dominhduongorg · 8 months
Ngâm chân trị mất ngủ là mẹo dân gian hiệu nghiệm và an toàn lành tính với sức khỏe. Nước ấm kết hợp với các loại thảo dược tự nhiên giúp tăng cường tuần hoàn máu, giải phóng căng thẳng thần kinh, xoa dịu não bộ. Nhờ đó cải thiện các rối loạn giấc ngủ như mất ngủ, ngủ chập chờn, không sâu giấc… Kiên trì áp dụng cách này còn giúp “trẻ hóa tinh thần”, chống lão hóa và tăng cường sức đề kháng chống lại bệnh tật.
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mofmofp · 1 year
カラフルなイルミネーションの足湯でポカポカ JR 嬉野駅前 Colorful illuminations foot bath JR Uresh...
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tokion · 2 years
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渋滞飽きて、途中のウミホタルでモーニングっ♪ 足湯もキメてリカバったぁ!! 速めに出たのはいいけど、玄関に機材スタンド忘れたっ♪ #ウミホタル #morning #足湯 #footbath #休憩 #breakfast #break #tokion17 (うみほたる) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjtp2wSBbFM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vixensreiha · 2 years
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Footbath by ジェミニ
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curiosity-killed · 2 years
@ your tags abt trying to get people into ballet and running.. i am very interested in getting into ballet and running but i don't know where to start! tbh i feel like i might be a bit old to start ballet (19), but running seems like something i could start at any age!
FRIEND I have NEVER dived so quickly out of a movie in order to reply to a message as I just leapt from that terrible shitty movie to answer this
this is going to sound cliche but you're literally NEVER too old to start either!!
also oh god i'm sorry this is. it's so long. mistakes have been made
starting with ballet bc it sometimes has the biggest barriers to entry:
People start ballet young for a couple reasons (for one thing: children are easy to lure in with promises of pretty costumes and fun tricks and then they get suckered in too far before realizing that they're 25 years old and spend more on dance per month than groceries but ANYWAY) including the fact that it's generally easier to build your base understanding of technique and establish the particular musculoskeletal (& proprioceptive) capacities uniquely demanded by ballet.
That said, even professional dancers don't always start super young. Misty Copeland started ballet at 13; there are professional dancers who started in their 20s. And regardless of your aspirations within the field, ballet is so fun. For all the media out there saying ballet is brutal and cruel and competitive (and it can be), ballet is also making silly faces with your friends and laughing when you mess up and feeling a whole different knowledge of yourself bloom in movement and joyful struggle. I've continued ballet for 20 years not because I'm great at it (I'm a decidedly decent dancer and that's about it) but because I love it and the unique feelings it provides.
So if you're looking for ways to start, here are a couple tips:
First, look for dance schools near you. Depending on where you live and if it's rural or urban, you may not have a ton of options, but if you do, I would recommend looking for adult ballet classes. These tend to have a mix of levels (i.e., I regularly dance with Legit Professional Dancers and also people who are on their 5th ballet class ever in my weekly classes) which to me helps the environment feel more friendly and welcoming. They also will often have recommendations for what you need for class and where to get it locally (if you ever need more info on this, there are lots of lists online and I'm always happy to help out!). You may have to make an actual phone call if you live in a small enough town (or go through your mom's childhood bestie's mom's cousin. small town dance is a whole different post).
There are also a lot of free online ballet classes which are very cool but I'm hesitant to recommend those for starting out simply because a lot of ballet is not intuitive and you can injure yourself by doing it incorrectly. Being in a studio with a teacher helps not only provide you with useful feedback but also have someone looking out for you and reducing risk (like a spotter in lifting but they may also be an extravagant Argentinian woman who swoons while loudly asking, "May I TOUCH your gluteus??" which is honestly way better).
WAIT ALSO: if you're in uni (or there's a university/college near you), that has a dance program, many have youth or community schools (this is what my studio was when I was growing up!) which can be DOPE.
Two quick notes: every dance school has its own environment. Most are a mix of good and bad, and they can all be a little overwhelming at the start. I usually recommend giving it at least a couple classes as a try (if that is an option) before deciding some place is Bad, Actually.
Along with that, ballet is kind of a lot. It's a demanding athletic activity combined with artistic components plus all these French words (often mispronounced and used in weird ways. That being said, there are frequent chocolate and cheese metaphors for fondu so...that's a win??). It is both a-okay and also super normal to feel a little overwhelmed or lost. One way to help is to make sure you introduce yourself to the teacher either before or after class. This can be super simple: "Hi, I'm [name] and this is [my first time taking a dance class/my first class in a long time/etc]." This helps the teacher get to know you and provides an opportunity both to see if they feel the class is right for you and to ask for help on any steps that were particularly challenging or confusing that day.
okay I'm stopping there but seriously pls feel free to holler if you have questions or anything else comes to mind!! i am the Anti-Gatekeeper of Ballet i want everyone to try this shit (with the appropriate safeguarding beforehand so as to be better protected against the various in-field issues and uhhhh quirks of the art)
also here is an article with things to know before your first class! i confess i skimmed it but it seemed like a starting point?
this feels like a good time to admit that while I am very enthusiastic and very excited to help/provide info on these things, I've been doing both ballet and running since i was. a child. and so am not actually a great resource on starting out because my brain was basically wrinkle-free mush when i did but ANYWAY what we lack in knowledge we make up in being So Excited about getting to talk about this shit
The number one thing I would say about running is extremely counter to my entire existence but: don't jump in 100% of the way at the start. Going too hard too early is the number one way to get injuries (hi chronic tendinitis, my old friend).
