#Focus Season Shuffle Challenge
impulsivefanwriter · 2 years
Ninjago Focus Season Shuffle Challenge!
Ayo fellow ninjago fans, I’ve got an AU challenge for you! Shuffle the focus ninja of any season (this is specifically for the WildBrain seasons, aka Season 11 onwards, but feel free to do this with prior seasons too if you feel inspired!) and see what happens. 
The WildBrain specific challenge is as follows: 
Original Focus Order:
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu (Fire Chapter) = Kai
Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu (Ice Chapter) = Zane
Prime Empire = Jay
Master of The Mountain = Cole
The Island / Seabound = Nya
Crystalized = Lloyd
Take Seasons 11-15/16 (Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu Part 1 & 2, Prime Empire, Master of the Mountain, The Island/Seabound, and Crystalized) and change the focus ninja (you can also edit the season as you like to match, but try to keep some of the core elements/story beats). You can reply as a reblog (and if you rather post it yourself, please tag me! I’d love to see other ideas!) and include was much or little detail as you’d like. 
If you want, you can also change the season order a bit (and write how they affect each other), or keep it in the original order!
Have fun with it! And remember to add Crystalized spoiler tags if you add that season, which you don’t have to if you haven’t seen it yet!
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
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drabble: first one pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f) rating/genre: pg ; fluff ; three tangerines au note: uhh. surprise and happy holidays LOL. based on this ig reel sent in the discord multiple times, this little slice is gonna kickstart the "3tan does sm" mini series! basically this little ongoing collection will have all the drabbles/requests based on social media things y'all send in. if it inspires me, i'll make a drabble or something out of it hehehe. enjoy! warnings: nothing big. just 3tan yoongi lol links: three tangerines mlist ; masterlist drop date: december 28, 2023, 7:07pm est word count: 1.1k
In the middle of winter, you decide that tonight is the perfect time to try something new. 
Which leaves Yoongi confused as hell because this attempt requires him to be outside in the freeze, when the two of you were just bundled up in blankets and watching a movie minutes ago. 
But he can scold your lack of attention span and tendency to watch videos during long movies later. 
“What am I doing?” 
Placing him on one spot of the sidewalk just outside his apartment, you urge, “Just, hold on. Stay right there.” 
Giggling, you give no other instructions, instead rushing forward to bring your phone to a nearby bench. When you set it down to see what the camera catches, you determine that you look fine enough, so you tell Yoongi—who is simply standing there and still looking devastatingly handsome—what you wanna do. “Okay, pull up the video I sent you.” 
“Shouldn’t we go back inside?” 
“Yes, yes, after this.” 
When you walk up, he pulls up the link, and you both watch as people run to their partners and rush them out of frame, spinning them around or chasing them away. 
Ever consistent, Yoongi is both unfazed and wondering what goes on. “What’s the goal of this again?” 
Shrugging, you’re just happy he’s not tugging you back indoors yet. “I don’t really know, but. I just wanna see how you do it.” 
“Mm…” He looks one more time, cementing his answer with the way he smushes his lips. “Fine.” 
“You’ll do it?” 
���Uh huh. But this is just for you.” 
Right. Because of course this can't be seen anywhere else. Your smile is rueful with a tinge of holiday hope, “I know.” 
And Yoongi’s expression carries the same weight. 
Maybe one day this conversation will be a lot different. Just like the way your quick stay at his place while your brother is at a work dinner will prove a lot longer of a night. One day. 
Cheering yourself up, you practically bounce back to where the bench is, slipping a bit with a tiny “whoops” before reaching out to press record. Backing up onto the sidewalk, you throw up peace signs, poses, do a few different filler moves until Yoongi does his part. 
But nothing happens. 
And no one appears by your side. 
So you turn to see if he actually left but goddamn it is he recording you? “What the!” 
Yoongi just laughs as you kick your head back in laughter, and stops holding his phone up. “So cute.” 
Damn it, he can’t give you this fluttering feeling while being annoying! “Focus!” 
Groaning, you turn your recording off and then back on again, repeating some of the same things for the camera and shuffling a little in place to warm up. Because it is freezing and this idea could have waited another season or two. 
And when you look to the side after a pause, Yoongi is recording again. 
You bend forward to shield from the chill, your yell echoing throughout the small little courtyard, “Yoongi!” Does he have to keep grinning like that? There’s no time for prolonging this even more! “I cannot with you right now.” 
After another attractive huff of amusement, he keeps going, “I can’t help it! You’re being adorable.” 
Well. At least Yoongi’s having his fun. If anything, he’s stalling because he doesn’t wanna do whatever challenge this is. So you can drop it. “Ugh… Never mind, we can go inside.” 
After grabbing your phone, you walk up to him again before he stops you. And you think it’s because you were about to slip once more, but his low tone gets you to see his face under those locks. 
“Nah, we can do it.” When you give him a pouting frown, his teeth shine. “Serious!” 
Easily placated, you’re back to grinning. “Okay, for real this time! It’s cold!” 
“I know! You didn’t even let me get my beanie!” 
Laughing out your guilt, you warn him over your shoulder, “If you run into me, you better not knock me over.” 
“I won’t, doll.” 
“Okay!” Placing your phone down for hopefully the last time, you hit record, seeing yourself sigh before gingerly walking back to the sidewalk. 
In hindsight, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to try and get Yoongi to do this. It’s colder than hell’s deepest frost at this point, and some snow is still falling from darkened skies. 
But all the little reactions in the videos looked too cute, and you are genuinely curious to see what he’s gonna do. So even through your poses, you brace yourself. Is he gonna run in for a hug? Is he gonna rush you off with a big warm embrace? 
…Is he really not gonna do anything?
Feeling a little bad, you drop the cute poses and turn. 
Only to feel him right at your side, gathering you with a soft, strong arm and leading you down the sidewalk. 
Well, damn.
The gesture is so him that, for a second, you genuinely think that he saw something and led you out of harm’s way on instinct. But as you look around, you don’t see anyone else in the wintry courtyard besides the two of you. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Your vision flicks away from the lighted trees dotting the area. “Oh, nothing, I was just…” 
“Wanna run it back? If we do let’s go somewhere else. It’s icy right there.” 
Blinking, you see his eyes full of pure curiosity and attentiveness. 
And suddenly you wanna go back inside for a completely different reason other than warmth. 
“That felt perfect,” you whisper, eyes lowering to his ever inviting lips. “Lemme check it.” 
Leaving his cozy side, you go back and retrieve your chilly phone, stopping the recording that you are relieved you successfully started. Both you and Yoongi watch as you play the full thing, and after he leads you out of frame, your jaw drops. 
“Oh, my god. This beats all the ones I’ve seen.” 
“Damn… Now I’m actually sad I can’t post this.” When you laugh, it’s not all joyful. Turning to him, you pretend to be mad. “Why are you so cool?” 
Huffing small, Yoongi looks up and around you before giving your cheek a kiss, and your knees weaken at how tender it is. “Send it to me,” he murmurs. 
“You want it, too?” 
“Just a little longer, babe.” He gives you another peck on your very cold nose. Then both cheeks. And your forehead. 
All while you’re out in the open where anyone could witness. 
Just his willingness to amuse you was already perfect. Yoongi didn’t need to do any of that, and he certainly didn’t need to be so charming with his stylistic choice. But he did it all anyway while freezing his pretty ass off.
And his next words make your chest yearn to stay with him—for every holiday season and silly trend that comes around. 
“Then this’ll be the first one of us we post.”
fin. :)
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🌨️ what do we feel! i needed this little drabble :')) 🌨️
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a/n: did i mean for this to be a full blown drabble? no! was this the video that bo originally sent me that i flailed over? no! but it's the reel i saw and apparently had been sent in the server multiple times. so here we are with a surprise hahaha.
enjoy your holidays, everyone! and if you have anything social media related that 3tan reminds you of - or you can see the 3tan crew doing - send them in and maybe i'll get inspired again. :D this didn't take me long at all and i wanted to do it, so no worries about extra work!
a/n 2: 3tan12 is going strong alongside the holiday fics! should be posting teasers and taglists for those, too. very very excited for all of them mwahaha
🌨️ links: three tangerines mlist ; masterlist
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mopopshop · 3 months
Next Question (DT x OC)
based on this request <-
ty for being patient 🫡 hope you guys enjoy 🤞🏾🤞🏾
You adjust your notes, nervously shuffling through the questions you have prepared. It's not every day you get to interview a legend like Diana Taurasi. The excitement is palpable in the air as you wait in the lounge area of the practice facility.
The door opens, and in walks Diana, her stride confident and her smile warm. She extends a hand to you, and you quickly stand up to greet her.
"Hi, Diana. It's such an honor to meet you," you say, shaking her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine. It’s Alina, right?”
You nod, swallowing nervously. There's something about the way she says your name that sends a shiver down your spine. "Shall we get started?"
You both sit down, and you begin the interview, asking her about her recent games, her training routine, and her thoughts on the upcoming season.
"So, Diana," you say,  glancing down at your notes, "what's been the most challenging part of this season so far?"
She leans in a little closer, her knee brushing against yours. "Honestly, Alina, the toughest part is trying to stay focused when you’re surrounded by distractions" Her eyes twinkle as she speaks, and you feel a blush creeping up your cheeks.
"Distractions?" you ask, trying to maintain your professionalism despite the butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah” she says, her voice dropping to a lower, more intimate tone. "Like right now, getting hard to concentrate when I’m a few feet away from a stunning reporter"
Your breath catches, and you fumble with your notes. "I—I'm sure you deal with distractions all the time," you manage to say, hoping your voice doesn't betray your flustered state.
Diana chuckles softly, her fingers brushing against your arm as she adjusts the microphone clipped to your shirt. "Something like that"
The room feels suddenly warmer, and you can barely focus on your next question. You clear your throat, trying to regain your composure. "Um, could you tell me about your pre-game ritual? How do you prepare mentally and physically for a big game?"
Diana's hand lingers on your arm for a moment longer before she pulls away, her touch leaving a tingling sensation on your skin. She leans back in her chair, her eyes never leaving yours. "Well, I have a few routines, but I mostly just like to prioritize getting into the right mindset. And sometimes, it helps to have someone special to talk to beforehand"
You nod, trying to focus on her words, but her intense gaze makes it difficult. "That sounds really important. Do you have anyone in particular you talk to before games?"
Diana's smile widens, and she leans forward again, her face inches from yours. "Maybe I do. Wanna volunteer as my good luck charm?"
"I... uh," you stammer, struggling to find the right words amidst the electrifying tension between you. "I'm flattered, Diana, but I'm here to learn about your career and achievements."
Diana leans back, her laughter filling the room. "Alright, alright, I see you're trying to keep it strictly professional. Respect." She winks mischievously, and you feel a mix of relief and lingering excitement.
As the interview wraps up, Diana stands, offering you her hand once more. "Thank you for the interview. I really enjoyed it”
You shake her hand, her grip firm and reassuring. "No, no, thank you, seriously"
She doesn't let go immediately, her thumb brushing gently over the back of your hand. "Of course, maybe we can do this again sometime. Off the record."
You nod, your mind racing with possibilities. "I'd like that."
“Give me your number real quick and I’ll hit you up about that off the record thing, kay?”
You nod sheepishly taking her phone from her hand and typing in your number. 
