#Frans Tick
karmageddeon · 1 year
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Hi everyone !!! It's been a while (again) cuz I'm not always actively working on this comic, it's more of an on-and-off thing, but I have some more characters to share today! These are just side characters so they're not exactly at the center of everything but that's okay!
Candle is one of Neil's drinking buddies, Chase is an old ex-friend of Bat, Evan works at the Roadkill Grill, Frans owns the Ratz motel, Mason is a physician at the Practice clinic, and Salt is the younger brother of Pep.
No Toyhouse pages yet because I'm out of town and busy with a lot and don't have hours to type out the bios but I hope you guys like their designs ! :3
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towost · 3 months
youw should draw frans tick (frans propaganda :3)
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here ya go!!
i like their design a lot :D
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kitty-silly · 3 months
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frans tick in fairy-kei :3
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koolkat9 · 11 months
Honestly been thinking about something. Matthew always writing and referring to himself by the English version of his name instead of the French version. Yesh Matthieu was the name he was originally given, but it was given to him by Francis. Specifically a Francis who hurt him.
And as much as i think they're in a better place now and that Francis is allowed to call him Matthieu, Matthew uses the English version in most cases, because the father who stayed, the father who was there when he was growing up called him 'Matthew.'
Which you know Arthur does have his own issues as a father. But the bar was on the floor for Matthew so he doesn't process the harm Art did until a little later on
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megabuild · 1 year
Oli for blorbo bingo
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fandom takes is faded because oli is a bit of a tricky character to work with due to most of his canon appearances being comic relief, but i still really dislike the way he's portrayed a lot of the time for multiple very petty reasons. lost potential / not enough canon also ties into this because i think a more serious look at his trauma and past that went beyond the usual "woe is me!" act would have been crazy, but at the same time, it's theorionsound so i didn't really expect that and it would have probably fallen flat since that's... not what he does.
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spinelr3d · 6 months
Unaffected UI - ReShade
REST ini for TS3 (REST 32x v1.2.3)
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What this does? This edited ini file from REST allows the UI in the game to be viewable while using ReShade presets.
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Install ReShade normally for TS3, at least making sure it is 5.8+ in order to use REST (you may need to select TS3W.exe, dunno if it makes a difference vs selecting TS3.exe though).
Important!! - When selecting ReShade's addons, don't select ReshadeEffectShaderToggle as it won't work on 32x nicely. Download the specified version of REST from the creators github instead, which will be linked in the step below. This will save you some frustration.
2. Then download ReshadeEffectShaderToggle v1.2.3 (Important!!), placing it in the games bin folder. (There are other versions that work nicely with 32x version of ReShade but this one plays more nicely with shaders in the game. I will test to see at later dates to find one that works nicer if possible.)
3. Place the file "ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon32" in your games bin folder where you downloaded ReShade to. If you are on GShade and it's ReShade v5.0+ Equivalent (5.8+ required for REST v1.2.3), place it into your addons folder.
4. Download the addon .ini file here that's edited for ts3
sfs <- download
5. Then place "ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.ini" (The file from this post/sfs) into the same place as "ReshadeEffectShaderToggler.addon32"
This version of GShade v3.5 doesn't work with REST unless a version is made by someone for it (This goes for the regular GShade equivalent and older version of GShades). I don't recommend using official verions of GShade, especially the newer ones.
Setting Up ReShade Properly & Enabling REST:
In the global preprocessor definitions, set it to look exactly like this in order to get ambient occlusion and etc. working properly. vvv
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2. go into the "Add-ons" tab of ReShade, ticking ReShade Effect Shader Toggler on and then making sure the Toggle Group 1 or "TS3 Pixel Shaders" on the left, is activated.
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Downsides (Not REST's fault):
Existing Presets will need to be tweaked back to original form.
Some shaders may not work properly (maybe more than some dunno).
If you want to use existing presets without them looking wrong, you can disable the Toggle Group at anytime (one you activated in above picture).
References Used:
Clear UI by vyxated
Tutorial by Redronn
More by Me:
FO4 Version by me
4lex4nder for creating ReShadeEffectShaderToggler
Frans Bouma for creating ShaderToggler
ReShade & ReShade Community
Clear UI by vyxated as reference
Tutorial by Redronn as reference
Affinity Photo & Designer for Title & Text Images
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andvys · 15 days
a gift.
Steve’s knee bouncing up and down, almost vibrating a hole in the floor. The neon lights of the hospital beat down, straining his eyes even more following the stress of the last few hours.
“Uncle Steve!” a small voice echos through the halls of the ER, small uncertain footsteps rushing towards him. A familiar mess of brown curls bobs with every step and his arms stretch automatically to pick up Matty Munson.
“Hey my guy! Wheres your dad?” he questions, placing Matty on his knee. Matty takes a second to ponder the question before he points to the ER doors.
Steve squints, looking towards the doors as he struggles to see the older munson. A moment later, the automatic ER doors slide open followed by a series of camera flashes and a loud, angry voice belonging to Eddie.
“Fucking vultures” the rockstar spits at them, taking his sunglasses off and looking around for his son.
Steve clocks eyes with him and raises a hand, a tight lipped smile settled across his face. Eddie glares right back at him…if looks could kill. The doors open again and Eddie’s frazzled publicist Fran follows behind him, barking out orders at security to move the paparazzi away from the door.
A small hand reaches for Steve’s stubbled jaw, fingers almost in his mouth and directing his attention back to little Munson. “Is mommy ok?” he asks, brown eyes wide and looking slightly scared.
“Mommy’s fine. Matty can you go with Fran to get Mommy some jello while I talk with Uncle Steve?” Eddie uses a large palm to guide Matty away and into the waiting hand of Fran.
The two men watch slowly as Fran guides Matty down the corridor and out of sight. Eddie takes a deep breath, adjusting his jeans as he takes a seat next to Steve, his eyes never leaving the mans profile.
Steve gulps, attempting not to be intimidated, but with how reckless Eddie’s behavior has been of late - it’s difficult.
Eddie gets as close to Steves face as he can, lowering his voice, a voice filmed with so much venom it makes goosebumps erupt through Steve’s body.
“Can you give me a run down of what happened Steve? Why you and my pregnant wife were seemingly in vacation together? Where she then took a fall? And needed to come here? Are you fucking stupid? This would’ve never happened if she’d have be-”
One of the things you need to know about Steve is he was good at keeping his cool, he overreacted a lot of a young adult but now in his 30s, he was so laid back he was almost horizontal. Apart from when it came to those he loved.
