#gifed quotes
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delzinrowe · 6 months
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incorrect jjk quotes [1/?]
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yesloulou · 7 months
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Daniel Ricciardo on Jimmy Kimmel Live ahead of 2023 Las Vegas Grans Prix
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spicyvampire · 2 years
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Goodbye KINNPORSCHE (2022) : Favorite hand shots and quotes from episode 14
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garunsdottir · 9 months
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lord aldhelm’s wardrobe 3/?
bonus from the same episode: 'lord, you cannot simply execute your subjects as you please. this is the ninth century'.
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wolfstarlights · 2 months
Love Dead Boy Detectives but as of right now the fandom tag has a little too much ship discourse and a significant lack of GIFed quotes like “MONTY! JESUS! I’m trying to threaten some kids!” and that one scene where one cat called another cat a whore for falling for sardine bait.
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loki-who-remains · 7 months
I don't wanna repeat what others said or gifed. We all watched the same thing, we just process it differently. And that's okay. That's the power of art and fiction. And I don't claim my point of view to be in any way unique. Au contraire, I know and I hope I'm not alone
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For a couple of nights now when I lie in bed and fall asleep, I imagine that someone kind, wise and loving watches over me. I'm an atheist and agnostic but I'm this close to believe in Yggdrasil being the true shape of the known universe and Loki in its core holding it all together. There aren't many stories that would impact my imagination that way, so to me that's impressive.
I never expected a Marvel series or movie to go this deep. Not because it's a superhero franchise but because Marvel never really allowed it. From the beginning they tried to make things easier to understand and to pack into a movie length sequence. In my personal opinion, Tom Hiddleston added depth with his brilliant performance and delivery in every scene and shot like no one else in the entire franchise, but I'm a long time fan and I am obviously biased. I think now that in Thor his performance was a tool to show Loki's otherness but it quickly became a key to this character. He could go differently about the scene with Odin or the scene with Thor on the Bifröst, but he didn't and thus determined Loki's future.
This journey was chaotic and truly Loki's. Closing this chapter feels significant. It's also finally satisfying though in a bittersweet way. But cinema is meant to make you feel real emotions, art is meant to do that. The appreciation of something is possible because of how the absence of that thing feels.
The combo of cinematography, special effects, music and cast couldn't be more perfect and reached peak in season 2. There are some good quotes and noticeable dialogues, but the most important things lay in the moments of silence, in the movements of faces and bodies, in the framing of a shot. You don't need to name things out loud for them to exist. You have to sit and reflect and define those things yourself, for yourself. This way the artist compliments the viewer's intelligence.
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alittlefrenchtree · 10 months
Hi! No idea how I end up writing this since I’ve only been casually hanging in the fandom for about two minutes.
A few things to know before hand:
I apologize in advance if some of the questions sound weird. English is not my first language :).
Like said, I know about 2% of the fandom so the questions are pretty basic. Hope you had fun anyway!
Feel free to send me numbers AND to tag me (I can also put a tag but tumblr doesn't care about these half of the time so... do what you want #rwrb ask meme) if you play/want to answer some questions . I’m not sure I can answer myself to half the question, but I want to read your thoughts. 
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1- What was your introduction to Red, White and Royal Blue? How did you become aware of it, what was your first impression of it?
2- Team Alex or Team Henry? (I know you love them both equally but choose anyway. OR choose depending of the circumstances. Like, "I’d go shopping with Alex but I’d marry Henry. Or I’d hug Alex but I’d go karaoke with Henry. I don’t know. Try something.)
3- Pick a Sis’ to be your Sis’! June or Bea? 
4- If you could keep only the book or only the movie, which one would you choose?
5- Choose one scene from the book to add to the movie.
6- Favorite kiss of the movie?
7- Tell us something you like better in the movie than in the book. And tell us something you like better in the book than in the movie. 
8- Favorite person in the Claremont-Diaz family (but you can’t say Alex).
9- If you had to delete the entire movie but one scene, which scene would you save?  
10- You’re in a difficult situation where you have only one call to get help (or to save your life), who are you calling? Amy, Zahra or Ellen?
11- Choose your prison. Would you rather live in a royal palace or in the White House? 