Diana smiles one last time, her eyes lingering on yours before she turns to leave. 
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imthepunchlord · 26 days
So question from a writer's standpoint, do you think 9 members is too many for a hero team? (This isn't related to any of your fics, but just a general question)
So, I think it's doable though could be on the unideal side, but it's definitely not a norm.
Typically, when writing a story with multiple leads, usually the minimum is 3, and the max is usually 5. When the numbered group is 3 to 5, usually, everyone has a role to fill out in the team, and there's a nice balancing out.
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Though some are able to bump it up to 6 and make it work as a whole team, as that can also give you pairs and trios and quartets to work with, and you can fun shuffling up the groups and who works off who (first three seasons of Camp Cretaceous comes to mind in doing that really well).
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But going up to 9 leads, it can be done, you just got to factor in a lot. Your 9 leads are be unique, and not have overlapping roles. You need to figure out how everyone works off each other, what their relationships are with each team member, which is 81 dynamics to think about for the hero team, + thinking of villains and how they'll work off them, and if each member has a personal villain to face. And the possibility of foils and rivals, but that could exist in the team itself.
You also need to decide who gets the most attention, who are the most important of this team and how are they grouped up. Who are your major characters to follow. And then you need to make sure the less major characters still get attention else they're added fluff that you can see that can be trimmed away.
And this is a case where less is more.
This is actually where the Five Man Bad works really well, being a nice medium.
You have your major leads, usually the Leader and the Lancer. The Leader leads and make progress to the story, the Lancer challenges the leader and how they go about things, often acting as their foil/rival. These two roles often take the primary focus as they're involved in the story and how it progresses and the conflict of choices and personal interests.
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The other 3 have major roles that don't need as much attention, but it's hard to skip out on them entirely.
The Heart can potentially toe the line of being a lead, depending on how they're done, but they're the mediator who mediates conflict in the group, they're the one who holds the team together, usually defined by being compassionate and empathetic, and just having a really big heart and able to easily make friends, even with enemies. And usually have the role of love interest but not always.
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The Smart One is the smartest character on the team. They can be the plan maker, the tactician, the inventor, the science guy, the alchemist, the trickster; there's a lot of options on how to do them, and they help the team with their intellect, thinking and seeing things that the others do not.
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The Tough Guy/Tank is the strong one. They're the heavy hitters in fights, and carry most of the battle. Or they can be the ultimate defenders. Or they know they can just throw their weight around and have the power to back it.
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So that's the challenge to face for a team of 9. You need to figure out who your leads are, then the rest you need to stress how they are still important even with less attention on them.
Lastly, depending on what you're doing, you may have to come up with 9 backstories and 9 arcs.
I do think you could do it, but this can be a case where less is more. Personally, I'd max things out at 5 or 6.
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boyeetsworld · 4 months
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Hounds of Love
m.fushiguro x fem oc (she/her pronouns) jjk fanfic (roughly follows anime storyline) WARNING: ‼️ gore descriptions, violence, nsfw, smut ‼️ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ No. 9
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Megumi shuffled forward as Nobara ran off to do her shopping. Emiri sat on the bleachers behind Inumaki as Maki began to lecture Megumi in the training ground.
“Here, try your hand at the long one,” she stated as she tossed him the staff she was holding.
Megumi lifted his hand and caught the staff, swinging it across his body and pointing it downward.
“This actually feels pretty good.”
Megumi squared his shoulders, gripping the staff tightly as he faced Maki. He was determined to prove himself, to show that he could hold his own against the skilled second-year. Maki watched him with a critical eye, reaching for another and readying her staff. With a swift movement, she lunged forward, the wooden staff whistling through the air as she aimed for Megumi's side.
However, Megumi was prepared for the challenge. He deflected the blow with practiced ease, countering with a quick jab of his own. Maki sidestepped, her movements fluid and graceful as she dodged his attack. Their staffs clashed again and again, the sound of wood striking wood echoing through the training ground. Megumi fought with determination, his focus unwavering as he sought to land a hit on Maki.
But Maki was a seasoned warrior, her skill unmatched. She caught Megumi off guard with a swift feint, sweeping his legs out from under him. He hit the ground with a thud, his staff clattering to the ground beside him. For a moment, there was silence as Megumi lay on the ground, stunned by his defeat. Maki stood over him, her expression unreadable as she offered him a hand up.
“You fought well," she said simply, her voice soft but tinged with a hint of respect. “But still a lot to learn.”
Megumi took her hand, allowing her to pull him to his feet. Maki turned to Emiri, and the girl stood. She moved down the stairs to be even with Maki, leaned down to pick up the staff Megumi had dropped, and drew her feet back without another word.
Emiri gripped the staff tightly, a determined glint in her eyes as she faced off against Maki. She had observed Megumi's fight closely, analyzing Maki's movements, looking for any weaknesses she could exploit.
Maki watched Emiri with a calculating gaze, noting the determination in her stance. With a slight nod, she acknowledged the challenge, raising her staff in preparation for the duel. The two of them circled each other warily, the tension thick in the air. Then, in a blur of motion, they lunged forward simultaneously, their staffs meeting with a resounding clash.
Emiri moved with fluid grace, her strikes precise and calculated. She matched Maki's every move, deflecting her attacks with skillful precision. Maki, in turn, was impressed by Emiri's prowess, her eyes narrowing in concentration as she sought to find an opening.
The fight raged on, neither giving an inch, as they traded blow after blow. Emiri's heart pounded in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins as she focused all her energy on the battle at hand. Maki's movements were like a well-choreographed dance, each step deliberate and calculated. But Emiri was relentless, her determination driving her forward even as fatigue began to set in.
Despite their exhaustion, neither of them faltered, their determination fueling their resolve. The fight seemed to stretch on endlessly, neither willing to concede defeat. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they both came to a standstill, their staffs locked in a stalemate. They stared at each other, breathing heavily, a mutual respect forming between them.
“You're good," Maki admitted, a hint of admiration in her voice.
“As are you," Emiri replied, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips.
With a nod of acknowledgment, they lowered their staffs, the fight coming to an end. Though evenly matched, they both knew that this was only the beginning of their journey. Together, they would continue to train, grow stronger, and face whatever challenges lay ahead.
“Who taught you how to fight?” Maki questioned as the group settled on the bleachers.
They discarded their staffs as Megumi sat behind Inumaki on the bleachers, Panda sat on the bench facing them, and Maki settled against the nearby tree as Emiri sat diagonal from Megumi across from Panda.
“My father,” she relented hesitantly.
Very few people knew much about her father, and what they did know was scarce. Emiri never even knew his name. His relationship with her was much more drill sergeant and trainee than father-daughter. She looked up at Maki, disregarding the bad memories of her father’s training.
“I can fight with any weapon or hand-to-hand, close combat,” Emiri stated.
“We’ll most likely have to carry cursed tools,” Panda informed.
“Well, Zen’in, you often carry around two or even more with you,” Megumi commented. “How do you do that?”
“Oh, I make Panda carry them,” Maki shared as she gestured at Panda and then glanced at Emiri. “But you form yours in combat.”
“Yeah, um, I don’t think I could do it for all of us though,” Emiri stated hesitantly, feeling bad for her response. “It's blood manipulation. My blood runs through what I create…only I can wield it.”
“I’m fine with supplementing close combat with weapons,” Megumi stated as he looked down at his hands. “But with my technique, I want to be able to have my hands free. Swords cost you time sheathing and unsheathing them.”
“Some Jujutsu Sorcerers keep cursed spirits that can store and retrieve objects,” Panda informed as he raised his finger.
“Yeah, but he can’t do that,” Maki sighed. “And it takes time to tame them too, but if you do find any, let me know.”
Fushiguro became silent at Maki’s comment, falling deep into thought.
“You know, Emi and Megumi have similar techniques; he can draw his shikigami from the shadows, while you draw weapons from your blood. You could learn from each other,” Maki stated as she shifted toward Emiri.
“Learn from each other,” Emiri repeated, disgust coating her tongue. “He'll never listen to me.”
“Then it’s team-building too,” Maki shot as she crossed her arms. “Your bickering is only going to be a nuisance during the Event; best to learn to tolerate each other now.”
Emiri's expression tightened at Maki's suggestion, a mixture of frustration and resignation flashing in her eyes. She glanced at Megumi, who remained silent beside her, his own thoughts veiled behind a stoic facade.
“Fine," Emiri conceded begrudgingly, her tone clipped. “But don't expect me to hold back."
Megumi nodded in agreement, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes. Despite their differences, there was a shared determination between them, and a mutual desire to improve and succeed.
Maki watched them with a satisfied smirk, her arms still crossed as she leaned against the tree. She knew that their rivalry could either hinder or strengthen them, depending on how they chose to approach it.
“Good," she said simply, her voice firm.
The month and a half that followed was filled with the second year’s training regimen. Under Maki's guidance, they underwent rigorous training regimens, honing their skills and pushing their limits to prepare for the upcoming Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event.
Emiri threw herself into her training with fierce determination, her resolve unwavering despite the challenges she faced. She pushed herself to the limit, refining her blood manipulation techniques and mastering new combat strategies. With each passing day, she felt herself growing stronger and more confident in her abilities. Megumi, too, dedicated himself wholeheartedly to his training. He worked tirelessly to improve his shikigami techniques, delving deeper into the shadows to draw forth ever more powerful allies.
In the first week, the first years fought against the third years in close combat. The training regimen was instructive and enjoyable until Maki declared Megumi and Emiri to train together. Emiri huffed as Maki sent them off to “learn from each other.”
“Just no using cursed energy on each other!” Maki shouted as they retreated across the field. “You two would definitely abuse that opportunity.”
She murmured under her breath as the second years left the track, leaving Megumi and Emiri standing in the field.
Emiri shot Megumi a sidelong glance, her expression guarded as they stood together in the open field. She couldn't shake the feeling of resentment towards being paired up with him, but she knew Maki was right – they needed to learn to work together if they were going to succeed in the upcoming event.
“Guess we're stuck with each other," Emiri muttered, her tone tinged with annoyance.
Megumi simply nodded, his demeanor calm and composed as always. He didn't seem bothered by their forced partnership, though Emiri couldn't help but wonder if he was secretly amused by the situation.
“Let's get this over with," Emiri said, her voice brimming with determination. “I don't have time to waste babysitting you."
Megumi raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Babysitting? I think you'll find I can handle myself just fine."
With that, they fell into a ready stance, their eyes locked in silent challenge. Emiri took a deep breath, focusing her energy as she prepared to face off against Megumi.
“You really think you can do it?” Emiri asked in a teasing tone, but underlyingly sincere. “Pull cursed tools out of thin air.”
“How did you learn?” He asked bluntly.
Emiri opened her mouth to respond, but hesitated, just like when Maki had asked, the memories crept into her head. Her father’s training was more like torture. Megumi noticed Emiri's momentary hesitation, her expression clouded with memories of her father's harsh training. He could sense the weight of her past bearing down on her, the scars of her upbringing still fresh in her mind. He softened his gaze, his earlier teasing demeanor replaced with genuine concern.
