fuckshitslover · 1 year
shook up - fuckshit
you woke up, alarmed as you heard the ringing of your clock, about to lean forward, you put your hand on the linen, expecting to feel the soft quilt. instead, you felt something out of the ordinary. soft, hard flesh of someone's arm.
you quickly turned your head, to see an all too familiar face laying next to you, fuckshit. (or andre , as his family calls him). you two were best friends, so seeing him in your bed wasnt too unusual.
but you were naked.
and so was he.
that was what was out of the ordinary. you were confused, and apparently, he was too. you saw him start stirring in his sleep and out of habit, pulled up the quilt over your bare chest, although you didnt feel that there was really a point in that. he sputters something and then rubs his eyes, opening them to a very confused face, his best friend, you.
he wasn't nearly as shocked as you were, until he realised he had no clothes on, and neither did you. he was taken aback, trying to form a sentence but the confusion added to his regular amount of grammar skills gave him no luck.
you felt a pounding headache, signifying that you two had been drinking that night.
his thoughts, obviously moving slower that yours caused him to blurt out "do you think we fucked?" straight to the point i guess.
"looks like it"
"fuck... shiiiiiit. thats something new".
he was still obviously too fucked out to realise what this meant, it had pretty much put a ripple in the time space continuum! even if he didn't yet, you knew that you guys could never be the same again, even if you tried you would always have this moment playing in the back of your mind. suddenly, you heard rapid knocking on your door and fuckshit turned around as he knew you were going to get up.
you reached into your wardrobe and pulled out a robe and ran to the door. you heard fuckshit scrambling to get his clothes (that were sprawled out on the floor) and you opened the door.
you were met with a camera clad fourthgrade, ray next to him with a thirteen year old behind him.
i wonder where ruben is?
they invited themselves into your home as the kid stayed with ray in the living room, fourthgrade ran to you room, appearing to be filming for this weird school project he was doing.
he opened the door with a swift 'aha' and ran over to what sounded like fuckshit cursing him out.
might make a part 2, might not. tell me if you want one.
also i have a hc that fuckshit's name is actually andre fischer.
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Fourth grade younger sibling reader who gets into a fight at school and basically goes straight to the skate shop because the reader needs their brother and is so upset and the gang all comfort him talking shit about the dudes that beat reader up!!
YESYESYESYESYESYES DNNSNSS ilysm ♣️ u need to pop in my inbox more
FOURTHGRADE ; aneurysm
summary ; your older brother, a boy with little common sense, uses his final braincell for good
warnings ; language, censored racial slur, physical fighting
disclaimers ; reader & fg are siblings/sibling figures to each other (whichever you choose, it doesn't matter that much) ; reader calls fg Ryder (his real name as were gonna say) (they don't have canon names and I'm not making one up so I'm just using their actors names) ; reader is about rubens age (13/14 so like middle school ig)
track ; aneurysm, nirvana
word count ; 966
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You sprint down the sidewalk, dried blood still stained upon the top of your lip. Your throat is cold as you heave your chest up and down for air, your lungs begging you to stop running. You were in no kind of danger now, only infuriated and scared of what had happened to you.
Essentially, you got jumped while walking to your bus after school.
You ran as fast as your legs could take you, hoping that Ryder would be at Motorz with his other friends. If not, you had nowhere else to go.
You pull the front door open with much more force than needed and quickly look around as your brain pounds inside your head. Fuckshit is the first to lay eyes on you, which slightly widen as he looks you up and down.
"Damn n****! Fuck happened to you?" He asks, then turns to the corner where the two couches sit, "Yo, Fourthgrade, Y/n's looking for you"
You walk back to the corner behind the racks of shirts while Ryder's head pops up from his camera. His eyes clearly widen as he sees the blood trailing down your face, staining your grey shirt.
You look at him with crazed eyes, showing him fear and anger. He quickly stands up and stands over you as he tilts your head up to get a better look at your face, fingers resting under your chin.
"Shit, what happened?"
"I got jumped." You say with a flat tone, tossing your backpack down on the floor next to the box TV. You look back at the door, hoping not to see the kids who jumped you minutes earlier waiting for you outside. Thankfully, the coast was clear.