“You’ve been separated for 7 months Eddie. It’s not really your business what she does. And accidents happen, like I said on the phone, she slipped getting out of the pool. Pretty sure that could’ve happened if you were there or not” Steve responded as level headed as he could.
Eddie’s jaw twitched, a tattooed hand coming up to rub his jaw. A tick Steve knows all too well. Eddie nods his head repeatedly as he digests Steve’ words.
“She’s my wife Steve. Matty is my son. That baby girl is my baby. They’re my family.”
Steve doesn’t respond. They’ve been through this a thousand times. Ever since Eddie’s affair went public 6 months ago, he refused to accept what he had done to his family. He was the one that broke his wife. He was the one that humiliated her. He was the one that forced Matty to split his time between parents.
“What do you think is going to happen Steve? She’ll have our baby and you get to step in and play Daddy Steve? It’s so secret you’ve always had eyes for my girl. You were always there, just waiting for me to fuck up so you could step in, king steve the saviour here to”
“She served you with divorce papers. Are you so conceited to think she still wants to play happy families with you? After what you did to her? She was so distraught she almost lost the baby-” Steve spits back at him.
Steve had been there from the start. Eddie knew Page Six had the scoop on his affair, and instead of getting ahead of it and telling you himself, he took an impromptu trip to visit Wayne and let you find out at the same time the rest of the world did. He did what he always did. He ran.
The mention of that night you ended up in hospital in the early stage of your pregnancy was enough to tip Eddie over the edge.
Eddie flew out of his chair, grabbing Steve by the collar of his shirt and slamming him against the pillar. Gasps filled the ER and flashes from the door were the least of his problems right now.
“She’s my wife. If she thinks I’m signing those divorce papers-” Eddie is so close to Steve, every word he grits out lands a glob of saliva on his cheeks.
“Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave” a calm voice from behind the men demands.
Eddie’s eyes bulge out of his head, the veins almost popping through his neck. For a moment everyone remains still. Eddie loosens his grip on Steve who takes a second to stand up straight.
“I’m not fucking leaving until I’ve seen my wife” Eddie spits, eyes still on Steve.
Steve laughs under his breath, running a hand through his hair. Eddie takes this as his chance and slams his head into Steve’s face, busting not only Steve’s nose but his own in the process. Security rushes to grab Eddie and place him in cuffs when the double doors to the ER open.
“Family of Y/N Y/L/N?” The doctor calls out, looking amongst the carnage of the ER.
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why…. would… you… do… this… to… ME
you broke my heart???!!!!!
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i cannot deal with him doing this — i’m, i’ll be thinking about this for the rest of my life, i’m sick to my stomach
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captainbucky-yt · 4 months
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Benedict Bridgerton Season 3 Master Post
Collection of Benny Boy in Bridgerton Season 3 gif posts to keep my sanity.
Episode One | ‘Out of The Shadows’ :
[ Finding Francesca ] [ Mozart’s ‘Funeral March’ ] [ Just Two Bros ] [ Carriage ] [ Second Son ]
Episode Two | ‘How Bright the Moon’ :
[ Promenade Hotness ] [ Moody Promenade Hotness ] [ Playing Cards ] [ MORE LADIES ] [ FFS Colin ] [ no more dancing ] [ he looked pretty here ] [ the many expressions of Benny B ] [ panic!mode ]
Episode Three | ‘Forces of Nature’ :
[ big brother Benny ] [ that outfit though ] [ bridgerton blue ] [ use your eyes, ben ] [ flirting in a tent ] [ Fran is now a shield ] [ I’m not here ] [ Lady D shield too ] [ mothers and vipers ] [ he’s shivering his timbers ] [ THE dance scene ]
Episode Four | ‘Old Friends’ :
[ AOFAG coded shit ] [ TOO CUTE WITH FLOWERS ] [ KISS THE GIRL ] [ missed his calling ] [ bc he looked pretty ] [ one bed ]
Episode Five | ‘Tick Tock’ :
Episode Six | ‘Romancing Mister Bridgerton’ :
Episode Seven | ‘Joining of Hands’ :
Episode Eight | ‘Into the Light’ :
Trailers / Promos :
[ ‘I have a nice dancing moment this season’ ] [ season three trailer ] [ bustle interview PT1 / PT2 / PT3 ] [ good morning America ] [ buzzfeed puppy interview cuteness ]
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
a while back I mentioned The Muppets Sex and Violence pilot and seeing as most people haven't seen it I wanted to bullet point out some of the insanity in it for everyone
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This was the second pilot produced, with The Muppets Valentine Show being the first
The entire thing USED to be freely available on YouTube but Disney decided a pilot from 1975 that you can't watch on Disney+ anyway was losing them money so I had to cobble these notes together via memory and YouTube clips
The setup is a bit different from the actual show. There's no guest star (this idea was instead used for the aforementioned first pilot), there's very little backstage story and more focus on unconnected skits
There's no background music throughout most of it and pacing is sluggish at best, leaving periods of silence behind. about halfway through you WILL start to wonder if you're in Muppet Purgatory
Instead of Kermit the host is a guy named Nigel. I'll probably make a separate post on him later but for right now all you need to know is that he has the personality of wet cardboard and looks like he wants to lie down and take a nap 24/7 which like. same
For some reason the main three characters are Nigel, Sam the Eagle, and Floyd(???). Kermit shows up for like 30 seconds
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Crazy Harry is in. the ceiling??
