#Florida's Imagination Conversation
periwinkle-the-11th · 2 years
What if seagulls had hands?
#i just got smaked wirh vivid memories of being 9 and chasing/trying to catch seagulls on the beach#with my dad watching and laughing at me whenever i fell#i was like so convinced that i could catch the seagull withmy towel#gotta love the logic of a 9 y/o floridian.#the fact that i kept getting up and chasing the birds only to end up yripping on the towel really shows the#I was raised in Florida and have No Common Sense#part of my brain#but anyway#imagine how much easier seagulls could steel your food if the had THUMBS#i wonder how many people have had their car keys stolen by birds at the beach#cause thats had to have happened at least once#im just imagining some poor mom desperately chasing down a seagull for her car keys#see but my brain is turning this into a love story#stressed mom just wants her car keys#elementary school physical education teacher catching the sea gull and giving stressed mom back her car keys#she offers the walk SM back to her towel and they start talking and they actually get along really well#when they get back to SM's towel (and kids) PE teach easily falls into a conversation with the oldest about the book shes reading#PE teach is Really good with kids#SM thanks PE teach for her help again and they go their seperate ways#only to run into eachother again at the supermarket#and agian#and again#eventually they start hanging out#and their in love#PE Teach x Stressed Mom#relationship goals#how did i get here#periramblesjustcause#peri's wifi is down#peri is slowly losing her mind
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lokidjarin-7567 · 27 days
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TTPD Contents
Aaron Hotchner x Reader After a tough case in Tallahassee, a storm blows in and the jet is grounded, so you find comfort in the arms of someone unexpected. fem!reader, 18+ MDNI 4,203 words
It had been a horrible case. Children had been going missing across Tallahassee for a few weeks, but the incompetent police department had only just called you in. You found the unsub after a few long days and even longer nights. He was a police officer, someone that kids were taught to trust. At least that explained the shocking lack of investigation so far. Thankfully, the children he had taken - all 9 of them - were alive, but you couldn’t say too much more than that. The state they were in when you found them… it wasn’t something you were going to forget any time soon.
And now, a storm was coming in and the jet couldn’t take off until tomorrow at the earliest.
The motel you were all staying in wasn’t the worst by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn’t exactly great. The rooms were small and dingy, the smell of sweat and cigarettes clinging to the soft furnishings, and questionable stains bloomed across most of the carpet. You weren’t complaining too much, though. There was a dive bar next door, and the bed was clean. That was all you cared about.
It hadn’t taken you long to wind up at the bar. Most of the team were there already, seeming a hell of a lot happier than you. They had drinks and a handful of appetisers spread out on the table, laughing at a story Rossi was telling enthusiastically. You were about to turn and leave, to find somewhere else to wallow for the evening, but Emily spotted you, waving you over with a wide smile. Fuck. At least you knew how to fake it. You plastered on a grin and said your hellos while everyone congratulated you on finding the kids today. It made you feel sick. Maybe that’s why they saw this whole case as a win. They hadn’t fucking seen it.
You excused yourself to get a drink before you had even sat down, ordering two shots alongside the beer you would be drinking at the table, wanting to feel something quickly. You took them as soon as the bartender gave them to you, thanking him and paying what you owed.
“Bad day?” He mused, eyebrow raised as he put your cash into the register.
“You have no idea.” You muttered, and you noticed his eyes raking over your body. He was cute. A little older than you, but that was what you usually went for anyway. Maybe he was something else that you could drown your sorrows in later.
You smiled at him as you left, just in case, and headed back to the table. It was then that you noticed Hotchner wasn’t there. He was the other member of the team who had been with you when you found them, and he had been even more shaken up than you afterwards. It made sense; he had a kid. You were sure he was calling Haley now so he could talk to Jack like he usually did after any cases where children were involved. You just hoped he made his way over at some point. It would be nice to have someone else here who understood a little more.
And you did your best to hide it, but you did have a bit of a crush on him. It was wrong, and you would never act on it; he was your superior, your boss, and he was married. But he was so authoritative and intelligent and handsome that you couldn’t help but think about it sometimes. A lot, actually. Hopefully, by the end of the night you’d be drunk enough to imagine the bartender was him.
You finished your drink quickly, having completely ignored the conversations going around the table. It didn’t take long for Rossi to offer to get you another, a soft, concerned expression on his face. You thanked him with a wide smile, promising yourself to try harder as him and Morgan headed to the bar to get another round, and Emily and JJ headed to the bathroom. Spencer moved next to you in the booth when everyone had left, filling the space where Emily had been sitting and nudging you softly.
“Are you ok?” He asked. You opened your mouth to say that you were fine, but you knew you didn’t have the energy to lie well. He would just notice straight away.
“Just… um… finding the kids today…” he nodded as you ran your hand through your hair, as though trying to dispel the images that had accumulated again at the mere mention of it. “I know it was a good thing, that they were alive and they would recover physically, but it just really didn’t feel like a win.” He didn’t say anything, just squeezed your arm and pulled you in for a hug, which you gratefully accepted. He was your best friend on the team, and he always knew exactly what you needed. You were glad he was here.
Spence had only just released you when everyone came back, their energy still high. You chatted for a bit, forcing yourself to engage now that the conversation had shifted from this week’s case. It was nice, and you felt your mood start to pick up as the drinks kicked in, finishing your second and third beer before excusing yourself for a smoke. You knew it was a bad habit, but with a job as stressful as yours, it was hard to kick.
You had only just lit your cigarette when you saw Hotch heading across the carpark of the motel. It was hot outside, the Florida humidity lasting into the night, but he was still wearing his suit, but he had ditched the jacket, and his tie was hanging loosely around his neck. He looked about as grim as you felt. You smiled softly as he got close, the usual butterflies gathering in your stomach, expecting him to go past you and inside, but he stopped, leaning on the wall next to you. You offered him the pack, just in case, but he shook his head.
“Are you ok?” You asked gently. He sighed.
“Not really. You?”
“Not really.” You took a drag as he stood there, and you felt the need to fill the void with something. “Everyone else is inside celebrating.”
“I’m not sure I feel like there’s a lot to celebrate.”
“Me neither, but Rossi seems to be buying a lot of drinks, so I’m sticking around for that.” He almost laughed at that, a harsh expulsion of air that was as close as you’d ever come to seeing a break in his stony exterior.
“That is a good incentive.” You smiled at him, taking the opportunity to just look at him. He was so fucking attractive, the dark brown of his eyes, the strong nose and jaw that gave him a permanently serious expression, his lips…
“Did you talk to Jack and Haley?” You asked quickly, as though reminding yourself that he has a wife.
“No, Jack was asleep, and Haley and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms right now…” You had to stop yourself from asking anything too quickly.
“Oh?” You were impressed by how casual you managed to keep your voice.
“Yeah, we separated a few months ago.” Oh. “I haven’t exactly told the team yet, I…” he sighed heavily, running his hands over his face in frustration, “I’m not really sure why I’m telling you to be honest. I just…” He seemed to stop himself, sighing again, and looking at you in a way you couldn’t even begin to interpret. Regret maybe?
“I won’t tell anyone, don’t even worry about it.” You said trying to quell his doubts, and he just smiled softly, shaking his head.
“I know.” A third sigh. “I’ll see you inside, ok?” You couldn’t do much but nod, your heart still lurching from his revelation.
You got another beer as soon as you were back inside, ordering another shot as well to calm your frazzled nerves. You knew you were reading too much into it, that he had just had a bad day and let something slip, but it had made your stupid brain think you had a chance. You sat down again next to Spencer, who smiled at you, and you noticed Hotch’s whole demeanour had changed. He was smiling, and actively participating in the team’s chatter and you felt like you couldn’t stop staring at him. How did he do it so easily?
After about an hour or so some of the team started to head to their rooms, midnight looming, and it was at this point you noticed the glances from Hotch. That was a lie, you had noticed them earlier, and you had just chalked them up to your own imagination running away from you. But now, there was no denying it. He was a couple of drinks in, and his looks had started to linger, even when you weren’t the one talking. There was an element to them that made you squirm a little in your seat, especially the way he had stopped hiding the fact he was looking. His eyes were openly gazing at your lips, your chest, and when your eyes met his, he didn’t back down. He didn’t smirk, or smile, or anything other than maintain infuriating and intense eye contact until a blush forced itself across your cheeks. It was fucking intoxicating.
Emily excused herself. Then Morgan. Then JJ. Reid finished his story with a smile, finishing his drink too as you tried your best to comment as though you were listening. It seemed to work.
“I’m going to get a drink, do you want another?” Hotch stood up, talking to both of you, but his eyes stayed firmly on yours.
“Just a diet coke please.” You had had enough for the night, your mind finally quiet enough to stop replaying the days events. “Reid?”
“No, actually I’m going to head to bed too.” Hotch just nodded, wishing him a good sleep and headed to the bar. Reid squeezed your arm softly as he stood up, his expression serious. “You going to be ok?”
“Yeah, I’m good, honey. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Ok, you know where I am.” And with that, it was just you and Hotch.
He put the drinks down wordlessly, sitting opposite you with an unreadable expression on his face, one even a profiler like yourself couldn’t read.
“What?” You asked playfully, your brows furrowing as he took a sip of his scotch.
“Nothing, just the bartender.” You glanced towards the bar to see him standing there, looking at you with a soft smirk on his face. “He was asking after you.” Oh God.
“Was he?” You asked coyly, smiling at the thought. Hotch’s face was steel as his eyes continued to rake over your face and body. Was he… jealous?
“Interested?” He muttered coldly. You grinned.
“Maybe…” You watched as he clenched his teeth and repositioned himself in the seat, leaning forward to rest his arms on the table, never once breaking eye contact.
“Really? Him?”
“What’s wrong with him?” He laughed dryly, taking another drink.
“He’s not exactly…”
“He’s not what I’d imagine you going for.” So he’s thought about it. About you. The idea made arousal pool in your stomach.
“Who do you think I’d go for, then?”
“Not him.” He dodged the question easily, not taking the bait. “He’s too cocky, but he also has no real respect for himself. He pours drinks like a performer, just showboating for attention. A bravado begging for approval, but still believing he deserves it. He must be delusional to think he deserves even a glance from you…” He paused, and for the first time you saw a slight waver in his confidence, watching his face change as he realised he said something a little too close to home. You just smiled as he carried on, trying to retrace his steps. “I just think you would only go for him if your first choice wasn’t available.” He knows. Surely he knows. “I know Reid went to bed, but if you…” You cut him off with an uncontrollable laugh of genuine disbelief as he just furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“You think I’m after Reid? And you call yourself a profiler.”
“Are you not?” You finished your drink with a sigh.
“Jesus, no Hotch, I’m not. And with that, I’m going to bed.” You left him sitting there, same confused look on his face, sending an apologetic smile to the bartender as you left.
You found yourself pacing when you got back to your room, unable to make sense of what the fuck just happened. You must be going crazy. You thought he knew, that it was so painfully obvious, that he maybe even saw you in the same way… but no. Nothing. Your stupid mind playing tricks on you.
You don’t know why you even wanted this. You couldn’t date him, you couldn’t do anything about it, married or not he was your boss. He was on your team. You saw him everyday at work. It would never end well. It was just a bad fucking idea, regardless of how much your dirty mind protested. How much it reminded you of all the times you’d thought about him while you were touching yourself, or sleeping with other people, or when you were bored on the jet. He had been the only thing that got you off for months and he didn’t even fucking know. But now you knew it was a possibility? That he wasn’t married, that your dirty little fantasy could actually happen? You were spiralling. You needed a smoke, some fresh air, something to remind you nothing had actually changed.
You opened the door, pack in hand to see… him. He looked dishevelled, his tie long gone and his hair messy, as though he been running his hands through it. He was as shocked as you were, just muttering your name quietly as you stood there just looking at him, waiting for him to explain why he was here. What he wanted. He didn’t. There was just this intensity that seemed to emanate from him, this nervous desperation that made you want to grab him by the collar of his shirt and show him what you could do, how you could make him feel better after horrible cases like this one, give him something to use for his own pleasure. Show him that you would do anything he fucking wanted. But you didn’t.
“Did you…” you trailed off, vaguely gesturing to the open door in a way you hoped conveyed what your lips couldn’t bring themselves to say. He was silent as he stepped into your room, closing the door behind him.
“Was it me? Am I…?” He muttered, and you knew what he meant. Am I the one you were after? You stayed quiet, not trusting yourself anymore now he was here in front of you, looking at you like that. He knew anyway. You had no doubt in your mind now. He stepped closer.
“This isn’t a good idea.”
“I know.” You let yourself whisper as he moved to just an inch away from you, a shuddering breath escaping his lips as he looked down at yours. You couldn’t even breathe, couldn’t make eye contact as he continued to scan your face and you could feel yourself getting wet before he had even touched you. Everything you’d wanted for months was a breath away and you still couldn’t bring yourself to be the one to close the gap.
“This isn’t…” he started to repeat himself, tapering off as his fingers touched your chin, tipping your face further up to look at him, a light touch that was fucking electricity through your body.
“I know.” You breathed the words, not meaning them anymore and as you met his gorgeous, hazel eyes, you knew you were fucking done for. He pressed his lips into yours. Just once, light as a feather. But that was all the permission you needed. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, smashing your lips into his with a desperation you had never felt before. It was a kiss of teeth and tongue, and as you licked up into his hot mouth you heard a groan from him that sent your hands flying to his shirt buttons. He grabbed the bottom of your top and pulled it over your head before you had even had a chance to undo a single one. His lips were back to yours as quickly as they had left, and you only registered that you had moved backwards when your legs hit something. He grabbed your hips and easily lifted you onto the desk, and you thanked the lord you had decided to wear a skirt today as he pushed it up your thighs and settled comfortably between them. Your entire body was practically shaking in anticipation already, and as his hands gripped the soft flesh of your thighs, you whimpered into his mouth. He pulled you forward until you were pressed tightly against his thick erection, and you couldn’t help but grind into him as you undid his buttons, desperate for some friction against your aching cunt. It was almost embarrassing how quickly he had turned you on, wound you up to the point where every tiny touch made you feel like you were going fall over the edge into that white hot pleasure you knew he was capable of giving you.
The hottest part of it all was the pure need you felt from every grab and kiss. Even the moments where he pulled back for air, he used them to bite your neck, or press sloppy open mouthed kisses to your chest that made you whine every fucking time. The way he wanted you so badly he couldn’t even move to the bed, just to wherever was closest, and even when he was trying to catch his breath it was as though he physically couldn’t keep his lips off you.\
You finally got his shirt undone and pressed as much of yourself to him as possible, wrapping your legs around his waist. His kisses were getting more and more sloppy, his hands wandering further and the moan you let out when he grabbed your breast seemed to flip a switch in him. He pulled you off the desktop by your ass, flipping you in a way that was pure filth, and pressing your hips hard into the desk.
“Can I…” You didn’t need him to finish his question as you heard him unzip his fly.
“Fuck, please.” You couldn’t help but beg. His hands ran up the back of your legs, pushing your skirt to your waist and pulling your panties down so quickly you barely noticed until his hard dick hit your throbbing pussy. You could feel the weight of him, the thickness. You wanted to turn around and look at him, truly take him in like this, but you were pinned to the table still, the sharp edges biting into your hips in the most deliciously painful way that you knew would leave bruises. You heard him mutter something, but you couldn’t make it out, anticipation causing blood to rush in your ears and your heart was beating so loud it blocked any other noise. Before you even knew it was happening, he was pressing against your entrance, slowly at first, but then he snapped his hips into yours, splitting you open and all the air was pushed out of your lungs. The groan that escaped his lips was intoxicating, and he stayed there for a moment, gathering your hair in his hands and twisting your head so your lips met his. You felt like a ragdoll, your body and movements his now, but you didn’t care. This is how you wanted it. You just want to make him feel good, and you needed to think about nothing but him. It was working. There was no space for any other thoughts with his cock filling you and his hand gripping your hair.
“Are you…?”
“On the pill.” You confirmed, and he bit down on your shoulder in approval, earning a gasp. One hand stayed on your hair, but he moved backwards, his other hand pressing the small of your back into the table. You were utterly powerless, and you clenched around him at the thought. He groaned as he pulled out of you slowly, and you could feel every single inch of him as he did. And then he started just pounding into you. It stole all the air from your lungs, and you were left gasping as he continued his merciless pace, filthy sounds of his hips meeting your ass and your shuddering breaths and whimpers filling the room. You had to brace your hands against the wall, nothing else to hold on to, and as you lifted your chest slightly to breathe, he took his cue, grabbing your neck and pulling you up so his lips could reach you, the slight force he applied to your throat making you clench around him and earning a loud moan from him. The angle he hitting into you now was incredible, this sweet spot that made your legs turn to jelly and your breaths shorten.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this.” He panted into your ear, earning a loud moan.
“Fuck, I’m close Hotch..” Even now, with him inside you, you couldn’t bring yourself to call him by his first name, but the soft growl he let out told you he might like it more this way anyway. You just needed something to push you over, and you grabbed his hand on your neck, tightening it to indicate what you wanted. He followed suit, gripping you in a way that limited your air just enough to go a little lightheaded and you whimpered.
“Filthy.” He whispered, and that was all you needed. You started cumming, clenching around him with a strangled sob and he let go of your neck at just that second, letting the blood rush to your head and searing hot pleasure course through your body. You heard him groan and curse behind you, his hips stuttering too as he came, filling you and staying pressed deep inside of you as you rode out the waves of your orgasm, pressing soft kisses to your shoulders.
You stayed like that for a little while, catching your breath. He moved first, pulling out of you slowly with a sigh.
“You can… um…” the energy was awkward suddenly, both unsure of what to do now that passion wasn’t driving you. Unsure how to be around each other. You still knew what he meant though.
“Thanks.” You headed to the bathroom, cleaning up quickly, taking a second to fix your messy hair and makeup, and pulling your skirt down. He went in straight after you, and you took that time to find your panties and put them back on. You had no idea what would happen now. If it was up to you, he would just stay here, but he might not feel comfortable enough to do that. You just wanted to know what he was thinking.
He came out of the bathroom looking perfect, but pensive, his brow furrowed in his signature scowl. You were sitting on the side of the bed, just waiting for him to speak.
“We probably shouldn’t have done that.” He muttered. Disappointment flooded your system. You knew he was right, and you agreed, it was messy and stupid but so fucking good it couldn’t be ignored.
“Probably not.” He nodded.
“Well, I should…” He moved towards the door.
“I don’t want a relationship you know.” You blurted out, and internally scolded yourself, but it had stopped him, so you stood up, carrying on. “This is all I want. A distraction.” You watched relief bloom across his face, and he strode back across the room, planting a light kiss to you your lips.
He stayed, not leaving until the early morning. You knew he just wanted some comfort after the past few days. Something solid to hold on to. You also knew your feelings had already gone past a crush, welling up inside you as he slept peacefully, feeling his chest rise and fall with each breath against yours. But you didn’t care. You would rather have some of him than nothing at all. Even if you were going to get hurt. Even if it got messy. He was worth it.
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myspacebrat · 2 years
I love you, always.
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Fooled round and fell in love blurb
series masterlist
summary: You and Eddie get married on Valentine’s Day, amongst your friends and family. Someone calls to congratulate you, but eddie has another idea in mind.
⚠️warnings: SMUT 18+MDNI, time jump from the original series, mentions of sex, unprotected p in v, getting fucked while on the phone, slight breeding kink, slight daddy kink, cream pie, jealous Eddie, fluff fluff fluff, marriage stuff, Eddie being a devious little shit.
a/n: idea from @a-taurus , thank you babe!
Wanted to update this series and give my bbs their happily ever after, I’m gonna miss them. 🥹
Eddie photo edit: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
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You’re about to marry your best friend. You couldn’t believe how far you and Eddie had come. From that incident with Randy, to him finally asking you to be his girl. All of that seemed so long ago, but also, like it was just yesterday. You and Eddie just made three years, he’d purposed on your anniversary and you knew you wanted a Valentine’s Day wedding. you’ve imagined yourself marrying the very man, you are about to on that day. Since, you started writing I heart Eddie Munson, in your notebooks in high school. You just can’t fathom that you are really getting your happily ever after, with the man who swore he’d rather die than get married, but that was when you were kids. He’s done nothing but make you feel loved and adored since.
The weddings small, filled with your closest friends and loved ones. You and Eddie decided on a beautiful garden venue just outside of Indianapolis. You got lucky, the weather was nice and sunny, even in mid February.