He drags you to the back and grabs a towel, soaking it with cool water. He hands it to you, instructing to wash off all the blood from your face while using the mirror above the sink. He leaves the room for a moment, grabbing some bandages, alcohol and cotton pads from the first-aid kit that sat next to the back door.
You toss the towel in the sink and sit on the ledge as you wait for him. You look at your left elbow, seeing it scraped and bleeding a bit from when you first hit the concrete.
He walks back in, his arms filled with first-aid supplies.
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"Run that shit back, what do you mean got jumped walking to the bus?" Fuckshit says, flopping down on the couch in front of you.
You sit on the floor, your feet perched up on Fourthgrade's skateboard, sliding it side to side.
"These assholes have been picking on me for literally ever, and I made a comment in class that kinda referred to them being assholes. I was walking to the bus after school, and they just jumped me and shit." You shrug, head hung low. The bruise over your eye was becoming more apparent.
Fourthgrade shares a saddened look with the other boys, mostly Fuckshit and Ray, silently asking what he should do for you. They both shrug.
"Who- What do they look like?" The cinephiliac asks, fidgeting with the camera in his hand.
"You're not fighting a bunch of 14 year olds for me" You deadpan at him, your head tilted to the right a bit. "Forget it"
"Oh, I'm not fighting them for you" He shrugs, looking over to Ruben. "He will"
"I will?"
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You and Ruben quietly follow your bullies down the halls and outside the school at the end of school on Monday. You share a look while you hold Ryder's camera, keeping quiet as you spoke so they wouldn't hear you as you reach the exit doors.
"What else did they do to you?" Ruben asks, glancing at your bruised eye.
You shrug, "Y'know, subtle bullying shit. Making fun of me, talking shit about me, threatening to fight me, stuff like that"
He nods, turning as they do, catching the eyes of Ray, Fuckshit and Fourthgrade as they walk down toward the middle school, awaiting to meet up with you. Ruben shakes his head, nearly sighing.
"Why'd I fuckin' agree to this?"
You shrug again, "Your answer's as good 's mine"
You flick the camera on as he hands you his backpack, preparing to jump the three kids as the older teens follow close behind you, picking up the pace. You were still surprised that Fourthgrade, the boy who lacked common sense, came up with this whole plan. Ray definitely cleared up some confusion and deserved credit, but Fourthgrade was really the director of this film.
You look behind you at the three teens who nod, then Ruben quickly runs up to the third-wheel looking friend, pulling him in a chokehold. The other two don't notice for a moment until they hear their friend choking and gasping for air, his fingers clawing at Ruben's arm. You pull the camera up, filming as the Hispanic boy attacks the three bullies.
He releases the first from the chokehold, knowing the little ginger would run over helping his friends. The other two turn around and lunge at him as the older teens cheer him on. Ruben is able to put one kid in a headlock and use his free legs to his ability, kicking the other in the dick.
Behind the camera, you cheer him on as well, laughing as your bullies try to fight back. Surprisingly, he was really strong for some wannabe gangster fourteen year old.
"Beat his ass, bro!"
"Kick his balls again!"
"Get him, get him!"
"Go Ruben!"
You turn to look at Fourthgrade, his camera still recording. You send him a smile and mouth a thank you, which he nods in response, his lips curling into a smile as well.
"You're welcome"
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dolly-gutzz · 2 months
Mid90’s x gn or fem!reader / slight Fuckshit x gn!reader
Reader wanted a nickname, so the boys tried to come up with one. It sucked + readers' first time meeting the boys. 
Warnings!!: two mentions of fem pronouns sorta. Just fluff:D
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆☆ ★ ✮
Spike Psyche. That's my nickname. Out of all the things my friends could have nick-named me. Spike Psyche. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, appalled. Fuckshit nods, swigging back his Coke. 
“Yup.” he replies as Sunburn (aka stevie) giggles at the name.“Why?” I exclaim in disbelief. 
Ray chuckles at the nickname before muttering
 “Thats fucked up” Fuckshit opens his stupid mouth again. “Because all you talk about Is chopping off our heads and putting them on spikes, and how you want to kill yourself after every minor inconvenience.” I gasp, putting my hand over my chest dramatically. “I do not!”
Ruben shakes his head. “Yes, you do.”
