother death (she killed her husband to protect Hitori) and reading about how important Hitori became to Yuuki, both are really important to each other, Hitori is someone so special to Yuuki, this suicidal girl that made Yuuki want to live again and accepted her by who she is
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I WANTED MORE OF THIS MANGÁ!! AAAAAAA!! The art is so cute, their relationship is so cute, i wanted to see them both as adults and happy, but i'm fine with what i got, what's makes me sad is that this mangá is not popular at all, i found it by acident and become one of my favorites, i reccommend, a lot
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iononelive · 1 year
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#travelnotes #drawing #art #architecture #proportion #umanbody #fisical #spiritual #dimension #symbol #vitruvian #modulor #harmony #divine #mathematical #ratio #numbers #Essenceofobjects
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puesiria · 2 years
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hi Jelly. Could you do Levi x affectionate reader, but she's shy to be affectionate with him (they are still just friends with mutual pining) and he's confused about it thinking she might hate him because of this lack of fisical contat, and then he comfronts her and she addmits she was scared he wouldn't like it, but from now on she will shower him with affection
Cute <3 Yes.
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@kenkopanda-art just rocking it with these banners <3
Come closer
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Romance, confessions, shy reader, affectionate reader, cute, fluff, modern AU.
Concept: You and Levi have feelings for each other and since you realised it, you've been holding back on affection towards Levi because you don't think he'd want you to be like that. Levi notices the change and misses your affection. When he confronts you in his office, you confess your feelings.
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Levi watched you hug Hange tightly as you both laughed and joked together. He had noticed you'd stopped hugging him and being playful with him for two weeks. Levi's heart hurt because having that affection allowed him to be close to you.
He hated this distance.
His eye twitched when you playfully shoved Mike. "Tch, damn it."
Erwin leaned against the wall next to his friend. "Something on your mind?"
"What is it?"
He nodded to you. "She's stopped being like that with me."
"Right." Erwin tousled his blonde hair. "Perhaps you should have a chat with her? Instead of guessing, you should ask her what's changed and she will tell you."
Levi clenched his jaw. "I don't like cornering her at work."
"Then outside of work."
"Maybe." He pushed away from the wall. "I just want my friend back."
Erwin watched Levi sulk as he walked to his office. "Poor guy." He approached you and motioned for you to follow him to a little corner. "Hey, Levi needs to see you in his office. Before you go, what's going on?"
You hugged yourself. "I developed feelings."
"You should tell him."
"I should."
He pointed. "Office."
You hummed. "Yeah, see you soon." You strolled down to Levi's office and knocked. You entered once he gave your permission. "Hey, Erwin said you needed to see me?"
Levi sat on his desk. "No, but I'm going to take advantage of this moment. We need to talk."
You nibbled your lip. "Sure."
"You've stopped with the touching, hugging and playfulness. Did I do something to offend you?"
You shook your head. "No."
He shrugged. "Then what the fuck is going on?"
You sighed. "The problem is how I feel."
You sat on his sofa. "I've fallen for you. At first, it was a little crush, but the more affectionate I was with you the harder I fell. I got scared you wouldn't like it if you knew I was being affectionate because I had feelings for you. So, I stopped."
Levi wiggled his finger. "Come closer."
You walked over to Levi. "I'm sorry. I'll do my best to hold back my feelings."
He reached out and held your chin. "You really do have feelings for me?"
"I do."
He blushed hard. "Then you should be more affectionate with me, right?" He gulped hard. "To show how much you want me."
You frowned a little. "But that wouldn't be right if it was onesided."
He kissed you and hummed. "It's not."
You blushed hard. "Good."
He let you go and pouted. "So you better be more affectionate."
You stood between Levi's legs and wrapped your arms tightly around Levi. "Yes, Levi."
Levi hugged you back and hummed. "I only like it when you're affectionate with me, mainly because you're special."
You pulled back a bit as Levi placed his hands on your lower back. "Well, I'll be super affectionate now."
"Good and if you ever have something on your mind, just talk to me."
You smiled. "You too."
He cleared his throat as he blushed. "N-Now, I would like m-more of those kisses."
You giggled. "I'll happily give them to you."
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gilmarinho · 4 years
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"Cai a ficha que a Ressonância Harmônica não é para comprar carro, casa, apartamento, namorado, fazenda com 150 mil cabeças de gado?" - Hélio Couto #heliocouto #ressonanciaharmonica #fisicaquantica #mecanicaquantica #fisics #quantummechanics #quantumphysics #illustration #art #watercolor #ink (at Cidade de Suzano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCvmHbWptHW/?igshid=b2szf28c8fyg
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sugar-and-angels · 6 years
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if I jump, I fall
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