#i feel like its a much better use for bath bombs since the scent and additives may irritate the rest of my skin and i was just given one
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kurohoely · 3 years
mask (sakusa x y/n)
What happens when Sakusa realizes masks are better off than on?
genre: hurt/comfort, sakusa is in time skip!
wc: 2.2k
It was known that Sakusa is reserved, he only shows his most relaxed self to those who he trusts, which includes you. He can show those random, whacky emotions, teasing you and giving some gen z emojis but being open and vulnerable? That’s just not him.
You have been dating him for almost a few months now and a lot of people were surprised that you both actually worked out. The dynamic you both have was something people often quote as ‘not compatible’. You knew him before since you both have few classes together in college but who would’ve thought from those unintentional crossings lead you here. Sakusa’s character is pretty obvious and you kind of get it by now how he works and acts but was there any difference between before and now? Why does it feel like the walls are kept up, and builds higher than before?
You tried to initiate a lot of things. He does too but he was indeed more awkward, baby steps as you call it. Despite all that, you appreciate him, all the things he did were definitely out of his comfort zone. You kept saying to yourself that he's trying, remembering that he was the one that confessed first. You hold onto that memory in hope that it will be dynamic throughout the relationship.
But how about right now? With the new season up and running, you kept seeing less and less of him. Countless lonely dinners and cold bedsheets. Rescheduled dates and missing out on one another. You almost excused Sakusa for forgetting your anniversary, thinking it was a given. You signed up to be with someone that has no constant rhythm in their life, always the next big thing to keep their lives afloat. Again, you put on another layer, masking away, reasoning to yourself that things will work out. You don't want to bother him, let alone be the reason why he is stressing out. Patience has always been a good nature of you but sometimes, you question if you should stop being selfless and start being selfish. He is your boyfriend after all.
Sakusa noticed the subtle changes that happened. He felt that you were perfect. Too perfect, as a matter of fact. He wanted to sit down and try to understand why and where this was coming from because he definitely didn't confess to you for perfection. He wanted you. Not any other version. Pure and transparent. No mask. But as much as he wanted to, it is still out of his nature, and with the season starting, it will be quite some time before he can bring this again.
Mid through the season, work is piling up, matches are getting tougher each time they win. That’s a given. You came to almost all of his games and have them recorded on tv. Whatever the outcome, you will always be proud of him. He was basking in his prime condition; you were there for him and his plays were getting synchronized with the team at a rate that even the coach was surprised. He left the thought at the back of his mind, focusing on what he has to do first. After each match, you both have this little ritual, spending some alone time together starting with dinner as both of your schedules sometimes don't overlap quite nicely. Sakusa told you about his plays as if you weren’t there to witness it all and you can’t blame him. You love seeing the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about how good it felt when spiking. The conversation flows naturally and you both talked about how your days went. You were both walking diaries of each other. Not until Sakusa flipped a page that has been long overdue.
He cussed himself to have the audacity to forget about this issue. He doesn’t like this. It was as if he’s taking advantage of your facade, your mask. Even though Sakusa tells you many times that you need to wear one physically, this was something that he wished to be stripped off completely. He hates it. He hates that he can't be a safe space for you. Someone you can let yourself breathe from the suffocating expectations from the outside world. But what he hates the most is that you changed yourself to accommodate his own ignorance.
Sakusa flipped his match schedule. It looks like there won't be another match in 5 days. He called Meian and Iwaizumi if it’s okay if he takes a few days off from practice. Both of them were surprised that Sakusa would even ask for a day off but they agreed anyway. He’s not the type to ask for one so this must be something really important.
Saturday shifts are hard. You only have one day of rest before hustling again on Monday but oh you were SO GLAD that your manager said that you can have a paid leave on Monday after helping out on a side project for some other team.
You pushed your shared apartment door, dragging your feet inside. You saw Sakusa peek his head from the kitchen. He took off his apron and walked to you, grabbing your bags from the floor and giving a peck on your cheek. You went to the bedroom and saw the bath bomb that you bought impulsively on your previous date. A bath sounds nice, you thought to yourself.
Filling up the bath to a slightly hotter temperature, a much-needed one to shake that fatigue out from your body and start your long weekend with a fresher body. Gently dipping your toes, you hold the sides and lower yourself in, letting the heat seep into your skin. As you were shuffling your position, a knock on the bathroom door.
“Can I come in?”
“Doors unlocked so yeah baby come in”
Sakusa twisted the knob, letting himself in. He sat on the floor next to the tub, a rare sight for Sakusa and you. He folded his arms on the dry part of the tub and stared into your eyes. Losing himself in your mind, finding where he actually belongs. He knows this isn’t the right time, not even a good one, to bring up this matter but it has been pushed back for too long, he couldn’t care less about what setting it was in right now. You were always firm on your stands, confronting those to have the middle ground in everything but now, it was as if he’s with someone else.
“Hey sunshine, how's the bath”
You flushed at the pet name he called you. When was the last time you heard that softness, that warmth? The sense of home and belonging to another person, solely wanting to give your whole life away in exchange for his.
“It's pretty nice. Do you wanna join in?”
“Hmm sounds nice.”
He removes his mask and strips quickly, submerging himself into the tub in front of you. He pressed his muscular, toned back to your chest, taking its warmth into his body. Taking in whatever he could take from you between his skin and yours. Your scent, your heat, your touch, the friction, sensation - everything. He knows he wants everything but how about you? He sometimes thinks that he forced you into the relationship, going above and beyond to go with how he handles things. His fussy attitude when it comes to cleaning, being in crowds, and towards people in general. Whatever the train of thought was, he needs to know, He can’t bear seeing his future bland and monotonous because you were not there. You were his yellow, heck, you were his entire spectrum.
“Hey y/n, I know it's not a good time to ask this but, did I do something that makes you uncomfortable? I know I’m not good with words or being affectionate, doing all those sweet things that you see in movies but the last thing I want you to be is forcing yourself to be something that you are not.
“If there’s anything wrong that I did please tell me I…”.
“No! You did nothing wrong. You were perfect but maybe too perfect. I have this feeling that you weren't being yourself for quite some time. It's like you have this mask that you put on whenever you are with me. I know you are sensitive in nature - both to other people and towards yourself, which is why I fell in love with but aren't relationships supposed to be a two-way thing? I need to know what’s bothering you so please talk to me. I want you to feel safe with me. I want you to be your most comfortable as if both of us are the only ones that are living on this earth. I wish I could come and talk to you sooner about this but I got too caught up in the games. It's my fault. I’m sorry. I’ll try to be braver on confronting things like these. I’ll try to be more attentive to the small things”
Hearing this from Sakusa made your heart burst into so many emotions that were buried for so long. Happy, sad, hopeless, desperation, anger, guilt but most importantly, longing. You could only cry when he finished his last words. You were gasping for air, clawing yourself into Sakusa’s shoulders to grip on whatever you can. Wet streams trickled down Sakusa’s nape, dampening them. Sakusa was flustered as if it was the first time he ever saw you broke down. The first time? Oh God, how much has he been missing in this relationship...
“I’m sorry Omi. I was trying to be understanding. I tried to make this home at least a space where you can have at least some peace. I wanted to be with you more so badly but I know by asking it, you have to take time off or you might just think I'm annoying. And I hate it. Words cut more for me since it is the least effort to bring out but weighs the most. I don't think I can bear with it. So I avoided it. I avoid creating any chances that would lead us to fight. But then, it hit me when you started to slip away, distancing yourself subtly. Our dinner time became shorter, we didn't even cuddle anymore because your muscles were sore and I want them to heal fast so you can play your best. It seems like it backfired huh?”
Sakusa was taken aback due to a lot of things. How he finally was able to hear you say his pet name, the range of small things that you do, putting him as your topmost priority when you yourself are buried down, succumbing to earth more and more. How could he be so blind? It hurts him. It hurts him that you didn't even consider being comfortable with him. It destroys him that all of your actions were threaded with the thoughts of him when he did nothing, even worse, he forgot. Sakusa felt a sting poking through his heart, thin-like rods thrusting through it slowly. He felt a burning sensation that he was sure he didn’t like. If he felt this after hearing all of these, what about you? You’ve been carrying these for weeks, stretching out to months, yet you’re still here. How did he end up with someone as thoughtful and wonderful as you? He turned his body around, facing you. Your legs tangling together, bringing you inside his embrace, pushing your foreheads together. He lets out a breath after his thoughts finally reach a verdict.
“Hey bub, it’s okay. We’re here now. I’m sorry it took my dumbass this long to have this conversation. You don’t know how much you meant to me even though I barely show it. Please know that at least. I love you. I love you so much, too much that I cannot imagine waking up the next day without you. You were the reason I can handle Atsumu’s ass, thinking about if I can go through that part of the day, I can see you again. A little reward from me to myself. I asked for a few days off, shall we do a bit of catching up session?”
A tint of coral pink brushes lightly on top of your cheeks. Seeing Sakusa being all vulnerable and open, is a view that you wish no one will ever see besides you. You smiled and chuckled lightly.
Sakusa's heart swells. There it is. The smile that got him smitten all over. The small chuckle that you made was a symphony to his ears. It was as if at this moment he fell in love again. He found the you that he fell for but even deeper. He swore that day he would never make you feel like this.
You both get out, drying yourself together. Omi blow-dried your hair and you did his. He's pretty good at managing your hair because of his curls. You both did a random 14-step Korean skincare routine and cuddling around watching your favorite movie - Pride and Prejudice. Sakusa never understood why you liked this movie so much but today he finally does. When two lovers placed down their masks and finally faced each other, all became visible. The adoration in one's eyes, longing for the warmth of the other, to finally be together.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #22: Water Damage: Mirio Togata
You get home from a particularly icy commute. But Mirio’s got a surprise for you. 
Characters: Mirio Togata x f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!) aged up characters, winter weather, bubble baths, reverse cowgirl (sort of?) vaginal fingering, fluff
Notes: This is not proofread at all, sorry guys! I fell behind a little on my writing so I finished this exactly 30 seconds ago. Going to try and get ahead over the weekend so I can give you some edited stuff to finish up! 💖 Today’s prompt was “in the shower/tub,” and I cannot imagine anyone better suited to bathtub sex than Mirio. 
Kinktober Masterlist
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The city is a flurry of wind and damp snow and you’re stuck in the middle.
After standing shoulder-to-shoulder on the rush-hour train as it crawled through the blinding winter evening, you’re more than ready to be home. Of course, it’s a ten-minute walk from the train station to your apartment building- fifteen, since you’ve got to shuffle your way home with your nose tucked in against the wind.
By the time the elevator doors open on your floor, you’re frigid. There’s no jacket that could have prepared you for that wind. It was one of those unfortunate days, too, where the weather was mild all afternoon before taking a gloomy turn around rush hour. Your heart sank as you packed up your desk for the weekend at the mere thought of stepping out in the cold.
And the weather did not disappoint.
“Baby?” You call as you disrobe in the entryway, knocking the snow off your boots before toeing them off. It takes you a good two minutes to get all your layers peeled off, but for once, you’re still chilled by the time you get down to your clothes.
And Mirio still hasn’t shown up to greet you.
If he’s home when you get home- which he usually is- he comes around the corner before you can even get your boots off. But hos coat is still hanging by the door- and he’s nowhere to be found.
“Mirio?” You pad into the living room from the hallway. He’s not in the kitchen, either, but as you shift to look for him, you catch the barest hint of a delicate, soapy scent as it drifts from the bathroom.
“In here, princess,” he calls. Suddenly, you clue in.
Your apartment is neither extravagantly luxurious nor spacious, but the bathtub was something that Mirio didn’t budge on. He’d insisted, when you looked for a place together, that you had a tub. You promised him you’d be fine with just a shower, but… he knew you liked to soak away your particularly long days.
You’d convinced him to enjoy a bath bomb or two, in the months since you’d moved here. It’s been pretty cute, teaching him how to relax.
“Hi, baby.”
When you poke your head into the bright bathroom, Mirio’s already facing you. He’s crouching next to the bathtub with a near-sheepish grin on his face. You might think that bath prepared behind him was for himself, if he wasn’t still fully clothed.
The tub is filled to the brim with water and bubbles, lightly scented by the bubble bath you bought ages ago- but haven’t used yet. As the water sways gently you can see that it’s been tinted a pale bluish colour- so he used a bath bomb, too.
Mirio really knows how to spoil you sometimes.
“Hey,” he greets, getting to his feet. He’s got a scented candle in his hand, and he lights it quickly before setting it down on the vanity and opening his arms to you.
“C’mere.” He pulls you close, gasping a little as your cold palms plant themselves on his arms. “Man, you’re freezing. Is it still snowing out there?”
“Yeah,” you groan. He’s so warm that it aches to hug him, and you slide your hands under the back of his shirt, making him tense and gasp. But he lets you warm your hands against him, kissing the top of your hear and then resting his chin there.
“I figured you’d be chilly, walkin’ home in that,” he mumbles against you. You lift your chin, eyes wide.
“Is that for me?”
“Of course,” Mirio laughs, stroking a hand over your hair. “You can feel for yourself, I’m plenty warm enough already.”
You kiss his warm cheek and pull back to look at him. You can feel the smile pulling at your cheeks.
“Thank you.”
Pulling your hands from his back, you wrap one fist in the front of his shirt and tug him down for a short kiss. He leans into it eagerly, smoothing a palm in and out of the small of your back.
“Alright,” he chides. “Get in, before the water cools down. I’m gonna go fix us some dinner, alright?”
“Wait.” You grab his hand, nibbling on your lower lip. “Stay.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but you keep going.
“Stay with me,” you prompt, “and we’ll cook together afterward. Please? This is why you wanted the big bathtub, isn’t it?”
“You’re shameless, princess,” Mirio croons playfully. He kisses you again. “Absolutely shameless.”
You don’t waste time stripping down, peeling your snow-soaked clothes away from your freezing skin. Once everything has been discarded in a damp heap, Mirio climbs in first. He’s already half-excited at the sight of you bare, his slowly stiffening cock bobbing between his legs as he lowers himself into the warm, soapy water.
You resist the temptation to lick your lips and lower yourself in after him, settling in between his thighs and laying back against his chest. As soon as you sink into the water you’re letting out a little groan of sensation as the heat penetrates your chilled muscles.
“God,” he sighs, slipping an arm around you. “Y’can’t just make noises like that, Princess.”
He kisses your temple, feigning chastity, but you can feel his excitement, hard and twitching against the base of your spine.
“It feels kind of nice,” you purr, sliding your hands up and down his powerful thighs. “You’re all slippery like this.”
“So’re you,” he hums. His hands are starting to wander- he slips calloused fingertips over your chest, up the column of your sternum and over the swell of one breast.
“Baby,” you croon, and let your head fall back against his chest. Your body opens up to him and you can hear the way he grins above you.
You’re miles away from the icy chill outside. Red flutters behind your closed eyelids. You smile big. Real big.
“Hmm, touch me.”
Mirio doesn’t need to be told twice.
He slips two fingers between your legs, stroking deftly up and down your warming slit. His palm is weightless in the water and you let out a slow breath, arching your hips lazily against his touch.
He ruts his hips gently against your back with a bare little grunt, then slips his finger into your tight depths. Your toes curl carefully against the porcelain beneath you, but you want more.
“Wow,” he growls. His voice buzzes in your skull as he pumps one finger slowly in and out of you. His other arm is wrapped securely around your breasts, squishing them gently. He nuzzles the side of your neck, making you shiver and slip against his chest.
“You’re so tight for me already, Princess.” His dick twitches hard behind you and you know what he wants, but he’s going to wait until you ask for it. He’s always been the patient one.
“Fuck,” you sigh.
“Yeah?” He pants. “You like that? You feelin’ good, baby?”
He slips another finger against your entrance, but you grab his wrist and squeeze hard. He stalls.
“W-what…” He stammers.
“I need your cock,” you mumble. You don’t need to turn around to know that his ears are turning red. He always gets a little flustered when you say something dirty. Before he’s ready for it, at least.
“In… in here? A-are you…” He looks over the edge of the tub. It’s already pretty full, with both of you in it.
“Don’t care,” you mumble, drawing your hips up and reaching between your legs. You wrap your hand around his thick shaft and squeeze. He grunts hard.
“Clean up after,” you sigh, stroking him up and down as you tease your pussy against his sensitive tip. He squirms underneath you and lets out an overstimulated little chuckle, grabbing for your hips.
“Alright,” he groans. “Whatever you want.”
He leans in to kiss your shoulder as you sink down on him. You’re barely prepared and it’s a stretch, but you don’t care. The water sloshes tantalizingly over your bodies as you seat yourself against him, and just like that he’s bottomed out inside you.
“Oh man.” He runs his hand over the slick curve of your ass. “This feels so much better than I thought it would. You’re so warm, princess.”
You grip the edges of the tub. He locks one arm around your waist and holds, tightly. You begin to move, rolling your hips smoothly over his lap and letting his thick length pump in and out of you.
Neither of you are going to last long, but it’s probably for the best. You’ve barely started to move, and already the water is beginning to slop and slosh over the side of the tub. You don’t hold back, starting to bounce with the current of the water and ride him in earnest.
Beneath you, his body spasms.
“God,” he gasps. “Baby, I-I’m not gonna… shit, honey, you gotta…”
One of his hands scrambles over your thigh, finding its apex and searching for your clit. He finds it and circles it deftly, jerking his hips against your downward thrusts and forcing you furiously toward your climax.
It spirals spectacularly out of you as you cry sharply into the humidity of the bathroom. Your fingers tighten hard against the edges of the tub and you slam your hips down hard, holding them there while your pussy clenches around him.
He follows closely behind you, forcing tight spurts of cum into your belly and letting you milk him dry.
When it’s over for both of you, you sit for a moment, basking in the heady glow of your pleasure and catching your breath. His chest is damp, but solid and broad behind you, and he traces his fingers idly over your side as he goes soft inside you.
“Well,” he murmurs, stirring quietly beneath you. He reaches for a bar of soap and lathers it between his hands, starting to gently glide the suds across your chest and stomach. “You’re definitely not cold anymore.”
You can’t help the giggles that bubble forward. Carefully, you ease off him and turn slowly to face him. Kneeling between his thighs, you lean forward and kiss both of his cheeks. His forehead. His laughing mouth.
“Thank you,” you murmur against his lips. He reaches up to catch your chin and brushes his nose against yours. Dips his chin and flutters his eyelashes against your cheek.
“You’re welcome, princess,” he hums. He leans back against the edge of the tub and shoots you his best rendition of a lazy smile.
“I’m gonna have to help you clean up now, aren’t I?”
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tobesensation-9 · 4 years
‘The First Time’ Pt. 2 (Rowoon x Reader)
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Genre: Romance. Smut. Cute Smut with this guy right here ☝🏽. (WARNING: First time unprotected sex in this story. Again I encourage safe sex practices unless you are comfortable with your partner like in this story.) 
‘The First Time pt. 1’
Synopsis: You and Seokwoo finally decide to share your first time together one a couples trip. 
The two of you walk into the room and immediately make yourself comfortable. One you’re done taking off your jacket and boots you plop yourself down on the couch, sprawling your limbs across the couch. “Jagi.”
You look up at Seokwoo, whose standing over you on the couch, looking at you expectedly. “Yeah?” You could tell he wanted to ask or say something.
“Let’s go bathe. I set up a little surprise for you in the larger bathroom,” he smirks and then walks away toward the door and puts his hands on the doorknob. Thinking about it now, this was the bathroom he had changed in. You get up and get behind him, he looks back at you before he opens the door. “There still a lot I have to finish but..”
You see a layout of candles along with some lavender scented soaps and a bath bomb on the counter where the sink is. When you walk closer to the large tub, you see lavender, jasmine, and roses at the bottom of the tub.
“W-what’s this?” You look back at Seokwoo whose smiling to himself seeing your reaction.
“Since this was our first couples trip, I really wanted to go all out. And I know you love lavender and jasmine so...” he scratches the back of his head again looking at you.
“So all we have to do is run the bath water right?”
You move toward the faucet, putting your hand on the handle. “Yeah exactly.” You start to run the water and look back at Seokwoo who motions for you to keep going as he swiftly walks out the room to grab something.
As the tub fills up you smile to yourself, as you move your hand through the water and flowers. The sight was pretty to looks at, you also wonder why he added roses. You can hear him say, “Roses were a added touch for romance.” You giggle good yourself. You also think of the bath bomb by all the other products in the counter. You grab it and add it to the tub, the center fuzzing up and gradually turning into a peach color.
Seokwoo still hadn’t came back into the bathroom, so you take this as an opportunity to undress and step into the tub. With him coming in to see you in the tub, you know he’d be flustered. Which is something that your absolutely love. Right when you settle into the tub he’s back in the bathroom and is setting up his speaker. Once it’s connected to his phone and he plays you and his favorite playlist he turns around to see you in the tub looking at him. “Oh. You didn’t want to wait for me?”
“The flowers were so pretty I couldn’t resist any longer.”
“You forgot the bubbles too.”
He grabs the lavender body soap, scrub, and bubbles from the counter and brings it to the tub. He then proceeds to undress, looking at you with sultry eyes as he slowly unbuttons his shirt. You can't help yourself, as you giggle at your boyfriend. Although he was trying to look sexy, and was doing an incredible job, you couldn’t fight the giggles that erupted within you. “What’s taking you so long? C’mon and get in already.” 
Once he’s finally undressed he steps into the tub across from you, trying to stretch his long limbs. Luckily, the two of you looked for a place that had a spacious tub, where he didn't have to endure being uncomfortable. The two of you play a little in the tub, flicking flowers, bubbles and water at each other. All the fun results in wetting the floor a little which promotes you to stop. “We don't want to slip when we get out,” he says, while pulling you over to him. “Whaaaatttt,” you playfully whine as he giggles and continues to pull you over to him. “Nothing.” He says he adjusts you to sit on his lap while the tub jets are going in the tub.
“I know the trip isn’t for long, but I want us to stay like this for a little while longer. Being away from everything. Work. Friends. Parents,” you say to him. You turn to look up at him, and your meet with his eyes already on you. His eyes are looking right into yours, eyebrows slightly raised, leaning to you. “Yeah. Escaping I think was well needed. Especially from work,” he says with a chuckle. “Yeah, I was starting to work on a new project and it was getting stressful. I know it was for you too.”
“Yeah it was. But its about us, lets not bring any stress into our couples trip,” he says. The two of you relax in the tub together just enjoying the soothing feeling of the tub and each other. You suddenly shift to one side because you wanted to adjust how you were sitting on his lap. After that you hear a “hmph,” and he reaches to grab your waist. “What? What is it?” “I just um.. The way you moved just now..” 
When he mentions that you automatically feel his penis starting to harden. “Ohhhh. That’s what you meant, haha sorry,” you say sheepishly. “Now its okay.” You lift off of his member now sitting beside him. “It’ll go away eventually.” 
You look at him questioningly, “If it doesn’t....it’s fine.”
He looks at you wide-eyed right immediately after your comment. “I-I just thought I was ruining the moment.”
