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sharemarketinsider · 13 days
Swing and Positional Trading for free
Join the Telegram Channel For free Swing and optional stock recommendations. https://t.me/SMI_Blog
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 2 months
i wanted to make a list with tips for those who have recently discovered monster high and love the dolls and wanna partake in the hobby in starting a collection 🖤
for starters: i wanna say you do not need to watch the show / media attached to it if you don’t want to or don’t have the time. you can still enjoy the dolls cuz at the end of the day, they’re dolls and you can do whatever you want with them :3 they’re for play so create your own lore and enjoy it however you please 🖤 also, if the show wasn’t for you, that doesn’t make you less of a fan. you can still enjoy the dolls and hobby 🖤
also: MONSTER HIGH IS FOR EVERYONE !! it doesn’t matter if you’re male, female, nonbinary, straight or queer, you can partake in this hobby !!
to start, find the dolls / characters that interest you most
whether you want to collect only dolls of one character or multiple of any and every character, it’s up to you to decide :3 it’s okay. there’s no right or wrong way of collecting. narrowing down the dolls you like best helps to get started. you wanna be sure your first doll(s) is special and really speaks to you 🖤
if you like several dolls and are undecided on certain ones, feel free to wait it out and see how you feel about them in a few days, a week, a month or however long you need
sometimes it’s best to wait and contemplate so you don’t end up regretting a purchase. of course if you do, or loved the doll at first but then changed your mind, it’s okay. you can always sell the doll later. you might be holding onto someone’s grail there !!
if you find you like a doll that has been available for a while but can’t decide between that one and a newer doll, go for the older one (this is specifically for G3 since that’s what we currently have widely available)
dolls have a shelf life of about a year. eventually lines start being phased out (currently SS3 is slowly being phased out) and we have no idea how much they’ll go for in the resell market (see SS1 and SS2 draculaura)
if you wanna collect G1 dolls, check out ebay, mercari, facebook marketplace and your local thrift stores. you never know what you may find and sometimes there’s good deals !!
when it comes to G1 dolls, you have to play the long game and have LOTS of patience. many of these dolls go for hundreds and that’s not okay imo. you don’t have to dump these amounts of money on them, especially since bills and other necessities gotta get covered first !! again, patience is key !! eventually you’ll score your grails
speaking of secondhand market, be careful and make sure you read the descriptions and ask questions. don’t be afraid to do so
unfortunately there have been a surge of scammers flooding the MH community. these are easy to spot. they will either use someone else’s photos for the listing, have zero reviews or refuse to answer questions and provide more pictures. sometimes it’s a combination of all. also know they’re not entirely honest about the condition of the dolls. some will not say they’re a smoke friendly home. please ask questions !! also, request them to add a photo with their username written on a paper to add to the listing to further verify they do in fact have the doll
do not purchase from scalpers
i know, kind of contradictory to say check the secondhand market and then say do not buy from scalpers. of course, it’s your money and you can do what you please with it, but if you can, try not to buy from them. it’s the reason they keep bulk buying the entire stock leaving fans without a chance at grabbing a doll they love and why they keep pricing what they price. if people stop buying from them, they’ll have no choice, but to lower their prices cuz no one is buying them and they don’t wanna sit with a stock of dolls they obviously do not want. so if you can help it, try not to buy from them. as stated before, it’s about patience and good deals do show up. also, wait from buying collector dolls on the aftermarket. the hype needs to first die down before they are lowered in price (happened with bride of chucky, creature from the black lagoon and addams family skullectors)
watch out when shopping online from walmart or / and amazon. sometimes other sellers will list a doll (G3) for an inflated price while they’re currently available in major retailers
you do not need every single doll
only buy the dolls you love. i know it can be devastating to love a doll and see everyone hating it, but don’t let that deter you !! with everyone sharing their personal collections and mattel pumping out dolls so frequently, it can be overwhelming and think you must have every doll. that’s simply not true. don’t feel bad for missing out on collector drops you weren’t fully in love with. and if you don’t really love a doll, it’s okay to opt out if you feel it’s the best choice. it’s also okay to purchase and sell later if you truly didn’t like the doll after receiving it
check for sales
i’m not sure about other countries but in the US, retailers will have sales and many dolls end up on sale. amazon does this too. check frequently. you never know when a doll you want may be on sale !!
check the community (get involved if you feel comfy enough to do so)
i encourage to check reddit, instagram, twitter and other forms of social media to keep up with doll news and leaks. it’s also a great place to make friends, ask questions and help each other out when drops happen. if you make good friends with someone, we can also use each other as proxy services if we live in different countries and grab each other certain exclusive dolls we have no access to :3 some dolls / lines don’t make it to certain countries
it’s okay to take breaks
mattel pumps out dolls frequently and the market can be so saturated, it’s overwhelming. it’s completely fine to feel that way and to take breaks when needed🖤
these are all the tips i can think of at the top of my head
collections are personal and there’s no right or wrong way of doing it. whether you’re an in-box or out-of-box collector, the most important thing is to HAVE FUN !!
i hope this was helpful !! enjoy your collection and welcome to the community!!
anyone can feel free to add any other tips they have to help a new collector out 🖤
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punkassfrance · 5 months
Light Of Day - Part II - Tess/Fem!Reader
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This chapter is explicit! MDNI! In which Tess' actions come back to haunt her. This work contains drinking, oral sex, and general criminality. ~3.3k words. Part I
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She wallows for a while after that.
Well, not all that much changes. She’s hesitant to leave her apartment even without the humiliation of being caught—even though nobody was around to see what had happened, it was bad enough for just her to see. She doesn’t even consider whatever punk tried to attack that night—if he knows who she is, he knows not to fuck with her. No, he doesn’t matter, but her girl saw what happened. Damn it all. She’ll probably have to stop calling her that, too.
She switches to the small stock of instant coffee she keeps for special occasions, just for the week. There’s still a healthy splash of booze in the mug, naturally. Some things just don’t change.
There’s a chance what happened hasn’t been spread. Her girl doesn’t have much in the way of friends, after all—she knows that much. There’s a chance her dignity is more or less intact, her reputation untouched. Still, she can’t quite bring herself to check.
The kid across the hallway takes her cards and brings back rations. He skims a little off the top every time, butshe doesn’t kick up a fuss about it. Just writes it off as a delivery fee, or a tip, or even charity from what she knows of the kid’s family. She has enough to spare anyway. If she wanted, Tess could hide away for at least a year without selling a damn thing.
He should be back in an hour or so, as she thinks of it. Time kind of blends together when she does this- hides away from the world, watches through her little window. She’s seen her girl enter and exit the market a few times now, glancing around nervously as she should, but never looking up. Never up, thank god.
There’s a knock at her door.
She didn’t think the kid would be back with groceries so soon. He usually takes his time to avoid drawing attention. She doesn’t care one way or another, of course. As long as she gets what she paid for. “Give me a second, kiddo.”
She sets her coffee down on the countertop and reaches for a pair of basketball shorts on the couch, tugging them on before she gets the door. As much as she loves lounging around in her underwear, the poor kid doesn’t need to see that.
Clutching a lead pipe in her free hand just in case, she opens the door with a blank expression.
