snoopy-nerdio · 2 months
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We need more of them cus THEY'RE SO SILLY!
Anyways, this is my first time drawing them so I hope it's accepted 🙏
I'm not pretending I came up with dis all by maself, so the designs of Bonzle and Fritz arent completely mine :3
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mtzwrites · 2 months
Ninjago Spoilers (Geo)
A Geo minifigure was 100% possible based on the leaked season half. Like Geo was there AND he fought in the tournament. Also where are Fritz and Spritz? Did he just up and leave them?1?
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You asked for angsty headcannons and i dont know if this counts but:
After the s2 finale of dragons rising Cole and Geo start fighting, like really heated arguments about Bonzle. Specifically about how Cole couldn't protect her even though he told geo "everything will be fine". As well as both Spritz and Fritz just having to watch these arguments, AND have to deal with the fact that Bonzle is gone. (shes not but they don't know that) its all falling apart parental divorce style
AW IMAGINE IF THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS </3 sigh coles family falling apart divorce style is just. hurtful to think about NOT THE KIDS WATCHING NOOOO
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Haha not me crying at the thought of
Massive spoilers for DR S2 pt1
Cole having to go back to go and telling Geo that their daughters gone. And not only him but trying to explain it to Fritz and Spritz that's gonna be ouch.
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rainofthetwilight · 10 months
Find a word!
so, I've been tagged by @lightning-chicken, @finn-m-corvex and indirectly tagged by @weekend-whip to find these 12 words in my fics: (italics are the ones I found!)
beam, pillar, angry, blood, snap, blue, echo, flicker, dance, horror, flood and opposite
before I begin, I am giving these three words to those I am tagging: cry, break, and scream
now the tags!! no pressure of course! @youraveragedirtclod @before-time-had-a-name @lawfullavender @roselock22 @mostdefinitelyahumanperson @toastingpencils37 @gravyhoney and @ any writer that wants to do this!!
*cracks knuckles and grabs my notes* LETS DIVE IN FELLAS!
anger - Thank you for being a friend (fic published)
"Wh-what about you, Sora? Why were you leaving?" Arin spoke up, asking her the same question. Sora inhaled sharply and closed her eyes, having her hands back at the wounded knee. "I was leaving, because...that- that place, is not safe."  She uttered, anger present in her voice. Arin perked up, shocked and eager to listen.  "What?"  
blood - You took me in your arms, and suddenly I felt so safe (fic published)
She was suffocating, her inhaled breaths so sharp it was painful. Smoke was the only thing she could smell, and her face ached and ached as she felt sticky, deep liquid trickle down her face and her body, making a pool beneath her. It was blood. She hated blood. And she couldn't register anything but the pain.
blood - What brings you to the lost and found? (ch1, fic unpublished)
Cole's eyes fluttered open slowly, the light of whatever room he was in blinding him. He then realized was laying down on something soft, and there was something holding his head up beneath his neck. There wasn't that annoying sensation of blood on his head anymore, but his head still ached badly. Especially from whatever he had heard coming from the ground. Voices that almost sounded like screams.
flicker - What brings you to the lost and found? (ch1, fic unpublished)
With a sigh, Geo walked over behind the couch to where the lighted signs and L.E.D lights were hung, flickering as he shut them off. He only kept the smaller group of L.E.D lights powered. The room was now almost pitch black, the only sources of light being the small rays of light coming from the half-closed door and the L.E.Ds. He walked over to the door, closing it gently in order to not make anymore loud noises. Now that it was night and quiet, the sound of the machine in the basement was now much more clearer, the constant 'buzzing' was annoying. But, he had gotten used to it at this point. Anything to keep that hoarder thing away, it appeared so suddenly not so long ago.
opposite - What brings you to the lost and found? (ch1, fic unpublished)
The kids had spent alot of time with him, continuously asking questions and Cole would be more than eager to answer. They were so amazed over his stories, wanting to know each and every detail. Geo, who'd sometimes be listening with them, was just as amazed. Bonzle was quite the opposite and was usually very quiet, not really having much to say. He did notice some activities she did like doing though, like reading or sewing. She'd mostly sew dresses, and would read any newspaper Fritz and Spritz would find.
blue - As The Years Pass By rewrite (ch1, unpublished)
He rocked her back and forth gently, her tiny fingers sticking out of her blue blanket. She was an unexpected suprise, but she was their best suprise yet. He moved his hand to her head, keeping the baby supported with an arm as he gently ran his finger over her beanie, which was a light shade of red. The smallest strands of brown hair stuck out from underneath the beanie, and her face was adorably freckled which made Jay squeal in delight the moment he saw her. Those freckles had really suited her.
horror - As The Years Pass By rewrite (ch1, unpublished)
"I love volunteering, but that principal of mine at that school?" He began to rant with an annoyed tone, waving his arm. "I'd gladly say 'fuck you' to him in the kindest way possible. Do you know how many math papers he gave me to grade? Math isn't even atleast one of the subjects I help with!" Looking at his horrified face, Jenna couldn't stop herself from breaking out into a fit of laughter at her brother's words, who looked at her in the filthiest way possible. "This isn't funny you know! My brain is still shut down after all those math papers!"
snap - Jay, Your Mic Is Off (fic unpublished)
"Kai, quit it with your finger snapping, you gotta focus." Nya bumped her brother's shoulder, who looked at her with annoyance. "Fine, but we could just mute our mics you know." He grumbled, resting his cheek in his hand as his pen scribbled on the paper. "Kai, I told you we don't need to. It's-" "You two stop, we wanna focus here too."  Lloyd's voice reverbrated throughout the videocall, making Kai roll his eyes. They could really just mute their mics.
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blametheeditor · 2 years
I just had this idea, wouldn’t the smell of the giants be amplified for the smalls? Everything else is amplified. David’s cologne would be overpowering to anyone unfortunate enough to be near him (he would wear it you can not change my mind). Like the bacteria that creates smell would be more/bigger to tinies than to the giants so in my peanut brain it makes sense! I understand if this makes you uncomfortable though as smell is… weird. Just an idea I wanted to share. Have a great day!
Anon, I have made an entire saga on your idea alone.
It just didn't want to work with me! So I made three separate stories, all about 2,000 long, and then I combined them together. I'm not lying when I say I want to write another one to tag onto it.
So I hope you feel validated! We will have peanut-sized brains together because I absolutely agree and love it! AND, I hope you have a great day as well!
Ignorance At Its Finest
Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of murder. Mentions of death. Treating people as lesser than. Unintentionally making someone scared. Being uncaring toward others. Being unsympathetic toward others.
It's all fun and game until Fritz claps back with the 'you smell like'
David never thought him wearing cologne would ever be an issue.
Look, he’s a business man. He understands certain things are luxuries, knows the difference between needs and desires.
He’s also a very wealthy man who doesn’t need anyone telling him how to live his life.
Besides, out of everything he has, from the house that’s considered too big for only one person to live in, to the insanely expensive car that sits in his garage and is used once a year, he never thought something that costed a fourth of what one suit in his wardrobe does would make such a ruckus.
Yet here he is.
"Excuse me?”
“The cologne needs to go,” Vincent repeats as he continues to walk toward the door. Because this was stated at the very end of their first meeting, the purple man making it seem as if this is final.
“Hold on!” David exclaims, standing up to follow the other. “You can’t just say-!”
“I did.”
“-there’s no reason-”
“There is.”
“-you have no right-”
That’s when Vincent turns with a look of murder in his eyes. “Oh Davey, I have every right. Besides, it’s just cologne! You’re not going to die without it. The same can’t be said if you keep it, though!”
And that’s how David was left, staring open mouthed after the thing that criticized him for wearing cologne.
He ignores it. Because as much as Vincent terrifies him, it was an inconsequential thing. Honestly he’s unsure how the purple man even knew he was wearing it. Unlike high school boys, he knows how to properly wear it, not to mention it was only spritzed across his neck and not his wrists.
“Go wash your hands and face.”