You move closer to him, putting both your hands on his thighs. “No. Actually I think it just made things better.” He knew what you were referencing after you look down at his member again and looked at his face. The two of you look in each other’s eyes for what seems like an eternity before he moves toward you and starts to kiss you. At first it was gentle, sweet. But the more you kissed, the more hungry you could tell he was. So much so you didn’t realize the two of you splashing more water on the time floor as you moved. You climb on his lap as the two of you made out. His lips had never tasted as good as they did in that moment, aside from the fact that you could taste the lingering flavor of blueberry on his lips and tongue. While you were kissing a thought popped into your head, so you pull yourself back.
He looks at you confused and dazed, “What?”
“I finally want to do it. I want us to have sex.” He looks at you his expression blank, then he bursts out in a nervous laugh his ears start to turn red as he looks down. “Do you not want to?”
“Oh no. I do. You could ask me a million times and my answer would still be yes.”
“Okay. But lets do it in our bed.”
Once you’ve washed and lathered yourselves in lavender oils and lotions, Seokwoo picks you up, flinging you over his shoulder. You start to feel embarrassed because the robe you have on can barely cover your butt. But he’ll be seeing more as soon as you enter the bedroom.
He puts you down on the bed, and you start to make out again. You try to take as much of him as you can, pulling him closer with your arms around his neck and wrapping your legs around his torso. You can feel his member hardening more and more. You start to pull on his robe and he takes off yours, and finishes removing his himself. “Are you ready?” You look at him and instantly say “Yes.” It’s been a moment the two of you had anticipated for so long. The two of you could never loose yourselves to someone else before. But now both of you had found people who you were finally willing to do it with. Once he entered inside with nothing separating the two of you, both of you become weak with passion an pleasure. Your heads were connected the entire time, as you moaned and breathed heavy together. Before you knew it the two of you were unraveling, about to hit the height of your pleasures. “Y/n, I love you.” This was something you wouldn’t have thought he’d say during sex, during your first time. But because it was your first time, it made it more magical. “I love you too.”
The bomb ticking inside both of you had finally burst and the two of you became weak. He laid on top of you, head in your neck, eyes closed gasping to catch his breath. You lay there staring at the ceiling with your cheeks hotter than fire. You said you’d re-evaluate what you did later, but right now, we gonna enjoy his warmth and the moment you shared together.
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farmhandler · 4 years
Rating: T
Pairing: Kolivan/Keith
Warnings: Some alien biology, that’s about it
CH: 1/1
A/N: fic/art trade with the wonderful @kolikeith. They requested anything koliveith where another member realizes they are together, which I am only happy to provide!
Regris hates mornings.
It is anunspoken gripe that he has held for what feels like decaphoebs. The Blade of Marmora are early risers by necessity no matter the cycle nor the system. Their latest missions have lead them into systems that have a cycle much shorter than Regris is used to, and as a result they have been sleeping less often and waking more. The sporadic few vargas of sleep they all have managed has been wearing on his team.
Duty first, Kolivan would tell him. Ah, what he would do to sleep in.
“Quiznak,” he swears, vaulting out of bed in one fluid movement. He thwaps his tail against his bedframe in irritation as he makes quick work of his bed and then heads into their communal bathroom space. The other blades are already up and about as he makes his way to the bathroom to wipe his body clean of the moisture it produced overnight. He feels naked without his suit, but it would not make sense to dirty his clothing first thing in the morning.
“Regris,” Antok says as he passes. He is a blade of few words, but some of them he reserves for Regris. They have a strange sort of companionship not found within many of the blade ranks stationed here.
“Did Kolivan mention anything about the data we’ve been decoding?” Regris asks him, getting straight to the point. Antok eats early, and so does Kolivan, and usually Keith if he isn’t trying to get killed on some suicide mission.
Antok shrugs his shoulders. Regris’ tail swings behind him.
“You’re useless,” he says without meaning it, leaving Antok to finish his morning routine and wash his body clean.
To his surprise, he sees Keith leaning against the wall out in front of the communal space, wearing what he can only assume is the human equivalent to sleepwear. Humans have an affinity for dressing in loose clothing at night.
Regris is about to offer him a greeting when Kolivan comes out of the bathroom’s entrance, tugging at the wrists of his suit like he has just finished putting it on. He moves out of the doorway and looms over Keith, saying something quietly to him that has Keith smiling.
Regris stops moving. His tail thrashes behind him. Kolivan does not bathe often, and he is always early. Regris can count on one claw how many times they have met like this. He doesn’t particularly want to awkwardly shuffle past the pair, but the wet state of his skin is bothering him now more than ever.
Someone catches Kolivan’s attention. He steps away from Keith hastily to address them, and Keith looks around like he is surprised to find that they are in public.
When he catches sight of Regris, his face starts to turn pink. Regris cocks his head.
“Keith,” he says on approach. “Have you had a chance to check on the decoding algorithm that we’ve been running? Kolivan wouldn’t let me spend the night with it.”
“Because he knew you’d never leave,” Keith points out. Regris doesn’t point that if he stays up, he doesn’t have to war his way through every morning. He is looking forward to the day they can eradicate sleep entirely. “And no, I haven’t. Everyone on team echo is busy preparing for Kral Zera.”
Kral Zera. The ceremony meant to repair the broken empire. The ceremony that the blades are going to sabotage with a dozen bombs and take out the highest in their ranks.
“I’ll check on it later,” Regris says, and then he awkwardly shuffles past Keith and Kolivan to get to the bathroom.
Regris’ concern is always his code. Data. Interpersonal relationships are the furthest thing from his mind when he’s focused on a mission, but even Kral Zera has him rattled.
It is in the middle of the cycle, while a huge batch of data is being processed that he decides to take a rare break and head towards the cafeteria for some food. His stomach helpfully reminds him he skipped breakfast by growling loudly.
He is nearing the cafeteria when he catches the scent of Keith wafting from the other end of the hall. He picks up his pace, eager to find Keith and enumerate over the details of the Kral Zera mission.
When he turns the corner, he is once again surprised by the presence of Kolivan. Lately, the two of them have been appearing together more often than not, their scents intermingling in a way that Regris does not like. Or at the very least, he isn’t certain how to take. It is true that Keith is a valued member of the blades, but his days of being a vratling following its mother are over.
He watches them speak indistinctly, noting the downturn of Keith’s mouth to mean that the conversation is not going well. He lifts his arms in a gesture of expression his frustration, then points in a random direction. His voice echoes a little louder, but Regris still can’t make it out.
“I have been looking for you, Keith,” Regris says upon approach. Both of them turn to stare at him, and he inexplicably feels as though he is intruding. He salutes Kolivan. “I had some questions about the mission for Kral Zera.”
“You are not the only one,” Kolivan tells him. “I had intended to summon the entire team, but since you’re already here, I’ll speak freely.”
“Of course.” Regris inclines his head.
“I was just discussing with Keith how the mission is critical, and that we cannot let our emotions get the better of us.”
Keith scowls openly as Kolivan remains tense beside him. He is standing much closer than the spacious hallway would warrant, but Regris is not one to question.
“Of course,” Regris repeats, looking between them uncertainly. “The mission first.”
“At least you remember it,” Kolivan says, sounding quite unlike himself for a moment. He’s looking at Keith.
“We’re going to be fine,” Keith insists calmly. For all of Kolivan’s talk of holding back one’s emotions, he seems….distraught.
“My simulations have confirmed this is the best course of action,” Regris adds. Kolivan’s expression does not change, his scent sharp with unease. “They will be distracted by the goings-on above, and the entire sector will be guarded by a ghost staff.”
“For once we will benefit from the Galra Empire’s brutality,” Kolivan says, sounding resigned. “I know you will both perform…admirably.”
“Like we always do. We’ll get it done.” Keith turns to Kolivan. “This is going to work.”
“I am not concerned with the mission’s success,” Kolivan states, staring down at Keith. His fingers brush against Keith’s side, and Regris wants to point out there is plenty of space to his right.
“I’ll be returning to my data sets,” Regris says.
“Let me know what you find,” Kolivan tells him, his eyes flicking briefly in his directly before he returns to Keith.
Regris doesn’t see Keith alone until a few days later, right before the mission is meant to start.
The first thing he notes is the smell.
Not his smell, but the scent coating his person. It is obviously Kolivan’s. They have been spending much more time together as of late prepping for the mission, so it is not entirely surprising. They eat lunch together often as well, and Keith can be found in Kolivan’s office on any quintant.
“Ready?” Regris asks. Keith nods, and then Regris can’t help but add, “Kolivan appears worried this time around. My simulations and datasets didn’t calm him like they usually do.”
“Yeah,” Keith replies slowly, pulling his hood over his head. “He’s…distracted, I think. Talk about an emotional wreck,” he mumbles under his breath, in a tone that Regris assumes Keith thinks he cannot hear.
“We’ll be fine,” he adds. “It’s a big mission, but isn’t it always? We’ve been through worse.”
Even though it doesn’t sound like Keith is talking to him, Regris nods.
“And another thing—”
Kolivan’s voice suddenly sounds from beside them. Neither of them flinch at the sharp tone of his voice, too used to surprises as a spy unit, but Keith’s eyes instantly light up.
“Kolivan!” he says, stepping forward. He pulls his hood down. “Aren’t you supposed to be briefing team alpha?”
“Yes, I was. I just finished. As if I could leave without my echo,” he says fondly. Regris’ tail flicks behind him. His scent wafts over; he smells like Keith smells like him.
Ah, he thinks as he watches Kolivan take Keith’s braided hair in hand, making some excuse that he has done it incorrectly. Recently, Keith had decided to grow a braid. Regris is a Galra half-breed, and since he does not grow hair, its significance often escapes him.
He watches Kolivan stroke his fingers down the length in an intimate gesture and thinks, ah.
“Ah,” he says out loud.
Kolivan jerks like he just realizes Regris is there. He was near the doorway, shadowed partially, so it is possible. Apparently, many things are possible.
And now Kolivan is staring at him like he wants to murder him. As if he were to blame for his flagrant display of affection. Regris swallows, then gestures to his pad. “I was just reviewing the data with Keith.”
“The data. Yes.” He clears his throat. “Very well. I would like to hear about it. Please continue.”
Keith’s face is pink again. As the pieces are still slowly coming together, Regris remembers vaguely that it is an indicator for embarrassment, or perhaps happiness?
“If you look at this diagram, it should be easy for our spies to hide here, and then with our blades they can slice through the metal wall after arriving here…”
All the while he speaks, Kolivan stands closer to Keith than is socially acceptable among the hierarchy. Then, when Regris moves to scribble at his pad and correct a mistake, out of the corner of his eye he sees Kolivan lean down, and Keith lean up.
“I have corrected the mistake,” he announces loudly. When he lifts his head, they are both looking at him innocently. He says nothing to the pair—they will hear enough later once this gets out, but his tail swings gently back and forth, and for once he hopes that there will be a peaceful end to this adventure soon.
Mostly, so he can sleep in one morning. For once.
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antiadvil · 5 years
Roses are Red
summary: Dan wants to buy his best friend Phil an anonymous rose, and also maybe confess his feelings. The problem? Phil is the one selling the anonymous roses.
Luckily, PJ has a plan.
rating: PG13
word count: 3.7k
a/n: this is for @flymetomanchester as part of a valentine’s day fic exhange! additional thanks to @itsmyusualphannie and @sudden-sky for betaing and hyping me up throughout the writing process.
read more or on ao3
Buying his crush a rose for Valentine’s Day really shouldn’t have been so hard. Dan didn’t even need to put his name on it, for God’s sake. The roses sold by his high school’s student council were distributed anonymously. He just had to pay for it, put Phil’s name on it, and write him a note.
The only problem was that Phil was not only the student council president, he was also Dan’s best friend. So Dan was left awkwardly standing near the table, hoping Phil would leave for a few minutes so he could buy Phil a rose from the student council vice president, who was sitting next to Phil, instead.
“Do you want to buy a rose?” Phil asked.
“What?” Dan snorted. “Why would I want to buy a rose?”
Phil shrugged. “Just wondering. You’re kind of hovering.”
Dan snorted again. “I am not.”
The bored-looking girl sitting next to Phil handed Dan a tissue.
“I was, uh, just wondering if you needed any help.”
“We’re good,” Phil said. “Kate and I have got everything covered.”
Dan shrugged. “Just thought I’d ask.”
“Thanks,” Phil said. “I really appreciate it. But I think you’re scaring away the customers. See you in English?”
Dan nodded, giving up and slipping back to the lunchroom.
“Did it work?” his friend PJ asked when Dan joined him at their lunch table.
“No,” Dan said, scowling. “He wouldn’t leave the table.”
PJ took a long drink from his water bottle, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Damn,” he said. “That sucks.”
Dan nodded glumly. “He’s never going to leave the table.”
PJ shrugged. “I mean, it’s just a rose. You can get roses just about anywhere.”
Dan glared. “But can I get special, anonymously sent roses with an attached note just about anywhere?”
PJ rolled his eyes.
Dan sat back. “That’s what I thought.”
“You’re being dramatic.”
Dan had been cast as the lead in their school play three years running. “Me? Dramatic?”
PJ rolled his eyes again. “If you’re so attached to these roses, you’re going to need a better plan.”
“What, do you have one?” Dan asked.
“As a matter of fact, I do.”
“Okay,” Dan said. “I’m listening.”
PJ smirked. “Meet me outside the cafeteria tomorrow.”
“To do what?” Dan asked.
“You’ll see,” PJ said mysteriously.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” Dan said. “I’m going to kill you.”
“You’ve been saying that for the past ten years and it hasn’t happened yet.”
“It will,” Dan promised. “Just wait.”
“Sure,” PJ snickered. The bell rang. “See you after school, nerd.”
“Not if I kill you first, dork,” Dan responded.
Dan’s next class was English. He slid into his seat next to Phil. “How are sales going?” he asked.
“Pretty good,” Phil said. “We’ve made a ton of money so far. Decorations for turnabout might not be that bad.”
“Decorations for turnabout are always bad.” The rose sale was the only source of funding for their spring dance other than ticket sales. Student Council did their best, but Dan and Phil’s high school was not known for its beautiful and well-run school dances.
Phil shrugged. “Well, hopefully they’ll be less bad.”
Dan gave up. He knew this dance was important to Phil, and supporting his friend was more important to him than making fun of their school. “Of course they will be,” he said. “You’re doing them.”
Phil smiled. “Thanks, Dan.”
Right on cue, their English teacher entered the room, disturbingly cheery for someone teaching Hamlet to a bunch of second semester high school seniors.
“How was last night’s reading?” he chirped.
The classroom was dead silent. Dan highly doubted anyone in the entire room had read more than the sparknotes, if that.
“What did you think of Hamlet’s treatment of Ophelia?” More silence. “Come on, guys, don’t make me start picking volunteers.”
Someone sitting in the front hesitantly raised their hand.
“Yes! Jamie?” their teacher asked.
“I didn’t like it,” they said.
Their teacher sighed. Dan took that as his cue to zone out. He zoned out in the rest of his classes as well before finally stumbling out of school to meet PJ by his car.
“You’re late,” PJ said.
Dan rolled his eyes. “You’re late.”
“Whatever. Get in the back.” Since Phil had gotten there first, he got the passenger’s seat, and since PJ was driving, that left Dan to sit in the back. Normally, he would be annoyed, but today he didn’t mind being a little more alone with his thoughts than usual. He leaned back and stared out the window, letting Phil and PJ do most of the talking.
“Do we really have to go to Hot Topic today?” PJ asked, interrupting Dan’s thoughts. “You never even buy anything, and if someone sees me there in the year of our lord two thousand and twenty, I’ll lose all my street cred.”
“What street cred?” Dan asked. “And if Phil is dragging us to Lush - ”
“Phil buys things at Lush!” PJ protested.
“I’m just saying, your street cred - ”
“Dan’s right,” Phil said. “You don’t have any street cred.”
Dan smirked. “And neither of us complain about Barnes and Noble, so shut up.”
“Yeah you do,” PJ mumbled under his breath.
Phil shook his head. “We love Barnes and Noble,” he said, with sincerity so sweet Dan nearly believed him.
PJ rolled his eyes. “You two are so lucky I still drive you places.”
Dan let the conversation fade out again. Phil and PJ bickered some more, Dan’s stomach twisted itself into knots, and in just a few more minutes, PJ pulled into the mall parking lot.
“Last one out is gay,” PJ announced, hopping out of the car. Phil, who had been out since middle school, rolled his eyes.
Dan, who had been out for a significantly smaller amount of time, also rolled his eyes and climbed out of the car. “Shut up, token het,” he said. “Let’s get this over with.”
Dan and Phil behaved in Barnes and Noble for approximately five seconds before their shenanigans began. They followed PJ dutifully through the stacks before Phil beckoned Dan the other way and held up a book.
“How does this shit get published?” Phil said, giggling at the summary on the back.
PJ glanced back at Phil, annoyed. Phil ignored him, plucking another book from the shelf.
This was their usual Barnes and Noble routine: Phil dramatically read the backs of romance novels to Dan, Dan and Phil fell over giggling at the overly dramatic, flowery language, and PJ pretended not to know who they were.
“You guys are so embarrassing,” PJ said.
“Don’t tell me you’re capable of taking this seriously,” Dan said, while Phil leafed through another novel, looking for the cringiest romantic dialogue he could make Dan act out with him.
PJ just rolled his eyes in response and drifted away. Dan felt slightly bad for a moment - he and Phil had been a unit since grade school, and it usually wasn’t very fun to hang out with them with no one else around. PJ had put up with the third wheeling for a lot longer than most.
His guilt quickly dissipated when Phil thrust his latest find out at him. “You be the girl,” he said.
Dan raised his eyebrows. “That’s what he sa - ”
“Shut up,” Phil whined, but he was also giggling. “You know what I meant.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “Fine, but only because my falsetto is incredible.”
“That’s the spirit,” Phil said, but before they could start reading, PJ appeared from around the corner.
“I got the book I needed,” he announced.
Phil let the romance novel in his hand drop limply to his side.
“I’m ready to go,” Dan said. “Unless you needed anything?” he asked Phil.
Phil shook his head, putting the book back on the shelf. “I’m ready.”
“Race you to Hot Topic,” Dan said.
“We’re not going to Hot Topic until after we finish at Lush,” Phil insisted.
PJ rolled his eyes. “You have until I get to the cash register to sort this out. Just, like, fight to the death or something over it.”
Dan and Phil lingered behind to play rock, paper, scissors. Phil won. Dan sulked.
He really didn’t mind going to Lush as much as he pretended to. The soaps all smelled really nice, and the free samples were definitely a bonus. If it wasn’t for the heavy weight of societal judgement he could feel hanging over his head whenever he walked into his house, he would probably buy a bath bomb or two for himself.
He couldn’t help but watch a bit enviously as Phil and PJ picked out products to buy. Their parents didn’t think boys had to constantly act a certain way, had to only use certain products. Dan’s parents were reluctantly accepting of his sexuality, but they still had expectations for him. Expectations he’d never meet.
Dan contented himself with looking at and smelling everything Phil handed him. God, everything here smelled amazing.
After Phil and PJ were done buying their things, the group lingered in the entrance before moving on to the next store.
Phil poured a generous helping of his new rose-scented lotion into his hands, gesturing for Dan’s hand and wiping off the excess.
Dan ran his extremely dry hands together, rubbing the lotion in. “Smells nice,” he said.
Phil smiled. “And now maybe your hands will stop bleeding all the time.”
Dan looked at the cracked skin on the back of his hands. “Sure,” he said.
Phil sighed. “It’s actually concerning how dry your skin is.”
Dan was slightly touched by Phil’s concern, but he’d never admit it. “Are you my mom or something?”
Phil rolled his eyes. “Shut up.”
“You shut up.”
“Both of you shut up,” PJ said. “And hurry up, I have a paper due tomorrow.”
Knowing PJ, his paper was probably completely finished and just waiting for him to make one last glance over it for typos before submitting it several hours before the deadline and going to bed at precisely ten o’clock.
Sometimes Dan resented the guy, but honestly, under his harsh exterior, he was too sweet and helpful to hate. Dan couldn’t even count the number of times he’d called PJ late at night, panicking about an assignment he’d forgotten about, only to have PJ calm him down and walk him through the entire process, no matter how tired he would be the next day. Dan hoped that someday PJ wouldn’t feel the need to hide behind his sharp remarks. That he’d feel okay sharing the softer side of him.
For now, he let PJ pretend to be mad that he and Phil were taking too long and rush them along to Hot Topic.
It was true that Dan never bought anything at Hot Topic, but he loved going there anyway. Something about the atmosphere reminded him of his full on emo years. Not that that was a good time to be reminded of, per se, but it was definitely a simpler time.
Also, My Chemical Romance would always be good, no matter what year it was, and Dan was not about to apologize for that.
Phil and PJ definitely didn’t understand his obsession, but they were trying, even if they mocked him endlessly for it. PJ stifled his yawns, and Phil stared determinedly past the glaze in his eyes as Dan tried an endless number of outfits on.
“I like that one,” Phil announced for the seventeenth time, when Dan came out of the dressing room in a band T-shirt and jeans that were much more tight than anything his parents would ever let him wear.
Dan wasn’t sure whether or not Phil’s eyes were trailing up and down Dan’s body more than usual, but it made him feel warm and heavy and slightly self-conscious.
PJ nodded in determined agreement. “You should get it.”
“Maybe,” Dan said, the same way he did every time. This time he almost meant it. He hesitated. “My parents would never let me wear them.”
“My dude,” PJ said. “You are eighteen. What are they going to do?”
Phil shot him a look, but Dan just threw a T-shirt at PJ’s head. “Yell at me?”
“Fine,” PJ said, untangling the shirt from his head. “Don’t get it. I don’t care.”
“Get it,” Phil said.
Dan hesitated. His parents wouldn’t like the jeans, but the shirt they might not mind that much, and if they did, he could just wear it under a sweatshirt until he left the house.
“Fine,” he said. “I’ll get the shirt.”
“Thank god,” PJ said. “Does that mean we can leave? I want to leave.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “We can leave.”
PJ pumped his fist.
Phil offered Dan the passenger’s seat on their way home, but he declined. He still had things to think about. The T-shirt he had tucked inside the shopping bag under his arm and how he would get it to his room without his parents noticing. The rose he hadn’t put Phil’s name on yet. Whether or not PJ really had a plan, or if he was just bullshitting. How tired Dan was, all the damn time.
He let his head fall back. Dan hadn’t fallen asleep in the car in years, but he let the quiet murmur of PJ and Phil in the front seats and the soft noises of the car’s engine and tires lull him to sleep.
He woke up to Phil shaking his shoulder. “I’m not strong enough to carry you to your room,” he said.
Dan blinked. “Yeah,” he said groggily, looking for his shopping bag.
“Here,” Phil said, handing it to him. “Don’t forget your backpack.”
Dan grabbed it. “Thanks,” he said. He was out of the car before he remembered PJ’s plan. He turned back, but PJ was already putting his car in reverse.
“See you tomorrow at lunch,” PJ called.
“Wait!” Dan ran after the car, leaning towards the driver’s window.
PJ rolled his window down. “Yes?”
“You’re still not going to tell me your plan?” Dan whispered to PJ.
“Nope.” PJ smirked.