It’s frozen on her face when she sees her girl standing before her, shuffling her feet and pressing her lips together.
Neither of them speak, for a moment.Tess blinks, mouth falling just slightly open as she processes what’s before her. The girl looked up when the door opened, watching Tess from under her eyelashes as they took in each other’s presence.
It’s tempting to just close the door- just walk away from this situation with what’s left of her dignity, avoid confronting her childish bullshit for as long as possible.
That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it? Childish. She grimaces as the situation sets in, eyes darting around looking for some way to escape without making an even bigger mess of the situation.
“Took a lot of cards to find you,” the girl mutters after a long moment, mouth twisted up to the side as she watches the floor, like she knows exactly what Tess is thinking. If Tess manages to get out of this and they had nothing else to discuss, she would at least have to find out who talked.
“...that’s intentional.” She’s gone to great lengths to hide away from the world, to make herself a hard woman to find. Anyone looking to find her would have to look pretty damn hard, especially with the mere strands of information the girl would have had.
Before she can think about it, she steps back and holds the door open, eyes glued to the ground. The girl steps inside, glancing around, anywhere but at Tess. Once the door shuts, she doesn’t immediately lunge or reach for a weapon. It’s not much, but it’s slightly reassuring. Tess leans the pipe up against the doorframe and crosses her arms.
“...you’re Tess.”
It’s not a question, but Tess nods anyway.
“I guess I should thank you for saving me. And for all the, ah…” she trails off as she turns to face Tess, carefully looking up to meet her eye. Tess nods.
Now that the secret’s out, she realizes how creepy this probably is. It started out innocent enough; she just wanted to offer something to add a little light to the girl’s day, let her know someone…
“I can stop.”
She doesn’t get a response to that, only silence as she looks around the apartment. The sun is in her chair by now—if she didn’t have a guest, she’d be sitting there, sans shorts, finishing off her coffee, basking in the sun. She doesn’t stop the girl from meandering over to the window, leaning over the chair and catching a glimpse of the market view. Looking back up to Tess, she scuffs the ground with her boot.
“...what do you want from me?”
“What do you want from me?” Tess can’t help herself from snapping just a bit, crossing her arms. “You haven’t humiliated me enough?”
“Humiliated you?” She raises an eyebrow, glancing up at the ceiling as she thinks. “If I remember right, all I did was open the door. If you’re embarrassed, that’s not on me.”
They’re both silent again, each of them back to avoiding eye contact.
“What do you want from me? If you’re trying to pay me for something, I don’t know what it is. I can’t offer you anything.” Her eyes widen, hands raised.
She hasn’t made her intentions clear. Here’s a chance to correct that—or a chance to back out. Before she can decide what to do with the misunderstanding, she can’t help herself.
“You think I’m trying to pay you?”
The girl looks lost and exasperated as her theory falls apart, and goes back to looking around once again. Still, she doesn’t try to attack. Tess stays rooted to the ground.
“...why else would you give me shit?”
She stares at the girl, taking in the first real look at her face. It’s not obscured by a window, a hood, weather, or the corner of her own eye as she tries to be coy. Her usual silence, easily mistaken for shyness, has been replaced with distress. Tess should have known the anomaly of a random gift would have set her on edge. But those thoughts are far off, on the back burner of her mind. Christ, she’s a vision.
The look on her face must betray her as realization dawns.
“I’ll stop.” Tess mumbles, gritting her teeth.
Tess jerks open the door beside her, stepping aside and watching the ground, furious with herself as her face heats up. “I’ll stop.”
That would be the end of it, then. Tess would sell off her box of gifts, respectfully look away when the girl entered the market, and never know her middle name or how she liked her coffee. She would likely never know those things anyway, but it was a nice fantasy to hold on to while she had it. It felt ridiculous, sure, but it was easy enough to justify- everyone needs a thought to fall asleep to, right? Some small comfort in a world of terrors? There was no harm in it. And now it’s over.
A soft hand rests on the wooden door, pushing it shut. Tess can’t bring herself to look up.
“Is it Tessa?”
Tess looks up, eyebrow raised. She’s watching, lips pressed together as she waits for an answer.
“Theresa.” The few girlfriends she’s had over the years called her Tessa on occasion, but that doesn’t feel like what she’s asking.
“Theresa,” the girl repeats, giving her a slow once-over. She doesn’t look nearly as confused as she did just moments ago. Meanwhile, Tess is sure she’s lost the plot. Her brow knits together, lip slightly curled, as she tries to figure out what exactly the girl is getting at. “From what I’ve heard, you’re not exactly shy. Did you just…not want to talk to me?”
“I…” She’s not sure how to explain herself. She never really questioned what she was doing or felt the need to justify herself. She thought nobody would ever ask why. Why would they? Her head shakes vacantly, still denying the situation. “I’ll stop.”
“I didn’t ask you to stop.” She steps forward, silently coercing Tess away from the door. Tess lets the girl herd her a few feet back into the apartment, curious to see where this is going. “Asked why you didn’t just talk to me.”
One hand comes up to Tess’ shoulder, guiding her up against the wall. She lets it happen.
“Didn’t want to scare you off.”
“You think you’re scary?”
Her immediate instinct is of course. It feels like a stupid question—she fucking runs Boston on reputation alone by now, men twice her size have nightmares about her, even Joel caves to her.
But her girl might not know about all of that.
To her, Tess is just a mystery. Some random, anonymous older woman with a very strange way of flirting. Some part of her demands a rabid correction—I think I’m fucking terrifying. You should too. But if this goes her way, if she really has a shot with this girl… that might not be the first impression she wants to make. The whole reason she put herself through these hoops was to avoid scaring her. Why come all this way just to blow it when she’s so close? So close to…something.
“I think people are scared of me.”
The girl tilts her head, reaching up to push a few strands of hair out of Tess’ face. Her cool fingers skim over the freckles on Tess’ cheek, the first kind touch she’s received since her last fling wanted more than she could give. She melts at it more than she’ll admit, looking down at the hand in the corner of her eye. The feeling in her chest is almost forgotten, but not fully lost. Defrosting.
She takes Tess’ hands in her own, running her thumbs over the marred skin, and pulls them forward. Tess stays stubbornly pressed against the wall as her hands are brought to rest on the girl’s waist, flesh giving way as she curls her fingers on instinct.
“I think you’re scared.” She’s close to a whisper as her arms loop around Tess’ neck, pulling them together. As though she didn’t just throw out an accusation that could easily get Tess killed.
Maybe she meant it as a challenge, maybe she didn’t. Regardless of what she hoped to accomplish, all it does is make something coil tight in Tess’ chest.
She breaks.
The girl’s lips are so soft. She’s pictured this many times, while falling asleep, zoning out on a shift, listening to the rain on her window. Despite the corner she’s backed Tess into, she’s modest with her affection, both of them getting a sense of the other before they move forward. As the girl sinks into her, her hesitations fizzle out as if they never existed at all. Tess’ arms wrap around the girl’s waist, one supporting her upper back as she pushes off from the wall. Her girl arches the small of her back, hips pressing into Tess as they stumble together to the couch.
Her girl isn’t exactly shy, but Tess doesn’t hold back. It’s not long before they’re kissing like this isn’t their first time—like they’ve been together for months, years even, like this is just one of many nights with each other. Like they’ll have all the time in the world to do it again, and again, and again.
