#Fontaine Twins unite!!
hcttrick · 8 months
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Lyney places Rosseland in his hat to rest before taking a deep breath, it all comes down to this, no, it can't end! No....
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He took his stance as a ring of fire forms around, he gives his usual grin to his sister as his pyro vision shines like the sun.
"Lynette, wish to join me in this to honor Rosseland's performance and impress our audience?~"
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teyvats-curtain-call · 3 months
"Let the Magic Begin!" ✨
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The lights have opened from the celestial gates, and shine down upon our nations. Changes are like the wind. Our stories continue going forward, and our lives change as your travels prevail.
..In what ways, depends entirely on the will of the people around us.
The curtains are open, and the stage is set. All that is needed from you is the actors that will play parts in the show. Consider this as a curtain call all across Teyvat as we know it, even beyond.
Our stage takes place in the current canonical timeline of the game, with us currently being in the current archon quest end in Fontaine.
Our traveler and our Abyss twin will be picked dependent on which one is first applied for within the server, if the applicant of course doesn't pick one themselves.
Our rules are simple.
You must be 18 or older to enter.
There shall be no hate speech, reclaimable slurs are acceptable, as long as they stay censored. Racism, Transphobia and Homophobia is not tolerated.
No clogging random channels with random chatter. Conversations are fine, but if it deviates too far from the topic of the channel, it is best to move to a different one.
Arguments should be handled in private, unless it does come to a point where a moderator needs to step in if it's going too far in dms.
Normal members can have three characters, while boosters or those on our admin team can have four. This is subject to change dependant on how many playable units exist by the games end.
OCs are allowed, but have to be strictly OCS, not crossover characters.
Reservations are fair game. You need only to ask me.
No AI art.
Picrews are acceptable face claims.
And there will be no characters or ships that are banned from being present within in the server. The only thing I do not allow is child/adult pairings. (This includes Nahida).
Death is fully allowed if all parties involved agree to it
As of right now, only three characters are under a reserve. A full list will be provided in a document here:
All you have to do is send in an application straight from here:
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wistfulwilds · 9 months
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SETTING: you're a new orphan to the house of hearth, assigned to the hotel bouffes d'ete group. unknowing that the origins of the house lie with the fatui and dangerous missions, you discover the truth after your family failed to tell you. conversations ensue. [ requested // wordcount: 1k ]
RELATIONSHIPS: lynette & gn!reader, lyney & gn!reader, freminet & gn!reader, arlecchino & gn!reader
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this was the first time you felt a part of... something. most people would say that companionship was found in blood for better or worse — this made the death of your blood family worse, in a way. you'd lost the people who would have given you unquestionable companionship, making the start of the next chapter of your life a lonely one.
when your new "father" came to collect you, battered from the fontaine streets and clockwork meka that occasionally malfunctioned, you were hesitant. she spoke of family as a thing that can be chosen and even given, leaving the choice to you ultimately if you wished to take her offer to find a new family.
of course, you accepted as soon as you began to watch her walk away from you, refusing to let someone else turn their back to you again after so long.
"father" introduced you to your new family: the twins lyney and lynette, who you'd seen on posters throughout the city from your time on the streets, and the famous diver freminet among the fishers and divers you'd passed by. it was surreal, almost, to be told these people would be your family without any question.
lyney was friendly — while you may have considered it'd be because "father" told him to be, you realized quickly he was like that with the others as well, and was merely the opposite in personality to not only his twin but also to freminet. lynette was... standoffish, the very image of a cat that her ears and tail projected, and freminet was shy to the most extreme degree you could've imagined.
still, they became your family.
life became more manageable and more natural the longer you were around them. and, for once in a long time, you felt happy.
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"we'll be heading out for a bit," lyney tells you, tipping his hat and providing a smile. "be careful and safe until we get back, alright?"
you gave him a nod, settling back for the evening. lynette turns to leave with only a wave of her hand in acknowledgment, leaving first with her brother following soon after.
with freminet out already, it was just you on your lonesome.
that's what made the arrival of "father" all the more surprising.
you stood up straight from the recline of your chair when she enters. the woman has her hands behind her back, looking around easily before red and black eyes set their sights on you.
"child. have you not joined your family on their missions yet?"
confusion makes your anxiety at the unexpected presence jump higher. finding your voice, you ask, "what do you mean, father?"
she pauses, watching you, and you feel as if you'd just said the wrong thing. when she speaks again, there's still no anger in her tone — rather, disappointment, and it's directed at someone else.
"i'll speak with... lyney about his handling. don't worry yourself until then, child. i'll be back."
"father" leaves out the door as she had entered, yet the tension is thick in the air.
that night, the knave returned with your family unit, praising them for a job well done as they entered through the door. you'd found yourself glued to the couch in the living space, working away quietly at some miscellaneous hobby that could make the time go by faster.
freminet's already avoiding eye contact with you entirely, helmet stuck on his head. lyney, while he makes eye contact, reveals a sheepish shame to his expression and the way his eyes dart away.
it's lynette who holds your eyes, cold and calm as always. her ears never press to her head — rather, they stand straight to signal that she's not nervous about the situation. this is what soothes your own nerves.
"get some rest, you three. i'm expecting a four-person mission starting next week," "father" says with a pat to lyney's shoulder, and with that, she's gone again, leaving the house to the four of you.
the silence that follows could be cut with a knife.
"i'm sorry."
it's to the surprise of everyone that freminet speaks first, nervousness causing his voice to shake along the muffled echo that his helmet provides. he's playing with his hands, head down as if he's focusing on them instead through the limited vision he has.
you study his figure before finally shaking your head, moving over to comfort him. his over-clothes are damp from his wet body suit underneath, getting on your arms when you wrap them around him in a firm hug.
"it's okay, freminet. go dry off."
the young man looks up and you're greeted to your own reassuring smile in the reflection of his helmet. with a nod, freminet takes his leave quickly.
now it was just the twins. turning to them, lynette still holds the same flat expression she always does. glancing from you to lyney, you both see he's putting up his signature performer's mask in order to help.
"lyney was worried about you being upset about the work," lynette finally speaks, stealing the breath from lyney that he'd just taken to begin speaking. she ignores the offended "hey!" received to continue talking. "not many people are able to handle the assignments father gives out. they're not exactly legal."
you decide you don't want to ask about those who are unable to handle those assignments.
lyney's flustered from being caught off guard — still, he collects himself, nodding to lynette to silently signal his turn. "are you mad?"