You wore a beautiful; white silk dress, that went down to your ankles, while Eddie wore a black on black tux, still decorated with his usual accessories. Everything was perfect. Wayne walked you down the aisle while Eddie sobbed, along with your mom and Robin; she was one of your bridesmaids, of course. Steve on the other side as one of Eddie’s groomsmen, was tearing up a little too.
You were having your very own fairytale moment, in a beautiful garden, marrying the man of your dreams.
Once the wedding was over, you all danced and partied until Eddie and his groomsmen were plastered. After, you both took a cab back to your hotel, you had a flight in the morning to key west, Florida for your honeymoon.
You were grateful to the gods, that you were both up and packed on time. Your honeymoon was everything and more. You and Eddie had amazing sex every night, and even better conversations and laughs. You walked on the beach, got messages and even got him to get a mani and pedi with you. Had amazing dinners at fancy restaurants and enjoyed the night life at some of the clubs around your hotel.
After a week of being in paradise, you were back in Hawkins, moving into your new trailer you and Eddie saved up for. It was a spacious two bedroom, double wide. Nothing fancy, It wasn’t your forever home though. You had plans of renovating, staying in it for a couple years and then selling it, to buy your forever home. You and Eddie had lots of late night talks about it, maybe even, have a kid or two.
Once finally moved in, it felt like old times— movie nights and sleepovers, like you use to have back in high school. But, this time you both were unable to keep your hands to yourselves, being able to kiss on him and touch him ways you wanted to at that time, made you feel like a giddy child. The butterflies never stopped, they probably never would. You got them just by being looked at by him. The way he’d whisper in your ear about something mundane like a part in said movie you were watching, the way he’d rub your thigh, gradually getting closer to your throbbing center, the way he’d play with your hair, after he’d jokingly do the little yawn and stretch move, still making you giggle no matter how many times he’s overused it, but that was the point. He’d do anything to make you giggle, like that.
After months of being married and officially moved in together. You were sitting on your queen sized bed, covered in silky maroon sheets while painting your nails a baby pink. Eddie walks into the room and sits behind you, while rubbing your shoulders and kissing the exposed skin underneath your tank top.
“Ed’s, stay still! I’m painting my nails!” You playfully screech
“Im sorry baby, here let me blow them for you,” he says while taking your left hand in his, and bringing it up to his mouth to softly blow, as he continued to dry your nails, his thumb rubs over your ring finger, playing with the wedding ring he had your mom and Robin help him pick out. He knew exactly what you would like, but he wanted the two people that knew you as well as he did, there. Once he was done with your left hand, he plants a sweet kiss on your knuckles.
The way he continued to make you swoon, with just the little things he did was absolutely hypnotic. He moved on to your right hand and began his ministrations, once he finished up and gave your right hand a kiss to match the left, the phone rang.
“I’ll get it.” Eddie whispers into your ear, sending a cool chill down your spine, and causing your skin to goosebump.
You can hear him answer the phone in the kitchen and begin walking back into your shared bedroom. You received the cordless home phone as a wedding gift from the Harringtons, you and Eddie were rather excited to use that on nights he was away on his mini Midwest tours with corroded coffin.
“Hey um, baby, it’s for you.” He says with his hand on the speaker, as he passes it to you.
Eddie hovered over you with a clenched jaw, and his hands balled up by his sides.
“Hello?” You say hesitantly, as you read Eddie’s face.
“Y/n?” The familiar voice on the other side, says.
You lift the phone from your ear and looked at it in confusion.
“Um, yes. Who is this?” You asked, with furrowed eyebrows.
“It’s Randy.” Your breath hitched, as he said his name.
“Oh, um hi?” You’re even more confused now.
Eddie continues watching you, as he rolls his eyes, hearing Randy’s faint voice.
Then Eddies face turns devilish, as if he’s gotten an idea. That’s never a good thing. That face got you both into trouble, more often than not.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I know this is weird. Me calling you and all,” yeah, tell me about it— you think to yourself.
As Randy continues talking, Eddie’s hand begins rubbing up your thigh, making a surprised whimper release from your parted lips.
“Shh,” He says as his finger goes up to his lip. When he puts it down, the devilish smile reappears.
“So, I was just calling because I heard about the wedding, uh, you and Eddie’s. Congratulations.” Randy says, as Eddie’s hand slips into your black sleep shorts, making another gasp leave you.
“You okay?” Randy asks.
“Mmhm, yeah I’m fine.” You answer back, as you glare at Eddie. Making him huff out a laugh, that he tries to conceal with his hand.
“So, umm. Randy. How did you get this number?” You’re still glaring at Eddie, as he stands up and begins unbuckling his belt. You can’t help but to smile and roll your eyes at your husbands, dirty idea.
“Oh uh, Well, I ran into Dennis at the grocery store, the other day.”
“Dennis? I don’t know a Dennis.” You giggle
“Kid with the curly hair? Um, he’s friends with Eddie.” You know exactly who he’s talking about now, which makes you laugh even harder, well that and Eddie pulling your hips to the edge of the bed, and discarding your shorts and panties.
“Oh, you mean Dustin?” Eddie can’t help but laugh to himself at that, as he takes his cock in his hand and slaps it against your wet center.
“Dustin! Yeah, yeah him! I kind of had to beg.” He began laughing at himself now.
“I’m surprised he gave it you.” You’re trying your hardest to keep your voice normal and steady as Eddie’s cock begins to breech your entrance.
“Well, I promised him it wasn’t in an attempt to take you from Eddie. Just heard the news from Rick about you getting married, and I wanted to just say congratulations…” he continues
“And that I’m sorry,” you start to feel kind of bad, at the fact that Eddie is trying to fuck you, while on the phone with someone who’s making an attempt to apologize. But, Eddie has a way to himself, something about him always makes you want to please him, go along with what he says. You suppose it’s due to love or your never ending infatuation with your husband.
“Sorry? Um s-sorry for what?” You can’t even remember what you were talking about, while Eddie is now completely bottomed out inside you.
“For sending Becky to Eddie’s place, for showing up to your house waisted, trying to fight Eddie. I don’t know, everything. I didn’t want it to end that way, ya know?” He says as Eddie’s slowing pulling out and sinking back into you.
You pull the phone away from your ear. Copying Eddie’s earlier actions of covering the speaker with your hand, as you begin talking to Eddie, while he fucks you.
“Baby, if you go any harder I’m not gonna be able to talk, just please let me get off the phone.” That makes him speed up a little, as a cocky smirk takes over his face.
“Go ahead and talk, sweet thing.”
You roll your eyes as you put the phone back up to your ear.
“Hello?” You hear, forgetting about the guy on the other end. Eddie snaps his hips a little harder, now discarding his slayer band tee and tossing it on to the bed, beside you.
“Y-yeah, I’m here. Sorry.” You stutter out, “well, thank you for that, I-I oh! Appreciate it.” Fuck, you almost got through that whole sentence without giving yourself away. But if Randy caught onto what was going down, he didn’t let it be know, as he continued to talk.
“So, how are you?” He asked.
You put your hand over your mouth, as your eyes start rolling back.
“He asked you a question, baby. Answer him.” Eddie whispers into your free ear, with the same cocky smirk.
God, a part of you wanted to punch him, but another part of you wanted to hang up on Randy and beg Eddie to keep fucking you just like that.
“I’m, I’m good, I’m really really good.” You say, with the last “good” coming out as a moan. Eddie laughs into your neck as he continues fucking you, hard and deep.
“How, um. How are you?” It’s only right, to be polite and ask someone back. Even though you wanted nothing more than to end the call, as quick as possible.
“I’m good, ya know. As good as I can be—” He laughs, but something about it makes you feel sorry for him. You’re an empath after all.
“I’m uh, happy for you both. You might think I’m bullshitting, but I’m glad Eddie was able to stop being a slut and settle down with you. I mean, it makes sense he did it for you. I cant think of another girl more deserving of that.” He rambles
You didn’t really know how to take that, whatever it was. I mean, it sounded like it was coming from a good place but also definitely like he was still bitter about it.
“Well, thank you Randy. I appreciate this phone call.” You said, as Eddie halted his movements after hearing what Randy said. He wanted to snatch the phone from you and tell him to fuck off! But he didn’t.
“Yeah, just thought I owed that to you. Um, you take care, okay?” He says, voice sounding a little shaky.
“Yeah, you too.” You say back, Eddie’s movements starting up again, as he realizes you’re about to end the call.
You hang up, placing the phone on the bed, beside you.
“Eddie! God, that was so embarrassing. I could barely focus on anything he was saying,” you say as you shove his chest, playfully.
“That was the point, my love,” he chuckles while sucking at the sweet spot on your neck.
“Mmm, fuck me harder now, please?” You say as you grab a handful of his hair gently, bringing his lips to yours.
“Yeah? Feel good baby?” He asks, breaking the deep kiss.
“Feels so fucking good, daddy.” You whine
“Such a dirty fucking mouth. Mmm, should I cum in that dirty little mouth? Huh?” He grabs your cheeks and squeezes them, until your mouth is wide open.
“Or do you want my cum, in this tight. fucking. pussy?” He says between hard thrusts.
“Maybe get you pregnant? You want that sweet girl? Wanna have my babies? Fuck, you’d look so sexy, with daddy’s baby inside you, all big and plump.”
“Mmm, fuck I-I want you to cum inside me, please?” You’re so close to cumming, your pussy is squeezing Eddie’s cock like a vice.
“Oh my god!” He shouts as he picks up your legs by the backs of your knees and spreads you out even wider, hitting your spot relentlessly.
“Eddie, I’m gonna cum. Fuck! Please, don’t stop!” The way your eyes won’t stop rolling in the back of your head, is definitely making you look possessed, but it feels way too good to care.
“Fuck yes, cum for me baby. Cum on daddy’s cock.” He’s so close, but he’s trying to wait for you.
“You’re not on the pill right now. Are you sure you want this, princess?” He asks, as he continues his hard thrusts.
“Yes, yes I want it so bad, please?” You’re so close to the edge, but Eddie brings his thumb between your bodies and begins rubbing at your clit, slow but heavy circles. That takes you over the edge, as you moan out while your toes curl.
Every orgasm Eddie has given you seemed to always be better than the last. It was his favorite thing to do, after all.
“I’m cumming baby. Fuck, I’m gonna fill you up!” He says as he pumps warm ropes of cum, deep inside you.
After you both catch you breath, you lay there wrapped in each others embrace. While, Eddie pushes your hair away from your face, giving you kisses all over your cheeks, lips and forehead.
You giggle, as you run your nails down his back, gently rubbing up and down.
“I love you so much, Ed’s.” You whisper to him.
“I love you, always.” He whispers back.
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Thank you for reading ❣️
Comments and reblogs are appreciated
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arielburrow · 9 months
So It Goes
Your relationship with Joe seems to be a flame that was never put out.
“I just don’t see how this is ever going to work.” You struggle to get the words out through your sobs. Your hands cupped your face as you sat at the edge of your boyfriend's bed, his figure sulking above. “We keep telling ourselves we can push through but Joe we are miserable, and we aren’t anywhere near the end. You're going to Cincinnati in less than a month and I’m working out of Miami for at least the next three years!” Your cries become heavier as you feel his weight beside you as his head falls to your shoulder. You hear his silent cries as well.
“Your right…I hate it, but your right,” he mumbles into your shoulder. You pull him closer to you, grasping the fact that your relationship was inevitably at the end. “I mean really Joe, before I flew out here we shared what? Five texts in the last month? I barely made it to three games this season,” You whisper towards him. “I know, I know but baby you have to understand it won’t always be like that…just right now life is a whirlwind, and I just have to figure some things out but then-”
“Joey,” you cut him off. “You’ve been saying that for two years now…I mean i’ve accepted at this point your entire life is a whirlwind and I just don’t seem to fit into it.” You lift your head and stare blankly out of the window of his apartment. Thinking back to the first day you stepped foot in here and how optimistic you both were for the success of your long-distance relationship. You and Joe had been dating for two years back in Ohio and you’d be lying if you said those weren’t the best two years of your life. It started with innocent study sessions that eventually led to late-night conversations lying next to each other on his rickety dorm mattress. Before you knew it, he swept you off your feet and showed you what love really was. You remember the tears you wept when he first told you he decided on LSU. He immediately embraced you and you promised him they were “happy” tears and you were just so “excited” for his future. That being undoubtedly true, you never imagined how much Joe's life would change in the upcoming years, and how little you would be a part of it.
“y/n…I’m willing to wait, I promise you I don't care how much longer we’re apart for I’ll wait for the days when I get to wake up to you every morning.” he seemingly pleads as his head rises off your shoulder and you both meet each other's eyes. “Joe I am so beyond proud of everything this year has brought you and everything the next years are going to bring you. But, honey you know as well as I do that we are not the same people we were two year ago unpacking in this very apartment. Joe this is not a bad thing i need you to hear me, it’s just not healthy for either of us to keep dragging on a relationship that is fighting to keep its head above water.” You grab his hand and hold it close to you before you reluctantly stand and head for the door, tears streaming down your face as you reach for the handle.
“y/n…it’ll always be you, I promise even if we never see each other again, we both know deep down we were always meant for each other.”
That was four years ago
and as you stood in the mirror applying final touches to your face, it finally hit you. That gut feeling that you’ve had since you opened the invite but couldn’t quite put your finger on.
He’s going to be there.
There was no doubt about it. Sam was one of his best friends and it was the middle of the off-season. Hell he might even be in the wedding you think to yourself as you notice your face turn in the mirror. You both had lived about a million lives since you last saw each other which you know to be a fact due to your “surprising interest” in football whenever the Bengals were playing as your brother would joke. It was unintentional snooping on a life you swore you were putting an end to as soon as you got back to Florida. Of course your life carried on, you started dating again and made a great group of friends. But no matter what every Sunday you found yourself sat watching Joe through his brutal knee injury, Super bowl attempt, and current list of nagging injuries. Every now and then your mom would mention him over the phone but you were always quick to dismiss him, refusing to admit you still kept an eye on him. Besides the pit in your stomach, you were excited to watch your friend Sam marry his childhood best friend Ava and see all your friends you hadn’t gotten a chance to catch up with since moving back to the Ohio area. You moved back a couple of months ago, finding peace working with a new company that promised a more stationary enviorment for you. It was nice to be closer to family and friends and although it wasn’t considered Ohio, Covington was just under two miles from Cincinnati.
“Have you seen the gold hoops i laid out? I cant find them,” rachel comes into the room in a search. She was your best friend and you were so excited to be staying with her for the weekend, given she lived in down town cincy where the wedding was taking place. “here.” You hand her the earrings as she smiles.
“you look extra good,” she smirks bouncing your curls and flatting your dress once more. You roll your eyes knowing where she was going with this. “C'mon y/n, it’s been like a year since you’ve gotten laid, I just know tonight’s the night.” she laughs as she puts on her heels. “Your terrible, I’m not going to this wedding to get some, I’m going to celebrate our friends and-”
“you know he’s in the wedding right? I just wanted to warn you, Sam said he’s his best man,” she says looking up with a sympathetic smile. You sigh, “that’s good for him, glad him and Sam are still just as close.” You smile trying to brush off the conversation.
Arriving at the venue, you took in how beautifully decorated it was. White roses lined the entire isle and fairy lights were strung from each end of the ceiling. You and Rachel greeted familiar faces as you found your seats. You chatted for a bit with others, greeting both Sam and Ava’s parents. Soon after, silence fell as piano chords began to play and heads turned towards the double doors as they began to open. You watched as the party made its way down the aisle, some new faces, but for the most part, you recognized everyone.
Finally, you spotted him. His dirty blonde locks grown out long, framing his face in a way that brought out his features like no other. His frame was just as tall, just much more muscular in comparison to when you last saw him. He made his way down the aisle, arms locked with a pretty blonde with blue eyes. They walked with a sort of synchronicity, capturing every eye in the room even more than before. You couldn’t help but let out a smile at the fact that his eyes remained glued in-front of him, he seemed nervous. You felt Rachel poke your stomach, making you giggle a little. You hated to admit it, but he looked good, so good.
Finally Ava entered as everyone rose, she was such a beautiful bride and watching Sam’s reaction almost brought tears to your eyes. They looked so happy to be taking this step together and it pulled at your heartstrings knowing how far you still were from this step.
The ceremony started as you kept and eye on Joe, he still seemed to be in a trance just watching Sam, not taking note of the crowd. When they finally kissed, everyone stood in applause. You smiled as you scanned your eyes down the groomsmen once more, only to be stopped by a pair of blue eyes locked directly at you. You felt frozen for a moment, but forced yourself to let out a small smile, only met with a continuous face of shock from Joe. You would have probably stood there forever, however a shove from Rachel got you moving with the rest of the row out to the reception area.
Once everyone made their way to the much more open space with even more white roses and lights, you finally had a second to breath and take in what just happened. Everyone found their designated seat once again and watched as the bride and groom made their big entrance and began to make their way around greeting everyone.
You looked up to the wedding party table and immediately spotted him.
Well, not only him.
The same blonde you had assumed was only Ava’s maid of honor had her head rested on Joe’s shoulder and a hand on his chest. You took in her entire appearance. She was undoubtedly gorgeous and very petite compared to your taller figure. As your eyes scanned up you were met in a deadlock with Joe's eyes once again. His face was expressionless, but nonetheless, he had caught you in some sort of trance once again. Only shaking out of it when you heard Ava and Sam approaching your table. You greeted the two and chatted with them for a few minutes, trying to bury a growing feeling inside your stomach.
Before food was served, speeches were started by both sets of parents. All of them were beautifully worded and carefully thought out to honor the couple. As Joe stood to say his, you latched on to every word, secretly admiring the sincerity he had for his best friend. He kept it short but sweet, and of course, claps seemed a little louder after his. Finally, you watched as the blonde stood, introducing herself as Stephanie, she went on about her best friend Ava and you subconsciously tuned her out. You were brought back when Joe’s name was mentioned, specifically how, “thankful” she was for Sam bringing such a “special man” into her life. She smiled looking down at him and placing a hand on his shoulder as he looked up to her with a small smile. You couldn’t tell if you were more shocked at her words or the twisting in your stomach because of her words. The adoring coos from the audience didn’t help the feeling, and neither did the few glances you picked up from individuals who knew well of your past with Joe.
As the reception continued, the dance floor got more crowded and the music got louder as the night continued. Your mind was in a different place than it was an hour ago, you were actually enjoying dancing with your friends and catching up with people you hadn’t seen in years. “You want a drink?” you loudly ask Rachel over the music as she dances next to you. “No thanks! Still working on this one!” she shows you her drink and you nod, letting her know you’d be at the bar. You hopped up on a barstool greeting the bartender with a smile as you rattled off your order. Turning away only for a second to look at the dance floor, you were startled when you turned back, noticing who had joined you.
“vodka soda please.” Joe orders from the man and slowly turns his head towards you with a smile. You can’t help but giggle a little. “How are you still drinking the same thing from college? Some things really never change I guess.” You raise your eyebrows as you take a sip from your drink. “Hello to you too.” He sarcastically replies making you both smile a little. “I honestly had no idea you were going to be here, I mean i can’t believe Sam didn’t mention it,” he states. “Yeah well it was great timing, I moved to the Covington area a few months ago so I was excited to come see everyone again,” you reply trying to make casual conversation. “Wow…I had no idea you were back, I mean i’m just really surprised to see you after all this time.” His eyes softened a bit and you could’ve sworn he had gotten closer. “You look really great, y/n” his words are quieter and you swear you see a shift in his eyes. You blush a bit at his words and fail to hide it. “Thank you, so do you. How have you been doing?” you reply trying to change the path of the conversation. “I’m alright, just making it through the off-season right now after such a shitty season. Looking forward to some trips and stuff,” he reply’s with a shrug. “That’s nice, I’m glad you let yourself relax a little,” You give him a genuine smile. Your eyes both lingered on each other a little too long, leaving you both in a blushed giggle. “So are you still working the same job,” he questions. “No, I mean technically yeah, but for a different company. I wasn’t happy anymore and felt like I couldn’t move up at all. Now I can stay here and feel a lot more productive with what I’m actually doing.” you stop yourself from going on not wanting to bombard him with a vent. “That’s nice you can stay in one place now, wish it could’ve been like that a couple years ago.” He laughs to himself but immediately regrets his word choice seeing your reaction. You felt a ping of guilt. He was right, things would be so different if you hadn’t uprooted your whole life for a job you wouldn’t even end up settling on. “I’m sorry, that came out wrong.” His hand inched toward yours but he stopped himself, seeming to be fighting an internal conflict. “It’s okay” you give him a reassuring smile.