Animal is there but he's literally so feral he's kept locked in a dungeon that they have in the conference room (as you do)
Janice has a line and sounds absolutely nothing like herself (as Fran Brill is her performer here instead of Richard Hunt)
There's a wiseman in the backstage area and nothing about him is ever explained. they're just like "oh and that's our wiseman"
The seven deadly sins are there. that sounds like a joke but it's not
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Their version of Lust is a Muppet made entirely of tongues that flirts with the female secretary then proceeds to say "love you, sweetheart" to Nigel after giving him a full-body look-over. To date this is unironically the best depiction of Lust I have ever seen
Actually a few of the sins have cool abstract designs. for example, Vanity is a literal vanity desk and Avarice is a cash register
Their proposal for an eight deadly sin is "wearing funny pants to a funeral"
at least one of the female Muppets that Kermit briefly dances with looks like This
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There's a sketch just called "Aggression" that's done entirely in gibberish and about halfway through I wondered if I was having a stroke
There's also a sketch involving living pencils and puns
The Electric Mayhem perform a song and it's just straight up 90% innuendo
Statler and Waldorf have a few scenes but they're just sitting in a room instead of heckling and come across like they're Literally Dying
at one point the grandfather clock in the background stops ticking and Statler just says "either that clock is stopped or we've just died" and that's the last we see of them
The Swedish Chef segment has Chinese subtitles under it and honestly that kind of makes it funnier
also at the end of the segment the Chef takes out a blunderbuss and shoots a sandwich with it
During the credits the camera pulls back to reveal all the Muppet performs running around. Disney would NEVER
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Sloth shows up fifteen minutes late with Starbucks
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mangio-formaggio · 4 months
I have a lot of opinions about s3 visual decisions and only few of them a positive. However I'm very pleased that Eloise is taking the best dressed title for me this season. Are her gowns more accurate than other's? Hell no. Has her style improved compare to pervious seasons? Sort of. But most importantly I feels like her outfits still feels very her, even if they're significantly more fashionable and showy. On paper all ladies are dressed very prettily, but I feel like in oder to justify some styling choices for Pen, they glamorized everyone a bit too much. There's almost always smth weird in a look that throws me off. And everyone expect El, feels to me sort of restrained by their clothes. Cressida is obviously uses her sleeves and coats as an almost literal armor. Pen tries to escape her family's over the top fashion, but she's kind of still dressed very Featheringtonish: colors suite her better, but there's a lot of embellishments, her make up with glitter on eyelids and red lips is very anachronistic and her silhouettes are very Portia-like (really loved her little scarf in lesson scene btw). Fran on the other hand is so polished and perfect it's feels like she have the similar approach to her outfits, as to her debut. "Let's get this over with". Let's do our best so it will be over faster, let's dress like a perfect debutante. Her dresses are very pretty, but there's almost no personality behind them. Her tweed jackets and highlighter are so tick tock girlies are doing old money aesthetic / Blair Walford cosplay. Fran is trying to fit in and be everything society is expecting from her. And so does Eloise this season, but on a contrast I just love how her gowns are still more modest and outlandish in way that she's takes styles, and adapt them just a little, to be different, but not entirely antagonistic to other young ladies.
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endofradio · 1 month
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NOTES: sooo i’ve decided to start writing a cuckoo fanfiction! i promise that i haven’t forgotten about my abigail fanfic, it’s just i am so deep into cuckoo brainrot right now 💀 and, yes! salem’s faceclaim is sophie thatcher because she slays
SUMMARY: salem wakes up to see that her mother is nowhere to be found. it seems that she’s disappeared out of thin air, but there’s more to the story that she doesn’t know.
WORD COUNT: 1,126 (short, but the next chapters will be MUCH longer)
TAGLIST: @lokidoki9 @trelaney @kolcheksluver @simpingforclaudette @blackwolfstabs @actually-adambarrett @samcrpnters @13th-floor-in-moonstone @fran-tau @starryrevelations @spookyspecterino (if you’d like to be added to my taglist, feel free to message me!)
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reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. don’t be shy!
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When Salem woke up, the first thing she noticed was that everything seemed quiet and… empty. Something didn’t seem… right. Slowly, she rose from her bed, deciding that she might as well investigate.
As she wandered throughout the house, she observed how it was still dead quiet, quiet enough to where one could hear a pin drop. The ticking of the clock on the wall was the loudest sound in the house at the moment. Normally, by this time of day, Salem’s mother would be up and about. She always made breakfast around the same time every morning. Today, the kitchen lacked the warm, fresh smell of pancakes.
Salem tried not to think about it too much. Maybe she just overslept… maybe she wasn’t feeling well. But… there were completely no signs of life. Her father had recently returned home for a brief holiday, and there wasn’t a single sign that he was around, either. No sounds of movement coming from upstairs. To Salem, it felt as though she truly was the only person in the house.
Confused, Salem checked her phone, wondering if either of them texted her by any chance. When she opened her message app, she only saw text messages from a couple of days ago. There was nothing concerning about them.
Maybe they left a note somewhere?
She wandered over to the kitchen counter. Nothing there, either. Strange.
Perplexed, Salem looked around the house, trying to look for anything out of the ordinary. However, everything appeared to be just fine. Nothing was out of place. Everything was clean, nice, and orderly.
Slowly, she made her way upstairs. “Mom? Dad?” She called out. “You guys awake?”
Salem’s next idea was to call them. First, she dialed her mother’s number. After some seconds of waiting, it went straight to voicemail. She tried to call her father next, only for the same thing to happen — voicemail.
“The fuck…?” She muttered.
Then, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart starting to race with anticipation, Salem hurriedly walked toward the door, opening it. To her relief, her father was standing right there… but her mother wasn’t around. His expression was as stoic as ever, but there was a hint of something else to it. He was a difficult person to read, but Salem could sense some dismay in his dark eyes.
“Dad, where have you been?” Salem asked, her eyes narrowing. “You could’ve at least texted me. Where’s Mom? I’ve been looking for her. She’s always awake in the morning.”
Her father sighed as he stepped inside the house, slowly closing the door behind him. There was something… off about his demeanor.
“She’s not coming back.” He answered, his voice cold.
Salem raised an eyebrow. “What… what do you mean?” She questioned. “Did something happen to her?”
Her father didn’t meet her gaze, his eyes fixed on the floor as he leaned against the door. “She’s gone, Salem. Vanished. You’ll never see her again.”
“Were you looking for her? Is that why you were gone?”
He nodded. “Trust me, I spent an hour searching for her.” He answered. “I couldn’t find her anywhere.”
“But… why would she just… disappear like that? She was here yesterday, and she seemed completely fine. It doesn’t make sense.”
“I wish I knew. Maybe she hasn’t been completely honest with us.”
Salem’s eyes narrowed even further. “What are you suggesting? She… she’d never lie to us, Dad.”
“You can never be certain about a person’s intentions, Salem. People lie.”
Before Salem had a chance to object, her father briskly walked past her, almost as though he was in a hurry. He headed upstairs, and the sound of a door shutting signaled to Salem that he was in his room.
As she stood there, Salem felt… angry. Angry at the fact that her father would believe that her mother disappeared intentionally. The two of them were incredibly close. They’d talk to each other about anything. So, why the hell would her father insinuate such a thing? Nothing about this made sense at all.
She’ll come back one day.
Salem just hoped that her mother was safe; that nothing had happened to her. Maybe one day the door would open, and she’d be standing right there.
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Stephen sat down on the edge of his bed and quickly grabbed his phone to dial a number. He was in a hurry for a reason. As he nervously sat there, he waited for his boss to pick up, staring at his phone screen in anticipation.
Eventually, somebody picked up, and Stephen had to suppress a sigh of relief.