"i'm more mad you didn't tell me."
"i can understand if you're upset — excuse me?"
lynette puts her hands to her hips, tilting her head up with a huff. "i told you so."
"lyney, i would've helped if you just let me know," you tell him, frowning. "if you guys got hurt because i wasn't there to help—"
the eldest brother shakes his head quickly at that. "no one gets hurt on my missions," he says firmly.
"but they do get tired," lynette says before she moves away from her brother's side, offering her arm out to you instead. "i'm going to make some tea. care to join me?"
with a relieved nod, you loop your arm through lynette's and follow her to the kitchen, leaving a stuttering lyney attempting to defend himself in your wake.
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yokelish · 10 months
mind you I'm not playing genshin anymore (if childe dies I'll reconsider) and only watched some streamer play through the twins' murder case
but yeah my crackpot theory is also sort of like your "perception" argument ie the oratrice is essentially public/mob justice. because fontainiers are literally water right. and the oratrice is a scale that weighs water. you fight in court to turn the tides. there's some good irony there - the supreme law machine that the fontainiers have believed so much to the point that they feel confident in making a spectacle out of people's lives and the very concept of justice was nothing but their own biases all along, and when someone is sentenced to death it's not the all-knowing Thing but the public who's sending them to the gallows. double whammy because the pathetic archon is flailing to turn the oratrice in her favour in the court, and the oratrice is the public opinion all along, and she's also secretly just vying for people's attention and approval. see it writes itself. at least that's how I'd write it.
on that note nahida mentioned that focalors retains the right to change the final verdict and is present in all court proceedings, but it's pretty clear furina's just playing the prosecution/boo boo the fool and not the supreme judge, with neuvilette mentioning that the oratrice overrides his verdicts even when they're very much sensible (as in the case of childe). soooo focalors must partially be the oratrice (the voice lyney heard near the core?), or is the oratrice and furina's like the dumb leftovers of whatever shit focalors put themselves through. extreme crackpot: like a hivemind akasha type of thing where everyone's hooked up to focalors' mental faculties or like ei. because there's some emphasis on twins/people taking other's places in the story.
Mmmm, sometimes I love you. If Childe dies, I will also consider many things. Like another fic in his name! To solidify the tragic Greek hero. (is the power stirring within him is just abyss madness? Ajax the Great enter the scene).
because fontainiers are literally water right. and the oratrice is a scale that weighs water. you fight in court to turn the tides.
Oh, I like this! The justice is flowing on the surface of the water. Which kinda means it's very superficial.
and when someone is sentenced to death it's not the all-knowing Thing but the public who's sending them to the gallows.
I mean, the harsh and brutal realist part in me would REVEL. Imagine the implications. The human cruelty. The ignorance. The arrogance. Neuvilette isn't so wrong after all. There will be much rain in Fontaine.
The people are so enraptured with the idea of justice and the spectacle fo it all, they do not notice the very obvious fact that OPratrice isn't all-knowing or objective. After all, if it was omniscient, there would be no spectacle to begin with. And if it was objective, it would be so, so boring.
and she's also secretly just vying for people's attention and approval
First, the Oceanids reject her. Now her own people? Furina isn't having a good time.
r is the oratrice and furina's like the dumb leftovers of whatever shit focalors put themselves through.
Maybe it's not Furina. After all, she had no clue why Oratrice gave a guilty verdict and panicked. She didn't know what was happening. Maybe it's the previous Archon. After all, the Previous Hydro Archon wanted to unite all in Teyvat. And then she got corrupted. And then she died. Maybe Oratrice was her creation. A machine that contains many united minds to make verdicts. But as Alhaitham says, Human minds aren't infinitely pliable.
I mean, I would Furina to be straight-up impostor. It would be in theme with how water and hydro acts. To take shape. To take form. Hydro Eidolons and Water mimics can change shapes and take whatever form they desire. So, Furina took the form that was required of her - the Hydro Archon. She may act the part but she is not the part. Celestia is fine with it because the people of Fontaine are bound to disappear anyway.
Timewise, it makes sense for Hydro Archon to have perished right before the Khaenri'ah disaster. Since it was Rukhadevatta who saved whatever was left of Hydro Archon's consciousness. Then, Rukhadevatta dies.
Perhaps the reason Fontaine people are dead is because previous Archon committed a crime. Got corrupted. Since Celestia was too late to punish the Archon, it punished its people. Would be kinda the thing they do.
Like, I am not saying it's impossible for her to Ei herself and put a part of her mind into the Oratrice, forget about it, and develop some form of DID. But that would be so boring. We already had Akasha and Plane of Euthymia.
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gold-rhine · 3 months
I'm just a silly little traveler main who was impressed by your levelheaded and nuanced take on the fontaine aq and just wanted to ask: do you believe there are any main themes around the Traveler's character? If so what are they? Sorry if this seems too vague a question, I'm just curious as to what your general impression of the Traveler and how hyv has handled their story so far is
thank you! i dont like analyzing stories before they are over, bc we dont have all information yet, and it can turn into kind of baseless speculations\ writing your own OCs. frex fontaine had a lot of stuff loaded in the final act that changed both thematic focus and our understanding of characters.
but if in very surface strokes, traveler obv has a theme of witness, and a witness whose memory will not be rewritten by irminsul tree. the theme of family and lost twin. almost luceferian motives of fallen stars and light. and then there's a profile description "The keeper is fading away; the creator has not yet come. But the world shall burn no more, for you shall ascend."
i think traveler has theme of like, a prism? they can use all elements, like prism can break light into a rainbow, but also they can collect wishes and aspirations of ppl around them and focus them - obv in inazuma archon quest, in duel against raiden, but also in liyue, where they performed the golden glowing strike, which they normally can't do. and im guessing as there are hints about like the cosmic dark power that all life will have to unite against to win, that traveler's "ascension" that profile talks about will be acting as focal point of teyvat's collective will, using support of all ppl they've connected to and all stories they've witnessed.
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foeniculi--vulpes · 10 months
on one hand it's p boring that the fontaine twins didn't end up as a dual unit but then again they will NEVER be rozaliya and liliya so why bother trying??
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petitexmagician · 6 months
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I think the biggest thing that I dislike the most is when a story shoves a character in your face so much as if they're expecting you to like them and get invested in them but in the process ruining any likability you'll have in the long run of them, especially characters that are meant to be likable or are likeable.