“I don’t want to leave this to chance,” Dan whispered.
“Don’t worry about it,” PJ said. “I’ve got it all under control.”
“I’m worried about it.”
“Well, don’t.” PJ rolled the window back up and drove away.
Dan worried. He worried as he went home and did his homework, he worried as he went to bed, he had dreams about worrying, and when he woke up for school the next morning, he worried all through breakfast and his ride. He worried until just before lunch time, when he saw PJ waiting for him in the hallway where Phil and Kate were selling flowers.
PJ noticed Dan and waved. “Hey, Dan!” he said, way too loudly, walking over to Dan with alarming speed.
“Hey, PJ,” Dan said, moving towards PJ.
Before they could get too close, PJ tripped and fell. Hard.
A gasp rippled through the crowd. Phil immediately leapt to his feet and pushed through the crowd to reach PJ. “Are you okay?” he asked.
PJ lifted his head up. “I don’t know. My leg feels funny. I think I need to go to the nurse.”
Dan smiled and slipped through the crowd to the table where Kate was still sitting, looking anxiously at PJ.
“Can I get a rose for Phil?” Dan asked.
Kate gasped. “That’s why you’ve been hanging out near the table so much!”
“Yes,” Dan said, glancing over his shoulder. “Can you hurry up?”
“That’s so cute,” Kate said, slipping Dan the piece of paper to write his message down on. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him.”
“Thanks,” Dan said, scribbling a message onto the paper. Keep being amazing. He handed the paper to Kate and quickly went to find PJ.
He spotted them headed down the hallway towards the nurse’s office, and ran to catch up, ignoring that one teacher who always glared at him for running in the halls.
“PJ, are you okay?” Dan asked.
“I don’t know,” he said.
Dan sighed. “I’ll take him to the nurse, Phil. You don’t need to worry about it.”
Phil hesitated, glancing back at Kate and the table. “Fine,” he said. “See you later?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Dan said absently. “Come on, PJ.”
PJ hobbled along. Once Phil was far enough behind them, Dan turned around to talk to PJ. “You know, you don’t need to pretend to be hurt anymore.”
“Not pretending,” PJ admitted.
Dan groaned. “Are you serious?”
“Yes,” PJ said, limping furiously. “Don’t tell me I’m a dumbass, I already know.”
“You’re a dumbass, but you’re my dumbass.”
“Save the pickup lines for Phil. Don’t make my sacrifice in vain.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “Your sacrifice?”
“They might have to amputate.”
“They won’t have to amputate.”
“You don’t know that.” PJ pouted.
The school nurse ultimately decided not to amputate, to PJ’s shock and concern. She handed him an ice pack and sent him on his way.
PJ complained the whole way back to the cafeteria, but Dan’s mind couldn’t be further away. He couldn’t wait until the flowers were delivered and he got to see the expression on Phil’s face.
The day after Valentine’s Day, Dan got a rose delivered to him in his third period class. He hadn’t expected to get anything, but it was a pleasant surprise all the same. He looked to see if there was a note attached, but couldn’t find anything. He searched the wrapping it came in, but when he couldn’t find anything, he just put it in the side pocket of his backpack.
Phil also arrived at lunch clutching a red rose.
“It’s pretty,” Dan said, smiling.
“Yeah,” Phil said, staring at it.
The expression on Phil’s face was even better than Dan had expected: the most perfect mixture of confusion, happiness, and wonder.
“Who’d you get it from?” Dan asked.
“I don’t know,” Phil said, placing it carefully next to his lunch tray. PJ had gone to eat with a different group of friends that day, citing “gross flirting and unbearable sexual tension” as his reason not to sit with Dan and Phil until Dan “got his damn act together and asked Phil out already.”
Dan was nervous, but he tried not to show it. All he needed to do was ask a few questions about the rose, confess that it was him, and then have an open and honest conversation with Phil about their feelings (ugh).
“It’s so weird, though,” Phil said, touching his rose again with an expression almost of awe. “I was watching the table the whole time. I would have known if someone wanted to send one to me.”
Dan smiled. “They must have been really sneaky.”
“Yeah,” Phil said, running his hand down the petals. “The weirdest thing, though - ” he broke off.
“The weirdest thing?” Dan prompted.
Phil blushed. “You’ll think it’s dumb.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Dan said. “Have you ever told me something that I thought was dumb?”
Phil shrugged. “Probably.”
“Okay, yeah,” Dan said. “But I didn’t say I thought it was dumb, did I?”
“I guess not.”
“Well,” Phil said, his entire face turning red. “I’ve been working on a youtube channel.”
Dan’s eyebrows shot up. “A youtube channel?”
“Yes. And, um, the note referenced it.”
Dan blinked. This was the first he’d ever heard of Phil having a youtube channel, so unless Phil was talking about a different note from a secret admirer, he was pretty sure the note didn’t actually reference anything.
“How?” Dan asked.
Phil shoved the note at him. Dan’s own scribbled handwriting stared back, the same note he had written a few days earlier. Keep being amazing.
Dan stared at Phil. “I don’t get it,” he said. “It just seems like a generic compliment.”
Phil’s face was still determinedly red. “My channel name is AmazingPhil.”
Dan made a note to look that up when he got home. “It could be a coincidence,” he said, but Phil didn’t notice.
“Do you think it’s one of my fans? Oh my god, do you think I have a stalker?”
Phil’s genuine concern made Dan hesitate. “It’s probably just a coincidence,” Dan said. “There aren’t that many words you can use to compliment people. How many subscribers do you have, anyway? He probably - ”
“Almost a hundred thousand,” Phil said.
Dan choked on his sandwich. Phil pounded his back until Dan was able to speak again. “Sorry,” Dan said, “A hundred thousand? When were you going to tell people?”
“Shh,” Phil said, glancing around. “Keep your voice down. I don’t know, okay? Mostly it just never really came up. But I guess someone who follows me must go here or something, because - ”
“Maybe, but they didn’t send you the rose,” Dan said.
“How would you know?” Phil asked.
Dan felt his heart start to pound. “It was me,” he said.
Phil started. “What?”
“The note and the rose. They’re from me.”
Phil blinked. “Why?”
Dan was startled by how clear the world suddenly seemed, like everything had jumped into sharp, eye-watering focus for a moment. “Because I like you, Phil.”
Phil placed his sandwich back on his lunch tray. “Dan - I - ”
“I mean, it’s totally fine if you don’t feel the same way,” Dan babbled. “I know we’ve been friends for a really long time, and I’d never want to do anything to lose that. But it’s gotten to a point I can’t ignore and I need to know how you feel if I want to ever move forward-”
“I sent you a rose,” Phil said.
It was Dan’s turn to blink, confused. “What?”
“I signed the note. Did you not get it?”
“There wasn’t a note with it,” Dan said.
“Well, I put a note in it,” Phil said, “Basically saying all the things you just said.”
“Oh,” Dan said, pleasantly surprised.
“Did it not - ”
“I guess not.”
“Fuck,” Phil said. “But, um, if you want to go out sometime-”
“That’d be great,” Dan said, smiling so hard his cheeks started to hurt.
“Cool,” Phil said, also smiling.
The lunch bell rang.
“See you in English,” Dan said.
Phil smiled. “See you.”
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miracleboiz · 5 years
Intamacy: A Private Cozy Atmosphere
If someone told Sakusa Kiyoomi in his first year of High School he’d be willingly cleaning up mud and laying in a bath with another person touching him, he would have laughed in their face and walked away. Now though, he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Words: 3.5k
Relationships: Sakusa Kiyoomi/ Komori Motoya
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Kiyoomi didn’t look up as the front door opened, instead he kept his eyes on the screen. Carefully aiming his shot, he had been trying to get this stupid glowing rabbit for almost three hours now- Two thumps made him jump and his arrow flew off the screen and Kiyoomi cursed as he turned to look at the door.
“Motoy-” He stopped, blinking in surprise as he took in the sight of Motoya leaning his face against the wall, shoes covered in mud and an umbrella trying its best to go in the stand. After another minute the umbrella finally fell through and Motoya let out a groan of relief, foot lifting up and dragging down his pant leg as he tried to kick off his shoes. He didn’t seem to notice it didn’t work as he started making his way through the house towards the bedroom.
“M...Motoya?” Kiyoomi scrunched his nose up at the mud, pausing his game to move around the couch and into the bedroom. “Motoya, are you alright? Your shoes-”
Motoya’s form face planted on the bed, feet barely hanging off the ends. A low groan made Kiyoomi hesitate to ask anymore questions until he was done.
“I know,” Motoya’s voice was rough with exhaustion, not a single note of the usual pep he had. “I’ll clean my shoes I’m sorry…. Fuck… my pants…. I’ll clean the bed, and the sheets I swear Kiyoomi… gods please I just… need ten minutes to nap and I’ll clean everything. I swear, I’m sorry I can’t move right now, I’m so sorry… I’ll… Pants…”
Kiyoomi blinked down at him, worried he’d just watched him die but after a moment a soft snore came from his mouth and he relaxed. That was fine. As long as Motoya wasn’t dead, Kiyoomi could handle anything.
He turned to return to the couch when his eyes caught on the mud and his skin crawled. He side-stepped it, rubbing his arms anxiously as he moved back to the couch. He didn’t want to touch it, he didn’t want to look at it, it wasn’t real, it wasn’t real- It was still there. Staring at him. Judging him. Wanting to drown him.
Kiyoomi glanced back at the open bedroom door. Motoya had said ten minutes, then he would clean it up himself… But Motoya had already been gone when Kiyoomi woke up at five for his morning run, and it was six in the evening now. He was probably exhausted.
His eyes were drawn back to the mud that was taunting him. He didn’t want to touch it… but Motoya was tired… and he always went out of his way… Fuck.
Kiyoomi groaned softly as he moved into his blessedly clean kitchen, ducking under the kitchen sink to grab a face mask and gloves. He snagged the mop a moment later and pulled on his protective layer, already cursing the mud before he even got close enough to poke it with the mop.
The pile was too big. He’d have to clean it up with a rag or paper towels and mop over that. However. That would mean. Touching it.
Kiyoomi gave it the darkest look of loathing he could. He could just leave it, leaving it would be easier.
“No… It’s for Motoya.” He steeled himself, shuddering as he returned to the kitchen to grab paper towels. He dropped them beside the mud pile, debating on using his foot to push it around. No, then it might get on his slippers and he’d have to do the whole house… damn.
By the time he managed to clean the front entrance, the hallway, and the steps to the bedroom, Kiyoomi had never been more glad he’d talked Motoya into linoleum instead of tile. Tile would have just meant mud in the grout and it would always be dirty and-
Kiyoomi shuddered, forcibly turning his thoughts away from that idea. Instead he held up the plastic bag he’d grabbed and stepped closer to Motoya.
The libero was definitely not waking up anytime soon. Motoya twitched and let out a mumble that sounded a lot like ‘Left, left’ like he was still on court in his head. Kiyoomi couldn’t help but think it was cute, focusing on the way his nose snuffled like a rabbit’s as he tugged at the shoe laces and carefully caught the shoes in the bag.
He tied it off and dropped it, quickly stripping his dirty gloves and letting them fall in the trash can beside the bed. He let out a sigh of relief, picking up the bag and carrying it to the front entrance and leaving it there as he made his way back.
He looked over his boyfriend, wondering if he had showered before coming home or if it would just make things dirtier if he got under the blanket-
No, Motoya always showered before returning home and wore clean clothes. He always did his best to make things as easy as possible for Kiyoomi and make their home a safe haven from the diseases everyone else spread around. Even exhausted he wouldn’t have left the gym without cleaning himself up.
Kiyoomi leaned over him, gently threading his fingers through his hair. No grease touched him but the scent of artificial strawberries rose up as Motoya yawned and nuzzled into the touch happily. A smile touched his lips and he stroked his hair for a moment more before pulling away.
He glanced down at the muddy pants and the tight shirt Motoya was wearing. There was no way that could be comfortable to sleep in.
It didn’t take much force to roll Motoya over, as soon as Motoya was asleep he became as pliable as a blanket. A few seconds later Kiyoomi had successfully stripped Motoya down to his boxers, jeans pulled inside out to keep the mud from spilling over the floor. Motoya has laid down in a way that kept most of it from landing on the blanket, the rest was swept up with a cloth and shoved into the washer with the clothes, a liberal amount of soap poured before Kiyoomi felt safe enough to run it.
He returned to the room, intent on redressing his boyfriend when he saw the boxers he was wearing. Glow-in-the-dark alien and reindeer with santa hats. They weren’t even Christian and who would make these- Oikawa.
Motoya met the setter one time and just like Wakatoshi-kun before him, hadn’t stopped talking about him since. Kiyoomi should have known better than to let him go to the Olympics alone with Oikawa. Now he’d have to find a way to accidentally burn these but Motoya would be on the lookout.
“You’re trouble.” Kiyoomi said to the unconscious body, grabbing a pair of silk pants and tugging them on Motoya. In response Motoya giggled and shoved his face into the pillow, trying to pull the blanket over himself incorrectly.
Kiyoomi sighed fondly, slipping an arm under him and lifting him up long enough to slide him under the blanket and pull it over him. Motoya sighed softly, snuggling deeper into the blankets and spreading out over Kiyoomi’s side of the bed.
Kiyoomi watched him, slowly leaning over to stroke his hair again and listen to him quietly hum. It had taken a lot to get to this moment, able to touch his own boyfriend without making his skin crawl.
Touching Motoya wasn’t like touching everyone else, Kiyoomi knew his routine was just as thorough as Kiyoomi’s own. Motoya had copied him since High School, making sure that Kiyoomi atleast had someone he could be in contact with and after a bit, it had become second nature to always live like that. Especially once Motoya had convinced Kiyoomi to move into a house with him, citing that Motoya was out of town too much for games to keep a house clean and he didn’t want to crash on couches when he was home.
“I love you.” Kiyoomi said softly, stroking the soft brown hair down. “Sleep as long as you want.”
Part of him felt ridiculous, Motoya was asleep he didn’t know what Kiyoomi was doing or saying. It was pointless. But another part of him wanted to say it, uncaring that Motoya couldn’t hear him because it felt good to say. Emotions were extremely annoying.
His tucked the blanket a little tighter around him, quietly leaving the room and returning to his game. He could make dinner tonight too, if Motoya didn’t wake up, maybe one of his father’s recipes that Motoya loved. It would be a nice surprise since they never went out for Christmas no matter how many times their teammates teased them for spending the romantic holiday inside.
Three hours passed before Kiyoomi heard movement and he paused his game to look at Motoya’s back disappearing into the bathroom. It was quiet for a moment before the sound of the washer started again and Kiyoomi turned back to his game just in time for a Bokoblin to smack him in the head. Asshole.
He didn’t look up again as he heard footsteps, feeling the couch sink to his right.
“You know ice monsters are weak to fire, right?” Motoya hummed softly, a soft laugh breaking from him as Kiyoomi killed himself while trying to throw a bomb.
“.... What’s your point?” Kiyoomi said, pointedly not looking at him while waiting for the game to load.
“No point, just sayin’.” Motoya giggled again, feet kicking slightly. He was wearing slippers now, the fuzzy ones Usuri had gotten him with bunny ears that flopped up every time he stepped down. They were cute, almost annoyingly so. Then again, half of what Motoya owner seemed to be made specifically to annoy Kiyoomi with its cuteness.
“Y’know, you could have woken me up. I really didn’t mean to make you clean up the mess. I didn’t even realize my shoes were still on until I laid in bed. If you had gotten upset and left it for me I would have understood, I should have been more careful-“
Kiyoomi reached over to push the end of the controller against his cheek, stopping the words. He poked it again, mostly to watch Motoya’s lips twist into his cute pout.
“If I didn’t want to do it, then I wouldn’t have. You were tired and I’m capable of cleaning up messes, they’re just gross.”
“And you’d rather die, I specifically remember you telling Izuna-san that.” Motoya teased, mouth folding out into a blinding smile. Did everything he did have to be cute? Couldn’t Kiyoomi have ten seconds of none adorable peace and quiet or was he doomed to forever stare at his boyfriend and wonder how he of all people managed to make Motoya fall in love with him?
“Yes. But that was Ito-san’s messes. If they’re your mess then I’ll do anything I can to make it easy on you.” The words slipped out before Kiyoomi could think about curbing them. He didn’t mind Motoya knowing he thought more highly of him than anyone else and adored him, however whenever he voiced it-
“Ki-yoo-mi-kun~” Motoya gasped, hand over his heart and eyes fluttering dramatically. “You do love me. Hey, hey, have you taken a bath yet?”
“No I don't and no I haven’t.” Kiyoomi said easily, lips twitching into a smile of his own at Motoya’s whine at the tease.
“Liar yes you do. Go on, say it you big downer. Saaaaay it. Just to me. Pinky promise I won’t tell anyone you said it to me.” That was a big lie, Motoya told everyone everything. Izuna and Ito would be texting Kiyoomi tomorrow morning cooing about how sweet he was. Still.
He shrugged.
“I love you.” He said easily, smiling a little wider at Motoya’s soft affectionate look in the corner of his eye. Yeah, he loved this doofus.
He felt the couch bounce once and glanced over to see Motoya’s hands pushing down on the couch as he leaned in. He didn’t get too close, but enough to pop any bubble Kiyoomi had. Kiyoomi leaned in when Motoya’s lips opened to speak, pressing a single kiss to cheek.
“Kiyoomi-kun! Don’t do that so suddenly.” Motoya squealed, face turning bright red. Despite the grief he gave Kiyoomi every time Kiyoomi made the first move, Motoya was more than happy to receive any affection Kiyoomi was currently able to give. Motoya leaned in again, lips puckered out and a soft whine coming when Kiyoomi ignored him. He was just way too much fun to tease.
Kiyoomi gave in a moment later, letting his head fall back against the couch and turning to kiss him softly. Motoya tasted like strawberries, maybe he liked the fruit a little too much but Kiyoomi didn’t mind. He pulled away after a second and Motoya didn’t chase after him, just grinned brightly and reached over to push the home button on his controller.
“Come on~ Let's take a shower before dinner, then we can watch that drama you like so much.” Motoya chirped, tilting his head curiously as he waited for Kiyoomi’s response.
“.... I guess we can take a shower? Did you not take one earlier?” The thought made his hand itch, of course he’d washed his hands since the mess but that wasn’t the point.
“Wha- yes, of course I did. I was gross but that’s not why I want a shower. You haven’t taken one.”
“Do… you need me to take one?” Kiyoomi tilted his head. In general Motoya didn’t mind germs or touching people and Kiyoomi had even caught him playing in mud their first year in High School. Kiyoomi was the one with mysophobia, but if Motoya felt more comfortable Kiyoomi didn’t mind going out of his way to help it was just a little new.
“Wha- no, Kiyoomi, I want to sit in the bath with you but you only bathe if you take a shower and if you take a shower there's no point in me not taking one. I didn’t get one before practice like I usually do so I’m okay with taking another one.”
“Well why didn’t you just say so?” Kiyoomi gave him a look of confusion, putting the controller down and standing up.
“I… I just did- Kiyoomi are you laughing at me? Kiyoomi stop it you bully!” Motoya called after him as Kiyoomi snickered and walked away leading the way to the bathroom as Motoya scrambled to follow.
“Go back to being the pessimist that hid in corners, you were nicer to me.” Motoya barked, stripping without a thought. Despite having lived with him for three years and changed with him for seven, the ease that Motoya had being naked made Kiyoomi flush every time. Motoya bounced on his heels, snagging Kiyoomi’s clothes and hurrying to stick them in the laundry basket.
He paused on his way back and blinked a few times.
“Oh! You changed me, awww babe~”
“.... You’re ridiculous.” Kiyoomi drawled, turning away to hide his pink tinged cheeks.
“Hey! I was more focused on making sure you were alright and not upset or freaked out then how I got half naked. We both know I do weird things in my sleep.” After a moment, Kiyoomi had to concede his point. He’d woken up to both a sleep walking Motoya and a sleep stripping Motoya who then attempted to put his shirt on as pants until Kiyoomi flattened him with a pillow long enough for him to change dreams.
“I’m just sayin’ thank you, love.” Motoya said, softer. He waited until Kiyoomi was turning on the water, leaning his shoulder against him slightly and then more heavily when Kiyoomi didn’t move away. His head dropped onto his shoulder and Kiyoomi pushed down the urge to shiver at the way the hair crawled over his skin, instead he leaned his cheek on his head, waiting for it to heat up.
They slid in one after the other, Motoya happily chirping out a story of how Aran had managed to take three snowballs to the face when the Black Jackals had come for a visit. Apparently Atsumu was still up to his regular tricks and Kiyoomi couldn’t be more glad he didn’t have to deal with him any more. Then again Atsumu was an ass, but he’d never pushed Kiyoomi to do things he couldn’t.
“But yeah, Aran-kun went down and wouldn’t get back up. I tried to help but he just told me to leave him there until Atsumu grew a heart, so me and Kuroo-kun held his funeral. It was beautiful, I think you would have like it.” Motoya said as he washed the soap out of his hair, he turned to give Kiyoomi room to scrub his back helpfully. “What did you do today?”
“Murdered bokoblins.” Kiyoomi said, face twisted into his most serious glare. Motoya didn’t need to know how many times he’d died. That was confidential.
“Anything else?” Motoya snorted as if he knew exactly what Kiyoomi was hiding from him. Then again, he might just.
“I also finished my presentation for the board meeting next week. If we keep pace then the coding should be finished by February and our security won’t have to worry about hackers again. Last years taxes were a nightmare after the cyber attack.”
“I remember, I don’t think you slept for days.” Motoya shivered as Kiyoomi finished his back and motioning for Kiyoomi to switch places with him. “What about payroll, didn’t Sato say they were cutting pay?”
“Yeah he did, but we talked him out of it… Or rather I told Yaku-san who told Matsukawa-san who told Sato-san’s boss’s son, Hanamaki-san, who told his father that cutting pay for workers we couldn’t get anywhere else would just make them all leave us and then we’d have nothing to compete with.”
“I suppose if it’s how it has to be… Oh how’s Hanamaki-san and Matsukawa-san doing anyways?” Motoya turned the water off, stepping out to turn on the bath and let it fill while Kiyoomi did his best to shove his hair out of his eyes.
“Hanamaki-san still doesn’t want to join his father’s business, but the bakery he started is doing amazing. Matsukawa-san says the only reason they don’t work together is because he refuses to do the taxes on that much money himself. I don’t see what the problem is, Matsukawa-san is an amazing accountant.” Kiyoomi hummed to himself, waiting for the bath to finish before he slid inside, stretching out his legs for a second. Motoya poked them when Kiyoomi tried to pull them up to give him more space, repeatedly poking them until Kiyoomi gave in and Motoya could climb in and settle on his lap.
“Oh, this is what you wanted.” Kiyoomi rolled his eyes at his boyfriend when he snuggled closer in the warm water, pressed against his chest and head resting on his shoulder. “We didn’t need to shower to do this.”
“Well you hadn’t showered and as soon as you started thinking about that I knew you’d feel gross and anxious and I didn’t want you to have to deal with that while trying to stay with me. This is easier for both of us. Not to mention it’s warm .” Motoya nuzzled against his cheek, dropping the barest hint of a kiss on his jaw as he wrapped himself around him. Kiyoomi just rolled his eyes at his ridiculous koala boyfriend and slid an arm around his waist, contentment filling his chest.