FourthGrade chuckles behind his camera and I glare at him. He sinks down into the couch. “I do not talk about killing myself that much guys, if anything Ruben does more than me!” Ruben whips his head around to look at me. “Man, fuck you” He starts “I do not talk about that depressed shit.” I shake my head. “Y’all are trippin’” I look around the shop and see some customers listening in on our conversation. “I will not let yall call me that dumbass name, I like Y/N so much better”
Fourth grade finally chimes in. “But last week you said you hated your basic name and you wanted a nickname.” Bless his innocent soul. “Well I take it back, i am not answering to ‘Spike Psyche’” I sink into the couch with a pout. “Well fine ma, we’ll find you a “good nickname” Fuckshit reasons. I nod. We sit in silence as Ray gets up to help the customer. I look around the shop. 
New posters of artists I like are on the walls. Fuckshit insisted on making the space mine as well as theirs. All I heard was ‘we need new decorations and you have good taste in music’ I didn't really mind though. I've always wanted to add my own little spice into the skate shop ever since I first stepped foot in it. I think back a couple years. 
I was 13. I wanted a new board for my birthday. So, my dad took me to the nearest shop. Four boys sat on a couch near a wall, watching MTV on their small TV. The tall one noticed us first. He nudged the golden haired boy to his left, who then looked up at me. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. My dad frowned. I guess he caught that. “Hey, welcome to Motorz, how can I help y'all today?” he asked, clearly trying to impress my dad (on account of my dads business attire). 
My dad spoke for me while I hid behind him in fear. I was never good with new people. Especially ones I found cool. 
As my dad pressed questions like ‘How old even are you?’ and ‘fuckshits your name?’ I only found the kid cooler. How did you even wind up with a name like Fuckshit? 
Soon enough, my own personal skateboard was in my hands, and my dad was dragging me out of the shop despite my wanting to stay. As I looked behind me to the boys, and the supposed fuckshit was waving to me out the door. With my other free hand I waved back. He smiled a soft smile, and then walked back into the shop yelling “that chick was hot!” I smiled to myself the whole way home. I went back to the shop after school one day to see fuckshit again, and just stayed there for three years. My dad warmed up to fuckshit eventually, but still has some grudges against him. 
And I'm still in love with the stupid kid, even though he gets on my nerves almost every day.
 I look at fuckshit now. His hair is longer, yet less taken care of and frizzy. He has more scars from skateboarding. And his eyes look even more green against his tan olive skin. Suddenly, he speaks. “I got it!” I roll my eyes and mutter “what is it?” He smirks and walks over to me slightly slotting his legs between mine. “Your new nickname is Stalker, because you're always staring at me” The boys erupt in laughter. I gasp “fuck you” 
“You wish ma,” 
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Fourth graders have been learning about the significance of feathers in Native American history. They then drew feathers from observation and chose materials from the drawing, paint, and collage center.
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princessclai · 2 years
at least i am not wrong about a superior mate lol
ravage ravish random forced contraction at the grammatical level
forced contraction creation but snap a twig barely vibrate a golden twig gold twig lol
hahaha yay mistakes and Synonyms and word crimes and consequences I don't care about bc u not steal three u steal atomical and eukaryotic and prokaryotic and deca and meca and deci and lol
he mad someday or maybe not bc
i quit but he didn't
but maybe I'm wrong but
all de and a descendants ascended etc
. Stephen Hawking
You are dancing to me, but I know that.
maybe a random ballroom accident
I hope that is not true, Ascended and Descended Geniuses. I love all of you, Satan and Lucifers tooses lol because I'm an amateur spy too. as ss lol secret service perfectprotector imperfectperfectionist
wah sambulance
it ok maybe i snap too much somehow someway when u go GAWKING again
astronomically dwarfsupernovaburritobabyexplosion
mommy energy daddy energy
2 too tutu sry didn't do
I'm . but ° O π WAH
I wanted to be a pediatric surgeon.
but tortured and raped . . . etc instead
accident rage ravish ravage
but I'm in love with russian male superiors and Ukrainian male superiors and slavic Cyrillic male and female superiors and male and female harvard superiors and etc coexist at Harvard bc mature enough to UNC Chapel Hill superiors
I should be dead soon.
another cruel joke miracle to find
perfect mate in every state every sense zen
i failed again. at zen. I can't stop laughing, but you're so cute, Buddhist Monk Senpai. I'm not allowed to be a Buddhist Monk as a female, and I respect that, so I'll bring you more than white rice and your descendants, asc . . . not allowed. I do not have free will.