A hand teases at the edge of Tess’ tank top- she lets the girl wander, lets her explore the skin beneath with a mild hand, but she pulls away for only a moment to mutter, “Leave it on.” If this is her only shot, she’s not about to waste it on her own pleasure.
Once Tess has laid her on the futon, she raises her arms, spread out for Tess like she’s not scared in the slightest. Like she carries no regard for the cross of a reputation Tess bears—like she’s trustworthy.
“My name-”
“I know your name.”
Tess cuts her off, kissing across her collarbones as she chuckles. “Bit of a stalker, huh?”
Looking up from under her eyelashes, Tess shrugs impassively, tugging the girl’s shirt off and onto the floor. The fabric is worn and thin, soft under Tess’ hands.
“Just… took an interest.”
“Should I be nervous?” The girl smirks, undoing the button on her jeans with one hand, stroking Tess’ hair with the other.
“Oh, very.” Tess nips at the supple skin of her breast, leaving behind a barely noticeable mark. Her knee nestles up between the girl’s legs, something firm for her to grind down on. She takes advantage, eyes flickering shut as she exhales. It’s the first visible sign of pleasure Tess has pulled from her, and she quickly remembers how enticing the feeling of success is. So quickly it grows on her, sidles up alongside her veins, making itself at home with her desire. It’s almost parasitic, something new and demanding inside her that will never part.
Her girl pulls away before long, giving Tess the chance to tug her jeans off and push them aside. She takes a moment to admire what she sees before moving on; gray cotton panties, worn thin with loosening elastic along the waistband, dewy wetness gathering in the defined notch Tess can trace with her fingers. She does, roughened fingertips testing the slight give of her flesh, how it yields to her touch. All motion has stopped, her girl now frozen on the couch, barely breathing at the touch. When Tess notices, her fingers stop, forcing a breath out of the girl.
“You’re a fucking tease.” She whispers as her chest falls, tucking her thumbs into the waistband of her underwear. “Do something or I’m going home and getting myself off.”
“No, you won’t.” She pushes the girl’s hands away and begins the slow tug to remove her underwear, world narrowing to the sight. Thin, faded stretch marks adorn the skin she runs over, the swell of her thighs resisting the drag of the fabric ever so slightly. It’s mesmerizing, especially the stretched seconds of the gusset pulling off her already soaked cunt. “I don’t think you’re going anywhere,” Tess whispers, the girl’s panties hanging off her finger before she sets them down on the coffee table. She won’t be getting them back, whether she likes it or not. “You didn’t come all this way to just go home and get yourself off.”
She backs up on the couch, positioning the girl’s legs over her shoulders and adjusting until she’s comfortable. It’s familiar, muscle memory by now, even if she hasn’t taken anyone to bed in some time now. It doesn’t matter—she couldn’t forget this if she tried. Tess kisses the skin of her thighs before licking up her slit, gathering the wetness on her lips before pushing forward.
Tess has to hold her hips tight to keep her stable on the couch, the girl’s back arching as Tess buries herself between her legs. She sounds like she can’t quite catch her breath, fighting to exhale as Tess refuses to let up. One leg kicks at the air behind Tess’ head before curling into her back, pressing her closer; she finally breathes out a broken moan as Tess circles around the girl’s clit. She feels fingers on her hairline, cautiously pushing up until her girl has a bit of control over Tess’ head. She doesn’t take advantage of it, just keeps both of them steady, keeps Tess where she wants to be.
“Tess—” the girl mewls, shuddering as tension builds. Her muscles threaten to cramp under Tess’ fingers, legs held out of the way. She pushes her tongue inside as she mindlessly works out the kinks and knots in the girl’s thighs. She responds with a harsh tug on Tess’ hair, one she’s tempted to punish, but she’s willing to let it slide for the wail she lets out. No sense in getting too… depraved. Not when it’s the first time really has the girl’s attention.
The girl audibly chokes and squeezes her legs around Tess when she cums, ankles locking behind her. Tess buries her tongue further inside, not daring to change a thing. If this is the last time she gets to speak to her, the last episode of this weird little situation they’ve made for themselves, she’s not going to ruin it. She exhales in relief as she feels the grip on her hair tighten, then ease. They sit there for a moment after she stops trembling, Tess’ head tilted against her thigh, watching her chest rise and fall. The hand on her head gently releases her hair, brushing through the bands of gray and pushing them out of her face. She’s not looking down at Tess, one arm tossed over her eyes as she recovers.
She almost wonders if her girl has dozed off—her breathing is rhythmic and steady, she makes no effort to move or address Tess. Still, she can’t complain. There’s a strong possibility that she’ll never see the girl again, neither of them will ever stoop to this low again. Tess, with her stupid crush, and her girl, fucking a borderline stalker. As much as she hates to admit that that’s what she is.
After a few minutes of silence, she starts to shift. Tess sits up to give her room to move. Looking over to the coffee table, she grabs a hair tie, pulling half of her hair back out of her face. She probably should have done this sooner, but she likes to give her partners something to grip on to—tt’s part of the fun. She also takes a cigarette off the table, lighting it up and taking a drag as the girl sorts through her clothes on the floor. Tess catches the moment when she sees her panties on the table, looks over to Tess in the corner of her eye, and stands to pull her jeans on. She’s glad she doesn’t say anything—those belong to Tess now, one way or another.
She fights with the breaking clasps of her bra before Tess stands and helps her, smoothing her hands over the straps and fixing a twist where she wouldn’t be able to reach. The girl lingers before picking up her shirt, looking at Tess over her shoulder and smiling before bending at the waist. It puts them in a suggestive position as Tess’ hand drags down her skin, settling on the small of her back, her other hand holding the cigarette off to the side. Tess tries to commit the sight to memory, just a few seconds to keep to herself when this fledgling affair dies quietly in the water.
When she stands and pulls her tank top back on, she turns and tucks two fingers into Tess’ waistband, pulling her in.
“Am I out of your system by now?”
Tess looks over her again, eyeing her with a starving gaze. “Not a chance.”
The girl gets up on her toes one more time to kiss Tess, wrapping an arm around her neck to pull her in. “You know where to find me. Next time, I might just let you in.”
With that, she turns and walks out the door, shutting it behind her before Tess can say a word.
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At LAST, I finished it! Got this request MONTHS ago, but writer's block is a bitch. I'm technically open to a part III, but I have other projects in mind, so it's not super likely. Feel free to say hi or drop your thoughts in my askbox, check out my AO3 or my about me if you're interested!
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nitearmorweek · 6 months
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As everyone gets to work preparing for NiteArmor Week, the mods wanted to encourage people to bring their own lived experiences into their creations. You are welcome to write and draw mandalorians in a way that reflects your own life and culture; Bo-Katan and the Armorer do not have to physically resemble their live action counterparts.
What does this mean? Do you want to share your Mexican heritage and weave it into the story of your NiteArmor fic? Hell yeah! Do you see the Armorer has having dreadlocks? Include them! Do you have an insulin pump and think Bo-Katan has one under her flightsuit too? We want to heart about it!