You two continue to catch up and throw back a couple more drinks which you couldn’t even deny you were heavily feeling. You both watched the movement on the dance floor and your eyes fell on Stephanie who you had caught suspiciously watching Joe a few times throughout the night. Your mind honestly no longer had a say in what your words were. “So…” you press on “Stephanie seems nice!” You say with a clearly high octave in your voice making Joe laugh and shake his head. “Yeah..Yeah you know Sam introduced us, and we basically went on a double date and all and you know, it’s all good.” He finishes off his drink and places it on the bar with a hint of aggression. You watch her make her way off the dance floor and towards you and Joe. She pulls him off the barstool, clearly ignoring you and drags him to dance. He was clearly just as drunk as you which you felt partially at fault for, but decided to go find Rachel. You searched around for a bit but couldn’t seem to find her anywhere. You noticed Stephanie taking a selfie with Joe from across the room which he seemed antsy to get away from. You figured maybe Rachel took a step outside so made your way to the lit-up back patio area. You felt a sharp breeze as you stepped outside, regretting not bringing a coat as you held your arms and began to walk in search of her. After a long walk around the venue, you felt less under the influence and took a deep breath before you were stopped in your tracks.
“you just seem to be everywhere tonight.” You Joke, causing Joe's head to turn from where he was leaning on the railing looking out towards the city. “You look absolutely freezing,” his eyebrows raise as you accept the spot next to him. “just a bit” you joke, not expecting what he does next. You feel his suit jacket rest over your shoulders and a feeling of warmth overcomes you, something greater than just the feeling of a jacket. You look up to him with a smile before looking back towards the city. You both stood there, in absolute silence, for what felt like an eternity. The sun was long set by now, and the city glowed as each building outlined its own unique story. Your eyes traced each one, you felt so in touch at this moment, probably partially due to the alcohol, and partially due to something much greater than that.
Joe was the first to break the silence. “y/n…I’m really glad I got to see you, I really thought I’d never see you again.” he admits keeping his eyes ahead. You take a deep breath before speaking. “Yeah me too Joe, i’m glad everything worked out for us you know? We both got what we wanted in the end.” You said trying to convince yourself your words held truth. Joe seemed happy and like he had it all, you on the other hand felt like a lost puppy. He lets out a breath as his head drops before he turns to you. “Are you happy?” he asks. You freeze at the question, such simple words left you so complexed. Your silence seemingly answers his question. “Y/n…I told you a long time ago how much you mean to me, I just want you to know that hasn’t changed.” You both turn to each other at his words. “Joe-” you start but he cuts you off.
“Just listen. You ended things a long time ago with us and I let you. But I shouldn’t have, I should’ve fought harder and you know, I guess I just wanted you to know I’m sorry, for not fighting harder.” he stares into your eyes in a way you knew all too well. A feeling you hadn’t felt in years crept back into your body as you felt yourself gravitate towards him. You feel him pick up your hand as he moves in. His other hand meets your chin as he lifts your head towards his.
Inches away,
You feel your nose graze his, and in a quick second, you are met with the only lips that have ever meant anything to you.
Part two here
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floridagirlboy · 5 months
i like to imagine florida is the inverse of the phrase "it's easy, it's not rocket science!". he can, in fact, understand rocket science perfectly fine. he wrote a thesis once, believe it or not (nobody believes it). aerospace is his jam. marine science? yeah, pretty good at that. he cannot, however, understand (although not limited to):
the law
consequences of his actions
what are appropriate things to say in a conversation
how to not voice every little thought he has
basic math (if not in regard to anything he's interested in, or it's something that he has to do)
basic reading (if not in regard to anything he's interested in, or it's something that he has to do)
that no matter how much she coos at the honey badger it will still maul her
he can't just give an IOU to the IRS instead of paying his taxes
jail is actually a real place that people go to
how to stay on topic
"fuck it, we ball" is not applicable to a natural disaster
the hurricane will not avoid him even if he "asks nicely"
the hurricane will not hit him even if he "asks nicely"
not everyone understands the complex inner machinations of his mind and his reasons for doing bizarre things
why tomatoes are fruits and not vegetables
why starfruit is not a shape named after a color
they don't always have to be the center of attention
some things are not meant to be eaten
the alligators will not listen to her every command nevermind, apparently they can do that
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thatsdemko · 1 year
want one? -c.pulisic
pairing: Christian pulisic x fem!reader
warnings: fluff + baby fever + minor errors
a/n: since my last Christian work got shadowbanned I hope this one doesn’t 🤞🏻inspired by this video
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Avery crawls across the floor, Christian sits on the other end patting the carpet cheering words of encouragement for the seven month old.
“come on, Avery! come see uncle Chris.” his mouth hasn’t left a smile since you arrived to Florida a couple hours ago. the second you got to his sisters house your boyfriend has not left his nieces side. needless to say, he’s obsessed with her, and how could one not be? her rolls, eyes, and smile were just all too precious it was easy to get wrapped around her finger.
“good girl!” Christian cheers watching her plop into his lap, he holds one of her toys in his hands, and her little fingers are reaching up trying to bring it to her mouth.
“I can’t believe how big she’s gotten.” you turn to devyn, the most gorgeous mother and Christian’s sister. she nods in agreement watching her big brother play peek a boo with her daughter. the giggles of them both echo around the house.
“they grow up so fast, before you know it she’s kicking a soccer ball around.” devyn chuckles watching Christian’s ears perk up, he picks his head up from the infant, a big happy smile.
“she’s going to play soccer?” he breathed out, almost ready to choke up. he was sure Avery would get into horses considering it was his sisters thing, but never once did he doubt she’d introduce her to the first love of his life— the game of footy.
“you act surprised! she’s got some pulisic genes in her, I’m sure she’ll be just as good as her uncle.” Devyn watches him pick up Avery pressing soft kisses against her skin and he mumbles some words you both can’t make out.
“maybe even better.” you chuckle saying it to just her. you can’t help but feel a certain way watching Christian interact with Avery. he’s always spoiled the little one from across the seas, but being in person with him and her is different. he’s so in love and wrapped around her finger you can’t help but imagine how he would be with one of his own.
“thinking about one?” she whispers, shoulder bumping into yours snapping you from your thoughts. you almost can’t help, but blush a little nodding. you’ve been with christian for a long enough time that children and marriage came up a lot, but the timing was never right. now seeing him with kids, maybe the best time was now.
“can’t help but think about it.” you sigh sinking further into the couch cushions allowing your ovaries to go into overdrive watching him lay on his stomach, feet kicking in the air watching the little girl play with her interactive toy.
“I know he wants one with you, it’s all he ever talks about to me now.” she gets up from the couch as Avery began to fuss a little. she goes off taking her daughter into another room leaving you both in the living room. in some way, you think the little girl knows there’s an important conversation needing to be held.
“she’s so freaking cute, y/n.” he moves to sit next to you, hand resting on your thigh, “I want one.” he whispers carefully watching your response. he knows what you’re about to say, he knows it’s not the right time, and he’s willing to wait. you’re the only one he wants to carry his children.
“I know, me too.” you whisper resting your head against his shoulder, “when can we start?” your words catch him by surprise. you hear his breath hitch a little watching him shift against you.
“y/n, be serious with me.” he says, you sit up off of him giving him a look that he knows you’re being for real. he laughs nervously half unexpectedly because he wasn’t expecting that response, “now? you want to start now?”
“whenever you’re ready, pulisic we can start.”
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ms--lobotomy · 4 months
Hi, I’m the person who sent you the ask about warhammer coworkers at taco bell. And I’m coming back on here to support the other anon who’s down bad for typhus, because I can see the logic behind it!
Now let me stand on my little soapbox and speak my little opinions. Personally I’m a fan of space marines being kinda asshole-y when it comes to romance, since even in the current lore space marines are treated with this heroic reverence from the narrative. Astartes tend to be made into a (setting appropriate) noblebright figure, an angel landing from the skies, a brave knight battling the enemy, a symbol of the Imperium’s might and power. So when a space marine subverts those expectations and acts like a little bitch? Well it’s always a pleasant surprise, especially when it has to do with emotions that they did not (were not supposed to, were not allowed to) feel before. He isn’t sure what it is, he doesn’t understand it, he’s certainly going to be toxic about it. But when has any of that ever stopped an astartes before? I’d even go as far as to say that this concept is the reason why we all got so giggly and heart eyed about Cato Sicarius, a large insufferable man always following you around (with romantic intent) is just that strong of a mental image.
Now Typhus in your fic is already a rat bastard. But imagine him doing all of that while also being the First Captain of a space marine legion, because this isn’t just your weird coworker being a creep, it’s a genetically engineered murder machine in power armour being a creep. And when he manages to back you into the wall mid-conversation there’s going to be nobody to stop him from teasing you a bit more than usual, perhaps even grabbing your jaw with his armoured hand, tilting your head up so you’ll finally stop avoiding his gaze, maybe going as far as stealing a kiss or two. Who knows? Plus, it’s not like being his little mortal doesn’t come with some added bonuses, no one will even dare speak bad of you or lay a hand on you now. That nausea and wooziness you’re feeling is just the power of love babe, nothing else, totally nothing else!
OH. OH MY GOODNESS HELLO. First of all, I've never seen Astartes as a noblebright sort of thing personally, from their creation to being used as the strongarm of the evil empire. (Insert James Tullos's thumbnail about how all empires are evil.) But I can see how in universe, they're seen as heroic protectors of humanity and all that jazz.
You're going to give me brain worms about Typhus now, both Florida Man and Space Marine. GRABBING MY JAW? HELLO? NAUSEA AND WOOZINESS?? I never expected people to be into Typhus, but in retrospect it makes total sense.
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50calmadeuce · 7 months
Ch.7: The Talk
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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"I'm going to be the best damn fighter pilot ever," declares your now 'husband' with a conviction that lights up his eyes. A smile spreads across your face, both proud and supportive of his determination and dreams. He looked so good in his khaki Navy uniform.
"That's exactly what I expect from you," you reply, your voice laced with pride and affection. "And I'll be cheering you on every step of the way."
His green eyes meet yours, and in them, you see not just the fierce determination of a man set on conquering the skies but also the warmth and gratitude for your unwavering support.
He drew you in closer, his eyes searching yours. "You're okay with this?"
"Jake. I have school to finish. It's not like being a medical doctor, believe it or not. It's actually harder. How long will you be gone?"
"Six weeks."
"And you'll be stationed in Florida during that time?"
"Yes, Ma'am," he responded, his southern drawl adding a layer of charm to his words, paired with a grin that melted your heart. It was hard to believe that you were actually married to this man after just a week and a half. "I'll keep you updated on my next location." Leaning in, he kissed you—a kiss that was soft, filled with love and promise. As you parted from the embrace, your foreheads remained gently pressed together. "I promise, we'll have our honeymoon after everything settles down, Mrs. Seresin." His words, sincere and full of future promises.
You smiled. "Technically, it'll be Doctor Seresin, but I won't hold that against you." The light-hearted jest carried the warmth of your shared understanding and the mutual respect for each other's ambitions and titles.
As the memory gently receded, you completed preparing the hot cocoa, adding a splash of bourbon for an extra layer of warmth. Carrying two mugs into the living room, you found Jake settled on the couch. Handing him one of the cups, he accepted it with a nod.
"Thank you," he said, his voice carrying a hint of appreciation as he wrapped his hands around the warm mug.
Settling on the couch beside him, you draped the Aztec blanket from the back of the couch over your lap, embracing the warmth and comfort it offered. After taking a sip of the cocoa, its warmth spreading through you, you turned to look at him. "Start talking, Hangman."
Jake took a deep breath, the seriousness in your request evident. The cozy setting of the living room, with its gentle lighting and the quiet ambiance, contrasted sharply with the weight of the conversation that was about to unfold. He shifted slightly, turning to face you more directly, his expression a mix of determination and vulnerability.
"Alright," he began, his voice steady but laced with an undercurrent of emotion. "You know the missions we fly aren't exactly routine, but this last one... it was different. It was one of those moments where everything that could go wrong, did."
He paused, searching for the right words, his gaze momentarily drifting away before locking back onto yours. "We were deep in enemy territory, and we got ambushed. It was like they knew exactly where and when to hit us. Maverick and Rooster, they were in a tight spot, almost didn't make it out. And if it weren't for a split-second decision, they wouldn't have."
The weight of his words hung in the air, a testament to the danger and the razor-thin margins on which survival often hung in their line of work. He took a sip of his cocoa, perhaps seeking a momentary respite from the memories.
Understanding the constraints of his job meant he couldn't divulge everything, you appreciated the efforts he made to share as much as he could with you.
He shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say I saved them at the last minute."
That familiar cockiness, a trait you knew well in your husband, surfaced, bringing a sense of normalcy and comfort to the conversation. It was these moments that reminded you of the strength and confidence that defined him.
The shift in his demeanor was palpable as his voice softened, weighed down by a sorrow that had lingered in the spaces between his words. "But I couldn't save our baby. I couldn't be here to protect you," he confessed, the vulnerability in his eyes as tears began to form, revealing the depth of his pain and regret. It was a stark reminder of the personal battles he faced, battles not against external enemies but against the circumstances that kept him from being there in your moment of need.
You gently set your cocoa down on the coffee table, carefully took his mug from his hands to place it beside yours, and then reached out to clasp his hands in yours. "Jake, I was just starting the third month," you began, holding his gaze with a tender yet steady look. "It was an accident that the horse kicked. We both know I just figured out I was pregnant."
Jake's face softened, the mention of the horse and the accident bringing back a flood of memories, each one tinged with the pain of what had been lost. His hands, strong yet gentle, squeezed yours in response, a silent acknowledgment of the shared heartache.
"I remember," he whispered, the words barely audible, yet laden with emotion. "I remember how excited we were, how much we looked forward to everything that was supposed to come next. And then…"
He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence, the weight of the loss momentarily overtaking him. The room seemed to shrink with the intensity of the moment, the air thick with unspoken feelings and the quiet sorrow of what could have been.
Taking a deep breath, he continued, "I know I wasn't there when you needed me most. I was… I was lost, Y/N."
"I know you were, but I love my job." You adjusted yourself. "It's better now. I work with a team now, so if I do, or we do, start a family, I won't be in that predicament." His eyes locked on yours as you took a breath, gathering your thoughts and emotions. "When I was making the cocoa in the kitchen, I thought back to the day you had to leave for your six-week fighter school. I remembered how confident you were—not just in what you wanted to do, but also in my goals and how we were going to navigate it all together. How you, someone I'd known for only a week and a half, could possess such unwavering confidence, I'll never fully understand. But it was in that moment I knew I loved you for it."
Jake's expression softened, the reminiscence touching something deep within him. The memory of that day, the emotions that had swirled between them, was a vivid reminder of the foundation upon which their relationship was built. It was a foundation of mutual respect, support, and an unshakeable belief in each other's dreams and abilities.
"I remember that day," Jake said, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and affection. "I saw something in you, Y/N. A strength and determination that matched my own. You had this fire in your eyes, this passion for your work, for your dreams. It was impossible not to believe in you, in us. Hell, that's why I married you."
"I married you for the same reasons, Jake," you responded, your voice steady, laced with emotion.
"After I told you to quit your job because of the baby, I thought I lost you," he admitted, his voice carrying a note of vulnerability.
"Well, not calling or talking was pretty rough, and I can't say I didn't think about divorce," you confessed, the honesty in your voice cutting through the air between you.
Jake looked at you, a depth of understanding and gratitude shining through his gaze. "But yet, you stayed," he acknowledged, his voice soft yet filled with emotion.
You nodded, affirming his words. "I did because I knew you were hurting," you responded, your voice carrying a mix of empathy and resolve. "I got to see the confident and cocky side of my husband before he left. I never got to see what happens when something breaks him," you continued, your voice laced with a mixture of reflection and concern. Jake met your gaze, a complex mix of emotions flickering in his eyes as he processed your words. "And I have this feeling, I'm the only one that has seen that side of you." The weight of this realization seemed to settle between you, a silent acknowledgment of the intimacy and trust that defined your relationship.
Jake leaned forward, closing the distance between you, until your foreheads gently touched.
"You're right," Jake whispered, his voice a soft echo of the bond that tethered your hearts. "You are the only one who's seen me like that. I've always thought showing vulnerability was a weakness, especially in my line of work. But with you, I've come to understand it's a form of strength. Being open, honest, and vulnerable with you—it doesn't make me weaker; it makes me whole."
He pulled back slightly, just enough to look into your eyes, seeking and finding the solace he needed in their depths. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, you've always been my safe haven, a place where I can lay down the burdens I carry and just be me. Not the fighter pilot, not the officer, but just Jake. And I've never thanked you enough for that, for being my rock, my constant in a life filled with uncertainties, even when I wasn't there."
You reached out, your hand moving with a tenderness that conveyed the depth of your feelings, and gently placed it on the side of his face. Then slowly, you leaned in, closing the gap between the two of you with a sense of purpose and affection. The moment your lips met, it was as if time itself slowed down, allowing you both to fully immerse in the tenderness of the kiss.
At his family's ranch in Texas, under the expansive blue sky, you and Jake stood in front of a beautifully crafted country wedding arch adorned with wildflowers and soft, flowing fabrics that danced in the gentle breeze. The setting was picturesque, embodying the rustic elegance and warmth of the ranch that had been a significant part of Jake's life. You in your floral lace country wedding dress, and Jake in his dress whites. In front of the pastor, who wore a kind smile that reflected the joy of the occasion, you both prepared to exchange vows that would bind your lives together.
His sister, radiant in her role as your Matron of Honor, stood by your side, her presence a comforting and supportive force. Next to Jake, his brother-in-law, serving as the Best Man, wore a proud and approving look, clearly honored to play a pivotal role in this momentous day. The intimate gathering of family and close friends, all bearing witness to your union, created an atmosphere of love and celebration that seemed to envelop everyone in a shared happiness.
As you locked eyes with Jake, everything else seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, ready to embark on this new journey together.
"Jake Seresin, do you take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you vow to love her, comfort her, honor and cherish her, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and to remain faithful to her alone, as long as you both shall live?" the pastor queried, his voice resonating with the solemnity of the moment.
With a depth of emotion and unwavering certainty, Jake responded, his gaze locked with yours, a silent promise reflected in his eyes. "I do," he affirmed, his words a testament to the strength of his commitment and love.
"Y/N, do you take Jake Seresin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in the bond of marriage? Do you vow to love him, comfort him, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, to be faithful only to him for as long as you both shall live?" the pastor inquired, his voice echoing the gravity of the commitment being made.
With a heart full of love and eyes shining with the promise of a shared future, you replied firmly and with unwavering conviction, "I do."
The pastor, witnessing the sincerity and strength of your vows, smiled warmly before turning to the gathered loved ones. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
As Jake stepped forward, closing the distance between you, there was a sense of coming home. When his lips met yours, the kiss was a deep well of all the love you felt for each other, a promise made not just for today but for all the tomorrows to come.
The applause that erupted from your family and friends filled the air with a joyous cacophony, a celebration of love’s enduring power and the beginning of a new chapter in your lives. As you turned to face the world as husband and wife, hand in hand, it was with the knowledge that together, you could face whatever the future held.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
Imagine that someone—perhaps a man from Florida, or maybe even a governor of Florida—criticized American support for Ukraine. Imagine that this person dismissed the war between Russia and Ukraine as a purely local matter, of no broader significance. Imagine that this person even told a far-right television personality that “while the U.S. has many vital national interests ... becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them.” How would a Ukrainian respond? More to the point, how would the leader of Ukraine respond?
As it happens, an opportunity to ask that hypothetical question recently availed itself. The chair of the board of directors of The Atlantic, Laurene Powell Jobs; The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg; and I interviewed President Volodymyr Zelensky several days ago in the presidential palace in Kyiv. In the course of an hour-long conversation, Goldberg asked Zelensky what he would say to someone, perhaps a governor of Florida, who wonders why Americans should help Ukraine.
Zelensky, answering in English, told us that he would respond pragmatically. He didn’t want to appeal to the hearts of Americans, in other words, but to their heads. Were Americans to cut off Ukraine from ammunition and weapons, after all, there would be clear consequences in the real world, first for Ukraine’s neighbors but then for others:
If we will not have enough weapons, that means we will be weak. If we will be weak, they will occupy us. If they occupy us, they will be on the borders of Moldova and they will occupy Moldova. When they have occupied Moldova, they will [travel through] Belarus and they will occupy Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia. That’s three Baltic countries which are members of NATO. They will occupy them. Of course, [the Balts] are brave people, and they will fight. But they are small. And they don’t have nuclear weapons. So they will be attacked by Russians because that is the policy of Russia, to take back all the countries which have been previously part of the Soviet Union.