David knew the name ‘Scott Cawthon’ didn’t belong to a fellow giant. As much as he loathed the idea of one of the lowly creatures technically in a position higher than himself, there wasn’t much he could do.
The only saving grace was the fact the man hadn’t been to his restaurant yet. Only phone calls demanding certain information as well as reviewing the documents that had a singular letter missing. Though it wasn’t certainly fun to realize the resident mutated grape favored the little pest. Meaning when he first hung up on Scott bitching at him, he got a lovely visit, and therefore has to keep himself from so much as accidentally ending the call before his supervisor was truly done.
Today was a special day, however. Apparently, wanting a human to get transferred to his restaurant required a personal visit from the voice over the phone. ‘Ensure the poor boy won’t get stepped on by an egotistical asshole of a giant’ was the exact quote.
When he first spotted the miniscule thing standing in his doorway, he wasn’t impressed. Unlike David as he sits at his desk with gelled hair and a full piece suit, Scott apparently thought appropriate work attire consists of a graphic t-shirt and shirts, his hair left to do as it pleases.
With the words acting as greeting, David’s pissed. “Would you like to repeat that?”
Scott doesn’t hesitate. “Go. Wash. Your. Hands. And. Face.”
“You little-”
“You want a human to come work for you,” the man snaps. “I’m the one who gets to approve or deny your request.”
David glares as it becomes clear Scott does in fact have power over him. And unlike Vincent, someone who should have it considering he stands only an inch shorter than the giant, it’s a human who couldn’t stop being squeezed in a fist or kicked by a shoe.
Yet here they are. Scott having the upper hand with his position in the company, and an extremely dangerous giant who’s at his beck and call.
“May I ask why?” David snarls.
“Your cologne. I know Vince brought it up on your first day.”
Goddamn it!
“What is with you dumbasses and cologne? It’s not like it’s hurting you.”
Scott goes silent. Looks him up and down. “David, out of everyone you could’ve requested to get transferred, why did you want a human?”
He’s not admitting that might’ve only crossed his mind to check once he saw the impressive notes regarding Fritz Smith.
You could’ve backed out.
And let someone waste potential like that?
You own a giant only restaurant. What could a little pest like him do for you?
…that’s a valid question.
“Is this an interrogation?”
“This is an interview. If you have adequate answers for a job description that is nigh-impossible for someone who stands no taller than the fingers of the customers who come here, then we can move onto what you’ll be doing to ensure his safety.”
“I need a face for the restaurant,” David begins with a scowl. “His profile states the animatronics are extremely respectful and mindful of him, some even say they ‘favor’ him. And considering the long list of being fantastic with customer service, glowing reviews, and coworkers stating how reliable he can be as well as the person to go to in any situation, he would be a valuable asset to have him assisting in customer relations while I focus on the business.”
Scott gives a look. “Is it safe to assume you want a secretary?”
“My animatronics should be overseen by someone with experience. Considering the dark past Fazbear Corporation hired me specifically to eradicate.”
“God I hate business men.”
“Did I pass your test?” David sneers.
Scott wipes a tired hand over his face. Sighs because he knows the giant is right.
“David, I know this is hard to believe, but the world doesn’t revolve around you. Meaning Fritz will need safety precautions put in place-”
“I’m not an idiot, Scott.”
“-and giants realizing how much they affect humans. This includes your footsteps causing earthquakes, yelling capable of bursting our ear drums, and cologne being almost suffocating.”
David finds himself stopping himself midsentence as the last part registers. Because, of course, he never thought about nor cared how any of his actions effected their smaller counterparts. Not to mention he tries to avoid them all together.
“Aren’t you technically a mile away?”
“I can smell it from here.”
The business man immediately scoffed. “Bull-”
“I’m sure you get plenty of compliments on it, I was getting a nice warm smell with spice undertones when I was first entering the hallway. But standing here, I feel like I’m going to get knocked out from the earthy musk, and the flower doesn’t help mixed in with citrus and chocolate.”
David’s mouth drops for a second before he snaps it shut.
“No more cologne.”
. . .
Fritz is well aware David wears cologne.
When he was first getting transferred, Scott had approached him to ensure he was okay with changing restaurants. And not just the typical checking how far the commute will be and confirming his pay will stay the same or increase. No, the meeting was more in the direction of-
“Your boss will be an egotistical giant who thinks humans are nothing more than pests.”
Honestly, Fritz appreciated the sandy haired man warning him. Despite the older being a human himself, certain things are obvious when someone owns or works for a business that’s categorized as ‘giant only’. He might be a naïve teenager, but it’s impossible to completely avoid belittling comments and actions that every human receives at least once in their life.
Those who live in human only cities might not, but it’s guaranteed working at a restaurant that caters to both counterparts.
“It sounds…interesting.”
Scott had stared at him. “You’re seriously considering it.”
“Think of it this way,” Fritz grinned, held his hands out to physically stop the judgement. “On one hand he was definitely too prideful to back out again once he realized I was human. But if you didn’t immediately tell him no once meeting him, then it sounds like he’s willing to make some changes!”
“And turn you into a stress ball.”
The redhead tensed up at that. Paled at the thought that, if he agreed to it, then he’ll be completely at the whim of not just one giant, but an entire restaurant.
He knows there’s multiple reasons for people wanting to go to only businesses. Taking into account the fact they’re talking about a children’s restaurant, putting giants and humans together isn’t always the best idea. Kids get rowdy, don’t understand the moving action figure is actually a person, and it’s almost impossible to constantly stare at the ground while waiting tables.
Not every giant who works or goes there will treat him like a nuisance who shouldn’t be there.
But for those who do, would he feel comfortable knowing not even his boss cares if he’s safe or not?
“…what’s the updated job description?”
“Greeter,” Scott grunted, watched the surprised expression before he continued. “As well as animatronic watcher, coordinator, and on-hand assistant.”
“Like, on-hand-?”
“I can guarantee you will be grabbed randomly multiple times without being asked first, and not just by David. Your potential coworkers weren’t too happy about me being there. Not as much as your boss, but they won’t respect your preference on how to be picked up. Or if you’d want to be in a hand at all for that matter.”
Fritz looked down in thought. Nearly flinched at someone stepping outside the human hallway they walked in to speak privately.
Snapped his head up with something akin to panic. “Did they touch you-”
“No,” Scott stated gently. Smirked. “They know not to so much as look at me. I’m worried about you.”
Fritz hadn’t known where exactly the human blatantly worried for his safety has in the chain of command. Knew he was the person to go to when it came to hiring, finalizing reports for those who ‘quit’ or got fired, but even a lowly waiter knew the name ‘Scott Cawthon’ held respect and power behind it.
He didn’t have to ask the redhead. Could’ve denied David’s request for any number of reasons without even bringing it up to said employee. Or approved without a second thought and let the teenager get thrown into a circumstance without so much as a warning.
But he had gone to the restaurant. Berated the giant none too fond of those who stand no more than 3 inches tall.
Fritz didn’t want that to be for nothing.
“When can I start?”
Scott sighed. Ruffled his hair. Whacked him upside the head with a look that said ‘you’re an idiot’.
“Tomorrow. And heads up, he wears cologne.”
Fritz was actually confused why that had been a necessary add-on. He works around giants all day long, and never had that been brought up before. He’s noticed when customers and his coworkers come in wearing it, so it’s nothing notable.
He realized why on his first day at his ‘new’ job.
He wasn’t really paying attention at first. David hadn’t been at the door to greet him, instead waiting inside his office just like he had with Scott. Meaning Fritz was more focused on simply surviving the restaurant.
No one would open the door for him. It was Fritz vs. making the perfect timing behind a family while avoiding catastrophic shoes and a slow but very unhuman friendly door.
No one would look at him for more than one second, and even then it was only to sneer down at him. So he had to locate the elusive office himself.
No one would offer a hand either, meaning he was thoroughly terrified trying to get to the wall to travel in safety, forced to sprint as fast as possible and hope some kid didn’t stomp or grab him.
Once he reached the hallway toward the back of the restaurant, had gotten far enough from joyful screams of kids he could actually hear his own thoughts, that’s when he realized two things.