For those who may need a little help or are looking for new resources, we have gathered a small list of guides. Some of the below sources came from @lavenderursa's collection of inclusive writing tips. The mods recommend reading through the original post they worked hard to put together! The hope of this new post is to build out their post to include a few more elements specific to Star Wars.
Writing Resources Collectives and authors who have published tips and guides on writing stories that center diverse experiences:
Writing With Color
The History of Black Hair [Words to Describe Hair]
A Guide to Natural Black Hair
How To Write About Trans People
A Primer on Writing Trans Characters
The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Transgender Characters
Important Tips on Making/Writing Asian OCs
Dear Non-Asian Writer
How to Avoid Asian Stereotypes, Appropriation, and White Washing
​Tips for Inclusivity with Reader Inserts
A Guide to Writing Disabled Characters
A general cane guide for writers and artists (from a cane user, writer, and artist!)
Creating authentic deaf and hard of hearing characters
Art Tips Helpful information on how to draw different body types, skin tones, and hair:
Basic Skin Tone Coloring [part 2]
Kupa's Guide to Skintones
A Guide to Drawing South Asian Skin Tones [part 2]
Protocols When Drawing Native American Hair
A guide to designing wheelchair using characters! [part 2]
Whitewashing in Art and How Colors Work
​How to Draw Disabled People
Drawing East Asian Faces
Plus Size Body Types
POC Blush tones
Afro, 4C hair
Image References Websites that offer images that can be licensed for use and/or inspiration. The below three are highly recommended resources, but some do have a cost:
createHERstock - Your destination for authentic stock images featuring melanated women
Nappy co - Beautiful photos of Black and Brown people, for free
Eye for Ebony - Beautiful lifestyle stock photos featuring people of color
Affect The Verb - This is a disability-led effort to provide free & inclusive stock images from our own perspective, with photos and illustrations celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC).
Pixerf - Asia's fastest-growing Asian stock photo market place
Disability: In - Disability Inclusive Stock Photography
Disability is Beautiful - The best free stock images provided by the disability community.
Cosplayers Artists and content creators that have posted amazing Star Wars cosplay! Their hard work and attention to detail in costuming is a wonderful source of inspiration and reference. If you are inspired by any of their photos, please make sure to credit them and send your love. Here are just three examples of cosplayers within the fandom:
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Jahara Jayde | twitter | ko-fi
arseniccupcakes | twitter | patreon
cutiepiesensei | twitter | instagram
Further Reading Additional articles, studies, and analyses that discuss racism and ableism within the Star Wars fandom specifically:
Racism In Star Wars: A List of Resources
Star Wars Franchise: Stitch's Media Mix Analyst
Star Wars: A Tale of Racism
Disability In Star Wars
Blind Warriors, Supercrips, and Techno-Marvels: Challenging Depictions of Disability in Star Wars
What's the Problem, Papi?: Internet Daddy-ism and Coddling, Fetishization, and what "Latino-looking" actually means.
Sinophobia in SW Animation
Thank you for making it to the end of this post! Please do not consider this a definitive list or a replacement for anti-racist work in the real world. Keep reading, stay curious, and seek out new perspectives from voices you may not have been listening for.
Do you have any additional recommendations, sources, or guides to share? Feel free to drop them in the comments of this post ❤️
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checkmatehq · 28 days
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Good evening, I’m Ko Jueun and this is SBS Tonight. 
To our top story, the case of Noh Hyungseo, the 19-year-old student whose body was discovered at Cheongpyeong Lake in December 2016, is being reopened for further investigation. Authorities have received new information that has prompted a reassessment of the original findings. 
The Gyeonggi Provincial Police have announced that they are revisiting the case based on this recent information that they have obtained from a reliable source. They have now confirmed collaboration with the Seoul Metropolitan Police to ensure a thorough investigation, given that Noh was a resident of Seoul. Details regarding the nature of this new evidence are not being disclosed at this time, as the investigation is ongoing.
Noh Hyungseo, previously a student at Seoul National University and the only son of Noh Dongyeop, the CEO of NGK group, and grandson of the company’s founder, was originally ruled to have died from misadventure. SBS News has reached out to NGK group for comment regarding the reopening of the case, but no statement has been received at this time.
The police are now encouraging anyone with relevant information to come forward. For tips or information, please contact your local authorities.
We will continue to follow this story and provide updates as more details emerge.
This concludes our news hour. I am Ko Jueun, this is SBS News Tonight.
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the ace foundation proudly presents its prestigious masquerade ball. this is a highly exclusive, annually held black tie event dedicated to enhancing corporate ethics and promoting transparent business practices. in line with the masquerade theme, the event symbolizes its attendees’ commitment to openness and integrity in the corporate world. invitations have historically been reserved for distinguished figures such as top executives, influential entrepreneurs, and key decision makers of well-established businesses on the stock market. yang byeol, the heir of the yang family and 2013 queen of the king’s club, oversees the guest list. below is the itinerary for the ace foundation’s 2024 masquerade:
6.00pm  arrival and welcome reception.
7.30pm  opening remarks from the yang patriarch and key figures.
8.00pm  a six-course dinner is served.
9.30pm  silent auction featuring donated artwork by renowned artists. proceeds will fund initiatives aimed at promoting corporate ethics and transparent business practices.
10.30pm  dancing, live entertainment, and networking. at 11.00pm, the 2013 chessmasters lure all canons into a room away from the masses to inform them to lay low and not cooperate with the police.
12.00am  mask unveiling and closing remarks.
12.30am  departure.
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event details  by now, you should have received a voicemail from the police in your inbox. this voicemail would have gone out to all canons on 12 august, 2024, approximately three weeks after the private dinner gathering on jeju island. the news regarding the reopening of noh hyungseo’s case was broadcasted across all news channels on 14 august, 2024, the same day each canon would have received a hasty invitation to the masquerade ball held by the ace foundation. the masquerade ball is scheduled on 17 august, 2024, the weekend before police are expecting to hold voluntary interviews as specified in the voicemail, in the week of 19 august, 2024. the bulk of this event will be set in the masquerade ball, but you may explore the events leading up to this! additionally, there will be a plot drop posted next week, on 1 september, 8pm pst. in-character, this plot drop is set within the dancing, live entertainment, and networking section of the event between 10.30pm to midnight, so please refrain from exploring anything definitive past this point in threads. 
voicemail and masquerade invitation  you are free to respond to the police voicemail with headcanons or any character reactions you might want to explore, but this is entirely optional! you are not required to post these voicemails on the dash. with regards to the masquerade, invitations to this ball have historically been reserved for the most influential figures in the business sector, so it is likely that a lot of your muses may never have received an invitation before this! if this is the case, it would be obvious that a hasty invitation to this ball signifies something deeper and given the host, something potentially related to the club. alternatively, you are also welcomed to headcanon that your muses have been invited to this ball in previous years and thus, may be unaware of the gravity of this invite. in saying so, please consider the context of this ball, the exclusive nature of the invitations, and if this aligns with your character’s background. per the itinerary, all masks should be on at the time of arrival, allowing for some room for anonymity between members. there will be an unveiling ceremony at 12am!
ooc info  this is the second half of the two-part event — this part is set in 2024. please tag all posts as #cm:breaking. all event starters, including part one set in 2016, may be posted up until 8 september, 8pm pst and should be wrapped up by 22 september, 8pm pst. participation is optional, though it is understood that your muses would have been present at this event. expect a plot drop next week, on 1 september, 8pm pst!