“Hello, Stephen. What is it?”
“Hello, König. I have an update on Jane that I’m sure you’ll be glad to hear.”
“Ah, perfect. Do tell.”
“I just returned from bringing her to the airport. She should be on a plane to Bavaria in the next hour.”
“Wonderful. I look forward to meeting her in the next, ah… eight hours. Quite a long time, isn’t it?”
Stephen let out a small chuckle. “Yes, lengthy plane trip indeed.”
“How did it go? Was she… easily convinced?”
He sighed. “She was a bit reluctant. I eventually convinced her. Just told her not to question anything.”
“Hmm, I see. Well, I am glad it all worked out in the end. You know that this project is of significant importance to me, and I cannot afford for it to go wrong.”
“I understand. Well… unfortunately, I had to lie to my daughter. She’s under the impression that Jane’s simply disappeared.”
There was an obvious tinge of regret in Stephen’s words.
“Ah, but it had to be done. She wouldn’t have been too happy if she knew the truth, yes?”
“Yes, that’s true. It’s just… she and Jane were very, very close. I don’t think she’s handling everything too well right now. She was quite upset when I walked in.”
“My friend, sometimes you must do things that you’d rather not do. There is no need to feel regret. I promise you, you’ve done the right thing.”
Despite König’s words of reassurance, Stephen hardly felt any better. He’d taken Jane away from Salem, and now he’d be paying the price for it. Father of the year, huh?
“I suppose you’re right. I wish you the best of luck with your… project, König. I do have to ask you a question, though.”
“Hm, what is it?”
“Whatever you plan on doing to Jane… you’re not going to cause any harm to her, right?”
König let out a chuckle over the phone, almost as though he was shocked that Stephen would ask such a thing.
“Ah, of course not. Do not worry, Stephen.”
“Thank you.”
And just like that, the call ended.
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thalialunacy · 3 months
[HI FRANS. Believe it or not, this is for the @calaisreno May Prompt Fete. Herein lies useless fluffy smut, rated E. Yar.]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) 25: (counter-)intuition (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31)
As it happens, they don't end up flipping any coins.
Charmed lives, they have not led -- as their therapists' files can attest -- but they've now got the hard-won, slightly dented treasure of true familiarity, which means--
'John--what--' He's turned enough that the showerhead, which is, per usual, placed far too low for a person of his height, spritzes water which jumps off his shoulder and hits him on the nose. He twitches, probably not unlike an annoyed bunny rabbit, and John's mouth turns up. 'Why are you here. In the washroom. While I'm showering.'
John starts to unbutton his shirt, and Sherlock watches, mouth drying, as he summarily strips down to boxers and vest and just… steps into the tub.
He's out of the spray, mostly, and Sherlock calculates how long he has until he starts to get cold. 'Because you've had a shit day,' Sherlock hears him say.
For a moment, Sherlock's brain whizzes with how John could possibly deduce as much when Sherlock is naked and just-washed. 
Then he realises with a tick that this is… psychological. This is a thing where John's knowledge is superior to Sherlock's. Some day Sherlock will accept that (not that he doesn't believe it of John, he just chafes at his own incomplete skillset) but for today he just shoves it aside and moves to the next. 
Which is leaning down to connect their mouths, feeling the water beat against his shoulderblade while he tests out what John tastes like in this new use case.
And, of course, he tastes like a long day, the aspects of which Sherlock notes automatically. But what bleats louder in his brain is the textures - water, skin, cotton, hair, calluses, steam. It all serves to spear his attention and start his blood to decidedly rapid movement.
'John,' he manages, though his lips don't stray far. 'As much as I hate to be the practical one here, this seems rather needlessly dangerous.' John nips at his bottom lip and Sherlock can feel the grin. 'Needlessly,' he reiterates, hands sliding under the vest to journey over John's shoulders and hold him steady. 'With a perfectly good bed so close by.'
But John shakes his head as he pulls away. Sherlock barely refrains from leaning forward and chasing him, but John is implacable.
He lifts his chin in indication. 'Hands on the wall, please.'
Sherlock's eyes narrow as his heart triple-times. 'You can't be serious.'
But John absolutely is. 'You've been in here for a good twenty minutes. You're fine. Turn around.'
'Surely the angles--' He's not sure why he's arguing, except he really would be very put out if someone were to slip and brain themselves on something.
John seems to have no such concerns. 'I'm fairly confident in my abilities, Sherlock.'
Sherlock flushes. 'Yes, fine, no need for braggadocio.' He pauses and kisses John one more time, just to be contrary, then does as requested. His other shoulder is in the spray, now, as John's lips press against the top of his spine momentarily.
And John does find the angles indeed. Sherlock has just enough time to calculate that he must be sat on the edge of the bathtub, which is likely to be very uncomfortable, before sensation sparks sharply on the skin of his bum.
'You have such a gorgeous--' Instead of finishing his sentence, John bites down lightly again. 'Well, everything, really,' he says while his hands gently pull Sherlock apart until he's utterly exposed.
The water running down his back is a soft but pleasant sensation as it makes its way down, and he finds himself closing his eyes.
He feels John pause. 'Ready?'
Sherlock thinks to scoff, but it comes out as more of a huffy whine.
'Right, then.'
The first touch of John's tongue is soft and wet and glorious, and he does not hesitate before settling in. As pleasure sings through his body, Sherlock finds his mind spinning through gears, churning until the frustrations of the day are in manageable pieces packed neatly for later examination.
His fist curls against the cold wall. 'John, wait.' In direct contradiction, his body pushes back against John's mouth, and a groan escapes him. 'I want to--'
John hmms, which translates to a spike of pleasure that pushes the air from his lungs. 'John.' 
Suddenly John is standing, crowding him against the tile. 'Go on, then,' he says, lips on the back of Sherlock's neck, as his hand moves round to assist him to completion.
'But--' Sherlock grinds out. 'You--'
John shakes his head, which feels desperately new from this angle, and Sherlock nearly cries out as his orgasm approaches. 'Just enjoy it.'
There's such affection in his voice that Sherlock is at once able to do just that, cataloguing the sensations as his body clenches and releases.
'Good,' John is murmuring as Sherlock comes down. 'So fucking gorgeous.'
Sherlock starts to smirk, but then John continues. 'Sodding idiot, too.'
Sherlock gasps, his lungs not quite ready for full sentences. 'Pardon?'
'You couldn't possibly have thought you could find an entire people carrier's worth of personal effects in an afternoon.'
John says this, and Sherlock hears it, but he's understandably distracted by John also dragging a finger through the mess on the wall and bringing it back round to his own mouth. Sherlock barely represses a shudder as the visual flashes through his mind.