“You’re thinking something mean, stop it.” Motoya hummed, one hand reaching for Kiyoomi’s free one to play with his fingers. “But as for Matsukawa-san, I think it’s less he doesn’t think he can do his job and more that tax season is very busy and hard on them and having Hanamaki-san as his boss and boyfriend means that they have to spend time together only feeling stressed and harassed and it can be hard on a relationship. You can’t walk away from work when it lives with you.”
“I suppose not… When’s your next game?” Kiyoomi mumbled, eyes half closed as he nuzzled the soft hair under his nose. If he flattened it down it didn’t tickle and he wouldn’t get itchy and that meant more time with Motoya in his arms before Kiyoomi couldn’t take more physical contact.
It had gone up a lot since High School, and lots of the tips and tricks Motoya had researched had helped. Now it wouldn’t be hours between an anxiety attack before Kiyoomi could touch anyone, or hours after a hug before his skin stopped crawling. Now he could relax, breath for a moment with his boyfriend in their home without feeling like it was too much.
“Next week. Though I took the rest of the week off, just for us… Well mostly us, I told your Dad we’d stop by on Saturday in the morning. Apparently, someone hasn’t been calling him.”
“Mmm wonder who that is.” Kiyoomi said snidely, smiling softly when Motoya let out a snort. He tilted his chin to press a kiss to his head.
“Yes, darling?”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Kiyoomi.”
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-18
AAAAHHHH!!!!! I've gotten to another chapter I've been dying to write!!! And while the part I was most excited for didn't come out quite like I wanted (Curse me for never writing things down when they happen five months ago) I still like the way that it happened. I'll admit, I'm a little bit mean to Poppy in this chapter but Branch helps make it better.
Also Friendship Goals-When you and a friend have similar-ish ideas without talking to each other XD
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3;FF.net
@writerofberk-I feel bad for what I’ve done to Poppy but I also much enjoy the fluff I wrote to make up for it XD
The sky was cloudy but bright with a light breeze as Poppy happily walked back to the apartment, Planning Clipboard in hand. A bag a of fresh, blank invitations hung from her wrist, ready to be customized for the upcoming event. Creek's surprise birthday party was coming along and she couldn't be more excited. Of course, everyone knew Poppy always threw her friends' parties, ever since she was young, but the how, when and where was how the surprise came in and boy did she love to throw surprise parties. They were her jam after all! And she had to make sure this one would be perfect for Creek. She was finally going to tell him how much she really felt about him and ask him to be her boyfriend. There was never any rule that said she couldn't be the one to ask and she was tired of waiting.
Poppy flipped through her list of party essentials as she hummed a love song, check-marking things off as she went. Suki had told her the music was set, a mix of songs to dance to and more mellow ones to set the atmosphere. Alongside some of Creek's favorite instrumental scores from movies. Decorations were all gathered, the usual collection of balloons, streamers, tablecloths and fairy lights, with some more unique additives to fit their theme. They had small Buddha statues to set around, lotus flower cutouts to hang up, scented and non-scented candles, a few incense burners and some pretty gem stones to sprinkle around. Next was the menu, which thankfully they had found a happy medium for, tasty but healthy snacks. They'd have various dips, hummus, guacamole and a Greek yogurt one Poppy found a recipe for, with a host of vegetables and baked chips. Dried fruit and nuts to nibble, fresh fruit parfaits, homemade fruit punch and some of Biggie's infamous deviled eggs. They'd also have a few more traditional party snacks and, of course, the six dozen carrot cupcakes Poppy was going to bake. She also had plans to make Creek a full sized cake too.
Last but not least, was the venue and Poppy couldn't be more excited for it. The university had the perfect outdoor area, trees and flowers surrounding an open area that could host tables and decent sized dance area. There was even a covered area, a pretty wooden pergola, built close enough where they could set out the food! Poppy had checked with the school and had luckily been able to rent the place for the night and she just couldn't wait! It would look so pretty all lit up with twinkling lights and candles. It was going to be magical.
Poppy nodded to herself, seeing just about everything checked off, the only things were whatever last minute details that always popped up and of course her present for Creek. She had thought about going along with the Pack's idea of just her being his present but she wanted to gift him something as well. Trouble was, she couldn't decide. She had seen a really pretty incense burner at the shop they got all the stones from but she also knew he had a tiny collection of them, so she felt like she could find something different. There was also the necklace she saw with the small charm of a mandala but Creek really wasn't big on wearing jewelry besides the friendship bracelet she had made him. She could just always find him a new pair of flip-flops, at least that's what Branch had said when she had been brainstorming out loud. Then it hit her! The perfect gift idea! She could make up a basket of all his favorite bath products! Creek always loved to talk about the benefits of good hygiene and Poppy knew long, hot baths were the only guilty pleasure he really allowed himself. It was perfect!
The pinkette made a note about her idea, listing what she'd need to get alongside a reminded to look up some DIY bath-bombs. She'd always wanted to try making some and that just seemed like it would help make her gift just a little more special. Giggling, she danced a happy jig, her excitement and inspiration overflowing before heading inside her building, an invite decorating storm was about to take place!
Branch was not amused to come home to what could only described as an explosion of paper and glitter. Scraps of construction paper littered the floor around the coffee table, with said surface overflowing with Poppy's collections of craft supplies. Small buckets of shaped scissors, stamps, stamp ink and shaped hole punches were stacked across the far side, various ones Poppy had already used laying loose. Her extensive sticker collection was spread out around her, the folders she kept them leaning beside her on the couch, with a few empty sheets on the floor. There were various types of glue sitting in places and the table sparkled with the tell-tale sign of glitter having been spilled out of its container. A pile of invitations sat completed on the farthest corner, ready to be given out by a smiling Poppy, who was just finishing up another colorful piece of art.
“Welcome home~!” The pinkette sang, grinning up at him happily as he came inside.
Branch had to try very hard not to look away as she flashed that beautiful, happy smile at him. After her little drunk incident, it had been even harder to look at her without blushing but he had promised her he'd try not to act weird around her after that. But it could be so damn hard, she was just too gorgeous when she was in a good mood and it almost, almost, made him want to spill his guts about his affection for her. Add in he could now recall her saying she wanted him well...the last few weeks hadn't been that easy for Branch when he was alone with her. Especially since Poppy had spent a good portion of them planning out a party for Creek.
“Hey.” He finally said back, turning to go find something in the kitchen. What he really didn't know but he couldn't take the risk of just staring at Poppy, “I see you've made a mess of our living room.”
“Oh shush!” Poppy giggled before throwing her arms out wide and shouting, “Art knows no bounds! And invitations won't make themselves!”
Branch rolled his eyes before mumbling, “Could always just get pre-made ones...” Even though he knew she would never, Poppy adored making custom invitations and, if Branch was being honest with himself, he liked seeing her creations. Even if he didn't show it.
Poppy gasped dramatically, having heard him, “Nonsense! I would never!” She giggled before perking up and flipping through her finished pile, “Speaking of...” She pulled one out and scurried over to Branch before thrusting out a colorful, sparkling envelope at him.
“Poppy...” He warned, of course she would try to invite him to the party she was throwing for Creek.
“Please?” She begged, eyes wide and she held out the invitation, “I know, I know. You 'don't do parties' but I promise it's not gonna be a loud, crazy, super amazing one. It's gonna be a little more calm, no flashing lights but still a lot of fun one. Pleeease? You'd have fun~”
Branch doubted that. There was no way he was gonna watch her, and everyone else, fawn over Creek. “No.”
Poppy predictably pouted before she gently shoved the small packet of paper into his hands, “Just think about it, okay? There's time to change your mind.”
Branch wasn't going to but she didn't need to know that. He just took the envelope without fuss and made to go to his room, saying something about having some homework to finish. In reality he was going to add the newest invitation to his collection after opening it. He just hoped she passed on the glitter bomb this time.
The day of the party arrived a few days later and Poppy could barely contain her excitement. She had spent all of the previous afternoon baking and frosting cupcakes, so now she had four dozen carrot cake cupcakes, alongside another two dozen of vanilla. The vanilla ones she had decided to bake at the last minute for some variety and so she could use sprinkles. Sprinkles made everything better. She had also baked up a vanilla bean cake just for Creek and now that it was cool, she just had to work her frosting magic on it but first she was heading to the university. She wanted to get a head start on the decorating before handing off the duty to Guy and Biggie.
Poppy took a look around the courtyard they would be occupying when she got there, grin wide as she pictured how wonderful it would look when they were done. Gathering all the supplies she would need, she stacked all of the streamers, paper hangings, lights, lanterns and all the other bits on a table, organized for easy handling. Then taking a roll of light purple crepe paper, the pinkette looked around for a good starting point, deciding to start with twisting it around the pergola's posts. Once finished with the purple streamers, Poppy grabbed a roll of a pretty aqua green to wrap around the alternating posts and from there started to hang long, twisted rows across the beams. By the time Guy and Biggie showed up, with Suki and her DJ equipment in tow, she had a good base of things started.
Her friends quickly jumped in to help her, so Poppy took a quick moment to film them while they worked before placing her camera back on it's mini tripod. They worked together efficiently after years of doing this and soon they had more streamers stretching overhead with lights intermingling. Suki had her DJ table set up under an awning where it would close enough to hear but out of the way so no one would trip on any wires and Poppy was standing on a chair hanging paper decorations when Smidge rolled in with Cooper. They had the coolers and bags of food with them, so Poppy directed them to store it all inside the small kitchen of the building the pergola was connected to. Said building was part of the Home Economics division and had a few kitchens, one of which they were allowed to use. Once everything was looking like Poppy had envisioned, she left the Pack to complete setting up the tables and such while she headed home to decorate Creek's cake and grab his gift.
Coming home, she wasted no time gathering up the ingredients for buttercream frosting, calling a greeting to Branch who was reading, and threw them all in her stand mixer. Carefully, she pulled the cake out of the oven, where she stored it for safe keeping, and divided it in two. Once satisfied with her frosting, she split it in half and dyed one lavender and the other mint. She then spent the next hour and a half making the cake look how she wanted it. It would have been quicker but she'd wanted to make sure that her crumb coat was fully set in the fridge before continuing, that particular cake recipe was always crumbier than others. She had just piped some frosting flowers around the edge and was piping 'Happy Birthday Creek' on top when she decided to ask Branch again if he wanted to come along.
“Are you suuure you don't wanna come?” She said, focused on her cursive, “It's gonna be fun~”
“Yes, I'm sure.” He grumped at her from his seat in her chair, eyes not leaving his book, “I told you the weather report said it was going to rain today and I am not getting stuck out there in it.” The other reason, of course, was because he didn't want to see Poppy hanging off of Creek and listen to whatever crap the 'guru' always spewed.
Poppy rolled her eyes, setting her piping bag down to gesture outside the window, “It's not gonna rain, Branch! It's sunny and clear,” True it had been a little breezy but that was nothing, “The weather report has been wrong before.”
Branch scoffed, “Still not going and don't blame me when you get rained out.”
Poppy was just about to reply when Satin and Chenille came through the door, “Poppy!”
“We came to get you and save you another trip,” Satin exclaimed, “Are you ready?”
“Just about!” She quickly added a few finishing touches to the cake before sliding it into a box and grabbing Creek's gift basket, “See you later, Branch!”
“You're gonna get rained on!” Was his parting reply.
After arriving back at the venue, Poppy slipped the cake into the fridge for safe keeping until it was time to serve it before placing her gift with the other few. She then took in all of what the Snack Pack had done while she was gone with a grin. Tables were set up, the white tablecloths fluttering in the breeze, with candles and small flower centerpieces adding charm and whimsy. Some of the incense had already been lit so there was a faint aroma of lavender and vanilla in the air and the lights had just been turned on. Poppy was ecstatic with the way everything looked, especially with the setting sun starting to cast a pinkish glow over everything. Taking her phone out, she quickly snapped a photo to post later before turning to her friends.
“This look amazing, you guys!” She clapped before pulling them into a group hug, “I think Creek's really gonna like it!”
“Oh for sure,” Guy agreed, smirking playfully, “You planned it after all~”
“Stop,” Poppy giggled, “You all helped.”
“But you did the majority of it,” Satin said, wrapping her arm around one of Poppy, “But we'll admit, it needs one more thing...”
Chenille wrapped her arm around Poppy's other, “You to look amazingly stunning~! Come with us!”
Poppy laughed as she was dragged away to the nearest bathroom for a patent Couture twin style up.
Almost an hour later, Poppy twirled in front of the bathroom mirror, once again impressed and proud of the fashion sisters. They had sewn a brand new dress for her that was a dark aquamarine in color and in the halter top style she loved. It had a sweetheart neckline and the straps wrapped around her neck, leaving her back bare for her tattoo to show. The waistline was cinched slightly under her bodice with a small decorative bow off to the side and it was knee length with a sheer overlay of sparkly organza. Her hair had been pulled up into a higher ponytail with the ends curled so they bounced when she moved alongside the tendrils that framed her face. Her make-up matched with glittery eye-shadow in the same color, light pink blush and strawberry pink lipstick. A matching headband with one silk flower and silver, strappy heels completed the look.
“Girls...” Poppy awed as she spun again, loving the way the dress spun around, “This is beautiful! Thank you so much~”
“You're welcome!” The chirped in unison.
“Now there's absolutely no way Creek won't ask you out tonight.” Giggled Chenille.
“Yes! And we'll all make sure he gets a chance to!” Satin added.
Poppy giggled with a nod, “Right!” She then spun the face them with a clap, “Now let's get out there! Guests should be arriving soon and after that the birthday boy himself! You guys made sure to tell him to meet us here for something right?” It was a safe bet Creek already knew there was a party happening, Poppy was never subtle about that sort of thing but she still hoped it would be a surprise anyway.
“Guy texted him at lunch saying he needed to see him for some school thing.”
“Great!” Poppy clapped, smile wide, “Then let's get out there!” This was gonna be awesome!
When they rejoined the rest of the Pack, Suki had started up the tunes as a few people had already started to show up. Poppy greeted them happily, trading hugs and thanks for coming. She got lots of compliments for how pretty she looked and was even pulled in to some selfies with Guy, since they were both looking gorgeously fabulous. As more and more people began to arrive, Poppy could barely contain herself as she eagerly awaited Creek's arrival, excited for when he'd come to see what they'd put together for him.
The sky was turning progressively darker as time went on, dark clouds moving in and blocking out the few visible stars and the slowly rising moon. Poppy couldn't help but bite her lip as she looked up from lighting a few candles. She hoped they would just blow away soon and that Branch wasn't right about the weather taking a turn for the worst. Her friends tried to assure her it would be alright, if it started to drizzle they could just take the party into the hallway of the Home Ecs building. She had nodded but a tiny knot of worry was starting to form in her stomach, especially when there still wasn't any sign of Creek.
She was trying not to let it show how much she was starting to fret, it wasn't like Creek to miss something without saying anything, when she felt the first rain drop hit her nose. She glanced up at the clouds as more drops began falling, the peppering of rain hitting the sidewalk echoing around her. She and the Pack quickly directed guests indoors before the rain got too bad, snacks  and gifts being grabbed to save them from the water. Poppy hoped it would just a quick little storm, nothing bad enough to delay the party too long but as the rain began to fall harder and faster, soaking all their hard work, the pinkette couldn't help but be disappointed. It also didn't help that there still hadn't been any word from Creek.
Poppy looked down at her phone, hoping to see some missed notification or something indicating Creek had reached out but all that greeted her was her lock screen's picture. She tried not to frown, tried to interact with everyone but as time went on and people started to leave before the storm got any worse, she couldn't help it. It was so unlike him to not say anything, even if he didn't know they were throwing a party for him, he knew they wanted to see him so for none of them to have a message from him...Poppy didn't know what to think. Suki had suggested calling him but before Poppy could try, Guy mentioned he already tried that with the call going straight to voicemail.
Poppy sighed, thoughts and feelings a turbulent mess, “Let's just...call it a night then...” She didn't want to, she hated canceling parties but there was nothing else to be done with the weather the way it was and with the guest of honor missing.
“Pops...” Suki exhaled, reaching out to place a hand on her friends shoulder. She knew how much Poppy had been looking forward to this.
Poppy forced a smile at her orange haired friend, trying not to let it show just how upset she was, “It's okay, Suks'. It's getting pretty bad out there anyway.”
Suki nodded slowly before pulling the pinkette into a hug. Poppy sighed softly and hugged her back, soon enough being engulfed by the rest of the Snack Pack. When they disengaged, Biggie and Guy helped Suki gather her equipment, Cooper went to look for something to store and carry the small pile of gifts, and Smidge went to break the news to the few remaining guests. Poppy peeked outside from the door, looking out into the storm and knowing that they'd have to come back in the morning to clean up when Satin and Chenille approached.
“What do you say to a sleepover tonight?” The younger twin offered, smiling hopefully at her.
“Yeah, yeah! We can give each other Mani-Pedi's, facials, watch trashy romance movies~” Chenille' chimed, hoping the allure of some girl time would help perk Poppy up.
“Ah...” Poppy stalled, not wanting to hurt their feelings but not feeling up to all that, “Thanks you guys but...I think I'd just like to go home...”
The twins shared a concerned look before nodding at Poppy, “Alright...”
“At least let us drive you home?”
Poppy quickly shook her head, “No, I won't let you guys do that. You live almost on the other side of town from where I do and I won't have you out in that for longer than you have to be. I'll just take the bus.”
“But Poppy-” Chenille started.
“Guys, really, it's okay.” Poppy really didn't want to try and explain that she...just didn't want to be around anyone right now. She kind of just wanted to cry really but she didn't want that happen in front of her friends, she was sure it wouldn't help them feel any better about this situation either, so she'd rather have it happen when she was by herself.
The twins frowned and huffed slightly but relented, not liking letting Poppy be by herself tonight. That was when Milton approached, an umbrella in hand, and smiling softly, offered to escort Poppy to the bus stop. She accepted and after another group hug, and promises she'd meet them tomorrow to clean up what was left outside, Poppy and Milton left to reach the bus stop before the next bus arrived.
Poppy waited for the bus for possibly a little longer than she had to after she waved goodbye to Milton. She had been thankful he hadn't tried to talk her into going home with him and Smidge and had just shared a sympathetic smile before leaving her. She shivered under the awning as she sat there, thinking maybe she should've changed but unable to fix that now. The pinkette stared down at the ground as she waited, frowning at the cement as she hugged herself for warmth. She couldn't accurately describe just how she was feeling at the moment, disappointed that the party had gotten rained out and that all their decorating was now ruined; sad, upset, hurt that the person this was all for hadn't shown up or even called! It was so unlike him too... And the more Poppy thought about it, the more she felt the prickling of tears in her eyes, but she wouldn't cry...not yet at least.
When the bus finally pulled up, she scrambled up the steps and, after disposing of some change, took one of the many empty seats. Poppy leaned her head on the cool glass and listlessly watched the scenery go by, wondering if there had been anything she could've done to change the night's outcome. Of course she knew she couldn't have controlled the weather but maybe she could've been the one to tell Creek to come or maybe even tell him they were throwing a party for him. That would've ruined the surprise sure but...maybe he would've shown up. Sighing, she really didn't know, she closed her eyes tightly to prevent tears from falling as the urge to swelled. She really didn't want to cry here on a public bus, she'd rather wait until she was surrounded by her many stuffed animals and could muffle herself in her pillow.
It was weird to see the streets of town so empty, she thought once the urge passed, the storm having forced everyone home or inside. Poppy watched the rain run in thick sheets down from the sky, the wind blowing it at an angle and sparing nothing from getting drenched. She sighed, wishing for nothing else that she was at home and curled under a warm blanket. Well...she also wished Creek had texted or called or something because it was so unlike him not to and she couldn't figure out why. She knew he wouldn't allow his phone to run out of power or be turned off, it also wasn't like him to misplace it and he would never, ever, just not show up. He always made sure to let someone know if he couldn't make it or if something was wrong. Poppy had worried briefly if maybe he was hurt or had gotten sick but that was silly as he was always safe and was as healthy as can be. There was no way he couldn't have gotten sick, he was fine when she had talked to him that morning.
Sighing once more, the young woman just couldn't come up with a reason as to why he hadn't shown up. Looking out at the dark streets, Poppy noticed a few familiar shops and realized she was close to home, a few more blocks and she could go curl up in her room. However as she was picturing herself cuddling the stuffing out of Fuzzbert 2, the bus started to slow down, with no bus stop in sight. Looking toward the driver, Poppy saw him struggling with the controls before the bus came to a complete stop. The driver tried to turn the bus back on by turning the key a few times but nothing happened.
Sighing, he turned to face Poppy and the two other patrons, “Sorry, folks. Looks like we've run into a little engine trouble. We'll be stuck here until help comes.” He then turned back around to make a phone-call for help.
Poppy leaned back against her seat, frowning, before thinking about what she could do. She really didn't want to sit here... Glancing outside, she knew the thought in her head probably wasn't the best idea but she really just wanted to be home right now. Plus a little rain never hurt anyone. Getting up, she went to the front of the bus and asked if she could be let out here. The bus driver gave her a skeptical look, tried to tell her it would better if she just waited on the bus but she assured him she didn't live that much farther from where they were. Shrugging, he said alright and opened the door for her. Poppy said her thanks before rushing out and under a convenient shop awning.
Bracing herself, she continued to race under awnings and overhangs of shops until she was around the corner and out of sight of the bus. She then took a moment to lean against the side of the building she was by and stare out into the rain. Okay, so yes, this was a bad idea, to walk the rest of the way home in the pouring rain but she was already wet now. Closing her eyes, she let out a little whimper, finally breaking and letting her tears fall. Stepping out into the rain, Poppy let it wash over her, flattening her hair against her skull and ruining her make-up. She really didn't care all that much though, but she did hope the twins would forgive her for soaking the dress they'd made. The dress they had made for her to impress Creek, Creek the person they had been trying to throw a birthday party for, the person that hadn't shown up...Poppy let out another whimper as she thought about everything again, but just wound up more confused and hurt than she had been already. This night had been a disaster.
Finally reaching home, she went inside to the elevator and shivered as she rode it to her floor. She hoped Branch was occupied in his room or maybe even asleep because she really didn't want to listen to him lecture her. Digging out her keys with wet, shaking fingers, she unlocked the door and let herself in.
However the universe wasn't on Poppy's side at that moment as Branch was standing in the kitchen. He looked at her as she came in with wide eyes at her drenched state, hair and dress clinging to her, the flower on her headband dropping and creating a puddle from where she stood. She watched him open his mouth to say something but she held up her hand to stop him, “Please, Branch...just...don't.” She sniffed and hugged herself, head dipping low, “You were right, okay? It rained, enough said, I don't need you to lecture me...”
Branch blinked at her, shocked not only at her coming home so early and admitting she was wrong but also at her body language screaming that something else was the matter. Wanting to ask what was wrong but not wanting to upset her more, he ran a hand through his hair, he was out of his element here, before growling, “Just...stay there.”