The number two thing is please for the love of god get running shoes if you really want to get into running. They are expensive, but a) it is much more expensive to fuck up your feet/knees/hips/back from running in shoddy shoes and b) I am extremely skeptical about the quality of the average person's general shoes and even if you don't wind up doing tons of running, they'll save you pain if you wear them for like. walking. and shit. Also they come in fun colors so that's a win. Anyway, if you can, try to get to an actual running store and have them fit you properly for your first pair. As with most things, you can try to guesstimate based on suggestions/lists online but it's a large enough purchase and important enough for your health that I would recommend not doing that until you at least have a stronger sense of what you need/want in your shoes. A fitter goes a long way towards making sure you don't drop $100 on shoes that tear your feet apart. bc that's what pointe shoes are for not running shoes!
Aside from shoes* (and socks*), I think a lot of running gear is...pretty subjective? Like sure, having basic athletic clothes is a good place to start, but the specifics are really up to you. I still run in shit from middle school, other people I know run only in high tech fancy ass shit. you do you boo
*technically also subjective but we're not getting into that here
Once you are, presumably, dressed and shod, my other recommendation is: fartleks. Both because they're funny to say and also because they're a great and versatile training method. A fartlek is, essentially, a run where you switch up your speed periodically (I'm sure there's a more technical definition somewhere but like hello it's 1 AM and i have lost control of this response). For starting out, I'd recommend trying to do a 1:1 or 1:2 run:walk ratio. That can be running 1 minute and then walking 1-2, it can be running for 5 minutes and walking for five. No one is actually keeping time. The idea is basically to incrementally increase your amount running while providing your body with lower-impact walking breaks, which are still exercising your legs/core/etc. and lungs. As you continue to do these a couple times a week, you'll gradually build strength and endurance which will enable you to do longer/faster runs.
Like dance, and most things at the start especially, running can kind of suck. Don't get me wrong I love it and think it's great but it takes a while to build strength and endurance and get to just run as opposed to making yourself run. Getting through the slog stage is often easier if you associate it with something you like: for instance, go for a run at your favorite time of day (with considerations for safety), have a special playlist of fun songs just for running or a podcast you like for it, or run a route you really like (to a favorite park or along a fun sidewalk, etc).
I also recommend getting into the habit of telling someone when you're going on a run and where you're going/about how long you think it'll take. If you have a running buddy (highly recommend), this is less important but it's a good habit for safety. Whether it's rolling your ankle or getting lost and winding up in the middle of very featureless corn fields, you never know when you're going to want to have someone ready to come pick you up.
You can go into a whole rabbit hole on running form and the real nitty gritty but I'm definitely not qualified to speak on that and also wouldn't be much help from here. I will say that, in general, I've found that the more relaxed you can be while running, the better. Places that tend to hold tension include your hands (instead of holding them in fists, try to shake them out and envision a heavy grapefruit or pomegranate held loosely in your hands) and neck/shoulders (try to think of dropping your shoulders and letting them swing naturally from the socket).
Also if you have the option between running on soft surfaces (dirt, grass, etc.) as opposed to hard (concrete, sidewalks, etc.), soft surfaces reduce impact on your joints (but may also be uneven/etc., so be safe).
And now a Runner's World article
oh: if you feel a tightness in your chest while running, a feeling like you can't fully exhale/inhale, have wheezing/rasping breaths, and/or a dry cough after running. that is asthma. pls don't do a me and wait almost a decade to get that checked out
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haahka · 2 years
anyway went to a museum and there was a bear skull with lichen grown onto it and that was cool
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dippyface · 2 years
our bathroom was mold hell before the fire and renovation of literally everything so there's black mold in the corner of this lil recessed cabinet in there we don't use and was painted shut until like two weeks ago. and idk what to do with her so I just sprayed it with peroxide and closed it again. I think I might buy some kind of moisture absorber and put it in there. die bitchass mold
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oze511111 · 8 months
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足湯 footbath
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redgoldsparks · 3 months
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I have my first ever small international book event coming up on July 21 IN JAPAN! Here's the event link.
Date and time: 14:00-15:30, Sunday, July 21
Venue: Shinjuku 2-chome Footbath Café & Bar Don-yoku (Tokyo)
Capacity: 15 people (first come first served) RSVP to [email protected]
Participation is free, but please make one food or drink order at the venue on the day of the event.
I will be in conversation with Mika Kobayashi, the translator of the Japanese edition of Gender Queer. We'll be speaking mostly in English though Mika might do some translation on the fly? Readers who supported the crowdfunding campaign through Thousands of Books will be able to pick up their copies early. I will also have stickers and maybe some zines!
Japanese event description below the cut.