.,. -_- ^_^ ^~,
I wanted to and tried to become a pediatric surgeon. Due to extenuating circumstances, many times, etc, I was forced to fail. 🍼 Due
maybe a pacifier this time because im a yellifier mentally right now but apathetic emotionless
a pathetic crying mother
wah, i couldn't be perfect at evil after all like u
to sickness, ()[]{} wtf those idk need to ask Harvard grammar at PhD
didnt stalk me enuf that time i guess lol
big fundamental mistake
but i learned about evil to prevent it too 1 % deception due to sociopathy to protect and preserve and reverse extinction but oops
perfect evil exists
perfect perfect exists
live evil
in conditions u too dumb to understand
hope this stops u taylor swift
lol she doesn't know i exist probably
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xelmokidx · 11 months
dude for years I’ve been looking for fuckshit x reader or fourthgrade x reader but the findings have been extremely scarce and I am depressed about that.
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Like look at them
dude I might just write abt them for the sake of humanity
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queff-boi · 2 months
Mid 90s masterlist🤎
skateboard lessons
Crossing lines
Nothing here yet
Nothing here yet
Other characters🤎
Nothing here yet
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- fourthgrade headcanons
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
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have you ever been insanely jealous of what two gay fourthgraders have
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piplicious · 1 year
Dip Week Day 3!!!
Hello I wrote a little something based on a conversation I had with @/pipcorn. But I have like no experience as a writer!!! So you have to be nice to me. + theres a drawing inside :3
Word count: 1366 words
Ship: Damien x Pip
Warnings: none whatsoever
Summary: it's Damien's Birthday and everything is on fire.
"By the power of all unholy and evil I command --all the mortals come to my birthday party!!!"
Despite the very clear and easy to understand demand of his highness son of Satan, no one was there. Creatures of darkness were present, of course, but that was about it. The little black demon beings were all sat at a special table, reserved specifically for them, with all the appropriate evil meals served and ready. But what about Damien's other friends (or so he'd like to think of them)? Did he not manage to make everyone in class like him by being a little asshole?
Unfortunately, Hell was going through a bit of a financial crisis, and some unplanned budget cuts had to be made. Instead of a big fancy banquet Damien had to make do with a regular size birthday party. Well, it was a bit below regular, you can't underestimate the impact inflation and excessive risk taking by systemically important financial institutions have on otherworldly dimentions. Obviously.
As a result, materialistic humans didn't really feel like attending such an underwhelming event.
The AAARGH didn't help. So strange! At least one boy should've come. One very specific little lad! And a very important one, too, but shush about that.
And yet no one was there. The party had started whole 5 minutes ago after all! Could it be… that maybe the invintations got lost? Well, no, because then Pip surely would've come. Damien made sure to personally disturb the signal in the 500 meters radius area by shooting his rubber duck-like voice all the way to Pip over the phone exactly 5 times. One time -- a month before the birthday, so that the blond has enough time to prepare the presents. Then a week before the celebration -- enough time for Pip to make sure to cancel all the plans for the special day. Then one day before the birthday - in the morning and in the evening. And don't forget the mandatory 5 AM call.
And so, utterly dissapointed, the grumpy lump of rage continued pouting even harder than usual. I'd like to say that his hope for humanity was completely gone by that time (6 minutes past the official beginning of the party), but let's be honest, it's South Park, why would it ever be there in the first place.
"Happy Birthday, son. Today is a beautiful day and you're only 9 years away from the day I tell you the truth about how you were made."
"Dad. WHE--??"
"I know, I know what you want to say, I see that half of the room is on fire already. But first I have a very important gift for you."
And there, a sudden strike of silence hit the room. Damien's instincts freezed and crashed! The "gift" that loomed out of the hallway made him unsure whether to hiss or wag his tail. Or both?
"G-good morning, Damien! I'm here to wish you a very happy birthday and hopefully entertain you for the duration of my stay here…! Hope you didn't… miss me?"
The little british boy that just came in already managed to pick up that something about Damien's reaction was off, as the later made incomprehensible noises and it was hard to read what exactly he was feeling at the moment. It would seem illogical, as Pip was the exact person lacking at the event, and yet the way he appeared rubbed the demon in a wrong way.