“You don't have–”
“It’s complicated,” she stated, her face solemn. “My father was... strict. He trained me relentlessly, pushing me to my limits…I was a child,” she looked up at him, her eyes glistening. “Blood manipulation is inherited, not every child has it. You know that just like your technique. When my father found out I had it…he abused that power…
I’m only telling you this because I think it will help, he pushed me to my limits, and I resented him for that, for not having a normal childhood. That resentment fueled my energy, my power…and you have to let it, Megumi. As a Jujutsu Sorcerer, you have to save who you can and loathe what stands in your way with your entire being.”
“Is that why you’re always so unpleasant?” Megumi mockingly huffed.
“Yeah, probably,” Emiri stated dully as she looked down.
“Emiri…I, uh–”
“What do you have to tell me about shikigami?” She offered with a shrug, urging him to change the topic.
Emiri's abrupt redirection caught Megumi off guard, but he quickly composed himself, recognizing her subtle attempt to steer the conversation away from her painful past.
“Shikigami," he began, his tone shifting to a more serious demeanor. “they're manifestations of cursed energy, drawn from the shadows–"
“I know what they are, dipshit,” Emiri huffed as Megumi glared at her.
“Well, what do you want from me then?” Megumi argued, throwing his hands up. “You can make them stronger by focusing more energy on them,” he offered, and Emiri perked at the comment. “But that’s a given.”
“Really?” she questioned.
“Yeah,” he furrowed his brow as he looked at her. “I’ve figured out that when one of my shikigami is destroyed…their power is passed down to the others.”
“That’s…actually impressive.” Emiri acknowledged lowly.
“Erhm, thanks,” he replied, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. “I've been experimenting with different ways to maximize their effectiveness in combat.”
Emiri's interest was piqued as she listened intently, her earlier reticence giving way to genuine curiosity. Despite their initial reluctance to work together, she found herself intrigued by Megumi's insights into shikigami manipulation.
“Could…could you show me?” she asked, her tone more earnest than before.
Megumi hesitated for a moment, considering her request. Despite their rocky start, he recognized the value in collaborating with Emiri, especially if it meant improving their chances of success in the upcoming event.
“Sure,” he replied, his expression softening slightly. “but we'll need to find a secluded spot away from prying eyes.”
Emiri nodded in agreement, a determined glint in her eyes as she followed Megumi to a secluded corner of the training grounds. There, they began to experiment with different techniques, each learning from the other's strengths and weaknesses.
As they trained together, a tentative bond began to form between them, built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared determination. Despite their differences, they were united by a common goal: to become stronger and overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.
And in that moment, as they worked side by side, Emiri couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the future. Perhaps, with Megumi's guidance and support, she could finally begin to let go of the ghosts of her past and embrace the power that lay within her.
The following month and a half was a continuation of Maki’s training and forcing Megumi and Emiri to work together. The first years learned a great deal about the second years, their personalities, and techniques, but also gained stamina and raw strength, agility. Emiri and Megumi discovered a growing sense of camaraderie, trust, but neither let up on their abrasive attitudes and insults towards each other. The Exchange Event grew near, and the first years bubbled with anticipation and remembrance of their fallen friend.
☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩ ☩
Word Count: 2,296
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toska-writes · 1 year
hello! i was reading your random clone headcanons and loved the little bit with tech where he teaches the reader game strategies and they end up beating him and everyone teases him, it was really cute and i was wondering if you could expand on that? (i’m grieving from the finale and need comfort 💔)
I couldn’t not do this one! I feel you ❤️
Paring: Tech x GN padawan reader (PLATONIC WOO HOO)
Warning: no spoilers for season 2! Also it’s not proof read because I’m at Universal! But it will be later
Word count: 1437
Notes: Please please please enjoy! This one went better than I thought!
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"Hmm that won't be very sufficient move on your part." You heard that phrase over and over again from the man that sat across the table for you.
Once again you let out a groan and slid back into your seat. "This is the stupidest game in the entire galaxy!" You threw your arms up.
"Now I would strongly disagree with that statement but I understand your frustration, Dejarik was quite the challenge when I first started." Tech pushed up his googles further up his nose as he tried to reassure you.
"Let me guess it only took you about a day to actually get good and win." You sat back trying to figure out another move to do.
"Well more like an hour but it's hardly the point." He mumbled to himself, his focus was put back to the holotable after you made a move.
With a few clicks of the buttons his characters seemed to completely wipe out your own.
He won once again.
"Tech I tried. Tried to learn your strategies, how to read the board, how to map out your choice and opponent but I still can't win!" You rambled on slumping down and resting your head on the table.
You heard him shuffle around the table before he sat down next to you, the seat definitely wasn't big enough and you felt him start to slip off multiple times.
"I'm sure you'll get it." He wrapped an arm around your shoulder but you still refused to look up. "Maybe a few practices games are in order."
You looked to him now, your face seemed very defeated. "Who did you have in mind? I'm assuming it's not going to be you."
Wrecker was more than happy to play.
Sure he need a reminder and a small nudge in the right direction but the game was underway.
Crosshair at one point even joined tech in walking the game, from the corner of your eye you could see some hand motions hinting at a move you should try next.
It's not cheating really.
Wrecker slammed his fist on the table making the holographs flicker for a second, but the smile never left his face.
Tech clapped you on the shoulder, his own smirk on his face. "That was quite adequate y/n"
"You think I'm ready to go back up against you?" You asked looking up to him as wrecked left his seat.
Tech put his other hand out quickly. "Maybe another gave would ready you more." He smiled a little.
You looked across the table once again about to ask Tech who else you'd go against but was met with Crosshair sitting across from you.
He sat with one knee bent on the chair and a tooth pick in his mouth. His smirk was the one he normally wore.
"I have my money of Y/N." Hunter came in now, since everyone else in the squad was transfixed by this game he assumed so should he.
"We'll see." Crosshair muttered resetting the table then tacking his first move.
The game played out like normal. Trying to recall everything Tech has tried to reach you over the last few days of your time off. You glanced at him a few times though out your moves.
He didn't give you any hints as 'those would not benefit you in the long run.' As he would put it, but you could see the nods he made as he calculated your own moves.
You looked up to Cross as he stared at the table for a few seconds then his eyes darted to the button. You realized at this moment you made a huge mistake on your last turn.
You hoped Crosshair didn't see it. But hoping for that was like hoping that fish won't swim in water. He was the sniper for makers sake, designed for his amazing eyes.
His hands hovered for a moment before he made his decision and taped a button.
You threw your head back for the millionth time today, but staring down the board was completely different.
You looked to Crosshair as he shifted in his seat. He met your eyes then said. "Gonna make your move kid." Laced with a venomous sound but you knew better that this was all fun and games.
You glanced back to Tech where he was still looking at the board. He gave you a quick shrug and gestured for you to finish the game.
"WOOO." Wrecker sounded for behind you while clasping (a not very gentle) hand on to your shoulder.
You flashed a cheeky smile at the sniper and in return you got a eye roll, but the smirk still remained on his face.
"Unless Hunter wants to step in I think I'll go against you once again." Tech stepped to the side as Crosshair vacated the seat, checking for Hunter and earning a shake of his head he sat down.
You smiled at him as you cracked your fingers "Ready for the rematch for your life?" You asked.
Cheers broke out from Wrecker again and a animated sigh left Hunter as he came up to the table to watch just like the others.
"I'm not sure I can accurately say this will be 'the' rematch but I am ready none the less." He started up the table once again, just like he did for the past days. You were pretty sure the motion of him doing it would be in your nightmares.
The first moves of the game were pretty routinely, you remembered from the previous games that when playing you Tech normally took the defensive trying to pinch you from the middle.
You attacked and countered for the most part, coming down to the last few holograms left. Unfortunately Tech strategy was working as you normally could only put it off when you had more pieces on the board.
Two of Techs characters moved with his next run taking out one of your only few left. With the remaining two characters on your side you needed some sort of plan.
That's when you noticed Tech missed one detail when carefully looking over his move choices, looking up you could see the realization hit his face.
At this moment you knew that Tech wasn't going to go easy on you and just let you win.
"Ohhh yeahh. You got 'em now." Wrecker
You stared for a moment if this was really true, Tech has beat you in the same way every time but now you finally got him.
You quickly clicked the buttons in front of you before Tech tries to take back his move or something.
With that the two beast you had left walked over and completely clobbered the rest of Techs leaving you victorious.
You jumped up quickly with your hands up in the air. Looking around Hunters mouth was slightly open, Crosshair had a small smile on his face and Wrecker had an even bigger one.
Tech sat for a moment. His eyes scanned the empty table trying to do what he does best and calculate where you got the jump on him.
“That- that was well played Y/N” He started looking up to you.
For a moment you thought he was disappointed or even upset that he lost but a smile returned to his face as he said. “Of course now with that new information and tactic I just witnessed I think a rematch some other time will do nicely.”
“You got it Tech.” You jumped up from your seat and traveled around the table so you could rest your arm on Techs shoulder. “Of course I’ll beat you again but that’s not the point here.”
Tech and the rest of Clone Force 99 let out small laughs as they came around the two of you.
Tech would most likely beat you again but you had to hold this victory above his head as long as you could.
Update: Tech realized he made one of the biggest mistakes of his life and that if he doesn’t play you again soon he might explode.
In missions “oh yea the same strategy I used to beat you got it Tech” or in the ship. “Whatcha doing on that datapad Techy. Looking for ways to beat me I see.”
It didn’t end- it was also his brothers too. Tech couldn’t remember the days where this wasn’t constantly brought up.
Tech could last a few more days though- seeing the smile it brought you to boost about it made the pain worth it.
Maybe, just maybe you would beat him again.
Taglist: @arctrooper69 @thereforepizza
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sarucane · 11 months
OFMD Spiral Parallels 48: Lessons of Episodes 5 (Spoiler: Fang's the best teacher)
Intro: What I love most about how season 2 builds on season 1 of OFMD is the spiral narrative structure. Ground is repeatedly and explicitly re-trod from season 1 to season 2, but in season 2 everything goes deeper than season 1. Meanings are shuffled, emotions are stronger and truer, and transformation is showcased above everything. The first season plucks certain notes, then the second season plucks the same ones--but louder, and then it weaves them together to create a symphony.
In both seasons 1 and 2 of OFMD, a big chunk of show is spent on lessons. In the first season, Stede and Ed are teaching each other lessons. But they're both bad students, partly because the boys just want an excuse to hang out together, and partly because they're both just chasing fantasies of who they want to be, fantasies that prove far less interesting than real life.
In the second season, Stede and Ed both get lessons in episode 5 again. But these lessons exist for specific reasons, and develop the characters in ways they find important. And these lessons succeed, making Stede a better captain and Ed a better person.
Ed and Stede agree to teach each other "the ways of an aristocrat" and how to be a "bloodthirsty pirate" on a whim in season 1. They both do really want to learn--but Ed states the real reason right up front: he's having fun with Stede, he's actually enjoying his life, and he wants to continue doing so.
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In contrast, Stede goes to Izzy with a specific request for teaching in season 2. He has a problem that needs to be solved: he needs to be able to "own" being a captain (in Ed's words).
Ed's "lessons" for Stede are half-assed from the start. Stede wanders around making Lucius take notes in the middle of a raid. Later Ed tells him he's doing looting wrong--but doesn't actually explain anything.
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Izzy, on the other hand, does what any good teacher does starting out: assesses Stede's skills. What he finds is that, skill-wise, Stede's hopeless. His strengths are in his resilience and adaptability, not in his actual abilities.