He takes a final recalibrating breath, then turns around and captures John's lips in a searching, grateful kiss. 'You're certain--' he offers one last time.
'Nah, hot water's running out.' John reaches for a towel and steps out of the tub, mostly onto the bathmat. 'Besides, there may or may not be a new box of biscuits waiting for us.' 
John and his simple pleasures. 'Ginger, even,' Sherlock surmises. 'And how did you know about my afternoon?'
'I saw the news, you berk,' John says while throwing a second towel in Sherlock's direction. 'And I know you. Now dry yourself off.'
'Are we doing this out of order?'
Sherlock pauses to look at John just a few minutes later, the towel partially obscuring his gaze. 'How so?'
'Ah. Well. It's just that in my past relationships, that bit--' He gestures vaguely with his toothbrush; Sherlock presumes he's referring to analingus. '--wouldn't be proposed until there was a-- a certain number of other things attempted first. Accomplished first, even.'
Sherlock sighs. 'I will never understand heterosexuals.'
He throws up his hands, clutching onto the towel at the last moment. 'There's no rulebook, John!'
'Well, of course not, but--'
'There are books,' Sherlock allows. 'Many of them. I can loan you some if you like.'
John pauses. 'Doesn't the internet suffice?'
'John, please. Don't be so average.'
'Learning about sex from "The Internet"--' He does indeed make the air quotes. '--is about as useful as learning to practise medicine from Green Wing.'
'Hang on, how do you know Green Wing?'
'Research,' Sherlock says blithely.
The point is, the guesswork of a new sexual relationship is nearly wholly absent. Unless 'Did you stop by the chemist?' counts, though the third time that happens John just starts stashing condoms & lube in random (toddler-proof) places. 
Like the locked knife drawer one morning while Rosie is sleeping off a teething, tantrum-y night. John is keyed up from exhaustion and single-minded in his immediate goals, so Sherlock happens to have been pushed into the counter above said drawer, and he lifts up onto it easily enough as John unbuttons his shirt with efficient fingers.
'I know you just put your togs on,' he mutters into Sherlock's mouth as he reaches Sherlock's belt. 'But I don't care.'
'Fine by me,' Sherlock says, his attention largely on untying John's scrub bottoms drawstring by feel. 'As long as I get what I-- Oh--'
John smirks into Sherlock's jaw, his hand working inside Sherlock's very fancy pants. 'Up,' he orders quietly, hooking his other index finger into the side of Sherlock's trousers so he can pull them off.
Then as Sherlock moves to obey, John stops with a frown. 'Wait. Your wrist.'
'Is healed.'
'Just because it no longer has a cast, doesn't mean--'
Sherlock doesn't have time for this nonsense. 'Sofa, then.'
But John is shaking his head. He meets Sherlock's gaze. 'How about just… the other way round?'
Sherlock takes a sharp breath. They've not done the full ninety (a term he picked up from John, much to his chagrin) more than a few times yet, and it's been Sherlock receiving. Which he thoroughly enjoys, but the idea of being inside John makes his breath feel very short in his lungs. 'John? Will that… work? Angles?'
John runs his hands up the backs of Sherlock's thighs and leans into a kiss, holding on firmly. 'The magic 8-ball says the outlook is good.'
And that's all that gets said as they trade places and come back together. Sherlock's cast is off but John is John, so he takes on the responsibility of sitting on the cold counter and leaning back into his wrists while Sherlock fingers the worries right out of him.
'Fuck,' John curses under his breath as he hooks a hand behind his left thigh and lifts it just enough more-- 'Yes, please, god damn it--'
Sherlock reaches blindly for the hidden key to the knife drawer, and manages to retrieve the necessary items without damaging himself. John would be impressed but a) he'd already known Sherlock is skilled with his hands, and b) he is somehow completely distracted by the skin over Sherlock's clavicle.
But his eyes snap up to meet Sherlock's when he feels them line up slickly. Sherlock searches his face, and John nods once. Decisively.
Sherlock holds his gaze, palming the back of John's other thigh, and they both breathe out as their bodies connect in this new and different way.
John grunts, forcing himself not to move. The satisfying burn in his core muscles mingles with the fading sting of Sherlock's penetration, and the look on Sherlock's face is worth all of it.
Then Sherlock starts to fuck him, and he can only manage to think about himself, to keep balanced and keep from flat-out shouting and keep from interrupting it all to drag Sherlock's lips down to his.
Sherlock senses this last one, he must, because his free hand slides up John's chest to cup his jaw, and John's heart clenches in his chest.
When Sherlock's thumb drags across his lips, he knows Sherlock is close to coming, so he sucks in the tip and bites down, just a little.
It works - Sherlock says his name on a low groan and shudders once, twice. Three times.
John does drag him down for a kiss, then, which Sherlock obliges, albeit a bit messily, managing to stay inside him by way of tightening his grip around John's thigh. He's breathing hard, and John's body surges as he feels Sherlock's other hand close around his prick.
'Fuck, Sherlock--' He tightens his hold on the back of Sherlock's neck. 'Don't stop.'
Sherlock chuckles wheezily at this, but he doesn't stop until John has spilled warmly over his hand, their mouths sticky and dry but connected regardless.
Sherlock gets his breath back first. 'Your obliques are going to be sore tomorrow.'
John huffs out a laugh. 'Among other things. My god.' He gingerly lowers his legs, glad Sherlock is coherent enough to handle the condom properly. 'I'll take the bin out before Rosie wakes up,' he says with a tired grin.
Then he sits up, albeit a bit slowly, and slides his hands around Sherlock's ribcage. 'That was all right, I suppose.'
'Satisfactory.' Sherlock's breath ghosts across his nose and he feels lips on his temple. They're both trying hard not to grin, and they're mostly succeeding.
A wicked thought occurs to John, and he stops bothering to hide it.
'So. I thought it would work, even though you didn't.'
Sherlock pauses, undoubtedly predicting where John is headed with this. 'Don't.'
'I had a feeling you'd like it, even though you thought you wouldn't.'
'John. No.'
'It was… counter-intuitive.'
'You owe me twenty quid for having to stand here and listen to that, at the very least.'
'Oh, please. Put it on my tab. Paper scissors rock for the disinfecting?'
'You're volunteering, you mean.'
And despite their exhaustion and distinct lack of cleanliness, holding onto each other long after it's necessary, they dissolve into laughter.