One, he made a terrible mistake agreeing to be transferred.
Two, he could smell something warm with a hint of a spiced undertone.
Fritz didn’t think much of it other than it being a weird second thought. He only continued to travel further into the hallway after spotting a sliver of light escaping from a doorway.
On the plus side, there weren’t any giants walking in and out of the hallway. He was able to take his time and let his racing heart slowly calm down.
But the closer he got, and admittedly worried that if that had been the greeting he received from his coworkers than how is his boss going to react, he couldn’t shake the smell from his thoughts.
It kept getting stronger. Nearly dizzying. He could pick out specific notes from floral, to ‘earthy’, to chocolate.
It hit him as soon as he knocked on the door barely open enough for a human to slip inside. Remembered Scott warning about David wearing cologne.
“I do believe you’re 5 minutes late.”
Fritz tensed up, allowing terror to clench his heart, truly afraid he might be crushed without a second thought. And of course, no one would care. No one would report a lowly human employee ‘disappearing’.
Scott would.
He took a deep breath, nearly choking on the overwhelming smell. “I’m sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”
Since the beginning of the meeting, he hadn’t been looked at once. The giant suited man remained turned toward his computer, speaking without even looking at the teenager he wanted to hire. But finally hazel eyes much colder than Scott’s glanced over at him.
“Make sure you’re here ten minutes early tomorrow.”
You know, I wonder what I’d prefer. Death by a glare, or death by suffocation via perfume.
“Yes sir.”
Surprisingly, that was the end of it. No specific task to complete. No instructions on what his first day should have. Not even a tour. He was dismissed.
So Fritz did as Fritz’s do. He found the animatronics and immediately struck a deal of having a safe way of getting around the restaurant as well as back up if need be. The best part? He had a long list of bribes thought of on how to convince them to help, but apparently them interacting with a human was enough to bargain with.
And that was that. He had coworkers he could trust as much as possible because Lefty gets grabby when Orville’s around and a boss who ‘trusted’ him on knowing what to do.
He learned the flow of Fazbear Entertainment Center as well as the rules. It really boiled down to getting work done in a timely manner and never bug David. And that meant, if there’s a problem, you make someone ‘David’.
It used to be the day guard named Greg. Until Greg was faced with the issue that Lefty apparently couldn’t keep his paws off the arcade machines. Their boss said ‘take care of it’ and his giant coworker had no idea what to do.
Fritz knew he wasn’t turned to because they realized he didn’t just teleport from place to place. Knew his giant coworkers didn’t pay attention to who exactly swept him off the counter. With the smug look given before a singsong ‘Red!’ it’s safe to say they thought this would be the thing to get him fired.
It’s a right of passage being ‘David’. Fail, and you’re fired without hesitation. Pass, and you get to keep your job.
“Hey Lefty? What if we challenged each other’s high score on the game you choose. I win, you promise to only play before we open and after we close.”
“I win, and I get to challenge you once a day whenever I want.”
Fritz won. Unlike the bear, his other coworkers thought he was delusional for one, trying to bargain with Lefty, and two, think he could play a machine meant only for giants. As if there’s no fancy electronics that can be plugged into any game and allow him to play normally. And if they cared about his safety, they would’ve realized long ago all of the animatronics not only helped him, but respected him with the things he did to make their day better.
Of course, that problem was an easy fix in his eyes.
The issue was that he became ‘David’.
Sometimes it was about the animatronics fighting. Others it was about his coworkers. But a large portion/ was calming angry customers.
He’ll admit, it was draining. But it earned him a lot of respect being able to navigate the best solution for an upset mother or Greg angry at Lefty for hiding his things.
He loves the bear, but the bear is the bane of his existence.
The thing is, with being ‘David’, the true David Harrison took notice.
The redhead had to force himself not to jump at the semi-familiar voice he only distantly heard. Because why would the business man waste his time on lowly employees, especially the one human he hired.
Which was fine with Fritz! He didn’t want to be constantly berated with comments of ‘pest’ or looks of hatred or be terrified he’ll get grabbed in a fist and squeezed as if he’s some kind of living stress ball-
“Yes sir?”
“Are you able to join me in my office?”
I don��t have a choice, do I?
“Of course!”
He should’ve expected it. He was standing on the counter for the register. Near the edge because, with how many times his coworkers both giant and animatronics alike grab him, it makes it easier for everyone to just pluck him from his work.
It scared him with the speed David grabbed him. And then he was overwhelmed by the suffocating smell of vanilla/earth/flower.
He couldn’t breathe. And being held in a tighter fist than most giants didn’t help either.
By the time they got to the office, Fritz simply freed onto the desk to catch himself from falling on his face, he felt light-headed.
It’s a miracle he hadn’t tripped and fell. Not with how he stumbled a few times before standing with his legs apart, hands held straight on either side, the world seeming to spin, and with each deep breath he took he was only slapped with yet another wave of the cologne.
David stared at him with an unamused look. “What are you doing?”
Fritz panted, trying to breathe without perfume tainting the air, coughing as it just seems to be everywhere. “C-Cologne.”
He received a blank stare. And knowing Scott being as thoughtful as he was, he’s sure the eldest guard had made a comment about it.
It looks like he’ll just have to get used to it.
. . .
David realizes he is the only one who doesn’t realize how much his actions effect humans.
He’ll admit, he’s egotistical. And despite the fact he’s a giant and therefore should be knowledge of how his actions effect those no taller than 3 inches less tall, he doesn’t take the time to be self-aware concerning the smaller counterparts until he’s addressed and told he needs to change a few habits.
It happened when he didn’t watch the ground as he walked, something Vincent had to physically yank him back from possibly stepping on Scott.
It happened when he didn’t realize he turns whatever he’s holding into a stress ball, James seemingly appearing to save Fritz with the redhead too panicked to speak.
It happened when he allowed himself to forget he had a human in his pocket, Mike promising to kick his ass if he ever forgot about a Jerber, and by extension, Irish Jig, Egged Jackass, Hell Spawn, or Phone Guy ever again.
David trusts the others to tell him when he needs to pay more attention, or change something in his routine. Not because he truly trusts them, but because he has much better things to do than realize what the humans he interacts with need.
The only problem is, while the other giants are more self-aware and therefore will watch and teach him how to ensure no one gets severely injured by his hands, they don’t know everything. And if one of his human ‘coworkers’ ever brought up something to him, he would’ve forgotten about it in seconds.
That’s what he believed happened with his cologne. Because Vincent doesn’t count when it came to his first week of meeting the mutated grape.
The only time David remembers anyone bringing up his cologne was during a birthday party at what’s considered Fazbear Entertainment’s ‘first location’. Considering Mike’s the night guard, he’s usually asked to assist the day guard to ensure everyone is safe. Especially due to the restaurant being a mixed one for humans and giants alike, a large party can become concerning.
The only problem was Mike getting sick and needing to stay home.
If this had been before multiple locations being shut down and needing to turn a new leaf less the entire franchise is shut down for good, any human would’ve been asked. Meaning Jeremy would’ve been contacted, though most likely Scott being forced to take his place.
But this was after. So to keep up the good name David bent over backwards to accomplish, a giant had to be found.
Vincent was an obvious no. James apparently had classes to attend.
That’s why David of all people got summoned.
“You do realize I’m a restaurant owner,” he growled down at Scott. Who, surprisingly, hadn’t looked smug in the slightest seeing him at Mike’s location instead of his own. More just looked tired.
He hated it more that Fritz, Eggs, and Scott had been told to come as well. But apparently three humans working together can’t replace an actual giant.
“David, I might be your supervisor, but Afton had to approve someone ‘unqualified’ to take role of a day guard.”
“No one’s qualified.”
“That’s why I put air quotes around it. Just watch for any humans getting grabbed. Mike can do it, so it can’t be that hard.”
David knew what the bastard was doing, comparing him to Mike of all people. But it worked, and he fell silent. Obediently watched the running kids. Upset with himself he had forgotten to bring earplugs considering he can’t duck into his office once a headache began to form.