・日時:7/21(日)14:00-15:30 ・会場:新宿二丁目 足湯café&bar どん浴 ・定員:15名(申し込制・先着順) ・参加費:無料(当日、会場にて1オーダーをお願いします)
・参加方法:以下のメールアドレス宛にお申し込みください。 [email protected]
日本語版『ジェンダー・クィア』は、現状では7/16〜18にかけて、印刷・製本が完了する予定です。完成し次��すぐに皆様��は発送いたします。当イベントにご参加される方で、マイアさんのサインをご希望の方には、イベント会場にて日本語版『ジェンダー・クィア』をお渡しすることも可能です。イベント申し込みの際に、ご希望の書籍の受け取り方法についてお知らせくださいませ。 また、会場では、書籍の先行販売も実施いたします。クラウドファンディング未参加で、本イベントにご参加いただく方につきましては、そちらのご利用をご検討ください。
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oh-saints · 6 months
sweetest devotion (p.8)
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they did start this whole circus with a marriage of conveniences. little did mason and serena know was how convenient they had become during this marriage…
playboy!mason mount x princess!OC wc: 3.5k tw:  only as warned under masterlist but none for this chapter, except for a long read ahead! note: I am deeply apologetic for delaying this for far too long, but a virus came into me and almost paralysed me. but an excuse is an excuse, and a promise is a promise so here you go! the long-awaited chapter for our favourite star-crossed couple and I hope this made up for all the times you miss mason x serena. but as usual, I happen to have inspirations whenever dawn is approaching so this is not proof-read yet! tags: @pingyu-in-wonderland @808heartz @ironmaiden1313 @myreveriie @kathb59 (let me know if you want to be added!) < part 7 here - part 9 TBA (hopefully within the next 2 weeks) sweetest devotion masterlist
if, when mason decided to step on the throttle and married serena earlier this year, any of you shot mason in the head with the fact that mason would get along very well with serena on the last trimester of her pregnancy, mason would spit in your face. without a doubt, without hesitation.
“i need your help,”
such simplistic sentence was not supposed to do any harm to mason’s body, but it did—it always does, without his consent—and the footballer had to regulate his breathing to conceal the devastating effect serena effortlessly brought upon him.
being amicable with serena was never in his bingo cards. let alone this.
mason mount was only supposed to partake his share of responsibility towards his own child. the fact that he might be able to save serena from an impending death sentence, should she be discovered with a child out of wedlock, was a bonus.
naturally, with that in mind and a divorce at the end of the deal, he didn’t expect to be more than co-parenting partners at best.
“what is it?”
but now, he could only count his blessing amongst the stars, for no one had shot him with such incredulous prediction of his future, so mason didn’t have to apologize to anyone for having spat on their face. because mason and serena was co-habitating even better than expected, way much better than even the both of them would like to admit.
“i can’t reach for the pan.”
mason laughed a genuine one, the warmth replacing the initial electric shock. serena frowned a deeper pout, adding more heat all over mason’s body despite firing up the furnace earlier, resulting mason to plaster a wide smile still on his face as he did what he was instructed. “there you go, princess.”
they weren’t supposed to fall into this—whatever “this” might be. the sense of familiarity, comfort… all mixed up in one unknown territory they didn’t want to explore but know well enough that they had plunged themselves in.
as much as they denied themselves from the reality, though, they had indeed deviated from their own terms of being amicable. they had certainly gotten themselves more comfortable around each other than intended; it was as if they had found the rhythm on their feet and had fallen together into a song to dance together. serena cooks, mason grocery-shops. mason drives everywhere, serena massages him before they retreat to their respective bedroom. mason plays a home game, serena watches from the family box. serena has a foot aching or swollen, mason is ready with a warm-water footbath. serena catches an occasional or residual morning sickness, mason knows where the ginger crackers are. mason talks, serena listens.
what a contrary to the so-called first dance they displayed for the rest of the world to believe. back then, serena was lucky to not have stepped on mason’s tom ford shoes, and mason was saved from critics highlighting his luckster steps ripping off the train of serena’s reception gown. that night, serena decided it might actually be better to have god save the princess instead as an alternate title to eldorran national anthem.
but despite the level of this newfound friendliness established between the two of them, there was still an enormous elephant in the room.
where are they in this relationship?
that is, if there was ever a sufficient word to describe their relationship. yes, they were married but are they a couple? if not, were they friends or were they just roommates?
mason would like to think the first one—for him, roommates were simply acquittances that could care less about other person’s whereabouts, and surely with the extent they had gone through together wasn’t merely hi, how are you? basis—but more often than not, serena did make him feel the reality was that mason was indeed still walking around the eggshells.
there were times when serena made him feel he was one step forward, two steps backwards. for example; while mason was more than happy to be labelled the yapping boyfriend per today’s standard of couple compatibility, serena was, in nature, a reserved person who speaks only when deemed necessary, so to have her sharing bits of her life while he was away for work could be seen as making a wide stride of progress. but in comparison to the earlier times when their communication was rather limited to texts—or rather, mason had limited their interaction—serena was far more welcoming then, in a sense that she was willing to inform him where she was going and whatnot when they were still practically strangers.
case two was, unfortunately, the most ironic of all.
mason and serena had made a habit to retreat to the living room after dinner, for whatever reason. be it simply watching the latest movie they didn’t have the chance to catch up, be it mason gaming while serena continued her journaling, be it serena accompanying mason while he was up to review the approach of an upcoming game, be it to have a light discussion about nursery, the upcoming doctor’s visit.
bottom line, the living room had turned into a shared premise for them, yet serena had never once invited mason over to her mini piano recital.
you might wonder why was mason upset over such a small—meaningless even for some—matter. but when your housemate bid you farewell for the night, only to sneak up the owner of the house later into the night to use the grand piano by the stairs—courtesy to his interior designer, who decided it’d be a nice sentimental touch to contrast the masculine theme of his house—it posed so many questions. not to mention, serena was annihilating the keys, madly punching the notes like she was screaming, very much unfit to the elegant divinire by Ludovico Einaudi.