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See the moment I met Navia during my playthrough I was excited because she has the vibe of elegance and kickass, she has people that support her and she gives that back in return. It was a refreshing pace because I felt Navia would be the new Ayaka, a character that side of the fandom will go absolutely crazy for because their personality is sheltered princess vibe, thank god I was wrong.
Navia wanted to get to the bottom of the serial disappearances because it had a link to what happened with her dad, she disrupted an on going trial not once but enough times that won't stand in real life court, she has her own network of people willing to help her and isn't worried about get her own hands dirty.
I was excited for this kind of character, because compared to Nin and Ayaka this was someone that was actually entertaining to see, you didn't need to feel like your walking on eggshells with her. Yet because of Fontaine AQ Act 2, Navia felt like, to me, she was overstaying her welcome despite at the end of this Act it made sense why it felt like she was being shoved in your face her part wasn't done.
This is why Navia, for me, having a story quest in 4.3 on top of being involved in the quest with Ayaka feels like a snooze fest. That I have to skip despite the fact that Chiori and the new pyro unit are going to be in it with Yomiya. I can't bring myself to get invested on that despite the fact it's a well deserved change of pace and rightful break from the Fontaine AQ, having both Navia and Ayaka will literally cause me to groan because of how they act around the traveler twin it's eye rolling with the latter.
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fireflowerpom · 7 months
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Another Genshin Impact OC, this time the Fatui Operative, Kagota!
Born and raised in Morepesok, Snezhnaya, Kagota has always been close to Childe - Then known better as Ajax - and the two have been utterly inseperable for most of their lives. Unfortunately, his falling into the abyss is just the beginning of a nightmare neither of them see coming, and Kagota joins the Fatui at 14 after feeling like she's lost her best friend so something she can't understand when he's finally found after his three days away.
However, Kagota remembers very little of her year of basic training, much of it empty space and gaps that brings with it pain and overwhelming emotions to get near, prompting her to try not to. Her memory doesn't returning to being a solid, secure thing until she's well into the age of 15, armed with an Electro vision, and killed a man, dealing with heavy trauma from a battle she can't remember. The once bright and bouncy child she'd been no longer existed - She was now a cold, snappy, lone wolf of a woman who had locked away her emotions to deal with the world around her, pushing everything away.
Everything, that is, aside from her stubborn childhood friend, whose determination to stay by her side no matter what leads to him being the first - and only, really - to settle back into her heart and begin unlocking her emotions, little by little, as they tumble into a relationship, a shared dream to take over the world, and a willingness to face the world together.
Now well into her 20's, she's been through more than most, fighting through several years under the command of Signora with none expecting her to survive, leading a unit of misfits, the loss of her harbinger, and being taken in along with her unit by Childe. She's happily married to her harbinger and, as of the end of the Fontaine archon quest, they have twin daughters and she's recieved a promotion to operative, making a name for herself as deadly force on the battlefield all on her own as a swordswoman.
Those who know her best, however, know her nickname of Heraldic Tempest might just be more than a nickname when her shadow seems to have touches of the abyss held deep within...
Weapon: Sword, Dual swords, scythe (polearm)
Vision: Electro
Constellation: Tempestas Caprae (Storm Goat)
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khaoslightwood · 2 years
『 Genshin Impact Girlfriends HC/OC 』
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𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦 : How do I imagine their girlfriend (very detailed, kinda like an oc so you can go if you dont like it)
𝐹𝑒𝑎𝑡 : Itto, Albedo, Zhongli, Gorou, Ningguang, Yun Jin, Noelle
𝐴/𝑁 : English is not my first language at all, im still learning. So be kind and respectful.
Part 1 || ???
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↦ A Maki Zenin vide. That was my idea.
↦ Physically, I see her as tall, well built, with short hair, probably a light dyed blue because why not. Maybe with scars and a simple but comfortable clothing style.
↦ Definitely down-to-earth, honest and generous by nature.
↦ They adore going out and spending time with the arataki gang, mostly Shinobu.
↦ I can see her being a vision holder. Like, a hydro vision and uses a polearm.
↦ Originally from Fontaine, she lives in Sumeru for work.
↦ He met her when she was traveling in Inazuma. Being a researcher, she was interested in him due to his race.
↦ Love at first sight trope.
↦ She's a barista at a coffee shop he goes something like twice a week (I know he spends most his time in dragonspine but who cares).
↦ I like the idea of her having a bunch of tattoos and piercings. Probably have long black hair in a french braid and eyes of different colors (heterochromia), green and blue. Have a more formal clothing style.
↦ Clam, mature, respectful and supportive would be some of her qualities. She's very independent and kind.
↦ Love drawing together and spending time together in a quiet environment.
↦ She never will have a vision but know how to protect herself if needed.
↦ Born in mondstadt, lives in mondstadt. She never got to travel or anything.
↦ They have known each other for a long time since a lot of knights were spending their morning at her coffee shop.
↦ Mutual pinning trope.
↦ Just an old man and an old soul trapped in a young women body.
↦ She is tall for a women, a brunette with silver eyes. Has a single scar of her neck. Wear a lot of jewelry, mostly made of silver.
↦ Sweet, patient, amusing, inspiring, a real sweetheart with a though look.
↦ The type of couple that seem perfect to everyone, shopping together, eating in restaurants together, buying gift for each other is enough to make them happy.
↦ Definitely have a electro vision and wield a sword.
↦ From Inazuma but lived in Liyue Harbor since her young age because of her parents.
↦ Most definitely met when Zhongli started working at the wangsheng funeral parlor and Hu Tao introduced them.
↦ Soulmates trope (I wanted a twin flame trope but I think Guizhong is more likely to be Morax twin flame).
↦ Sweethearts. That's all I have to say.
↦ Freckles, a lot of freckles. A red head with beautiful green eyes. Short with a tongue piercing and has a streetwear style.
↦ Active, Altruistic, Exictement-seeking and well-educated are a big part of her sociable personality.
↦ Would absolutely adore fighting together and baking for the soldiers.
↦ I kinda imagine her as a captain of a unit in the watatsumi army but doesn't have a vision.
↦ She originate from inazuma in a family that worked for the shogunat until she decided to go to the resistance when the vision hunt decree started.
↦ They met when she joined the resistance. She already had a lot of experience which made her captain in a short span of time.
↦ Friends/Comrades to lovers trope.