Realized with a start Fritz had seemingly disappeared from the human area.
In the back of his mind, he knew the redhead at worked at that location previous to being transferred. He also was aware that, despite Mike being Mike, their lead guard knew how to protect both humans and giants alike. Was arguably the best for keeping track and stopping some brat from snatching someone up before it happened.
David doesn’t really watch his only human employee in the giant only restaurant he owns. He both loathes and appreciates the comparison, but he is a bit like Afton in the way Scott is protected purely by name and association across all locations. Everyone who comes into Fazbear Entertainment Center knows Fritz is his human that is never to be touched.
But unlike Afton, no one at Freddy Fazbear’s know the redhead is his. Not when he’s only stopped at the location previously to draft plans on better improving the reputation past the ‘rumors’ of murder and missing night guards.
David cursed before quickly leaving his post, eyes scanning across tables in the hopes of spotting a living action figure having been abandoned. He moved onto searching the floor, wanting to not think about any human attempting to dodge and hide from giants unknowing and uncaring if the smaller counterparts ended up underfoot.
While his search was methodical, he didn’t see a single glimpse of a human. No miniscule flame of-
David froze. Turned toward where he could’ve sworn he heard “Eggs?”
The business man hadn’t known what he was expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been the human mechanic breathing in relief when a cheap purple and red hat was lifted up to free him. Yet there he was, and David had no choice but to offer a hand that was immediately leapt onto.
Despite the fact Fritz was still missing, he took a moment to look at the chosen item to keep Eggs trapped. “Were you yelling my name the entire time?”
“If you ever became a human 101,” the blond began, slumped into the curled fingers cupped protectively against the giant’s chest. “Don’t ever make a sound until you know a trusted giant is around.”
“How the hell did you know it was me?”
“Dude, I can smell you from a mile away. We need to get Fritz from Freddy, though.”
The idea of Eggs apparently smelling him left his mind the second the human he specifically went looking for was brought up. “Freddy as in…”
Eggs gave him a look like he was losing it. “Fazbear? How many Freddy’s do you know!”
David rolled his eyes. Dropped the blond into his suit pocket. Made his way over to the animatronics locked on stage. “How would I immediately assume Freddy Fazbear had him.”
“Because despite that fact he’s your employee,” said bear begun with a growl, David left frozen at the hostile tone. “You allowed someone to grab him right in front of you.”
“Have anything to say for yourself, David?” Chica added, looking smug as hell.
David. Demeaning and angry attitudes. He had forgotten not all locations were like his animatronics, programmed to address everyone formally by last name and be nothing more than passive aggressive.
“It’s busy,” the giant bristled. “And I realized he was missing and went looking for him. Now hand him over.”
Freddy’s ears flicked unhappily, but his paw offered the redhead as Bonnie snipped “Shit wouldn’t have let either of them get swiped.”
“Well I’m not Mike. Your fucked up night guard will be back by tonight.”
The animatronics didn’t say anything else as he walked away. Or maybe they had, and he was too focused on checking Fritz over for injuries.
“Mr. Harrison, I’m fine,” told him the human had been more shaken up than he let on, voice wavered and hands shook as his prodding fingers were shoved away. “Thank you for finding us.”
“Thanks for trapping me in a pocket, bitch!”
Scott agreed to forcing the two to have a time out once they were put where they belonged. It wasn’t able to be long, not with the party still scheduled for another hour, but David didn’t let any of the three out of his sight after that.
That’s what lands them to now, with him frozen at the door after walking in for their weekly get-together after Eggs called over to him.
“Harrison, is that a new perfume?”
David mentally stumbles over his words until he finally manages a few. “You can smell it from there?”
He can barely see where the blond stands on a table several feet away. He’d be impressed if he wasn’t unnerved and hoping it was guessed purely to try and get inside his head.
He can’t even confirm the miniscule head is tilting in confusion. “Uh, yeah?”
No fucking way.
“No you can’t.”
“Still an earthy smell like your other one,” Scott joins in, freezing David in his tracks once again. “There’s a really small hint of vanilla instead of chocolate. Vince would be the one who can name the flower if he was here tonight, but that’s different too.”
How in the hell-
“Please tell me it’s not on your wrists,” Fritz pipes up if a bit tiredly.
“What’s that supposed to mean!”
At the sound of him being almost distraught, everyone at the table looks over at him, the humans exchanging looks.
“David,” Scott probes. His gentle tone encourages the giant to finally walk the last stretch to the table. “Do you realize just how much your cologne affects us?”
“Vince told me he addressed it with you on your first day,” the human deadpans.
David can believe that. He’s also aware of how much the purple man is a bitch.
“I had also made a comment…” Eggs prods.
Yes. Though it was small. And again, he can’t trust the blond for shit.
Scott face palms as frustration slowly appears. “I also told you when we first met.”
Now David does not remember that in the slightest.
The business man looks the information over in his head. Turns it this way and that. Comes to the conclusion the humans in their group including Fritz are being dramatic. Though it’s hard to explain knowing the key notes to his newest cologne, Eggs could’ve found out and did reckon before tonight just to mess with him.
Despite being silent before, James straightens up. “So, much like how our voices are loud even when we’re whispering, smells act in the same way.”
David doesn’t miss Fritz glancing between him and the horror guard. “Right. When giants wear cologne or perfume, it’s pretty potent. Sometimes gets a little overwhelming, especially around the wrists if we’re picked up.”
“Then it might be a good idea we’re conscious of not wearing too much. Never on the wrists.”
David knows what James was doing. This is how he explained humans shouldn’t be treated like a stress ball at least unknowingly, a calm and specific explanation so it’s easy to understand.
Of course, it works. He’ll change his habits concerning putting cologne on before leaving the house. “You’ll just have to deal with it tonight.”
“Because James said something,” Scott snaps.
“Be happy I'm listening at all.”
“Because you never do!” the eldest guard exclaims, standing up as he begins to gesture. “I guarantee Fritz brought up not being able to breathe at least three times before giving up. I did bring it up and proved it when we first met, but you didn’t bother to even remember. Eggs constantly patronizes you with comments regarding it. But you don’t listen until a God damned giant tells you!”
Well I can trust a giant’s judgement, I can’t trust a human’s.
David nearly says it. And then he sees Fritz’s expression like he’d been betrayed.
“I…hadn’t realized,” the giant says carefully.
Scott narrows his eyes. Eggs makes a motion that says ‘bullshit’.
“In the future,” David sighs. “I will try to listen better.”
“Bet $50 it’ll last a week at the most.”
“$100 it’s two,” the business man immediately fires back at the smug looking blond.
“I’ll give it a day,” Scott snarls.
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alecmagnuslwb · 2 years
Wasteland, Baby (I’m In Love)
Read on AO3
“Anybody up there!” John shouts needlessly for about the hundredth time.
“No one’s coming, love,” Zatanna says with a sigh leaning back against one of the ivy covered walls sliding down until she’s sat on the ground, legs crossed. “Everybody’s probably too busy attempting to stop the apocalypse.”
John’s shoulders drop as he walks over her way, kicking at a little pile of rocks on the way.
“Your magic still fritzing?” he asks as he settles on the ground beside her. He digs into his pocket shaking out the last cigarette in the pack.
Zatanna lights her hand whispering a quiet spell for a flame under her breath snapping her fingers. Nothing but a barely there spritz of fire that extinguishes itself before it can get anywhere near John’s cigarette the only result.
“Yup,” she says dropping her hand down as he lights his cigarette the old fashioned way. “I’m guessing it has something to do with the fact that the moon is bright red,” she says looking up at the sky.
She never thought this is how it would all end. Or well she assumed the end would come from some mighty space god who decided that Superman needed to lose another home planet, but she definitely didn’t think she’d witness the end at the bottom of an old dried up well.
Unsurprisingly when the world started to collapse, every villain took advantage. The Joker brought a bazooka to a fist fight with Batman, Cheetah snuck her way into Themyscira and somehow of all the embarrassing villains to be bested by Felix Faust caught the two of them off guard. Blasting a wave of magic from his staff their way as they were distracted by the crackling sky, the rolling unnatural thunder and the moon starting to change from its normal shade.