12- Share one of your unpopular opinion about the book and/or the movie.
13- A detail you feel like it’s not enough discussed. Whether it’s a scene, a quote, a frame, a piece of acting, a decor…) Time to ramble about it!
14- Favorites outfit(s) in the movie? (You can pick as many as you want, from as many characters as you want. But if you reply with a screenshot of a naked person, I’m going to put you in horny jail).
15- Gapfiller — briefly describe a scene you would have love to read/watch. It can be a whole new scene or a scene you would have like to be a bit longer, include more things.
16- Pick a line and/or a quote for each:
-You have to sell the book/movie to someone who doesn't know anything about it.
-The quote that makes you the most emotional.
-A quote/line that could be a life lesson to you.
17- Who is more in love with the other? Alex or Henry? (we know they’re both equally in love and idiots, just entertain your audience with some arguments to feed the international debate).
18- You have to get a RWRB tattoo (either because you want one or because someone is threatening you and you have to get one to save your life). What do you choose? It can be anything! 
19- Karaoke time ! For each, pick a song :
-To tell the love of your life how you feel about them.
-To tell your crush that you want them.
-To present yourself to the world and show what kind of wonderful you are as a person.
20- Suggest a fun drinking game rule that would be the deadliest or the funniest while watching the movie. (Like, "drink every time Henry looks at Alex with heart eyes").
Bonus! (or 21-) Do you read fanfic? Follow some visual artist (drawing, painting, gifing...)? Recommend someone to follow! (rwrb related ofc)
Have fun people 🏳️‍🌈💜
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larsnicklas · 1 month
i have more things to say abt this 7 minute video than can be put into words.. went from me giggling kicking my feet to nigh sobbing.. the quotes the looks the moments.. try not to say married!
i'm LITERALLY kicking my feet and giggling seriously lmao like they're flirting??? they flirted and exchanged meaningful glances and then got sickeningly earnest??? i knew this video would not let me down and i was sooooo right!!! i fear i will need to be gifing every second of it
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aejeonghae · 1 month
For the gif asks: 1, 11, 20, 27 & 30 ✨ thank you! 💜💜
jane hiiiiiiiii my love 🥹🩷🩷🩷
1.       things that inspire you
-- i like giffing scenes that i find important or interesting in some way. if i'm doing a fancier edit, i'll usually have a poem or quote in mind. (like when i got possessed by siken for my unknown edit lol)
11.     do you listen to music when gifing?
-- yisssss 🩷 but recently i like to put on game streams in the background lol
20.   favorite character to gif
-- i like really expressive characters. right now i'm particularly obsessed with khem from deep night and the way he looks at wela 🥺🥺🥺
27.    best feedback you’ve ever got
-- tbh i'm always super touched when a gif maker i follow even just likes one of my posts so 🥹🥹🥹
30.   hardest part of gifing
-- copypasta response from previous ask: dealing with my ancient laptop and it’s absolute refusal to even open photoshop sometimes 🫠 sometimes i have to open and close photoshop six to seven times before it will work.
thank you so much for asking 🥹🩷
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kittyisaddicted · 10 months
The work you all did gifing and writing in the past hours, it truly is a blessing witnessing it. I'm so grateful you are here. And yes, I stole quoted that line. On purpose.
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godwithwethands · 2 years
Hi! I’ve seen that you have GIFed a lot of Tom Cruise movies, and I am currently working my way through his filmography, so… if I may ask, which ones do you personally recommend? 👀
Hi there!!
I am working my way through his filmography as well tbh, so my advice might not be the best hahaha however I'm still going to give my personal faves <3 I haven’t gotten around much of young Cruise’s roles, as I am an old man loving kinda gal. I will watch them eventually (Have seen a few like Risky Business and Cocktail tho)!!! So yeah this little list will be mostly old man Cruise.
Note after making the list: I guess those 5 movies are my favourite Cruise movies so far (not counting the Mission Impossible saga)!
Knight and Day (2010)
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A wonderful duo with Cameron Diaz!! 