[When I worked at a car dealership in my roaring 20s, we sold a truck to a contractor whose business name was Counter Intuition, and I thought it was the cleverest thing ever. Well, still do, clearly. XB And okay I know Britglish often uses 'worktop' instead of 'counter' but I asked a Brit only a bit younger than me, and he said he'd use 'counter' while his mum would use 'worktop', so pffft.]
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My Top Ten Favorite Movie Musicals
I was tagged/encouraged by @broadwaydivastournament to share my favorite movie musical, so here we go!
The Sound of Music
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Meet Me in St. Louis
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Fiddler on the Roof
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Rocky Horror Picture Show
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Summer Stock
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The Music Man
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All That Jazz
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tick, tick...BOOM!
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Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
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Phantom of the Opera (1943)
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A couple bonus "live performance/pro-shot":
Come From Away
Into the Woods
Les Miserables 10th Anniversary Concert
I tag @nitrateglow @hobbitmajora @victorie-etoile @fran-kubelik and anyone who would like to play!!!
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box-architecture · 6 months
Analyzing… Analyzing…
With a a huff, D.R.E. slammed the refrigeration unit shut. He was halfway through the time frame of his assignment, and he was becoming increasingly aware of its slim odds of success. There would be no penalty for failure, but D.R.E. was competent, the best of the best, and to fail at his directive (no matter how stacked the odds were against him) felt unacceptable.
An intense crash sounded behind him. D.R.E. blinked, head swiveling without regard for its body.
Oh. The earth robot had knocked itself into a pile of garbage. Again.
It was (painfully) obvious the outdated bot had been following him for the duration of his exploration, the small beeps and Redstone ticking would be giving away its presence easily, but along with its strangely clumsy nature, there was some wonder at why it attempted to evade detection at all.
Odd. (Silly. Stupid.)
He watched the robot dig itself out, mapping out his next location to scan as it vocalized its frustration. He needed to keep searching, of course. He needed to follow the plan, the Directive. But…
More information could be considered tangentially related.
The redstone bot was sinking into a junk pile, shouting in stressed exclamations. D.R.E. picked him up with as much care as he could, flying them towards a cleaner surface beneath the night sky. It squeaked, but made no attempts to attack, which he appreciated. It really wouldn't be great for their first conversation to be hindered by annoying miscommunication.
Gently, he set it down. Its eyes peeked up at him from where they had hidden, and slowly it unfolded, outdated solar panels flipping to face him.
"Oh." It said. D.R.E. let his face flicker for a moment in thought.
"Oh." He agreed. Conversations were,,,, not his strong suit. He would start with something easy. "Name?"
It's panels raised in surprise. "Oh. SAM."
"Sam." D.R.E. hummed. Like the SAM-E's on the ship. Possibly the original model, which meant it had been strong enough to survive all these years. D.R.E. approved.
"… D.R.E."
"Drea-mmm?" Sam tried. Despite himself, D.R.E.'s LED smile glowed a little warmer.
"No. D.R.E."
"Dream." Sam repeated, rolling a little closer in excitement. It waved at him, shaking Redstone dust from out beneath his claws.
The Redstone glowed dim on its arms, obviously manually applied over the years to keep it going. D.R.E. pulled an arm close to inspect it. The flaps on the back of Sam's torso wagged.
"Redstone. Old." He murmured. Robots hadn't needed to function through Redstone in centuries.
"Hm?" Sam was making an odd rumbling noise now, practically knocking into D.R.E. He allowed it, assured in his own ability to neutralize a threat should it become one.
"Redstone." D.R.E. said. He ran a finger up it's arm in example, before pointing to his Eye Of Ender peeking out of his own chest. "Ender Eye."
"Ender." Sam squinted at the Eye. Lightly, it dragged a claw across the pupil. It opened to scan the limb.
Analyzing… Analyzing…. Negative.
Sam startled suddenly, jerking away and grabbing D.R.E.'s arm. He let himself be dragged along towards a storage unit with confusion. A threat? Should he be aiming a weapon?
"Dream." It urged. "In. In in in."
"Sam?" He asked. The dust storm began to pick up around them, and he realized the issue. "Sam!"
"Dream. In." Sam commanded, and they went in. The large door slammed behind them.
It was dark. And then it was not.
Sam was eager to show its strange, pre-ship contraptions, its eyes wide with delight as D.R.E. fiddled with pistons and glowing stones and the strangest music player D.R.E. had ever seen. He chirred at the cockroach ("Fran," Sam buzzed with affection,) and glided to the screen Sam was attempting to invest him in. It was sweet, someone wanting his attention for something other than new orders to follow, a new directive to accomplish, even if he didn't understand half of what he was being shown.
(His directive beeped in the back of his memory, reminding him of what he was supposed to be focusing on. It was fine, though. Just until the storm stopped.)
He felt claws nudging into his fingers.
"Hm?" D.R.E. let his head roll idly. Sam's tail flaps wagged.
"Dream!" It said as it tucked its head into the curve of his neck. The odd rumble started up again, louder than before; D.R.E. rested his head on its own to see if he could feel the vibrations.
Sam's solar panels tapped against the glow of D.R.E.'s smile before pulling away to clap. It beckoned D.R.E. over to where more oddities were piling up. A gnarled blue thing was shoved into D.R.E.'S hands as Sam looked to him for approval.
What a strange color. He scanned it.
Analyzing…. Analyzing….
(He would not know of Sam's panic until much later.)
Dream didn't look at him as they were both led away to…. somewhere? The ship was wholly unfamiliar to SAM, outside of the little screens on Earth. He'd never seen the humans in the flesh (or if he had, he no longer recalled,) and the design of the ship seemed to run wholly on Ender Eyes, the familiar Redstone Crimson absent in favor of glassy, glossy green.
Dream was familiar. He was the only reason SAM wanted anything to do with the ship anyway, which was why he gently tugged on Dream's hand with his claws, hoping to slip their fingers together.
The hope was crushed as Dream tugged his hand away. He glared, his usual smile flat and mirthless.
"SAM." He said sternly. SAM shrunk into himself. He knew Dream was still mad about the plant being missing, but they were together now, so they could absolutely go look for it later after they held hands, right? SAM didn't see a problem with that. Hand holding wouldn't interfere with plant finding. He was sure of it.
Dream suddenly drooped, anger falling away as they entered a room filled with more robots. He sighed and waved SAM off, letting himself he pulled away by a large claw and into a separate room.
Immediately another claw came down on him as he tried to follow.
"Dream," SAM called out as he scrambled to get away. He was plonked into a separation area, Redstone dust clouds in his wake. "Dream!"
What followed in the next few moments happened very, very fast.