Zatanna had broken their fall with what may have very well been the last bit of magic done on earth just before the moon fully changed and the crackle in the air she always felt so comfortable with disappeared.
That had been nearly an hour ago and things up top have only gotten more unstable in that time.
“So, end of the world and we’re not gonna be able to help stop it,” Zatanna says kicking her feet out. “Feels weird. Feels like we should be doing something.”
She feels useless, but she also feels a little free which just makes her feel guilty.
“Yeah,” John says in thought taking a long drag of possibly his very last cigarette. “Kinda nice though too, peaceful,” and just like that Zatanna’s guilt lessens. “Just really a question of how we’re going to pass the time before it all ends.”
Zatanna nods scooting closer to him. “Wanna make out?” she says looking up at him with a sly smile putting her face right up next to his.
“Fuck yeah,” John says flicking his cigarette away before tangling a hand in her hair and pulling her close. The second their lips touch she feels that crackle in the air again, it’s not magic, not really. There’s just always been electricity between them.
She opens up easily to him, naturally, taking the hint when the hand not tangled in her hair wraps around her back and pulls her in even closer. She shifts until she’s in his lap, legs bracketing him. the sharper points of a few of the vines catch in her fishnet stockings, but she can’t be bothered with them.
John’s hand slips up under the back of the ratty old mucous membrane shirt that actually was once his, that she’d thrown on in their haste to get outside when things had started to rumble. His calloused fingers digging into the soft flesh at her hips. She scoots impossibly closer to him not even a hairs breadth of space between them when a boom of sound thunders from above pulling them apart from each other just a bit.
They both tilt their heads up towards the opening of the well watching as a line of sickly looking lightning pierces across the sky.
“Think that was Superman doing that time reversing quick fly around the earth thing he does?” John says not sounding anywhere near as hopeful as he’s clearly trying to be.
“Maybe,” Zatanna says eyes still locked on the sky her fingers digging into John’s shoulder. “Could have even been The Flash? There’s a whole bunch of them these days.” She manages to sound a little more hopeful than John.
Another crack of lighting strikes across the sky, this time though it doesn’t fade away it just stays in place like a permanent crack in the sky. Thunder rumbles after it, the wind that’s been whipping wildly picking up and bringing an instant downfall of ice cold rain along with it.
Zatanna hops up in shock when the cold rain slips under her shirt and down her back pulling John along with her. She tries to push close to the wall, but there’s no escaping the downpour as it already begins to pool at their feet.
“Great, we’re gonna drown in a well because of Felix Faust,” Zatanna says resigned speaking loudly over the elements whipping around them and above them.
“Or we might float to the top and get lasered to death by an alien god,” John says just as loudly pulling his trench coat up and around them both as much as he can. It doesn’t do much good, but it’s a sweet gesture nonetheless.
“Decisions, decisions,” Zatanna says with a little smile pressing close to him, huddling under his coat. “Which is the less embarrassing way to die?”
John smirks at her leaning into her as her arms wrap around his waist. “Good news we die an embarrassing death and no one’s ever gonna know, because ya know end of the world?”
Zatanna laughs at that, partially because it’s truly funny and partially out of some weird reaction to their imminent deaths. John joins her, the both of them laughing a bit too much at a joke that wasn’t particularly funny. They laugh and laugh pressed close together until the water is nearly at their knees.
John drops his coat giving up any attempts to keep them warm or dry, his laughter dying down into a few waning chuckles. He wraps his arms around her shoulders pressing his forehead to her temple.
“We had a good run, didn’t we,” he says, not a question but a fact. He’s quieter now, pressed so close together she can’t just hear every word but feel it vibrating against her.
She nods lightly, “We did.”
“Did some good,” he says shifting for a moment to press a kiss to her drenched hair before dipping back down resting against her again.
She shifts in his arms blinking as the rain hits her eyelids really taking what might be one last good look at him. Handsome in his own way just like always, doused in rain like a wet rat that smokes too much, the weird reddish hue of the moon cutting through his blonde hair. He looks right back at her clearly doing the same thing, taking her all in one last time. “Did some bad,” she says with a cheeky smile. He lets out an amused snort.
“That we did,” he says his eyes closing as he wraps her up and pulls her back in her head resting on his shoulder. “There’s worse ways to go,” he muses running his hands up and down her back as the water rises, nearly to their waists now. “We could be in Gotham with that whole brood.”
Zatanna chuckles against his shoulder. “Ugh, nightmarish.”
They go quite after that the violent sounds of the elements the only noise around them. Another violent boom of thunder and lightning makes her start the waist level water sloshing a bit as they squeeze each other tight. The sky cracks open again, wider and more violent than before, the moon damn near looking like it’s split in half.
The last thing she sees before she presses her face into John’s neck is nothing but darkness, endless and vast.
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Solar Spritzes and Fritzes ~ 28 Jun 2023
Solar Spritzes and Fritzes ~ 28 Jun 2023, Philip Sedgwick
Every eleven years or so - 11.08 years being the mean - our star ebbs and flows through a natural and organic cycle of solar activity. At the commencement of a solar cycle sunspot activity is minimum and as the cycle culminates, sunspots frequently appear to freckle the face of the Sun. Within a solar cycle the Sun most commonly reverses its magnetic polarity. “Most commonly” notes sometimes the solar poles do not reverse, a feature that remains beyond the scope of forecasting. Still, this has been happening since the beginning of time as near as we can figure. It’s the way the Sun rocks and rolls.
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Comprehensive record keeping of solar activity began in 1755. The current cycle that commenced in 2019 is the 25th-recorded cycle. According to solar activity forecasts Cycle 25 was widely expected to be mild. At the peak in 2025 about 115 sunspots could be expected per month. However, this cycle, the silver anniversary for our yellow star, gained momentum in 2022 transforming its underwhelming status. Some revised projections place the unexpectedly active peak in 2024 while other projections suggest the maximum could arrive before 2023 is in the books.
As sunspot activity increases, so do solar outbursts. Back in 1949, atop a skyscraper in Manhattan, a researcher for RCA concluded that solar outbursts correlate to strong heliocentric angles between the planets in the solar system and the planets’ relationships to where any planet makes its closest contact to the Sun (aphelion), as well as the heliocentric planetary nodes. Most notably, when a planet engages the perihelion of Mars (5 Pisces 59), extreme volatility in solar activity can be expected. Unbeknownst to RCA, their researchers became patron saints for astrologers and astrological validity.
So, we have two planets in early Pisces now, Saturn and Gonggong. Saturn, as seen by the Sun, reaches the perihelion of Mars on 30 October of this year. Gonggong who enjoys a 551.9 year stroll around the Sun reaches Mars’ closest solar contact in late April 2026. With either or both of these transits, should increased solar activity be anticipated? Absolutely.
What does increased solar activity do? Well, the Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) that burst from the Sun direct heaps of multifrequency energy out into the solar system. When these blasts hit Earth, we see more atmospheric stimulation resulting in eerie auroras and spectacular glows. The energy increases the drag in our atmosphere making it hard for satellites to maintain their orbits. As well, the energy emanations often take satellites off line and tamper with the ability for short wave radio waves to skip. So is the key for people to recognize that when communication systems go off line, one should head outside to check out the sky for awe-inspiring visual displays? Only those in the most extreme latitudes, closer to the Earth’s poles, are likely to see effects. Although, recently over Colorado unusual “airglow” was photographically captured, the result of current solar stimulation of the atmosphere.
Due to the atmospheric stimulation of a CME impacting Earth, weather patterns shift anomalistically in the days following. Does this energy also impact a person and if so, how? Given that humans have energetic emanations created in their chakras and an electromagnetic energy field (the aura), absolutely humans are impacted... as is every energetic, living entity.
When CMEs blast through our atmosphere, the trickle down effect stimulates personal auric fields and excites the aura and chakras outside normalized quiescent conditions. This titillation inspires short circuits between mental processes, energetic reactions and resultantly impacts the emotional nature. With a CME in play, it is common for a person to feel overwhelmed and hyper stimulated. It is normal to be agitated by the higher energy state.