He hurried to the linen closet and pulled out two of Poppy's biggest and fluffiest towels before coming back and finding Poppy had only moved to drip on the kitchen floor. Ignoring the way her dress clung to her curves, he wrapped one around her shoulders and after she took hold of it, draped the other over her head. He began to rub the towel over her hair, frowning when she didn't make a noise of complaint. Branch had figured she would be disappointed when the party was ruined by the storm but the way she was acting...something else had to have happened. This wasn't the usual Poppy he dealt with.
When she sniffed quietly under the towel, he couldn't help but ask, “...What happened?”
She was silent for a long moment, and he wasn't going to fault her if she didn't want to answer, when she softly murmured, “...Creek never showed up...”
Branch stilled, unable to comprehend what he just heard but also completely able to believe it. That absolute bastard! Poppy hadn't been subtle with her planning, never was when it came to something for her friends, he had to have known, but for him to not show up?! That was low, even for him. Wanting to go find the jerk and rip him a new one with the sudden, overwhelming urge of protectiveness, Branch's attention was brought back to Poppy as she sniffed again. Taking a deep breath, he'd contemplate what he wanted to do to Creep later, right now Poppy needed to be taken care of.
Carefully tilting her head up so their eyes met, he spoke softly, “Hey, listen to me, okay? Go take a warm shower, nothing too hot or you might shock your body. Then blow-dry your hair, okay? You shouldn't go to bed with wet hair and I am not dealing with you if you get sick.”
Poppy blinked, taken slightly aback from Branch's soft tone but nodded anyway, “Okay.” She then carefully stepped back and shuffled around him to head to the bathroom.
Branch watched her go, concern written clearly across his face before sighing roughly and running his hand through his hair again, there had to be something he could do to cheer her up, right?
When Poppy emerged from the bathroom almost an hour later, wrapped in her comfiest pajamas and feeling...well not better, she was still pretty upset but the overwhelming urge to just cry had left, she was met with the sound of whip-cream being sprayed and the delicious aroma of hot chocolate. Wandering back down the hall, she found Branch by the counter, spraying a large dollop of whip-cream into his mug, one of hers sat next it with a smaller dollop flouting on top. Branch glanced up at her and almost dropped the can before smiling awkwardly.
“Uh, hey,” He greeted, rubbing the back of his neck, “I-um..made some hot chocolate.” He carefully held the mug out to her, “We were out of marshmallows though, so I hope you don't mind the whip-cream... I, um, also plugged your phone in and texted everyone you were home.”
Flashing a very small smile, Poppy took the mug gratefully, “That's fine... Thank you.”
“Ah...no problem..” Branch mumbled, feeling just a little uncomfortable doing this, he wasn't use to doing things like this, “I-uh...” He cleared his throat and tried again, “I also queued up a movie if you...felt like watching something...”
Poppy looked over at the TV and sure enough there was Tangled, one of her favorites, all ready to be played. She felt another small smile grow across her face before she took a sip of her drink and glanced at Branch, “I think I do actually. Thank you...” She paused before asking, “Do you...wanna watch with me?”
“Ah, well...” Branch grimaced, hating to disappoint her more, “I actually have to finish studying and writing a paper,” He gestured toward the table that was covered in his text books, “But I'll be out here...”
Poppy nodded and shrugged, “Okay.” She then shuffled over to the couch and, finding Fuzzbert 2 already there waiting for her, snuggled in to watch.
Poppy watched the credits roll, a soft, content smile on her face as she leaned on Branch's shoulder. He had come over and watched the last few minutes with her which had made her glad. She twisted her head to look up at him, arm wrapping around his in a show of thanks and affection as she thanked him. While she still didn't feel better, she was starting to feel less sad.
“Not a problem,” He answered her, not bothering to remove his arm as he watched the credits. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye before asking, “Want to watch anything else?”
Poppy thought for a moment before nodding, “Yeah, I think I do.”
Branch moved then, getting up the switch movies, “Any requests?”
“Hercules, please.”
The blue haired man nodded and loaded in the movie, joining the pinkette back on the couch before pressing play. She snuggled back into his shoulder, arm wrapping around his again and happily waited as the movie started, all while the storm raged on.
When Poppy awoke later on, she knew it was later in the night; or early in the morning; and the storm was still going hard, rain and wind rattling the window. The TV was the only light source, casting a dull glow around the living room, the start screen for the movie still showing. She blinked blearily for a moment before realizing she was warm and that her pillow was moving. Glancing upwards, she found Branch sleeping soundly and that she was cuddled into his chest. Smiling, she shifted slightly before crossing her arms and resting her head on them, watching her roommate sleep.
He was the absolute sweetest, even if he didn't want to admit it, having done all he did for her when she came home wet and upset. Grabbing towels quickly for her and drying her off, making her hot chocolate, watching her favorite movies with her until they fell asleep in the couch, it was everything she hadn't known she'd wanted to be done. Sighing softly, feeling content and safe in his arms, Poppy was happy to fall back asleep but not before carefully leaning up and softly kissed his cheek and whispering, “Thank you.”
She then happily snuggled back down, sighing blissfully as Branch unconsciously hugged her tighter to him.
Morning came and with it's dull, gray light filtering into the apartment, woke the two on the couch. Poppy's eyes fluttered open before she yawned, noticing the storm had passed and was now just a steady pitter-padder of rain. She rubbed at her eyes as Branch shifted beneath her and let out a large yawn himself. He groaned slightly, not bothering to open his eyes and tried to sink farther down into the cushions.
“We've got to stop falling asleep on the couch...” He mumbled, uncaring that his arms were still wrapped around Poppy's waist.
The pinkette giggled sleepily, gazing up at him, “Want some coffee?” After Branch hummed his affirmation, she shifted to get up, placing her hands beside his head as she hovered above him.
Branch opened his eyes then to look up at her with a drowsy expression, “Hey...You feel better?”
“Yeah...” She answered quietly.
He smiled then, something small and sleepy, before unconsciously raising a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “Good...Like seeing you happy...Suits you.”
Another soft giggle and Poppy gently nuzzled her cheek into his hand where it rested, “It suits you too.”
Branch snorted before letting his hand fall away and his head lull backwards, grunting, “Coffee.”
Poppy giggled once again and got up, letting her hands trail through his hair as she walked away to start the coffee machine. Humming the tune to 'I See The Light' softly, she filled it with some of their shared favorite brand before turning back to see if he had sat up, only to find he had instead fallen back asleep. Watching the steady rise and fall of his torso, Poppy decided to let him sleep a little longer, it was the least she could do after all he'd done for her. She would always be thankful for that and for having such a caring best friend.
And, Poppy, gurl, you still don't see it yet? Okay, I did that on purpose but still XD Anyway! See told you Branch helped make it better! And Creek's a real creep not even texting to say he's not showing up but that was all planned and we're getting really close to the climax of this fic! I can't tell you how excited I am for that!!! I've been waiting to write these next few parts since January!!!
So I hope you all enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter!!
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brieannakeogh · 6 years
Way to a Man’s Heart- Ch 15
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So it’s my Birthday (no it’s a reupload from my birthday) and I decided to give ya’ll all a present. A smut present. 18+ Only. 
Threesome of course and some very dirty talking boys. 
Forgive me father for I have sinned. It puts my smut in the other stories to shame. (at least until I write the Lance stories or the oneshots lol)
Way to a Man’s Heart- ??? (could be Steve, Bucky or Stucky) x plus size reader. You love baking and cooking as a hobby, but your job is a receptionist at Avengers tower. Steve is the proud recipient of all the extras you make.
Previous Chapter / Master List
Chapter 15
The rest of the day went quickly, with only a few other interruptions to the normal routine. You waited for the new girl Sara to arrive for her evening shift, going over the notes for the day and making sure she didn’t have any questions. It wasn’t as busy at night as it was during the day since it was closed for the public during most of her shift, but it always takes longer to learn a new job when thrown in at slow times.
You were tired when you entered the apartment, physically and mentally drained. Barely being able to lift your feet up, one after the other. Planning to just faceplant into the couch when you got home, you notice it’s unusually quiet.
“Steve? Bucky? You guys home?” You hear a ruckus of different sounds coming from your room, although at this point it’s become all three of yours room. Kicking off your shoes by the door the two men emerge wearing suspicious lopsided grins. “Hi guys whatcha doing?” You ask with a cock to your head.
“Come and find out.” Bucky tells you as Steve takes your hands and ushers through the bedroom, into the adjoining bathroom. A heavenly scent fills the air as your eyes land on the full tub, full of bubbles and swirling different colors.
“The lady at the store said that something called ‘bath bombs’ were supposed to be relaxing.” Steve said into your ear, with a hand on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, rubbing a thumb against your skin.
“Yep, and dinner is almost done. There is also wine chilling in the fridge if you want a glass. I know you don’t like drinking during work days but after this week I figured it was a good exception.” Bucky continued.
There are scented candles lit around the bathroom, giving it an ethereal glow. “Wow guys, I don’t know what to say. This is amazing! I appreciate it so much.” You say while turning in Steve’s arms, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. He leans in to give you a quick kiss to the cheek and then to the lips as you pull away. You go over to Bucky, giving him the same treatment and he squeezes you tight burying his face in your neck. “So how about that glass of wine?” He breathes into your ear, making you shiver. You nod and he kisses your neck. “Why don’t you go ahead and get in and I’ll bring it to you?” He tells you as he moves out the door, Steve following behind him closing the door.
You strip down, toeing the water. It’s a little warmer than you like it but it feels good on your sore feet as you step in. The crunch of bath salts between your toes makes you giggle. They used the whole Lush store to make one bubble bath. Sinking down you spread out the bubbles and lean your head on the side of the tub, eyes closed. A few seconds later you hear the door open and see Bucky holding a glass. He stops when his eyes get to you, they darken just a fraction and he licks his lips. Handing you the glass, he kneels down and sits beside the tub, crossing his arms over the side. “I wonder how long it would take for me to pop all these bubbles, so I could see my girl in all her natural glory.” He pokes a finger out and pops a few that would be right above your chest.
“Hmf,” You snort into the glass as its pressed to your lips. You can feel the cool liquid run down your throat in direct contrast to the warm water. “I think it would take much too long. You would get sore sitting there and the water would go cold.” You smirk at him, taking another long drag from your glass.
“That’s an idea. Wait until your ready to get out. That wouldn’t take nearly as long” He lays his head on an arm, looking into your eyes. You can see the mischief gleaming from them.
“Yes, but you can’t sit there all night. I’m gonna want another glass soon.” You hold up the wine glass showing it’s half full now. He chuckles richly.
“Buck, a timer just went off. Do I take the potatoes out of the oven?” Steve pokes his head in the doorway. He walks in fully, leaning against the door jam when he see you two. “Buck we said we wouldn’t bother her, just let her relax.”
Bucky turns from Steve back to you. “I’m not bothering, am I Darlin’? Besides there are other ways to relax.” His voice drops and you can see his pupils dilate. Your breath turns shallow and your pretty sure it’s not from the wine or the heat of the tub.
“You know I think I’m gonna need another glass of wine sooner than I thought. Why don’t you go help Steve turn everything off and keep it warm. Then you two can come back and we can try other ways to relax?” You hum out. The tub is more than big enough for two, three would be a tight squeeze but you are more than willing to try.
Bucky’s eyes light up and he’s up off the floor and jogging to the kitchen before the slight echo of your sentence finishes.
“Are you sure Sweetheart?” Steve says from the doorway. “Tonight wasn't about this you know? We both know you’ve had a rough week.”
You hold a hand out to him, and he steps forward so you can take his hand, pulling it to your lips to kiss the back of it. “I know, but I can’t think of anything better to take my mind off work than spending time with my boys.” His chest swells with your words and he leans down to put a hand on the back of your neck, kissing you deeply. You tap him on the forearm before he gets too carried away and he pulls back reluctantly.
“Go give Bucky a hand. I’m worried he will get so excited he’ll burn himself.” You smirk.
He gives you an amused smile. “You’re probably right.” You hear him make his way back to the kitchen, and you are left alone again.
Finishing the rest of your glass of wine, you sit it on the floor and relax back feeling the tension in your shoulders releasing. It’s only been five minutes since they both left and you are already almost asleep before you hear Bucky’s sure strides come down the hall, stopping when they hit the tile of the bathroom.
You peek up at him, not even bothering to lift your head. He is standing tall and confident, but you see a hint of hesitation in his blue eyes. Steve is right behind him looking more relaxed, but still unsure of how to start. You lazily lap your hand against the water, pushing the bubbles this way and that. “Why don’t you both join me? The waters still warm.”
They both start stripping clothes. You’ve seen them each in nearly naked states when they’ve come out of the shower or in bed, but once they’ve gotten down to just their boxers it’s new territory.
Sitting up a bit to give them room, they tug down the last obstacle of clothing. In the years since you’ve been sexually active, with the few partners that you’ve had, along with the time browsing internet porn, you’ve never understood the appeal of just looking at a dick. It always felt nice in your hand or great in other places, but just looking at one didn’t set your teeth on edge and want to jump on it. That was until now.
They were magnificent. You watched as they grew and lengthened as your eyes went from one to the other. The spell was broken as Bucky moved behind you in the tub, sinking down, pulling you between his spread legs. You can feel his length pressing to your lower back as he wraps his hands around your waist. Steve takes the space in front of you, crossing his legs facing you, and you mimic the position so your shins are pressing together.
Bucky’s hands rubbing your stomach and sides, lightly skimming under your breasts. You relax into his chest, reaching for Steve’s hands to play with, using your thumb to message the palm of his hand and pulling it up to kiss his fingers. Steve shifts so his side is pressed against you, and you sit up a bit to lean your head on his shoulder, giving it lazy kisses. Bucky moves his hands to start messaging your back and shoulders, drawing obscene sounds from you as he works the knots he finds, making him twitch against your lower back.  You cradle Steve’s arm and rest your cheek to his shoulder, closing your eyes. “You like Bucky’s hands baby? He gives the best massages doesn’t he?” Steve asks as he kisses the top of your head. You hum an agreement contently as Bucky just smirks seeing your blissed out face. He leans down kissing the parts of your back above the water as his hands move lower, going over your hips and sides.
Steve turns again, laughing when you give a whine of protest since you can’t prop your head on his shoulder. You’re quickly quieted when he pulls you to his lap, chest to chest, feeling his hands down your back instead of Bucky’s. He is hot between your legs and is pressing against your inner thigh. Steve tilts your head up for a searing kiss as Bucky moves to press himself to your back, hands roaming down to your ass that is now exposed thanks to Steve. He works his lips on your shoulder, as he grabs the soft flesh he finds. The first swipe of a finger against your folds has you gasping in Steve’s mouth and he pulls away from the kiss. Steve’s hand going to your breast, as he fondles and pinches the stiff peak, watching your face contort.
Bucky hums in approval with the little noises you make, wanting to hear more he slowly inserts the tip of his finger inside of you, just to the first knuckle teasing you, going in and out in shallow thrusts.
“Buck?” Steve pants. “I think we need to move this to a bed.” Bucky nods and you can barely hear them over the rush of blood in your own ears. Bucky pulls his hands away and stand up. Not wanting him to go you reach behind you for him, but Steve pulls you back, running a hand down your face to sooth you.
The stopper is pulled and you feel the water draining around you, exposing your heated skin to the cool air of the bathroom. You try to crawl further into Steve arms for the body heat he provides, but he chuckles and helps you to stand, passing you off to Bucky who has a towel around him and another open waiting for you to step into. A quick pat dry off and he’s scooping you up, towel and all depositing you into the middle of the bed.
Bucky crawls over you hovering, his own towel gone. His arm goes under your body lifting you a little so he can pull the covers out underneath you, pulling you both under as he sees you shivering. He kisses you properly, tongue sliding over your lips asking for entrance, which you freely give. He sits up on his knees, his thighs over your hips as he eyes the towel still wrapped around you. His hand slowly descends to the seam, pulling it open, fully revealing all the places his hands have gone but not being able to get a proper look. His groan echoes through the quiet apartment.
You hear another noise to your side and see Steve standing by the door to the bathroom, cock in hand as he watches you and Bucky. Your attention is quickly brought back to the man in front of you as he covers your body completely with his own. His kiss deep and unrelenting, as the pleasant weight of his body is on top of yours. His hips start to cant, rocking against the apex of your thighs and you feel how hard he is.
You feel the bed dip and see out the corner of your eye Steve kneeling near your head, his hands in tight fists against his thighs, his cock long and thick, twitching with each grind that pushes Bucky’s cock into your soft thighs. Bucky releases you from the kiss, looking up at his friend. They seem to have a silent conversation before Bucky starts peppering kisses down your body, nipping at your breasts and hips on the way down. He looks up at you from between your legs with a sinful glint in his eyes, before he reaches under your thighs to pull them up and out exposing you to him. Steve has moved closer and eyes your exposed pussy hungrily before Bucky’s head blocks his view.
You let out a string of expletives and praises for the dark haired man that is currently eating you out like it’s his last meal. Feeling hands on your chest, you look into Steve’s eyes as he pinches your nipples, creating hard peaks, which be bends down and takes in his mouth, causing you to cry out again. You see Steve’s leaking cock between his legs and want a taste for yourself. Reaching up and lightly stroking it, he releases your nipple and subtly rocks his hips into your hand. “Yes baby, a little tighter.” He groans at you, eyes closed.
Wrapping more firmly around him, you start to stoke in earnest, having a hard time keeping rhythm because of the man between your legs. Bucky rolls his hips into the mattress as he flicks a tongue over your clit. He looks up just in time to see you grab Steve by the cock.
“Hmm that’s it, Doll. Take care of Stevie while I take care of you.” Bucky tells you as he slides a finger into your cunt, quickly adding another. You’re mouth drops open in a gasp, and Steve takes the opportunity to scoot closer, his cockhead just a breath away from your face. You take the hint and reach out with your tongue tasting the salty wetness, before wrapping your lips around the tip. His head is thrown back, sweet praises on his lips as his hands card through your hair and caress your cheeks. Feeding you slowly until almost his whole cock is rocking back and forth into your mouth, your hand cupping his balls so they rub against your palm as he thrust slowly.
Bucky not wanting to be outdone, adds a third finger, and switches his mouth for a thumb on your clit as he speeds up, curling his fingers in a way that brushes against your spot. He plants kisses and nips on your inner thighs and hips, knowing he will leave bruises for days. You gasp and pull off of Steve. “Oh god, Bucky I’m close. I’m so fucking close.” He pushes even harder against you, and when he feels you start to flutter around his fingers, he bites down hard at your hip, only just barely not breaking skin. You scream his name as you cum and tighten up around his fingers, his tongue moving back down to drink up your taste, slowly letting you come down, lapping you up. He kisses the marks he left as you run your fingers through his hair. Steve sits back on his ankles as Bucky come up for a kiss, letting you taste yourself.
Steve moves behind your head, propping himself on pillows at the headboard, legs spread with you between them. Bucky sits up and rolls you over, guiding your head to Steve’s cock which is now purple and throbbing. Bucky uses his hand to move the hair from your face, the other going under your hips to pull them in place, accepting the pillow Steve hands to him to stuff under you, keeping you were he wants. Steve’s hands replaces Bucky’s on your head as you sink down around him, playing with your hair and caressing your cheek and neck. Bucky molding his body over yours, kissing along your spine until he gets to your ear. “Are you ready, Darlin’?” He asks, knowing you have a mouth full of Steve’s cock just a few inches away from his face. You push your hips back as much as you can and moan around Steve’s cock.
Bucky chuckles as he sits up on his knees. “What do you think Steve? Think that’s a yes?” He’s running his hand over you, a little smack to your ass sends you moaning around Steve again.
“Yeah Buck. Uggg...yeah, I think it’s a yes.” Steve groans out, watching you with hooded eyes, cock disappearing down your throat.
“Me too.” Bucky states as an arm reaches around your waist holding you steady as he slowly guides himself in. Once fully seated he lets out a growl that goes straight to your core, clenching around him. His weight once again settles on your back, pushing your front down more and pulling your hips up to meet him. “Mmmm seems you like when we’re vocal. She keeps clenching Stevie when we make sounds.” Steve grunts in acknowledgment, concentrating hard on lasting longer in your warm mouth. Bucky starts to move and you make noises of your own, muffled as they were. The knowledge that you like them vocal sets Bucky off as he fucks you, growls and praises spilling forth.
“You’re so beautiful baby. Taking our cocks so well, with that perfect pussy and mouth. I can’t wait to try all sorts of things. Wanna fuck you everyday and make love every night, how does that sound baby, hmm?” He kisses your shoulders, uttering dirty words directly into your ear.
You are a moaning mess at this point and the vibrations are going straight to Steve’s cock. “Aww damn, Sweetheart, I’m gonna cum. You gotta pull off.” Steve warns. Instead you take him further down, urging his hands back into your hair.
“That’s my girl.” You hear Bucky croon, before he sits up fucking into you harder, the lewd slap of skin against skin ringing in your ears.
With another grunt and a thrust of his hips, Steve cums in your mouth. You pull back slightly to keep from choking and some dribbles out the side of your lips, onto his shaft. He pats your head indicating to stop and you clean him up softly with a lick of the tongue before you lay your head on his thigh, closing your eyes, concentrating on the feel of Bucky behind you.
“Cum for me baby, give me one more.” He says leaning back over you to kiss along your neck, sitting up leaving a hand between your shoulder blades, pressing you down as the other arm keeps you elevated to his hips. You feel the swipe of fingers over your clit and that’s all it takes before you are cumming again, Bucky’s right there with you as his hips stutter and stop filling you up.
Coming down from your high, your face has been pushed up to Steve’s stomach and you can see the drool running down is abs a little from where you kept your mouth open so long. Bucky is collapsed boneless on your back, his metal arm to the side, keeping the added weight from you. Steve is stroking your hair, neck and everything he can get his hands on, looking down at you lovingly.
“Wow, that was fucking amazing.” Bucky says as he rolls to the side off you, panting from the minimal effort it took. You hummed in response, still not up for forming words.
“Yeah it was, but I call dibs next time.” Steve chuckles as he leans down to kiss you.
Next Chapter
*Hides from embarrassment* Hope it was worth it, I know there were lots of people excited for this chapter. 
Unfortunately all that is left is one chapter. Switching to post that on Tuesday (it’s already up, repost). Please let me know how I did, I think it would bring me some perverse satisfaction if I know you guys are just as dirty as I am. (and ya are lol)
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professorpalmarosa · 5 years
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Mint Condition - Mable, Team Flare
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Ready for a bath bomb that’s cooler than an Abomasnow? Look no further than Mint Condition - a bath bomb inspired by Team Flare Scientist Mable!
Since Mable had a cooler color scheme and first appeared near Mamoswine Pass, I wanted to give her a very wintry-scented blend. Well...that and it was an excuse to use my super cute snowflake molds to make mini-bombs!
I recommend using two or three Mint Condition mini-bombs in a tub at once: especially after a long and grueling hike or workout. The three mint oils and Juniper Berry Essential Oil in this blend will soothe sore muscles, while the Camphor Essential Oil is my all-time fave decongestant.