SAM barely registered the removal of Dream's head (the depressed smile vanishing completely as he was deactivated) before he was destroying the containment cube. In a fervor he was grabbing at the claw with Dream's head and tearing the precious orb out of its arm to cradle. There was some sort of mania happening with the bots behind him, but he ignored it in favor of pushing Dream back together.
He was barely aware of the distressed noises he was making, desperate as he failed to get Dream to come back. It was fine if he never held SAM's hand again, really, he would give up hand holding forever, he just wanted Dream to come back!
He was nearly toppled over as another bot rolled to them. They shoved SAM to the side and leaned forward to inspect his work. With a tsk, they took the orb from his claws (ignoring his enraged squawk and attempts to fight them) and activated the Ender Eye on Dreams chest, setting the orb on top of the body as it begun to float.
A familiar lime smile appeared on its face. It scrunched in confusion.
"What?" Dream asked, twisting his head every which way. SAM followed the movements with complete and utterly joy.
Dream looked over SAM's head, and the confusion became alarm. "SAM!"
It was then that SAM realized the room they were in was completely destroyed, and partially on fire.
The robot beside them made an amused noise before rolling out the door, ignoring the robots rioting all around.
(Tech-No. 8 was having an excellent day, and as he watched the warning signs appear with pictures of the strange SAM-E and D.R.E., he decided that it was likely to get even better. If they lived through this he might even get to make fun of D.R.E. for bringing home an incompetent sparkmate)
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plushieclan · 1 month
We haven't seen very much of the wanders (I think, I hope I'm not getting clangen blogs mixed up), so if it's not spoilers, What's their internal structure like?
Thank you for sending this ask! Yes, this is the blog with the Wanderers. I haven’t talked much about its structure, but I really should!
The Wanderers are split into many different sects. Each of these sects have a leader, who meet once a season to discuss plans and plot routes. There is one clan liaison, the Torchbearer. The current Torchbearer is a tom named Fran. His apprentice is Penny!
Each sect has a home base, where they will stop at once a month to trade out members. Each home base will differ, but will usually stay consistent no matter what route they take in the season. Starleaf’s old sect has a home base of a suburban house’s back yard! The house is on the lake, and they don’t check the thick trees often for fear of ticks. Starleaf’s parents are actually the house cats of the family
The leader of each sect is known as the Trailblazer. Starleaf’s sister, Maya, is the Trailblazer of the Bushgrove sect.
The second-in-commands are known as the Couriers. There are three at all times. When Maya retires, one of her Couriers will take her place. The Couriers’ job is to organize day-to-day, keep the home base safe, and keep Maya in the know how with every sect. One Courier is always assigned to the wandering group, one is assigned to protect the home base, and one is always assigned to travel to the other sects. Each will rotate through these responsibilities!
Wayfarers are cats who temporarily join the Wanderers to change their current place. This includes loners, kittypets, and even former clan cats. The Wanderers will teach them the ways of the wild if needed, and rotate them around sects until they find the home they are most suited for. Some even find that the Wanderers themselves are what they were looking for!
The main bulk of the sect are Pathfinders. These cats are like the warriors. They are the semi-permanent members who take up this nomadic lifestyle willingly. Children of the Pathfinders are taught by their parents (if they have no parents, the Trailblazer will adopt them) how to be a Wanderer. Two Pathfinders are required to stay at the home base at a time, though usually more will stay to take care of any Wayfarers and other permanent dwellers of home base.
Children learn under their parents for their first year of life. When they turn one year old, they become Journeyers. Journeyers will spend a year visiting every sect of the Wanderers. This is meant to allow them to choose where they want to live the rest of their lives; whether they want to join another sect than their parents, or become a loner or kittypet, or even join the clans. While they can still make these choices after becoming a Pathfinder, allowing the young cats to find their way around the Great Lake gives them a better idea of what life is like everywhere else. Shimmersky’s littermate Wolf is currently a Journeyer!
When a cat is too old, too sick, or otherwise unable to wander, they become an Indweller. They live in the home base of their sect, and are taken care of by whatever Courier and Pathfinders stay in camp with them.
That’s pretty much it! They’ll be very important in the prologue to the next part. I’ll say you only have to remember what Journeyers and Wayfarers are for now!
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regaliasonata · 11 months
Jungle Fury Random Headcanons and Ideas
@skyland2703 @augment-techs @mo-ok @junglefurytrash went a bit crazy with this one
-Casey is the youngest of five siblings, and is the only boy in the family. He knows how to do makeup and hair.
-Due to his upbringing everyone in the house expected him to be gay, he was kind of dreading having to tell his mother and sisters but they were pretty chill about it.
-His sisters are either quintuplets or triplets and two adopted sisters depending on what you want to go with.
-Despite being the blue ranger Theo didn't develop his animal spirit until after Luen gained his. His parents seem to expect more from him as they were students in a sub school associated with the Pai Zhua.
-Theo's won a Guinness World Record award for karaoke, he claims it's in his blood to be amazing at it.
-Lily grew up within a small apartment in the city, she enjoys all the different foods that a place has to offer. Anything that's new and changing, reminds her of home.
-There's a chance that she trained with Zack and had him as a partner as she did mentioned how she used to do competitive dance competitions.
-RJ's mother passed away when he was young and he kind of blames himself for it. Despite trying to make their relationship better Finn may have blamed him all those years ago for Mrs. James's passing, just a constant reminder of her not being here.
-RJ is amongst one of the only individuals(Like Antonio) to discover the Morphin Grid on his own and is the reason the Pai Zhua has it as access.
-Sometimes just to spite Finn RJ catches fish and attaches them around the shark master's house. That way his air conditioning can smell terrible.
-Dominic flunked out of college, he was studying to become a teacher in geography.
-Casey seems more ticked off with Dominic because of the idea that he might try to go for Jarrod or RJ.
-Jarrod enjoys being around animals as his parents weren’t really around, his mother didn’t really enjoy the prospect of having a boy and his dad would either yell all the time or get pissed off about farm work not doing well so Jarrod cuddling up with a fluffy sheep or even summoning his black lion spirit to sleep next to it’s mane would soothe him.
-Despite all the troubles within the school Master Mao kinda sees Jarrod as his own son(Any of you kingdom hearts fans, cough cough Eraqus and Terra).
-Camille’s hatred of snakes was due to her mother being killed by Naja 10,000 years ago, she’s unaware of this fact but disposing of the snake rinshi felt right when it happened in the show.