Consider that while this personal stimulation occurs, electronic communication may be upset. Any social media relying upon satellites (they all do) and internet providers are subject to unexpected and intermittent outages. That has to be dealt with and weather warnings issued must also be heeded. And there’s the matter of personal energy that has become metastable. It’s a lot of real world stress to add static to energetic filed anomalies.
If unaffected by comm outages and in a stable weather zone, there’s still the matter of increased sensitivity, knee jerk emotional reactions and the malaise of feeling that body and mind cannot synch up. The mind won’t shut off and the body is fatigued, or a body is so hyper energized that no mental (or emotional) condition can be properly processed. For the balance of this year at least, potentially leading to solar max, extreme sensitivity and a loss of the grounding anchor commonly results in irrational reactions to any and all real world events.
While there is nothing that can be done about the influx of energy, when life feels like an energetic blood sugar crash, realize there is a rational reason for irrationality. Take a few conscious moments to step aside from the strangeness of life to restore basic grounding and energetic balancing. Since these surges are likely to pop up here and there, might as well have a coping tool in the hip pocket.
Get outside as possible and plunk yourself down on the Earth. If outside is not an option, plop down on the floor. Imagine connecting the base of your spine with the molten, fluid core of the Earth. Imagine linkage between the crown of your head and the core of the Milky Way. Feel the essence of the galaxy pour through you, spreading insight and sensibility throughout your being. Conjure the sensation of inner cooling of your core to the perfect temperature in which calm and discernment prevail. Absorb the energy. Feel it everywhere. When done, open your eyes. Blink a few times, take a few breaths, rise and return to sorting out the chaos of the world with enhanced grounding and certainly of centeredness.
These brief time outs, once familiar as a process, may only need thirty seconds or so to settle out your energy. You could do these visualizations at your computer, with your phone face down. If driving, you can pull off the road at the next possible safe place and conduct a rapid reset. Then, with coping restored, get back on the road.
Every time your energy feels unsettled or disrupted, go for the centering. For the next year or so, give such time outs escalated priority. Next thing you know, the solar energy soothes and aids you in maxing up the possibilities on your horizons.
More soon.
As a postscript, you can always visit spaceweather.com for more information on sunspots and CME’s. I’m going to borrow from the spaceweather.com website to proclaim no AI was used in the creation of this e-zine. According to Space Weather, AI has proven itself to be “well-written, artificial, frequently inaccurate.” This e-zine and all future e-zines are an AI-free zone!
While not a postscript at all, if the transits, sunspots or CMEs add complexity to actions and decisions pending, an astrological consultation or series of consultations might be exactly what the cosmos prescribes. Sometimes asking a simple question or two for e-mail reply might do the trick. Or a Galactic Report is always good for grounding and expanding ones sense of personal attributes. And there’s the Galactic Trilogy for those seeking a deep navigation into the astrology of those things yet unknown. Click and click below!
Visit my Website Consultations and Services Quick Order Form Astrological Texts
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sterloc · 2 years
Make Your Office "A Great Place To Be"
We all want our offices to be great places to work. But sometimes, things can make our work environment less than ideal. Maybe the coffee machine is on the fritz, or there's construction going on outside that's making it hard to concentrate.
But there's one thing you can always control in your office: the cleanliness of your space. A clean and well-organized office is a happy office, and a happy office is a productive office.
One way to keep your office clean and bacteria-free is by using sanitizer spray. Sanitizer sprays are an easy and effective way to disinfect surfaces and kill germs. They're perfect for offices because they're quick to use and don't require any wiping or scrubbing - spray and go!
Also, sanitizer sprays are great when you can't get to the sink to wash your hands. A quick spritz of sanitizer will kill any germs lingering on your hands, keeping you healthy and preventing the spread of illness.
So if you want to make your office a great place, stock up on sanitizer spray! It's an easy way to keep your space clean and germ-free, and it only takes a few seconds to use.
The different types of office sanitizer sprays
Office sanitizer sprays come in many different forms. Some are designed on surfaces, while others are meant to be used on hands. There are also a variety of scents and formulas available.
The most important thing to remember when choosing an office sanitizer spray is what type of surfaces you'll use it on. If you're mainly using it on hard surfaces like desks and doorknobs, look for a spray that's specifically designed for that purpose. These sprays typically have a more potent formula that can kill more types of bacteria and viruses.
If you need an office sanitizer spray for your hands, there are plenty of options to choose from as well. You can find gels, foams, and even wipes infused with sanitizing ingredients. Be sure to choose one that's gentle on your skin and doesn't leave behind a sticky residue.
But if you're looking for an alrounder sanitizer spray that can be used on both hands and surfaces, then Sterloc is the best choice.
As far as scent goes, there are plenty of options to choose from there too. From citrusy fragrances to more botanical scents, you can find an office sanitizer spray that smells great and works well, but fragrances have chemicals. 
So which type of sanitizer should you use? 
-It should be chemical free 
-Non-Sticky because in the office there're electronic items.
-You can use it on any surfaces
-Fragrance Free
The above features come in a single sanitizer which is sterloc.
Sterloc is the unique combination of electrolyzed water and HOCl. Do you know? In 1834, French chemist Antoine Jérôme Balard discovered HOCl as the infection-fighting compound found naturally in the white blood cells of the human body. It has been used in the medical field for over a century. Before antibiotics were available, HOCl was used to irrigate and disinfect wounds in World War I. It is now used in everyday settings, including daycare centres, hospitals, and even produce sections in grocery stores.
There're pros and cons of using office sanitizer spray.
Spraying sanitizer around the office may seem like an excellent way to keep everyone healthy, but there are some pros and cons to using this method.
On the plus side, office sanitizer spray can help to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. This is especially important in offices where employees have a lot of contact, such as in customer service or sales environments. Sanitiser spray can also be used on high-touch surfaces, such as door handles and keyboards, to help reduce the risk of transmission.
However, there are some drawbacks to using office sanitizer spray:
It can be expensive to buy in large quantities.
It can be not easy to control how much spray is used, which means that some areas may be oversprayed while others are not covered properly.
Some people may find the smell of sanitizer unpleasant.
So what to do? The best option is always sterloc. There's no drawback. The product is available in the market at an affordable price. Moreover, you can use it on the surface or skin anywhere in the office without worrying because it doesn't contain harmful chemicals.
How to use office sanitizer spray ? 
An office sanitiser spray is one of the best ways to keep your office clean and free of germs. This spray is designed specifically for office use and can be used on various surfaces, including desks, keyboards, computer screens, door handles, and more.
To use an office sanitizer spray, follow the label's directions. Most sprays will require you to hold the nozzle about six inches from the surface you're cleaning and to move it back and forth until the entire surface is covered. Once spraying, let the surface air dry before using it again.
To make your office "a great place to be," you must start by ensuring it's clean and sanitized. The best way to do this is to use a Sterloc sanitizer spray for office, killing 99.9% bacteria and viruses on surfaces. Once you've sprayed down all of the characters in your office, wait for 10 seconds and then say hello to the hygiene world. Not only will your office smell fresher, but it will also be safer for everyone who works there.
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
Hell-tel 6;; KKB
Word Count;; 1.3k
Genre;; Fluff, Humour(ish), F2Ls
Pairing;; Kibum x Reader
Your cross-country vacation has come to a grinding halt after an engine malfunction stranded you in the middle of literally nowhere. After spending a few nights in a -1 star motel, you and your best friend, Kibum, are going stir-crazy. All is fair in love and war, and you won’t go down without a fight, not when the most precious commodity is at stake: the frumpy bed and its hard mattress.
Brief alcohol consumption (literally a sip of beer), playful banter, some flirtatious remarks, slightly suggestive content
Written for @kikisfuneralservice for the @superm-net fic exchange event! [DUDE I AM SO SORRY!! I didn’t realise this was due at the end of June. I thought I still had time. Totally spaced it. But I hope you enjoy it, and I’m glad you’re out here making content for SHINee, you’re a rockstar!!]