mason had to give it to serena, though, for choosing this road. because others—most of the population, really—would only think she’s blessed with a musical talent, playing the black-and-white keys as if glue was stuck on the pads of her fingers, when in reality she was anything but destroying the classical piece.
layered with complexity, exactly like serena in person.
the next morning, mason woke up with a full determination to confront serena about it. only to be greeted by a sight of her mildly swollen eyes—mason might not be the brightest kid at school but her sisters made sure he was the top of class in the subject of “women 101”—so he’d forego whatever words about to be spilled on the tip of his tongue.  
but later, mason realised, he was glad he never made it known that he’d overheard her stellar performance. another night she’d sit down on the giant musical instrument and played a beautiful piece mason recognized from the black swan, yet it was mesmerizing for all the wrong reason. he remembered she’d gotten a call earlier from a palace, and her face expression had become sombre a bit, probably due to whatever the palace was saying.
he concluded that it had moulded into a pattern of habit whenever she was having a bad day—a way to let out her frustration. so mason stayed put, afraid he’d only distract serena. or worse, destroying her concentration flow. she worked hard to conceptualize this whole recital anyway, why should he ruin it?
other times when this happened, he’d sat on top of the stairs, hidden behind the nearest wall, as the princess took over the grandiose piano. and he had never recalled any other time when he failed to show up whenever she played her version of rendition to a modern classic piece because he knew it was serena’s only outlet to be herself. full of hidden angers and oppressed opinions, unable to express the way she truly feels because of all the royal restriction. in a way, he wanted to be there for her—good days, bad days, every day.
what a regal way to do so, whilst mason was the type to punch away the sandbag at the gym.
still, if her outmost genuine concern was not to disturb mason, and thus the midnight choice of time, she was certainly wrong. if serena thought mason would miss the elegant tunes flowing as the production result of her dainty fingers dancing on those black-and-white keys, she was certainly over-confident. mason might not be the mozart prodigy but he knows when one is supposed to depict sadness and anything alike.
but why would she conceal something as beautiful as that?
on another take, if she indeed didn’t want mason to know her habit: why? or was that why the notes she’d play was always heart-wrenchingly beautiful? because she didn’t want mason to hear anything whatever she had to say without words? because she didn’t want mason to know her deepest, most hidden secret that she was never happy here in the first place, no matter how hard mason had been trying to provide everything in this earthly realm in order to make her happier and healthier?
why didn’t she say anything, about anything at all really? in whatever relationship is—friendship, kinship—it always takes two to tango. and right now, serena was an even worse dance partner than their reception night.
just until when were they going to tango around the room, spinning endlessly?
“that was one hell of a performance.”
serena visibly jumped on her seat behind the piano, her eyes immediately looked for the source of sound. “mason,” she remained still, as she watched mason coming nearing her position. “do i wake you up?”
“no, i was only falling asleep when you started,”
“oh, no, i apologize—”
“no, no, no, i always like it whenever you play,” realising the slip of tongue that this was not the first time he’d heard her, mason might as well let out the remaining of the truth. “i like how you look when you play. free—of pressure, of opinions, of judgement… of the world, really. nothing else but you.”
there was a flash of surprise and fear. an equivalence of deer in the headlight in royal etiquette, mason presumed, before she turned away her head. “sounds like a selfish person to me.”
“if you’re a selfish person then you would’ve aborted our son the first moment you found out about him,” the speed of mason’s retaliation took serena by surprise. “but you didn’t. and that’s what i like about you, too.”
the amount of the word like coming out of mason’s mouth was seriously concerning serena. they were not supposed to like each other—amicable was what they agreed upon in the first place, given the situation and condition.
“can’t sleep?”
serena shook her head in response to mason’s question while her fingers reached for the cover of the piano, wanting to shut the lid and took her leave.
her intention had to be cancelled as mason took his spot beside her. “how are you feeling about tomorrow?”
ah, yes. the day she had been dreading.
tomorrow was the day serena had to fly back to eldorra, for her oldest brother’s wedding and her father’s abdication. the festivities wasn’t supposed to kick off until 5 days later, but serena had decided to fly in earlier because she thought she needed time to adjust back to the nitty-gritties of royal etiquettes, protocol and other royal affairs. it was a reasonable justification, both in the eyes of the palace and mason, considering she’d been away from the princess lifestyle for rather a while now, technically alone in London and bereft of any relatives but mason, both from his side of the family and especially hers.
in all honesty, serena was content with her life here, away from the spotlight and the pressure of a royal member. it was rather a life she’d been wishing to have since she was teenager. contrary to her image and popular belief that she was the friendliest member of the eldorran royal family, she wasn’t as good at mingling with any figure connected with power, politics and whatnot as she was mingling with her people.
an entire sequence of traditions was coming her way—for a wedding, abdication and coronation—so the level of social anxiety was guaranteed skyrocketing. this would mean mingling, meaningless chitchats, keeping two-faces intact, answering intruding questions, addressing false allegations, greeting and faking smiles to gold-digger spouses and so-called socialites FOR DAYS. good lord in heavens, please give me enough strengths to truck the atrocious days alone.
“are you sure you are not coming, mason?”
ah, yes. the breaking news, so shocking it headlined the eldorran gossip channels and tv programs for a week straight.
mason’s professional commitments required him to fly with his football club for an important match for several days, which coincidentally happened to fall during the series of pre-events leading to the wedding day of her brother. his attendance on the wedding day itself, the abdication and the coronation remained hanging for the public to guess—but they knew better.
the king, serena’s father, still harboured an ill feeling towards his only son-in-law. … mason didn’t even protest on that, given it was the prerogative of the king anyway, but her father made it well-known from their very first meeting in chelsea’s training ground that they’d never have a particular in-laws normalcy. mason remembered it very well, for he’d never been in the presence of a great power and authority flowing throughout the room that he’d wavered a little behind the mask he displayed.
mason flashed serena a bitter smile. “you know the answer to that, princess.”
