whencyclopedia · 3 months
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Frodi (Old Icelandic: Fróði) is the name of legendary Danish kings in Norse mythology. There is a whole range of kings bearing the same name, pointing to fascinating traditions in both Old Icelandic and continental Germanic storytelling. Frodi features in Snorri Sturluson's Skáldskaparmál, the Ynglinga saga, and Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum, among other sources.
The Golden Age of Frodi in the Skáldskaparmál
In his Skáldskaparmál, part of the Prose Edda, the 13th-century Icelandic chieftain and author Snorri Sturluson explains the origins of many complex metaphors or kenningar. He mentions that one of the terms for gold is the flour of Frodi (Old Icelandic: Fróði), elsewhere the meal of Frodi, and goes on to explain the origin of this metaphor, where he fancifully links Odin to the history of Denmark and partly Sweden. Thus, in Snorri's story, a son of Odin, Skjöld, the founder of the dynasty, had a son, Fridleif, who in turn has a son Frodi. Chronologically, this would have been during the reign of Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14 CE) and his pax romana. There are some historical elements to this, such as trade between Romans and proto-Danish speakers, with members of the aristocracy forging their prestige through contact with the Roman Empire, but a great unified land certainly did not exist.
Snorri tries to draw a parallel to Jesus Christ in what he tells next, and he also tries to prove how naive pre-Christians were in that they attributed the peace reigning in all northern territories at the time to Frodi. We have a bit from the myth of a golden era, with no murders or thefts. Frodi meets King Fjölnir from Sweden, and he purchases two slave women at the same time two gigantic millstones are discovered, which have the ability to grind anything. So Frodi tells the slaves to grind gold and prosperity and gives them very short breaks, only as long as a song, which is why they name the poem they are chanting Grottasöngr, after the name of the magic mill. The maidens deplore the inability of the king to foresee the consequences of his deeds, because what they in fact ground is an army against Frodi. A sea king called Mysing comes, plunders, and kills Frodi. Mysing orders them to grind salt, which they do until the ships sink, the seas flow into the mill hole, and they become salt.
Snorri probably got these very precise details from the Grottasöngr of the Poetic Edda, which he cites after retelling this story. In the poem, it is revealed that the girls are descendants of mountain giants, and they are the ones who had shaped the grindstone, but Frodi remains ignorant of their lineage, thus losing his seat at Hleidra (Lejre). So, historically, there might have been a reference to the first leaders here; Lejre (also bearing the name Fredshøj or Peace Barrow) had settlements dating back to 500. Dated to c. 650, the remains of a princely burial were excavated down by the river in a barrow called Grydehøj. The man and his grave goods had been cremated, but a profusion of melted bronze and gold, as well as sacrificed animals testify to his wealth. Snorri, however, interprets it from a Christian temporal and mythical perspective. Most probably, it was a saga of the Skjöldungs from which Snorri adopted this notion, as suggested by a 17th-century paraphrase.
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insomnia-arts · 2 years
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I haven't posted cosplay W.I.P. stuff in a long time, but I've mentioned before that my tumblr journey started as a Frodi RP blog, and now I'm finally making him!! I promise to post some cool shit when he's done so stay tuned if you like cosplay
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jeffreystewart · 1 year
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Norsery Rhymes, Northern Mythology from A to Z Fenja - The Great Mill Maker, Warrior, and Thresher Well here we are another Thor’s Day and another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic, sometimes Celtic) mythological characters. This week it’s Fenja  / Fennia / Finnie. A Jotnar (Jötunn / Jotun / Jotunn / Jetten / Eoten / Giant. Mentioned in the Grottasöngr, Skáldskaparmál, Ynglinga saga.
Her name can be translated as ‘’the Fen Dweller”. From the Old Norse Fen, still used today meaning ‘wetlands’ or ‘marshes’ of the ancient peat forming kind. or Alternately as “Hearth Dweller”. She is called the “Marsh Dweller”, “the ‘thresher’ remover of the chaff from the wheat”, “the Hard Worker”.
Sister to Menia / Menja /Minnie who were always together, and as close as can be.
Menja and Fenja were tall and strong. With some ability to see the future. But not enough. They also built a magic millstone Grotti / Grótti / Grotta, that could grind out anything the grinder wanted for as long as they sang of it. They had fashioned Grotti out of the top of a mountain, and it was so heavy that no man could turn it on his own. Grotti is why they were prayed to for gold.
The grew up together as the closest pair spending several years underground, or in the underworld that gave them their gift of prophesy. 
They were maiden free servants and warriors of several princes and kings including the powerful and wise King Fjolnir who oversaw, and maintained a time of peace and bounty gifted by his parents and his wisdom. And possibly from the magic of two giantesses who could grind from a millstone anything including peace and happiness and prosperity. They fought armies and prices, and were victorious in battle and resected for their talents. They travelled with him as his servants to the court of King Frodi / Fróði . Where they served him at least until he sold them to King Frodi who foolishly did not treat them as well, and lead to Frodi’s cursed downfall. How Frodi managed to buy them is never revealed. But It’s incredibly suspect.
Frodi kept them chained to the millstone, where he gave them no rest and demanded them to grind out all the peace and prosperity they had for Fjolnir, but also non stop gold. Frodi was never satisfied with their incredible results. Working them endlesly and berating them. Keeping the cold and dirty. They warned him that if he did not stop his ill treatment he would face ruin and death. When not supervised they ground out an army against Frodi that the Sea king Mysingr / Mýsingr aligned with to kill Frodi, and take all he had. Including Fenja, Menja and the Grotti stone.
But he had not learned from Frodi and they ground so much that his ship was low in the water, and impossible to maneuver and sank in a maelstrom whirlpool. Which is told to be one of the reasons the sea is salty.
