#Franz Mon
garadinervi · 1 year
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«dé-coll/age», Bulletin aktueller ideen, No. 5, ‘Happenings-Stücke-Partituren‘, 1966 [Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, MN]. Contributions by J. Beuys, C. Bremer, H. Christiansen, L. Gosewitz, D. Higgins, A. Kaprow, F. Mon, B. Patterson, G. Rühm, B. Vautier, W. Vostell, J. Hidalgo, J. Cortés, T. Marco, W. Marchetti
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years
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"Lautpoesie - Eine Anthologie"
(LP. Gertraud Scholz Verlag. 1987 / rec. 1985-87)
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mywifeleftme · 5 months
261: Various Artists // Poesia Sonora
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Poesia Sonora Various Artists 1975, CBS
Assembled in 1975 by Italian conceptual artist and sound poet Maurizio Nannuci, Poesia Sonora (Sound Poetry) was one of the first attempts to anthologize the then-predominantly European literary genre. Subtitled an “International anthology of phonetic research,” it emphasizes the experimental nature of these compositions. Sound poetry was on one hand the logical next step in the development of free verse (i.e. if a composition can be a poem without rhyme or meter, it can also be a poem without words), and on the other an outgrowth of currents in linguistics and semiotics that distinguished between language as a system of meaning and its arbitrary phonological characteristics. In other words, it freed writers to use language and the building blocks of language non-representationally, akin to music or abstract painting. Many early sound poets presented their works as conceptual experiments—to give but two examples, in his manifestos Kurt Schwitters, a key figure in early sound poetry thanks to his 1923 Ursonate (trans. Primeval Sonata), urged other artists to explore words and verbal sounds as entities independent of meaning, while Nannuci’s liner notes mention the Italian futurist Fortunato Depero, whose “‘onomalingua or abstract verbalization’ verbally reconstructed the noise of machines, trams, trains, cars, and natural forces including wind, thunder, and rain.”
Obviously, while these “experiments” wear pseudo-academic garb, this was a thoroughly poet-brained endeavor, and the reality of the genre was one of (predominantly) men flecked with spittle and profuse sweat honking and braying at vexed audiences. It was conceptual, but also an excuse to make strange noises. The terms of their experiments were not (and could not be) empirical, but the results could be as transfixing as the best avant-garde music of the 20th century, with the unchaining of the human voice giving performances a uniquely primal immediacy.
Sound poetry’s earliest texts date from the 1910s and ‘20s, but its real boom came with the wider availability of magnetic tape in the middle of the century. With the exception of the Swiss Arthur Pétronio, whose concept of “verbophonie” (a combination of abstract vocalizations and acoustic sounds) dates back to at least 1919, Poesia Sonora focuses on the generation of sound poets who came to prominence in the 1950s and ‘60s. The poems are presented almost without pause, giving each LP side a collage-like quality. The brilliant Englishman Bob Cobbing’s polyvocal mosaic “Hymn to the Sacred Mushroom” practically segues into Frenchman Henri Chopin’s “Dinamisme integral,” a percussive wave of minutely-chopped unidentifiable vocal sounds that conjures a sense of many dusty wings fluttering in an enclosed space, or Aphex Twin at his most minimal; Chopin’s piece gives way to the German Franz Mon’s  “Articulation,” which utters individual consonant and vowel sounds in such a way that it gives the impression of an aphasic trying to recover their language.
Despite sound poetry’s mission to abstract and defamiliarize language, the international nature of the compilation does present challenges to the monoglot. Many of these poets still play with the meanings attached to language (for example by breaking down an emotionally- or politically-charged word into atomized nonsense), and that sort of resonance is lost when you’re just listening to a guy slowly spelling out words in Italian (?) (Nannuci’s “Spelling”). I’m therefore most intrigued by the pieces that are more purely sonic, like Chopin’s piece or François Dufrêne’s “Crirythme,” an athletic spectacle that finds the artist tormenting his throat into sounds resembling a coffee percolator, a whistling kettle, and the soup-slurping of a demented dinner guest. I’ve also long had a special fondness for British-Canadian Brion Gysin’s “I Am,” a piece I’ve heard performed as a lengthy koan-like meditation (by contemporary sound poet Jaap Blonk) and here as an echoing hell of tape manipulations.
I am far from a true connoisseur of sound poetry (and in fact, can almost hear Ottawa poet, publisher, micropress archivist, and good-natured curmudgeon jwcurry hollering at me for mistakes in this right up), but for those with a taste for the field and an interest in its history, Poesia Sonora (and the useful circa-1975 discography offered in its liner notes) is a good grab.