"Are you… mad at me? Ohh… I see… No one has come to your party? No worries!!! I understand how you feel, sogga, no one attends my celebratio--"
"Why are you wearing that!!!"
"Oh it's a clown outfit, your father asked me to--"
And so Satan had to step into the conversation between the fourthgraders. What an interesting sentence out of context!
"You see, due to the financial situation we couldn't afford a professional entertainer, and dead soul tortures are already reserved for when you get good grades, so I figured getting your buddy to pretend to be a clown for your birthday would be good enough."
"But why?"
Giving absolutely no answer, the hissy boy left the room and it almost seemed like he had a little tear in his eye. And so, Pip, Satan, and a hoard of unholy creatures whatever they are, were left astounded in a room with more fire in it than food or tables.
What a confusing situation! But of course giving up would mean missing the chance to save your lo-- your friend's important day, right? That's not a very caring behavior. Pip would not want to leave Damien behind, no. It takes some thick gloves and a lot of bravery to deal with wild kittens like that. And a heart big enough to give them all the space they need to not feel intimidated anymore.
"There, there."
Pip sat near the curled up demon, petting his back and waiting for him to cool down and relax his eyebrows at least a bit. And boy did he take his sweet time cooling down, this is not your average tray of freshly baked brownies.
"I-I don't want to rush you or anything, but could I perhaps get a hint about why you're mad at me?"
Nope. Not happening.
"It appears I have to try guessing myself… Do you want me to leave?"
Damien shook his head. Somehow everything became even more confusing.
"Are you… afraid of clowns?"
Not that either.
"I don't know what else it could be then…"
"…I wanted you to come because you want to. Not because you have to."
The boy who for some reason had to remind Pip about his birthday 5 times looked away in embarassment. Could it be that there was actually some kind of thought process happening behind those eyes? It seemed that this time his friends' intentions actually mattered to him and it wasn't just about seeming cool in front of the elite of the class. Pip was nice sincerely and it made a big difference! If he came willingly it would be clear what he came for. Damien's smile or something gay like that.
"…How much did he pay you?"
"For what?"
"For you to come."
"Oh good golly i'm going to get paid?"
The utter confusion in blonde's eyes eventually cleared up all the doubts in Damien's mind.
"Oh alrighties."
"I think I understand. Only a brit would willingly attend a party where the only food being served is unholy goop and satanic porridge."
"It's not that, Damien, I just--"
Pip started fidgeting awkwardly with the fabric of his clothes like a shy anime girl. Unusual, since most of the time when he liked someone it was extremely visible to everyone around. Well, it was, it very much was visible this time either but somehow not to Damien.
"You see, back when I was born as a little baby in a small town of--"
"I have feelings for you."
"Oh. Wait what. Wait. That's gay."
"Indeed it is, Damien. I understand if you want me to leave even harder than before now, I--"
Instead of jokingly utilizing the diverse pallete of homophobic slurs in English language the demon boy's eyes immediately brightened up. He didn't exactly know why yet, but it actually… cheered him up? His buddy was actually more than just a buddy! They could spend so much time together like those two yaois from their class! Now the hard part is actually somehow returning feelings and admitting the same thing. Oh Go-- Oh man it sure is more embarassing than he thought… But it must be oh so worth it!!!
The poor British thing just sat there waiting for any even remotely coherent answer. His anxiety was only soothed by the fact that the fire in the house began slowly extinguishing, which probably meant that Damien wasn't angry with him. Fortunately he didn't need to wait too long.
"You're my boyfriend now."
There. The hardest part is now behind, time to jump straight to the part that has handholding and fun dates in it.
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fuckshitslover · 1 year
Fuckshit with bimbo reader
authors note: I ended up not making her so much bimbo, but more that style and like out there
All day, Fuckshit was waiting to hear the clicking of your heels along the tiles of motorz. He liked how the other girls tried to dress more casually and you; not caring what those bitches think wore your cute pink tank tops and denim skirts. That's what he first noticed when you came into the store with your little brother, looking for stickers for your board. He never believed in love, only in pointless hookups and month-long relationships with the school whores. That was when he saw you, instantly taking an interest. The boys obviously noticed his change in demeanor and hyped him up and embarrassed him a little bit to eventually go up to you and invite you to hang out behind the shop one day. You happily took up the offer, needing something to do on the weekend other than babysitting someone down the road for 4 bucks an hour.