“there is an answer to that, too, mason,” serena said, offering mason a slight grasp over his hand. “we can always use this special card of ours.”
the sight of serena looking down at her protruding belly, now unable to be hidden under various designs and styling, as her free hand stroking the ball of sunshine, never failed to warm mason’s entire body and soul. he would always feel warm and giddy, and proud and glad serena and their son was doing well each and every day, despite the rocky start.
“i’ll miss that when you’re away. you, playing the piano,” while another hand stroked gently over serena’s stomach, mason turned his occupied palm around to grip hers tightly, interlacing their fingers for the first time in forever. “i’ll miss this, too.”
“i’ll miss you.”
what they had was orthodoxically special, indeed.
the house feels empty
serena didn’t know the exact time and place where this all had begun, the random texts. the timeline had become blurry since they had progressed into a friendlier terms, coming from a chain of texts that was similar to the ones shared between the owner of a house and its renter. but it had indeed become something she looked forward to during the day, a glimpse of how his day went so far—ben snores so much it hurts my ears; azpi’s so irritating in training today; or such. it filled a small space in her heart, longing for a dear friend.
but since the i’ll miss you happened, serena would be lying if she didn’t think that mason’s words were laced with something else. something beyond friendship, something she was afraid to find out, something she’d like to think non-existent so they could continue their beneficial partnership until their son was born.
in case you forget, your sound system is top notch.
act calm as usual, the head of royal etiquette always reminded her in cases where she faced a micro crisis. thus, her reply just now. she’d slip in a banter or two whenever mason sent her any text of grumbles, complaints, grunts on a usual basis.
as calm as she was, serena had to place a hand over her chest, exactly on top of her beating heart that was running rather irregularly now, while her other hand was busy slipping her phone discreetly back to her meticulously customised purse and her attention back to the ongoing discussion between two young heirs in front of her.
but of course, when she felt her phone vibrated again not long after sending her reply, serena couldn’t help but to succumb to temptation. she retreated to the corner of the room and hands were immediately reaching for the electronic device.
it’s still not the same you’re not here
for a full ten seconds, serena remained a statue. the only sign she was alive was the wide grin plastered across her face that the princess herself didn’t realise was there to begin with.
ah, shame we’re miles apart then.
it didn’t take a minute before another bubble popped up.
what if I tell you we’re no longer apart?
serena’s heart jumped from its long hibernation—she’d successfully managed to sedate them into a peaceful sleep during her time training again her old motoric as a royal princess—but she tried very hard to mask the stallion pace it was giving.
because in all honesty, serena would be lying if she didn’t wish mason was here by her side. the last state banquet she attended with mason a while back was enough of a proof that having an ally was better than no one at all. even when they weren’t exactly in the best term back then, and apart from the fact that he was only there to fulfil his end of deal.
should she mention the immense assurance she felt whenever mason’s hands were on her back, placed strategically to guide her through the maze of people wanting to formally greet her, or whenever mason’s hands were extended to reach her waist protectively while one or two people were ready to step on her feet?
alas, hope is a very powerful weapon and she’d wish not to yield it. not towards mason, at least. but before she could type out her reply to his text, her phone beeped once more and another blue bubble had popped up on her screen.
look around.
despite the early internal battle, serena did as she was told. and there he was, mason mount, looking dapper as ever with a complete, tailored suit like every other man in this ballroom—which should mean by fellow aristocrats, socialites, political figures amongst others. maybe mason was even more dashing than the rest of them because good god, his smiles as he greeted every one he met along the way down to reach serena…
it was polite but full of implied sneer, it was handsomely irritating somehow. it was captivatingly powerful too on the other hand, enough to put all the gossip and rumours spread by the palace down. it was a plain challenge to the king’s authority that didn’t allow him to be here in the first place without giving away too much insider information away.
“hello, there,” the multimillion-watt smile wasn’t wavering anytime soon, serena inferred, as he finally stopped his steps in front of her. now that he stood so close to her, she could see a thousand layers of emotion unravelling, but one thing struck more than other: he was very happy, with a bit of relief, that he was here. and that was enough of a reason for serena to reciprocate his—somehow, unbeknowingly—wider grin because she, in fact, shared the same sentiment.
for the first time in her life, despite being trained to stand up for herself diplomatically so, serena thermapolis was beyond elated to have found a true ally in this room full of fake courtesies, and that ally was her husband, no less. her stunning husband, fawned by several ladies in the background, whom she had grown more than fond of, with or without her acknowledgement, was here and that was all that mattered.
and the awful part was mason didn’t know what he did just obliterated her poor heart and rendered her speechless.
“you look like you could use a company. may i join you this evening?”
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pernillemagda · 7 months
A little scroll through Magda and Pernille's twitter from Linköping days
...everything from food and football to math and footbath😅
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And of course. this one from Insta had to be included. Guess a Dane on the grass😅
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hancyan · 10 months
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This is the second mod I want to try, and even though it's my favorite mod, I didn't notice it updated for a long time and was using an old version.
@flotheoryさんのJust Sit
I had the first version installed, but the updated version is much more convenient.(I wanted my Sims to sit down of their own free will.)