I wouldn’t say Knight and Day is the best Cruise movie but honestly it is my favourite Cruise movie. I’d say it’s an easy movie to introduce Tom Cruise to someone who doesn’t like him that much. It’s just sooo funny and Tom’s character is adorable, I love Roy so much!! ♥ I love the overly trained, deadly kind of characters, and Roy checks that out beautifully with a lot of bonus humor and kindness. He’s so earnest throughout the whole movie, idk he’s just super cute!! ALSO IF YOU’RE FRENCH (or are learning French, or whatever if you’re interested in French) PLEASE PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE WITH THE FRENCH DUB, IT’S SOOOO GOOD. Cameron and Diaz’s VAs are always amazing and they DELIVERRRRRR SO WELL in this as well!! I always watch this movie with the French dub, it’s even funnier than the original imo jjggjnh
idk man i just quote this movie daily with my dad, it really is in my Top 3 movies of all times
Collateral (2004)
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Amazing. This has rewired my brain. Once again the overly trained character kind, but in such a different and opposite way to Roy. It’s so interesting to see Cruise in such a cold and deadly role, the way he speaks, the way he moves... the SALT AND PEPPER HAIR AND BEARD UUUGHH that’s all right up my alleeeeeyyyy!!!! He’s just a little feral dude ♥ You’ll get to see Vincent break down a little throughout the movie and honestly what’s not to love about a cold, emotionless hitman lamenting about people’s indifference? Great movie!!! I have so much more to say about it but i will shut up now.
Oblivion (2013)
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Honestly this movie is worth it just for the amazing, amazing scenery and OST. Like what the hell? The music has punched my breath away so many times!! Also Tom is super cute as Harper so what’s not to love? Spent the whole time watching it wondering what the FUCK was going on!!!!! ♥ but it all unfolds at one point so it’s alright! I really loved this one aaa ALSO I LOVE SCIFI LET’S GOOO
The Last Samurai (2003)
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I mean. That LOOK. Long hair and beard? sign me the FUCK UP!!!! Amazing music by Hans Zimmer, amazing actors, KEN WATANABE IS THERE!!! I love Ken Watanabe!! I haven’t seen this movie in YEARS but guess what, making this gif made me want to watch it again so i’ll do it TONIGHT. Truly it is a must-watch of Tom Cruise’s filmography. Seeing this character find peace and something worth living and fighting for while discovering a culture so different from his own and trying his very best to try and learn... :’( also he’s great with kids and that’s jussstttt my thing /)w(\
(Heavy topics as expected when you talk about war and war crimes)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
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The look? Immaculate once again. Gay vibes? Honey they aren’t even vibes anymore, they are those full blown bass boosted shit that make everything shake and quake!!!! I love that role even more since i learned that the author behind Interview with the Vampire really didn’t like the idea of Tom playing Lestat, they did it anyway. However after watching the movie she was like “I have to publicly apologize to this man, he understood Lestat perfectly.” GIRL YOU KNOW WHAT, ME TOO. I was hesitant about watching this cuz...Vampire Cruise?? can he pull it off?? LET ME TELL YOU HE FUCKING CAN ALRIGHT. Really his Lestat is so freaking good it’s insane, I love him so much, I was only interested in HIM!!! Give me more Lestat!!!!! 
Those are the ones I personally recommend. I wanted to put Jack Reacher (2012+2016) in here too because it’s once again the overly trained man trope that I love, but there are already two of them in this list so I think it’s enough!
I hope I’m not too bland and/or classic with my personal recs, it’s just that I love those movies to bits and I’m more likely to watch those more than once to analyze or have a good time!
I think overall all Cruise movies are worth watching! He has played a lot of different and interesting roles, it’d be a shame to ignore some of them. I’m thinking about Born on the Fourth of July for example, that’s such an amazing and heartwrenching performance. The man can be a lot of things.
Hope that helped! Thanks for your ask anon, have a nice day! 
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spicyvampire · 1 year
2022 : a summary
Post your favorite or most popular edit from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months!)  
Tagged by @talays-portkey Thanks for the Tag!