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In the first season, the focus of the narrative moves quickly to Ed's lessons. Ed, too, like Stede in S2, suffers from a lack of skills (but they're stupid skills so good on him)--and, like Stede in season 2, his lessons are characterized as a hopeless endeavor. Being an aristocrat takes training from basically birth (and also there's racism).
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But Ed and Stede both plow on. In the first season, Ed does this because he's driven by insecurities.
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But in the second season, Stede does this because he's driven by optimism--which, in his defense, is firmly grounded in experience. He has survived situations he absolutely should have died in, on a combination of quick thinking and help from friends.
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Meanwhile, in both seasons 1 and 2 Ed starts learning about social relationships. In the first season, he learns about the special aristocratic way people can be dicks, and in the second season he learns about how he himself has been a dick in the past.
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Ed fails to adapt to this information in season 1.
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But in season 2, he absorbs it. And he starts learning lessons about himself.
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In the first season, Ed has some initial success at charming aristocrats and thinks he's reached the culmination of his lessons, despite his teacher's warning "this is a bad idea."
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And in the second season, Stede thinks the exact same thing. The emblem of his success is his suit, the loot of his "perfect raid,"--and Izzy tells him just about the same thing Stede once told Ed: this isn't real success.
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And then there's Ed in season 2, who tries to grab his new understanding and run with it, ranting at Fang instead of fishing. And Fang teaches him something else: paying attention to yourself is important.
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Ed takes Fang up on the challenge of sitting quietly, and finds success
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But back on the Revenge, Stede ignored Izzy and wound up running from a room, screaming--right into his teacher's correct advice.
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And Season 1 Ed found that failing to heed Stede's advice--and getting overconfident about spoons--had gotten him into a mess too. And he ran out of a room screaming about how his teacher's advice was correct.
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So, Season 1 Ed and Season 2 Stede both have to reckon with what just happened. Both go to their teachers for help...
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...and accept the guidance from there. But while Ed ends up stepping back for the rest of the episode while Stede takes over, Izzy pushes Stede to do something himself. To actually be a captain.
The difference here is that Ed's goal was misguided, and the world he wanted to join wasn't worth his love. And back in season 1, it was all about who Ed and Stede were to each other anyway. But Stede's season 2 goal is to be a leader of an wonderful little community, and it's a goal worth accomplishing.
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Both episodes end in the same place, with lessons learned. In the first season, these lessons are asymmetrical. Ed has learned something negative: that he really might never be able to join the world of fine people wearing fine things
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While Stede has learned something positive: that he can burn down the aristocratic world that made him feel inferior.
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Stede is able to pass some of this positivity this along, to help Ed feel like his lack of entry to that world doesn't make him inferior. And yet, they totally fail to communicate with each other what was really important about that day.
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They did both learn something, today and during this interaction. But that knowledge is incomplete, fluid, and unspoken. They don't really have anything to show for their lessons of the day.
In the second season, Ed and Stede meet up bearing the spoils of victory.
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Stede did manage to captain properly in the end, and while he gave up his suit, he does now have a proper frilly shirt.
And Ed did manage to listen to Fang, and to sit with himself for long enough to catch a fish.
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And most important of all, they're actually able to communicate in this scene. They're still not in the same place in the relationship--but they're both able to express that. And in Ed's case, he connects communication right back to his lessons of the day.
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Real learning means changing, whether it's your ideas about what you want, or your ideas about about yourself. And when you really learn, you open up more doors, to shape your future into what you want it to be.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
Honestly, the fact that the writers were like "it wouldn't make sense for Ruby to blame Jaune for Penny's death, and this is a conversation that doesn't need to be had" is so like... I've said before and I'll say it again that I don't think Ruby needed to blame Jaune (even though they still should've had the conversation.) But at the same time, let's think of how Jaune always has big feelings and gets to be irrational at times and gets to express his anger and gets to take things out on other people and blame them for things that weren't their fault.
Like, in the same season that Ruby couldn't even temporarily lash out at Jaune because she would understand (apparently in a split second) that Jaune isn't really to blame because 'Penny chose it' or whatever... Jaune screamed in her face while she was crying, victim blaming her for a bunch of stuff that either wasn't her fault at all (Neo gunning for her and attacking the Paper Pleasers) or was just as much his fault as hers (the bridge plan, Atlas falling.) Jaune had years and years to think through this, but after having just lost the Paper Pleasers, he was allowed to be irrationally mad and angry, but Ruby having just lost Penny? Nope, doesn't get to be mad at Jaune. And also Ruby got mad and lashed out, she just lashed out at the rest of her team! Ruby got to be angry and lash out at Yang, Blake, and Weiss about how they were treating her like she was perfect and over-relying on her and being too caught up in their romance to help or else pushing her to save them with no real concern for her wellbeing. But Jaune?
The way that scene goes iirc is that Ruby starts lashing out angrily at Yang, Blake, and Weiss, and then Jaune comes over and screams in her face. and then she runs away crying. Ruby does not get to argue back with Jaune, Ruby doesn't get to defend herself with Jaune, Ruby doesn't get to express her anger or upset at Jaune. She just has to stand there while he berates and rants at her after he's just as at fault as she is AND KILLED PENNY. And no one else defends her either, Jaune just gets all the space to say whatever he wants because he's so uwu sad special man and then gets comforted about. But Ruby is treated like an irrational threat with only Weiss even trying for a moment to understand her, isn't listened to at all in the end, after she doesn't even get THAT angry! Like, how am I supposed to take this?
The writers pile on Jaune angst and always give him space to be hurt and angry at anyone, Qrow or Oz or Cinder or Ren or Ruby or the Cat or whoever, and when he needs help and support and understanding, he gets it. But even in a season that's meant to be Ruby's season, when the audience is seeing her really express real anger and pain for more than just a fleeting moment, she doesn't get comfort and support and she isn't even allowed to be angry at Jaune for a MOMENT. Her pain is instead shuffled to the side and treated as her problem and treated as not that important, and unjustified, and it doesn't even really affect her friends much who are smiling three seconds later and are then dismissive of everything she said when she miraculously comes back from trying to ascend as the same person. Jaune got seasons of sympathy for losing Pyrrha and got to be angry for seasons, and yet Ruby loses Penny and the focus is still on how poor sad Jaune's manpain at having been 'forced' to kill Penny is so hard for him and has messed him up so much. She doesn't even get one season where her pain is at the forefront. Like, yeah, Ruby got some room to grieve Penny, but it was all completely unnecessarily overtaken by Jaune.
It's almost like the writers don't want their special underdog favorite Jaune to actually be challenged. It's almost like the writers don't care as much about Ruby. It's almost like the writers are trying to convince the fans that Ruby WAS more in the wrong than Jaune, that she was the one who was being irrational in that scene and Jaune was 'giving her some hard truths.' It's almost like we were meant to be on Jaune's side.
Don't get me wrong, I was on the side of "Ruby made mistakes in V7-8 and I think she needs to do some self-reflection," but I was always also in the camp of 'the WHOLE TEAM made mistakes in V7-8 and needs to do some self-reflection.' And it really feels like the writers threw Ruby under the bus and acted like she was the only one actually at fault and needing to actually change or be responsible or feel bad, while the only thing Jaune got was to be made into more of a victim and needing to accept that he did all he could, and the only thing the others got was... I guess needing to get into a relationship and again needing to accept that they did nothing wrong?
Swear to god, what Volume 9 did was prove to me that both the show and the fandom by and large don't actually seem to care that much about Ruby. The show might as well be called JWBY because of how it's written, and the fandom might as well be called the JWBY fandom because of how they receive the show.
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asvterias · 1 year
𝖲𝖾𝖼𝗋𝖾𝗍𝗌 𝖮𝗎𝗍 ~ 𝖭𝖺𝗈𝗆𝗂 𝖧𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Naomi Maria Hastings (Faceclaim as Siena Agudong)
This storyline is set in early season 5, so the liars are 18 years old so Naomi & Y/N are 16. This was just an random idea in my head that I put into words.
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Warnings: Steamy Scene, Hickeys & Mentions of Cyber-Threats
Pairings: Fem!Black!Fields!Reader x OC!Naomi Hastings, Fem!Black!Fields!Reader x Platonic!The Liars x OC!Naomi Hastings
Summary: Maintaining a secret relationship with Naomi for 2 years was challenging but you made it work. Too bad, A’s always seeking and wrecking havoc, just for the confrontation of secrets to their enjoyment.
Tag List: @lvc-lv @cyansadness @ashreblogsnow @helovesthisgorillagripper
Word Count: 3.5k+
Author’s Note: Kinda got inspiration from @redhairedwolfwitch with one of her PLL storylines.
GIF credit: violetsbaudelaire-archive
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(Y/N) Fields was a reserved girl, allowing others to know what you wanted them to know. You were the baby sister of Emily Fields by two years and the youngest child of Pam and Wayne Fields. Despite being adopted by the Fields family, they loved you unconditionally as their own.
Your skin tone was an entrancing cocoa brown that pierced the sun beautifully and glistened underneath the moonlight. Your hobbies consisted of drawing and photography, all sketched things related. From young, you had a natural talent for your artistic and photographic skills and it only blossomed throughout your growing childhood.
At first, Naomi had called you over for a study session but then that quickly steamed up into a makeout session instead. The faint pop music was used as part of your study mechanism, which was seemingly being drowned out by both of you.
Textbooks and notebooks were splayed out everywhere, laying across Naomi’s bed. You thoroughly examine your Physics notes as Naomi studies her English notes. She decides to tease you, randomly having the urge to kiss you.
“You look so pretty when focused,” Naomi mumbles, leaning over to kiss your neck. Her gentle neck kisses were ticklish to the touch, making you squirm at first but you sighed in contentment.
Limbs tangled together, constant swooning with each other through quick stares, and the faint giggles erupting from both of you filled the quiet atmosphere.
“We have to focus,” You giggle at her wholehearted sensitive kisses, “Well, I have too at least, not everyone can be born Hastings.”
You pulled her away from those magnetic kisses and she shuffled closer, “Oh, believe me, sometimes being a Hastings is more of a curse than a blessing.”
“Then, I don’t know how you and Spencer manage to handle it every day.”
“Oh, we struggle a lot with that…” She lowly bites on your neck, earning a surprised moan as she looks up at you with admiration floating in her dilated pupils. “But I have a very magnificent girlfriend to keep me grounded.” She smirks, analyzing your relaxed face, and observes the forming hickey.
“Oh, I feel special. Another Hastings who loves me.”
“Another?! Who’s this other lucky Hastings?”
“Your dear sister, Spencer.”
“Now I’m feeling jealous all of a sudden.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. You know that you’ll always be my number one girl.”
“I better be,” She playfully teases, trailing her fingers down to your thighs. You shiver at the sensual sensation that she dominantly radiated.
Her temptation overwhelmed you and just like she’d hoped, you gave in to her needs. Taking the initiative of resuming the passionate kiss, Naomi releases a shocked hum, reciprocating your kiss back. Your mouths were trapped in a hypnotic dance as you steadily straddled her lap, not breaking the kiss once and her hands wrapped around your waist.