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
Hello! Do you have tips, advices or any helpful resources on financial independence for beginners? Thankyou in advance!
Of course 💞
Generally, to gain financial independence you need to start by setting a goal. After you set a goal you need to write down your actual scenario as it currently standards. Then you brain map different strategies and actions you can take.
This is probably the easiest time to establish financial independence. It doesn’t matter if you’re 15 or 55, because of all of the tools available to us on the internet.
As a base:
Set a financial goal: Start by setting a specific financial goal that you want to achieve, such as paying off debt, saving for a down payment on a home, or building an emergency fund. Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay focused and motivated.
Create a budget: A budget is a crucial tool for achieving financial independence. Start by tracking your expenses and income, and then create a budget that allocates your income towards your financial goals and expenses. Consider using a budgeting app or spreadsheet to make this process easier.
Mint is budgeting app I use, it helps you track your expenses, set financial goals, and stay on top of your finances.
Reduce expenses: Look for ways to reduce your expenses, such as cutting back on unnecessary subscriptions or finding ways to save on utilities and groceries. This will free up more money to put towards your financial goals. Just like time, people don’t realize how much money they waste. Every bit counts and adds up. Make sure you’re investing your money on things that are absolutely needed- and not simply wasting money you can be using to make more money.
Invest for the future: investing your money in a retirement account or other long-term investment vehicle. Accounts that pay dividends. This can help you build wealth and achieve financial independence over time. This requires some capital and you should have some money saved before you consider starting.
Some authors I recommend would be:
1. Dave Ramsey: The Total Money Makeover
2. Robert Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad. His YouTube channel is a gold mine. https://m.youtube.com/@TheRichDadChannel
3. JL Collins: The Simple Path to Wealth
4. Ramit Sethi: I Will Teach You to Be Rich
In order to achieve financial independence, it’s Important to build passive income streams. Passive income requires a smaller budget than what people may believe. If any, in some scenarios.
Passive income can be for example:
Dividend Stocks
Affiliate marketing
Selling digital products
Real estate investing
Side hustles can also be passive income steam, and/or have the ability to replace your current main income stream.
I can give you a ton of side hustle ideas. Hundreds. That you can do using your computer. If you give me niches that interest you, I can list recommendations.
The most important aspect however, is mindset. Having a positive mindset when it comes to money and wealth. Your mindset will either drive you to take actions or hold you back. Your thoughts and beliefs about money can have a profound impact on your financial success. Learn how to develop a mindset of abundance and to think creatively about how they can increase their income and build wealth.
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3. This isn't helping me solve my money problem, it's only making me into a free-market type. (Opt out.)
SAVOIR FAIRE - What are you, a racist? Don't be a racist! Be a cool immigrant ultraliberal free market advocate! Ride or die, keep it street!
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Challenging: Success]- This guy's appropriating the emerging Boogie Street lingo as part of his sales pitch for the free market economy.
Well… if *not* being an ultraliberal makes me a racist then I guess I should be an ultraliberal? (Opt in.)
You're trying to sound like a Boogie Street youth to peddle me this stuff, aren't you?
Go away! [Discard thought.]
SAVOIR FAIRE - Yeah, ain't it cool, rider?! Ain't it street?
2. It's not. (Opt out.)
Since we're already here, let's go and talk to Evrart one last time.
🎵 Evrart's Theme
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EVRART CLAIRE - "Mr. Du Bois! The word in Martinaise is *a certain police officer* is once again happily reunited with his service weapon." He winks at you. "Congratulations, my friend!"
"I prefer my police officers old-fashioned like that... with a gun. You can do so many things with a gun that you can't do without one. Now, what can I help you with?"
"Look... my gun." (Show it to him.)
"Remember the container I asked you about? Turns out there's a mega rich light-bending guy inside."
"I met a girl named Acele who said she's working with you."
EVRART CLAIRE - "My, my..." He lets out an appreciative whistle. "She's quite the looker, Harry. You can't imagine how pleased I am the two of you are reunited."
"Tell me, was it difficult to convince..." The big man pauses to tap on his chin. "... The Pigs to give it up?"
"Not at all."
"The important thing is I got my gun back."
EVRART CLAIRE - "I knew you could handle it. I know my special policeman. Anyway, I'm glad you're alright and armed again, Harry. Now, what can Evrart Claire do for you?"
"Remember the container I asked you about? Turns out there's a mega rich light-bending guy inside."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Mega rich light-bending guy? Oh my god! How did that get in there?"
"He's so rich he could get in anywhere."
"Slime like him? Must've oozed in through the cracks."
"He must have been in the container when someone accidentally closed the door."
"I don't know how he got in there."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Damn it to hell, Harry!" He slams his fist on the table. "I specifically told my guys to check all the containers for mega rich light-bending guys."
"Nothing can stop an innovative mind."
"I think he wants to take down the proletariat, Evrart."
"Kim, tell him he was there."
"You know, some of him *may* have been a figment of my imagination."
KIM KITSURAGI - "There was a guy in the container," the lieutenant says slowly. "But he didn't bend any light. That was in the detective's head."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Honestly, guys, we might be moving a spot of drugs through this harbour, but I won't be caught transporting the light-bending mega-rich." He shakes his head. "I have a reputation to protect."
"Yes, for god's sake, you're a socialist."
"The mega rich are people too. He was a nice man. Gave me stock tips."
"Yes, the transportation of the mega rich should be more tightly regulated. Didn't seem like he was safe."
"You should be honoured by the presence of this magus. He was of half-Revacholian blood and amassed his wealth using the mysterious bond of nationhood."
+1 Communism
+5 XP
EVRART CLAIRE - "You're right, Harry. I *am* a socialist." His face turns serious. "I'm going to catch the mega rich guy inside the container and harvest his energy to power the harbour's fog lights."
He bursts out laughing. "I shudder to think what you're going to tell me next, Harry."
DRAMA [Medium: Success] - Not for one second did he believe there's an actual mega rich person somewhere in his containertown.
"I met a girl named Acele who said she's working with you."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Funny..." The big man lets out a lazy yawn. "That doesn't ring any bells, Harry."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Funny," the lieutenant says, looking up from his notebook. "She was trying to set up a narcotics operation in the old church on the coast."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Oh, that Acele!" He taps his temple. "Yes, I do seem to remember sending a pretty young thing down there to liven up the place. Get some anodic music in there."
"Did you also tell her to start the amphetamine lab?"
"Anodic music? Liven up the place? Yes, that checks out. Let's change the subject."
EVRART CLAIRE - "Amphetamine lab?" He seems taken aback. "That sound very immoral and debauched. Frankly a health risk."
"But what do I know about kids these days, the music they listen to, the drugs they do while they listen to that music…" He shakes his head with a melancholy smile.
KIM KITSURAGI - "It sounds to me like you're trying to start an amphetamine lab in the district," the lieutenant says with an uncharacteristic note of contempt in his voice. "And you're using some delinquents you found god knows where to set it up and run it for you."