And after that, if there were still no further response? Then, he explained, the struggle would continue:
When they will occupy NATO countries, and also be on the borders of Poland and maybe fight with Poland, the question is: Will you send all your soldiers with weapons, all your pilots, all your ships? Will you send tanks and armored vehicles with your young people? Will you do it? Because if you will not do it, you will have no NATO.
At that point, he said, Americans will face a different choice: not politicians deciding whether “to give weapons or not to give weapons” to Ukrainians, but instead, “fathers and mothers” deciding whether to send their children to fight to keep a large part of the planet, filled with America’s allies and most important trading partners, from Russian occupation.
But there would be other consequences too. One of the most horrifying weapons that Russia has used against Ukraine is the Iranian-manufactured Shahed drone, which has no purpose other than to kill civilians. After these drones are used to subdue Ukraine, Zelensky asked, how long would it be before they are used against Israel? If Russia can attack a smaller neighbor with impunity, regimes such as Iran’s are sure to take note. So then the question arises again: “When they will try to occupy Israel, will the United States help Israel? That is the question. Very pragmatic.”
Finally, Zelensky posed a third question. During the war, Ukraine has been attacked by rockets, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles—“not hundreds, but thousands”:
So what will you do when Russia will use rockets to attack your allies, to [attack] civilian people? And what will you do when Russia, after that, if they do not see [opposition] from big countries like the United States? What will you do if they will use rockets on your territory?
And this was his answer: Help us fight them here, help us defeat them here, and you won’t have to fight them anywhere else. Help us preserve some kind of open, normal society, using our soldiers and not your soldiers. That will help you preserve your open, normal society, and that of others too. Help Ukraine fight Russia now so that no one else has to fight Russia later, and so that harder and more painful choices don’t have to be made down the line.
“It’s about nature. It’s about life,” he said. “That’s it.”
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many-sparrows · 11 months
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I haven't been able to stop thinking about this from @jspark3000 , a hospital chaplain in Florida. He sums it up so perfectly.
People are dying and you are asking me to look away. People are dying and you are telling me that it's just too complicated for you to have an opinion on. People are dying and they are being called animals. People are dying and you are telling me that the Bible justifies the state of israel, actually, so it's fine.
I hold so much grief and pain and compassion for Israeli citizens now living in fear. I share anxiety and prayers and hope for hostages, and grief for innocent people who were massacred. But I cannot do that and then ignore the plight of Palestine. Not when people have been crying out in pain for decades. Not when a child dies every fifteen minutes. Not when families are being eradicated and settler violence is escalating without recourse. For the same reason that I grieve the victims of Hamas, I must side against the state of Israel and its history of oppression and violence!
I go to the wounded! I go to those fighting to survive! I go to those facing oppression!! I have no other choice! The Bible tells me to listen to those in pain, no matter who they are, and that means that I can hold compassion and dignity for people all over different parts of this conflict, while still understanding the inequity at play. When there is so, so much suffering and anguish, I cannot look away, no matter how much easier that would be! Acts 20:27 refuses to let us shrink away from the FULL council of God, no matter how difficult it becomes!
As long as I am alive, I must go to the wounded and the weeping. I go to my Christian siblings who are being persecuted in ways that most born and bread American Christians can't fathom. I have committed myself to peace making, different than peace keeping, and I cannot abandon that! Some analysts project that when this is all over, there will be no more Christians left in Gaza. I have no other option than to hold the people of Palestine and to continue to see them.
To follow this faith, you must have courage. Not only to do difficult things, but to challenge difficult thoughts. To engage in difficult conversations. To abandon neutrality when it is a tool of oppression. To hold complex realities without abandoning those who need you. To extend compassion and mercy farther than you can imagine possible. To listen when people cry out.
I go to the wounded, because I do not have the option not to. Palestine, you will never, ever walk alone. 🇵🇸
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something-tofightfor · 8 months
Liminality: Part 7
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Word Count: 12,211 (listen, I'd apologize but I'm not at all sorry.)
Rating: NSFW... in every sense of the word.
Summary: A conversation that you - and Frankie - never thought would happen comes ... but what happens after that conversation is the real game changer.
Author’s note:
The response to the last chapter - and to this story in general - has been really, really cool. This one means a lot to me because there are so many moving parts, and I'm really thankful that you all seem to be enjoying it.
Thank you for reading - and for reaching out. If you ever want to talk about this story, my inbox is open.
Masterlist (for the journal entries and all of the other 'extras' + previous chapters)
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He walked confidently next to you through the hospital’s main doors, and when you asked again at the reception desk for Alec’s room number, the nurse was more than helpful - though her gaze lingered on Frankie while she gave you the information, color rising in her cheeks. 
“You’ve got a fan.” The doors of the elevator closed behind you and Frankie looked over, rolling his eyes. He’d taken the sunglasses off and tucked one arm into the collar of his tee-shirt, his hat tossed onto the dashboard and left behind, leaving his curls untamed. “I don’t blame her, either. Your hair is looking particularly pullable today.” 
“Shut the fuck up.” He scowled at you, though you also saw his cheeks redden, Frankie ducking his head down. “You’re imagining things.” 
“I’m not.” Leaning against the handrail, you shook your head. “Remember, you told me that I didn’t have to stroke your ego? I just call it like I see it.” He was quiet, even after the doors opened, and when the two of you stepped into the sterile-smelling hallway, he hesitated. Oh, Frankie. “It’s going to be alright.” You reached for his hand, the man sliding his palm along yours. “Talking to you will get her mind off of what happened, and it’ll give you some of the answers you should already have.” 
His only reply was a single squeeze, but he didn’t let go as you started moving again, making your way down the hallway to room 306. The door was partially shut so you knocked twice, pushing it open and poking your head around the edge of it. 
Ashley got to her feet immediately, but you looked past her and at Alec, not sure what to expect. 
It was somehow worse and better than you’d imagined; the man’s eyes both black and a large scrape running up the side of his neck and across his left cheek. “Won’t be winning any beauty contests for the next couple weeks, but…” Alec shrugged, the small movement making him wince. “Hey, how’s it going? We made it to Florida.” 
You let go of Frankie’s hand and crossed the room, leaning down to take Alec’s hand and tightening your grip on his fingers. “I’d hug you, but I don’t think you want that right now.” He groaned and thanked you, and it was only then that you looked over at Ashley, the woman standing defensively between the end of the bed and Frankie. “Ashley, Alec, this is Francisco Morales. He’s a helicopter pilot and my friend, and …” The woman took two steps forward, and for the first time since you’d met him, Frankie looked afraid, the man backing up toward the doorway as she advanced. What is… “Ashley?” 
“You don’t have to be afraid of me, Francisco.” She held up her hand, taking a deep breath. “Whatever you’re feeling right now is …” Twisting her hand so that her palm was facing upward, she waited for him to take it. “It’s normal. And I apologize for it, and for my -” She stepped even closer and you waited breathlessly, more intrigued by what you were watching than anything you’d ever seen before. Is it because they’re both wolves?
“Why do I … this hasn’t…” He reached for her hand slowly, and when their fingers met he finally relaxed, both of his shoulders slumping. “Shit.” 
“Is this the first time you’ve ever met another one of us?”
“Yes.” He nodded, his eyes moving over her face. “Since the day I got bitten, it’s just been me. I’ve never talked to another … fuck.” She turned his arm over and looked down at the scar, the fingers of her other hand rising to touch it. 
“They got you good.” Ashley’s head rose and then she looked back over her shoulder, meeting Alec’s eyes and shaking her head before she looked at you. “It wasn’t him. Even human, he smells different.” 
She thought he might be the one that did this? “What? You thought I’d bring the man that… Frankie, I didn’t know.” 
Frankie pulled his hand free from hers and backed away, his mouth dropping open and his eyes going wide. “What the -”
“No. I didn’t think you would.” She held up both hands, turning so that she was able to look at all three of you at once. “I’m just confirming it. She inhaled and then held the breath, turning her attention back to Frankie. “There are a couple courtyards outside. Why don’t we go and get something to drink and have a conversation.” You met his eyes and saw apprehension in them, but it quickly turned to understanding, the man nodding once. It’s going to be alright. 
“Sounds good. I have … a lot of questions.” 
“I’m sure you do. Hopefully I have answers.” She laughed out loud, nodding even as she looked back at Alec and mouthed the words “I love you” at him. 
They left moments later. Frankie waited to follow Ashley out of the room after looking back at you, an uncertain look in his eyes. It’s going to be alright. 
That left you and Alec alone. It was silent, aside from the sound of the machines that he was hooked up to, but when he spoke up after a minute or so, it shocked you. 
“She’s hot, right? What do you think?” Covering your face with both hands as you burst into laughter, you pulled one of the chairs up to the side of the bed and sat in it, scooting as close as possible to the mattress. 
“She’s gorgeous, Alec. And she’s glowing. She looked exhausted yesterday, but … today, she looks better.” You took his hand again, letting out a shaky breath. “She was really worried about you.” 
“I was too. I lost a lot of blood. But let me tell you something.” He struggled into a more upright position, his face contorting in pain briefly. “She didn’t even hesitate to jump between me and that thing. It all happened so fucking fast. She’s smaller, her wolf? And the one that got me was huge, but it was like it didn’t matter.” He pointed, even though the woman and Frankie were long gone. “Bravest fucking woman I’ve ever met.” 
“Can you tell me anything about what happened?” You didn’t want to jump immediately into it, but knew you needed to, before the two of you even thought about catching up. “I’ve still never seen a wolf.” 
“Not even him?” Alec wet his lips and you reached for the cup of water on the table next to him, handing it over. “I thought -”
“I didn’t know he was one until yesterday morning.” Rubbing the space between your brows, you sighed. “So no. I haven’t seen him and I don’t know that I will see him, because we haven’t talked about it, but …” You looked out the window. “I think I’m going to need his help. Kind of like you and Ashley? Maybe next moon we’ll go out to the same location, and he can … he can run and let me know if he smells anything, but …”
“But?” Alec blinked. “But what?” 
“But one of his friends always goes with him, and I don’t know that they’ll compromise. All of them are… kind of protective, and when I was telling him what I do to hunt, he didn’t seem… thrilled.” You gestured to him. “After what happened to you with another wolf there, I doubt he’ll want to risk it.” 
“Convince him.” Alec said your name, leaning forward a little. “Because if she’d come back 30 seconds earlier, we would have had the one that attacked me. He was slow. He was unsure. The scratches on the trees? He does that while he’s taunting the person he’s going to attack. It’s a display of intimidation. I could have shot him, but he charged too quick.” You’d wondered if marking the territory happened before or after the attacks, and now you knew. “Got between me and the gun after he knocked me over. And then circled back and was just … pawing at the ground and growling. It was like it was routine, not even just as a wolf, but … before.” 
“You mean like he’s a hunter? Or what?” You didn’t understand, tapping the fingers of one hand on the bedside table. “A serial killer maybe? Or - “
“No. Disciplined, though. He was methodical.” He pointed. “He scratched my leg, too. Clawed it pretty fuckin’ deep so I couldn’t try to run.” Alec’s fingers tightened around the cup handle. “I was screaming at that point. It hurt. And I knew that Ash would hear and come back, and that he could smell that she’d been there, but  I think … I think he waited until he heard her coming back before he decided what to do. He howled a couple times, but just … circled me.” He carefully rubbed at his eyes, wincing in pain. “I stood up, barely. But I made it to my feet, and then I heard her howling, and knew she was close. As soon as she came through the trees, he lunged. I thought he was going to bite me, but he just swiped at me, and I went flying. He was strong. I think I hit my head on something, because I blacked out and when I opened my eyes, I saw them fighting. I saw her bite him, and then he ran off, howling again.” 
“She said she couldn’t move you. She didn’t want to bite you.” You chewed on your lip. “Are you sure he didn’t bite you?”  
“Positive. He wasn’t trying to bite. He could have if he wanted to, but he … didn’t.” Alec shook his head slowly. “Ash explained it to me once, and said that for most packs, a wolf biting someone is a gift. Means they want you to be like them. A lot of … shit, a lot of wolves will bite the humans they want to be with, same as actual wolves do when they mate.” 
He paused and you immediately thought back to the way Frankie had held - and bitten - you the first time you’d been together, and the way he’d confirmed that he didn’t normally do that.  What does that mean? “I’m so sorry, Alec. I hate that this happened to you.” You lowered your head, staring at your lap. “I’m the one that told you to come here. I feel like …” 
“I’m glad it was me and not you.” He laughed, one of his hands moving to settle on your arm. “I was done anyway. This just means … I’m done sooner.” He lowered his voice, tone turning serious. “But also because this shit fucking hurts. I have no idea how nothing was broken except a couple ribs, and thinking of you like this with no one to take care of you and no one to be here with you? Fuck that.” 
It drove home just how alone you were, and even though you hadn’t been the one to get attacked, you let your mind drift - for the first time in a long time - to think about what would happen if you did get injured while on your search. 
If you’d been in Alec’s place that time, you wouldn’t have been found until later in the day, and it probably would have been too late. And that thought made you realize something else. “He’s leaving the victims to die.” You gasped, tapping two fingers on Alec’s mattress. “He’s not trying to turn or outright kill anyone, he’s just … he’s injuring them and then letting them bleed out, or letting the animals get to them. Whatever happens, happens, and …”
“So he can technically say he hasn’t killed anyone, just injured them. And if someone like me lives, they can’t just … fuck. They can’t just say it was a wolf, because people would think they were crazy.” 
“What did you tell them?” He rolled his eyes. 
“I said it was too dark for me to see anything, that all I heard was something coming toward me and before I knew it, I was on my ass.” He looked up at the ceiling, his expression turning hard. “Said I screamed, because I did, but -”
“They said it was a panther.” You rubbed at your forehead. “Because if this thing isn’t biting anyone, there’s no teeth marks for comparison to anything else, and the claw marks won’t look much different because a werewolf is bigger than a regular wolf, and… fuck.” You had to admit that the wolf was thinking through everything, a clear sign that he was thorough. But impulsive. Because attacking a grown man while another wolf was right there? She might be smaller, but it’s still a fairer fight. 
Lowering your head, you exhaled, listening as Alec swore under his breath. But he was only silent for a minute before he settled back against the pillows, calling your attention. “You have a month to think about this. Let it go for today, alright?” Reluctantly, you nodded. “Tell me about him. Francisco?” Alec raised a brow, the amused expression on his bruised face making you smile, too. “Looks like we both found ourselves caught up in the thing we’ve been looking for our entire adult lives.”
“I’m not caught up.” Liar. “It just … happened.” Letting your gaze drift to the door, you wondered how Frankie’s conversation with Ashley was going. Good, I hope. “I got here and things just kind of fell into place. Frankie is … a very welcome distraction from what I’m used to.” He was more than that, and you had the idea that Alec knew it just as well as you did. “He’s a nice guy. Been through too much, and this wolf thing is … it wasn’t something he wanted, it just happened to him, and he’s been trying to get through it.” 
“You like him.” It wasn’t a question, Alec’s gaze laser focused on you. “You like him a lot, and that never happens on these jobs.” 
“It doesn’t. And I do. And I feel guilty because I know I shouldn’t. But … his life is here. And if I find this wolf and do something about it, I can’t stay. It’s onto the next place and the next -”
“Why?” He readjusted his position, still staring at you. “Why is it up to us?” 
“Because, the Chaos line -”
“Is going to exist no matter what we do. One or two people aren’t going to eliminate it, no matter how hard we try. It’s been revenge for as long as we’ve known, and no one’s killed one of them in years. It’s clear that they’re still making new wolves, so what’s the point?” 
“It’s what we do.” You shivered. “Alec, you’re done. If I’m done too, then …” Then they’re just allowed to keep going? “This is just how it is. How we’ve …” 
“Great-great-great grandma’s attacker is dead. It should have ended there, but it didn’t. I’m certainly not gonna have my kid out there hunting his own kind, even if they’re assholes and deserve it. I understand why they did it, but our parents are shit for expecting us to take over and keep this going.” He coughed, taking another drink of the water. “I’ve wanted to stop for a while, but I didn’t want to leave you by yourself. Ash getting pregnant was … it was a wake up call. Maybe you need one of those, too.” He pointed at the door. “Maybe you already got one.” 
Frankie? How is he a wake up call? You wanted to ask, but before you could, there was a knock on the door and then it opened, a nurse walking in. “Hello, Alec. I’m here to take your vitals… hope that’s alright.” He said that it was, and then introduced you, his demeanor changing in an instant to a friendly, more carefree one. Impressive. Must be the painkillers. 
You offered to leave, but both told you not to, and so you settled back in the chair, turning your attention to the TV - Game Show Network playing at an inaudible level. 
Frankie was silent for most of the drive back, but you couldn’t blame him for it. You’d seen the dazed look in his eyes when he and Ashley had reentered the room almost 40 minutes after the nurse left, you and Alec animatedly competing with the TV contestants in a game of LINGO. 
The four of you had hung out for a few minutes, Frankie leaning against the wall on the side of the bed you were sitting on. But one look at Ashley told you that whatever had been said between them had been overwhelming, and with a quick tilt of her head toward the door, you understood that it was time to go. 
You said your goodbyes, Ashley whispering that she’d call you the following day, and even though he’d taken your hand again as you walked back toward the elevator, Frankie hadn’t spoken. 
It wasn’t until you got off of 275 that you realized he was going to his place and not yours. “If you want me to take you home, I will. I just …” He slid his hand across the top of the steering wheel. “I feel more comfortable at my place.” 
“No, that’s fine. Do you want me to order a pizza or something? I haven’t eaten since earlier, and…” He nodded, so while he kept driving you placed the order, getting him his own order of garlic bread and an extra sauce. He parked the truck and pulled the key from the ignition but then didn’t move, the keys dangling from his fingers and one hand resting against the steering wheel. “Frankie, are you alright? I don’t want to pry, but I just -”
“Get out of the truck.” He looked over at you, his lower lip pushed out into a pout, the line between his brows deep. “Please.” The last word was more an exhale than actual speech, but you nodded, opening the door and stepping out onto his driveway as you shut it behind you. He just needs time. 
Turning toward the house, you took a half step before Frankie was on you, both of his arms winding around you to pull you flush against his chest. He still didn’t speak, but when you managed to get the arm that wasn’t trapped between you around him, palm settled against his lower back, you felt that he was shaking, the man’s entire body trembling. “Frankie, please. What’s wrong?” 
He held you tighter at the question, Frankie’s fingers digging into your back, and when he inched backwards, he still didn’t let you go. “Thank you.” His eyes were shining, but they were warm, the tip of his tongue peeking out from between his teeth for a split second. “No one’s ever … what you did for me today? Taking me to talk to Ashley?” His head whipped back and forth, mouth moving wordlessly as he thought through his next words. “For the first time in three years, I know I’m not alone.” 
Your eyes filled with tears at that, and even though them, you watched him close the distance between you, tilting your head to meet him halfway. 
The press of his lips was soft but certain, and you felt it in the way he held you - that he was trying to put the things he couldn’t verbalize into the kiss. You were content to keep it simple, but Frankie wasn’t, urging you backwards a few steps so that your back connected with the truck’s door, breath escaping you in a soft woosh at the impact. 
Frankie took advantage of that, licking his way over your lower lip and into your mouth, and when you moaned into the kiss, he repositioned his body, giving you the opportunity to free your hand and bring it up to his hair. You hadn’t been lying in the hospital; it was especially inviting that day. And I want to feel it. He didn’t seem to mind, growling at the drag of your fingers along his scalp. 
The kiss warmed you from the inside out, the budding fear in you that something had gone wrong at the hospital disappearing with each stroke of his tongue along yours. He wasn’t upset with you. Ashley hadn’t been too harsh with him. He didn’t regret telling you the truth about what he was and how it had happened. 
He pulled away with a curl of his lip and the drag of his teeth around your lower one, but it was you that spoke first, sucking in a breath and then whispering the words to him. “Told you your hair was particul-” That was as far as you got before he was kissing you again, but that one was less serious, and you could feel his smile as it pressed to your lips. 
“I’m gonna stop now.” He let go of you and stepped away, barely shaking his head from side to side, one hand pressed flat against the window behind your head. . “Otherwise we’re going to give that poor pizza guy a show.”
“I wouldn’t have to tip then.” You scrunched your nose and ducked under his arm, laughing, and were happy to hear him laughing, too. When you passed beneath the arch just before the porch steps, you spun back to look at Frankie, deciding to do what you’d been doing since getting to Tampa and take a risk. “What about later, after the pizza guy leaves?” 