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
"declinazioni europee di poesia totale", di clementina greco
“declinazioni europee di poesia totale”, di clementina greco
Sandro Ricaldone CLEMENTINA GRECODeclinazioni europee di poesia totaleFranz Mon, Arrigo Lora Totino, Jiří Kolář, Julien Blaine Helicon, 2018 https://www.edizionihelicon.it/index.php/catalogo-completo/category/saggistica/product/736-declinazioni-europee-di-poesia-totale
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yorgunherakles · 1 month
sevgi bir duygu mudur, değil midir, bilemeyeceğim. kimi zaman sevmek görmektir gibi geliyor bana. sizi görmek.
marguerite duras - bir kış günü öğleden sonra
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samsdei · 5 months
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Jannik Schümann
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orphee-aux-enfers · 2 years
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Liebestraum - Words, Howard Johnson / Music, Franz Liszt // Awakening - Luis G. Dato // The Bathers - Henry Scott Tuke // By the Sea - Rufiano Blanco Fombona // My English Letter - Emily Pauline Johnson // Noonday Heat - Henry Scott Tuke // Sudden Friendship - Elsa Gidlow // Three Companions - Henry Scott Tuke // Somewhere I Have Never Travelled, Gladly Beyond - E. E. Cummings // Liebestraum - Words, Howard Johnson / Music, Franz Liszt
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hitchell-mope · 23 days
Supergirl/The Producers au
Winn. Max Bialystock.
Mon El. Leo Bloom.
Kara. Ulla Swanson.
Maxwell. Franz Liebkind.
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buwmat · 1 year
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
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pairing: genz!driver x '20!grid
summary: the first time the genz!driver meets the grid
word count: 766
warnings: mentions of fainting, a swear word, some bad google translated french
note: the timeline sucks, as always, so please ignore it, thank you so much
masterlist / taglist
2020, a year full with up and downs. For y/n, 2020 was something special and a year full of surprises. Having just placed 3rd overall in the F2 championship, she received an offer she just couldn’t say no to; AlphaTauri or Toro Rosso, the RedBull owned F1 Team wanted to sign her. Her, a teenager and a female! She couldn’t believe it. Of course she signed the contract and started as a Rookie in F1.
The media went wild as AlphaTauri released that y/n would be the second driver of their team. Everyone tried to get an interview with her, but y/n‘s PR team refused to let anyone interview that girl.
She first met Pierre, well meeting is maybe a bit exaggerated. He shot her a DM, where he wrote her, that he’s very excited to work with y/n next season. When they officially met, she was so nervous, that she couldn’t say a word to him. He found it cute.
On the 19th of February y/n joined the team for testing in Barcelona. That’s where she met 12 of the 19 drivers she’d be competing with. Legends like, Romain Grosjean, Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Räikkönen and Sebastian Vettel were all there. She was so nervous to meet all of them. Thank god she had Pierre by her side, whom she already knew, who gave her some kind of comfort. Even though he wasn’t really great at it, because he left her alone the second they walked on the grid.
Romain Grosjean was the first to notice her, looking all lost and helpless. „Bonjour, petite fille (Good morning, little girl), can I help you?“, his voice soft and kind. She looked up at him, (hypothetically and literally of course), and nodded her head. She didn’t know where to be. Where did AlphaTauri need her? „I don’t know where to go, like, where is the motorhome of AlphaTauri?“
„Oh mon dieu! (Oh my god!) You are y/n! I am so pleased to meet you! Welcome to F1, my dear“, his french accent prominent and hard to miss. He shook her hand, almost hugging her, not wanting to overstep any boundaries. „I will show you where to go, no?“
She was glad someone helped her. Pierre just left her alone, bastard. But Romain took her to her garage, thankfully it wasn’t that far and she didn’t have too much awkward time with the driver.
Pierre was standing outside his side of the garage, an apologetic look on his face. He felt guilty for leaving her at the entry. Franz Tost already spoke some harsh words with the young french man. „Look y/n, I‘m sorry for just leaving you. And merci Romain, de l’avoir amenée ici (and thank you Romain for bringing her here)“, Pierre looked at Grosjean for the last sentence. y/n just shook her head and blew some air out of her mouth, making some kind of fart sound. „Don’t worry man, found it here, didn’t I?“
Franz Tost did make them go inside and told Grosjean he should go back to his own garage. She met her engineer, her mechanics her PR team and every important person. She finally met her car for the first time, naming her ‚Buggy‘. And when she first raced in the car, she felt alive. She never felt this alive before. From F4 to F2, the car always got better and faster, but F1 was just a massive upgrade. She never wanted to drive anything less.
Lap after lap y/n beat her best time, over and over again. Every lap she got faster. And she was so happy to hear that. Everyone knew that she was an excellent driver, but still no one expected this good of a result.