Most Popular : [x] the Yok liking Dan in a very normal way
Favorite : [x] Yok skills gifset really was the start of an era, loved that insane guy and he was funny af, first time I was starting to make huge gifsets with little captions on them I think? ; [x] Y’all remember the raccoon meme? Man, I forgot I made that for Bad and Crazy but it was fun, and different from anything I’ve ever made because I tried to make it look like posters and yeah I like that
Most Popular : [x] Yok defending Dan in front of Sean, tbf this came out during a heartbreacking episode people needed a laugh
Favorite : [x] y’all remember Sean vs Yok who is the fastest gay alive? these guys were insane, also this inspired Vegas vs Kinn later that same year ; [x] Yok + Greek words for love, the amount of love I have in my heart for that boy isn’t even half the one he has in his for like everyone, he is just SO full of love
Most Popular : [x] Yok edition of who is the fastest gay alive, that bad boy took so long to make ugh glad people liked it
Favorite : [x] my danyok goodbye gifset using stucky quote ajgdhashdfgsh the purple looks great on computer ; [x] Live slug MoD reaction, it was just fun to do something MoD again
Most Popular : [x] Porsche not connecting the dots on Kinn homosexual activity, I just learned how to animate a gif and boy did I want to have fun with that
Apparently I gifed like almost nothing in april, it was exam period afterall
Most Popular : [x] Vegas vs Kinn, trying to find neon looking fonts and neon looking overlays was a pain in the ass but it was worth it, I hope I do that type of gifset vibes again soon  it was fun to make
Favorite : now it is very hard to chose my fave gifset there because it was the month I was doing Not Me Appreciation and I really like that I should probably try to do again but I really think those are my top 2 so here [x] Yok; [x] DanYok sunshine & Rain
Most Popular : [x] Pete’s BDSM duality, which is very surprising cuz I thought it was gonna be the [x] Family Braincells gifset seeing that people even requested that for the bodyguards afterwards but oh well
Favorite : [x] Vegas Hidding out Magazine which weirdly is one of my less popular KP gifset but I love it so much “pathetic is the new chic” like come on I literally peaked there, if I ever make shirts out of the one liners this one is gonna be the first one at for sure; [x] TanBunn relationship developements finally went back to my MoD roots for pride month MaxTul if you reading this pls come back 😔
Most Popular : [x] Porsche fear of ghosts, we love a little scared cat
Favorite : [x] KP goodbye gifset, truly the end of an era, I’m forever changed
Most Popular : [x] Shadowhunters edits that reminds me I have not gifed SH in months
Again I did nothing really that month
Most Popular : surprisingly the most popular gifset isn’t a KP one, it’s [x]  akkayan hoodie, 2nd is [x] PorschePete bitches stage tho so eh
Favorite :  so end of september & start of october was kpweek and boy did I come  there ready cuz I spend the entire month before doing like nothing and I  had all these pent up ideas,  I have so many favorites really I had fun with KPweek [x] Kinn [x] Pete [x] KinnPorsche
Most Popular : [x] Main and Minor family (minus the parents), that was one long boi wasn’t it
Favorite : [x] Ayan + Debbie’s monologue what can I say I just love the addams family and I rewatch the movies almost every year so I know a lot of these lines by heart; [x] KP Halloween cuz I forgot to put the side story in my Porsche fear of ghost gifset so Halloween gave me a reason to dedicate a gifset to it
Most Popular : [x] Cherry Magic, god the way I ran when it dropped on youtube oof
Favorite : [x] MoD 2 years anniversary gifset, cannot believe it’s been 2 years MaxTul WHERE are you 😭😔💔
Most Popular : [x] SamMon right in front of everyone salad
Favorite : December is exam month and this time I really tried to gif almost nothing till like the very end but shoot out to [x] Bodyguards braincells gifset
I think I did one of for 2021 too and it was fun going back through the stuff I did, a bunch of these I literally forgot I made last year so that’s why I wrote so much for a lot of them
Tagging (if you want to no pressure & also idk who has done this already sorry) : @luna-lina @winteams @kinnsporsche @thelaziestmotherfucker @fangrui @guzhu-furen @laowen @sunsetandthemoon @pavel-chekovs @liyazaki
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fromaliminalspace · 2 years
For the gif makers ask meme... 14, 16, 34, and 48?