↦ Something about two strong women dating each others just feels so right.
↦ Green hair with a lot of moles with piercing eyes. Wear mostly suits and glasses for the aesthetic. Seemingly have the same height as Ningguang. Always wear a lot of rings and heels.
↦ Kinda judgmental, cold and distant but really is adorable and show her love by physical touches and words of affirmation.
↦ Spend their time with each others, Ningguang would often ask her for big decisions for Liyue.
↦ Probably have an pyro vision, she's probably really passionate when it come to her work.
↦ She's from Mondstadt and live in Liyue since she traveled there for business.
↦ Met because of theirs work. She met Ningguang because she's the Liyue Qixing.
↦ Business partners to lovers trope.
𝗬𝘂𝗻 𝗝𝗶𝗻
↦ The way I painfully relate to this character is unraveling.
↦ Most definitely has bad eyesight, but don't wear glasses, brunette with long hair. Wear a lot of turtlenecks and skirts.
↦ Has a similar personality as Yun Jin, calm, delicate, kind, generous, open-minded and loving.
↦ As a harpist, they're always performing together. And so, their chemistry never stoped charming peoples.
↦ I do not see her as having a vision, but if she did, it would be a geo vision too.
↦ She is born in Inazuma but her parents are from Liyue so she lives there.
↦ Met when they had to work together for a performance. They already felt a strong connection so it wasn't long before they fell in love.
↦ Soulmates trope.
↦ Noelle is so adorable, go give her some love.
↦ Shorter than Noelle with long black hair. She has beautiful blue eyes and has two moles under each of her eyes. Wear a more simplistic maid outfit for her work, but usually loves comfy clothes.
↦ Introverted, generous, refined, competent, professional, reliable, funny and intelligent. She has every qualities someone could dream of their s/o having.
↦ They have always been in love with each others, but it's only recently that she confessed to Noelle, and so, they've been together since then.
↦ Definitely has a electro vision.
↦ Same as Noelle. Born in Mondstadt and always lived there. She never had the time to travel with her study.
↦ They met randomly when they were younger. They shared their dreams and realized that they had similar ambitions, so they became friend instantly.
↦ Childhood friend to lovers trope.
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2022 © khaoslightwood
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thatradfailure · 3 years
I’m super interested!!! What’s the lore behind the bioshock mermaids??
There's some more lore for certain species than others, but I can give you an overview that I hope to be somewhat even between them all.
First off, some taxonomy!
....................................|--- [Beau Moqueur] ...............................|---| ...............................|    |--- [Red-Spotted Seducer] ..........................|---| ..........................|    |   |--- [Revolutionary's Serpent] ..........................|    |---| .....................|---|         |--- [Ocean Prowler] .....................|    | .....................|    |--- [Shepherd's Shark] Mermadae---| .....................|    |--- [Bemähnte Jägerin] .....................|---| ..........................|--- [Alpha Glowfish]
[Edited: Added a ton of dots to make the taxonomy tree easier to read]
True Sirens: [Beau Moqueur; Red-Spotted Seducer] - True Sirens are characterized by their diets consisting of primarily humans, a lack of claws, and their gills on their neck. They tend to be much smaller than False Sirens and Non-Sirens, and found within bodies of fresh water.
False Sirens: [Revolutionary's Serpent; Ocean Prowler] - False Sirens are very similar to True Sirens, but are quite taxonomically and biologically different. Their fish-half bodies appear more like aquatic reptiles from the age of the dinosaurs, which can be attributed to convergent evolution. Much unlike True Sirens, their diets comprise of anything they can get their clawed hands on, be it humans, other mammals, fish, birds, and, in some cases, plants. Their gills are found after their arms, unlike more other mermaids- most commonly on the area that would be equivalent to a human's hips. They vary in size, from medium lengths to small lengths, with few species being smaller than the largest of the True Sirens. They are found both in the ocean, such as Ocean Prowlers, or in bodies of fresh water, like Revolutionary's Serpents.
Non-Sirens: [Shepherd Shark; Bemähnte Jägerin; Alpha Glowfish] - Non-Sirens are the most fish-like of all mermaids, and only found within the vast ocean. They have a variety of shapes and sizes, but are barely human-like, compared to their True- and False-Siren cousins. They often have the longest claws and most diverse hunting methods. Their gills are often found on their necks, but certain species that are closer related to True- and False-Sirens may have their gills appearing after their arms, such as on Shepherd Sharks. Non-Sirens also have the largest species of mermaid- the Alpha Glowfish, which convergently evolved traits that are also found in anglerfish.
Man-made Mermaid: [Jack's Ace] - There is only one species of man-made mermaid, that being the Jack's Ace. There is only one member of this species, being comprised of the DNA from many species of mermaid, including Shepherd Sharks, Beau Moqueurs, Revolutionary's Serpents, and more. And even perhaps some human DNA... He can survive in all types of water, and eats many kinds of food, minus humans. His gills are found on his neck, and he lacks claws, but is rather large compared to True-Sirens.
More Info about each species under the cut because this is getting long lol.
- Alpha Glowfish: + Size: Large [30 feet long, 20,000 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: Possibly hundreds of years. + Intelligence: Being studied. + Location: Deep Ocean, Saltwater. + Based On: Subject Delta. Alpha Glowfish are the largest species of mermaids, and are found deep within the ocean. They exhibit stunning displays of bio-luminescence. Though, instead of using it to catch prey, as they seem to be a filter-feeder species, the males use their beautiful lights to keep offspring nearby. Offspring are rather different to adults, as they are far more social and curious, while the adults become aggressive whenever an animal comes near their child. Often, they are only found with one child, but pairs of twins has been documented.
- Bemähnte Jägerin (Translated from German to Maned Huntress): + Size: Medium [15 feet long, 300 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 75-80 years. + Intelligence: Unclear + Location: Mid to Deep Ocean, Saltwater. + Based On: Brigid Tenenbaum. Bemähnte Jägerin are named for their unique hunting style, and for the first few found specimens being female. For a while, they thought to be sexually dimorphic, but found not to be. Their most stunning trait unique to their species is the vast number of tentacles on their back. When not in use, they curl up to the body, presumable to conserve body heat. When in use, they stretch out to ensnare any fish that may swim by, or through the mane for protection. The fish is then passed to the arms of the Bemähnte Jägerin, where it can be brought to the mouth and eaten.