After the testing y/n was so happy. Pierre invited her to dinner, wanting to make up for leaving her alone that morning. He also invited half of the grid. She met Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton, Lance Stroll, Daniel Ricciardo and Charles Leclerc that evening. And it was chaos. She was so nervous, more anxious to say, and every time a driver told her how much they admired her for her talent she almost fainted. Those were her idols and they were admiring her? She couldn’t believe it. She did faint at one point, as Lewis Hamilton, the 6 time world champion made a toast to the young female driver and the history she made and will make in F1.
She ended up with a bump ok her head and a bruise on her hip, but it was worth it. That’s how she met the grid, well half of it anyway.
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah
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tournevole · 4 days
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Et je reste là, dans mon coin, il fait aussi sombre qu'avant et demain je n'aurai pas de lettre, c'est un rêve qui m'a donné les dernières nouvelles que j'aie de toi … Franz Kafka
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garadinervi · 2 years
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«dé-coll/age», Bulletin aktueller ideen, No. 5, ‘Happenings-Stücke-Partituren‘, 1966 [Fondazione Bonotto, Molvena (VI)]. Contributions by J. Beuys, C. Bremer, H. Christiansen, L. Gosewitz, D. Higgins, A. Kaprow, F. Mon, B. Patterson, G. Rühm, B. Vautier, W. Vostell, J. Hidalgo, J. Cortés, T. Marco, W. Marchetti
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perduedansmatete · 3 months
dimanche ennui donc liste (certainement pas exhaustive) de moi à moi des artistes que j'ai déjà vu en concert, de ceux que je vois bientôt, de ceux que j'aimerais voir et de ceux que je RÊVE de pouvoir écouter en live un jour:
concerts faits dans un ordre totalement approximatif:
julien doré (petite, j'étais amoureuse de lui et je me souviens d'avoir eu mal au cœur quand il chantait winnipeg)
jeanne cherhal (petite aussi, j'étais absorbée car elle avait chanté quelques chansons suspendue à un cercle en l'air)
olivia ruiz (toute mon enfance)
la grande sophie
the dedicated nothing (ils ont fait un album on en a plus jamais entendu parler et je les avais vu dans une boutique longboard comme c'était des surfeurs mdr)
the dø (dans un festival paumé en vendée, j'étais la plus heureuse)
george ezra
the black lilys
radio elvis 2x
feu! chatterton 3x (j'ai l'impression de faire l'amour quand j'entends arthur teboul chanter en live, un des trois concerts était en plein air vers l'océan c'était beau et poétique)
grand blanc
clarika (toute mon enfance, dans la voiture avec ma mère)
the limiñanas (inattendu, jamais écouté avant de les voir mais si cher à mon cœur maintenant)
girls in hawaii (souvenirs d'adolescence)
genghar (concert avec mon père dernièrement, j'écoutais beaucoup adolescente aussi)
sallie ford 2x
norma 2x (elle fait fondre mon cœur j'aimerais qu'elle perce)
the twilight sad
las aves
prudence (la chanteuse de the dø, on avait gagné un concours avec ma sœur!!)
cate hortl
clara luciani 3x
pomme 2x
franz ferdinand 2x
arctic monkeys 2x (dont une fois catastrophique à rock en seine, des amitiés se sont brisées, des crises d'angoisses, un son merdique)
the strokes (son merdique et problèmes techniques car rock en seine mais j'étais au max)
ledher blue
the cure (que dire de plus??? 3h de the cure en live c'est le paradis)
depeche mode (que des bangers, je m'en remets pas encore)
pi ja ma (choupette, je l'aime depuis la nouvelle star)
delilah bon (à la fin de son concert on a eu droit à tous les chants de manifs de gauchos sans aucune raison pendant 20 minutes et c'était génial)
fontaines dc (je veux les revoir)
ethel cain (c'était thérapeutique)
angel olsen
lucy dacus (très vite)
tamino 4x (je l'adore de tout mon cœur mais je fais une pause je l'ai trop vu)
ko ko mo 7x ou plus?? (découverts dans un festival paumé en vendée, depuis on les voit tous les ans)
jesse jo stark (trop sexy)
clemence violence
jen cloher (lesbiennes australiennes je vous aime)
dynamite shakers
odezenne (j'ai pu chanter je veux te baiser en live c'était fantastique)
georgio (marque le début de la fin d'une amitié mais j'étais tellement heureuse ce soir là)
frank carter and the rattlesnakes (ma sœur qui se fait une entorse dans un pogo)
the mysterines
yeule (premier concert toute seule, il m'a fait du bien)
sorry (chanteuse toute timide toute choupi mais génial et j'ai pu crier les paroles de there's so many people that want to be loved)
alexandra savior (écoutez là c'est un ordre)
sarah maison
sextile (concert génial soirée traumatisante)
wunderhorse (de vrais anglais qui s'en branlent de tout c'était cool)
no elevator
emma peters (j'écoute pas mais sympa)
skip the use (j'y allais en mode souvenirs, j'avais jamais écouté ses récents albums et le gars est trop chaud en live)
agar agar
nada surf (le chanteur est trop gentil <3)
adrien gallo (à défaut d'avoir pu voir les bb brunes... et j'étais aussi amoureuse de lui petite)
therapie taxi
nova twins (un de mes meilleurs concerts elles avaient une énergie trop folle)
la femme (mes meilleurs pogos)
tori amos (concert avec ma mère, icone)
l'impératrice 3x (2 fois sans que je veuille vraiment juste ils étaient dans des festivals et j'en peux plus leur scéno c'est toujours la même et c'est mou)
snail mail (mou)
parcels (j'écoute pas mais en concert c'est fou)
tame impala (l'impression d'avoir pris du lsd pendant 1h30)
gaz coombes (le chanteur de supergrass!!)