He put his hat back on, and then tipped the brim up, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his head to the side. “Guess you’ll have to wait and see.” 
A thunderstorm rolled in while you ate, the two of you comfortable on the couch with the radio on and the Tampa - Cleveland game on in the background. Frankie wordlessly got up and pulled the front door open before making his way around the living room and kitchen to open the windows. “You like the rain?” He sat down next to you, a little closer than he had been - and then slid his arm around your shoulders, thumb running over the top of your opposite one. “I do. Always have. I grew up listening to storms rolling in off the Gulf.” 
“Where’d you live?” Leaning your head against his shoulder, you paused. “Did you grow up in Florida?”
“Cape Coral.” He propped his feet up on the table, flexing his hips and getting settled. “Until I was 13, and then we packed up and moved here.” 
“You’ve been here for that long?” He nodded, running his other hand over his thigh. “Damn.” 
“I got into fights in school when we first moved up here. Nothing serious, but I wasn’t the best behaved kid. And then I met Pope, and it was like I met the brother I never had.” Frankie went quiet, and you closed your eyes, waiting. “He got picked on really bad. Kids were fucking brutal.” You knew that to be true, confirming as much with a few nods of your head without lifting it.  “I wanted to protect him. So I did. He was a scrawny little shit, and I was too, but the thing is, I didn’t give a fuck, and it made me stronger.” 
It didn’t surprise you; Frankie and Pope were close, and of the guys, their connection was he most apparent. Even more than Benny and Will. “Bet he was a fan of that.” Frankie laughed, humming in appreciation of a loud rumble of thunder before continuing the story. 
“Then overnight, Pope hit puberty. And when that happened, no one was picking on him anymore. He went from being the kid that needed me to stop everyone from kicking his ass to the most popular guy in school.” There was another silence, and in the middle of it, a flash of lightning drew your attention, your eyes focused on the fluttering curtain. “Took me another six months to catch up with him, but he never abandoned me.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“It didn’t matter to him that I wasn’t doing anything for him anymore. He still wanted to be my friend, and I didn’t think he would.” 
“Why? That doesn’t make sense.” 
“It was probably just me being jealous, to be honest. He was getting dates left and right and I could barely get a girl to talk to me. He was getting invited to hang out with the popular kids, even though they were the same ones that had been making fun of him a month earlier. But he never left me out. And when I realized he wasn’t just doing it because he felt like he had to to pay me back, I …I understood that he really was my friend.” 
You knew that there was a reason he was telling you the story, but you couldn’t figure out what that reason was. “And here you are 20 years later.” 
“We both knew we wanted to enlist right out of high school, so we did. We kept in touch, though, and when we finally got the chance to get stationed together, and then put into the same unit… it felt right. And then we met Tom and Will, and then Benny a year or so later … and then Delta happened, and you know a lot of the rest.” 
He sighed, the sound loud. You watched for a few seconds and then nodded. “You care about them a lot.” 
“I do. And ever since I met all of them, I’ve just wanted to protect them. All of them. That’s why I was always so fucking careful and why this happening to me feels … inevitable.” 
“What?” You sat up, turning on the couch to look at him. “Frankie, I don’t understand.” 
“We all got greedy with the money. But I let myself get caught up in it too, and I knew better. You can bullshit your way out of just about anything, but overloading a helicopter and expecting it to perform a miracle isn’t one of those things. I fucking knew it, but I went against my better judgement and it ended up with me crashing and getting bitten by a fucking werewolf. Fitting, right?” 
“It’s not a punishment. The kid probably thought it would be, but … Frankie, it -”
“No. It’s a reminder that I can protect the people I love. And with what Ashley told me today, I can do a hell of a lot more than I thought.” 
“What?” He smiled at you, the dimple in his cheek becoming visible. “Frankie?” 
“Trust me.” I do. Of course I do. “I’m not going to go all the way,  but …” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the man’s chest expanding. His posture changed, Frankie’s shoulders relaxing. And when he opened his eyes again, you watched them change color, the brown brightening to gold, their shape changing slightly, too. 
“You can change at will.” He nodded, blinking a few times. When he looked at you again, everything was back to normal, Frankie relaxing into the cushions. “Oh, Frankie. After an hour you can do it?”
“I’m a quick learner especially when I’m motivated.” He held up his hands, extending them toward you. When you took them, he curled his fingers around yours, his skin warm. “And it means that not only can I help them if I need to, I can help you. I can help you with all of this.” 
You wanted to deny him. You wanted to tell him no, that you would be fine on your own. But that’s not the truth. “I’d appreciate the help, ‘Fish.” Sucking air in through your teeth, you looked away and then back at him. “I’m tired of doing this alone and hoping for the best.” 
He was shocked that you’d agreed so quickly, but you could also tell he was excited, the man’s grip on you tightening. “Yeah?” You nodded. “Good.” He nodded. “We’ve got a month to figure it all out.” 
“We do.” Deciding to risk it again, you cleared your throat. “You don’t need to tell me specifics, but … Did Ashley help? Aside from the confirmation about your shifting, I mean. Was she … able to answer your questions?” 
“She did. She answered questions I didn’t even know I had. And also … she invited me to come out and meet her pack after the baby’s born. She wants me to understand as much as I can about what the rest of my life’s gonna entail.” 
“Good.” You were relieved, your exhale audible. “That’ll be good for you.” More lightning flashed, illuminating the curves of Frankie’s face. You couldn’t stop staring, eyes roaming over his features in the dim lighting before you kept speaking, saying the words before you could talk yourself out of them. “I need to tell you something.” He nodded, expression serious. “I like you, Frankie. A lot. And all this talking over the last couple days about how it was going to be better for both of us to keep it casual because I’m leaving has made me wonder if it actually…”
“I like you too.” He stood up, letting go of your hands and walking toward the window, motioning for you to follow. “After Becca I was afraid to get close to anyone because it would eventually mean having to tell them something to explain why I had to leave every month, or to justify not being willing to have another kid with them if it ended up lasting.” Do you want more kids? “I know nothing about any of this, so what could I explain to them?” You nodded, standing next to him as Frankie braced one hand on the window frame, gripping it tightly. “Hooking up was the best choice for me. The only choice.” 
You leaned against his side and put your arm around his waist, watching - and listening to - the rain. “But?” The answer was right there, and even though he’d paused to give himself time to think, you knew it wouldn’t last long. 
You were right. 
“But you know what am and what it means. I don’t … I don’t have to hide that part of myself with you, and it’s a relief.” It hurt - a little - to think that that was the only reason he felt so connected to you. “But I wanted to tell you everything, and that has nothing to do with the wolf.” 
“What?” Turning to look at him, you frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I didn’t have to tell you about the money or the coke or the bullshit to tell you about the bite. I could have just said ‘we got ambushed in South America on a mission. I got bitten’. That wouldn’t have been a lie, and you never would have known anything else. The only other people that know what happened down there are the people who were there and Pope’s lawyer that set up the bank accounts. And now you do, too.” 
It was the truth - he’d told you more than he’d needed to to explain what he was and why. “Why?” It came out quietly, your voice thin. “What made you do that?”
“I have no idea. I’m … I can’t explain what I feel for you. But it’s … almost possessive. Like when Ashley got between me and Alec today? That’s how I felt the other morning when I heard what happened and then couldn’t get ahold of you.” It should have scared you - the man using the word possessive and then comparing his first reaction to the reaction of a woman attempting to protect the father of her unborn child and that very same child. Especially after four weeks. “And that was before you knew.” 
That changed things, and when you spun to face him entirely, your heart was pounding. “And you feel the same now? Even after I’ve explained what my family has been doing? Why I’m here? Knowing that I lied?”
“Yes.” He nodded, underscoring the word. “I owe them nothing, especially the one that did this to me, and the one that’s trying to ruin this place for me. And I lied to you, too. So I can’t be that pissed you didn’t tell me everything as soon as we met.” Frankie lifted his hand, the pad of his thumb moving slowly back and forth over your chin before he lifted it and touched it to your lips, his own briefly twitching upward into a smile. “I want to be the one to protect you. And yes, as I’m saying that out loud I know how fucking ridiculous it sounds.” 
It was ridiculous. You didn’t need someone to protect you. You’d been looking out for yourself for as long as you could remember, and were no worse for the wear because of it. But the idea of someone - especially Frankie being on your side, and ready to step in if you needed him to was appealing for multiple reasons. 
“This isn’t casual anymore, is it.” 
Frankie’s head moved back and forth slowly, the expanse of his palm cradling your cheek and his fingertips curling behind your ear. “No, I’m pretty sure it’s not.” 
All you had time for was a quick, stunned laugh before he’d urged you closer to kiss you, his mouth moving against yours with purpose. 
It was a promise as much as it was a kiss, and with it, Frankie reaffirmed his words. 
You felt it - the want in the way he held you, the emotion behind his movement - but you also felt his uncertainty, the man’s body not as relaxed as it had been in previous moments of togetherness. “I want that.” You whispered the words into his ear when the kiss ended and you pulled him closer, hugging him as tightly as you could. “I want you. I have for weeks, but haven’t wanted to admit it because I wasn’t telling you everything. And now I know it doesn’t need to …”
The next kiss was hungry, the hand not in your hair dropping down to grab a handful of you, his fingers slipping into your back pocket and hauling you even closer. “Bed?” His voice was low and raspy, Frankie only pausing the kiss long enough to get a few words out. “I’m not going to want to stop if we get started out here.”
Tearing yourself out of his hold, you reached down and pulled your shirt off, tossing it onto the couch. “Bed.” 
It was him that followed you that time, Frankie’s hands at your waist to urge you forward. He did take the time to open his bedroom windows, though, letting the sounds of the storm in. But before you could get into the bed, he was holding you from behind again, one large hand pressed to the center of your belly - his fingers splayed wide to touch as much of your skin as possible. 
“Before anything else happens…” He inhaled, holding his breath for a few seconds before he kissed the side of your neck and then turned his head to speak into your ear. “You don’t just want me because I’m filthy rich, right?” What? How could he… 
“No, of course not. I -” Spinning to face him, you tried to figure out how to respond. But one look at his expression told you that he was teasing you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Oh, you asshole. “On second thought … just how much money are we talking? Didn’t you say 250 m-” 
He pushed you backwards with a grumble of I knew it and both of you landed, bouncing on the bed. Frankie rolled to the side, taking you with him. “I want to look at you tonight.” You nodded, breath catching. “I want to -”
“I want to be on top.” You took a chance, swinging your leg over Frankie’s and urging him onto his back, both hands pressed against his chest. “Then you can look at me all you want.” After the very first few minutes of the first night, you’d both been careful about limiting the face to face contact while in bed. It wasn’t something you’d discussed, but it had happened, and neither of you had changed it.
The afternoon on his desk had been the exception - your chests pressed together while you wrapped your legs around his waist, your grip on his shoulders almost desperate and his on your hips hard enough to bruise. But that’s not what either of us wants today. 
“I like the sound of that.” His smile grew, Frankie’s hands running over the sides of your thighs, his skin warm against yours. “Gonna have to lose these, though.” He tugged on your shorts, tilting his head to the side. “Unless you just want to tease me.” 
“I do enjoy doing that.” Your smile widened, Frankie’s eyes crinkling at the corners as his did, too. “But no. I think tonight …” You reached up, undoing your bra and then sliding it off of your body. “Tonight I don’t want to wait any longer than I have to.” 
“Well then lucky for you…” He pulled one hand away and then lifted his hips, reaching back and pulling his wallet out. “Condom’s right here, so you don’t even need to get up.”
You glanced at the well-worn leather and then brought your attention back to Frankie, desire coiling thicker in your belly with every passing second. “So prepared… were you a boy scout?”
“I was, actually.” He grinned again, his eyes closing. “Dropped out when I was like fourteen, but …” He moved his hands back to your waist and undid the button there, followed by pulling down on the zipper with two fingers. “You know how it goes.” You sighed your agreement, eyes locked on him. 
Talking to Frankie in a group setting was nice, but having Frankie’s undivided attention felt like winning the lottery. 
He was focused on a bad day, intent on a good one … but when you were in bed with him, it was like nothing else even existed. “Give me one second.” You whispered at him and then did climb out of the bed, shimmying out of your shorts and underwear and standing bare in front of him. You let him look and Frankie did without hesitation, eyes roving over your form before he reached down and adjusted himself through his pants. 
You leaned forward, swatting his hand out of the way and unzipped his jeans, Frankie lifting his hips again so that you could pull them down. While you were busy pulling the denim off entirely, he sat up and removed his shirt, the thin cotton sailing past your head and landing in the corner of the room. You heard the foil rip, and when you got back into bed, Frankie was palming himself with one hand, frowning. “I hope you don’t mind, but I still … want to be the one to put this on.” 
“What? I … oh.” Nodding, you settled your hand over his and squeezed. “Of course. I understand.” But. “But before you do that…” You scooted back on your knees and pushed his hand away, replacing it with your own. “You’re going to have to tell me what you like.” Bending forward, you laid one arm across his abdomen and used your other hand to pull him free, Frankie thick and hot against your palm. 
You gave him a few exploratory strokes, paying attention to each hitch of his breath and the way his muscles pulled tight at your touch. “I…” He groaned when you circled your thumb over the tip, his hips rocking upward. “I’d like to hear you.” That didn’t surprise you, and after sliding your hand down to his base, you ducked your head, parting your lips and poking your tongue through to get your first taste of him. 
He hadn’t been shy about putting his mouth on you - lips and tongue trailing over all the skin he could get to. But before that night, there’d never been a real opportunity for you to do the same in return. That changes now. 
Dragging your tongue over his slit, you angled your head and then moved to drag it down - toward your hand - keeping an ear out for Frankie’s reaction. That turned out to be a hiss of your name, his hips lifting briefly before he settled back down, swearing under his breath. By the time you reached the top again, your mouth was watering at the thought of what you were about to do - and you didn’t keep either of you waiting. 
You tried to pay attention to what you were doing - tried to focus on the way he felt and tasted as he slid along the flat of your tongue with each bob of your head. You wanted to memorize the way it felt as each inch of him filled your mouth until you couldn’t take anymore, pausing and just holding him there while you stroked the remainder of him, the wiry patch of curls pressed against your little finger’s knuckle.
But you couldn’t focus on any of that. Instead, you were stunned by the sounds he made and the way he seemed to swell with your touch, Frankie taking up more of your mouth by the second. 
He wasn’t quiet. The man swore in a mixture of English and Spanish, words punctuated by groans as he flexed his hips, his effort to keep from actively fucking your mouth a true feat of restraint. But he doesn’t want slow. He doesn’t want neat.  You took more of him into your mouth - pulling your hand away so that you could slide your lips down further. 
And when you moaned around him, you knew that he could feel it as well as hear it. You glanced up and at his face, finding that Frankie was staring at you, his mouth open and eyes heavy-lidded in pleasure. 
At the eye contact, one of Frankie’s hands moved to the back of your head and settled there, moving with you when you backed off and took a deep breath, letting him slide most of the way out of your mouth before taking him back in. 
You set a rhythm for yourself - two fingers holding his skin taut at the base, your mouth sliding up and down, over and over - hums and sighs reverberating down his length until you heard him speak your name, the sound broken. 
You kept your hand in place and pulled completely off of him, raising your head and meeting his eyes with your lips parted - both of them glossy and swollen. Frankie’s chest was heaving, and when his hand moved from the back of your head to the front, his thumb rubbing over your lips briefly, he took in a long, shuddering breath and held it, never taking his eyes off of you. In the pause, you began to stroke him - hand sliding over his skin easily, and it wasn’t until he said your name again that you stopped, hand pausing at the sound. 
“You keep doin’ that and I’m gonna come.” He shook his head, eyes briefly closing. “And that’s not what I want right now.” He groped for the condom next to his body and picked it up, tearing it open the rest of the way and pulling it out. You drew your hand back when he touched himself, Frankie’s fingers closing around his length and stroking a few times for good measure while you watched. 
You liked the sight of that almost more than you liked seeing your own hand there, but when Frankie rolled the condom down and over himself, you moaned again, the sight of the tendons flexing in his wrist making you press your thighs together in want. Fuck he’s … goddamn him. He’s the … “Spread your legs.” His voice was low, and when your eyes snapped back open to meet his, you saw fire in them, Frankie in complete control. “And get a little closer.” 
It only took you seconds to do what he asked, inching forward so that your knees were pressed against his thigh. Frankie didn’t waste time before using one hand to trace a line up the back of your leg, goosebumps following the path of his fingers. 
He didn’t stop there, though, sliding that hand between your legs from behind and then twisting his wrist so that he could touch you with two fingers at once. He slid over your skin at first but then only moments later, he crooked his fingers and sunk them into you. 
The suddenness of it - though not unwelcome - made your mouth fall open, hips instinctively rocking backward to take him in further. “You like that.” It wasn’t a question - you did. You liked having any part of him inside of you, and needed him to know. 
“So much.” Dropping your head down, you reached up to grip his thigh, fingers digging into his skin as he thrust two of them in and out of you, setting a leisurely pace. “Jesus Frankie, please, just …” 
“Just what?” He hummed, the sound turning into a grunt. “You gotta tell me.” 
“Faster.” You shivered, your other hand reaching over to run your fingers up and over the inside of the forearm he was touching himself with, your hand resting against the bite scar. “Please.” 
You hated begging, but for him, it seemed there was no other option. You wanted more, and Frankie was happy to give it to you. He sped the motion of his fingers up, continuing to gently squeeze himself. When you finally looked at his face again, he’d lowered his head onto the pillow, eyes closed and his mouth hanging open. 
That position didn’t change the way he touched you, though - Frankie’s pace steady, the man’s fingers curving to drag through you, over and over. You wanted to hear me? Alright. 
You moaned his name out, your eyes closing as you let the sound free. His hand faltered - only briefly - and then he doubled down his effort, fingers plunging into you as deeply as they could. He kept that up for a little while, but when your breath caught in your throat, your eyes opened and you repeated his name, Frankie paused entirely, his mouth still partially open. “Need you.” You wet your lips, dragging in as deep a breath as you could. “Need you now.” 
Frankie withdrew his fingers, his thumb sliding down the back of your thigh as he nodded. “I’m waiting for you.” You let out a shaky breath, hooking a leg over his waist and sliding into place above him. He steadied you with one hand when you reached between your legs to position him, giving you a single nod. 
You didn’t break eye contact as you sunk down slowly, a shaky breath leaving your mouth when you’d taken the entire length. 
You wanted to move - but at the same time didn’t, letting yourself enjoy the feeling of him inside of you, Frankie’s heartbeat thrumming beneath your palm. His eyes were on you - locked on your face, focused on you and you alone. I like the way that feels. I like the way he … “I’m going to move.” He nodded twice, swallowing, and when you began to move your hips - rotating them slightly before you rocked forward - he groaned, thumbs digging into the tops of your thighs.
“Slow.” He grunted, his hips rising once. “Go slow.” I can do that. I can definitely… You closed your eyes then, the tips of your fingers curling against his chest, and then you let your body take over. He responded to you, answering the rolling of your hips with upward thrusts of his own, each one accompanied with a quiet exhale or a grunt, large hands stroking over your skin. 
You sped up - careful not to move too quickly. But instead of staying completely upright, you leaned forward, sliding your hands up further and allowing him to enter you from a different angle as you used your knees and thighs to guide your movements. He said your name, the sound of his voice needy, and when you opened your eyes, the same emotion was reflected there - brown flecked with gold, staring up at you. “I’m here, Francisco.” You nodded as you spoke, lowering your head. “Right here.” 
He met you halfway, his upper body rising from the mattress and his hands moving to the center of your back to pull you even closer. The kiss was a bruising one, Frankie’s mouth hot against yours, and you loved every second of it. It was different between the two of you that night, and even though you knew some of it was thanks to the position you were in, you knew - deep down - that it was much more than that. 
You moaned into his mouth when he bucked upward and deeper into you, but Frankie’s response to that was an almost immediate second thrust accompanied by the man’s teeth on your lower lip, pulling it outward as he lowered himself back down onto the pillows and encouraged you to follow. 
“Thought you didn’t like to chance it with biting?” Whispering the words, you kissed his mouth before trailing your lips toward his ear, the motion of your hips never slowing. “You seem to do that a lot with me.” 
“I’ll stop.” He sounded serious, and when you met his eyes again, you saw fear in them. “I -”
“Don’t you dare.” Baring your teeth, you took his lip between them before releasing it and sucking it back between yours, Frankie moaning beneath you. “I trust you.” 