[ask meme link]
14. How long does it usually take you to make a set
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for real, while technically i can make a gifset within a day or a few, i have a nasty tendency to procrastinate everything, literally everything, even stuff i actually enjoy. and when i do get around to actually making sth i overthink it. sometimes for months. yup. lbr overthinking (alongside chronic lack of spoons) is the main reason i create stuff so rarely and post it even rarer even if i have it finished for a while. i'm trying to improve, okay..? just gonna kick myself more often into calling things finished and posting them, i literally have dozens of gifset ideas waiting to be executed, several art wips (as well as finished pieces), two videoedit ideas, and quite a few k words of both fic and meta… the tricky part is just to get around to all of it
16. How long have you been making gifs
oof lemme see… in June 2020 i made my first gifs that weren't completely horrible cuz before that i was using merely a phone app for this with video editing software (this and this were made this way). and then in February 2021 i finally figured out what was missing from my PS and preventing me from editing gifs there and fixed it. so yeah, i've been relatively new to this, i guess..? though ngl the experience of very spontaneously making two videoedits before trying out proper gifing was a nice starting point
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out
hm the stardust one is the first that came to mind even though it's more the case of "it didn't receive as much attention as most my other cql gifsets but i'm still quite fond of it" rather than it being particularly time/effort-consuming. not to mention that i'm hardly ever actually proud of anything i create but well, that's just my brain cockroaches messing stuff up. back on track, the WWX gifs in the trust parallel set were a pain to edit but eventually i ended up learning new tricks while groping my way around it so i'm not complaining
okay, if i were really to pick a gifset i'm proud of that'd be the ripples one, no doubts (gonna add the link once i actually finish and post it, i promise). it's the most advanced technically (don't even ask me how long i've been nitpicking it from all directions and how i'm still tempted to drop the current version in favor of approaching it from a whole new direction bc surely it can be done way way better if i just go nitpick it some more! ya know, the usual overthinking) and it's sth very personal to me thematically. the underlying meaning of it is too closely related to liminal spaces (or more like what i simplify as "liminal spaces" as i suspect my own understanding of this concept in general can differ quite a bit from that of other people) so putting it into actual words gets tricky. but this kinda comes with the territory so nothing unusual
48. How would you describe your giffing style
ugh honestly idek if i have one..? for real, i don't think there's anything about my gifs that makes them stand out much. at least there surely isn't anything that i deliberately make sure to integrate every single time (maybe i do unconsciously though, who knows). so i feel like it's more for others to judge ¯_(ツ)_/¯
what i can say is that when i do make gifsets i apparently tend to illustrate some narrative parallels or sth with them..? or just combine scenes with a quote that strikes me with fitting vibes. or both. also i like to have fun with the colors and lighting and use adjustment layers quite heavily (but gotta admit it's hardly an option to halfass this if i wanna my Yi City gifs to look vibrant and alive enough). i suppose alternative subtitles to all my cql sets are a feature of my so called style as well since i always translate them myself instead of going the easy way and copying any of the already existing ones. which is also fun! even if, well, adds to the amount of time and spoons i put into it but what can i say, it's a matter of habit by now
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tuiyla · 2 years
For the gifing ask: 26, 29, 35, 45 and 46?
Thank you!
26. How many un posted sets are in your drafts right now
Uhmm so I have one that will actually come out soon, but I'm pretty sure if I go far back enough I have like 4-5 Avatar ones that might or might not ever see the light of day. Thing is, I have way too many drafts and I'm way too focused on Glee rn oops.
29. Have you ever posted a set, realized you made a mistake later but it was already too late
Oh there's no such thing as too late for em 😌 I can name at least 3-4 sets off the top of my head that I changed within an hour of posting. Of course, that means that those have two different versions out there. I once totally forgot a word from a quote on a really important set but I noticed within 15 or so minutes, thankfully. Unfortunately I make mistakes all the time; fortunately I don't ever consider it to be too late.
35. Do you change your giffing style a lot or do you have a set routine
Answered here!
45. Ever gotten hate over a set
Answered here!
46. Ever gotten a really sweet compliment over a set
Oh yeah, people who use the tags are the best! I really should put together and extremely self-indulgent list lol. Every compliment is sweet in my eyes but love it when people not in my fandom reblog just for the set lol, that's an achievement. Oh and when people notice the little details and the Easter eggs I sometimes like to include, that's very satisfying.
Gif ask game
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