- Shepherd Shark: + Size: Small [5-6 feet, 190 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: Incredibly varied; 35-90 years. + Intelligence: Moderate. +Location: Tropical climates around Central America, saltwater. + Based On: Booker DeWitt. Shepherd Sharks are named for a rather unique behavior. They are a strictly carnivorous animal, and hunt the predators of schools of a fish that they have taken as their charge. Through this, they often get roughed up, and it is rather rare to see a specimen in the wild with little to no scaring from battles. This also contributes to their vastly varied lifespan. Shepherd Sharks are rather isolated animals, but they mate for life when they do find a mate. Though found in the Non-Siren family of mermaid, they are a link species that have been around for a very long time, and are thought to be the species, or heavily related to the species, that True- and False Sirens evolved from.
- Ocean Prowler: + Size: Medium [10-15 feet, 200-400 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 120-220 years. + Intelligence: High + Location: Artic Circle, Freshwater and Saltwater. + Based On: Lonnie. Ocean Prowlers are closely related to Revolutionary's Serpents. They can be found in various bodies of water, fresh or ocean, near the Artic Circle. Their hair-like tentacle structures are similar to that of human hair, like with all mermaids. However, their uses for this hair-like structure is diverse, from insulating body heat to filtering food from their surrounding waters. This "hair" isn't quite hair, as it's thicker and has blood circulating through it. Along with filter feeding, they will hunt for meat or graze on plants. They have been frequently documented picking up on human languages, with certain specimens eventually conversing in exchange for food. While they do not commonly hunt humans, it's advised against to enter waters where even just on Ocean Prowler is found, as they have been known to take a human down into the depths of the water to feed on, never to be seen again.
- Revolutionary's Serpent: + Size: Large [20 feet long, 5,000 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 100-150 years/ + Intelligence: Moderate-High + Location: Mainly Ireland, Freshwater. + Based On: Atlas. Revolutionary's Serpents used to have another common name, but that was replaced with their current name when Irish revolutionaries would commence large offensive attacks to force the opposing soldiers into waters containing just a few individuals of this species, who would make quick work of the humans. Their diet comprises of many sources of meat, and they often mimic the sounds of their prey to lure them close. Revolutionary Serpents especially pick up greeting words and expressions of distress to lure humans. There was a documented specimen from the 1950's that learned to speak fluent English because of a human that seemed to tame him. This specimen that called himself Atlas gave many insights into the species, and would freely converse with many, though especially the man that taught him to speak.
- Red-Spotted Seducer: + Size: Small [4-5 feet, 200 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 60-70 years + Intelligence: Moderate + Location: Central America, Freshwater. + Based On: Augustus Sinclair. Red-Spotted Seducers are the most common of True-Sirens, though that does mean they're still rather rare. Their voices are said to be suave and charming, instilling a false sense of safety that the animals take advantage of. Like all sirens, they have only been documented in the wild to consume humans, though in captivity, other meats have been imprinted on young. Lacking most ways to hunt, the Red-Spotted Seducers will lure their prey into waters and then drag them down to drown, using their weight to keep the prey pinned down.
- Beau Moqueur (Translated from French to Beautiful Mocker): + Size: Small [3 feet, 80-100 pounds (average adult)] + Lifespan: 35-40 years. + Intelligence: Varied. + Location: Northern North-East United States; France, Freshwater. + Based On: Frank Fontaine. Beau Moqueurs are an invasive species in the US, after someone allowed a few specimens to get loose. They enjoy swimming near ledges that lead into deep water along paths that humans commonly trek, and use their whiskers to detect the vibrations of steps. Like other True- and False-Sirens, they use their voices to lure prey to their doom, but are especially exceptional at copying voices, accents, and languages. They are said to "mock" their previous prey by using their voices, accents, and words to mess with new prey. This, along with having remarkable patterns and vibrant, though dark, colorations that are rather striking, gives them their name.
- Jack's Ace: + Size: Medium [13 feet and 7 inches, 1,697 pounds (one living specimen)] + Lifespan: Unknown. + Intelligence: High + Location: Lab, Freshwater and Saltwater. + Based On: Jack. Jack's Ace, or Jack, was created by a lab team that was given too much freedom to "experiment how [they] please" when commissioned to clone the child of one Andrew Ryan. Instead of making a human, they combined the DNA of various mermaid species. After one look, Ryan refused to take the specimen and commissioned another scientific team, with more rigid rules. Now, the team that has Jack give him intelligence tests to see just what they've created. He is highly intelligent, but cannot speak due to an accident that severely damaged his vocal chords. Jack has never expressed a desire to hunt humans, being well-fed on a primarily fish-based diet. Instead, he seems to express a desire to see the outside world. If you were stuck in one bedroom of a home for your entire life, wouldn't you?