Main Masterlist 
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    "It's Saturday night," Kibum groaned, plopping down on the couch beside you. "You're gonna spend the weekend holed up in this tiny motel room?"
    "It only feels tiny because it's made for one person, not two."
    He rolled his eyes. "Just because it has one bed doesn't mean it's made for one person. Ever heard of couples before?"
    You didn't reply, choosing to instead kick your feet up on the coffee table. It shivered and creaked under your weight. Much like everything else inside the room it was on its last leg. In fact, most of the basic necessities were on the fritz. The refrigerator left your drinks warmer than they had been when you put them in, black spots plagued the television screen, and the showerhead pelted you with ice-cold water.
    Then there was the air conditioner. Instead of a fresh breeze it pushed out stale air that clung to your clothes, leaving the stench of wet dog in its wake. No matter how much of Kibum's cologne you spritzed throughout the cramped quarters, mildew hung in the air. You'd given up by the second night.
    "This might actually be hell," you whined.
    "It's not that bad." Kibum's arm slinked around the back of the couch. The tips of his fingers brushed against your shoulders. "At least we're suffering together."
    "Looks like someone forgot who's on the couch tonight."
    His head lolled back as he groaned, hitting the couch’s stiff headrest with an audible thump. "We're in hell."
    After an eternity of the couch trying to swallow you whole, you stretched your arms with a little yawn. Straightening your posture took great effort but you rose to your feet while using Kibum for balance. Tension riddled his shoulder, the muscles taut and tight. Your lips pulled down into a frown. Digging your thumb into the largest knot, you grappled with it, squeezing it between your fingers. Kibum swatted you away with an indignant huff.
    “You’re worse than the springs stabbing me in the back.”
    “You need a massage.”
    “Not from you, not with those hands.”
    He chuckled mirthlessly, shaking his head. Throwing your hands up in surrender, you mumbled out a ‘fine’. Once you were back in the big city you would schedule a spa day for the two of you… not that a single session could fix the damage this hell-tel had caused. You would need a vacation from your vacation at this rate. Somewhere free from cars and their woes, perhaps with a king-sized bed, and functioning amenities (would that be too much to ask?). At the very least it should have a working fridge, or an ice machine, or even a convenience store nearby with either a working fridge or ice machine.
    Snapping your fingers as you remembered why you had gotten up in the first place, you crossed the room. It didn’t take much – once you sidled past the table, a single step brought you to the mini fridge. The cooling component inside grumbled to life, mocking you and your desires. Taking it a step further, it didn’t budge as you tried to pry the dented door open. Just typical. Gritting your teeth, you put your whole back into it. It shook and rumbled within your sweaty palms but remained sealed.
    “Just open already,” you growled, kicking the machine.
    “Did you unlock it?”
    “It doesn’t have a lock.”
    “Are you sure about that?”
    “Yes, I’m… sure?” Giving the metal box a once-over, a wave of confusion swept over you. Near the bottom on the left side was a glimmering latch. “Huh. That’s new.”
    “They installed it yesterday.”
    “Really?” you asked, snapping around to face Kibum. Incredulity morphed into irritation once you caught sight of his smirk. “Ha-ha, funny. So glad you can find a way to prank me even here. You’re so clever.”
    “Thank you,” he said, unable to hide his triumphant glee. “And you’re pretty cute when you get all worked up like that.”
    Warmth tinged your ears. You gave him a dismissive wave before directing your attention back to your initial task. When you unlatched the fridge with a huff, it responded with an obnoxious hum that rolled out into the room. It was bare aside from a six pack of beer and a couple bottles of water. The air inside was warmer than the room’s ambient temperature, and the two cans you grabbed weren’t much cooler. You tossed one to Kibum. Froth spilled out as you flipped the tab. It poured onto the floor, earning you a disapproving look from your temporary roommate. Even so he followed suit. Leaning forward, he cracked it open and soon after the carpet soaked up the suds.
    “Now we have to leave a bigger tip for the housekeeper.”
    “As if they even have one,” you said with a shudder, looking down at the old stains that littered the carpet. “Anyway, let’s toast! Here's hoping the part arrives tomorrow!"
    You raised the can to clink against his. Liquid sloshed against metal as your beers bounced against one another. Bringing the drink to your lips, you took a swig. Your regret was immediate. Warm, flat beer rushed down your throat and you choked. Bitter alcohol stung your nose and burned your throat. Kibum’s eyes widened at your outburst but it was too late, the drink was already slipping past his lips. Throwing his head forward, he unceremoniously spat it back into the can.
    Shadows crossed his flawless skin as he glowered at you. "Even if the car isn't fixed tomorrow, I'm out of here. I'll walk if I have to. I never want to see this town again."
    Clearing your throat of the vile drink, you scratched your head. "Still want to go out?"
    "And drink more of that?” He sighed, discarding the drink on the table. "Let's just go to bed. We have to be well rested so we can count chickens or whatever else they consider entertainment around here."
    "The baby chicks were kind of cute though," you said as you walked to the sink, emptying the beer down the drain. Even over the strained glugging of the pipes you heard Kibum scoff. "What? They were!"
    "I'm taking the bed tonight."
    Dropping the can, you tripped over your feet in your haste to accost him. “Like hell you are!”
    He pushed the coffee table into your direct path before you could scramble to the bedroom to stake your claim. Standing with poise and grace, he brushed away not-so-imaginary dust while looking you up and down. There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he walked around the table. Now opposite you, he tutted.
    “I’m not spending another night on that couch”—you opened your mouth in protest but he pressed a finger to your lips—“but since it’s your turn for the bed, I’m willing to share it with you.”
    “Share?” you whined before shoving the table back against the couch. He nodded. “Fine. We can share. Since it’s the last night.”
    “Good. It’s about time we slept together, anyway.”
    Warmth rushed throughout your veins. You spluttered, looking anywhere but directly at him, until you heard his breathless chuckling. Another of his little jokes. The embarrassment fell from your face, replaced with an exhausted frown. Your gaze looped around from his feet to his million-dollar smile. Immaculate despite the environment, his silky hair framing gleaming eyes.
    “Just where did your mind go, huh?”
    “Are you going to bed or…?”
    “I’m worried that I might not get any sleep,” he teased, stepping into your space. With him came the scent of mint. “Are you going to pounce me in the middle of the night?”
    Giving his chest a light nudge, you rolled your eyes in an attempt to dispel the heat blossoming across your cheeks. “As if. Stop playing around.”
    “Alright, alright, but”—using the side of his crooked finger, he lifted your chin, the intensity of his stare sending shivers down your spine—“I won’t complain if you change your mind.”
   – ♡ –  If you enjoyed this, please consider liking, commenting, reblogging, and/or following! Thank you!
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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April 2, 1922 The Katzenjammer Kids by Harold Knerr
TOP PANEL [ID: The Kids stand on either side of a curtained doorway, holding it open and announcing the entry of two high-class fancy guests. They hold their heads up high, their noses upturned. The Kids hold a length of rope, one Kid on either end, to trip the couple as they walk through the doorway. /end] Hans: Der Dook und Duchess uf Soupnoodle!
MAIN COMIC [ID: Mama stands before a vanity mirror, spritzing herself with perfume. Behind her, der Captain holds the Kids up by their collars in one hand, showing them a dress shirt with a crude caricature of himself inked onto the front with his other hand. A puppy we've never seen before sits between them. /end] Mama: Get a viggle on mit der svaller-tailer, Captain! In a minute comes der Dook und Duchess uf Soupnoodle und you got to look fancy! Captain: So! I suppose Fido done dot? Vot?
[ID: While der Captain spanks the Kids in another room, Mama greets the Dook & Duchess. /end] Mama: Ah! Der Dook und Duchess! Der bleasure iss conniptious! Supper iss also ge-soived! Duchess: Chawmed! Dook: Dee-lighted!