The end result is a cool, clean, soothing smell that’s one part wintry and one part medicinal--but in a good way! Like a Vicks steam treatment and hot bath paired with the cooling effects of mint oils!
Now it’s time to talk about the pros and cons of these oils from a safety perspective…
Aromatherapy isn’t just about pretty smells and scented bath water. Essential oils are in such a high concentration that even absorbing them through your skin can leave you with the therapeutic (and potentially toxic) benefits.
If you are allergic to a plant, you are 100% without question going to be super allergic to the essential oil.
There’s also such a thing as contraindications: where some oils may affect you in weird ways if you have a certain medical condition or take certain medications.
The information below is for your safety if you want to attempt to make this blend at home (as a bath bomb, a body spray, or even scented bath salts). And do be sure to wear gloves. Some of these oils (like Peru Balsam or Lemon Tea Tree) have recommended dilution rates as small as 0.4%. You don’t want that to slide on bare skin!
Peppermint Essential Oil (25% of Synergy)
Everyone knows the smell of peppermint. It’s one of the most famous scents in the world and brings to mind candy canes, evening tea, and cool air. This essential oil is most often used as a wake-up smell and can help improve your concentration.
Peppermint Essential Oil is used for lots of mouth, nose, and throat issues (common cold, cough, inflammation of the mouth/throat, sinus infections, and respiratory infections). People also use it for a series of digestive problems (heartburn, nausea, morning sickness, cramps, upset stomach, gas, and diarrhea).
Peppermint reduces inflammation, so some folks will use it for liver, gallbladder, and menstrual problems. It’s a useful painkiller and can be inhaled to reduce the effects of a bad cough or cold.
It’s also a great “wake-up” scent and studies have shown that smelling Peppermint Essential Oil can make it easier to concentrate on tasks. Try diffusing it while you study or during a test!
The most comment side effects of Peppermint Essential Oil may include heartburn and allergic reactions such as flushing, headache, and mouth sores.
Although Peppermint Essential Oil can be purchased as a dietary supplement, please keep in mind that “dietary supplements” in the U.S. can slap virtually anything on the label and get away with it. The FDA isn’t as picky about “supplements”. It is the general opinion of aromatherapists that you shouldn’t ingest essential oils of any sort without first discussing it with your doctor.
Peppermint is not a cat-safe essential oil (due to its menthol content) and is one of the most dangerous ones to use around your kitty. Use with kitty-cat caution!
Wintergreen Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
Wintergreen Essential Oil is one of my favorite scents, as it reminds me of Wrigley Chewing Gum. It is also the active ingredient in the Village Naturals “Muscle Relief” lotion. I love that lotion and tend to use it when I am experiencing pain, particularly with my lower body.
Wintergreen doesn’t blend with too many things and isn’t as versatile as a lot of the flower or citrus oils are, but it will play nicely with other mint oils. That said, it is very strong. You don’t need as much of it in your synergy to get the scent.
Relax your sore and aching muscles! If you ever bought a muscle relief lotion and smelled something minty, chances are what you smelled was Wintergreen Essential Oil or an artificial derivative of it. Like Peppermint, Wintergreen reduces swelling and irritation around sore muscles, joints, and tissues. It works wonders for rheumatism and arthritis. I especially love the fact it’s a wonder oil for lower back pain, which I suffer from.
Fight that winter cold or flu! There is an aspirin-like chemical to Wintergreen that works wonders for pain, congestion, swelling, and fever. You can even make a homemade vapor rub out of coconut oil and Wintergreen Essential Oil to open up your nasal passages. I wouldn’t recommend that if you’re asthmatic, though, as Wintergreen may aggravate your asthma!
Use it to clean your home! Wintergreen Essential Oil combats various type of microbial growths (fungi, bacteria, and viruses). You can put a little in your dishwasher or laundry machine to kill odor-causing bacteria and lingering molds. It’s also a nice oil to add to your shower or toilet bowl if you have a sensitivity to artificial cleaners!
Having digestive problems? Maybe Wintergreen can help! Inhaling or topically applying Wintergreen (with a carrier oil) can increase the amount of stomach acid your body produces, which improves digestion. It’s also a mild diuretic and increases urine production, which cuts down on bloating. Supposedly, you might lose excess fat, sugar, and sodium through your urine.
Feeling a little queasy? Wintergreen’s got you covered! Wintergreen Essential Oil has several anti-nausea properties and can soothe your gastric lining and colon. Sometimes I rub a combination of Wintergreen, Eucalyptus, and Bergamot Essential Oils with fractionated coconut oil and lotion on my abdomen to fight cramps and gastrointestinal turmoil.
Wintergreen is great for your skin and your hair! When applied topically with a carrier oil, Wintergreen Essential Oil kills germs on the skin and fights inflammation, making it a great addition to your skincare routine if you suffer from blemishes, acne, dandruff, oily skin, or oily hair. It’s also a miracle relief for itchy, swollen bug bites.
Feeling a little groggy? Let Wintergreen wake you up! Historically, several Native American tribes in North America used Wintergreen leaves to stay alert and exercise longer. Wintergreen packs a one-two punch of increasing your concentration and wakefulness, all the while making it easier to breathe or carry on with your laborious tasks with less inflammation or swelling. Put it in an aromatherapy pendant or add a drop to your lotion to fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. And if you’re done with a really intense exercise session, massage the Wintergreen in to reduce the amount of pain and swelling you’ll experience later.
Got a stinky room in your house? Have no fear, because Wintergreen is here! Wintergreen is a wonderful deodorizer. Spray it around your home to make your kitchen or bathroom smell better. You can also spray a drop or two in your toilet or trash can to mask several nasty odors. That said, don’t do that if you have a cat. Cats will get really sick over wintergreen.
Trying to lose weight, but cravings keep making that difficult? Peppermint, Spearmint, and Wintergreen can reduce the severity of those cravings and make you feel satiated. There’s a reason beyond “fresh breath” why so many sugar-free gums are mint flavored!
Add Wintergreen to your oral hygiene routine! I put a drop of Wintergreen Essential Oil on my toothbrush before I use my toothpaste. My breath stays fresher for longer and my mouth feels so much cleaner. Some people also add it to their mouthwash. Just be sure you don’t swallow it!
Wintergreen Essential Oil is neither kid-safe nor cat-safe. Nobody under the age of 6 should use it. It can even be deadly to small children, and is deadly for your kitty.
Wintergreen Essential Oil is not an asthma-safe oil. If you have asthma, exercise caution to see if you have a sensitivity to this essential oil before using it on the regular.
Wintergreen Essential Oil is not safe for pregnant or nursing women, as the oil may negatively impact the fetus or baby.
If you take Warfarin (Coumadin) or other medications used to slow blood clotting, NEVER use Wintergreen Essential Oil. Wintergreen can also slow down blood clotting. Mixing this essential oil with your medication can increase your chances of bruising, bleeding, or even internal bleeding.
If you take aspirin, exercise caution in using Wintergreen Essential Oil. Wintergreen contains several similar chemicals to aspirin. Using large amounts of Wintergreen Essential Oil topically may increase your risk for side effects if you’re also taking aspirin at the same time.
Never apply Wintergreen Essential Oil neat (undiluted) on your skin. You will experience skin irritation, whether you have sensitive skin or not. Always use a carrier oil or only put a drop or two of Wintergreen in your bathtub. A little goes a long way!
While it’s never a good idea to ingest essential oils, it’s an especially bad idea to do that with Wintergreen. Ingesting Wintergreen can cause ringing in the ears, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, confusion, anxiety attacks, and horrible stomach pain. When I looked this up on WebMD, it stated that people have even died from this.
Wintergreen Essential Oil may cause an allergic reaction in people with allergies to salicylate compounds (like aspirin) or have nasal polyps.
Spearmint Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
Spearmint brings to mind Wrigley’s chewing gum (particularly the DoubleMint variety), those little white-and-green discs you get instead of peppermint, and Altoids. It’s a slightly sweeter smell than Peppermint Essential Oil, but carries a bit more bite and blends with some really fascinating things that Peppermint typically won’t.
Reduce healing time for scrapes and cuts! Spearmint is a good antiseptic. The myrcene, caryophyllene, and menthol help reduce the risk of a wound becoming infected, which (in turn) speeds up the healing process. The Ancient Greeks used it to treat all kinds of crazy things (like scabies, dermatitis, and many infectious diseases).
Relieve aches and spasms! Menthol (one component of Spearmint) has a cooling effect on the body and relaxes overactive nerves and muscles. Contractions loosen up, overexerted muscles ease up, and it’s a wonder for cramps.
Help your digestive tract! Spearmint’s properties can do good things for your digestive tract when inhaled. Gas can slip out more easily. Queasiness, indigestion, and stomachache ease up.
Regulate your monthly cycle! Spearmint has emmenagogue properties, meaning it can stimulate your period. If you suffer from early menopause or irregular periods, Spearmint Essential Oil may help. Sometimes I use it with Sage and Juniper Berry to speed mine up just before a convention so I won’t have to pack pads. Spearmint promotes the secretion of many female hormones, like estrogen.
Ward off pesky bugs! Bugs hate menthol. If you have a bug problem in your room, consider diffusing Spearmint or Peppermint to keep those creepy crawlies away.
Reduce your stress levels! Spearmint has a calming, cooling effect on the brain. It makes it easier to concentrate and focus. I’ll use it on hangover days to reduce the severity of my headache.
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may cause damage to the uterine lining. It’s probably a good idea not to use this oil while pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or breastfeeding.
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may increase your risk for kidney damage. If you already have a kidney disorder or your family has a history of kidney disorders, you might not want to use this oil (and, as a result, attempt to make this blend).
Excessive use of Spearmint Essential Oil may increase your risk for liver damage. If you already have a liver disorder or your family has a history of liver disorders, you might not want to use this oil (and, as a result, attempt to make this blend).
Juniper Berry Essential Oil (20% of Synergy)
If you’re a weirdo like me and love the way a gin and tonic smells, you’ll fall in love with Juniper Berry Essential Oil the first time you sniff it. It’s got that cool, crisp, biting aroma along with a slight medicinal after-scent…all in a good way.
I love blending it with Grapefruit, Balsam Fir, Pine, Cedarwood, Camphor, or anything in the mint family.
It’s a helpful digestive aid! Diffuse Juniper Berry for half an hour to an hour. The antispasmodic, tonic, and stomachic properties of this oil can help put that fussy tummy back into working order. Your twisted guts will unravel, you’ll build up more gastric juices, and be able to push whatever made you feel miserable out a little bit faster. Some people even use this oil to get some relief from constipation.
Carrying some extra water weight? Maybe Juniper Berry can help! I’m not gonna lie. I use it for this exact same reason, though I pair it with my Cardamom oil for a workout. I tend to bloat when I eat salty foods or my time of the month arrives. This flushes all that excess water right out! Juniper Berry makes your body sweat more, but also stimulates your kidneys. Just be sure to drink a lot of water if you use it for this purpose!
It’s good for arthritis, spasms, and cramps! Try a 1-3% dilution of Juniper Berry Essential Oil with a carrier (like jojoba, coconut, or sweet almond oil) and rub it into the sore area. It works quickly and should leave you feeling at least a little better in a few minutes.
It’s good for your skin and promotes a pretty complexion! Some people will use a 1-3% dilution ratio to treat eczema and psoriasis trouble spots. Try mixing it with jojoba oil (a carrier) for maximum effect. I’ll a drop of this (and Palmarosa Essential Oil) to my nightly astringent. I only get a zit or two during my cycle and that’s it.
Calm down, get a good night’s sleep, and banish all those stressful thoughts! Dilute the oil and apply it to the back of your neck or chest right before going to bed. I like to add a drop to my lotion and massage my temples after work, especially if it’s one of those days where I’m stuck in back to back development meetings and I think my head’s going to explode. Even a few drops in your bathtub should do the trick!
Never apply this essential oil neat (undiluted) on the skin. Some people have reported irritation, redness, swelling, and a burning sensation when applied neat.
Prolonged use of this essential oil may result in kidney problems, seizures, and other severe side effects. Occasional use should be fine.
Juniper Berry is not an oil you should use if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Juniper is a known abortifacent and can interfere with a uterus’s fertility.
If you are diabetic, you may want to avoid Juniper Berry Essential Oil. WebMD stated that there have been reports of this oil lowering people’s blood sugar to unsafe levels.
Never take this oil internally, as it may irritate your gastrointestinal tract.
If you are on any blood pressure medications, contact your physician before using this essential oil in any large capacity, as Juniper Berry Essential Oil may make blood pressure harder to control.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil may make it more difficult to control your blood sugar before and after surgery. If you’re scheduled for surgery, ere on the side of caution and don’t use this essential oil (and therefore the Mint Condition bath bomb) at least 2 weeks before the scheduled surgery.
Juniper Berry Essential Oil is not a kid-safe oil. Don’t use this oil (or bath bomb) with any kid under the age of 10.
Camphor Essential Oil (15% of Synergy)
If you’ve ever used Vicks Vapor-Rub, you know what camphor smells like! It has a very distinct smell and is used in a lot of vapor decongestant vapor treatments.
Clear your lungs and fight that cold! Camphor is used in several over-the-counter treatments for stuffy noses, sore throats, and congested airways for a reason. It’s one of the best things on the market to soothe your airways. The Food and Drug Administration has approved medications with 11% or lower concentrations of Camphor oil for chest rubs.
Boost your blood circulation and fight pain! Camphor improves circulation, which in turn can help with numbness, sore muscles, and aching joints. The Food and Drug Administration has approved creams and topical salves with a 3% to 11% ratio of Camphor for pain relief.
Soothe cold sores, bug bites, hemorrhoids, and minor burns! The Food and Drug Administration has approved creams and topical salves with a 3% to 11% ratio of Camphor for relieving itchy skin.
Ease your arthritis! When mixed with glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, people in a clinical study mentioned the pain from their osteoarthritis felt less significant. Doctors believe the Camphor was the star of the three chemicals and most helpful.
Fight off toe fungus! Mix Camphor Essential Oil and Lemon Eucalyptus Oil together with Menthol and apply it to your nasty toenails. Apply the treatment daily until the fungus goes away. It works for some people!
Never ingest Camphor Essential Oil. The side effects are severe, and sometimes even fatal. Signs of camphor poisoning in humans includes nausea, vomiting, and a burning throat and lungs.
Some people have a sensitivity to Camphor. You may want to do a patch test to confirm you’ll be alright with this oil. If you are, please use the recommended dilution ratio between this oil and carrier oils.
Never apply Camphor Essential Oil to broken skin. Your skin can absorb oils very quickly and you don’t want your camphor levels to turn toxic.
There are multiple types of Camphor Essential Oil out there, some of which can be potentially dangerous and even fatal. Make absolutely sure that you are buying from a reputable source and that your Camphor oil comes from the wood of the Cinnamomum camphora plant.
Camphor poisoning is oftentimes fatal for pets. Do not diffuse Camphor Essential Oil or apply Camphor Essential Oil on a cat, dog, or rabbit. Not only will they get sick from such a mistake, but it could very well kill them.
This is not a kid-safe oil. Do not use with children under the age of 10.
This is not an asthma-safe oil. Those without asthma, however, may reap camphor’s rewards.
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Best friends to lovers au!  BestFriendMark!AU
Warnings: Abusive relationship, cursing, mental and physical abuse || also unedited haha sorry loves
Summary: You're in an abusive relationship and don’t tell anyone about it. After a rough night, Mark shows up at your apartment at 4 am because you didn’t reply to his texts for the past few weeks.
Words: 1168
“You never listen to me! Why are you always with that Mark guy?! Are you in love with him now?!” Anger rang through his voice as I fell to the floor and was cornered. Oh no, here we go again. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared because hell I was. “Pretentious bitch! Answer me!” he screamed in my face. Who would’ve thought that the boy that gave me roses was the same boy that would throw me into the thorns. He's hurt me. Mentally and physically. He hit me. Again and again. I felt my arms and legs grow weak and my neck started to bruise. I felt my legs lose feeling. My heart ached. I, soon after, felt the blood rush out of my nose and drip onto the floor. I had completely knocked out.
I woke up at around 3 am. I felt a cold breeze coming from my window. He forget to close the window after smoking again didn’t he? Yes, my abusive boyfriend smokes. Who would’ve thought the innocent boy I fell in love with became someone like now. I realize the mess he's made as I get up to close the window and clean up for a while. After I had finished cleaning up, I fell into my bed. I wanted to sleep but I also wanted to shower to get rid of my bruises. I just laid in bed wanting to go to sleep and never wake up again. I gently closed my eyes and almost drifted to sleep until I heard pounding at my door. I walked out to open it but I grew scared at the thought it could be him again. “Y/n are you there?” I had jolted my head up, it was Mark. I ran to the door and opened it for him. “Mark, what are you doing here? Its 4 in the morning?” He didn’t answer me and I got confused. I followed where he was staring and it was the bruises all over my body. Darn it! I immediately realized I forgot to hide them before letting him in. “Mark I’m-” he cut me off. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he sounded slightly angry but I understood why he would be. I look down. What if Mark leaves me? As if he read my mind he said, “it's not like I would just leave you to struggle on your own after finding out. I'm not like that.” he walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the bathroom. He lifted me to sit on the counter while he ran the bathtub with semi hot water and put a little bit of bubble bar in. He set a bath bomb on the side and walked out of the bathroom for a second. He came back with loose fitted clothes, a towel and one of his hoodies. “Take a bath and get dressed, we can talk after.”
Mark seemed slightly mad but I didn't blame him. Being in an abusive relationship for almost 3 years was rough and I never told Mark a single thing about it. I set myself inside the tub and continue to let my thoughts run loose as I relaxed. What would I tell Mark when I get out? Maybe this was a good thing but maybe it should've been kept a secret.
I got out of the shower and realized he left one of his hoodies for me to wear. I remember when Mark and I were in high school, I used to love stealing his hoodies even if we were just friends. We were close and he didn't mind. It gave me a sense of comfort. I continued to wear the hoodie and was engulfed with his cologne scent. I really liked Mark's cologne. I walked out into the kitchen and living room area fo my apartment and saw Mark sitting in the kitchen on his phone. I didn't realize but his hair was slightly drenched and he had no makeup on. He must've knew something was wrong. He glanced up and saw me. He set his phone down on the kitchen table and stood up with his arms open. I didn't even realize but he engulfed me in a hug and I just couldn't take it. I started crying. “I'm sorry Mark. I wanted to tell you but it just got worse and worse and I didn't want you to get hurt and-” I was cut off by shock. Mark kissed the top of my head, still hugging me, and started singing our favourite childhood song we used to always sing together. “it's okay.” he spoke up after the verse had finished. “I think I deserve an explanation but if you're not ready I can wait.” I sighed and I told him we should sit. But he wouldn't let me go from his embrace.
“it started a few months after we started dating. It was actually because he was jealous of you. He didn't like me hanging out with you as much as I did and didn't like how close we were.” I paused and looked down. “I didn't want to tell you because it started because he was jealous of you. No matter how many times I told him we were just friend, he wouldn't believe me and everything just got worse and worse. He hit me more and harder and I started losing who I was as a person.” Mark got out of his chair and squatted in front of me. He slowly wiped my tears as I took a moment to pause because my nose was runny. “I got so scared you would get hurt so I didn't talk to you and that's why you haven't heard from me in a while. I'm so so so sorry Mark.”
He got up to get me tissues and started wiping my tears for me. “Hey, it's okay, I'm here, I'm alive I'm okay.” he tried reassuring me as I cried even harder. “Please break up with him y/n. You deserve someone so much better. Someone who loves you and genuinely cares about you. You deserve all the love in the world.” he paused and sighed. “I love you y/n, be with me instead.” he whispered, loud enough so I could hear. “Mark. I-” I was speechless. I didn't know Mark felt that way about me. I was attracted to Mark since I first saw him. “Mark, I feel the same way.” he looked so happy, the boy in front of me was glowing with joy. “be my girlfriend y/n. Break up with that scum. You deserve so much more than him and I can show you that.”
In the same night I broke up with him and started dating Mark. I fell asleep in Mark's embrace, never wanting the sudden lift of pain to end. I wanted to be happy and feel loved and Mark can show me that.
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five-hour-anxiety · 6 years
depresssion vlog 😥😴👎💭🏳️ | The Theory Of Real Activity | thursday vlogs
Taglist: @zerogettie  @spacevirgil@tree4life25@thebiggestnaturaldisaster @pailettehazel@jordandobbertin@thecityofthefireflies @the-fabulous-kimball@azuranightsong@virmillion @erlenmeyertrash @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @the-sanders-sides @punch-you-with-friendship@captaincantatrice@clovenpinetree @jughead-is-canonically-aroace@aplaceinthevoid@that-random-fandom-girl @zennyo
Word Count: 4431
Warnings: depression and talks of anxiety
Pairings: platonic prinxiety, platonic logicality, platonic analogical
Summary: Virgil is in the middle of a spiral and the back to back bad days are making it hard to function. He texts a few friends for help, and this is the result.
Designated Nerd:  Virgil, it has been some time since I’ve heard from you. Are you feeling well?
Me:  i mean, am i ever fine
Designated Nerd:  Well that is indeed worrying. Is there anything I can do for you, or would you rather I contact our more… emotional friends? Do you need me to come visit?
Me:  no, i dont want anyone over right now. this is gonna sound so stupid but,,, could u tell me what u do when ur upset
Designated Nerd:  If it helps, of course. I tend to listen to stimulating music and take hot showers. Please try to brush your teeth sometime soon as well, as hygiene is something that we all tend to be lax with in these states.
Me:  i should have expected advice like that
Designated Nerd:  Is it not useful? I apologize.
Me:  o no, its good. thx lo
Designated Nerd:  Anytime Virgil. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything else.
Sir-Sing-A-Lot:  hey panic at the everywhere, u still breathing
Me:  wow didnt kno u cared that much
Sir-Sing-A-Lot:  of course i care u ass how u doing
Me:  i mean im not dead. thats a fucking victory dude can i get a hell yeah
Sir-Sing-A-Lot:  hell fucking yeah bro im proud of u
Me:  hey while ur here,,,, how do u deal with ur bad days.
Sir-Sing-A-Lot:  poorly
Me:  damn dude
Sir-Sing-A-Lot:  yeah well thats life but i also light candles and fucking moisturize. unlike u u heathen
Me: thanks u fucking prick
Sir-Sing-A-Lot: hate u too u asshole c u this weekend~
Pat-Dad:  hey kiddo!! haven’t heard a peep outta you lately, just wanna make sure you’re still okay!!
Me:  im not okay, actually. but im glad u texted bc i have a q for u
Pat-Dad: anything for you kiddo, tell me how i can help!! :)
Me: wat do u do on bad days. like, how do u deal with the shitty emotions
Pat-Dad:  language kiddo.
Me: hellcrab.png
Pat-Dad: i dont have the profanity manatee on me so just pretend i sent that. anyway! i like to watch a bunch of funny shows and sit around in my favorite clothes! gotta feel good somehow!! and like, a lot of pillows are involved.
Me:  is this permission to turn my living room into a pillow fort
Pat-Dad: absolutely!!! but make sure you eat something today kiddo,,, making food is gonna be better than takeout btw. Feels good to have made something, trick the brian into enjoying the food more.