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We both have the day off from work today, so we decided to go to a hot spring. (The sitting scenes are all free will.)
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Check out the interior here. I worked hard to build it.lol
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Well, we have arrived. The large bath has a little trick so it looks like a real bath.
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There was a group of nursing students from the town in the women's bath, so we had fun chatting.(Just sitting on a chair…) Yes, that's right. This is what I wanted to do. I wanted to see multiple Sims soaking in a hot spring.
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While I was soaking in the footbath, Shauna O'Connell came over and we had a nice chat.
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Up until now, even if you placed a chair, no one would sit on it, so it looked like a decoration, but thanks to this MOD, Sims are now willing to sit on it.
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You can also instruct other Sims to take a seat. This is useful in clinics as you can have patients who are waiting their turn sit down.
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☆I can’t write it all down, but I’m grateful to the many CC creators.☆
Thank you for always reading my posts!
See you next time.
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koizumicchi · 6 months
はじめての二人っきり旅行 (Full) English Translation
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はじめての二人っきり旅行 Hajimete no Futarikkiri Ryokou Our First Trip Alone Together
LIPxLIP 2nd Album Umarete Kita Koto ni Kansha Shinasai Bonus Anime Episode (4 min.)
Trailer 1  2
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
Aizou: Hi, Julietta. This is Aizou.
Yuujirou: Hello, Julietta. This is Yuujirou.
Aizou: Today, we are going on a tour on our so-called “Trip For Two with LIPxLIP”.
Yuujirou: We came to Izumo as a reward for accomplishing our album.
Aizou: Today, we would like to share with you just a little bit of what our trip was like, so we hope you will enjoy it.
Yuujirou: Though, we have come here since yesterday; first, let’s start with the ‘waking up’ scene.
Aizou: Huh!? You’ll use that?!
Yuujirou: Everyone. Good morning. It’s late at six o’clock in the morning. It’s still too early for our regular meal time, but I would like to show you Aizou’s sleeping face starting now.
Yuujirou: He’s sleeping.
*camera zooms in onto Aizou's face*
Yuujirou: Aizou. You’ll be late. You’ll be late.
Aizou: *wakes up* Eh, what is it?
Yuujirou: It’s already 9 AM! Hurry up and wake up!
Aizou: Ah, 9 AM…?
Yuujirou: *shaking Aizou awake* We have work. I said, you’re going to be late.
Aizou: *sits up in annoyance* Why is there a camera, seriously?! You’re definitely lying! *covers himself with the blanket and goes back to sleep*
Yuujirou: Ahahahaha! Julietta! *waving at the camera* That’s Aizou’s sleeping face!
 Aizou: We’ve arrived at the dining hall. We’ll eat our breakfast.
Yuujirou: *smiles* Aizou-san has woken up.
Aizou: Eh… As expected, Yuujirou chose Japanese cuisine.
Aizou: Oh! That’s Izumo’s soba!
Yuujirou: And as expected, Aizou has the Western cuisine… What, pasta in the morning?!
Aizou: I’m in the mood for it today.
Aizou: Yuujirou as well, I’m sure there are mornings when you opted a Western-style meal.
Yuujirou: Well, yeah. But I can’t eat pasta first thing in the morning.
Aizou: I’m sure Julietta who’s seeing this would think, ‘Sure enough, Japanese cuisine is for Yuujirou, and for Aizou, it’s the Western cuisine.’
Yuujirou: You’re probably right. There’s an image that comes into one’s mind. Like for coffee, I feel like this person would have something like that.
Aizou: Right. Shall we try switching our image for a while? In our regular meals.
Yuujirou: I don’t want to. Because I want to eat soba.
Aizou: *already getting ready to eat* Alright, alright.
Yuujirou: Does Julietta prefer a Japanese-style or a Western-style cuisine? Tell us next time.
Aizou: Delicious!
*walking together*
Aizou: It’s not very often that it’s just the two of us filming.
Yuujirou: Rather than not very often, this is the first time we’ve done it. Our Izumo staff is here.
Aizou: They planned and decided on various things. *has a satisfied smile*
Aizou: Then, where will we go now?
Yuujirou: Eh, I don’t know. You decide this time, Aizou.
Aizou: Me? You decide, Yuujirou. Even I do not know where we’ll go.
Yuujirou: You decide, Aizou.
Aizou: Eh. Let me think. 
Aizou: *thinking hard* I can’t think of anything.
Yuujirou: It’s important to plan it.
Aizou: You’re right.
Aizou: Shall we walk for the time being?
*Yuujirou praying with his eyes closed*
*Aizou, holding his phone and looking at the camera, pointing at the displayed wooden tools*
*Aizou and Yuujirou selfie, holding taiyaki*
*taking a picture together on the shore, camera falls over*
*Yuujirou folding his pants almost up to his knees*
Yuujirou: And so, we came to the footbath this time.
Aizou: How warm!
Yuujirou: We’ve been here before too, right? Right here.
Aizou: Yeah. Before our LIVE tour.
Yuujirou: That’s right. How’s the 2nd album release going with you, Aizou?
Aizou: Of course I’m happy. The first one was already amazing.
Yuujirou: *smiles* Yes.  It’s thanks to Julietta that we can release our 2nd album.
Aizou: Yeah. I really hope to meet more of their expectations of us. 
Aizou: Yuujirou, how is it? The album?
Yuujirou: I guess it felt different from our first album. For me.