EVRART CLAIRE - "'Found god knows where'?" The big man exhales loudly. "That *Acele* is the daughter of Mico the Kebab -- a man who once killed a guy with a kebab."
"I think a daughter of a man who killed a man with a kebab can handle running a little nightclub, don't you?"
"Mico the Kebab? Really?"
EVRART CLAIRE - "Maybe it was Bogowir? Or Jakub?" He stares off into the distance, seemingly trying to remember something. "I think it might have been Konrad..."
+5 XP
Task complete: Ask Evrart about the drug lab
+10 XP
Level up!
"Anyway, I shut down the amphetamine production, but let them go on with the nightclub plan."
Say nothing.
EVRART CLAIRE - "I got it, Harry! It was Radogost. Radogost the Kebab." He smiles smugly. "But enough of Kojkos and kebabs. What else can I do for you?"
Nothing, at this point. Goodbye, Evrart.
4. "Evrart, I'm going to leave now, but we might talk again later." [Leave.]
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I use two of the skill points we have to level up Conceptualization and Shivers, unlocking our only two currently locked checks.
On the way back towards the Whirling, I checked in with Easy Leo, Tommy, and Measurehead, to see if they had anything new to say to us. (They didn't.)
I've come back to Klaasje so we can retry this Shivers check, but we have a slight problem:
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We have a -3 penalty owing to the snow. Let's talk to her a little and see if it'll clear up.
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KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I was just thinking -- what a nice day for questions." She lights a cigarette. "Pertaining to a murder investigation."
"Why do I feel like you've *won* here?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I really don't know, sir." She takes a sip of her cold coffee. "I certainly don't *feel* like I've won. I feel like shit, sir. All the time."
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - She smiles. A bitter little smile. She means it.
"But this turned out well for you. You've *slipped* past all suspicions."
"You're right."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Clearly, I haven't. We're having this conversation, aren't we? How *well* could it have gone. I mean... " She looks around.
SHIVERS [Easy: Success] - The snow falls on her shoulders, then melts in her light blond hair... Cold and soft.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I'm stuck in Martinaise, just like all of us. I've been up here for... I don't know how long now? I like to call this my *rooftop containment facility*."
"What are you contained for then?"
"Something seems… *off* with this theory I've developed. About Ruby."
"The dried flowers on the roof -- could Ruby have left them? These don't fit with anything."
"That's it then, I guess." (Conclude.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "For my *sins* of course. The long standing sins of a bad, frivolous person."
"For destroying my first love. For working for bad people. The list goes on and on."
2. "Something seems... *off* with this theory I've developed. About Ruby."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I don't know what to say."
"It all seems fortuitous -- for you."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "*None* of this is fortuitous for me."
3. "The dried flowers on the roof -- could Ruby have left them? These don't fit with anything."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "The what?" She narrows her eyes. "Oh, those ones! I don't know, sir. I said I have no idea what to make of them. Honestly, I think they're just trash."
"I mean, there's no reason for me to think they're somehow connected to her."
4. "That's it then, I guess." (Conclude.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - She nods, slowly -- carefully, even.
+5 XP
VOLITION [Easy: Success] - There is suddenly a strange glint in her eyes. Not malicious... but dangerous.
The snow has melted into rain, giving us a *slightly* better chance at this check. Enough that I'm williing to...
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3. [Shivers - Godly 16] Look up to the grey sky.
+1 Independent Revachol. -2 Raining. Try again when it's stopped.
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SHIVERS [Godly: Success] - "A warm column of air rises around you -- up to the falling rain -- encircling the building you stand on. You feel its twisting shape, bits of paper and birds on the *thermal*. Along with several million litres of water. All rising back into the great Insulindian sky.
Why does it rise?
SHIVERS - Because it's warm -- from the gathering spring; from the oceanic current flowing into the bay; the people on the streets; and the machines that hum in the harbour. Heavy fuel oils too.
SHIVERS - From the vapour, a great cumulus is formed. A cloud castle one thousand metres high. A flock of seagulls screams, hitch-hiking on the thermal. They too are part of the procession, the honour watch.
For whom?
SHIVERS - For her. The guest. Waiting.
Is she safe here?
What is she waiting for?
SHIVERS - As safe as you keep her.
What is she waiting for?
SHIVERS - For Gloria. Soon these clouds will all fall down as even greater rain. Spring will come. Two more months. Maybe less. It's time.
"Miss. What are you waiting for?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "You mean here -- in Martinaise?" She takes a drag, slow and long...
"Never mind. Tell me something else."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I'm waiting for the miracle to happen. It'll take one to get me out of the mess I'm in."
KIM KITSURAGI - "And what would that miracle be?"
+1 Reputation
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "The Return, of course." She smiles. "Now, I know I'm not from *around* here -- I would only be hitch-hiking. The Return is a big hit in the industrial espionage circles. A lot of desperate, seedy types there. All screwed in this unipolar world."
"What is the Return?"
Revert your eyes to the rooftop and shudder.
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Don't you know, sir? I thought you were from around here. You look like *Mr. Revachol*."
"Humour me."
"You know I'm a bit spotty -- about a great many *things*. Like being a cop for example."
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "The Return, well... It's part urban myth -- part political science. It's a fool's hope, sir, and it's also all I've got." She smiles. "They say there will be an *event*. That it will happen somewhere here..."
"In Revachol. Revachol West. They say it will happen soon -- and that it will change everything."
KIM KITSURAGI - "*Le Retour...*" the lieutenant says. His forehead furrowed, he puts his notes down.
"Some political event? How do you know of this?"
"How soon will it happen?"
"The Return of *what* exactly?"
"Thank you -- one last question. Do you really think it will happen?" (Conclude.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "As I said -- there's talk. In the competitive intelligence crowd. A lot of people, like me, who need... a new colour on the map. It's all blue, you see. And that blue doesn't like us."
2. "You came all this way because of a rumour?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "No, I came all this way on a false passport and some money. To hide, mostly. In the most volatile part of the Reál Belt, where it's easiest to disappear."
"Where the walls are still porous and you can slip through. This is just... something to get me through the night you know. A little *espérance*."
INLAND EMPIRE [Easy: Success] - Still, the story influenced her choice of where to run. It must have some hidden layers...
3. "How soon will it happen?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Soon. But it's been *soon* for almost half a century now, so don't hold your breath."
"No need to worry, lieutenant." She turns to the lieutenant. "I'm sure the streets will not erupt in seditious violence just yet."
KIM KITSURAGI - "These streets?" He looks over the railing. "I'm not so sure, miss."
4. "The Return of *what* exactly?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Of the king? Of the nation? Of communism? Return on investment?" She tilts her head. "I don't know exactly. It's meant to be vague, as promises generally are."
"But at the same time, I mean -- things can't go on like this forever. Something will give. It always does."
CONCEPTUALIZATION [Medium: Success] - It's an empty vessel, an amphora waiting to be filled. Something always *returns* from the past -- it's how the future happens. And when it does, many guesses turn out to have been right.
5. "Is this why you said you would like to surrender in a *free* Revachol?"
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "Yeah..." She looks at the sky, then at you. "I guess it is."
RHETORIC [Medium: Success] - So she thinks -- at least partly -- that this Return will feature a self-governing Revachol. She has already placed her bets.