[ID: Hans stands atop a barrel, boring a hole in the ceiling with a hand auger. Meanwhile, Fritz hammers a peg into a long pole. /end] Fritz: Did you bore der hole in der table? Hans: Stick to your chob, boy, und don't ask foolish qvestions!
[ID: Der Captain sharpens two large knives on each other at the dinner table while Mama chats up the Soupnoodles. /end] Captain: Now, Duke, comes der finest roast goose mit prunes ge-stuffed und home ge-cooked by Mrs. Katzenjammer! Mama: I got a Uncle vunce in der Svitz Allups vot looked chust like der Dook, only he don't got such nice vitskers! Dook: Fawncy now! Duchess: How very interesting!
[ID: The Kids turn the table around while everyone's looking elsewhere, putting the turkey in front of the Duchess. /end] Captain: Vot der... Mama: My! How did der goose come by der Duchess? Dook: My word! Duchess: Reahly, y'know, the bird doesn't belong to me!
[ID: The table suddenly shoots up to the ceiling, pushed up by the Kids' pole. /end] Captain: Say...! Mama: V'y does it go up? Dook: I s'y! Duchess: Mercy!
[ID: The table returns to the floor. Der Captain gets down on his hands and knees to see what exactly the Kids are doing with their table. /end] Captain: Hm! Sum'ting iss rotten below decks or I'm a shad! Mama: Look! It's all right! He's back again! Dook: I s'y, y'know, is it likely to remain, d'ye suppose? Duchess: Very extrawdinary procedure, I'd say!
[ID: The Kids spin the table around very fast, throwing the dishes onto all the guests. Der Captain takes a soup bowl to the face, the Dook is hit in the face with the turkey and the Duchess is helpless to receive the gravy boat in her lap. /end] Captain: Ow! Mama: Heafens! V'y does it spin? Duchess: Help!
[ID: Mama helps the Duchess pour the grave out of her dress while Der Captain exposes the hole the Kids bored into the floor to explain himself to the Dook. /end] Captain: You see how goes it, Duke? Alvays it's some dod-goozled hokus-pokus mit dem hyenish kids! Dook: Very enlightening, I'm sure! But I'd just as leave not have the goose in the eye, y'know! Mama: Come mit me upstairs, Duchess! A liddle benzeline und Spotsoff takes it ouid!
[ID: The Kids stick the fire hose in the basement up through the hole in the floor and spray the Dook up into the air with it. The Duchess faints in Mama's arms. Der Captain walks out of the room, missing all of this. /end] Captain: Vait! I find ouid und make dod-gasted sure dot it don't happen some more! Mama: Himmel! Der Dook iss up in der air und der Duchess iss swoomed!
[ID: The Kids attempt to hide in the coal pile in the basement, but Fido gives them away by sitting next to it at rapt attention. Hans pokes out of the pile to throw coal at him until he leaves, but it's too late - der Captain's already found them and reaches into the pile with one hand while he brandishes a club with the other. /end] Hans: Get ouid, fool! Do you vant to gif us avay?
[ID: As the sounds of their beating echo from the basement, the Dook & Duchess leave, trailing dinner juices behind them as they return to their car. Mama tries in vain to get them to stay, standing in the doorway. /end] Mama: Oh, Duchess! Couldn't you vait? I got some svitz cheese und pig's knuckles in der ice-box! Dook: Blithering blighters! Duchess: Uncouth vulgarians! Chauffeur: Yes 'em! Kids: Ouch! Ow! Oh, Captain! Haf a heart! Ouch!
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ticklish-touch · 2 years
Someone on Tiktok made a Sun-inspired drink recently and it got me thinking, if you were to make a an OC-inspired drink or two, what would they contain/be made of? 🤔💕
AIGHT SO. I was putting this off for a long time because I had to consult Pinterest really rack my brain to come up with ideas. But I really like the idea of OC drinks, so I wanted to try to come up with some good ones.
Mina: Blackberry Bramble
Riley: Spiced Honey Bourbon
Rags: Raspberry Ginger Float https://www.pinterest.com/pin/182395853650983721/
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Kenni: Blue herbal tea latte w/ milk
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Colby: Blue Lagoon cocktail
Lito: Ocean Breeze cocktail
Fritz: Chocolate-mint shake
Devin: Honeycrisp apple Sangria
Balthazar (I don't think I've officially introduced him yet oops): Matcha berry smoothie
Mikhail: Black Magic Martini
Seth (and Nova): Galaxy cocktail
Jamie (or Inzi): Blueberry Lemon; alcohol optional
...That's all I got for now, I may go back and add to this if I find any more!
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birchbritches · 3 years
Shift of Itch
ground shift itches, fritzes statics and statistically improbably, supposedly,
crown jewel of a mewling new morning
formative for one of more corporeal torpors,
former friction trips again, spritzes old itches into new fritzings
and it gets the better like singing something familiar but unremembered,
the pitting of one remnant self against all the future and sure it'll turn out,
sure injurious past can't catch up, sure a bit of singing won't mean much, but it mucks us up, catches and sparks,
stark former storms start up again 
- B B Pine 
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casiogang · 7 years
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lovely outside-reading-weather feat. hp sweets and fritz 🌞📚
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💜 , ☕ , 👀
💜- top 3 favorite lines
I’m always the worst at these questions because I always forget my favourite lines from my work and they just sit forgotten in the abyss lols so there are definitely more “serious” lines that I love but here are my favourite things Lonan’s said so far in Feeding Habits because that’s basically the same thing !
“Is this the part where you eat my head?”
“I’m the grass.”
“You’re not the first person who’s tried to kill me this year. Congratulations.”
☕️- favorite passage
same as the above but here’s probably the gayest thing Harrison has ever done in Feeding Habits:
He does not remember falling asleep, and so waking up feels illusory, shimmery, like a mirage. He focuses on dart of yellow light and a man wearing a security uniform telling him he can’t be here, here being the garden, past the fence, under the fountain. Snowflakes have clumped against his eyelashes and he blinks twice to dislodge them. The man must ask him if he’s intoxicated, never noticing the shoebox floating in the fountain, because Harrison says, “Who’s to say? I miss so many things,” and isn’t talking about the bottle of wine or Reeve that both seem to have vanished, as if they were never there. Harrison blinks again, searching for Reeve’s outline somewhere in the crisp bushel of dead foliage, but she never reappears—has he imagined the entire thing, or is she magical, effervescent, invisible? What was the last thing she said? Drink it all. It’s good for you. It’s like your own personal healing tonic.
“Do you think it’s possible I was separated at birth?” Harrison asks the security guard, who leads him by the elbow out past the iron gate and into the parking lot where he stumbles over a patch of glazy slush and onto his knees.
“Are you a twin?”
Harrison draws his index finger through the slush, doodling nonsense—letters of his name, an eyeball, a singular, faceless nose. “I can’t stop thinking about him.”
“Your twin?”
Harrison shakes his head.
Snow and slush dredge his jeans and the hem of his jacket; a streetlamp filters him and the security guard in foamy yellow. His skin has numbed from sitting out in the cold too long, and in some places, prickles with heat, like the fritz of pine needles. Reeve has dissolved in the fresh spatter of snow that settles on the pavement, his fingers. The fur fringe of her hood gone, the slick of her boots. She will not be here tomorrow. He may never see her again, and yet this is not what makes him ache in the way he does.
His hands move for him. Dividing the snow in slopes, curves, lines—letters. When he’s finished, he rests his chin on his own shoulder and dries the slop of slush from his nail. The security guard leans over, bends down to get a better look, but Harrison doesn’t have to look to know what he’s written. Chiselled so the flurries fill its gaps, like cement. His name will be erased by dawn. Lonan.
👀- favorite response to one of your works
I answered this one HERE, but today in workshop one of my classmates was like “yeah you said something about the sun spritzing and that was great” so I’ve done my job.
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gingerly-writing · 4 years
Prompt #2265
“The non-existence,” the future villain ground out, “of Fritz Spritz drinks in this era is a fucking travesty. It’s worse than any crime I could commit. How the hell is anyone supposed to focus without them?!”
“’Caffeine?’ What are you, a fucking caveman?”
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