You happily skipped down the street on the way to Motorz. You did receive some odd looks from girls your age, but that's okay. You rocked your bedazzled hello kitty crop-top, cargo-mini skirt of course having your thong hanging over and pastel pink stiletto pumps. People thought you were childish, sure. That didn't sway your love for the clothing style, though.
You could hear skateboards skidding against concrete and poles, so you knew you were getting close without even looking up.
Within a couple minutes, you reached the town's not-so-beloved skate shop, motorz.
You walked in, heels clicking against the cold tiles, walking over to the group of boys who were focusing on the film on the tv in front of them.
Fuckshit, who was getting up anyway to grab a beer, nearly did a double take when he saw you walk through the doors of the shop. He immediately walked in, noticing your outfit before anything else. You felt flustered under his eyes, hoping that they weren't too judging. But that definitely wasn't the case. He was looking at you with pure adoration. For the first time in his life he felt like he needed to make an effort to make and maintain a relationship.
"Hey, I didn't think you were going to come" He says cooly, trying not to show how much he loved that you were here.
"Yeah, I was just running a little late. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long". You felt embarrassed that he had pointed it out, as you were hoping nobody noticed.
What you didn't notice was that the rest of the boys, fuckshit's friends had started making their way out of the store. Fuckshit did notice this however, so he decided to be bold and grabbed your newly-manicured hand softly to lead you outside.
You sat down on a block of concrete, Fuckshit sitting next to you. You grabbed your pack of cigarettes and handed one to Fuckshit before getting one out for yourself. You grabbed out your cinamoroll lighter, Fuckshit snickering.
You turn to him in mock confusion "What are you laughing at mister?"
He laughs even harder "You got tons of that cartoon shit don't you?"
Fuckshit grabs it, lighting his smoke after you.
He shuffles closer to you, covering you from the cold wind, giving what you were wearing.
You lean in to Fuckshit's shoulder, understanding what he was getting at. Out of the corner of your eye you see him lightly smile. You guys watched Ray and Fourthgrade do tricks, Ruben and a kid you've never seen before sitting over on the other side of the park.
This was better than you expected.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
FOURTHGRADE ; dating hcs
warnings ; language, talk of substances, talk of like makeout stuff (not in great detail or anything but yk)
genre ; fluff
requested by ; @th0tblckgrl
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guys, he isn't dumb, he just lacks common sense I swear
he excells in tech classes and art stuff
math and science will be his downfall (real tbh)
always films you doing tricks and shit
has a whole vhs worth of film of raw, unedited footage of you two skating together (mostly you) and stupid cute shit he's caught on camera
he titles it "y/n/n <3" with a red sharpie too.
dyeing his hair w him
he never switches out that bleach & pink istg
it makes for good hangouts and stuff tho
you watch his gecko for hours while he's doing homework and shit
she's just so adorable omg
he likes you on top when you're making out and shit
he loves being straddled and being able to hold you by the waist and shit
he's not super clingy or anything but he loves his hand holding and cuddles
he has acne, and if you do too, oh my lord match made in heaven
he loves tracing your scars with his infamous red sharpie and it stains your face for almost a day lmao
he likes picking at your bacne just through impulsive thoughts
"ow! Jesus christ!"