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Octobre 21. Pawns + Youth Avoiders + Barren? – Espace B 21. Les morts vont bien + Rivière de corps + René Couteau + Razzle Dazzle (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 21. Gâtechien + Wallack + Baron Crâne – ESS'pace 22. White Ring + Ghoster + Dalhia – Supersonic (gratuit) 22. Carambolage + Deedee & Tha Abracadabras + Roger de Lille & The Gin Tonics + The Hare (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 22. Thurston Moore – Trabendo 22. David J – Petit Bain 23. Ecstatic Vision + Les Tigres du futur + Os Noctambulos – ESS'pace 23. Sly & The Family Drone + Stef Ketteringham + Decimus + Dust Breeders – Espace B 23. Plomb + Je t'aime + Electric Press Kit + dj Oxblood (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 23. Tamara Goukassova + Fun Fun Funeral + Kassie Krut  – La Station 23. Four Tet – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 24. Last Night + Negative Space + Pedigree + Buzz Kull + Sydney Valette + dj Dave Rockin (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 24. Çub + Ayya + Radiant – Le Cirque électrique 24. The Necks – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 25. A Certain Ratio + Empereur – Petit Bain 25. Poutre + OK fdp + Bruant zizi – ESS'pace 25. Fiesta en el Vacio + Axell Larsen + Franz France + Sinead O'Connick jr + Paroi (Serendip Lab fest.) – Jazz y Jazz 25. Catastrophe + Sean O'Hagan + Form – La Maroquinerie 25. Curses + Sophie Morello + Tonn3rr3 + E for Ears & Grāv Jōnz + Trusspe – La Station 25. Dave Philips +  Bernardino Femminielli & Thea Govorchin – 3 rue de Tournant (Aubervilliers) 25. Blind Delon + Nick klein + UVB 76 + Dress Rehearsal + Little Nemo + L’An2000 [DaGeist + Outer Limit Lotus : ANNULÉ] (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 25. Automat + Stephanovitch + Cirylux + Worker Poor + Stef Mazet + Taiko Nova – Les 4 éléments 25. Varsovie + Paulie Jan + Blndr b2b Panzer + Mind Matter + End of Mortal Life – Glazart 25. Jozef Van Wissem – Crypte Notre-Dame de la Croix (sur résa : jvwparis[@]gmail.com) ||COMPLET||   25. Bestial Mouth + Veil of Light – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 25. Orphx + O/H + December + Unhuman + Limbus Puerorum – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 26. The Monochrome Set + The Last Detail – Petit Bain 26. Nina Harker + Bianca Warlord + Amour Formica – Le Zorba 26. Truckks + Terrier + Achab + Olive Pogo + Car Crash Control (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. The Wheal + Princesse Napälm + L'Orchidée Cosmique + Klymt (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. Femminielli + dj Sundae + ANDCL + Oko – Petit Palace 26. Joachim Montessuis + Martin Bakero – Galerie Metanoïa 26. Rouge Mary + Regina Demina + AZF + Léonie Pernet (dj) + Juke + Morello – Point FMR 26/27. Ilya Smirnov + Christophe de Rohan Chabot + nikolaiykm + Natalya Serkova – 3 rue de Tournant (Aubervilliers) (sur RV : nikolaiykm[@]gmail.com)   26. Mørbeck + Philipp Strobel + IV Horsemen – La Machine 26. Alignment + Hadone + UVB + Parfait + Repro – tba 26. Loto Retina + Jakub Lemiszewski + Somaticae + Le Compas dans l'oeil + Ahta Bat + Letal Ataraxia (Serendip Lab fest.) – Le Sultan 27. Laurent Garnier + Deena Abdelwahed – Dehors brut 27. Stephen Mallinder + Laisse Moi + Hexenschuss (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 28. Kate Tempest – Le Trianon 29. Danse avec les Shlags – Le Motel (gratuit) 29. Agent Side Grinder + DaGeist – La Boule noire 29. Pauwels + Mr Marcaille + BOB Cooper – L'ESS'pace 30. The White Screen + Techno Thriller + Novichok – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Oiseaux-Tempête + Jessica Moss – La Maroquinerie 30. Jenny Hval – Centre Pompidou 30. Battles – Trabendo 30. Dame Area + Slaylor Moon + Noir de Maars– Espace B 31. Skepta + Mura Masa + Hamza + Zola + Ateyaba + Celeste + Duendita + Ezra Collective + Flohio + Kojey Radical + Master Peace + Slowthai + The Comet is Coming + Yussef Dayes + Charlotte Dos Santos + Kojaque (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grande Halle de La Villette 31. Arrington de Dionyso – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Broken English Club + Cabaret nocturne + IV Horsemen + Gil. Barte – Petit Bain Novembre 01. Chromatics + Belle & Sebastian + Primal Scream + John Talabot + Weyes Blood + Barrie + Briston Maroney + Chai + Desire + Helado Negro + Jackie Mendoza + Nilüfer Yanya + Orville Peck + Sheer Mag + Squir + Loving + Nelson Beer + Sons of Raphael (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 01. Park Hie Jin + HAAI + Afrodeutsche + Nite Fleit (Pitchfork fest. after party) – Trabendo 01. Meconio + Mamachi + Punaises + Areva (LaDIYfest) – Le Cirque électrique 01. Imperial Black Unit + Mekano + CH-01 + Krase b2b Alphonse Fassaert – Petit Bain 01. Under Black Helmet b2b Hadone + Inhalt der Nacht b2b Echoes of October + Danilo Incorvala + Makornik + Félicie – Les Docks de Paris (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 02. The 1975 + Charli XCX + 2manysdj (dj) + Aurora + Agar Agar + SebastiAn + Aeris Roves vs Jamila Woods + Jessica Pratt + Kedr Livanskiy + Korantemaa + BEA1991 + Caroline Polachek + Ela Minus + KhadyaK + Mk.gee + Oklou + Tobi Lou (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 02. Volt + Vicious Irene + U.R.S.A + Gertrude + Kalicia Katakov (LaDIYfest) – Le Cirque électrique 03. Whispering Sons – Point FMR 03. Ensemble économique + CIA débutante – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 05. Body of Light + Dead Mascot + Boy Scoot Hopkins – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. Ceremony – Espace B 05. Dear Deer + Traitrs + Men in disorder – L'International 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino 06. Scattered Purgatory + Qian Geng + UVB76 + ruò tán – Le Cirque électrique 06. Minus Pilot + GNG + Thomas Stone + Kevin Buckland – Café de Paris 06. Mont Analogue + Les Halles + Bravo Tounky – Garage Mu 06. Guitar Wolf + School Disco – Gibus 06. Glacial – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte [+ Xiu Xiu : ANNULÉ] – Petit Bain 07. Kælan Mikla – La Boule noire 07. Randomer + Parallx + Parfait – Glazart 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 08. Sourdurent + Raymonde – Pan Piper 08. Jad Wio + Love in Prague – Gibus 08. Jennifer Cardini b2b Gerd Janson + Mouse on Mars + Fantastic Twins + Oko DJ (10 ans d’Arte concert) – La Machine (gratuit sur invitation) 08. Crystal Geometry + Monya + Size Pier + Kaya + Sina XX – La Station 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 09. Trotski nautique (20 ans de l’Omadis) – Omadis (gratuit) 09. Molchat Doma + War Scenes – La Station 09. Fleuves Noirs + Thank + Drive with a dead girl + Panico Panico – Le Rigoletto 09. Leroy se meurt + Staatseinde – Le Zorba 09. Kwartz + ABSL + Toscan Haas – Glazart 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Arnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 12. Deerhunter + Moon Diagrams – Trabendo 12. Up-Tight + Officine – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La Gaîté lyrique 14. Girl Band + Silverbacks – La Maroquinerie 14. Automatisme + Lacustre (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 14. Manni Dee + Remco Beekwilder + Mental Infection – Glazart 14. Stella Chiweshe + Is a Fish – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Von Pariahs + Nursery – Point FMR 15. Tendra Ael + City Dragon + Meryll Ampe + Divisas – La Pointe Lafayette 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 15. Kap Bambino – La Gaîté lyrique ||ANNULÉ|| 15. Karenn + 16H07 + Antigone... (Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 16. Kas:st + Agoria + Bambounou b2b François X + Charles Kenkler + Matrixxman + Remcord...(Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 17. Nitzer Ebb + Liebknecht – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm – Badaboum 18. Omni + The Gotobeds + Pleasure Principle – La Boule noire 18. Surf Curse + edgar déception + Fiasco – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Earth + Helen Money – Petit Bain 20. Lucy Railton + Sean Baxter + Jessica Ekomane – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Cate Le Bon + Grimm Grimm – Petit Bain 21. Haco + Emiko Ota avec KiriSute Gomen – Studio Campus 21. Vincent Ségal, Clément Saunier, Odile Auboin, Jossalyn Jessen et Gilbert Nouno jouent des pièces de Peter Eötvös, Yan Maresz, Gilbert Nouno et Fausto Romitelli (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 21>23. Nosfell : “Le Corps des songes” (fest. New Settings) – Théâtre de la Cité internationale 22. eRikm + Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : “Chronostasis” (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque électrique 22. Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) – Les Étoiles 22. Drew McDowall – tbc 23. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d’Haeseleer : “The Island (part. 1)” + Cinna Peyghamy (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit sur résa) 23. Trio Sacher + Ensemble intercontemporain (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 23. Billy Childish + Le Villejuif Undergroud + Petausaure (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. 999999999 + Jawbreakrs + Nico Moreno + Perc + Sentimental Rave + Softcoresoft + Trym + Parfait + UR trax – tba 24. TR/ST – Le Trianon 24. Mdou Moctar – La Boule noire 24. Midori Takada + Carla dal Forno + Felicia Atkinson (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. Poly-Math + Bruit ≤ + Maven – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 27. Silly Joy + Raskolnikov + Jupiter Jane – L’International 27. Le Singe blanc + Double Nelson + Putavelo – Le Cirque électrique 27. Hélène Breschand, Tarek Atoui & Cécile Mont-Reynaud : “Pandore” + Ensemble Motus joue Tony Conrad et Elsa Biston (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 28. Derek Holzer : “Vector Synthesis” + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney : “Super Liminum” + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier : “CliMax” (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 29. Scanner – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 29. Ulrich Krieger : “Raw” + Cellule d’intervention Metamkine (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence joue "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + Récital pour marimbas (Marathon fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 30. Aidan Baker & BOW Quintet + SEPL (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Ulrich Krieger + Natacha Muslera + Julien Desprez + Eryck Abecassis + Sylvaine Hélary avec Clyde Chabot, Jean Cagnard, Ismaël Jude, Nathalie Papin et Michel Simonot (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado – Espace B 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Answer Code Request + Regis + Raslan b2b Yoannis – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La Gaîté lyrique 07. I Hate Models – tba 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Mark Lanegan Band + The Membranes – Le Trianon 11. Boris – Le Gibus 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Regards extrêmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les Voûtes 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 18. Amenra – Bataclan 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 28. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale Avril 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
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vmonteiro23a · 4 years
Rough Trade Albums Of The Decade.
Rough Trade Albums Of The Decade.
We look back on this decade, 10 albums at the time
If you’re not living under a rock, you’re aware that our top 10 Albums of The Year 2019 unite the likes of Fontaines D.C., Weyes Blood, Angel Olsen, Little Simz, black midi, Sleaford Mods, Cate Le Bon, Vanishing Twin, Ex:Re and Comet Is Coming, but…
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shiro-yi · 2 years
Day 552 of Genshin Impact
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This day I cleared Spiral Abyss with 36 stars max for the first time! With this game adding more characters and me gaining more characters and weapons I thought I should make a post to store my current Genshin Impact Progress. 
Currently I own all the husbandos in the game! Would be sad to see the future me not completing the husbando collection though. P.S. Baizhu mhmmm...
Current Profile Display
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Complete Anemo collection 8)
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Another one.
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Crazy Keqing dodge. Otherwise would have the full electro squad.
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Sorry Kokomi :(
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Did pull on Yoimiya’s banner and Diluc said no. I guess I’ll be sticking to Yanfei as my pyro dps for a long while. Not complaining though; she hits like a truck.
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Yes a rare Qiqi non-haver... ehe
Cryo meta units do not entice me (excl. Ganyu).
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RNG please bless me a PJWS for Xiao or a Jade Cutter for Ayato 
First ever 36 abyss clear!
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I feel that this spiral abyss is easier than previous ones. There were no bosses in the game that is very tanky like Maguu Kenki and Wolflord. I guess it is a sales gimmick for everyone to pull for Venti.
Collected all the boys like infinity stones. I really look forward to getting Cyno and the Fontaine twins in game. Would definitely want to get more weapons especially for Ayato and Xiao. 
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Jeanne Dunning Artist Reserch
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Tongue, 2004
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In Bed, 2004
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In Bed, 2004
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Augie’s Family With Twins, 2006
I was drawn to the work as I really love Jeanne’s way of presenting a families identity. This is an effective way to portray a family, through child like toys that the children will have appeal towards. I like the idea of working with doll style soft sculptures to analyse my visual identity onto. I could show a visual identity, emotional identity and personality identity through the use of this method. 
I could use fabrics to convey a softness in myself or I could work with wire to portray fragility. There are many possibilities with this idea for working with identity.
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Leah’s Big Boy and Girl, 2006
Jeanne Dunning, born in 1960, is an American photographer, internationally recognized for her provocative photographs and videos, through which she unflinchingly explores our relationship with our own bodies. Jeanne is a modern visual artist, who originates from the United States, like other renowned artists such as Liz Markus, Rhonda Malec, Edward Ruscha, Don Dudley, and C Griggiths.
Jeanne Dunning's photographic, sculptural and video work explores our relationship to our own physicality, looking at the strange and unfamiliar in the body, gender and notions of normality, and death. Her work has been shown extensively throughout the United States and Europe since the late 1980s. It has been included in major group exhibitions such as the Whitney Biennial, the Sydney Biennale, and the Venice Biennale. She has had one person shows at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Washington D.C., the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, the Konstmuseet in Malmö, Sweden, the Berkeley Art Museum and the Wattis Institute.