Me:  brian
Pat-Dad:  *brain, oh hush up
Me:  thanks 4 the help. <3 u
Pat-Dad: anytime kiddo!!!! :) <3 love you more!!!!!
   “Welcome back to the Theory of Real Activity -- today’s vlog: not what you all signed up for.” Virgil sighed, running a hand through his hair. “As I’m sure a lot of you have noticed, or at least the twitter crew has, I haven’t been as active on the channel lately. And I’m sorry about that, but I think I’m ready to talk about why now.
   “As many of you know, I have depression and anxiety. No way around it, there’s the truth. Often, these diseases prevent me from functioning like a healthy person would. That’s what’s been happening to me for the last few months. I’ve had a hard time getting up and dragging myself anywhere, much less making new content for all of you. Talking to friends via text is really hard too, so Twitter is something I can’t deal with either.
   “And I know a lot of you out there are the same way -- heck, when I do use Twitter and the likes, I see messages like that all the time. And I’m happy I’m able to help you all through those days when I can. But I can’t always be around to make stuff like that, so today I’m gonna talk you guys through helping yourselves when the days get bad and the voices get loud, okay?
   “But don’t let the start of this video fool you -- this isn’t a ‘oh we’re all gonna be okay if we just believe!’ kinda thing. Because there’s a lot of those. Don’t get me wrong, those are all wonderful messages and I really appreciate them, but I don’t think we need another one right now. What’s the point in trying to be motivated when the energy just isn’t there? I don’t know about any of you, but I almost feel worse when I watch those because I know whoever is on the other side of the screen wants me to work for happiness and I just… can’t. I can’t do it when I’m that low. So, no, this is not one of those videos.
“This is something completely different, I really hope it clicks with a few of you.”
   The camera switches out of selfie mode to reveal a table full of shopping bags. Virgil laughs off-screen and there’s the sound of papers shuffling.
   “Ladies, Gents, and everyone beyond the binary welcome to ‘How to Kinda Cope with Shit Brains’, starring yours truly. Let’s begin, shall we?”
   “Logan, you didn’t tell me you were uploading a video today! What’s this one about?” Patton squealed, clicking on the notification. Logan peered over his shoulder, trying to make out the display behind layers of smudges and a few cracks.
   “I- I did not upload a video today as Thursdays are typically reserved for anything Virgil wishes to post. That’s why there have not been any midweek videos recently.” Logan pulled out his own phone, giving up on Patton’s, and quickly unlocked the screen. “There is no one else with access to the account, so who- oh never mind. That is clearly something of Virgil’s creation.”
   “My goodness, he sure loves emojis, huh?” Patton giggled, reaching into his pockets. Logan groaned something like ‘you have no idea’ and pulled out a screen cloth for Patton. The younger man took it and quickly cleaned off his screen before pulling out his earbuds
“Do you wanna watch it together?” He asked, dangling them in front of Logan. Logan stared at him, grimacing.
   “Do you know how unsanitary sharing earphones is, Patton? I have a split connector in my bag, allow me to retrieve it and we shall view it together.”
   “So, I have compiled a list of things my friends do when they’re having bad days, as well as a few activities of my own, and we’re gonna test them. I’ll take note of how I feel before I start, do the activities, and then I’ll rate them by how I feel afterward. And if that sounds complicated, it is! Kinda. Logan says it’s the proper way to test things, by having a starting point and an end point, so go ask him? I don’t know, he’s always talking about control groups and I don’t know about any of you but I don’t want to make myself have bad days back to back just so I can test a bunch of things ‘fairly’.
“Anyway, first up: Roman’s list. He- he actually didn’t have much to say, just “moisturize bitch’ so I just pulled ideas from what he normally does on off-days. Sorry, Ro, but you brought this upon yourself.”
   Virgil reaches into the bag marked “Bed, Bath, and Beyond” and fishes out a bottle of something pink, as well as a purple container of lotion and a green candle.
   “I know for a fact Roman prefers grapefruit face wash, so that’s what we got here,” he shakes the pink bottle, “so we can gift this to him when we’re done here. And we have a bottle of lavender-scented lotion to go with it. I read somewhere that lavender helps with anxiety or something, but like,” he points at the camera, “it just smells good, and I am not ashamed to admit to that. Don’t read too much into this.
   “I also bought a scented candle, because that’s the only other thing Roman offered advice-wise. I fact-checked this one, and apparently good scents are supposed to help you think more clearly? Or something. I don’t know, I read the article at four in the morning, there’s not much I can really remember about it. Four am Virgil is really bad at retaining information.”
   The camera jostles as Virgil picks it up and walks into his bathroom. “Uh, just for like, the starting point? The best way to describe this type of anxiety is the buzzing and tensing of your muscles and the tightness in your chest. There’s nothing I want more than to dive under my bed sheets and sleep until tomorrow and try again later.
   “But I’m going to do this, so wish me luck.” He mutters, turning the tap on and grabbing a washcloth. The screen cuts away to black as an upbeat nineties song plays, and the text on the screen reads ‘Roman’s results’.
   “So,” Virgil starts, his face covered in white foam, “this stuff kinda burns? Roman, what the hell is wrong with you, you like this stuff? Ugh. Also, just so everyone knows, the smell of artificial grapefruit and lavender do not mix. Like separate, they are really good smells but just… don’t mix them together. It’s a really bad idea. We may have to do my list next so I can let the house air out for a while. As it is, I didn’t even try to light the candle, we do not need to add spearmint to this stink bomb.
   “Beyond that? The face wash is definitely waking me up. I feel a little more ‘oh hey, I’m a person’ that I did before so, yeah. This wasn’t a total bust. And my skin is soft! I understand the appeal of moisturizing now! Roman, how dare you keep this a secret from me?” Virgil laughs, rubbing his hands together. “Holy shit I feel like a million bucks. I am keeping the lotion, you can take this demon face scrub.” Virgil reaches off screen and picks up the pink bottle, scanning the back panel of text.
   “So overall, I’d say Roman’s tactics work. You just gotta like, make sure you get complimentary smells so you don’t stink yourself out of your house,” He says, still reading the bottle, “And you should definitely read the instructions on the bottles because this,” He holds up the pink bottle, “says to wash off after a few minutes, and it’s been ten. I’m gonna go get this off my face now.”
   “Babe, you seriously didn’t read the instructions?” Roman howled, throwing his head back into the couch. He could hear Virgil scoff from the kitchen.
   “Excuse me, but I thought it was like one of those face masks you leave on for half an hour! How was I supposed to know!” He asked, walking back into the room and plopping down beside Roman. “They look the same when you put them on, and you have a few long-lasting ones that smell like grapefruit! I had no way of knowing!”
   “You could’ve called, man. I would have helped you!” Roman lifted his arm, inviting Virgil to crawl under it. He took it and wrapped his arms around the taller man’s chest. “You bought face scrub, which is definitely not the same thing. Both are good though! Just, not that same.”
   “Yeah, well, I know that now,” Virgil muttered, burying his head in Roman’s hoodie.
   “We can do actual face masks after this if you want.” Roman offered, picking his phone back up. “Your pores could really benefit from one.”
   “You’re a dick. Turn that thing off.”
   “Love you too, bastard, but there’s no way in hell I’m turning this off.”
   The camera cuts again, and this time Virgil is in his bedroom. The window is open, and the sound of passing cars is almost inaudible but still present. His peach walls are bathed in a warm glow of the setting sun, a light breeze pushing his bangs up every so often.
   “Okay so, next up is Patton’s list. As per my own ‘rules’, I’m feeling mentally exhausted and ready to check the fuck out right now. But despite this, I’m actually… really excited for this one? It involves food, there’s no way this can go poorly.”
   The video cuts to footage of Virgil screaming as food on the stove erupts into flame. The 1812 Overture is playing the background. Whatever was in the pan is no longer food, as the burnt sustenance is bubbling in an ominous manner. The oven mitt is no longer on Virgil’s hand and is instead in a smoky heap on the kitchen counter.
   “No way this can go poorly” Virgil’s voice echoes as he runs off camera screaming. He returns with a fire extinguisher, the lens becoming jammed with foam just before the video cuts back to Virgil in his room eating Chinese takeout.
   “Okay so. It turns out it can go poorly. Patton said that making sure you eat, like, actual food and not six servings of chocolate cake with a glass of cherry coke on the side is supposed to help with the depression thing but like. It definitely didn’t help with the anxiety. Something about the food you worked to make tasting better?
   “So, I cheated and ordered take out. But hey! This stuff has got a bunch of veggies in it, so I think I won this round. Moving on,” Virgil puts the food down and leans down to grab something off the floor, “Patton also recommended watching some shows that I know I enjoy, so let’s do that next.” Virgil puts on the purple headphones he had grabbed and pulled his laptop onto his lap. He clicks off the light on his desk and plunges the room into darkness with only his computer light illuminating his face.
   “We’re watching the entirety of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine Halloween episodes, so be prepared for a highlight reel of that while I stuff my face with rice.” He twirls his finger around in a ‘roll film’ motion and kicks his feet up on the desk.
   The camera cuts to a black screen once more, the same upbeat music playing in the background. The text now read’s “Patton’s results”.
   The next few minutes is a series of clips strung together, many of them consisting of Virgil mouthing the lines along with the characters, and screeching with laughter. The last one shows him crying into his takeout, mumbling about how much he loves the relationship between Jake and Amy. He had taken his feet down from the desk at some point, now curled into his chair and bundled in his hoodie almost entirely.
   The video cuts away to a slightly more composed Virgil, who is now cuddling a pillow and scraping the bottom of the takeout box. His eye makeup had run down his face over the last few hours and he looked unnaturally pale in the weird lighting.
   “Yeah that uh,” He coughs awkwardly, “that worked. Ten out of three Patton, way to go. Got my brain to shut up for like, I don’t know, two hours?” He takes a deep breath and puts the takeout container on the desk. “It’s late, I think I’m gonna just do Logan’s and I’s lists tomorrow.”
   “Should I be concerned that he set the kitchen on fire and didn’t call anyone?” Patton whispered, pausing the video. “Why didn’t he call anyone? Did he get burned?”
   “I do not think you speeding to his house would have done any good, Patton, as he got the fire out by himself. That being said,” Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, “he is not allowed to cook for game night. Ever. What was he even trying to make?”
   “He can join me in the kitchen ban, then. The store-bought cookie club just gained a new member.”
   “God help us if you ever cook together. I’d have to take out a loan for a new apartment. I already cannot pay my student loans, I fear the possibility of adding to my life debt.” Logan shuddered, reaching over to unpause the video.
   “Okay, good morning internet. It’s buttcrack early outside, I don’t even think the sun is up yet? That’s good, actually, and I’ll get to why later.
“So, all that’s left is Logan and I’s lists, and to be honest? Logan may have already won the whole thing, looking at this on paper. He actually cares about like, not dying by germs or some shit.,I can guarantee his list will be practical. I gotta go set some stuff up for my list, so hang tight.” The screen cuts to a slightly more awake Virgil.
   He grins and gives a tiny wave before tapping the screen to switch the camera and show a hammock.
   “So, I’m next. I’m also gonna save Logan’s advice for the end of the video so you guys watch this whole thing. Give people an incentive for sticking around. Because I can see the stats on this, I know half of you like, exit the video halfway through. Stay for the whole thing, dammit, I need the ad money.” He laughs, gently putting the camera down. The screen shows a new sunrise, one full of soft purples and oranges. Above the sun and its halo are a few stars that have yet to go out for the day, barely visible behind the hazy clouds. Virgil picks the camera back up, the footage shaky.
   The camera stills to a shot of Virgil’s legs, the hammock swaying gently in the breeze. A few frogs can be heard singing in the background and Virgil hums a few notes. His voice is low as he speaks, still rough from sleep.
   “Again, to follow my own rules: I feel so awful I don’t even want to talk about it, guys. Sorry.” Virgil is quiet for a while longer, the occasional whispered lyric picked up by the microphone. Eventually, he speaks once more, a lighter tone to his voice.
   “Sure, this looks peaceful, but if you could all hear what kind of music I’m listening to right now, you’d be calling my therapist. Hey, Paul, I apologize my bro, but wow are you not gonna like me the next time I’m in.
   “So yeah, my list is just ‘get sun and get songs’. You Gucci fam, just stay out here until you either feel good or get cold. Probably gonna be the last one but, hey, you tried. Gold star. Bring a blanket if you wanna aim for the best possible outcome.”
   The camera cuts again, this time looking down from what is assumed to be a porch. The sky is dark once more, and the only source of light is a small candle.
   “Huh. What do you know, the candle works after all. Spearmint -- the poor man’s anti-anxiety. You know, I actually looked that up. Spearmint is supposed to be a good stress reliever and some kind of mood booster. The more you know, huh?”
   “Virgil, what the hell does that mean?” Roman chuckled, rubbing Virgil’s arm.
   “It means that when I’m panicking at work I just pop in a breath mint and BAM I am suddenly closer to reality than I was ten seconds ago.”
   “Do I wanna know how you discovered that?”
   “I had a hangry panic attack in high school and the only thing I had to eat in my bag were breath mints I was meaning to gift to you.”
   “Oh, that’s pretty- hey.”
   “You could still use some, man. Keep your nasty breath away from me.”
   Roman just hummed, looking at Virgil from the corner of his eyes. He smiled softly, his eyes sad and concerned. Pulling him closer, he unpaused the video and listened as he continued to hold his friend.
   “And last but certainly not least, is the list of the late, great Logan. He’s not dead. He’s just always late to dinner dates. Like a pretentious nerd, his excuses are ‘oh, I was studying’, ‘oh, I had an exam’, or ‘Patton set the kitchen on fire again, call 911’. What an ass.
   “Anyway. This list, which doesn’t have a cool name because Logan is against emojis and stuff, just has like, five items on it. In order that is: brush your teeth, put on some clean clothes, wash your hair, put on some socks, and the last one is a surprise. Because it really took me off guard and I need you all to be as surprised as I was.
   “And right now, I just feel apathetic. In case someone gets upset that I didn’t mention I felt going into this, I just feel apathetic.”
   The video cuts away to Virgil’s bathroom once more, and the leftover mess from the other day can be seen in the sink.
“Uh. Just, just ignore that mess. You know what it’s from, I don’t feel bad about that. Anyway, teeth brushing. Let me just find the toothpaste…
“You know, I can’t remember if I bought toothpaste at the store. Of all the crap I bought, don’t think toothpaste made it into the bin. So, let’s just see if I still have any of the travel samples from the dentist.”
Virgil riffles through his cabinets, pulling out items such as combs, hair dye, bleach, and a bottle of pills. He hums for a second, before crouching down to look under the sink.
   “I feel like, and I could be the only one who experiences this, I feel like anything that gets put under the sink will never see the light of day. So maybe I won’t be brushing my teeth today- wait. Wait! Oh gosh, thank you Jesus- there’s a- there is a bottle in the back there, but I can’t reach it. Outta my way, makeup kit, I got teeth to be cleaned!”
   Virgil pops back into view, holding up a half used mini bottle of toothpaste. It’s the kid’s kind, that tastes like berries and bubblegum. He uncaps it and starts to squeeze it out onto his toothbrush buts stops short.
   “Why the hell are there sparkles in this thing? That- isn’t that a, like, choking hazard or some shit? Okay, sorry Logan, teeth brushing is not happening in this video. I think you’d agree with me on this. When you get to this point in the video, feel free to add toothpaste to our shopping list.”
   “Jokes on you, Virgil, I added it yesterday when I spent the night and had to use that monstrosity.”
   “I use that stuff all the time, Logan, there’s nothing wrong with it! Look at me, I’m perfectly fine!”
   “That’s… that’s a, uh, great point Patton. Explains a lot.”
   “Okay, so next on the list was clean clothes. I’m doing that off camera, you nasties, so hang tight for a word from our sponsors.”
   The screen is black, with white text reading “crofters plz sponsor us logan is desperate.”
   Virgil reappears, in the same hoodie and shirt. He smirks, pointing at a pile of clothes on the floor.
   “Ha, I own two of these hoodies and three of these shirts. I am a cartoon character, y’all will never see me in a different outfit. You can dream, but my job is to crush those dreams.” He makes a fist as he says this, laughing through his teeth as he tries to appear tough.
   The camera cuts again, this time showing Virgil singing into a hairbrush while a towel is wrapped around his head. The scene doesn’t last long, as we are once again taken back to Virgil’s bedroom where he is set up with a laptop. This time he’s on his bed and the curtains are drawn.
   “It said to wash your hair, and you can’t wash hair without serenading the monsters living behind the shower curtains we all feared when we were little. Just because we aren’t afraid of them doesn’t mean they aren’t real!
   “Anyway, this is the last part of Logan’s list. It’s actually really sweet? Like, I am a grown ass man, and I am not ashamed to say I sobbed over this.” He continues, voice starting to tremor.
   Virgil spins his laptop around to show a YouTube video that’s about half an hour long. The title reads, ‘the best of Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street’. Virgil sniffs real fast, raking a fist over his eyes.
   “He uh, he knew these guys were my heroes growing up. And he knew it would cheer me up. Guess w-hat man,” Virgil sniffs again, “It- it worked like a fu-fucking charm. I uh, I’m actually feeling things after going through your list, so like. Nice work, I guess, I owe you dinner. Like, dinner at a restaurant, not a cooking dinner because I don’t want to poison you.
   “Ahem. Anyway. That’s the best thing in this whole video, you win Logan. And that about wraps up the Thursday vlog. Thanks for listening everyone, here’s the obligatory ‘we’re gonna be okay’ message, because as corny as that is -- it’s true. Find yourself a Bert to go with your Ernie and it’ll be okay. Maybe throw in an Elmo or a Zoey if you wanna round out the group. And my metaphor is getting too complicated, so! Virgil out! See you this weekend for the next Theory of Real Activity -- Logan and I are joined by Patton this time and we get into wild shit this week, let me tell you.”
   “Well, what are we still waiting around here for?” Patton asked, turning his phone off. He disconnected the earbuds, stuffing his haphazardly into his front pocket. Logan winced at the sight, and quickly but carefully wound his up into their case.
   “I’ll text Virgil to make sure he knows to expect us. Patton, if you could text Roman?” Logan asks, standing up and smoothing out his shirt. Patton nods, already poking away at his phone.
Me: Greetings, Virgil. Patton and I are on our way over to your house if that is okay?
Virgil Jackson: cant tell you no, you practically live here
Me: Yes, well, that is true. Is there anything I should bring with us?
Virgil Jackson: would it be lame to say a hug
Me: Not at all. If there is anything this group is good for, it’s hugging and crying. The occasional yelling, but that could go either way.
Virgil Jackson: whatever nerd, get over here already
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royallyanxious · 6 years
Okay so you can make angst out of the lucky prompt (which HURT i loved it), could you make fluff out of the agony prompt?
Okay, it took me longer than I expected but I did it! Here is it! Fluffy fic made out of agony prompt! Just to prove that I (kind of) write fluffy things too! At least i tried...
Special thanks to my inspiration and muse @quietlypondering
genre: fluffy Roman
word count: 1168
tw: nudity, mention of blood (this is fluff I swear!)
This day had been much more tiringthan Roman expected it to be. Everything was hurting him, his head was poundingand he was pretty sure that at least one of these stains covering his normallywhite uniform would not wash off easily.
 He sighed and lied down on thegrass. The air in the realm smelt like rain and sweat. That was a good battle.He was tired but after all- proud and happy. The grass was tickling his earsand the wind was gently stroking his sweaty hair. All the stars pinned to thedark, navy sky were blinking at him in perfect union, seemingly congratulatinghim his success. There were days when Roman was tempted to stay here forever.Fighting dragons, saving princes, princesses and small dogs, enjoying thenature and living him dreamt life.
Roman closed his eyes taking a deepbreath. The freedom was filling up his lungs, the victory was running throughhis bones and muscles. Nothing was interrupting the peace and quiet that Romanwas experiencing at this exact moment. He opened his eyes slowly, with no rush.It was a perfect moment to come back to reality. The stars were shiningtempting him with every blink and for a split of a second he felt an urge tostay a little bit longer. To enjoy the time, the peaceful glory just for onemore minute. He smiled to himself and shook his head. Everything had to come toan end. He knew his responsibilities way too well. He may be a prince here buthe spending too much time in his realm would be too dangerous for Thomas.Besides coming back home had its perks too.
 Two blinks of an eye later Romanwas back in his room, lying on his bed, instead of the covered with soft grasshill. He got up and stretched out his arms, letting the tiredness along withendorphins embrace him once again. Not even trying to surpass a massive yawn,Roman got up of his bed, lazily opening up the golden buttons of his uniformand letting the sash slip down his shoulders.
 He entered the bathroom, sloppilythrowing the clothes on the floor. The tiles felt cold under his bare feet,gently pushing the last pieces of his mind out of his realm. He leaned againstthe wall, watching the water fill the bathtub.
 “You know what they say… Medival isfascinating until you realise there’s no running water…” he mumbled to himself,suddenly recalling what Logan said few evening before when Roman came back homeexceptionally tired, covered with all types of leaves and brining on hisclothes enough mud to fill all the flowerpots in the house.
 Gloriously naked he opened the box,trying to figure out what bath bomb should he use today. He frowned noticingthat at least one ball was missing. Few weeks ago was the first time he noticedthat the other sides were sometimes sneaking to his room when he was gone tosteal his precious bath bombs. Ever since then he was always making sure toorder few more, just to have some spare ones, in case either Virgil, Patton orLogan were in need but too shy to admit. Roman hummed to himself. He was almostsure that it was Virgil this time, basing on the fact that the missing bathbomb was purple.
 After few moments of hesitationRoman finally choose the golden, sparkling one. That would be the base of hisbath today.
 He turned around putting the bathbomb aside and moved over to the shelf where he kept all of his bubble baths.Some may say he was exaggerating but taking a bath was like a holy ceremony tohim. He didn’t fight off all these monsters, to take a shower like a peasant,after all. Roman carefully opened up one of the bottles and took in a deepbreath. Roses. Exactly what he needed today.
 In the meantime the bath was halflyfilled up with water and Roman, still humming softly, turned off the goldentap, leaving only a small, hot stream running. With a joy of little child helet the bath bomb fall into the water, with excitement watching it bubble anddissolve. He quickly looked over his shoulder making sure that the door isclosed before he carefully poked the dissolving ball. It fizzed under his touchand he laughed softly. Small bubbles were tickling his fingers, bringingpleasant sensation. The water was slowly starting sparkle with little, goldenspecks.
 With sweeping gesture Roman pouredway too much bubble bath into the bath tub, just under the sink, in attempt tomake the soon-to-appear foam gain the soft shade of gold.
 The air quickly filled with thescent of roses and Roman carefully stepped into the tub, letting the warmth andsmoothness caress his skin. He turned off the tap and leaned his head againstthe wall. All day full of sweat and metallic blood on his tongue was worth thisone moment. He reached for his little rubber duck with small crown on the topof its head. A quiet squeak broke the silence and Roman chuckled, putting thetoy into the waves of the golden foam.
 “Oh, I know little prince. It wasan agony to be away from you for so long.” he smiled to the duckling, using hissugar-cotton voice.