idles (de loin mdr)
foals (mouais)
wet leg (absolument génial premier rang à crier toutes les paroles, tellement qu'il a plu et qu'on a fini le concert dans la boue)
yeah yeah yeahs
the murder capital (amoureuse)
suzie stapleton
maddy street (une copine de ma sœur, c’est trop bien)
origine club renommé bonne nuit (à revoir c’est des vendéens et j’adore les vendéens pas fachos)
alice et moi
prochains concerts:
stoned jesus
dionysos (cadeau de noël pour mes parents, ils nous ont bercé avec)
ethel cain (encore)
mannequin pussy
cherry glazerr
lana del rey!!!!!!!!!
ko ko mo (pour la millième fois mdr)
eartheather (j'ai eu une place alors qu'il n'y en avait plus??? yaayyy)
artistes que j'aimerais voir:
the marias (ils avaient annulé la seule date qu'ils faisaient en france alors qu'on avait nos places avec ma meilleure amie, on leur en veut encore)
anna calvi
bar italia
the last dinner party
coco & clair clair
dora jar
king krule (on m'a empêché de prendre une place la dernière fois car apparemment il chante mal en live)
beach house
lebanon hanover
japanese breakfast
sally dige
tove lo (je l'ai raté à rock en seine...)
tv girl
sir chloe
portugal. the man
last train
baxter dury
sophie meier
thao & the get down stay down
fka twigs
yelle (je serai une femme accomplie le jour où je l'aurai vu)
artistes que je rêve de voir dans mes rêves les plus fous:
soko (elle soignerait tous mes maux)
fiona apple (c'est beau de rêver)
the smashing pumpkins
courtney barnett (c'est une nécessité je connais tout par cœur)
siouxsie sioux
björk (ratée en septembre dernier...)
eels (mes parents y sont allés sans moi et sans me le dire????)
alt-j (j'écoute depuis trop longtemps pour ne jamais les avoir vu)
iggy pop (icone, il faut, et je suis amoureuse de lui)
new order
massive attack (si je craque pour rock en seine...)
emiliana torrini
she wants revenge
hope sandoval
sigur rós
arcade fire (je crois que le chanteur est un agresseur sexuel. bon.)
the last shadow puppets
the white stripes mais bon... ou jack white
madonna...... mais je suis pauvre
si une âme charitable a tout lu et veut me fournir de quoi me payer des places de concerts je suis preneuse lol merci
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deeptothebone · 4 months
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all of my devotion turns violent
Bones and All (2022) / H.D., from collected poems: 1912-1944: “A Dead Priestess Speaks” / Hiroshima Mon Amour (1959) / ‘Neptune’ by Daughter / Thoroughbreds (2017) / Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena
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marcogiovenale · 2 years
random pages from franz mon, "tactiques de mots"
random pages from franz mon, “tactiques de mots”
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depressedraisin · 7 months
classical pieces that give me the same energy as the car
my classical phase is coming back bear with me
sergei rachmaninoff- morceaux de fantaisie op. 3 no. 1: elegie (sheku kaneh mason, cello & isata kaneh mason, piano)
jennifer higdon- harp concerto movt. 3: lullaby (yolanda kondonassis, harp; rochester philharmonic, orchestra)
pt. ravi shankar, philip glass- ragas in minor scale (ravi shankar, sitar et. al)
gian carlo menotti- violin concerto (jennifer koh, violin; spoleto festival orchestra)
erich korngold- theme for deception (1946)
einojuhani rautavaara- deux serenades no. 1: serenade pour mon amour (hilary hahn, violin; orchestre de philharmonique radio france)
franz schubert- nacht und träume, op. 43, no. 2 (peter pears, voice & benjamin britten, piano)
sergei prokofiev- piano concerto no. 3, op. 26 (martha argerich, piano; berliner philharmoniker orchestra)
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