About Jeanne Dunning’s Work
Jeanne Dunning is best known for making conceptual work. Conceptual art is arguably not as clear and easily defined as other art movements, and can often provoke intense reactions in the viewers. By nature, Conceptualism puts an emphasis on the strategies and research that go into the creation, making the concept of an artwork its most essential feature, rather than the actual finished product. Although the movement emerged in the mid 1960s, simultaneously across Europe and America, its forefather Marcel Duchamp had paved the way back in 1917, with his controversial artwork Fontaine. Conceptual art denies the traditional mediums, and strives to place the artwork in the realm of ideas - rather than that of material constructions. Some of the most prominent figures of Conceptualism include artists such as Sol LeWitt, Lawrence Weiner and Yoko Ono.
Jeanne Dunning in Private Collections
Jeanne Dunning's art can be found on Artland in the following collection: Robert Mollers. This also includes works by other critically acclaimed artists, Hur Kyung-Ae, Won Sou-Yeol, and Cristiano Carotti.
Historical Context of United States
The United States has been a prominent country in the evolution of modern and contemporary art in the twentieth century, particularly in the post war period, when the cultural importance of New York assumed primacy over Paris, formerly considered as the most powerful art hub internationally. Major art movements established and fostered in important ways throughout the United States include Abstract Expressionism in diverse forms, Pop Art, including its West and East Coast branches, Minimalism, Conceptual Art, Neo-Expressionism, Graffiti and Street Art, plus various post-modern repetitions of these many movements. In the modern and contemporary era, the United States has exercised a powerful influence over the international visual culture, due to the hegemony of its economic and political structures. Key examples of important U.S artists of the modern and contemporary period include Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Jasper Johns, Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Stella, Donald Judd, Cindy Sherman, Barbara Kruger, Julian Schnabel, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring.
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propheci23 · 4 years
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WMN Newsflash Earth type Aircrafts, are no longer purchased as out dated, and are a waste to our Advancements we must spend & invest on our next generation 2 [part of next generation 1, revealed due to taken idea as now public; now using Generation 2 with War Divisions and Multi Forces] all updates to all Multi Forces Commencing with Global Land and Aviation plus Nauitical & Space Aviation 🌎🌍🌏🌐🌌. "Simon P. Fontaine" - World President [and UWP] "Jonathan Hurtault" is back to World Vice President - WVP on other duties as previous with co - ordinating with New CFO "Colin Hurtault" also my entire USGov includes in order of rank:- Jonathan Hurtault, Alison Hurtault & Anthony Fowler plus Luke Seddon, Darnell Jenkins, Terrell Clayton, Shanae Jenkins, Teniesha Fontaine, Ella Seddon, Kion & Kain Twins Clayton others Jacob & Molly Hurtault and as on document if 5 years graduated ICU course as written plus younger not old enough so not active, all on essential paid [wages] and main as with my decision Holidays & Property]. Increasing World Security and Alies and Assistance for my World Community and Space Community Missions for 2020 as World President. Secretly my Mi11 with my top Global US Agents 🇺🇸, British Agents 🇬🇧, French Agents & 🇫🇷 Russian Agents 🇷🇺 and from all member nations, countries, islands & locations are selected to addition to my SCSF not on ship via only, with other forces from Special Forces of Alies of ours of also ours both in Full Members & Partial approved and policed by my WU ◼️◻️ in ELE TRAINING Florida [FL], US 🇺🇸 & USA 🇺🇸 2020 and W. S. both types present with training WU includes actual real OAS [Organizations of American States] 🇺🇳[United Nations] 🇪🇺 [European Union] NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] ISAF [International Security Assistant Forces] and all Worlds National Security Types of Defense Coordinated, Globally 🇿🇦🇩🇪🇮🇹🇨🇳🇧🇪🇫🇷🇳🇴🇯🇲🇩🇰🇨🇦🇧🇷🇪🇸🇮🇪🇯🇵🇳🇱🇺🇦🇰🇷🇰🇵🇳🇬..... .....Thanks Again. 5 S. F. (at Preston, Lancashire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAfOBP1H6jm/?igshid=ey6q251hbirc
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b2b2egypt22-blog · 5 years
compounds in new cairo prices
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If you want know to compounds in new cairo prices in the ideal areas at new cairo and get on a better Opportunities residential for your family Choose B2B for Investment & Real Estate Marketing.
B2B for Investment & Real Estate Marketing
has New Cairo compounds list as well as compounds in new cairo prices. such us :-
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La Fontaine
B2B for Investment & Real Estate Marketing Provide you compounds in new cairo prices in LA FONTAINE. LA FONTAINE Compound New Cairo is Located in the best neighborhood, nearby many services and clubs.,The compound is spread over 34 acres with an amazing modern exterior designs.
B2B offers the better compounds in new cairo prices at La Fontaine gives residents an enclave away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with spacious green landscapes of rare floras, trees and botanical gardens surrounding 85 town houses and 27 buildings built to the highest standards.
La Fontaine was designed to give the residents all the peace of mind they need with an amazing fountains and landscaping all over the compound. with company B2B Don't miss the opportunity to book compounds in new cairo prices.
B2B choose for you the better compounds in egypt it is La Fontaine it has the sound of lapping water, the soothing scent of nature and the exquisite views of our stunning residential units , La Fontaine was built with the goal of delighting our residents’ every sense.
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B2B for Investment & Real Estate Marketing Provide you compounds in new cairo prices in Layan. Layan is located in the heart of New Cairo, where everything is accessible, and Platinum Club is just around the corner.
“France has something for everyone”. That is commonly known, and the exquisite compound ‘’Layan” promises the same, it has something for everyone, it has it all! Layan is built upon 233 acres influenced by the French beauty, offering 1200 units of villas, twin houses, and townhouses.
Turn your daily life into magical experience, explore the French culture and heritage, live the fantasy and fly to the land of art and beauty in just a few minutes in New Cairo. Own now in compounds in new cairo prices
When you are want get make the best decision to buying a house as well as a whole way of life , check out compounds in new cairo prices by B2B for Investment & Real Estate Marketing.
For More Information Get in Touch:
Head Office: New Cairo -5th setllement Building no. 167, st. 52 off el chouiffat st. 1st district- Zone 7
Residential Branch: New Cairo -5th Settlement The Spot Mall 2nd Floor Office No. 9&10
Hotline: 19323
Telephone:(+202) 2565 2246/347 (+202) 25734084/5/6
Fax:(+202) 2565 2249
B2B Egy Marketing Team
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