 Roman took a deep breath and blewair on the duckling, revealing it’s crown and sash, watching small patches offoam dance in the air. Unable to stop himself he reached out his hand, lettingthe tiny glittering cloud rest on the top of his finger. He brought it closerto his eyes, watching small bubble disappear with silent “pops”.
 Sliding down the bathtub, he restedhis chin on the chest, leaving only his nose and eyes above the surface. Thewater smelt even better than earlier. The scent of roses was mixing with thememory of the forest and sky-night, slowly becoming a feeling more than anactual scent. Once again glancing at the door, Roman took in a little bit ofthe foam and put it on the top of his head. And then another hand-full of foamand another, until all his brown hair was covered with it, as if he was wearingbig, fluffy crown. Unable to hold the laugh he chuckled into the water. Hismouth filled with the taste of slightly chemical liquid and he straightened upa little bit, still giggling happily. The bubbly crown was slowly popping onhis head, disappearing like a fragile, soft dream, filling his ears withburbling sound which reminded him of a lost waterfall in the middle of ajungle. His lips formed into a wide smile and once again, he leaned his headagainst the wall, resting his arms on the sides of the tub and closing hiseyes.
 After all it had been a very goodday.
GENERALTAG LIST: @depressed-alone​​ ​ @changeling-ash​​ @dear-lover-dearest​ @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms​​ @calmingthoughtsinyourhead​ @zo-geeky​​ @fandomfreak-19​​ @thegnatnat​​ @inha-led​​ @tree4life25​​ @panic-at-theeverywhere​​ @reallyanextrovertipromise  @shit-happens-bitchachos @pastel-patton123​​ @pinkeasteregg​​ @greymane902​​ @princeyssash​​ @ilovemygaydad​​ @musicphanpie-b​​@all-these-trees-stealing-mah-o2 @birosezz​ @winged-outlaw @anxious-fander-talian-bean​@lizaelsparrow @moonstonefox12 @pastelnerd101  somecrappyclone mysticalstrawberryface @ninjago2020​  donteatmyassghostie toriwithacamera moxiety--sanders101 confinesofpersonalknowledge xxladystarlightxx wheeitsvee a-very-optimistic-realist @whatwashernameagain @punk-and-flowers @softprxnce @fluidityandgiggles  @poisonedapples 
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ferluccia · 7 years
please please PLEASE write something where Yuuri is still a fanboy and in aw if Viktor cause Viktor just showed up at his house to train him ?? basically early stages of their relationship where it's cute a fluffy and Yuuri is freaking out all the time because THATS VIKTOR NIKIFORVO AND HES HERE ?! and DID BE JUST TOUH MY HAND
It’s hard not to stare. 
It’s like Yuuri is waiting for the moment where he’ll look across the table and Victor Nikiforov won’t be there, having disappeared into thin air just like he had appeared.
He does not want it to happen, obviously. But it’s still hard to believe he is there, so close that Yuuri could just stretch his arm and touch him.
A part of him wants to touch Victor, yet the other part is too embarrassed to even gaze back at him for too long.
Victor Nikiforov is sitting across the table, wearing a loose jinbei (which Yuuri still has a hard time wrapping his head around) and listening to his sister’s slow explanation of how she runs things around the onsen. He wishes he had Mari’s self-confidence—she and Victor had clicked along well from the start because Mari, unlike himself, would not hesitate to ask him questions and make small talk, and Victor proved to be extremely patient with her vacillating English.
Sometimes Yuuri wishes he was just a little bit bolder. 
“—isn’t that right, Yuuri?”
Victor’s voice pulls him from his thoughts, leaving Yuuri looking back at him wide-eyed as he tries to guess what on earth he and Mari were on about. 
His heart hammers in his chest as he gazes back into Victor’s eyes. That is a mistake, Yuuri knows it as soon as he feels his face getting warmer as he tries to think of something to say. It’s none other than Victor Nikiforov sitting in his home and asking him questions.
Victor smiles. Yuuri can’t help staring at the table.
It was almost like someone had gotten access to his teenage dreams and was making him live through it, but had conveniently forgotten to give him the self-confidence he liked to fantasize about. 
“There’s nothing more relaxing than taking a warm bath after a long practice,” Victor clarifies, resting his elbows on the table and his chin on the palm of his hand. Mari, who has a familiar snicker on her face, busies herself with cleaning the table.
“Ah—Yes, yes. Very relaxing.”
He has no idea why they’re talking about bathing. He doesn’t want to know, but a part of him is intent on committing the smallest details that Victor is dropping with that conversation to memory and he feels his face getting red all over again. 
He knows now he will never forget that Victor’s favorite bath bomb scent is chamomile and lavender. That’s some sort of knowledge that didn’t make it to the interviews. The Victor Nikiforov in the magazines didn’t speak so much about his personal preferences and would prefer to focus on talking about his skating, his passion.
Yuuri does a quick calculation of the time they will be spending together and how many more personal details he will get to learn from Victor, and the result is an exponential growth. It’s a little dizzying. It’s indescribably exciting.
That is if Yuuri ever stops being so shy around him.
Time works its magic on him quickly enough. In a matter of days, he doesn’t see Victor as the magnificent international celebrity who is sleeping under his same roof, but as an exceedingly talented skater who is taking time to share his knowledge with him. At some point, it stops being intimidating and it becomes… Victor. Victor, his coach and—dare he say?—friend, who is eager to help and eager to learn more about his student.
Yuuri would never have thought that Victor Nikiforov, of all people, would be interested in learning about him.
It’s easy to forget about Victor’s fame when they are in their element—skating together in the rink. Yuuri even picks up on smaller details he had never noticed before—like how Victor sticks his tongue out before trying out his triples and how he doesn’t do it when he’s jumping quads, or like how Victor’s three-turns are actually not that good but he does them fast enough so no one notices how he loses his balance in between. 
It’s almost like they had been doing this—training together—for all their lives. 
Until Victor touches him. Victor, Yuuri learns, is a very hands-on coach, and he is not sure if Victor has picked up on it but Yuuri can’t help shaking when he touches him. 
It then hits him it’s the five-times consecutive figure skating champion, squatted in front of him, holding his leg and explaining how lousy his landing leg on the salchow is. 
“Your knee has to be pointing back when you start to take-off, not to the side like this—are you listening?” He looks at Yuuri with those determined blue eyes and firms his hand on Yuuri’s calf. “Do you need to get your blades sharpened? You’re trembling like it’s hard to stand still.”
“N-no! No, no, no—it’s, uh, I’m OK,” Yuuri blabbers, hesitating a second before placing his hand on Victor’s shoulder and putting both skates on the ice. “I’m gonna—uh, skate some laps before trying again.”
Victor nods, getting up and smiling at him. “Don’t tire yourself, we still have to go through your other jumps.”
Yuuri can’t help chuckling, casting a glance over his shoulder and replying, “It’s more likely you get tired of watching me first.”
What ensues is that spark in Victor’s eyes, one that only now Yuri was getting used to. It usually manifests when Yuuri challenges him to something, an often result of his spurts of boldness. The corners of Victor’s mouth turn into a smile as he uncrosses his arms. 
“Is that a challenge?”
Without even thinking twice, Yuuri nods. He feels a sting of worry creeping up on him the moment Victor taps his lips as he paused to think.
“Alright. If you land a clean quad salchow I’ll do anything you want.”
Yuuri holds his breath.
“And if not?”
“You’ll have to do anything I want, of course,” Victor replies with a sweet smile, almost giggling. 
Yuuri is pretty sure that anxiety is to blame for the failure of his jump. As soon as he heard Victor’s words it started pooling in his stomach, making it hard for him to focus. He had it all right—the take-off leg, his mid-air position, but the landing… 
It hadn’t been his best quad salchow. It hadn’t been his worst, either. When he skates back to where Victor is, he feels a shiver run through his body. He knows Victor meant it as a joke, but a part of him… kind of hopes for something else? Yuuri is not sure what, but he almost expects Victor to surprise him with something he doesn’t want to name or think too much about for fear of ruining the surprise. 
“You almost had it,” Victor laments, which Yuuri finds a bit odd. “Which means that I won. I want you to…”
A dramatic pause. Suspense. Yuuri is holding his breath, wide-eyed and balling his hands on his sides as he is aware Victor is watching his reaction and taking notes. He doesn’t know what to expect and feels his heart racing as Victor runs his tongue on his lips. He is entirely at Victor’s mercy and doesn’t know what to expect.
“… skate figures.”
Yuuri nearly laughs in relief, relaxing his shoulders and not giving Victor a lot of time to think of what figures and getting straight to it. The cold air brushes against his skin as Yuuri takes a deep breath and does a spiral, hearing the distant sound of approval from his coach. 
To look back at moments like those becomes one of Yuuri’s favorite things to do at night, as he got ready to sleep. It had been a couple of weeks since Victor had become his effective coach, and it never ceased to amaze Yuuri how much Victor and he had grown close, how intimate and unapologetically human Victor had grown around him. It had taken them an earnest talk to get where they were, a common agreement of making an effort to be themselves and support each other throughout that path. 
It had been the best thing to happen to them. They shared private jokes. They traded books and played games together. Only in Yuuri’s wildest dreams things like those happened.
Sure, Yuuri would still get amazed that Victor Nikiforov of all people was asking to borrow his socks and bringing him coffee in his bedroom, asking Yuuri to teach him how to play the keyboard and inviting him to go shopping in the nearest town. But it was much better than that. 
This was a Victor Nikiforov that few people were familiar with. Human, a work-in-in progress, who had a lot more in common with Yuuri than he could ever have imagined.
Yuuri can’t believe how blessed he is.
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cutiecrates · 6 years
Cutie Reviews: Yume Twins March 18
I finally sit down to write this and wouldn’t you know- I accidentally got pictures from April’s box Σ(・口・)
So here I am again, an hour later and ready to get to work! I was upset but since I’m behind I can’t let a silly accident get the better of me.
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(Yeah, I rushed to my “alternate setting” to hurry and get these pictures. Can you tell? :P)
First up is the photo contest prize; a bunch of adorable kitty-style Korilakkuma merch.
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and here was this months Yume Prize, featuring Little Twin Stars and Tuxedo Sam:
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and before we get to the review, this months article featured the kawaii Sailor Moon Shop: 
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First is this adorable Mochi Shiba Plushie & Memo Pad set, both featuring Okaka x3 an adorable shiba inu who loves rice and is very cuddly. Even if I love cats, I also adore rice and cuddles ♥ sign me up!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Both get a 5 out of 5 Cuties ₍ᐢ•ﻌ•ᐢ₎ It’s very cuddly and adorable, and well made. The notepad is also really well made in comparison to past notepads or books I’ve gotten from these various boxes. It also includes 100 pages and four different page designs!
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An essentially for Spring, Summer, or anytime of the year; a Kawaii Animal Duster. This is available in 3 different styles/colors, including this pink one (I don’t know what its supposed to be, I’m guessing dog, porcupine, maybe an alpaca?), a yellow and brown Lion, and a green froggy!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I have a few of these types of dusters and honestly I don’t use them very much because of how loose they are. It ends up being a nuisance... well that, and I have a legit allergy to dust. I know a lot of people say that, but I actually do. If I get near dust I end up sneezing like crazy and my nose gets stuffed, my eyes get red and puffy and I start feeling worn out, even if I was perfectly fine a a few minutes prior to that.
I know I make everything difficult : D
Regardless I actually really like this! Not only did I get the pink one, but it’s not loose like my other ones, and it seems to work fine. The little handle is collapsible too, making it easier to store.
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I really wish we got more of these in our boxes, I love cute Japanese bath bombs with prizes in them. We just do not get them enough. This specific one is the Mochi Shiba Bath Bomb in Mikan Orange scent.
Okay. So I just took a bath this morning and I really didn’t need to take another, so...
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Here’s the final results: The destroyed bath bomb (which I will use next time don’t worry), the toy and capsule, and the back of the bag showing the toy. I was so excited when I saw that I got the one I wanted! I love the white shiba!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides the adorable toy, the scent and color are lovely. It’s fairly strong but it didn’t bother me or anything. 
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Who does love a paw/toe bean? x3 This is perfect for all of those people who don’t have a pet or one they can bring with them when they leave home. This is the Paw Beanies Squishie. There was eight different color types for paw and “beans“
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥
Okay, so... these are very soft, which I like because I like soft squishy. However, mine has a weird and unpleasant scent that kind of lessens it’s cute appeal to me. I’m not sure what it is and I don’t remember it being there originally- unless I really didn’t notice or smell it then.
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This is our last item, a Sumikko Gurashi Omamori. Omamori are little charms that you carry around with you after writing your wish down on paper or an included tag you stick inside of it. As you can see there are twelve different styles to get :3 I would have loved to get White Bear or Neko, but I think ghosts are pretty cute so I’m not unhappy with who I got.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s a simple, but very cute item :3 I love it, and I plan to give my wish some thought before I write it down and add it to the insanity hanging off of my purse (by that I mean pins, two pocketbacs, lotion, keychains).
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. Unlike the prior box, I was enticed by every item in some shape or form. Even if one of them left me with a neutral opinion.
Price - 4 out of 5. Ehhhh I want to say I understand since we got nice sized items, but I know bath bombs and small squishy and charms aren’t expensive either. But as character goods it makes sense...
Quality - 4.5 out of 5. I adore the quality and detail of each and every item.
Theme - 5 out of 5. As you probably saw on the booklet the theme was Shiba & Friends. Which is exactly what we got :3 a bunch of adorable shiba and their friends!
Total Rank: 18.5 out of 20 Cuties. I think I enjoyed this box more than the prior one. As I mentioned the squishy is a bit meh to me (and even then its not the worst I’ve seen), but I was charmed by the kawaii products. 
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Mochi Shiba Plush - By now you have to notice how much I love plush toys right? It’s well made design and detail had won me over fairly quickly.
2. Mochi Shiba Memo Pad - It features several designs, not only on the outside, but the inside has many different page types. It’s so cute!
3. Mochi Shiba Bath Bomb - It’s a lovely scent, and the prize is too cute!!
4. Sumikko Gurashi Omamori - The character art is pretty basic/generic, but it’s colorful pattern makes it very sweet.   
5. Kawaii Duster - It’s an adorable, soft, colorful cleaning product. What isn’t there to adore?
6. Paw Squishy - I love squishy but this color combination (and smell) did nothing for me >3<
Okay Cuties, that does it for this entry :3 next up will be everyone’s favorite beauty boxes NMNL and KiraKira Crate. Until next time stay orangey rolly-polly shiba cute!
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hamiltonaf · 7 years
Jeff Atkins x Reader || Friends with Benefits
A/N: As requested by @mayasmedberg & @asheyl14 . Hope you enjoy it ! I honestly love writing 13rw imagines. Be sure to follow and like this for more. Feedback is always appreciated. Also leave some messages in my ask, I’m willing to do a Q&A or just finding someone to talk to. Btw this is the furthest I’ll ever go with smut I’m not comfortable going in depth so hope you understand. xx
Warning: Language & Some Smut
I think long and hard till this day about my decision I made 3 months ago. It was a simple yes or no question that he had asked me. Who could this possibly be ? You may wonder, it was the all too famous and every ones favourite Jeff Atkins
Jeff and I have been good friends since 7th grade, lately this year he has given me a lot more attention which I would never know why. He started teasing me and throwing harsh remarks; which people say that when guys tease you its because they have a crush on you, could this be true ? Jeff Atkins having a crush on (Y/N) (Y/L/N) ? Well, could us being friends with benefits be considered that Jeff has taken a liking to me ?
It all started 3 weeks ago. Before that my life was the same old coming to school being teased by Jeff and laughed at by his gang. Jessica was a good friend of mine and always told me to never take him seriously because he had grown to be cocky. I tried to brush it off but after a while his words started to hurt more by the day. I’d hoped that life would get better and I would get stronger but I was weak, that too I didn’t want to make my problem an issue for others. I’d cry myself to sleep on certain nights to free the pain but it didn’t help either.
I was sitting in the cafeteria with Jessica and Hannah, we were just talking about arranging times to do our group assignment until we were disrupted by Jeff’s daily remarks. “Oh boys would you look at that lonely fat shit sat between Hannah and Jess. Of course she’d sit with our girls because she can’t make friends of her own. Attention seeking bitch” he spat. I looked down at my lap and dug my nails onto my arm in hopes to not think about Jeff’s words. Does he think teasing me will distract people from finding about our ‘relationship’ ?
I hadn’t realised a tear left my eye until it dropped onto my arm. I looked back up at Jeff to see his face soften when he saw mine. “Jeff why don’t you shut the fuck up and leave her alone” Hannah said. I stood up from my seat “Excuse me” I murmured loud enough for just the girls to hear me and walked right pass the group of jocks with now probably bloodshot eyes. As I pushed pass the double doors of the cafeteria and into the empty hallways I cried out harder. Every time I would wipe a tear, another had dared to fall. I couldn’t control my emotions, today Jeff had crossed the line. I made my way down the hall and into the parking lot, picking up my pace to get to my car.
Heavy footsteps were heard behind me but I hadn’t bothered to see who it was since I was more interested in leaving. I pressed the unlock button on my car key from afar, opening up the car door my hand was stopped. I looked at the face that I last wanted to see. “Leave me the fuck alone Jeff. You’re the last person that should even bother to be here right now. What did you come here for ? To hurt me with your words because it’s almost the same as hurting me with a knife” I left him speechless. He looked back at me and was at a loss for words. “I thought so. Now excuse the fat shit that is about to leave before she runs you over” I said lastly, getting into the car and speeding off home.
My parents ran their own business and since they were always so busy traveling overseas or coming home late, then their was never really time for me to have a proper conversation about what’s going on in my life.
I ran into my house and upstairs to my bedroom as I balled my eyes out. I can’t believe I fell for an asshole like him, what the hell is my problem ? I filled myself up a nice hot bath with a few beautiful scented candles and threw in a bath bomb to soak myself in. As I got into the bath it was as if I forgot about all my worries and pain. I went through my phone and found numerous messages from Hannah, Jessica and Jeff. I froze in the bath when I read Jeff’s message “I’ll be at your house in 10”, that message was sent 8 minutes ago. He’ll easily make his way in if I don’t allow him. I mentally slap myself as I realised I didn’t lock the door. I don’t want to deal with him ever again and right now I don’t want to see him, I’d just like some alone time.
I quickly grabbed myself a towel and wrapped it around my body. I rushed downstairs to our front door and rolled my eyes when I saw Jeff outside our front porch ready to knock on the door. I opened it before he could “Atkins go home. I don’t want to see you here again nor do I ever want to have any dealings with you. Forget about our past because it was all just a joke to you anyway.” I said. His foot held the door when I tried shutting it and comparing his strength to mine, we all knew who won this battle. He came in and locked the door behind him.
He didn’t utter a word but just took small steps towards me. “I’m sorry” was all he blurted out. “Excuse me ?” I asked in shock. This was the first time I ever heard those words come out of his mouth. I never though those words would be existent in his vocabulary as he always expects people to bow down to him, well, not me. “I’m sorry” he said once and shoved his hands into his jean pockets. “Apology not accepted. Now go away Jeff, you disrupted my bath” I said and turned on my heel already making my way upstairs to my bathroom. He followed close behind me “Do you not understand me when I ask you to leave ? Do I need to show you the door ?” I asked when I got into the bathroom. I let the towel drop to the floor and got into the tub.
I could feel Jeff’s stare on me, it was as if he was taking in the detail of every inch of my body. I played around with the bubbles in the tub, it was an awkward silence since Jeff was in the bathroom with me but he isn’t saying anything. “I don’t see what was the point in you coming if you aren’t going to say much. Did you expect to apologise for the first time and I’d suddenly be head over heels for you then we’d have sex ?” I asked and turned my attention to him. “Pretty much yeah” he said. He walked from leaning against the door to the edge of the tub and took a seat. “That’s not how it works for me” I rolled my eyes. “Jeff you need to understand that you’ve crossed the line. I don’t think I’d be able to forgive you” I said.
”You will after we have make up sex” he smirked. “Is that the only shit running through your mind ? Our friends with benefits relationship is over. So now you’re free to go mess around with other girls or unless you were already doing that whilst we had a fling ?” I raised a brow. He’s a jock, I should have expected him to be with over 20 other girls because I mean all the girls at school are head over heels for him.”I’ll be honest and say that you’re the only girl I’m with, in secret. All the other girls I just flirt with and lead them wanting for more” I just plainly nod my head trying to show I’m uninterested.
”Would you mind leaving now ? This fat shit has to rinse off in the shower and would like to take a nap after” I said with emphasis on what he called. “Oh I don’t mind, I could stand here and watch you all day babe” he grinned. I sighed and covered myself up with hands, I hopped into the shower and rinsed myself off. When I stepped foot out of the shower, Jeff wasn’t in my bathroom, how did I not notice him leave ? But all the better for me now that I’m all alone. I wrapped the towel around my body and went to my room, I frowned to see him seated on my bed.
“I was so happy thinking you left but you just won’t leave will you ?” I asked and closed my room door behind me. “I want to make it up to you after what happened in the cafeteria so until you forgive me then I’ll leave like you said or unless you want me to stay” he wriggled his eyebrows.
“Okay, I can propose something. How about I punish you and then we can see where we go from there” I requested. “What punishment are we talking here ?” He asked eagerly. “Well, I can have my way with you, you can look at me all you want but only thing is you can’t touch” I whispered in his ear. “If it makes you forgive me then okay” he said. I grabbed the rope from my gown and thought of using that to tie his hands around the head board to keep him from touching me. “Kinky” he smirked when he saw the rope in my hand. I pushed him against the headboard and tied his hands, making sure he had no chance of touching me. He stared at me to try and catch on to what my next move was.
I hadn’t given him much time to think when I placed my lips on his cutting him off short. Our lips moved in sync, his lips were soft and might I say he was a damn good kisser. Just as I started to feel his tongue I broke the kiss and started to leave wet kisses from his jaw down to his collarbone. I kissed his sweet spot and nibbled on it, making sure to leave a mark. I joined our lips again making sure he had craved for more, he moaned when he finally got his way with his tongue in my mouth. I removed my towel and sat myself on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer if it was possible as I yearned for his touch. I realised I was not only punishing him but myself as well because I was craving for him.
”Baby I think that’s enough punishment I need to touch you” he mumbled between kisses. I ignored what he had said and decided to tease him by rubbing myself in circular motions on his crotch. “Ugh I can’t do this anymore” He was getting annoyed by the minute. “It won’t happen again” he pleaded. I trailed my hand slowly down to my private in hopes to throw him over board by now at the sight. “Don’t you dare” he warned. “Like I’d fucking do it myself, you’re finishing this off” I said and loosened the rope. “About fucking time, you’re all mine now” he pulled me by my waist. “Wait just a second, explain why the heck you insulted me in front of everyone at school ?” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Because I have a huge crush on you and I didn’t want people to know about my true feelings but you’re the first to know now, and I’m sorry once again.” he rushed. “Well, why didn’t you say so a long time ago you dweeb, we wouldn’t have to worry about having this conversation” “Enough about that, I’d like to finish what you started” he pointed to his pants.
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