"sorry! it was ready to pop, I swear"
dude Ray loves you two together sm
he's your biggest shipper <3
fuckshit constantly teases you two
I personally hc that fourthgrade is asexual so here's context for the next one
since he's ase (and even if you are two! me too twin) you guys don't take it all that sexual, and gets a little icked when the guys make jokes about you two fucking sometimes
most the time he laughs it off but other days he's just eughhh
and you instantly turn to whoever made the joke and silently shake your head and do the 'you're dead sign' with a respectful face iykwim
he likes staring in your eyes sometimes and getting lost in them
when he's writing movie scripts for fun, he uses you as a faceclaim (along with the other boys tbh) for whatever lead there is or the leads love intrest/best friend. everytime without fail
basically just fanfiction about you two
again like fuckshit, friendship before relationship
matching belts or band shirts
if you also dye your hair fun colors, he dyes it for you
movie nights every night I swear
getting high with him in the dead of night on a friday/saturday night >>>>
hugging him from behind too 💔💔💔
I'm not like trying to infantilize him, he's just a softie for u
stealing shopping carts and bringing them back to skate locations is just a tradition
a lot of times Ray and Fuckshit are busy and they leave ruben and stevie with you so you guys are basically a little family doing fun shit
skating around town, going to the public pool, chilling inside gas stations, renting movies, trauma dumping etc
you're literally just ruben and stevies parents
the ultimate comedy group too 💀
shit, you, fourth, fuckshit and ray are actually way too funny when you're super drunk/high at parties
like you'll be in your own corner watching over ruben and stevie playing uno and start talking about testicul bombs and radioactive cum??? (based on a true story)
alr that's all I got I hope u enjoyed LOL
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kya-is-kool · 7 months
can you write dating hcs w/ fourthgrade please 🙏 hes so underrated 😭
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐒 ! : oh my god fr no one writes for him and it makes me sad. he's so cute 😭
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• okay so like i very strongly believe that you have to initiate every single intimate act because he's just way too nervous. like when he's around you, he just sits with his hands crossed over his lap, staring at his feet because he doesn't know what to do or say. if you want to cuddle, or kiss, or anything like that, you have to initiate it
• he genuinely gets so happy when you tell him you like a film he made. like you actually support his dreams of becoming a screenwriter.
• he's not so great at pda, mostly because he gets nervous so easily. so like if he wants to hold your hand or something, he'll second guess himself.
• he loves cuddles in which his head is laying on your chest, or in your lap and you play with his hair. he also enjoys like the hugging cuddle position, where you guys are just entwined. cutee
• when someone else flirts with you, he gets so anxious. he comes up to you, a little pouty, trying to hold your hand or hug you from behind. he wants the other person to know that he's yours, and nobody else is.
•he's such a cutie 😭🫶
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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dolly-gutzz · 2 months
☆masterlist + about me ☆
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★ ⋆༺𓆩☠︎︎𓆪༻⋆★
~ 𝔞𝔟𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔢! ~
⚝ ‧₊˚⚝
~ Sophie // 16 ~
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔰: (she/her) ~
𖦹 𖤐 🕸 𖤐 𖦹
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔬𝔣 (davi<3!!) ~
 † ཐི❤︎ཋྀ †
~ 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔟𝔷 𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 2 (Lolita-Lana Del Rey) ~
(//_-) 𝔤𝔬 𝔞𝔴𝔞𝔶!!!
☆masterlist ☆
☆Characters/Fandoms I write for ☆
Hazel Callahan
Juno macguff
☆Good Will Hunting
Morgan O’Mally
Will Hunting
Ruben!platonic only!
Stevie/sunburn!platonic only!
☆Metal lords
Hunter Sylvester
☆She Drives me Crazy
Scottie Zajac
☆Pretty in Pink
Philip “duckie” Dale
☆Breakfast club
Brian Johnsom
John Bender
☆The Last Of Us 
Ellie Williams
☆Diary of a Wimpy Kid 
Rodrick Heffley
☆Ferris Buellers Day Off
Ferris Bueller
☆The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreaves
Klaus Hargreeves
Viktor Hargreaves
☆The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Rue Bennet
Nate Jacobs 
☆Ten Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
☆Gilmore Girls
Jess Mariano
Tristan Dugray
Dean Forester 
☆Miraculous Ladybug
Adrien Agreste 
☆Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
Enoch O’Connor 
☆The Black Phone
Vance Hopper
Finny Blake
Carlos Devil
Jay Jafar
Harry Hook
☆Descendants~Rise of Red
James Hook
Zed Necrodopolous
Wyatt Lykansen
Jeff The Killer
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Hazel Callahan-
☆Dating hazel would be like 
☆nights w fuckshit
☆Nicknames- pt 1/pt 2
☆ray x platonic!sibling!reader- Pt 1/ Pt2
~one shots~
Hunter Sylvester-
☆ Hunter x goth!f!reader
☆Hunter x fem!reader 
☆ten things I hate about you 
Enoch O’Connor-
☆back to your arms
☆Breaking and Entering
☆Dilemma only a gf can fix 
!!Author's notes!!!