A thud from downstairs breaks you out of your intense makeout as you both turn your heads at the door at the same time. You quietly gasped, tightening your grip on Nicole’s hand for reassurance and you both stayed silent. Staring at the closed door for a few minutes before looking back at each with nervous gazes written on your faces.
“Your door is locked, right?” You questioned, turning your attention to her.
Her eyes connected to yours and her arched eyebrows bunch together. “Yeah, why?”
“Then we have nothing to worry about,” You pushed your girlfriend on her back playfully, climbing onto her body as your lips ferociously captured hers again in a luscious manner.
Back downstairs, Alison, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, and Aria walk in, settling themselves in the living room. Alison accidentally hit one of the moving boxes, resulting in a loud noise that was heard from upstairs. The girls had recently just gotten an A message, and as per usual, it freaked them out. However, this message lured them to Spencer’s house, which was very peculiar, even by the girls’ standards;
You aren’t the only teen liars in town, you have some living in your houses, right under your noses. Hint!! Hint!! It’s (Y/N) & Naomi…and if you wanna discover their huge secret, go to Spencer’s.
— A
“I just don’t get why A would bring (Y/N) and Naomi into this. They did nothing wrong!” Emily worriedly states, biting her nails anxiously.
“It was only a matter of time that A would bring them up, Em.” Aria frowns trying to reassure her best friend.
“Yeah, it totally sucks!” Hanna scoffs, “It’s not fair that A gets to dog-walk us whenever they mention our families.”
“Let me see that message again.” Alison grabs Emily’s phone, rereading the text message. Suddenly, all of their phones ring as they nervously all exchange glances, picking up their phones and looking at the new text.
Well Emily and Spencer it turns out that your sisters can keep a good secret, perhaps even better than all of you combined. Maybe they should join your little posse, and spice things up for a change.
— A
“Ugh, I’m so over that bitch.”
Just then, you and Naomi walked downstairs, snuggling in each other’s embrace, blissfully unaware of the girls, lounging around the living room.
“Hey, guys..” Aria greets you with a smirk plastered on her face, observing the lovestruck aura that was displayed by the two young teen girls. You jumped at their sudden presence as Naomi subtly moved away from you.
“Were you two guys home alone?” Spencer questions with a hidden smirk as you both walk into the kitchen.
“Yeah,” Naomi shrugs, getting the glasses from the cabinet and you take the orange juice out of the fridge. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the skeptical eyes of her sister and her friends. “What? Is that a crime now, I live in this house too!”
“No, no, not a crime at all.” Spencer awkwardly whistles, analyzing her sister’s movements. Very discreetly, Naomi’s stare was seemingly drifting to you, unable to keep her eyes off of you.
Much to Naomi’s dismay, she was refocused on her sister’s questions as she lazily pulled her eyes from you. “So, what were you guys doing up there?”
“Jesus, Spence, I didn’t realize that this was 21 questions.”
Aria squints her eyes, zooming in on the huge bruise on your collarbone and shoulder nudges Hanna to look at it as well. Naomi notices the hickey showing out in the open that everyone can see. You catch your girlfriend’s eye by the clearing of her throat and you discreetly cover it with your oversized hoodie.
“Just studying, Spence.” You grin at her. “Although, did I tell you guys that Liam tried to talk to me?”
Hanna, Aria, Alison, and Spencer were like older sister figures to you and you appreciated the sisterly bond that individually formed with each of them. They huddled in closer, eager to hear how your conversation with Liam went, their overprotective nature kicking in.
“Wait, Liam talked to you?” Naomi hurriedly asks with a tone of possessiveness.
“Liam, Liam? Not Liam Ross, your ex!” Allison exaggerates, rolling her eyes, “And he’s still alive because…”
“Yeah, but I deleted his number and he cornered me when I was out on my morning jog.” You shrugged, drinking your orange juice.
“I swear to god that I will run him over.” Spencer groans.
“Can it be soon?” Emily scowls at Spencer. “I’ll help you bury the body.”
“Wait, didn’t you break up with him?” Hanna inquires. “Why did you guys break up?”
“Yes, she did, Han. Like two years ago, he stupidly cheated on her.” Aria says, remembering the day like a distant memory.
“You ignored him, right?” Alison points out, “Did you use that taser that I brought you?”
“You got her a taser?” Emily asks her girlfriend.
“For protection purposes, like these experiences,” Alison advised.
“Well, what did he want?” Naomi came closer to you with a curious but jealous glint in her eyes. “What did he say? Did he hurt or threaten you?”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you recognized her proximity and gently nudged her backward, giving you some distance, as a form of dialing it down a notch. Obviously, they don’t call Spencer smart just for show, and sooner or later (and you’d rather later), Spencer was catching onto your friendship.
You failed to notice the exchanged glances between Emily and Spencer at your body language towards Naomi. The atmosphere was tense
“Are you guys dating?” Hanna was always classical with her timing, bringing thought back into the kitchen. Shocked by the sudden random question from the blonde, your eyes widened as you avert your gaze onto the kitchen floor. Naomi’s gaze fell on you instantly, and you knew that she was trying to silently reassure you without physical touch.
You briefly graze over her hand in gratitude, watching a thin-lipped smile appear on her face.
“Hanna!” Aria yells.
“What? It’s just a question and besides it’d be kinda cute.” Hanna defends herself, trying to explain her logic, “Mini Hastings dating Mini Fields so then we wouldn’t have to worry about stupid boys breaking their hearts or them being teen mothers. Either way, it’s a win-win!”
“Come on, Hanna. They’re both too smart to get recklessly pregnant.” Spencer rolls her eyes at her friend.
Quickly, your eyes caught onto Naomi and they wandered over to Emily who just raised her eyebrows in question, searching for an answer.
“Well, are you?”
“Are we what? Dating or pregnant?” You questioned, tilting your head to the side. It wasn’t your fault, it wasn’t a clear question that your sister had asked.
“(Y/N) maybe you’re a mini Hanna instead.” Alison counters.
Naomi stifles a laugh, in an attempt to cover it up but you heard it. You turned your head swiftly to your secret girlfriend, eyes peering at her in annoyance. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, nothing, (YN/N).” She shakes her head, trying to suppress her amusement at your confusion about the situation.
You faced your older sister. “You didn’t clarify the question, Em. How am I supposed to suddenly know which answer you want.”
“She has a point! That question would confuse me.”
“Here, Hanna!” Spencer hands her blonde best friend a cookie, “Eat a cookie!” She inspects the cookie before yanking it out of Spencer’s hand and munching on it. Aria just shakes her head at Hanna and Spencer’s interaction.
Emily looks at you, her eyes twinkling with concerned curiosity, “We both know which question I mean.”
You inhaled sharply, facading a blank expression as you prepared to shamelessly lie to your sister and her friends. Surprisingly, you were interrupted as Naomi spoke and lied on your behalf. “No, we’re not dating.”
“Well, are either of you pregnant?”
“Hanna, for god’s sake!”
“Give it a rest Hanna!”
“We’re just clearing that up!”
“Why is that always your most overused question?”
The rest of the girls shouted to Hanna, clearly frustrated with her logic of understanding.
“No, neither one of us is pregnant.” You informed her, laughing at the thought of being pregnant terrified you to the maximum and Naomi would never put that much trust in a hormonal teenage boy.
Hanna, Aria, Alison, and Spencer were like older sister figures to you and you appreciated the sisterly bond that individually formed with each of them.
“There, happy, Hanna?”
“Geez, just checking, no need to overreact.” She scoffs, grabbing another cookie.
“You do know that you can tell me anything, right?” Emily said, walking over to you. The rest of the girls disperse into the living room.
“Yeah,” You nodded your head in agreement.
“Good, because no one’s forcing you to come out. Come out when you’re ready.” Emily reassures you, and purposely looks over at Naomi, “Both of you.”
“Em!” You whisper shout at your older sister, dragging her into a private area away from everyone else.
“What? Please don’t tell me that you thought that you were being so secretive. Anyone with eyes could see that you and Naomi are in love, I’m just surprised that our parents haven’t figured it out yet.”
You sigh, looking down at the ground, awkwardly shuffling on your feet, “Thanks for not telling anyone, Em.”
“Of course, what are sisters for?” Emily nudges you in a comforting hug and kisses you on the head.
“Em, we need you,” Alison states, gesturing her over. She heads back to her group of friends.
When you made sure that their attention was purely focused, you sneaked up and hugged her from behind, rocking as you did so.
“Thanks for taking over.” You smiled in acknowledgment, feeling her squeeze your hands in response. She turned around, her hands caressing your face and stroking her thumb over your cheek lovingly as you pulled her in closer by the hips.
“Of course, anything for you, babe.” She pecks your lips, her heart melting at your beautiful smile. All of sudden, a rapid knock on the door brings you out of your stupor with your beloved girlfriend.
Naomi refused to let go of you, already demanding that she’d miss your warmth but you managed to escape her embrace.
“Wanna go back upstairs?” Naomi suggests with an apparent smirk.
“To study?” You arch an eyebrow at her seductive suggestion. Spencer pasts you to answer the door as you and Naomi continue to murmur your conversation.
“Definitely to study.” She winks and drags you upstairs for the privacy of her bedroom.
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© asvteriasoul, 2023. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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thommi-tomate · 1 year
Thomas about the pre-season preparation and his rehabilitation
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The cards are always shuffled a bit for the new season. That's why the preparation phase is not only very important for the team, but everyone has to prove themselves individually. As a player, you also watch the transfer market with half an eye. So it's always exciting to see which positions are transferred.
It is also clear to the players that, after last year's disappointing season, the entire squad is being put to the test. And that is why we are experiencing a dynamic and exciting preseason.
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Boot camp: exploring boundaries and team building
We held our first training camp at the beautiful Tegernsee. As a team, we always look forward to intensive time together. But we also have a bit of respect for the occasional running session.
Here, training stimuli are deliberately set and limits are tested. Often one or the other limit is also pushed beyond. The aim is to prepare the body for the stresses and strains of the season and to regularly overcome one's own inner weakness. It is also a training of willpower, so to speak.
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Apart from the football part, I especially enjoyed a team building activity in nature. We had to overcome several challenges in small teams, with skill and intelligence.
For example, there was a task where we had to stack as many crates of beer as possible on top of each other. One of us always stood on top of the stack and the others secured it and moved on to the next crate. This may sound familiar to you from "Schlag den Raab" (A german television game show)
Afterwards we had a barbecue together. It was a fruitful afternoon and evening that suited us very well as a team.
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Foundation stone for a season free of complaints
For me, unfortunately, it was over again after 3 days of training camp. In consultation with the coach and the medical department, I had to shift down a gear. This year, for the first time in my career, it didn't work to start right away with the preparation.
In April and May I already had to deal with a similar problem. Unfortunately, now it has arisen again. That's why it's important to take it easy now and get rid of the irritation. Then I will be able to attack again without complaints.
The rehabilitation measures have worked well so far, so, as always, I'm confident. Of course, it's not easy for someone like me to stand still and just watch when the guys are already playing their first games on the Asian tour. But that's where my many years of professional experience will have to help me now 😅.
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However, my rehabilitation does not consist of lying on the couch. Rather, I do very specific physical training. Here we find out better each day which part of the musculature we focus on in particular to get the right load and relief.
I feel that I am in excellent care and in the best hands with our FC Bayern medical team and physiotherapist.