6. "Thank you -- one last question. Do you *really* think it will happen?" (Conclude.)
KLAASJE (MISS ORANJE DISCO DANCER) - "I do." She lights another one.
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hindahoney · 1 year
Hi! I'm just starting to eat kosher and am feeling pretty overwhelmed. My city has a small reform & conservative community but the nearest orthodox community is an hour away- along with a lot of kosher food options. do you have any tips for eating kosher while at university?
Absolutely! Regular grocery stores actually have a lot more certified kosher food than you would expect. Start looking for a hechsher on anything that you buy. Unless you have a Trader Joe's around, you probably won't have easy access to kosher meat. The next best option is fake meat, which stores like Target and Whole Foods (or any of those kinds of markets) have in stock.
If you have a Chabad on campus, it is possible they do a monthly run to a kosher meat place and are willing to bring you back some. This is how I got through university. You do have to pay them for what they buy, but it is much more convenient than having to drive an hour out of the way. Your shul may also be willing to do this.
As for cheese, this can be difficult. I still work and live in a smaller Jewish community so most stores around me do not carry kosher cheese, but Target does carry hallal cheese. The requirements for it being hallal is that it does not have any animal rennet in it, which is the same requirement for kosher cheese. While I wish I could have certified kosher cheese, this is my next best option, so it probably is for you too. I hope this helps and if anyone has any tips for anon, feel free to let them know.
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intradaytips1208 · 2 years
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0 notes
breelandwalker · 1 year
I'd like your opinion on something if you don't mind.
A previous mentor who I was very close to (and has since passed away) taught me that I shouldn't sell my magic but give it freely. I've realized since then that it's really each individual's choice whether or not to do so, but I can't seem to shake the skeevy feelings when I think of selling my own work, even though the money would definitely help. That said, I am less sure that it's from that previous line of thinking and more to do with the fact that I have never been a sales person.
How does one start selling their magical wares and protect against burnout (from putting too much energy into what they make and sell), and how do you keep from someone using the energy you put into it to turn it against you?
This is a very good question and a good example of how it can be a difficult process to grow out of our first set of lessons. It's true what they say about first impressions - they're hard to get past, and it takes some doing to reset your thinking to adjust to new information. So it's good that you're already doing that reconsideration. Be patient with yourself and keep at it!
As for selling one's work, there's another old adage that holds true here - If you're good at something, never do it for free. Lots of witches make some kind of income from their craft, whether it's tips from readings or teaching workshops or selling physical wares. There's nothing wrong with it, but some witches do frown on the practice out of personal preference or a tradition-based perspective.
(Personally, I think the idea smacks of classism and elitism, since disenfranchised and economically-disadvantaged people have traded in charms and divination and other magical practices as a source of income for centuries and many continue to do so, but I digress....)
As for selling your wares, I'd suggest approaching things from a practical angle. Start small, decide what you want to sell, price your components, pay yourself for the time it takes to make things, and research similar items to get an idea of a fair price range. Don't go overboard with your first set of equipment or component purchases - it already takes a long time to make the money back, so don't put yourself into a huge hole right off the bat. (I made that mistake years ago with candlemaking.)
There are lots of options for selling wares online that don't require you to be a salesperson, but you will need to keep good records, stay organized, and do your own marketing. Be realistic about what you can handle as far as production, engagement, and shipping entail. I recommend selling from stock as opposed to doing custom orders. This naturally depends on what you're selling, but it's easier to sell from a pre-made stock of items than to get buried in orders you have to find time and energy to make after the fact.
Look into sites like Shopify and Squarespace and the like for your platform. Make sure you create accounts on several payment sites so your customers have lots of options. Take good clear photos of your wares that show them in the best light and give a good idea of color and size.
If you feel up to it, you can also look into live markets in your area. I've had a lot of success with witch markets, flea markets, and craft fairs, even though they require a fair investment of time and energy. If you decide to do this, keep an eye toward presentation, remember that visibility is key, and practice your pitch ahead of time so you can just spit it out like a recording instead of overthinking what you're saying.
As for the energy issue, it helps to pace yourself when you're making things. Don't try and do it all at once or you'll burn yourself out and it will become a chore. Starting small and not overcommitting definitely helps. If you're going to put a particular magical effect into an item, use small amounts of energy and intention and let the components do the heavy lifting.
For example, I make little bottle charms for various purposes. When I make them, I focus on a general good-will blessing for the pieces, allowing the herbs and crystals to retain their potential energy for future use. Whoever purchases the charm can then put their own energy into it for the designated purpose.
Think of it like using an eyedropper versus a bucket. You don't need to douse everything to make it work. Put just a drop or so of intention and potential into each item and let it brew. The person who buys it can take on the responsibility of fully charging the item when they're ready to use it.
I honestly don't worry about people using the energy in my wares against me. That's not really how that works. Energy can have a signature, but it doesn't work the same as a taglock. It's not like I'm handing over a lock of hair.
Also, I don't think most witches make a habit of buying things from people just to try and harm them through magic. Tiktok makes everyone paranoid with these claims of rampant baneful magic that can be aimed through pictures of workings or screen names or what have you. People simply don't have that much time on their hands and even if they did, they'd have a helluva time directly the magic effectively without a clear target.
In any case, if you're worried, a simple set of protective wards should take care of things. Include a reflective layer that turns away incoming magical harm or unwanted spells and you should be fine.
If you have any specific questions or would like recommendations for suppliers, let me know. Hope this helps and best of luck with your business!
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birbbones · 6 months
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Little update:
Oh man Hi all! It's been a LONG time since I've made a personal post updating how everything is.
Firstly I am BEYOND happy that people love the project and my team is working on which is The Skull Index (You can also keep up to date with news on the site, see ongoing projects, network with industry professionals or other students, as well as join in on general vulture culture topics and channels at the Discord Server (18+))
( TW: Medical ) I had a few ups and downs with physical health throughout November til recently with multiple brain scans, lumbar punctures, a bunch of EKGs, and heart issues, had a big C scare with my brain after an abnormal scan. However, thankfully everything is okay as it can be! Just have excess fluid and pressure (IIH) and POTs so a couple lumbar punctures to drain fluid and on some glaucoma, and beta-blocker medication with frequent appointments with a neurologist and cardiologist booked every few months.
I've been super busy with oxidation and skeletal articulation projects and commissions too! Here are a couple of progress photos of some upcoming projects: Domestic Dog (Dachshund) Leggies getting ready to add to the skeleton. Rearticulating the geriatric Meerkat!
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I've also been going to the gym more, time to get swole. My legs are currently killing me after a workout which is good but MAN it is a struggle to walk up the stairs.
I've also gotten back into sculpting!! I've had a massive artblock due to MH and a long term relationship ending suddenly, so I haven't been able to draw or enjoy working on anything creative apart from skeletal work for a couple years now.. But slowly getting back into sculpting and hopefully art again! I have a craft market in my village next week, so I've been powering through getting original paintings and sculptures made before the 23rd, as well as sorting out the stock of my keyrings, stickers and pins.. craft market is raising money for Age UK Charity! That's enough of my rambling for now, I'm very excited to continue using tumble and sharing various specimens, reminder that my ask box is open! So feel free to send an ask, if you wanted to see any specific specimen in my collection, advice or ask for tips, or just to chat!