Aizou: Really?
Yuujirou: It’s impossible to do it on my own.  Even the whispered expectations of our fans, we stood on stage. And that stage is quickly becoming bigger. I feel like it’s impossible to answer that largeness all alone.
Aizou: I also feel the same. About why LIPxLIP is composed of the two of us. Although I thought that it was better if it’s just me, but that would mean the strength of LIPxLIP would be reduced to half. I thought about it again this time.
Yuujirou: Two people are better than one. We are indispensable to each other. Surely.
Aizou: That’s right. And without rivals, it would be boring.
Yuujirou: Yeah. Me and Aizou’s principle- Wait a second- *blushing* This will be included in the bonus footage! This part is embarrassing-!
Aizou: It is. But isn’t it okay? Speaking of our true feelings like this, since it’s the two of us on a trip together.
Yuujirou: You’re right… It’s a wonderful and precious trip for the two of us.
Aizou: Yeah! Then lastly, a word of gratitude to our Julietta.
Yuujirou: For getting our 2nd album, you have my thanks, Julietta.
Aizou: Thank you, Julietta.
Yuujirou: It has become an album that is full of our thoughts.
Yuujirou: It will make us happy if you listen to it a lot.
Aizou: Listen to it, ‘kay?
Aizou: We will do our best so that we can continue to improve from now on. Come along with us, okay?
Yuujirou: Come with us.
Aizou: Well then~ Let’s meet again, Julietta.
Yuujirou: Bye, bye, Julietta!
Aizou: See you!
Yuujirou: See you!
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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just a v e r y rough tl of lxl honeymoon 2: collab boogaloo
be sure to check out the anime (which hails from the ultimate box of the album) if you're able to!!! and support the official release!!!
all screenshots in here are from the trailer btw
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Aizo: Hi Julieta! I’m Aizo!
Yujiro: Hello Julieta, I’m Yujiro.
Aizo: Today, the two of us, LIPxLIP, are on a trip.
Yujiro: We’ve come to Izumo as a reward for completing our album.
Aizo: We’ll be sharing a little glimpse of today’s trip with you guys, so enjoy!
Yujiro: We’ve been here since yesterday, but let’s start off with our wake up call!
Aizo: You’re showing them that?!
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Yujiro: Good morning, everyone. It’s 6am. It’s still too early to have breakfast, but I’m going to show you Aizo’s sleeping face.
Yujiro: He sure is asleep, hm?
Yujiro: He’s drooling.
Yujiro: Aizo, you’ll be late. You’ll be late, you know?
Aizo: Eh? What?
Yujiro: It’s already 9 o’clock, hurry! Get up!
Aizo: Ah? It’s 9?
Yujiro: You’ll be late for work!
Aizo: Why’re you filming me?! You’re lying for sure! Stop it!
Yujiro: [laughs] And that, Julieta, was Aizo’s sleeping face!
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Aizo: And here we are at the breakfast table. We’re about to have our breakfast.
Yujiro: Aizo has woken up too.
Aizo: Wow, Yujiro, you’re having Japanese food as expected, huh? Ooh, isn’t that Izumo Soba?
Yujiro: And you, Aizo, are having Western food as expected… Wait, what the heck? You’re having pasta first thing in the morning?
Aizo: I just felt like having it today. Even you feel like having Western food in the morning sometimes, don’t you?
Yujiro: I guess so. I wouldn’t eat pasta in the morning, though.
Aizo: I’m sure the Julieta watching this will be like “I just knew Yujiro’d be eating Japanese food and Aizo’d be having Western food”, huh?
Yujiro: Maybe they will. We do give off those impressions, don’t we? Just like how we’d have either coffee or cocoa respectively.
Aizo: I got it. Wanna change the impressions we give off by trading our breakfast meals?
Yujiro: I don’t wanna. I want to eat my soba.
Aizo: Yeah, yeah.
Yujiro: Julieta, which do you prefer? Western food? Japanese food? Tell us, okay?
Aizo: Yum!
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Aizo: We don’t usually shoot vids all by ourselves, huh?
Yujiro: Though you say “usually”, this is the first time we’ve done it, right? The staff always tag along with us.
Aizo: They plan all kinds of programmes for us too, right? Yeah. So, where do we go now?
Yujiro: Ehh, I don’t know. You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Me? You decide, Yujiro. I dunno where to go either.
Yujiro: You decide, Aizo.
Aizo: Eh?! You’re kidding! Hmm… I can’t think of anything.
Yujiro: Planning ahead sure is important, isn’t it?
Aizo: Yeah. Let’s just walk around for now.
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Yujiro: And so, we’re now at the footbaths!
Aizo: Phew, it’s hot in here!
Yujiro: We came here too last time, didn’t we?
Aizo: Yeah, back during our live tour, right?
Yujiro: Oh right, Aizo, how do you feel about the release of our second album?
Aizo: Of course I’m happy ‘bout it. I mean, releasing even just one album’s already pretty amazing.
Yujiro: Yup. The fact that we’re able to release a second album is all thanks to our Julieta, right?
Aizo: Yeah. We’ve gotta try even harder to meet their expectations, huh? How do you feel about the album, Yujiro?
Yujiro: I guess I feel differently about it than I did about our first album.
Aizo: Eh? How so?
Yujiro: I feel as though I wouldn’t have been able to do it alone. It’s all thanks to the support and expectations of our Julieta that we’re able to stand on stage. And, as that stage grows bigger and bigger, I get the feeling that I wouldn’t have been able to respond to the size of the stage all by myself.