Hey my little freaky freaks!! Welcome to my little coven of writings! Feel free to request anything your little heart's desire, and i will try to make ur dreams come true :3 ; just know that with my junior year of highschool coming indubitably near, my schedule will be a little packed (curse my partaking in four college classes ) But I will try my damndest to write as much as i can!! Love yall and happy reading <3
DollyGutzz(aka elmokid)
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babtest · 2 months
A kid who I introduced to pnp rpgs in the schoolclub is running a game for other kids during the holidays. And it's going well, i only occasionally check in. Walked by just as he said:" You can check the map, I'll get a snack". And i saw another kid unroll a piece of paper. This fourthgrader DM made an actual map for his players. For their one day oneshot 🥺
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xelmokidx · 8 months
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Mid90’s x gn or fem!reader / slight Fuckshit x gn!reader
Reader wanted a nickname, so the boys tried to come up with one. It sucked + readers' first time meeting the boys. 
Warnings!!: two mentions of fem pronouns sorta. Just fluff:D
Spike Psyche. That's my nickname. Out of all the things my friends could have nick-named me. Spike Psyche. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” I say, appalled. Fuckshit nods, swigging back his Coke. 
“Yup.” he replies as Sunburn (aka stevie) giggles at the name.“Why?” I exclaim in disbelief. 
Ray chuckles at the nickname before muttering
 “Thats fucked up” Fuckshit opens his stupid mouth again. “Because all you talk about Is chopping off our heads and putting them on spikes, and how you want to kill yourself after every minor inconvenience.” I gasp, putting my hand over my chest dramatically. “I do not!”
Ruben shakes his head. “Yes, you do.”
FourthGrade chuckles behind his camera and I glare at him. He sinks down into the couch. “I do not talk about killing myself that much guys, if anything Ruben does more than me!” Ruben whips his head around to look at me. “Man, fuck you” He starts “I do not talk about that depressed shit.” I shake my head. “Y’all are trippin’” I look around the shop and see some customers listening in on our conversation. “I will not let yall call me that dumbass name, I like Y/N so much better”
Fourth grade finally chimes in. “But last week you said you hated your basic name and you wanted a nickname.” Bless his innocent soul. “Well I take it back, i am not answering to ‘Spike Psyche’” I sink into the couch with a pout. “Well fine ma, we’ll find you a “good nickname” Fuckshit reasons. I nod. We sit in silence as Ray gets up to help the customer. I look around the shop. 
New posters of artists I like are on the walls. Fuckshit insisted on making the space mine as well as theirs. All I heard was ‘we need new decorations and you have good taste in music’ I didn't really mind though. I've always wanted to add my own little spice into the skate shop ever since I first stepped foot in it. I think back a couple years. 
I was 13. I wanted a new board for my birthday. So, my dad took me to the nearest shop. Four boys sat on a couch near a wall, watching MTV on their small TV. The tall one noticed us first. He nudged the golden haired boy to his left, who then looked up at me. “Oh shit” he muttered under his breath. My dad frowned. I guess he caught that. “Hey, welcome to Motorz, how can I help y'all today?” he asked, clearly trying to impress my dad (on account of my dads business attire). 
My dad spoke for me while I hid behind him in fear. I was never good with new people. Especially ones I found cool. 
As my dad pressed questions like ‘How old even are you?’ and ‘fuckshits your name?’ I only found the kid cooler. How did you even wind up with a name like Fuckshit? 
Soon enough, my own personal skateboard was in my hands, and my dad was dragging me out of the shop despite my wanting to stay. As I looked behind me to the boys, and the supposed fuckshit was waving to me out the door. With my other free hand I waved back. He smiled a soft smile, and then walked back into the shop yelling “that chick was hot!” I smiled to myself the whole way home. I went back to the shop after school one day to see fuckshit again, and just stayed there for three years. My dad warmed up to fuckshit eventually, but still has some grudges against him. 
And I'm still in love with the stupid kid, even though he gets on my nerves almost every day.
 I look at fuckshit now. His hair is longer, yet less taken care of and frizzy. He has more scars from skateboarding. And his eyes look even more green against his tan olive skin. Suddenly, he speaks. “I got it!” I roll my eyes and mutter “what is it?” He smirks and walks over to me slightly slotting his legs between mine. “Your new nickname is Stalker, because you're always staring at me” The boys erupt in laughter. I gasp “fuck you” 
“You wish ma,” 
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