Source: Die Müller Mail
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lifeofkaze · 1 year
How Lucky We Are
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A/N: Saffron Summers, Dante Lopez Briarwood, and Rory McTavish belong to @the-al-chemist. Rylie Hopper-Lee belongs to @thatravenpuffwitch. This story was written for the May prompt of the @hp-12monthsofmagic challenge.
Behind the closed doors, the noise of the crowd ebbed and flowed. It was a deep rumble, like waves crashing against the shore, and the sound of it made the hairs on Dana’s arms stand on edge.
“It’s packed out there,” mumbled Miranda Nevis, a witch on the same duelling roster as Dana. “Sounds like the whole of the country has come.”
Dana’s voice sounded shaky to her own ears. “The national championship is a big deal.”
“Who are you telling?” Miranda laughed quietly. “I’m not getting my hopes up, though. I’m not the one the bookies have marked down.”
Dana made a noncommittal noise and returned her attention to the door separating the backstage area from the duelling ground. The barren room was filled with witches and wizards of all age groups. Some were talking in hushed voices among themselves, but most were silent, looking as sick as Dana felt herself.
“You never know what’s going to happen,” she said and swallowed hard. “Only because they put their money on you doesn’t mean you’re going to win, too.”
“It does when you’re in as good a form as you,” Miranda shrugged. 
Not waiting for Dana’s reply, she turned away when their coach called his roster to her side. Dana followed reluctantly, listening to the following pep talk in silence, but found it hard to focus. It was the last tournament before the summer break, and the points accumulated today would be the last to count for this season’s ranking. Dana had done exceptionally well this year; if she won today, she would become the Champion of the British and Irish Duelling League.
The flutter in her chest filling her from head to toe, she looked back at the doors leading into the arena. Somewhere in the crowd, her friends and family would be, cheering her on - her parents, godparents, and three best friends among them. All of her nearest and dearest had come; all but the one she had wanted to be there most. 
Furtively, Dana touched the letter with the little doodled penguin she had tucked into her pocket. Dylan had sent it yesterday evening, telling her that the government had mixed up his Portkey and that no new one would be available until three days later. Dana had tried not to let the news drag her down but couldn’t deny the disappointment that Dylan would not be there in person. 
She was broken from her thoughts by their coach clapping her hands together. Her teammates shuffled to the entrance doors, and Dana took her position at the front of the line. Applause branded and feet were stomped as a magically enhanced voice introduced the different teams, a sound so loud that it reminded Dana of a dragon’s roar. She briefly thought that Dylan could probably tell her exactly which kind it sounded like, but she pushed the thought away. Dylan wasn’t here, and it couldn’t be helped.
It was time for her to focus. 
Excited chatter filled the Parkins’ living room. They had all gathered at the long table Dana’s mother had set up, in the centre of which the gleaming championship trophy was standing. Dana - sitting in the place of honour - smiled bashfully when her father raised his champagne in her direction.
“To Dana, my little girl with the big punch.”
Dana’s cheeks reddened as the rest of her family and friends repeated Lewis Parkin’s toast. The situation still felt surreal; everything happening after her final duel was a blur, and it was only slowly that the reality of her achievement took form in Dana’s mind - she was officially the best duellist in the British Isles, and she had done it all on her own. No family connections helping her, no doors being a Parkin had opened for her. She had made her dream come true, all by herself. 
“Who would have thought that after celebrating your Defence Against the Dark Arts O a couple of years ago, we’d now get to toast to your championship?” Dante Lopez, an old friend of Dana’s, said with an easy smile.
“That was the green jade I gave her,” Dana’s best friend Saffron Summers whispered dreamily. “It’s why the spells wouldn’t hit her.”
“I don’t know, Saff. Looked like a pretty good Protego charm to me.”
“Jade is lovely for protection,” Saffron sighed, not minding Dante’s raised eyebrows. “They should make a new trophy from it, don’t you think?”
“Why make a new one? Don’t you get to keep this?”
“It’s a challenge cup,” Dana shook her head. “I only get to keep it as long as I’m the champion.”
“Good luck to anyone trying to take it from you.” Dante glanced at the golden trophy, which resembled a stylised version of a wizard standing atop his opponents. “It’s pretty violent-looking, though, don’t you think?”
“Not more violent than what Dana did to that poor bloke in the final round,” Dana’s sister Maisie snickered. “The way she blew him out of the boundaries was priceless.”
“Dana could make any man stay on his back and thank her for it,” Rory McTavish, another old friend of Dana’s, grinned broadly. His girlfriend Rylie put her head into her hands in an exhausted gesture.
“Can you please not?`”
“What?” Rory shrugged. “I bet Dylan would disagree if he was here.” 
At the mention of Dylan, Dana’s smile faltered. With a mumbled excuse, she rose and left the table, walking out into her parents’ garden. She walked towards the small pool she’d used to sit by and read as a child, sitting in the grass and sliding her feet into the cool water. She studied her reflection on the water’s surface; the happy smile from before had disappeared, and suddenly, she felt the day’s exhaustion weighing down on her.
“Is everything alright?” 
Dana looked up as the shadow of her godmother fell on her. Lizzie Amari stood next to her, a small bowl of strawberries in hand. She looked at the spot next to Dana questioningly.
“May I?” 
Wordlessly, Dana shuffled to the side and Lizzie sat down. She offered Dana her strawberries, which Dana accepted after a moment’s hesitation. 
“Is there anything you want to talk about?”
Dana shook her head, slowly twisting the stem of her strawberry off the fruit. “I’m fine.”
“Are you now?”
Dana averted her eyes, but it took one look at her godmother’s knowing face to make the words come tumbling from her mouth. 
“I just wanted him to be here, you know? I haven’t seen Dylan in weeks, and I was so happy when he said he’d make it to the finals, and now I won and he wasn’t there, and I totally know it’s not his fault but it’s still so sad that we celebrate without him and what’s even sadder is that I’m sad in the first place because I won the championship today. The championship! It shouldn’t matter that he wasn’t there because I’m strong and independent and living my dream but all I can think of is that this is the biggest triumph of my life and I can’t enjoy it because my boyfriend wasn’t here to see it happen!”
Much to her own horror, tears were rising to her eyes. Dana angrily rubbed at them. Without a word, Lizzie slid closer to her, putting her arm around her shoulder.
“It’s okay to miss him, Dana. This was your big day, and you’ve been looking forward to him coming home. I know it’s not his fault that he didn’t make it, but it’s fine to be sad about it, anyway.”
Dana sniffed. “I have the career I always wanted. I get paid to do what I love, which is such a privilege, yet all I can think of is how miserable I am because I’m all alone.”
“You’re not alone, sweetheart.”
“You know what I mean. I’m pathetic.”
“I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree,” Lizzie hummed. “You’re the least pathetic person I know.”
“Then why can’t I just be grateful for what I have instead of complaining about what I don’t?”
“Because the standard you’re holding yourself to might not be yours. Everyone has their own priorities and values in life. You’re your own person, and only because it feels like what you want isn’t what everybody else thinks you should want doesn’t make it less important.
“Look at your mum,” Lizzie continued, nodding toward the house where Penny Parkin was busy handing out fresh drinks. “She stepped back from her career to care for your family. Your Aunt Skye decided not to have a family because she loved her job more than anything. They did what they thought best for them, and both turned out perfectly happy.” 
“And what about you?” 
“I’m somewhere in between, I guess.” Lizzie shrugged. “I loved my job more than anything, but that changed when I had Dylan and Reva. Eventually, it changed again. As we grow, our focus points in life shift. No one can or should tell you what the right path to being happy is because today might look totally different from tomorrow. We each have to find our own happiness for ourselves, each and every day.” 
Dana gave her a small smile. “You sound like Orion now.”
Lizzie laughed lightly. “‘Adaption through exposition’ is what Dylan would call it, I believe.” She tilted her head as a cracking noise broke through the chirping of crickets from the nearby field. “Enough rambling for now. I think your surprise has arrived.”
Dana frowned. “What surprise?”
Lizzie pulled Dana to her feet with a mysterious smirk. “What kind of surprise would that be if I told you?” 
Dana was still frowning when Lizzie led her through the garden and to the front of the house. When she saw who was waiting there for her, she gasped, flinging herself into Dylan’s arms as soon as he was within reach, burying her head against his neck as his arms closed around her. She held onto him tightly before she raised her face to kiss him, and suddenly, her mother’s flowerbeds seemed just a little bit brighter, and the sunlight on her back a little warmer, and for the first time that day, Dana felt well and truly happy.
Later that night, when everybody had gone home, Dylan and Dana set out for a walk along the coastline. They were walking hand in hand, Dana telling Dylan everything about the tournament and each of her duels in minute detail. As usual, Dylan remained quiet but was listening attentively.
“Sounds like they had no chance at all,” he said in one of Dana’s rare pauses. “I would have liked to see that poor Brighton girl fall into that conjured tar pit.”
“It was quite sticky,” Dana giggled, leaning against Dylan’s shoulder. “You’ll get plenty of opportunity to see me duel next season. Being the national champion, I’ve qualified for international-level competitions. I might even get invited to the National Team if I’m lucky.” 
“They’d be stupid not to want you.”
“Let’s hope so,” Dana sighed. She became serious. “Do you know how you’ll be able to stay this time?”
Dylan shrugged. “We needed to stop our project for now. The mountains are swarming with Muggles, and the charms keeping them away distort our measurements.”
Dana glanced up at him with a hopeful expression. “So you’ll get to stay longer?”
“For a few weeks, at the least.”
Dana’s lips curved into a happy smile. She snuggled closer to Dylan, breathing in his familiar scent. She thought about what her godmother had told her earlier, about how everyone had to find their own road to happiness. Maybe she and Dylan would, too, eventually, she thought as they turned back; they weren’t in a hurry to get anywhere. 
She was content with how things were right here and now, and of more, she would think another day.
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sbknews · 2 years
Bagnaia reigns but Quartararo gains as 12 riders break the lap record on Sunday
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Pecco, Zarco, Quartararo, Marini... the list of laptime heroes goes on as pre-season comes to a hectic close at Portimao. Another day, another set of timesheets… and the last one before we go racing! The final day of pre-season is in the books and there’s a new fastest ever lap of the Autodromo Internacional do Algarve, with reigning Champion Francesco Bagnaia (Ducati Lenovo Team) absolutely smashing his old lap record and bringing it down to a stunning 1:37.968. But he wasn’t the only one under the old 1:38.725, with an incredible 12 riders ending 2023 pre-season with a quicker lap than that. At the top, the first on Bagnaia’s tail was Johann Zarco (Prima Pramac Racing) as he unleashed a time attack on Sunday, not into the 1:37s but seemingly taking a big step forward. Just 0.038 behind him came another rider who took a leap forward on the final day of pre-season, with 2021 Champion Fabio Quartararo (Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP™) taking third and looking a whole lot happier by the end of play than he had 24 hours earlier. Here’s a rundown of the final day’s action as we start to switch from test mode to race mode!
