#Food a d drinks
dsharma-world · 1 year
Check out the history of veganism
Veganism as a concept originated in the mid-20th century. Here are some notable milestones in the history of veganism: The Vegan Society: In 1944, the Vegan Society was founded in the United Kingdom by Donald Watson and his associates. They coined the term “vegan” to describe a vegetarian diet that excludes all animal products. Ethical Motivations: While vegetarianism had been practiced for…
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beaulesbian · 2 months
i was rereading some water 7 chapters, and the introduction of kaku was so funny. i love when luffy and zoro are using the same braincell even at a distance
luffy meeting kaku, ch. 325 "usopp?"
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and zoro meeting kaku, ch 326 "oh, just usopp"
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vs. Egghead arc and meeting kaku again post time skip - with nothing really changing of how luffy perceives some people (ch. 1078)
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and also kaku meeting zoro on the sunny on Egghead prior the scene above and their lines echoing the first meeting on Water 7 - "I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" vs here "Who dares to disturb my nap?"
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forged-in-kaoss · 6 months
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Tama. You fed me your precious rice. I'll never forget it!
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niishi · 1 year
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adaycalledx · 1 year
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shoutout to an adhd cancer sun virgo moon king <3 this post was absolutely expected out of me
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vintagepromotions · 1 year
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Poster advertising the sparkling wine and cognac distillery of D Sandmann Berlin (c. 1890). Artwork by Francisco Nicolas Tamagno.
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all-blue-recipes · 10 months
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// Episode 524 //
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painted-bees · 4 months
I have a question that I haven't seen asked yet: is magic and other supernatural phenomena a known and accepted thing in Hi Note's world?
Oh, Hi-Note takes place on basically the exact same earth as the one we live in--with the only difference being that the Hi-Note characters (and all things related to them) exist. So, just like in our world, there are people who believe in the supernatural, and many who do not lmao
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songofstrawhats · 3 days
One thing that doesn't come up a lot is how Luffy is basically immune to poison
I think it would be really hilarious for there to be a scenario where someone offers Luffy this great feast, and they think they're so slick because it's SUPER poisoned only for Luffy to eat the whole thing without issue and pledge his undying gratitude
And like, what do you do from there??? 'hey i tried to kill u why didn't it take?' Nope, Luffy believes in you now, and that's the sort of thing you have to live up to. You're besties with the (future?) pirate king this is just your life now
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wastehound-voof · 21 days
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Schlitz Sunshine Vitamin D Beer, 1936
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gummi-stims · 9 days
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🥪🧀Nostalgic Grilled Cheese Lunch Slime Kit🧀🥪
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dsharma-world · 1 year
Mood disorder? Check out 5 fruits and veggies to keep your mood fresh
When it comes to balancing mood disorders, including certain fruits and vegetables in your diet can be beneficial due to their nutrient content. Here are five fruits and vegetables that may help in managing mood disorders: Spinach: Rich in folate, spinach can help improve mood by increasing the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation. Blueberries: Packed with…
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beaulesbian · 9 months
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One Piece 1.03 || Zoro + drinks & Luffy + food
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ryuki-draws · 9 months
I am aggressively blowing a party horn at you in congratulatory gesture (congrats on the degree!)
Thank you so much!! I'm contently lying on the floor, completely still since yesterday when I came home after the defense
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
💚+lukas? (if someone already sent him then 💚+python or 💚+conrad!)
(Ah, I did do a Lukas one, I'll link it in a sec. Here's Python, I'll post Conrad's separately :))
Since he was young, Python sees the Day of Devotion as a prime opportunity to slack off/cause mischief, since everyone else is distracted with making plans and flirting. Once he’s older, it’s just as easy (especially when serving directly under Clive and Mathilda) to slip away when others are distracted with their own romances to enjoy a day of vacation. Rather than sleep the day away as most would expect, he admits that any celebration is contagious to him. He gathers up his close friends to hang out, play games, and party the night away. His parade of rowdy friends is always open to new members – any lonely soul they come across who wants to join is welcome. He makes it clear he’s not there to pine and whine over romance, but will let even the sappiest stay with them and join in the good time.
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He loves enjoying the special treats that come with the Day of Devotion. He’s not big on sweets, but there are always delicious dishes and ales being marketed for the holiday. He’ll swoop in on rejected gifts, offering genuinely comforting words to a friend while also sharing in the extra food. Though it’s mostly food, Python can’t resist the other unique gifts the holiday brings. Once, Lukas caught him eyeing one of those massive stuffed animals in the marketplace. He made sure Python had it for his next nap, removing the big red ribbon that marked it as a Day of Devotion gift.
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His favorite part of the holiday, however, is the few days that follow: he gets to hear all the gossip. There’s always juicy details about who hooked up with who, who confessed to who, who rejected who, who cheated on who, who wasn’t seen the whole day, who was seen, etc. He’s scolded if he’s too nosy on the holiday itself, but after a few days everyone else is just as abuzz with rumors, so he can indulge as much as he wants. He always ropes Silque into being his informant, seeing she’s just as excited as he is.
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ioannemos · 1 year
still weird to go shopping and buy food with my own money based on my preferences and mine alone. i make my own shopping list. i don't have to consult anybody. i decide the budget. i could buy six boxes of chocolate frosted sugar bombs and a gallon of chocolate milk and eat nothing but that if i wanted to. would it kill me? eventually! would @mirainawen kill me first? probably! but i could
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