That seemed to be what he needed to hear, the rocking of his hips quickening as his hands slipped back down your body to guide you, helping you set the pace to match his. You let him - gripping his shoulders and going in for another kiss. That one was messy, more tongue than anything else, but you didn’t care. I never will. I want this. I want this all the time. 
The realization stunned you, and when you backed off enough to look down at him, you wondered what he saw on your face - wondered if he knew what you were feeling. “I hope so.” Whispering the words, you closed your eyes and tipped your head back, nodding. “Please, Frankie. Please just …” 
You pushed backwards, hips grinding down and against his, and that was all you needed to say. Frankie began to move faster, holding you in place while he rocked up and into you. Dropping your head, you let it rest against the side of his neck, mouth open and your breath coming out in a series of quick pants that washed over his skin, one after the other. 
You were still learning each other - still getting used to the sounds you made together, and the way your bodies reacted to each other’s. But that night, with the sound of the rain pouring down outside and the knowledge of everything that had happened over the previous few days, there was no learning curve. 
There was no need to guide or assist him. 
Frankie fucked you like he’d been doing it for years, the man almost anticipating your reactions and movements before they happened. His hands held your hips - fingers spread wide and curling enough to hold you steady, and when you let go of his arms, sliding your hands along the cool sheets beneath him and pressing your upper body against his, you cried out, the sound long and low. 
His response was to move faster, sinking into you at an updated pace and causing you to muffle your voice by sealing your mouth against the skin of his collar, doing your damndest not to bite or bruise him, even though you didn’t think he’d care. 
The angle put pressure on you where you needed it, each thrust of his dragging against your body and making you whine, muscles clenching over and over. “Gonna come.” You forced the words out, turning your head to mumble them into his ear. “Make me come, Frankie. Please.” 
He hummed, the sound low in his throat, and when Frankie released you, his hands dropping to the backs of your thighs and squeezing, you lifted your head, nuzzling your cheek against his. 
The motion of his hips changed again, Frankie circling them before returning to shallow thrusts and then alternating the two, his head turning inward so that he could mouth at your skin, lips turning to the drag of his tongue accompanied by another brief scrape of his teeth. He backed away, though, saying your name quietly and calling your attention back to his face without missing a beat. “Said I wanna hear you. So let me hear you.” 
You nodded - it was the only response you had - and when he began to thrust faster, the motions shorter and purposeful, it only took seconds for your body to react. 
He felt it, too, his lips curving into a soft smile that was shattered when you came hard around him. The moan that escaped him filled the room, and even though your hips continued to move, rocking along with his, the rest of you froze, your muscles going rigid as your eyes snapped shut. Fuck. Fucking hell, fucking… You squeezed him tightly, finally catching your breath, and then your mouth fell open again, words tumbling out before you could even begin to think them through. 
“Fuck, Frankie. You know exactly what I need.” You murmured his name, nosing against his neck as he kept going, your muscles quivering as he moved. “You feel amazing.” One hand sliding inward, you threaded your fingers into his hair, anchoring yourself to him. But wait. 
He wanted to hear you - but he’d also said he wanted to look at you, and even in your post-orgasmic haze, you understood that in your current position, he couldn’t do that. With another quiet moan as he thrust into your over-sensitive body, you released his hair and then forced yourself upward, bracing both hands on his chest and opening your eyes. 
“What are you -” He slowed down, confusion evident on his face, but you didn’t let that linger, shuddering as you rotated your hips and then widened the spread of your legs, letting your weight settle against his hips. “Is -” 
“I see you, Francisco. Everything. And I want you.” Even though your voice was quiet, the widening of his eyes let you know that he’d heard you. “All of you.” Rocking back and forth, you wet your lips, nodding. “Now let me feel how much you want me.” 
His breathing changed then, the man’s mouth dropping open as his eyes flashed - brown to gold, the shine lingering - and for the first time since you’d known him, Frankie didn’t close them or look away. Holy shit. You gasped, letting out a shaky breath, but you continued to move your lower body, nodding your head slowly. “Oh, fuck.” 
He barely got the words out before they turned into a growl and he was coming, his hips jerking upward at a much less consistent a pace than he’d set previously. His fingers dug into your skin, Frankie’s eyes closing as his jaw clenched. He bared his teeth for a few moments before he relaxed, the motion of his hips stilling. 
You felt him inside of you - the man’s length pulsing through the end of his orgasm. When you closed your eyes, too, tipping your head back, you focused on the way it felt - your body surrounding his, Frankie filling you completely. 
His grip loosened on you, the man’s hands sliding up and over your hips to your sides and then higher, the warmth of his palms comforting. “C’mere.” You opened your eyes again, looking down at Frankie and finding him staring up at you, the smile back and his eyes dark again. “I said come here.” He was insistent but not demanding, and when you leaned down, you felt him shift inside of you, Frankie already softening but still hard enough not to slip free. You moved to turn your head to the side and bury your face against his neck. He didn’t let you, Frankie saying your name quietly and using one hand to keep your face angled toward his. “No.” 
The rustle of the pillow beneath his head was quiet, and so was his voice. “No… what?” Biting your lip, you took a shallow breath. “Fr-”
He didn’t let you finish. The man’s mouth captured yours in a hard kiss, the hand on your face moving to the back of your head, his other one resting on your back. You welcomed the kiss - everything that night so much different from the first time you’d been together, and when Frankie deepened it, his tongue slipping past your lips and pressing against yours, you involuntarily rolled your hips, swallowing the man’s groan at the motion. 
“Stop that.” He laughed when you broke apart to breathe, his nose dragging alongside yours. “You’re gonna get me goin’ again.” 
“Would that be terrible?” You brushed his hair back from his temple with your knuckle, the smirk on your face growing. “I don’t think so.” 
“Not terrible, no. But dangerous.” He frowned, the playfulness leaving his expression. “Let’s get cleaned up and then we can talk.” 
You were a little confused but agreed, carefully swinging your leg over his and pulling off of him as he held the condom in place. You hummed when he slipped out, glancing down and then back up at him, Frankie still on his back in the bed, tanned skin slicked with sweat. “Want me to use the other bathroom?” 
“Nah, I will.” He sat up, swinging his legs over the other side of the bed. “Don’t get dressed.” He didn’t say anything else before standing, Frankie turning away from you with one hand still holding the condom in place. “Want anything to drink when I come back?” 
“Water.” You stood, too, stretching and then stepping toward the bathroom. “Please.” He nodded and then left the room, disappearing down the hall and leaving you alone. 
Something had shifted between you that night - and it was more than just admitting that it wasn’t casual, or that you knew what he was and were alright with it. Exactly what it had shifted to remained to be seen, but the uncertainty stayed at the forefront of your mind even as you cleaned yourself up in his bathroom, the warm water and soft cloth comforting against your skin. 
He was back when you exited back into the room, his eyes lingering on your naked body before you climbed back into bed next to  him, grabbing one of his pillows to cover your lap the same way he had. “Here.” He handed you an uncapped bottle. “It’s real cold.” 
You drank deeply, reaching over to put the remaining water down once you’d had your fill, and then you looked back at Frankie, taking his hand. “What do you want to talk about?” 
“How long will you be here?” He looked down at the bottle he held, dragging the tip of his thumb along one of the ridges. “In Florida, I mean.” 
“I…” It caught you by surprise, because it wasn’t what you thought he’d lead with. “Until I find what I’m looking for, or my leads dry up. Every place I’ve been before it’s …” You took another sip, shrugging. “A couple moon cycles. It’s usually enough to let me know if I’m in the right place or not. And it’s plausibly long enough to finish book research.” 
“But this is the first time you’ve ever found something?” He turned his head to look at you and you met his eyes, confirming. “And you won’t leave while you know the wolf’s here.” 
“No.” I can’t. I have to find out more. I have to know why the line is … the way it is. “But even with as much green space as there is around Tampa, he’ll run out of places to hunt, Frankie. And then either he’ll revisit old locations, or … or he’ll move. If he’s a local, he probably wouldn’t go far. So -”
“But you’d follow him.” 
It hung heavy in the room - the implication that even though you cared about Frankie, you’d still continue the mission, no matter what that meant. For the first time since you’d turned eighteen and started the hunt, the truth - and the expectations placed on you by your lineage hurt. You pulled your hand free before you spoke again, fingers twisting together in your lap. “I’d have to. I need to know, Frankie. I need to know why and now I need to make him pay for what he did to Alec, and -”
“And what if you find him?” Frankie shifted on the mattress, reaching over and running his thumb over your exposed knee. “What if you find him here and we take care of it, and it’s over?” 
Is he asking what I think he is? And did he say we?
“It wouldn’t be safe for me to stay. Frankie, if I kill a wolf, especially from that line, they’ll know, and send someone to look into it. And anyone that I’m close to will be in danger. Alec is with Ashley, and he’ll be protected in Texas. His mom is safe, too. But if I stayed here, then …” 
The argument that you’d made before - that anyone you might get close to would be in danger when and if you found what you were looking for - didn’t apply to him in the same way. But his friends. His friends would … 
“Say you kill this wolf.” He stopped moving his hand, never looking away from you. “You go back on the road, right? So… what? You just keep looking for another and another and another while hoping that they don’t find you?” 
“I … guess?” When someone else said it out loud, it sounded unbelievably impossible - like the stupidest plan of action. “I never really thought about what comes next because it’s been so long and I haven’t come close before, so…” 
“Have you ever gone back to a city that you’ve visited?” He swallowed, his frown deepening. “After you left, I mean?” 
“No. I’ve passed back through a couple places, but never … stopped.” It was the truth - all of the cities you’d been to were in your rearview, the names and phone numbers of the people you’d met erased from your phone without a second thought. “I’ve never wanted to.” 
“But this is different. What’s going on here is … different.” You didn’t hesitate before agreeing, head moving up and down in a slow nod. “I guess what I’m asking is…” Frankie closed his eyes, letting out a deep sigh before he spoke again. “When this is over for you in Tampa, am I ever gonna see you again?” 
You wanted to tell him yes. You wanted to tell him that there was no reason why, after getting rid of the Tampa wolf, you couldn’t establish a home base in the city. You wanted to tell him that for the first time, he made you wish that you had a place to call home and people to call friends. But you didn’t. 
“I don’t know.” Fighting back tears, you looked down at the pillow on your lap, the plastic of the water bottle crinkling as you squeezed it. “I’ve never done this before.” 
“If you’re worried about one of us gettin’ hurt, you don’t need to. I can protect myself in a couple ways, but the other guys … they’re just as capable. And you wouldn’t need to convince ‘em that there were wolves to look out for, they already know.” You scoffed at that, smiling for a brief moment. It’s true. “Look. I’ve only known you for a month, but …” He rubbed at his forehead with the tips of his fingers, sighing. “But it’s really fucking unfair that there’s a possibility that after a couple more weeks, you’ll just be gone.” 
It was like he’d stabbed you - the incredulity in his voice was honest in a way you hadn’t ever expected it to be. “Even if that happens, you still met Ashley. You’ll get more answers, Frankie, and have people in your life that -”
“Fuck that.” He said your name, the sound little more than a snarl. “We’re not talking about them, we’re talking about the two of us.” Frankie sounded almost angry then, but when you looked back up at him, you saw that it wasn’t quite anger - it was hurt. “You said … an hour ago you said you wanted me to protect you. Now you’re telling me that I won’t be able to because you’ll be off somewhere chasing something that wants to and could kill you with a single fucking snap of its jaws.” 
“Frankie, it’s what I’ve been doing since -”
“I don’t fucking care.” That was anger, his body rigid as he stared at you. “I understand why you’re doing it, because I’d want to do the same for my family, but …” He reached for you, both hands cradling your jaw so that he could look you in the eye. “It’s not a life. And you deserve a life, not just a never-ending mission.” 
If there was someone that could tell you that from personal experience, it was Frankie. “And you did, too.” The tears welled in your eyes, but you tried desperately to keep them from falling. “You were out, Frankie. You were done. You had the rest of your life to enjoy and then because of a fucking wolf, you …”
“I’ve still got a life.” He smiled sadly, thumbs arcing over your damp cheeks. “I’ve got a job I love and friends and my daughter. What happened to me isn’t what I would have chosen, but there ain’t shit I can do about it now except make the most of it.” He swallowed before wetting his lips, never looking away from you. “And for the last month, I’ve had you. And that’s been a damn -”
“Frankie, don’t.” You finally looked away, squeezing your eyes shut and twisting out of his hold. “Don’t make this harder.” 
“I’m not the one making it hard.” He said your name, and the sound was filled with so much emotion that you couldn’t keep yourself from looking at him. But he was smiling, and even though you could tell it was a sad one, he meant it. “I’m being honest with you.” 
He was - and you appreciated it, but that didn’t change that Frankie’s admission that you were one of the parts of his life that he truly looked forward to only complicated things for both of you. “What good will being honest do?” 
“Might make you rethink your next moves.” He gently tipped your chin, nodding. “Might make you … understand how unfair this whole thing is on you.” The room went silent, both of you sitting motionless atop the blankets, one of his pillows hugged to your chest. “What do you want?” He held up one hand, exhaling. “I mean outside of looking for the Chaos line. If you weren’t doing that, what would you want to be doing?” 
You’d never fully contemplated that question before, because you’d never had a reason to. The hunt had always been your main priority, and you’d never really allowed yourself to think about all of the things you were missing out on. You’d told yourself that you were living - you were traveling and seeing different parts of the country. You were making money. You were interacting with people on a daily basis and learning. But nothing’s permanent. Nothing lasts. Nothing … is solely for me. 
“I’d want …” You raised your hand, chewing briefly on the edge of your thumb nail. “Frankie, I don’t know what …” 
“Yes, you do.” His fingers circled your wrist, pulling your hand away from your mouth and toward him. He clasped both of his around your hand, letting all three settle atop the pillow - and he waited. 
He was patient and understanding with you that night the same way he’d been the morning you pulled the gun on him. He was kind - the man going out of his way to create an itinerary for you with flights, despite being extraordinarily busy and you being a stranger, as well as volunteering himself and his friends to show you around while you were in Florida. 
He was upfront, too, always talking to you in the same way you assumed he spoke to his friends - candid words and a no-nonsense attitude. Frankie was friendly and funny and attentive, and the two of you had fallen into an easy friendship in the few weeks you’d spent getting to know each other. It doesn’t feel like weeks. It feels like … 
He watched you and you took the opportunity to stare at him, steadying your breath. He was all of those things and he was attractive in just about every way that mattered. Most other men in Frankie’s position would have been unobtainable, even with the baggage he carried. But not him. Not with me.  
As the thoughts swirled through your head, Frankie’s grip was steady - and so was your heartbeat, which made you certain that the words you spoke when you opened your mouth were the truth, not you reacting in the moment. 
“I’d want you, Francisco.” Your voice didn’t waver. Instead, you felt relief, nodding without breaking eye contact. “I do want you. I’ve never had someone in my life like you before, and … and I don’t want to lose you.”
The room was silent again, but the tension was different then, as you waited to hear what his response would be. If he has one. 
It was terrifying to you - the fact that you’d put so much of yourself out there to someone you’d recently met, to know that what you were saying was what you really felt, to have to wonder what it was that Frankie had been hoping to hear from you. But he started this. He’s the one that wanted me to … 
“Was that so hard?” He leaned in, pressing his forehead to your temple and then taking a deep breath, your hand still held tightly in his. He wasn’t teasing. It was an honest question, and as you considered his words, you realized that no, it actually hadn’t been that hard to tell him what you were feeling. 
But you still didn’t know how Frankie felt, or what his response would be. And even as the two of you stayed that way - sitting close together on his bed, the warmth of his skin against yours, the sound of his quiet breathing in your ear, you began to spiral, worried about the next thing he’d say, even though he’d been the one to lead you to your admission. 
“You won’t lose me.” He angled his head to press his lips to your cheek and then moved them closer to your mouth, trailing over your skin. “Because I want you just as much.” You sucked in a breath at that, jerking backwards so that you could look him in the eye. He didn’t avert his gaze, the man unblinking. “I’m not asking you to stay forever. I’m just … asking you to think about giving it a shot, no matter what happens with the wolf.” 
“I want to.” You let out a shaky breath, nodding. “But it’s too dangerous to think that way, Frankie. What if -”
“We’re not civilians. I mean, technically, yeah we are, but …” He actually smiled then, and it made your lips twitch, too. “We can take care of ourselves. And I’d feel a hell of a lot better worrying about you here than wondering what’s chasing after you when you’re on your own.” 
“We barely know each other. How -”
“Yeah. That’s what I’m trying to change.” He let go of your hand and ran both of his up your arms, letting them settle on your shoulders. “Talking with Ashley today was … really good. I finally feel like I understand some of this shit now, and it makes me …” Frankie shook his head, finally closing his eyes. “You don’t need to decide tonight, or even tomorrow. But don’t just … please. Promise me you won’t just leave.” 
“I can do that.” It was an easy ask - especially coming from him, and an even easier answer on your end. “So what now? What -” 
“Now?” He took a deep breath, one hand moving from your shoulder to the back of your heard and urging you closer. “Now, we go back to bed.” He kissed you, lips lingering against yours. “And we worry about everything else tomorrow.” 
tag list reblog coming soon
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lfghughes · 1 year
could you do one with Matthew Tkachuk? Him and his girlfriend at a post-victory party, you walk away for a few seconds and a big, drunk man tries to hit on you in a rude way. Imagine a jealous and overprotective Tkachuk.
a/n: i feel like i say this a lot but this was one of the most fun things i've ever written so i hope you enjoy it. overprotective tkachuk might just be my favorite thing and yes i had to use this gif.
warning: cursing, alcohol, fighting, and slight smut mention at the very end
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The boys were leading the series 3-0 and even though it was still early to celebrate because if anyone knew about making comebacks when you were down by 3 it was your boyfriends team. But you all still wanted to celebrate the fact that you made it this far into playoffs and you were one win away from going to the Stanley cup final. The pre-mature celebration was going to happen regardless and you knew if or when that final win happened you guys would do it all over again.
There were plenty of drinks going around the bar and well the Panthers team definitely knew how to get a party started here in South Florida. “Hey babe, I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick. Can you hold my drink?” You asked Matthew and he immediately grabbed your cup from you. Not only was he great on the ice but he made a fantastic bag holder and cup holder when needed. This was something you teased him about constantly.
On your way back from the bathroom you searched the crowd and it was hard to find Matthew in the mix of all the teammates and just regular people that were out but finally your eyes landed on him. As you were making your way back to him someone caught your arm and when you turned to see who you were a little surprised because it was some stranger. When you had first been grabbed you had figured it was one of the boys trying to get your attention but not a stranger. “Excuse me sir.” You pulled your arm away and immediately felt uncomfortable because you could tell this guy had way too much to drink.
“I was just wondering if I could buy a pretty girl like you a drink?” You should have just walked away and left the conversation as soon as you could but instead you shook your head. “I’m good! My boyfriend is holding my drink over there.” You pointed out to him but you realized Matthew was not where you last saw him. Now came the nerves. “Just because you have a boyfriend doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate ya.”
Yeah, you needed to walk away but there were too many bodies around not letting you move but before you could even try to wriggle around people you saw the strangers body get pulled away from you and your boyfriend stepped in between you two. “I don’t know what the hell you’ve been saying to my girlfriend but you need to leave her alone.” You were used to Matthews aggressiveness on the ice and you had seen his jealous side come out before but this was different.
“Go mind your own business, I was just offering to buy your pretty girlfriend a drink maybe she should be more appreciative.” This was going to get bad, you could tell by Matts body language and the way he tensed up. “She is my business so step back.” That should have been enough warning but clearly it wasn’t because the guy stepped forward closer. Before you could grab Matthew and walk away fists started flying and it took a solid five minutes before the security in the bar and the other boys could pull Matthew off the other.
It was no surprise that Matthew got asked to leave and you gladly left with him because this night had clearly gone down the drain. “I’m sorry for ruining your night out.” You told him quietly as you walked to the car. He stopped immediately, stepping in front of you and placing his hand gently on the side of your face. “You didn’t do anything, that guy was an ass.” A small smile grew on your lips as you looked up at him. “I will say it was pretty hot when you got all overprotective.” You pointed out and a smirk grew on his lips. “Oh yeah? Well I guess I should get us home so you can show me how hot you think I was.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
A Dangerous Game Ch 9
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, talk of usual canon like violence, lots of mutual pining, minor flirtation, alcohol, smut.
It had been three weeks since Florida.
And in those three weeks not a single case had taken the BAU outside of the greater D.C. area.