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DUCATI, PRAMAC, VR46 & GRESINI Bagnaia smashed his own all-time lap record and then put in a MotoGP™ Sprint simulation that raised eyebrows up and down pitlane, with most laps under the old best race lap. That was a Jaws music moment before Quartararo was able to get a lot closer, and then Zarco split the two 2022 Championship rivals. Bastianini struck late to move up significantly compared to a lackluster showing on the timesheets on Saturday, having not put in a real hot lap before. He ends the test in sixth, but will most definitely want to reel his teammate further in once the Portuguese GP begins. There was little new to see at Ducati, with focus seemingly having shifted to really dialling in what they’ve tested… barring one small new lever spotted by our pitlane reporters, currently cause for curiosity. Zarco was the closest challenger to reigning Champion Bagnaia, moving up later in the day to depose compatriot Quartararo from second. Zarco appears to have found some long run pace, and said he was back on fettling his own setup rather than running through any testing for the factory. Teammate Jorge Martin was also looking good, and he ends the test in P8 after again running the "ground effect" fairings as he did yesterday. At Mooney VR46 Racing Team, it was a slightly damp squib end to testing for Luca Marini after the fastest rider in Valencia and Sepang suffered two technical issues that interrupted his final day, leaving him right down the timesheets until a final push at the end. It was a good push though, and he manages to end Sunday in P4 – just ahead of sophomore teammate Marco Bezzecchi. The two look more than ready to take on the battle for some serious positions when the season gets it gear. At Gresini Racing MotoGP™, it was a final test of two halves. Fabio Di Giannantonio was ruled out after his crash on Day 1, with no injuries but ruled unfit to give him time to recover ahead of the first race weekend. Alex Marquez was sitting fourth for much of the day before a late attack for a few of his fellow Ducati riders, and the two-time World Champion was shuffled down to a still very interesting seventh – right behind Bastianini. He suffered two crashes but all ok, and even saw that as a positive to get it behind him as he starts a new adventure with a new machine.
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YAMAHA The Portimao Test was looking worrying for Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP™ on Day 1, and even during the morning hours of Day 2. Soft tyre woes continued to hinder both Fabio Quartararo and Franco Morbidelli, but with roughly three hours of pre-season testing to go, Quartararo pounced up to P2 on the timesheets – just 0.148s away from Bagnaia’s new all-time lap record. A last minute sprint for glory. Both riders were continuing to play around with different aero packages on the final day, with Morbidelli’s the most striking on the front of the bike. The Italian was putting in some work on similar to a new upgrade we witnessed for the first time on Saturday, but this one the top set of wings, then a double sidepod design as well as the downwash duct at the bottom. But then came this...
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The huge addition, as seen when Quartararo headed out towards the close of play, was interesting to say the least. A rear wing but something never seen before: a much bigger, upside-down triangular-shaped design. The review from the Frenchman: "it wasn't worse". But he said data was needed to see if it was better.
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All in all, it was a busy day down in the Yamaha camp. Crucially though, a big step was made for Quartararo, who is feeling a lot happier than he was in Sepang and on Day 1. Going back to some old settings allowed the Frenchman to make critical strides forwards which will be a huge relief for Yamaha. The same sighs of relief won’t be swimming through Morbidelli’s side of the box, however, as the Italian ended the test in P19 after completing 89 laps.
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KTM & GASGAS TECH3 At Red Bull KTM Factory Racing, the test was about analysing what they have rather than bringing in a slew of new parts, and a main point of focus remained the engine. That was heard from all machines – both KTM and GASGAS. Brad Binder was the lead RC16 on the timesheets as the South African ends the test in P9 and a good chunk under the old lap record, ahead of the three lead Aprilias.
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Jack Miller was P17 on the second Red Bull KTM Factory Racing machine as he looks to settle in. He was focusing on settings and gave a lot of feedback on the electronics, some of which was also reportedly of interest to his new teammate. He was upbeat and said they're really starting to get there, with a bit left to polish... but gave his adaptation a 7 or 8 out of 10 so far. Red Bull KTM Factory Racing Team Manager Francesco Guidotti said Day 1 was tougher, Sunday morning remained a challenge but by the end of play, they'd started to see some light at the end of the tunnel. The main issue? They're missing a "few tenths" of grip and are working on mechanical solutions as well as on the electronics to take that step forward. As GASGAS Factory Racing Tech 3, Pol Espargaro was just 0.065 off Miller just ahead of him as the gaps remain absolutely tiny down the field, with rookie Augusto Fernandez one of those a little further back, a few tenths behind Takaaki Nakagami (LCR Honda Idemitsu).
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APRILIA & RNF Aprilia Racing's Aleix Espargaro admitted that he struggled with arm pump on Day 1 of the Portimao Test, and those issues continued into Sunday. He put in 52 laps – the least of anyone – and says he will be getting his arm checked out ahead of Round 1 of the season, although the #41 said it wasn’t a disaster. Pace-wise, Espargaro will be happy as he ends the test as the top Aprilia in P10. On the other side of the factory box, Maverick Viñales ends pre-season testing with a beaming smile on his face despite experiencing a technical issue on one of his bikes. P12 definitely doesn’t tell the full tale of his test. The vibes radiating from Top Gun are all positive after another 82 laps were pocketed on the final day, as all signs point towards him and Aprilia kicking off 2023 in fine form. Viñales was the final rider inside the old lap record.
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Fine form is one way of describing the performance of a pair of Aprilia newcomers: Miguel Oliveira and RNF MotoGP™ Team teammate Raul Fernandez. Both riders have been consistently up the sharp end of the timesheets in Portimao, but afternoon crashes for both – Oliveira at Turn 3, Fernandez at Turn 1 – put a slight dampener on their final day. But like Espargaro and Viñales, their positions on the timesheets don’t necessarily portray the story of their pre-season... and they'll be ones to watch when the lights go out for sure.
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HONDA & LCR "It’s time to start working with what we have," expressed Marc Marquez (Repsol Honda Team) after Day 1 as the eight-time World Champion admitted that after testing big things in the afternoon, he and Honda lost their way a bit. It’s no surprise we didn’t see many new parts on the RC213Vs on Sunday then, but we did see Marquez continuing on Honda’s updated air intake and aero package set-up. Marquez confirmed that his final day on track was the best he’d felt all pre-season. A Sprint simulation suggested Honda aren’t a million miles away, not where they want to be, but it’s not a disaster. Marquez also confirmed he and teammate Joan Mir are pulling in the same direction, so there was plenty of promising noises coming from the HRC camp ahead of Round 1.
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Alex Rins (LCR Honda Castrol) was given the 2021 Honda aero package and ground effect fairing to test on the final day, the latter was also seen using a very different set-up on the front suspension from all the other Hondas. In addition, both Rins and teammate Takaaki Nakagami (LCR Honda Idemitsu) have been using last year’s clutch – not the new, carbon one that Nakagami has previously tested. It's Mir who ends the Portimao Test as the quickest Honda in P13, 0.016s ahead of Marquez who in turn is 0.004s faster than Rins. They’re all within a second of the all-time lap record, a sign Honda are heading down the correct path. Nakagami finishes the Test down in P20, 1.3s from top spot. And then... all was quiet in pitlane. That's a wrap on pre-season for the premier class, and now all there's left to do is RACE! The first Grand Prix of the season is just around the corner, so make sure to join us then as the engines fire up in Portimao once more. The 24th to the 26th of March 2023: save the date as a new era begins! For more MotoGP info checkout our dedicated MotoGP News page Or visit the official MotoGP website www.motogp.com" Read the full article
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snippet + find the word challenge
@alwaysxlarrie tagged me to do these, and i figured since i’m actually kinda writing again i’d actually share something. ty for tagging me!! it’s nothing too exciting but i’ve got a snippet of my oh!ol fic for the @notjustsmutficfest coming up. hope you enjoy!
Clifford comes bounding down the hall a moment later, followed by a cozy looking Louis clad in some sweats and a soft black shirt. Harry instantly misses the towel and naked expanse of skin from before, though Louis looks just as adorable as he does sexy, and Harry can’t wait to cuddle him close.
“Oh you didn’t have to do all this,” Louis says when he notices their dinner all set up on the coffee table. Louis slides down right next to Harry, so close every possible inch of their sides are touching and his scent is overwhelming Harry’s senses again. He slings an arm over Harry’s shoulder to somehow pull him even closer, their faces inches apart, as he whispers, “Thank you, love.”
The way the pet name rolls off Louis’ tongue feels like he was always meant to call Harry that. That and their proximity has Harry’s heart beating faster. He doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to this sort of attention from Louis, his focus one hundred percent on Harry, as if the world only consists of them in this moment.
When Louis closes the distance between them, bringing their faces even closer with a gentle hand laced in Harry’s curls, Harry’s heart feels like it’s going to jump out of his chest. It’s a soft and simple kiss, and Harry sighs contentedly into it; all week he’s waited to hold Louis like this. His heart is pounding in his chest, and when Louis pulls away after a few long moments, there’s the most adorable smile on his face, the crinkles by his eyes one of Harry’s favorite features to just sit and look at.
Fuck, Harry is ruined for anyone else ever.
as for the find the world challenge. i was challenged to find: lovely, changing, & doubt.
lovely: “Missed you too, lovely,” Louis responds softly, squeezing the hand he still has trapped in his own.
changing: The changing of the seasons always brings on his worst allergies so Harry tends to stay inside most days, though he can’t help but stare at the gorgeous orange and red leaves taking over outside, shuffling around in the wind and rain.
doubt: Harry had never doubted his attraction and adoration for Louis from the beginning, but it’s still a bit nerve wracking that he’s finally about to experience his first time with an omega, Louis nonetheless.
okay i’ll tag @kingsofeverything @ohharold @stylesthebrave & @daggerandrose & i challenge you to find the words exhausted, inhale, & access. idk who else to tag who i haven’t seen do these yet so if you’d like to do this pls say i tagged you! i’d love to read more snippets :)
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bestrummygameapp · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to the Best Online Rummy Game App: Hukum Ka IKKA
In the evolving world of online gaming, card games hold a timeless appeal. Among them, rummy stands out for its simplicity, strategic depth, and thrilling gameplay. If you're searching for the best online rummy game app, look no further than Hukum Ka IKKA. This app is fast gaining popularity among card enthusiasts for its user-friendly interface, captivating features, and a community of skilled players.
Why Hukum Ka IKKA is the Best Online Rummy App
1. User-Friendly Interface
The Hukum Ka IKKA app is designed with the user in mind, offering a clean and intuitive interface that both beginners and experienced players can easily navigate. Whether you're playing on a smartphone or a tablet, the app adjusts seamlessly, making it easy to join games, track your progress, and interact with other players.
2. Multiple Rummy Variants
Hukum Ka IKKA goes beyond just offering the basic rummy game. It includes multiple popular variants such as Points Rummy, Pool Rummy, and Deals Rummy, ensuring that players never run out of options. You can switch between formats depending on your mood or level of expertise, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.
3. Real-Time Multiplayer Experience
The app offers a real-time multiplayer experience, where you can challenge players from across the globe. The smooth, lag-free gaming experience ensures that your focus remains on the game without any frustrating interruptions. Additionally, the app’s robust matchmaking system pairs you with players of similar skill levels, making every game competitive and enjoyable.
4. Secure and Fair Gameplay
Hukum Ka IKKA prioritizes player safety and fairness. It uses advanced Random Number Generator (RNG) technology to ensure that the cards are shuffled randomly, eliminating any possibility of cheating or unfair practices. Moreover, the app adheres to industry standards to protect user data, providing a secure gaming environment.