-Her eyeshadow is actually a trait of her animal spirits. Animal spirits have way more depth to them as they are the shadow of one’s self, in some cases specific traits about said spirit leak into the person like physical to mental details (example: Camille’s eyeshadow, RJ’s ferocity from his wolf spirit.)
-megazords formed by animal spirits were based on specific influences centuries ago, from totems, giant sculptures like sphinx and even Animus. Some can claim that the guardians of the Pai Zhua were the first people to create earthly megazords within human history.
-mystical beasts or fictional animal like creatures such as the phoenix, azure dragon etc are somewhat rare due to a very small percent of people born with one or those entities giving access to said person. Such as the Phantom Beasts who are based on specific creatures. If Nick or Chip were to come to Pai Zhua and develop a phoenix and Garuda spirit then they’d be a powerful force.
-rinzen and zocalo energy isn’t inherently bad energy but the power is mainly associated with rinshi, the rangers have the potential to access it and even gain phantom beast modes similar to Jarrod and Camille.
-Fran’s animal spirit can range either from a black cat, owl or monkey and gives her abilities based on inner luck or focus making her quite powerful.
-Lily basically adopted Casey as her own little brother.
-Secretly Jarrod wants to pursue cooking or something based in creativity. He didn't touch a kitchen utensil for weeks after seeing kitchen nightmares and it took RJ having to throw the tapes out to get him back into cooking.
-Master Swoop can actually split himself into bat's and has the little shadows spying around the world for any threats. Its kind of creepy but very effective as he can easily have the bat's acting as kamikaze strikers to defeat monsters. Rangers on other teams don't know how threats get taken down but they don't mind, less work load.
-the Pai Zhua has more schools within the world that differentiate in some fighting styles and such. Some schools like the ninja academies try to pick up on their skills but a few of the campuses keep secret.
-Zordon tried to learn about the teachings thousands of years ago as their abilities mixing with the grid gave way for a spike in power with combat but they shunned the wizard away cause of being weary about his motives. Ninjor was welcomed in open arms via the power coins he had. This also explains why Jungle Fury was so scarce with the other teams up until megaforce.
-despite everything the Pai Zhua is nowhere near as moral as they tried to portray themsleves as. Some people can be very toxic in a few areas, Dai Shi had possessed people in the past and with each attempt they tried to have the individuals go mad and die from the experience as a way to rid themselves of the dragon. Casey and the rangers dismantled this ideology after killing the Dai Shi.
-because of her potential the academy sent scouts to try and push Fran to join the academy but RJ quickly shut that down and actually threatened a few of the higher officials because of this.
-Animal spirits talk amongst themselves when the team isn't around. Some play poker when everyone's asleep.
-because of being spirit and mythical based the JF team can handle most of the recurring threats of Zedd and Rita. Plus with their megazords not being mechanical they aren't easily disposed of.
-RJ secretly made JKP into a megazord incase there's an emergency, he met Antonio and added a shitload of symbol power and animal spirit energy to make it a powerful force.
-Lily loves a lot of 80s-90s music and loves to dress in a semi style of Y2K.
-Having no knowledge of Pokemon, Camille and Casey were sat down by Theo and Fran until they were introduced to Gen 4. Camille hacked her Platinum cartridge to get all the mythical and legendary mon events.
-RJ smokes blunts mainly to calm himself, it started as a way to escape the thought of his mother being goin and his father's disapproval.
-Tommy and Jason aren't allowed in Ocean Bluff when it comes to ranger activity because RJ's access to the grid could be useful but he likes to gatekeep and personally team wise if anything happens both him and the group wouldn't enjoy veteran rangers from the first modern team(unless it's billy) coming in and taking over operations.
-Camile and Jarrod jump monsters whenever a mission happens, forget talking, get the job done when needed.
-Casey was fired from the zoo for sleeping in the tiger cage and released all the animals into nice reservations after he was let go.
-Lily was made team leader as Casey doesn't feel too well with getting the role just for being a red ranger.
-Theo is a master at coming up with combo attacks and megazord concepts to the point that rangers like Chip and Max come to him for guidance. He's got quite the reputation in the ranger community for his witty ideas.
-Casey is on a red ranger watch list due to his sword skills, despite keeping their word Jason may have came to the city to demand some aid with their grid research and the two got into a brawl with Casey winning. Him, Jayden and Lauren are all at the top five of said list.
-RJ has dated lots of people but it usually never ends on a perfect note as they were usually relationships with people who took emotional advantage over him. Though he's in a better place within his life to try again with Casey or anyone who actually values him.
-Jarrod listens to a lot of punk music and back at the school Mao got complaints about speakers Blaring music at two in the morning.
-Cam hangs with RJ and shares ideas but he isn't allowed to tell Tommy about any of their conversations. The two may have had a thing in the past.
-Wolf rangers tend to have a powerful aura and they each meet together to talk about business, RJ has a bone themed secret landline he uses to contact them.( @sentinelofstories wolf war 👀😭)
-Due to Dai Shi the JF teams has a disdain for dragons, Serpentera count your days if you ever come back.
-Camille's rinshi form is just armor but was never accepted fully as a rinshi, she only became one to seem worthy in Dai Shi's eyes. The phantom beast hated her for many things and this was one of the reasons, thousands of years ago she murdered three previous members for nearly trying to assassinate her.
-Princess Shayla and the Wild Force rangers are on good terms with the JF team. Merrick follows RJ around like a lost puppy, Taylor spites Theo for being short, Lily tried to get Danny out of his shell. Max tries to explain modern day concepts to Camille, Alyssa and Dominic do small talk and Cole is given death glares from RJ or Jarrod because Casey has caught eyes for him.
-Casey is Gay, Lily is Bi, Theo is a straight ally, Camille and Jarrod are angry bisexuals, RJ is pan, Fran and Dom are unsure of what they are.
-It is unknown if dinosaurs can become animal spirits but Eric actively seeks out Casey to test this theory.
-Casey's favorite red ranger is TJ.
-The team watches movies each Thursday, Everyone except Lily can't handle watching Final Destination.
-it took some time but Jungle Fury had their crossover with RPM and its safe to say things were chaotic. Dillon and Jarrod pretty much had a staring contest with each other, RJ and Flynn got high for the most part, Scott kept crying tears of joy when Casey took him to see their world since it isn't destroyed, Theo wanted to throw himself out the window from hanging with Ziggy, Summer took Lily shopping and Camille was this close to murdering the twins but actually found herself warming up to them, she even went on a date with Gemma.
-Billy is on thin ice for trying to bring Zordon back and while RJ likes the dude he'd prefer that the giant head wouldn’t butt in on all of their affairs.
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