Now you were on edge, every single conversation with Emily you found yourself having trouble focussing, even if she was going over gory details of a triple homicide with the team, all you could hear was the husk of her voice as she teased you, praised you, called you her good girl. Part of you was sure that the universe was punishing you for just how much the two of you had indulged on your solo trip down south, reminding you of how you were supposed to behave around each other. That professionalism came first, to everyone up here, you were simply friends, coworkers with not a hint of anything else.
Emily thought she would be fine at first, after all, you’d had nearly a week of not having to hide it, being able to do whatever you wanted together, spending hours tangled in each other’s bodies. Her first slip was automatically filling up a second cup of coffee when she refilled her own, wordlessly dropping it at your desk without doing the same for anyone else. Then she caught herself staring through her office door when she was supposed to be signing off on reports, finding you leaning back in your chair on the phone, back arching as you stretched, buttons of you shirt threatening to pop. The ones you did have undone exposing more of your chest as your shirt rode up, revealing the skin of your stomach. She would’ve been fine but you’d felt her eyes on you, your own darting toward her office, a sly grin taking over your lips when you caught her and her cheeks turned pink as she quickly ducked her gaze.
You kept waiting for the words ‘wheels up’ to leave Emily’s lips, your entire body tingling each time the team was called to the conference room in hope that you’d finally get to indulge again but each time it was a local case. Emily was at her wits end, she knew she had the authority to assign a case out of town, but also knew she couldn’t abuse that power, the worst cases had to take priority.
So the two of you were left with just your imaginations, sleepless nights where all you could picture when your eyes closed were the memories of the other person’s hands on your body. No matter how often you tried to relieve yourself your own hands were never enough, could never amount to the pleasure Emily’s could bring you and she was at the state that if she didn’t remember to plug her vibrator in before leaving for the day she was shit out of luck when she got home.
The team was currently circled up in the conference room, there’d been a couple of meetings as the deputy director droned on about case closure rates, budgets, follow ups and expectations for the next quarter. A very uneventful afternoon that certainly hadn’t helped the restlessness flowing through either of your bodies, it exploded into the air, the team wasn’t used to being cooped up like this and the back to back lectures made everyone feel a bit like they were infected with cabin fever. At the very least it was over, like a window had been cracked, fresh air pooling into the staleness of the room as everyone started packing up their things for the heavily anticipated weekend ahead.
“You hear anything from Jacksonville?” Emily asked, her voice breaking through the nap your brain had been taking and you glanced up to her with a soft sigh.
“Nothing tangible.” You flipped a file shut, “they keep searching addresses but he’s gone, wouldn’t be surprised if he made it passed state lines by now. They found out the farmhouse was covered in surveillance though, sent it off to Garcia for inspection.”
“And he had that puppy fully outfitted there is a lot to go through.” Penelope commented, “and he knows a hell of a lot about technology, if it weren’t so wrong it’d be impressive.”
“So he probably saw us coming?” Em asked and you nodded.
“Likely, he knew he had to run.”
“Lemme know if you hear anything more.”
“Yeah.” You nodded once again, tugging out your phone to go through the slew of missed notifications, catching up on a bit of social media while the work day drifted away from the room. There was a small rumble of conversation, a little bit of work chat mixed with weekend plans, little jokes here and there as spirits began to lift and everyone wound down.
“Hey…” Rossi’s voice broke through the crowd, loud enough for everyone to hear, “you know what we haven’t don’t in a while?”
“Left the DMV area?” You grumbled, cocking a brow in his direction and Emily laughed under her breath as she stood.
“Well… you’re right, but that’s not what I was getting at.” Rossi replied, “don’t you kids like sleeping in your own beds?”
The thought was unanimous, you and Emily stealing a glance before she spoke, “dunno… I’m with y/n on this one, I like a change of scenery.”
“Seriously?” Dave asked, pulling a laugh from the others in the room, JJ the next one to comment.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love the boys but it is nice to have a break once in a while. And it’s an added bonus knowing the psychopaths aren’t in the same city as them.”
“I think I have to agree with Rossi.” Garcia commented, “I miss you guys when you’re gone.”
“I just feel like…” you started, then huffed, pausing to put together your thoughts without outing yourself, “you know when you go to the zoo and all the tiger’s doing is pacing in its cage? That’s this. I need…” you spun your chair to face Spencer, knowing he’d have the answer, “what’s it called?”
“Enrichment time.”
“Thank you!”
“You know what I do for enrichment time?” Derek cocked a brow in your direction and you rolled your eyes as Emily let out a groan.
“I do.” You fired back, “what was her name again?”
“Better question is when’re we gonna get to meet her?” Garcia asked with a grin and Dave finally broke back into the banter.
“That is what I was going to suggest.”
“What? That we stalk Morgan on his date?” JJ asked with a smirk.
“More like dinner.”
“You buyin’?” Derek asked.
“I was thinking hosting, it’s been too long and I’ve got a few bottles of wine that are desperately waiting to be drank.”
“Now that, I can get behind.” Emily paused to squeeze his shoulder, “I’ve got to run home to feed Sergio first though.”
“Oh, you all need to give me time to get ready,” he glanced at his watch, “let’s say… seven thirty?”
“Plus ones?” JJ asked.
“The more the merrier!” Rossi replied, “you know the drill.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised with the vastness of Rossi’s house, or the fact that he greeted you at the door with a pre-dinner cocktail in hand, passing one off to you off a tray just inside the entry way. He guided you through the main area, giving you a brief tour to show off a few things and make sure you knew where the necessities were. The dining room was half set up, plates of appetizers and finger foods splayed across it before moving into the living room, plush loveseat and chairs facing each other while the French doors were wide open into the back yard. Most of the group was spread through the yard, patio furniture and smaller tables mixed through the space, lights strung over the patio making it seem just a little bit more festive than a regular Friday night.
There were a handful of other people from the office, a few people you didn’t recognize who you figured were other friends, and a couple of plus ones. You made a few rounds, somewhere along the way your drink was replaced with a fresh one the second it was finished, Derek had actually brought his new girlfriend and you ended up clicking right away. Dinner was served, Rossi making sure everyone knew they could eat inside or out, there were no specific rules for tonight, and wine refills were always available in the kitchen. As you glanced around your brow furrowed, realizing Emily wasn’t there yet and you wondered if maybe, similar to you, she’d debated not coming. A few too many glasses of wine in a much more casual setting after basically edging yourselves for three weeks was very likely to end inappropriately and you were still trying to not break the self made rules.
However, on the opposite side of the house, Emily was easily letting herself in the front door, walking through the familiar halls until she reached the social part of the house.
“There she is!” Dave exclaimed and she laughed, “was beginning to think you forgot the address.”
“Sorry.” She winced in apology, “I was about to get ready when I found a window cracked open, kinda freaked me out, I ended up doing a full sweep, pretty sure the cleaners just left it when they were there earlier.”
“No worries, no worries, grab a plate!”
She did exactly as he suggested, scooping up a rather large glass of wine as her eyes swept through the yard. She spotted Derek with who she figured was his girlfriend and let out a little gasp of excitement as she approached the table,
“So she actually does exist.” She teased, “I really was starting to think you were making her up.”
“Very funny Prentiss.” He chuckled, quickly introducing them, “wanna join?” He gestured across the table to the empty seat and that was when she realized you were sitting with them.
“Yeah.” She cast you a warm smile and you felt your heart thud in your chest, God was she ever fucking gorgeous.
Her eyes lingered probably a little too long on the exposed neckline of your shirt but the other two at the table were too distracted to even notice. She slipped into the seat and into the conversation with ease, Derek somewhat regretting introducing everyone as he was suddenly being playfully ganged up on. Wine glasses were refilled, the air was full of laughter and relaxation, things that didn’t come to the team like this often. Emily adjusted in her seat, crossing her legs and her foot brushed up against your shin, your breath catching in your throat when she didn’t move it. She even dared to play a little footsie, lingering against your skin as she glanced your way.
“You okay there Wilson?”
“Peachy.” You managed to choke back over the rim of your wine glass, not missing the gleam in her eye, one you were all too familiar with, the same one that you missed horrendously.
You could feel the heat radiating off her body, coursing through the air and straight to your core, especially as she kept casually brushing up against you. It wasn’t enough for anyone else to pick up on, and she swore she wasn’t doing it on purpose, even if the first one had been intentional. She ached to be able to touch you, despite the casual and fun evening, half of her was wishing her phone would ring with a case anywhere but here. Spencer and Penelope joined the table, the conversation got louder, more chaotic and multi layered as the alcohol seeped through everyone’s veins, bringing people out of their shells a little bit more. Emily was laughing over the story Derek was telling, calling him on all the bullshit he kept embellishing with, something about a case in the last couple of months. He said something in your direction but you didn’t hear it.
“Hey!” His hand shook in front of your face, “Wilson!”
“Hmm?” You glanced his way, still partially lost in your trance “sorry.” He chuckled,
“Man we lost ya there for a second, what were you daydreaming about?”
“…Vegas…” you let out in a small sigh, partially unaware of what you even said and completely unaware that Emily was still sitting directly beside you, smirk on her lips when you said it.
“You know, a non work trip out there might be fun.” Spencer cut in, “get some real poker playing in.”
“Aren’t you banned from like, eight casinos out there?” Emily asked with a laugh and her voice sent a chill down your spine, jolting you back to the real world and you felt a tingle between your legs.
“I’m gonna grab a refill, anyone need anything?” You asked, pushing away from the table and Penelope handed you her glass.
“Another one of those fruity drinks please!”
“On it.”
Shooting her a grin you quickly disappeared from the yard into the house, thankful that the kitchen was secluded from the open space, giving you a moment to breath and try to calm yourself down. You topped up Penelope’s drink, grabbing a glass of water for yourself, at the very least maybe it would help you cool off a little bit. You braced yourself on the counter in front of the sink, letting out a breath, there were two choices here; get control of yourself, or it was time to leave.
A third option then presented itself as an arm reached passed you, placing a used wine glass down in the sink and Emily’s perfume invaded your senses. Her body hovered inches behind yours, her words hot on your neck when she spoke, her hand resting on the counter beside yours.
“Do you have any clue how fucking hard it is to keep my hands off you tonight?” Her lips pressed into the crook of your neck, her hand moving to rest on your hip and you let out a little whimper, your knees nearly buckling.
“Emily…” You warned.
“What?” Her huff of a laugh brushed over your skin creating goosebumps.
“You do that again and I’m about three seconds away from coming in this kitchen and I really don’t think Rossi would be particularly fond of that.”
“Don’t worry, I can’t fuck you here.” She murmured back, nudging at your hip and you turned around to face her, breath hitching as you did so. You wanted nothing more than to launch into her arms, have her tear your clothes off and bend you over the counter, you were practically trembling already after the tiniest of touches and swore you would be able to come just by the way she was looking at you.
Emily looked down at you, taking in your raised pulse, the darkening of your eyes, the way your tongue darted out to wet your lips right before they parted and your eyes flicked down to her lips. One quick listen to the noise, making sure it sounded far enough away before she closed the space between you, her lips softly meeting yours. You melted into her arms, hands clinging to her shirt, whimpering into the kiss as Emily’s tongue slid into your mouth. One of her arms sturdily wrapped around your waist, holding you to her and heat surged through both of your bodies at finally being this close again. She broke the kiss, her forehead resting against yours,
“Don’t suppose you’re interested in getting out of here?”
“How exactly are we supposed to get away with that?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper, knowing it would shaky if you raised it any more.
The sudden sound of Rossi’s laugh in the hallway broke the two of you apart faster than lightning, in at attempt to look like you were doing anything except what you had been, you whipped your phone out, a slight look of panic on your face when you looked up at Dave when he entered the room.
“Why does it look like you two are talking about work?” He asked.
And there it was.
Your out.
“Florida just called.” You raised your phone, “they’ve got a couple things we need to go checkout.”
“Oh c’mon.” He protested and you shrugged, picking up the cocktail glass and shoving it into his hands as you slipped passed him.
“Devil never sleeps! Give that to Garcia, will you?”
Emily’s apartment wasn’t far and you were incredibly grateful, the energy and excitement bubbling up inside you to the point of feeling like a school kid on their way to their first sleep over. In all honesty, it was probably good you drove separate cars, you knew you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourselves otherwise. She quickly let you in, making sure the door was shut and locked behind you as both of you kicked off shoes and shrugged off jackets,
“Are you sure?” You asked, glancing up at her with wide eyes.
“Are you kidding?” She chuckled, a wicked grin on her face, “I’ve been waiting weeks to do this.”
“Good.” You breathed out, “because nothing compares to actually having you touch me.”
An instant later and Emily’s lips were on yours. Her hand cupped your cheek softly as she began to back you in the direction of the bedroom. Movements were both frantic and tender at the same time, you’d both been wanting nothing more than to feel the other persons skin on yours for ages, but it wasn’t as fiery as you’d expected. Lips danced with ease, her hand slipping into your hair just to hold your head to her, making sure you were as close as humanly possible. Her tongue slid into your mouth, exploring every inch, rolling against yours while your hands finally slipped under her shirt, tickling across her skin. She let out a sigh into the kiss, breaking it so you could quickly pull the fabric over her head. She let out a breath, her eyes dragging over your body before she rid you of your shirt and bra right as the back of your legs hit her bed.
“God you’re so fucking gorgeous.” She murmured, ducking to kiss you deeply before she nudged you onto the bed.
She slipped out of her pants and underwear, fingers sliding into your waistband to pull both of yours down your legs before she crawled over your body, capturing your lips in another kiss, her hands tracing patters on your thighs. Your legs easily fell open for her, moaning into the kiss while your hands trailed across her skin. Emily’s fingers came to rest on your clit, gently rubbing it in slow circles, just enough to tantalize you, get your pussy fluttering around nothing as you started to grind into the touch, your nails digging into her skin. She never broke the kiss, now able to read you like perfection, knowing exactly when you were about to beg for more, her hand sliding down and two fingers slipping into your dripping cunt. When you moaned against her lips this time she happily swallowed the breath down, her tongue rolling against yours as she explored your body. Her fingers curled inside you, brushing along that sensitive spot and your breath caught in your throat, hips jolting up to her touch and you felt her lips curve into a grin. This time she did break the kiss, her lips pressing to the underside of your jaw,
“Want you to ride my cock pretty girl.” She murmured, nudging at your chin with her nose before she nipped at your neck, her fingers slipping out of you while she shifted off the bed to grab a strap. You watched with eager eyes, shifting up onto your knees while she got the harness on, selecting a toy from the bedside table, this one double sided.
“Wait…” You breathed out right before she slipped it in, crawling to the edge of the bed, “can I?”
“So eager.” She grinned, her hand pinching gently at your chin, “good girl.”
She handed off the toy and you sat up on your knees, pulling her to you for a kiss, your lips molding together with grace. Your hand sunk between her legs, almost matching the same movements she did on you earlier, fingers sliding between her folds, smearing her wetness, two sinking into her pussy briefly before you slipped the smaller end of the toy in.
“Fuck…” She moaned, her eyes fluttering shut when you pumped it a few times before situating it properly into the harness. She dropped down onto the bed, head sinking into the pillows, “get over here.”
You eagerly crawled over to her, swinging a leg over her waist, your hands bracing on her stomach as one of hers wrapped around the base of her cock. She rubbed it against your folds, smearing your juices around it, watching the way you breathily moaned, rocking your hips in time with the motion, eyes fluttering shut. The tip caught your entrance and you let out a gasp, your eyes shooting open to catch her gaze and she nudged it in a little further until you sunk all the way down onto it, this moan louder than the last. She couldn’t help but make a similar noise, the way you pushed down onto it pushed the base right into her clit and made the smaller end thrust inside her.
Bracing yourself on her waist you raised your hips, shuddering when her cock dragged through your walls until just the tip was left inside you and you sunk back down all the way again. Emily’s hands braced on your hips, guiding you up and down her cock until your set a pace, one that wasn’t too fast, your hips meeting hers with a little extra power of a thrust to move the toy inside her too. You threw your head back, cunt clenching around the toy,
“Oh fuck… god…”
Your eyes fluttered shut and you groaned when Emily’s hands began to explore your body, gliding up your chest, pinching at your tits, rolling your nipples between her fingers. A gasp escaped her lips when you ground down against her, her hand shooting out to yours, fingers interlacing, squeezing yours while her pussy clenched down around the toy.
“Jesus Christ..” She muttered.
Emily planted her feet on the mattress, able to drive up into you with more force, sitting up so she could feel your body fully against hers. One arm wound around your waist, holding you steady to her while the other braced on the bed behind her. The angle shifted the toy inside both of you, moans getting breathier and closer together with each pump of your hips. Her lips peppered your skin, tongue licking at your collarbone before she bit gently into it, pulling a whine from you. She sunk lower, her teeth nipping at the swell of your chest, feeling the way your hands clenched into her back as she did so. You let out a gasp when her mouth wrapped around your nipple, sucking it into your mouth, the dual sensation pulling you closer and closer to your peak.
“Oh Em…”
She shuddered at the tone of your voice alone, nearly angelic floating through her bedroom as you continued to bounce in her lap. She sucked harder on your chest, teeth gently scraping at the swollen bud and your pussy pulsated around her cock.
“Feels so fucking good.” You murmured, your head dropping forward as she moved her mouth to the other side of your chest to repeat the action. “Don’t fucking stop.” You panted and she moaned against your skin, feeling the toy drive deeper into her as you thrust down into her hips, rolling yours at just the right frequency that the base of the toy rubbed her clit perfectly.
“Oh god…” She choked on her words, fire shooting through her body, alighting her every nerve as her skin prickled.
Your hand grasped at her cheek, directing it up to your lips and capturing her in a kiss, one that was full of sighs, gasps and breath huffing from one of your lips to the other as you continued to ride her. Your forehead came to rest against hers,
“Fuck…” you muttered, “so close..” She took advantage, her hand sneaking between your bodies to rub at your clit and you whimpered.
“Come for me angel.” She panted, “let me see you….”
It only took a few more pumps before your eyes scrunched tightly shut, your pussy clamping down around her cock as pleasure soared through you, your cries louder than she had ever heard before. Your body shook in her arms, your own wrapping tightly around her, not leaving an inch of space between your sweat glistened skin. A couple of thrusts later, coupled with the vision of you coming Emily let out a loud moan, her own body trembling as she reached her peak. You continued to half lazily rock in her lap, panting, breathless kisses stolen between you, eyes fluttering as aftershocks vibrated through your body.
Emily kissed up your neck slowly, leaving a trail of wetness before her nose nudged at yours, your eyes finally cracking open to meet her gaze. Your thumb trailed across her cheek softly, simply drinking her in before you ducked down, pressing gentle, lazy kisses to her lips. She slowly dropped down onto the bed beneath her, pulling you with her, continuing the kiss until she gently rolled you onto your side, slipping her cock out of you, tossing the toy to the side to be dealt with later before rolling back over, pulling you into her arms.
Your head rested against her chest, the beat of her heart slowing as she came down, lulling you into a sense of relaxation, your eyes fluttering shut as your breathing began to regulate. Her hand trailed up and down your back, nails tickling along your bare skin before she pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head that you returned onto her collarbone. A blanket was kicked up, wrapped around your lower bodies as the temperature in the room began to chill. You let out a content sigh, your body relaxing further into hers and the plush mattress, feeling sleep starting to overtake you and you yawned, tilting your head to look up at her.
“Should… should I go?” You asked hesitantly, not really knowing if you wanted to know the answer considering this really was the only place you wanted to be in the moment.
“No…” Emily shook her head, her hand coming up to comb through your hair before she kissed your temple, “no…. stay.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @melindawarnersgf @itisdoctortoyousir @emilyprentiss4life @temilyrights @alexxavicry  @borg-queer @anya-casablanca @daddy-heather-dunbar @evilregal2002 @aliensaurusrex @alcabots @7thavenger @ladysc @rustyzebra @ilovemycrayons @mandy-asimp @thegrantwater @leftoverenvy @kades95 @disneyfan624 @dextur @m00nkn1ghts @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @bookpillows @daffodil-heart @msvenablesbitch @its-soph-xx  @going-gray @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess  @kdaghay @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @bluetodie @awolfcsworld @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @s1ut4nat @midnight-sapphic @scorpsik @thisisraes @prentiss-theorem @unsubologyy @strongsassysexysloane @svushots
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2-fast-2-curious · 1 year
Sundress season is here and I wonder if reader has ever thought of wearing one around Lewis
I don't write anymore but I had to at least give this my best shot because it's @princessphilly. If you haven't read her TGM sundress drabbles you need to leave my blog and go read it right now.