There is no word on if they survived the sinking. But I like to think that the fact they were offered to for gold and other things indicates an expectation of them existing in some kind of power.
I’ve depicted her here in better times preparing to separate the wheat from the chaff. I may do another version of her or two.
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emanuelebottiroli · 9 months
Report, un'occasione persa: i veri problemi del mondo del vino italiano sono altri
Non smette di far discutere la puntata del programma d’inchiesta Report in onda su Rai3 il 17 dicembre scorso. Un servizio che ha scosso sin da subito il mondo del vino con una levata di scudi nei confronti dei produttori, in particolare, da parte dell’Unione Italiana Vini. Che il giorno dopo ha diramato un comunicato chiaro rispetto ai contenuti della puntata del programma in onda sul servizio…
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impossiblefanwombat · 2 years
Mangiare deve essere un Piacere.
Mangiare deve essere un Piacere, pertanto abbiamo diritto di scegliere quello che meglio va per noi, senza sotterfugi, frodi o condizionamenti morali.
Se una persona non vuole un certo cibo o ingrediente nel suo piatto, non si vede il perché qualcuno debba forzarlo a mangiarli.
È giusto sapere cosa esiste di commestibile, di sano e non sano, le ricadute anche sull'Ambiente, e poi ognuno Sceglie, ma con cognizione di causa.
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blogsdaseguire · 2 years
Come riconoscere le frodi informatiche
Nessuno è completamente al sicuro dalle #frodiinformatiche. Fai sempre attenzione al testo di email ed SMS e non cliccare mai sui link. Gli #OTP sono personali, non comunicarli mai a nessuno. Leggi i consigli per stare al sicuro dalle frodi informatiche.
Per aiutarti a riconoscere i tentativi di frode via email, sms o telefono, che stanno diventando sempre più sofisticati leggi questi consigli che mi sono stati inviati dal mio gestore della carta di credito. La sicurezza informatica è un tema importante ed attuale. Praticamente ogni giorno ricevo email di phishing che sembrano provenire dalla mia banca (o da banche in cui non ho il conto), dal…
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tolkienmatters · 4 days
The eldest of these, and Bilbo’s favourite, was young Frodo Baggins. When Bilbo was ninety-nine he adopted Frodo as his heir, and brought him to live at Bag End; and the hopes of the Sackville-Bagginses were finally dashed. Bilbo and Frodo happened to have the same birthday, September 22nd. ‘You had better come and live here, Frodo my lad,’ said Bilbo one day; ‘and then we can celebrate our birthday-parties comfortably together.’ At that time Frodo was still in his tweens, as the hobbits called the irresponsible twenties between childhood and coming of age at thirty-three.
Happy Birthday Frodo & Bilbo Baggins, Fellowship of the Ring, A Long-Expected Party
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frodisvictor · 3 months
Monkees drawings I drew hey guys
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mariaangels · 9 months
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Frodi Brinks
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diakais · 8 months
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My favorite ships sailing on the sea of love💕
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eggbagelz · 1 year
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feeling real normal about these hobbits
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so i made a frodis
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jeffreystewart · 3 months
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Norsery Rhymes from A to Z Frodi, the Wise Binger of Peace Well here we are another Thor’s Day and another 20 min sketch of a Norse (and Germanic) mythological characters.  This week it’s Frodi / Fróði / Frōda/ Frothi / Vruote / and Frodo, legendary Danish king of the Skjoldungs mentioned in the Grottasǫngr, Ynlings, and Rabenschlacht.
His name likely translates to "clever", "learned", and "wise". And as the bringer of peace he is possibly used as another name for Freyr.
Frodi is mentioned in the story of Beowulf, as the King of the Heaðobards and Father of Ingjald / Ingeld.
His name, an it's meaning, was the basis for a very well know Hobbit.
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thisisartbylexie · 2 years
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"You are frightening my Pathologist, Woman. Perhaps you could take a few steps back?"
-- The Full House by @emceefrodis , Chapter 5
Sometime in 2012, I reached out to the author of my favorite Sherlolly fanfic, very shyly sharing a (frankly embarrassingly crude) drawing based on the last chapter I had read of her story. I was actually terrified of doing so, since I hadn’t really drawn anything in a REALLY long time, and while I had done some sketches here and there, this is the first time I ventured to share a scene from a fanfic. It’s not even faithful to the scene! *facepalm*
Thankfully, this author was gracious and kind and the rest, as we say, is history. 
It’s been 10 years since then, and as we wrap up 2022, I wanted to reminisce for a moment and I re-drew my original drawing (which I actually cannot find a copy of since it was at least 2 blogs ago). Thank you @strawberrypatty for sharing your story and your friendship with me. It’s been so great!
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Filming “The Frodis Caper” (November 27-29, 1967; this final episode of the TV show first aired on March 25, 1968). (All?) photos by Henry Diltz.
“The four speak to each other as acquaintances and one gets the impression of a working-hours-or-sessions relationship only. They appear to be a little too polite to each other, too aware of each other for comfort. Peter defers to Micky’s talent as a director. ‘You know, like we were doing one TV show with Micky directing,’ Peter imitates Micky’s muggings. ‘He takes the script, flips it open and says, “Let’s see here now… we shoot starting with page seven… here boys,” he calls over the camera crew and in bright sunlight shoots in four hours with no rehearsal what it normally takes 12 hours to shoot.’ Micky grins, bows politely with a ‘Thank you, kind sir.’” - article by Peggy King, Oakland Tribune, December 7, 1968
“I think Micky’s [directorial] job, Micky’s ‘Frodis Caper,’ I thought that was a brilliant job.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters radio, September 1989 (read more about "Monkees Mind Their Manor," the episode Peter directed, here)
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