Aizo: Yeah, I feel the same way. I’ve had thoughts like “Why are there 2 guys in LIPxLIP? I could do it by myself.” before. But this has made me realise once again that going at it alone would just mean halving our power.
Yujiro: We’re able to develop better together as a pair than we would have on our own. I'd say that we’re indispensable to each other for sure.
Aizo: Yeah, we are. Plus, things would sure get boring without a rival around, huh?
Yujiro: Yup. Aizo, the friendly rivalry between you and me… Wait a sec! This is going to be a bonus video! Isn’t this conversation getting embarrassing?!
Aizo: Yeah, it is. But isn’t it fine for us to talk about our true feelings when the two of us are on a trip together?
Yujiro: I guess so. We’re alone on this trip together, after all.
Aizo: Yeah. Aight then, let’s end this off with a word of thanks to our Julieta.
Yujiro: Thank you for getting our second album, Julieta.
Aizo: Thanks, Julieta.
Yujiro: This album is packed with our thoughts and feelings. It'll make us happy if you listen to it many times over.
Aizo: You’ll listen to it, won’t ya? We’re going to keep growing from here on out, so follow our progress, yeah?
Yujiro: Follow us, okay?
Aizo: Till we meet again, Julieta!
Yujiro: Bye bye Julieta. See you around.
Aizo: See ya!
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mercurygray · 7 months
hi merc! i’d like to request ‘rosie cheeks’ for Fred from the prompt list!! :) thank you!
Shannon, thank you for this perfectly excellent excuse to do some very necessary backfilling here.
Friday night meant the dress uniforms were out.
"I guess this is pretty small time for you, after one of the big London canteens," Helen said as the four of them entered the Officers Club, the band in full swing and the room already filled with men excited to let loose a little.
"Dancing is dancing and men are men," Fred said with a shrug, pitching her voice a little higher to be heard over the music. "It's just a question of volume."
"Oh, you'll get volume, all right," Tatty assured her. "We've got a footbath at home; you're going to want to soak your feet later."
A familiar face peeled away from his pack to meet them at the door. "Ladies, you all look lovely, but I'm gonna ask Fred here if I can have the honor of her first dance."
The chivalry hit different when it came with that accent, and Fred tried very hard not to smile too wide. "Well, thank you, Lieutenant Biddick. You may."
Most men would have taken her hand first, after an invitation to dance, but the pilot pointed an accusatory finger. "Now, what did I tell you about calling me Curt?"
"Wouldn't want to step in on whatever girl back home has that honor," she offered diplomatically, following him to the floor and joining hands.
"No girl back home. But if there was, wouldn't mind if she looked like you."
Fred tried again not to smile. Sure, and they all say that. "And where's home, Curt?"
"New York," Curt said, emphasizing each syllable like it meant something special. "Brooklyn, specifically. Where you from, Miss Fred?"
"Madison, Wisconsin."
"Wisconsin! Gonna have to talk to Major Egan about Wisconsin, then. He's from Manitowoc." The word tripped out of his mouth in a jumble, Mandiawalk, which was pretty close to how folks at home said it, too.
The song was a slow one, so they talked about baseball and that new league that Wrigley had started - Curt didn't know how to feel about a bunch of girls running bases but he thought the uniforms were cute - and then the song was over and she was being introduced to Charlie Cruikshank - "But his friends call him Crank!" and it was another round of where you from, where you going to add to the ever-growing list of names and faces she needed to commit to memory as the music picked up and the laughter got louder.
It was a few hours later when the band decided to take a break and stand down so the musicians could get something to drink themselves. Fred had sat out the last few just so her brain could catch up and she could make a dent in her drink, but Tatty and Helen were still working the crowd like champions. Mary was back at the bar grabbing another round - soda waters this time. Drunk or sober there was still a long ride back to the manor house, and the donut machine tomorrow morning wouldn't care how much you'd had to drink the night before.
Crank circled back, one of the band members in tow. "Brady, you met our new Red Cross girl yet? This is Fred. Fred, this is John Brady, another one of our pilots. He flies with Hoerr, and Hambone."
Fred nodded and tried to insert that information into the jumble of mental flash cards that had been accumulating in her brain all evening. Brady was slim and tall and brown-haired, and there was a pipestem sticking up from his shirt pocket. She hadn't been close enough attention to the band to know what instrument he played. "Saw you playing along in back there - are you a musician, too?"
Fred felt her cheeks go rosy, and instinctively closed her fist, like somehow that would make the motions she'd been making to match the notes go away. They never tell you in training that the job's easy until someone sees you.
"She brought a guitar," Mary offered, clearly trying to be helpful as she returned from the bar.
"I play a little," Fred clarified, intervening before anyone jokingly brought up the possibility of her doing concerts. The guitar had been - a whim, really, a cheap way to break the ice in case it was really needed. She'd dragged it halfway around the world thinking it'd be cute, maybe, but now that she was here it just seemed hokey - cowboy songs and singalongs. She hadn't needed it, when she'd been on the canteen - no one was staying for more than a day and it wasn't a problem because she wasn't sharing a room with anyone who'd talk about it. But Thorpe Abbotts, it seemed, was going to be different. She would be here a while, would know these men - and Mary Boyle noticed things and liked to talk.
"You'll have to join the band some time, then, Fred," Brady said with a smile.
She met his eye and had a sudden sinking feeling he actually meant that, and felt her cheeks burn a little more.
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