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Where else could this take place but Miami?
You had never been to the city but were excited to be joining Lewis at the Grand Prix. You were driven past the famous South Beach on your way from the airport to the hotel and you loved how confident everyone seemed in their tight skimpy swimwear. You had packed your best sundresses for this trip which meant high hemlines, low backs, and brightly colour fabrics that complimented your skin tone.
The days leading up to the race were full of promotional events and parties which meant there were plenty of opportunities for you to show off your collection of sundresses. Lewis was getting ready in the other room in the suite with his stylist while you slipped into your sundress and tied up the laces of your strappiest sandals which made your legs look impossibly long.
Sir Lewis Hamilton always took much longer than you to get ready. You flopped onto the bed, phone in hand careful not to mess up your hair or makeup as Lewis and the stylist went back and forth on different jewelry options.
Lewis walked the stylist out of the suite and went to get you in the other room. "Hey, are you-"
The sight that greeted him stopped him mid-question. Your body was stretched across the king-sized bed making your dress look even more indecent, the neckline accentuating the bare skin of your clavicle, shoulders, and cleavage and the neckline riding up to barely cover your thighs. "I've been ready for a while, Lew. C'mon, let's go."
You bent over to fix your dress, practically flashing Lewis your tits and grabbed your clutch off the floor, your heels clicking against the floor as you hurried to the elevator eager to get to the party. Lewis was strangely quiet, normally he would be pretty chatty before sponsor events so he would be warmed up when he finally arrived.
You raised an eyebrow at his strange behaviour. "What's wrong?"
Lewis traced the curve of your bare shoulders with his eyes in the reflection in the elevator. "Do you need a jacket or something?"
"Why would I need a jacket it's over thirty degrees Celsius?" Plus the event would be outdoors in the mid-afternoon. As you walked from the hotel lobby to the valet stand to get into the car, you could already feel the Florida sun warm your skin.
Lewis sighed, despite how much care he put into his appearance he rarely commented or advised you on how to dress. "It's already hard enough to pay attention to small talk and answer the same questions over and over again at these things. But now I have to do that when I know you're somewhere else in the room looking like this."
Lewis let his gaze linger as checked out the way your body filled out the dress. You smirked, pleased to finally get a reaction out of him. "Would you prefer if I remained in your sightline?"
Lewis imagined himself trying to look people in the eye during these boring conversations while you were in the background nibbling on chocolate-covered strawberries or being hit on by the bartender "I think that would be worse."
Lewis helped you into the car and made a last-ditch effort to make the next four hours a little less torturous. "Do you want to borrow my shirt?"
You rolled your perfectly made-up eyes. "The shirt you and your stylist spent hours trying to choose?"
Lewis shrugged. "And you're going to be walking around topless? Has George Russell been giving you styling tips now?"
The car dropped you and Lewis off at the venue. "I think I would rather you be clothed at this event. Besides I'm sure no one will even notice what I'm wearing when I enter the room next to you."
Lewis sighed in defeat knowing there was no point in arguing with you. He slipped his arm around your torso, resting his hand on your waist, and kissing your cheek. "I wouldn't be so sure."
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satansapostle6 · 1 month
I Left The Light On And The Back Door Open For You | Robert Chase
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From the moment he first saw Margot Lange from legal, Dr. Robert Chase knew he was in for a wild ride that he never wanted to end.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content. Bondage. Food play. Slight D/S dynamic.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: Past Lives
After picking Margot up at seven for sushi, Robert Chase quickly found that he was running out of talking points. It wasn’t that he didn’t know what to talk to this woman about, it was just that he didn’t know what was acceptable. His relationship, of whatever nature, with Margot was still very new to him, and he had no idea what level of emotional intimacy was appropriate in accompanying the literal intimacy. So far, things were very casual and physical, although Margot wasn’t necessarily like any other hookup.
She was very unique in that she had a way of being extremely hospitable without being vulnerable at all. Apart from the sex, she and Chase would have deep conversations, and share the same bed, and the same food, but somehow none of it felt very intimate at all. For Chase, his stay at Margot’s felt more like a hotel with sex than just a woman’s house. He felt he had to tread very carefully as they dined together at what he felt was one of the nicest restaurants he had been to in a while.
Margot’s palate, he realized, was both immaculate and specific.
“I didn’t realize they have full-sized portions of things,” Chase remarked casually as he watched her eat her large serving of rice, uni, and lemon.
“They do for me,” she said pleasantly as she sipped on her strong cosmopolitan, “The chef noticed I like uni, so he lets me have as much of it as I like.”
“I’ve never had it before,” Chase confessed as he helped himself to the tiny servings that were mostly for him. “It’s delicious,” he said after a moment.
“Some people think it’s weird, but it’s amazing,” Margot stated.
“Do you come here often?” Chase wondered.
Margot smirked at the question before answering.
“I take a lot of lawyers here,” she explained, “Settling House’s cases isn’t exactly easy.”
“I wouldn’t expect it to be,” Chase remarked.
They were both silent for a moment before he continued the conversation.
“Can I ask you about yourself?” he said finally. “I feel like I don’t know too much about you.”
“You can ask,” Margot offered, “I might not answer.”
“That’s your prerogative,” he supposed. “What did you do before this?”
“When I was in law school, I worked as a paralegal for this one firm. I was also an escort,” she said casually.
Beer almost came out of Chase’s nose.
“Sorry?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t being rude.
“I was an escort,” Margot repeated, as if he hadn’t heard her properly. “I went on dates for money.”
Chase was once again completely thrown, unsure of how to proceed not just because this was a very delicate sort of situation, but also because he’d never even imagined any first date scenario even close to this. He was struggling to even come up with an appropriate reaction.
“Don’t worry, you won’t get the clap,” she assured him with a passive wave of her hand, “I just went on dates. I never slept with any of those men.”
“Oh,” Chase murmured, silently cursing himself for not having anything better to contribute. “How… did you get into it?”
“This girl I went to law school with,” Margot explained, “She was from Florida. She was a yachter. You have to have sex for that, but she also just had a lot of other connections. She knew a lot of girls who just went on dates. And, she knew a lot of potential clients, too.”
“That’s how you got through law school?” Robert Chase asked.
Margot nodded. “Mmhmm. I made a lot of money. I could do it now, if I really wanted to, but I have better things to do.”
“Fair enough,” he shrugged.
“We all have our crazy shit in the past,” she said coolly. “I’m sure you have your own stuff.”
“I certainly do,” Chase agreed. “I slept with the groundskeeper’s wife in seminary training.”
It was Margot’s turn to almost laugh.
“Wow. Maybe you do have a bit of an edge to you,” she grinned, sipping on her cosmo.
“Maybe,” Chase smiled at her from across the table. “Can I just say, you look stunning tonight?”
She raised an eyebrow. “You know I’m sleeping with you either way, right?”
Even now, her crass sense of humor made Chase blush.
“That’s good to know,” he said quietly, a goofy grin on his face as only she could hear.
There was a long silence between the two of them as Chase snuck glances at Margot while she ate and drank. He wondered how such an angelic woman could be so feared.
“You know, I feel like you’ve lived a hundred lives,” he expressed.
“You’re not exactly boring yourself,” she reminded him.
“But you’re different,” Chase insisted. “I feel like you’ve seen everything. Like you’re in witness protection, or something.”
“Well, I wasn’t born Margot Lange,” she shrugged.
Once again, Chase was thrown for a loop.
“Were you… born Max Lange?” he asked cautiously.
Margot genuinely laughed. “No, genius. My real name’s Sydney Bettencourt,” she confessed.
Chase stared at her in disbelief. “You changed your whole name?”
“I had to,” she explained with a bored sigh, “I had a stalker.”
“Wow,” Chase remarked, “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
“Yeah, it’s whatever,” Margot shrugged indifferently.
“Can I ask, er… How it happened?” he wondered.
“From my escort days,” she explained, “He was pretty persistent. Came to my apartment without permission, sent stuff to my job… Wilson kinda reminds me of him,” she remarked, clearly using humor as a deflection.
Chase just chuckled as they moved on with their dinner. He decided that if Margot was intent on not letting the past ruin their dinner date, he might as well comply with her wishes. Once Chase had requested the check, Margot offered her card before the waitress set the bill in front of them. Chase had initially protested, wanting to pay for his date, but Margot had told him to save it for the next one, reminding him that he didn’t want to see what the bill for an entire entree of uni looked like.
He had eventually decided she was right, and allowed her to pay for their dinner. Naturally, Margot had informed Chase that she simply expected him to make it up to her later, which he fully intended to do.
“Can we make a stop on the way?” Margot asked once they reached the parking lot.
Chase looked at her in disbelief. There was nothing he wanted less.
“…Do we have to?” he asked her.
“No, I guess not,” she shrugged, looking away coyly, “We don’t need whipped cream…”
Chase could’ve sworn all the hair on his body stood up as he was instantly swayed.
“Well,” he stammered, “I suppose we could make a quick stop at the store…”
He found himself extremely impatient the entire time he drove. He and Margot ran as fast as they could into the local grocery store, startling many late night shoppers. Chase was genuinely amazed by how flawlessly Margot could run in four-inch heels. Due to the unfortunate issue with all of the self checkout machines in the store, he and Margot found themselves standing in line behind a woman who, for some reason, was doing her usual grocery shopping.
As the conveyor belt eventually moved the whipped cream up to the cashier, the poor cashier, a man whose name tag read ‘Emilio’, who was forced to pick up a pack of condoms and a singular can of whipped cream. Emilio picked up the items and stared blankly at Chase, who could only offer an awkward smile. The two shoppers behind them hid grins and stifled chuckles as Margot smiled proudly, as if this were perfectly normal. Emilio said nothing as he rang them up.
Margot and Chase couldn’t get inside the house fast enough. The moment they were in the door, Margot took off her shoes and tossed them across the room.
“Isn’t that just making a mess?” Chase questioned.
“It’s my house,” Margot huffed.
He just nodded at the valid point.
“Last one up gets the furry handcuffs!” Margot called, just as she took off running up the stairs.
Chase’s eyes widened at the threat as he raced upstairs after her. Margot reached the top of the stairs only about a millisecond before him.
“Fuck,” he swore under his breath, as she ran into her bedroom with the whipped cream and condoms in her purse.
He panted softly as she sat down at the foot of her giant Alaskan King bed, setting her purse down and taking out what she needed. She turned to see Chase entering the room, a rather happy smile spread across her face.
“What are you waiting for?” she grinned, getting up and walking towards him. “Take your clothes off.”
He nearly blushed. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”
Within a couple of exciting minutes, Chase found himself lying back against the pillows, completely naked, his hands comfortably handcuffed above his head. He felt a few different sensations washing over him at the moment, but for right now, he was completely focused on the dark-haired woman whose mercy he was at. It was now confirmed that she’d had nothing on at all under her dress. Chase could’ve sworn he was about to go insane as she sat beside him on the bed, teasingly checking the handcuffs.
“Looks like you’re not going anywhere,” Margot pouted sarcastically.
“You don’t see me complaining,” Chase breathed.
He was trying to keep his cool, but he knew that Margot definitely noticed how desperate he looked, naked and handcuffed. She decided to tantalize him even further, sitting just above where he needed her most, making a show of it as she grabbed the whipped cream.
“Room for dessert, Robbie?” she teased.
He grinned as she playfully pressed on the nozzle, showing him the whipped cream on her finger.
“Always,” he said huskily.
Margot smiled as she slowly licked the whipped cream off her finger, eyes still trained on him as she sucked it off. Chase had to calm himself down as he watched her, letting out an involuntary groan as he got even harder than he already was. Margot was fully aware of her hold on him, and continued with the torturous display. Chase felt his blue eyes watering as he watched her eyes rolling to the back of her head. He felt like a feral cat as he watched her tilt her head back, spraying a mouthful of whipped cream and swallowing it.
Margot giggled mischievously as she sprayed more whipped cream into her mouth, crawling toward him until their faces were inches apart, making sure he saw the whipped cream on her tongue.
“Want a taste?” she offered.
Chase’s head bobbed up and down vigorously as he was rendered useless, barely able to get out any words. He hummed gently into the kiss as Margot allowed him to lap up the whipped cream in her mouth, desperate for any sort of physical contact. She laughed coldly as he began to subconsciously thrust upward, frustrated by the fuzzy handcuffs around his wrists. Margot pushed him down as they kissed, and he sat obediently. She pulled away much to his chagrin and reached for the can again, this time spraying all over the side of his neck.
Chase whined loudly as she kissed his neck, closing her mouth around the sweet dessert. He was losing his mind as she licked harsh stripes, her hand closed around the bottom of his throat. Chase didn’t want to admit it, but he enjoyed submitting to Margot. He loved being at the mercy of her every whim. He let out quiet, but still audible mumbles of pleasure as she harshly sucked on his neck. At this point, he didn’t care if she visibly marked him up. This was more than worth bragging about, even if it had to be anonymously.
“Margot…!” he whined, sulking the moment she stopped.
He watched as the evil woman licked whipped cream off her fingertips, wholeheartedly enjoying how needy he was being. She left a small amount on her middle and ring fingertips as she took pity on him, raising her hand to his lips.
Chase was beyond willing, and opened his mouth as she slipped her fingers in, watching with arousal as he gladly sucked on her fingers, innocent eyes locked on hers.
“Good boy,” she cooed as he nearly finished right then and there.
Margot admired him as he licked her fingers clean, making a show of it as he finished with a soft pop. She seemed more than entertained as she put more on her hand, this time moving it somewhere else. Chase moaned sweetly as she began stroking him up and down, throwing his head back with relief. He had to force himself to concentrate just so he wouldn’t finish. He observed her with the utmost fascination as she bent down and swirled her tongue around his tip, making him gasp.
“Oh, fuck,” he whined, encouraging her even more. “Please, Margot, please!”
He watched in disbelief as she swiped her tongue up and down, leaving nothing behind. He moaned loudly as she finally took him into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down as he felt the warmth of the inside of her mouth. Chase sighed eagerly as she continued, feeling himself twitch. He was so relieved at the simultaneously relaxing and exciting sensation that he let his eyes shut and forgot about everything. He completely lost track of time, practically falling asleep.
He had completely forgotten what he was doing until he felt himself reach a strangely soothing climax. His eyes widened as Margot stared up at him, grinning as he came down her throat. In that moment, he thought he had never felt more vulnerable as he watched her swallow with pleasure, completely unfazed. He was still in shock as he realized he could still go another round. Margot popped back up again, picking up a bit of whipped cream with her fingers, hungrily licking it off.
Robert Chase was in awe as he laid back, wondering in the back of his head what was next. He smiled up at her, eyes full of bewilderment as she slipped her fingers back into his mouth. He sucked for as long as she let him, almost disappointed as she pulled her fingers out, trying to decide what was next in store for him.
“That was amazing,” he panted, still hard as he waited patiently.
“I’m sure it was,” Margot remarked, looking somewhat envious. “You know… You’re not going anywhere. Why not treat myself for a job well done?”
Before he knew what was happening, she allowed him to suck on her fingers one last time before she separated her knees. As Chase lay helplessly watching, she gradually inserted her fingers. His eyes went so wide, he looked as if they were about to pop out of his head altogether. He struggled frustratedly against the handcuffs around his wrists as he watched. Margot, in a cruel exhibition of her control over the situation, hardly spared him the theatrics as she threw her head back groaning loudly.
If there was one thing Chase could say about Margot, it was that she knew how to put on a show.
“Please, Margot!” he begged her, “Please, I can’t take it anymore!”
Margot’s laughter rang throughout the room as she took pleasure in his desperation. The begging quickly turned into groveling.
“Please, please, please, Margot, I’ll do whatever you want!” Robert Chase whined. “Please… Just let me touch you! Just let me feel, please…”
He was painfully hard as he watched her getting herself off, without any consideration for him. Never before had Chase been so attracted to someone’s blatant selfishness. He knew just how pathetic and desperate he must have looked, begging her incessantly, but he didn’t care anymore. He would’ve told the world that he belonged to Margot like some sort of deviant sex slave if it meant he got to touch her for even a second.
Miraculously, Margot seemed convinced by his relentless begging.
“Oh, alright,” she said mockingly, reaching for the keys to the handcuffs. “Since you’ve been such a good boy…”
Chase looked up at her with relief, eyes lit up with a beautiful wholesomeness as she freed his hands. He watched her patiently as she tossed the handcuffs aside, waiting for her to command him. She noticed this, and commended him.
“Look at you! So nice and sweet,” she beamed.
“Do I get to touch now?” he asked hopefully.
His mind was racing as he tried to decide what to do next with his newfound freedom.
“Go nuts,” she permitted him.
Chase wasted absolutely no time. Margot squealed with laughter as he grabbed her greedily, fondling her as he quickly pulled her body over his. He kissed her harshly, panting like a wild animal as he positioned her on top of him. Margot was almost startled as he scooted down on the bed, pulling her hips toward his face. She gasped aloud as he sat her down right on top of his face, hands forcing her thighs down. She nearly screamed at the rush she felt when she sensed his lips wrapped around all her most sensitive areas.
It was an intense and almost sinful sensation. She laughed out of sheer pleasure as Chase swiped his tongue up and down, as if he’d been starved all his life. She pulled at his sandy blond hair for support. He sucked harshly on the bundle of nerves, savoring the sound of her moans.
“Fuck!” Margot exclaimed, laughing as he worked as hard as he could.
She knew it was going to be a long night.
Hours seemed to pass by until Margot and Chase were both lying beneath the covers, waiting until they fell asleep. The two of them were lying facing one another. Chase felt he was staring at her, trying to understand her in all her complexities, while she just seemed to be gazing comfortably.
“Margot,” he began.
“Robert,” she mocked his formality.
“If I’m being honest, I find you kind of terrifying,” Chase confessed, hoping to learn more about this strange woman.
“Why’s that?” she asked in turn.
The revelation didn’t seem to surprise or offend her at all.
“Are you in the mob or something?” he questioned.
“Am I in the what?” Margot referenced cheekily.
“I just meant… I don’t know. You seem to live such an unorthodox lifestyle for a malpractice attorney,” he tried to explain.
“Are you talking about my money?” Margot asked him.
He seemed guilty upon hearing it stated that say.
“No, I’m sorry, that’s rude to say—”
“I made a lot of money in my escort days,” Margot cut him off in an attempt to assuage his guilt, “Like, a lot. I hustled, and I saved. That’s what paid for this house. And as far as the clothes, and all the other nice things in it, I bought almost none of it myself.”
“Right,” Chase said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.
He still felt horrible for questioning her about her financial situation.
“I did a lot of strange, unconventional things to get to where I am. And some of those things were pretty sketchy,” she admitted with a deep sense of self-awareness. “But you’re not doing anything sketchy by being around me.”
Chase said nothing for a moment, reassured by her logic. He didn’t want to admit it, even to himself, but that was the question he’d been wanting to asking her.
Chapter Five
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lovelybucky1 · 2 years
Kinktober Day 23- Phone Sex
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warnings: AFAB!reader, sexting, dirty talk, nude photos, mentions of male masturbation, 18+ minors dni
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You were just about to get into bed when your phone buzzed on the nightstand. You pick it up and see it’s a text from your boyfriend Jake. He’s been stationed in Florida for two weeks, and he still has one more to go.
Hey, gorgeous.
Just as you’re about to respond, another comes through.
I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve been on my mind all day.
Your heart swells at the message. You know Jake is out of your league. He could have anyone he wants, and it makes you so happy that he chose you.
That’s so sweet, baby. I’ve been thinking about you too.
I hate being away from you for so long. It drives me insane.
At least you have Rooster to keep you company.
You’re hilarious.
You find yourself laughing, and you can’t help but feel a little embarrassed that you’re giggling at your boyfriend’s texts like a teenager.
What have you been up to?
I’m afraid that’s classified, ma’am.
You’re hilarious. What can you tell me?
That I miss you. That I really miss kissing you.
That I really wish I could fuck you right now.
You take a second to think about your answer. This isn’t anything you haven’t done before, but you didn’t realize that this is where the conversation was headed.
You wish that even when you’re not on the other side of the country.
You’re addictive.
I miss your mouth on my cock.
Maybe you’ll get lucky when you come back.
That’s not enough. I need it now.
I’m surprised you haven’t learned patience yet.
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Look how needy I am, baby.
You’re unbelievable. Are you jerking off?
I have been for a while.
I’m imagining your tight pussy sinking down on my cock. You always grip me so good.
I’m going to have you in every position I know when I get back.
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God I love you.
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