5. Exciting Rewards and Bonuses
What sets Hukum Ka IKKA apart is its rewarding system. Players can take advantage of daily bonuses, cash rewards, and exciting promotions. The app regularly hosts tournaments where you can compete against the best players for a chance to win lucrative prizes, adding a layer of thrill to the experience.
6. Seamless Payment Options
For players who wish to play cash games, Hukum Ka IKKA offers a variety of safe and secure payment options. Whether you're making a deposit or withdrawing your winnings, the process is smooth, fast, and hassle-free.
7. Customer Support
Hukum Ka IKKA provides exceptional customer support. Whether you're facing an issue with the app, need help understanding the game rules, or have any queries regarding payments, the support team is just a click away and ready to assist you 24/7.
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How to Get Started with Hukum Ka IKKA
Getting started with Hukum Ka IKKA is simple. You can download the app from the official website or the app store, create an account, and begin playing within minutes. The app offers a detailed tutorial for beginners, explaining the rules of rummy and guiding them through the initial stages of gameplay.
Final Thoughts
When it comes to online rummy, Hukum Ka IKKA has truly earned its place as one of the best apps in the industry. With its diverse game variants, secure platform, and lucrative rewards, it delivers an unparalleled rummy experience. Whether you're a seasoned rummy player or a newcomer to the game, Hukum Ka IKKA is the perfect app to enhance your skills and enjoy countless hours of entertainment.
So why wait? Download Hukum Ka IKKA today and start playing your favourite card game anytime, anywhere!
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ajabdelnour · 3 months
How to Play Lacrosse: Crucial Exercises to Improve Your Skills
Mastering stick skills is fundamental for any lacrosse player aiming to excel on the field. Whether you're a beginner looking to refine your techniques or a seasoned player striving to enhance your prowess, incorporating targeted drills into your training regimen is key. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore a variety of lacrosse drills tailored to bolster your stick skills and elevate your game to the next level.
Wall Ball Routine: Precision and Consistency
Wall ball drills are a cornerstone of lacrosse training, focusing on honing passing, catching, and shooting abilities. Find a solid wall or rebounder and a lacrosse ball, then embark on this routine:
Basic Passing: Stand approximately 5-10 feet away from the wall and practice passing against it. Focus on crisp, accurate passes, alternating between your dominant and non-dominant hands. Challenge yourself by varying the speed and trajectory of your passes.
One-Handed Passing: Perform one-handed passes against the wall to develop hand strength and coordination. Start with your dominant Hand, then switch to your non-dominant Hand to ensure balanced skill development.
Quick Stick: Quick stick drills enhance reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Stand close to the wall and rapidly pass the ball back and forth, keeping your stick in constant motion. Emphasize swift, precise movements to simulate game-like scenarios.
Catch and Cradle: Throw the ball against the wall and focus on catching it cleanly while incorporating a smooth cradling motion. Mastering this skill is crucial for maintaining possession under pressure during actual gameplay.
Shooting Technique: Practice shooting against the wall from various angles and distances. Concentrate on proper shooting mechanics, including foot positioning, hand placement, and follow-through. Aim for accuracy and consistency with each shot.
Cone Drills: Agility and Maneuverability
Cone drills are excellent for enhancing agility, footwork, and overall maneuverability on the field. Set up a series of cones in a designated area and execute the following exercises:
Figure 8 Dribble: Arrange the cones in a figure-eight pattern and dribble the ball through the course using both hands. Focus on maintaining control while navigating tight turns and changes in direction.
Shuttle Runs: Position the cones in a straight line approximately 5-10 yards apart. Sprint from one cone to the next, touching each one before reversing direction and sprinting back to the starting point. Repeat this sequence to improve acceleration and deceleration.
Cone Weave: Place the cones in a zigzag formation and weave through them while cradling the ball. This drill enhances your ability to dodge defenders and maneuver through traffic on the field.
Agility Ladder Drills: Incorporate an agility ladder into your training routine to improve foot speed and coordination. Perform ladder drills such as the two-foot hop, side shuffle, and high knees while maintaining control of the ball.
Partner Passing: Communication and Timing
Partner passing drills foster teamwork, communication, and timing between players. Grab a teammate and execute the following exercises:
Give-and-Go: Stand facing your partner at a moderate distance. Pass the ball and immediately sprint towards them, receiving the return pass before repeating the sequence. Focus on timing your movements to create scoring opportunities.
Mirror Passing: Position yourselves facing each other with a few yards of separation. Mimic each other's passing and movement patterns, syncing your actions to develop synergy on the field.
Over-the-Shoulder Passing: Stand back-to-back with your partner, each facing opposite directions. Pass the ball over your shoulder to your partner, who catches it and returns it in the same manner. This drill improves spatial awareness and adaptability in game situations.
Incorporating these lacrosse drills into your training routine will undoubtedly enhance your stick skills and elevate your performance on the field. Consistent practice, coupled with dedication and perseverance, is key to mastering the nuances of the game. So grab your stick, hit the field, and strive for greatness with these proven exercises. Remember, proficiency in stick skills is the foundation upon which lacrosse excellence is built.
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productiveandfree · 4 months
Streamlining Tax Processes: How Technology Boosts Productivity and Minimizes Fines
Imagine you're a business owner in the throes of tax season. The paperwork is piling up, deadlines are looming, and the risk of errors or oversights causing fines is growing by the day. Now, picture a different scenario where technology streamlines these tasks, reducing the burden and risk. It's not a pipe dream but a reality many businesses are already experiencing. So, how does it work, and what could it mean for your business? Let's explore further.
The Tax Process Challenge
Understanding the labyrinth of tax processes poses a significant challenge, often leading to inefficiencies and productivity loss in your business. Shuffling through complex tax codes, keeping up with ever-changing regulations, and managing the sheer volume of paperwork can drain your resources, both regarding time and manpower.
Often, the magnitude of these tasks can cause errors, resulting in fines and penalties that further strain your operations. These issues aren't isolated. They're prevalent across industries and business sizes. Consequently, you're compelled to divert attention from your core business functions to navigate these tax complexities.
The intricacies of tax processes aren't only about understanding the law but also about efficient management. You need to guarantee accurate record-keeping, meticulous documentation, and timely submissions to avoid non-compliance risks. Moreover, the task doesn't end with filing your taxes. You must also be prepared for potential audits and tax disputes.
In essence, coping with the tax process challenge requires a fine balance between legal comprehension and operational efficiency. The failure to achieve this balance can have detrimental effects on your business's growth and sustainability. However, Understanding the complexities of tax processes, including Corporate Tax Fines & Penalties in The UAE, can be a significant burden for businesses. This is where tax technology comes in.
Understanding Tax Technology
Now, let's delve into the world of tax technology, a powerful tool that can greatly streamline your tax processes and boost your business's productivity.
Fundamentally, tax technology refers to software or digital solutions designed to automate and optimize tax-related tasks. It's not just about replacing manual processes with automated ones, but about delivering higher accuracy, efficiency, and compliance in your tax operations.
Consider the complexity of tax computations and regulatory requirements. The risk of errors is high, especially with manual handling. This is where tax technology comes in. It's built to handle mathematical complexity and to be updated with the latest tax laws and regulations. It minimizes the chance of inaccuracies, potentially saving your business from costly fines and penalties.
Moreover, tax technology can free up valuable time for your team. Instead of being bogged down by time-consuming tax tasks, they can focus on more strategic, value-adding activities. It's a game-changer, transforming not just your tax processes, but also how you manage your resources and grow your business.
Implementing Tech in Tax Processes
When it comes to implementing technology in your tax processes, you'll find that strategic planning and careful execution are crucial for success. You must first identify what tax tasks can be automated, such as data entry and calculations, to free up your team's time for more strategic work.
Next, you'll need to select the right technology. Not all tax software is created equal. Some are designed for specific industries or companies of certain sizes. It's vital to choose a solution that fits your business's needs and can be integrated seamlessly into your existing systems.
Once you've selected your tech, the implementation process begins. This starts with a pilot project, testing the software in a controlled environment before rolling it out company-wide. It's important to train your staff so they can use the technology effectively and feel comfortable with the changes.
Lastly, you'll need to continuously monitor your tech's performance. This includes regularly checking for software updates and troubleshooting any issues that arise. Remember, implementing technology isn't a one-time task. It's an ongoing process that requires maintenance and adaptability to guarantee long-term success.
Productivity Benefits From Technology
Harnessing the power of technology in your tax processes can greatly ramp up your team's productivity, enabling them to focus on high-value tasks rather than getting bogged down in monotonous work. With digital tools at your disposal, you can automate tedious tasks such as data entry, calculations, and report generation. This not only frees up valuable time but also notably reduces the risk of human error, which can be costly.
The sheer volume of data involved in tax processes can be overwhelming. However, technology simplifies data management, paving the way for your team to handle complex tasks with improved speed and efficiency. Advanced software can swiftly process huge chunks of data, delivering accurate results in a fraction of the time traditional methods would take.
Moreover, technology provides insightful analytics which equip you to make informed decisions. These tools can analyze your data, identify trends, and provide forecasts that can guide your financial planning.
Ultimately, by integrating technology into your tax processes, you're not just boosting productivity, you're also enhancing your team's capability to deliver high-quality work consistently. The efficiency gains are undeniable, and the benefits to your team's productivity are immense.
Avoiding Fines With Digital Assistance
In the ever-evolving landscape of tax regulations, digital tools can be your allies in avoiding hefty fines and penalties. Advanced software can guide you through the maze of tax compliance, reducing the risk of errors that can lead to financial penalties. They're designed with up-to-date tax laws, ensuring you're always working within the latest guidelines.
These tools also assist with the accurate calculation of taxes, minimizing the risks of underpayment or overpayment. They provide real-time reporting, alerting you to any discrepancies before they develop into larger issues. Additionally, they can automate the filing process, reducing the potential for late submission penalties.
Digital tax tools don't just help avoid fines, they also save you time. By automating routine tasks, you're freed up to focus on more strategic aspects of your business.
Case Studies of Tech-Enabled Taxation
To truly understand the impact of technology on taxation, let's explore some real-life case studies that demonstrate how digital tools are revolutionizing tax processes.
Consider the example of the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA). In 2015, they introduced iTax, a digital platform that allows taxpayers to file returns, make payments, and access services online. They've reported a significant increase in compliance and collection efficiency since its introduction.
Next, examine Estonia. Known as a digital pioneer, the country introduced an e-Tax system in 2000. It's an effortless, paperless process that takes about five minutes to file an annual tax return. It's been a resounding success, with 95% of tax declarations submitted online in 2019.
Lastly, look at the implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India. The introduction of GSTN, a thorough IT system, provides a shared IT infrastructure and services to central and state governments, taxpayers, and other stakeholders, thereby facilitating the implementation of GST.
These case studies underline that technology not only simplifies tax processes but also enhances compliance, boosts productivity, and minimizes fines. It's a win-win for taxpayers and tax authorities alike.
So, who'd have thought that technology could save you from the taxman? The irony is undeniable.
By harnessing digital tools, you're not only streamlining your tax processes but also saving your hard-earned cash from penalties.
With tech stepping in, you're boosting productivity, reducing errors, and making informed decisions.
So, say goodbye to tax woes and embrace technology. After all, it's not every day that you get to outsmart the tax system, is it
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