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thewriteblrlibrary · 9 months
Welcome to the writeblr library! A place for your new writeblr obsession! (All that we are missing is a cup of tea and candles. You may have to get those on the other side of the screen.)
Here's some suggestions to read:
The stories
Also the librarian (me) talks way too much. But perhaps you'll find some of their ramblings helpful:
On writing
On writing (manga and anime specific edition!)
On marketing
Random writing tips that work strangely well
How to join the Writeblr library
The official blog for the writeblr library, you can join with the link below:
Welcome to the writeblr library!
The playlist (for your reading pleasure)
Become a collaborator for the playlist here
Everything is (chaotically) organized by genre and tropes. There are specific tags to search by for tropes and you can always suggest more!
If you want to enter your story into the library, you are free too! see the example card!
Example card instructions (showcased in the video):
Welcome newcomers! Here’s how you’ll enter in your story to the library
Make a new card in one of the genres. (click ‘add card’) If your story is in more than one genre, pick the one you feel like it most applies to, and you can tag it with the other gerne later (you can also use this as a template and fill it in with your own information.)
When you’ve made your card, time to customize it!
Add yourself as a member so we know who wrote what
Put in the title of your story, if you don’t have a title, you can use a stand in one for now
Under ‘labels’ put in all the tags for the genres and warnings and tropes for your story. If you don’t see the one you need, feel free to add it!
Add a cover! This can be a drawing or a picture or from a stock footage site like pexels or pixabay
In the description (what I’m writing in) write out the bio of your story, I’ll include resources for describing it as soon as possible. You can also describe the characters and vibe if you don’t want to describe the overall arc
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from there, have fun with it! You can checklists for what chapters are done, you can put a bunch of cryptic messages in the comments, add in mood boards etc. etc.!
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mindfulmoneyhub · 3 months
Building Your Tax-Free Nest Egg: Stock Selection for Roth IRAs
Investing in a Roth IRA for retirement? Picking the right stocks is key! This post explores:
* Goal-based investing: Growth, income, or stability? Choose your focus.
* Diversification is king: Spread your bets across sectors and regions to minimize risk.
* Research is crucial: Analyze financials, valuation, and industry trends.
* Know your risk tolerance: Are you young and aggressive or nearing retirement?
* Long-term view wins: Focus on stocks with long-term growth potential.
* Regular reviews are essential: Adapt your portfolio as your goals and market conditions change.
Example Balanced Portfolio:
* Growth: Amazon, Apple, Tesla
* Dividend Income: Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Coca-Cola
* International: Alibaba, Nestle, Toyota
* Sector Diversification: Tech (Microsoft), Healthcare (Pfizer), Consumer Staples (Unilever), Financials (JPMorgan Chase)
Pro Tip: Consider ETFs/Index Funds for broader market exposure!
Ready to learn more? Check out our full blog post for a deeper dive into stock selection for Roth IRAs! Link below ⬇️
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Please conduct your own research and seek professional guidance if needed.
#rothira #investing #stocks #retirementplanning
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Hey bitches! So, I'm currently paying off some medical debt that has a high interest rate (I used a credit card for it, which was probably a mistake), and I was curious about whether it is best to just focus on paying that off asap and then focus on saving money or to split and do both? I'm fortunate enough to live with my parents still, but I would like to move out sooner or later. My focus has been on getting rid of the debt and then saving after it's paid off, so I'm on track to be debt-free in 2 months (aside from student loans, because if the loan relief is approved by supreme court, it would practically eliminate what i'd have to pay). But then I just get frustrated with myself for not having much of a savings. I feel like focusing on being mostly debt-free and then saving is a good move with my circumstances, especially with high interest rates. But I can't help but wonder if maybe it would be better to take more time to pay the debt off, and save at the same time.
Hey kiddo. It sounds like you're making some solid, well-informed, mathematical decisions here. But your frustration is also totally valid!
Never forget that personal finance is personal, and even if a decision seems mathematically sound on paper... if it causes you emotional anguish, you are perfectly allowed to go a different direction. So if you're worried about your savings... start saving and lessen the amount of debt you're paying off! It'll be ok!
We explain a bit here about how to do the math on saving (investing) vs. paying off debt:
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market
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bigbullcl · 5 months
Why Gen Z Should Start Learning About the Stock Market: Top 5 Reasons to Invest
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Discover the top 5 reasons why Gen Z should start investing in the stock market today. From building wealth to gaining financial independence, learn why stocks are a smart choice for young investors.
Hello, Gen Zers!
You’re already a generation known for disrupting norms and rewriting rules.
Why not apply that fearless energy to conquering the stock market?
With today’s technology, investing is at your fingertips, and starting young gives you a massive advantage. Think about it: more time for your investments to grow, early lessons in financial resilience, and the first steps towards an abundant future.
Ready to see why the stock market could be your new playground?
Let’s dive into the five irresistible reasons you should start investing now.
1. Harness the Power of Compounding Early- The sooner you start, the richer you get. Compounding means making money on your initial investment and then making more money on the earnings. Starting in your teens or early twenties means you have time on your side. Imagine this: invest $1,000 now with an average growth of 8% annually, and by the time you hit 50, that could swell into a sizable nest egg without adding another dollar. Now, imagine making regular contributions. We’re talking serious money!
2. Tech-Savvy Advantage- You’re digital natives. Use it. Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with technology from the get-go. You’re already adept at navigating apps and online platforms, which are essential tools in today’s trading world. Tools like Robinhood, Acorns, or E*TRADE are designed for intuitive navigation and making trading a breeze. Plus, you have access to heaps of online resources and communities to learn from and share trading tips.
3. Economic and Social Change- Invest in what you believe. More than any previous generation, Gen Z investors are likely to align their investments with their social and environmental values. Whether it’s renewable energy, tech innovations, or companies with strong ethics, your investments can reflect your commitment to making the world a better place, all while growing your wealth.
4. Financial Independence- Break free from the 9-to-5 grind. Understanding and participating in the stock market can be your ticket to financial independence. Mastering investing now could mean the option to retire early or pursue a passion project without financial constraints. Imagine living life on your terms, powered by smart, early investments.
5. Weather Economic Storms- Build your financial umbrella. The reality is, economic downturns, recessions, and market volatility are part of life. By investing young, you learn to ride out these storms without panic. Diversifying your investments in stocks, bonds, and other assets can protect you from financial rain and help you learn critical lessons about risk and resilience.
Ready to Rule the Market?
Alright, Gen Z, the ball is in your court. Investing in the stock market is not just about making money; it’s about building a secure, independent, and empowered future.
Start small, learn continuously, and stay committed.
The journey to financial freedom and becoming a savvy investor begins with your decision to act now. Are you ready to make your mark and watch your fortunes grow?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Q1: How much money do I need to start investing?
You can start with as little as $50 or $100. Many platforms allow fractional shares, so even a small amount can get you started.
Q2: Isn’t investing risky?
All investments carry some risk, but diversifying your portfolio and investing for the long term can help manage and mitigate these risks.
Q3: How do I choose what stocks to invest in?
Start by researching companies or funds that align with your interests and values. Consider using tools and resources like financial news, investment apps, and financial advisors to make informed decisions.
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